IEEE 1451d4 Templates Tutorial 061804
IEEE 1451d4 Templates Tutorial 061804
IEEE 1451d4 Templates Tutorial 061804
Standard Template TEDS (ID=25 to 39) Selector (2 bits) Extended End Selector (1 bit) User Data
Standard Template TEDS (ID=25 to 39) Selector (2 bits) Template ID (8 bits) Calibration TEDS Template (ID = 40 to 42) Selector (2 bits) Extended End Selector (1 bit) User Data
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Basic TEDS
The first 64 bits of the transducer TEDS is the Basic TEDS. The Basic TEDS uniquely identifies the transducer and includes the Manufacturer ID (14 bits), model number (15 bits), version letter (5-bit character code), version number (6 bits) and serial number of the device (24 bits). This data shall be organized according to the format described Table a in a non-volatile memory. Table 1. Basic TEDS Content Bit Length Manufacturer ID Model Number Version Letter Version Number Serial Number 14 15 5 6 24 Allowable Range 17 16381 0-32767 A-Z (data type Chr5) 0-63 0-16777215
NOTE Some transducers, mostly accelerometers and microphones, have been manufactured using draft versions (D0.9x) of this standard, which described a different format for the basic TEDS than that used in this standard. For information about these see Appendix A. The Manufacturer ID is an enumeration of manufacturers. Several IDs have been assigned to early adopters, and future assignments will be managed by IEEE. These ID assignments will also be available in an ASCII text file available from the IEEE or software providers. Software can use this file to display the manurfacturer names. Values 0-16 and 16382-16383 are reserved for special uses, such as node lists in a multi-node configuration, and user-defined templates. The application and assignment of the remainder of the Basic TEDS are left to the discretion of the manufacturer. Specifically, the Model Number may be defined as a enumeration of the model name for a given manufacturer. This enumeration may be available from manufacturers as an ASCII file for software applications.
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Calibration Templates
The tables in the following sections summarize the contents of each IEEE standard template. Each row of the table corresponds to a property command (designated in templates with %) or control command that utilizes bits from the TEDS, such as a Select Case. The first column in many of the tables, labeled Select, indicate the different cases for Select Cases in the templates. For example, a 2 bit Select Case read from the TEDS may have four different cases, each containing a section of template that is used for the corresponding Select Case value. The tables also detail the number of bits used for each property, the access level (user, calibration, or identification), and the data type. The datatypes used in these standard templates are summarized in Table 3. Table 3. Data types used in IEEE standard templates
Data type UNINT Chr5 ASCII Date Single ConRes ConRelRes Description Unsigned integer 5-bit character Standard 7-bit ASCII Number of days since January 1, 1998 Single-precision floating point Constant resolution. This is a custom data type for compressed floating point values that provides a linear mapping of a defined interval Constant relative resolution. This is a custom data type for compressed floating point values that provides a logarithmic mapping of a defined interval References a defined enumerated data type defined in the template
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ConRes and ConRelRes provide a method of coding non-integer values with minimal bit usage by defining a limited range over which the bits are mapped. The range and resolution for ConRes and ConRelRes properties are listed in the template. The data types in Table 3 is not a complete list of data types in the standard; only the data types included in the standard template.
Access Bits
8 1 1 16 8 2 1 16 16 8 8 1 16 8 6 6
Sensitivity @ ref. condition High pass cut-off freq. (F hp) Initialization not needed Control Function Mask Write only Passive control type Passive mode Initialization not needed Write only Sensitivity control type %Sens@Ref[10] %Sens@Ref[01] Default Sensitivity Supports multiplexer mode Low sensitivity @ reference High sensitivity @ reference Low sens high pass cut-off
ConRelRes (5E-7 to 172, 0.015%) V/(m/s2) Hz ConRelRes (0.005 to 13k, 3%) Assign = 0 Assign = 0b11 Assign = 3 Assign = 0 (checkmark) BitBin, (Assign = xx,00) Assign = 0 Assign = 0b11 Assign = 3 Assign = 1 (one exactly) BitBin, (Assign = 10) BitBin, (Assign = 01) UNINT (00: no, 1:low, 2: high) UNINT ConRelRes (5E-7 to 172, 0.015%) V/(m/s2) ConRelRes (5E-7 to 172, 0.015%) V/(m/s2) ConRelRes (0.005 to 13k, 3%) ConRelRes (0.005 to 13k, 3%) ConRelRes (5E-7 to 172, 0.015%) ConRelRes (0.005 to 13k, 3%) ConRelRes (1E6 to 8.1E10, 10%) ConRelRes (0.1 to 8114, 10%) Assign = 0 Assign = 0b11 Assign = 3 Assign = 0 (checkmark) BitBin, (Assign = xx,00) Assign = 0 Hz Hz V/N Hz N/m gram
Case %Sens[ReadWrite] 1 (Ext %Sens[FunctionType] Funct.) %Sens[Function] %Sens[Function] %DefaultFR %Passive %Sens@Ref[01] %Sens@Ref[10] %TF_HP_S[01]
%TF_HP_S[10] High sens high pass cut-off Select Case Extended Functionality (Programmable Gain) %Sens@Ref Sensitivity @ reference (Force) condition Case %TF_HP_S High pass cut-off freq. (F hp) 0 %Stiffness Stiffness of transducer %Mass_below Mass below gage Case %Passive[Initialize] Initialization not needed 1 %Passive[CtrlFunction Control Function Mask, Passive (Ext Funct.) Mask] Case 1 %Passive[ReadWrite] %Passive[FunctionType] %Passive[Function] %Sens[Initialize] Write only Passive control type Passive mode Initialization not needed
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%Sens[CtrlFunctionMask] Control Function Mask, Sens. %Sens[ReadWrite] %Sens[FunctionType] %Sens[Function] %Sens[Function] %DefaultFR %Passive %Sens@Ref[01] %Sens@Ref[10] %TF_HP_S[01] %TF_HP_S[10] %Stiffness %Mass_below %PhaseCorrection %Direction %Weight %ElecSigType %MapMeth %ACDCCoupling %Sign Select Case Transfer Function
Case 0
2 1 16 16 8 8 6 6 6 2 6 1 1
Assign = 0b11 Assign = 3 Assign = 1 (one exactly) BitBin, (Assign = 10) BitBin, (Assign = 01) UNINT (00: no, 1:low, 2: high) UNINT ConRelRes (5E-7 to 172, 0.015%) ConRelRes (5E-7 to 172, 0.015%) ConRelRes (0.005 to 13k, 3%) ConRelRes (0.005 to 13k, 3%) ConRelRes (1E6 to 8.1E10, 10%) ConRelRes (0.1 to 8114, 10%) ConRes (-3.2 to 3.0, step 0.1) Enumeration: x y z ConRelRes (0.1 to 8114, 10%) Assign = 0, Voltage Sensor Assign = 0, Linear Assign = 1, AC Enumeration: positive negative Select Case V/N V/N Hz Hz N/m g gram
Write only Sensitivity control type %Sens@Ref[10] %Sens@Ref[01] Default Sensitivity Supports multiplexer mode Low sensitivity @ reference High sensitivity @ reference
Low sens. high pass cut-off freq. CAL High sens. high pass cut-off freq. CAL Stiffness of transducer Mass below gage Phase Correction @ ref Sensitivity direction (x, y, z) Transducer weight Transducer elect. signal type Mapping Method AC or DC coupling Polarity (sign) No transfer function specified CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL ID ID ID CAL
%TF_SP %TF_KPr %TF_KPq %TF_SL %TempCoef %Reffreq %RefTemp %CalDate %CalInitials %CalPeriod %MeasID
Case 1
Low pass cut-off (F lp) Resonance frequency (F res) Quality factor at F res Amplitude slope (a) Temperature Coefficient (b) Reference frequency Reference temperature (T ref) Calibration date Calibration initials Calibration period Measurement location ID
7 9 9 7 6 8 5 16 15 12 11
Hz ConRelRes (10 to 1.6E+6, 5%) Hz ConRelRes (100 to 2.4E+6, 1%) ConRelRes (0.4 to 9.7k, 1%) ConRes (-6.3 to 6.3, step 0.1) %/decade ConRes (-0.8 to 0.75, step 0.025) %/C Hz ConRelRes (0.35 to 2.18k, 1.75%) ConRes (15 to 30, step 0,5) C DATE CHR5 UNINT days UNINT
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Select Case Selects Full-Scale Electrical Value Precision Case 0 (0-10V) Case 1 (10V) Case 2 Case 3 Case 0 (none)
Select Case Selects Inclusion of Excitation/Power Requirements %ExciteAmplNom Case 1 (specify supply) %ExciteAmplMin %ExciteAmplMax %ExciteType %ExciteCurrentDraw %CalDate %CalInitials %CalPeriod %MeasID
* Units for %MinPhysVal and %MaxPhysVal are determined by value of Select Case Physical Measurand (Units) as summarized in Table 15
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Select Case Selects Loop Powered Versus External Powered Case 0 (Loop)
* Units for %MinPhysVal and %MaxPhysVal are determined by value of Select Case Physical Measurand (Units) as summarized in Table 15.
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Select Case Selects Full-Scale Electrical Value Precision Case 0 (7 bit) Case 1 (10 bit) Case 2 (16 bit) Case 3 (32 bit)
* Units for %MinPhysVal and %MaxPhysVal are determined by value of Select Case Physical Measurand (Units) as summarized in Table 15.
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Select Case Selects Full-Scale Electrical Value Precision Case 0 (11 bits) Case 1 (19 bits) Case 2 (32 bits)
* Units for %MinPhysVal and %MaxPhysVal are determined by value of Select Case Physical Measurand (Units) as summarized in Table 15.
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Select Case - Full-Scale Electrical Value Precision %MinElecVal Case 0 (11 bits) %MaxElecVal %MinElecVal Case 1 (32 bits) %MaxElecVal %MapMeth %RespTime %ExciteAmplNom %ExciteAmplMax %ExciteType %ExciteFreqNom %ExciteFreqMin %ExciteFreqMax %SensorImped %CalDate %CalInitials %CalPeriod %MeasID Electrical output at negative full-scale Electrical output at positive full-scale Electrical output at negative full-scale Electrical output at positive full-scale Mapping Method Response time Excitation amplitude, nominal Excitation amplitude, max. Excitation voltage type Excitation frequency, nominal Excitation frequency, min. Excitation frequency, max. Sensor input impedance Calibration date Calibration initials Calibration period Measurement location ID
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Case 1
(120 )
Case 2
(1 k)
Case 3
Select Case Selects RTD Curve (Callendar-Van Dusen Coefficients) %RTDCoef_A CVD Coefficient A ID Case 0 %RTDCoef_B CVD Coefficient B ID =.00375 %RTDCoef_C CVD Coefficient C ID %RTDCoef_A CVD Coefficient A ID Case 1 %RTDCoef_B CVD Coefficient B ID =.003851 %RTDCoef_C CVD Coefficient C ID %RTDCoef_A CVD Coefficient A ID Case 2 %RTDCoef_B CVD Coefficient B ID =.003911 %RTDCoef_C CVD Coefficient C ID %RTDCoef_A CVD Coefficient A ID Case 3 %RTDCoef_B CVD Coefficient B ID =.003916 %RTDCoef_C CVD Coefficient C ID %RTDCoef_A CVD Coefficient A ID Case 4 %RTDCoef_B CVD Coefficient B ID =.003920 %RTDCoef_C CVD Coefficient C ID %RTDCoef_A CVD Coefficient A ID Case 5 %RTDCoef_B CVD Coefficient B ID =.003928 %RTDCoef_C CVD Coefficient C ID %RTDCoef_A CVD Coefficient A ID Case 6 %RTDCoef_B CVD Coefficient B ID (custom) %RTDCoef_C CVD Coefficient C ID %RTDCoef_A CVD Coefficient A ID Case 7 %RTDCoef_B CVD Coefficient B ID (custom) %RTDCoef_C CVD Coefficient C ID %RespTime %ExciteAmplNom %ExciteAmplMax %CalDate %CalInitials %CalPeriod %MeasID Sensor response time Excitation current, nom. Excitation current, max. Calibration date Calibration initials Calibration period Measurement location ID ID CAL ID CAL CAL CAL USR
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Select Case Select Type of Physical Measurand (Units) Cases 0 45 %MinPhysVal %MaxPhysVal %MinElecVal %MaxElecVal %MinElecVal %MaxElecVal %MapMeth %SensorImped %RespTime %ExciteAmplNom %ExciteAmplMin %ExciteAmplMax %ExciteType %CalDate %CalInitials %CalPeriod %MeasID Minimum physical value Maximum physical value Minimum electrical output Maximum electrical output Minimum electrical output Maximum electrical output Mapping method Sensor input impedance Sensor response time Excitation level, nominal Excitation level, min. Excitation level, max. Power supply type Calibration date Calibration initials Calibration period Measurement location ID
Select Case Electrical Value Precision Case 0 (01.0) Case 1 (20 bit)
* Units for %MinPhysVal and %MaxPhysVal are determined by value of Select Case Physical Measurand (Units) as summarized in Table 15.
Table 15. Enumeration of Select Case Values for Physical Measurand (Units) Used in Templates 30, 31, 32, 33, and 39.
Case 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Physical Units K C strain microstrain N lb kgf m/s2 ga Nm/radian Nm oz-in Case 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Physical Units Pa psi Kg G m mm in m/s mph fps radians degrees Case 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Physical Units radian/s rpm Hz g/l kg/m3 mole/m3 mole/l m3/m3 l/l kg/s m3/s m3/hr Case 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Physical Units gpm cfm l/min RH % Volts Volts rms Amperes Amperes rms Watts
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%CalPoint_DomainValue (n) %CalPoint_RangeValue (n)
Domain Cal Point n (% of full span) Range Cal Deviation n (% of full span) 16 21
ConRes (0 to 100%, step 0.0015) ConRes (-100 to 100, step 1E-4)
The Calibration Curve Template (ID = 41) allows the specification of the input-output function of the sensor as a multi-segment multi-polynomial curve. The Calibration Curve Template uses the minimum and maximum physical and electrical values contained in the standard transducer template, and specifies an arbitrary number of polynomial curves within these ranges. Table 17. Calibration Curve Template (ID = 41) Summary
Property/Command TEMPLATE %CalCurve_Domain STRUCTARRAY CalCurve %CalCurve_PieceStart (0) STRUCTARRAY CalCurve_Poly (0) %CalCurve_Power (array) %CalCurve_Coef (array) STRUCTARRAY CalCurve_Poly (1) %CalCurve_Power (array) %CalCurve_Coef (array) Description Template ID Domain parameter Number of Cal Curve Segments Start of segment 0 (% of FS) Num. of polynomials for segment 0 Power of domain value Polynomial coefficients Num. of polynomials for segment 1 Power of domain value Polynomial coefficients Bits 8 1 8 13 7 7 per value 32 per value 7 7 per value 32 per value Data Type (and Range) Integer (value = 41) Electical or Physical Dimension size of 1 to 255 ConRes (0 to 100, step 0.01) Dimension size of 1 to 127 ConRes (-32 to 32, step 0.5) Single Dimension size of 1 to 127 ConRes (-32 to 32, step 0.5) Single
STRUCTARRAY CalCurve_Poly (n) %CalCurve_Power (array) %CalCurve_Coef (array)
Num. of polynomials for segment n Power of domain value Polynomial coefficients 7 7 per value 32 per value
Dimension size of 1 to 127 ConRes (-32 to 32, step 0.5) Single
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The Frequency Response Table Template (ID = 42) allows the specification of the frequency response function of the sensor as a set of amplitudge-frequency data pairs.
%TF_Table_Freq (n) %TF_Table_Ampl (n)
Frequency point (n) Amplitude point (n) (% of full span) 15 21
ConRelRes (1 to 1.3E+6, 0.02%) ConRes (-100 to 100, step 0.0001) Hz %
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Template ID Calibration Date Sensitivity @ ref condition Reference frequency High pass cut-off frequency (F hp) Polarity (sign) Sensitivity direction (x, y, z) Measurement location ID
8 16 16 8 12 1 2 9
V/(m/s2) Hz Hz
Template ID Calibration Date Sensitivity @ ref condition Reference frequency High pass cut-off frequency Polarity (sign) Low pass cut-off frequency Resonance frequency (f res) Quality factor at f res Amplitude slope (a) Phase Correction at Fref Temperature Coefficient (b) Sensitivity direction (x, y, z) Measurement location ID
8 16 16 8 12 1 12 9 8 7 6 9 2 9
V/(m/s2) Hz Hz Hz Hz %/decade %/C
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Template ID Calibration Date Sensitivity @ ref condition Reference frequency Polarity (sign) High pass cut-off frequency Low pass cut-off frequency Resonance frequency (f res) Quality factor at f res Amplitude slope (a) Temperature Coefficient (b) Reference temperature (T ref) Sensitivity direction (x, y, z) Measurement location ID
8 16 16 8 1 12 12 9 7 7 9 5 2 11
V/(m/s2) Hz Hz Hz Hz %/decade %/C C
Template ID Calibration Date Sensitivity @ 250 Hz Prepolarized 0/1 Measurement location ID
8 16 16 1 9
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