Agora Athenei Vol 7 Opaitele Romane
Agora Athenei Vol 7 Opaitele Romane
Agora Athenei Vol 7 Opaitele Romane
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study The access to of Athenian lamps of Imperial times could not have been undertaken without other large collections closely associated with that of the Agora. For opportunity to examine the lamps in the National Museum,Athens, I am indebted to Dr. and Mrs. Christos Karouzos. For generous privileges of study and photography at the Kerameikos from 1954 to 1959 I offer thanks to the past and present directors of the KerameikosExcavations, Dr. K. Kiublerand Dr. D. Ohly. For access to the lamps in Corinth and from the excavations of the American School on the North Slope of the Acropolis, I thank the Director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Professor J. L. Caskey, and Professor Oscar Broneer. The opportunity of studying the lamps found at Cheliotomylosnear Corinth, excavated under the direction of the late T. Leslie Shear, I owe to Mrs. Floyd Harwood. Concurrentwork by Agora colleagues in related fields contributed much to this study; it is a pleasure to thank M. Crosby, C. Grandjouan,R. H. Howland, H. S. Robinson, L. Talcott, H. A. Thompson and J. Travlos for their assistance. The context dates cited are in general those provided by Robinson's detailed analyses of the pottery in the various deposits. Collectionsin Europe and America have generously been made available: at the Benaki and Byzantine Museumsin Athens, at the Piraeus Museum, at Aigina, Argos, Delos and Olympia; at the MetropolitanMuseumof Art in New York; in Paris at the Louvre and at the BibliothBque Nationale; in Rome at the Capitoline Museum, the Vatican Collections and the Museo delle Terme, and at the AmericanAcademy for the lamps from the excavations from Cosa;in England at the British Museum and at the Ashmolean. For hospitality in museums and for other assistance and suggestions I am indebted to the following: Miss ChristineAlexander, Dr. Hermine Speier, J. Boardman, E. Babelon, P. Corbett, P. Courbin, G. Daux, P. Devambez, H. Fuchs, M. Hadzidakis, U. Hausmann, R. Higgins, D. M. Kretlaw, E. Kunze, J. Lafaurie, J. Meliades, J. Papadimitriou, E. Paribeni, C. Pietrangeli, L. Richardson, G. Soteriou, J. Threpsiades, and N. Yalouris. Particular thanks are due to Mr. Lucas Benachi of Alexandria who shared his remarkable collection of lamps and his wide knowledge. The photographs and the arrangementof the plates areby Alison Frantz to the great advantage of the book. The profile drawingsare by Davina Best Huxley and Ann VanderpoolPollitt. Miss A. Kokoni typed the manuscript with unusual care and patience. The work of restoration, particularly noteworthy on the Leda lamp (frontispiece),is by A. Mauragiannis. Most of the preparationof this publication has been done in Athens during residence there as fellow of the American School of Classical Studies assigned to the Agora Excavations.
PREFACE .......................... . .. ............... .................................... V
X XV 1 ... ...... ........
TECHNICAL TERMS AND CONVENTIONS .................... INTRODUCTION IMPORTED LAMPS ................................ ................................
4 4
V ARIOUSFABRICS ....................................................
........... LAMPS .................... ......................... ...... CORINTHIAN LAMPS ...................................... ............ ................... MOULDMADE LAMPS OF THE 1ST CENTURY ............................................. ............ ......... ........ ......... LAMPS OF THE LATEST 1ST TO 3RD CENTURY LAMPS OF THE 4TH TO 6TH CENTURY ....................................................... LAMPS OF THE 4TH TO 7TH CENTURY ...................................... ATTIC LAMPS ............... ....................... ...................................... ...... ..........
7 7
9 11
11 12
17 22
72 75 79
OF BRONZE LAMPS (7-33) .................. IMITATIONS ............ LAMPS WITHVOLUTE-NOZZLES (34-79) .............................. LAMPS WITH SEMI-VOLUTES (80-81) ..................................... .................................. EAR LAMPS (82-84) ................ LAMP WITH SHORTNOZZLE(85) ........................................
79 80
(90-204) ..................... OFBRONZE IMITATIONS LAMPS (90-98) .............................................. LAMPS WITHVOLUTE-NOZZLES (99-113) .............. ................ ............. SEMI-VOLUTES (114-117) ............................................... LAMPS WITH
80 81
EAR LAMPS (118-119) .....................................................
OF VARIOUS SHAPES (122-144) ................... SHORT NOZZLES VARIOUS AND FRAGMENTS (145-154) ............................................ RED-ON-WHITE LAMPS (155-204) ........................................................
(120-121) .............................
. .. ....
83 83
...... 83
86 89 89
CORINTHIAN LAMPS OF THE LATE IST TO LATE 5TH CENTURY (205-321) ....................... LAMPS OF THE LATE 1ST CENTURY (205-222) .............................................
.. ................
100 102
(377-633) ..............................
LAMPS OF THE LATE 1ST CENTURY BEFORE CHRIST AND THE FIRST HALF OF THE 1ST CENTURY ....... ......................... AFTER CHRIST (377-396) .............. ........
ALPHA GLOBULE LAMPS (418-627) ....................................................... VARIOUS LAMPS OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CENTURIES (628-633) ...............................
.............. LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES (634-2360) ...................... .... ........................... ..... FIGURED DISK (634-1144) ................... PLAIN AND PATTERNED DISK (1145-1989) ................... CENTRAL HANDLE AND MULTI-NOZZLE (1990-2027) ........................................ MULTI-NOZZLE AND MORE THAN ONE DISK (2028-2031) .................................... ... .. .............................. HANDLE SHIELDS (2032-2040) .............
FILLING-HOLE COVER(2041) ........................................................... IMITATIONS OF ASIA MINORLAMPS (2042-2046) ............................................ MOULDS (2047-2048)................................................................ WASTERS (2049-2062) ............................................................... FRAGMENTS (2063-2072)............................................................. ...................................162 BASES (2073-2360)..................... SIGNED BASES (2076-2360) ........................................................
109 156 158 159
160 160
LAMPS OF THE 5TH AND 6TH CENTURIES(2361-2920) ...................................... FIGURED DISK (2361-2594) .......................................................... ....................... PLAIN OR PATTERNEDDISK (2595-2840) ........................
......... ....... ..................................... ... ..................................... .................. ................................. CENTURIES (2921-2942) ............. ..............................
198 199
.....................23........................... INSCRIPTIONS............................................................................
Frontispiece Leda and the Swan. Attic, first half of 3rd Century. Plate 1-3 ImportedLamps of the Late 1st CenturyBefore Christto the Mid-ist CenturyAfter Christ. VariousFabrics. 4 ImportedLamps of the Late 1st CenturyBefore Christto the Mid-1stCenturyAfterChrist 80-89; of the Mid-ist Centuryto 2nd Century90-104. VariousFabrics. 5 ImportedLamps of the Mid-ist Centurythroughthe 2nd Century.VariousFabrics. 6 ImportedLampsof the Mid-ist Centurythroughthe 2nd Century.VariousFabrics139-154. Red-on-whiteLamps 155-174. 7 ImportedLamps. Red-on-whiteLamps 176-199. CorinthianLamps 205-240. 8-9 Corinthian Lamps. 10 ImportedLamps of the 4th to the 7th Century.North AfricanShapes322-345. Asia Minor Lamps 346-350. 11 ImportedLamps of the 4th to the 7th Century.Asia MinorLamps 351-363. Various ImportedLamps 367-376. 12 SelectedAttic Lamps of the 1st to the 7th Century. 13-14 Attic Lamps of the 1st and 2nd Centuries. 15-17 Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries.Godsand MythologicalSubjects. 18 Attic Lampsof the 3rd and 4th Centuries.Godsand MythologicalSubjects779-807. Genre Scenes 808-833. 19 Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries.GenreScenes. 20 Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries.Animals. 21 Attic Lampsof the 3rd and 4th Centuries. Animalsand Plants 967-1016. Objects1017-1029. 22 Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries.Objects. 23 Attic Lamps from the AthenianKerameikos, 3rd Centuryto 5th Century. 24 Attic Lampsof the 3rd and 4th Centuries. Objects1120-1134.ChristianSymbols1139-1144. Disk Plain 1145-1200. 25-26 Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries.Disk Plain. 27 Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries. Disk Plain or Patterned. 28-31 Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries.Disk Patterned. Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries.Disk Patterned 1918-1988.Lamps with Central 82 Handleand Multi-nozzle Lamps 1991-2007. Attic of and the 3rd 4th Centuries.Multi-nozzle Lamps Lamps2017-2031. VariousShapes 3388 and Fragments2032-2046. 34 Attic Lampsof the 3rd and 4th Centuries. Variousand Fragments2047-2072. Base of Leda Lamp 781. SignaturesA - through Zosimos. Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries.SignaturesEutyches throughKy -. 85 36 Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries.SignaturesL - throughStratolaos. Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries.Signaturesfirst three rows. Attic Lamps of the 87
88 89 40 41 42-43 44 5th and 6th Centuries. Figured Disks 2363-2384. Attic Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries. Figured Disks. Attic Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries. Figured Disks, Constantinian Monogram, Cross Monogram. Attic Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries. Cross Monogram and Cross. Attic Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries. Cross 2566-2591. Disk Plain 2595-2644. Attic Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries. Disk Plain. Attic Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries. Disk Plain or Patterned 2793-2839. Various
LIST OF PLATES 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
Attic Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries. Various2846-2868. Moulds2864-2879. Attic Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries.Mouldsand Bases 2882-2918. Attic Lamps of the 7th Century2921-2938. Attic Lamps of the 7th and 8th Centuries2939-2942. AcropolisNorth Slope A.L. 4 and A.L. 57. Selected Recent Finds A-G. Selected Emblemata from the Agora and the Kerameikos a-e. BronzeLamps. Profiles. Profiles. Rim Patterns of Attic Lamps, 3rd and 4th Centuries. Bases. Actual State Plan of the AthenianAgora.
Corinth:Corinth,Resultsof ExcavationsConducted by the AmericanSchoolof ClassicalStudiesat Athens IV, ii. 0. Broneer, Terracotta Mass., 1934 Lamps, Cambridge, X. O. Broneer, The Odeum,Cambridge, Mass., 1932 XII. GladysR. Davidson, The Minor Objects, Princeton, 1952 and Lerna,Princeton,1951 XIV. C. Roebuck, The Asklepieion C.I.L.: CorpusInscriptionum Latinarum Courbin, P., "Une rue d'Argos,"B.C.H., LXXX, 1956, pp. 183-218 Creaghan,John S., S. J. and Raubitschek,A. E., "Early Christian Epitaphs from Athens,"Hesperia,XVI, 1947, pp. 1-54 et lampessur les tombeaux,"Miscellanea Giovanni Cumont,F., "Cierges Mercati,V, 1946, pp. 41-47 and the ChristianEast in theDepartment Dalton, O. M., Catalogue of Early Christian from Antiquities Objects of British and Mediaeval of the BritishMuseum,London,1901 Antiquitiesand Ethnography Dictionnaire:Daremberg,Ch. and Saglio, E., Dictionnairedes antiquite's et roDaremberg-Saglio, grecques maines,Paris, 1887-1919 XII Davidson, G. R., see Corinth, Davidson, G. R. and Thompson,D. B., see Pnyx, I Day, Florence,"Early Islamic and Christian Lamps,"Berytus,VII, 1942, pp. 64-79 Day, Economic History: J. Day, An Economic Historyof AthensunderRomanDomination,New York, 1942 de Brun-Gagniere: P. de Brun et S. Gagniere,Les lampesantiquesen argile et en bronze du muse'e Calveta Avignon,Paris, 1940 de Carthage, Delattre, R. P., Lampeschre'tiennes Lyon, 1880 Delphes,V: P. Perdrizet,Fouilles de Delphes,V, Paris, 1908, cf. pp. 184-195 ' "Lampes, Delos": WaldemarDeonna, "Les lampes antiques trouv6es D6los," B.C.H., XXXII, 1908, pp. 133-176 des lampesromaines,"Rev. Arch., XXVI, 1927, pp. 233-263 Deonna,W., "L'Ornementation Dura: Paul V. C. Baur, The Lamps,Excavationsat Dura-Europos, Final ReportIV, Part III, New Haven and London,1947 in Ephesos,Band IV, Heft 2, Das C0meterium derSiebenSchldfer, Ephesos,IV: Forschungen Vienna, 1937 1928 Evelein, M. A., De romeinsche Lampen,'S-Gravenhage, F. Fremersdorf, Fremersdorf: RimischeBildlampen,Bonn and Leipzig, 1922 in r6mischer Fremersdorf, F., Das Beleuchtungs-Gerat Zeit, Mainz, 1924 Fremersdorf, F., "Ein Werkstattfundvon Bildlampender friihesten Kaiserzeit aus K61n,"Bonner JahrCXLVII, 1942, pp. 237-248 biicher, A., see Sammlung Furtwiingler, Sabouroff Goldman,H., see Tarsus,I Goldman,H., "The Acropolisof Halae," Hesperia,IX, 1940, of. pp. 506-507, fig. 250 JewishSymbols:ErwinR. Goodenough, JewishSymbolsin theGreco-Roman Goodenough, Period,Vols. I-VI, New York, 1953-1956 Graindor, P., Athines sous Auguste,Cairo,1927 Graindor, P., Athinessous Hadrien,Cairo,1934 Atticuset sa famille,Cairo,1930 Graindor, P., Un milliardaire antique:Hde'rode sur "Itudes sous Graindor, P., l'ephebieattique l'empire,"Muse'e Belge, XXVI, 1922, pp. 165-228 4 de Athines Tibere 1981 Graindor, P., Trajan,Cairo, Atti dellaPontificiaAccademia Gutschow,M., "Das Museumder Priitextat-Katakombe," Romana,Serie III,
Vol. IV, ii, Vatican City, 1938 Hackin, J., see N. R. A. Begram Hafner, G., "Hellenistische Kunst auf r6mischen Lampen," Ganymed, Heidelberger Beitrdge zur antiken Kunstgeschichte,Heidelberg, 1949, pp. 48-53 Haken: Haken, Roman, "Roman Lamps in the Prague National Museum and in other Czechoslovak Collections," Acta Musei Nationalis Prague, Series A, Volume XII, Nos. 1-2 Harrison, Evelyn B., see Agora, I Hesperia: Hesperia, Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens Hill, D. K., "Ancient Metal Reliefs," Hesperia, XII, 1943, pp. 97-114 Hill, I. T., The Ancient City of Athens, London, 1953 Horsfield, G. and Horsfield, A., "Sela-Petra, the Rock, of Edom and Nabatene, IV. The Finds", Q.D.A.P., IX, 1939, pp. 105-204 AEAT-r.: 'APXatoXoyYlKV AEXTriOV
Howland, R. H., see Agora, IV Hug, A., "Lucerna,"Pauly-Wissowa,R.E., XIII, 1566-1613 I.G.: Inscriptiones Berlin, 1873Graecae, Iliffe: J. H. Iliffe, "ImperialArt in Trans-Jordan," Q.D.A.P., XI-XII, 1941-1946,pp. 1-26. F. Imhoof-Blumer and P. Gardner, A Numismatic Imhoof-Blumerand Gardner,NumismaticCommentary: on from Pausanias London J.H.S., VI-VIII, 1885-1887), (reprinted Commentary Lampen Ivaidyi,D., see Pannonische Instituts Jahrbuch:Jahrbuch des deutschen archiologischen des isterreichischen Instituts in Wien Jahreshefte: archdologischen Jahreshefte d. in Mitt. der Athen "Die Stadt Kaiserzeit," Inst., III, 1950, pp. 51-67 Karhstedt,U., und Das "Alkamenes S., Hephaisteion,"Ath. Mitt., LXIX-LXX, 1954-55, pp. 67-94 Papaspyridi-Karusu, H. "The and J. A., Kourouniotis, Pnyx in Athens,"Hesperia,I, 1932, cf. pp. 183-185 Thompson, aus dem KerameikosIV," Ath. Mitt., LIII, 1928, pp. 181-182 Kiibler, K., "Mitteilungen Ath. Mitt., LVI, 1931, pp. V. Spitantike Stempelkeramik," Kilbler, K., "Mitteilungenaus dem Kerameikos 75-86 attischen Tonplastik,"Jahrbuch, LXVII, 1952, Kiibler: K. Kiibler, "ZumFormwandelin der spiiatantiken 99-145 pp. in Olympia,Berlin, 1944, ef. p. 90 Kunze, E. and Schleif, H., IV. Berichtiber die Ausgrabungen of Excavationin Samothrace," A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, of. p. 348, K., "SecondCampaign Lehmann-Hartleben, 27 fig. Libertini, Guido,see Museo Biscari Loeschoke,S., see Vindonissa BonnerJahrbifcher, XXVIII, 1909, pp. 370-430 Loeschcke,S., "AntikeLanternenund Lichthduschen," Funde in Haltern,"Altertumscommission V, 1909, Loeschcke,S., "Keramische ffir West/alen,Mitteilungen, 101-322 pp. Loeschcke, S., "Bearbeitungund Geschichteder antiken Lampen," summarizedin Arch. Anz., 1916, pp. 203-211 Lord, Louis E., "Blockhousesin the Argolid,"Hesperia,X, 1941, cf. pp. 110-111 zu Mainz, Mainz, 1954 Zentralmuseum Menzel:Heinz Menzel,AntikeLampenim r6misch-germanischen de marbre, Tunis and Paris, 1930 Merlin,A. and Poinssot, L., Cratireset candelabres auf r6mischenLampen,"RBm.Mitt., XLIV, 1929, pp. 26-42 Messerschmidt, F., "Tragidienszenen Michalowski, K., "La fin de l'art gree," B.C.H., LXX, 1946, pp. 385-392 XXIV, 1929, Beiblatt, pp. 144-179 Miltner,F., "Die antiken Lampenin Eisenstadt,"Jahreshefte, XXVI, 1930, Beiblatt, Miltner, F., "Die antiken Lampen im KlagenfurterLandesmuseum," Jahreshefte, pp. 67-114 Mitt. d. Inst.: Mitteilungen des deutschen Instituts, 1948archdologischen Muehsam,Alice, "Attic GraveReliefs from the Roman Period," Berytus, X, 1952, pp. 51-114 Museo Biscari: GuidoLibertini,11 Museo Biscari, Milanand Rome, 1930 J. L. Myres,Handbook fromCyprus,New York, 1914 Myres,Handbook: of Antiquities of theCesnolaCollection a Begram,Paris, 1954 N.R.A. Begram:J. Hackin, Nouvellesrecherches arche'ologiques Zeit und des Hellenismus(StaatlicheMuseenzu Bronzender klassischen Neugebauer,K. A., Die griechischen Berlin, Katalog der StatuarischenBronzenim Antiquarium,II), Berlin, 1951 of some Nicholls, "Type, Groupand Series":R. V. Nicholls, "Type, Groupand Series: A Reconsideration Fundamentals,"B.S.A., XLVII, 1952, pp. 217-226 Coroplastic vonKarl AntonNiessen, Cologne,1911 Niessen: Beschreibung rimischerAltertilmer gesammelt
Nilsson, M. P., "Lampen und Kerzen im Kult der Antike," Opuscula Archeologica, VI, 1950, pp. 96ff. Noll, R., "Die antiken Lampen im Landesmuseum zu Innsbruck," Jahreshefte, XXX, 1936, Beiblatt, pp. 219-251 Noll, R., "Eine neue oberitalische Lampentipferei," Jahreshefte, XXX, 1936, Beiblatt, pp. 109-119 Barrao Oleiro, J. M., Museu Machado de Gastro: Catalogo de Lucernas Romanas, Coimbra, 1952 Orlandos, A. K., 'Avaoraqpi "ro0Av'A0ilvai&'98Eiou 701.o l"EpKiJouS, VTpcIKT'Ka, 1931, cf. pp. 28-30 Osborne, A., Lychnos et Lucerna, Alexandria, 1924 Pagenstecher, R., "Die Auferweekung des Lazarus auf einer rdmischen Lampe," Bull. Soc. Arch., X, 1908, p. 261 Pannonische Lampen: D. Ivanyi, Die pannonischen Lampen, Budapest, 1935 Pauly-Wissowa, R. E.: Paulys Real-Encyclopddie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, Neue Bearbeitung, Stuttgart, 1894
h Mactar,"Karthago, IV, 1953, cf. pp. 58-59, pl. IX Megalithique Pauphilet,D., "Monument Perdrizet,P., see Delphes,V und Gerdte Pernice:E. Pernice,Die hellenistische Kunst in Pompefi,Band IV: Gef/if3e aus Bronze,Berlin and Leipzig, 1925 Petrie, W. M. Flinders, see RomanEhnasya Pfuhl, E., "Zur Geschichte der griechischenLampen und Laternen,"Jahrbuch, XXVII, 1912, pp. 52-59 Philadelpheus,A., 'AvaKxagal v NIKO-r67ei, pp. 1918, 883ff. flpaKnTKd, Philadelpheus,A., lpeprlrS 'ApX.'Eq., 1922, pp. 69-78 MovaeTov, aus dem KerameikosV. Die 'Promachos'des Pheidias und die KerameikosPick, Behrendt, "Mitteilungen Lampen,"Ath. Mitt., LVI, 1931, pp. 59-74 Pnyx, I: G. R. Davidsonand D. B. Thompson,Small Objects fromthe Pnyx: I (Hesperia,SupplementVII),
Princeton, 1943 -rfis v 'AO'val" 'Apxapoaoyditsi 'ErTapipfas TTpaKtK&: fl'paKTriK&
Priene: Th. Wiegand and H. Schrader,Priene, Ergebnisseder Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen in den Jahren 1895-1898, Berlin, 1904 in Palestine Q.D.A.P.: TheQuarterly of theDepartment of Antiquities Rev. Arch.: RevueArche'ologique ~ Rhomaios,K., ECpflpara avaxKcKcIs5 'ApX. 'Eq).,1906, cf. pp. 110-115 -rjTO0 rTrir &pvreoOs &VTpov, G.M. in "A Greek the Silver Phiale A., Richter, Museum," A.J.A., XLV, 1941, pp. 368-389 Metropolitan Richter,G.M.A., "GreekFifth-CenturySilverwareand Later Imitations," A.J.A., LIV, 1950, pp.357-370 dans l'Orient Robert, Gladiateurs: Robert, L., Les gladiateurs grec,Paris, 1940 C. Die antiken Robert, Sarkophagreliefs: Robert, Berlin, 1890-1939 Sarkophagreliefs. Robinson,H. S., see Agora,V from Xanthos," J.H.S., LIII, 1933, pp. 181-218 Rodenwaldt, G., "Sarcophagi "Zur der Jahre 220 bis 270," Jahrbuch, Rodenwaldt, G., LI, 1986, pp. 82-113 Kunstgeschichte Rom. Mitt., LVIII, 1943, pp. 1-26 Rodenwaldt, G., "Sarkophagprobleme," Roebuck, C., see Corinth,XIV des deutschen Instituts.R6mische R6m.Mitt.: Mitteilungen Abteilung archiiologischen RomanEhnasya: W. M. FlindersPetrie, RomanEhnasya,London, 1905 Journalof RomanStudies, V, 1915, Rushforth,G. M., "FuneralLights in Roman SepulchralMonuments," 149-164 pp. A. Furtwiingler, Die SammlungSabouroff, SammlungSabouroff: Berlin, 1888-1887 "Positivmodelle r6mischer Saria, B., XIX, 1935, pp. 27ff. Ollampenaus Poetovio,"Germania, Schmidt, Hubert, HeinrichSchliemann's Altertilmer, Berlin, 1902, of. pp. 199ff. Sammlungtrojanischer und byzantinischer Schneider,A. M., "Samosin fritihchristlicher Zeit,"Ath. Mitt., LIV, 1929, of. pp. 133-134 Shear, AthenianImperialCoinage:J. P. Shear,"AthenianImperialCoinage," Hesperia,V, 1936,pp.285-327 Shear, J. P., "The Coinsof Athens,"Hesperia,II, 1933, pp. 231-278 Shear, T. L., "Excavationsat Corinthin 1930,"A.J.A., XXXIV, 1930, pp. 427-428 & rpovTov Skias, A., T6 wrapd 1~uATv t0 Tav6s,'ApX.'ET., 1918, pp. 15-18 "rilv G. A., At XplornavlKalc i epai Soteriou, Athens,1931,of. pp. 102, 104 TTs es vaMaaS, V. alla luce scavi nuovidi via dell'Abbondanza Spinazzola,Pompei: Spinazzola, Pompei degli (Anni1910-1923), Rome, 1953 du Muse'e du Caire,KopStrzygowski,Cat.gen.: J. Strzygowski,Catalogue generaldes antiquitds egyptiennes tischeKunst, Vienna, 1904 Danish NationalMuseum Syll. Num. Graec.D.N.M.: SyllogeNummorum Graecorum,
Syll. Num. Graec. Sammlung von Aulock: Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum.Deutschland. G. Kleiner, Sammlung von Aulock: Pontus, Paphlagonien, Bithynien, Berlin, 1937 Tarbell, Bronzes: F. B. Tarbell, Catalogueof Bronzes, etc. in the Field Museum of Natural History, reproduced from Originals in the National Museum of Naples, Chicago, 1909 Tarsus, I: Excavations at Gozlu Kule, Tarsus, vol. I: The Hellenistic and Roman Periods, ed. by Hetty Goldman, Princeton, 1950 Taylor, J. Du Plat, "Roman Tombs at 'Kambi', Vasa," Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 1940-1948, cf. pp. 40-42 Thiersch, H., "Griechische Leuchtfeuer," Jahrbuch, XXX, 1915, pp. 218-237 Thompson, H. A. and Scranton, R. L., "Stoas and City Walls on the Pnyx," Hesperia, XII, 1943, of. pp. 863-364, 371 Thompson, H. A., "Terracotta Lamps," Hesperia, II, 1933, pp. 195-215
Thompson,H. A., "Pnyx and Thesmophorion," Hesperia,V, 1936, cf. pp. 169, 197 II see M., Thompson, Agora, "Some UnpublishedBronzeMoneyof the Early Eighth Century,"Hesperia,IX, 1940, Thompson,Margaret, pp. 358-880 Toutain, J., "Lucerna,"Daremberg-Saglio, Dictionnaire,pp. 1320-13389 1934 Toynbee, J. M. C., The HadrianicSchool,Cambridge, Ugolini, Luigi M., Albania Antica, Vol. III, Rome, 1942 Vari: Samuel E. Bassett, "The Cave at Vari, VI, The TerracottaLamps," A.J.A., VII, 1903, pp. 338-349 Atheniensia, Vessberg,Olof, "Hellenisticand Roman Lamps in Cyprus," Opuscula I, 1953, pp. 115f. Vindonissa:S. Loeschcke,Lampenaus Vindonissa,Zurich,1919 Waage, F. O., see Antioch Waldhauer:OskarWaldhauer,Kaiserliche St. Petersburg,1914 Ermitage.Die antiken Tonlampen, WaltersArt Gallery,Early Christianand ByzantineArt, Baltimore, 1947 Walters: H. B. Walters,Catalogue and RomanLampsin the BritishMuseum,London,1914 of theGreek Walters,H. B., Historyof AncientPottery,2 vols., London,1905 Wiegand, Th. and Schrader,H., see Priene RBm.Mitt., XLIV, 1929, pp. 87-90 Wollmann,H., "Antiker6mische'Taschenspielerlampen'," Wulff: C. Wulff, Altchristliche und mittelalterliche und italienischeBildwerke, Teil I: Altchristbyzantinische liche Bildwerke, Berlin, 1909 Wulff-Volbach:0. Wulff and W. F. Volbach, Die altchristlichen und mittelalterlichen und byzantinischen italienischen Berlin and Leipzig, 1923 Bildwerke, Wycherley,R. E., see Agora,III Young, R. S., "Excavations on MountHymettos, 1989," A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, cf. pp. 5-6
SCOPE AND SELECTION OF MATERIAL his study presents the lamps of the 1st to 7th centuries found in the excavations of the Athenian Agora from the beginning of the excavations in May, 1931, up to October, 1956.' The distinction already drawnby Howland (Agora,IV, p. 1) between lamps of the Roman period representingsurvivals of Hellenistic types and lamps of distinctively Roman characteris maintained here; the former have already been published by Howland, the latter are our present concern. CharacteristicallyRoman lamps do not appear in Athens before Augustan times; they continue in use, so far as is now known, down to the borders of the dark ages. Around 3000 lamps falling within these chronologicallimits are recordedin the Agora Inventory. In consideringthe proportion of lamps of different periods or styles representedit is well to recall that the inventory has been selective. Complete examples have ordinarilybeen inventoried rather than fragments from a given deposit; yet in the case of rare or unusual varieties, and especially of imported lamps, small pieces have often been thought worthy of individual record. A further unbalance occurs between lamps of a sturdy and almost indestructible fabric and those whose lightness and delicacy no doubt attracted the purchaserin antiquity much as they attract the student today, but which made them poorly adapted to survive the hazards either of daily life or of excavation. Within these limitations, however, the Agora inventory of lamps appears to present a fair cross section of the varieties in use. This fact is confirmedby the examination of the containers of context pottery preservedin the Agora uninventoried storage; many thousands of lamps and lamp fragments may be found there, but since, once examined, they have appearedto add nothing of significanceto the present study no effort has been made to include them. Inventoried items, however, though of no great intrinsic interest frequently come from closely dated deposits; they can assist in dating other deposits in Athens or elsewhere and in the dating of objects of other classes found with them. Some such pieces will one day contribute to the study of the Attic shops when that can be carried further than is as yet possible; others have been published earlier and are listed here under the revised classification. For such items an abbreviated form of catalogue entry has been adopted, but for future convenience in reference each lamp has been assigned a publication number. CLASSIFICATIONAND ARRANGEMENT Each lamp is identified as local or imported and dated generally to the half century. Thus a
lamp may be described as an Attic lamp of the first half of the 4th century or as an imported lamp of the late 1st to early 2nd century. Where closer identification is possible it is given, as for instance an Italian lamp of the late 1st century s.c. The system is intended to be flexible and comprehensive enough for use not only in Athens but also at other sites in Greece and in the Aegean area and to prepare the way for a unified terminology for studies of lamps. The main line of division is between Attic lamps and imported lamps; no study of influences from abroad, changes of style or development of shapes in Attic lamps can proceed until the
Agora, VI.
1 The plastic lamps will appear together with Roman terracottas in the forthcoming volume by C. Grandjouan, Athenian
local products have been clearly separated from imported wares. Because Attic clay varies greatly according to clay beds and firing conditions and because there is also a bewildering variety of foreign wares, there are many cases in which it is difficult to identify Attic ware with certainty. This is especially true of lamps of the 5th and 6th centuries where there is often only one of a kind and insufficient related material for comparison.The lamps for which Attic manufacture is possible but not certain have been placed among imported wares with an indication that the lamp may be Attic. By excluding the uncertain lamps, the picture of Attic production becomes clearer though possibly less complete. Imported lamps are presented in chronological order. Corinthian, red-on-white and North African wares are sufficiently well identified to be grouped by fabric; but no attempt has been made to discriminate between the other wares, some of which, however, are tentatively identified in the catalogue. The imported lamps are often subdivided by shape; for example, lamps of the late 1st century B.C. to the mid 1st century after Christ having volute-nozzles are followed by the lamps with semi-volutes. These subdivisions by shape are conventionally convenient and are not intended to be understood as "types."2 The type system may be useful when the lamps are affected by a single source of influence, as in the case of the Vindonissa lamps, either imported from Italy or influenced by Italian styles. The imported lamps in Athens, however, come from a great many different sources of manufacture, each with its own history of development; their sequences require detailed study on home territory before the mixture of shapes found in Athens can be fully understood. Imported shapes, moreover, did not necessarily enter Athens in the order in which they developed; imports on a small scale are frequently haphazard.3There is ample evidence, further, that lamps differing widely in appearance are actually contemporary.4The order in which the imported lamps are presented here is thus in large measure conventional and is not intended to indicate development. Locally made lamps can be grouped with greater confidencebecause of the much larger body of material. The first group includes those lamps of the late 1st century s.c. through the 2nd century after Christ which are creations of their time and do not represent survivals of Attic Hellenistic varieties.5 The Attic lamps of the 3rd and 4th centuries are treated in two ways. In the catalogue they are grouped according to representation or pattern on the disk. The emphasis in the catalogue is on the subjects shown and the monuments in other fields of art from which much of the Attic lamp repertoryis derived. In the text, pp. 17-64, the signed lamps of the 3rd and 4th centuries are grouped by workshops and the discussion indicates the output and the chronologicalposition of each shop, together with the relationships among shops.
2 Cf. F. O. Waage, A.J.A., XL, 1936, p. 566: "A 'type' is as artificial and arbitrary as a 'species' and is legitimate only when applied in the dynamic sense of an approximation to mark a particular stage in a development from a past to a future form. It is this evolutionary treatment which has made the works of Loeschcke and Broneer such cornerstones of lychnology." 3 For example, a lamp, shape A, which developed in the last quarter of the 1st century B.C. and a lamp, shape B, made in the first quarter of the 1st century after Christ did not necessarily reach Athens in their historical order. Shape B might have been imported at an earlier date than shape A, or at the same time, or after the appearance of shape A. Indeed the two shapes could have entered Athens more than once, coming from Italy or the Aegean area at different times. SExcavation deposits frequently illustrate this fact but it is most clearly seen in the case of wasters. For contemporary types see the following: Walters1497 is a waster consisting of one lamp with volute-nozzle, one withU-shaped nozzle and one with heart-shapednozzle; Loeschcke, p. 239, note 115, cites an example in Naples where lamps of Loeschcke types III and VII are attached to a lamp of Loeschcke type VIII; Agora, IV, 501 is a waster containing both wheelmade and mouldmade lamps; Broneer, p. 20, pointed out that Sopatros may have made lamps of Broneer types XVIII and XXII; Waldhauer 453 is a lamp with egg-shaped nozzle with two factory lamps attached. Sammlung Sabourofi, I, pl. LXXV, shows three Hellenistic lamps of three quite different types set into a framework with a palmette handle-shield. 5 The large number of these survivals, in use during the earlier part of the period covered by the present study, have as already noted appeared in Agora, IV; the division between that volume and this is thus stylistic rather than strictly chronological.
The Attic lamps of the 5th and 6th centuries are, as in the preceding section, classified by disk representation or pattern. A great many lamps of this period are survivals of the two preceding centuries, whereas others are non-Attic shapes borrowedfrom North Africa and Asia Minor. The classification by disk representation, although convenient for the student, tends to obscure the developments of this period: the gradual overwhelming of characteristicallyAttic lamp shapes by new shapes which partly crowded the old shapes out, and partly transformed them into a variety of odd mixtures. The text, pp. 64-65, attempts to fill out the lines of this picture. The following section gives the few lamps which have been tentatively assigned to the 7th and 8th centuries. Eight bronze lamps of widely varying periods end the catalogue. A short supplement contains a selection of recent finds. The deposit index, pp. 224-228, enumerates those Agora deposits which have been most useful to the present study and lists by catalogue number the lamps found in each. Where Hellenistic survivals occur in the same deposit or group, the Howland type numbers are given. Each deposit number contains in its first two elements a referenceto a square in the excavation grid, Plate 53. Robinson's definition of a deposit may be repeated: "The term 'deposit' is here used to refer to any physical unit (well, cistern, grave, pit, etc.) in which the recoveredfinds present sufficient homogeneity to be of value in the study of type, style, and/or chronology."6 In some large deposits where levels of stratification are unquestionably distinct, the lamps are listed under each level; in other cases where, because of an accumulationresulting from long and continuous use, the levels, although in large measureclear, cannot be regardedas having hard and fast upper and lower limits, the lamps are listed in the reverse order of finding, those from the earliest levels first. The general character of the deposit as well, cistern, etc. is indicated, but the location within the Agora area is not described except for such deposits as have acquired readily recognizable names, or such as are associated with particularbuildings. The topographicaldistributionof the deposits will be made plain by reference to the general plan. In the catalogue, the deposit number is given for each of the lamps included in the index. About one-quarter of the lamps published here come from the listed deposits. Lamps for which no find spot is noted come either from late or irrelevant context or from deposits which, though dated, offer no special assistance to this study.
FABRICS VARIOUS 1-154, PLATES1-6 The Augustan period is the only time in the history of Athens when Italian lamps were imported in any quantity.' In the second half of the 1st century Italian imports fell off; there are only two imported factory lamps, 120-121. In 2nd century Athens there were very few Italian lamps. In contrast to Corinth whose imports came chiefly from Italy, a number of different fabrics from the eastern Aegean area are represented. 1, 5, 14-20, and possibly 47, gray ware lamps with black glaze, may come from the same eastern Aegean site or sites which exported the so-called Ephesos lamps.2 50 may come from Cyprus. One group of lamps can be identified with a fair amount of confidenceas Knidian on the basis of comparison with lamps found in the temenos of Demeter, at Knidos, now in the British Museum. 79, 91-92, 100-101, 104-105, 109, 129-130, 142, 152, 154 are probably Knidian. The fabric is usually close-grainedand very hard, of a brown or buff color, sometimes with a gray or black core. The glaze has two extremes. Sometimes it has either a metallic sheen or the sticky luster of marmalade.At other times there is a streaky rose-orangeglaze, covering the top completely, with splashes on the base. 91, 105, 129 and 152 are signed by Romanesis and 92, 104 and 130 are close to the products of his factory. Although Behrens did not locate the factory of Romanesis in his study of that lampmaker,3the evidence indicates that the Romanesis factory was at Knidos. The most frequent signature on the many published lamps from Knidos is that of Romanesis.4The second largest group of Romanesis signatures was found near Knidos in Miletos.5 The factory had a great export trade; its products have been found in Asia Minor, South Russia, the Aegean islands, Greece, Africa, Italy and Dalmatia;6 the signature may also have been pirated abroad as in the case of the factory lamps. In any case the Romanesis factory was enormous with a mechanical, self-assured style all its own. 144 is the sole Egyptian import. 135 is very light in weight, a characteristic of Syrian lamps. The other imported fabrics of this period are treated separately: red-on-whitelamps, pp. 5-6, and Corinthianlamps, pp. 6-9. The lamps grouped under the heading of imitations of bronze, 7-33, 90-98, are fairly close imitations, in distinction to lamps which reflect borrowings from bronze shapes at many removes from the original. The criterion for selecting a lamp as a fairly close copy of a bronze is the presence of features which have significancein bronze and mean little in clay. The handle shield acted as the reflector for the flame in a bronze lamp; this purpose is not served in a clay
1 Catalogue entries indicate the probable proveniences of imported lamps. In addition to the lamps which are specified as Italian there are doubtless other Italian lamps in the catalogue which remain unidentified. 2 See Broneer, pp. 64, 79. 3 Mainzer Zeitschrift, XLIV-XLV, 1949-1950, pp. 163-167. I SSee Walters, p. 230 under Knidos. Haken, pp. 5 Menzel 158-162, 173-177, 272. 48-52"
lamp unless the glaze is heavy, smooth and bright. Small bosses at the nozzle or at the attachment of the handle copy rivets which fastened the parts of the bronze lamps together. Fillinghole lids working on hinges are practical in bronze; in clay they are pretentious breakables, as are suspension lugs. Bronze lamps were often hung from chains and the underside which could be seen and admired was sometimes adorned with relief work; decoration on the underside of a clay lamp signals a bronze original. Large lamps may be cast easily in bronze; a special effort is requiredto make a large clay lamp without having the walls or disk collapse while the clay is still damp. Clay imitations in many cases help in reconstructingthe appearanceof lost bronze originals; the Agora collection has several copies of bronze lamps not otherwise known: 14-15, 19-21, 25, 90. 11 is a good example of the deteriorationof form once function is forgotten. 15 is a rare form of fillinghole lid. 16-17 are oversize lamps of gray ware and black glaze, slightly different from Broneer883-886 with which they may be compared.7 16 has the strange feature of an inner and an outer wall in back, perhaps for reinforcement. The fragment 21 is so delicate that it must have been cast from a mould taken directly from bronze. There are three times as many imitations of bronze lamps in the period of the late 1st century before Christ to the mid-1st century after Christas there are for the period following. These imported imitations of bronze were the most expensive clay lamps and the falling off in numbers indicates a less prosperousera in Athens. Two of the imported lamps are curiosities: 48 in which the wick is preserved, and 79, of tremendous size. 49 and 55 carry disk representationswhich are perhaps not otherwise known.
155-204, PLATES 6-7 These lamps are treated as a group because they share the technical peculiarity of a heavy white slip completely covering the outside and often part of the interior of the lamp; the slip is covered by orange-redglaze. They are not all of the same fabric and do not necessarily all come from the same site. The fabric most often encounteredis cinnamon or orange-brown,highly micaceous and fairly hard. The clay of the earlier lamps of the group is apt to be harder, less micaceous and runs to lighter buff colors. Both the slip and the glaze tend to peel; the glaze of the earlier lamps is generally brighter and firmer. The chief shapes are rounded nozzle with volutes, nozzle with semi-volutes, U-shaped and heart-shaped nozzles. Some very large lamps have elaborate handle shields in high relief. The reliefs and the use of a white slip suggest a connection with a terracotta factory.
Red-on-white lamps in the Agora may be dated by contexts to the late 1st and 2nd century; there are no dated examples from other sites. By piecing together the evidence, some idea of the provenience of these lamps may be gained. Working from west to east, one notes first that Italy is almost certainly ruled out as a production center, in spite of the fact that some of these lamps have air-holes, a typical feature of Italian lamps. A search through the storerooms of the Museo delle Terme and the Capitoline Museum in Rome as well as examination of the many lamps on exhibit in the Vatican Collections failed to locate any red-on-white lamps. In Greece, red-on-white lamps have appeared at two sites, Athens and none are of Corinth, Attic or Corinthian fabric.
7 A unique gray ware lamp has recently been found, Agora L 5326, distinguished by a thin moulded foot, separately attached, and by a vine leaf in high relief on the wall in between the two long volute nozzles. 8 Broneer 508, 511, 518, 519 and a fragment (Broneer p. 86).
One red-on-white lamp was found on Delos (B 3034), and one in South Russia (Waldhauer 827, pl. XXXIV). The largest number of known red-on-white lamps is in Alexandria. The Benachi Collection has thirty, and the Alexandria Museum also has lamps of this fabric, both on exhibit and in the store rooms. In connection with these lamps from lower Egypt, the disk reliefs of Egyptian gods spring to mind, Harpokrates on red-on-white lamps in the Agora and Priene, Sarapis, Isis and Bes on red-on-white lamps in the Benachi Collection. Yet in spite of these promising indications none of these lamps appears to be of Egyptian fabric, a fact which agrees with the evidence from the Agora. If Athens had been importing red-on-white lamps in quantity from Egypt in the late 1st and 2nd century, one would expect to find the better known types of Egyptian lamps in the Agora together with the red-on-whitelamps, whereas only one Egyptian lamp has turned up, 144. Syria is also an unlikely source for these lamps, since there are none in the Beirut Museum. So far the evidence has been largely negative; Italy, Greece, Egypt and Syria have been eliminated as possible centers of production. Several features of the site have, however, emerged. The town must be in a position to have exported equally to Athens and Egypt. Its inhabitants were believers in Egyptian cults, as suggested by disk and handle shield reliefs of Isis, Sarapis, Harpokratesand Bes. The variety of shapes has a cosmopolitan air, and there is a good possibility of Italian influence since several of the lamps have air-holes. A large town in the eastern Aegean area, either one of the coastal cities of Asia Minor or an island port, would suit these conditions. With these considerationsin mind we turn to the lamps of Ephesos. The store rooms of the British Museum contain unpublished red-on-white lamps from Wood's excavations in Ephesos, and others from Ephesos have been published without mention of the white slip.9 No red-on-white lamps have been found in the more recent Austrian excavations in Ephesos.'0 However, Ephesos, IV, 94-138, pl. XII, as a group bear striking resemblances to red-on-white lamps found in Athens and Alexandria and Ephesos, in respect to shapes, schemes of decoration, dimensions, symbols on the base, in every detail, in fact, save the fabric and slip. These resemblances are too strong to be accounted for by the koineof Mediterranean lamps; these lamps from in were made the same environment as the red-on-white Ephesos lamps. Red-on-white lamps have been found in small numbers in towns near Ephesos, viz. Priene and Smyrna. Eight redon-white lamps from Priene are published." Zahn reported that he found five other lamps of this fabric in the Berlin Museum, three from the former Spiegelthal collection in Smyrna, one from Athens, and a fragment of a caricatured head of unknown provenience.12 Haken nos. 52 and 59 come from Smyrna.13 In the light of the available evidence, the factories for red-on-white lamps should be located in Ephesos or in a port town not far from Ephesos. CORINTHIAN LAMPS
205--321, PLATES 7-9
Since 1930 when Broneer's classificationof Corinthianlamps appeared based on an inventory of 1560 items, 2500 more lamps have been found at Corinth. This mass of material makes it possible to adjust the chronology of Corinthianlamps of the lst-6th centuries after Christ and to identify Corinthianfabric more clearly.
9 Walters 763, 778, 779, 792, 830, 978, 981, 1106, 1119, 1135, 1186, 1150, 1151, 1162, 1176-1178. 10Dr. F. Miltner very kindly went to the trouble of re-examining the published lamps as well as the new finds in order to confirm this fact. 11 Priene 191-196, 198-199, 121 pp. 455-457, figs. 562-563. Ibid., p. 459, note 3. 13 Dr. J. Frel of the Caroline University in Prague was good enough to check the fabric and slip of these lamps.
The unglazed Corinthianlamps, Broneertype XXVII, appearedaroundthe end of the 1st century, and all the earlierglazed mouldmadelamps of the 1st century after Christin Corinthhave been identified, generally speaking, as imports.14The material presented here suggests that Corinthianlampmakersbegan imitating Italian glazed lamps as early as the third quarter of the 1st century, and that they produced a good number of lamps of Broneer types XXIII, XXIV, XXV and XXX. The first rate relief work on Corinthianunglazed lamps of the earliest 2nd century presupposes a long energetic tradition of mouldmade lamps. Yet the only other lamps of the 1st century recognizedas Corinthianare the simple wheelmadelamps of Broneertypes XVI and XVII.'5 Corinthian lampmakers could hardly have passed effortlessly from the production of plain wheelmade types to the most delicate and elaborate mouldmade lamps. Rather, they imitated and learned from the Italian lamps for a good thirty years or more, before reaching the heights of technique for which Corinthianlamps are famous. Italian factory lamps appeared on the market around A.D. 75. Few have been found in Corinth; two of these, Broneer526-527, are signed by Myro, one of the first to make factory lamps; his lamps have been found at Pompeii.16The dearth of factory lamps in Corinth suggests that this city, which formerly had such close commercial relations with Italy, had a self-sufficient lamp industry in the last quarter of the 1st century. Some lamps of Broneer types XXIV and XXV are signed in Greek by well known makers of Broneer type XXVII, Gaios and Sposianos; these are surely of Corinthianmanufacture.17 Among the unsigned lamps from Corinth, there are many with plain rim, ovolo rim and oblique leaf rim, where no differenceis observable between glazed and unglazed lamps save the glaze itself. Here also it is reasonable to suppose that the Corinthianlampmakers were producing some of the glazed lamps which preceded the unglazed lamps. In the third quarter of the 1st century, then, Corinthianlampmakers began to manufacture lamps of Broneer types XXIV and XXV, and possibly some lamps of types XXIII and XXX. Although there are no mouldsto prove that lamps of these shapes were made in Corinth,the lampmakers' signatures, the technique, and the lack of factory lamps strongly suggest that this was the case. Duringthe third quarterof the century, Corinthstill imported in quantity from Italian centers; in the last quarter of the century there are few imported lamps of any kind in Corinth. In this catalogue, a beginning has been made in isolating glazed 1st century lamps as Corinthian; only the reasonably certain examples have been chosen, 205-214. Other Corinthian lamps doubtless remain unrecognized among the imported lamps of the second half of the 1st century.
The date of the change from glazed to unglazed lamps may be fixed at around A.D. 90-100,18 that is, at a date slightly later than the destruction of Pompeii in A.D. 79. The shapes of Co14Broneer, pp. 59, 80, 86; the exceptions are Broneer 507 and 515 which were singled out as probable Corinthianimitations of imported lamps (Broneer, p. 86).
15 Broneer, p. 59.
1e Vindonissa, p. 277.
1 Gaios signed three glazed lamps with semi-volutes: Baur 630, p. 278,fig. 116; Athens N.M. 3841; CL2425. The three lamps have Fafov in relief in the exergue of the disk. Sposianos signed Athens N.M. 3095 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2550, 2551), a glazed lamp with semi-volutes. Two unpublished lamps found in ColumbariumI at Cheliotomylos, Corinth, are signed with a relief alpha topped with a stroke formed like a gamma, the whole possibly a monogram for AF. One of these, Cheliotomylos lamp no. 85, a glazed lamp with semi-volutes, has a disk representation of Artemis the huntress, a favorite subject of 2nd century lampmakers such as Loukios. The other Cheliotomylos lamp, no. 86, is a typical unglazed Corinthian lamp with rays on the disk and ovolo on the rim.
18 See Broneer, p. 85.
rinthian unglazed lamps are precisely those which were fashionable in Pompeii with one exception, lamps with panelled rims (Broneer type XXVII, groups 3 and 4). By A.D. 79 panels had not yet spread from factory lamps to other shapes.'9 On a few Corinthian channel-and-panel lamps,2 the panels have the early form of a truncated pyramid. Panelled lamps, then, were imported to Corinth and copied there before the panel had flattened out and lost every sign of serving a useful purpose. By the early 2nd century, the panels had become flat, as on 229. Since Corinthhas glazed channel-and-panellamps but no other glazed lamps with panels, one may assume that the normal Corinthian panelled lamp appeared after the channel-and-panel lamp, at the turn of the 1st to 2nd century. Broneer suggested that the unglazed lamps (type XXVII) continued in use until the end of the 2nd century and that they were followed by glazed lamps in the first half of the 3rd century.21 This dating may be revised; it would leave 3rd century Corinthalmost entirely without lamps. There are two possibilities: either type XXVII must be extended to the end of the 3rd century or type XXVIII must be pushed back to the beginning of the 3rd century. The second alternative may be considered first. Type XXVIII comprises, in effect, Attic lamps of the 3rd-5th century and the Corinthianimitations thereof. The dates of these lamps are fixed within fairly close limits by dated deposits in the Agora, and a study of those deposits fully bears out Broneer's observation that most of the lamps of type XXVIII found in Corinth belong to the 4th century or later.22There remains the alternative of extending the date of type XXVII to the end of the 3rd century, and there is no context evidence which would create any objection. The following lamps from Agora deposits bear witness to a flourishing lamp industry in Corinthin the late 2nd and early 3rd century: 239, 242-245, 247, 252, 268, 271, 273, 277, 282, 284. Since the Athenians stopped importing lamps after the early 3rd century, one cannot expect to trace the development of 3rd century Corinthian lamps in the Athenian Agora. The development of Corinthianlamps and the Corinthianlamp shops of the 2nd and 3rd centuries should repay special study; meanwhile a few distinctions between the earlier and later varieties may be noted. The following features are typical of Corinthianlamps of the late 2nd and 3rd centuries, and appear rarely, if at all, before the late 2nd century: Raised rim patterns. Nozzle, handle and panels impinge on framing ring of disk. Two or three closely spaced circles frame the base. End of handle approaches or touches the base. Panels and framing ring flat or nearly flat. Flat, lifeless disk representations. Framing ring, panels, and disk reliefs heavily retouched with deep grooves. Darker and coarser clay. For examples of late 2nd and 3rd century Corinthian lamps, see Broneer 582, 695 and 700, pl. XII. Some of the signatures on 3rd century lamps are Kallistos, Synphoros, Loukios, Epagathos, Posphoros, and Sekoundos. The chronology of 2nd and 3rd century lamps could be worked out in detail by studying the Corinthianlampmakers,the development of each shop and the overlap between them.
19 For the development of flat ornamental panels from pyramidal lugs for chains suspending bronze factory lamps, see Vindonissa, pp. 257-258. Broneer 541, pl. XI, glazed, and CL 1606, unglazed. o20 21 2
Before the late lamps can be discussed, the question of Corinthian lamp fabric must be raised. Broneer did not identify any lamps later than the 3rd century as Corinthian,nor did he mention a reason for the cessation of lampmaking activities in Corinth. The Corinthianlamp fabric of the 4th-6th century can now, however, be identified. In searching for the local fabric of any given site, the fabric most frequently represented must naturally be considered first. Among the 4th-6th century lamps of Corinth, a good 75 per cent are of a fabric which was describedby Broneer as the second variety of type XXVIII, a fabric occurringin types XXXI and XXXII.2 "The second variety of clay is dark red, very hard and well baked, and usually The lamps of the second class, of which no examples have contains white particles of lime. .... been found at Athens, are apparently imported from some other locality, where lamps of the "2 In the absence of moulds, a decisive indication of local Christiantype were also produced ... manufacture is provided by series of lamps derived from the same archetypes. Lamps of the hard dark red fabric describedabove have been found in series in sufficient quantity to indicate that Corinth had a large lamp industry in the 4th-6th century.25The stumbling block to accepting these lamps as Corinthianis neither their shape nor schemes of decoration,for these have strong association with the earlier lamps of Corinth;it is the color and the texture of the clay. The transition from the light-colored fine fabrics of the 2nd century to the coarse dark fabric of the 4th century may be followed in the descriptions of the fabric of Broneer type XXVII lamps.26The fabric of Broneer type XVI is also dark and coarse.2 The hardeningand darkening of the Attic fabric which occurred after the Herulian invasion, A.D. 267, may serve to posit a similar situation in Corinth. In the 4th century some Corinthianlamps continued the Corinthiantraditions of the 2nd century.2 Most of them were imitations of Attic, a vogue that had its beginnings as early as the mid-3rd century. The Corinthian lampmakers also copied the signatures of the Attic lampmakers instead of using their own.29When in the late 4th and early 5th century Attic lampmakers turned to imitations of Asia Minor and North African lamps, Corinthianlampmakers did the same. Corinth,XIV, p. 164, pl. 67, gives a good bird's eye view of 5th-7th century lamps, both local and imported, found at Corinth.
different fabrics, not necessarily from North Africa. Possibly imitations of North African lamps made in the eastern Aegean area were sold in Athens. The round lamp, 340, is identical with lamps found in the smaller catacombs in Syracuse; it has nevertheless been classed with the North African lamps because of its rim ornament and fabric. The term "Asia Minorlamps" is borrowedfrom F. Miltner;3'346-366 are grouped as imports from Asia Minorlargely on the basis of the numerous published lamps from Ephesos and Miletos.32 As a general working rule for identifying most of the 4th to 7th century Asia Minor lamps and their local imitations in Greece, the following typical characteristics may be listed: raised edge around wick-hole, loops or tongues between nozzle and disk, sloping rim, handle ending in fishtail, planta pedis on base, underside of nozzle set off by double grooves. Asia Minor lamps began to be imported earlier than North African lamps, in the second half of the 4th century, and the trade continued into the 7th century.33 367-376 (P1. 11) are various late imports of unknown provenience.
31 See Ephesos, IV, p. 100, and Menzel, p. 94. 32Ephesos, IV; Walters, p. 229, see under Ephesus; many lamps from Miletos appear in Menzel's catalogue. 3 All of the lamps of Broneer's type XXIX are either Asia Minor imports or local imitations.
BACKGROUND The chapters in the history of Roman Athens to which the study of her lamps may to some extent contribute are many of them well known; excavation is gradually providing evidence for events poorly or not at all documentedin the literary sources. A brief outline of those events which most affectedthe lamp industry and which will be emphasizedin this study is offeredhere. The devastation of the Athenian Kerameikos by Sulla in 86 B.C. left the surviving lampmakers with few facilities and without hope of an export market. Working for the home trade the artisans of the following years continued to manufacture lamps of a style already familiar (Howland types 35ff.); there is no evidence of enterprise or originality. Gradually, in the Augustan era, a certain prosperity returned and with it appearedimports from Italy and from Asia Minor; the common Athenian lamp is still, however, a Hellenistic survival and careful copies of well-made imported lamps are extremely rare. About the middle of the 1st century after Christ, however, the alpha globule lamp appeared, owing something to current imported fashions but chiefly notable for the fact that it was as easy to make and as inexpensive as were the Hellenistic types which it finally displaced. For a hundred and fifty years it served the needs of all those Athenians whose tastes or pockets did not provide for bronze or silver. Produced in large numbers and in an undeviating monotony, the alpha globule lamp well illustrates the fact that the public works sponsored by the Antonines did not affect the depressionof the times and had little influence on standards of art or of skill in objects produced for local needs in the minor crafts. Towards the end of the 2nd century, however, the scene suddenly changes and influence from Corinth which in earlier ages had sometimes given a fillip to Athenian ingenuity appears in the shape of close imitations of Corinthianlamps. From the early 3rd century onwards the history of the lamp industry in Athens is that of the great lampmaking shops. The successes of the 3rd century lampmakersreceived a depressingsetback at the hands of the Herulians in A.D. 267; this sudden incursion, devastating though it was to the outward appearanceof classical Athens, cannot however be compared with the long-drawn-out struggle against Sulla. The lampmakersrevived with remarkablespeed; although the quality of the best of the 3rd century lamps was never recaptured, the lamp industry once again flourished. A second serious interruption came towards the end of the 4th century with the incursion of the Goths under Alaric (A.D. 396), and a further disaster at ca. A.D. 580. The remains of the elegant and substantial brick structures erected in the 5th century on the foundations and often out of the materials of their classical predecessorsare too uniformly covered by consistent masses of wreckage to lend any color to the thought that private disasters alone can have been responsible.From this blow in the 6th century the city's population never recovered.When once more, in the 10th century, lamps were commonly made in Athens, all connections with the mouldmade lamps of the Attic shops had been lost and the cycle which began with the saucer lamps of the 7th century B.C. began once more with a simple open saucer. This outline is of necessity oversimplified;yet if one is to appreciate the achievements of the Athenian craftsmen of the 3rd century one must see them less against the background of the complex history of the Roman world as a whole than as a part of their own city, as evidence both of its trials and of its almost infinite powers of recuperation.
Attic lamps of the 1st and 2nd centuries after Christ continued the Hellenistic tradition; only a few half-hearted adjustments show that the Attic lampmakers were aware of the changes initiated in the second half of the 1st century B.C. which culminated in the Roman relief lamp. The lamps of this period have, as already noted, been divided between Agora, IV and the present study. Many survivals of Hellenistic types were published in Agora, IV in order not to break up series reaching back to earlier times; the other lamps of the period are published here. In order, however, to give a complete picture of the 1st and 2nd centuries, the following discussion takes into account all the varieties of lamps, including those published in Agora, IV. The lamps of this period fall roughly into four groups: 1. the small number of wheelmade lamps which continued to be produced in the 1st century after Christ 2. the large number of mouldmade lamps in the Hellenistic tradition which continued into the 1st and early 2nd centuries 3. the alpha ear lamps and the alpha globule lamps which combine Hellenistic shapes with some Roman innovations 4. a small number of sporadic imitations of imported lamps of various shapes The wheelmade lamps of the 1st century were published in Agora, IV; they are to be found in Howland types 35 C, C', D and Variants.' The lamps in the remaining three groups are all mouldmade. 1st and 2nd century lamps in the Hellenistic tradition published in Agora, IV are to be found among the following Howland types:2 Undecorated Ephesos lamps and Attic imitations Imitations of Knidos lamps Rays Broad Tongues Garland of olive, ivy or other leaves Imbricated leaves Garlandedboukrania Rosette or pellet Miscellaneousmoulded Types 44 C, D Types 49 A, B Types 50 B, C Types 52 B, 52 Variants Type 53 Types 54 A, 54 Variants Types 55 B, C; 56 A, B Type 57 Types 58, 58 Variants No. 826
In addition to these lamps, and belonging with them, are 377--390 (P1. 13). Many of these types, according to Howland, died out in the early 1st century after Christ, while Types 44 C and D, 52 H, 53, 54 D and Variants, 55 C, 58 B and Variants all continued longer, some of them to the early 2nd century. That lamps representing survivals of Hellenistic types continued in use on a large scale in Athens throughout the 1st century after Christ and into the early 2nd century alongside lamps distinctively Roman in character is most readily demonstrated by the deposit index, pp. 224228. The Hellenistic types discussed by Howland are indicated there for each deposit, after the
1 In Corinth wheelmade lamps were manufactured in quantity in the 1st century after Christ. Cf. O. Broneer, "A Late Type of Wheel-made Lamps from Corinth," A.J.A., XXXI, 1927, pp. 328ff. 2 Not all of the lamps in the Howland types cited are as late as the 1st and 2nd centuries after Christ.
catalogue numbers of the Roman lamps.3A good example of the overlap is provided by a well filling, D 11: 1, of the late 1st century B.C.into the mid-1st century after Christ; here the Hellenistic survivals number 24, representing 15 types, and the Roman lamps are but eight.4 The third group, the alpha ear lamps 397-417 (P1. 13) and the alpha globule lamps 418-627 (P1.14),continues the Hellenistic tradition but embodies some Roman features. Alpha ear lamps appearedin the mid-lst century and ceased around the mid-2nd century. Alpha globule lamps formed the mainstay of Attic production during the second half of the 1st century and the 2nd century. Both are related to Hellenistic lamps in having a plain disk and a band handle separately attached. Like many 1st century Attic Hellenistic lamps they carry a relief alpha on the base. In fabric and in glaze they resemble the late Hellenistic lamps of the preceding group and they were made in the same shops. These lamps, however, have some features which show that their makers were aware of new developments in Asia Minorand in Italy. The alpha ear lamps have a large disk and a small rim, an innovation of the late 1st century B.C.,and the alpha globule lamps have volutes, perfunctory slapdash affairs.5 The lamps of the fourth group are imitations of imported lamps: 391-393 (P1. 13) and 628633 (P1.14). At all times in the history of Attic lamps one or two examples of a shape that is not repeated may occur. The Attic lampmaker,even in bad times, was always lively, apt to become impatient with routine and to amuse himself with trying something new and curious.6Therefore it seems certain that all of the Attic lamp shapes of the 1st and 2nd centuries are not yet known and that small numbers of imitations of Italian, Corinthianand Asia Minor lamps will still be found. Against the local production of the 1st and 2nd centuries, the imported lamps, 1-318 (Pls. 1-9), present a brilliant contrast, particularly because they delight in a variety of interesting disk reliefs. Why did the Attic lampmakersnot make disk reliefs when the rest of the world was doing so? The problem gains in importance when one turns to the other clay objects of the period and finds that relief work in clay was virtually unknown in 1st and 2nd century Athens. Except for the terracotta antefixes of the Odeion7and other buildings, Athenian craftsmen working with clay did not adorn their products with any kind of representation. After the Augustan period there are almost no Attic terracotta figurines, plastic lamps, lamps with figured disks, plaques, reliefs or head vases until the late 2nd century. This absence of relief work in a city distinguished for its coroplastic tradition provides archaeological corroboration for the disastrous economic situation known from literary and epigraphical sources. Graindor not only collected the sources; he also built up from widely scattered bits of evidence an impressive picture of the economic depression in Athens during the 1st and 2nd centuries. He insistently pointed out that the apparent prosperity implied by the great building programs of Hadrian and Herodes Atticus, the series of rich and frequent festivals, the tremendoustourist trade, and the flourishingexport trade in sculpture must not be taken to mean that the economic situation as a whole was sound. He gave many reasons for believing that, on the contrary, it was unstable and that most of the people of Athens were very poor. The exhaustion of the Laureion mines and the diminution of Athens' island possessions had cut off two sources of revenue. In the 1st century B.C. the depredations of Sulla and the extortions of Verres impoverishedthe city whose tangled finances Cicero'sfriend Atticus vainly
3 Several deposits of this character have been added to those already cited in Agora, IV. 4 The date of this deposit given in Agora,IV, p. 236, as the "turn of the era" has been revised after re-examination of the pottery and lamps. Although the deposit is predominantly early Roman, the latest material is of the mid-1st century after Christ. Any other readjustments between deposit dates already published and those listed here have been based on similar re-examination of the material. 5 For a fuller account of the alpha ear lamps and the alpha globule lamps see the discussion, pp. 14-17. 6 The worst fate an Athenian could think of was to be "as one hearing nothing curious" (Hesperia, V, 1936, p. 45). Hesperia, XIX, 1950, p. 50, fig. 6, pl. 87.
attempted to bring into order. The Athenians worsened their lot by invariably siding with the loser in the civil wars of Rome. In the 1st century after Christthe offices of strategos and archon devolved on citizens who were rich enough to defray the costs of these posts; the repetition of strategoi and the anarchic years show that there were not enough wealthy citizens to support the state. The upkeep of the antiquities and the expenses of innumerablefestivals were a drain on the treasury. Accordingto Dio Chrysostomthe citizens of Athens were in the last extremity.8 The situation deteriorated further in Hadrian's time when the Athenians considered raising money by selling Delos. When the wheat shortage caused bread riots the treasury was not able to purchase wheat from abroad and the riots were settled by distributions of wheat from Hadrian. For a long time Attic exports were limited to sculpture, honey and oil. The oil laws of Hadrian reveal what difficulties were experienced in keeping a good supply of this essential commodity on hand at reasonable prices in Athens. Similarly, there was a law regulating the sale of fish. In such times only the arts directly and heavily subsidized by the emperor and the wealthy flourished,i.e. architecture and sculpture. Thus the paradoxical situation arose in which ivory and gold colossal sculpture was made in Athens at a moment when cheap clay figurineswere not being made at all. In addition to supplementing Graindor's evidence for a depression, the lamps make it possible to add precisionin one detail. The depressionbegan directly after the Augustan period. At this time there was a distinct falling off in the quality of the clay and glaze.9More ominous is the disappearanceof lampmakers'signatures. Proteas, Isodotos and others signed their lamps in the Augustan period, after which signatures are no longer found. A signature is a sign of pride and enterprise; the abandonment of names on lamps must have derived from the same feeling of apathy which caused the lampmakers spiritlessly to continue versions of Hellenistic shapes, the lamps bought by the poor of Athens. The rich purchased bronze lamps and candelabra, marble candelabra and imported lamps such as 1-318. ALPHA EARLAMPS
397-417, PLATE 13
These lamps all have ear-shapedlugs at the sides and most of them have alpha on the base.10 The disk is large and plain, with a channel to the wick-hole. The rim is narrow and plain, sometimes flat and sometimes rounded; it encloses the channel as well as the disk. The rounded nozzle may be short or fairly long. The Attic lamps are imitations of 1st century imports such as 82-84 and 199-200, probably all from the eastern Aegean area. Two examples in Corinth, Broneer 473, pl. X and CL 1734, were probably imported from Italy where the shape also occurs. These lamps were used in Athens from the mid-ist to the mid-2nd century; at other sites they are generally dated to the 1st century."
8 Evidence for a "violent disaster" to the fortifications on the Pnyx in the 1st century after Christ has been uncovered by H. A. Thompson and R. L. Scranton, "Stoas and City Walls on the Pnyx," Hesperia, XII, 1943, pp. 863-364. The latest finds from the destruction debris are lamps of Broneer type XX (alpha globule lamps) which place the event around A.D. 50 or later, not in the first half of the century as Scranton believed. This disaster, historically unexplained, adds an interesting detail to Graindor'sportrait of Athens' misfortunes in the 1st century. 9 See Agora, IV, p. 182. For alpha on 1st and 2nd century Attic lamps, see the discussion of alpha globule lamps, pp. 16-17. o10 I" For ear lamps from other sites see Brants 415, 417, 726, pls. IV-V, from Troas, Smyrna and Carthage; Haken 60, pl. VII, from Smyrna; Ephesos, IV, 5, pl. I and 82, pl. XI; Menzel 239, 241-242, from Miletos; Vindonissa 637, pl. XVII; Walters 510, pl. XIV, from Tunis; Bachofen, pls. XXXIII, LII; unpublished lamps from Cosa, Italy, CEL 3, 5, 290, 826, 337. For discussion see Vindonissa, p. 228; Broneer, pp. 80-83; Menzel, p. 46.
418-627, PLATE 14
The lamp is deep bodied, with a plain disk, globules all over the body, rounded nozzle with volutes, a curved ridge defining the underside of the nozzle, and an alpha in relief on the base. A band handle is usual.12This shape correspondsto Broneer type XX, formerly dated in the Augustan period and into the first half of the 1st century.'3 Alpha globule lamps are not recordedin the numerous Augustan contexts in the Agora. They first appeared around the middle of the 1st century,14 were producedin greatest quantity in the late 1st and early 2nd centuries, and lasted throughout the 2nd century. The distribution and chronological range may be gauged by consulting the chronologicallisting by groups for 457549. This listing will not, however, serve to convey an idea of the magnitude of production. Of the two hundred and eight catalogued lamps, very few come from the same or related moulds; at least two hundred moulds are representedby the Agora lamps alone. A conservative estimate would place the total number of moulds in the thousands, the lamps in the hundreds of thousands. The origin of the shape is an open question. Broneer assumed that the shape developed in Athens and in support of his view he published three lamps which may link Attic Hellenistic shapes and alpha globule lamps.5 A lamp found on the Pnyx may confirm his observations.16 A difficulty in the way of accepting this explanation is that the dates of these possibly transitional examples are not known; they may be contemporary with or later than alpha globule lamps. Another possibility is that the alpha globule lamp developed outside of Greece and that the Attic lamps are close imitations of imported lamps. However, no imported lamps of this shape have been published, and the question of the origin of the shape must await further evidence." Within the time span of about one and a half centuries, consistent changes have not been traced. Many variations in style and great fluctuations in technique are to be noted, but these do not serve to form a sequence. The great number of moulds accounts for the confusingvariety. New moulds, old moulds, retouched moulds, and moulds of differentgenerationswere all in use at the same time. A broad distinction may be made between features which are usually, not always, confined to earlier lamps and those of later lamps. Earlier Features Width: Handle: Volutes: ca. 0.063-0.072 m. high band handle, separately attached front knobs continued as ribs on sides of nozzle (occasional) LaterFeatures ca. 0.05-0.058 m. low band handle, separately attached; mouldmade handle traces of ribs or none
12 A few lamps which 13 Broneer, p. 73. vary in one or two of these details are described in the catalogue. 14A. W. Parsons, Hesperia, XII, 1943, p. 245, noted that these lamps "seem not to appear in Athens until after the middle of the century." H. S. Robinson considers it likely that these lamps were introduced earlier, in the first half of the 1st century (Agora, V, p. 30) on the basis of the finds in Group G, Layer II. He found alpha globule lamps both in Layer Ha (thrown in during the first quarter of the 1st century) and in Layer IIb (thrown in twenty-five to forty years later). Robinson pointed out that the nature of a cistern filling does not allow of a narrowly defined stratigraphy (ibid., p. 23) and for this reason he would not insist on the few fragments from Layer Ha. Layer IIb which contains alpha globule lamps in abundance also has 629 which is an imitation of a factory lamp, and therefore dates in the last quarter of the 1st century. The presence of the imitation factory lamp leaves the possibility open that other lamps in this filling are also later than the first half of the 1st century. 16See Pnyx, I, 105, pp. 46, 60, 15 See Broneer, pp. 71-72, figs. 32-33. fig. 25. Walters 1403, fig. 334, from Ephesos, is fairly close to the alpha globule lamp. The drawing seems to show an upper 11 mould, not a lower as stated in Walter's text. Alpha is incised on the outside of the mould.
Body: Globules: Base: ribbed (pincushion effect) in regular rows, circularly or radially raised (infrequent) large firm alpha in relief
Later Features
very indistinct ribs or none haphazardly placed; often repunched in the mould alpha in relief with strokes carelessly crossing each other indistinct alpha incised alpha (rare) no letter (infrequent) other letters (rare)
Other variations of no particular aid in fixing the date of the lamp are as follows: the disk is framedby one, two or three rings. A basket handle appears occasionally.The base is framed by one or two rings. Globules are sometimes scattered around on the underside of the nozzle or on the base. The technique varies greatly, and lamps with blurry or smeared outlines and a shabby coat of glaze which "ought" to be late occur throughout. One alpha globule lamp has a mouldmade handle and a rim of ovolo pattern instead of the usual This lamp probably dates in the late 2nd century and marks the first timid imitation of Corinthianlamps by an Attic lampmaker. Three alpha globules are signed: 434, 435, 454. Almost all alpha globule lamps have a large broken-barredalpha in relief or incised on the base. Before enquiringinto the meaning of the letter on these particularlamps, it is necessary to point out that alpha on lamp bases is a widespreadphenomenon; the only distinctive feature of the Attic lamps in this connection is that almost all the Attic lamps from the second quarter of the 1st century after Christ to the last quarter of the 2nd century carry the alpha, whereas in other cities it occurs sporadically for shorter periods.19The same problem is raised by the planta pedis which also occurs all over the Mediterraneanarea, sometimes in isolated examples, sometimes on many lamps from a single site such as Miletos or Ephesos. The wide range in time and space of both alpha and the planta pedis does not preclude the possibility that each may have had a definite meaning for lampmakers at certain times in certain places. Bigot thought that alpha stood for Athens.20 His surmise implies that Attic lamps were advertised as distinct from those of other towns and superior.In fact, Attic lamps of this date were inferior compared to Corinthian,Italian, or eastern Aegean lamps; they were not exported and had no reason to advertise. Walters suggested that the alpha differentiated the lower from the upper mould in the process of lampmaking.21 The way in which this would have aided the lampmakeris not clear. Howland tentatively offered a number of suggestions about the Hellenistic Attic lamps of the 1st century after Christwith alpha on the base.22He thought that alpha might be a maker's mark, or a symbol of quality, or a signature pirated from imported lamps, but he made it clear that none of these explanations is fully satisfactory.23Quite possibly one of his suggestions may
18 Pnyx, I, 112, p. 61, fig. 26. 19Waldhauer 419; Vindonissa 286, fig. 9; Menzel 233, fig. 35; Walters 400, 435, 1403; imported lamps in the Agora, 21, 90, 91, 95. 1868, pp. 46-47. There is no exact description or illustration of the lamp he 2oBulletin de l'dcolefranfaise d'Ath&Unes, mentions, which was probably signed by the 4th century fabricant A -, and therefore has no bearing on the lamps under consideration. His suggestion is worth recalling, however, since it is a natural one. 21 History of Ancient Pottery, II, p. 405; fig. 209, a drawing of an alpha globule mould, is more recognizable in the photo-
graph,Walters1401,pl. XXXVII.
s2 See Agora, IV, 395, and under Howland types 44 D, 50 C, 52 H, 53, 54 D, 55 C, 58 B, 58 Variants. 23 See Agora, IV, pp. 143, 161, 187.
yet provide the reason for the initial use of alpha on late Attic Hellenistic lamps, a reason whose significance was lost when alpha was later indiscriminately applied to 1st and 2nd century Attic lamps. The discovery of easternAegean prototypes for Attic lamps of the second quarter of the 1st century after Christ could probably provide the clue to the meaning of alpha. LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES
In the early 3rd century a change in aim revolutionizedthe Attic lamp industry. The 3rd century lamp shapes and styles are entirely differentfrom and far superiorto those of the preceding two centuries. The historian of Athens is faced with the problem of explaining the economic and artistic revival which, in the beginning of the 3rd century after Christ, caused the minor arts of the city to gain so immeasurablyin quantity and quality. The two main shapes of the 3rd century are lamps with kite-shaped nozzle and lamps with U-shaped nozzle. In the following paragraphsthe origin and style of the two main shapes will be discussed.24 Attic lampmakers borrowed the lamp with the kite-shaped nozzle directly from Corinth. It would be interesting to know what stimulus caused the lampmakersto abandon the uninspired, endlessly repeated alpha globule lamps and to begin imitating Corinthian lamps with disk reliefs. A comparisonof an alpha globule lamp with a Corinthianlamp, 223 (P1.7), will make it clear that Attic lampmakers had to master new and difficult techniques in order to turn out imitations of Corinthianlamps. The handles of alpha globule lamps are straps, easily attached by pressing down the ends with the thumb. The handles of Corinthianlamps are made in both the upper and lower moulds; the parts must be accurately joined and the joint carefully trimmed down. In the same way, the joins between the halves of the Corinthianlamp must be carefully pared or the shape of the lamp is spoiled. Corinthian lamps had a great variety of reliefs on the disks; this entailed special artists to model the archetypes and much greater skill both in making moulds and in taking lamps from the moulds with care not to coarsen the delicate relief. Retouching an alpha globule mould was a mechanical matter of punching in the globules and gouging out the circles which would appear as rings on the disk and base. Retouching a Corinthianmould or lamp requiredsome of the same skill in modelling as that which went into creating the archetype. The thin fabric of Corinthianlamps was also a difficultachievement for the Attic lampmakers accustomed to heavier fabrics. An alpha globule lamp with Corinthianovolo rim marks the dawning interest in Corinthianlamps.25 At the beginning of their apprenticeshipthe Attic makers stuck as closely as possible to their Corinthian models. Not only did they copy Corinthianshapes and schemes of decoration but they also made an especial effort to reproduce the cream-buffcolor of Corinthianclay. Their success in imitating the Corinthianfabric has in the past caused lamps of Attic manufacture to be mistaken for Corinthian.26 The evidence of lampmakers'signatures now makes it certain that in the 3rdcentury Attic lamps were producedin extremely light colors. Thirty-ninelamps signed by Elpidephoros have been found in Athens, none in Corinth. Fifty lamps signed by Pireithos have been found in Athens, none in Corinth. Ninety-four signatures of the Leaf Shop have been found in Athens, four in Corinth.All three of these Attic shops turned out lamps of a light buff
In addition, a few lamps with egg-shaped and heart-shaped nozzles and some unusual shapes were made. 15Pnyz, I, 112, p. 61, fig. 26. 26 For close Attic imitations of Corinthian lamps, see 649 (Pl. 15), 1446 (P1.27), 1466 and 1469 (P1. 28), 1784 (P1. 30), lamp of Eunomos (Pl. 28, m).
on sale in the shops. The rare lamps such as the Leda lamp, 781, are usually oversize, that is wider than the normal 9 cm. The large size may have been dictated by the dimensions of the metal originals rather than by the wish to produce a longer-burning lamp. In any case the Attic lampmaker in adopting and adapting Corinthian lamps was strongly influenced by contemporary metalware and probably in some cases the borrowing from bronze to clay was direct.
color, some of them of a creamier white than ever appears in Corinthianlamps of the Roman period. Although these colors are in contrast to the dark buffs and oranges of the Attic lamps of the first two centuries of our era, they should cause no surprise when considered against the background of Attic ceramic history. In Attic pots of Mycenaeanand Geometrictimes the clay appears commonly as light-colored. Throughoutthe succeeding centuries Attic potters whether by accident or by design often produced a creamy rather than a pinkish fabric.27 In the first half of the 3rd century Attic lampmakers created a style of their own while retaining the basic features of the Corinthianlamps. The distinguishing mark of the Attic style of this period as compared to the Corinthianis the heightened use of relief on disk, rim, handle and base. Attic disk reliefs began to display greater depth and subtler modelling; compare the Corinthianlamp 223 (P1. 7) with the Attic lamp 777 (P1. 17). The importance of the disk was often emphasized by framing it with two rings instead of one. The Corinthian lampmakers either confined themselves to a very few rim patterns (ovolo and vine) or they left the rim plain. The rims of Attic lamps blossomed with wreaths, sprays of buds, rosettes, trefoil and reel, guilloche and a specially graceful pattern of grape clusters and leaves, all in relief; see Plate 51. Often the transition from handle to wall was bridged by an ivy or grape leaf; see 777 (P1. 17) and 1472 (P1.36). Finally, the signature on the base was often raised, not incised as on Corinthian lamps, and the base was often framed in one or two rings rather than by the circles seen on Corinthianlamps.8 This emphasis on relief appears to be influenced by metalwork. The leaf at the end of the handle and the base ring are characteristicof metalware.29 The rim of 670 (P1. 15) is an "extraordinarily rich frame made up of imbricate and braided members interrupted by Amazon shields. A design so delicate is likely to have been created for metal and then borrowedby the workerin clay."3 The ElpidephorosHermes is very like a silver emblemra; see under777 (P1.17). The fact that the lamps with the richest and most delicate relief, most reminiscent of metalwork, occur singly or in pairs, while other contemporary reliefs on disks are repeated hundreds of times, suggests that the means of production varied. For example, the Leda, 781 (Frontispiece), Achilles and Priam, 637 (P1. 15), the god with the trident, 750 (P1. 17), Athena, 670 (P1. 15), Sarapis and Isis, 805 (P1. 18) are all so far as is now known unique, and the Elpidephoros Hermes, 777 (P1. 17), appears but twice. Evidently the usual archetype and mould series was not created for these lamps as they were for Eros playing the syrinx, for Poseidon, the dog and other often repeated representations. If the rarer and more complicated reliefs were taken directly from metalware it is possible that the lampmaker used wax moulds to achieve sharper definition and finer details. A wax mould could be used only once or twice. The purchaser of one of these lamps would then be the owner of a collector's item, something not
27 The gradations of clay color to be seen on the Agora shelves which appear to be due in most cases to differencesin firing are so many and so delicate that in the case of the Attic lamps it is probably unnecessary to assume any special admixture of clays but rather to suppose a very careful control of the kiln. Compare for instance the Attic red-figured bell krater, Agora P 21349, Hesperia, XXII, 1953, p. 65, no. 6, pl. 24; the fabric is indistinguishable from Corinthian. n A few published Corinthian lamps display the typical features of Attic lamps described above; see Broneer 646, fig. 123; 566, pl. XI; 582, pl. XII (all of Broneer type XXVII). If the date of Broneer type XXVII is extended to include the 3rd century, as is suggested elsewhere (p. 8), these lamps may be 3rd century Corinthian imitations of Attic. 29 Noted by Kibler, p. 105, in connection with the lamps of Elpidephoros. For bronze ivy leaves as handle attachments, see Allard Pierson Museum, AllgemeineGids, Amsterdam, 1937, pl. XXXVII, no. 767; Pernice, 17, p. fig. 25 (wronglynumbered Abb. 15). 30 H. A. Thompson, Hesperia, XVII, 1948, p. 183.
In the first half of the 3rd century the Attic lampmakersin addition to making lamps based on Corinthianmodels made many lamps with U-shaped nozzles, a shape not in the Corinthian How did this shape reach Athens? The question could be answered in a general repertory.31 way by pointing to 2nd century Italian lamps, but these are highly unsatisfactory parallels for they are not closely similar either in profile or in decoration and the transition between them and the Attic lamps is not clear. No imported lamps have, moreover, been found either in the Kerameikos or in the Agora which could have served as models for the lamps with U-shaped nozzle. These lamps have some features as a groupwhich differentiatethem strikinglyfrom the lamps with kite-shaped nozzle. The way in which Attic lampmakersexperimentedwith copying Corinthian lamps, learned through trial and error, mastered the technique and imbued the shape with their own style has been described above. Lamps with U-shaped nozzle, on the contrary, show no such signs of experimentation and development; they entered the Attic repertory in a fully developed form and were not altered or improvedby the Attic lampmakers. They continued to be producedfor over a century with no changes, sufferingonly the deterioration caused by the continued use of old moulds. The narrowly limited repertory of disk reliefs is another significant feature of the lamps with U-shaped nozzle. Only three disk reliefs appear in quantity: crescent (1067ff.), bull's head Yet these lamps with crescent, bull's head and leaves were (1036ff.) and eight leaves (1620ff.)32 made at the same time, indeed in the same shops, as the other lamps with more than a hundred different disk reliefs. In view of the fact that it is extremely simple to transfer a disk relief from one type of lamp to another, only powerful conservatism could account for the rigid adherence to such a poverty-stricken set of disk reliefs. The conservatism worked in both directions, for 3rd century lamps with kite-shaped nozzle almost never display the disk reliefs of crescent, eight leaves and bull's head. This conservatism then was recognized among the lampmakers as a tradition to be respected. Lamps with such fixed and enduring features may have derived from a more enduring and conservative medium, namely bronze. This is no more than speculation, for no comparable bronze lamps are known. Technical details, however, point to bronze originals. 1149-1152 (P1.24) have imitation rivets. When rivets enter a clay series they tend to decline rapidly into small circles as on 1166 (P1. 24) since their function is soon forgotten.33 The rivets on 1149 (P1. 24) have not deterioratedinto small circles, but stand out in relief; the lamp may be fairly close to a bronze original. The convex disk on some of these same lamps (see 1146, 1149, 1152, P1. 24) is also an indication of a bronze prototype, for convex forms are feasible in bronze whereas in clay a convex disk is apt to sag while the clay is still damp, and to lose its shape. Occasionally the handle is set at the very edge of the rim; see Plate 23, a. Such an attachment would be secure enough in metal but is not practicable on a clay lamp where the handle must have a good purchase on rim and wall. Further, concentric rings are typical of lathe-turned bronze lamps, plates and mirrors; they occur on the bases of many lamps with U-shaped nozzle; see 1259 (P1. 25). The lamps with U-shaped nozzle, then, are either directly dependent on bronze originals or indirectly dependent through a series in clay. If the shapes were borrowedfrom imported clay lamps, one would expect to find some of the imported examples among the thousands of lamps found in the Kerameikos and the Agora. Disappearance of bronze originals would be less surprising;only eight bronze lamps of Roman times have been found in the Agora, 2943-2950.
In the 3rd century the Corinthian lampmakers borrowed the shape from Athens. A few subjects appear once or twice, such as pelta, Eros and boat. 33 Similarly when suspension lugs on factory lamps were translated into clay, the lugs, no longer useful for holding chains, became the flat panels retained in Corinthian lamps. 34 D. K. Hill, "The Technique of Greek Metal Vases," A.J.A., LI, 1947, p. 251, pl. LVIII.
A few other shapes were directly borrowed from bronze. 2024 (P1. 33) has a loop, useless in clay, for attaching bronze chains. 2034-2039 are handle shields. For the clearest example of imitation of bronze, see 2033 (P1. 33). The metal ware of 3rd century Athens may never be recovered; few pieces survived the Herulian destroyers and escaped the metalworkers' furnaces. Its reflection in clay is thus of special interest. The life of the city of Athens was severely disturbed by the Herulian invasion of A.D. 267.3 The coinage of the city was discontinued.3- "The cessation of exEphebic training was stopped.36 of Attic and the port sarcophagi disappearance of sculptured grave stelai at about this time show to what an extent sculptural output was affected."' The physical ruin is most vividly pictured in IH.A. Thompson's account of the destruction of a kitchen belonging to a private house.39 The lamps of the late 3rd century show the crippledstate of Attic industry after the Herulian invasion. Skilled potters may have perished and the potters' quarterswere certainly destroyed. New kilns had to be built and in the ruined city it would have been hard to find the materials with which to build and the wood with which to fire them. A high proportion of wasters, ranging from failures to usable but highly unattractive lamps bent out of shape, attest the difficulties in controlling the results in hastily constructed kilns. In the depressionthe potters were forced to lower their standards. Whereas in the mid-3rd century they had taken pride in wellwashed, carefully prepared clay, in the late 3rd century they used coarser clay and concealed its cheap appearance beneath a fine cream-coloredslip. Many lamps, especially those of Eutyches' shop, show the light fine slip peeling off the gritty dark buff or orange clay below. The sole saving factor among all the difficulties which beset the lampmakersat this time was that some of the archetypes and many of the moulds had been preserved. Relatively few new moulds and perhaps no new archetypes were made in the late 3rd century; the potters got along with what they had saved. The post-Herulianlamps which come from the old pre-Herulianmoulds present two appearances, differing from each other greatly. The reliefs on many of the lamps are so blurredas to be meaningless, while other reliefs have an incisive steely impressionism.Both the cloudy blur and the linear impressionism are the results of working with old moulds. When a lamp emerged from one of the outworn moulds the potter apparently gave it a look and, depending on how hurried he felt and how presentable the lamp appeared to be, he either left the lamp unretouched,that is with blurryrelief, or else he scratched a few explanatory outlines and details on the figure or design. This inconsistent procedurein retouching is a critical consideration when determining the dates of lamps from undated contexts; pieces which are apparently of totally different styles may be contemporaneous and, technically speaking, nearly identical. The lamps of the beginning of the 4th century attest a remarkablerecovery from the effects of the Herulian invasion. The recovery is shown by the creation of new archetypes and moulds, by an increase both in lampmakers' signatures and in production and by the changed appearance of the lamps. New archetypes were made to produce the lamps with disk reliefs of the lion and tree, 968 (P1. 21), the bust of Dionysos with kantharos, 679 (P1. 16), the bear, the panther and others. New signatures from this period are Rouphos, Soteros, Krateros, Eudoros, Stratolaos and others. Export of lamps to other parts of Greece,to Pannonia and to the eastern Aegean area was resumed on a large scale.4oThe lamps from the beginning of the 4th century on were
35Day, Economic History, pp. 258-261. 3 Agora, I, pp. 91-92. " J. P. Sqear, "Athenian Imperial Coinage," Hesperia, V, 1936, p. 827. 38 Agora, I, p. 92. 3 Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 217-218; Journal of Roman Studies, XLIX, 1959, pp. 62-63.
sturdy, firmly constructed, virtually unbreakableobjects. The reliefs are in a hard self-confident style. The lampmakersagain turned to making oversized lamps, always a sign of ambitious skill called forth by money in the pockets of customers. At some time in the first quarter of the 4th century, the use of glaze, given up at the end of the 2nd century, was reintroduced; the colored glossy surface of the glaze is in keeping with the machine-made appearance of the lamps. The most striking feature of 4th century lamps is the disappearanceof relief representations and of modelling, with the correspondingrise of abstract two-dimensional art. The gradual disappearanceof disk reliefs may be followed by comparingthe repertoriesof the , Chione and Soteria, extending from the second half of larger lampmakers, Eutyches, Ky the 3rd century to the first half of the 5th. Eutyches has both the greatest variety and the greatest number of reliefs; Soteria made plain or patterned lamps almost exclusively. The change in style from plastic to linear treatment may be traced on the rims of vine-andray lamps, Plates 28 and 41. Plate 28, 1487, 1499, 1506, 1511, 1516, 1540 all have a well-modelled grape vine with delicate tendrils; these lamps date in the 3rd century before 267. At this time the art of retouching with a fine pointer was practiced sparingly to enhance blurred relief; for example in 1506 the veins in the leaf have been retouched. 1544, of the mid-3rd century, was retouched with considerablecare both in the mould and on the lamp; the grapes were hollowed out in the mould, and on the lamp the lines of the leaves were incised with a sharp point; the tendrils were left alone, being too delicate to respond to treatment. In the case of 1544 the first concern of the retoucher was the preservation of the original relief. The four following lamps, 1552, 1562, 1566, 1570 (P1.28), of the late 3rd to the late 4th century show how the function of retouchingwas forgotten and how the relief became merely the medium in which the retoucher worked to produce independent effects. By the mid-4th century, the time of 1562 and 1566, Athens owned not a single artist mentally capable of producing a naturalistic relief; hence the work of the retoucher ignored, denied, and transformedthe grapevine. In the mid-4th century all the vine-and-ray lamps were separated from their archetypes by at least one hundred years. 2600 (P1.41) of the early 5th century is an odd piece; the lampmaker, despairing of the lumpy vine pattern, neatly stamped two small circles on each of the leaves, superimposinglinear decoration on the last remains of relief work. 2603-2624 (P1. 41), all of the 5th century, have no connection with plastic treatment; they rejoice in a clean linearity which must have been deeply refreshing after so long an association with a moribund plastic style. To judge by appearancesalone, the change in lamp style might seem to be due to the laborsaving device of retouching with a pointer. This is not the case. Technical processes such as methods of retouchingfollow changesin taste and interact with them; they do not by themselves cause changes in taste. Retouching mouldmade objects of clay had been practiced in Greecefor a millenium before the special conditions of the 4th century producedan environment in which retouching was consciously used to reflect a contemporarychange in taste and to create a new lamp style.4' Although the 4th century lamps show a clear tendency toward linear patterns, it is not possible to say that this tendency alone led to the style of the 5th century lamps. They have a harder,more definite and more purposefulair, and it is noteworthy that the lines of the 5th cen"1 This subject, namely the disappearance of plastic treatment and the rise of the two-dimensional style, is the main topic of K. Kiibler's "Zum Formwandel in der spAitantikenattischen Tonplastik." In its broad treatment and suggestive ideas, relating the lamps to contemporary sarcophagi, sculpture and other arts, this article is invaluable. It lacks, however, any catalogue of the lamps on which the chronological argument is based, and the chronology shifts ground within its own framework. Overemphasis on stylistic parallels with the major arts results, moreover, in an earlier dating for the lamps than is permitted by the Agora evidence, Kibler's dating being in general from twenty-five to seventy-five years earlier than that presented here.
tury rim patterns are in most cases original, not producedby retouching. Probably the imported lamps of the early 5th century, such as the North African lamps, provided the impetus which caused Attic lampmakersto adopt the new style in a positive manner instead of in the 4th century manner of producing patterns in lieu of something better. The lamps of the latest 4th and earliest 5th century furnish evidence of a depressionin Athens, resulting either from damage inflicted directly on the city or indirectly through the ravaging of Attica by Alaric's soldiers. The lamps are far inferior not only to those which preceded but also and 2664 (P1.42) are to those which followed in the early 5th century. 1391 (P1.26) by Ky at that of small made time. plain lamps typical examples the
More than a hundred disk representations and about twenty-five rim patterns of Attic lamps of the 3rd and 4th centuries are now known.42 Although many reliefs are of individual interest, the primary importance of the material lies in the collection as a whole, as a document of Athenian art and preoccupations of the 3rd and 4th centuries. The lamp reliefs provide material for the history of art in Attica; in the field of religion they notably supplement the evidence from inscriptions and representationsin other media; as a minor art, the lamps are a measuring stick of the level of popular culture. None of the disk representations or rim patterns were the creation of the Attic lampmaker; all were borrowedfrom other arts or, rarely, earlierlamps. The originality of the 3rd and 4th century lampmakers lies in their widely ranging choice of subjects, in their ingenuity in adapting these subjects to the small field of the lamp disk, and especially in their independence of lamp repertoriesfrom other towns of the Roman Empire. It is remarkablethat so few Attic copies of Corinthianrelief lamps have been found, in view of the fact that the technical skill in making relief lamps was gained directly from Corinth. In the 1st and 2nd centuries lampmakers all over the Mediterraneanarea had a common fund of representations on which to draw. Instead of making mechanical copies of these ready-made compositions, the Attic lampmakers turned to the works of art which they saw around them in their own city. The exact sources of the Attic lamp repertory are not known. The parallels of the sarcophagi, coins, etc., some of which are cited below,43 are intended to give an idea of the artistic environment in which the lampmakers worked; they are not the objects from which the lampmakers copied directly. The Attic sarcophagiare the most important single source of parallels for the representations on lamps." The reliefs of Eros standing with lyre, Eros playing the syrinx, Eros with double flute to right, and Eros with torch and kantharos are particularly close to reliefs on Erotes sarcophagi. Other striking examples are the reliefs of Achilles and the relief of lion and tree. Many reliefs on lamps derived ultimately also from sculpture in the round, whether it be through coins, gems or other media. The Athena Promachos on lamps and coins was the subject of a special study by B. Pick, and the fragments 670 and 648 give two other Athena types. For other parallels with sculpture and coins, see the Hermes lamp, 776, and the reliefs of dolphin and trident and of the bull's head.45
42 The Attic repertory is presented in the catalogue, arranged by subject matter. Pagan religious and mythological scenes come first, followed by genre scenes, animals and plants, and finally Christiansymbols. Since many reliefs are not represented among the Agora lamps, an effort has been made to make the repertory more complete by including references to lamps in other collections. Some of the notable gaps are filled by the Kerameikos lamps shown on Plate 23, published with the kind permission of Dr. D. Ohly. aMore detailed references are given in the catalogue under the separate representations. 4 For a detailed study of the relationship between the sarcophagi and the lamps, see Kiibler, passim, and especially pp. 103-106, 109-116, 120-121, where most of the parallels noted here and in the catalogue are given. 45 See also Asklepios, Herakles and Zeus, Walters 1217, 1222 and 1204.
Reasons were given above (p. 18) for supposing that lamps of the first half of the 3rd century were strongly influenced by metalwork. Some of the reliefs which most strongly recallmetalworkare 781, Leda, 750,god with trident, 777,Hermes,670, Athena. Attic emblemata and lamps have a large number of identical reliefs in common.46The emblemata on terracotta bowls and plates may well have been derived from metal originals. A few reliefs, such as the armed Aphrodite, 638, and Artemis, 647, may have been borrowed from Corinthian lamps and a few are similar to those on lamps from other sites such as the gladiators, 835, and Herakles and Nemean lion, 773. In the case of reliefs with religious or mythological subjects it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the products of cultural tradition and those called forth by the demands of an active cult. One cannot be sure whether the lamps with reliefs of Athena, Poseidon, a Dioskouros and Aphrodite were made to be dedicated in sanctuaries and sold at festivals or whether they were cherished purely as time-honored figures. Some of the reliefs, however, definitely testify to contemporaryreligious practice. The two lamps which have to do with Isis and Sarapis, 780 and 805, with which the Kerameikos boat lamps belong, attest the continued strength of the Isis cult in Athens in the 3rd and 4th centuries.47 Lamps with the relief of the goddess with the double axe, 752ff., began to appear in large numbersin the late 3rd century. Since this relief apparently does not occur in earlier Attic art, and since the relief is not a fixed type but varies in details, the goddess with the double axe probably came to Athens as a goddess, not as an iconographicaltype. 1065 is the earliest Jewish lamp found in Athens, and the lamps with Christian symbols, 1138 ff., are the earliest Christian antiquities of Athens. The paucity of Christian lamps in the second half of the 4th century suggests that the Athenians were very slow to adopt Christianity long after it had become the official religion of the empire. It is not until the first half of the 5th century that Christiansymbols predominate on Attic lamps. The rim patterns of Attic 3rd and 4th century lamps are shown on Plate 51. Their names are listed below with the approximatefloruit of each pattern. The catalogue numbers of the lamps from which the rim patterns were drawn are given in parentheses. 1. Ovolo (748); 3rd century, before 267. 2. Vine (1506); 3rd and 4th centuries. 3. Sprays with three buds (707); 3rd century, before 267. 4. Guilloche (777); 3rd century, before 267. 5. Rosettes with heart-shaped petals (1580); 3rd century, before 267. 6. Rosettes in reversing hooks (781); 3rd century. 7. Dot rosette and stalk (2220); 3rd century. 8. Dot rosettes (808); 3rd century. 9. Ivy leaves and clumps of berries (1419); 3rd century before 267. 10. Raised trefoil and reel (823); 3rd century. 11. Incised trefoil and reel (832); late 3rd century to early 4th century. 12. Row of globules (1088); 3rd and 4th centuries. 13. Globule-and-volute(1242); 3rd and 4th centuries. 14. Interlocking-S (1314); 3rd century, before 267. 15. 16-5 (919); 3rd century, before 267. 16. 8-5 (908); mid-3rd century to early 4th century. 17. Wreath (708); 3rd century. 18. Incised wreath (922); early 4th century.
46 For the list of identical emblemata and lamp reliefs, and discussion, see below, pp. 60-61.
19. Globule wreath (660); mid-3rd century to early 4th century. 20. Triple wreath (970); 3rd century to early 4th century. 21. Three rows of dots (1823); early 4th century. 22. Wavy lines (943); 4th century. 23. Hearts and rings (2044); 4th century. 24. Herringbone (1912); 4th century. 25. Small circles (2790); 5th century. The ovolo pattern (1) was borrowedfrom Corinthianlamps. The hearts and rings pattern (23) appears only on a 4th century revival of the Knidos lamp and may be easily picked out as nonAttic for it is the only pattern which does not travel around the rim; it has no rhythm. The last pattern (25, small circles) does not appear on Attic lamps before the 5th century. Herringbone (24) and globule rims (12) are not confined to Attic lamps. With these five exceptions, all the rim patterns on Plate 51 are distinctively Attic of the 3rd and 4th centuries; even a small scrap of one of these rims found at any site may be securely identified either as an Attic lamp or a local imitation thereof. Plain rims, not shown on Plate 51, were numerousin the 3rd and 4th centuries. In the 4th century the lampmaker often added eight small circles to the plain rim, two at the nozzle, two at the handle, and two flanking each panel. These eight small circles, spaced out, are to be distinguished from the continuous line of small circles (25), which, as already noted, appears first in the 5th century. With the exception of the ovolo pattern (1), no incised motifs appear on Attic rims of the 3rd century before the year 267. After 267 relief was gradually replaced by incision (as also in the case of the disk reliefs and raised signatures). Thus raised trefoil and reel (10) gave way to incised trefoil and reel (11), 8-S (16) was replaced by wavy lines (22), and raised wreath (17) by incised wreath (18) and herringbone (24). By the mid-4th century globule patterns (12 and 13, easy to retouch in the mould) and the stubborn vine (2) were the only relief patterns on Attic rims. The rims of the second half of the 4th century are virtually restricted to herringbone(24, the majority), vine (2), globules (12, 13) and plain. Some of the 3rd and 4th century rim patterns survived in petrified form in the 5th century, notably vine, herringbone and wavy lines, e.g. Plates 41-42.
Large shops Preimos Elpidephoros Leaf Shop Pireithos Minor signatures Sekoundos Epagathos Lenaios ChryKlaros Zosimos
Large shops Leonteus Eutyches Minor signatures Naumachios Olympios Z Krateros Soteros Rouphos Eudoros
(L ) (Menodoros)
Ch S (first half of 4th century) S(second half of 4th century) Chrysanthos (Atha) (De) (Kyrax) Minor signatures EpiKarpeme Paulos
Note: signatures in parentheses are those not represented in the Agora as of June 1959; they are known from the Kerameikos
The presence of signatures, including double signatures, on a significant proportion of Attic lamps of the early 3rd to early 5th century makes it possible to assign these lamps to shops, and to establish the relationship of the shops to one another, by observing where they overlap or where there is direct succession. The shop system is of course known through the great shops of the Arretine potters, brickmakers, makers of factory lamps, etc. The particular interest of the signed Attic lamps resides in the fact that they were made in the 3rd, 4th and 5th centuries when other signed objects, apart from terracotta figurines, were almost entirely absent in Athens. Although the classificationof lamps by shops is based on the eight hundred signed lamps from the Agora, the sorting of the signed lamps into shops could not profitablyhave been undertaken without the aid of a larger and less fragmentary body of material. The lamps found in the Athenian Kerameikos,where the potters' quarterswere established until the end of the 4th century, have provided this additional material. About two thousand signed lamps in the Kerameikos storeroomshave been examined as also the lamps in the National Museum, Athens, which came from the Kerameikos excavations.48Attic lamps in Corinth are the third great source of information on Attic shops.49 The sixty-odd names which appear as signatureson lamps of the early 3rd to early 5th century are not those of individual lampmakers but are rather the trade names of shops. That they cannot be the names of individual makers is plain since some of them, such as Pireithos and Preimos, appear on lamps made more than a century apart. These names are probablythe trade names of the first owners, which continued to be used after the shop passed into other hands. Not only names but also symbols were used; the relief outline of a leaf is the trademark of a shop. Thereforewhen referenceis made to signatures, such as Elpidephorosor Stratolaos, in no case is an individual craftsman meant but always the activity of a shop. There is no question here of defining the style of various craftsmen, only of characterizingthe products of a shop. Full names were most often used in the 3rd century; the names of Preimos, Philomousos and others regularly appear spelled out. Most of the signatures of the late 3rd to early 5th century are given in abbreviated form. One name may be abbreviated in many different ways; for exE. Since more than sixty Efrr, Eurr, EO, ample for Eutyches we have: EO-rXi's, EfrrOX, ECrr0Xn, names are involved and since there are many cases of two or three names beginning with the same letter, as well as the variable factor of signatures not yet known, the problem of assigning lamps with one-letter abbreviations to the proper shop is often acute. For instance does the letter TT stand for Polykarpos, Preimos, Pireithos, Polion, or for a name not yet unearthed? Does E stand for Eutyches or Eudoros, or may it represent both? The method of handling oneletter abbreviations must vary. Wherever possible, the one-letter abbreviations have been associated with longer abbreviations or with full names. The associations were made on the basis of agreementin date and technique. Some lamps with one-letter abbreviationscan be more securely attached to their groups by means of lamps from related moulds. Thus the abbreviation K can confidently be grouped with the lamps signed Kubecause these abbreviations appear on pairs of lamps from related moulds. Since, however, almost nothing is known as to the extent to which moulds were distributed and circulated through the various shops, this criterion is not always reliable. In other cases one-letter abbreviations have been separately treated. For example the lamps signed X are grouped as a separate shop, pending further investigation; they may well prove to belong to the shop of Stratolaos.
The signatures of a few hundred Kerameikos lamps were recorded by A. Brueckner in the inventory of the photographs of the German Archaeological Institute in Athens. This record made it possible to check many readings. 49 For other published and unpublished sources, the Repertories of the Attic shops, pp. 29-59, may be consulted. The unpublished lamps from the caves of Vari and Parnes are two important groups which have not been used in the present study.
The great majority of the signed lamps carry only one signature or abbreviation. There are, however, about ninety lamps which carry two signatures (or abbreviations). These lamps which bear two signatures have been divided into two classes, on the working hypothesis that two different types of information were being recorded in the lampmaking shops. The first class, that of the double signatures, evidently records the names or trademarksof two shops. For example, there are eight lamps which carry the signatures of both Preimos and Leonteus. The Preimos shop began in the early 3rd century; the Leonteus shop started production in the mid-Srd century and continued into the first half of the 4th century. One of the lamps with a double signature is shown on Plate 23,b. There the boldly incised signature of Preimos occupies most of the field, and the abbreviation for Leonteus had to be fitted into the remainingavailable space. Even if one did not have evidence from dated deposits that the Preimos shop is the earlier, the position of the two signatures and the method of signing would convey the information that Leonteus succeeded Preimos. One is not entitled, however, to believe that Leonteus bought Preimos' shop or inherited it. For Leonteus also signed over the signatures of Pireithos and over the trademark of the Leaf Shop, and it is not likely that Leonteus amalgamated three of the largest shops of the 3rd century. Furthermore, the signatures of other lampmakers also appear over the signatures of Preimos, Pireithos and the Leaf Shop. The double signatures, then, imply that moulds passed from the possession of one shop to another; they do not imply changes in ownership of shops. There are also a great many instances in which the transferences of moulds from one shop to another was not conveniently recordedby the addition of the name of the second shop, and this possibility greatly complicates the study of the Attic shops. The second class of lamps with two signatures has the name of a shop occupying the central position, accompaniedby a single letter which does not appearto be an abbreviationfor another shop. In the double signatures described above the second signature is clear and fairly large. The single letters now under consideration are often very small and faintly incised, so that sometimes their very existence is hard to detect. At other times they are easily legible, as on 1974 (P1. 86). The lamps from the shop of Eutyches offer the most varied group of these small letters: A, B, A, E, Z, H, e, I, K,M and N all appear on lamps signed by Eutyches. The Eutyches shop was large, as can be seen from its repertory, and a great many craftsmen must have worked in it during the hundredyears or so of its existence. The small letters may stand for the names of lampmakersemployed in the shop and their appearanceon the lamps may have something to do with records kept within the shop; they were not meant to attract the attention of the customers. Similarly, twentieth century porcelain bears makers' marks in addition to the
name of the firm. In the catalogue entries and repertories these letters are designated as "maker's mark." Most of the makers' marks outside of the Agora are as yet unrecorded; a larger collection of them may provide the clue as to their exact meaning.
In addition to the signed lamps of the early 3rd to early 5th century there are many unsigned lamps. Of these, many may have borne signatures on bases now lost, others have plain bases and still others have bases marked with a branch, with small circles, with a rosette or with a star. There is every reason to believe that the unsigned lamps were turned out in the sixty shops whose signatures are preserved, and there is no reason to suppose that some shops were devoted entirely to producing lamps without signatures. Unsigned lamps often come from moulds related to those of the signed lamps; such cases have been noted in the catalogue. It is in advisable in the
great majority of cases definitely to attribute unsigned lamps to shops on the basis of mould relationships until the shops themselves are better understood.5o Among the unsigned lamps, bases marked with a branch or with five small circles in the form of a cross or quincunx present a special problem which has not been resolved. On the one hand it is not possible to show that the branch and the five small circles are trademarkssimilar to that used by the Leaf Shop. On the other hand, both of these symbols undoubtedly have something to do with the organizationof the shops. One lamp, from the Kerameikos (Inst. phot. Ker. 738, on the base ring. The 7), has five small circles on the base and the signature of the Ky--shop five small circles obviously meant something definite to the signer who, rather than interfere with them, placed the name in a subordinate position on the base ring. The signatures of Leonteus, Soteros, Eutyches and others sometimes are associated with branches or small circles, sometimes not. What these symbols mean remainsuncertain; the answer should lie in a working out of the mould series.
The limitations in our knowledge of the shops have caused correspondinglimitations in the method of presentation. The shops are presented in alphabetical order for convenience; the provisional chronological order is given on pp. 24-25. Although the floruit of each shop has been fixed, the time limits of each are but imperfectly known. Publication of the Kerameikos lamps will necessitate many revisions in the dates of the shops. In order to make the collection as complete as possible, signatures not represented in the Agora are recordedin their places in the series. The referencesto all the known lamps of each shop are collected in the repertories.Within the repertories,the lamps are arrangednot in chronologicalorder, but according to the representations on the disk. This arrangement facilitates references to and from the catalogue which is grouped in the same order.
The chief contribution of the study of the shops is towards a greater precisionin dating. There are few closely dated deposits of the 4th and 5th centuries in Athens. The chain of shops, studied in conjunction with the dated deposits from the Agora and evidence from other sites, has produced a chronologicalsequence independent of considerationsof style, a method more satisfactory than using dated deposits alone to build up style sequences. Such sequences in the case of lamps have usually been based on a theory of the progressivedecadence of Roman art. It is now generally understood that Roman art did not follow an undeviating path of decline from the levels of earlier ages. The alternations of style in late antiquity still demand much study and their chronologicalsequence needs to be pinned down; at the present time style cannot be used to determine chronology. Economic rises and falls are more comprehensiblein terms of individual shops than in terms of lamps in general. Just as biography illuminates history, so a study of single shops makes it easier to understand the factors which may have affected production as a whole. For example, the prosperity of the mid-3rd century, followed by the depression after the Herulian invasion, and the remarkablerecovery in the late 3rd and early 4th century can be more surely traced in the career of the Eutyches shop than among the unsigned lamps. The depression at the very end of the 4th century would scarcely be known were it not for the evidence of the shops of , Chione and others. Ky
A(in relief) KL 1, a base fragment of the late 3rd century, preserves alpha in blurredrelief within a ring; the handle ends in a relief leaf. For alpha in relief in conjunction with other signatures, see 2076 and 2077. AThe signature is always incised alpha which may be a continuation of the relief alpha; see the preceding entry. The double signatures with Preimos, KL 48-51, are among the earliest lamps from the shop which began in the late 3rd century, flourishedin the mid-4th and died out at the end of the 4th century. The shop is noteworthy for the earliest Jewish lamp found in Athens, 1065, and also for imitations of Asia Minor lamps, rare in the 4th century. Broneer 1419, fig. 199 is a direct copy of a Knidos lamp (for discussion see under 2043). 1116 and 1410 show Asia Minorinfluence in regard to shape, while retaining Attic decoration.
Herringbone: KL 2. EROS WITH TORCH AND THYRSOS Panelled, reversing hooks: CL 2744. AND PATERA Globules: Ephesos, EROS WITH TORCH IV, 78, pl. I. GODDESS WITH DOUBLE AXE Panelled, 8-S: 757. Herringbone: Broneer 1191.
Panelled,incisedtrefoiland reel: KL 3.
Vari 24b.
Panelled, plain: 900; KL 4. Plain: 927. APES AT TABLE Panelled, plain: 889. PANTHER, LEFT Herringbone: 993.
Plain: 1065.
Panelled, plain: 1123-1124. Wavy lines: KL 36. Arcs: KL 37-38. Herringbone: 1132; KL 39.
Panelled, plain: 1205. Plain: 1213-1214; with U-shaped nozzle, KL 5-6. Globule-andvolute: 1301; CL 1574. 8-S: 1318; 1429, with square disk. Wavy lines: 1332-1333; Broneer 800, pl. XIII; Broneer 803, 805, 808, 810; KL 7; with square disk, KL 8-9. Disks and hearts: Broneer 1419, fig. 199. Herringbone: 1367, 1410; Broneer 823, 835; KL 10-11. RAYS Plain: 1459. Vine: KL 12; Ashmolean Museum 1954-130. Herringbone: 1610; Broneer 950. ROSETTE Panelled, plain: 1681, 1725, 1748; Broneer 981; Broneer 1372, pl. XXXIII; KL 1322; signature with branch, KL 23. Vine: Broneer 1056, pl. XXXIII; KL 24-25. Panelled, three rows of dots; Broneer 1088, pls. XIV, XXXIII. Wavy lines: 1851; KL 26-31. Herringbone: 1869, 1870, 1884-1886, 1915; Broneer 1012, 1015, 1070, pl. XV, 1072; KL 32-35. DISKMISSING Globule wreath: signature with incised branch, KL 40-41. Wavy lines: KL 4243. Panelled, Herringbone: KL 44-46. Herringbone: CL 1634.
2005, 2016.
THE ATHENIANAGORA:LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD 2078-2098; Broneer 1871, 1872, pl. XXXIII, 1378; KL 57-91; signature with Preimos, KL 49-51; signature with branch, KL 52-56.
'Ay6mrrrtos The lamps from this shop are signed 'AyaTrriov, 'Aya, 'Ay. At present there is no evidence for connecting these signatures with the AMost of the lamps are dated to the second half of the 4th century.
See also 'ApX.'Ep.,1906, p. 114. 'A0aNo examples noted from the Agora. Vari 1. Six lamps, two with rosette on the disk, signed AeA. 'AOrn See 2723. Bp6ptoS The lamps all date to the second half of the 3rd or early 4th century; none is glazed.
Panelled, plain: relief signature, retrograde, with incised leaf, Athens N.M. 3339 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2507, 2509). DISK MISSING Panelled,plain: KL 97-98. Panelled,triple wreath: KL 99-100; with maker's mark e (?), KL 101. BASES 2101-2102; KL 102-104; with maker's mark $ (?), KL 105. A This abbreviation cannot be securely associated with the signature of Dionysia and is therefore treated separately. KL 106, with a bear on the disk, was made in the first quarter of the 4th century; most of the lamps date in the second and third quarters of the century. See also under Dionydia.
Panelled, plain: KL 106. CRESCENT Globules: KL 107. SHELL Wavy lines: KL 108. Herringbone: KL 109.
Globule-and-volute: with maker's mark, 1271. Wavy lines: Broneer 799, fig. 146; KL 110.
PLAIN SQUARE Various:1430; Ephesos, IV, 98, pl. I. ROSETTE Plain: Ephesos, IV, 93, pl. I; Broneer 986,
pl. XXXII; KL 111. Panelled, plain: KL 112-113. Vine: Broneer 1049; KL 114. Panelled, wreath: 1818. Wavy lines: KL 115. Herringbone: KL 116. -: Vari 25a, b. STAR Wavy lines: 1978; KL 119. DISK MISSING Panelled, globules: 2103. BASES 2104; Broneer 1375; Vari 25; KL 117-118, 120-135. AE No examples noted from the Agora. Vari 2. KL 136. W. 0.084 m. Orange to buff clay. Disk: cock and two animals; framing ring. Rim: panels, incised triple wreath. Handle, grooved and pierced, ending in relief leaf. Base: within ring, AEwith central branch. Early 4th century. The signature intended may have been AE. Atov8Sa This signature occurs on 742. Were it corrected to Atowavcfa it might be connected with the Those of are much later date. lamps signed Atowaias. lamps, however, Atowafa The signature is usually At; the full signature is given by Delos B 826, a lamp of the early 5th century. From this shop comes one of the earliest Christianfinds in Greece, Corinth,Tseliolophos165, a glazed lamp of the mid-4th century, see under 1141.
Herringbone: Corinth, Tseliolophos 165. and small circles: Delos B 326, B.C.H., XXXII, 1908, p. 175, unnumbered S-pattern drawing. PLAIN Wavy lines: 1339; Broneer 806, pl. XXXI.
KL 137-138. Herringbone:
See also 'ApX. 'ESp., 1906, p. 114. EA No examples noted from the Agora. KL 139. W. 0.075 m. Disk: basket, two framing rings. Rim: panels, 8-S. Handle: grooved and punched. Base: within circle, EAwith central branch. Early 4th century. 'Evm~rrrp6pos in relief letters. The signature is always 'Ekrmri8p6pov The Elpidephoros shop began in the first half of the 3rd century, was most active in the middle of the century, and ceased production shortly after the Herulian invasion, A.D. 267. The lamps fall into four distinct groups, in each of which the type of disk and rim is associated with a particular form of base.51
51Elpidephoros was discussed by Kubler, pp. 104-108, who first observed the connection between the form of the top and base.
Group 1. This includes the most delicately and richly made lamps such as Aphrodite and the three Graces, Hermes, seated man and horse, and the bull. They stand apart from the other three groups in having two rim bands, a leaf at the base of the handle, and a base ring. These lamps represent the earliest work of the shop and date in the first half of the 3rd century. Kfibler (p. 105) pointed out the likelihood of metal prototypes for these lamps. Group 2. A series of erotes, Eros playing the lyre, Eros playing the syrinx, Eros playing the double flute, left, and Eros with thyrsos and kantharos. These for the most part have plain rims with panels, and the signatures are framed in two closelyspaced circles. They are dated in the mid-3rd century. Group8. Vine-and-ray lamps. The base is framed in a single circle and the signature is accompanied by the relief outline of a leaf. These standard cheap lamps, put out in two sizes, resemble those of the Leaf Shop, Pireithos and Preimos. Group4. Lamps with U-shaped nozzles and three base rings; see under 2106 and 1307. The shop may also have produced unsigned lamps with U-shaped nozzles. For a possible associate of Elpidephoros, see under Eukleides. The repertory of Elpidephoros was transmitted to the 4th century lampmakers mainly through the shops of Leonteus and Eutyches.
Panelled, rosettes in reversinghooks: Athens N.M. 3189 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2513, 2514); Walters 1210, pl. XXXIV. EROS WITH LYRE Panelled, plain: Athens N.M. 3211 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2513, 2514); uncertain signature, Athens N.M. 3231 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2515); Brants 1106, pl. VII (C.I.G., IV, 8507); Paros Museum 829 (see Ktibler, p. 110).
AthensN.M. 3344.
'EidyaOos has Epagathos previously been known to have manufactured lamps in one center, Corinth. A lamp signed 'Era found in the Pnyx excavations (Hesperia,V, 1936, p. 197, fig. 29) was imported from Corinth. As the catalogue shows, the signed lamps found in the Agora Excavations are of both Corinthianand Attic clay. The nature of the connection between the Corinthianand Attic lamps of Epagathos is not determined. The Corinthianlamps are neatly turned out; the Attic productions (1649, 2121-2123) are of a slipshod quality not wholly attributable to their later date. Epagathos probably did not establish a branch shop in Athens, as Preimos did. Rather, his moulds came into the hands of an Athenian lampmakerwithout previous training in Corinth, who worked until about the middle of the 3rd century. The latest lamp of his in the Agora, 2123, was found in a footing trench of the Late Roman Fortification Wall built soon after A.D. 267.
SErri The signature is abbreviated to 'Emand to 'Err (Broneer1034). 938 possibly gives more of the name, which may be Epiphanes, Epiphanides or Epiphanios. The lamps date in the second half of the 4th into the early 5th century.
Herringbone: with double signature (?), 938. CROSS Rings and triangles: CL 2741. PLAIN Herringbone: 1394, 1416. ROSETTE Herringbone: Broneer 1034, fig. 167. -: Vari 4. BASES 2906-2907; KL 145; compare Broneer 1376, pl. XXXIII.
E08copos The longest abbreviation of the name is given on 1832, Broneer 1020 and Vari 6. The other abbreviation is E08. A head vase in the Agora (P 10240) is signed E08vc. Although the straight-barred omega differsfrom the curving omegaon the lamps, the name on pot and lamps may well be the same.52 The variations in letter forms are not significantsince within any given shop different craftsmen might sign in different ways. The signatures of Rouphos, for example, appear with both diamond-shaped and roundomicron,and the signatures of Theodouloshave both diamond-shaped and round theta. The lamps date from the 3rd century into the first quarter of the 4th century.
LAMPSYMPLEGMA Panelled,sprayswith three buds: KL 148. ROSETTE Wavy lines: 1832. Herringbone: Broneer 1020, pl. XXXIII. DISK MISSING Panelled, plain: 2124; KL 149. Globules: signature with BASE KL 151. HEAD VASE Agora P 10240.
branch, KL 150.
Ekapros and EN&p. The signatures are ENppwrou The lamps are dated in the second half of the 4th century and the early 5th century; most of them probably fall between 375 and 425. When the shop began, the old repertory of figured representationswas well on the wane and Eukarpos has only one dolphin to show. Rosettes were the mainstay of the shop until the early 5th century when it imitated imported lamps. The fishtail handles on 2844 and 2596 and the similarity of 2642 to lamps found in Ephesos show that the imports came from the region of Asia Minor.
DOLPHIN Herringbone: CL 1612. SHELL Herringbone: Broneer 1092; KL 152. PLAIN (SQUARE) Herringbone: RAYs
: Vari 7 b.
Herringbone: 1675.
Panelled, plain: 1743-1744; Broneer 979, pl. XXXII. Plain: 1740. Vine: CL 1609; KL 153. Wavy lines: 1834-1835; Broneer 1380. Arcs: KL 154. Herringbone: 1883, 1924. :Y Vari 7 a, 7b. DISK MISSING Herringbone: 2125, 2129.
2126-2128, 2130-2132, 2902-2905; KL 155-156;Vari7a; Broneer 1879,1386;CL1613. See also 'APX. 'Ep.,1906, p. 114.
Eukleides is known only by the four lamps 1487-1489, 2133. (Broneer 1879 is signed by Eukarpos, not Eukleides). In Hesperia, II, 1983, p. 205, H.A. Thompson observed that the upper halves of 1489 signed by Eukleides and 1482 signed by Elpidephoros "came either from one mould or from moulds derived from the same original." Since then, two more such pairs were found. There are now six lamps coming from related moulds, three signed by Eukleides, three by Elpidephoros,1481-1483. Possibly Eukleides worked in Elpidephoros' shop and their lamps were sold together; in three cases a Eukleides lamp was found with a lamp signed by Elpidephoros. EBvopos No examples noted from the Agora. Broneer, p. 111, first identified this lampmakeras Attic. Kerameikos. P1. 23, m (top and base). W. 0.088 m. Orange-buff,slightly flaking clay; thin fabric. Disk: goat standing up in order to nibble leaves on a high branch. Framing ring. Rim: well-raisedpanels; plain. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, EOv6 ov. Cf.Delphes, V, 544, fig. 832. A sarcophaguson the terrace of the Eleusis Museum carries a similar representation. Athens, N.M. 8126 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2507, 2508). W. 0.087 m. Hard orange clay. Disk: bust of woman, left; framing ring. Rim: panels; ovolo. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, EOv6pov. Corinth, Cheliotomylos 108. W. 0.084 m. Coarse, white, soft clay. Channel-and-panellamp. Disk: the armed Aphrodite of Acrocorinth. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, ECv6pov. The lamps from this shop are signed in a variety of ways: 1. EOT'rOXs 6. EO-rX b'rofnao 8. EOrOXovs 2. EOr"XAns 4. EOr"%OX 5. E'rr0Xt
7. E 'rr 8. ECr
9. EO 10. E
Signature 1 occurs on 2134. Signature 3 occurs on Athens N.M. 3345 and on two lamps in the Kerameikos. Signature 9 is the most common signature early and late. The one-letter abbreviation is almost entirely limited to the later lamps of the shop, from the second quarter of the 4th century onwards. In the mid-4th century, production of figured disks fell off in the Attic shops and plain or patterned disks became popular. In order to bring out clearly the decline in figured disks, the repertory of the Eutyches shop has been divided. Part I of the repertory comprises the lamps with signatures 1-9, which, with a few exceptions, are earlier than the mid4th century. Part II contains the lamps signed E, which, with a few exceptions, date to the second quarter of the 4th century and later. The shop was active from the mid-3rd century to the mid-4th century and ceased production during the second half of the 4th century. At the time when the shops of Preimos, Elpidephoros, Pireithos and the Leaf Shop failed to recover from the disaster of the Herulian sack, this
shop emerged strong, with a repertory unequalled for its variety among the Attic shops. To achieve such a range, the shop borrowedfreely from the four major earlier shops and from the contemporary Leonteus. The centaur with lyre, centaur attacking left, and Eros with torch and thyrsos came from the Preimos shop. Aphrodite and three Graces, Eros playing syrinx, and Eros with thyrsos and kantharos came from the repertory of Elpidephoros. The Eutyches shop continued to make all the representationsof erotic symplegmata previously made by Pireithos and often the original rim patterns were preserved. Double signatures with the Leaf Shop occur on lamps with representationsof Aphrodite, bull, dog, two fish, and ram. In other cases, the frequent use of the 8-8 rim pattern points to a close connection with the Leaf Shop. In the 3rd century, through the middle of the century, each lampmakerhad his own repertory and was known for his specialities, such as the erotes of Elpidephoros or the symplegmata of Pireithos. Eutyches' activities put an end to this practice; from Eutyches' time onwards there was a koine of representations and shops flourished according to their success in mass production rather than by the appeal of disk representations. Much of the history of the shop can be traced in the double signatures. Eutyches figures in three different ways in double signatures, as second signer, as partner and as first signer. Eutyches appears as second signer in a great many double signatureswith the Leaf Shop; the lamps came out of the mould with the relief leaf in the center and the letters of Eutyches' name were incised on the lamp to either side of the leaf. Eutyches may have been in partnership both with Naumachios and with Soteros. Ktibler showed that the double signature of Eutyches and Naumachios on a head vase53was not a main signature with a subsidiary signature added later, but that the two signers were on equal terms. KUbler dated their partnership around the middle of the 3rd century; the first quarter of the 4th century now seems more likely. In four of the double signatures of Eutyches and Soteros, the two names appear to have been incised at the same time and to occupy equal amounts of space; these lampmakersmay have been partners.TRe-used blocks, found above the Pompeion, are inscribed EYand X1. "Offenbarstammen diese Marmorbl6ckeaus Bauten, die 267 zerstart ihre T0pfereien verwendet wurden."'55 worden waren und von den Fabrikanten fUOr In doublesignatureswith BromiosandKy-, Eutyches'name occupiesthe centeras firstsigner. The repertorygives the many makers' marks or other symbols appearingon the lamps of this enormous shop: A, B, A, E, Z, H, E, 1, K, M, N. The signature also occurs in conjunction with a branch, two branches, with five small circles, and with a rosette. The meaning of these symbols, which are also found with other signatures and alone, is not yet clear; they are certainly not aimless decoration, but have something to do with the organization of the shop.
Part I, Signatures1-9 MASK Panelled, plain: 635. ACHELOOS APHRODITE WITH THREE GRACES Panelled, rosettes in reversing hooks: with maker's mark A, Athens N.M. 15378, Kourouniotis, AT., XI, 1927-28, p. 45, fig. 42. APHRODITE WEARING STEPHANE Panelled, 8-S: signature with raised leaf and incised branch, KL 158. ATHENA BUST Panelled, plain: Vari 5b, fig. 3; KL 159. Panelled, globule wreath: 666; Myres, Handbook,p. 368; KL 160-161. Panelled, wreath: KL 162-167.
p. 137, fig. 79. 53KUibler,
with uncertain maker's mark, KL 176; with maker's mark Z, Benachi Collection. Panelled, globules in threes: KL 177.
KL 183.
Panelled,plain: KL 184. Panelled,plain: AthensN.M. 3336 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2561); KL 185I, 1932,p. 49, no. 8, Panelled,plain:721. Plain:Hesperia,
190; signature with five small circles in the form of a cross, Waldhauer 477, pl. XLV.
fig. 17,4.
hooks: KL 191-194. Panelled,rosettesin reversing KANTHAROS Panelled,plain: Athens N.M. 3345 (Inst. phots. N.M.
Panelled,rosettes:KL 197. DOUBLE AXE Panelled,8-S: 753; Broneer 1185, pls. XVI, XXXIII; KL 198-
2563); KL 208-213. Panelled, globules: Athens N.M. 3257 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2560). SYMPLEGMA AND CHILD Panelled, rosettes: KL 214-219; signature with branch, KL 220-221; with maker's mark 1, KL 222. LAMP SYMPLEGMA Panelled, sprays with three buds: Athens N.M. 3364 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2560); KL 223-232. CANOPY SYMPLEGMA Panelled, plain: KL 233. Panelled, incised trefoil and reel: KL 234-237; signature with branch, KL 238-239.
Panelled,8-8: AiginaMuseum;KL 206. SYRINX Panelled, plain: KL 207. OLD MAN WATCHING SYMPLEGMA Panelled, rosettes:AthensN.M.3256 (Inst. phot. N.M.2505,
Piraeus Museum.
phot. N.M. 2560); KL 247-249. Panelled, rosettes in reversing hooks: Athens N.M. 3148 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2561). Panelled, rosettes: signature with branch, Athens N.M. 3144 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2506, 2564). VENATOR STAVING OFF BEAR Panelled, plain: KL 250-251. Panelled, globules: Athens N.M. 3258 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2562); KL 252-256. Panelled, 8-S: signature with relief leaf, Kfibler, p. 121, fig. 27 (KL 257) and KL 258-261. TRAINER WITH DANCINGBEAR Panelled, incised triple wreath: 857; KL 262-266. VENATOR LEAPING OVER BEAR Panelled, rosettes in reversing hooks: KL 267. Panelled, triple wreath: KL 268-275; with maker's mark M, KL 276. HORSEMAN Panelled, plain: KL 277. Panelled, dot rosettes: KL 278. Panelled, globules: signature with branch, KL 279. APE PLAYING DOUBLE FLUTE Panelled, incised triple wreath: Athens N.M. 3319 (Inst. phot.
N.M. 2562).
Panelled, incised triple wreath; signature with branch, KL 280. Panelled, 8-8: 912; Broneer 1240; Hymettos; KL 281-282; signature with relief Piraeus Museum and KL 283. leaf,
Panelled, 8-S: KL 284-288; signature with relief leaf, KL 289; signature with maker's mark H, KL 290. DOLPHIN Panelled, globules: 930. Panelled, raised trefoil and reel: KL 291-294. Panelled, : KL 296-297. wreath: KL 295. Herringbone:937. TWO FISH Panelled, 8-S: Broneer 1284; KL 298-303; signature with branch, 945; signature with maker's mark Z, KL 304; with maker's mark A (?), Broneer 1283, pl. XIX. LION, RIGHT Panelled, globules: KL 305. Panelled, triple wreath: KL 306-308; signature with branch, KL 309; with maker's mark B, KL 310. RAM Panelled, 8-8: signature with relief leaf, 1008 and KL 311-312.
Panelled, plain: 1024; Athens N.M. 3140 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2505, 2563). Plain: with U-shaped nozzle, 1067; KL 313. PLAIN Plain: with U-shaped nozzle, 1169-1170; KL 314-322. Panelled, plain: 1181; KL 323328. Panelled, globules: KL 329. Globule-and-volute:1264; KL 330, Broneer 1406. RAYS Plain: 1454. Vine: 1554; KL 331-352; Waldhauer472, pl. XLIV; signaturewith branch, KL 353; with maker's mark E, 1553; KL 354.
Panelled,8-S: 1018.
Plain: 1646.
Panelled, plain: 1652, 1658; KL 355-366; signature with branch, KL 367. Plain: 1708, 1710; with globules on walls, Broneer 1406. Panelled, wreath: signature with branch, KL 368-376. Panelled, three rows of dots: KL 377-381. Wavy lines: lamp with two nozzles, KL 382. Herringbone: 1857-1859; KL 383. -: Vari 5a. DISK MISSING Panelled, plain: KL 384-403; signature with branch, KL 404; with maker's mark B, KL 405. Panelled, dot rosettes: KL 406-420; signature with branch, KL 421; with maker's mark I, KL 422. Panelled, rosettes in reversing hooks: KL 423-425. Panelled, rosettes and stalks: KL 426-428. Panelled, sprays with three buds: KL 429-430. Panelled, trefoil and reel: KL 431-434. Panelled, incised trefoil and reel: KL 435-438; signature with branch, KL 439. Panelled, globule wreath: KL 440-441; with maker's mark Z (?), KL 442. Panelled, wreath: KL 443; signature with branch, KL 444-447. Panelled, incised wreath: KL 448-453; signature with branch, KL 454; with maker's mark E, KL 455. Panelled, triple wreath: KL 456-461; with maker'smarkZ, KL 462. Panelled, three rows of dots: KL 463; signature with incised rosette, KL 464. Panelled, 8-S: KL 465-489; signature with relief leaf, KL 490-495. Panelled, globules: 2161; KL 496-512. WASTERS 2054; KL 513-518. BASES 2134-2160, 2162-2173; Broneer 1377-1378; CL 1748, 2259; KL 519-947; signature with rosette, KL 948-949; signature with branch, KL 950-989; signature with two branches KL 990; signature with relief leaf, KL 991-1000. BASES WITH MAKERS' MARKS With A, KL 1001; with A, KL 1002-1003; with E, KL 10041005; with H, KL 1006-1007; with I, KL 1008-1010; with K, KL 1011; with M, KL 1012; with N, KL 1013; with N and with relief leaf, KL 1014; with uncertain letter, KL 1015. TERRACOTTAS Agora, VI, 120; Kerameikos. HEAD VASES Agora T 1041; Kerameikos; signature with Naumachios, Kfibler, pp. 137ff., figs. 75, 76, 79. Part II, Signature E EROS PLAYING DOUBLE FLUTE, LEFT Panelled, plain: signed with lunate epsilon and five small circles in the form of a cross, KL 1016. GODDESSWITH DOUBLE AXE Panelled, plain: KL 1017.
Panelled, plain: signature with incised branch, KL 1019. Panelled, small circles: signed with lunate epsilon and five small circles in the form of a cross, KL 1018. RAM Panelled, 8-S: signed with lunate epsilon, 1007.
Panelled, plain: KL 1022. Vine: 1428. Heart-shaped leaves: 1424. Wavy lines: KL 1023-1024. Small circles: KL 1025. PLAIN Plain: with U-shaped nozzle, KL 1026. Plain, panelled: KL 1027-1030. Vine: KL 1032. Globules: with U-shaped nozzle, KL 1031. Wavy lines: KL 1033-1035. Herringbone: KL 1036-1038. Two rows of herringbone: KL 1039. RAYS Panelled, plain: KL 1040-1041. Vine: Broneer 931; KL 1042. Wavy lines: Broneer 958. Herringbone: KL 1043-1046. ROSETTE Panelled, plain: signature with branch, 1679; KL 1047-1062. Plain: 1709, 1714. Vine: KL 1063-1065. Wavy lines: KL 1066-1079. Herringbone: 1856, 1860, 1871-1873; Broneer 1016, 1025, pl. XXXIII; KL 1080-1099; signature with branch, CL 3563. STAR Wavy lines: KL 1100. Herringbone: KL 1101.
2054; KL 1102.
2174-2176; signature with branch, Vari 26; KL 1103-1168; signature with branch KL 1169-1173.
See also 'ApX. 'Ep., 1906, p. 114. Z---See 2177. KL 1174, a vine-and-ray lamp of the early 4th century, has the signature Z and a branch within two closely spaced circles. KL 1175, a base of the second half of the 4th century, has the signature Z within two almond-shapedgrooves.
A 3rd century signature, known only from 725. H No examples noted from the Agora. Broneer 990, pl. XXXIII, signed H. KL 1176. Disk: plain, two framing rings. Rim: plain, herringbonepanels. Handle: grooved and punched. Base: within circle, H. Early 4th century. HA No examples noted from the Agora. KL 1177. W. 0.082 m. Soft orange clay. Disk: cock with two animals. Rim: plain panels; herringbone. Handle: grooved and punched, ending in leaf. Base: within ring, HA. Early 4th century. KL 1178: fragment of lower half, similar to the above. In both of these lamps the first letter is larger and more emphatically incised than the second. e No examples noted from the Agora. Athens N.M. 3197 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2497, 2504). Disk: Eros standing with lyre. Rim: panels; plain. Base: within two circles, e (diamond-shaped).
KL 1179. Rim: herringbone panels, plain. Handle: grooved and punch-marked. Base: within two closely spaced circles, E (diamond-shaped).First half of 4th century. KL 1180. Base: within ring, 0 with incised branch in center.
OEs65ovAos The lamps are signed: GEoSoBGoU, 60Eo8o, Geo, GE. of this are the of shop poorly made with indistinct reliefs and markings; the Many lamps signatures are often difficult to make out. The fourth form of the signature sometimes has one or more of the following peculiarities: the epsilon written much larger than the theta, the theta obliquely placed, and retrograde writing. It is not absolutely certain that all the lamps signed with the shortest form belong to the shop. The lamps of this shop found in the Agora date from the mid-4th to the early 5th century. A Kerameikos lamp, however, with U-shaped nozzle and signature GEdates back to the early 4th century. See also the preceding entry.
Herringbone: Inst. phot. Ker. 698, 2. Panelled, 8-8: KL 1181. DOLPHIN AND TRIDENT Panelled, plain: 936. PANTHER DRINKING FROM KRATER Plain: 997. SHELL Plain: Broneer 1099, pl. XXXIII; KL 1182-1183. Wavy lines: 1131. CONSTANTINIAN MONOGRAM Wavy lines: 1139. Herringbone: Athens N.M. 3324 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2497); Broneer 1337, pl. XIX; KL 1184. CROSS MONOGRAM Herringbone: 1143; Broneer 1348. PLAIN Panelled, plain: Broneer 789, pl. XXXII. Plain: 1218; with U-shaped nozzle, KL 1185. Vine: KL 1186. Wavy lines: 1334, 1349-1350; Piraeus Museum; Broneer 801, fig. 147; KL 1187-1191. Herringbone: Athens N.M. 3328 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2497); KL 1192-1194. RAYS Panelled, plain: Broneer 917, pl. XXXII; KL 1195. Vine: 1569. Herringbone: 1611; Broneer 951; KL 1196. ROSETTE Panelled, plain: 1762; Broneer976, pl. XXXII; KL 1197-1198. Vine: KL 1199-1200. Wavy lines: 1836-1837; KL 1201. Herringbone: 1879, 1953; KL 1202-1211; Broneer 1032, Vari 5 a. pl. XXXIII; Broneer 1075, pl. XXXIII (with square disk). --: STAR Wavy lines: KL 1212-1214. DISK MISSING Wavy lines: Broneer 1381. Herringbone: Broneer 1384.
MOULD 2185.
2178-2184, 2886; KL 1215-1250; Broneer 1382, pl. XXXIII; Broneer 1383; signature
with branch, KL 1251-1253. See also 'ApX.'E~p., 1906, p. 114. i--No examples noted from the Agora. KL 1254. W. 0.076 m. Orange buff clay. Disk: ten-petalled rosette; framing ring. Rim: panels, plain. Base: within circle, I with branch in center. Early 4th century. KL 1255. Similar to KL 1254, above. KL 1256. Fragment of base, similar to KL 1254, above. KL 1257. Base fragment. Handle ends in leaf. Within ring, 111with incised branch in center.
K See under 972 and 2186. The former is related to a lamp signed by Preimos; the latter is a double signature with Preimos. It is not likely but not impossible that the abbreviation stands for Krateros. Kapin'rtll and The lamps are signed Kapinu~s? , KapTri, Ka; they date to the late 4th and early 5th centuries. The most important lamp of this small collection is describedfrom photographs.Athens N.M. 3225 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2533, 2534). Disk with channel to wick-hole: Eros, or winged figure, runningleft, with arms outstretched. Directly below his hands, a carrot-shapedobject. Herringbone rim. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, Ka and a triangle of small circles. Early 5th century. The channel from disk to wick-hole recalls North Africanlamps. The subject is probably not an Eros from the Attic repertory,retouched beyond recognition,but was borrowed from abroad.
EROS RUNNING LEFT Herringbone: Athens N.M. 3225 (Inst. phots. N.M.2533, 2534). CONSTANTINIANMONOGRAM Herringbone: Inst. phot. Ker. 1379, 2 (signature recorded
A. Brueckner).
PLAIN Wavy lines: 1348. ROSETTE Vine: 1808. BASES 2908-2909; Vari 8, 9.
Kapos An early 3rd century signature, known only from 1470. Kpa-rEp6s The full signature KpaToEpo is given on two terracotta figurines in the Kerameikos. The lamps are signed as follows: 1. Kpa All the Agora examples; seven in the Kerameikos. 2. Kpcrr KL 1261. E 3. KpcaTr KL 1258 and KL 1269. Lunate epsilon. 4. KpcrrE Athens N.M. 3233 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2510). Straight-barredepsilon with the bars pointing down. 5. Kpa E Athens N.M. 12517 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2509, 2510). Lunate epsilon. In signatures 3, 4 and 5 the last letter does not necessarily belong to the signature, but may be a maker's mark. The lamps of this shop are dated in the late 3rd century and into the first half of the 4th century, possibly not later than the first quarter of the century.
Panelled, incised trefoil and reel: with maker's mark E, Athens N.M. 12517 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2509, 2510). VENATOR LEAPING OVER BEAR Panelled, herringbone: private collection. BEAR,LEFT Panelled, globules: private collection. RAYS Vine: 1552; KL 1259-1260; CL 1914.
ROSETTE Panelled, wreath: 1819.
DISK MISSING Panelled,plain: KL 1261-1262. WASTER 2052.
2187-2191; KL 1263-1269. Also with maker's mark E, Athens N.M. 3233 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2510). The photograph gives the base for a lamp which is probably preserved entire. TERRACOTTA Kerameikos.
Kuv The signatures of this shop are Kuand K. Vari 12, fig. 5, 1 is signed KipaK os, possibly, but not certainly, giving the full name of Ky. The shop began around the second quarter of the 4th century, was most active in the second half of the century, and ceased production in the first quarter of the 5th century. For the connections between this shop and the Eutyches shop, see under 1874 and 863. 719 and 1722 are examples of the early work of the shop. Figured disks are in the minority; most of the disks are plain or patterned. None of the lamps with figured disks are first generation, and it is noteworthy that the Ky shop did not reproduce the rim pattern originally associated with the disk reliefs. Both Poseidon and the dog have lost the 8-S rim; Eros playing double flute, right, has a herringbonerim instead of the originalwreath. By the time the Kyshop opened, the variety of 3rd and early 4th century rim patterns had been replacedby herringbone, wavy lines or plain rims. 1431 is another lamp from the early period of this shop, which made quite a few lamps with rectangular disk and a channel leading to the wick-hole. This scheme, borrowed from abroad, entered the Attic repertory around the mid-4th century. 1206, 1361, 1707, 1833 are characteristic of the output of the second half of the 4th century, aggressively plain and practical; by comparison, 1391, of the late 4th or early 5th century, is smaller and carelessly made. 2447 is an example of early 5th century work.
CANOPY SYMPLEGMA Ephesos, IV, 77, pl. I. WITHPALM BRANCH Plain: signature with branch, 887. FIGURE VENATOR LEAPING OVERBEAR Panelled, herringbone: signature with Eutyches, 863. Herring-
bone: 866.
DOG Herringbone: 928. DOLPHINAND TRIDENT Herringbone: signature
KL 1270.
FISH Wavy lines: Ashmolean Museum 1954-131. LION, RIGHT Panelled, plain: Aigina Museum. CRESCENT Plain (with U-shaped nozzle): 1075. Wavy
Herringbone: 1112.
THE ATHENIANAGORA:LAMPSOF THE ROMAN PERIOD Panelled, plain: KL 1271-1272. Plain: 1127; Broneer 1100; CL 1225, 1824. Herringbone: 1137; Broneer 1089, pl. XV, 1091.
MNC 599, from Athens. CROSS MONOGRAM Vine: 2447; CL 2709. Wavy lines: CL 2701. Herringbone:2476; CL 2698. PLAIN Panelled, plain: 1215; Broneer 786. Plain: 1206, 1216-1217. Globule-and-volute:12911294, 1296, 1298. Wavy lines: 1341-1342, 1361; signature with branch, 1340; Broneer 804; KL 1273. Herringbone: 1374-1375, 1386, 1389-1391, 1411, 1413; Broneer 817-820, 821, pl. XXXII, 826-827, 832, fig. 148, 833, 834, fig. 149, 850, 854-858, 865; KL 1274-1276. PLAIN, SQUARE Various: 1433, signature with branch, 1431; Broneer 1076-1078, 1080, pl. XV, 1081; CL 2705; Brants 1098, pl. V; KL 1277-1278. RAYS Vine: Broneer 930. Wavy lines: 1604; Broneer 945, pl. XXXII, 960-961. Herringbone: 1617-1618; Broneer 937-939, 952, pl. XIV. ROSETTE Panelled, plain: 1682-1683, 1707; Broneer 982. Plain: 1721-1723, 1746, 1755-1758, 1759-1761; Broneer 993-994, 996, 1002; Pannonische Lampen no. 869, pls. XXXV, 1, LXXVIII, 52; KL 1279-1280. Vine: 1790, 1798-1800; Broneer 1044, fig. 170, 1046, 1050; KL 1281-1283. Incised wreath: Broneer 1009, pl. XXXIII. Wavy lines: 1833; CL 1564, 1578. Herringbone: 1861, 1920-1922, 1934-1937, 1942-1950, 1962-1963, 1974-1978; KL 1284; Broneer 1007, 1014, 1017-1018, 1022-1024, 1027-1028; CL 1674; Ephesos, IV, 85-86, pl. I. : Vari 11a (fifteen).
2192-2217, 2885; Broneer 1387-1391; Vari 11a, c, d; KL 1285-1297; signature with branch, KL 1298.
AthensN.M. 3299 (Inst. phots. N.M.2545, 2546). Agora,VI, 57, 273, 307, 309, 429.
See also Inscriptiones Creticae,II, XXIV,21; 'ApX. 1906, p. 114. 'Eqp., KOpa? Vari 12, fig. 5,1, gives the signature KpaK 1 os within a base ring. The handle ends in a small leaf. As to the disk relief, Bassett merely tells us that it is obscene, probably his way of referring to an erotic symplegma. The person who sees the lamp will decide if Kyrax is the full name of . If so, the Vari lamp would be one of the earliest lamps from his shop, for the base ring Ky and leaf stand out in fairly good relief. A (Late 3rd to early 4th century) No examples noted from the Agora. KL 1299-1301, dating in the late 3rd or early 4th century. Disk: two fish. Rim: panels, 8-S. Base: within circle, incised branch in center; right, A. KL 1302. Disk: ten-petalled rosette, framing ring. Rim: plain, panels. Base: within circle, incised branch in center; right, A. KL 1303-1306. Fragments of bases. The lambdamay be an abbreviation for Leonteus, although the representation of two fish does not appear in the repertory of his shop. ASee 1619. (mid-4th century)
Aivatos This signature has not been noted in Corinth or other sites. Five of the lamps were found in
the Agora and one lamp was purchased in Athens, 838, 1451, 1466, 1784, 2218-2219.
As far as the shape and the design are concerned all the lamps could have been made in Corinth. The lamps have certain awkwardnessesin common which point to a fumbling effort to imitate Corinthianproducts rather than to Corinthianmanufacture. The catalogue descriptions emphasize the irregularitiesand unprofessionalappearanceof the group. There is a considerablerange of colors in the clay which is often fairly coarse and cracking. The join of handle to lamp and the join between top and bottom are poorly finished off, and the handles are not cleanly pierced. None of them comes from a sharp new mould. The appearance of the lamps suggests that Lenaios set up shop in Athens either with old Corinthianmoulds or moulds which he made from Corinthianarchetypes. The lamps are dated to the early 3rd century. AEoVE'OS form of is the usual the is given on a terracotta figurinein the British AEov-r~cos signature. AE Museum and on KL 1485-1486. The shop was active in the second half of the 3rd century and the first quarter of the 4th. The fact that no lamps of Leonteus have been found so far in the Herulian destruction debris in the Agora does not preclude the possibility that the shop opened slightly before A.D. 267, for the earliest lamps from any given shop have rarely been found in the Agora. A great number of wasters and of feebly-made lamps testify that the shop was in full production during the depression following the Herulian invasion. The end must have come shortly after the reintroduction of glaze around the end of the first quarter of the 4th century, for there are very few glazed lamps, e.g. Broneer 1385 and 2239-2240. Much of the history of the shop is provided by the double signatures. Leonteus obtained moulds from the Leaf Shop, Preimos and Pireithos. The strongest link is with the Leaf Shop, with which there are thirty-six double signatures; where preserved, the rims always carry the 8-S pattern. There are thirteen double signatures with Preimos as first signer and Leonteus as second.56There are two double signatures with Pireithos. Some of Leonteus' moulds, in turn, passed to Naumachios; there are two lamps for which Leonteus is the first signer, Naumachios the second. Other moulds from this shop will have passed into the possession of the Eutyches shop, Leonteus' more successful competitor.
Panelled, plain: KL 1307-1308; signature with branch, Kilbler, fig. 16 (KL 1309). APHRODITE AND THREE GRACES Panelled, rosettes in reversing hooks: Haken 102, p. 98, pl. XIV. ARTEMIS Panelled, incised wreath: Athens N.M. 3191 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2498). ATHENA BUST Panelled, incised wreath: signature with branch, 656 and KL 1310-1311. Panelled, globule wreath: KL 1312-1813; signature with branch, KL 1314. CENTAURATTACKING Panelled, rosettes: KL 1315-1316. EROS WITH LYRE Panelled, plain: KL 1317. EROS PLAYING SYRINX Panelled, plain: Bauer 639, fig. 107; KL 1318. EROS PLAYING DOUBLE FLUTE, RIGHT Panelled, wreath: KL 1319; signature with branch, KL 1320. Panelled, herringbone: signature with branch, KL 1321-1322.
KL 1825.
signature with Preimos, KL 1330. EROS WITH CHICKEN Panelled, rosettes in reversing hooks: signature with branch, KL 13311332.
KL 1354.
KL 1356.
second signature (?), rT(?), Athens N.M. 3186 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2498).
reversing hooks: signature with branch, KL 1361-1362. HORSEMAN Panelled, rosettes: signature with branch, KL 1363. APE PLAYING DOUBLE FLUTE Panelled, triple wreath: KL 1364. LEFT BULL, Panelled, 8-S: 910-911; KL 1365-1366. COCKAND TWO ANIMALS Panelled,herringbone: signature with branch,921. See also under AE DOG Panelled, 8-S: 924; signature with relief leaf, KL 1367-1369; signature with branch, KL 1370. LION, RIGHT Panelled, triple wreath: signature with branch, KL 1371. RAM Panelled, 8-S: signature with relief leaf, KL 1372. BASKET Panelled, 8-S: signature with branch, KL 1373. BOAT Panelled, plain: KL 1374-1376. PELTA AND AXE Signature with branch,1122. PLAIN Plain, with U-shaped nozzle: 1168; KL 1377-1381; with maker's mark E, 1167. RAYS Vine: KL 1382-1384; signature with branch, 1509, 1515, KL 1385-1386; Aigina Museum. ROSETTE Panelled, plain: signature with branch, KL 1387-1390. DISK MISSING Panelled, plain: KL 1391-1395. Vine: signature with branch, KL 1396-1399. rosettes with reversing hooks: KL 1400-1404; signature with Preimos, KL 1405Panelled, 1407; signature with branch, KL 1408-1411. Panelled, rosettes and stalks: KL 1412-1413; signature with branch, 2220. Panelled, rosettes: KL 1414-1426; signature with branch, KL 1427. Panelled, raised trefoil and reel: KL 1428-1432; signature with branch, KL 1433. Panelled, sprays with three buds: KL 1434. Panelled, 8-3: 2224, KL 1435-1438; signature with relief leaf, 2222-2223, KL 1439-1450; signature with branch, 2221, KL 1451-1463. Panelled, wreath, signature with branch, KL 1464-1470. Panelled, incised wreath: KL 14711474. Panelled, globule wreath: KL 1475-1476. Panelled, incised triple wreath: KL 1480.
KL 1481-1484.
2230-2240; KL 1485-1609. Signature with Preimos: 2225; KL 1610-1616. Signature with Pireithos: 2226; KL 1617. Signature with Naumachios: 2241; KL 1618 (?). Signature with relief leaf: 2227; KL 1619-1634. Signature with branch: 2228-2229; KL 1635-1692. Signature with two branches: KL 1693-1694. Signature with maker's mark K: KL 16951696. Signature with TT (in relief): KL 1697. TERRACOTTA British Museum no. 1905, Agora, VI, pl. 8. Private collection, published in Antike Kunstwerke,Ars Antiqua Ag Luzern, May 1959, no. 64, fig. 64. Map-riptos Vari 13 preserves the complete signature. All of the Kerameikos examples and most of the Agora lamps from this shop are signed with the abbreviation M. The shop began in the second half of the 4th century and was active in the late 4th and early 5th century.
770; Broneer1190,pls. XVI, XXXIII. Herringbone: Broneer1229,pl. XVIII. LION, RIGHT Herringbone: KL 1699. SHELL Herringbone: KL 1700. MONOGRAM Plain with arcs: 2441. Herringbone: CONSTANTINIAN
Vine: 2599. Wavy lines: 1347, 1362; Broneer 812. Herringbone: 1384, 1393; Broneer 862, pl. XIII, 1704. PLAIN, SQUARE Herringbone: Broneer 1074; KL 1701. Panelled, plain: 1464; Broneer 918, pl. XXXII. Plain: Broneer 984, 1000. Vine: Broneer 1053; KL 1702. Wavy lines: KL 1703. ROSETTE
See also 'ApX. 'Ep., 1906, p. 114. Miv68copos No examples noted from the Agora. KL 1707. P1. 28, c. W. 0.083 m. Cream buff clay. Disk missing. Rim: panels with incised branch; plain. Base: within two closely spaced circles, Mr v I oc Ipou. Second half of 3rd century. KL 1709. Fragment. Small section of rim shows reversing hooks. Handle: grooved and punched, ending in leaf. Base: within ring, Mr1 ... KL 1708 and KL 1710, fragments signed by Menodoros.
No examples noted from the Agora. Kerameikos.P1. 23, n (top and base). W. 0.095 m. Pale buff clay, with lighter slip; thin fabric. Attic (2). Disk: ring, rays, framing ring. Rim: vine with six leaves, four clusters and springy . tendrils. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, MIVtKiaVO This is probably the lamp which was identified as Corinthian,Broneer, p. 111; it is published here as possibly Attic. Other lamps by the same lampmaker: Broneer 560; Athens N.M. 3357 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2525, 2526); Athens, N.M. 3111 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2525, 2526).
NautXtos The lamps from this shop are signed in the following ways: 4. Nau KL 1712. 1. NaucaXiOU KL 1713-1715. 5. Na 2. NauJIaXli KL 1720. 3. NauvgaX 6. N
Signature 5 is the most common. This sequence Kiibler believed that Naumachios was one of the chief successors of Preimos.57 seems improbable, for at present only one double signature is known, the lamp with Dioskouros and horse. The lamp is 0.081 m. wide and misfiredto a muddy green color and hard consistency. The handle ends in a very small sketchy leaf. The signature reads Na TTpEiI ou in incised letters. The fact that the Preimos signature is incised and the appearanceand dimensions of the lamp point to a date in the late 3rd or early 4th century.58No lamp of Naumachios has been seen which appears to be pre-Herulian;similarities with the dated lamps of Eutyches place the lamps of Naumachios in the late 3rd and early 4th centuries. Naumachios was also the second signer on lamps of Leonteus. KL 1739 reads Ae I Nauframed in two closely spaced circles; see also 2241. The partnershipof Naumachios with Eutyches is mentioned in the introduction to the Eutyches shop, p. 35.
phots. N.M. 2500, 2502). EROS PLAYINGSYRINX Panelled, plain: KL 1712; signature with Eutyches, KL 1713.
Panelled, plain: signature with branch, KL 1715. VENATOR LEAPING OVER BEAR Panelled, herringbone: KL 1716. HORSEMAN Panelled,rosettes: KL 1717. DOG Panelled, 8-S: KL 1718. Two FISH Panelled, 8-S: signature with branch, KL 1719. BULL'S HEAD Plain: KL 1720. ROSETTE Plain: 1715. Panelled, plain: signature with branch, KL 1721. DISK MISSING Panelled, plain: signature with branch, KL 1722-1724. Panelled, 8-3: signature with branch, KL 1725-1727. Panelled, globules: signature with branch, KL 1728. Panelled, incised triple wreath: signature with branch, KL 1729-1731. WASTERS KL 1732-1735. BASES Broneer 1392, fig. 198; KL 1736-1737; with Leonteus, 2241, KL 1739; with Eutyches, KL 1738; signature with branch, KL 1740-1744. HEAD VASES Agora T 1232; signature with Eutyches, Kiibler, pp. 137ft., figs. 75, 76, 79. NE See 1807. rnos 'Of te3rd and early 4th century. The lamps date in the second half of the
57Kbler, pp. 102, 103, 108, 126, 137; compare Broneer, p. 112. 58Ktibler, p. 187, dated Naumachios' association with Preimos to the latest 2nd century.
BUST Panelled, globule wreath: Athens N.M. 3166 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2518, 2549); uncertain signatures, KL 1745-1746. DISK MISSING Panelled, plain: KL 1747. Panelled, globule wreath: KL 1748; with maker's mark E, KL 1749. BASES 2242-2243; KL 1750-1756. ATHENA
(in relief)
HaOXos is preserved on the base of a terracotta, Agora, VI, 117. The abbreThe signature Hac65ou viations are Ha and H; the latter might also stand for Po-. The shop flourishedin the late 4th and early 5th centuries.
KL 1757. Herringbone:
Vine: Broneer 879, pl. XXXII. Herringbone: 2688; Broneer 849, 851. SQUARE KL 1758. Wavy lines: Broneer 962.
M~pseos either in relief or incised. The signature is Mpefeou The earliest lamps from this shop are dated in the first half of the 3rd century; the shop closed down shortly after the Herulian invasion. Whereas the Elpidephoros shop came to a quiet close with blurred lamps made from overworkedmoulds, the latest lamps from this shop bear the marks of a frantic struggle to continue producinglamps under adverse conditions; see under 876. The Pireithos shop specialized in representations of erotic symplegmata. Almost all of the erotic symplegmata which became standard themes in the Attic repertory originated in this shop.59 The type of disk bears a definite relation to the form of the base on lamps from this shop. Lamps with figured disks are always accompanied by signatures framed in a base-ring; the handle always ends in a relief leaf. Lamps with non-figureddisks have two kinds of bases. The vine-and-ray lamps bear relief signatures framed by a base-ring; the others have relief signatures framed by two rings. None of these has a relief leaf at the base of the handle. Five signatures are incised, 2258 and four fragments in the Kerameikos; these are all postHerulian. Pireithos' two most important successors were Leonteus and Eutyches.
Panelled, rosettes: KL 1763. SYMPLEGMA AND CHILD Panelled, rosettes: 812; KL 1764. LAMP STAND SYMPLEGMA Panelled, sprays with three buds: 814; Delos (no number). Panelled, raised trefoil and reel: 823-824. CANOPY SYMPLEGMA
59 See Kiibler, pp. 106-109.
THE ATHENIANAGORA:LAMPSOF THE ROMAN PERIOD Panelled, rosettes in reversing hooks: Athens N.M. 3358 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2504, 2498). Panelled, rosettes and stalks: KL 1765; Menzel 539, fig. 47, 3.
Plain: Waldhauer474, pl. XLV; KL 1766-1767. Vine: 1540-1541. Rosettes: Menzel538, fig. 47, 2, found in Miletos. Globules: 1592-1594, 1596-1597. DISK MISSING Various: 2248-2250; KL 1768-1769.
Io----A signature of the late 4th to early 5th century. See 1392, 1414, and Vari 16.
See 654. Another lamp from same or related moulds (Athens N.M. 3355) gives the signature more fully as follows [TTl]oXvKa [p] rToxi&v No examples noted from the Agora. Athens N.M. 3156 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2509, 2510). W. 0.086 m. Disk: symplegma and child; framing ring. Rim: panels; inner band of dot rosettes, outer band plain. Handle: grooved and pierced, ending in small leaf. Base: within ring, in relief focIo vos and relief outline of leaf.
The Preimos shop was active from the early 3rd century to the early 4th century. Among all the monuments of 3rd century Attic art, the lamps of the Preimos shop alone offer a large series known to have been made in a single workshop which can be traced from the beginning to the end of the century. In some ways these lamps enrich the impression produced by the grave stelai, sarcophagi, coinage and portrait sculpture of 3rd century Athens.59a The relationship between the Corinthianlamps signed Preimos and the products of the Attic shop using the same signature remains puzzling. The Corinthianassociations of this shop have been noted both by Broneer and by Ktibler; Broneer6o thought it likely that the Attic Preimos was connected with the Corinthian Preimos held it certain. shop shop, Ki-bler6"' Nine lamps signed Preimos have been found in Corinth. In addition, two other lamps may be of Corinthian fabric, the rosette and ovolo lamp in Olympia and the boar lamp in the Bibliothbque Nationale; all the other lamps listed in the repertoryare probablyAttic. The most interesting of the Corinthianlamps is CL 3751 with a relief of a Dionysiac figure clashing cymbals between two vines, a piece possibly related to a lamp signed by Loukios, found in the North Cemetery at Corinth. None of the Corinthianlamps of Preimos is earlierthan the second half of the 2nd century.62
59aSee Kilbler, p. 103. so60 Pp. 111-112. e61 P. 103. 62 The Corinthian Preimos shop cannot be traced back to the Italian lampmaker Primus; see Vindonissa, pp. 248, 410, no. 606; Niessen 1860; Broneer, p. 97 with note 8. Broneer pointed out that many Corinthian signatures are Hellenized versions of the names of Italian lampmakers. His explanation, which is attractive, was that freedmen who worked in Italian lamp factories took the names of their Roman masters at their manumissions, came to the colony of Corinth and founded factories of their own. Names alone, however, cannot furnish the sought-for link between the Italian and Corinthian lamp industries, since Loeschcke has shown how the names of Italian makers of factory lamps were freely borrowed by provincial lampmakers for their prestige value.
If the CorinthianPreimos shop either moved to Athens or established a branch shop there, the transfer should have included several craftsmen with a good supply of moulds and possibly of archetypes. The Attic Preimos lamps, however, do not duplicate any of the CorinthianPreimos lamps and at present no specific connection between the two shops can be established. The Corinthianbackgroundof the Attic Preimos shop is, however, readily noticeable. 1179, a lamp with plain disk and rim, is Corinthianin all but clay. The continued use of the ovolo rimlong after other Attic lampmakershad abandonedit also shows the strength of Corinthianinfluence. 1467, 1511, 1472, 1574 are among the early work of the shop; they have the refinementof the rim widening out at the center, peculiar to Attic lamps of the early 3rd century. Morethan the other Attic lampmakers,Preimos was fascinated by the motif of the grapevine which appears not only on the rim but also on the disk and handle; see 1117, 1472, 1511-1512. The repertoryshows an unusual number of fine lamps with religiousand mythological subjects" and relatively few genre scenes or animals. The shop probably made lamps to orderfor cultured clients either to dedicate in sanctuaries or to enjoy at home. The creative vigor of the shop was lost after the Herulian invasion ; the shop ceased making lamps at the end of the 3rd or in the earliest 4th century. For Preimos' successors,see Leonteus, Eutyches, Naumachios and AREPERTORY ACHILLES ASKLEPIOS
Panelled,ovolo: 637.
Panelled, triple raised wreath: Walters 1217, fig. 261 (incorrectly drawn), from
Panelled,ovolo: 677. DIOSKOUROS WITH HORSE Panelled,rosettesin reversing hooks,KL 1791. EROS PLAYING DOUBLE FLUTE, RIGHT Panelled, sprays with three buds: 707. Panelled,
Panelled, globule wreath: 661. -: Inscriptiones Creticae, II, XIII, 22 (Candia Museum no. 903). ATTIS Panelled, vine: SammlungSabourofi,I, pl. LXXV, found in Sparta. CENTAUR LEFT Panelled, rosettes in reversing hooks: 676. ATTACKING,
Panelled, ovolo: Walters 1222, pl. XXXIV; Aigina Museum. HERMES Panelled, wreath: 776. LEDA Panelled, rosettes in reversing hooks: 781 (not signed). SARAPIS Panelled, wreath: Athens N.M. 3102 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2499, 2503). ZEUS Panelled, ovolo: Walters 1204, pl. XXXIV. SYMPLEGMA AND FOOTSTOOL Panelled, ovolo: Athens N.M. 3200 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2501). Panelled, raised trefoil and reel: 834 (not signed). SYMPLEGMA AND CHILD Panelled, rosettes: 811. FIGURE WITH CYMBALS Panelled, ovolo: CL 3751 (for subject, see Broneer 667-668, pl.
63The compositions of youth with stag and man with goat have not been identified; they are however probably not genre but either religious or mythological. 805, Sarapis and Isis in their temple, is possibly from the Preimos shop. I See Kiubler, pp. 102, 107-108.
THE ATHENIANAGORA:LAMPSOF THE ROMAN PERIOD Panelled, ovolo: Bibliotheque Nationale, Froehner 88.
Panelled, triple wreath: 970-971; KL 1792; Munich, Museum fUr antike Kleinkunst 5085 (C.I.L., XV, 2, 6886a); CandiaMuseumno. 918 (InscriptionesCreticae,II, V, 57). Signature with incised leaf and uncertain maker's mark: KL 1793. KRATER Panelled, wreath: 1117. Plain: Athens N.M. 3101 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2500, 2506). PLAIN Panelled,plain: 1179. RAYS Ovolo: 1467; Delos B 4874. Vine: 1472-1473, 1496-1498, 1505, 1511-1512; Museo Biscari 1337, pl. LXXV. Sprays with three buds: 1574. Panelled, rosettes in reversinghooks: 1581; Broneer 566, pls. XI, XXX. ROSETTE Panelled, ovolo: Broneer 692, fig. 187, pl. XXX; Inst. phot. Olympia 3828. Panelled, rosettes in reversing hooks: 1972. Panelled, rosettes: Athens N.M. 3163 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2554, 2555). Panelled, wreath: Pnyx, Hesperia, XII, 1943, p. 371, fig. 65, c. Panelled, wavy line and dots: 1973. SQUARES Panelled, sprays with three buds: 1988. DISK MISSING Panelled, ovolo: 2259; CL 1898. Panelled, rosettes in reversinghooks: KL 17941797; signature with uncertain maker's mark, KL 1798. Panelled, triple wreath: signature with incised leaf and uncertain maker's mark, KL 1799-1800. CENTRAL HANDLE 1992. BASES 2260-2272; Candia Museum, Inscriptiones Creticae,I, VII, Chersonesos27; KL 18011815; Broneer 755-756, pl. XXXII; Broneer 757, fig. 144; CL 3621; with maker's mark A, KL 1816; with maker's mark E, KL 1817. See also the Patras newspaper of May 16th, 1956; in digging foundations for lsTTa-rpcav Neo,6yo the I.K.A. building in Patras the workmen found lamps signed by Preimos, Posphoros, Zosimos and Kallistos. PoCqpos The signatures are Poipov and Pov. Most of the lamps of this shop were turned out in the first half of the 4th century; none were found in contexts definitely of the 8rd century. The signature does not appear among those found in the group of about one thousand lamps from the cave at Vari, a fact which helps to fix the upper time limit of the shop in the mid-4th century.
Panelled,globulewreath:905. AND TREE Panelled,wreath:Athens N.M. 3173 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2499, 2502).
Panelled, plain: KL 1819. Two FISH Panelled, 8-S: 950; with uncertain maker's mark E, Byzantine Museum, Athens,
no. 389.
Panelled, plain: 1046. Plain: KL 1820. Plain: 1452. Vine 1560; with maker's mark Y, 1561.
Panelled, plain: 1651, 1660-1661. Globules: signature with branch, Ephesos, IV, 91, I. pl. Panelled, wavy line and globules: with maker's mark E, 1974. Panelled, wreath: 1820. Panelled, ares: KL 1821-1822 with maker's mark E, Athens N.M. 3180 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2518, 2519); KL 1823. Panelled, three rows of dots: with maker's mark H, Athens N.M. 3098 (Inst. phots. 2518, 2519); with maker's mark A, CL 1912.
2274-2275, 2277-2283; KL 1828-1842; with branch, KL 1848; with maker's mark E, 2284-2285, KL 1844-1845; with maker's mark I, KL 1846; with uncertain maker's marks, 2286; KL 1847. TERRACOTTAS Agora, VI, 116, 706; Kerameikos. HEAD VASE Agora T 471. I(first half of 4th century) Two lamps of the first half of the 4th century are signed sigma. For lamps of the second half of the 4th century signed sigma, see the following entry. KL 1848.W. 0.075 m. Rusty orangeglaze. Disk: two fish, two framingrings. Rim: 8-S; panels. Handle: grooved and punch-marked.Base: within circle, I to right of incised branch. KL 1849. Base similar to KL 1848. --- (second half of 4th century) Lamps of the second half of the 4th century, signed sigma, appearto have no connectionswith earlierlamps signed sigma above. A connection with the shop of Stratolaos is possible, but not, at present, demonstrable.
Plain: 1724, 1763-1764; Broneer 985, pl. XXXII. BASES 2287; KL 1852. IA See 2288.
This signature is restored on 1221. The Sekoundos shop turned out lamps in Corinthin the 2nd and 3rd centuries (the lamps are listed under 239). This awkwardAttic lamp with a Corinthian signature was made at a time in the early 3rd century when Attic lampmakers, blindly imitating Corinthianmodels, displayed more will than skill. IA Two lamps of the first half of the 4th century are signed sigma lambda.They may be related both to the lamps signed sigma, above, and to those signed lambda,above. KL 1850. W. 0.076 m. Buff clay. Disk: two fish, two framing rings. Rim: 8-S, panels. Handle: grooved and punched. Base: within circle, IA with incised branch in center. KL 1851. Base similar to KL 1850.
I-pcaro?,Jou, Lamps signed with the single letter sigma may be a late continuation of this shop. They are, however, treated separately, for not one of them could be directly related to a lamp of
Stratolaos. Broneer 1039, fig. 169, pl. XXXIII, is apparently signed Irroaciovou.This lamp looks as if it came from the shop of Stratolaos. Many lamps were exported from this shop to Corinth, and the signature may have been wrongly copied by a Corinthianimitator. None of the lamps comes from a well-dated context. The shop opened in the first quarter of the 4th century, shortly before the reintroduction of glaze. The cock and two animals (Kitbler, fig. 42) and the base, 2299, both unglazed, are early work. The end of the shop may be fixed at about 360. Only two lamps were found in the cave at Vari,65none have Christiansymbols, and there is only one base framed by a tear-shaped groove. The shop maintained an even standard of reliability; the lamps have hard clear lines, sturdy bodies, and firm, often shiny glaze.
Panelled,plain: Broneer1133,fig. 50. EROS WITH TORCHAND PATERA Panelled,plain: 733. GODDESS WITH DOUBLE AXE Panelled,8-S: BritishMuseum Inv. 68-6-20180. HERAKLES AND LION Panelled,plain: Broneer 1170.Plain: Vari 17, pl. XIV, 2.
Panelled, plain: Waldhauer 490, pl. XLVI. BEAR Panelled, plain: Broneer 1244, pl. XVII.
KL 1854. : Vari 17. Panelled, plain: KL 1855. PANTHER, RIGHT Panelled, plain: Piraeus Museum. BASKET Incised wreath: 1020. CRESCENT Wavy lines: signature with branch, 1105. PLAIN Panelled, plain: 1182-1183; Broneer792. Vine: with square disk, KL 1856. Globule-andvolute: 1272. Wavy lines: KL 1857; with square disk, KL 1858. RAYS Vine: 1562. Incised wreath: 1602. Herringbone: 1606. ROSETTE Panelled, plain: 1673-1674, 1685, 1689; Broneer 946, 972; Jahreshefte,XXVI, 1930, Beiblatt, p. 116, fig. 51; KL 1859. Plain: 1676-1676, 1684, 1686-1688, 1716-1720; Broneer 963, 997; KL 1860. Vine: 1794-1795; Broneer 1048. Panelled, wreath: with maker's mark 2, KL 1861. Wavy lines: Broneer 1038; KL 1862. Herringbone: Broneer 1004 (uncertainsignature), 1006, 1013; KL 1863. -: Vari 17a, c. DISK MISSING Panelled, plain: 2302. Plain: 2300; KL 1864. Vine KL 1865. Panelled, triple wreath: signature with branch, KL 1866. Panelled, 8-S: KL 1867.
KL 1868-1870.
2289-2299, 2304-2320; Broneer 1396-1397, pl. XXXIII; KL 1871-1887; with branch, KL 1888. TERRACOTTA Agora, VI, 115. HEAD VASE Kerameikos. See also 'APX. 'Eq., 1906, p. 114.
The signatures are: ~coIrrpias,
l&o-rapia, Io-r1lp, Xc. limit fixed The shop flourished in the first half ofXCIrrlpi, the 5th century, a time by a number of considerations.2390 and 2739 were found in a stratified well-fillingwith pottery of the first half of the 5th century. No lamps of Soteria have been found in 4th century fillings in the Agora. A more significantindication of the date of the fioruit of this shop is the fact that only two lamps of Soteria have been recordedfrom the Kerameikos. The latest coins found in the debris of the
5 For the date of the resumption of regular use of the cave, see p. 63.
potters' quarter are of Arcadius (A.D. 383-408);66 during his reign, perhaps after the departure of Alaric and the Goths in 395, the potters moved away from the Kerameikos to another site.67 Comparisonof the repertoriesof Chione and Soteria bring out the cessation of activities in the Kerameikos most clearly. Chioneis well representedamong the recordedlamps from the Kerameikos in respect to standard 4th century shapes; the lamps of Chionewhich depart from the 4th century tradition are found not in the Kerameikos but in the Agora. Of the two recorded lamps of Soteria from the Kerameikosone has a cross monogramon the disk and is earlierthan the other Christian lamps from this shop which have crosses. The lampmakers left the Kerameikos when the Chione shop was in full production and before the shop of Soteria was well under way. A few lamps such as the symplegmaBroneer1199, pl. XVII, are typical of the late 4th century. At some point in the early 5th century the shop struck out in new directions with better fabrics, changed profiles and direct imitations of imported lamps. The change most important to describe since it cannot be seen in photographsis the marked improvement in fabric and technique. Many of the lamps are of well-levigated clay, much freer of grit, white bits and sand than the lamps of the latest 4th century. They run to lighter colors of orange-buffand pale browns, in contrast to the darker oranges and orange-buffsof the late 4th century. The finish is better, leaving a surface smooth to the touch. Instead of the sharply sloping walls of the 4th century lamps, many of the lamps have vertical or nearly vertical walls rising from a flat base. The large, perfectly flat bases with the straight-sidedwalls give the lamps a high degree of stability; it is difficult to knock one over. 2739-2741, 2758 and 2802 are close imitations of Asia Minor lamps; compare Ephesos, IV, 1134ff., pl. VI. 2712 is slightly influenced by Asia Minor lamps, as shown by the raised edge around the disk and the sloping rim. The Soteria Shop made the earliest known Attic lamps with the Christiancross.
pl. XIII, 7.
Herringbone: 2479; Broneer 1356, 1361; KL 2027. CROSS Vine:2499-2501.Herringbone:2508,2512-2513,2535-2537 ;Broneer1329;ArgosMuseum. PLAIN Vine: 2605; Broneer 875-876, 1394. Raised squares and triangles: Broneer 893. Wavy lines: Broneer 814. Herringbone: 2672, 2692-2693, 2708, 2712-2713, 2718-2721, 2724;
Hymettos (two); Broneer 841, 843, fig. 151, 846, pl. XXXII, 847, fig. 152, 848, 859, 868, 869, 870, pl. XIII. Broneer 941, 942, pl. XXXII, 943, pl. XXXII. RAYS Herringbone: 2755-2757;
Vine: CL 1709, 1828. Herringbone: 2772; CL 1565, 2113. OF ASIA MINOR LAMPS
2758, 2802.
2911-2913; KL 2028; Vari 18b (forty-one), fig. 5, 3, Vari 20a; Broneer 1395, CL 1598.
See also 'ApX.'Eq., 1906, p. 114. Xc-rpos KL 1934-1935. This may be interpreted as The full signature of this lampmaker is or as the genitive for Xc-i1p. Signatures in the Xor.rpos, Scblpos (or Xcorpos) in the nominative case,
67 The sprinkling of 5th and 6th century lamps found in the Kerameikos does not attest any continued activity of the kilns.
66Kiibler, p. 100.
nominative are rare on Attic lamps of the 3rd and 4th centuries. This lampmaker, however, is closely associated with Eutyches who did sign in the nominative." Therefore the name tentatively chosen for this lampmaker is Soteros. Abbreviations used are Iw Xp,coTr, Ioc. The same abbreviations were used by another lampmaker, Soteria, of the late 4th and early 5th century. Soteros worked in the late 3rd and early 4th centuries.
with one or two branches, KL 1889-1891. Panelled,8-S: signature with KL 1892. Panelled,plain: signature branch, Panelled,plain: KL 1893; signaturewith three branches,KL 1894;
signature with branch, KL 1895. VENATOR STAVING OFF BEAR Panelled, globules: KL 1896. VENATOR LEAPING OVER BEAR Panelled, herringbone: KL 1897.
DOLPHINAND TRIDENT Panelled,globules:KL 1898-1899. Two FISH Panelled, 8-S: KL 1900.
Wavy line: signature with branch, 1422. RAYS Vine: signature with branch, 1510. ROSETTE Panelled, plain: KL 1901; signature with branch, KL 1902-1903; with maker's mark H, KL 1904. Panelled, triple wreath: signature with branch, KL 1905. DISK MISSING Plain: signature with branch, 2321. Panelled, plain: KL 1906-1907; signature with branch, KL 1908-1915. Panelled, rosettes: signature with branch, KL 1916. Panelled, rosettes in reversing hooks: signature with branch, KL 1917-1919. Panelled, globules: KL 1920-1922. Panelled, 8-S: KL 1923-1925. Panelled, incised trefoil and reel: signature with Eutyches and branch, KL 1926. Panelled, incised wreath: signature with branch, KL 1927. Panelled, incised triple wreath: signature with branch, KL 1928-1931.
KL 1932-1933.
KL 1934-1967; signature with branch, 2323; KL 1968-2018. Signature with Eutyches, KL 2019. Signature with Eutyches and branch, 2322; KL 2020-2022. Signature with maker's mark 1, KL 2023. Signature with maker's mark, KL 2024-2025. TERRACOTTA Agora, VI, 119. HEAD VASE Kerameikos. TThe signature is always an abbreviation of one letter, usually framed in two circles. A glazed base in the Kerameikoshas a branch on a three-leggedbase in the center with a tau to the right. The shop was active from the middle of the 4th century to the end of the century, and its closest connections were with the largest of the contemporaryshops, that of Ky ; see 1351, 1434, 1838, 1938, 1951.
SHELL Herringbone: 1133. PLAIN Plain: 1211, 1303. Wavy lines: 1351. Herringbone: 1371. PLAIN, SQUARE Various: 1426, 1434-1436. RAYS Herringbone: 1616. LEAVES Panelled, plain: 1647. " For the partnership of Eutyches and Soteros, see the discussion of the Eutyches Shop, pp. 34-35.
Panelled, plain: 1690, 1745; Broneer 975. Plain: 1747; Broneer 998; KL 2029-2030. Vine: KL 2031-2032. Wavy lines: 1838; Broneer 1042, pl. XIV; KL 2033. 1880-1882, 1923, 1938, 1951-1952; KL 2034-2035. STAR Wavy lines: 1980; KL 2036. Herringbone: 1983-1984. BASES 2324-2331; KL 2037-2043; Broneer 1398, pl. XXXIII; signature with branch, KL 2044. 'Ep., 1906, p. 114. See also 'ApX. Y
In late Hellenistic times a lampmaker Philomousos worked in Athens (see Agora, IV, 882, p. 219; the later fabricant Philomousos mentioned there was wrongly placed in the second half of the 1st century after Christ). The second Philomousos worked in the 3rd century. The most interesting lamp, 2348, is hexagonal, a rare lamp shape, probably with two or more nozzles. Other lamps with this signature are 1503-1504, 1578-1579, 2347, and KL 2050, a fragment of base with incised signature from the late 3rd century.
This abbreviation occurs on lamps of the mid-4th into the second half of the 4th century and cannot as yet be associated with the signature of Chione. See 1691, 1839,1887, 2332; KL 2059, a fragmentary glazed base of the mid-4th century is also signed X. Xt6v~ The signature is written Xi6vnsand Xt6vn. This great shop spans the second half of the 4th and the first half of the 5th century. The lamps of Chionegive the clearest picture of the last stages of regularproduction of figured disks, of the herringbone rim period in the second half of the 4th century, of the depression at the end of the 4th century, and of the recovery in the early 5th century, accompaniedby imitation of imported lamps and improvement in fabric. This shop was the largest producerof Christian lamps. The floruit of the Chioneshop is the last quarterof the 4th and the first quarterof the 5th century; it is difficult to fix its beginnings. There are a few lamps signed with the single letter chi; see the preceding entry. These lamps all have glaze, rare on the lamps of Chione, and they date to the mid-4th century and later. Possibly they should be included among the early work of the Chione shop. Leaving these uncertain lamps, we turn to the earliest work of the shop, representedby 1918, and Broneer 1177, pl. XVI. The lamps with figured disks are few; the proportion of figured disks to the plain or patterned disks is much smaller than in the Ky shop which began in the mid-4th century. This means that in the interval which elapsed between the opening of the
shop and the opening of the Chioneshop, many second and third generation moulds for Ky with lamps figured disks had been worked to the bone and gone out of circulation; and the few moulds which the shop was able to acquire producedlumpy reliefs, some of them too poor to be enhanced by retouching. Certainly this shop did not plan on turning out series of lamps with did; from the beginning it concentrated on lamps with figured reliefs as Eutyches or Aor plain patterned disks, supplemented by lamps with Christian symbols ordered by the churches. 2665-2671, cheap, plain, third generation lamps are typical of the many poor lamps made during the depression at the end of the 4th century and in the beginning of the 5th century. Late in the 4th or early in the 5th century, the shop imitated imported lamps. In no case was the imitation exact or complete; rather certain features of imported lamps were incorporated into the Attic scheme. 2416 and 2478 imitate the shape of North African lamps. 2644, 2698 and 2710 partly imitate shapes originating in Asia Minor. Not until the second quarter of the 5th century did Attic lampmakers attempt exact imitations of imported lamps. The earliest Christian lamps from this shop bear Constantinian monograms. The six-bar monogramsseem to be peculiar to lamps made in Corinth. The lamps with the cross monogram are distinctly later than the first two kinds of monogram;they date to the end of the 4th century and first half of the 5th. This shop did not make lamps with crosses, which probably first appeared on Attic lamps in the second quarter of the 5th century.
EROSPLAYING DOUBLE FLUTE,RIGHT Herringbone: Broneer 1131. EROSWITHTHYRSOS AND KANTHAROS Herringbone:Athens N.M. 3226 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2529).
KL 2052. Herringbone:
Vari 23d.
Small rings: 2416. Wavy lines: Broneer 1227. Plain: CL 3641. Wavy lines: KL 2053-2055. Herringbone: KL 2056-2058; Broneer 1093, pl. XV; Corinth, Tseliolophos 93. CONSTANTINIAN MONOGRAM Panelled, plain: CL 1600. Herringbone: KL 2059; CL 1599. SIX BAR MONOGRAM Herringbone: Broneer 1343, pl. XXXIII, 1344-1345;CL 1788-2380. CROSS MONOGRAM Wavy lines: KL 2060. Herringbone: 2455-2457, 2462-2464, 2478; Athens N.M. 3325 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2529); KL 2061-2063; Broneer 1346, 1354, 1355, pls. XIX, XXXIII; Byzantine Museum, Athens, nos. 330, 336. MONOGRAM Delphes, V, 556, fig. 840. PLAIN Vine: 2598, 2644; CL 1713; KL 2064-2067. Rosettes: CL 2687. Globules: Broneer 892. Globule-and-volute: 1300. Wavy lines: 1343-1344, 1363; Broneer 807, 813, 815, 816; KL 2068. Herringbone: 2665-2671, 2698, 2701, 2710, 2725-2728; Athens N.M. 3094 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2529); Broneer 836-838, 839, fig. 150, 845, 852, 866, 1402; CL 1753, 1792, 1831; KL 2069-2075; Benachi coll. Row of circles: Walters 1356, found in Ephesos. PLAIN, SQUARE 1443; Broneer 1071; CL 1710, 1782; KL 2076. RAYS Panelled, plain: Broneer 948. Vine: 1572; KL 2077-2078. Broneer 954, 956, 1400. Wavy
KL 2096-2098; with uncertain second signer, KL 2099. Herringbone: 1888, 1918-1919; KL 2100-2116; Broneer 1026. :'Vari 23d (eight).
KL 2088-2095. Incised wreath: CL 2684. Wavy lines: Broneer 1040; CL 1711; Delos B 373;
Wavy lines: KL 2117-2120. Herringbone: KL 2121-2128. CENTRAL HANDLE 2017; Broneer 1446. MULTI-NOZZLE 2025, 2860; KL 2129. BASES 2333-2345, 2887-2901; KL 2130-2213; Vari 23a-d (twenty-six); TfpaKTKa,1981, p. 29, fig. 5; Broneer 1401, 1403-1404. See also 'ApX. 'Eq)., 1906, p. 114; T.L. Shear, "Excavations at Corinthin 1931," A.J.A., XXXV, 435. 1931, p.
See 2346.
The relief outline of a leaf may be identified as the trademarkof a large shop because it appears on series of lamps derived from the same archetypes. The shop began to function in the early 3rd century. The thin fabric, light colors of the clay, and the fine paring of the early lamps from this shop have in the past caused these lamps of Attic manufacture to be identified as Corinthian. Only four signed lamps have however been found in Corinth (Broneer 1241, CL 1660, 2646, 2663); these do not suggest a parent shop in Corinthsince they do not date as early as the beginning of the 3rd century when the Athenian shop opened. They date in the mid-3rd century or later when the Corinthian-Attictrade tide had turned and Attic lamps were flowing into Corinth. 1469 is the lone example of a typically Corinthianscheme of decoration.1178, 1313, 1586, 2349 and Baur 638 have ellipsoid rims, a feature peculiar to Attic lamps of the early 3rd century. The rims were left full width at the center and pared down aroundthe handle and the nozzle. The vine-and-ray series began a little later in the first half of the 3rd century, flourishedin the middle of the century, and ended in the early 4th century. These standard cheap lamps were produced in competition with vine-and-ray lamps from the shops of Preimos, Elpidephoros, Pireithos and Leonteus. In the middle of the 3rd century the shop began producinga series of lamps with figureddisks and 8-S rims. The Leaf Shop standardizedthis rim pattern, adapting it from more delicate and
complicated patterns on earlier lamps of Preimos and Elpidephoros. The 8-S pattern was a particular hallmark of the Leaf Shop; it manufactured the majority of all signed lamps with this pattern. Other signatures on lamps with 8-S rims are not contemporary with the Leaf Shop but are those of successors, such as Leonteus and Eutyches. The Leaf Shop did not use two of the most popular types of representation on 3rd century Attic lamps: erotic symplegmata and Eros with various attributes. Among the thousands of fragments of lamps in the Kerameikos with these two types of representation, not one was found with the 8-S rim. Preimos, Pireithos, Elpidephoros and the other lampmakers of the period, who all used a great variety of rim patterns, apparently avoided the 8-S pattern which they recognized as the property of the Leaf Shop. After the decline of the shop this rim continued to be used, tied to the type of representation with which it first appeared. For a discussion of the 8-S rim series (Volutenrandserie) and the representations and signatures with which it occurs, see Ktibler, pp. 116-126. The shop declined in the early 4th century. The latest lamps from the shop in the Agora, 790
and 926, both glazed, may be as late as the second quarter of the 4th century. 2362 may be a sad 5th century reminiscence of the shop. For the successors of the Leaf Shop, see under Leonteus, Eutyches and Incised Leaf.
Panelled, plain: KL 2214. Panelled, 8-S: 640-641; Athens N.M. 3206 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2517); KL 2215-2226.
Panelled,8-S: 646.
Panelled,8-S: KL 2227.
CL 2646.
Panelled, 8-8: 790; Athens N.M. 3234, 3241; KL 2228-2231. VENATOR STAVING OFF BEAR Panelled, globules: 844; KL 2232-2238; signature with maker's mark E, KL 2239.
Panelled, hooks: Athens N.M. 3211 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2517, 2524). BULL, LEFT Panelled, plain: KL 2240. Panelled, 8-8: 908-909; Waldhauer491, pl. XLVI, from Sebastopol; Broneer 1241; KL 2241-2248. DOG Panelled, 8-S: 926; KL 2249-2258; Ktibler, fig. 44 (KL 2259); Bibliotheque Nationale. RAM Panelled, 8-S: KL 2260-2271; Athens N.M. 3215 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2517); CL 1660, 2663; signature with maker's mark F, KL 2272. BASKET Panelled, 8-8: 1019; KL 2273-2279; with maker's mark A, KL 2280.
Panelled,8-S: KL 2281-2282.
Panelled, plain: 1178; KL 2283. Globule-and-volute: 1224; Broneer 1405, pl. XIII. Globules: 1213; with egg-shaped nozzles, 1308-1310. Interlocking-S: 1314. RAYS Ovolo: 1469. Vine: 1516-1528; Brants 1104, pl. VII; KL 2284; Aigina Museum. Rosettes: Baur 638, fig. 117. Disks and ivy leaves: Bibliotheque Nationale Reg. H. 1158, from Piraeus. Globules: 1586-1587.
with maker's mark E, KL 2409; with maker's mark Z, KL 2410; with maker's mark H, KL 2411; with maker's mark 1, KL 2412; with uncertain signature AEY,KL 2413.
KL 2414-2421.
KL 2422-2551; with branch, KL 2552-2553; with uncertain signature 'Ao---, KL 2554; with maker's mark F, KL 2555-2557; with maker's mark A, KL 2558; with maker's mark E, KL 2559; with uncertain makers' marks or signatures, 2350, KL 2560-2562. See also Vari, p. 346, line 7.
This signature first appears in the second half of the 3rd century; it suggests a late version of the signature of the Leaf Shop. For the present, however, it is preferableto treat these lamps as a separate group, since not one of the thirteen examples seen can be directly related to the lamps of the Leaf Shop. The Incised Shop made lamps with reliefs of two fish, two apes at table, and boat, all representations not originating in the Leaf Shop. The lampmaker, then, began production with moulds from at least two sources, of which the Leaf Shop, whether contributing directly or indirectly, was the less important. The relation of 1023 to a lamp of Eutyches suggests a connection with that lampmaker.
The lamps of this shop are dated in the second half of the 3rd century into the first half of the 4th century, perhaps not later than the first quarter of the century.
Panelled,8-S: KL 2571-2578;with maker'smark(?) I, KL 2579. WASTERS KL 2581; with maker's mark(?) R,KL 2580. BASES 2351-2352;KL 2582-2600; with branch and R, KL 2601; with BR,KL 2602; with
Panelled, 8-S: 948-949; Athens N.M. 3203 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2517, 2524); KL 2567-2568. BOAT Panelled, plain: 1023; Athens N.M. 3118 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2517, 2524); KL 2569-2570.
maker's mark H, KL 2603-2605; with maker's mark I, KL 2606; with maker's mark A (?), KL 2607; with uncertain maker's mark, KL 2608. COROPLAST ANDPOTTER LAMPMAKER, An interesting field which is opened up by the study of signatures is that of the relationship between workersin clay making objects of various types. Many scholars have drawn attention to the fact that ancient potters' shops often turned out a variety of merchandise: pottery, lamps, terracotta figurines and other clay objects. For example, Loeschcke noted that Nattus' "Die shop in Auvergne made relief lamps, factory lamps, talc lamps, sigillata and terracottas.69 Produkte des Nattus bieten uns also ein gutes Beispiel fuirdie auch sonst zu belegende Tatsache, dass manche Tdpfereiensehr vielfaltige Produkte herstellten."'0Menzelfurther observed, as had Deonna, the close relationship between Megarianbowls and lamps and noted that they were often made in the same workshops." He also suggested that lamps, cake-moulds and money boxes were made in the same shop.72A survey of the finds in the Agora and the Kerameikos shows that Attic potters of the 3rd and 4th centuries turned out terracottas, lamps and plastic lamps as well as vases. Special studies of these different classes of objects have for the most part been produced independently; taken in conjunction, however, each can contribute to the other, both toward the solution of problems of chronology and the better understanding of technical methods. Comparisonbetween terracotta figurines or lamps and pottery may be undertaken with some confidence if it can be shown that coroplast, lampmaker and potter either worked in the same shop or that a single craftsman might combine various skills. Interlocking signatures on Attic lamps, head vases, terracotta figurines and plastic lamps of the 3rd and 4th centuries may be listed as follows : Makers of lamps and head vases: Naumachios, Eudoros. Makersof lamps and terracottas: Leonteus, A , Krateros, Paulos. Makers of lamps and plastic lamps: Elpidephoros. Makers of lamps, head vases and terracottas: Eutyches, Rouphos, Soteros, Stratolaos. Makers of lamps, terracottas and plastic lamps: Ky . lamps or head vases which is not No signature has been found on Attic terracottas, plastic also the signature of a lampmaker;hence it appears that all these objects were commonly made in the same shops.
71 Menzel, 4 and p. p. 5, note 44; for Roman lamps and bowls see ibid., p. 6. 721bid., p. 7. See also Walters, History of Ancient Pottery, II, p. 389. 7' References to the individual lamps, plastic lamps, head vases and terracottas cited are given in the repertory of each
69Vindonissa, p. 251.
In addition to the head vases, unsigned contemporary pottery of other sorts may be closely linked with the lampmakers. Watzinger,74Broneer, 75 Kiibler76 and H. S. Robinson77 have all observed that the relief emblemata on Attic moulded bowls of the 3rd century carry representations identical with those on the disks of contemporarylamps. The large repertory of subjects shared by lamps and emblemata is indicated in the following list of the correspondingrelief representations; the emblemata are largely unpublished; five are illustrated on Plate 47. Head of Acheloos: 634 ff.; emblema, Agora P 2993. Head of Aphrodite with diadem: 640 ff.; emblema, Agora P 2992. Bust of Athena: 651 ff.; emblema, Agora, V, L 63, p. 81, pl. 36. Eros with lyre: 684 ff.; emblemata, Agora P 1597, P 15393, P 22834 (P1. 47, d). Eros playing flutes, left: 715; emblemata, Agora P 1938, P 19381 ( P1. 47, e). Eros with torch and patera: 729; emblemata, Ktibler, fig. 6; Agora P 7863. Eros with thyrsos and kantharos: 741; emblema, Ath. Mitt., XXVI, 1901, p. 57. Eros with grapes: 747; emblema, Agora P 7400 (P1. 47, c). Goddess with double axe: 752; emblema, Agora P 19812. Gorgoneion:771; emblemata (differingin several details from the lamp reliefs) Agora P 5344, P 7424, P 18265, P 23763. Hermes: 778; emblema, Agora P 18269. Poseidon: 784 ff.; emblemata, Agora P 15073, P 15074. Canopy symplegma: 823 ff.; emblema, Agora P 3553. Symplegma, woman and horse: 831 ff.; emblema (differingin several details from the lamp reliefs and with the composition reversed), Agora P 18322. Gladiators: 841; emblema, Agora P 1900. Ape with double flute: Kerameikos lamp, P1. 23, k; emblema from Kerameikos, P1. 47, a. Bull, left: 908; emblema, Broneer p. 108, fig. 51. Dolphin and trident: 1707; emblema, P1. 47, b. Lion: 970ff.; emblema, Agora, V, p. 61, under K 17, pl. 36. Ram: 1007 ff.; emblema, Agora P 10183. Robinson first noticed that two emblemata of Eros playing the double flute (Agora P 1938, P 19381, P1.47, e) have small round depressionsat precisely the point where the filling-holeappears on the same relief on lamp disks; thus these two emblemata were made from lamp moulds. Comparisonof other reliefs on lamp disks and emblemata suggest that the reliefs listed above derive from the same archetypes, with the exception of the reliefs of the gorgoneion and the symplegma of woman and horse. No archetypes and very few moulds have as yet been found; it is uncertain whether the
archetypes and moulds for reliefs on lamps and emblemata were the property of the shops or whether they belonged to independent artists who specialized in modelling archetypes and sold the moulds taken from them to the different shops. The examination of the reliefs on signed lamps of the 3rd century, however, encourages the opinion that during that time the moulds, if not the archetypes, belonged to the individual shops and did not circulate freely on the market. For example the relief of the ram was made only by the Leaf Shop, and the canopy symplegma only by the shop of Pireithos; each shop had its own repertory of disk reliefs which were not copied by the other shops. There are a few exceptions; the Preimos shop borrowed or stole a mould from Pireithos to make 811. Although more exceptions may appear, the general observation should hold true since it is based on a very considerable body of material. This
meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America), A.J.A., LVIII, 1953, p. 110. 75Broneer, p. 108. 74Ath.Mitt., XXVI, 1901, p. 57. 76 Kiibler, p. 113. 77 "Mould-madePottery of the Third Century after Christ" (Summary of a paper presented before the fifty-fourth general
as to mouldsdid not, however,obtain after the Herulianinvasionin A.D. 267 independence when a new and desperategenerationof lampmakers borrowed of freely from the repertories and predecessors. their competitors the principle of individualrepertories into the realmof vases, we may supposethat Carrying of the firsthalf of the 3rd centuryof bull, ram,head of Aphrodite, the emblemata Hermesand in the Leaf Shopwhichspecialized Poseidonweremanufactured in these reliefson lampdisks; the of made emblemata of Eros with shop Elpidephoros similarly lyre, Eros with torch and and with Eros and patera thyrsos cup. OtherAttic pottery of the 3rd and 4th centuriesis stronglyreminiscent of reliefson lamps and terracottas. The lug handleson Attic bowls78 bear mouldedreliefsof vine clustersand dot rosettes resembling the rim patternson lamps. The rim of a large plate79 bears a distinctive patternof guillochewith rosettesin the eyes, as does the greatAthenalamp,670. Rosetteson 4th centurystampedware are closely relatedto rosetteson lamp disks.80so Animalhandleson resemble the terracottaanimals.81 frying-pans foundon lampsare most simplyexplainedon the assumption Severalpeculiarities that the vasesandfigurines. lampsweremadein shopswhichalsomanufactured Occasionally lampshave of which on them as the or splashes glaze dripped coroplast potter passed by swinginghis bucketof glaze. 1640is paintedin terracottastyle with a strip of red glazeover a background of white; the makermighthave been at workon figurines the day before,and have forgotten that he had changedover to lamps.Althoughthe lampsare mouldmade, many of them bear the marksof the potter'swheelon the undersurfaces.A lampmaker familiarwith the potter's would his of for the mould technique naturallyprepare lump clay by flatteningit out on the wheel. The potter's wheel would also be useful for joining the two parts of the lamp. The strigil-gouged lamp,2070,is anotherexampleof a lampmaker using a potter'stechnique.Pots and lampswerefiredtogetherin the kiln; the Kerameikos has severallarge wasterswith pots and lamps fused together,and one suchwas foundin the Agora,2062. R. H. Howlandhas made a numberof illuminatingobservationsabout the relationship betweenpotter and lampmaker in the 7th to the 1st centuryB.c. His findingsare assembled here; they provideglimpsesof the Attic traditionrevived by the potters of the 3rd century afterChrist. "In studyingthe Greeklampsfromthe Agoraone gainsthe impression that the lamp-maker was often so familiar with contemporary vases that he musthave beenproducing them. Indeed one might say that the Athenianpottervery frequently was the fabricantof lampsalso. Both crafts used the same clays and glazes; variationsin the quality of the clay or glaze seen on lamps followclosely the standardsof the vases of any given period.Methodsof manufacture were also the same; wheelmadelamps are contemporary with wheelmadepottery; the introduction of moulded lamps in the third century before Christ coincides with the first great use of moulds for vases and bowls. The occasional bits of painted or moulded decoration on lamps also find ready parallels on vases. And the profiles of many wheelmade lamps, especially of their bases and lower parts, are remarkably similar to those of contemporaryvases."82 Howland noted further that the shapes of some of the Greeklamps are the strongest evidence
for the potter'shand. Someof the lampsof type 4 (late7th centuryB.c. into the secondquarter
of the 6th century) have kothon handles, and the shape of the lamp also indicates that the lampmaker was a potter.A There is a strong relationship between the raised cone in the bases of lamps of type 12A (second and third quarters of the 6th century before Christ)and the hollow
78Agora P 4945, P 14494, P 15176, P 17748, P 21282, P 22364. 79 Agora P 7983. so K. Kiibler, "Mitteilungen aus dem Kerameikos V. Spttantike Stempelkeramik," Ath. Mitt., LVI, 1951, p. 85. 81 82Agora, IV, 83 Kilbler, p. 102, note 18; D. Burr, Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 193. Ibid., p. 13. pp. 3-4.
raised boss of the mesomphalic phiale.8 Lamps of type 26 B (second half of 4th century B.C.) have bodies and handles like those of askoi.85Agora, IV, 412 (type 29A, of the last quarter of the 4th century well into the second quarter of the 3rd century B.C.) "has a wreath painted in thinned clay on its upper sides. This is actually West Slope decoration and shows a close bond again between the potter and lamp fabricant. It is interesting to see decoration on a West Slope lagynos very similar to the decoration on this lamp with its lagynos type of profile."86 Two lamps, Agora, IV, 191 and 375, combine features of pots and lamps; the first is a lamp combined with a kernos, the second may be a thymiaterion built into a lamp. After the shapes, the decoration is most revealing. Agora, IV, 8 and 9 (type 2 B, late 7th into late 6th century B.C.)have incised decoration comparableto that of contemporarypottery. Agora, IV, 46 (type 6 B, middle of the 6th century B.C. to the end of the century) has a band of purple around the rim like the bands on black glazed pottery. Agora,IV, 115 is a lamp with black glaze on the lower part, white paint on the upper. "The use of white with black glaze is more unusual for a lamp, but is often seen on pottery of the second half of the 6th century."87 Agora, IV, 58 (type 8, 7th to late 6th century B.C.) has a frieze of water birds paralleled on vases. The lamps of type 33 B have decoration in white paint characteristic of West Slope pottery. Garlands of ivy leaves on lamps of type 45 C again reflect the activity of potters of West Slope ware. Lamps and Megarian bowls were made in the same establishments. Ariston and perhaps Apollonios and Hephaistion signed both lamps and Megarian bowls." Lamps and Megarian bowls have a common store of moulded decoration, such as imbricated leaves, oval ribbed leaves, dolphins, satyrs and satyr masks.89 To conclude, lampmaker and potter worked closely together at all times in ancient Athens. For Roman times there is evidence that terracottas were also manufactured in the shops producing lamps and pots.
Whereas the chronology of the 1st and 2nd century lamps leans heavily on the dated deposits of the Agora and outside points of reference are introduced in individual cases rather than in regard to the group as a whole, the chronology of the 3rd and 4th century Attic lamps was worked out from a study of Agora deposits in conjunction with the evidence from the Kerameikos and the Vari Cave. This study gave rise to conclusions about technical developments in lamp production which directly affect the dating of 3rd and 4th century lamps as a whole. The premises on which the dating of 3rd and 4th century lamps depends are briefly set forth here. The Herulian sack of Athens in A.D. 267 is the fixed point in the 3rd century. Numerous lamps from destruction debris deposits" give a picture of mid-3rd century lamp production. The dating of lamps in the first and last thirds of the century is mainly a matter of working backward and forward from 267. In this process, the Kerameikos lamps offer a useful control. After 267 the lampmakers established their kilns in the ruins of the Hadrianic building on the site of the Pompeion in the Kerameikos.9 On the one hand the Agora, which was flourishing up until 267, has yielded a great many lamps from the first two thirds of the century, and few
" Ibid., p. 25. 88 Ibid., p. 95. 85 lbid., p. 84. 81 Ibid., p. 35. Ibid. For Ariston, see under type 51 B; for Apollonios under type 51 Variants; for Hephaistion under type 48 C. 89 These motifs are noted in the introductions to types 45 C; 46 A, C, D; 47 B; 48 A, C; 51 B. The introductions to types 48 A and C strongly stress the lampmaking activities of the makers of Megarian bowls. 9 B 17:1, H-I 12:1, I 12:1, J 11-12:1, M 20:2. 91 A. Brueckner, Ath. Mitt. LVI, 1931, p. 7. The site of the potters' quarters in Roman times before 267 is not known.
lamps from the last third of the century when it lay in ruins, largely deserted, housing only a few stray metalworkersand craftsmen. Conversely, the Kerameikoshas produced few lamps from the first two thirds of the century, and more than a thousand lamps from the last third of the century, together with moulds and wasters, debris from the kilns. By comparing the numerous signed lamps, it is possible to determinefrom the absence or presence of signatures in the Agora and the Kerameikos the approximate time limits of the lampmakers' shops. Thus, shows that twenty-nine signatureshave been for example, since the repertory of Elpidephoros92 found in the Agora awagainst five in the Kerameikos, one may conclude that the floruit of the shop preceded the Herulian invasion and that it barely survived the disaster. Again, the repertory of the Eutyches shop93makes it clear that the floruit of the shop postdates 267, since the vast majority of the signatures were found in the Kerameikos, not in the Agora. Of particular aid in narrowing down the sequence are the double signatures, the most important being those of Leonteus with Preimos, of Leonteus with the Leaf Shop and of Eutyches with the Leaf Shop. The early 4th century is pinned down by Deposits F 17:1 and K 20:1, the latter with coins running as late as A.D. 811. For the mid-4th century the finds from the Vari Cave offer a valuable point of comparison, particularly if the evidence from the coins be exploited. The significance of the distribution of the coins from Vari may be gauged by comparing it with the distribution of coins of the same period from the Agora.94 Vari Agora I 1 Constantine 527 807-33887 337-350 Constans I 1 434 Constantius II 46 1855 337-861 361-408 Julian II throughArcadius 34 3533 The evidence of the coins and the lamps from the Cave at Vari must be handled with caution, as only a small proportion of the lamps are published and 64 out of 147 coins have not been identified. Bearing these limitations in mind, it appears that A.D. 350-360 was the date of the resumption of regular visits to the cave. Consequently the absence of signatures of Rouphos from the cave supports the view that his workshop ceased to produce before 350, and the presence of two signatures of Stratolaos suggests that this shop was active later than the Rouphos shop, well into the mid-4th century. At the end of the 4th century the potters' quarters in the Kerameikos were destroyed by violence. The latest coins from the destruction debris are from the reign of Arcadius (A.D. 383-408).95 The site itself was rendered so useless that the potters and lampmakers moved their kilns to other parts of the city. Broneer connected the destruction with the barbarian invasions at the end of the 4th century,96undoubtedly referringto Alaric's invasion of Attica in 396. When Alaric and his Goths marched on Athens, a vision of Athena Promachos and Achilles is said to have caused him to withdraw. Although it is not recordedthat Alaric entered into active hostilities against Athens, the mere presence of such a large army of Goths must have caused considerable damage. The potters' quarters may have been destroyed by Alaric's soldiers either while they were marching toward the Acropolis or while they were camping in the neighborhood.7
94 The 93Pp. 35-38. figures are taken from A.J.A., VII, 1903, p. 335 (Vari) and Agora, II, pp. 84-85. 96 100. Kiibler, Broneer, p. 119. p. 95 " There is another sign that Athens suffered in the late 4th century. Miss Thompson found that "the high proportion of coins for the sole reign of Gallienus is certainly to be explained by the disaster of A.D. 267 ... unmistakable evidence of the haste with which the inhabitants fled or were overcome by the barbarians" (Agora, II, p. 2). The coins of the late 4th century found in the Agora also show a sharp rise in numbers over those of the preceding and following years, with 1055 coins 92 P. 32.
There are very few 5th and 6th century lamps in the Kerameikos. The contrast between the cessation of activity in the Kerameikos and the continuation of daily life in the Agora is best observed in the history of the Soteria shop (see pp. 52-53). The two main lines of division in the catalogue at A.D. 200 and A.D. 400 are not merely conventional century boundary lines. The period of the Attic shops began in the early 3rd century and came to a close in 396 with the destruction of the potters' quarters. The distinction drawn between late 4th century and early 5th century lamps is based on a comparison of late Kerameikos and Agora lamps; those Agora lamps for which the Kerameikos offersfew or no parallels are assumed to postdate the year 396. In the early 3rd century the Attic lampmakers stopped using glaze. During the 4th century they adopted glaze and abandoned it for the second time. The present working hypothesis is that glaze reappearedtoward the end of the first quarter of the 4th century and that it was abandoned in the third quarter of the 4th century, around 360. The dates suggested here are based on a study of shop sequences: shops with unglazed lamps only: e.g. Bromios shops with unglazed and glazed lamps: e.g. Rouphos, Krateros shops with glazed lamps only: none shops with early 4th century unglazed lamps, glazed lamps, and late 4th century unglazed lamps: e.g. Stratolaos shops with unglazed lamps only: e.g. Soteria Confirmationor correction of these dates must await the detailed publication of the individual shops. LAMPS OF THE 5TH AND 6TH CENTURIES The lampmakers of the 5th century had two sources for their moulds. First, they continued using worn out moulds derived from 4th or even 3rd century archetypes. Second, they took new moulds from imported lamps. Thus it happened that lamps of widely varying shapes and decoration, ranging from sharp detail to the most blurred markings, were made at the same time by the same craftsmen.98 Examples of 5th century lamps derived from 3rd century archetypes are Athena, 2363 (P1. 37); lion, 2411 (P1. 38) and Broneer 1222-1237, plate XXVIII; ram, 2420 (P1.38). Any of the disk representationsput out en masse in the 3rd and 4th centuries may be expected to reappear in small numbers in the 5th and even in the 6th century, usually in third or fourth generation
shops with glazed and unglazed lamps: e.g. T
, Chione
lamps, in coarse clay, the representation sometimes either blurred or retouched beyond recognition. Sometimes changes were made in the decoration of a lamp taken from an old mould. For example, the dove, 2390 ft. (P1. 38), and the Christian cross are reliefs which do not appear on Attic lamps prior to the 5th century. The lampmaker did not have special archetypes for lamps with these new reliefs; he simply transferred the reliefs to moulds taken from 4th century lamps. 2865 (P1. 45) is a 5th century mould with a disk relief of a deer and a rim pattern of small circles superimposed on an earlier scheme of decoration. The imitation of imported lamps involved taking moulds from lamps which came to Athens from North Africa and Asia Minor. For 5th century imitations of North African shapes, see
of Theodosius I (379-395) and 1012 of Arcadius (383-408); see Agora, II, numerical summary of coins, p. 85. The catalogue of the coins of Arcadius shows that the large majority were struck before the year 400 (Agora, II, pp. 58-59). The historical evidence on Alaric in Athens is summed up by F. Gregorovius, Athen und Athenais, Dresden, 1927, pp. 35-38, 698. SAlthough there are no signed lamps after the first half of the 5th century, one may assume that the working habits of the lampmakers remained the same and that each shop produced a variety of shapes.
e.g. 2382 (P1. 37), 2407 (P1. 38), 2425 (P1. 39). For imitations of Asia Minor shapes, see e.g. 2381 and 2385 (P1.37) and 2642 and 2644 (P1.41). After the moulds had been made, the Attic lampmakers no longer depended on the imported examples but could continue making second and third generation lamps. Often the lampmakerseffected a mixture of local 3rd and 4th century tradition with imported elements. The possibilities of combinationare endless and tend to blur the oversharpdistinctions drawn above. In fact there are relatively few unchanged continuations of Attic 3rd and 4th century shapes and few exact imitations of imported shapes; most 5th century lamps are a mixture of local and foreign styles in varying proportions. 2416 (P1. 38) is North African in shape with an Attic disk relief derived from a 3rd century archetype. 2492 (P1. 40) follows a North African style in shape and in raised linear rim pattern; the base, however, is typically Attic. 2579, a 6th century lamp, has the upper half derived from a North African lamp, the lower half from a 3rd century globule-and-volute lamp. 2657 (P1. 42), although Attic in the scheme of disk and rim, has borrowedthe raised edge around the wick-hole, the fishtail handle and the grooves on the underside of the nozzle from Asia Minorlamps. At present it is difficult to distinguish between lamps of the second half of the 5th century and those of the first half of the 6th century. With the second half of the 6th century surer ground is reached, for there are three large deposits, destruction fillings, dated by pottery and coins.99Comparedwith the 5th century lamps, these lamps are small, coarse and repetitive; they were made when Athens had become a small provincial town, after the closing of the University in A.D. 529. LAMPS OF THE 7TH AND 8TH CENTURIES There is little evidence for dating 7th century lamps in the Agora; a date in the 7th century is tentatively assigned to the following lamps: 2921-2939 (Pls. 46-47). A lamp believed to be of Attic fabric, Inv. A.L. 57 (P1. 47), found on the North Slope of the Acropolis, may also be as late as the 7th century.'00Of these lamps only two, 2924 and 2938, come from a dated context. None of these shapes has so far appeared among the numerous lamps of the destruction fillings of the second half of the 6th century; they are presumed to be later. 2928 was found with a coin of Constans II (641-648). A similar lamp, 2927 (P1. 46), resembles lamps in use in the fortress of Emborion, Chios, when the building was destroyed shortly after the middle of the 7th century.o10 There must be more than nineteen 7th century lamps in the Agora, to judge by the quantities of 7th century coins (Agora, II, p. 85). Probably some of the lamp shapes at present dated in the second half of the 6th century continued to be made in the 7th century. 2941-2942 (P1. 47) may have been made in the 8th century, during the "dark ages" of Athens.'o2 EXPORT OF ATTIC LAMPS IN ROMAN TIMES The history of the export trade in Attic lamps in Roman times was briefly outlined by John Day in his EconomicHistory of Athens under Roman Domination,in the following statements. In the 3rd century, "Attic industry grew to such an extent that it began to export lamps
99See the deposit index under Q 13:4; M-Q 17-21; M 17:1. For the group of 6th century lamps from M 17:1, see Agora, V, Group M, pl. 46. 100Professor Oscar Broneer kindly gave permission to publish this lamp. Information about these unpublished lamps from the excavations of the British School of Archaeology at Chios was o101 kindly provided by Mr. John Boardman. 102For traces of 8th century occupation in the Agora, see M. Thompson, "Some Unpublished Bronze Money of the Early Eighth Century," Hesperia, IX, 1940, pp. 359-362, fig. 1.
in number to Corinthand other parts of Greece, and in smaller amounts to Sicily, South Russia and Egypt." After the Herulian invasion "Athenian potters continued to enjoy an export market for their lamps." "Throughout the fourth and fifth centuries the Athenian lampmaker These conclusionsreflect the information enjoyed a near monopoly of the Corinthianmarket."'103 available up to 1942; some further documentation, revision and expansion is now in order. The emphasis here is on Attic lamps exported to other towns rather than on imitations of Attic lamps made outside Attica. Local imitations, interesting in themselves as marking zones of cultural influence, do not necessarily indicate extensive exports from the parent site to the sites The distinction between import and imitation is not, where the imitations were made.1'04 however, always plain from illustration alone. The lamps noted below as found in Delos, Argos and Corinthhave been examined directly; for the other sites discussed the reader is cautioned that some imitations may have been mistaken for Attic originals. The export of Attic lamps is described first under the sites or areas where such lamps have chiefly been found; this analysis is followed by a chronologicalsummary of the trade as a whole. DELPHI'05 In the 1st and 2nd centuries Athens did not export lamps to Delphi. Attic lamps, however, form a majority of the lamps imported to Delphi in the second half of the 3rd, in the 4th and perhaps in the early 5th century.'06It is possible that some of the 6th century lamps are also Attic.'07 Athens succeeded Corinthas the major source of imported lamps in Delphi. In the discussion of Corinthian lamps it is argued that the date of "good" examples of Broneer Type XXVII should be extended well into the 3rd century. If this revision is accepted, the apparent gap in imports in Delphi, as between the Corinthianlamps hitherto dated in the 2nd century and the Attic lamps of the late 3rd century, will be satisfactorily closed. ARGOSo08 The bulk of the 4th to 6th century lamps reflect Attic influence. Some are Attic and some Corinthianimitations of Attic, but the majority are Argive imitations of Attic, or even Argive imitations of Corinthianimitations of Attic. The signatures of the following Attic lampmakers have been found at Argos: Elpidephoros, Eutyches, Ky, Stratolaos, Agapios, and Soteria. CoRINTHo09 Few Attic lamps of the 1st and 2nd century have been found in Corinth. Broneer 372-3882 are 2nd century alpha globule lamps and there are a few more among the unpublished lamps. One would not expect these work-a-day lamps to make much impression on the Corinthians, whose lamps at that time were much more refined and interesting, but in one case at least, Broneer 381, a Corinthianlampmakerimitated an alpha globule lamp. The way in which the Corinthian lamp industry was dominated by Attic lamps from the late 3rd to the 5th centuries can be seen most clearly from the signatures of that period in
103 Day, Economic History, pp. 256, 261, 268. Clear illustration of this fact comes from Athens itself; local imitations of foreign lamps were produced from the 7th 1o0 century B.C. to the 7th century after Christ, yet the stimulus was provided by only a few imported pieces. In some cases indeed not a single example of the imported original which inspired the Attic copy has as yet been found. The estimate of Attic export of lamps to Delphi is based on the material published in Delphes, V. o105 o106 Delphes, V, 504-505, 511, 521, 526-529, 534, 535 (imitation), 536-537, 589 (Attic ?), 554, 556.
seum, seen in October, 1956. A few lamps have been published by P. Courbin, "Une rue d'Argos," B.C.H., LXXX, 1956, fig. 16, 7-10, fig. 17, 1-5. 109The estimate of Attic exports to Corinth is based on a study of approximately four thousand lamps found in Corinth before June, 1956.
o10Ibid., 560. 10oThe estimate of Attic influence on Argive lamps is based on a study of the material in the storerooms of the Argos Mu-
Corinth."0Ninety percent of the signatures are those of Attic lampmakers, appearing either on Attic lamps or on Corinthianimitations."' In the 5th and 6th centuries local imitations of lamps from Asia Minor and North Africa appeared in both Athens and Corinth. At this time Corinth both imported and copied Attic imitations of foreign lamps.
Two alpha globule lamps, one Attic, the other possibly an imitation, date to the 1st or 2nd century. There are two 3rd century Attic lamps, one signed by Pireithos and B 4874 signed by Preimos. From the late 3rd or early 4th century there are also two lamps, one by Eutyches, the other with a boat on the disk and plain panelled rim. The 4th century lamps are somewhat more numerous: B 1582, signed by Eutyches; B 1115, B 373, signed by Chione; B 558 with bull's head; a vine-and-ray lamp; signed by Ky -; B 996, with rosette disk; plain disk and wavy lines on rim; B 1130, gladiators; B 591, dolphin and trident. One lamp is of the 5th century, B 326, signed by Dionysia. Attic lamps form the majority of lamps imported to Delos in the late 3rd and 4th centuries. Only two Corinthianlamps were seen, signed by Balerios and Kreskes. The Attic lamps did not drive out Corinthianproducts, as on the sites of the Greekmainland; in Delos the Attic product replaced rather the imports from the eastern Aegean area, in particularlamps from Knidos. In the 5th and 6th centuries, lamps of the eastern Aegean areas reappearedin Delos. The lamps of Delos form a continuous even though small series, and serve to show that the island was never entirely deserted in Roman times. As yet no moulds for lamps have been found on Delos, nor is there any evidence for a local lamp fabric; apparently all the lamps used there were imported.
Ivanyi consideredthat the two great sources of influences on Pannonian lamps were Italy and the east, and she did not allow for Greek influence on Pannonian lamps in Roman times."4 Some lamps, however, are either Attic or local imitations of Attic, and date to the 3rd and 4th centuries."5 These lamps together with local imitations of Corinthian lamps and a few nonGreek types are in Ivanyi's Type X, which was described as an eastern group.116 Just as lampmakersin Pannonian centers copied factory lamps, so they copied Attic lamps as the few examples given above indicate. Only complete Attic lamps or imitations are illustrated by Ivanyi; had fragments been included, a closer relationship to the Attic industry might well have been attested.
A high proportionof all the 3rd and 4th century lamps published by Waldhauerare Attic."8 The Attic lamps exported to South Russia are better and more varied than those exported to
11 Ibid., p. 35; cf. ibid., p. 13. 1' The estimate of Attic exports of lamps to South Russia is based on Waldhauer, Antike Tonlampen. 11s Attic lamps of the 3rd century: Waldhauer466-467,472-474,476-477,484-485; 481 and 484 may also be Attic. Late 3rd and early 4th century Attic lamps: Waldhauer 475, local imitation; 486. 4th century Attic lamps: 469, 479, 488-492,494,559.
Ibid., 858, pl. XXXIV, 2, imitation;869, pl. XXXV, 1, Attic; 870, pl. XXXV, 2, Attic; 872, pl. XXXV, 4, Attic; 873, pl. XXXV, 5, Attic (?); 874, pl. XXXV, 6, imitation;875, pl. XXXV, 7, imitation(?).
112The estimate of exports of Attic lamps to Delos is based on examination of the lamps in the storerooms of the Delos Museum, May 1957. Where possible, the lamp is cited by number. Some lamps are unnumbered. A few were published by Deonna, "Les lampes antiques trouv6es h Delos," B.C. H., XXXII, 1908, pp. 133 ff. 113The estimate of exports of Attic lamps to Pannonia is based on Ivanyi, Pannonische Lampen. 114 Ibid., p. 33.
"I Attic signatures found in Corinth are recorded in the repertories of the Attic lampmakers.
Broneer, p. 112.
other areas; indeed the quality and the quantity of these lamps recall the flourishing trade relations between Attica and South Russia in classical and Hellenistic times.n9 EPHESOS120 In the first three centuries there are few or no Attic lamps,121 but many 4th century Attic with found.122 must were have competed successfully lamps being manufactured lamps They much closer to Ephesos than Athens. The price which Attic lamps commanded on the Ephesos market perhaps compensated for the expense of transport. Miltner'sfull publication of the lamps found at Ephesos not only provides ample documentation for that site but may also serve to suggest the character of Attic exports to Miletos, Priene and the other great cities of Asia Minor,the lamps of which have not yet been published. SUMMARY In the first two centuries of our era there was no regular export of Attic lamps. Stray finds at various sites commemorate trips of Athenians abroad; travellers and ship crews would have carried lamps among their necessities. Surface finds at the ancient sites of Attica, Boeotia and Euboea suggest, however, that Attic lampmakershad a good market for their products throughout the villages of Attica and the neighboring regions. In the 2nd and 3rd centuries Corinthian lamps were exported all over Greece'2 and the islands, to Egypt, Asia Minorand South Russia and they exerted far-reachinginfluence through many different kinds of local imitation in Pannonia, South Russia, the Aegean Islands, Egypt and in Greece, particularly in Athens. One feature of Corinthianlamps, as they are known at present, helps us to appreciate if not to estimate the very large quantity of the Corinthianexports. This feature is the dazzling variety of disk reliefs, along with the great number of lampmakers. The astonishing fact about the published lamps is that one delicate and complicated relief follows the next with little repetition of subject matter. This lack of repetition in massproduced mouldmade objects is startling and suggests an undreamed of wealth of Corinthian lamps yet to be found. More than fifty Corinthian lampmakers' signatures are now known, again with relatively few examples of each, and new signatures constantly appear. Each lampmaker could have produced thousands of lamps; eager foreign markets must have supported these great factories. In the 3rd century the Attic lampmakers fastened their eyes on the vast and lucrative Corinthian export trade. By the mid-3rd century they were competing vigorously; in the 4th century they captured the market and found new fields to conquer. The stimulus of strenuous competition with Corinth is partly responsible for the attractiveness of Attic lamps. Just as in the second half of the 7th century B.C. Attic potters learned the black-figuretechnique from the Corinthianswhom they surpassedin the 6th century, so in the early 3rd century after Christ Attic potters at first imitated Corinthian lamps and later outstripped their teachers. The Corinthianlampmakers,in an effort to save the export trade, in turn imitated the Attic lamps which they saw to be successful, and they sold the copies to towns in the Peloponnesus as well as at home.124 The loss of the foreign markets may have been a contributing factor to the rapid decline in quality of Corinthianlamps in the late 3rd and 4th centuries.
119 Compare an analysis of a hoard of coins (A. Bellinger, "A Constantinian Hoard from Attica," A.J.A., XXXII, 1928, pp. 496-501) which indicates that in the first half of the 4th century "Athens' trade was chiefly with the Propontis (Nicomedia, Cyzicus, Constantinople, and Heraclea) . ....." 120oThe estimate of Attic exports of lamps to Ephesos is based on Ephesos, IV and Walters, Catalogueof the Lamps in the British Museum. 121 Ephesos, IV, 160, pl. XII, may be an Attic lamp of the late 3rd century. 122Ibid., 50, 76-82, 84-99, many of these shown on pl. I; 157, pl. XII. In addition, 51, pl. I, a local imitation. Walters 1856, signed by Chione, is probably a 5th century Attic lamp. 123 Broneer, pp. 93-94. 124 See Broneer 925, fig. 162, a 3rd century Corinthian imitation of an Attic lamp.
The initial successes of Attic lampmakers in selling their products abroad in the mid-3rd century received a drastic setback when the potters' quarters were destroyed in the Herulian invasion of A.D. 267. In this crisis, the surviving lampmakersmust have acted with speed and energy to regain lost ground, for in the late 3rd century Attic lamps were again on the way to South Russia, the Aegean Islands, Asia Minor and various parts of Greece. The 4th century marks the peak of Attic export of lamps in Roman times; and in their own way Attic lamps must have been as well known at that time as were the Attic sarcophagiof the 2nd and 3rd centuries. Pannonia, the Aegean Islands, South Russia and the coastal cities of Asia Minor all bought Attic lamps. A thin trickle of Attic lamps reached Egypt in the 3rd, 4th and 5th centuries, a situation in contrast to that of Hellenistic times when a great many of the lamps imported to Egypt were Attic. In the 5th and 6th century the export trade declined, as North African and various Asia Minor styles became more popular. At that time, Athens was still exporting lamps to Corinth, Delphi and other Greek towns, but the foreign market was largely lost. Just as Corinth had fallen back on imitations of Attic lamps at an earlierdate, so the Athenians were finally reduced to making humble imitations of the more successful North African and Asia Minor lamps.
In the descriptionof the lamps the followingabbreviations, descriptiveterms and conventionshave been employed.
height (the height does not include the handle) width (measured at the point of maximumwidth) length (the length includesthe handle) maximumpreserveddimension preservedheight
width preserved
containinga fair amountof mica (smallamountsof mica are not noted) circulargroove raised circularband ring knob handle handleattached to upperpart only piercedhandle hole goes throughhandle punchedhandle hole begun on both sides, not punchedthrough punch-marks small circleson either side of handle micaceous circle
Wherethe state of preservationis not given, the lamp is complete. Unless otherwisenoted, Attic lamps of the 3rd and 4th centurieshave air-holes.For all other lamps,the air-hole, if present, is recorded. In recordingthe letters of signatures,dots are used to representmissing letters. When used within the name, the number of dots represents the exact number of missing letters. When used before and after existing letters, the three dots indicate an unknownnumber of missingletters. Wherebracketsare used, they follow epigraphicalconventions.
1 P1. 1. Cistern,N 19:1. W. 0.035 m., P.L. 0.056 inm. 4 P1. 1. Est. W. 0.06 min.,P.L. 0.071 m., H. 0.025 inm. End of nozzle. Gray clay; black glaze. Eastern Much of left side preserved.Hard buff clay; worn purplishbrownglaze. Aegean area. Oval wick-hole with flat rim; just behind the Disk: nude male figure facing right, with right wick-hole, a relief band or wreath, the two ends arm outstretched. Plain narrow rim. Volutes are almost touchingon the undersideof the nozzle. suggestedby the vaguely indicated rib on the wall. 1st century B.C. Band handle. Base: within ring, not preserved. Late 1st century B.C. to early 1st century after 2 P1. 1. H. 0.038m., max. dim. 0.102 m. Nozzle,part Christ. of rim and disk. Non-joining fragmentof base. Bright worn off. orange clay; glaze largely Disk plain as far as preserved; uneven framing 5 Pl. 1. W. 0.074 m., P.L. 0.071 m., H. 0.027 m. Nozzle,handleand centerof base missing. Grayclay; ring. Rim: irregularpattern of raised ovolo; lug on dull smearyblack glaze. right side. Long plain nozzle, with round wick-hole Erotic symplegmaframedby three rings. Narrow set in flat oval plane. Base: traces of a letter, H or P. at the sides. Outline of wick-holepreservedat The forwardposition of the filling-holeindicates lugs break of nozzle. Band handle. Base: within two a restoration of central handle and second nozzle. as far as preserved. rings, plain Late 1st century B.C. Poor workmanship. 3 P1. 1. W. 0.083 m., P.L. 0.074 m., H. 0.028 m. For a similar representation,see Waldhauer182, Nozzle missing. Buff clay; poor worn black glaze, pl. XVII. Late 1st century B.C. orangein spots. Attic (2). Eros holding Ares' shield and looking up at Ares, wearing helmet and chlamys; two framing rings. 6 Pl. 1. Est. W. 0.064 min. Part of top. Micaceous Small lugs at the sides. The nozzle is not likely to orange-buffclay; orange glaze. have been very long, since the outline of the fillingDisk: a school of fish; framingring. Small lug at hole is seen at the breaknear the rim. Band handle. the side. Band handle. Base: within two rings, plain. Cf. Derewitzky, Pavlowsky and Stern, Museum A closely similar lamp in the Kerameikos has zu OdessaI-II, Terracotten, pl. X, 5, where the fish reddishbuff clay and a good coat of shiny red glaze. are identified as Cyprinus dobula. A similar lamp, Walters 513, fig. 95, has no handle, Late 1st century B.C. has an air-hole,and is signed L. Sergi.
Late 1st century
7 P1.1. Well, R 13:1. W. 0.093 m., est. L. 0.174 m., H. 0.04 m. Most of top, much of bottom missing; partly restored. Buff clay; very worn orange glaze. Disk: outermost, wide, sharply sloping ring preserved. Ovolo pattern on narrow flat rim; at the breakson the sides projections,perhapsof lugs. One long plain nozzle, with roundedtip higher than rim, is preserved.Base: within wide flat ring, plain as far as preserved.
0.035 m. Muchmissing; partly restored;non-joining fragment of base. Buff clay; very worn brown to black glaze. Disk: two rings, rosette of curvingpetals. Narrow rim of two rings. Air-hole. Long nozzle, the fan-
shaped tip 0.016 in. higher than rim. Hollow trian- of handlewith finger-hole preserved.Nearly vertical gular handle shield with acanthus leaf; solid handle walls. Base: within ring, plain as far as preserved. with no finger-hole. Base: within ring, plain. To be restoredwith handle shield and filling-hole Late 1st century B.c. cover; see 15. First half of 1st century. 9 Pl. 1. Well, D 11:1. W. 0.086 min., L. 0.142 min., H. 0.042 m. Band handle missing. Hard brown clay; 15 Pl. 1. Well, B 20:1. W. 0.059 m., L. 0.081 m., H. remainsof brownglaze. 0.045 m. Gray clay; black glaze. Eastern Aegean Disk: rosette. From disk to base ring, alternating area. narrowand wide ribs. Long roundednozzle: on top Filling-holecover with grooved and piercedarm. a tongue ending in two loops near the disk; on sides Mask of comic actor in high relief. Hollow undervolutes. Base: within ring, plain. neath. Cf.Menzel264, fromMiletos,whichis discussedby This coverwill have fitted onto a lampwith hinges Loeschcke,Vindonissa, pp. 335-336. Loeschckedates similar to 14 which is of the same fabric and from the Miletos lamp to the second quarter of the 1st the same level in the well, but much too small to century; Menzel points out the dependenceon a belong. bronzeshape. For heads on filling-holecovers, see Ephesos,IV, First half of 1st century. 32-33, p. 178, figs. 109-110; Menzel 711, p. 115, Similarfragment:10 F 11:1. fig. 98. First half of 1st century. 11 Pl. 1. W. 0.075 mi., L. 0.132 inm.,H. 0.042 m. Handle shield and tip of nozzle missing. Very hard brown clay; uneven brown to dark brown glaze. 16 Pl. 2. W. (with lugs) 0.124 m., H. 0.05 m.Tip of nozzle,partof disk, handleand handleshieldmissing. Eastern Aegean area. Plain disk with ring of globulesand three framing Gray clay; black glaze. Eastern Aegeanarea. Disk: rosette, two framingrings; two filling-holes. rings. Small lugs at the sides. Unpiercedhinges in Flat narrow rim with groovedlugs at the sides. Two front of handle. Nozzle: mask on top; volutes, the rounded nozzles: caduceuson top; on the sides four terminals carried down on sides of nozzle as large are the terminals carried down as ribs. volutes, ribs. On each side the two ribs are connected with at the lugs on each side and continuingto each other. Start of hollow handle shield; below, Starting the of back the lamp is a secondlayerof clay forming handlewith fingerhole. Base: within ring, plain. an outer wall from rim to base. Base: within ring, The halvesof the lampare clumsilyfitted together. There are two other awkward details: the hinges plain. Similarto Broneer 383, p. 167,pls. VIII and XXX; being unpiercedare useless, and the pseudo-volutes the Corinth has air-holesand an inscriptionin lamp on the undersideof the nozzle have an improvised Greek (2) rofEt.For the relief caduceuson hopelessair. They are an attempt to imitate volutes the NiKo1v cf. nozzle, Priene, p. 452, fig. 560; "Lampes, of bronze lamps which are regularlyplaced on the 23. Delos," fig. sides, not the top, of the lamp as in Walters, pls. First half of 1st century. I-VII. Hinges for the filling-holecover are practical in bronze (Walters58, pl. VI), easily brokenin clay. Here is a less successfulimitation of a bronzelamp 17 Pls. 1, 52. Cistern,D 4:1. Agora,V, G 149, p.37, than Tarsus, I, 131, p. 108, figs. 97, 98, which the pl. 47. Three non-joiningfragments.a: H. 0.12 m. Handle shield; b: H. 0.055 m., P.L. 0.145 m. Part of Agora lamp resembles. nozzle and body; c: Max.dim. 0.052 m. Tip of nozzle. For other clay lampswith hinges,see Walters818, Light gray clay; black glaze. Eastern Aegean area. pl. XXVII; Ephesos,IV, 28 and 41, pl. XI. Walters Narrow flat rim. Large rounded nozzles with have 815, 123, 147,
p. fig. may hinges. Mid-ist century or earlier (?). Similar: 12 Fragment of back with two unpierced hinges. 13 Fragmentwith two piercedhinges. volutes, the terminals carried down as ribs; on top, caduceus with air-hole neatly punched through loop. Handle shield in shape of large leaf rising from a knot with spirals at the ends; attached to a band handle. Base: within ring, two alphas in fine relief strokes. First half of 1st century.
14 Pl. 1. Well, B 20:1. Est. W. 0.076 m., H. 0.038 m. Nozzle, handle shield, center of base and many pieces missing. Gray clay; worn black glaze. Eastern Aegean area. Disk: rings; in front of handle, one of the two hinges for the pin of the filling-hole cover is preserved. Lugs at sides. Terminals of volutes carried down as very long ribs stopping just short of the base. Part
18 Max. dim. 0.052 m. Part of nozzle. Gray clay; shiny black glaze. Eastern Aegean area. Rounded end of large nozzle; spiral terminal of one volute preserved. First half of 1st century (2).
19 P1. 1. H. 0.056 m., W. 0.043 m. Handle shield. Gray clay; black glaze. Eastern Aegean area. Hollow handle attachment in the form of an acanthusleaf. In back,partof handlewith finger-hole. First half of 1st century.
Pale greenish buff clay; remains of brown glaze. Italian. Large handle with finger-hole.Hollow triangular handle shield: two dolphinstouching noses below a palmette. Bandedrim, slopingsteeply towardcenter. On side of nozzle, fat rib. 20 P1. 1. Well, F 11:1. Max. dim. 0.051 m. FragSimilar handle on plastic lamp, Walters 426, pl. ment of handle shield. Gray clay; shiny black glaze. XIII; Niessen 1814, pl. LXXXII (does not belong Eastern Aegean area. with lamp). Part of solid handle shield in the form of a leaf. Late 1st B.C. to early 1st century after Christ. First half of 1st century. 25 Well, R 13:1. P.H. 0.065 m., W. 0.051 m. Handle 21 P1. 2. P. W. 0.087 m., P.H. 0.055 m. Fragment shield. Soft, light buff clay; traces of brown glaze. Hollow triangular shieldwith palmetterisingfrom of back. Fine creamywhite clay; traces (2) of glaze. floralscrolls.In back, part of handlewith finger-hole. Italian. Similar:Menzel93, p. 28, fig. 25,3; CosaCEL212; Handle with large finger-hole. Hollow handle Broneer400, pl. VII; Ephesos,IV, 52, pl. XI. shield endingin volutes tied in the center. Late 1st B.C. to early 1st century after Christ. Very deep disk: in center rosette (2); aroundthe in floral fine Narrow flat relief. rim, edge, pattern crosshatched. Tongue pattern on nearly vertical 26 Well, R 10:1. W. 0.064 m. Part of handle shield. Buff clay with a thick layer of slip, partly flaked off walls. The delicacy of the relief, the depth of the con- and with a networkof fine cracks;tracesof red glaze. Thin solid handle shield with palmette (?) rising tainer, and particularlythe tongue pattern on the from spiral ornament. wall signal a bronzeoriginalfrom which the moulds 1st century. Early were taken. The lampmaker, dreaming of doing justice to his model, finishedthe finely washed clay 27 P1. 2. W. 0.064 m., P.H. 0.10 m. Handle with to a metal smoothness. shield. Buff clay; red glaze. Italian. For a tongue pattern on a bronze lamp of a far Triangularhollow handle shield with palmette earlierperiod, see Walters 5, p. 2, fig. 2. For crossfrom elaborateacanthusrinceaux.In back, springing hatchingon the rim, cf. Broneer414, pl. VII. handle with finger-hole.
Late 1st century
Late 1st
of nozzle, handle shield and pieces missing; partly restored. Soft, cream-buffclay; remainsof brownto black glaze. Italian. Disk: three rings, rays, two framingrings. Rim: three rings. Air-hole. Elongated nozzle volutes, the two back terminals carried down as short fat ribs. Between volutes, grooved tongue. Handle with belowhandleshield (not preserved). Base: finger-hole within flat ring, plain as far as preserved. Similar:Broneer396, pl. VII with crescent-shaped handle shield, and 397, fig. 95; Waldhauer203, pl. XIX, with leaf on handle shield from Olbia. Late 1st B.C. to early 1st century after Christ.
23 Well, R 13:1. Est. W. 0.072 m. Back of lamp. Soft, greenish white clay; remains of brown glaze. Italian. Deep disk, plain as far as preserved. Banded rim sloping steeply into disk. Handle with finger-hole; triangular handle shield with palmette rising from floral scrolls. Base: within three rings, plain as far as preserved. First half of 1st century. 24 P1. 2. Well, R 13:1. P.H. 0.078 m. Handle, with part of handle shield and rim; fragment of nozzle.
28 Pls. 2, 52. Two non-joining fragments. a: W. 0.061 m., L. 0.077 m. Part of handle shield; b: P.H. 0.035 m., est. W. of base 0.11 m. Part of base and wall. Buff clay; worn glaze, red to brown. Hollow handle shield in form of two-lobed leaf with thick ridge down the center.Raised base: parts of three incised leaves (2) preserved.
Late 1st century
29 Well, R 13:1. P.L. 0.067 m. Part of handleshield. Buff clay; worn orangeglaze. Hollow handle shield in the form of a two-lobed leaf with two ridgesrunningdown the center. Late 1st B.C. to early 1st centuryafter Christ.
30 P1. 2. P.W. 0.077 m. Part of handle shield. Orangebuff clay; red glaze. Italian. Hollow handle shield in form of crescent. In back, start of handle with finger-hole. The crescent-shaped shield occurs commonly on lamps with angled volute-nozzles (Vindonissa, p. 224, fig. 4) and with rounded volute-nozzles (Walters 837, 850, pl. XXVI); less commonly on plastic lamps (Waldhauer 502, pl. XLVII) and on lamps with small rounded nozzles (Walters 1045, pl. XXXI). Late 1st B.C. into first half of 1st century after Christ.
31 Pl. 2. Well, R 13:1. L. 0.058 m., W. 0.054 m. Handle shield. Hard, brownish buff clay; yellowbrown glaze, lustrous in places. Eastern Aegean area. Hollow triangularhandle attachment with acanthus leaf in fine relief. From the same deposit and of the same fabric as 54 which may belong. Menzel96, p. 28, fig. 25, 8 is of the samefabricand design. Late 1st B.C. to early 1st centuryafter Christ.
32 Well, D 12:1. Max. dim. 0.069 m. Handle,part of back and handle shield. Buff clay; worn brownish glaze. Handlewith finger-hole. Start of hollowtriangular handleshield.Rim slopinginwards. First half of 1st century. 33 Well, D 11:1. Max. dim. 0.087 m. Handle. Buff clay; orangeglaze. the start of a largehollow Handlewith finger-hole; handle shield is preserved. Late 1st B.C. to early 1st centuryafter Christ.
34 Cistern,N 19:1. Agora,V, F 104, p. 21. Est. W. 0.08 m. Fragmentsof top. Very soft, pale buff clay; traces of orange-brown glaze. Italian. Disk: winged nude male figure, left. Rim: two narrowrings. Volutes on nozzle. Late 1st century B.C. 35 Pl. 2. Well, N 21:1. W. 0.069 m., H. 0.028 m. End of nozzle missing. Soft, buff clay; remainsof orange glaze. Italian. Eros, hands bound behind his back, standing in front of an altar. Right, a tree. Framingring, band, three rings. Air-hole. Volutes encroachingon rim. Plain base. For the representation, see Waldhauer139, p. 32, pl. XII, with angled volute-nozzle,without air-hole, from Cyprus; Vindonissa20, pl. XVI, and p. 361, where Loeschckecites Athens, N.M. 3327. Early 1st century after Christ. H. 0.03 m. Soft, gritty, pale buff clay; remains of black glaze. Italian. Frenzied Maenad,wearing chiton and fawn skin, brandishing a knife in right hand, and the hindquarters of a kid in left. Three framing rings. Airhole. Angled nozzle with volutes. Base:within ring, plain. Similar: Walters537, p. 81, pl. XVII; Vindonissa 27, p. 362, pl. V; Brants 205, p. 17, pl. II, from Asia Minor. Early 1st century.
36 P1. 2. Well, E 14:7. W. 0.076 m., L. 0.103 m.,
Similar: Walters 549, p. 83, pl. XVIII, with references;Vindonissa81-83, p. 367, pl. VII, with references; Athens, N.M. no number (Inst. phot. Athens, N.M. 2547). Late 1st B.c. to early 1st centuryafter Christ. End 38 P1.2. Well, R 13:1. W. 0.069 m., H. 0.027 min. of nozzleand pieces missing.Buff clay; thin mottled brown to dark brown glaze. Italian. in loincloth,armedwith crestedhelmet, Gladiator arm guard, pike, small round shield, and greaves. Narrowring, sloping band, outer flat band. Air-hole. Start of volute-nozzle.Base: within flat ring, plain. Late 1st B.C. to early 1st century after Christ. 39 Shaft, Q 13:1. W. 0.07 m., H. 0.03 m. Mostof top, much of bottom missing; partly restored. Soft buff clay; much worn, rusty orangeglaze. Italian. Gladiator armed with crested helmet and arm guard. Narrowring, band, narrowouter ring. Start of volute-nozzle.Base: within flat ring, plain. Early 1st centuryafter Christ. 40 Pl. 2. Well, R 13:1. W. 0.067 m., H. 0.04 m. Nozzle, base and many pieces missing; partly restored.Buff clay; remainsof orangeglaze. in loincloth,armedwith crestedhelmet, Gladiator short sword (?) in his right hand, and greaves (?). Three framing rings. Start of volute-nozzle. Base: within ring, not preserved. Late 1st B.C. to early 1st centuryafter Christ.
41 P1. 2. Well, N 20:5. W. 0.073 m., H. 0.026 m.
Handle, end of nozzle missing. Pale buff clay; scant remainsof black glaze. Italian. Erotic symplegma; three narrow framing rings. 37 Well, R 13:1. W. 0.072 m., H. 0.03 m. End of nozzle and pieces missing. Pale buff clay; remainsof Air-holeindicated, not pierced. Nozzle volutes, enblack glaze. Italian. croaching slightly on rim. Grooved ring handle, Horsemanchargingleft. His cloak flaresout in the attached separately. Base: within circle, plain. breeze; in his left hand a round shield, in his right Closelysimilar:Menzel216, p. 43, fig. 33, 14, from hand a lance pointed down. Three framing rings. Rome, with references; Q.D.A.P., IX, 1940,pl. XLV, Air-hole.Start of volute-nozzle.Base: within circle, 424 a, 424 b, from Sela-Petra. Early 1st century. plain.
42 Cistern, D 4:1. Agora, V, G 153, p. 37, pl. 44. P.L. 0.091 m., P.H. 0.023 m. Mostof lowerhalf, much of top missing. Buff clay; shiny dark brown glaze with metallic luster. Erotic symplegmaas on 41; framingcircle. Plain narrow sloping rim. Angled volute nozzle. Slightly raised base: within circle, not preserved. Second quarterof 1st century. 43 Cistern,D 4:1. Agora,V, G 151, p. 37. Rest. W.
0.065 m., rest. L. 0.089 m., H. 0.028 m. Much of disk,
nozzle,wall and base missing;restored.Pale greenish buff clay; remains of orange to dark brown glaze. Italian. Preserved,two paws and tip of muzzle of animal leaping left. Threenarrowframingrings. Channelto nozzle. Angled volute-nozzle.Base: within flat ring, plain. First half of 1st century. 44 P1.2. W. 0.074m., H. 0.023m. Tip of nozzle, band handle and many pieces missing. Light brown clay; remainsof black to brownglaze. Oakwreathwith five framingrings. Volutenozzle. Base: within circle, plain. Nozzle to be restoredwith roundedend. First half of 1st century.
45 Cistern, A 18:1. W. 0.058 m., L. 0.08 m., H.
0.026 m. Part of nozzle and disk restored. Flaking buff clay; worn orangeglaze. Italian. Uneven surfaceof disk suggests that there was a representation originally.Five framingrings. Angled volute-nozzle.Base: within ring, plain. Early 1st century.
46 P1. 2. Well, Q 13:1. W. 0.07 m., P.L. 0.097 m.,
H. 0.033 m. Much of nozzle missing. Orangeto buff clay; rusty orangeto black glaze. Disk: Maenadholding thyrsos in right hand, and drapery in raised left hand. Three uneven framing rings. Air-holeindicated, not pierced.Angled nozzle with volutes, the back terminalscontinueddown as ribs. Band handle. Base: within ring, ElM (?) in relief, retrograde. A similarlamp in the Benachi Collection.For the see Vindonissa28, p. 362, pl. V. representation,
Early 1st century.
Part of back missing. Soft, powdery, orange-buff clay; orange glaze over top and bottom. From Cyprus(2). Disk: Athena, left, armedwith helmet, spear,and shield. Three narrowrings on rim. Rounded nozzle with volutes. Base: within circle,plain. Cf. 116. First half of 1st century.
47 P1. 2. Well, E 14:7. W. 0.068 m., P.L. 0.082 m., H. 0.035 m. Tip of nozzle missing. Gritty buff clay; scrappy rusty brown glaze with black patches. Tear-shaped disk: vine with buds and flowers; framing band. Rim: two uneven bands. The volutes on the nozzle continue the outer band of the rim. Band handle. Base: within uneven ring, vague marks. First half of 1st century. 48 P1. 3. Well, R 10:1. I.L.N., Nov. 11, 1950, p. 766, fig. 5; Hesperia, XX, 1951, p. 51, pl. 25, b. W.
51 Two non-joining fragments. a: H. 0.026 m., P.L. 0.083 m. Part of left side. b: P.L. 0.075 m. Part of right side. Buff clay; dull worn black glaze. Disk on left side, tail (2) of an animal; two framing rings. Flat narrow rim. Nozzle: the volutes encroached on the rim, and the four terminals were carried down as ribs. Slightly raised base. First half of 1st century. 52 P1. 3. Well, R 13:1. W. 0.096 m., rest. L. 0.122 m., H. 0.033 m. Much restored. Buff clay; streaked mottled yellow to brown glaze. Victory bearing shield with New Year's greetings;
IMPORTED LAMPS in the field, strenae.Four framing rings. Rounded volute-nozzle.Base: within ring, not preserved. See Menzel206, p. 41, fig. 33, 3; ibid., p. 7; Walters 780, p. 118, pl. XXV; Haken 62 bis, pl. VII, with references. First half of 1st century.
playing the tympanum, two satyrs, and a maenad of playing the doubleflute, heraldingthe appearance above. Dionysos, First half of 1st century.
57 Pl. 3. Cistern,B 21:1. Max. dim. 0.059 m. Disk fragment. Hard orange-buffclay; worn red glaze. 53 Pl. 3. Well, N 20:5. W. 0.078 m., L. 0.114 m., Standing Athena, facing left; in her outstretched H. 0.025 m. Micaceousbuff clay; blotchy orangeto right hand she holds a patera (2); her left arm is raised to grasp her spear. Below, right, her shield. brownglaze. A similarlamp, with reliefalphaon the base, is on Disk: three rings, olive wreath, plain. Threerings on rim. Volute nozzle with blunt-angledtip. Base: exhibit in the National Museum,Athens, together with other finds from the Pentelikoncave. See also within uneven ring, plain. Several signs of faulty technique:the filling-and Bachofen,pl. LII, 1. First half of 1st century. wick-holes are roughly cut out; the underside is dentedby finger-tips, unevenall aroundand cracked; 58 Pl. 3. Well, D 11:1. Max. dim. 0.056 m. Disk two ribs carrieddownfromthe volute terminalsseem fragment. Buff clay; brown to black glaze mostly to be made by hand. wornaway. Italian. First half of 1st century. MarsUltorwith helmet,lanceand, in his left hand, 54 P1. 3. Well, R 13:1. Eastern Aegean area. Max. tropaion (not preserved). See Menzel174, with references, found in Miletos, dim. 0.049 m. Disk fragment. Brownish buff clay; Menzel Romanesis; 340; Tarsus, I, 159, signed in lustrous by yellow-brown glaze places. Athena wearing peplos and holding a shield on fig. 99; Niessen, pl. LXXX, 1759, from Italy; unwhich the aegis is emblazoned. publishedin the Vatican, MuseoEtrusco, Room IV, Case 1, on a lamp with rounded volute-nozzle; with 31. Possibly belongs AthensN.M.3218. A 4th centuryterracottastatuette Cf. Bachofen,pl. LII, 1. of Mars Ultor in Bonn, Z. Gansiniec,GenezaTroLate 1st B.c. to early 1st century after Christ. paionu,p. 113, fig. 31. 55 P1.3. Est. W. 0.064 m., P.L. 0.067 m. Fragmentof Late 1st early 1st centuryafter Christ. top. Buff clay; remainsof orangeglaze. Italian. Head of goddess,left, in classicizingstyle. Narrow 59 Pl. 3. Cistern,D 4:1. Agora,V, p. 38. Max. dim. rim. Start of nozzlepreserves partsof volutes. Break, 0.063 m. Fragmentof disk, rim and nozzle.Buff clay; brownglaze. whereband handle was attached. Herakleswearinglion skin, advancingleft. In his Late 1st B.c. to early 1st centuryafter Christ. right hand, club held down. Threeframingrings. Bit 56 Pl. 3. Well, N 19:2. Max. dim. 0.049 m. Disk of volute preserved. First half of 1st century. fragment.Orangeclay and glaze. Ariadne (2) asleep, seated with her head cradled in her arms. She wears drapery over her knees, a 60 Max. dim. 0.032 m. Disk fragment. Buff clay breast band, armlets and bracelets; on her knees, discoloredby fire; brownishglaze mostly worn off. Italian. Eros. Left, a branch. Medusahead. For the complete representation,see Vindonissa See Vindonissa70, p. 365, pl. VII; Broneer445, 896, p. 393, pl. VII, with references;Tarsus,I, 430, XXV. 175, p. 130, fig. 112, with referencesand discussion.The p. Late pl. 1st B.c. to early 1st century after Christ. woman is usually identified as Omphale because she
reclines on a lion skin and there is a club to the right, and because of an inscription OMP HALE incised on a lamp in the Musde Lavigerie, cited under Vindonissa 396. There is no reason to show Omphale asleep, surrounded by erotes. The scheme has been stolen from that of sleeping Ariadne on Naxos, a type known from the sarcophagi and a fragmentary relief, found at the village of Krainci on the Struma River, published by Ivan Venedikov, Bulletin de l'Institut Archeologique Bulgare, Vol. XIX, 1955, p. 196. The relief shows Ariadne asleep with three erotes just as on the lamp disks. About her are a silen 61 Pl. 3. Max. dim. 0.045 m. Disk fragment. Graybuff clay; brown to orange glaze. Italian. Bacchante riding a donkey, led to the right by a silen who holds a staff in his left hand. For the representation, see Vindonissa 26, pl. V, 26, with references. Late 1st B.c. to early 1st century after Christ. 62 Max. dim. 0.05 m. Disk and rim fragment. Soft, yellowish buff clay; remains of red glaze. Satyr dancing; rim with three rings, sloping toward center.
Disk plain as far as preservedwith three framing Similar: Bachofen, pl. XXVII, 1 ; Benachi Colnozzle with volutes. lection, angled rings; channelto nozzle.Air-hole.Anglednozzlewith Late 1st B.C. to early 1st century after Christ. volutes. The two ends of the band handle touch at the rim. Base: within circle,plain as far as preserved. 63 P1.3. Max.dim. 0.041m. Disk fragment.Micaceous Early 1st century. buff clay with many fine white bits; worn rusty red glaze. Italian? 71 Est. W. 0.08 m. Nozzle,with part of disk and rim. Europariding bull. Hard orange-buff clay; lustrousorange-brown glaze. Cf. Bachofen, pl. XVIII, 3, a lamp with lugs at Disk: plain as far as preserved;framingring. Flat the sides and channel to nozzle which has long narrowrim. Anglednozzlewith volutes, the two back volutes; Cosa,CEL 57. terminalscarrieddown as ribs. Late 1st B.C.into first half of 1st century after First half of 1st century. Christ. 64 Pl. 3. Max.dim. 0.039m. Disk fragment.Buff clay; worn orangeglaze. Italian. Boxer. See Menzel 119, fig. 27,12 with references (for LoeschckeTaf. 90 read Taf. 10); Broneer423, p. 172, fig. 97.
Late 1st early 1st century after Christ.
65 P1.3. Max. dim. 0.048 m. Disk fragment.Pale buff 73 P1. 3. W. 0.08 m., H. 0.026 m. End of nozzle and clay; orangeto brownglaze. Italian. Charioteer part of back missing. Buff clay; remains of black driving biga. For the complete representationand shape, see glaze. terminals Menzel114, p. 32, fig. 27, 6. Ringson disk andrim. Thetwo preserved of the widely flaringvolutes are continued down as Late 1st B.C. to early 1st century after Christ. ribs. Slightly raised base: within flat ring, plain. 66 P1. 3. Cisternsystem, C 8:2. Max. dim. 0.057 m. First half of 1st century. Disk fragment.Buff clay; red glaze. beast moving left, betweentrees. Long-legged 74 Est. L. 0.115 m., H. 0.025 m. Fragment of handle Late 1st B.C. to early 1st century after Christ. and rim; part of left side. Buff clay; remains of brownishblack glaze. Disk: at least four thin rings aroundedge. Plain DISK : PLAIN OR PATTERNED flat narrowrim. Rounded nozzle with volutes, the 67 Pl. 3. Cistern,D 4:1. Agora,V, G 150, p. 37, pl. 44. two backterminalscarrieddownas ribs. Plain narrow W. 0.09 m., L. 0.122 m., H. 0.032 m. Restored. Buff band handle. Base: within wide flat ring, edge of clay; uneven brown to black glaze. markpreserved. Disk: rosette of six petals. Plain narrow rim, impressed First half of 1st century. slopingtowarddisk. Nozzlewith angledtip; vaguely formedvolutes, the two back terminalscarrieddown 75 Pl. 3. Well, R 13:1. W. 0.063 m., H. 0.022 m. Tip as ribs. Band handle. Base: within wide flat ring, of nozzle and of disk part missing. Soft buff clay; plain. remainsof reddishglaze. Italian. Early 1st century. Disk: rosette; framing ring. Plain rounded rim. Air-hole. Roundednozzle with very flat volutes, the 68 Pl. 3. Well, D 12:1. W. 0.072 m., L. 0.088 m., H.
0.028 m. Buff clay; blotchy brown to black glaze. Plain deep disk with channel to nozzle. Rim: two narrow flat rings; lugs at the sides. Angled nozzle with volutes, the back terminals continued down as ribs. Plain rounded band handle. Plain base with three raised arcs with small gaps between. For the base, cf. Menzel 240, p. 46, fig. 19, 4. First half of 1st century. Similar: 69 N 19:2. W. 0.093 m. 70 Well, R 13:1. W. 0.07 m., L. 0.096 m., H. 0.027 m. Much of handle, disk, nozzle and base missing. Buff clay; worn dark brown glaze. Italian. front terminals carried down as ribs. Grooved ring handle. Base: within ring, plain. Mid-ist century. 76 Pl. 3. W. 0.07 m., H. 0.029 m., P.L. 0.091 m. Tip of nozzle and handle missing. Soft pale buff clay; traces of orange glaze. Plain disk with ring of globules;two framingrings. Rounded nozzle; flat flaring volutes, the two back terminals carried down as ribs. The two ends of the band handle touch at the rim. Base: within flat ring, plain. First half of 1st century.
72 P1. 3. Well, S 21:3. W. 0.065 m., P.L. 0.09 m., H. 0.027 m. Soft buff clay; remainsof shiny brown glaze. Italian. Plain disk with six framingrings.Roundednozzle; volutes encroachingslightly on rim, with all four terminalscarrieddownas ribs. Base: within flat ring, plain. First half of 1st century.
79 P1. 3. P.L. 0.11 m., P.H. 0.062 m. Part of nozzle. Hard buff clay; thin orange glaze (with unglazed 77 Well,R 13:2. P.L. 0.08 m. Part of nozzleand wall. patches). Knidian (2). Soft buff clay; remainsof orangeglaze. Large roundednozzle with traces of burninginRounded nozzle with volutes, the four terminals side. Of the top, only the spiral terminalof a volute continued down as ribs. is preserved;it is carrieddown as a rib, 0.028 m. at Early 1st century. its widest. size in the Agoraare otherLampsof comparable 78 Max.dim. 0.034 m. Fragmentof nozzle. Buff clay; wise found only in late Hellenistic shapes such as Agora, IV, 503, Howland type 37 B, and Howland shiny orangeglaze. Part of one volute preserved. type 37 Var. Late 1st B.C. into 1st century after Christ. First half of 1st century.
0.027 m. Handle, tip of nozzle missing. Buff clay; worn brownglaze. Italian. Plain disk with framingcircle. Roundedrim with swallowtail lugs at the sides. Air-hole. Continuous on rounded with rim, semi-volutes nozzle;ribs carried downfromthe terminals.Slightlyraisedbase: within circle, plain. Almost identical, Menzel244, p. 46, fig. 20, 1; the moulded handle is grooved in front, plain in back. Secondquarterof 1st century.
81 Cistern, B 13:1. P.W. 0.079 m., P.L. 0.093 m. Three non-joiningfragments: a: Handle, with part of disk and rim; b: base; c: fragmentwith air-hole. Buff clay of thin fabric; worn orangeglaze. Italian. Plain disk with two framingrings. Roundedrim with ovolo pattern.Air-hole.Semi-volutes continuous with rim. Largemouldedhandle:pierced;groovedin front, plain in back. Base: within circle, plain. Mid-1stcentury.
EARLAMPS H. 0.035 m. Part of side and top of handle missing. Hard, light brownclay; lustrousbrownglaze with a few dark streaks.Eastern Aegeanarea. Ribbed central handle rising from plain disk; channel from disk to nozzle. Flat plain narrowrim enclosing disk and channel; piercedear-shapedlugs at the sides. Slightly raised base: within circle, two (out of three) raisedpeltae preserved. Pelta-shapedreliefson the base occuron lamps of this shape found in Miletos(Menzel241, 242), Ephesos (Ephesos, IV, pl. XI, 82), and Cosa,Italy (CEL3). The Cosa lamp has an air-hole, which none of the others have. For pelta-shapedreliefs on bases of other shapes see Menzel237 from Miletos, signed by Gamos, 316, and 90; also an oval lamp in the Museodelle Terme,
82 P1. 4. Well, D 11:1. Est. W. 0.108 m., L. 0.109 m.,
Rome (no number)with a shell on the disk, three relief peltae on the base, buff clay with orangebrown mottled glaze. First half of 1st century. Similar 83 D 11:1. fragment: 0.027 m. Most of handle missing. Hard brown clay of thin fabric; orange-brown glaze. Eastern Aegean area. Plain disk with framingcircle; channelto nozzle. At mouthof channel,curvedridgewith raiseddashes. Plain roundedrim enclosingdisk and channel; earshaped lugs at the sides. Grooved ring handle, attachedseparately.Tworibs on undersideof nozzle. Base: within circle, small A in relief. First half of 1st century.
84 P1. 4. Well, F 15:5. W. 0.087 m., L. 0.097 m., H.
Plain disk with three framingrings. Plain sloping 0.043 m. Pieces missing. Buff clay; worn, mottled rim. Heart-shaped nozzle. Grooved band handle. brownglaze. Base: within ring, A in fine relief strokes. Mid-Ist century.
85 P1. 4. Well, D 11:1. W. 0.098 m., L. 0.115 m., H.
VARIOUS Two narrow rings framing steeply sloping disk. 86 P1.4. P.W. 0.073 m. Back of lamp. Pale buff clay. Plain roundedrim. Italian. A Bird Head lamp. The disk is set off fromthe rim First half of 1st century. by two grooveson each side. A groove runs over the 88 P1. 4. Max. dim. 0.056 m. Fragmentof base. Soft top of the handle, ending in a bird track motif. The handleis so made that the lamp may function buff clay; worn brownglaze. Base: within ring, X in relief. while hanging on the wall. One feels that this imLate 1st century B.C. to early 1st after Christ. to often led a disaster. practicalarrangement messy For the development of this shape, see Haken 89 P1.4. Cistern,D 4:1. Agora,V, G 152, p. 37, pl. 44. pp. 29-42. Haken 11, p. 36, fig. 2, is fairly close to the Est. W. 0.078 m., H. 0.028 m. Part of side with most Agoralamp, but earliersince it has glaze and plastic of base. Hard micaceousbuff clay; orange to brown rings on the disk rather than grooves. Accordingto glaze. Haken, p. 32, the lamp dates after A.D. 16. Disk: plain as far as preserved.Rim: three rings First half of 1st century, after A.D. 16. sloping toward center, the outermostring flat. Band 87 Max. dim. 0.055 m. Rim and disk fragment.Soft handle. On slightly raisedbase, large A in relief. buff clay; orangeglaze. Second quarterof 1st century.
93 Well, M 17:1. Agora,V, M 18, p. 86, pl. 46. P.H. 0.037 m. Part of handlewith handleshield.Micaceous left side, wall and base restored.Hard brown clay; buff clay; traces of brownglaze. lustrous orange-brown Two disks on handle shield, attached to handle glaze. Eastern Aegean area. Plain heart-shapeddisk with three framingrings. with aperturetoo small for finger. Narrow flat rim continuing out to semi-volutes on Mid-ist century. sharp-anglednozzle. Hollow handle shield in the 94 W. 0.038 m., L. 0.048 m. Handle shield.Buff clay; form of a two-lobed leaf, from which a small leaf orange-brown glaze. extends onto the rim. Below, handle with small Hollow handle shield in the shape of a crescent. piercing. Small section of oval base preservedwith In of back, start moulded handle with finger hole. small pelta in relief near the edge. half of 1st century. Second Cf. Baur 670, p. 293, probably of same fabric, with three disks in relief on the base; a lamp with 95 P1. 4. Well, F 16:2. L. 0.082 m. Part of handle. heart-shaped disk from Asia Minor, Brants 502, Buff clay; brownglaze. pl. IV. Hollow handle in the form of a horse's head Mid-1stcentury. emergingfrom a calyx. Eyes pierced;a small round 91 P1. 4. P.H. 0.084 min., Th. 0.018 m. Part of handle hole underneath. Eyebrows and mane on neck shield.Hard buff clay; orangeglaze over front and in incised. The horsehead handle regularly goes with tearstreaksin back. Knidian (2). hollow handle shield with floral In shaped lamps with fan-shapednozzles, a class for Large pattern. back, incised signature Rop[aviors]. The first letter which many of the bronze originalsare extant, e.g. Walters85, pl. VI. Loeschckedates theselampsto the of the signatureis R followedby Greekletters. A bust of Zeus and the eagle is on a large handle late 1st and early 2nd century, citing signatures shieldsignedby Romanesisin the BenachiCollection. common to these lamps and factory lamps. For the horseheadhandle, see Vindonissa,pp. 270, 289-90, Second half of 1st century. 323, 339-41. AllardPiersonMuseum,Algemeene Gids, 92 P.H. 0.072 m. Part of handle shield. Hard buff Amsterdam,1937, no. 1687, pl. LXXXV; Niessen, clay; orange glaze in front and in streaks in back. 2107, pl. LXXXII; Alexandria Museumno. 6502. Same fabric as 91. Late 1st to early 2nd century. Hollow handle shield. Front: small section preserved,possiblya leaf, with a smallroundhole. Back: 96 P1. 4. Max. dim. 0.065 m. Part of side. Buff clay; start of handle with good-sizedfinger-hole. worn brownglaze. Secondhalf of 1st century. Disk plain as far as preserved;threeframingrings.
H. 0.035 m. Much of Rest. W. 0.081 m., L. 0.185 min.,
IMPORTED LAMPS Sketchy ovolo pattern on sloping rim. The volute terminatesin a horse'shead. For the complete shape, see Walters 841, p. 127, fig. 156, a from Knidos; Waldhauer221, p. 40, pl. Broneer409, pl. XXI. XXIII, from the Chersonesos; Each lamphas two adjoiningnozzlessharinga volute between them, the two outer volutes terminatingin horse heads; they all have handleshields. Secondhalf of 1st into 2nd century. 97 P1. 4. H. 0.08 m., H. with handle shield 0.063 m. Fragment of back. Micaceousgray clay; dull black glaze. Eastern Aegeanarea.
Flat banded rim. Handle shield with palmette, attached to groovedband handle. Cf. Broneer891, p. 166, pl. VII. Secondhalf of 1st into 2nd century. 98 P1. 4. P.W. 0.081 m. Part of back. Orange-buff clay; orangeglaze. Italian or Corinthian. Large rectangularlamp. Rim: raised band with pattern of ovolo facing inward. Handle shield (?): head of a dolphin, left, brokenoff at the. forehead; one of a pair of dolphins. Late 1st into 2nd century.
H. 0.026 m. Band handle missing. Buff clay; orange to black glaze. Disk: two horses galloping left, a circus rider (desultor) with pointed cap on the near horse; framingring. Rim: two bands slopingtowardcenter. Roundednozzlewith volutes. Base: within ring, A in relief. Similar: Menzel 188, p. 39, fig. 32, 1, without handle, from Miletos; CL 1940. Cf. Bartoli-Bellori, Part I, pl. 24. For the ars desultoria as practicedby the Roman knights, see A. Alfoldi,Der frilhr imische Reiteradel, Baden-Baden,1952, p. 95. pl. 44. W. 0.067 m., L. 0.094 m., H. 0.025 m. Hard Mid-ist century. brown clay; brownto black glaze covering the top, in streaksbelow. Kniidian (2). 100 P1. 4. Max. dim. 0.046 m. Disk fragment.Hard Shallowdisk: vine issuingfrommouthof amphora; brown clay; metallic purplish brown glaze. Kni- two framingrings. Narrowflat rim. Roundednozzle dian (2). with volutes. Base: within circle,plain. Right, the tree bearing the golden apples of the Similar:Walters725, p. 109, pl. XXIV, signedby Hesperides, guarded by the snake Ladon whom Romanesis, from Knidos; Menzel 176 (with referHeraklesis stranglingwith one hand. 38, fig. 31, 4, signed by Romanesis,from A lamp in the Benachi Collectionwith the same ences), p. B 2979, signedby Romanesis. Delos Miletos; representationand of the same fabric is illustrated Mid-1st century. Stuttby U. Hausmann,HellenistischeReliefbecher, Cf. Walters 53,2. 1959, 655, p. 99, pl.XXII, 105 Pls. 5, 52. Purchasedin Athens. W. 0.065 m., gart, pl. from Italy; Vindonissa71, p. 365, pl. VII; C.I.L., P.L. 0.087 m., H. 0.027 m. Tip of nozzle missing. XV, 2, p. 801, 6337, 2, signed BASSA.Second half Hard buffclay burntgrayish;glaze originallyorange, burntbrown-black, of 1st century. streakyon underside. Knidian(?). Disk: vine wreath tied above and below; framing Similar: 101Diskandrimfragment of samefabric as Rim:outermost narrow andtwothin circle. Narrow sloping rim. Air-hole indicated not preceding. fiatband pierced. Angled nozzle with volutes. Base: within rings. circle, Roaavil otS incised. The first letter of the 102 P1. 4. Well, F 11:1. Est. W. 0.064 m. Back and signatureis Latin R. most of underside missing. Buff clay; dark brown Similar: Walters 609, p. 92, pl. XVII; Walters 610 (with preceding, from temenos of Demeter, glaze, both discoloredby fire. Disk: charioteer(not preserved) drivingbiga, left, Knidos);Menzel161, p. 87, fig. 131, 9, fromMiletos; three framingrings. Unevenly sloping rim. Air-hole Waldhauer 170-171, p. 35, pl. XV, from Smyrnaand Delos B 4849; two lampsin the Benachi indicated, not pierced.Roundednozzle with volutes. Chersonesos; Cf. Menzel 115, p. 32, fig. 27, 7, with references. Collection. Secondhalf of 1st century. half of 1st century. SSecond
103 P1. 4. P.L. 0.082 m. Fragmentof disk, rim and nozzle. Hard, grayishbuff clay; glaze: outside, worn dullblack,inside, metallicpurple.EasternAegean area. Disk: erotic symplegma;to the right of the woman's head, three blurredletters. Two framingrings. Flat narrowrim. Volutes encroaching on rim. Otherdetails are suppliedby a similarlampin the Benachi Collection.Manrecliningon a couch, facing left, with his right arm curved above his head. The nakedwomanstandsbeside.To the right of her head, in relief IASA!l!. Secondhalf of 1st century. 104 P1. 4. Cistern,D 4:1. Agora, V, G 154, p. 37,
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD H. 0.031 m. Central handlewith part of disk missing. Buff clay; orange to brownglaze. Italian. Handle rising from center of plain disk with two filling-holes;framing ring. Plain sloping rim. Two air-holes. Two rounded nozzles with volutes. Flat, basewith indentation,plantapedis(?), almond-shaped in center. Secondhalf of 1st century. H. 0.026m. Band handlemissing.Heavily micaceous, fairly coarse buff clay; dark rusty brown glaze. Plain disk with two framing rings. Rim sloping steeply outward. Rounded nozzle with volutes, the terminalscarrieddown as ribs. Slightly raised base: within circle, plain. Secondhalf of 1st century. 112 Cistern,D 4:1. Agora, V, G 200, p. 43. Est. W. 0.082 m. Mostof top, muchof underside missing.Buff brown worn glaze. clay; Disk: part of one framingring preserved. Plain flat narrowrim. Pierced handle, groovedin front, plain in back. On one side of undersideof nozzle, traces of two ribs. Base: within circle, part of plantapedis (2) preserved. Late 1st to early 2nd century. 113 Well, M 17:1. Agora,V, M 19, p. 86, pl. 46. Est. W. 0.07 m. Non-joiningfragmentspreservenozzle, parts of disk, rim and wall. Thin buff clay; worn brownglaze. Italian. Disk: four rings; framing groove. Plain narrow rim, sloping toward center. Air-hole indicated, not pierced.The volutes have terminalsat the rim which are carrieddown as ribs; they are not completedat the nozzlebut cut off by the wick-hole.Base: within circle,not preserved. Mid-1stcentury.
111 P1. 5. Well, G 8:1. W. 0.07 m., L. 0.10 m.,
106 Max. dim. 0.082 m. Disk fragment. Buff clay; orange glaze; both discoloredby rust. Horsegallopingleft; above right, nakedman with outstretchedright arm. Secondhalf of 1st into 2nd century. 107 Max. dim. 0.048 m. Disk fragment. Buff clay; lustrousbrownishred glaze. Bull chargingleft. 1st century (?).
108 P1. 5. W. of nozzle 0.05 m., P.L. 0.08 m. Nozzle with part of front. Coarse,orange-buff clay; orangebrownglaze. Disk: outline of filling-holenear rim; two framing rings, the outer grooved in a twisted rope pattern. Sloping rim with ovolo pattern. Oblong air-hole. nozzlevolutes. Base: within circle,plain Wide-angled as far as preserved. The forwardposition of the filling-holeindicates a two-nozzledlampwith centralhandle. Cf. Waldhauer168, p. 85, pl. XV, from Italy. Secondhalf of 1st century. 109 Cistern,D 4:1. Agora, V, G 155, p. 88, pl. 44.
Est. W. 0.072 m., L. 0.104 m., H. 0.027 m. Most of
underside, part of top missing. Hard brown clay with black core; metallic grayish brown glaze. Knidian (?). Disk: rosette; two framingrings. Narrowflat rim. Roundednozzlewith volutes. Base: within circle,not preserved. Similar,Menzel182, p. 89, fig. 81, 16, with planta pedis, from Miletos. Mid-1stcentury.
110 P1. 5. Cistern, B 14:8. W. 0.075 m., L. 0.149 m.,
handle missing. Soft, gritty, micaceous,yellow-buff clay; unevenorangeglaze. EasternAegeanarea. Disk: Athena, left, armedwith helmet, spear and shield; framing ring. Blobby ovolo pattern on rim. Semi-volutes continuous with rim. Slightly raised, plain base. First half of 2nd century. 117 P1. 5. Well, C 12:1. Agora,V, J 61, p. 57, pl. 45. 115 Pl. 5. Well, N 20:5. P.W. 0.065 m., H. 0.08 m. Est. W. 0.077 m., L. 0.12 m. All of base, parts of rim, nozzle and disk restored. Orange-buff clay; orange Back missing. Buff clay; worn brownglaze. Disk plain as far as preserved;framingring. Plain glaze. Disk: on a ground line, bear lumbering right; sloping rim; semi-volutes continuous with rim. On framing ring. Plain sloping rim. Semi-volutes conslightly raised base, A in relief. tinuous with rim (restored). Roundednozzle. Pierced Secondhalf of 1st century. handle: groovedin front, plain in back. 116 P1. 5. W. 0.079 m., L. 0.106 m., H. 0.024 m. Band First half of 2nd century.
114 Max. dim. 0.06 m. Fragment of disk and rim. Cream-buff clay; remainsof orange-brown glaze. Disk: dolphin, left, entwined about a trident; framingring. Plain slopingrim. To be restoredwith semi-volutescontinuouswith rim; see Menzel 248, p. 47, fig. 82, 28; Vindonissa 601, p. 409, pls. III, VI; Vindonissa602. Mid-1stinto secondhalf of 1st century.
as disk; ear-shapedlugs at the sides. Two ribs on 0.028 m. Band handleand many piecesmissing.Buff underside of nozzle. Slightly raised base: within circle, A in relief. clay; shiny glaze, brownto black.Possibly Attic. Secondhalf of 1st century. Plain disk with channelto nozzle; framinggroove. Plain, sharplyslopingrim, enclosingchannelas well Similar:119 P1. 5. I 16:1. W. 0.082 m. Base: within
118 Well, N 21:1. W. 0.065 m., L. 0.082 m., H.
circle, A in relief.
FACTORY LAMPS 120 P1.5. W. 0.079 m., H. 0.038 m. End of nozzleand Factory lamp, Loeschcke Type IX. On disk, head with a filling-holebelow and, on either Ammon brownish thin clay; very piecesmissing.Brick-orange a indicated but not pierced. Three lugs. hole side, glaze. two rings, plain. within Base: Base: IX. Two lugs. Type Factorylamp,Loeschcke head between unfinishedfillingAmmon For an in down. FRONTO two within relief, upside rings, see For Fronto, see Vindonissa,pp. 282-283. Fremersdorf, holes, p. 146, fig. 104, a waster in Mainz.Cf. Vindonissa Late 1st century. 954, p. 440, pl. XVIII; Menzel 10. For factory lamps with three 62, fig. 49, 121 P1.5. Deposit, 0 18:8. W. 0.067 m., L. 0.105 m., 866, p. see Vindonissa, pp. 258-259. lugs, H. 0.086 m. Orange-buff clay; worn, uneven reddish Late 1st century. glaze.
end of nozzle, most of undersidemissing. Hard buff glaze. Italian. clay; mottled orange-brown Plain disk with framing ring; air-hole. Narrow roundedrim with swallowtaillugs at the sides. Small rounded (?) nozzle. Pierced handle, mouldmade. Slightlyraisedbase: within circle,not preserved. Mid-1stcentury.
Similarfragment:128 N 19:2.
rim by groove.Piercedhandle,groovedin front,plain in back. Base: within circle, plantapedis. Secondhalf of 1st century. 127 W. 0.07 m., H. 0.032 m. Most of nozzle, part of base missing. Very micaceous, gritty, orange-buff clay; wornorangeglaze. Plain disk with framing ring. Narrow flat rim. ShortU-shaped(2) nozzle,set off fromrim by groove. Piercedhandle,groovedin front, plainin back. Base: within circle, plain as far as preserved. Late 1st into 2nd century.
128 Well, F 11:1. Est. W. 0.076 m., P.L. 0.094 m.
handlemissing.Verymicaceous,gray-buff clay; worn dark orangeglaze. Smallplain disk. Rim: fourrowsof globules.Small rounded nozzle. Grooved ring handle, attached separately.Plain base. Secondhalf of 1st century. H. 0.028 m. Top of handle missing. Brown clay; mottled orange-brown glaze. Disk: facing head of Selenecrownedwith crescent moon; framing ring. Plain sloping rim. Small Ushapednozzle.Piercedhandle,groovedin front,plain in back. Slightlyraisedbase;within circle,A in relief. Late 1st century.
126 Pl. 5. Well, N 21:1. W. 0.07 m., L. 0.01 m., H. 125 P1. 5. Well, D 12:1. W. 0.058 m., L. 0.07 m.,
0.03 m. Buff clay; lustrous, mottled, yellow-brown glaze. Italian. Plain deep disk with framingring. Air-hole.Plain narrowflat rim. Small U-shapednozzle, set off from
Part of left side. Buff clay; rusty brownglaze. Disk: rosette of many petals; vague framingring. Narrowslopingrim. Small roundednozzle, based on framingring. Piercedhandle,groovedin front, plain in back. Late 1st to early 2nd century. 129 Pls. 5, 52. Well, F 11:1. W. 0.074 m., H. 0.029 m. Nozzle and much of disk missing.Hard brownclay; grayish core; thin brown glaze with black streaks. Knidian(2). Disk: five heart-shaped petals; two framingrings. Plain sloping rim. Base: within circle, signaturein two lines, partly raisedand partly incised, PcocavA I atS; below, a small circle. For similar lamps see Walters 1014, p. 152, pl. XXIX, with imitation inscription, from Knidos; Walters 1277, a signed lamp from Knidos; Walters 1278, signed by Romanesis from Knidos; Delos B 4854 and B 4855, signed by Romanesis. Late 1st or early 2nd century.
130 P1. 5. Est. W. 0.076 m., L. 0.096 m., H. 0.028 m. Much of right side and base missing. Buff clay; dull redglazeonlypartiallycovering underside. Knidian(2). Disk: rosette with pointed petals grooved down the center; framingring. Narrowplain sloping rim. Air-hole indicated, not pierced. U-shapednozzle set off from rim by a groove. Base: within circle, zigzag line, an imitation inscription. Imitation inscriptionsin the form of a zigzag line occur on lamps found at Knidos, e.g. Walters 1235, 1237, 1248, 1298. The shape and decorationis also found at Knidos, as Walters 1282, 1288, p. 193, fig. 284. Closely similar, Delos B 1049, signed by Romanesis. 2nd century. H. 0.025 m. Coarse brown clay; thin brown to black Eastern glaze. Aegeanarea. Disk: rooster,right; framingring. Narrowsloping rim. Shortroundednozzle.Base: within circle,blurry plantapedis. 2nd century.
131 P1. 5. Well, B 14:2. W. 0.068 m., L. 0.089 m.,
glaze. 138 Well, F 11:1. P.L. 0.098m. Mostof disk and rim; non-joiningfragmentof nozzle;non-joiningfragment of base. Hard, coarse, orange-buffclay; worn black to orangeglaze. Similarto 136. The nozzlefragment,froma blunt132 P1. 5. W. 0.09 m., P.L. 0.092 m., H. 0.081 m. anglednozzle with volutes, may not belong;it agrees in fabricand roughnessof execution.IndistinctbaseHandle, most of disk and tip of nozzle missing. Gritty, powdery, buff clay; brown to black glaze. ring. Late 1st to early 2nd century. Disk: plain as far as preserved;wide flat framing ring. Plain slopingrim, the right side wider than the 139 P1. 6. Est. W. 0.08 m., est. L. 0.16 m., P.H. left. Small rounded nozzle based on framing ring. 0.04 m. One nozzle, underside and many pieces Base: within partly obliteratedcircle, plain. missing. Orangeclay and glaze. Secondhalf of 1st century. Cylindricalhandle surmountedby grooved loop rises from center of plain disk with two filling-holes; 133 P1. 5. Well, J 18:2. W. 0.078 m., L. 0.088 m., two framingrings. Plain slopingrim; small circle in H. 0.026 m. Centerof disk missing. Cracking,buff front of nozzle. egg-shaped clay; worn, rusty glaze. Cf. a similar unglazed Corinthianlamp, Broneer Disk: plain as far as preserved; framing ring. 1484, p. 283, pl. XXI. Sharply sloping rim with ovolo pattern. Small Late 1st into 2nd century. rounded nozzle based on framing ring. On slightly 140 P.L. 0.056 m. Nozzle fragment.Buff clay; worn raised base, centralvague depression. 2nd century. orange glaze. Large egg-shaped nozzle with traces of relief 134 P1. 5. Cistern, D 4:1. Agora, V, G 204, p. 48, decorationon throat. Possibly from a lamp similarto 139. pl. 44. W. 0.075 m., L. 0.087 m., H. 0.028 m. Part of Late 1st into 2nd century. top, much of wall and base restored.Brownishbuff
clay. Plain disk with two very narrow framing rings. Large blurred ovolo on rim. Pierced handle, grooved in front. Base: within narrow ring and vague circles, traces of incised letters. The lamp resembles contemporary unglazed Corinthian lamps; the fabric does not look Corinthian and there is no air-hole. Late 1st to early 2nd century. 135 P1. 5. Well, C 20:1. W. 0.068 m., L. 0.081 m., H. 0.025 m. Soft buff clay, tinged with orange. Very lightweight. 141 P1. 6. W. 0.06 m., L. 0.089 m., H. 0.082 m. Dull, orange-buff clay. Attic (2). Small disk with framing ring. Globules on upper and lower body. Heart-shaped nozzle. Pierced handle, grooved in front, plain in back. Base: within ring Y in globules, three globules for the stem and two for each arm. 2nd century. 142 P1. 6. W. 0.057 m., L. 0.091 m., P.H. 0.089 m. Stand missing. Hard brown clay; lustrous yellowbrown glaze. At the break of the stand, clay has dark gray core. Knidian (2).
IMPORTED LAMPS Plain disk with framingcircle. Plain slopingrim. nozzle tilted upwards.Piercedhandle, Heart-shaped with one groove in front, plain in back. Base: attached to cylindricalstand. Cf. Knidian lamp on a stand, Walters 1410. 2nd century. 143 P1. 6. Well, C 12:1. Agora,V, J 64, p. 57, pl. 45.
W. 0.066 m., L. 0.078 m., H. 0.029 m. Piece of disk
clay; thin red glaze. missing.Orange-buff Disk: shell; two framing rings with deep groove between.Slopingrim with two spiralsspringingfrom center of heart-shaped nozzle. Pierced handle, grooved in front and back. Plain base within two rings, the outer one very narrow. nozzleswith spirals,see Walters For heart-shaped 1181ff. Second half of 2nd into early 3rd century.
Orange clay; thick coat of pasty, lustrous purple glaze. Egyptian. Disk: blurred reliefof headin pointedcap; framing ring. Plain rim. Small roughlyshaped nozzle, perhaps meant to be heart-shaped.Handle: groovedin front and pierced.Base: within circle, plain. The lampwas identifiedas Egyptianby Mr.Lukas Benachi. Althoughthe handleis unevenand lumpy, one can distinguisha notch on top, breakingthe curve from front to back. This notch is much more prominent on other Sidi Gaber lamps and was recognizedas characteristically Egyptianby MissLouiseShier. 2nd century.
145 P1. 6. P.H. 0.105 m., W. 0.048 m. Stand. Coarse, purplishbrown clay; traces of orangeglaze. Eastern Aegeanarea. Tall,hollowstand,oval in crosssection.At bottom, a bit of flat finished surfacepreserved.Attached to top, lower part of lamp or bowl. On sides, vertical grooves and two plain panels in front and back. Below the grooves, plain ring; above, ring with slantinggrooves. Walters 1409, p. 214, fig. 386, shows a base with mouldedvine pattern on which stand a fir cone supporting a thymiaterionand two columnssupporting lamps. 2nd century. H. 0.024 m. Handlemissing. Soft bright orangeclay; shiny orangeglaze, partly peeled away. Plain disk with three rings raisedwell above plain roundedrim. Nozzle: roundwick-holein semicircular plane, on a level well above rim. Two imitationrivets on neck of nozzle. The breakgiving the width of the handle is 0.024 m., large for such a small lamp. Slightly raisedbase: within ring, centralsmall circle. Very close and of the same dimensions, Waldhauer 551, pl. LIII, from South Russia. First half of 2nd century. 147 Cistern,O 17:1. Max. dim. 0.057 m. Fragmentof handle,rim and disk. Buff clay; orangeglaze. Disk: two helmeted heads of gladiators facing right; two framingrings. Smallovolo patternon rim. Piercedhandle. Thesceneon the diskmay be a Hoplomachus, right, retreatingfrom a Thrax. Late 1st century.
146 P1. 6. Well, C 20:1. W. 0.052 m., L. 0.073 m.,
D 4:1. Agora,V, G 201,p. 43, pl. 44. Est. 148 Cistern, W. 0.074 m., H. 0.029 m. Nozzle and many pieces missing. Buff clay; shiny brown glaze. Disk: wreath, two framing rings. Plain sloping rim. Piercedhandle, groovedin front, plain in back. Slightly raised base: within circle, plain as far as preserved. Late 1st to early 2nd century. 149 H. 0.049m. Handle.Light buffclay; orangeglaze. Italian. Centralhandle: cylindrical stem surmountedby groovedloop. Cf.Broneer1428,pl. XX; Waldhauer 251,pl. XXV. Mid-1stinto secondhalf of 1st century. 150 Est. W. 0.082 m., H. 0.031 m. Handle, with part of back. Buff clay; worn orangeglaze. Disk: part of two framingrings preserved.Rim: ovolo pattern; two small circles flanking handle. Piercedhandle,groovedin front, plainin back.Base: within circle, plain as far as preserved. Late 1st into 2nd century. 151 Well, D 12:1. Max. dim. 0.036 m. Fragmentof base. Orange-buff clay of fairly thin fabric; orange glaze. Slightly raised base: within circle, plain as far as preserved. 2nd century. 152 P1. 6. W. of base 0.039 m. Base. Hard buff clay; thin orangeglaze (partial).Knidian (2). With uneven circle,Pcopaviincised;below, small circle. The signatureis that of Romanesis. 2nd century.
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD 154 Pl. 6. W. 0.052 m., P.H. 0.059 m. Part of handle. Hard orange-buffclay with gray core, very heavy fabric;thin brownglaze with darkerstreaks.Eastern Aegean area. Knidian (2). Part of very large handle with finger-hole. Below the handle is hollow. the finger-hole, 1st or 2nd century.
153 Pls. 6, 52. Max. dim. 0.052 m. Base fragment. Grayclay; brownto black glaze; both discoloredby fire. Within tear-shaped(?) groove, relief letters made with a stamp upside-down. IVNOQ... 1st or 2nd century.
161 Cistern,M 19:1. W. 0.076 m., H. 0.027 m. Most of handle and many pieces missing; much of disk, rim and nozzle restored. Orange-buffclay; thick, uneven, red glaze with viscid luster over heavy Similarfragment: 156. yellowish-whiteslip. Similar,as far as preserved,to 160. Base: within 157 Cistern,0 17:1. P.L. 0.065 m. Fragmentof disk, circle, an impressed vertical stroke, remains of a rim, nozzle and wall. Micaceous, orange-brown clay; plantapedis (2). red glaze over thick white slip. Early 2nd century. Disk: framing ring. Ovolo pattern on rim. Semivolutes continuous with rim. Ribs on undersideof 162 P1. 6. Well, B 20:1. L. 0.086 m., W. 0.071 m., nozzle. H. 0.029 m. Soft, micaceousbrown clay; red glaze, Late 1st century. mostly peeled away on white slip. Disk: right profileof wreathedmale head; framing 158 P1. 6. L. 0.097 m., W. 0.071 m., H. 0.028 m. nozzle.Pierced Plain, slopingrim. Heart-shaped ring. Orange-brown clay; red glaze over white slip. in front, plain in back. Base: within handle, grooved Disk: scallop shell, framing ring. Rounded rim with ovolo pattern. Semi-volutes continuous with circle, plain. A similarlamp in the BenachiCollection. rim, their knobs carrieddown as sketchily indicated Early 2nd century. ribs on undersideof nozzle. Piercedhandle, grooved in front, plain in back. Base: within circle,plain. 163 P1. 6. Well, J 18:2. L. 0.086 m., W. 0.074 m., Late 1st to early 2nd century. H. 0.027 m. Micaceous brownclay; red glaze, largely over white away, peeled slip. 159 P1.6. W. 0.059 m., H. 0.031 m. Nozzleand much Disk: stag running right; framing ring. Ovolo of right side and base missing.Orangeclay; shiny red on rim. nozzle. Piercedhandle, pattern Heart-shaped glaze on white slip. in in back. Base: within circle, front, grooved plain Plain tear-shapeddisk with framingband. Plain, plain. sloping rim. At the break of the rim in front, a rise Similar subject, Vindonissa501, pl. XIII. in level, probablyfor the knob of a volute. Pierced 2nd century. Early handle, grooved in front, plain in back. Flat base, plain as far as preserved. 164 Pl. 6. Well, J 18:2. L. 0.09 m., W. 0.079 m., First half of 2nd century. H. 0.031 m. Handlemissing.Heavily micaceous,soft, orange-brown clay; red glaze over white slip, both almost entirely worn away. HEART-SHAPED NOZZLE Disk: horse, left, with head turnedright; framing 160 Pl. 6. Well, J 18:2. W. 0.076 m., H. 0.026 m. ring.Plain, slopingrim. Heart-shaped nozzle.Handle, Heavily micaceous, soft, orange-brownclay; worn plain in back. Base: within circle, broad, shallow red glaze over white slip. vertical groove, in the center. Disk: Dionysiac head, facing, crowned with A crossmay be brandedon the horse'schest as on wreathof ivy leaves and berries;framingring. Plain, a closely similar lamp of sharperoutlines, Ephesos, sloping rim. Heart-shaped nozzle. Pierced handle, IV, 128, p. 185, pl. XII. A similarlamp of the same fabric in the Benachi grooved in front, plain in back. Base: within circle,
plain. A similar lamp of the same fabric in the Benachi Collection. First half of 2nd century.
155 Pl. 6. P.L. 0.09 m. Fragmentof nozzle, wall and base. Buff clay; red glaze over white slip. Rounded nozzle and front of volutes preserved. Front knobs of volutes continue as ribs on side of nozzle. Base: section of wide, flat ring preserved. Secondhalf of 1st century.
Collectionhas a U-shapednozzle and a planta pedis on the base. Early 2nd century.
165 Max. dim. a: 0.075 m.; b: 0.047 m.; c: 0.064 m.
Three non-joining fragments preserve about onethird of lamp. Micaceous, soft, brownclay; worn red over white glaze slip. Disk: plain, as far as preserved; framing ring. Plain, sloping rim. Heart-shaped nozzle. Pierced handle,plain in back. Base: within circle,plain. First half of 2nd century.
166 L. 0.10 m., est. W. 0.078 m., H. 0.025 m. Much
a fully armed gladiator threatens a Thrax, on the right, who has fallen on one knee. Cf. Ephesos,IV, 108-104. Late 1st to first half of 2nd century. clay; yellowish brown glaze over white slip. Disk: rooster, right; framing ring. Plain, sloping rim with two small circlesflankingnozzle. U-shaped nozzle set off from rim by transversegroove and by oblique grooves. Pierced handle, grooved in front, plain in back. Slightly raised base: within circle, incised M. 2nd century.
171 Pl. 6. L. 0.10 m., W. 0.071 m., H. 0.08 m. Buff
of disk and right side missing; parts of nozzle, base, wall and rim restored. Micaceous, orange-brown white slip. clay; shiny red glaze over well-preserved Disk: traces of relief preservedon edges; framing nozzle.Piercedhandle, ring. Plain rim. Heart-shaped in in back. Base: within circle, 172 P1. 6. L. 0.089 m., W. 0.062 m., H. 0.028 m. grooved front, plain Pieces missing. Orange-buffclay; shiny red glaze plain as far as preserved. over white slip. First half of 2nd century. wine amphora Disk: garlanded with tip set in flat to it. base stick brace channelfrom and forked Short 167 Est. W. 0.075 m. Two non-joining fragments nozzle. Air-hole. rounded to disk Plain, of and outline U-shaped preserveparts of disk, rim and wall within raised base: rim. circle, over nozzle. Micaceous,hard, orangeclay; red glaze Slightly plain. This is the only red-on-white lamp in the Agorato white slip. Disk: part of framing ring preserved. Ovolo have an air-hole. A closely similar lamp of the same fabric in the pattern on rim. Heart-shaped(?) nozzle. Benachi Collection. Cf. Ephesos, IV, 79, pl. XI, 2nd century. Early 80-81,105, pl. XII, 106-107,142, pl. XII; Waldhauer 255-256, pl. XXVII, 340, pl. XXXV; Menzel 811, U-SHAPED NOZZLE fig. 46, 18. Secondhalf of 1st century. 168 P1. 6. L. 0.089 m., W. 0.07 m., H. 0.081 m. clay; red glaze over white slip. Orange-buff 173 W. 0.065 m., H. 0.034 m. Muchof left side and Disk: Harpokrates,facing, holding cornucopiain center of base missing; partly restored. Red glaze, his left hand, sucking a finger of his right hand; burnt black, over white slip. framing ring. Plain, sloping rim with two small Disk: crab. Plain rim. U-shaped nozzle. Pierced circles in front. U-shaped nozzle. Pierced handle, handle, grooved in front, plain in back. Slightly groovedin front, plain in back. Slightly raisedbase: raised base: within circle, plain as far as preserved. within circle, plain. 2nd century. Cf. Priene 191, fig. 562, of the same fabric. 174 P1. 6. Well, N 21:1. W. 0.066 m., L. 0.081 m., H. 2nd century. 0.08 m. Part of disk and handlemissing.Dented out 169 P1. 6. L. 0.095 m., W. 0.07 m., H. 0.026 m. Top of shape. Clayand glaze discolored by burning;glaze of handle missing. Micaceous orange-brownclay; originallyred over white slip. Disk: drapedfemalefigure,left, wearingpolosand very worn red glaze over white slip. Disk: drapedbust of Selene,facing,with a crescent holding two objects in her extended right hand; moon behind her and a star on either side; framing framingband, the two ends formingsemi-voluteson ring. Plain, sloping rim with two small circles in either side of nozzle and continuingdown as ribs on
front. U-shaped nozzle. Pierced handle, plain in back. Slightly raised base: within circle, incised A. 2nd century. the wall. Rounded nozzle based on disk. Pierced handle, grooved in front, plain in back. Base: within circle, incised E. An unusual effort to adorn a short nozzle with volutes; cf. Vindonissa, p. 242, fig. 8, 1-2. 2nd century. 175 Well, E 14:7. L. 0.098 m., W. 0.076 m., H. 0.084 m. Center of disk missing. Micaceous orangebrown clay; shiny red glaze over white slip. Disk: eagle (?) with head turned right: well raised framing ring. Rim: pattern of large ovolo with
170 W. 0.078 m., H. 0.038 m. Most of handle, disk and nozzle missing; partly restored. Micaceous, orangebuff clay; red glaze over white slip. Disk: gladiatorial combat; framing circle. Plain, steeply sloping rim. U-shaped (2) nozzle. Slightly raised base: within circle, incised A. The complete representation is given on a red-onwhite lamp, Priene 193, p. 455, fig. 562. On the left,
fat centers. Nozzle based on framing ring. Pierced KITE-SHAPED NOZZLE handle,plainin back. Base: within circle,plain. 190 L. 0.087 m., W. 0.064 m., H. 0.033 m. Pieces Late 1st to early 2nd century. missing. Micaceous, orange-brownclay; red glaze over white slip. 176 Pl. 7. Well, J 18:2. W. 0.074 m., L. 0.107 min., Plain disk with two framingrings. Threerows of H. 0.034 m. Micaceous,orange-brown clay; uneven globuleson slopingrim. Kite-shapednozzle based on red glaze over white slip, both partly peeled off. framingring. Piercedhandle,groovedin front, plain Plain deep disk with framing ring. Plain narrow in back. Slightly raised base: within circle, plain. flat rim with two small circles in front of U-shaped Late 1st into 2nd century. nozzle. Pierced handle, grooved in front, plain in Similar:191-192. back. Slightly raised base: within circle, lunate in relief, retrograde. . 193 W. 0.074 m. Mostof lowerhalf, parts of disk and handle missing.Micaceous, orange-brown clay; worn Secondhalf of 1st to early 2nd century. red glaze over worn white slip. Plain disk with framingring. Plain rim with two Similar; dated in the late 1st into first half of 2nd century: 177 C 12:1. Agora, V, J 63, p. 57, pl. 45. On small circles flanking nozzle. Kite-shaped nozzle base, lower part of indented vertical stroke preserved. based on framing ring. Pierced handle, grooved in 178 M 18:1. Disk missing. Base: E incised. 179. front, plain in back. Slightly raised base: within with slopingrim:180 D 12:1. Base: Mincised. circle,not preserved. Similar, Similar lamp of the same fabric in the Benachi Collection. 2nd century. 181 Base: vertical indented stroke. 182 F 16:2. Plain
184 C 14:4. Plain base. 185 O 17:1. Base: M incised.
base. 188 Base: parts of two incised vertical strokes, TT (?).
186 W. 0.073 m., L. 0.102 min., H. 0.031 m. Centerof disk missing. Very micaceous, orange-brownclay; red glaze over white slip, both mostly worn away. Plain shallow disk with framing ring. Plain sloping rim. U-shaped nozzle merging into rim. Piercedhandle,groovedin front, plainin back. Base: within ring, plain. First half of 2nd century. of disk missing.Very micaceous,orange-brown clay; red glaze over white slip. Plain disk with framingcircle. Plain sloping rim. U-shapednozzleset offfromrimboth by a transverse groove and by oblique grooves at the sides. Pierced handle, grooved in front, plain in back. Slightly raised base: within circle, indented vertical strokes. The nozzle combinesfeaturesof the U-shapedand kite-shapednozzle. 2nd century. 188 W. 0.065 m., H. 0.03 m. Most of front missing;
partly restored. Micaceous, orange-brown clay; worn reddish brown glaze over white slip. Plain disk with framing ring. Plain sloping rim. Pierced handle, grooved in front, plain in back. Slightly raised base: within circle, incised A. This and the following lamp could be restored with either a U-shaped or a heart-shaped nozzle; a plain disk is common on lamps with U-shaped nozzle, rare on the others. Late 1st into 2nd century.
Similar: 189 Base plain, as far as preserved.
194 Pl. 7. Cistern,0 20:1. Est. W. 0.062 m. Parts of disk, rim, handle and wall preserved.Orangeclay; shiny red glaze on white slip. Disk: taurus Indicus, right, with tethering chain and ring; framing ring. Plain rim. Pierced handle, groovedin front, plain in back. Slightly raisedbase: within circle,not preserved. Similar, Ephesos,IV, 122, pl. XII. An imported plastic lamp in the form of a water buffalo,Corinth, XIV, 49, p. 143, pl. 46. Late 1st to early 2nd century. 195 P1. 7. Est. W. 0.054 m. Fragmentof upperhalf. Micaceous, orangeclay; shiny red glaze on white slip. Disk: boar, left; framing groove. Plain, sloping rim. Pierced handle, grooved in front. Late 1st into early 2nd century. 196 Max. dim. 0.052 m. Fragment of disk and rim. brownclay; reddishbrownglaze on thick Micaceous, white slip. Disk: garlanded amphorabracedby a forkedstick; Ovolo framingring. patternon rim.
Late 1st into 2nd century. 197 P1. 7. Max. dim. 0.072 m. Fragment of disk and rim. Dark orange clay; red glaze on white slip. Disk: plain, two rings, olive wreath, framing ring. Plain, narrow rim. 1st century. 198 Max. dim. 0.059 m. Part of disk, rim and handle. Dark orange clay; red glaze over white slip. Disk: parts of relief representation; framing ring. Narrow, plain rim. Handle: runs into disk; wellpierced, grooved in front, plain in back. Late 1st into early 2nd century.
IMPORTED LAMPS 199 P1. 7. Max. dim. 0.054 m. Fragment of side. Micaceous,dark orangeclay; red glaze on white slip. Plain rim with pierced lug attached to the side. Secondhalf of 1st into early 2nd century.
Short stem surmountedby grooved loop; from a lamp with two or more nozzles and central handle. 2nd century. 202 Well, N 17:2. Max. dim. 0.042 m. Fragmentof handle and rim. Orange clay; shiny red glaze on Similar:200. white slip. 201 Well, F 16:2; level not known. H. 0.047 m. Handle,with largepiercing,groovedin front, plain in back. Almost all of handle preserved.Micaceous,orangehalf of 1st century. Second brown clay; red glaze on white slip.
Similar:208 N 20:5. 204.
206 Pl. 7. Est. W. 0.072 m., P.L. 0.105 m. Part of top and wall Orangeclay; good red glaze. Disk: part of the following representation is preserved:goat-leggedPan standing in the center; he holds a crook in his left hand, and in his right he grasps the forehoof of a goat leaping up. Framing ring. Plain sloping rim. Air-hole. Rounded nozzle with volutes. Piercedhandle,groovedin front, plain in back. For the representation,see Walters 1218, p. 184, fig. 262. Late 1st century. 206. P1.7. Max.dim. 0.047m. Disk and rim fragment. Buff clay; orange-brown glaze. Disk: the Minotaur; framing ring. Plain sloping rim. Very close to CL 2280: left, Theseus,kneelingon his left knee, brandisheshis club aloft for the fatal blow. Right, the Minotaurcollapsesto his knees and flails his arms. Air-hole. Volutes on nozzle. Pierced handle, groovedin front, plain in back. Similar, CL 2162, 3611. Second half of 1st century. base missing. Soft orangeclay; red glaze. Disk: on ground line, boar, left; framing circle. Sloping rim; semi-volutes continuous with rim. Air-hole.Pierced handle: grooved in front, plain in back. Base plain as far as preserved. Late 1st century. 208 P1. 7. Max. dim. 0.046 m. Fragmentof top. Buff clay; blackglaze. Disk: facing sphinx; two framingrings. Ovolo on slopingrim. Pierced handle, groovedin front. Very close to CL 2414 which has tendrils on each side of the sphinx; semi-volutescontinuouswith rim; air-hole; double planta pedis on base. Similar, Broneer468-471; CL 1662.
207 P1. 7. W. 0.074 m., L. 0.1 m., H. 0.028 m. Most of
For this sphinx on handle shields, see Tarsus, I, 129, p. 108, fig. 97; Bachofen,pl. XLIV, 2. Late 1st century. 209 Max. dim. 0.05 m. Fragmentof top. Buff clay; shiny brownglaze. Disk: traces of representation preserved;framing leaveson rim. Semi-volutes circle.Oblique continuous with rim. Late 1st century. Center of base missing. Crackingbuff clay; worn brownglaze. Deep plain disk with air-hole; framing ring. Slopingrim: obliqueleaveswith smallcirclesflanking nozzle. Air-hole. Short rounded nozzle. Pierced handle: grooved in front, plain in back, with three smallcirclesat the end.Base:plainas far as preserved. Late 1st century. 211 Max. dim. 0.067 min. Fragmentof disk, rim and nozzle. Buff clay; shiny purplishbrownglaze. Disk: plain as far as preserved; framing circle. Air-hole.Slopingrim: oblique leaves and two small circles flankingnozzle. Late 1st century. 212 Cistern,0 20:1. W. 0.074 m. Front missing.Buff clay; shiny brown glaze. Disk plain as far as preserved; framing circle. Wide slopingrim with obliqueleaves. Piercedhandle, groovedin front, plain in back. Base: within circle, centralsmall circle. Late 1st century. 213 Pl. 7. Well, M 17:1. Agora,V, M 128, p. 96, pl. 46. Est. W. 0.09 m. Fragment of disk and rim; nonjoining fragment of base. Light brown clay; thin brownglaze. Channel-and-panel lamp. Oak wreath with acorns on disk. Small circles flankingend of handle. Base: within circle,['E1ray]aeo0incised.
210 P1. 7. W. 0.073 m., L. 0.087 m., H. 0.036 m.
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD 218 P1.7. Well, M 17:1. Agora,V, M 55, p. 89, pl. 46. L. 0.11 m., restoredW. 0.068 m. Muchof base, wall and right side restored.Buff clay; tracesof glaze (2). Tear-shapeddisk, plain with groove and framing groove. Plain sloping rim, divided at the neck, the ends terminatingin semi-volutes.Triangular nozzle. Piercedhandle:groovedin front, plain in back.Base: within tear-shapedgroove,plain as far as preserved. Late 1st century.
For other lamps signed by this lampmaker,see Broneer p. 808. Add CL 2096, 2106, 2164, 3560; Aigina Museum. Late 1st century. 214 P1. 52. Max. dim. 0.045 m. Fragment of base. Soft buff clay; traces of light brownglaze. Late 1st century.
Within very low ring, ... AA ... incised.
219 Cistern,0 17:1. Max. dim. 0.055 m. Fragmentof Part of nozzleand piecesmissing.Fine buff clay. Disk: ring, four bands; the outermost band disk, rim and nozzle. Buff clay. Disk: plain as far as preserved. Rim: oblique higher than rim. Air-hole. Large ovolo on rim. leaves and two small circlesin front. Air-hole.Eggon the mouth Elongated nozzle; top, mask, gaping as wick-hole. Ears of mask continue as ribs on shapednozzle. serving Late 1st century. lowerwall. Pierced handle:groovedin front, plain in side On of incised back. right wall, neatly 'HpaK01?bou. Base: slightly raised, outlined by circle; in center, 220 Max. dim. 0.07 m. Fragment of disk and rim. Buff clay. Disk: ring, plain, framingring. Largeobimpressedverticalstroke. Late 1st century. lique leaves on rim. Late 1st century. 216 P1. 7. Cistern,B 21:1. W. 0.081 m. Part of right side missing.Light buff clay. 221 P1.7. Max. dim. 0.061 m. Disk and rim fragment. Plain diskwith framingring. Air-hole.Slopingrim with oblique leaves. Two small circles before heart- Soft, powdery,buff clay. Disk: basin on stand, framed by grapevine; shapednozzle.Piercedhandle:groovedin front, plain in back. Base: within circle, plain with central small framing circle. Bit of rim preserves panel flanked by small circles. circle. Latest 1st century. Late 1st century. 217 P1. 7. Est. W. 0.072 m. Muchof top with handle. 222 Max. dim. 0.035 m. Fragmentof base. Buff clay. Fine, light buff clay. Within well-raisedring, central small circle and disk with framingband. Rim: ovolo, Tear-shaped vros incised. with small circlesat nozzle and handle.Part of large Kppo'[i] For other lamps signed by this lampmaker,see volute preservedat nozzle. Pierced handle: grooved Broneer 309. Add Niessen 1910, pls. LXXVIII, in front, plain in back. LXXXV; Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, Froehner Cf. a closely similar lamp signed by Antonios 410; CL 2098, 2099; Delos Museum (no number); (Delphes,V, 509, figs. 805, 805a); Menzel 261, fig. Benachi Collection. 38,a, from same or related moulds. Late 1st century. Late 1st century.
224 Max. dim. 0.05 m. Fragment of disk and rim. Soft, powdery,orange-buff clay. For the satyr, cf. a silver mug from Thrace,Arch. Disk: plain, two rings, two masks. Channel-andAnz., 1941, pp. 159-160, figs. 25-28. panel rim. The lamp is very close to 250 and may come from Similar, L.M. Ugolini, Albania Antica, III, 33, related moulds. The relief on the disk was not p. 186, pl. XXIV, signed by Gaios. originallydesignedfor this lamp, for it is too large Early 2nd century.
223 P1. 7. Well, Q 17:4. Hesperia,XXV, 1956, p. 55, note 23, pl. 15, a. W. 0.087 m. Soft, orange-buff clay. Disk: revelling satyr striding right. In his right hand, a cup; in his left, a torch. A panther skin rim. hangs over his left elbow. Channel-and-panel Air-hole.Handle: groovedand pierced.Base: within circle, central small circle and incised signature
for the field; it was stampedseparatelyinto a mould for a lamp with plain disk. For the signature, see Delphes,V, 513, fig. 809; cf. Broneer 748, pl. XXXI, and Corinth, Cheliotomylos 162. Early 2nd century.
Walters 1185, fig. 251; Dura 326, with references. For a discussion of this subject in painting, terracottas, and coins and for interpretations by Raphael and Bernini, see Spinazzola, Pompei, I, pp. 150-154, figs. 183-192, pl. XVII b. First half of 2nd century. 231 P1. 8. Well, F 16:2. W. 0.086 m. Many missing pieces restored. Buff clay. Disk: warrior, right, in tunic, cap and boots, holding a shield. In field, corselet, crested helmet,
225 P1. 7. Cistern,M 19:1. Max. dim. 0.082 m. Disk pair of greaves.Framingring. Air-hole.Panelledrim and rim fragment.Hard, fine, orange clay. with ovolo. Nozzle: preserved portion permits rim. restoration as either oval (as restored) or heartHead in highreliefon disk. Channel-and-panel Early 2nd century. shaped. Handle: grooved and pierced.Base: within incised. circle, Po[v]qdeVyov 226 Max. dim. 0.04 m. Disk and rim fragment.Light 2nd century. buff clay. Disk: ring, plain, two-rings, relief mask of slave. 232 Diam. of base 0.041 m. Parts of disk, rim, nozzle, wall and base. Clay: thin fabric; fired buff to black rim. Channel-and-paniel with a greenishsurface;bent out of shape. First half of 2nd century. Trace of relief preservedon disk; framing ring. 227 P1.7. Est. W. 0.11 m. Nozzle,much of disk and Panelledrim with ovolo. Base: withincircle,uJ[Pov]rim. Fine buff clay; smooth creamyslip. is upsilon,the last letterof the signature, qEivoincised; Disk: rosette, ring, pattern of ivy leaves, tendrils above the nu. and berries;framingcircle. Air-hole.Narrowsloping 2nd century. rim: well-raised panels; ovolo and small circles 233 P1. 8. Est. W. 0.086 m. Disk, rim and handle flankingnozzle, panels, and handle. A finer version of CL 3758, signed by Sposianos. fragment.Light buff clay. Disk: grapevine strangling Lykourgos. Naked, Latest 1st to early 2nd century. beardedLykourgos,right, strainingevery muscle in 228 Pl. 7. Max. dim. 0.059 m. Disk and rim fragment. an attempt to break away from the constrictionsof the grapevinewhich twines aroundboth legs, torso Light buff clay. Disk: drapedmahoutastridetrumpetingelephant, and both arms. Left, vine leaves. Framing ring. right; framingring. Slopingrim, with trace of panel. Panelled rim with ovolo. Handle: grooved and For the representation, cf. Walters 1069, fig. 219, pierced. For the representation on Alexandriancoins and Bachofen CIVNAL; signed pl. XX, 4; Broneer502, on a Hellenistic see Mon. Piot, XLV, for D. see J. Etruscan information, 108; glass goblet, fig. Beazley, 8. 1950, 29, 7, 30, Oxford, 1947, p. p. fig. fig. Vase-Painting, pp. 218-215. The momentbeforethe denouement is depictedon 2nd century. the 4th centurymosaicin the Piazza Armerina Villa, 229 P1. 7. Deposit, 0 18:3. Max. dim. 0.057 m. Disk Sicily, reportedby V. Gentili,I.L.N., March8, 1952, and rim fragment.Light buff clay. p. 426, "Lycurgus,the destroyer of vines, is seen Disk: erotic symplegma of woman and horse; hurling himself with his double-headedaxe at the MaenadAmbrosia(Fig. 2), who, by changingherself framingring. Air-hole.Panelledrim with ovolo. into a slender grapevine,twined herself aroundthe Early 2nd century. hero'slegs, and so laid him open to the vengeanceof 230 Cistern,D 4:1. Agora, V, G 202, p. 48, pl. 44. the people and the assault of a panther."The whole Max.dim. 0.078m. Fragmentof disk, rim and nozzle. story is told by Nonnus,Dionysiaca,XXI, 11, 26ff.; Gray-buffclay. XXXVI, 11, 354ff. Disk: Aeneas forced to leave Troy with Anchises 2nd century. and Ascanius.Aeneas,clad in tunic, cuirass,chlamys and boots, carrieshis father on his left shoulderand 234 P1. 8. Est. W. 0.074 m. Muchof back. Light buff leads Ascaniusby the wrist. Framingring. Panelled clay. rim with ovolo. Air-holenot piercedthrough. Disk: bust of Athena,right, in crestedCorinthian For the complete composition,see Athens N.M. helmet, framed by laurel wreath; framing ring. 4157 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2556, 2557) signed by Pon- Panelled rim with ovolo. Handle: grooved and pianos. Cf. C.I.G., IV, 8476 b, signed 'ArroAoq&vou; pierced, ending with two incised x s.
For coins of Athena framed by laurel wreath, see B. Pick, "'Promachos' des Pheidias," Ath. Mitt., LVI, 1981, p. 61, pl. I, 2, 3, 4. 2nd century.
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD 240 P1.7. Max. dim. 0.062 m. Disk and rim fragment. Buff clay. In center, wreathed Sarapis wearing polos and carryingscepterin his left hand. Right, the uraeus. Below, small figure kneeling on one knee. Two framingrings. Circles(?) on rim. The complete representationis given by Waldhauer 312, pl. XXXIII, from South Russia. 2nd-3rd century.
236 Pl. 8. W. 0.085 m. Restored. Light orange-buff clay. Disk: emaciated grotesquenude man with lower part of torso turned left, upper part turned right, framing ring. Plain sloping rim with plain panels. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, incised. Cf. Hesperia, VII, 1938, p. 347, fig. 31, similar 'AtreF.TrovU figures,made in moulds and attached to the wall of a one-handled pitcher. See H. Goldman, "Two TerracottaFigurinesfrom Tarsus,"A.J.A., XLVII, 1943, pp. 22-34; Miss Goldman shows that "the fantastic dancers, hybrids of the living and the skeletalform"are an artistic creationof the 1st century after Christ, based on the world of mimetic entertainment.She notes no example later than the 1st century. 2nd century.
241 P1. 8. Max. dim. 0.062 m. Fragmentof disk and rim. Hard, buff clay. Disk: Hermes, turning right, with head turned left. He wears petasos and winged sandals, and carriesthe caduceusin his left hand. Framingring. Small ovolo on rim. The complete composition appears on a lamp signedby Sposianos (Inst. phots. Athens N.M. 2550, 2551, no. 3105). In his outstretched right hand 237 P1. 7. Max. dim. 0.063 m. Fragmentof disk and Hermesholds a patera;lowerleft, a sheep. The lamp has plain, panelled rim. Broneer 593-596, fig. 47, rim. Yellow-buffclay, well smoothed. Disk preserves upper portion of bearded satyr, pl. XXVI; Walters 1216, fig. 260. For the composition on coins of Corinth, see head turned right, holding syrinx in his left hand; far as as Broneerp. 101. preserved. framingring. Rim: plain 2nd century (?). Late 2nd to 3rd century. 238 P1. 8. Well, B 13:7. W. 0.084 m. Light buff to 242 P1. 8. Drain channel system, E 5:4. Max. dim. 0.041 m. Fragment of disk, rim and nozzle. Clay orangeclay. Disk: bacchant, right, wearing panther skin over unevenly fired, creamto buff. left shoulder,carryinga bunchof grapesand thyrsos; Similar to 241. The sheep and the lower part of framingring. Air-hole.Panelledrim with smallovolo; Hermes are preserved. Air-hole. Nozzle interrupts dots flankinghandleand nozzle.Handle: piercedand framingring. Late 2nd to early 3rd century. grooved.Base: within circle, centralsmall circle and incised. AouKiov The composition also appears on a lamp signed 243 P1. 8. Well, D 12:1. A.J.A., XL, 1936, p. 411, fig. 8. W. 0.088 m. Top of handle and part of base by Gaios ('ApX.'Eq., 1922, p. 70, no. 8, fig. 10, 4). 2nd century. missing.Buff to orangeclay. Disk: horsemancharging left. Framingring. Air239 Well, J 12:1. W. 0.085 m. Muchof disk missing. hole. Panelledrim with ovolo. Handle: groovedand Hard, thin buff clay. incised. pierced.Base: within circle,O[06] Disk: upper left, torch and wing-tip; right side: For the full signature,see Broneer562, pl. XXX. hand resting on end of torch, drapery, quiver. For other signed lamps by this lampmaker, see Framing ring interruptedby handle, panels, nozzle. Broneer 312. Add Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, Panelled rim with sketchy ovolo. Handle: grooved Froehner602. and pierced. Base: within circle, XExoV0vou incised. Late 2nd to early 3rd century. For the scene see Broneer 608, pl. XXVI. Eros,
head turned left, walking right, drapery hanging from left shoulder. He holds a tablet in his right hand and his left rests on the end of a torch supported on his left shoulder. Below, a bow and quiver. Cf. Broneer 759. For other lamps signed by this lampmaker, see Broneer p. 311. Add Jahreshefte, XXVI, 1930, Beiblatt, p. 111, fig. 45; CL 1837, 1884-1897, 1947, 3993; Bibliothbque Nationale, Paris, Froehner 39; Archaeology, IX, 1956, p. 272, fig. 6; of. Pannonische Lampen 874, pls. XXXV, 6, XCV, 87. Late 2nd to early 3rd century. 244 P1. 8. Well, D 12:1. A.J.A., XL, 1936, p. 411, fig. 8. W. 0.062 m. Part of nozzle missing. Buff clay. Disk: snarling leopardess, with head turned left, charging right. Framing ring. Air-hole. Panelled rim with delicate ovolo. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, Ioota | voGincised. For other lamps by this lampmaker, see Broneer p. 311. Add CL 2649, 3753, 3754; Berliner Antiquarium, no. 7525, Ath. Mitt., LVI, 1931, Beilage XXVII, 4; Athens N.M. 17987, Ath. Mitt., LXIX-LXX, 1954-55, p. 68, Beilage 32. Late 2nd to early 3rd century.
IMPORTED LAMPS 245 Cistern,D 12:1. Max. dim. 0.045 m. Fragment of disk and rim. Soft, orange-buff clay. Disk preservesPerseus' hand graspingMedusa's head by the hair. Panelledrim with ovolo. There are three lamps signed by Sposianoswith this representationof Perseus holding the harpe in right hand and Medusahead in left, Athens N.M. 17987, Ath. Mitt., LXIX-LXX, 1954-55, p. 68, Beilage 82; Walters 1223, pl. XXXV; Berlin Museum, Inv. d. Terrac. No. 5020 from the Athenian Kerameikos, mentioned in SammlungSabouroff, I, commentary to pl. LXXV, note 100. Museodelle Terme 62198, signed CASVICT,has a slightly different Perseuswith harpeand Medusahead, plain rim, and nozzle. This Perseusappearson Argive heart-shaped coins fromthe time of Hadrianto SeptimusSeverus, Imhoof-Blumer and Gardner, Numismatic Commentary,p. 35. Late 2nd to early 3rd century. 246 P1. 8. Well, D 12:1. Max. dim. 0.027 m. Disk fragment.Soft orangeclay. Head of Athena, left, in Corinthian helmet. The shape of the mouth and the flow of the hair have been spoiled by the fussy retoucher. Cf. with a lamp signed by Sposianos,Ath. Mitt., LVI, 1981, Beilage XXVII, 4, which accordingto Kiibler(ibid.,p. 68, note 1) was madein Athens. Late 2nd century to early 3rd century. 247 Pl. 8. Well, D 12:1. Est. W. 0.08 m. Disk and rim fragment.Soft, light orangeclay. Disk: Artemisholdingbow in right hand, reaching up to quiverwith left; belowright, her dog. Framing ring. Plain rim with panels flankedby small circles. Close to Athens N.M. 8177 (Inst. phots. Athens N.M. 2554, 2555) signed by Epiktetos; at lower left, a deer. Late 2nd to early 3rd century. 248 P1. 8. Late Roman Buildings,M-Q 17-21. Max. dim. 0.048 m. Disk fragment.Hard, buff clay. Groundline. Hermes,moving left, wearingchiton, chlamys,petasosand wingedsandals;in his left hand, caduceus.Between his feet, hindquarters of a sheep. For the completecomposition,Broneer592, fig. 46
and Inst. phot. Athens N.M. 2564, no. 3250. In his right hand Hermes holds a money bag; at his feet, a sheep. For a discussion of the composition derived from an Artemis type, see Broneer p. 100, fig. 46. Late 2nd to early 3rd century. 249 P1. 8. Est. W. 0.07 m. Right side with handle missing. Buff clay with badly peeled red glaze. Disk: blurred seated figure facing right, with right arm extended. Two framing rings. Rim: small perfunctory ovolo; panel interrupting framing ring. I Base: within two closely spaced circles, ['AA]s?dv incised 8pou
The figureis probablya gladiator; of. the retiarius on Broneer680 and 631, pl. XXVII. Late 3rd to early 4th century.
250 P1.8. Well, C 14:4. W. 0.086 m. Piece of disk and nozzle missing.Hard buff clay. Disk: two rings, plain. Channel-and-panel rim. Air-hole. Forked ridge in front of nozzle. Pierced handle:groovedin front and halfwaydownthe back, with smallcirclenearend; two smallcirclesflankbase of handle. Base: within circle, plain with central small circle. Early 2nd century. 251 Well, N 17:2. P.W. 0.069 m. Disk and rim fragment. Soft powdery clay, unevenly fired orange to buff. Disk: two rings, circle. The disk is framed by a band which may be part of a channel-and-panel rim (not preserved). Latest 1st to early 2nd century. 252 P1. 8. Well, J 12:2. Hesperia,V, 1946, p. 48. W. 0.073 m. Cracking, buff clay. Disk: ring, plain, ring. Wide plain rim. Air-hole. Handle:grooved andpierced. Base:withincircle,plain. Late 2nd to early 3rd century. 253 P1. 8. W. 0.065 m. Parts of handle, nozzle and wall missing. Fine buff clay. Plain disk with framing ring. Wide, slightly smallcirclesflankinghandle sloping rim with ovol1o; and nozzle. Air-hole. Pierced handle, grooved in front and halfway down the back; at the end, an incised x, flankedby two small circles.Base: within circle,centralsmall circleand AouKiouincised. For other lamps signed by this lampmaker,see Broneer, pp. 309-810. Add Menzel 540, fig. 47, 5; Ephesos, IV, 158, pl. XII; Bull. de la Soc. Arch. d'Alexandrie, VII, 1905, p. 80, fig. 31 (two lamps); ibid., IX, 1907, pp. 70, 72, fig. 19; Aigina Museum; Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, Froehner 591; CL 1838, 1907, 1968, 2008, 2298, 8552; Cosa CF 2279;
'APX. 1922, p. 70, fig. 10, 2 and 3; Bartoli'Egp., Part Bellori, III, pl. 9. 2nd century.
Similar: 254 C 12:1. Agora, V, J 6, p. 51, pl. 45. Base: within circle, plain with central small circle. DISK : OVOLO
255 P1.8. Est.W. 0.084 m. About one-third preserved. Fine, light buff clay. Disk: plain, with border of ovolo facing inward. Plain rim, slightly higher than disk, with plain panels. Tiny circles flank panel and nozzle. Air-hole. Base:
THE ATHENIAN AGORA:-LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD a secondset of Disk: ring, forkedrays overlapping on two Ovolo rim. rays, framingrings. The rim probablyhad panels. First half of 3rd century. 271 Pl. 8. Well, D 12:1. A.J.A., XL, 1936, p. 411, fig. 8. W. 0.085 m. Part of nozzle missing.Buff clay. Disk: rays, framingring. Air-hole.Wide rim with vine patternof four clustersand four leaves. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, Ircoat I avoGincised. Late 2nd to early 3rd century.
within circle, central small circle and 'AvTrco[vfou] incised. The peculiarityof ovolo facing inwardon the disk recurs on a lamp in the Museo delle Terme, signed LFAMAS, Vindonissa,p. 311, note 303. The full signatureis preservedon a lamp found at Delphi (Delphes,V, 509, figs. 805, 805a), and on a lamp with plain disk and ovolo rim in the Benachi Collection. First half of 2nd century.
circle. 262. 268 D 4:1. Agora, G 203, p. 43, pl. 44. 264 DISK : ROSETTE V, N 21:1. Base: within circle, central small circle and Aouidou incised. 265 P1. 49. B 13:7. Base: within circle, central small 275 P1. 8. W. 0.095 m. Most of nozzle and many circle and 'A-reipft incised. Similar lamp with same signature pieces missing. Hard, green-buff clay of fairly thin in the Bibliothbque Nationale, Paris. 266. 267 M 18:1. fabric.
Coarse, gritty,
century: 260 N 20:5. Base: within circle, 'Erwayaeoo incised. 261 C 9:1. Base: within circle, plain with central small
272 P1. 8. W. 0.082 m. Cracking,buff clay. 256 Est. W. 0.076 m. Most of rim, disk, and handle; Disk: ring, rays, ring. Air-hole. Vine pattern of sectionsof rim and wall restored.Orangeclay of thin four clustersand four sprayson rim. Handle: pierced fabric. and grooved,with incised x near end. Base: within Disk: broad ring, rays, ring. Wide, plain rim. a roJ incised. circle, Handle: groovedand pierced. Kaio close to Broneer570, pls. XI, XXX, signed Very 2nd century. Kallistos. by For other lamps signed by this lampmaker,see 257 W. 0.071 m. Center of disk and many pieces Broneer p. 209. Add Delos B 1108. missing. Buff clay. Early 3rd century. Disk: rays, framing ring. Sloping, plain rim. Handle: groovedand pierced.Air-holeindicated,not 273 Drain channel system, E 5:4. Est. W. 0.08 m. incised. pierced. Base: within circle, Most of right side, excludingbase. Buff clay. 'A.-rafou 2nd century. Disk: ring, rays, framingring. Air-hole.Rim: vine of four clusters and six leaves. Handle: pattern 258 Cistern, M 19:1. Max. dim. 0.091 m. Part of and pierced. Base: within circle, not pregrooved disk, rim, and nozzle. Hard, light buff clay. Disk: rays, well-raisedframing ring. Rim: large served. The grapeswereclumsilyretouchedby restamping ovolo with two small circles flankingnozzle. in mould. Early 2nd century. Late 2nd to 3rd century. 259 P1. 8. W. 0.08 m. Part of wall and base missing. 274 P1. 8. Est. W. 0.08 m. Muchof upperhalf. Hard, Hard buff clay of mediumthin fabric. brown-buff clay. Disk: broad ring, rays, framing ring. Air-hole. Disk: rays, uneven ring. Rim: vine pattern ring, Wide, sloping rim with ovolo and two small circles of four clusters and four sprays.Piercedhandle. flankingnozzle. Piercedhandle,groovedin front and and retouchedin the mould;grooving Rays grapes halfway down the back, ending in small circle. retouchedon the lamp. Below handle, two small circles.Base: within circle, Thisvine pattern,in whichspraysof leaves, rather central small circle flanked by incised letters M A. than separate leaves, are alternated with clusters, The same form of this signaturemay be restored was used often by Corinthianlampmakers,such as on Broneer555. Loukios, Oktabeios, Sposianos, and Balerios; the First half of 2nd century. patternwas abandoned by the Attic lampmakers. 3rd century. Similar lamps dated in the 2nd century to early 3rd
Disk: ring, rosette, plain. Air-hole. Channel-andcircle, 268 J 12"2. Hesperia, V, 1936, p. 43. 2619 rim, with the channel continuing right around coarse buff panel Base: within Powdery, circle, plain. clay. 270 P1. 8. Max. dim. 0.061 m. Fragment of disk, rim and nozzle. Micaceous buff clay. Attic (2) or Corinthian. past the nozzle. Pierced handle: grooved in front and halfway down the back, ending in incised x. Base: within circle, plain as far as preserved. First half of 2nd century.
IMPORTED LAMPS 276 Pl. 8. W. 0.07 m. Parts of disk and base missing. Cracking,micaceous,orange-buffclay. Disk: double rosette, framingring interruptedby handle, panels, and nozzle. Plain rim with panels. Handle: pierced and grooved with incised x near base. Base: within circle,A[ou])iou. Manybubbleson disk and framingring. The remainsof the letters permit the restoration of Lenaios' name; the attribution to Loukios is tentative. Secondhalf of 2nd century. 277 Well, F 13:2. Max. dim. 0.065 m. Fragmentof disk, rim and nozzle. Orangeclay of thin fabric. Disk: ring, rosetteof many curvingpetals, framing ring interruptedby nozzle and panels. Panelled rim with small ovolo. Close to Athens N.M. 3100 (Inst. phots. Athens N.M. 2556, 8557) signedby Aphrodisios. Late 2nd to early 3rd century. 278 W. 0.076 m. Pieces missing. Micaceous clay unevenly firedbuff to orange. Disk: rosette with a center of eight petals overlapping eight heart-shaped petals; framing ring interruptedby handle, panels, and nozzle. Air-hole. Panelledrim with poorblurryovolo.Handle:grooved and pierced.Base: within circle, incised. For other lamps by this lampmaker, see Broneer Ic.[-rpf]8.a p. 311. Add CL 1899-1902, 1908. Late 2nd to early 3rd century. 279 P1. 9. Max. dim. 0.058 m. Fragmentof disk and rim. Fine, hard, brown clay. Disk: ring, rosette with three overlappingtiers of petals, two framingrings. Panelled rim with raised obliquepetals. Late 2nd to early 3rd century. 280 Well, M 18:1. W. 0.065 m. Most of upper half. Soft micaceous clay, pale buff on top, yellowish underneath. Disk: rosette, plain, framingring. Air-hole.Rim: panels with incised x on right panel; twelve vague small circles. Pierced handle: groovedin front, with incised x in back.
Late 2nd to 3rd century. 281 W. 0.072 m. Pieces missing. Coarse, buff clay. Disk: rosette, plain, framing ring. Air-hole. Panelled rim with sketchy ovolo. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, plain. Lines and relief badly blurred. Late 2nd century to 3rd century. 282 PI. 9. Well, F 16:2. Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 596. W. 0.068 m. Center of disk missing. Buff to orange clay. Channel-and-panel lamp. Disk: rosette of twentytwo petals. Air-hole. Pierced handle, grooved in
front, with incised x near end. Base: within circle, 'Eirayaeo0iindistinctlyincised. The channelsarenot properchannels,beingmerely markedoff by grooves;the lamp is oval ratherthan round. 3rd century. 283 P1. 9. Well, I 16:1. W. 0.19 m., L. 0.217 m. Handle and most of top; fragmentsof lower half. Restored. Disk: rosette in center; in each quadrant,pecten shell with its fringe facing the center and outlined by a curving border of herringbone.Channel-andpanel rim, with the channelcontinuingright around past the nozzle; incised branch on panels. Handle: grooved and pierced,ending with incised x. Base: within two closely spaced circles,not preserved. First half of 3rd century.
284 P1. 9. Well, G 11:2. W. 0.069 m. Muchof nozzle missing. Soft, yellow-buffclay. Disk: diamondwith curvingsides; framingcircle. Plain, panelled rim. Air-hole.Handle: grooved and pierced.Base: within partly obliteratedcircle, plain. Scratchedon wall, near handle, Bl. Early 3rd century.
of base missing.Light orangeclay. Disk: plain as far as preservedwith a handle (not in the center.Air-hole.Plain rim. Volutes preserved) with forkedridge between; rib from volute terminal faintly indicatedon wall. Fairly long roundednozzle. Base: within circle, K[dprrou] incised. The alternate restorationis K[aXio-rou]. Given a choice betweenKarposand Kallistos,the formeris more likely to have been the makerof this lamp and 301, because these two lamps and the surviving lamps of Karpos are of earlier date than the survivinglamps of Kallistos. Both lamps are of well-smoothed well-washed, clay of fairly thin fabric. Thevoluteswith ribs on 285 belongto an early stage
of the unglazed Corinthian lamps. For the disorganization of the volutes in the late 2nd century see 287 by Loukios. The lamps of Kallistos found in the Agora (272, 299, 300) date in the 3rd century. Of the two lamps of his figured in Broneer, 570, pl. XL shows much reworking with the grapes repunched in the mould, and 600, pl. XII, has the rim interrupted by handle, panels, and nozzle, a late feature. The lamps of Karpos, on the other hand, display early features. The clay and finish of his lamps found in Corinth (Broneer 557; CL 1667, 1835, 2648) place
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD The omicron is provided by the small double circle often appearingin the center of the base on signed and unsigned Corinthianlamps. The letters were incised twice, the later set slightly higherthan the earlier. Early 2nd century.
them earlierthan those of Kallistos.One of his lamps was found in a grave in Ithaca with a bronze coin of Lucius Verus (D6rpfeld,Alt-Ithaka,I, p. 225, II, Beilage 75, 7). A lamp of Karposfound in the North Cemetery,Corinth,dates well back into the first half of the 2nd century.No. 3167in the NationalMuseum, Athens (Inst. phot. N.M. 2511, 2512) has a tearshapeddisk and simplifiedsemi-volutes;here Karpos used earliershapesas did the makerof 285. For other lamps by Karpos, see Broneer p. 309 (Broneer1092 and 1886 are signed by Eukarpos,not by Karpos). First half of 2nd century. 286 P1. 9. Well, J 18:2. L. 0.107 m., W. 0.08 m. Top of handle missing. Soft, light orange clay. Cylindrical stump of central handle rises from plain disk with framingring. Rim: pattern of large ovolo and two small circles. Air-hole.Volutes interrupted by egg-shaped nozzle; the knobs of the volutes, marked with small triple circles, continue as faintly indicatedribs on wall. Base: within circle, vague central small circle and partly obliterated
incised signature EYTT...AO.
289 P.W. 0.048 m. Fragmentof base and lowerwall. Buff clay. Within circle, central small circle and
incised. ['Arl]pi'rou First half of 2nd GAIOS
Rough gashes, probably made by the paring instrument,mar the finish of the lowerwall. A lamp of similar workmanship (Broneer 556, pls. XI, XXX) is signed EYTTAOYA. First half of 2nd century. of handle and pieces missing.Micaceous,orange-buff clay of fairly thin fabric. Cylindrical stumpof centralhandlerisesfromplain disk with badly outlined, flat framingring. Air-hole. Rim: clumsily incised tendril and grape-cluster pattern. In front, volutes indicated by grooves and knobs. Two raised spurs between framing ring and nozzle. Nozzle tending to be egg-shaped. On wall, two ribs, continuingfrom terminalsof volutes. Base: within circle, signature incised sidewiseAouKio I u. Madeby a poorcraftsman.All the incisionhas the appearanceof hasty afterthought,and an uncertain hand fashionedthe volutes, the knobs of which are asymmetricallyplaced and not properlyin line with the connecting grooves. The two raised spurs may
have something to do with the effort to make volutes. Paring marks all over. Cf. Broneer 546. 3rd century.
290 Diam. of base 0.044 m. Fragment of base and lowerwall. Hard, gray-buffclay, of thin fabric. Within circle, central small circle and Fatou incised. For other lamps signed by this lampmaker,see Broneer p. 307. Add Ephesos,IV, 75, pl. I; Bauer 630, fig. 116; Bulletin de la Socie'td Arche'ologique d'Alexandrie,VII, 1905, p. 80 under 27, fig. 31; L. M. Ugolini, Albania Antica, III, 83, p. 188, pl. XXIV; CL 2425. First half of 2nd century.
291 P1. 9. Max. dim. 0.043 m. Fragmentof base and lower wall. Hard, orangeclay. Within almond-shaped incised. groove, Fao~[ivov] The lamp probablyhad two nozzlesand a central handle. For the full signature,see Broneer718, pl. XXXI. First half of 2nd century.
292 P1. 9. Max. dim. 0.041 m. Fragmentof base and wall. Fairly coarse,buffclay. The full signature is preservedon CL 2441, and on two lamps found in Butrinto, L.M. Ugolini, AlbaniaAntica,III, 44, p. 189, 45, p. 190. First half of 3rd century.
293 Well, D 15:2. Est. W. 0.085 m. Fragment of nozzle, rim and base. Hard, grayish buff clay. Nozzle flanked by two small circles. Base: within incised. circle, central small circle and First half of 2nd century. ['Eia]ya0.)[oi] 294 Well, D 12:1. Max. dim. 0.04 m. Fragment of base and wall. Soft buff clay. Within circle, central small circle and signature, partly incised, partly in relief 'Tray<;[Ooi]. Second half of 2nd century.
288 P1. 9. Well, B 14:2. Max. dim. 0.043 m. Light green-buff clay. Fragment of base and wall. Small circle beside end of handle. Within circle, AQPOAA... incised.
295 P.W. 0.038 m. Fragmentof base and lowerwall. Heavily micaceous,hardorangeclay. Within circle, 'E-raya[oi0] incised. Second half of 2nd century.
300 Max. dim. 0.058 m. Fragmentof base and lower wall. Soft, orange-buff clay. Within circle, K failo-rov incised. 3rd century.
296 P1. 9. Max. dim. 0.05 m. Fragmentof base and lower wall. Hard, fine, buff clay, of thin fabric. Within circle, j&vouincised. 'ETrrT[UyX] For other lamps signed by this lampmaker,see Broneer691, fig. 137, pl. XXX; add CL 2286. First half of 2nd century.
301 Max. dim. 0.036 m. Fragmentof base and lower wall. Wasterwith black core and greenishsurface,of thin fabric. Within circle, Ka[prwou] incised. For the restoration of the signature,see under285. First half of 2nd century.
297 P1. 9. Max. dim. 0.049 m. Fragment of base. Hard, coarse,micaceous,dark orange-buff clay. incised. Within circle,["Ep]cmros The full signaturewas seen on a lamp in the collectionof Mr.ArthurVan Buskirk,whichis described as follows. On the right, on a butcher's block is a small animal which has just been cut in two by the butcher who stands with the cleaver in his right incised. Ovolo and hand; below his feet, KAHMHE panels on rim. W. 0.085 m. Light yellow clay. The same representationis seen on Delphes,V, 541, fig. 830. 3rd century.
302 Max. dim. 0.05 m. Fragmentof base and lower wall. Hard, thin, gray-buffclay. incised. Within circle,[Kpionx]vros 2nd century. 303 Max. dim. 0.047 m. Fragmentof base and lower wall. Soft, powdery,orangeclay. Within circle,[Kpjc]Krkvr incised. 2nd century.
304 P1. 9. P.W. 0.025 m. Fragmentof base and lower wall. Hard, fine buff clay.
Within circle, Aeo-- incised.
298 Pl. 9. Diam. of base 0.038 m. Fragmentof base and lower wall. Fine, hard, light buff clay of thin fabric. Within circle, central small circle and Zaooi[ou] incised. The complete signatureoccurson CL 2097, a 2nd century channel-and-panel lamp. The alternaterestorationis Zcocnpa's occurringon Broneer694, pl. XXXI and CL 2650; cf. a lamp in the Bibliotheque Nationale,Paris,signedZcooa 0si8oS, showingHerakles with the golden apple, the representation on Walters 1222, pl. XXXIV. These threelampsareprobablyall as late as the 3rdcentury. Broneer1429, pl. XXXIII, preserves fragmentsof
an extremely large suspension lamp with traces of glaze; the signature should perhaps be restored 2nd century.
305 Max. dim. 0.054 m. Fragmentof base and wall. Fine, hard buff clay. Within a circle, central small circleand Aou[KIOU] incised. 2nd century. 306 Max. dim. 0.046 m. Fragmentof base and wall. Buff clay. Within circle, Aou[KiOv] incised. Secondhalf of 2nd century. 307 Max. dim. 0.029 m. Fragmentof base and lower wall. Soft, orange-buff clay. Within circle,[Aou]Kifou incised.
Second half of 2nd century.
299 W. 0.097 m. Handle and bit of rim from upper half, most of lower half. Micaceous, soft, orange-buff clay. Rim: inner band of raised wreath; narrow, plain, outer band. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within two closely spaced circles, KacxXo-roju incised. 3rd century.
Cracking, buff clay. Attic (?). Within rough circle, 'Ove I ou incised. For other lamps signed by this lampmaker, see Broneer p. 810. Add a vine-and-ray lamp, St. Germain, Paris, no. 12522; Wollmann, "Retiarer-Darstellungen auf romischen Tonlampen," Rilm. Mitt., XXXII, 1917, p. 166, fig. 21. Late 2nd to early 3rd century.
309 Max. dim. 0.085 m. Fragmentof base and lower 313 H. 0.03 m. Two non-joining fragments giving wall. Hard light buff clay with fire-blackened surface. much of base and lower wall, and bit of rim. Fine, Within circle, XEiKO1v89[v] incised. thin, smooth, hard, orange-buff clay. 2nd century. Panelledrim. Withincircle, incised. ITrrco[o]avo[G] 2nd century.
SYNPHOROS 314 Max. dim. 0.042 m. Fragmentof base and lower 310 P1. 9. Cistern,C 14:2. Max. dim. 0.071 m. Frag- wall. Clayof hard fabric,firedlight buff inside, pinkment of lowerhalf. Brownishbuff clay. buff outside. Within circle, Xvv(6pouraggedlyincised. Within circle, mTro[maa] voV. For other lamps signed by this lampmaker,see 2nd century. Broneer575, pl. XXX, 576. Early 3rd century. UNCERTAIN SIGNATURES SOZOMENOS
311 Well, D 12:1. Max. dim. 0.024 m. Fragmentof base. Orangeclay of thin fabric. Within circle, [X]co coI ou incised. A lamp in the Aigina Museum has an incised signatureobliteratedby pencil marks,probablythat of Sozomenos.The lamp is of a coarse,cracking,buff clay, neither Corinthiannor Attic. Disk: rays, two framingrings. Rim: grape clustersand leaves set in reversinghooks. Grooved,piercedhandle, ending in ivy leaf. For an Attic plastic lamp with this signature,see Agora,VI, 920. 2nd century.
315 Est. W. 0.062 m. Nozzle, much of disk and base missing.Light buff clay with heavy incrustation. Disk: part of framing ring preserved. Plain, panelledrim. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base:
within circle, incised signature ... OFO IY.
The last letter is at the end of the secondline and may either follow the last letter of the line above or end a secondline the other letters of which are lost. 2nd century. 316 Max. dim. 0.033 m. Fragmentof base. Buff clay. 2nd century.
Within circle .. .IO.
317 Well, F 13:2. Max. dim. 0.042 m. Base fragment. Soft powderyorangeclay.
Within circle, traces of incised signature ... O .
2nd century.
312 Well, D 12:1. Max. dim. 0.059 m. Fragmentof wall and base. Gray-buff clay of thin fabric. Within circle,IcorpiSoa incised. 2nd century.
318 Well, F 13:2. Max. dim. 0.045 m. Fragment of base. Micaceous,fairly coarse, orange clay. Within circle, AlOY. .... 3rd century. Late 2nd to early
319 P1. 9. Well, K 20:1. Max. dim. 0.049 m. Disk fragment.Buff clay; brownglaze. Tyche, draped, with cornucopiaheld up in left held downin right. hand, steeringoar (not preserved) Broneer601, p. 198, fig. 116, closely similar. Late 3rd to early 4th century. 320 P1. 9. Max. dim. 0.07 m., est. W. 0.074 m. Fragment of top. Coarsehard purplishclay. Disk: retiarius and secutor;framing ring. Rim: panel interruptingframing ring; partly obliterated ovolo pattern. Solid handle. Broneer1198,p. 256, fig. 179, fromsameor related moulds. 4th century.
321 Pls. 9, 52. Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11, 13. W. 0.076 m. Cracking, darkorangeclay. Disk: two thin rings, rays, framing circle. Rim: panels indicated by three grooves; herringbone into dots. Sidesof nozzledoublepatterndegenerated grooved. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two closely spacedcircles, NA I POY. CL 2367 is similarwith the signatureretrograde. The signaturehas also been found in Argos (Argos,
C 2200).
Round disk with no channel to wick-hole: Constantinian monogramwith omegaand alpha upside 322 P1.10. Est. W. 0.092 m., P.H. 0.072 m. Fragment down. Rim: triangles. Pointed knob handle. Vague of handle shield and handle. Fine orange clay; firm from base-ringto handle. ridge orangeglaze. From same or related moulds, Menzel605, p. 93, Handleshieldin formof eight-pointedstar formed 77, 10, from Rome. fig. and squares.At junctionof shield by two interlocking 5th century. In rim, imitation rivet. the field, figureseated, right, with a rectangularobject on his knee, Orpheuswith 328 P1. 10. Est. W. 0.08 m. Handle,part of disk and lyre (?). The figure wears bracelets, anklets, and rim. Hard orange clay; orangeglaze. embroidered clothing (?). To either side, spirals. Disk: part of dotted rectangular frame preserved, 5th century. leaves and surrounded chevrons. Rim: diamonds by and chevrons. Thin knob handle. 323 Pls. 10, 49. Cistern, D 6:1. W. 0.068 m., L. 5th century. 0.11 m., H. 0.03 m. Hard orangeclay; orangeglaze. Disk with channelto nozzle: bust of richly dressed 329 P1. 11. H. 0.039 m. Fragmentof base, wall and personage. Rim: volute-diamonds. Solid handle. rim. Fine-grained hardorangeclay; orangeglaze. Base: within ring, two closely spaced circles. Rim: floral motif (2). Rib from base-ringto rim, The disk relief has been identifiedas a portraitof near the start of the nozzle.A side view is illustrated Fausta; see R. Delbrueck,Spaitantike Kaiserportriits, to show the unusualrib runningfrom the base-ring Berlinand Leipzig,1933, pp. 167-168, pl. 68. on the left to the rim. The same representation occurs on a lamp in the For a lamp of the same shape, see Broneer1453, Vatican, Museo Etrusco, Sala IV, Casa I. Another p. 285, fig. 202. lamp in the same case shows a bird perchedon the 5th century. head of Fausta and a triangularleaf to the right of 330 P1.10. Hesperia,II, 1933, pp. 211-212, fig. 8, 9, the bird. See also Delphes,V, 540, fig. 829. p. 300, note 1. H. 0.034 m. Fragmentof back. Hard 5th century. fine orangeclay; orangeglaze. 324 P1. 10. Max. dim. 0.045 m. Disk fragment.Hard, Disk: uncertainrelief ornament.Rim: leaves and fine-grained orangeclay; orangeglaze. rosettes. In front of the handle, which is broken,an Bust of St. Paul, left, within squarebeadedframe imitation rivet. Ridge from base-ringto handle. with a three-leavedplant above. The imitation rivet indicates a handle shield, as Cf. Wulff, III, 1250, pl. LXI. St. Paul was bald; on 322. see J. Ficker, Die Darstellung der Apostelin der alt5th century. christlichen Kunst, Leipzig, 1887, pp. 33-38, 47. The head on the lamp is a portrait comparableto the 331 Max. dim. 0.04 m. Fragmentof handleand rim. Roman medal of the 2nd or 3rd century in the Hard orangeclay with orangeglaze. Rim: concentricrings and spiral ornament. Vatican; see L. Ouspensky and V. Lossky, The 5th century. 112-113. Meaningof Icons, Boston, 1952, pp. 5th century. 332 Max. dim. 0.048 m. Rim fragment.Hard, fine325 P1.10. Max.dim.0.057 m. Disk andrimfragment. grainedorangeclay with orangeglaze. Rim: branches,concentricarches, cornerof third Fine bright orange clay; orangeglaze. motif Disk: retiarius with trident (?), right. Rim: preserved. 5th century. triangles, quatrefoils,concentriccircles, leaves. 5th century. VARIOUS FABRICS 326 Max. dim. 0.045 m. Fragmentspreservepart of
disk and rim. Fine bright orange clay; orange glaze. Disk with channel to wick-hole: head and shoulders of athlete (?) preserved. Rim: concentric rings and palmettes. 5th century. 327 P1. 10. Est. W. 0.066 m., P.L. 0.071 m. Nozzle, most of base missing. Hard, fine-grained orange clay; orange glaze.
333 P1. 10. Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 210. Max. dim. 0.071 m. Fragment of handle, disk and rim. Hard buff clay; orange-brown glaze. Disk: top of head preserved. Rim: triangles. Thin pointed handle. Compare Athens N.M. 3254 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2532); Wulff, III, 1251, pl. LXI, tentatively identified as an apostle. 5th century.
334 P1. 10. Max. dim. 0.065 m. Fragmentof handle, disk and rim. Micaceous,fine-grained buff clay with traces of a creamy slip (?); reddish purpleglaze. Disk: part of dove and medallionpreserved.Rim: triangles, concentric rings and quatrefoils. Thin pointed knob handle. 2399 was copied from an imported lamp similar to this one. 5th century. 335 P1. 10. Max. dim. 0.065 m. Fragmentof handle, disk and rim. Fine orange-buff clay, fabric similarto traces of 334; possible light slip; no traceof glaze. Disk: head of cock preserved;small rings. Rim: medallions.Knob handle. 5th century. 336 Max. dim. 0.05 m. Fragment of disk, rim and nozzle. Orangeclay; purplishglaze. Disk with channel to wick-hole: part of star or floralornamentpreserved; in the channel,dove. Rim: reversingtriangles. 5th century.
337 W.0.073m.,L. 0.11 m.,H. 0.031m. Disk and handle
Fine, well-smoothed,orange-buffclay. Round lamp. Disk: four ivy leaf motifs alternating with humanfigures(?); framingring.Rim: volute-diamondsalternating withheart-and-spiral. Wick-hole cut in rim. Conicalknobhandle.Base: within ring, plain. See Broneertype XXXII, pp. 120-121, 290-291. The relief ornamentof 340-341 is in the style of the North Africanlamps. The closest parallels,however, have been found in Syracuse; see Broneer, p. 120. 5th-6th century. 341 P1. 10. Max. dim. 0.06 m. Fragmentof top. Fine hard brown clay. Disk: part of quatrefoil (?) preserved; framing ring. Rim: raised palmettes. Conicalknob handle. From a lamp similar in shape and style of decoration to 340. 5th-6th century. 342 P1. 10. Est. W. 0.08 m., P.L. 0.089 m. Handle, part of disk and rim. Dark orange-brown clay with many white bits; purplishglaze. Disk: cross with flaringbars. Rim: interlocking-S pattern. Pointed knob handle. Upper and lower walls meet at angle. 6th century. 343 Est.W. 0.07 m., P.L. 0.09m. Mostof top missing. Hard buff clay. Disk: cross (?). Rim: alternatingdisks and triangles. Pointed knob handle. Base: within ill-defined ring, cross with flaring bars. Vaguest indication of ridge from base-ringto handle. 6th century. Nozzle and handle missing. Orange-buff clay, pale sour greenishgray at surface. Narrowdisk with channelto wick-hole:dove (?). Rim: uneven rings, squares and triangles. Upper and lowerwalls meet at ill-definedangle. Ridge from uneven base-ringto handle. 6th century. Handle missing. Cracking,dark orangeto buff clay.
Disk with channel or groove to wick-hole: leaping animal, hare or stag. Rim: indistinct relief. Upper and lower walls meet at ill-defined angle. Knob handle. Base: large impressed disk. 6th-7th century. 345 P1. 10. W. 0.07 m., L. 0.11 m., H. 0.033 m. 344 P1. 10. W. 0.074 m., H. 0.089 m., P.L. 0.091 m.
missing.Orange clay with white bits; orangeglaze. Disk with channel to wick-hole. Rim: blurred checkeredsquaresand tablets (?). Ridge from large base-ringto handle. 5th century. 338 P1. 10. Max. dim. 0.078 m. Fragmentof handle, disk and rim. Hard brownclay; glaze, burnt purplish to black, lustrouson top, partialon bottom. Disk preserves part of the followingrepresentation: Christtransfixes the basiliskwith His lance surmounted by a crossheld in His right hand. Below,dragon, lion and viper. Above, two hovering angels holding crowns.Rim: medallions,each containingacrosswith small ringsin the quadrants.Pointed knobhandle. Ps. 90,18 (Vulgate) super aspidem et basiliscum ambulabiset conculcabisleonum et draconem. F. X. Kraus, Real-Encyclopidieder christlichen II, pp. 783-735, fig. 484; Wulff,III, 1249, Altertiimer, cf. Broneer1467, p. 286, pl. XXII. LXI; pl. Secondhalf of 5th into 6th century. 339 P1.10. H. 0.03 m. Part of back. Orange-buff clay;
worn orange glaze. Disk: uncertain representation. Rim: fish. Fairly thin pointed knob handle. Vague ridge from base-ring to handle. 5th century.
346 PI. 10. Max. dim. 0.063 m. Part of top. Hard 347 Max. dim. 0.032 m. Handle. Hard orange-brown cinnamon-brown clay; brownglaze. clay; shiny brownglaze. Disk: erotic symplegma;framingring. Rim: bars. Rounded grooved handle, not quite pierced Thinrounded handle:two groovesin front,onein back. through,endingin fishtail. Secondhalf of 4th century. Secondhalf of 4th century.
IMPORTED LAMPS 348 P1. 10. Max. dim. 0.061 m. Back of handle and part of base. Micaceous, orange-buffclay; brown glaze. Handleendsin fishtail.Part of base-ringpreserved. 4th-Sth century. 349 Pls. 10, 49. Late Roman Building, M-Q 17-21. Grayishbrown clay; brownglaze. Disk: plain as far as preserved;grooved framing ring. Rim: rows of globules; seven loops in front. Round wick-holewith elliptical rim. Rounded thin handle:grooved,endingin fishtail.Base: within ring, lightly incised cross. Cf.Ephesos,IV, 216, p. 191, pl. XIII, of about the same dimensions, but of a different fabric. Very similar.Delos B 573. 5th century.
W. 0.074 m., L. 0.098 m., H. 0.031 m. Disk missing.
354 P1. 11. Footing trench of millrace wall, Q 13:3. H. 0.031 m. Handle, part of rim and disk. Hard, orange-buff clay. Disk: facingwingedfigurewith outstretchedarms; groovedframingband.Leaveson slightlyslopingrim. handle:grooved,ending in fishtail. Thin semicircular Base: within ring, not preserved. Mid-5thcentury.
355 P1. 11. W. 0.07 m., P.L. 0.089 m., H. 0.029 m.
End of nozzle,much of disk, rim and handlemissing. Hard orange-brown clay; rusty brown glaze, partial on underside. Oval disk with channel to wick-hole: cross with flaring bars; double framing band which may have enclosedthe wick-hole.Rim: vine leaves and clusters. Groovedknob handle. Two ridges from base-ringto handle. Base: within ring, incised inverted branch; the groovesof the branchare very closely spacedand 350 P1. 10. W. 0.074 m., L. 0.108 m., H. 0.025 m. Disk slightly curving. missing. Brown clay; worn dark brown glaze, shiny 5th or 6th century. in places. Disk: high grooved framing ring. Rim: vine 356 P1. 11. Well, M 17:1. Agora,V, M 884, p. 120, clusters and stalk; seven loops in front. Nozzle: pl. 46, W. 0.05 m., L. 0.088 m., H. 0.029 m. End of slightly raised edge aroundwick-hole;undersideset nozzle missing. Brown clay; worn brown glaze. off by V-shapedgrooves. Rounded handle, grooved Plain disk with high framingring. Steeply sloping in front, ending in fishtail. Base: within ring, planta rim with large indistinct ovolo, interruptedby four long loops in front. Raised edge aroundwick-hole. pedis. Cf. Ephesos,IV, 267, p. 118, pl. III; 172, p. 189, Undersideof nozzle set off by grooves. Wide handle with seven groovesin front,threeloopsin back. Base: pl. XII. 5th century. within tear-shapedband, plain. 6th century. 351 P1. 11. W. 0.047 m., max. dim. 0.066 m. Handle shield and part of back. Hard, light brownclay. 367 W. 0.06 m., P.L. 0.081 m., H. 0.032 m. Nozzle Hollowhandleshield:in front, threeribs downthe missing. Grayishbuff clay; worn dark brownglaze. Plain disk with channel to wick-hole; framing middle with other ribs fanning out to the sides; in intwo ribs the with other down middle back, groove.Verynarrowrim. Upperand lowerwallsmeet distinct ribs fanningout. No handle.Enoughremains at an angle.Handle:a loopof clayattachedseparately. of the base to show that the handle shield projected Twogrooveson underside of nozzle.Baseringvaguely not indicated. obliquely, vertically. Cf. Ephesos,IV, 958, pl. V. 6th-7th century. 5th century. 11. 0.06 P.L. H. 0.029 352 P1.11. Max.dim. 0.057m. Disk andrimfragment. Nozzlemissing.Orange-buff clay; wornrusty orangebrown burnt brown on underside. Clay glaze. grayish; purplish glaze, partial Disk: wingedyouth runningright; he holdsa duck Plain disk with narrow channel to wick-hole.
and his drapery flies out behind him. Grooved framing band. Vine clusters and tendrils on sloping rim. For the subject see a limestone relief of 8rd-4th century, Stryzygowski, Cat. gen. no. 8758, p. 105, fig. 162. 5th century. 353 P1. 11. Max. dim. 0.04 m. Disk and rim fragment Buff clay with brown glaze. Disk: star of David; well-raised framing ring. Rays on sharply sloping rim. Cf. Ephesos, IV, 778, pl. V. 5th century. Sloping rim with blurred indented pattern. Handle: a loop of clay separately attached. Base: within two tear-shaped grooves, traces of signature (2). 6th-7th century. 359 P1.11. W.0.076 m.,L. 0.118 m., H.0.089 m. Nozzle and handle missing. Micaceous, cracking, orange clay; orange glaze on top, with a few dribbles below. Disk with channel to wick-hole: Constantinian monogram with rho turned left. Plain rim. Upper and lower walls meet at an angle. Handle: band of clay separately attached. Slightly concave, plain base. 6th-7th century. 358 P1. W. m., 0.075 m., m.
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD is described from photographs. Small disk with groovedframingring. Slopingrim: long raisedpetals with row of globulesdown the centerof each. Nozzle: raised edge around wick-hole; undersideset off by pairs of ridges. Two ridgesfrom base-ringto handle. Base: within ring, circular inscription in relief, reading clockwisefrom right of handle AAAl fl9A. Judging from photographs,Broneer 1413, pl. XX, bears the same inscriptionfor which Broneeroffers the readingGAYMAXIl with a question mark. See also Broneer1415, p. 114, pl. XX. For the inscription,cf. Walters1491,from Kalymnos. For shape and decoration,cf. Menzel634, p. 98, fig. 80, 14 and 621, p. 97, fig. 72, 2, both fromMiletos. 7th century. 363 Pls. 11, 52. Max.dim. 0.048 m. Fragmentof base. Hard brown clay. Within ring, circular inscription in relief, as on Athens N.M. 3247; see under 362. 7th century. 364 P1. 52. P.W. 0.049 m. Base. Hard orange clay; smearsof orange-brown glaze. Ridge frombase-ringto handle.Base: within ring, circularinscriptionin relief AAAO7.[A]. Where Athens N.M. 3247 reads I1 (see under is read; otherwisethe two inscriptions 362), omicron are alike. 7th century.
360 Pl. 11. Max. dim. 0.065 m. Part of top. Light buff clay, gritty, with many white bits. Disk with channelto wick-hole:globules;framing band. Sharplyslopingrim: wavy line and smallrings. Handle shield, probablyin the formof a cross. For a lamp of the samegeneralshapewith a handle shieldin the formof a cross,see Wulff1273, pl. LXII, from Constantinople. 6th-7th century.
361 Pls. 11, 49. W. 0.065 m., L. 0.091 m., H. 0.04 m.
Orangeclay coveredby a thick gray-buffslip; traces of white paint. Pear-shapedtop surroundedby low collar which includesthe wick-hole;fourlargeholesin disk. Upper and lowerwalls meet at an angle. Knob handle.Base: within ring, plain. 6th-7th century.
362 Pls. 11, 49. W. 0.05 m., P.L. 0.076 m., H. 0.03 m.
Handle and part of base missing.Dark orange-brown clay with many white bits. Filling-holeframedby groovedring. Slopingrim: long petals or bars. Nozzle: raisededge aroundwickhole; underside set off by pairs of ridges. Knob handle.Ridge frombase-ringto handle.Base: within ring, irregularraised branchand circularinscription in relief,not read. The traces of the relief inscription,insofaras they can be madeout, agreewith the inscriptionon Athens Two fragments with similar fabric, glaze and inscription: N.M. 3247 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2541, 2542). The lamp 865 P1.52. 866.
367 P.H. 0.052 m., W. 0.027 m. Part of handleshield. 370 P1.11. W. 0.03 m., L. 0.043 m. Heavily micaceous Hard buff clay; brownglaze. orange-brown clay; orangeglaze. Handle shield in form of a leaf with fringededges Filling-hole cover in the form of a mussel shell. and a rib down the center; flat in back. Pierced bar to work on hinges. Date unknown. Imitated from bronze as 2948-2950; Menzel696, 92, 5; E. von Mercklin,Arch. Anz., LV, 1940, fig. 368 W. 0.052 mi., H. 0.082 m. Back of lamp. Buff 67, p. fig. 24, with references. clay; purpleto black glaze. 5th century. Disk missing; framing band with small incised arcs. Plain rim with panels. Solid grooved handle. 371 P1.11. Watermill, Q 13:4. P.H. 0.086 m. Handle Base: within circleZOI . . M. shieldwith handle. Soft buff clay; traces of brownish The letters on the first line are incised; the letter glaze. at the end of the secondline is raised. Handle shield in form of a crosswith forkedbars; 4th century (2). ornamentedwith five small double circles. In back, 369 P1. 11. Wat' minill, L. handle with large finger-hole. Q 13:4. W. 0.058 min., Imitated from a bronzelamp, such as 2948-2949; 0.085 m., H. u.035 m. Cracking, light buff clay. Menzel695, fig. 92, 4. Corinthian(2). 5th or 6th century. Disk: plain with two framing rings. Rim: small rings,each enclosingfourglobules.Air-hole,indicated but not pierced. Solid grooved handle. Base: within 372 P1. 11. P.H. 0.06 m., Est. W. 0.04 m. Part of two rings, rosette of six small rings. handleshield and handle.Clayand glaze burnt dark. 5th century (?). Handle shield in form of cross with forked bars;
incisedsquaresand obliquelines. In back, fairly thin, 375 P1. 11. Est. W. 0.088 m., max. dim. 0.10 m. solid handle. Fragmentof top. Hard buff clay; brownglaze. rim: inner Smallplain disk; framingring. Circular 5th or 6th century. band of chevrons and small rings, outer band of 373 P1. 11. W. 0.072 m., L. 0.096 m., H. 0.028 m. wave and zigzag. Raised edge aroundwick-hole. Lowerhalf. Hard, light brownclay. 6th century. Base: within flat ring, cross in relief. 376 P1. 11. W. 0.063 m., L. 0.092 m., H. 0.029 m. Most 5th-6th century. of disk missing. Micaceousbuff clay with lighter 374 P1. 11. Max. dim. 0.078 m. Most of top, without surface.Attic (2). nozzle. Orangeclay with buff surface. Disk opening out to wick-hole: small double Disk: rosette of four petals and globules;two high circles preservedaround edge; framing groove, also framing rings. Rounded rim: globules, three wavy enclosingwick-hole.Rim: row of small triple circles. Handle: row of very small circles in front; grooves lines, dot and dashpattern. Groovedknob handle. The top, in so far as preserved,is almond-shaped on the back which merges with the wall. Base: and markedlyconvex, except for the small concave within elongatedalmond-shaped grooves with small disk. circlesbetween,incisedinvertedbranch. 5th-6th century. 6th-7th century.
Left side missing. Clayand glaze burnt dark. Two ringsaroundfilling-hole. Rays on rim. On top of pointed nozzle, four ridges, the outer two with curved tips, as if imitating volutes. Collar. Band handle. Raised base: within ring TE incised,the first Similar:378 P1.12. 879 D 12:1. 880 K 18:1. W. 0.053m. letter much smallerthan the second. Secondgeneration(?). 881 P1.13. Base: slightly raisedand The lamp is very close to Agora, IV, 737, pl. 51, or signature in relief,readupsidedown concave;monogram of type 52 E. The peculiarsignaturewith differentandretrograde API(?). sized letters is also found in type 52 E; see under 382 P1. 13. Cistern, D 4:1. Agora,V, G 129, p. 35, 382 above. pl. 44. W. 0.08 m., L. 0.113 m., H. 0.086 m. Handle Late 1st century B.C. to early 1st century after restored. Crackingbuff clay; very worn red glaze. Christ. Two rings around filling-hole. Rim: acanthus rinceaux; in front, cluster. Nozzle: flat top bounded 387 P1. 13. W. 0.059 min.,P.L. 0.085 m., H. 0.03 inm. by ridges; bluntly pointed tip. Band handle. Flaring Handleand tip of nozzlemissing.Buffclay; very worn collar,handmade;two drain holes. Raised base: T[A black glaze. Two rings around filling-hole. Rim: raised arcs incised, the pi small, the alphalarge. and many small dotted rings. Nozzle: flat top with Takenfrom a very wornmould. two grooves;pairsof ridgesat junctureof nozzleand Otherlamps with this signature,as follows: Bandhandle.Raisedbase:withinovalband,plain. rim. of Howland 52 in dated the third E, Lamps type The rim motif is borrowedfrom Egyptian lamps; of the 1st B.C. into the earliestyears quarter century of the 1st century after Christ, Agora, IV, 727, see Menzel52 with references. First half of 1st century. pls. 27, 51; 728 (with Agora L 1961 and L 4456 noted under 728). Lamps of Howland type 54 A, 388 P1. 13. W. 0.075 m., L. 0.11 mn.,H. 0.027 m. Band dated in the early 1st century the early 1st handlemissing.Micaceous buff clay; very wornblack century after Christ,Agora, IV, 768, pl. 27; Agora glaze. L 4167and L 4306 (notedin Agora,IV, Concordance). Plain flat with framingring; small lugs on the Signed bases, tentatively dated to the second half sides. Plain top nozzle with oval wick-hole. Base: long of the 1st century B.C.,Agora,IV, 874-876. Pnyx, I, within ring, circle and central depression. 101, p. 60, fig. 25. Late 1st century B.C. For a discussionof the signature, see Agora, IV, p. 187; I agree with Howlandthat the small pi and 389 P1. 13. Est. W. 0.074 m., P.L. 0.067 min.Nozzle, the large alpha may be intended to be taken sepa- much of top, most of base missing. Orange clay;
orange-brown glaze.
Handle missing.Buff clay; wornred glaze. Two rings around filling-hole. Rim: acanthus rinceaux; in front, cluster between vine leaves. Nozzle: flat top bounded by ridges terminatingin volutes at rim and nozzle, the nozzle volutes carried downwardas ribs; bluntly pointed tip. Band handle. Raised base with ring indicated. For the rim motif, see L. Byvanck-Quarlesvan Ranken der Ara Pacis : 6tude sur la Ufford, "Die " rinceaux decoration pendantl'poque hellenistique," B. A. Besch., XXX, 1955, pp. 89-56. The grape cluster is paralleled in Agora, IV, 725, Howland type 52 C, dated in the 1st century after Christ. Late 1st century B.C., into first half of 1st century after Christ.
the alphaappearingalone on so many Attic lampsof the 1st and 2nd century. Although the interpretationof the letters is not certain, the signatureis useful in showing that one shop manufacturedHowland types 52 E and 54 A and the lampswith acanthusrinceauxrims. First half of 1st century.
Withoutcollarand drain-holes. Similar:3883 Base as 882. 384 R 13:1. 885 W. 0.057 m. Grittyclay; badlywornglaze. Base: oval, plain, slightly concave. 386 P1. 13. Est. W. 0.058 m., L. 0.08 m., H. 0.027 m.
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CENTURIES Disk: imbricatedleaf patternradiatingfromwickhole. Narrowrim, sloping inward. Lug at the side. Band handle. Slightly raised base: part of circle preserved. For a more complete example in the National Museum,Athens, see Broneer, pp. 17-18, fig. 7, 1. The imbricated leaf pattern may have been taken from Hellenisticlamps which in turn derivedit from Megarianbowls or it may have been taken directly from a late moulded bowl. For the imbricatedleaf pattern on Hellenistic lamps, see Agora, IV, under Howlandtypes 51 B, C, Var.; 55 A, B, C; 56 A, B, bowl with relief imbricate Var. For a hemispherical to dated the first half of the 1st century,see pattern, 5. G V, 48, 27, p. pl. Agora, Late 1st century B.c.
395 P1. 13. Deposit K 9-10:1. P.L. 0.082 m., max. Th. 0.019 m. Part of lower mould. Light buff clay P.H. 0.041 m. Part of handle with fine slip, buff to cream. 392 P1. 13. W. 0.068 min., shield.Buff clay; red to purpleglaze. Mould for plain, oval, slightly raised base. Long Solid handleshieldwith ornatepalmettespringing nozzle. On the outside, N N incised, one letter above fromspiralornaments.In back, three ribs mergeinto the other. band handle. Mouldfor a late Hellenisticlamp, suchas Howland Pnyx, I, 123, p. 62, fig. 27, closely similar. type 52 H. Late 1st century B.c. into first half of 1st century 1st century. after Christ.
1st century
391 P1. 13. L. of nozzle 0.07 mn., P.L. of handle shield0.063min. Nozzleand part of handleshield.Buff dull worn black glaze. Possibly Attic. clay; nozzle with two flaringridgeson top; Blunt-angled roundedunderside.Handle shield in the form of an acanthus leaf; in back, start of the attachment, a lump of clay untidily stuck on to the leaf. Many lamps with handle shields and long nozzles of Hellenistic shape were found on Delos. Broneer illustratesa wheelmadeand a mouldmade Hellenistic with with handle discussion,p. 8. shield, fig. 6, lamp P a of a Agora 16858, fragment very largeacanthus leaf, 0.17 m. high, attached to a handle, is probably the handle shield of a gigantic lamp of Hellenistic type, similar to 391. The fragmentis of very hard, close-grained clay with crackingblackglaze,probably Attic.
See Pnyx, I, 121, p. 62, fig. 27, a similarlamp,with the imitation rivet preservedat the base of the leaf. Early 1st century. 394 P1. 13. Max. dim. 0.056 m. Fragmentof disk and rim. Yellow-buff clay; orangeglaze. Disk: center plain as far as preserved, ring, stamped rosettes, and a ring of small ovolo around the outer edge. Rim: two narrowrings. Similarstampedrosettes and rim on Athens N.M. 3155, signed by Sopatros, published by Broneer, p. 20, fig. 10, 2. Broneerassociatesthis early Roman lamp with two Hellenistic lamps of Broneer Type XVIII, both in Athens,both signedby Sopatros,and suggests that all three were made by the same manufacturer.A difficulty which Broneer pointed in signatures.On the Hellenistic out is the difference N.M. 3179,Broneer,fig. 10, 1) Sopatros lamp (Athens is written with capital omega,while on the early Roman lamp (Athens N.M. 3155, Broneer, fig. 10, 2) it is written with a cursiveomega. Agora, IV, 710, pl. 28, is identical with Athens N.M. 3179 except for the signaturewhichreadsXTTI, with reversedsigmaand cursiveomega.The certainty that lampmakersworkingin Sopatros'shop signed the owner's name in different ways strengthens Broneer'ssuggestionthat the Attic lampmaker made all three lamps. If it prove correct,we will have a rareglimpseof the way in whichan Attic shop at the turn of the era rose to the temptation of copying a new and very differentshape. For other Attic lamps signed Sopatros, see Agora, IV, 572, 781, 771, 879-881.
Late 1st century
393 P1. 13. P.H. 0.092 m., W. 0.086 m. Handle shield. Buff clay; very worn black glaze. Large plane leaf. In back, a lump of clay carelessly stuck on to the leaf. To this lump is attached part of a band handle.
396 P1. 13. W. 0.07 m., H. 0.03 m. Front of lower mould. Buff clay with fine slip inside. Mould for lamp with long nozzle. Base: within well-raised ring, plain. Possibly for a late Hellenistic lamp. 1st century (2).
397 Pls. 13, 49. Well, M 17:1. Agora,V, M 20, p. 86, gritty buff clay; worn, red to black glaze. Plain shallow disk with fan-shaped channel to nozzle; framing circle. Narrow, rounded rim with
pl. 46. W. 0.082 m., L. 0.10 in., H. 0.026 m. Rather
ear-shaped lugs on either side. Short roundednozzle. Groovedband handle. Slightly raised base: within circle, A in relief. Mid-1stcentury.
From same moulds: 398 D 11:1.
Band handle missing. Gritty, light orange-buff clay; red to black glaze almost entirely worn off. Disk with channel to nozzle: plain, shallow; framingring. Narrow,flat rim with ear-shapedlugs on either side. Short roundednozzle. Slightly raised base: within circle, A upside down and in relief. Late 1st to early 2nd century. 400 Pls. 12, 13. Well, F 15:5. W. 0.091 m., L. 0.096 m., H. 0.031 m. Handle missing. Orangeclay; worn red glaze. Plain shallow disk with channel to wick-hole; framing band. Disk and channel enclosed by plain narrow rim with ear-shapedlugs at the sides. The nozzle is longer than that of 397-399. Band handle. Base: large A in relief. This rough looking lamp was copied from an importedlamp, such as 84, with which it was found. First half of 1st century.
worn orangeto black glaze. Shallow plain disk with channel to wick-hole; framingbandwith the endscurvingout at the nozzle. Both disk and channelenclosedby plain narrowrim. Roughly grooved ear-shaped lugs at the sides. Slightly raisedbase: within circle: A in relief. Late 1st to early 2nd century.
Similar: 410 Base: A in relief. 411 J 18:2. Incised A on base. 412 C 12:1. Agora, V, J 62, p. 57, pl. 45. Incised A on base. 413 Incised A on base. 414 F 11:1. Trace of incised A
on base.415 D 4:1. Agora,V, G 226, p. 45, pl. 45. Traceof incised A on base. 416 O 17:1.
417 Deposit, 0 18:3. Max. dim. 0.058 m. Fragment of lower half. Hard buff clay; worn black-brown glaze. Slightly raisedbase: within circle,largeA in relief and two (out of three) peltae in relief preserved. Similar: dated from mid-1st into 2nd century. 401 B 14:3. Raised dashes at mouth of channel. Base: within thin ring, The shape of the lamp is not certain. Its place A in relief. 402 Fragment of lower half, similar to preceding. among the ear lamps is suggestedby the peltae for 403 P. 13. J 18:2. Base: A in relief. 404 I 16:1. Base: A in which lamps like 82 and 83 could have served as relief. 405 Incised A on slightly raised base. 406 D 4:1. models. Agora, V, G 157, p. 38, pl. 44. Coarse, crumbling clay. Secondhalf of 1st century. V, G 156,p. 38, Slightlyraised,plainbase.407 D 4:1. Agora,
pl. 44. 408 F 11:1.
missing; part of nozzle restored. Buff clay; uneven orangeto black glaze. Disk framed by ring. Fine raised dashes instead of globules.Front knobsof volutes carrieddownward as ribs. Slightly raised base: with ring, A in relief. 0.102 m., H. 0.041 m. Orange clay and glaze. Mid-ist century. Disk framedby threerings.Front knobsof volutes continueddownwardas ribs. Band handle with deep 422 Cistern,D 4:1. Agora, V, G 146, p. 37, pl. 44. groove down the middle. Globulesadded to under- H. 0.024 m., P.L. 0.041 m., P.W. 0.028 m. Left side, side of nozzle. Base: within two rings, A in relief. handle,most of base missing.Orange-buff clay; worn Mid-ist century. orangeglaze. Miniature 419 Cistern,D 4:1. Agora, V, G 145, p. 37, pl. 44. lamp. Disk framedby two blurredrings. W. 0.065 m., L. 0.091 m., H. 0.039 m. Band handle Band handle. Globuleshaphazardlyplaced. Mid-ist century. restored. Orange-buff clay; worn black glaze. Disk framedby ring,lightly dividedby two circles. Ill-definedribbingon body. Raised base: within two 423 Cistern, D 4:1. Agora, V, G 223, p. 45. W. 0.065 m., L. 0.089 m., H. 0.037 m. Band handle and rings, A in relief. nozzle restored. Buff clay; black to orange glaze. Mid-ist century. Disk framed by ring. Very ill-definedribbing on 420 Cistern,D 4:1. Agora,V, G 144, p. 36, pl. 44. body. Base: within ring and ring of globules, A in W. 0.068 m., L. 0.089 m., H. 0.042 m. Band handle, relief. parts of wall and base restored. Orange-buff clay; Mid-1stto early 2nd century. worn black glaze. Disk framedby two uneven rings. Globulesadded 424 Cistern,D 4:1. Agora, V, G 224, p. 45, pl. 45. inside the volutes. Base: within ring, A in relief. W. 0.065 m., L. 0.089 m., H. 0.037 m. Band handle Mid-1st century. restored.Buff clay; black to brownglaze.
418-438, a representativeselection of alpha globule lamps. Unless otherwisespecified,the alpha globule lamps have a plain disk, globulesall over the body, a roundednozzle with volutes, and a curved ridge definingthe undersideof the nozzle. 418 Pls. 12, 14. Well, K 18:1. W. 0.071 m., L.
Disk framedby ring. Roughribs on sides of nozzle Disk framedby two rings.Base: within two rings, intended as continuationsof front knobs of volutes, A in relief. which they do not join. Base: within ring, A in relief. 2nd century. Mid-1stto early 2nd century. 432 Well, J 18:2. W. 0.053 m., L. 0.073 m., H. 425 Cistern,D 4:1. Agora,V, G 225, p. 45, pl. 45. 0.029 m. Band handle missing. Orange-buffclay; W. 0.057 m., L. 0.088 m., H. 0.032 m. Nozzle restored. orangeto black glaze. Buff clay; worn black to brownglaze. Disk framedby two rings. Base: within two rings, Disk framed by three rings. Indistinct, uneven A in relief. 2nd century. ribbingon body. Band handlewith deepgroovedown the middle. Globuleshaphazardlyadded to under49. Well, I 16:1. W. 0.068 m., L. 0.097 m., side of nozzle. Base: within two rings, sprinkling 433 Pls. 14, H. 0.037 m., H. with handle 0.065 m. Orangeclay; of globulesand A in relief. orangeglaze. Late 1st to early 2nd century. Disk framedby threerings (narrow, wide, narrow). 426 P1. 14. Well, J 18:2. W. 0.057 min., P.L. 0.078 m., Front knobs of volutes carrieddown as ribs on sides H. 0.031 m., H. with handle 0.058 m. End of nozzle of nozzle. Ribbed body. Band handle with deep missing.Orangeclay; orangeto blackglaze. groovedown the middle. Slightly raisedbase: within Disk framedby two rings. Indistinct indicationof two rings, A in fine thin relief strokes. two ribs on undersideof nozzle, as continuationsof First half of 2nd century. front knobsof volutes. Band handlewith deepgroove 434 P1. 14. W. 0.055 m., L. 0.073 m., H. 0.035 m. down the middle. Globuleson undersideof nozzle. Band handle missing. Orangeclay; orange to black Base:withinring,sprinkling of globulesandA in relief. glaze. Secondhalf of 1st and early 2nd century. Disk framedby three rings. Tracesof ribs carried 427 P1. 14. Well, J 18:2. W. 0.065 m., L. 0.092 m., down from front knobs of volutes. Base: within two on blurry H. 0.038 m. Band handlemissing.Orangeclay; worn rings, E in relief,retrograde, superimposed in A relief. orangeglaze. Mid-2ndinto secondhalf of 2nd century. Disk framed by very low ring. Vague incised markingon slightly raised base. 435 P1.14.W. 0.054 m., L. 0.081m., H. 0.035 m. Band Takenfrom a much-usedmould. handle missing. Orange-buff clay; traces of orange Second half of 1st and early 2nd century. glaze. Disk framedby two rings with a ring of globules 428 Well, J 18:2. W. 0.065 m., L. 0.088 mi., H. between. addedin the volutesand on underGlobules Band handlemissing.Buffclay; wornorange 0.037mn. of side nozzle. Base: within ring, TT in relief superto black glaze. in A over relief. Disk framed by two rings. Fine raised dashes imposed The lamp was foundin a fillingof the 2nd and 3rd instead of globules. Slightly raisedbase: within ring, centuries with 2248 signedby Pireithos. A in relief. half of 2nd century. Second Secondhalf of 1st and early 2nd century.
429 Well, J 18:2. W. 0.065 m., L. 0.09 m., H. 0.035 m. 436 Pls. 14, 49. W. 0.05 m., L. 0.072 m., H. 0.032 m.
Band handle missing. Orange clay; black glaze mostly worn away. Disk framedby three rings. Base: within ring, A in relief. First half of 2nd century.
430 Well, J 18:2. W. 0.065 m., L. 0.086 m., H. 0.036 m. Part of disk and band handle missing. Orange clay; black to orange glaze. Disk framed by two rings, the outer merging with the rim. On sides of nozzle, traces of ribs carried down from front knobs of volutes. Base: within two rings, A in relief. 2nd century. 431 Well, J 18:2. W. 0.06 m., L. 0.081 m., H. 0.083 m. Band handle missing. Orange clay; orange to black glaze.
Center of disk missing. Buff clay; purplish orange glaze; burnt areas. Disk framed by three uneven rings. Mouldmade handle; pierced and grooved. Base: within ring, A upside down and in relief.
Mid-2nd into second half of 2nd century.
Similar, with mouldmade handle and A upside down:
439 Pl. 14. Hesperia, II, 1983, p. 204, fig. 6. P.W. 0.056 m., Th. ca. 0.015 m. Fragment of base and wall. Hard dark orange clay. Mould described from cast. Within two rings, A. Globules arranged circularly around base. In this and the following two moulds, the globules were punched in the mould. Probably the globules
were never present on the archetype. The alpha of 454 Pls. 12, 14. W. 0.059 m., L. 0.085 m., H. 0.03 m. this mouldwas in relief on the archetype,not incised Bright orange, micaceous,crackingclay with many in the mould. white bits; traces of orangeglaze. Late 1st to 2nd century. Disk framedby two rings.Moulded handle,pierced and grooved. Globules:arrangedcircularlyon top; Two fragmentsof moulds:440-441. on underside, in bandsof three or fourrows,radiating from base. The ridgeon the undersideof the nozzleis VARIOUS ODDITIES and set farther forward than normally. straighter 442 Max. dim. 0.057 m. Fragment of base. Orange Base: within in relief, written ring, 'Emrriy6vov clay; dark orangeglaze. retrogradeand upside down. Within ring, A in relief. Curved ridge divides Late 2nd century. undersideof nozzle from wall. This lamp differsfrom most of its fellows in not 455 P1. 14. W. 0.065 m., L. 0.094 m., H. 0.031 m. having globuleson the walls. Onemay expect to find Gray-buffclay; brownto black glaze. the occasionallamp with no globules in this series, Very large disk framed by three rings. Globules: taken from moulds which the maker did not bother on top, single ring of fine globules arounddisk, and to punch. outlining the volutes; no globulesbelow. Mouldmade handle,piercedand grooved.Base: within ring, small Late 1st or 2nd century. incised mark. 443 P1. 14. W. 0.053 m., P.L. 0.066 m., Th. of fiat Clay possibly non-Attic. round object 0.06 m. Most of nozzle missing; small Late 1st or 2nd century. section of fiat round object preserved.Orangeclay; 456 P1.14. H. 0.028 m., max. dim. 0.044 m. Fragment smearsof orangeglaze. Lamp attached to edge of large round flat object. of base, wall and rim. Red clay with gray core; Disk framed by three rings. Low ungrooved band thinnest red glaze. Base: within two rings, profile of bust in relief handle. To the right of handle, stub of an attachment; at end of handle, a break where something outline. 2nd century. was attached. Base: within two rings, plain (2). For lampsattachedto lampstands(?), see Broneer In addition to these examples, the following alpha globule 42, p. 34, fig. 16; 288, p. 60, fig. 26; Agora,IV, 482. lamps may be dated to the century or half century, either on the basis of their contents or on the broad stylistic distinctions 2nd century. noted
444 W. 0.062 m., L. 0.084 m., H. 0.034 m. Band
handle missing.Buff clay; brownto black glaze. Disk framedby circle and ring. Base: within ring, A incised. As on the later alpha ear lamps, the alpha is sometimesincised rather than raised. 2nd century. Similar: 445.
446 Well, N 21:1. W. 0.06 m., L. 0.085 m., H.
457 G 8:1. 458 B 14:3. 459 B 14:3. 4860 0 17:1. 461 0 18:3. 462-464. Second halfof 1st and early2nd centuries 465 F 11:1. 466 F 11:1. 467 F 11:1. 468 F 11:1. 469 F
11:1. 470 F 11:1. 471 F 11:1. 472 F 11:1. 4783F 11:1. 474 B 21:1. 475 B 21:1. 476 B 21:1. 477 B 21:1. 478 B 21:1. 479 B 21:1.480 B 21:1. 481 D 12:1. 482 D 12:1.488 D 12:1.
484 D 12:1. 485,K 9-10:1. 486 K 9-10:1. 487 K 9-10:1. 488 K 9-10:1. 489 B 20:1. 490 B 20:1. 491 B 20:1. 492 N 17:2. 493 N 17:2. 494 0 20:1. 495 N 20:5. 496-509.
First half of 2nd century 0.034 m. Band handle missing. Gritty orange clay; 510 P 8:1. Agora, V, H 22, p. 49, pl. 45. 511 P 8:1. very worn black glaze. Agora,V, H 21, p. 49, pl. 45. 512 S 21:3. 518 S 21:3. 514 Disk framed by three rings. Base: within ring, S 21:3. 515 S 21:3. 516 F 16:2. 517 F 16:2. 518 0 9:1. 519 0 9:1. 520 C 9:1. 521 D 17:1.522 0 20:1. 528 I 16:1.5I24 I plain.
2nd century.
on the base, which are probably to be dated not earlier than
the 2nd century: 447 Traces (?) of relief strokes on base. 448-452.
Second century 526 M 17:1. Agora, V, M 127, p. 96. 527 M 18:1. 528 I 16:1. 529 B 14:2. 580-581. 532 B 13:7. 588 B 13:7. 584-548. Agora, V, J 59, p. 57. 546 D 17:1. 547-549. The remaining Alpha globule lamps, 650-627, cannot be assigned to any closer date than the inclusive period of the class, that is ca. A.D. 50 to ca. A.D. 200. Of these six have already been published as follows: 558 Ibid., pp. 203, 213. 554 Ibid., pp. 203, 213, fig. 11,2. 555 Ibid., pp. 203, 213.
550 Hesperia, II, 1933, pp. 203, 204, 213. 551 Ibid., pp. 203, 204, 213, figs. 2, 17 and 3, 5. 552 Ibid., pp. 203, 213. Mid-2nd and second half of 2nd century 544 0 12:1. Agora, V, J 60, p. 57, pl. 45. 545 C 12:1.
453 W. 0.06 m., L. 0.089 m., H. 0.085 m. Part of base and wall missing. Orange clay; very worn orange glaze. Roughly made, misshapen lamp without globules. Disk framed by two rings. Mouldmade handle. Base: within ring, A upside down, made with globules. 2nd century.
H. 0.025 m. Band handle missing. Orange clay; crackingred glaze. Fairly flat disk with representationimperfectly taken from mould, probablyto be identifiedas two lares on a pedestal, confrontingeach other over an altar. Two or three uneven rings on rim slopinginward. Rounded nozzle with volutes. On slightly raised base, A in blurryrelief. Similar: Walters 548, p. 82, pl. XVIII, with volutes on angled nozzle and incised alpha on base; Vindonissa390-891, p. 898, pl. VI. Second half of 1st century. 629 P1. 14. Cistern,D 4:1. Agora,V, G 141, p. 36,
pl. 44. Est. W. 0.068 m., L. 0.103 m., H. 0.032 m.
Imitation factory lamp, LoeschckeType IX. The ridge around the disk is barely differentiatedfrom the rim; the groove on the top of the nozzle is very shallow; the lugs are small and lumpy. The handle, grooved all the way down, was attached separately and meant to appearmouldmade.Base: within two rings, bumpy surface. Late 1st into 2nd century. 631 Max. dim. 0.061 m. Fragment of lower half. Orangeclay and glaze. Slightly raised base with A in relief. lst-2nd century.
632 W. 0.059 m., L. 0.082 m. Most of lower half. Part of left side missing; restored.Buff clay; worn Orangeclay and glaze. Slightly raised base, with raised letter (?) or black glaze. Imitation factorylamp, LoeschckeType IX. Plain marking. lst-2nd century. disk with framingring. Plain sloping rim; on right side a lug, set slightly forwardof center,is preserved. 633 P1. 14. W. 0.051 m., H. 0.03 m. Nozzle missing. Long roundednozzlewith two parallelridgeson top. Groovedband handle. Base: within ring, A in relief. Orangeclay; thinnest glaze. Plain disk with bumpy surface;partly obliterated The lampmakertried to make his strange-looking imitation of a factory lamp look more natural by framing circle. Small, unevenly spaced globules on rim. pierced handle. Globulesscattered on adding the relief alpha and grooved band handle wall.Lumpy, Plain base. Attic lamps. typical of contemporary The centerof the disk was probablymeant to have Last quarterof 1st century. a relief, since the filling-holeis on the right. 630 P1. 14. W. 0.059 m., L. 0.087 m., H. 0.037 m. It is not certain that the fabric is Attic. 2nd century (2). Coarse, cracking, brick-orangeclay; thick, peeling, bright orangeglaze. LAMPSOF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES
634 P1. 15. Est. W. 0.08 m. Left side with most of base missing.Light pink-buffclay. Disk: head of Acheloos,two framingrings. Plain rim with plain panels. Handle: groovedand pierced. Base: within circle,not preserved. For anotherexample,see Kihbler, fig. 15. Acheloos with Pan, Hermesand the Nymphs had a sanctuary in Athens on the east bank of the Ilissos; see G. Rodenwaldt, "Pan am Ilissos," Ath. Mitt., XXXVII, 1912, pp. 141-150, fig. 4. Mid-8rdcentury.
637 P1.15. A.J.A., Hesperia,XVIII,1949,p.225,pl.46,1; LII, 1948,pl. LV, B. W. 0.125 m. Pinkishbuff clay. Disk: the ransoming of Hector.Well raisedground line. Left, Priam kneeling clasps the left hand of Achilleswho leans back in his chair,turninghis face away. Behind Achilles, a veiled woman, mourning. Behind Priam, Hermes mourning,and the forepart of a horse. In the exergue,Achilles'plumedhelmet. Framing ring. Rim: panels encroachingon framing ring; ovolo. Handle: grooved and pierced twice. Base: within two circles,ITTpEI[ou]. H. A. Thompsonfound that this scene was exSimilar: 685 K 20:1. Base: within circle, Early 4th from a monumental composition which cerpted E... century. of the early 3rd century. appearson Attic sarcophagi 636 Est. W. 0.066 m. Part of upper half. Orange These sarcophagiand other representationsof the clay. ransoming of Hector were collected and discussed Disk: head of Acheloos, framing groove. Wavy by K. Bulas, "Les illustrationsantiquesde l'Iliade," lines on rim. Solid groovedhandle. Eus Supplementa, Vol. 3, Lvov, 1929, pp. 96-104. In "New Illustrations to the Iliad," A.J.A., LIV, Secondhalf of 4th century.
640 Pl. 15. Cistern,C 14:2. W. 0.082 m. Cracking, gray-buffclay. Disk: bust of Aphrodite,left, wearing stephane; two framing rings. Panelled rim with 8-S pattern. Handle: grooved and punched. Base: within circle, relief outline of leaf. ARMED APHRODITE There are more than ninety lamps with this type 638 P1. 15. Est. W. 0.066 m., P.L. 0.053 m. Part of in the Kerameikos;of these eighty-three have the top. Orange-buff clay with lighter slip. 8-S rim pattern. Sometimes Aphrodite wears a Disk: the armed Aphrodite of Acrocorinth;in- necklace, e.g. Kiibler, figs. 17, 39. distinct framing ring. Rim: haphazard globules. RomanRepublicancoins with this type have been Heart-shapednozzle. collectedby R. Schilling,La religion romaine deVenus, For the identification of the representation,see pls. XXVII-XXXII. See also A. "Insignien Alf61di, 0. Broneer,"The 'ArmedAphrodite'on Acrocorinth undTrachtderrdmischen Kaiser,"R6m.Mitt.,L, 1935, and the Aphroditeof Capua,"University of California pp. 122-124; Kiubler, p. 118, with footnote 71. Publicationsin ClassicalArchaeology, Vol. I, No. 2, Thirdquarterof 3rd century. pp. 66-84; the lamps of Gaios and Pardos discussed Similar:641 Base: withincircle,reliefoutlineof leaf. 642 in this article are also shownin Ephesos,IV, pl. I, 75 and Broneer, p. 98, fig. 44. The representationalso H-I 12:1. 643, 644 Q-R 14:1. occurs on a channel-and-panellamp signed by ARES Eunomos (Corinth,Cheliotomylos 108). 645 P1. 15. Est. W. 0.086 m. Fragmentof disk, rim It is curiousto find an Attic lamp in which a repand handle. Light orangeclay. resentation presumably borrowed from Corinthian Disk: facing head of helmeted Ares; two framing lamps is associatedwith a type of rim and nozzlenot Panelled rim with globules in threes. Handle: rings. usually seen in 2nd century Corinthianlamps. The and pierced. grooved lampmaker,however,could have borrowedthe repCf. Pagenstecher163, pp. 90, 191, fig. 40. resentation from coins, such as Syll. Num. Graec. First half of 3rd century. no. 346, pl. 7; no. 375, pl. 8. D.N.M.; Corinth, 3rd century. ARTEMIS
1950, p. 118, K. Bulas pointed out that this lamp agrees most closely with the fragment from Adalia II, pl. XXIV, 54) and that (Robert,Sarkophagreliefs, the forepartof the horse or mule belongsto the team drawingPriam's cart with the ransom. century. Mid-Srd
639 P1. 15. Max. dim. 0.062 m. Fragmentof disk and rim. Pinkish buff clay. Disk fragment preserves the three Graces on a pedestal;framingring.Rim: plainas far as preserved. The composition is best illustrated by Walters 1210, pl. XXXIV. Left, the three Graces on a pedestal. Center, Aphrodite with drapery loosely knotted about her thighs; her right hand rests on the pedestal, her raised left hand is holding drapery. Right, an altar with a squareobject on it and a tree or branchbehind. G. Hafner discussedthe three Gracesin this composition ("Hellenistische Kunst auf r6mischen Lampen," Ganymed, Heidelberger Beitriige zur antiken Kunstgeschichte,1949, pp. 48-51); he did not identify the scene. At present the representation is known only on Attic lamps. The only Attic cult which would suit the relief on the lamps is that of Demos and the Graces, whose shrine was northwest of the Agora (Hesperia,Suppl.VIII, p.92) and with whom Aphrodite Hegemone was associated (Agora, III, p. 61, 130); the cult survived in Roman times (Ibid., p. 61, 181). For other examples, see Kiibler, figs. 3, 4, 5 with discussion pp. 108, 116. Third quarter of 3rd century.
646 P1.15.Well,K 20:1. W. 0.081m. Dullorangeclay. Disk: Artemis with dog. The goddess stands facing with her body turnedright, clad in a high-girt chiton and hunting boots, her hair done up in a knot on the top of her head in the Hellenisticmanner.She lifts her right hand to the quiver on her shoulderto pick an arrow for the bow in her left hand. At her feet, a dog, right. Framing ring. Panelled rim with 8-S pattern. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle,relief outline of leaf. The compositionis borrowedeither from Corinthian lamps such as 247 and a lamp by Loukios ('ApX.'ET., 1922, p. 70, fig. 10, 3), or from Italian lamps; see Haken, under 84, p. 78. This type of Artemis, known in sculpture, sarcophagi, coins and gems, derives from a Hellenistic statue; see P. C. Sestieri, "'Diana Venetrix'," Riv. Inst. Arch., VIII, 1941, pp. 107-129. On Attic lamps, the dog and quiver are often omitted from the composition. Early 4th century. 647 P1. 15. Est. W. 0.072 m. Much of upper half with handle. Gray-buff clay; purplish glaze. Disk: Artemis with dog. Framing ring. Panelled rim with inner band, incised wavy line and small circles, outer band plain and narrow. Grooved handle. Mid-4th century.
648 P1.15. Max.dim. 0.111m. Disk and rimfragment. Soft, coarse,light buff clay. The disk fragmentpreservesthe top of the helmet of AthenaParthenos,facingright;framingring.Rim: guillochepattern with raised dots in the eyes, outer plain band. The breakin the rim showsthe marksof the handle. For other versions of Athena Parthenos on 3rd century Attic emblemata,see Hesperia,XVII, 1948, pp. 182-183, pl. LXII; XXVII, 1958, pp. 159-160, pl. 46. Mid-3rd century.
The bust of Athena, left, armed in crested Corinthian helmet, aegis and spear (the spear is sometimes omitted) occursrarely on Corinthian lamps of the 1st and 2nd centuries and frequently on Attic lampsof the 3rdand 4th centuries.B. Pick1explained the overwhelming popularityof this type in Athens on coins and lamps by identifyingthe representation as the Athena Promachos. His observations were expanded and confirmedby E. Pfuhl.2 The identificationwas cautiouslyquestionedby R. H. Jenkins3 and Lacroix.4 Pick wouldhave strengthened his case, had he not emphasizedthe dependenceof the Attic series on Corinthian lamps.5A survey of Corinthian and Attic lamps with this type shows that the Attic wereinfluenced little or not at all by the lampmakers Corinthian Athena "Promachos" lamps. The earliest example from Corinthis a glazed lamp with semi1 "Die 'Promachos' des Pheidias und die Kerameikos2 "Die grol3eeherne Athena des Pheidias,"Ath. Mitt., LVII, 1932, pp. 151-157. 3 "The Bronze Athena at Byzantion,"J.H.S., LXVII, 1947,pp. 31-33. de statuessur les monnaiesgrecques, 4 Les reproductions
volutes,CL2243,of the late 1st century;only the aegis with the snakesis preserved.It resemblesa later unglazed Corinthianlamp, CL 1832. These two lamps differfromall the followingonesin that they showthe snakeson the aegis. 234, made in Corinth,showsthe head, right, framed in a laurel wreath, as on Attic coins. The Corinthian lamps closest to the Attic version of the type are Broneer 582 by Loukios, Broneer583 by Makrianos(2), a channel-and-panel lamp by Abaskantosin the Aigina Museum,and a lamp by Sposianos,Ath. Mitt., LVI, 1931, Beilage XXVII, 4. Thesefour lamps, however,may all be as late as the 3rd century, so that they may reflect rather than influenceAttic style. The other Corinthian lampswith this type, Broneer1102-1108,were eithermadein Athensin the 4th centuryor are direct imitationsof Attic lamps. 649-650 possibly link the occasionalmanufacture of this type in 1st and 2nd century Corinthand the later mass productionin Athens, where more than two hundredexampleshave been recorded. The representation also occurs on Attic emblemata;see Agora, V, L 63, p. 81, pl. 36. The Attic emblemataand lamps do not bring any direct evidence to bear on the identificationof the type; they simply add weight to the argument that the statue in Athens. originalwas a world-famous The Attic Athena Promachoslamps were widely admired and copied from South Russia to Egypt. Ten of these lamps were found in Tarsusin the Factory Deposit, a dump from a lamp and terracotta factory; see Tarsus, I, 209, p. 116, fig. 102. The Factory Deposit is dated to the 2nd and possibly to the early 3rd century,ibid., p. 25. Judgingfrom the the mouldsfor these lamps were taken photographs, from an Attic lamp. Should this be so, the Factory Deposit dates well into the 3rd century. Waldhauer 476, pl. XLV, from Sebastopol,is a first generation lamp with a width of 0.09 m., made either in Athens or from a first generationAttic mould. The Attic Athena lampsfall into two main groups which may be convenientlycharacterized and comin outline form: pared Group2 (660-668) Spearnot shown Aegis cut off belowgorgoneion Two framingrings Globulewreathwith centralstalk No leaf Framedby circle See Repertoriesof Preimos Olympios Leonteus Eutyches
Group1 (651-659) Spearshown Aegis falls in two curves below breasts One framingring Raised wreath Incised wreath (later) Ends in leaf Framedby ring See Repertoriesof Polykarpos Leonteus Eutyches
The more elaboratelamps of Group1 begin earlier wreath, outer band plain. Handle: grooved and in the first half of the 3rd century than those of pierced,endingin relief leaf. Base: within ring, plain. Mid-3rdcentury. Group2; the width of the earliestlamps of Group1
P1. (Menzel536). In the middle of the 4th century the ring 655. two groups lost their distinctive features; the type [o.qvKJpTrov. continued to be made in the 5th and 6th centuries. 656 W. 0.085 m. Front missing. Unevenly firedlight Lamps in this series are illustrated by Kiibler, to pink-buffclay. Disk: Bust of Athena, left, armed in crested Cofigs. 18, 19, 40, 50; see also A. Briickner,Arch.Anz., rinthian helmet, aegis and spear (Group1); framing 8. 1915,p. 122, fig. ring. Panelledrim with innerband of incised wreath, 649 P1. 15. Well, D 12:1. A.J.A., XL, 1936, p. 411, outer plain band. Base: within ring, AEwith incised branchin center. fig. 8. Piece missing from disk. Light buff clay. Late 3rd century. Disk: bust of Athena, left, armed in crested Corinthian helmet and aegis; framing ring. Panelled Similar, late 3rd to early 4th century: 657 K 20:1. 658. rim with ovolo pattern; small circles flank handle 659 P1.15. and nozzle. Air-hole not pierced through. Two 660 P1. 15. Furnace Dump, F 17:1. W. 0.078 m. grooves frame undersideof nozzle. Handle: grooved in front; in back, plain, flanked by two deeply Hard, orangeclay. Disk: bust of Athena, left, armed in crested Costampedcircles.Base: within circle,plainwith central rinthian helmet and aegis (Group 2); two framing small circle. Rim: panels; globulewreath.Handle: grooved Certain features show that the lampmakerwas rings. and punch-marked.Base: within circle, five small not at home with his materials: the unevenness of circles in the form of a cross. the panels, the unsurenessof the ovolo, the heavy Early 4th century. broad grooves on disk, handle, undersideof nozzle and base. The circlesflankingthe back of the handle Similar, 3rd into early 4th century: 661 Base: within 662-665. 666 Base: withincircle,EO. have been stamped in too deeply and so close to- circle,[TTp]EIaj[o]v. 667. 668 Pl. 15. Glazed. that cut into the handle. a On Corinthian gether they lamp the handle tapers off to a point or is nearly 669 Max. dim. 0.065 m. Back of lamp. Orangeclay; sliced off well above the base. This handle runs all brownish glaze. the way down to the base and is not tidily finished Disk: spear-tip and part of crested Corinthian off. Here, possibly, is an Athenian lampmakerex- helmet of Athena preserved; framing band. Plain perimentingwith a mould broughtfrom Corinth.His narrowrim with circlesflankinghandle. Solid handle poor results with the ovolo pattern caused him to with herringbonepanel in front, hatched panel in abandonit as in the lamp following. back; leaf rendered by two dimples.Base: within two Early 3rd century. not rings, preserved. Mid-4thcentury. Fromthe samemould: 650 Plainrim.
651 Herulian destructiondebris, H-I 12:1. Est. W. 0.126 m. Fragment of disk and rim. Gray-buffclay. Disk: bust of Athena, left, armed with crested Corinthian helmet, aegis, and spear (Group 1). Framingring. Rim: pelta-shapedvolute in the place of a panel; inner band of raised wreath, outer band
plain. Possibly another pelta-shaped volute at the nozzle. Mid-3rd century. Fromthe samemould:652 H-I 12:1. 653 Pls. 12, 15. Hesperia, XVII, 1948, p. 182, pl. 62, 8; Hackin, N.R.A. Begram, fig. 430; Becatti, Problemi fidiaci, pl. 68, 188. W. 0.098 m. Restored. Cream-buff clay. Disk: bust of Athena, left, armed with crested Corinthian helmet, aegis, and spear (Group 1); framing ring. Rim: plain panels; inner band of raised
ATHENA(unidentified type)
670 P1. 15. Herulian destruction debris, H-I 12:1. Hesperia, XVII, 1948, p. 182, pl. LXII, 4; M.L. Bernhard, Lampki Starozytne,p. 175, fig. 52. Est. W. 0.02 m. Part of disk, rim and nozzle. Cream-buff
clay. Disk: bust of Athena, left. Of her head, only the tip of the crest of her helmet and a long ringlet falling over her left shoulder are preserved. Aegis worn diagonally. Around the edge, row of small globules and two rings interrupted by figure. Rim: innermost ring with raised quadruple wreath, band of cable pattern, ring with raised triple wreath, outer band with row of globules. In front, pelta-shaped volutes. Part of one of the panels preserved, possibly a pelta-shaped volute. The Athena of the west pediment of the Parthenon wears the aegis diagonally, as does the bronze Athena
found in the Piraeusin the summerof 1959. Cf. also DIONYSOS WITH KANTHAROS the restorationof the cult statue of Athena in the 677 Drainchannel system,E 5:4. W. 0.070m. Orange Hephaisteion, G.P. Stevens, Hesperia, XIX, 1950, to buff clay. p. 156, fig. 1. of a beardedfigure Disk: indistinctrepresentation Mid-3rdcentury. (Dionysos?) facing left, with thyrsos in right hand, kantharos(?) held in outstretchedleft. Framingring. ATTIS Panelled rim with blurry ovolo pattern. Handle: See SammlungSabouroffI, pl. LXXV, found in grooved and pierced. Nozzle crookedly set. Base: within circle, Sparta, signed by Preimos, and under 781. From a very worn mould. .pef..oy. CENTAUR WITH LYRE Cf. Syll. Num. Graec.Sammlungvon Aulock599, 671 P1.15. Max.dim. 0.054m. Disk and rimfragment. pl. 18, a bronzeof Macrinus. Early 3rd century. Orange-buff clay. Disk: centaur, right, playing lyre; framing ring. DIONYSOS ON PANTHER Plain rim with plain panels. For the centaurplaying the lyre on a lamp of the 678 Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 205, fig. 7, 1. W. 0.08 m. late 1st century B.C., see Brants 287, pl. III. This Buff to pink-buffclay. Disk: Dionysos recliningon an ambling panther, representationis not known on Attic lamps before the secondhalf of the 3rd century. The standardrim right. Framingring. Plain rim with panels. Handle: is plain with panels. For illustrated examples, see grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, central small circle and traces of incised signature. Kiubler, figs. 29, 38. Cf. the representationson coins, M. Bernhard, Secondhalf of 3rd century. und seineFamilie auf griechischen Miinzen, Dionysos Similar 672-673. fragments: p. 29, pl. IV, 28. On the coins Dionysos holds a 674 Est. W. 0.064 m. Most of back half. Orangeclay thyrsos in his left hand, while on the lamp his head rests on his hand as if he wereat a symposion. and glaze. Disk: centaur,right, playinglyre; framinggroove. Early 3rd century. Rim: panels and small circles. Solid groovedhandle, BUST OF DIONYSOS WITH KANTHAROS, THYRSOS AND ending in two small circles. Base: within almondLION shaped grooves, two small circles are preserved. The base may have had five small circles in the No completelamp of this type has been recorded. Inst. phot. Ker. 1802 is a drawinggiving a reconform of a cross. structionbasedon fragmentsin the Kerameikos. Secondhalf of 4th century. The reconstructionshows a bust of horned Dionysos, CENTAUR, LEFT facing, wearing a breastplate. Left, a large ribbed 675 P1.15. Max.dim. 0.049m. Disk and rimfragment. kantharos.Upper right, grape clusters and thyrsos. Lowerright, lion'shead. Plain bandedrim; U-shaped Orange-buff clay. Centaurwalking left. In his left hand he holds a nozzle. Handle set on to edge of rim. See Kibler, curved object. Framing ring. Rim plain as far as figs.70-74 for most of these details;for the kantharos, see below p. 201, F, P1.47 and Inst. phot. Ker. 1025; preserved. for the lionseebelowp. 201,E, P1.47.All the fragments Athens N.M. 338875 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2547) gives in the Kerameikosand Agora are from oversized more of the representation;the right arm of the of the same general shape and dimensionsas lamps centauris stretchedout and down. The rim has dot 968 with lion and tree. All the fragments 21), rosettes with incised branchpanels. (P1.
Late 3rd or early 4th century.
676 P1. 15. Well, Q 17:4. W. 0.083 m. Cracking, orange-buff clay. Disk: centaur attacking, left. Rim: plain panels; blurry rosettes set in reversing hooks. Handle: grooved and punched, ending in small leaf. Base: within ring, Signature uncertain. See below1T.pi...o9y. p. 201, D, P1. 47. Cf. Kiubler, fig. 59, a the of mid-4th lamp century. Second half of 3rd century.
are dated in the latest 3rd and early 4th century; for an earlier dating, see Kiubler,pp. 181-189. Cf. an emblema with the bust of Dionysos, Allard Pierson Museum, AllgemeeneGids, pl. LXXXI, 1577; Walters 654, fig. 119.
679 P1. 16. P.H. 0.065 m., P.W. 0.089 m. Disk fragment. Orange clay. Head of Dionysos preserved. Early 4th century.
Disk fragments from same or related moulds: 680. 681 P1. 16. F 17:1. 682 Glazed. 688 P1. 16. Glazed. See below
p. 201, E, F, P1.47.
The representation was originallyexcerptedfrom a compositionin which the two Dioskouroiand their horses stand on either side of a goddess or altar. The monumentsare collectedin F. Chapouthier, Les Dioscures au serviced'une Ddesse, Paris, 1985, pp. 21-96. The boat-lamp from Pozzuoli, Walters 390, pl. X, has a Dioskouroswith horse below the representationsof Isis and Sarapis. Possibly the Attic Dioskouroslamps are related to the cult of Isis; for Isis and the Dioskouroi, see Chapouthier,op. cit., pp. 248-262, and p. 86, no. 98, a lead token in Athens showing the piloi of the Dioskouroiwith an Isiac symbol. This representationis not known on Attic lamps before the second half of the 3rd century. Broneer 1177, pl. XVI, illustratesa lamp in this series dated to the last third of the 4th century.
Eros with lyre occurs on Attic erotes sarcophagi (Kiibler,pp. 110-111);see J. Toynbee,TheHadrianic School,pls. LII, 3, LIV, 5; G. Bruns, "Ein KinderArch.Anz., sarkophagdes BerlinerAlten Museums," Museum der M. "Das 1948-49, p. 98; Gutschow, XXIV. Cf. Rubensohn, pl. Priatextat-Katakombe," Hellenistisches no. 17, pl. III, a plaster Silbergeriit, cast taken fromthe emblemaof a metal plate or bowl. Attic 3rd century emblemata reproduce the lamp type; see Agora P 22834, P1. 47, d. The representationis not known on Attic lamps before the mid-3rd century. One lamp is illustrated by Kiibler,fig. 9. 684 P1. 16. P.W. 0.054 m. Fragmentof disk and rim. Orangebuff clay. Disk: Eros standing with lyre; framing ring. rim. Herringbone Early 4th century.
Similar fragments, glazed, 4th century: 685. 686 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 208, fig. 8, 5. Mid-4th century. 687. 688 P1. 16.
702 P1. 16. W. 0.078 m. Orange clay; red-orange glaze. Disk: Eros playing syrinx; framing ring. Rim: panelswith incisedbranch;smallcirclesflankhandle, panels, nozzle. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, incised cross. Mid-4thcentury.
Similar;mid-4th to late 4th century: 708 Base: within two closelyspacedcircles,plain. 704-705.706 Unglazed.
707 P1. 16. Well, D 12:1. W. 0.087 m. Light buff clay. Disk: Eros playing double flute, right. Two
Kerameikos. P1. 23, d (published by Kiibler, fig. 7). Pres. W. 0.047 m. Disk fragment. Buff clay.
framing rings. Rim: panels; sprays with three buds. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within two rings,
A similar representation appears on Attic erotes sarcophagi; see J. Toynbee, The Hadrianic School, pl. LIV, 5. More than two hundred and fifty lamps with Eros playing syrinx have been found in Athens; the standard rim for this relief is plain with panels. Three lamps are illustrated by Kiubler,figs. 84, 85, 49. 689 P1. 16. Max. dim. 0.049 m. Handle with part of disk and rim. Soft buff clay.
Eros playing double flute, right, is found on Attic erotes sarcophagi; see J. Toynbee, The Hadrianic School, pl. LIV, 5; M. Giitschow, "Das Museum der Pritextat-Katakombe," pl. XXIV. One lamp is illustrated by Kiibler, fig. 61. Early 8rd century.
panels, wreath. Base: within two rings, flpeflpOU. 709 0 14:2.
Similar; 3rd to early 4th century: 708 G 11:2. Rim: 710. 711 P1. 16. 712 F
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES 714 P1. 16. W. 0.073 m. Orangeclay. Disk: Eros, right, playing double flute; two filling holes; framing ring. Wavy lines on rim. Airhole flankedby circles; groove from air-holetoward wick-hole; sides of nozzle double-grooved.Handle: grooved and punch-marked.Base: within almondshapedgrooves,incised branch. Late 4th to early 5th century. EROS PLAYING DOUBLE LEFT FLUTE, 715 W. 0.09 m. Pieces of disk and wall missing. Orangeclay with buff to orange surface. Eros, left, blowing double flute. Framing ring. Plain panelled rim. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within two closely spaced circles, relief signature 'Erm8rp bI6pou. Taken from a worn mould, and retouched by regroovingframingring, sides of nozzle and panels, and base-ring. Broneer616, pl. XXVII, signed by Posphoros, has a similarcompositionwithout the goat and altar. The relief on the Attic lamps is reproduced on Attic emblemata;see AgoraP 19881, P1. 47, e. Two lamps are illustratedin Kiibler,figs. 10, 56. Secondhalf of 3rd century.
From same or relatedmoulds:716 P1. 16. G 5:2. 717 D 12:1. 718.
728 Est. W. 0.078 m. Fragment of disk and rim. Orangeclay. Disk: Eros with torch and thyrsos; framingring. Rim: plainpanels;innerbandof globules,outerplain band. Early 4th century.
729 Collectingbasin and drain, Q 15:1. Agora, V, K 121, p. 69, pl. 45. Est. W. 0.09 m. Parts of disk,rim and nozzle. Light buff clay. Disk: Eros with torch and patera; two framing rings. Panelled rim with row of globules. U-shaped nozzle. The handlewas set on at the edge of the rim. The lamp type occurs on Attic emblemata; see Kiibler, fig.6. The representation appearedon Attic lampsin the first half of the 3rdcentury.Threelamps are illustratedby Kiibler,figs. 8, 12, 48. Mid-3rd century. 730 P1. 16. Cistern,G 5:2. W. 0.094 m. Nozzle and much of disk missing.Soft, crumbling, buff clay with lightersurface. Disk: Eros with torch and patera; framingring. Plain rim with plain raised panels. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: two closely spaced circles; the surfaceof the base has largelyflakedaway. The closest signed parallel is by Leonteus (KL 1828) of slightly later date, a waster ca. 0.083 m. in width; a herringbone pattern is added to the panels. The schemeof the lamp, a figureof Eros set in a plain rim with plain panels, recalls compositionsof Elpidephoros:Eros standingwith lyre, Eros with double flute, left, Eros with syrinx. The crumblinglightcolored clay is also peculiar to the later lamps of Elpidephoros.This first generationlamp was probably made either by Elpidephorosor by Leonteus. Secondhalf of 3rd century.
719 Pls. 16, 49. W. 0.078 m. Orange-buff clay; orange glaze. Disk: Eros, left, playing double flute; framing ring. Rim: eight small circles; herringbonepanels. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, Ku. Mid-4thcentury.
Similar:720 Fragmentof upper half from same mould as preceding. 721 D 12:1. Base: within two circles,EO.722.
728 The altar with kid below, usual to the composition, was omitted.
724 P.L. 0.07 m. Fragmentof right side. Orangeclay. Similar:781 M 17:1. Agora,V, M 201, p. 102, pl. 46. InDisk: Eros, left, playing double flute; framing correct restoration omits handle;panelsshouldbe restored ring. Herringbone rim. Sides of nozzle double- on rim. 782 Base: within two closely spacedcircles,traces of incisedsignature. grooved. Late 4th into 5th century. 733 P1.16. W. 0.089 m. Orange clay and glaze.
725 Pls. 16, 34. Well, N 20:3. Est. W. 0.092 m. Nozzle, handle and walls missing; non-joining fragment of base. Soft, heavily micaceous, yellow-buff clay. Disk: Eros with torch and thyrsos; two framing rings. Panelled rim with ovolo. Base: within two rings, Zcooijpou. For other illustrated examples, see Ktibler, figs. 11, 13. First half of 3rd century.
Disk: Eros with torch and patera; framing ring. Rim: plain; panels with small double circles. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within two closely spaced circles, ITpa. First half of 4th century.
Similar fragments, dated in the 4th century: 784-789.
740 P1. 17. W. 0.075 m. Dark orange-buff clay; rusty purplish glaze. Disk: Eros with torch and patera; framing ring. Narrow plain rim. Solid grooved handle. Base: within Similar: 726 P1. 16. Rim: panels with incised branch, rosettes set in reversing hooks. Base: within ring, Hpefplou. two closely spaced circles, incised branch. J Late 3rd century. 727 Base: within ring, IT[pdpov]. Second half of 4th century.
(unidentified subjects)
748 P1. 17. Est. W. 0.096 m. Disk and rim fragment. Soft, cream-buff clay. Disk: Eros, torso turned right, head turned left, holding a piece of drapery in his right hand. Two framingrings. Panelledrim with ovolo. Early 3rd century. 749 Est. W. 0.084 m. Most of back half. Dull orange clay. Disk: part of head of Eros, right, and wings two framingrings.Panelledrim with three preserved; rows of globules.Handle: piercedand grooved,with WINGLESS EROS ON DOLPHIN cross-strokes at end. Base: within circle,reliefoutline The subject (in various poses) occurs in Attic of leaf. Secondhalf of 3rd century. sculpture (Agora S 819, S 877) and terracottas VI, 256) of Roman times. A lamp signed by (Agora, Loukios showsEros riding a dolphinand playing the GOD WITH TRIDENT, LION AND CLUB flute, 'ApX. 'Ep., 1922, p. 70, fig. 10, 2. See also 750 P1. 17. G. M. A. Richter, "AncientPlaster Casts Tarsus, I, 106, p. 824, with references. of Greek Metalware,"A.J.A., LXII, 1958, pl. 93, fig. 83. W. 0.131 m. Pieces of nozzle, rim, wall and 742 P1. 17. W. 0.082 m. Orange-buff clay. Disk: wingless Eros riding dolphin, left; framing base missing. Light buff clay. Disk: bearded god, standing on sharply defined ring. Rim: panels with incised branch;inner band of incised trefoil and reel, outer band plain. Handle: base. In his outstretchedright hand, a phiale; his grooved and punched, ending in leaf. Base: within left hand holdsa long trident. Shorthimationdraped about the right shoulderand left arm. The figure is ring,Atolvufa. turned slightly toward the left facing an altar surFirst quarterof 4th century. mountedby a small conicalobject topped by a knob. Similar: 748 Glazed. Rim: plain; panels with incised At the foot of the altar, a small pouncinglion. Right, branch. 744 Glazed. Plain rim with herringbone panels. 7465 a club. large Framingring. The panelledrim has an rim. Second half of 4th Herringbone century. inner band of raised hooks, an outer plain band. Handle: grooved and pierced twice, ending in vine EROS WITH CHICKEN leaf. Base: within three circleslTTpEihou followed by See Kiibler, fig. 46. For signed examples, see the small incised leaf. Repertoriesof Leonteusand Eutyches. An early classical work of art is the common source for the Attic lamp and a plaster medallion found in Begram, Afghanistan (N.R.A. Begram, EROS WITH TURTLE no. 99, pp. 122, 265-266, fig. 292). The figureon the 746 P1. 17. Max. dim. 0.081 m. Disk fragment.Buff Begram plaquewas tentatively identifiedas Dionysos clay. (ibid., p. 122) becauseof the lion. This identification Eros with turtle. Inst. phot. Ker. 781, 9, gives the complete com- does not work for the lamp disk which differs from the Begram plaque in significantdetails, best composition. Eros standing,three-quarters right, holding a pointedobject in his right hand and a smallsack (?) pared on plate 93 of Miss Richter's article, cited in his left. Lower right, a large turtle. Rim: dot above. On the Begramplaque the altar is lower, the figure is holding not a trident (as on the lamp) but rosettes and herringbone panels.
First half of 4th century.
741 P1.17. P.L. 0.071 m. Disk and rim fragment.Buff clay. Eros with thyrsos and kantharos; framing ring. Rim: plain as far as preserved. The lamp type is found on Attic emblemata, Watzinger,Ath. Mitt., XXVI, 1901,p. 57; Inst. phot. Ker. 677 a. For a similar type on Attic erotes sarcophagoi, see J. Toynbee, The Hadrianic School, pl. LIV, 5. Secondhalf of 3rd century.
747 P1. 17. Max. dim. 0.057 m. Fragment of disk and rim. Dark buff clay; purplish glaze. Disk: wingless Eros with sickle and grapes; framing ring. Globules on rim. For the relief on an Attic emblema, see Agora P 7400, P1. 47, c. See Kiubler, fig. 86, the same figure with wings. Mid-4th century.
a caduceus or scepter, and to the right of the figure a tall stele-like object is discernible. The lamp disk shows a club on the right and an object on the altar, both lacking on the Begram plaque; the lamp disk lacks the stele and one of the steps leading up to the altar. The composition of the Begram plaque is less crowded and better balanced than that of the Attic lamp, and therefore is more likely to be closer to the original. Accordingly, the lamp disk may represent a revision of a classical theme to suit the syncretism of a later period. Possibly Poseidon and Herakles were intended; were the relief excerpted from a
.ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES largercomposition,the club need not be an attribute of the god with phiale and trident, but could belong to Heraklescomingup on the right. Poseidon, Herakles and the Dioskouroiappearon Eleusiniancoins of Hellenistic times; see M. Thompson, "Coins for the Eleusinia,"Hesperia,XIII, 1942, p. 215, note 10. First half of 3rd century.
Kerameikos,Pl. 23, h. P. W. 0.06 m. Fragmentof handle, disk, and rim. Orangebuff clay. Rectangular lamp. Disk: two Egyptian (?) gods. Framinggroove. Rim: innerband of globulesin reversinghooks,outer bandplain. Handle:groovedand pierced.An oversize lamp, to be restoredwith severalnozzles.
751 P1. 17. Drain channel system, E 5:4. Hesperia, VII, 1938, p. 355, fig. 43; A.J.A., XLI, 1937, p. 188, fig. 19. W. 0.084 m. Light cream-buffto pink-buff clay. Disk: groundline. Drapedwoman,standingthreequartersright, holds a large tray with offerings,and looks towarda small roundnaiskoswith domedroof; two columnsin the front, two columnsjust visible in the background.In the naiskos, on a base stands a goddess (Aphrodite?)holding something in her left hand, resting her right hand on a small herm. Left, a small altar. Low wide framing ring. Rim: panels which encroachon the framingring; inner band of raised reversinghooks, and a plain, slightly higher, outer band. Grooved,piercedhandleends in a raised pelta. Base: within two circles, 'TpEipou. The woman bringingsacrificeresemblesthe relief of Erigonebringingsacrificeon the bemaof Phaedrus in the theater of Dionysos; see Bieber, fig. 31. For a plastic lamp of Aphrodite(?) in a roundtemple, see Walters 439, pl. XIII with references,and 1432, a lanternin the formof a roundnaiskos,with references. 752 P1.17. Max.dim. 0.072m. Disk andrimfragment. Cf. Menzel838, fig. 34, 8, a rounddomedtemple in a Dark orangeclay. landscape. Disk: goddesswith doubleaxe; two framingrings. First half of 3rd century. Panelled rim with 8-8 pattern. Early 4th century. GODDESS WITH DOUBLE AXE
The goddess with the double axe has been tentatively identified by other scholars as Men-Mithras or Mithras.6The head was thought to be male, because it appeared to be wearing a Phrygian cap; see 752, P1. 17; Kilbler, fig. 14; Broneer 1185, pl. XVI. The head is that of a woman, and the small round object above her forehead, which was formerly taken to be the curving peak of a Phrygian cap, is the end of a long braid starting at the nape of her neck. For terracotta figurines of goddesses with the same
6 Broneer
see Agora,VI. The braidis morerecognizable coiffure, in the bushy coiffureof 767, P1. 17, and a slightly differentwoman's coiffureis discerniblein Broneer 1189, pl. XVI. Lamps in the Kerameikosshow the samefigurewith a variety of coiffures; see Inst. phots. Ker. 744, 1219, 1221. The identity of the figure is not known. The best discussionof goddessesand womenwith doubleaxes is A. B. Cook, Zeus, Vol. II, pp. 560-626. Athena appears with double axe on bronze coins of the Oxyrhynchite nome struck by Domitian, Trajan, Hadrian and AntoninusPius; see ibid., p. 626, figs. 529-530. For Amazons, Demeter (2) and Kore (2) with double axe, see ibid., pp. 560, 564. ImhoofBlumer and Gardner,NumismaticCommentary, pl. V ix, shows Artemis with double axe on a bronze coin of Phigaleia struck by Caracalla.The Furies sometimeswield double axes on sarcophagus reliefs. None of these may be certainly identified with the figure on the lamps, for none are exactly the same type. The changing coiffure is a peculiarity which should be taken into account when attempting to identify the goddess on the lamps. All the other subjects on 3rd century Attic lamps are fixed types which continue in the 4th and 5th centuries unchanged except for the wear and tear of use and Like the goddesswith the doubleaxe, the retouching. terracottaMatronae also have coiffures whichvary in the 3rd and 4th centuries; see Agora,VI, 33-230. Both the Matronae and the goddesswith the double axe were extraordinarily popular in 3rd and 4th century Athens; perhaps they are related to each other. This type did not appear on Attic lamps until after the Herulianinvasion, A.D. 267, and therefore is not in the company of mid-3rd century classical divinities on lamps, Athena, Aphrodite,Hermes,Poseidon, etc. Two lamps are illustratedin Kiibler,figs. 14, 51.
Similar, dated in the late 3rd and early 4th century: 758 F 17: 1. Base: within circle, E~i -ru. Late 3rdcentury: 754-756.
757 P1. 17. W. 0.078 m. Orange clay and glaze. Disk: goddess with double axe; two framing rings. Panelled rim with 8-S pattern. Handle: grooved and punched. Base: within circle, A. Second quarter of 4th century.
Similar, dated in the 4th century: 758 Base: within circle, incised branch. 759 Base: within circle, plain. 760 F 16:2. 761-768. 764 D 12:1. 765 Base: within circle, incised outline of leaf. 766 Rim: plain panels with incised branch.
767 P1. 17. Est. W. 0.076 m. Disk and rim fragment. Orangeclay and glaze. Disk: goddesswith doubleaxe; two framingrings. Panelled rim with 8-S pattern. The hair is renderedby incised branchpatternand many short lines, giving a bushy effect. Mid-4thcentury. withincised branch. Similar: 768.769Rim:plain;panels
776 P1. 17. Well, S 21:3. W. 0.093 m. Restored.Buff clay. Disk: Hermesstanding,in three-quarters view, on a base. He wearsa chlamysloopedabout his neckand fallingover his left arm. In his left hand, he holds the caduceus; in his right, a small moneybag. Left, an altar with fire; two framing rings. Rim widest at center:panels;wreath.Handle:groovedand pierced. 770 P1. 17. W. 0.078 m. Orange-buff clay. in relief. Base: within two rings,TTpEIou Disk: goddess with double axe. Herringbone rim. Hermes with moneybagand caduceusappearson Groovefromair- to wick-hole;sides of nozzle double- Attic imperialcoinage possibly struck in 192/3 comgrooved. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two memoratingthe festival of the Chytroi; see Shear, circles, M. Small circles between and outside the AthenianImperial Coinage,pp. 312-313, fig. 21. Cf. grooves which frame the signature. a marble statue of Hermes found in the Agora, Secondhalf of 4th century. Hesperia,VIII, 1939, p. 236, fig. 36; V, 1936, p. 18, fig. 16, a bronzestatuette. GORGONEION Early 3rd century. 771 P1.17. Max. dim. 0.057 m. Disk fragment.Orange HERMES WITH PRANCING RAM clay. with wings springingfrom the crown 777Pls. 17,49. Drainchannelsystem,E 5:4. Hesperia, Gorgoneion of the head; three (2) framingrings. VII, 1938, p. 355, fig. 43; A.J.A., XLI, 1937, p. 188, 3rd fig. 19. W. 0.091 m. Light buff clay. Early century. Disk: Hermes,carryingcaduceusin his left hand, Fromthe samemould:772. moves left. He wears his petasos, and draperyslung over his left shoulder,droppingdown to the hollow HERAKLES WITH THE GOLDEN APPLES of his knee. His right hand passesbehindthe head of See Walters 1222, pl. XXXIV, signed by Preimos. a prancing ram.Left, a high stele on a base. Right, an altar, on which a plaque stands. Framing ring. HERAKLES AND THE KERYNEAN HIND Panelled rim with inner band of guilloche with flowerets in the eyes, outerplainband.Narrownozzle, A fragment from the Kerameikos is shown on set off from the walls. Handle: grooved and sharply P1. 23, e. pierced, ending in relief leaf. Base: within ring, stylized grape cluster with tendrils above relief HERAKLES AND THE LERNAEAN HYDRA signature Two fragmentsfromthe Kerameikos 'E'mh8w<5p61pou. are shownon The fine delicate modelling calls metalwork to P1.23, f-g; taken togetherthey give almostthe entire mind; the same compositionwith minorvariationsin composition. details is found on a repouss6silver emblemain the BibliothequeNationale (Inv. no. 2824; see P. GusHERAKLES AND KERBEROS de Rome,pl. 42, 2). man, L'artdecoratif A lamp in StockholmshowingHeraklesand KerFirst half of 3rd century. beros may be Attic; it is published without a description in The SwedishCyprusExpedition,IV, 3, HEAD OF HERMES, RIGHT Waldhauer Stockholm,1956, fig. 89:15. 481, pl. XLV, may be an Attic lamp of
the 3rd century.
rim. Coarse brown clay; shiny brown glaze. Disk: Herakles wrestling with the Nemean lion; framing ring. Plain rim with panels. Solid grooved handle. Bellori-Bartoli, Part 2, pl. 29, gives a fine 2nd century lamp with this well-known type, which is not known on Attic lamps before the 4th century. Mid-4th century.
Similar: 774. 775 Rim: herringbone.
778 P1. 17. Est. W. 0.04 m. Disk and rim fragment. Buff clay.
Disk: bust of Hermes; two framing rings. Rim: panels; globules. Late 3rd century.
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES Disk: "Leander swims vigorously shoreward, guided by Hero who leans out of a windowhigh in a crenellatedtower and holds a lamp out-thrustin her right hand." Framinggroove. Rim: groovedpanels; innerband of dot rosettes,outerplainband. For the subject, see Chase, Catalogue of Arretine Potteryin the Museumof Fine Arts, Boston, 1916, no. 93, p. 89. Secondhalf of 3rd century.
780 P1. 18. Max. dim. 0.072 m., Th. 0.02 m. Part of disk and rim. Three layers of hard, micaceous, orange-buff clay with fine buff slip. Disk: part of the bust of Isis, wearingchiton and cross-banded scarftied in front with the "Isis" knot. One or two framingrings. For the Isis cult in Athens, see under 805. The technical peculiarities of this fragment suggest a comparisonwith three other fragments The thickness,0.02 m., having similarcharacteristics. is far too great for a lamp, even an oversize one. Normallythe undersideof a lamp disk is slightly concave and shows the marks of the fingers which pressedthe lamp downinto the mould.The underside of this disk is even and flat. The break showshow it was built up of three layers of clay; the lampmaker first made a normallamp top and then packedin two more layers of clay while it was still in the mould. An equally puzzling fragmentin the Kerameikos fig. 20) shows Poseidon with dolphin and (Kuiibler, it trident; has no air-hole and only a small hole insteadof a properfilling-hole. "DasPoseidonrelief ist also keinesfallseine der iublichen Lampenoberseiten, von der es sich auch durch seine Dicke und nahezu ebene Unterflaicheunterscheidet," (ibid., p. 119). Kiabler,fig. 32 is a third fragment with the same peculiarities;the disk gives a part of the cock and two animalsrelief. Againthere is a smallhole instead of a filling-hole. Athens N. M. 3193 is a fourth example, Eros playing double flute, left. This piece has no air-holeand no filling-hole;belowthe flute is a very small hole laboriouslypiercedafter firing. The relief is very fine indeed; the clay is extremelyhard, sub-archetypes may well have been made in the
orange-rose in color, well-smoothed and finished. Kiubler identified the two Kerameikos fragments as archetypes from which moulds were taken (ibid., pp. 119, 130). The Poseidon archetype, according to his explanation, was itself created from two moulds, one furnishing the disk representation of Poseidon, the other the 8-S rim pattern and framing rings. His demonstration that Poseidon and the rim pattern were brought together from different moulds is convincing; his explanation of the fragments as devices for lampmaking rather than lamps clears up the technical peculiarities.
One point, however, remains to be investigated. The four fragments cannot be normal archetypes the measurements becauseof two considerations, and the method of manufacture. Archetypes must be 16-20 per cent larger than first generation lamps derivedfrom them. The estimatedwidth of the Eros fragment (most of which is preserved)is 0.09 m. is 715,a firstgenerationlampsignedby Elpidephoros, the same width. On the KerameikosPoseidon the diameterof the disk including the framing rings is 0.054 m. The corresponding measurementson two first generationlamps, 784 and 787, are 0.054 m. and 0.053 m. Since the abnormalfragmentsare found to be the same size as first generationlamps,it follows that they cannot be archetypesin the sense of being the original models standing at the head of the whole seriesof mouldsand lamps. solid lamps,made by Archetypeswerepresumably hand.Thesefour mouldmade fragmentshave finished and weremeant to be used apartfrom flat undersides the lowerhalves. Thefourfragments indicatethat the making of second generation lamps was planned ahead by the lampmaker.While the first generation mouldswere still fresh,he took carefullywashedfine clay and made positives, strengthenedwith extra layers of clay to withstand hard wear and pressure. Thesepositivesnevercouldserveas lamps,havingno filling-holes.When the first generationmoulds wore out, the lampmakerturned to these sub-archetypes which he had kept in reserve and made second generationmoulds. Agora, IV, 814, may be a Hellenistic sub-archetype. Thislampwas madein two mouldsand covered with a heavy slip. It has no handle,no wick-hole,and only a very small hole in the disk, pierced after baking. Since it was made in mouldsit cannot be an archetype.Since it has no wick-holeit is not a lamp. The extremelyheavy slip was apparentlyintendedto preserve the surface under the wear and tear of mouldmaking. Such sub-archetypes,technically modifiedlamps taken fromfreshmoulds,couldbe made and set aside with each new generationof moulds. The sub-archetypes describedabove are all of the first generation;
second and third generations. The system of subarchetypes serves to explain the continued survival of disk representations in fairly good condition for over one hundred years. Early 4th century.
781 Frontispiece, P1. 34. L. 0.175 m., Est. W. 0.136 m. Restored; parts of disk, rim, walls and base missing. Fine, cream-buff, micaceous clay. Disk: Leda and the swan. Panelled rim carries rosettes set in reversing hooks with tendrils between.
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD Disk: Nike standingin front of an altar, her right hand holding up her drapery,her left held up. Two framingrings. Rim: panels; small ovolo. Very close to Athens N.M. 3249 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2554, 2555)with the signature NEa[KcaVp] Iou incised within two rings. Neikandros'signatureis found in full on a vine-and-raylamp from Corinth,Froehner 551, BibliothbqueNationale, Paris. Early 3rd century.
Similar: 788 F 17:1. Smaller and subjected to ruthless retouching.
Handle: groovedand piercedtwice. At base of handle two ivy leaves are preservedalong with the edge of a third. Tendrilsspringout to either side of the central leaf. Base: within two rings, an elaboratetwo-tiered rosette. The compositionis very close to and much finer than the terracottarelief in Alexandria,Breccia (1), 229, p. 51, pl. LII, 16. Robert, Sarkophagreliefs, II, a drawingof a sarcophagus, now pl. II, 8 reproduces lost, in which two reliefs were incorporated.One of the reliefs is a Leda fairly close to 781, differingin details such as the coiffureand the draperyof the left leg. Robert (p. 7) pointed out that the secondrelief, Ganymede,has its closest parallelon the Attis lamp of the two by Preimos.The fact that the compositions reliefs are both found on Attic lamps, althoughthey differ in details, leads to the suggestion that the reliefs on the sarcophagusare Attic and confirms Robert'sidea that the two reliefsoriginallybelonged together. Several considerations indicate that the lamp was madefroma wax mouldtakenfroma metalarchetype. The quality of the modelling and the depth of the relief are far superiorto that of the ordinary clay lamp. The lampmaker, indeed, had difficulties in bringingout the high relief; seamsin the swan'sneck and Leda's thigh show where separately prepared lumps of clay were pressed into the mould before applyinga disk of clay to the whole relief. Moreover, if a clay archetypehad been made, one would expect a number of moulds and lamps to have been made from it; at present, however, only 781 is known. A wax mould, appliedto a metal relief, could be used a few times, at most; the wax could then be melted down, strained,and used for other purposes. The two lampmakers who are knownto have made oversize clay lamps in this period are Elpidephoros and Preimos. The very large size and the subject are general considerations favoring an attribution to Preimos'shop. The largestlampsfromElpidephoros' shop are around 0.140 m. in length, while there are several pieces from Preimos'shop on a much larger scale (Sammlung f,pl.LXXV, the Attis lamp, Sabourof 0.190 m. long, and 1581,0.193 m. long).Elpidephoros' for any erotic symplegmata, shop was not responsible
while Preimos signed two. The rim pattern is peculiar to Preimos, reoccuring on 1581 but not on other lamps. Another motif of Preimos is the vine leaf at the base of the handle, here elaborated in keeping with the scale and splendor of the lamp. Assigned to the Preimos shop. First half of 3rd century.
Athens N.M. 3124 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2520, 2521). Disk: bearded head, facing, wearing pileus; below, 'OSuvaaousincised; two framing rings. Plain rim with small circles at handle and nozzle. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Base: within two rings, plain with central small circle; four small circles on outer base-ring.
Poseidon with dolphin and trident occurs on imin a number of different perialCorinthian coinage poses; see Imhoof-Blumerand Gardner,NumismaticCommentary,pl. D. P1.D iii showsPoseidonwith dolphin and trident standing,left, with one foot on a rock, a representationwhich occurs on a lamp of the early 3rd century found in the Kerameikos (Inst. phot. Ker. 754 A). Poseidonin the same pose is shownin a temple on lamps of the 2nd or early 3rd century, Tarsus,I, 438, fig. 113. The two lampsmay reproduce a cult statue in Corinth. Nationale5291, Bibliothbque avolute-nozzle Jamp,andCL1833aretwo unpublished lamps with reliefs of Poseidon with dolphin and trident. The Poseidon type of 784-800 does not correspond exactly to any of the coin or earlierlamp in all of which the trident is held with prongs types, pointing up. The Attic type of Poseidonholding the trident with prongs pointing down may refer to the contest on the Acropoliswhen he struck the rock. The lamp type of 784ff. occurson Attic emblemata
(Agora P 15073). Two lamps are illustrated by Kiubler, figs. 20, 57. 784 P1. 18. Est. W. 0.082 m. Most of upper half. Buff clay with burnt areas. Disk: Poseidon with dolphin and trident; two framing rings. Rim: panels; 8-S. Mid-3rd century.
First generation lamps from same or related moulds; dated in the second half of the 3rd century through the early 4th century: 786-789. Similar glazed lamps, first half of 4th century: 790 Base: within circle, relief outline of leaf.
782 P1. 18. Well, Q17:4. Est. W. 0.085 m. Fragment of top. Soft clay, fired unevenly light buff to orange.
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES 795 Cistern, G 5:2. P.W. 0.065 m. Base missing. Coarseorangeclay; purplishglaze. Disk: Poseidonwith dolphinand trident; framing ring. Rim: small circles flanking nozzle, panels, handle; panelswith incised branch.Groovefrom airto wick-hole; sides of nozzle double-grooved.Solid groovedhandle. Mid-4thcentury. 796. Fromsamemould: 797 P1. 18. W. 0.09 m. Most of upper half. Dark orange clay; purplishred glaze. Poseidonwith dolphinand trident; framing ring. Six smallcircleson rim.Groovefromair-to wick-hole; Solid groovedhandle. sides of nozzle double-grooved. The head of Poseidonis representedfull-face and it is muchlargerthan in the earlierexamples.Dolphin and trident are disproportionately large. Here is a reversal of the process by which inanimate objects in prehistoric and animals,worshipped times, became attributes of the Olympiangods. Secondhalf of 4th century. 798 P1. 18. P.W. 0.051 m. Disk fragment. Orange clay; purplishbrown glaze. Poseidonwith dolphinand trident. The god has the empty eye sockets, meaningless mouth and noseless look of a skull; his nerveless misshapenlimbs dangle:the twilight of the gods. Late 4th century.
in the firsthalf aredated similar Three fragments glazed intothe middle of the century: of the 4th century 802-808. 804P1.18.
799 P1.18. Max. dim. 0.05 m. Disk and rim fragment. Bright orangeclay and glaze. Disk: upperprofileof head wearingPhrygiancap. Around the edge of the disk, in incised letters Framinggroove interruptedby the head. [TTl]piavos. Rim: plain as far as preserved;the break shows that there was a second band. 4th century. 800 P1.18. Max.dim. 0.042m. Disk and rimfragment. Buff clay. Disk: left profile of male head, with beard and moustache,wearing Phrygian cap ornamentedwith
small circles and a fringe. The peak of the cap interrupts the rim in the same way as 799. Framing groove. Rim: incised wreath. 4th century.
805 P1. 18. Est. W. 0.13 m. Part of disk, rim, and handle;restored.Buff clay with orangecore. Sarapisand Isis in their temple (actuallyshownin front of the temple). On the right, Sarapissits on a large throne with elaborate finials. His left hand head. holds a scepter,and his right rests on Kerberos' On the left stands Isis, her right hand at her waist, her left holding a torch. In the backgroundis their temple; relief lines indicate decorationon the pediment which has a palmette acroterion.To the right of Sarapis' throne, sprays of buds. Framing ring. Rim: well-raisedpanels; inner band of three buds in reversing hooks,outerbandplain.Handle:grooved and pierced. The enthroned Sarapis derives from the cult statue by Bryaxis in the Sarapieionin Alexandria. For coins of Sarapisenthronedin a tetrastyle temple with Isis and anothergoddess,see D. Magie,"Egyptian Deities in Asia Minor in Inscriptions and on Coins,"A.J.A., LVII, 1953, p. 172. Cf. a relief in the Capitoline Museum, Bulletino della Commissione Comunale di Roma,XIII, 1942, pp. 166Archeologica the temple. Thereis a same scene without the 167, at Sarapis'foot; to the left of Isis smallHarpokrates stands a third figure,a priest (?). For the cult of Isis and Sarapis in Athens, see S. Dow, "The Egyptian Cults in Athens," Harvard Theological Review, XXX, 1937, pp. 184-282; with the passagesfrom this study dealingspecifically Romanperiodin Athens are quoted as follows: "The Egyptian cults in Athens seemed to have flourished again particularlyin the second century A.D., but 20 preserved dedications suggest that they were active throughoutthe periodof Romandomination" (pp. 214-215). One inscriptionis cited from the beginning of the 3rd century, none later. "Under the Roman Empire,Horos, Osiris,and Nephthys appear among the Egyptian gods in Athens; the cult of Sarapiscontinues; and Isis outdistancesnot merely
her partner, but all other 'foreign' gods as well" (p. 231). "The only precincts which are positively known to have existed are: (1) The old Iseion in Piraeus. (2) The Sarapieion in Athens seen by Pausanias ... Doubtless there were others" (p. 280, note 156). See also the note on festivals, pp.224-225. Where our other sources break off, the lamps continue and show that in the 3rd and 4th centuries the cults of Isis and Sarapis were strong in Athens. 780, the Isis lamp, is of the early 4th century, and there are numerous fragments of 4th century boat-lamps in the Kerameikos. The best preserved of these is shown
801 P1. 18. Cistern, G 5:2. Est. W. 0.07 m. Right side, base and nozzle missing. Orange buff clay. Disk: satyr playing Panpipes; framing ring. Rim: plain with one small circle; panels with incised branch. Grooved handle with small piercing. Late 3rd century into early 4th century.
Voyage," T.A.P.A., LXXXI, 1950, pp. 43-56. See also Agora,VI, 942, plastic lamp of Isis (?). Dow remarked that there were probably other shrinesof Egyptian gods in Athens besides the SaraChurch pieion which stood between the Metropolitan and the north slope of the Acropolis (S. Dow and F. S. Upson, "The Foot of Sarapis,"Hesperia,XIII, 1944, p. 65, note 8). There may well have been a shrineto Isis and Sarapisnear the Agora,at least in Roman times, for numerousfragmentsof sculpture and reliefs of Isis, Sarapis, and Harpokrates and have been foundin the gravereliefsof Isis worshipers a few have been published.See Hesperia, Agora;only XIX, 1950, pl. 106, a, Harpokrates; IV, 1935, p. 398, fig. 24, Sarapis. Mid-3rd century.
811 P1. 18. Cistern,C 14:2. Est. W. 0.088 m. Handle and much missing. Clay unevenly fired cream to orange-buff. Disk: erotic symplegmaand child. Rim: panels; dot rosettes. At end of handle, tip of relief leaf preserved.Base: within ring, pEipalov. The big shops of the early and middle3rd century had their own repertoriesof figuredlamps, each one distinct from the others. Here is one of the rarecases TRITON, RIGHT, BLOWING CONCH SHELL of borrowing,a lamp with a representation and rim See Broneer1178, pl. XXIX; also Inst. phot. Ker. characteristic of Pireithosbut signed by Preimos.In 979. the late 3rd and 4th centuries such borrowing(or pirating)among shops becamecommon. Mid-3rdcentury. ZEUS Similar: 812 B 14:2. Base: withinring[TTip]jEfOou in relief. See Walters1204, pl. XXXIV, signedby Preimos.
Second half of 3rd century. 813.
806 Well, M 17:1. Agora, V, M 179, p. 101, pl. 46. Max.dim. 0.064 m. Disk and rim fragment.Buff clay. Disk: above, wing; below, drapery (2); framing ring. Rim: panels; inner band of rosettes alternating with spraysof three buds, outer band plain. First half of 3rd century.
814 PI. 18. Est. W. 0.088 m. Nozzleand many pieces missing. Buff clay with lighter flaking slip. Disk: erotic symplegma with lampstand. Rim: panels; sprayswith three buds. Handle:groovedand punched, ending in relief leaf. Base: within ring, ThpEi[ou]in relief. Secondhalf of 3rd century.
815 F 17:1. From same (or related) moulds as preceding lamp. 816. 817 D 6:2. 818-819. 820 K 20:1. 821 Base: within ring, five small circles in the form of a cross. 822 Q-R 14:1.
807 P1. 18. P.L. 0.088 m., P.W. 0.05 m. Fragmentof top. Dark orangeclay; purplishglaze. Disk: figure,facing right, with upliftedright arm, cladin a fringedsleevedgarment.Therighthandmay be holdingsomething,a branch(2). On the left is the regular filling-hole; on the right is a smaller hole which was pierced afterfiring. Framingring. Nozzle flankedby two small circles. Groovedhandle. A fragmentof a lamp in Corinth(CL2185), made
in Athens, has a similar figure on the disk. The figure also holds her (?) right hand up but is not holding anything. On the right side of the disk is incised
823 Pls. 18, 36. Cistern,C 14:2. W. 0.088 m. Part of nozzle and base missing.Light pink-buffclay. Disk: eroticsymplegma with canopy.Rim: panels;
inner band of reel and trefoil; outer band plain. Handle: grooved and pierced, ending with relief leaf. Base: within ring, Thpsifou in relief. Mid-3rd century.
Similar, dated in late 3rd to early 4th century: 824 F 19:1, Agora, V, L 12, p. 75, pl. 45. From same (or related) moulds as 823 and with same signature. 825 Rim: panels; inner small circles. EROTIC SYMPLEGMA: MAN AND DONKEY
808 P1. 18. Est. W. 0.04 m. Fragment of disk, rim and handle. Hard, gritty, orange-buff clay. Disk: old man observing erotic symplegma. Rim: plain panels; inner band of dot rosettes, outer plain band. Solid grooved handle.
827 Max. dim. 0.069 m. Part of disk, rim and wall. Buff clay with lighter peeling slip.
Disk: erotic symplegma of man and donkey; EROTIC SYMPLEGMA, WOMAN AND ANIMAL framingring. Rim: plain panels; inner band of dot Athens N.M. 3131 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2523). W. rosette and stalk, outer plain band. 0.08 m. Disk: on the left, woman standing, left; on For a good illustration,see Menzel539, fig. 47, 3. the right, animalstandingon hindpawsleft. Framing Secondhalf of 3rd century. ring.Rim: globulewreath;panelswith incisedbranch. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, Similar fragments: 828-829. incisedbranch. 830 P1. 18. W. 0.075 m. Clay and glaze burnt black. Disk: erotic symplegma of man and donkey; SYMPLEGMA PAIR (?),STANDING framingring. Rim: plain, with panels indicated by Inst. phot. Ker. 1001, 4 shows a standing naked three short grooves. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Solid groovedhandle.Base: within two circles,plain. pair, facing each other, possibly not an erotic symplegma. Mid-4thcentury.
831 Furnace Dump, F 17:1. Est. W. 0.074 m. Part of back half. Orangeclay and glaze. Disk: erotic symplegma of woman and horse. Panelled rim with inner band of incised trefoil and reel, outer plain band. Solid groovedhandle, ending in leaf. Base: within ring, Pov. Early 4th century. herringbone. 8838 P1.18.Rim:panels,
834 P1. 19. Well, D 12:1. P.W. 0.084 m. Handle and most of upperhalf. Pale gray-buffclay. Disk: erotic symplegma;framingring interrupted by panels,handleand nozzle.Rim: panels;trefoiland reel. Handle: groovedand pierced. Athens N.M. 3200 (Inst. phots. Athens N.M.2501, in a good state 2506)has the samedisk representation one the footstool which allows to see of preservation of rich folds the coverlet of the and the elaborate swan. The rim is and the ovolo divan as in 781, Leda is Preimos. The width the with panels; lamp signedby is 0.087 m., very close to the original width of the Agora lamp. The two disk representationsderive from the same archetype; the two lamps were produced at a time when the Preimos Shop was changing over from the Corinthianstamped ovolo rim to raised rim patterns. Suppose that the lampmaker took a number of moulds from the archetype in order to make lamps like Athens N.M. 3200. Then, having decided to change the rim, he took another mould from the worn archetype, stamped a trefoil and reel pattern on the rim of the mould, and produced 834. This procedure would account for the rim standing out in relief so much more clearly than the disk. Ten unsigned examples of this representation in the Kerameikos date from the second half of the 3rd century into the early 4th century. Assigned to the Preimos Shop. Early 3rd century.
der Miinchner C. Weickert, "Gladiatoren-Relief der bildenden Milnchner Jahrbuch Glyptothek," mentions Kunst, 1925, pp. 1-39, many early Roman with gladiatorial scenes; for others, see lamps 6. Menzel,p. The evidencefor gladiatorialcombatsin Athensis summarizedin Robert, Gladiateurs, p. 246, p. 313, note 1. No inscriptionor relief concerning gladiators has been found in Athens, but literary sources attest gladiatorialcombats under Domitian and the great venatio given by Hadrian.In Nero's time or later, the theater of Dionysos was remodeled for gladiatorialcontests (I. T. Hill, The AncientCity of Athens,p. 122). To judge fromthe lamps,the interestin gladiators in Athens was slight comparedto that in Corinth. 835 P1. 19. Cistern,C 14:2. Est. W. 0.082 m. Fragment of upper half. Orangeclay with buff surface. Disk: on the right, fully armedgladiatorlockedin close combat with his opponent,possiblya retiarius; the right leg of the gladiatorcrossesthe left leg of the retiarius.The gladiatoris armedwith crestedhelmet, oblongshield,curveddagger,greaves(?) and cuirass. Two framingrings. Rim: row of globules. Menzel 173, fig. 31, 1, combat of retiarius and for the gladiator,providesa possible reconstruction composition. Mid-3rdcentury. 836 Est. W. 0.08 m. Muchof upperhalf with handle;
nozzle missing. Cracking, orange-buff clay. Disk: on the left, fully armed gladiator crouches to attack fully armed gladiator, on the right, who is trying to run away; two framing rings, the inner one wider. Rim: inner band with blurred pattern, thin ring, outer band with panels and globules. Handle: grooved and roughly pierced. A better preserved example in the Kerameikos, P1. 23, 1, supplies the missing details. The lamp is 0.093 m. wide, a generation earlier than the Agora lamp. The inner band of the rim has a pattern of small dots and rings. The nozzle is heart-shaped. Leaf
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD A gladiatorialcombatnot represented in the Agora collectionappearson Athens N.M. 3144 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2506, 2564). Two fully armedgladiatorsfacing each other. The gladiatoron the left holds his shield aloft and graspsa short daggerin his right hand. The opposinggladiatoris wronglyshownwith the dagger in the left hand, the shieldin the right. Two framing rings. Rim: panels; inner band of dot rosettes, outer band plain. Handle ends in leaf. Base: within ring,
at base of handle. Concentriccircles on base. There are aroundone hundredand thirty-fivelamps in the nozzles and the same Kerameikoswith heart-shaped width varies from the on the disk; composition 0.093 m. to ca. 0.072 m. nozzleand the schemeof the rim The heart-shaped who may have occur on 919 signed by Elpidephoros, made the earlierof these gladiatorlamps as well. Thesamegladiatorsappearon a lampwith different rim and nozzle, signed by Eutyches, Athens N.M. 8148 (Inst. phot. N.M.2561).W. 0.084m. Rim: panels with incised branch; inner band of rosettes in reversinghooks, outer band plain. Normal,kite-shaped nozzle. See also Broneer 646, fig. 124, a lamp of Corinthian fabric. Secondhalf of 3rd century. 837 P1. 19. Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 208, fig. 8, 4. W. 0.079 m. Dark orangeclay; purplishglaze. Disk: similarto 836; two framingrings, the outer with ring of globules.Rim: panels; two plain bands. Heart-shaped nozzle. Handle: grooved and punchmarked,endingin leaf. Base: four circles. First half of 4th century. 838 P1.19. Bought in Athens.W. 0.087 m. Nozzleand clay. pieces restored. Cracking,orange-buff Disk: on the left, fully armed gladiator kneeling; on the right, thrax moves right. Framingring interrupted by handle and panels. Panelled rim with small ovolo. Handle: grooved and pierced, ending with incised x. Base: within circle. Takenfroma wornmould,possiblyof plaster.The handleis badly set in. Early 3rd century. 839 P1. 19. Well, M 17:1. Agora,V, M 200, p. 102, pl. 46. W. 0.08 m. Cracking,orangeclay. Disk: on the left, fully armed gladiatorkneeling; on the right, thrax moves right. Two framingrings. Plain rim with panels. Handle: groovedand pierced. Base: within circle,plain. See Broneer645, fig. 128, for the completecomposition; cf. Walters 1132, fig. 242, with heart-shaped nozzle. Late 3rd century.
Similar fragment: 840 C 14:2.
The representationis not known on Attic lamps beforethe secondhalf of the 3rd century. See Kiubler, figs. 27, 60. 844 P1. 19. W. 0.079 m. Clayunevenlyfiredcreamto orange. Disk: venator staving off bear. Framing ring. Panelled rim with twelve globules. Handle: grooved and punched.Base: within circle,reliefoutlineof leaf. Secondhalf of 3rd century.
Similar, dated in the late 3rd and early 4th century: 846 Rim: panels; 8-S. 846 Rim: globules. 847 Rim: herringbone panels; plain. Similar, glazed, dated in first half of the 4th into mid-4th century: 848 Rim: plain with panels. 849 P1. 19. 860 D 12:1. Herringbone rim.
851 Est. W. 0.086 m. Disk and rim fragment.Orange clay and glaze. Disk: bestiariusand bear at framework;framing ring. Rim: panels with incised branch flanked by small circles. The bear fight representedhere is discussed by Broneer in connection with the cuttings in the orchestrafloorof the Odeionin Corinth;see Corinth, X, pp. 54-55. Mid-4thcentury.
Similar:852 P1.19.
841 Est. W. 0.088 m. Nozzle, base, and many pieces missing. Buff clay. Disk: combat between retiarius and secutor; two framing rings. Panelled rim with very small ovolo. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within ring, not preserved. An emblema, Agora P 1900, has the same representation. First half of 3rd century.
Similar fragments: 842 C 14:2. Panelled rim with globules. 848 P1. 19. C 14:2.
853 P1. 19. Max. dim. 0.054 m. Disk fragment. Orange-buff clay; purplish glaze. Disk: bestiarius and bear at cochlea; framing ring. For the representation, see Corinth, X, pp. 54-55. Mid-4th century.
854 P1. 19. P.W. 0.032 m. Disk fragment. Buff clay; dark brown glaze. Disk: trainer feeding dancing bear cub; framing ring. First half of 4th century.
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES 855 P1. 19. Max. dim. 0.061 m. Fragment of upper half. Buff clay. Disk: trainerfeeding dancingbearcub; fourholes. Herringbonerim. Nozzle: many small circles; sides double-grooved. Similarto CL 2679, signed by Chione. Late 4th to early 5th century.
856 Cistern, G 5:2. Est. W. 0.084 m. Right side missing.Pinkish buff clay. Disk: dancing bear with trainer; framing ring. Rim: panels; inner band of incised triple wreath, outer plain band. Handle: grooved and punched, ending in leaf. Base: within ring, indistinct small circles. on a gem, see J. M. C. For a similarrepresentation in the Roman and their Names "Beasts Toynbee, the British School at Rome,XVI Empire," Papers of 86. The gem "shows the (New Series,III), 1948, p. Marcellus. with her trainer bear Eirene performing Marcelluscarriesa whip, and holds aloft what seems to be a succulentjoint." Secondhalf of 3rd century.
Similar, dated in late 3rd to early 4th century: 857 Pls. 19, 35. Base: within ring, Ei. 858 Rim: panels with incised branch; inner band of rosettes set in reversing hooks, outer
863 P1. 19. Purchasedin Athens. W. 0.088 m. Orange clay; the color of the glaze has been changed to brownby varnish added in moderntimes. Forgery? Disk: venator leaping over bear; framing ring. Filling-holeon the right; above the head of the bear, filling-holeindicatedbut not pierced through. Panelled rim with herringbone. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, E0jK. The followingfeaturessuggest that the lamp may have been made in modern times: the disfiguring marks of the paring knife on wall and handle; a gapingcrackin the wall and rim; many smallbubbles on the disk possibly resulting from the use of a plaster mould; the unretouchedconditionof the extremely blurry figures, unusual for the period. Although any one of these awkwardnessesmight occuron a lamp of the 4th centuryafter Christ,considered all together they throw doubt on the antiquity of the piece. The surface has clearly been tamperedwith by rubbingin varnish. The lamp, even if modern,was made either from 4th century mouldsor mouldstaken from a lamp of the 4th century,and is relatedto 861-862, signedby Rouphos. It is publishedwith the opinion that it is ancient. The double signatureis important,the only direct link betweenthe two great shops of Eutyches
864 W. 0.077 m. Muchof disk missing.Orange-brown clay and glaze. VENATOR LEAPING OVER BEAR Disk: venator leaping over bear; small circles around the edge which is slightly higher than rim. 859 Cistern,G 5:2. W. 0.088 m. Most of upperhalf, rim. Solid groovedhandle.Base: within Herringbone all of handle.Cracking, dull orangeclay. branch on three-leggedbase. incised Disk: venator leaping over bear; framing ring. ring, Mid-4th century. Rim: panels; inner band of buds set in reversing Handle: with outer band. Similar: dated in second half of 4th century: 865 Base: hooks, very plain grooved, within ring, tip of incised branch preserved. 866 Unglazed. small piercing,ending in leaf. The venator escaping from the beast with a Base: within two circles, Kv. perilous leap is discussed by Robert, Gladiateurs, MASKS p. 326. This relief appeared on Attic lamps in the late 867 19. W. 0.06 m. Nozzle missing.Light buffclay. P1. 3rd or early 4th century. Two lamps are illustrated Disk: Dionysiac mask with wreathed hair, left. by Kiibler,figs. 47, 58. Behind the head, a thyrsos. Below, a small square
Early 4th century.
Similar: 860 Glazed. Rim: incised triple wreath; panels.
861 P1. 19. W. 0.081 m. Orange clay; fairly heavy red glaze. Disk: venator leaping over bear; framing ring. Rim: herringbone panels which interrupt framing ring; band of herringbone pattern and plain narrow edge. Handle: grooved and punch marked. Base: within ring, Pov. First half of 4th century.
From the same moulds: 862 Base: signature as preceding.
object. Three framing rings. Narrow rim with ring of globules. U-shaped nozzle. Handle: grooved and pierced, set on at edge of rim. Base: two rings with central globule. For the mask, cf. a silver mug from Thrace, Arch. Anz., 1941, pp. 168-169, figs. 25-28. Mid-3rd century. 868 P1. 19. P.L. 0.063 m. Part of upper half. Buff clay with lighter slip. Disk: mask of slave in comedy. Rim, plain as far as preserved. Handle: grooved and punched. Second half of 3rd century.
886Thefollowing moulds: orrelated 884-885. From same 869 Est. W. 0.076 m. Part of upper half. Clay and changes were made in the mould: third framing ring added, black. burnt glaze set in raisedlines,wavyline and globulepatternadded rim. panels Disk: mask of slave in comedy. Herringbone to the rim. Solid groovedhandle. Mid-4thcentury. MAN AND GOAT Similar: 870. 871 Unglazed. Athens N.M. 3133 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2501, 2503). 872 P1. 19. Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 193, note 3. Est. W. Signed by Preimos. 0.082 m. Fragment of handle and upper half. Buff clay; purplishglaze. Disk: maskof young man in comedy;framingring. SEATED MAN AND HORSE Rim: panels with incised branch;eight small circles. Kibler figs. 1-2, signed by Elpidephoros. Solid groovedhandle. Mid-4thcentury.
887 P1. 19. Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 208, fig. 8, 7. W. 0.072 m. Parts of nozzle, base, and disk missing. Purple-brown clay and glaze. Disk: draped male figure, facing, standing with left hand on hip, holdinga prominentpalm branchin right; framingring. Six small circleson rim, one on nozzle. Solid handle, with hatched panel in front, groovesin back, endingin a leaf indicatedby grooved HORSE AND RIDER hooks. Base: within two circles, Ku with incised 876 P1. 19. W. 0.081 m. Crackingyellow-buffclay. branchin center. The lamp is filled with a white brittle porous subThe compositionis ill-fittedto the availablespace. stance visible at wick-, air- and filling-holes. The feet are choppedoff; the head and the tip of the Disk: horsemanridingleft; framingring. Panelled branchrun up on handle and rim. The lampmakers rim with inner band of blurred dot-rosettes, outer of this period did not customarily introduce new plain band. Grooved solid handle, ending in small figureddisk representations; rather, they continued leaf. Base: within ring outlined in grooves,ThpEieouto use from lamp-generation to generationsubjects in relief. introducedin the 3rd or early 4th century. Hence As with other post-Herulian of the lampmaker to commissioned lampsfrom this shop, the awkwardness the lampmakerhad difficulties in production. The make a lamp with a figurenot in his repertory. The suggestionthat this figurerepresentsa Chrisimpressionwas imperfectly taken from the mould, as on coins. The disk was tian martyr (Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 208 with footresultingin a double-strike furtherinjuredin the kiln. note 8) is strengthenedby the fact that eight lamps This relief does not occur on Attic lamps before with Christian symbols with the signature of the the late 3rd century. One lamp is illustrated by Ky shop are now known. The present writer, Kiubler, fig. 30. however,thinks a Christian martyra highly unlikely Late 3rd century. a for 4th Attic century subject lamp. Mid-4thcentury. Similarfragments, datedin the late 3rd and 4th century:
877 F 17:1. 878-879. 880 Rim: innerband of small circles.
881 Glazed. 882.
873 P1.19. Max. dim. 0.047 m. Disk fragment.Orange clay; purplishglaze. Maskof young man in comedy. Mid-4thcentury. Similar 874 Late 4th to early5th unglazed fragments: 875Herringbone rim. century.
883 P1. 12. W. 0.077 m. Part of nozzle missing. Pink buff clay. Disk: seated, bearded figure, wearing tunic and boots, faces right, stretching his hands towards a round three-legged table on which is a plate of food and a krater. A round object leans against the right table leg. Two framing rings. The plain, sloping rim is panelled. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, relief outline of leaf. Mid-3rd century.
888 P1. 19. Max. dim. 0.05 m. Fragment of disk and rim. Orange-buff clay with lighter slip. Disk: a slave in a tunic, seated on a low stool, his body turned right and his head facing; he holds something in his right hand, a small pot (2). On the right, a large cooking pot on a tripod which is in turn supported by a base. At the foot of the base, a lamp (?). Framing ring. Rim: indistinct incised pattern. For a discussion of the slave and water heater on lamps, see under Agora, VI, 1053-1056. Second half of 3rd century.
Thissubjectis not knownon Attic lampsbeforethe first half of the 4th century. See Kuibler, A lamp from the Kerameikosis shown on P1. 23, fig. 31. First half of 4th century. k. P.W. 0.04 m. Orangeclay. All the examples seen in the Kerameikos had panelled rim with triple Similarglazedlamps,datedto the mid-4thcentury:897. incisedwreath.The samesubjectof an ape pretending 898 Base:withintwo circles,six smallcircles.899. to play the double flute recurs on a 3rd century 900 W. 0.071 m. Orange-buff clay. emblemain the Kerameikos,P1. 47, a. Disk: Rim: eight small bear, left; framing ring. For figurines,bronzes,silver cups, paintings and double indicated circles; panels by short grooves. of an ape playing lamps on which the representation of nozzle Sides double-grooved; groove from edge of the double flute occurs, see W. C. McDermott, The disk to wick-hole. handle. Solid Base: within grooved Ape in Antiquity, p. 121; for lamps especially pp. two A. circles, earliestexample 809-310, nos. 540-542. McDermott's half of 4th century. Second (p. 12) is an illustration from the 8th century B.C. Egyptian papyrus in Turin, showing four animals 901 P1. 20. W. 0.075 m. Dark orange clay. Part of giving a concert;the ass plays the harp, the lion the base and many fragmentsmissing. Disk: bear, left; three small holes and filling-hole; lyre, the crocodile the lute, and the monkey the doubleflute. two framing rings. Plain rim with small circles. Handle: pierced and grooved. Base: within circle,
889 P1. 20. Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 213. W. 0.072 m. Buff clay; purplishbrownglaze. Disk: two apes facingacrossa table; framingring. Rim: herringbonepanels and eight small circles. Nozzle: sides double-grooved;groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles,A. For apes supposedly playing chess or draughts, see W. C. McDermott,The Ape in Antiquity,p. 137. CompareL. Leschi, Algerie Antique, Paris, 1952, p. 63, a lamp with two dice players,seated on chairs with high backs, facing each other across a board which rests on their knees. See Waldhauer 489, pl. XLVI. Second half of 4th century.
902 P1. 20. W. 0.081 m. Pinkish buff clay. Disk: bear walking left, in front of a fig tree laden with fruit. He is about to bite into a fig, and anotherlies near his front paw. Framingring. Rim: panels with incised branch; plain. Sides of nozzle Punch-marked handle,with grooves double-grooved. in front, incised branchin back. Base: within circle and borderof dashes,an incisedcrossand an X made of dashes, intersectingat the center. The subject is not known on Attic lamps before the 4th century. Broneer 1244, pl. XVII is a later, slightly differentcompositionsigned by Stratolaos. Early 4th century.
The relief of the bear, right, on Attic lamps, is often accompanied by the inscription 06pos; see L. Deubner, "Phobos," Ath. Mitt., XXVII, 1902, pp. 253ff. The subject is not known on Attic lamps before the second quarter of the 4th century. See Kiubler, fig. 64.
890 P1. 20. Est. W. 0.078 m. Base and most of right side missing. Brown clay; shiny brown glaze. Disk: bear, right, standing on base; above, in incised letters 06pos. Framing ring. Plain narrow rim. Solid grooved handle. Base framed by circle. Mid-4th century. Similar:891-892. 898 No inscription. 894-895.
903 Pl. 20. Well, J 12:1. H. 0.08 m. Nozzle, parts of disk, rim and base missing. Soft, gritty, buff clay. Disk: charging boar, left, on base-line; framing ring. Panelled rim with ovolo. Handle: groovedand pierced. Base: within circle, incised signature(?). Early 3rd century.
896 Max. dim. 0.06 m. Disk and rim fragment. Orange clay; orange-red glaze. Disk: bear, left. Rim: plain as far as preserved.
904 P1. 20. Max. dim. 0.061 m. Fragment of disk and rim. Flaking orange clay. Disk: bull, right, standing on base-line; left, a tree. Framing ring. Rim: two bands, the inner 16 (?) -S pattern, outer not preserved. Athens N.M. 3178, signed by Preimos, is similar except for the bull's horned head which is framed in a great ruff of mane. An Endymion sarcophagus in the Capitoline Museum carries a similar representation, Robert,Sarkophagreliefs,III, Pt. I, pl.XVI, 61b. Mid-Srd century.
905 P1. 20. Herulian destruction debris, H-I 12:1. varying firing conditions producedifferentcolors in Est. W. 0.082 m. Many pieces and most of base the clay. First half 3rd century. missing. Greenishgray clay. Disk: bull, right. Two framingrings. Rim: panels; From same moulds: 920 P 18:2. Orange clay. Signature globule wreath. Handle: grooved and pierced.Base: as preceding. within circle, TT[pdl]o[u]. First half ot 3rd century. COCK AND TWO ANIMALS
From same or related moulds: 906 J 12:1. 907 C 14:2.
908 Pl. 20. W. 0.08 m. Buff clay. Disk: bull with filleted horns, left; two framing rings. Panelled rim with 8-S pattern. Handle: groovedand pierced.Base: within circle,reliefoutline of leaf. The representationappearson Attic lamps in the mid-3rdcentury,and also on emblemata;see Broneer, p. 108, fig. 51. One lamp is illustrated by Kiibler, fig. 22. Mid-3rd century.
Similar, dated to the late 3rd and early 4th century: 909 Base: within three rough rings, relief outline of leaf. 910 Base: within circle, Ae. 911 K 20:1. Base: within circle, AEwith incised branch squeezed in on the left. 912 G 5:2. Base:
within circle,E[i]. Similar, glazed,datedin the first half of the 4th century: 918 Base: within circle,plain. 914-916.
917 W. 0.076 m. Fragmentof disk and rim. Brownbuff clay; purplishglaze. Disk: bull, left. Rim: herringbone panels;irregular row of globules. Mid-4thcentury.
921 Pls. 20, 49. W. 0.084 m. Clayunevenlyfired,buff to orange. Disk: cock pecking at a lizard. Above right, a cat (?). Panelledrim with innerband of herringbone, outer plain band. Handle, grooved and punchmarked, ending in leaf. Base: within ring, AE with incised branchin center. Kiubler, p. 130, found the closest parallelfor this reliefon an Attic sarcophagus; see Rodenwaldt,"Der von S. Lorenzo,"Jahrbuch,XLV, Klinensarkophag 1930, pl. 5. A mosaic in the 4th century church of Aquileia shows a cock about to attack a turtle; behind is an amphoraon a table; see R. Egger, "Ein altchristliches Jahre Kampfsymbol," Fitnfundzwanzig Kommission,Berlin und Leipr6misch-germanische zig, 1931, pp. 90-106, fig. 2. Egger interpretedthe agon betweenthe animalsfor the prize amphoraas a Christiansymbolof the battle between the forces of light and darkness. The representationis not known on Attic lamps beforethe late 3rd century. See Kiubler, figs. 32-33; see under780. fig. 32 shows a sub-archetype; Late 3rd to early 4th century.
Similar: 922.
918 Pl. 20. Well, F 16:2. W. 0.075 m. Nozzlemissing. DEER 923 W. 0.072 m. Handle, much of upperhalf. Orange Buff clay; worn purplish brown glaze. Disk: bull, left; framing ring. Rim: panels in- clay and glaze. Disk: deer, left; framing ring. Panelled rim with dicated by grooves; small circles flanking handle, Solid groovedhandle. panels, nozzle. Solid grooved handle. Base: within herringbone. two circles,incised branch. Athens N.M.3198 (Inst. phot. N.M.2522). Similar, Mid-4thcentury. Secondhalf of 4th century.
919 Pl. 20. Drain channel system, E 5:4. Hesperia, VII, 1988, p. 855, fig. 43; A.J.A., XLI, 1937, p. 188, fig. 19. W. 0.086 m. Muddy green clay. Disk: bull, lying down, left, on a well-defined baseline. Two framing rings, the inner thicker. Rim: band of 16-S pattern, ring, plain band with plain panels. Small heart-shaped nozzle. Handle: grooved and pierced, ending in relief leaf. Base: two rings, the inner one thinner, frame the relief signature 'Ekmrri&p 6pou. After the last letter, relief outline of leaf; in center, small raised disk. This lamp and the one following, made from the same moulds, furnish an example of the way in which
resentations in 3rd and 4th century Athens; see Agora, VI, 1086, a plastic lamp. Morethan two hundred and fifty-two lamps with this relief are preserved in the Kerameikos, none dating earlier than the mid-3rd century. 924 P1. 20. Well, K 20:1. Est. W. 0.079 m. Left side missing. Clay unevenly fired, orange to brown. Disk: seated dog, left; two framing rings. Rim: 8-8 pattern; panels with incised branch. Handle: punch-marked and grooved, with cross-strokes near base. Base: within circle, four small circles and Ae. Early 4th century.
handle.Base: withinalmond-shaped grooves,ETTI 10A. 928 P1. 20. W. 0.073 m. Part of front missing. Dull The last two letters eitherarepart of the signature in the first line or begin a secondname. orange clay. Disk: seated dog, left; framingring. Herringbone The dolphin's trident has been altered to an rim. Solid grooved handle ending in two small unsuitablebranch. circles. Base: within tear-shaped grooves, K retroSecondhalf of 4th century. grade. Secondhalf of 4th century. DOLPHIN, LEFT 939 Pls. 20, 35. W. 0.074 m. Orangeclay; red-purple glaze. DOLPHIN AND TRIDENT Disk: dolphin,left; framingring.Herringbone rim. Nozzle: sides from double-grooved; groove framing The dolphinand trident appearson Attic coins in Hellenistic times; see B.M.C. Attica, nos. 484ff. An ring to wick-hole.Solid groovedhandle.Base: within Attic marble altar of the 3rd century has a dolphin circle, four small circlesand K. The composition is not known on Attic lamps and tridentin relief on three sides, Agora,V, K 145, before the mid-4th century. p. 72, pl. 52. The subjectrecurson Attic emblemata; half of 4th century. Second see P1.47, b. The subject is not known on Attic lamps before Similar, unglazed: 940 Base: within almond-shaped the second half of the 3rd century. The lamps are grooves, incised branch on three-legged base and two small circles.941-942. illustratedby Kiibler,figs. 28, 62. 930 Well, K 20:1. Est. W. 0.088 m. Fragmentof disk and rim; non-joiningfragment of lower half. Hard pink-buffclay. Disk: dolphin, right, with trident; framing ring. Panelledrim, with innerband of globules,outerband plain. Back of handle is grooved, ending with leaf. Base: within ring, A closely similar E,.. lamp in the Kerameikos(Inst. phot. Ker. 978) is signedby Soteros. Late 3rd centuryinto first quarterof 4th century.
of the 4th century:925. 926 K 18:1. Glazed.Base: within rim. Nozzle: groove from framingring. Herringbone circle,relief outline of leaf. 927 Rim: plain with six small airto sides Solidgrooved wick-hole; double-grooved. blurredcircles.Base: within circle,A.
943 P1. 20. W. 0.072 m. Upperhalf. Orangeclay and glaze. Disk: fish with head towardhandle;framingring. Wavy lines on rim. Nozzle: sides double-grooved; groove from air- to wick-hole. Solidgroovedhandle. Mid-4thcentury.
Two fish hooked together by a loop appear on Similarfragment:981 Pl. 20. Similarglazedfragments, datedin the firsthalf of the 4th century:982 Rim: panelled; Pompeian wall-painting;cf. E. Pfuhl, Malerei und incisedtrefoiland reel.933 Rim:herringbone. 984. 985 Rim: Zeichnungder Griechen,Miinchen, 1923, Vol. III, herringbone. p. 319, fig. 710. 936 W 0.067 m. Front missing. Dull orange-buff clay; rusty orange glaze. Disk: dolphin,right, with trident; framinggroove. Rim: panels with incised branch;eight small dotted circles. Solid grooved handle, ending in leaf. Base:
within ring, GE. Mid-4th century. 937 P1. 20. W. 0.071 m. Burned clay and glaze, green to brownish purple. Disk: dolphin, right, with trident, framing ring. Herringbone rim. Nozzle: sides double-grooved; groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, Ei. Second half of 4th century. 938 P1. 20. W. 0.068 m. Much of right side missing. Very hard, coarse, brown clay; traces of a purplish glaze.
The representationis not known on Attic lamps beforethe secondhalf of the 3rd century. One lamp is illustratedby Kiibler,fig. 24. 944 Max. dim. 0.063 m. Fragmentof disk and rim. Pinkish buff clay.
Disk: two fish; two framing rings. Rim: panels with globules; globules in threes. Second half of 3rd century.
945 P1. 20. Well, Q 17:4. Hesperia, XXV, 1956, p. 55, note 28, p1. 15, a. W. 0.075 m. Light buff clay. Disk: two fish; two framing rings. Rim: panels with incised branch; 8-S. Sides of nozzle doublegrooved. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, E0 with incised branch in center. Second half of 3rd century.
Similar, dated in the late 3rd century and first quarter
lion (similarto but not the sameas the A crouching two circlesP[ov].951-954. published lamptype) appearson an Attic sarcophagus von S. LoSimilar, glazed, dated in first half of 4th century: 955 by Rodenwaldt, "Der Klinensarkophag Base: within two circles, plain. 956 I 16:1. Base: within renzo," Jahrbuch,XLV, 1930, p. 130, fig. 10. The two circles, plain. 957 Base: within two circles, plain. lamp type is found on emblemata; see Agora, V, 958-959. K 17, p. 61, pl. 86. 960 P1.20. W. 0.08 m. Part of right side missing.Clay Attic lamps with this type are not known before and glaze burnt black and dark purple. Dented out the late 3rd century. Broneer,pl. XVIII, is devoted of shape. to a series of these lamps. Three are illustrated by Disk: two fish, two framingrings. Wavy lines on Kiibler,figs. 26, 37, 54. rim. Sides of nozzle double-grooved.Solid grooved 970 Pls. 21, 86. Footing trench of Late Roman handle. Base: within two circles,incised branch. Fortification Wall, R 14:1. Hesperia, IV, 1935, Second quarterof 4th century. p. 382. W. 0.085 m. Pinkish buff clay. Similar, dated in second and third quarters of the 4th Disk: lion crouching,right; right, spray of three century: 961. 962 Rim: wavy lines; panels with incised buds. Framingring. Panelledrim with inner band of branch. 968 D 12:1. 964. triple wreath; outer band plain and narrow.Handle: grooved and punched, ending in leaf. Base: within GOAT ring, incised outline of leaf above TTpsiElpov. See under Eunomos, p. 84, P1. 28, m. Thirdquarterof 3rd century.
965 Est. W. 0.064 m. Handle, part of disk and rim. Buff clay; brownglaze. Disk: bridledhorse,left; framingring. Rim: plain, panels indicated by grooves. Solid handle, with hatched panel in front, groovesin back. The horseis excerptedfrom the relief of horseand rider, 876ff. Mid-4thcentury.
Similar966. 967 P1.21.
From related moulds: 971 Base: within ring, incised outline of leaf above HpE{'ilou. 972 Base: within ring, K. intoherringbone, wreathmerging outerbandplainandnarrow.
Similar: 978 Glazed. Rim: inner band of incised triple
974 P1. 21. Agora, V, under K 17, p. 61, pl. 36. W. 0.078 m. Dark orange clay; orange-brown glaze. Disk: lion crouching,right; framinggroove.Rim: panels with incised branch;eight small circles. Solid groovedhandle.Base: within two circles,plain. First half of 4th century.
Similar, dated in the 4th century: 975 Not glazed. 976-977.978 D 12:1. 979-987.
968 P1. 21. Well, D 12:1. Est. W. 0.14 m. Most of upper half with handle. Brown-buffclay. Disk: lion, left, standing in front of tree; framing ring. Plain rim. Handle: set on to the edge of rim, grooved,with two piercings.U-shapednozzle set off from rim by two transversegrooves. The composition is probably excerpted from a battle betweencentaursand wild animals;see Robert, II, pl. VII, 20 c; G. Rodenwaldt, Sarkophagreliels, "Vertragus," Jahrbuch, XLVIII, 1933,p. 224, fig. 13.
Attic lamps with this type are not known before the 4th century. They are all oversize and derive from metal, as indicated by the precarious grip of the handle, the U-shaped nozzle, and the concentric rings on the base. One lamp was found in Cyprus, A. Westholm, The Temples of Soli, Stockholm, 1936, pl. XXVI, 494. Five fragments are illustrated by Kiubler, figs. 65-69, and discussed pp. 131, 182, 185. No signed examples are known. First half of 4th century.
From same or related moulds: 969 Glazed. Base: six concentric rings.
988 P1.21. P.H. 0.057 m. Width of panel0.34 m. Part of rim and wall. Very hard, orange clay. The rim had at least two bands,the innerone with relief pattern, the outer plain. On the panel, owl in high relief. A fragment in the Kerameikos(Inst. phot. Ker. 1216) preservesa similar panel from the left side of a lamp; the rim seemsto be dividedinto three bands and the plumage is renderedby careless grooving.
Probably each of these enormous lamps had a representation of Athena on the disk. Early 4th century.
989 P1. 21. P.W. 0.064 m. Fragment of upper half. Buff clay; purplish glaze. Disk: panther, right; incised above, ATTEKTOI. Framing ring. Rim preserved near nozzle, plain with small triple circle. Mid-4th century.
Similar fragments: 990-991.
992 P1. 21. W. 0.075 m. Fragment of upper half. Orange-buff clay. Disk: panther, right, with head turned left; two 1008-1006. filling-holes.Herringbonerim. Nozzle: sides doublegrooved; groove, flanked by small circles, to wick- RAM hole. The lamp type is reproduced on Attic emblemata Late 4th century. P Cf. Walters 1033,fig. 207. Agora (e.g. Agora 10188). B 104 is a small bronzeram of Romantimes. The ram is not known on Attic lamps before the PANTHER, LEFT mid-3rd century. Three lamps are illustrated by 993 P1.21. W. 0.07 m. Flaking,orangeclay. 25, 41, 43. A.J.A., XXXVII, 1933, Disk: panther, left; the beast has a collar about Kiubler,figs. illustrates a lamp found in a chicken's 569, fig. 18 its neck. Framinggroove. Herringbone rim. Nozzle: p. burial. set off from rim by transversegroove and hatched section; groove from air- to wick-hole.Solid grooved 1007 Pls. 21, 35. Cistern, G 5:2. W. 0.079 m. Dull handle. Base: within two circles,A. orangeclay. Disk: ram, left; two framingrings. Panelled rim Mid-4thcentury. with 8-S pattern. Groovedhandlewith punch-marks. Similar: 994 Base: within two circles, five small circles Base: within circle, E (lunate). in the form of a cross. Mid-3rd century.
From related moulds: 1008 Base: within circle, EOwith relief outline of leaf in center. Late 3rd century. Similar: late 3rd to early 4th century: 1009. 1010 M 17:1. Agora, V, M 202, p. 103, pl. 46. 1011-1012. Similar, glazed, second quarter of 4th into mid-4th century: 1018 Base: within circle, plain. 1014 Base: within circle, incised signature of two letters, not read.
Similar, dated in the mid-4th century: 998 D 12:1. Base: within two circles, five small circles in the form of a cross. 999-1002 Base: within two circles, plain. Similar fragments, dated in second half of 4th century:
Disk: panther, left, standing on base; framing groove. Herringbone rim. Nozzle: sides doublegrooved;groovefromair- to wick-hole.Solidgrooved handle,endingin two small circles.Base: within two circles,seven small circles. Mid-4thcentury.
Similar unglazed fragment: 996.
Panthers like wine because they are metamorphosedmaenads(Oppian,Cyneg.,III, 78). Dionysos, intoxicated,sometimesleaned on a satyr and poured the rest of the wine into the gullet of a waiting panther. See P. Amandry, "Naiskos en or de la collection Helene Stathatos," Annuario,1946-1948, p. 190, note 1, figs. 7-8, terracotta reliefs; A.J.A., XXXIV, 1930, p. 427, fig. 18, an Augustan lamp. These lamps representa later stage of the festivities whenthe kantharosdropped fromDionysos'oblivious hand and the pantherhad the krater to herself; see Clarac,II, pls. 125, 225, 258. On the lamps, a pantheress or lioness often places a heraldic paw on the krater, Delphes, V, 522, fig. 816; Bachofen, pl. XXVII, 2. A panther drinking from a krater is not known on Attic lamps before the second quarter of the 4th century. 997 P1. 21. Well, D 12:1. W. 0.076 m. Dark orangebuff clay; shiny glaze, purple to orange. Disk: panther with krater; framing ring. Plain rim. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Solid grooved handle, ending in small leaf. Base: within two
1015 P1. 21. Well, D 12:1. Max. dim. 0.066 m. Disk and rim fragment. Orangeclay with buff slip; thin fabric. On the disk, two vine leaves and a cluster are preserved.Two framingrings. Raised rosettes with ring centerson rim. Early 3rd century. 1016 P1. 21. Cistern, C 14:2. Max. dim. 0.062 m. Fragment of disk and rim. Light orange-buffclay. Disk: ivy wreath;two framingrings. Panelledrim with pattern of wavy lines. Mid-3rd century.
Mid-4th century.
1017 P1. 21. Well, K 20:1. P.W. 0.065 m. Fragment of upper half. Greenish buff clay. Disk: wickerwork basket with pomegranate, grape cluster and ears of grain (2); two framing rings. Panelled rim with 8-8 pattern. Handle: grooved and punched. The kalathos with wheat standing in it appears on Athenian imperial coinage associated with the Eleusinian mysteries, Hesperia, V, 1936, pp. 308-309, fig. 16, no. 26. For a wicker basket containing a poppy and ears of grain, see Syll. Num. Graec. D.N.M. Argolis, pl. 12, 587.
Similar,dated in the late 3rd to early 4th century:1024 Attic lamps with this type are not known before two closely spaced circles [E]?r. 1025 Base: Base: in the mid-Srdcentury. Two are illustrated Kiibler, withinwithin two closely spaced circles, incised branch. 1026-1028. figs. 23, 45. Similar, glazed, dated in the first half of the 4th century: Late 3rd century. 1029 P1. 21. D 12:1. 1080. 1081 P 18:2. 1082-10835.
Similar: 1018 Hesperia, V, 1936, p. 16. Base: within rough circle, six small circles and EO.1019 O 17:4. Base: within
1020 P1. 21. Well, D 12:1. Est. W. 0.076 m. Muchof disk and many pieces missing from top and bottom. Brownclay; uneven brownglaze. Disk: wicker basket surmounted by an oblong object; left, a pomegranate;framinggroove. Incised wreath on rim. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two closely spaced circles, XTr. First half of 4th century.
The bull's head appears on Athenian imperial coinage; see J.P. Shear, Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 278, no. 8, and Hesperia,V, 1936, p. 301, coins commemoratingthe Dipoleia.For bull's heads and boukrania in Greekand Roman art, see C.C.Vermeule,A.J.A., LXI, 1957, pp. 239-243. 1054, a bull'shead on a plaquerepresentsa bronze plaquesuch as AgoraB 411, of the 3rd century (with the bull'shead, whichwas separatelyattached,Agora B 415). Cf. Agora,VI, 613.
1059 has a bull'sheadandaltaron the disk;with the exceptionof this lamp all the 3rd centurylampswith bull's head have U-shaped nozzles and probably derivefrommetal archetypes.In the 4th centurythe type was taken over into the repertoryof lampswith kite-shapednozzles.The transitionfromone shape of nozzleto the otheris caughtin 1058, wherethe lampmakerkept the transverse line whichset the U-shaped Similar:1022 P1. 21. Rim: panels with incisedpattern; nozzleoff fromthe rim and addedthe obliquegrooves 8 S. First half of 4th century. to indicate the kite-shapednozzle. 1021 P.W. 0.056 m. Disk and rim fragment.Orangebuff clay with lighter slip. Disk: two-handled basket; framing ring. Rim: panels with incised branch, flankedby small circles. The basket resembles those currently in use in excavationsin Greece. Late 3rd century.
Rim:plain 1036 P1. 22. W. 0.072 m. Orange-buff clay. Disk: bull's head; the forelock is arrangedin a trianglecomingdownbetweenthe eyes. Two framing rings. Plain rim. U-shapednozzle set off fromrim by two transverse grooves.Handle:groovedandpunched. Base: four rings with central boss. Late 3rd into early 4th century.
Similar fragment: 1087 Second half of 3rd century.
A largeboat is shown; the pennant,halyards,bolt ropes, and the square patches of which the sail is made are indicated.At the left is the helmsmanwith the steering oar; to the right is the lookout. Such a cargoship appearsin the harborof Ostiaon the relief in the Museo Torlonia, Rome; see Toynbee, The Hadrianic School, pl. XXIV, 1. Miss Toynbee tentatively dated the relief to the latter half of the 2nd century after Christ.A bronzemedallionof Commodus shows a similar trading boat in port (Bernhart, der riimischen Handbuchzur Mifnzkunde Kaiserzeit, Halle, 1926, Tafelband,pl. 28, 4). F. Moll,Das Schiff in derbildenden Kunst, pl. B VII, gives a good selection of boats on lamps (and boat-lamps)which does not include this particularrepresentation.
Attic lamps with this type are not known before the late 3rd century. Another kind of boat appears on a lamp signed by Elpidephoros, P1. 28, a. See also the boat lamp, P1. 23, j. 1023 P1. 21. W. 0.085 m. Dull pinkish buff clay. Disk: boat; framing ring. Plain rim with raised panels. Handle: grooved and pierced, with crossstrokes at end. Base: within two closely spaced circles, incised outline of leaf. From same or related moulds, Athens N.M. 3140 signed by Eutyches (Inst. phots. N.M. 2505, 2568). Second half of 3rd century.
Disk: bull's head; two framing rings. Plain rim, with two imitationrivets in front of nozzle.U-shaped nozzle set off by two transverse grooves. Handle: in front and back. groovedand punched;herringbone
Base: four rings with central boss. Late 3rd to early 4th century.
1048 Glazed.
1044 P1. 22. Hesperia, II, 1988, p. 208, fig. 8, 8. W. 0.075 m. Buff clay; purplish brown glaze. Disk: bull's head; framing ring. Rim: panels with incised branch. Solid handle, with hatched panel in front, grooves in back. Base: within circle, plain. First half of 4th century.
Similar: 1045.
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES 1046P1.22. W. 0.07 m. Orange-buff clay; purplishred glaze. Disk: bull's head; framing ring interrupted by handle. Rim: panels with incised branch; plain. Nozzle: set off from rim by long transversegroove, with two pairs of groovesindicating the sides. Solid groovedhandle. Base: within ring, Pov. Mid-4thcentury.
1065 Pl. 22. W. 0.069 m. Orange-buffclay; worn brownglaze. Disk: seven branchesspring from a central stem. Each segmentedbranch has a flame-liketip, six of which run over the framinggrooveand onto the rim. Ten small circles on rim. Groovefrom air- to wickhole. Solidgroovedhandle.Base: within heart-shaped Similar: 1047 Base: two rings with plain center. 1048 groove, A. Base: two rings with central small circle. 1049 Base: two Although there are no examples elsewhereof the rings with central small circle. 1050. 1051 Base: within Menorah, the seven-branched candlestick, with heart-shaped groove, plain. 1052 Nozzle set off from rim by branches curving outward like those of a tree, the hatched panel. Base: within two circles, plain. 1058. seven brancheswith flames at the tips can scarcely be anything else. The odd curve of the branchesis Rim:globules related to the fact that the representationwas not 1054Pl. 22. Well,M 20:2. W. 0.064m. Soft, buffclay. fitted into the allotted space and ran onto the rim; Disk: bull's head on plaque; two framing rings. the was with an clearly lampmaker having difficulties Narrowrim with ring of globules. U-shapednozzle. unfamiliar which he altered subject slightly in Handle: grooved and pierced, set onto edge of rim. a For selection of Menorahs on lamps, copying. good Base: wide outer ring, two circles, central boss. see E. R. Goodenough, Jewish Symbolsin the GrecoFirst half of 3rd century. RomanPeriod,Vol. 3, figs. 923-958. Mid-4thcentury. From same moulds: 1055 M 20:2. 1056 W. 0.068 m. Orange-buff clay. Disk: bull's head; three framing rings. Globules CORNUCOPIA aroundnarrowrim. U-shapednozzle set off fromrim 1066 P1. 22. P.W. 0.057 m. Fragmentof upper half. by two transverse grooves. Handle: grooved and Light buff clay. Disk: cornucopia,filled with grapes and other Base: concentricrings. punch-marked. Late 3rd to early 4th century. fruit, supportedon a stand. In the field, two vine leaves. Two framing rings. Rim: panels flanked by Similar: 1057 F 19:1. Agora, V, L 34, p. 77, pl. 45. ovules. Handle: grooved and pierced. Early 3rd century. 1058 W. 0.072 m. Orangeclay and glaze. Disk: bull'shead; two framingrings.Rim: panels; globules. U-shaped nozzle set off from rim both by CRESCENT transversegroove and by pairs of oblique grooves. Lampmakersoften liked to convert plastic lamp Solid groovedhandle.Base: within threerings,plain. to disk reliefs. For a lamp in the form of a subjects First half of 4th century. crescent,see Barr6-Roux, pl. 41, and there is another in the Benachi Collection. Rim:wreath 1089 has a crescentmoonand star on the disk; cf. 1059P1.22. Well, C20:1. W. 0.081m. Light buffclay. Brants 622, pl. V, signed C OPPI RES. Disk: bull's head and altar; two framing rings. As in the case of the bull's head, the crescentwas Rim: widest at panels; wreath.Handle: groovedand limited in the 3rd century to lamps with U-shaped pierced. Base: within two circles, traces of incised nozzles, which probably derive from metal archesignature. types. In the 4th centurythe crescentwas taken over
Early 3rd century. into the repertory of lamps with kite-shaped nozzles. Rim:plain 1067 Well, K 20:1. W. 0.075 m. Top of handle and pieces missing. Burnt buff to gray clay. Disk: tip of horn of crescent moon preserved; three framing rings, the outer two higher than the rim. Sloping rim with small circles flanking handle and nozzle. U-shaped nozzle set off from rim by two grooves. Grooved handle. Base: within two rings, Ei with incised branch in center. Late 3rd century. Rim: herringbone
1060 Pl. 22. W. 0.074 m. Brown clay; purplish brown glaze. Disk: bull's head; framing groove. Herringbone rim. Groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle, ending in three small circles. Base: within heart-shaped groove, four small circles. Mid-4th century.
Similar, dated in mid-4th into second half of 4th century:
Similar,late 3rdand early4th century:1068 Base: three 1104 P1.22.W. 0.062m. Orange clay;wornorange glaze. Disk: crescent, framing ring. Row of globules first half of 4th mid-4th into Similar,glazed, century. 1071 Base: four concentricrings. 1072 P1. 22. Base: four around rim. U-shaped nozzle set off from rim by transverse handle. Base: Solid
concentric rings. 1069. 1070 F 17:1. Base: concentric rings.
grooves.Base: four concentricrings. 1074 Nozzle merging into body. Base: four blurredconcentricrings. 1075 Base: within three circles,KV.Mid-4thcentury.
concentric rings. 1073 Panels on rim. Nozzle set off from rim both by transverse hatched panel and by oblique
1076 W. 0.081 m. Orange-buffclay; orange glaze. Disk: crescent, framing ring. Rim: panels with incisedbranch;eight smallcircles.Handle:solid,with hatched panel in front, groovesin back. Base: within two circles, five small circles in the form of a cross. First half of 4th century.
star-rosettes, and eleven small triple circles. Base: within circle, plain. 1078 Base: within two circles, A. 1079 Base: within two circles, plain.
1080 W. 0.059 m. Dull orangeclay. Disk: crescentand five small circles;framingring. Rim: panels with incised branch;eight small circles. Small circles on nozzle; short groove to wick-hole. Similar:1107 Base: within two circles,five small circles Solid handle, with herringbone panel in front, in the formof a cross(?). 1108-1109. groovesin back. Base: within two circles,smallcircle. Rim: herringbone Late 4th century. 1110 P1. 22. W. 0.067 m. Cracking orange-buff clay; Rim:globules orangeglaze. Disk: crescent, framing ring. Herringbonerim. 1081 P1.22. Well, M 20:2. W. 0.067 m. Top of handle Nozzle set off by transverse,hatched panel; groove missing. Soft, light buff clay. from panel to wick-hole.Solid groovedhandle.Base: Disk: crescent, two framing rings. Narrow rim within two circles,incised branch. with ring of globules. U-shapednozzle slightly lower half of 4th century. Second than rim. Groovedhandle,set onto edge of rim. Base: two rings with centralboss. Similar:1111Fromsame or relatedmouldsas preceding. First half of 3rd century. 1112 Base: within two circles, Ky. 1118 Base: within two
Similar: 1082. circles, five small circles in the form of a cross.
three groove. grooved flat rings. A secondgenerationlamp. Mid-4thcentury. Rim:wavy lines 1105 Pls. 22, 36. W. 0.071 m. Orangeclay and glaze. Tear-shaped disk: raised crescent and small circlesand designs. Wavy lines on rim. Small circles flank handle and air-hole. Solid grooved handle, ending in small circle. Base: within heart-shaped groove, IT with incised branchin center. Mid-4thcentury. 1106 W. 0.068 m. Orangeclay; flaky red glaze. Crescent on disk. Wavy lines on rim. Solidgrooved handle. Base: within tear-shaped grooves, K retrograde. Secondhalf of 4th century.
1114 P.L. 0.088 m. Most of nozzle and walls missing. 1083 W. 0.078 m. Handle missing. Soft, light buff Orangeclay. clay with surfacemuch worn. Disk: crescent, framing ring. Herringbonerim. Disk: crescent, three framing rings. Row of Nozzle: groove from air- to wick-hole;sides doubleglobuleson rim. U-shapednozzle slightly lower than grooved. Solid grooved handle. Base: within tearrim. Base: four rings. shaped grooves, plain. Mid-3rdcentury. Late 4th to early 5th century.
M 20:2. 1088. 1089 Q 15:1. Agora, V, K 130, p. 70. Fragment of disk with crescent, two stars of raised dots, and four small holes.
Similar:1115 Glazed. 1116 P1. 22. W. 0.065 m. Dull orange clay. Tear-shaped disk: crescent, three small circles at spring of handle, four holes; framing groove. Herringbone on sharply sloping rim. Two small circles on nozzle. Handle: grooved and punched. Base: within almond-shaped band, A. Late 4th century.
1090 P1. 22. Well, F 16:2. W. 0.072 m. Bright orange clay with burnt areas. Disk: crescent, three framing rings. Row of globules around rim. U-shaped nozzle set off from rim by transverse ridge. Handle: grooved and punched. Concentric rings on base. Early 4th century.
Q 17:4. 1092 F 17:1. 1098 F 17:1. 1094-1102. 1108 G 5:2.
Similar, dated in late 3rd and early 4th century: 1091
1117 P1. 22. Well, S 21:3. W. 0.078 m. Restored; top of handle missing. Coarse orange clay with many white bits and gritty texture.
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES Disk: krater proppedup on rectangularstand or table of which one leg and one crosspiece show. Clustersof grapes and vine leaves falling from the mouth of the krater and in the field. Two framing rings. Rim: panels; wreath. Groovedhandle ends in vine leaf. Base: within two uneven circles, ITpEiho IV. Early 3rd century. 1118 P1. 22. P.L. 0.064 m. Handle, part of disk and rim. Orangeclay and glaze. Disk: kraterwith fruit and an unidentified object; framingband. Rim: plain as far as preserved.Solid groovedhandle. Secondhalf of 4th century. 1119 P1.22. Est. W. 0.061 m. Fragmentof upperhalf. Orangeclay and glaze. Disk with channel to wick-hole;krater with ears of grain (?); framinggroove,with arcs on either side. rim. Solid groovedhandle. Herringbone Secondhalf of 4th century.
Similar: 1126 Base: within two circles, plain (?). 1127 Not glazed. Base: within two circles, Kv. 1128 Not glazed. Base: within two circles, five small circles in the form of a cross. Related to 1127. 1129 Not glazed. Base: within tearshaped groove, five small circles in the form of a cross.
Rim : wavy lines 1130 P1. 24. W. 0.067 m. Dark orangeclay; uneven brownishorangeglaze. Disk: shell, framing groove. Wavy lines on rim. Sides of nozzledouble-grooved. Solidgroovedhandle. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, two small circles. Secondhalf of 4th century.
Similar: 1131 Not glazed. Base: within circle, retrograde. .h
Rim: herringbone 1132 Pl. 24. Hesperia,II, 1933,pp. 206-208, 213, fig. 8, 2. W. 0.073 m. Orangeclay and glaze. Disk: shell, framingring. Rim: herringbone continuing aroundin front. Groovefrom air- to wickPELTA hole. Solidgroovedhandle.Base:withintwo circles,A. 1120 P1.24. Well,M 20:2. W. 0.062m. Mostof handle Secondhalf of 4th century. missing. Soft, cream-buffclay with greenish tinge. Disk: pelta with crossed spear and double axe From related moulds: 1133 N 21:1. Base: within two T. circles, two Narrow rim with behind; framingrings. ring of nozzle. Handle set on to of globules. U-shaped edge 1134 P1.24. Est. W. 0.07 m. Part of left side missing. rim. Base: two rings with centralglobule. Buff clay. First half of 3rd century. Disk: shell. Rim: herringbone;small circles at Similar: 1121 Base: two rings with central globule. Late handle and nozzle. Groove from air- to wick-hole. 3rd century. Solid grooved handle. Base: within circle, cross 1122 Cistern,A 14:2. Est. W. 0.086 m. Two non- formedby two incised brancheswith small circlesin joining fragmentspreservepart of disk and most of the quadrants. Late 4th century. lower half. Soft, orange-buffclay. Disk: pelta and pelekyspattern.Base: within two Fromrelatedmoulds:1185 Glazed. closely spaced circles, blurry incised branch (2) Similar: 1186 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, five flankedby letters Ae. smallcirclesin the formof a cross(?). 1187Base:withintwo The alternate reading for the first letter of the circles,K. signatureis delta. Late 3rd to early 4th century. CONSTANTINIAN MONOGRAM 1138 P1. 12. W. 0.075 m. Orangeclay. SHELL Disk: Constantinian with open (?) rho; monogram two filling-holes; Rim : plain Rim: innerband of framinggroove.
1123 W. 0.067 m. Buff clay; brown-orange glaze. Disk: shell, framing ring. Rim: panels sketchily indicated; eight globules replace the usual small circles. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, A. Second half of 4th century.
From same or related moulds: 1124 Base: within two circles, A.
six small circles, narrow plain outer band. Nozzle: groove, flanked by small circles, from air- to wickhole; sides double-grooved. Base: within two circles, small central circle. Second half of 4th century. 1139 P1. 24. W. 0.064 m. Orange clay. Disk: Constantinian monogram with closed rho turned left. Wavy lines on rim. Nozzle: groove from air- toward wick-hole; sides double-grooved. Solid grooved handle, the end flanked by two small circles.
1125 Pls. 24, 36. W. 0.06 m. Buff clay; purplish glaze. Disk: shell, framing groove. Plain narrow rim. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, X. Late 4th century.
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD From related moulds, Corinth, Tseliolophos165, signed Al with branchin center. Second half of 4th century.
Fragment of disk and rim from same mould: 1142.
1140 P1.24. Est. W. 0.066 m. Part of upperhalf. Buff clay; purplishglaze. Disk: Constantinianmonogramwith closed rho; the bars are hatched; incised alpha and omegaleft and right; two holes. Herringbone rim. Nozzle: groove from air- to wick-hole;sides double-grooved. Similar and perhapsrelated to Athens N.M. 3324 (Inst. phot. N.M. 2497),signedby Theodoulos. Secondhalf of 4th century. 1141 Pls. 24, 35. W. 0.071 m., L. 0.144 m. Orangebuff clay. Disk: Constantinianmonogramwith closed rho; alpha and omegabetween the bars. Small circle at centerof chrismand at ends of bars. Two largeholes, four small. Framing ring. Herringbone rim with small circles at handle and nozzle. Elongatednozzle with arcs on either side; grooverunningfrom imperfectly piercedair-holeto wick-hole.Handle: grooved and pierced.Base: within heart-shapedgrooves, Ku.
1143 P1. 24. W. 0.075 m. Dark orange-buffclay; purplishbrownglaze. Disk: cross monogramwith closed rho; framing rim. Nozzle:groovefromair- to groove.Herringbone Solidgroovedhandle, wick-hole;sidesdouble-grooved. the end flanked by two small circles. Base: within two circles, GeoSoI0'. Secondhalf of 4th century. 1144 Pl. 24. W. 0.069 m. Orangeclay. Disk with narrow channel to wick-hole; cross monogramwith closed rho turned left. Herringbone rim. Solid grooved handle, the end flanked by two circles. Base: within two circles,five small circles in the form of a cross. Late 4th to early 5th century.
1152 Pls. 12,24. Well, N 20:3. W. 0.075 m. Light buff clay. nozzle Rim : plain. U-shaped Disk: two narrowringsand wide ring risinghigher 1145 P1. 24. W. 0.047 m. Nozzle and other pieces than rim; framingring. Plain rim with two imitation missing.Light orange-buff clay. Splashesof red glaze rivets in front of U-shapednozzle. Handle: grooved on handle and wall. and pierced.Base: three rings. Miniature lamp. Plain disk with two framingrings. First half of 3rd century. Plain, very narrow rim. U-shaped nozzle. Handle: Similar,dated in the first three quartersof the 3rd pierced, grooved with incised x at end; set on at century: 1153 116:1. 1154 B 17:1. Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, of rim. three Base: with central boss. edge rings p. 217, pl. 41, 2. Pattern of dot rosettesadded to the rim. First half of 3rd century. 1155 Pattern of globules added to the rim. 1156 Pattern of
1166 P1.24. Well, F 16:2. W. 0.072 m. Cracking, buff clay. 1147. 1148 Secondgeneration lamp. Plain disk with threeframingrings.Plain rim with 1149 P1.24. Well,M 20:2. W. 0.067 m. Top of handle two small circlesfrontingon nozzle. U-shapednozzle set off from rim by transverse groove. Handle: missing. Cream-buff clay. Disk: concentric rings, with the outermost ring grooved and punched. Base: within three circles, much higher than the rim; two framingrings. Plain incised branch. Late 3rd century. rim, widest at sides. U-shapednozzle with two imitation rivets in front. Handle: grooved and pierced. From related moulds: 1167 P1. 36. F 17:1. Base: within Base: three rings. two rings, AE and, above, segment of small circle; below, in outer base-ring, maker's mark (?) E with bars pointing First half of 3rd century.
Similar, dated in the second half of the 3rd century:
1146 P1.24. W. 0.081 m. Cream-buff clay with a green tinge. Concentric rings on disk, the outermostring rising well above the rim; two framing rings. Plain rim, widest at sides. U-shaped nozzle. Base: within two rings, centralboss. First half of 3rd century.
Similar, second generation lamps dated in the late 3rd century and first quarter of 4th century: 1158 F 17:1. 1159 F 17:1. 1160 F 17:1. 1161 F 16:2. 1162. 1168 Panels on rim. Base: within two circles, plain. 1164 Glazed. Base: within circle, plain. 1165 Glazed. Base: within two closely spaced circles, plain.
Fromrelatedmoulds:1150 F 16:2. Similar, dated in the late 3rd century into first quarter Similar:1151 N 20:3. Base: within ring, centralglobule of 4th century: 1169 G 5:2. Base: within two rings, Ei. 1170 framedby narrowring. F 16:2. Base:withintwo rings,Ei. 1171F 16:2. Base:within
transverse grooves; groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid groovedhandle.Base: within two circles,'Aya. Secondhalf of 4th century. a cross. 1175 Glazed.Base: within ring, plain. 1176 Base:
From same moulds: 1201 Base: within two circles, 'Aya.
Rim : plain. Plain nozzle 1178 Pls. 24, 37. W. 0.085 m. Muddygreenclay. Plain disk with two framingrings. Plain, panelled rim, widest at center. Groovedpiercedhandle, with faint cross-strokes at base. Base: within ring, raised outline of leaf. Early 3rd century. 1179 P.W. 0.073 m., H. 0.027 m. Nozzlemissing.Pale buff clay. Plain disk with framing ring. Rim: panels; two plain bands. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within two circles, lTpEfpou. Early 3rd century. 1180 W. 0.041 m. Buff clay. Miniaturelamp. Plain disk with framing groove. Plain rim. Handle:groovedand pierced.Base: within ring, plain. Mid-3rd century. 1181 P1. 24. W. 0.081 m. Buff clay with lighter slip. Plain disk with framing ring. Plain, slightly sloping rim with plain panels. Handle: groovedand pierced.Base: within circle, ETrI OX. Second half of 3rd century. 1182. P1.24. W. 0.071 m. Orangeclay; orange-brown glaze. Disk: two rings, plain, framing ring. Rim: four small circles; panels with incised branch. Grooved solid handle.Base: within two circles,IT. First half of 4th century.
1202 P1. 25. W. 0.074 m. Buff clay; worn brownish glaze. Plain disk with framing groove. Herringbone panels on rim; the left-hand panel is out of place, nearer the front. Low, solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, plain. Second half of 4th century.
Similar: 1208 Base: within two circles, five small circles in the form of a quincunx. 1204 Related to preceding. Base: within tear-shaped grooves, six small circles in the form of a cross. 1205 Base: within well-raised ring, A.
1206 P1.25. W. 0.071 m. Buff clay; worn,rusty, purplish brown glaze. Plain disk with framingring. Plain rim with small circles flanking handle and nozzle. Handle solid, hatchedpanel in front, groovesin back. Base: within two tear-shapedgrooves, K. Secondhalf of 4th century.
Similar:1207 Base: within two circles,incised branch. Similar,with plainbases:1208-1210.
1211 W. 0.059 m. Brown clay and glaze with burnt areas. Plain disk with two framing rings. Plain rim. Nozzle: sides double-grooved;groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle, the two parts crookedlyjoined. Base: within two circles,T. Secondhalf of 4th century.
Base: within two circles,1. 1218 Unglazed.Base: within
two circles, A. 1214 Unglazed. From same (or related) Similar, dated in the late 4th to early 5th century: 1212
circles, incised branch. 1187 Base: within two circles, incised branch. 1188 From same or related moulds as preceding. 1189 Base: within ring, four small circles. 1190 Related to preceding.
mouldsas preceding. Base: within two circles,A. Similar,dated in first half of 4th into mid-4thcentury: 1188 Base: within ring, [X-r]pa. 1184 Base: within ring, 1215 W. 0.057 m. Dull orange clay. incisedbranch.1185 Relatedto preceding. 1186 Withintwo Plain disk with slightly raised edge; two small
circlesnearhandle;framinggroove.Rim: eight small circles; panels with incised branch. Solid grooved handle. Base: within circle, Ku. Late 4th century.
Similar,datedin the late 4th to early 5th century:1216
1198 Tomb, M 18:3. W. 0.055 m. Orange clay; worn orange glaze. Plain disk with framing ring. Narrow plain rim. Slightly elongated nozzle. Solid grooved handle. Base: four rings. Mid-4th century.
From same or related moulds: 1199.
Q 17:4. Base: within three circles, Kv. 1217 Base: within two circles, Kv. 1218 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11, 12. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, GeoI8objov.1219 P1. 25. Pierced handle. Base: within two circles, plain. 1220 Pierced handle. Base: within two circles, plain.
1200 P1. 24. W. 0.068 m. Greenish buff clay; uneven purple-brown glaze. Disk: ring, plain, two rings. Rim: eight small circles and herringbone panels. Nozzle: decorated with two small circles; set off from rim by two deep
Rim : ovolo 1221 P1. 25. Well, D 12:1. W. 0.063 m. Pieces missing from nozzle, disk and handle. Unevenly fired, coarse buff to orange clay. Plain disk with framing ring. Panelled rim with ovolo. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, [Ioiio]v8 ou incised sidewise. Early 3rd century.
Rim : vine 1222 Pl. 25. Est. W. 0.074 m. Left side missing. Soft orangeclay. Disk: plain, framingring. Rim: incised vine pattern of four clusters and two leaves; two grooves around edge. Nozzle set off by transversehatched panel. Handle: pierced and grooved. Raised base: within ring, a ring of globules around a central globule. Clumsyparing and grooving. The raised base and the incised pattern on the rim are unusual on an Attic lamp of this period. Secondhalf of 3rd century.
From same or related moulds: 1223 Plain rim.
Globule-and-volute lamps 1224 P1. 25. Herulian destruction debris,H-I 12:1. W. 0.065 m. Top of handleand pieces missing.Light gray-buffclay. Disk: ring, plain, two framingrings. Rim: globule and volute with volutes facing toward the disk; between volutes, relief ornament. Grooved handle. Base: within ring, relief outline of leaf. First half of 3rd century.
From related moulds, dated in the first half of 3rd century into mid-3rd century. Base: within ring, three small rings hanging from a stem. 1225 P1. 25. 1226 C 20:1. 1227 F 16:2. 1228 I 16:1. 1229 K 18:1. Similar: 1280 J 11-12:1. Base: within ring, plain. 1231-1282.
1258 Furnace Dump, F 17:1. W. 0.061 m. Part of nozzle missing. Dull orangeclay. Similar to 1242. This lamp was taken from old blurry moulds which were retouchedas follows: the volutes were obliteratedby having globulespunched over them; the globuleswere repunched,not always in the same places. No ornament on the nozzle. Handle: grooved and punched. Base: within two rings,plain. Late 3rd century. 1259 P1. 25. Well, M 20:2. W. 0.071 m. Orange-buff clay. Disk: concentricrings and ring of globules. Rim: three rows of globules; the volutes face towards the nozzle, not the disk as in the preceding groups. Between the volutes, relief ornament. Handle: grooved and pierced, ending in small leaf. The junction between underside of nozzle and globules on the lower wall is markedby curvingridges. Concentricrings on base. Mid-3rdcentury.
From same or related moulds: 1260-1263.
1233 P1. 25. W. 0.07 m. Light, orange-buff clay. Disk: ring, plain, framingring. Rim: globule-andvolute, with volutes facing towardthe disk; between volutes, relief ornament. U-shaped nozzle. Handle: groovedand pierced.V-shapedjunction betweenwall and undersideof nozzle; a globule where base ring meets wall. Base: within ring, six small rings in the form of an inverted triangle. Mid-3rdcentury.
1264 Pls. 25, 49. W. 0.073 m. Orangeclay. Similarto 1259 with the followingvariations:the nozzle ornament is simplified; no globules on the disk; only a traceof the leaf at the base of the handle. Base: within three rings, Ei. Late 3rd into early 4th century.
Similar,with concentric ringson base:1265F 16:2. 1266 N 20:5. 1267-1270.
1271 P1. 34. Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11, 8. W. 0.069 m. Orangeclay; purplishred glaze. From same or related moulds: 1234 F 19:1. Agora, V', Globule-and-volute lamp. Disk: five rings. Two L 14, p. 75, pl. 45. Base: as 1283. 1285 Base: within ring, rows of three to four rows below. above, globules plain. 1236 Base: as 1233. 1237 Base: within ring, plain. handle. Solid Three grooved curving grooves set off 1288-1289. Similar, dated in the second half of the 3rd century: 1240 underside of nozzle. Base: within two irregular H-I 12:1. Clumsy reworking of the moulds produced bumpy, circles,A; there may be anotherletter incisedon the
irregularly spaced globules and ridges on the nozzle. Base: within two irregular rings, plain. 1241 Globules repunched in the mould. Base: within ring, rough surface.
1242 Pls. 25, 49. W. 0.065 m. Cream-buff clay. Disk: ring, plain, framing ring. Rim: globule-andvolute, with volutes facing towards the disk; between volutes, relief ornament. On top, four rows of eleven globules on each side; below, five rows of thirteen globules on each side. Handle: pierced and grooved. Three curving ridges mark junction of underside of nozzle and wall. Base: within three rings, rosette of eight globules around a central globule. First half of 3rd century.
base ring, A (2). The globules on the lower half were carelessly repunched in the mould. First half of 4th century. P1.37. Base: within three circles, X'r. 1273 Base: within two
rings, incised branch. 1274-1278 Base: within two rings, plain. 1279-1281 Base: five to three concentric rings. 1282 G 5:2 and 1283-1288 Base as preceding. 1289-1290 Base missing. Similar, dated in the first half of the 4th century: 1272
1291 P1. 49. W. 0.06 m. Buff clay; rusty brown glaze. Globule-and-volute. Plain disk with framing ring. Globules above and below, repunched in the mould
nozzle in disorderlyrows. Volutes indicated by arcs. Solid Rim : globules. U-shaped off set of nozzle Underside handle. m. Soft cream-buff 20:2. W. M 0.066 1304 by grooves. grooved Well, clay Base: within circle, K. with greenishtinge. Secondhalf of 4th century. Disk: ring, plain, three framing rings. Ring of on rim. U-shapednozzle. Handle: grooved Similar:1292 Base: within circle,K. 1298 Base: within globules and pierced,set at edge of rim. Base: four ringswith ring, K retrograde. 1294 Base: within circle, K retrograde. boss. central 1295 Base: within two circles,plain.1296 P1.25. Unglazed. First half of 3rd century. Base: within two rings, K. 1297 Unglazed. 1298 W. 0.073 m. Dull orangeclay. Plain disk with two framingrings. Plain rim with volutes. Solid grooved handle. Three faint rows of globules below. Underside of nozzle set off by grooves.Base: within circle, Kv. Second half of 4th century. 1299 W. 0.078 m. Part of lowerhalf. Dull orangeclay. Globule-and-volute lamp. Onwall, fourto five rows of globules.Base: within two circles,'AylcaTrr[i] Jo[v]. CL2809 preservesa similarsignaturein which the secondalpha appearsnot betweenthe gammaand pi but belowthem. Secondhalf of 4th century. 1300Pl. 37. Max.dim. 0.049 m. Fragmentof wall and base. Orange clay. Globule-and-volutelamp. Three rows of small circles on lower wall. Base: within two grooves,
From related moulds: 1305. Similar: 1306 Orange-buffclay with peeling slip. Second half of 3rd century.
X[6] v[DIs].
1301 W. 0.065 m. Dull orangeclay. Disk: ring, plain, framing groove; aroundfillinghole, threesmallholesnot piercedthrough.Rim: near handle, a few blurredglobules;near nozzle, grooved arcs and small doublecircles. Nozzle set off from the rim both by grooved sides and a transversehatched panel;groovefromair-to wick-hole.Handle:grooved and punched.Base: within two circles,A. A late variant of the globule-and-volute lamp. Second half of 4th century.
Similar: 1302 Glazed. Base: within circle, plain.
1303P1.25.W.0.064m., H. 0.038m. Dull orangeclay. Disk: ring, plain, framing groove. Small triple
circles on rim. The top of the nozzle is large in relation to the disk and rim. Groove, flanked by grooved arcs, runs from the disk nearly to the wickhole. Underside of nozzle set off by a ridge. Solid grooved handle. Band on lower wall. Base: within two circles, T. A globule-and-volute lamp was the archetype, which accounts for the band on the lower wall as well as the ridge on the underside of the nozzle. The globules have disappeared entirely; arcs substitute for volutes. Second half of 4th century.
1307Pl.25.W.0.097m.Mostofnozzlemissing. Buffclay. Plain disk with two framing rings. Narrow rim with ring of globules. U-shapednozzle set off from rim by two transversegrooves.Groovedhandle,with two piercings,set onto edge of rim; pairs of ridges flank the handle in back. Base: within three rings thick,narrow) plainfieldwith centralglobule (narrow, framedin a ring. This lamp is closely related to 2106 and 2107 The dimensionsof the three signed by Elpidephoros. lamps are estimatedto be about the same. The form of the base is commonto these three and not known otherwise.1307 and 2106 have in common the rim pattern, ridges along the back of the handle, and methodof attachingthe handleto rim; they differas to disk, and groovingof handles. to the The plain surface on 1307 corresponding the other two on the relief area carrying signature be as would usual on flat is not lamps perfectly this surbut has irregularbumps; unsigned lamps, face was morecarefullysmoothedover after the lamp cameout of the mouldsthan any othersurfaceon the lamp. Possibly the relief signature of Elpidephoros was erased. Mid-3rd century. nozzle Rim : globules. Egg-shaped 1308 P1. 26. W. 0.069 m. Buff clay. Disk: ring, plain, two framingrings. Rim: globules. Grooved,pierced handle,with cross-strokesat lower end. Raised, egg-shapednozzle. Base: within circle,relief outline of leaf. Mid-3rdcentury.
From related moulds with same signature: 1809 M 20:2.
1310 J 11-12:1. Similar: 1311 M 17:1. Agora, V, M 183, p. 101, pl. 46.
1312 Rim: plain.
Rim: globules. Plain nozzle 1313 Cistern, D 6:2. Est. W. 0.046 m. Much of right side missing. Buff clay. Miniature lamp. Plain disk with two framing rings. Rim, widest at center; row of globules. Handle: pierced and grooved. Base: within two rings, raised outline of leaf. First half of 3rd century.
Rim : interlocking-S 1314 Herulian destruction debris, H-I 12:1. W. 0.04 m. Centerof base missing.Light buff clay. Miniaturelamp. Disk: four rings, the outermost ring set in grooves. Rim carriesinterlocking-Spattern. Handle: grooved and pierced. Two transverse grooves on nozzle. Base: two rings are preserved; the catalogue card recordsthat the base, which fell to piecesin mending,carrieda leaf in relief. Mid-3rdcentury.
1332 Pl. 26. W. 0.074 m. Orange-buff clay. Plain disk with framingring. Wavy lines on rim. Nozzle: sides double-grooved;groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles,A. Second half of 4th century.
Similar, dated in the second half of 4th century: 1888 Glazed. Base: within two circles, A. 1884 Base: within two circles, Os retrograde.18335Base: within two circles, 1. 1886 Base: within tear-shaped grooves, small blurred circles. 1887 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, six small circles in the form of an inverted triangle. 133888 Base: within almondshaped grooves, six small circles in the form of a cross.
1315 P1. 26. Est. W. 0.08 m. Fragment of disk and rim. Orangeclay; purplishred glaze. Disk: ring, plain with a piecrustedge, two framing rings. Rim: interlocking-Spatternwith small circles. Found with four lamps signed by Stratolaos. 1339 Pls. 26, 34. W. 0.067 m. Buffto orangeclay. First half of 4th century. Plain disk with four holes; framinggroove. Wavy Rim : 8-S lines on rim. Nozzle: small circles; groove from air1316 W. 0.076 m. Orange-brown to wick-hole; sides double-grooved.Solid grooved clay and glaze. Disk: ring, plain, two framingrings. Panelledrim handle ending in two small circles. Base: within with 8-S pattern. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. almond-shaped grooves, At above seven small circles Solid groovedhandle.Base: within two circles,plain. arrangedin a triangle. First half of 4th century. Similar,of Corinthian clay, Broneer806, pl. XXXI. Late 4th century. 1317 P1. 26. W. 0.069 m. Buff clay; uneven brownish Similar, dated in the late 4th into the early 5th century: glaze. Plain disk with two framingrings. 8-S pattern on 1840 Base: within tear-shaped groove, Kuwith incised branch center. 1341 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, Ku rim. No groovesfor sides of nozzle.Low, solidgrooved in sidewise and three small circles. 1342 Hesperia, II, 1933, handle, ending in deeply grooved leaf. Base: within p. 215. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, Ku sidewise. circle, five small indistinct circles in the form of a 1843 M-Q 17-21. Base: within almond-shaped grooves 1344 Base as preceding. 1845 Base: within almondcross. XI6Ivns. incisedbranch flankedby smallcircles.1846 shaped grooves, Secondhalf of 4th century. Base: within incised inverted
Similar:1818 Base: within circle,A. branch. almond-shapedgrooves,
Rim : arcs 1319 P1.26. W. 0.08 m. Orangeclay and glaze. Plain disk with two framing rings. Pattern of arcs on rim. Nozzle: double-groovedsides. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, plain. Mid-4thcentury.
From related moulds: 1820.
1347 W. 0.074 m. Orange buff clay. Plain disk with four holes; framing ring. Wavy
Disk: three holes around filling-hole; framing ring. Wavy lines on rim. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Handle: grooved and punched. Base: within two tear-shaped grooves, Kap|il-rriUlS. Late 4th into early 5th century. 1349 P1. 26. W. 0.069 m. Orange-buff clay; purplish glaze. Plain disk with framing ring. Wavy lines on rim. Nozzle set off by two transverse grooves; groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, eeoJIo'. Second half of 4th century.
branch. 1828 Base: within two circles, incised branch. 1829 Base: within tear-shaped grooves, incised branch. 1880
from rim by two transverse grooves; groove from air- to wick-hole.Solid groovedhandle.Base: within two circles,'Aya. Possibly from same archetypeas 1200. Secondhalf of 4th century.
From same or related moulds: 1870 Unglazed. Base: withintwo circles,'Ayax. Similar:1871Unglazed. Base: withintwo circles,T. 1872
F 19:1. Agora, V, L 58, p. 80, pl. 45.
1361P1.26. W. 0.069 m. Orangeclay. Plain disk with framingring. Wavy lines on rim. Nozzle set off by transversepanel boundedby small circles;groovefrompanelto wick-hole.Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles,Ku. Late 4th century.
1362 P1. 26. W. 0.069 m. Piece missing. Orange-buff 1374 P1.26. W. 0.076 m. Orangeclay; dull red glaze. clay. Plain disk with framing ring. Herringbonerim. Plain tear-shapeddisk opening out toward wickNozzle: sides double-grooved;small circle. Solid hole. Wavy lineson rim. Clumsily made,solidgrooved groovedhandle. Base: within two circles, K. handle. Base: within tear-shapedgrooves, M. Second half of 4th century. Late 4th to early 5th century. 1363P1.26. W. 0.067m. Handlemissing.Dull orangebuff clay. Plain tear-shaped disk; framing groove. Wavy lines on rim. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Base: within tear-shapedgroove, Xi6Ivls. Late 4th century.
Similar: 1864Base:withinalmond-shaped grooves, plain.
M-Q 17-21. Unglazed. Base: Ku within circular band decorated with small circles. 1876 Base: within two circles,
1373 P1. 26. W. 0.055 m. Orangeclay. rim. Nozzle: both the Rings on disk. Herringbone transverse groove of the U-shaped nozzle and the oblique grooves indicating the sides of the kiteshapednozzle are present; between disk and nozzle, groovedarcs. Solid groovedhandle.Base: four rings. A late variant of a globule-and-volute lamp. Late 4th century.
Rim: herringbone. 1365 P1. 26. Well, G 11:2. W. 0.067 m. Orangeclay and glaze. Disk: plain, framing ring. Rim: inner band of herringbone pattern, narrow plain outer band. U-shapednozzleset offfromrimby transverse groove. Solid groovedhandle.Base: six concentricringswith centralboss. First half of 4th century.
From relatedmould:1866. brown glaze. Disk: five rings. Herringbone rim. Two small circles on nozzle, which is set off by transverse hatched panel; groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid handle with hatched panel in front, grooves on back. Base: within three circles, A. Second half of 4th century.
Similar: 1368 Unglazed.
incised branch. 1877 Base: within circle, incised branch. 1878. 1379 Base: within almond-shaped grooves,four small circles in the form of a diamond.1380 Base: within two circles, seven small circlesin the form of a rosette. 1381 Base: within circle,five small circlesin the form of a cross. 1382 From mouldsrelated to preceding.Base: within two circles, plain. 1383 Base: within tear-shapedgrooves,indistinct markings.
1384Well, N 21:1. W. 0.066m. Orange buffclay. Eight small circleson disk; framingring. Herringbone rim. Groove, flanked by circles, from air- to wick-hole; sides of nozzle double-grooved. Solid groovedhandle.Base: within tear-shaped grooves,M. Late 4th century.
Similar:1885 Base: within almond-shaped grooves,four small circlesin a verticalline.
with carelessly made arcs near nozzle. Groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid handle with herringbone panel in front, grooves in back. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, Ku. The first letter goes sidewise, the second upside down. Late 4th century. 1387 W. 0.063 m. Orange-buff clay. Plain disk with framing ring. Herringbone rim; small circles flank handle and nozzle. Nozzle: doublegrooved sides; groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, plain. Second half of 4th century.
1386 W. 0.075 m. Dull orange clay. Plain disk with framing circle. Herringbonerim
1369 W. 0.067 m. Orange clay and glaze. Disk: ring, plain, two framing rings. Herringbone rim. Nozzle: decorated with two small circles; set off
1388 W. 0.065 m. Orange-buff Tear-shapeddisk with channelto wick-hole:four clay. rim. Solid groovedhandle. Plain, cleanly moulded, relatively deep disk. small circles.Herringbone rim. Nozzle: sides. Base: within A. band, Herringbone double-grooved tear-shaped Solid grooved handle. Base: within almond-shaped Second half of 4th century. grooves, incised branch. 1411 Pls. 26, 85. W. 0.065 m. Coarse orange-buff clay. Secondhalf of 4th century. Plain disk with raised edge; channel from disk toward wick-hole. Herringbonerim, with a rough 1389 W. 0.058 m. Orangeclay. of volutes near nozzle. Solid groovedhandle. version Small flat plain disk with framing ring. Herringbone rim. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Solid Base: within almond-shapedgrooves, Ku sidewise. Late 4th into early 5th century. grooved handle. Base: within two circles, Ku. Similar: 1412 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, small Late 4th century.
cross. 1400 Base :within almond-shaped grooves, incised cross. 1401 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, vague markings.
1390 W. 0.062 m. Dull orangeclay. 1413 P1. 27. W. 0.061 m. Top of handle and pieces Plain disk with edge higherthan rim. Herringbone missing. Orangeclay burnt black. rim. Sides of nozzle double-grooved; groovefromairTear-shapeddisk with three raised loops near to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle. Walls nearly spring of handle; filling-holeand three small holes; vertical. Base: within almond-shapedgrooves, Kuv framing band. Herringbone rim. Sides of nozzle above incised branch. double-grooved,with small circles on each side of Late 4th to early 5th century. grooves. Solid groovedhandle. Base: within almondshapedgrooves,Kusidewise. 1391 Pl. 26. W. 0.06 m. Dull orange clay. Late 4th into early 5th century. Plain disk with framing ring. Herringbonerim. Nozzle set off from rim by transverse herringbone 1414 P1. 27. W. 0.062 m. Orange-buff clay. Plain tear-shapeddisk, openingout toward wickpanel. No air-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, K. hole; threeholesaroundfilling-hole. rim. Herringbone The halves of the lamp are awkwardlyfitted to- Solid groovedhandle, ending with two small circles. Base:withinalmond-shaped TTo incisedabove gether. grooves, three circles. Late 4th to early 5th century. Late 4th into early 5th century. 1392 Pls. 26, 86. W. 0.072 m. Orange-buff clay. Similar:1415 Base: within almond-shaped grooves,inPlain disk with four holes; framingring. Herring- distinctmarkings. 1416Base:withinalmond-shaped grooves, bone rim. Groove, flanked by small circles, from 'EIri. framing ring to wick-hole; sides of nozzle double- Rim : various grooved. Solid grooved handle, ending in small 1417 Pl. 27. Well, D 12:1. A.J.A., XL, 1986, p. 411, circles. Base: within almond-shapedgrooves, TTo. 8. W. 0.087 m. Coarse,light buff clay. fig. Late 4th to early 5th century. Disk: two rings, plain, framingring. Rim, widest Similar, dated in the late 4th and early 5th century: 13983 at sides: wavy line in relief. Handle: grooved and P1. 36. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, AlM above pierced.Base: within circle, plain. incised branch. 1894 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, Early 3rd century. 'Emr; seven small circles below signature and one above. 1895 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, seven small circles 1418 P1. 27. W. 0.036 m. Orange-buff clay. in the form of a cross. 1896 Base: within almond-shaped Miniaturelamp. Plain disk with raised edge and grooves, small circles. 1897 Base: within almond-shaped circle. Rim: panels with incised branch; grooves, incised cross. 1898 Base: within almond-shaped framing incised line and dot. Sidesof nozzleoutlinedby wavy incised cross. grooves, 1899 Base: within oval grooves, incised
ridges. Solid handle ending in relief leaf. Base: within ring outlined in heavy grooves, plain. Mid-3rd century.
1409 P1. 26. W. 0.074 m. Buff clay; orange glaze. Plain tear-shaped disk; framing band. Herringbone rim. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, indistinct markings. Mid-4th century. 1410 W. 0.065 m. Pieces missing. Orange clay; orange-brown glaze.
1419 P1. 27. W. 0.087 m. Cracking, buff clay. Disk: two rings, plain, two framing rings. Rim: raised pattern of eighteen ivy leaves and clumps of berries. Handle: grooved and pierced, ending in relief leaf. Base: within ring, plain. A similar lamp in the Bibliothbque Nationale, Paris, with twenty-four ivy leaves and clumps on the rim, is signed with the relief outline of a leaf. Mid-3rd century.
1420 P1. 27. W. 0.078 m. Muchof base, part of top From same or relatedmoulds, KL 1025, signed E. Mid-4thcentury. missing.Buff to orangeclay. Disk: fourirregular nodules rings.Rim: alternating From related moulds: 1427. and raised x 's. Sides of nozzle outlined by pairs of ridges. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: concen- 1428 27. W. 0.072m. Buff clay; dull worn,orangeP1. tric rings; center not preserved. brownglaze. half of 3rd Second century. Squaredisk with scallopededges; channeltoward wick-hole. Rim: ungainlyvine pattern of four leaves 1421 W. 0.074 m. Most of nozzle missing. Very hard and four clusters. Solid groovedhandle.Base: within clay, unevenlyfiredbrownto black. two E. circles, Disk: plain, three framing rings. Rim: irregular Mid-4th century. pattern of hooks and swirls. U-shaped nozzle. Handle: grooved and punched. Base: within two 1429 P1. 27. W. 0.07 m. Clay misfiredblack; rusty rings, uncertainsignatureof two letters, At. purple, worn glaze; dented out of shape. Late 3rd to early 4th century. Squaredisk with channel to wick-hole;scalloped and framing band. Rim: S-pattern and wavy edges 1422 H. 0.027 m., P.W. 0.053 m. Fragmentof back. lines. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two cirOrange clay. A. Disk: plain as far as preserved; framing circle. cles, Mid-4thcentury. Rim: wavy line and depressions. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, X[co]with incised 1430 P1. 27. W. 0.073 m. Buff clay; uneven brown branchin center. glaze. Early 4th century. Squaredisk with channel to wick-hole:scalloped edges; framing band. Wavy lines on rim. Solid 1423 W. 0.068 m., L. 0.097 m., H. 0.082 m. Orangehandle, ending in small leaf. Base: within grooved buff clay; purplishbrownglaze. tear-shaped grooves,A and small circles. Plain, tear-shaped disk; framinggroove.Rim: four Mid-4thcentury. circlesand arcsnearthe nozzle.Sidesof nozzledoublegrooved.Solid groovedhandle.Base: within almond- 1431 Pls. 27, 35. W. 0.071 m. Orangeclay; brownshapedgrooves,small circles. purpleglaze. Secondhalf of 4th century. Oblong disk with channel to wick-hole: plain; borderof raised hooks and wavy lines; framingring. Herringbonerim with small circles and hooks near RECTANGULAR DISKS nozzle. Solid grooved handle. Base: within heart1424 Pls. 27,35. W. 0.074 m. Buff clay; orangeglaze. shapedgrooves,Kuwith incisedbranchin center. From same or related moulds, Ephesos, IV, 98, Square disk: plain with square framing band. Rim: small circlesflankinghandleand nozzle; heart- pl. I, signedby D Mid-4thcentury. shaped designs on each side. Nozzle: sides doublegrooved; groove from air- to wick-hole. Grooved 1432 P1. 27. W. 0.072 m. Buff clay; brownishorange solid handle. Base: within two circles, E. A similar lamp with plain base from Smyrna, glaze. Disk: squarewith channelto wick-hole;scalloped Brants 1099, pl. VII. edges, and framing band of herringbonepattern. Mid-4thcentury. Rim: inner field of small circles with arcs flanking D 27. 12:1. Est. 0.062 W. m. Part of outer band with grooved panels and small Well, handle; 1426 P1.
circles. Solid grooved handle, ending in leaf. Base: within tear-shaped grooves, incised branch. Mid-4th century.
disk, rim and nozzle. Orange clay; worn orange glaze. Disk: ring, two square bands. Rim: panels with incised branch, small circles, arcs on either side of nozzle. Groove from air- to wick-hole. Mid-4th century.
1426 P1. 27. Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215. W. 0.078 m. Orange clay and glaze. Square disk with groove from filling-hole to wick-hole: ring, square field with four small circles, square band, square fringe of petals. Many small double circles on rim. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, T.
1433 P1. 27. W. 0.07 m. Dull brown clay. Rectangular disk with channel to wick-hole; three small holes around filling-hole; scalloped edges; three-sided frame of herringbone. Rim: many small circles on either side of handle; transverse grooves. Handle: pierced; hatched panel in front, grooves in back, ending in two small circles. Base: within tear-shaped grooves, K retrograde. Second half of 4th century.
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD 1452 Pls. 27, 36. FurnaceDump, F 17:1. W. 0.064 m. Dull orangeclay. Disk: ring, rays, two framing rings. Plain rim. Handle: grooved and punched. Base: within two closely spaced circles, Pou. Early 4th century.
with incisedbranch 1454 K 20:1. Base: within two ringsEO
in center. Late 3rd century. Similar: 1458 W. 0.085 m. Cream-colored clay. Base: within two closely spaced circles, plain. Mid-3rd century.
shaped grooves, T. 1485 Base: within tear-shaped grooves, T. 1436 Base: within tear-shaped grooves, T. 1437 Glazed. Similar: 1438 Glazed. Base: within heart-shaped grooves, incised inverted branch. 1489. 1440 Incised letter partly preserved on base. 1441 Base: within tear-shaped grooves, small circle. 1442 Base: within two circles, plain. 1443 Base:
withinalmond-shaped groovesXi61[vns].
1444 H. 0.037 m. Fragmentfrom back of lamp. Buff clay; light brown glaze. Square disk; section near handle preservesalternating channels and ridges. Small circles on either side of handle. Solid handle, with hatched panel in front, herringbone patternin back; smallleaf at base. For a completeexample,see Inst. Phot. Ker. 1320. Second half of 4th century.
1455 P1. 27. W. 0.062 m. Orange clay; orangebrownglaze. Disk: rays, framingring with herringbone pattern. Plain rim. Groove from air- to wick-hole. Handle: groovedand punched.Base: within circle,five small circles in the form of a cross. 1445 P1. 27. W. 0.068 m. Orangeclay; orange-brown First half of 4th century. glaze. Square disk with channel to wick-hole: plain; 1456 W. 0.074 m. Orange-buffclay; purplish red three holes around filling-hole; framing band with glaze. small circles at corners.Rim: herringboneon sides; Disk: two rings, rays, framingring. Rim: panels small circles flanking handle and channel. Handle: with incised branch. Solid groovedhandle, endingin grooved and pierced, ending in small circles. Base: leaf. Base: within two circles,incised branch. within two almond-shaped sidewise. grooves, EOKap Mid-4thcentury. A similar lamp, perhapsfrom related moulds, CL Similar:1457 Base: within two circles,incisedbranch. 2705 signed by Ky . 1458 Miniature lamp. W. 0.026 m. Base:within two circles, Secondhalf of 4th century. plain.
1459 Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 213. W. 0.06 m. Orangebuff clay with burnt areas; splashesof glaze. Disk: ring, rays, two framing rings. Six small Rim : plain circles on rim. Groovefrom air- to wick-hole. Solid 1446 P1. 27. Well, J 12:1. Est. W. 0.074 m. About handle. Base: within two circles, A. one-thirdof lamp and non-joiningfragmentof base. grooved From the same archetype as 1213 which has a Fairly coarse, light buff clay. the rays were stamped into the mould. Disk: ring, rays, ring. Plain, wide rim. Handle: plain disk; Secondhalf of 4th century. at end. Base: piercedand grooved,with cross-strokes within circle, Xpu ... incised. 1460 Pls. 28, 36. W. 0.067 m. Left side missing. Early 3rd century. Orange-buff clay. Disk: ring, rays, two framingrings. Rim: panels 1447 P1. 27. Well, N 21:1. W. 0.076 m. Parts of disk with incised branch; eight small circles. Sides of and wall missing. Yellow-buffclay. nozzle double-grooved. Solid groovedhandle, ending Disk: two rings, rays, ring. Rim, widest at sides: in smallgroovedleaf. Base: within two circles,7 (?) plain with panels. Handle: grooved and pierced. incised sidewise. Base: within ring, plain. Secondhalf of 4th century. 3rd
Early century.
Similar: 1448 Base: within circle, plain. 1449 M 17:1. plain with small central ring. 1450 J 18:1. Plain rim.
Agora, V, M 180, p. 101, pl. 46. Plain rim. Base: within ring, pl. 45. 1462 Glazed. Base: within two circles, plain. 1468 Glazed. J 18:2. Base: within two circles, five small circles
1451 W. 0.076 m. Much of base, nozzle and pieces missing. Coarse, grayish orange-buff clay, with slip unevenly fired buff to orange. Disk: ring, rays, plain; framing ring interrupted by panels and handle. Rim: plain with panels. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, Ah[vat]ou. Early 3rd century.
in the form of a cross. 1464 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, M. 1465 Base: within two circles, plain.
Rim : ovolo 1466 Pls. 28, 36. P.W. 0.08 m. Handle, part of disk, rim, wall and base. Hard, heavily micaceous, orange clay. Disk: broad ring, rays, framing ring. Large ovolo on rim. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within uneven circle, Acivaiov.
Fromsameor relatedmoulds:1500 J 11-12:1, and 1501 Fromrelatedmoulds: 1471 P1.52. Base: within circle, Signature as on preceding. 1502 Q 15:1. Agora, V, K 124, A ... IEI...JE ... p. 70, pl. 45.
The last two letters of the signatureand the base- clusters. Handle: grooved and pierced.Base: within ring were reworked.The handleis uneven. Thereare ring, two raised letters on the right (perhapsretrobumps and wrinkleson the walls. grade) ITT. 3rd First half of 3rd century. Early century. 1467 P1. 28. Well, C 20:1. W. 0.089 m. Restored. Fromsameor relatedmoulds:1475Base:tracesof incised Orange-brown signature.The remaininglamps in this series have plain clay. Disk: broad ring, rays, three framingrings. Rim, bases. 1476. 1477 M 20:2. 1478-1479.1480 Worn mould, widestat center;smallcarelesspunch-marks. Handle: clumsilyretouched.Secondhalf of 3rd century. grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, lTTpEipou. 1481 P1.34. Well, 116:1. W. 0.065 m. Buff clay. The perfunctory borderon the rim is the last echo Disk: ring, rays, framingring. Rim: vine pattern of the Corinthian ovolo pattern. of four leaves, four clusters and springy tendrils. Early 3rd century. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, in relief. 1468 Well, M 17:1. Agora, V, M 130, p. 96, pl. 46. below relief outline of leaf 'EXrmtSnp6pou Mid-3rdcentury. W. 0.087 m. Buff clay. Disk: two rings, rays, three framing rings, the From same or relatedmouldswith same signature:1482 third interruptedby handle,panelsand nozzle. Rim: Hesperia, II, 1933, pp. 204, 213, figs. 7, 2 and 11, 4. 1483 widest at panels; small, shallow ovolo. Handle: H-I 12:1. 1484 Q 15:1. Agora,V, K 125, p. 70. 1485-1486. From same or related moulds, signed EOinjIEioIu: 1487 grooved and pierced, ending in relief leaf. Base: J 11-12:1. P1.28. 1488 I 16:1. 1489 Hesperia, II, 1933,pp. within three rings, relief rosette of six petals. 204-205, 213, fig. 11,5. First half of 3rd century. From same or related moulds, with base plain where preserved: 1498 J 12:1. 1494. 1495 B 15:5. 1469 P1. 28. W. 0.062 m. Grayishcream-color clay. Second half1490-1492. of 3rd century. Disk: ring, rays, framingring. Carelesslyapplied Similar, signed d'peilaov within circle: 1496 S 21:3. ovolo pattern on rim. Large, crookedly set nozzle. 1497-1498. Handle: pierced and grooved with rough oblique grooves at base. Base: within circle, relief outline of 1499 P1. 28. Heruliandestructiondebris,H-I 12:1. L. 0.137 m., W. 0.099 min., H. 0.062 m. Light buff clay. leaf. Disk: ring, rays, framing ring. Slightly sloping First half of 3rd century. rim carriesvine pattern of four leaves, four clusters Rim : vine and springy tendrils. Handle: grooved and pierced. 1470 Pls. 28, 35. W. 0.071 m. Hard, darkorangeclay. Base: within circle, below relief outline of leaf Disk: three rings, rays, two rings. Rim, widest at in relief. 'Ekri8q[jS6pou center: vine pattern of four leaves and four clusters Preimosand Philomousosall issued Elpidephoros, set in reversinghooks. Handle: piercedand grooved. vine-and-raylamps in a standardlarge size. Base: within circle, KAdpolu. Mid-3rdcentury. Early 3rd century.
ou. Similar: 1508 C 14:2. Base: within circle, 1472 Pls. 28, 36. W. 0.088 m. Restored.Light brown as preceding. 1504 P1. 37. C 14:2. Base from the same mould (io)loolaO clay. 1505 Coarse, flaking pink-buff clay. Base: within circle, Disk: two rings, rays, two framing rings. Rim, lTpeipovin relief. Second half of 3rd century. widest at center: vine with four leaves and four clusters set in reversing hooks. Grooved pierced 1506 P1.28. W. 0.083 m. Claycreamcolorwith green
handle ends in ivy leaf which encroaches on the outer base ring. Base: within two rings, the inner thin, the in relief. outer thick, UpEfipojv This rim pattern is rare. On a lamp by Loukios (Menzel 540) eight clusters are set in reversing hooks. Early 3rd century.
Fragment from same moulds: 1478.
tinge. Disk: ring, rays, two framing rings. Rim: vine pattern of six clusters, four leaves, and spiralling tendrils. Handle: grooved and pierced, ending in relief leaf. Base: within ring, plain. This rim pattern reverses the usual arrangement of six leaves and four clusters. First half of 3rd century.
From same or related moulds: 1507 J 11-12:1. Base: within ring, plain. 1508 Base: within ring, plain. 1509 P1. 36. Base: within ring, As with incised branch in center. 1510
1474 P1. 28. Collecting basin and drain, Q 15:1. Agora V, K 122, p. 70, pl. 45. W. 0.075 m. Buff to orange clay. Disk: two rings, rays, three framing rings. Rim, widest at sides: vine pattern of four leaves and four
P1. 37. Base: within ring, loo with incised branch in center. First quarter of 4th century.
From same or related moulds: 1541 Base: as preceding. 1511 P1. 28. W. 0.075 m. Restored.Buff clay. Disk: two rings, rays, ring. Rim, widest at center: 1542 S 21:3. Plain base. 1548 Q 17:4. vine with six leaves, four clusters, springy tendrils. 1544 P1. 28. Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 204. W. 0.078 m. Handle: pierced and grooved. Base: within circle, Buff clay burnt gray to black. Disk: ring, rays, ring. Rim: vine of six leaves, four Early 3rd century. clusters, springy tendrils. Handle: grooved and 1512 Pls. 12, 36. Well, 0 17:4. W. 0.077 m. Soft pierced.Base: withintwo closelyspacedcircles,plain. Mid-Srdcentury. greenishbuff clay. Similar series, dated in the second half of the 3rd century: Disk: ring, rays, framingring. Rim: vine with six II, 1933,p. 204.1546.1547Base:withinthree leaves and four clusters. Handle: grooved and 1545Hesperia, made raisedline. 1548 Q 17:4. Base: roughly irregular rings, punched.Base: within circle, lTTpEi.Pov. five rough concentric rings. 1549 Base: within two closely First half of 3rd century. spaced circles, incised branch.
1513 Debris of the Herulian destruction, B 17:1. Hesperia,XVIII, 1949, p. 217, pl. 41, 2. W. 0.09 m. Light gray-buffclay with burnt areas. Disk: ring, rays, two framing rings. Rim: vine pattern of six leaves and four clusters. Handle: grooved and pierced, ending in relief leaf. Base: within two rings, traces of relief. Taken from an old mould from which the rays of the disk had worn off. First half of 3rd century.
From related moulds: 1514.
1552 P1. 28. W. 0.078 m. Buff clay, fired brownish. Dented. Disk: ring, rays, two framingrings. Vine pattern of six leaves and four clusters on rim. Handle: grooved and punched. Base: within two closely spaced circles, Kpa. Late 3rd to early 4th century.
spaced circles, EYX 1555 Plain base. 1556 Base: illegible. 1557 J 11-12:1. 1558. 1559 Second generation. Base: within two closely spaced circles, incised branch.
From related moulds: 1558 P1. 35. Base: within two 1554 Base: within two closely closely spaced circles,E04E.
1515 P1. 28. Cistern, G 5:2. W. 0.064 m. Pink-buff clay with white bits. Disk: ring, dull rays, two framing rings. Rim carriesvine pattern of six leaves and four clusters. Grooved punched handle, with cross-strokesnear base. Base: within two closely spacedcircles,AEwith incisedbranchin center. A secondgenerationlamp, the moulds taken from a lamp relatedto 1513. Early 4th century. 1516 Pls. 28, 49. Well, S 21:3. W. 0.072 m. Buff clay. Disk: ring, rays, framingring. Rim: vine pattern of six leaves, four clusters and springy tendrils. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, relief outline of leaf. First half of 3rd century.
From same or related moulds, with the same signature, dated in the 3rd century into the third quarter: 1517 G 11:2.
1518 I 12:1. 1519 F 16:2. 1520-1524. bases, where preserved, plain: 1529 1525 F 13:2.
1560 W. 0.084 m. Center of disk missing. Coarse orange-buffclay; uneven red glaze. Disk: rays, two framingrings. Rim: vine pattern of six leaves and four clusters. Groovedsolid handle, ending in relief leaf. Base: within ring, Pou. First half of 4th century.
Similar:1561 M 17:1. Agora,V, M 283, p. 110, pl. 46. Base: withinring,PoulY.
1562 P1. 28. W. 0.07 m. Orange-buff clay; purple glaze. Disk: ring, rays, framingring. Rim: vine pattern of six clustersand four leaves. Solid groovedhandle. Base: within circle, incised branch (?) flanked by letters Er. Mid-4thcentury.
within ring, blurry impressions of five circles in the form of a cross.
Similar, with the same signature: 1526 G 11:2.1527-1528. Similar, dated in the 3rd quarter to the end of the century;
1566 P1. 28. W. 0.08 m. Orange-buff clay; orange glaze. 1588 F 16:2. 1584 F 16:2. 1585-1589. Disk: rays with dimpled tips, two framing rings. 1540 P1. 28. Well, C 12:1. Agora, V, J 23, p. 53, pl. 45. Rim: vine pattern of six leaves and four clusters. Groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle, W. 0.076 m. Buff clay. Disk: ring, partly obliterated rays, two rings. Rim: with small grooved leaf at end. Base: within two vine pattern of six leaves and four clusters. Handle: rings, plain. Mid-4th century. grooved and pierced. Base: within ring, -hpEfeolv in relief. Similar: 1567. 1568 Base: within ring, five small circles First half of 3rd century. in the form of a cross. 1569 Base: within two circles,
p. 70. 1580 M 17:1. Agora, V, M 182, p. 96. 1581. 1532 E 5:4.
Q 15:1.
Agora, V, K 123,
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES 1570 P1. 28. W. 0.059 m. Orangeclay and glaze. Disk: plain with raisededge. Rim: roughlyincised vine pattern of four leaves and four clusters. Groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within heart-shapedgroove, incised branch. Last quarterof 4th century.
Similar:1571 Base: within two circles,small circle.
1572 Est. W. 0.068 m. Nozzle and much missing. Orangeclay, with burnt areas. Disk: ring, rays, framing ring; several holes around filling-hole.Rim: vine pattern of six leaves and four clusters. Solid grooved handle. Base: within circle, Xt6lvns. Late 4th to early 5th century. Similar:1573 Base: within almond-shaped grooves,
plain (?).
1580 P1. 29. Cistern, C 14:2. W. 0.083 m. Top of handle missing. Hard clay, unevenly fired buff to orange-brown. Disk: two rings, rays, framing ring. Rim: relief petals. Back of pattern of rosetteswith heart-shaped handle shows groovingwith incised x at end. Base: four concentricrings and central boss. Mid-3rdcentury. Pale orange-buff clay with soft sandy texture. Disk: three rings, rays, flat framing ring set in grooves; four small holes around filling-hole. Panelled rim has raised rosettes set in reversinghooks. Groovedpiercedhandle, ending in relief leaf. Base: within circle, above incised outline of leaf: TTp~ ipov. First half of 3rd century.
Similar:1582 Q 15:1. Agora,V, K 127,p. 70, pl. 45. 1581 P1. 29. L. 0.172 m., W. 0.154 m., H. 0.051 m.
Rim : sprayswiththreebuds 1574 P1. 29. Cistern,C 14:2. Est. W. 0.074 m. Much of right side and most of base missing. Dull orangebuff clay. Disk: two rings, rays, two framing rings. Rim widest at center: wavy line and sprays with three buds. Handle: grooved and imperfectly pierced. Base: within two circles,[TTpEi]p[ou]. Cf. Broneer568, a similarfragmentof Corinthian fabric. Early 3rd century. Rim : rosettes 1575 P1. 29. W. 0.07 m. Part of nozzle missing. Soft, heavily micaceous,light orange clay. Disk: ring,rays, two framingrings. Rim, widest at sides: relief rosettes with heart-shapedpetals and globules.Handle: groovedand pierced.Base: within thick ring, plain with centralglobule. First half of 3rd century. 1576 Pl. 29. W. 0.066 m. Light orange-buff clay. Disk: ring, rays almost entirely obliterated, two framingrings. Rim, widest at sides: Amazonshields, rosettes with heart-shaped petals, and globules. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within ring, plain.
Mid-3rd century.
From same or related moulds: 1577.
Rim : globules 1583 P1. 29. Well filling, Q 17:4. W. 0.075 m. Soft, light buff clay. Disk: ring, rays, two framingrings. Twelveglobules on rim. Egg-shapednozzle set off from rim by two curving ridges. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle,plain. Mid-3rd century.
1585 H-I 12:1. Base: withintwo circles,ten globulesin the form of a triangle.
Similar: 1584 Base: within two circles, central globule.
1586 P1. 29. Est. W. 0.06 m. Parts of wall, rim and nozzle missing. Cream-color clay. Miniature lamp. Disk: ring, rays, two framing rings.Rim, widest at center:threerowsof globulesin diminishing sizes. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within ring, relief outline of leaf. First half of 3rd century. 1587 W. 0.058 m. Orange-buff clay with burnt areas. Miniature lamp. Disk: ring, rays, two framing rings. Row of globuleson rim. Handle: groovedand punched.Base: within ring, reliefoutlineof leaf. Mid-3rdcentury.
1588 P1. 29. Herulian destruction debris, H-I 12:1. W. 0.069 m. Center of disk missing. Light buff clay. Disk: rays, two framing rings. Rim, widest at sides: six sets of three globules. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within ring, plain. Mid-Srd century.
Similar: 1590 Base: within ring, plain. 1591 M 17:1. Agora, V, M 181, p. 101, pl. 46. Charred remains of the wick fill up the wick-hole. Base: within two rings, central depression.
1578 P1. 29. Collecting basin and drain, Q 15:1. Agora, V, K 126, p. 70, pl. 45. W. 0.083 m. Soft, light buff clay. Disk: two rings, rays, two framing rings. Rim: relief pattern of rosettes of four petals, globules, and round clumps. Grooved handle with small piercing. Base: within two rings, retrograde signature in relief Othop jobo'ov. Mid-3rd century. Fromsamemouldswith samesignature:1579.
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD grooved;groovefromair- to wick-hole.Solidgrooved handle. Base: within two circles, Ku. Second half of 4th century. 1605 P1. 29. W. 0.07 m. Flaking orangeclay. Disk: plain center, rays on steep sides; five holes; uneven framing ring. Wavy lines on rim. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Solid grooved handle ending in small circle. Base: within almond-shaped grooves,
1597 W. 0.054m.Flakingorangeclaywithbuffsurface. Disk: ring, rays, two framing rings. Rim and walls covered with globules. Nozzle: flanked by volutes; underside set off by two ridges. Handle: groovedand pierced.Base: within ring, plain. Secondhalf of 3rd century. Rim : wreath 1598 P1. 29. W. 0.08 m. Orangeclay, with buff to orangesurface. Disk: rosette, rays, two framing rings. Rim, widestat sides:wreath.U-shapednozzlewith grooved spirals. Handle: grooved and pierced, ending in grape cluster in relief. Base: within ring outlined by two ridges, plain. Early 3rd century. 1599 P1. 29. W. 0.077 m. Most of base missing. Yellow-buffclay. Disk: two rings, rays, two framing rings. Rim, widest at sides: wreath with pelta-shapedrelief in center of each side. Handle: grooved and pierced, ending in cross-strokes.Base: within two closely spaced circles,plain as far as preserved. Early 3rd century. 1600 P1.29. Est. W. 0.074 m. Part of left side missing. Bright orangeclay. Disk: two rings, rays, two framing rings. Rim, widest at sides: wreath.Handle:groovedand pierced. Base: between two circles, circularly incised inscription -raxx. .r&cnv Early 3rd century. 1601 Well, J 18:2. W. 0.075m. Soft, dull orangeclay. Disk: two rings, nearly obliterated rays, two framing rings. Rim, widest at sides: wreath with central stalk. Handle: grooved and punched. Base: within two closely spaced circles,plain. First half of 3rd century. 1602 Est. W. 0.072 m. About two-thirdspreserved. Buff clay; orange glaze. Disk: ring, rays, framingring. Rim: inner band of incised wreath with six small circles, outer band plain. Groovefrom air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved
Late 4th to early 5th century. Rim : herringbone 1606 P1. 29. W. 0.079 m. Buff clay; brown to black glaze. Disk: ring, rays, two framingrings. Herringbone rim. Nozzle: sides double-grooved; groove from airto wick-hole. Solid grooved handle, ending in leaf. Base: within two circles,ETp. Mid-4thcentury.
withinring, incisedbranch.
Similar: 1607 D 12:1. Base: within two circles, plain. 1608 M 18:3. Base: within three circles, plain. 1609 Base:
1610 P1.29. W. 0.073 m. Buff clay; brownglaze. Disk: rays with dimpled tips; framingring. Herringbonerim. Nozzle: sides double-grooved; groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles,A. Secondhalf of 4th century.
Similar: 1611 Base: within two circles,OEoJSoi. 1612 Base: within two circles,plain. 1618 From same mouldsas 1614Base: withintear-shaped preceding. band, smallcircles in the form of a grape cluster (?). 1615 Base: within two tear-shaped grooves,T. 1617 E 2:1. Unglazed.Base: within two circles,Ku.1618 Unglazed.Relatedto preceding. Base: within two circles,[K]v.
1616 M 18:3. Base: within closely spaced circles E401KTTpjov.
Rim : various 1619 Pls. 29, 36. W. 0.082 m. Nozzle missing. Orange clay; purple-brown glaze. Disk: ring, forkedrays, framingring. Rim: panels with incised branch, small circles, and ares. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles,A (?) and three small circles. A vine-and-raylamp in the Benachicollectionhas
a similar base: a lambda with the three small circles in the same positions. Mid-4th century.
Rim : wavy lines 1603 Est. W. 0.076 m. Part of disk and rim. Dark orange clay; purplish brown glaze. Disk with broad channel to wick-hole: two rings, forked rays, framing band. Wavy lines on rim. Second half of 4th century. 1604 Est. W. 0.071 m. Part of right side missing. Orange-buff clay; reddish brown glaze. Disk: ring, wedge-shaped rays, framing ring. Rim: wavy lines and small circles. Nozzle: sides double-
Nozzle : U-shaped 1620 Herulian destruction debris, H-I 12:1. P.W. 0.06 m. Fragment of disk and rim. Light buff clay. Disk: ring, eight heart-shaped leaves or petals with globules at their tips, two framing rings. Row of globules on rim.
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES A similar lamp in the Kerameikos (Inst. phot. Ker. 1808) preservespart of the U-shapednozzle. Mid-3rdcentury. 1621 W. 0.081 m. Soft, gritty, buff clay. Disk: sixteen leaves with globules between the tips; two framing rings. Row of globules on rim. U-shapednozzle.Handle:piercedand grooved.Base: centralboss framedby thick ring betweentwo narrow rings. First half of 3rd century.
Similar: 1622 Bright orangeclay with lighter surface.
1623 P1. 80. W. 0.078 m. Buff clay. Disk: ring; eight leaves, alternating with eight smallerleaves, with globules between leaf tips; two framing rings. Row of globules on rim. U-shaped nozzle slightly lower than rim. Badly pierced handle, grooved with hatching near the base. Base: central boss framed by thick ring between two narrowrings. century. Mid-Srd
Plain rim. 1626-1627. 1628 F 17:1. 1629 B 17:1. 1680. 1681
1646 P1. 80. Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11, 9. W. 0.077 m. Buff clay; rusty glaze. Disk: ring, eight leaves, the space around their tips filled with curved lines; framing ring. Narrow rim with six small circles. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles,Ei. First half of 4th century. 1647 P1. 30. W. 0.068 m. Orange clay; brown-red glaze. Disk: eight leaves, framing circle. Rim: plain; panels indicated by three short grooves. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles,T. Mid-4thcentury. 1648 W. 0.065 m. Muchof nozzle missing. Gray-buff clay. Disk: eight leaves, two framing rings. Plain rim with faint dashesindicatingpanels. U-shapednozzle combined with oblique dashes indicating sides of kite-shapednozzle. Base: three circles. Secondhalf of 4th century.
datedin the late 3rdcenturyinto the firstquarter Similar; of the 4th century: 1624. 1625 Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 205.
1640 Max. dim. 0.052 m. Fragmentof disk and rim. Buff clay; white and red paint. Disk: ring, eight leaves, two framingrings. Plain rim. The uppersurfaceis coatedwith white paint; on the rim is a band of red painted over the white. This lamp was made at a time when glazed lamps came back into fashion.Perhapsit is one of the early Similar:1650 J 18:2. Base: within circle,plain. experimentsin adding color to lamps; it is painted in the mannerof terracottas. 1651 P1. 30. W. 0.075 m. Orange clay. First quarterof 4th century. Disk: ring, rosette of ten double petals, framing 1641 P1. 30. W. 0.055 m. Orange-buffclay; worn ring. Slightly sloping rim with plain panels. Solid groovedhandle. Base: within circle, Pov. rusty red glaze. First quarterof 4th century. Disk: ring, eight leaves, two framingrings. Globules on rim. Solid groovedhandle. U-shapednozzle From same or related moulds, dated in the late 3rd and set off from rim by transversegroove. Base: three early 4th century: 1652 F 17:1. Base: within circle, EO.1653 F 16:2. Base: within circle, five small circles, in the form of circles. a cross.1654 Plain base. 1655 K 18:1. Base: within circle, First half of 4th century. three small circles. 1656 Glazed. Plain base. 1657 Glazed.
Similar: 1642 Unglazed. Base: central boss framed by thick ring between two thin rings. 1648 F 18:2. Unglazed. 1644.
Plain base. Similar: 1658 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11, 26. Base: within circle, incised branch (lower stem preserved) followed 1659 Plain base. by .E.
Rim : plain 1649 P1. 30. Well, N 21:1. W. 0.08 m. Coarse, cracking clay, unevenly fired light- to orange-buff. Disk: filling-hole not properly centered, ring, twelve-petal rosette, framing ring. Air-hole not pierced through. Plain rim with panels. Handle: groovedand pierced.Base: within circle, 'ETrayaeoi roughlyincised. Early 3rd century.
Nozzle : plain 1645 W. 0.062 m. Flaking, orange clay. Disk: eight blurred leaves, two framing rings. Plain rim with panels indicated by dashes. Air-hole not pierced through. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Solid handle, with hatched panel in front. Base: three circles. First half of 4th century.
1660 Est. W. 0.076 m. Much missing. Burned clay and glaze. Disk: ring, inner circle of ten leaflets, ten pointed double petals, framing ring. Plain rim with panels indicated by four grooves. Base: within two circles, Po[v]. First half of 4th century.
From same mould: 1661 Not glazed.
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD 1681 Pls. 30, 34. W. 0.071 m. Buff clay; shiny orangebrownglaze. Disk: ring, rosette of twelve petals, pinpoints; framing groove. Rim: panels with incised branch, eight small triple circles. Groovefrom air- to wickhole. Solid handle with herringbonein front and grooves in back. Base: within heart-shapedgroove, two small double circles and A. Second quarterof 4th century.
4th century:1682 Q 17:4. Base:within circle, Kv. 1683 M
Similar, dated in the second and third quarters of the 17:1. Agora, V, M 284, p. 110, pl. 46. Base: within circle, Ku. 1684 Base: within two circles, -r. 1685 Base: within two 1686 Base: within circle, [-r]p. 1687 P1. 36. Base: circles, IT-r. 1690 Base: within ring, I-r. 1689 Base: within two circles, IT-r.
1662 P1. 30. W. 0.085 m. Orange-buff clay; orange glaze with burnt areas. Disk: three rings, rosette of twenty-six petals, framing ring. Rim: panels with small circles; small circles flanking handle and nozzle. Solid grooved handle. Base: within ring, five small circles in the form of a quincunx. First half of 4th century.
Similar,with plain bases, dated in the first half of the 4th century:1663 Unglazed.1664. 1665 N 21:1. 1666-1668.
1669 Est. W. 0.085 m. Lowerhalf and nozzlemissing. Orangeclay; purplishglaze. Disk: ring, rosette of sixteen petals, ring, rays, framingring. Plain narrowrim. Solidgroovedhandle. First half of 4th century. 1670 W. 0.073 m. Orangeclay; red-orange glaze. Disk: ring, rosette of twenty-two curving petals, framing ring. Rim: ring with herringbonepattern; volutes facing the nozzle. Between volutes, grooved ornament. Solid grooved handle. Five rows of globules on lower wall. Underside of nozzle set off by two ridges. Base: four rings. A variant of the globule-and-volute lamp. First half of 4th century. 1671 P1.30.W.0.078m.Orange-buff clay; purpleglaze. Disk: two rings, rosette of thirty-three curving petals, framingring. Plain rim. Solid groovedhandle. Base: within two circles,incised cross. First half of 4th century.
Base: within two circles,I-r[p]. 1674 Base: within ring,I-r. 1675Base: withintwo circles, 1676Base: withinring,X-r. .-r.
mid-century. 1672 Unglazed. 1678 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215.
within two tear-shaped grooves,ITpla. 1688 Base: within two circles, T. 1691 F 16:2. Base: within heart-shaped groove,X (?). 1692 Base: within two closelyspacedcircles, plain. 1698 Base: within two closely spaced circles,incised branch.1694 D 12:1. Base: within circle,plain. 1695 Base:
within two circles, plain. 1696 Squarish disk with four curving sides. Panels both at sides and at four corners of disk. 1697 Base: within ring, five small circles in the form of a cross. 1698 Base: within two circles, plain. 1699 Base: within heart-shaped groove, plain. 1700. 1701 Nozzle set off by two transverse grooves. Base: within two circles, incised branch. 1702 Base: within two circles, five small circles in the form of a cross. 1708 Base: within two circles, incised branch. 1704 Nozzle set off from rim both by hatched panel and oblique grooves. Base: within two circles, plain.
1677 Est. W. 0.076 m. Part of left side. Orangeclay; metallic brownglaze. Disk: threerings,rosetteof pointedpetals,framing groove.Wide plain rim. First half of 4th century. 1678 P1. 30. W. 0.079 m. Orange-buff clay; orangeto brown glaze. Disk: four large petals alternating with grooved motif; framing groove. Eight small circles on rim.
Solid grooved handle. Base: within two closely spaced circles, plain. First half of 4th century. 1679 P1. 30. W. 0.079 m. Top of handle and part of disk missing. Orange-buff clay; orange-brown glaze. Disk: double rosette with inner ring of nine petals, outer ring of eighteen; framing circle. Sloping rim: eight small double circles; herringbone panels. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Grooved handle. Base: within two circles, incised branch and E retrograde. First half of 4th century.
Similar: 1680.
1707 P1. 30. W. 0.072 m. Dull orange clay. Disk: ring, rosette of eight petals, small circles, framinggroove. Rim: herringbonepanels and eight small circles. Nozzle: sides double-grooved;groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles,Ku. Secondhalf of 4th century. 1708 W. 0.074 m. Centerof disk missing.Brown-buff clay; shiny brownglaze. Disk: rosette of twelve petals with dots between the tips, framing groove which is interrupted by heavily grooved arcs flanking handle and nozzle. Narrowchannel from disk to air-hole. Solid handle with herringbonein front, grooves in back. Base: within two circles,EV. Mid-4thcentury.
1709 Pls. 30, 49. W. 0.072 m. Orange-buff clay; orange glaze. Disk: ring, rosette of fourteen pointed petals with small circles at the tips; framing ring. Narrow plain rim. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Solid grooved handle. Base: within heart-shaped groove, E. Mid-4th century.
From related moulds: 1710 Unglazed. Base: within 1711 Base: within heart-shaped heart-shaped groove, EDi. groove, incised branch on three-legged (?) base and four
small double circles.
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES 1713 Pls. 30, 37. Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11,23. W. 0.057 m. Buff clay; purplishbrownglaze. Disk: ring, rosette of fourteen petals, framing groove. Small circles on narrowrim. Sides of nozzle Solid groovedhandle. Base: within double-grooved. two circles,Y. Mid-4thcentury.
Similar, dated to the second and third quarters of the 4th century: 1714 Base: within circle, E. 1715 Base: within two closely spaced circles, small circle and Na. 1716 Base: within two closely spaced circles, -rp.1717 Base: within two closely spaced circles, --rp.1718 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215. Base: within two circles, I-rp. 1719 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215. Base: within two circles, X-r. 1720 Base: within two circles, Pr. 1721 D 12:1. Base: within two circles, Kv. 1722 Base: within circle, Kv with central incised branch on a four-legged base. 1728 Base: within two circles, Ku. 1724 Base: within two circles, 1. 1725 Base: within two circles, A. 1726 P1. 37. Base: within ring, incised letter (?), not read. 1727 D 12:1. Base: within circle, five small circles in the form of a cross. 1728 Base: within ring, five small circles in the form of a cross. The following lamps have plain bases: 1729 M 18:3. 1780-1733. 1784 Unglazed. 1735-1786.
1753 P1. 30. W. 0.07 m. Orangeclay; thin orange glaze. Disk: two rings,rosetteof ten petals; the rosette is interrupted both by the handle and by a short channel from disk toward wick-hole. Small circles and pairs of grooveson rim. Sides of nozzle doublegrooved. Solid grooved handle. Base: within tearshaped grooves, three small circles. Secondhalf of 4th century. 1754 P1. 30. W. 0.07 m. Orange-buff clay; orange glaze. Disk: ring, rosette of fourteen petals, framing groove. Plain narrow rim. Sides of nozzle doublegrooved. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, plain. Secondhalf of 4th century.
Similar signed lamps of the second half of the 4th century: 1755 Base: within tear-shaped grooves, K retrograde. 1756 Base: within tear-shaped groove, K retrograde. 1757 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215. Base: within two circles, Ku. 1758 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, Kv. 1759 Unglazed. Base: within circle, Ku. 1760 Unglazed. Base: within tearshaped band, hatching near the top and Ku sidewise. 1761 P1. 35. Base: within almond-shaped groove, K. 1762 Unglazed. Base: within tear-shaped grooves, eEretrograde.1763 Unglazed. Base: within two tear-shaped grooves, 1. 1764 Base: within tear-shaped grooves, I. Similar, glazed and unglazed lamps of the second half of the 4th century with symbols on the base: 1765 Base: within tear-shaped grooves, small circles (?). 1766 Base: within two circles, six small circles in the form of a rosette. 1767 Base: within two circles, five small circles in the form of a cross; below, six small circles in the form of an inverted triangle. 1768 Base: within two circles, five small circles in the form of a cross. 1769 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, five small circles in the form of a cross. 1770 Base: within two closely spaced circles, incised branch. 1771 Base: within tear-shaped grooves, incised branch. 1772 Base: within tearshaped groove, incised branch. 1773 Base: within tearshaped groove, incised branch. 1774 Base: two circles with five small double circles between; in center, incised branch. Similar glazed and unglazed lamps of the second half of the 4th century, with plain base, where preserved. 1775-1788.
1737 P1. 30. W. 0.066 m. Dark orange clay; orange glaze. Disk: two rings, rosette of sixteen curving petals, framingring. Rim: panels indicated by three short grooves. Groove from air- to wick-hole; sides of nozzle double-grooved.Solid grooved handle. Base: within ring, five small circles in the form of a cross. Secondhalf of 4th century.
From same or related moulds: 1788-1789. Similar: 1740 Unglazed. Base: within almond-shaped band EOJK&p. 1741.
1742 W. 0.062m. Darkorangeclay; thin purplishred glaze. Disk: sixteen curving petals; narrow channel to air-hole. Rim: four small circles; volutes suggested by arcs. Solidgroovedhandle.Undersideof nozzleset off by two ridges. Grooveson lowerwalls definearea once occupiedby globules.Base: within circle,plain. A globule-and-volute lampwas the archetype. Rim : ovolo Second half of 4th century. 1784 P1.30. Well, N 21:1. W. 0.073 m. Part of nozzle and right side missing. Gray-buff 1743 Pls. 30, 49. W. 0.058 m. Orange-brown and clay. clay Disk: ring, rosette of thirteenpetals, framingring. glaze.
Disk: ring, rosette of fourteen petals, dotted framing ring. Rim: panels suggested by six short grooves; small circles flank handle, panels, nozzle. Groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two closely spaced circles, Ei[KxpjTTrov. Second half of 4th century.
From related moulds: 1744 Base: within two closely spaced circles, EC'KA@p rrou.1745 Unglazed. Base: within two circles, T. Similar: 1746 Base: within two circles, Ku. 1747 Base: within two circles, T. 1748 Base: within two circles, A. The following lamps have plain bases: 1749-1750. 1751 Unglazed. 1752 Unglazed.
Panelled rim with messy ovolo. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, Arvaiou. Early 3rd century. 1785 Well, J 18:2. W. 0.074 m. Coarse, gritty, light buff clay. Disk: ring, rosette of fifteen petals, framing ring. Small ovolo on rim. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle, plain. First half of 3rd century. 1786 P1. 31. Rectangular Pit and Drain, Q 15:1. Agora, V, K 129, p. 70, pl. 45. W. 0.078 m. Buff clay.
1808 W.0.071m. Partof diskmissing.Orange-buff clay. Disk: many curved solid petals; framinggroove. Rim: rough vine pattern of six leaves and four clusters. Solid grooved handle, ending in small circles. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, Ka with three small circles below. Late 4th into early 5th century. 1809 W. 0.067 m. Orangeclay. Disk: ring, rosette of twelve petals. Rim: vine pattern of eight leaves and small circles. Nozzle set 1787 RectangularPit and Drain, Q 15:1. Agora,V, off by transverse grooves. Solid grooved handle. K 128, p. 70, pl. 45. W. 0.115 m. Nozzle missing; Base: within almond-shapedgrooves, incised inparts of disk, rim and wall restored.Coarse, light buff verted branch. Late 4th into early 5th century. clay. Disk: rosette of many heart-shapedpetals, two Rim : trefoiland reel framing rings. Panelled rim with faint remains of ovolo. Handle: groovedand pierced,ending in relief 1810 Pl. 31. Well, S 21:3. W. 0.071 m. Pieces missing leaf. Base: two narrowrings with a third, very low, from base, wall and disk. Gritty, yellow-buffclay. Disk: ring, rosette of many petals, framing ring. vague ring betweenthem, plain. Rim: panels; trefoil and reel. Handle: grooved and First half of 3rd century. Base:withintwo circles, e... incised. pierced. Rim : vine Early 3rd century. 1788 Well, D 12:1. W. 0.083 m. Buff clay; purplish Similarfragment:1811. glaze. Disk: two rings, rosette of twenty petals. Rim: Rim : globules vine pattern of six clusters and four leaves. Solid 1812 P1. 31. Heruliandestructiondebris, H-I 12:1. grooved handle, ending in leaf. Base: within ring, W. 0.081 m. Green-buff clay with burntareas. Disk: rosette of twenty-four curving petals with incised branchand two small circles. raised ring underneaththe spring of the petals; two Mid-4thcentury. framingrings. Panelled rim with globulesin three's. 1789 P1. 31. W. 0.074 m. Orange-buff clay; brown Handle:groovedand pierced.Base: within ring,plain. glaze. Mid-3rdcentury. Disk: ring, rosette of eighteen petals. Rim: vine From related moulds: 1813 C 14:2. pattern of six clustersand four leaves. Groovefrom air- to wick-hole.Solidgroovedhandle,endingin leaf. 1814 Cistern, C 14:2. W. 0.079 m. Fragment of disk, Base: within two circles,five small circlesin the form rim and nozzle. Light buff clay. of a quincunx. Disk: ring, rosette of nine overlapping petals, each Mid-4thcentury. petal tipped with a globule, two framing rings. Panelledrim with row of globules. From same or related moulds, dated in the mid-4th into Mid-3rd century. second half of 4th century; 1790 P1. 35. Base: within two circles, Kv. 1791. 1792 Plain base. 1798 Unglazed. Base: 1815 W. 0.079 m. Orange-buff clay; purplishglaze. within ring, incised branch. Disk: ring, rosette of thirty-two curving petals, Similar: 1794 Base: within two circles, --r. 1795 Related to preceding. Base: within two circles, I-r. 1796-1797. two framing rings. Row of small globules on rim. Groovefrom framingring to wick-hole.Solid handle 1798 P1. 81. W. 0.078 m. Dull orange clay; purplebrown glaze. Rosette of twelve petals on disk. Rim: rough vine of six leaves and four clusters. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, Ky. Second half of 4th century.
From same or related moulds: 1799. 1800 Base: within two circles, Ku. 1801 Base: within circle, five small circles in the form of a cross. 1802 Base: three concentric circles. 1808 Unglazed. Base: three concentric circles. 1804 Unglazed. Base: within ring, four small circles. 1805 Unglazed. Similar: 1806 Base: within two closely spaced circles, five small circles in the form of a cross. 1807 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11, 16. Base: within circle, NE.
Disk: ring, rosette of nine petals tipped with globules, two framingrings. Rim: ovolo and panels clumsilyindicatedby raisedlines. Nozzleoutlinedby ridges. Pierced handle with traces of grooves. Base: two widely spaced narrowrings. The maker dug grooves into an old mould in an effort to restore definitionto the nozzle, panels and base, and to recreate the semblance of an ovolo pattern. First half of 3rd century.
with panel of herringbone pattern in front. Base: within two circles, plain. Mid-4th century.
Rim : 8-S 1816 P1. 31. W. 0.078 m. Orange clay; shiny orangered glaze. Disk: ring, rosette of fourteen pointed petals, framing groove. 8-S pattern on rim. Groove from airto wick-hole. Solid grooved handle, with small leaf at the end. Base: within ring, five small circles in the form of a cross. Mid-4th century.
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES Rim :wreath 1817 Pl. 31. Well, I 16:1. W. 0.078 m. Yellowish orangeclay. Disk: rosette; three framing rings. Rim: panels; wreath. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within circle,plain. First half of 3rd century. 1818 Pl. 31. W. 0.083 m. Buff clay; metallic, dark purplishbrownglaze. Disk: two rings, rosette of fourteen heart-shaped petals, framing ring. Panelled rim with wreath. Handle: grooved and punch-marked.Base: within two rings, A. Slightly later, Broneer700, pls. XII, XXXI, with doubtful signature,Kpavy[Tr]ov. First half of 4th century.
Fromrelated moulds :1819Unglazed. Base .within ring, Kpa. Similar: 1820 Unglazed. Base: within two rings, Pou.
Disk: rosetteof thirteenpetals,framingring.Wavy lines on rim. Solid groovedhandle.Base: within two circles, plain. Mid-4thcentury.
Similar, dated in the mid-4th century: 1828 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 206, fig. 8,1. Base: within circle, five small circles in the form of a cross. 1829 Base: within tear-shaped grooves, two small circles preserved. 1880 K 18:1. Base: within two
1832 Pls. 31, 34. Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11,10. W. 0.073 m. Orangeclay. Disk: ring,rosetteof twelve petals, dotted framing ring. Wavy lines on rim. Nozzle: groovefrom air- to wick-hole flanked by small circles; sides doublegrooved. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles,E 18co. Secondhalf of 4th century.
Similar, dated in the second half of the 4th century: 1883 Base: within tear-shaped grooves, K. 1884 Base: within two circles, EIKjp. 1885 Unglazed. Base: within two closely spaced circles, E|IK&pI-rrou. 1886 Pls. 31, 35. Unglazed. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, eeojSoIjAov. 1887 Base: within tear-shaped groove, eEolso*. 1888 Unglazed. Base: within two circles, T. 1889 Pls. 31, 37. Base: within two closely spaced circles, incised branch; on underside of nozzle,
1821 P1.31. W. 0.077 m. Orangeclay; purplish red glaze. Disk with broadchannelto wick-hole:ring, rosette of twelve curvingpetals, two framingbands. Raised wreath pattern on rim. Solid handle, with panel of incised branch pattern in front of grooves in back. Base: within two circles,incised branch. Secondhalf of 4th century. Rim : three rowsof dots 1822 P1. 81. Well filling, F 16:2. W. 0.08 m. Orangebuff clay; orange-red glaze. Disk: ring, rosette of eight heart-shapedpetals, two framingrings. Rim: panels with incised branch, three rows of dots. Handle: grooved and punched, ending in leaf. Base: within ring, three small circles. From related moulds, Broneer 1088, signed by
1848 P1. 31. W. 0.07 m. Clay burnt black; glaze purpleto brown.Dented out of shape. Disk: ring, rosette of twelve pointedpetals, dotted framing ring. Rim: wavy lines. Nozzle set off from rim by transversehatched panel. Groovefrom airto wick-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within three circles, four small circles. Secondhalf of 4th century.
From same or related moulds: 1823 Unglazed. Base: Fromrelatedmoulds:1849. Similar:1860 Base: within within ring, plain. 1824 Unglazed.Base: within ring, plain. three circles, plain. 1851 Unglazed. Base: within two circles, 1825 P1. 31. Base: within ring, crudely incised eight-pointed A. 1852 Unglazed.Base: within two circles,incisedbranch. star. The eight-pointed star appears forty-three times on bases in the Kerameikos; the rims, where preserved, have three rows of dots.
Rim: arcs 1826 W. 0.082 m. Orange clay and glaze. Disk: ring, rosette of fourteen petals, framing ring. Rim: panels with incised branch pattern; inner band of arcs, outer plain band. Handle: grooved and punched, ending with leaf. Base: within ring, plain. From related moulds, Athens N.M. 3180 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2518, 2519) signed Po~tpou E. First half of 4th century. Rim : wavy lines 1827 P1. 31. Well, D 12:1. W. 0.08 m. Buff clay; purplish brown glaze.
1853 Est. W. 0.072 m. Part of upperhalf. Dull orange clay; very worn purplishglaze. Disk: rosette of four largepetals with small circles
and leaves (?) between petals. Wavy lines on rim. Solid grooved handle. Second half of 4th century. 1854 W. 0.07 m. Dull orange clay. Disk: ring, rosette of ten petals with circles at the tips, framing ring; three holes around filling-hole. Wavy lines on rim. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised cross with four circles in the quadrants. Late 4th to early 5th century.
Similar: 1865 M 17:1. Agora, V, M 339, p. 116, pl. 46.
Rim : herringbone 1856 P1. 31. W. 0.083 m. Orangeclay; purplishglaze. Disk: two rings, rosette of sixteen petals, framing rim. Groovefromair- to wick-hole. ring. Herringbone Grooved solid handle. Base: within two circles, E. Mid-4thcentury.
within two circles, E". 1860 Base: within two circles, E. 1861
preserved. 1868 Base: within two circles, incised branch. 1864 Base: within two circles, seven small circles in the form of a rosette. 1865 Base: within two circles, plain. 1866 Base:
small circles in the form of a quincunx.1917 Related to preceding.Base: within two circles,many small circlesin Base: within two circles,Ku.1862 Base: within two tear- the form of a grapecluster (?). shaped bands, design of small circles of which three are
1918 P1. 32. W. 0.072 m. Brown clay. Disk: sixteen solid curving petals, framing ring; around the filling-holefour holes, two of which are within two circles,plain. not pierced through. Air-hole not pierced through. 1867 P1. 31. Well, D 12:1. W. 0.083 m. Buff clay; Herringbone rim. Nozzle: sides double-grooved; uneven brown-orange glaze. groove, flanked by small circles, from framing ring Disk: ring, rosette of eight double petals, framing to wick-hole. Handle: grooved and punched. Base: ring. Herringbonerim. Groove from air- to wick- within almond-shaped grooves, Xi6vrSsidewise. of nozzle Solid sides half 4th Second of hole; double-grooved. grooved century. handle. Base: within two circles,incised branch. From same or related moulds: 1919 Signature obliterated Mid-4thcentury. while clay was wet.
From related moulds: 1868 Base: within two circles,
incised branch. Similar: 1869 Base: within two circles, A. Second half of 4th century. 1870 Unglazed. Base: within two circles, A. Late 4th century. Related to preceding lamp. Base: within circle, Ku. 1922 Base: within three circles, K. 1923 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11, 22. Glazed. Base: within two circles, T. 1924 Glazed. Base: within heart-shaped grooves, E01KpW-rrov. cross on the base: 1925 Glazed. 1926.1927 Glazed.1928-1929.
Similarsignedlamps,datedin the secondhalf of the 4th century: 1920 Glazed. Base: within two circles, Ku. 1921
1871 P1. 31. W. 0.065 m. Orange-buff clay; brown glaze. Disk: rosette; dotted framing ring. Herringbone rim. Sides of nozzle double-grooved.Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, E. Secondhalf of 4th century.
pl. 45.
shaped band, T. 1881 Base: within two closely spaced circles, T. 1882 Unglazed. Base: within two circles, T. 1883 Base: within tear-shaped grooves, E0K& [p]jw[ov]. 1884 Base: within two circles, A. 1885 Unglazed. Base: within two circles, A. 1886 Related to preceding. Indistinct signature, Similar lamps with incised branch on base: 1889-1892. With inverted incised branch on base: 1898 N 20:5. 1894-1895. Similar lamps with five small circles on base: 1896-1897. 1898 Unglazed. 1899 Unglazed. With four small circles on base: 1900. Similar lamps with plain base: 1901-1905. 1906 P 18:2. 1907-1908 Unglazed. With base missing: 1909-1910. 1911
1934 W. 0.067 m. Orangeclay. Disk: rosette of sixteen curving solid petals; four From same or related moulds: 1872 Base: within two smallholes aroundfilling-hole; framingring. Herringcircles, E. 1878 Base: within two circles, E. 1874 Base: bone rim. Nozzle: set off from disk by two transverse within two circles, Ku.1875 Base: within two circles, Ku. from air- to wick-hole; two small Similar signed lamps, dated in the second half of the 4th grooves; groove circles. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within century: 1876 Base: within circle, Ku.1877 Base: within two two Ku. Base: Base: within Ku. K. 1879 1878 circle, circles, circles, Unglazed. within two circles, eOs retrograde. 1880 Base: within tearSecondhalf of 4th century.
Base: within two circles, four small circles and K. 1936 Base: within two circles, Ku. 1987 Base: within two circles, Kv. 1938 Glazed. From same (or related) moulds as preceding. central circle. 1941 Glazed. From same moulds as preceding. Base: within circle, incised branch, and outside circle, four small double circles.
A. 1887 Base: withintwo circles, X. 1888Unglazed. Base: withintwo circles,T. 1989 Glazed.Base: withinthree probably circles,plain. 1940 Glazed.Base: within two circles,small Base: within tear-shaped groove, X[l]6Iv[i]4.
1912 P1. 31. W. 0.071 m. Dark orange-buff clay; brownish purple glaze. Disk: two rings, rosette of sixteen curving petals, framing ring. Herringbone rim. Groove from air- to
1942 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11, 15. W. 0.07 m. Dull orange clay. Disk: ring, rosette of twelve pointed petals with small circles at their tips, framing groove. Herringbone rim. Nozzle: sides double-grooved; groove, flanked by two circles, from air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two closely spaced circles, Ku. Second half of 4th century.
From the same moulds: 1948 Base: within two closely on the rim in the mouldinstead of buds in reversing
grooves, K retrograde.1948 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215, Glazed.Base: within tear-shapedband, K retrograde. 1950
1954 Glazed.
1960 P1. 32. W. 0.07 m. Dull orangeclay. Rosette of eleven petals on disk; framing ring. Herringbonerim. Groove, flanked by small circles, fromair-to wick-hole;sidesof nozzledouble-grooved. Solid handle, with herringbonepattern in front, grooves in back, the end flanked by small circles. Base: within tear-shapedgroove, five small circles in the form of a cross. 1974 Pls. 32, 36. Wellfilling,F 16:2. W. 0.076 m. Dull Late 4th century. orangeclay. From related moulds: 1961 Base: within tear-shaped Disk: ring, rosette of fifteen petals, framingring. groove, eight small circles, in the form, approximately, of a Rim: inner band of wavy line and raised dots in cross. outer plain band; panels indicated by three Similar,datedin the late 4th century:1962Base: within three's, Base: grooves.Handle: groovedand punch marked,ending tear-shaped (?) grooves,Ku.1963Relatedto preceding. within circle,K. 1964 Base: within two circles,plain. 1965 in small leaf. Within base-ring:PovIE. Relatedto preceding. Base: within circle,incisedbranchon First half of 4th century.
base. 1966 Base: within heart-shaped three-legged groove, signature,not read. 1967. Disk fragments
1973 Well, M 17:1. Agora, V, M 131, p. 96, pl. 46. W. 0.077 m. Gray-buff clay. Disk: eighteen-petalled rosette, two framingrings. Panelledrim has patternof wavy line and raiseddots. Nozzle has two spurs which run over rim ornament. Handle with small piercing, grooved with crossstrokesnear the base. Base: within ring, signaturein relief upside down: fp-Ip.ilou. The mould from which this lamp was produced was hastily retouched. The rim pattern, a rough approachto the wavy line and bud design,was done freehandin the mould. At this time the two curious spurs from the nozzle were added. The other relief signatures of Preimos have broader, steadier, well spaced letters; this signature was carelesslyincised upsidedownin the mould.Thetwo halvesof the lamp were sadly fitted together and badly pared. Early 3rd century.
1976 Diam. of disk: 0.049 m. Disk fragment.Orangebuffclay. Rosette of six petalswith circlesbetweenthe petals. Three small holes aroundfilling-hole. From same or related moulds: 1969 Base: within ring, half of 4th century. Second five small circlesin the form of a cross.
Similarglazedlamps,datedin the mid-4thcentury:1970 Base: within two circles,incised branch.1971 Odd rosette
composed of four leaves and four two-lobed petals.
1968 P1. 82. W. 0.07 m. Dull orangeclay. Disk with channel to wick-hole: rosette of eight petals; three holes around filling-hole.Herringbone rim. Handle, grooved and pierced, with two small circles at the end. Base: within ring, five small circlesin the form of a cross. Late 4th century.
1975 Max. dim. 0.052 m. Disk fragment.Orangeclay and glaze. Disk: two rings, rosette of many petals; many little holesaroundfilling-hole. Mid-4thcentury.
Rim : various 1972 P1. 82. Well-filling, F 19:1. Agora, V, L 13, p. 75, pl. 45. W. 0.077 m. Soft buff clay. Disk: segmented ring, rosette of eleven pointed petals, two framing rings. Panelled rim has buds set in reversing hooks. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within two circles, l'piilou. Athens N.M. 3163 (Inst. phots. N.M. 2554, 2555) may come from the same archetype. It is similar in all respects to 1972 except that rosettes were stamped
1977 Well, 5 21:3. W. 0.081 m. Part of left side missing. Buff clay; worn orange glaze. Disk: eight-pointed star, framing ring. Plain rim. Solid grooved handle. Groove from air- to wick-hole. Base: within two circles, blurry impressions of five small circles in the form of a cross. Mid-4th century. 1978 P1. 32. W. 0.085 m. Orange clay; red glaze. Disk: two rings, eight-pointed star, with herringbone between the points; framing ring. Wavy lines
From same or related moulds: 1982 Base: within two on rim. Groovefrom air- to wick-hole;sides of nozzle circles, ['A]ya. Base: handle. within Solid grooved double-grooved. two rings, A sidewise. 1983 W. 0.053 m. Orangeclay; orange-brown glaze. First half of 4th century. Disk: eight-pointed star; framing ring. Herringbone rim. Groove from air-hole toward wick-hole. Similar:1979. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, T. 1980 P1.32. W. 0.073 m. Darkorangeclay with many Secondhalf of 4th century. white bits; purplishred glaze. Base: withintwo circles,T. 1985 Similar:1984Unglazed. Disk: ring, eight-pointedstar, framingring. Wavy Base: within ring, nine small circles with one in the Unglazed. lines on rim. Sides of nozzle double-grooved.Solid center.1986. 1987 Unglazed. grooved handle. Base: within two circles, T. Second half of 4th century. DISK :SQUARES
1981 Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11, 7. W. 0.066 m. Greenishbuff clay; uneven purple-brown glaze. Disk: ring, nine-pointed star, two framing rings. Wavy lines on rim. Nozzle: decoratedwith two small circles; set off from rim by two deep transverse grooves;groovefrom air- to wick-hole.Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, 'Aya. This lamp differsfrom 1200 only in the decoration stamped on disk and rim. Their clay and glaze look as if they had misfiredin the same batch in the kiln, and they derive from the same archetype. Secondhalf of 4th century.
1988 P1. 32. Well, J 18:2. W. 0.065 m. Soft, coarse, orange-buffclay. Disk: ring, raised outline of square with curving sides, incised lines in the spaces; two framingrings. Panelled rim has wavy line and sprays with three buds. Grooved, roughly pierced handle, ending in relief leaf. Base: within two circles,I-pef|lpov. Marksof the scraperall over. Taken from a worn mould. First half of 3rd century.
Similar1989 C 14:2. Globuleson rim. Base: within two circles,plain.
pieces missing, including most of base. Soft, gritty, light buff clay; traces of thin brownglaze at join of top and bottom all the way aroundlamp. Cylindrical handle, topped by a grooved loop squashedout of shape, rises from the center of plain disk with two filling-holesand framingring. Blurry ovolo pattern on rim. Two slightlyraisedegg-shaped nozzles. Base: within almond-shaped groove, incised Early 3rd century. 1991 P1. 32. Well, N 20:3. Agora,V, [K 132], p. 70, pl. 45. Est. L. 0.14 m., W. 0.085 m. Much of base, wall and top restored. Soft, coarse,yellow-buffclay. handle,groovedand pierced,rises from Triangular centerof plain disk with two filling-holes and framing Rim: inner of border small at center of ovolo; ring. each side, relief ornament of heart and volute; in front of each nozzle, two relief rosettes with swirling petals. Two heart-shapednozzles. Base: within two closely spaced almond-shaped grooves,incised signature ... IOY. signature ... A ....
shapednozzle flankedby volutes, the four knobs of which continue as ribs on the walls. Base: within circle, relief signature written sidewise: T-pEilou. First half of 3rd century. 1993 P1. 32. Max. dim. 0.086 m., H. 0.04 m. Nozzle and part of wall and rim. Buff clay. Piecrust rim. Nozzle with flaring triangulartip. Probably from a lamp with centralhandle. 3rd century. 0.037 m. Soft, cream-buff clay. Disk: triangular central handle, grooved and pierced, rises from plain disk, with filling-hole on either side; edge of disk raised slightly above rim. Rim: two plain bands; in front of each nozzle two imitation rivets continuingas ribs on the walls. Two nozzles with triangulartips. On each nozzle, raised triangle with curving sides. Base: within ring, plain. Mid-3rdcentury.
[K 131], p. 70, pl. 45.
From same or related moulds: 1995 P1. 49. Agora, V,
1996 P1. 32. Well, I 16:1. W. 0.11 m., est. L. 0.186 m., 1992 Pls. 32, 49. Cistern, C 14:2. W. 0.074 m., L. H. 0.043 m. Muchof nozzle and pieces missing. Buff 0.094 m. Soft, orange-buffclay. clay. Pierced grooved handle rises from center of plain Disk: central handle, grooved and pierced,rises disk with two filling-holes.Two framingrings. Rim from plain disk with filling-holeon either side; two carriesraisedwreath pattern. Slightly raised heart- framing rings. Rim: row of globules, two rings, dia-
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES mond-shaped frame; in front of each nozzle two rings, continuingas ribs on the walls. Nozzles decorated with scrollsand globules.Base: three diamondshaped bands with globules at the outer corners;in center, eleven globulesin the form of a cross. Mid-3rdcentury. 1997 Cistern,C 14:2. W. 0.08 m. Part of rim, disk and nozzle. Coarse,flaking, orange-brown clay. Disk has well-raisededge. Plain rim. Projecting nozzle with triangulartip. Thirdquarterof 3rd century. 1998 P.W. 0.057 m. Fragmentof upper half. Yellow buff clay with lighter worn slip. Disk: handle, grooved and pierced, rises from center, with filling-holeon either side; two framing rings. Row of globuleson rim. Secondhalf of 3rd century.
ring. Wavy lines on rim. Two nozzles, with sides Base: within three circles, A. Two double-grooved. incised branches,each runningfrom outermostbasecircle toward nozzle. Mid-4thcentury. 2006 Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 209, fig. 9, 1. W. 0.105 m.,
L. 0.181 m., H. 0.048 m. Restored. Crumbling, coarse,
back; filling-hole front, grooves pattern in back of handle; raised edge. Rim: two bands, the inner slightly lower; in front, four rosettes in relief, two of which continue as ribs on walls. Relief leaf on nozzle with triangular tip. Base: wide outer ring, thin inner ring, central boss. Early 4th century.
Similar fragment: 2004 Incised hearts on rim.
orangeclay; worn orangeglaze. Disk: handle, grooved and pierced, rises from center with filling-holeon either side; two framing rings, the outer with herringbone pattern. Plain rim. Nozzles: on each nozzle, raised tongue flanked by volutes with three knobs each. Underside of each nozzle set off from body by low ridge. Base: within ring, roughenedsurface,probablyplain. Mid-4thcentury. 2007 P1. 82. W. 0.077 m. Most of upperhalf, part of wall. Orange-buff clay; purplishred glaze. Similar fragments: 1999 A 14:2. Base: within ring, Disk: handle,groovedand pierced,rises in center, central boss. 2000. with filling-holeon either side; framing ring. Rim: 2001 Well, M 17:1. Agora,V, M 244, p. 107, pl. 47. three panelswith incised branchpattern; eight small H. 0.047 m., Width of body 0.097 m. Length of circles. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. nozzle 0.035 m. All of two nozzles, parts of third Mid-4thcentury. nozzle, base and handle restored. Orange-buff clay. Similarfragment:2008 Two nozzles. Handle, grooved and pierced,rises from centerof 200 P1. 82. W. 0.078 m., P.L. 0.125 m. Most of one plain disk with two filling-holes;two framingrings, nozzle and part of base missing. Dull orange clay. the innerwith herringbone pattern.Plain narrowrim Disk: handle, grooved and pierced, rises from with two small circles in front of each nozzle. Three with filling-holeon either side; well-raised U-shaped nozzles. Base: within wide circularband center, Rim: incised branchpattern; panels indicated edge. with three small circles,plain with centralcircle. by depressions.On each nozzle, groove from air- to Cf. Broneer1439, of slightly later date. wick-hole. On undersideof preservednozzle, incised Early 4th century. branch on three-legged base. Base: within two 2002 W. 0.08 m. All of nozzle, most of lower half circles,Kvy retrograde. Secondhalf of 4th century. missing. Orangeclay with burnt areas. Disk: triangular handle, grooved and pierced, From same or related moulds: 2010. rises from center; one filling-hole; edge slightly Similar; dated in the mid-centuryinto second half of raised.Plain rim. Base: within circle,incisedletter or 4th century: 2011 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, small circles.2012 D 12:1. 2018-2014.2015Unglazed. markings(2). 2016 P1. 32. Hesperia, II, 1933, pp. 209, 215, figs. Early 4th century. 2 and 11, 27. W. 0.217 m. Restored. Orangeclay. 2003 P1. 82. Furnace Dump, F 17:1. L. 0.108 m., 9, Handle: groovedand pierced,rises from center of W.0.078m., H. 0.042m. Flaking,cracking, orange clay. disk with two holes and raisededge. Rim: band Disk: pierced, triangular handle, with incised plain of herringbone,plain ring, concentricarcs between in in branch
the twelve nozzles. Base: within three circles, A. Second half of 4th century. 2017 P1. 33. Est. diam. 0.20 m., H. 0.051 m. About one-half preserved. Dull orange clay. Disk plain as far as preserved, hatched framing ring. Arcs and small circles on rim. Four nozzles preserved, the sides double-grooved. Base: double star-shaped groove with curving sides framing two circles, within which Xi6lvns. The lamp originally had a central handle and seven nozzles. Late 4th into early 5th century.
2005 P1. 49. W. 0.072 m. Orange-buff clay; uneven, reddish brown glaze. Handle, grooved and pierced, rises from center of plain disk with two holes and raised edge; framing
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD Fragmentb: part of wall and base, probablyfrom the cornerto the right of the handle. Base: within rectangular framingbands, AE. Fragment c: handle: grooved and pierced, with raised circle in front. Triangularsection in front of handle contains four small circles. First quarterof 4th century. 2024 P1.33. H. 0.068 m. Part of frontwith one nozzle. Micaceous orangeclay with lighter surface. From a rectangularlamp with more than one nozzle. Groovedrim. One long nozzle with rounded tip preserved.Between the nozzle and the corner,a piercedlug. Pierced lugs were used to suspend bronze lamps by chains.This one is roughly made and awkwardly stuck onto the lamp, an unhappyafterthought. Early 4th century.
W. 0.092 m., H. 0.041 m. Brown clay.
2018 H. 0.087 m., est. W. 0.23 m. Four and a half nozzles, part of disk and rim preserved. Lampwith centralhandleand an estimatedtwelve nozzles arrangedin a circle. Disk: plain as far as preserved; framing ring with herringbonepattern. Rosettes of small circles on rim. Groovesfrom airholes toward wick-holes.Small circles on undersides of nozzles. Late 4th into 5th century.
2020 Max. dim. 0.096 m. Part of top. Heavily micaceous, cracking,dull orangeclay. Lamp with central handle and an estimated ten nozzlesarranged in a circle.RoughlyU-shapedhandle, and grooved pierced,rises from center of plain disk with two filling-holesand raised edge. Vague small circles on rim. Late 4th into early 5th century. of nozzles and part of base. Light buff clay. Part of a rectangularlamp with a row of at least four nozzles in front and probably more, since the deep body is designedto hold a quantity of oil. The base is definedby three rectangular bands; inside, in the corner, part of a relief ornament, a rosette (2). Mid-3rdcentury. handle missing. Cracking, orangeto buff clay. Rectangular lamp with two nozzles in front and the handle in back. Rectangular disk with three holes; framing band. Plain rim, with uneven ridge all the way around,and two ridgesin front. U-shaped nozzles, outlined by a band. Handle: grooved and pierced.Base: within ring, plain. 3rd century. 2023 P1.38. H. 0.055 m. Threenon-joiningfragments preserveupperpart of handle, parts of nozzles,walls and base. Orange-buff clay with deep orange core. Largerectangular lamp with at least threenozzles. a: from front of lamp. Two nozzleswith Fragment indicationsof a third at the break.Part of the top of the cornernozzle is preserved,showinggroovedarcs.
2022 W. 0.083 m., L. 0.097 m., H. 0.045 m. Top of 2021 P1. 33. H. 0.058 m., P.W. 0.087 m. Underside
Disk: rosette of twelve petals, five holes. Herringbone rim. Two nozzles in front, each with an airHandle: groovedand hole, the sides double-grooved. jv5. pierced. Base: within D-shapedband, Xt6 Late 4th into early 5th century. 2026 H. 0.029 m., W. 0.095 m. Most of disk and two nozzles, part of base missing. Orangeclay. Triangular lamp with three nozzlesin front. Disk: section has small circles; framing ring. preserved Rim: rough vine pattern of four leaves and two clusters. Grooves from air-hole toward wick-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two bounding grooves, grooves and two (possibly three) vine clusterslike those on the rim. Late 4th to early 5th century. 2027 H. 0.031 m., P.W. 0.077 m. Much of left side. Coarseorange clay. Lamp of same shape as 2026. Preservedsection of disk gives small circle, two holes, framingring. Arcs on rim. Air-holeflanked by two small circles, with groove to wick-hole;sides of nozzle double-grooved. Small circles between nozzles. Base: within two
framing grooves, small circles and traces of incised signature (2). Late 4th into early 5th century.
The underside of the corner nozzle is set off from the wall by four grooves. Base: two rectangular framing bands preserved.
2028 H. 0.039 m. Front of central section. Orange The lamp originallyhad at least three disks and brown to nozzles. clay; purpleglaze. Secondhalf of 4th century. Lamp with three or more disks and nozzles. Plain disk with framing groove. Small double circles on rim. Incised branchat right formsboundarybetween 2029 Max. dim. 0.068 m. Parts of two disks with two disks. Sides of nozzle double-grooved.Base: rims. Buff clay; orangeglaze. within two circles, Kv. Each disk is plain with framing ring. Between
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES disks, incised branch and small triple circles. The spring of the handle of the right disk is preserved. Secondhalf of 4th century. 2030 P1. 33. Well, F 13:2. Max. dim. 0.058 m. Parts of two disks, rim and one nozzle preserved.Orangebuff clay; dull purplish red glaze. Left disk: ring, rays, framing ring. Right disk: rosette of many petals, framingring. Between disks, monoincisedbranch.Betweennozzles,Constantinian gram with rho turned left. Secondhalf of 4th century.
2031 P1. 33. H. 0.085 m., W. 0.155 m. Gritty, flaking orangeclay. Lamp with three disks and three nozzles.Left and right disks: plainwith threeholes aroundfilling-hole; framingring with herringbone pattern. Centraldisk: rosette of twelve ring, petals, three holes around Arcs between nozzles and disks. Central filling-hole. air-hole missing. Sides of nozzles double-grooved. Base: in center, small circleswithin circle; on either side, small circleswithin tear-shapedgrooves. Late 4th into 5th century.
2040 P1. 33. W. 0.038 m., max. dim. 0.069 m. Handle shield with handle and part of base. Clay and glaze pl. LXXXII. burnt brown to black. century. handleshield:in front,herringMid-Srd Hollowleaf-shaped 2034 P1. 33. P.H. 0.075 m. Part of handle shield and bone sprays radiating from the base; in back, handle. Very micaceous, gritty, yellow-gray clay. radiating grooves with a strip of herringbonefrom top of handleto top of shield.At the base of the shield Possibly non-Attic.
H. 0.035 m. Much of surface crumbled away, including points of attachment for handle or handle shield. Crumbling,coarse, orange clay; lighter slip with many deep cracks. Plain, tear-shapeddisk, openingout to wick-hole; framingband. Fan-shapednozzle. Base: within tearshaped groove, A. A roughimitation of a bronzelamp; for a successful imitation and the bronzeoriginals,see 2033. The alpha cannot be connected with known sigit may be linked naturesof 3rd centurylampmakers; with the alpha occurringon the majority of Attic lamps of the 2nd century. Early 3rd century. 2033 P1. 33. Deposit, J 11-12:1. W. 0.095 m., L. 0.188 m., H. 0.055 m. Hard buff clay with many white bits. Imitation of "pear-shaped"bronze lamp with fan-shapednozzle. Tear-shapedloops extending to wick-hole. Six holes decreasingin size as they approach the nozzle. Handle: grooved and pierced twice; an imitation rivet where handle shield joins lamp. Slightly raised base: within oval band, plain. This lamp provides a welcome compensationfor the loss of the many bronze lamps which once illuminedthe sanctuariesand buildingsof the Agora. The shape was popularin Roman bronzelamps; see Walters84-92, pls. VI-VII; Vindonissa, pp. 323-325; Barr6-Roux, pl. 55. Loeschcke dates the bronze lamps and the clay imitations in the second half of the 1st and early2nd century.Thislamp, datedto the mid-3rdcenturyby its fabric,techniqueand findingplace, showsthe survival of the shapein as elegant a form as ever for at least a centuryand a half. For similar clay lamps, see Vindonissa, pp. 339-341; Ephesos, IV, 156, pl. XII; Niessen 2107,
Handle shield with flame palmette. Grooved handlewith fingerhole. Cf. Menzel92, p. 28, fig. 25, 2. 3rd century. 2035 P1. 33. Est. W. 0.106 m. Part of handle shield. Very micaceous,soft, gritty, yellow-grayclay. Possibly non-Attic. Bottom of solid handle shield with pattern of tendrils.In back, part of handlemade in the mould. 3rd century. 2036 P1. 83. Max. dim. 0.055 m. Handle shield. Buff clay. leaf. Handleshieldin the formof a seven-pointed 3rd century. 2037 Herulian destruction filling, H-I 12:1. W. 0.033 m., P.H. 0.044 m. Handle shield. Buff clay. Hollowhandleshieldin the formof a leaf. In back, start of handle with small hole. Mid-3rdcentury. 2038 P1.33. Max.dim. 0.044 m. Part of handleshield. Hard orange-buff clay. Part of flat, probably triangular handle shield with triangle(?) in with a knob on top, ornamented relief. 3rd-early4th century. 2039 Max. dim. 0.027 m. Fragment of handle and handle shield. Soft, orange-buff clay. Flat handle shield in the form of a leaf, the veins indicated by grooves. In back, a small handle, groovedand pierced. 3rd-4th century.
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD The knobs are the vestigial remains of the hinge for the filling-holecover. Second half of 4th century. circular base. Pierced eyes. Hollow underneath.To be restoredwith piercedbar to work on hinges. 4th century. while retainingthe handle and base of contemporary Attic lamps. Secondhalf of 4th century. Similar: 2044. 2045 Pls. 33, 37. P.L. of fragmenta: 0.074m., P.L. of fragmentb: 0.045 m. Fragmentof base and underside of nozzle; non-joiningfragment of disk. Hard, orange-brown clay; brown glaze. Small disk: circle and three small holes around filling-hole;framingring, raised well above rim and decoratedwith dashes. Raised loops on sloping rim. From disk to air-hole, groove between two ridges. Base: within three almond-shaped grooves, .... jA. Just as the Knidos type was reintroduced to Athens in the 4th century (see under 2043), so was the Ephesostype. The small disk with its three holes of the and high framingring, the slopeand decoration rim are characteristic features of the Hellenistic Ephesoslamp. The grooveto the wick-hole,although not common,also occurson Ephesos lamps. For the type, see Walters nos. 326-349, Broneer pp. 66-70, HowlandType 49 A. 4th century. 2046 P1. 33. W. 0.058 m., P.L. 0.071 m. Part of top; handle and nozzle missing. Disk with narrow channel to wick-hole: rosette; grooved framing ring which probably continued around the wick-hole. Rim: raised vine pattern; raised loops in front. Ephesos,IV, 1413, pl. VIII, similar. Secondhalf of 4th century.
in front, two solid knobs. In back, triangularsolid handle with one groove. Base: within band, part of incised branchpreserved. 2041 P1.33. W. 0.03 m., H. 0.022 m. Brokenat point of attachment for bar. Orangeclay and glaze. Filling-hole cover. Lion's head, full front, on 2042 P1.33. W. 0.068 m. Mostof upperhalf. Buff clay; brownishglaze. Disk: horseshoe-shapedwith channel to wickhole; framing band of herringbonepattern. Rim: wavy lines; two loops on either side of channel.Solid grooved handle. Secondhalf of 4th century. 2043 P1.33. Est. W. 0.068 m., H. 0.084 m. Nozzleand much of left side missing.Orangeclay; orange-brown glaze. Disk: plain; two framingcircles.Rim: hearts and ringswith smalldoublecirclesbetween.Solidgrooved handle. Base: within two circles, E .. For a complete example showing the nozzle, see and Broneer1419, p. 281, fig. 199, signed by A moulds. from related possibly In the second half of the 2nd century B.C. wheelmade and mouldmadeKnidos lamps were imported to Athens and imitated by local lampmakersuntil the secondhalf of the 1st centuryafter Christ.In the 4th century after Christthe Knidos lamp reentered Greeceand again was copied by Attic lampmakers althoughnot with the same fervoras in earliertimes. The imported models of the Hellenistic Knidos lamps have been found in Athens; they are of dark gray clay, metallic black or gray glaze, and were in one of the big centersof Asia Minor; manufactured see Broneerpp. 53-54 and Howland Types 40A and 50A. In the case of the late Roman lamps there is at present no importedexample to hand. Judgingfrom the Hellenisticimports,the makerof this lamp copied the plain disk, rim decorationand shapeof the nozzle,
MOULDS 2047 P1. 34. P.L. 0.105 m., H. 0.04 m. Front half of 2048 H. 0.051 m., max. Th. 0.028 m. Fragment of lower mould. Dark orangeclay with lighter slip. lowermould. Soft, light buff clay. Base: within two circles, plain. Base: within ring, plain. On the rim, on either side of the nozzle, are semiinto whichthe knobsof the upper circulardepressions On top, thumb mark into which knob of upper mould locked. The mould is not rounded, as usual, mould fitted. Flat resting surface. but has a flat almond-shaped resting surface. 4th century. 4th century. WASTERS 2049 Fragment a: max. dim. 0.093 m. Waster con1) Disk: bull, left, two framingrings. Rim: panels of three a fourth. and of 8-S. Handle:groovedand punched.Base: within sisting parts lampsand, possibly,
parts of seven lampsfusedtogetherin the kiln. Black, gritty clay of sponge-like appearance;shiny, very dark purpleglaze. 1. Grooved handle, ending in small leaf. Base: within ring, Kp[a]. 2. Base: within ring, Kp[a]. 3. Front paw (?) preserved,on left side of disk; framingring. Rim: incisedwreath. 4. Part of a handle, grooved and punched. 5. Base: part of ring preserved. 6. Part of wall and rim preserved. 7. Fragmentof wall. First half of 4th century.
2053 P.L. 0.075 m. Waster, consisting of about onethird of one lamp, and a small piece of a second fused to the handle and wall. Black clay; greenish and purplish glaze. Disk: trainer with dancing bear; framing ring. Rim: inner band with indistinct pattern, outer band plain. Grooved punched handle, ending in small leaf. Base: within ring, Pou. First half of 4th century.
1. Base: within two circles, E. 2. Herringbone rim. 3. On rim, arcs flanksolid groovedhandle. 4. Disk with two framingrings. Herringbone rim. Mid-4thcentury. 2055 Max. dim. 0.11 m. Wasterconsistingof parts of four lamps. Hard black clay. Oneof the lampsis a late globule-and-volute with a solid groovedhandle;of anotherenoughcan be made out to say that it had a differentscheme, probably with plain disk and rim, and with a grooved solid handle. 4th century. 2056 Max. dim. 0.061 m. Fragment with handle. Waster. On rim, two small circles flank the solid grooved handle.Base: withincircle,one smallcirclepreserved. The base may have had five small circles in the form of a cross. 4th century. 2057 Max. dim. 0.091 m. Fragment of lower half. Waster. Grooved handle,endingin crudeleaf. Base: within three circles part of a groove preserved. 4th century. 2058 Max.dim.0.141m. Wasterconsistingof parts of at least eight lamps. Black clay of sponge-likeappearance. 1. Disk: bear, left; framing ring. Rim: plain; panels with incised branch. 2. Disk: rays. 3. Handle ends in leaf. Base: within two circles, traces of incised marksor signature. 4. Base: within three circles, incised branch (?). 4th century. 2059 Max.dim. 0.065m. Wasterconsistingof partsof two lamps. Black clay with spongy appearance. Two solid groovedhandlespreserved. 4th century. 2060 Max.dim. 0.105m. Wasterconsistingof partsof five or more lamps. Porous black clay with surface
varying muddy green, purplish, and brown. 1. Disk: bestiarius and bear at framework. 2. Base: within two circles, traces of incised markings or signature. 3. Disk: rays; framing ring. Rim: vine. 4th century.
2054 Max. dim. 0.14 m. Waster consisting of parts of about eight lamps, crumpled and fused together. Black porous clay with purple surface.
2062 P1. 84. Max. dim. 0.185 m. Wasterconsistingof fragmentof pot and part of lamp. Porous black clay with muddy green surface. closed pot with low Fragmentof a straight-walled
*r eE4.
2063 P1.52. H. 0.029 m., max. dim. 0.074m. Handle, part of rim, wall and base. Buff clay. Panelledrimwith ovolo and raisedrosettes.Enough of the rim is preservedto show that the ovolo is not continuous;the handleis flankedby ovolos and one is preserved near the panel. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within two circles, incised dedication
2069 P1. 34. P.H. of handle 0.13 m., thickness of handle 0.019 m. Handle. Orange-buff clay. Groovedhandlewith two piercings. The lampmaker lightened the weight of this tremendous handle by piercing a second hole; in addition,startingat the bottom of the largerhole, he scooped more clay out of the center of the handle. Late 3rd to early 4th century. 2070 P1. 34. P.H. 0.045 m. Fragmentof side. Orangebrown clay; purplishbrownglaze. Small section of rim preservedwith small circle near the nozzle. The wall has alternating vertical channelsand ridges. The channelingon the wall resemblesthe strigilgouging seen on Attic jugs of the 3rd century, e.g. Agora P 15543. First half of 4th century. 2071 P1. 34. Max. dim. 0.07 m. Fragmentof disk and rim. Very micaceous,hard, dark buff clay. Disk: ram's head in high relief, a part of an unidentified composition.Framing ring. Rim: part of vine leaf preserved. A fragment in the Kerameikos preserves an identical ram's head on the other side of the disk (i.e. the right side) and the adjoiningsection of rim shows a large vine leaf and cluster. First half of 4th century. 2072 PIs. 34, 52. Max. dim. 0.061 m. Fragment of disk, rim and handle. Dull orange clay; purplish glaze. Disk: preserves part of an inscription incised
Early 8rd century. 2064 Well,0C12:1. Agora,V,J 65,p.57, pl.45.Max.dim. 0.062m.Threenon-joining fragmentspreservepartsof andbase.Soft,coarse, disk,rim,nozzle orange-buff clay. Disk: plain as far as preserved;two framingrings. Rim: panels;largeunevenglobules.Base: within two uneven rings, plain as far as preserved. Early 3rd century (2). 2065 Well, N 20:8. Max. dim. 0.072 m. Handle, part of disk and rim. Bright orange clay. Disk: rosette (2); two framing rings. Rim: dot rosettes. Handle: groovedand pierced. First half of 3rd century. 2066 Max. dim. 0.056 m. Disk and rim fragment. Flaky, soft buff clay. Rim: patternof globules. First half of 3rd century. 2067 Est. W. 0.08 m. Right side with much of disk missing. Soft, light buff clay. Disk preserves relief.Panelled part of badly blurred rim. Small piercedhandle,endingin reliefleaf. Base: within ring, plain. Mid-3rdcentury. 2068 P.L. 0.08 m. Fragment of side. Coarseorange clay with lighter surface. Disk has framing ring. Rim: plain. Base: within two closely spaced circles, plain as far as preserved. Secondhalf of 3rd century. 2073 Well, D 12:1. Max. dim. 0.056 m. Fragmentof lowerhalf. Soft buff clay. Handle ends in reliefvine leaf. Base: within circle, plain. Early 3rd century. 2074 P1. 34. Est. W. of base 0.088 m. Clayburntgray with lighter slip. Three rings, the innermost one decorated with incised branches pointing alternately inward and
plain; panels with incised branch pattern. Handle: grooved and punched. First half of 4th century. outward;in center, rosette of eight petals. A similarbase in the Kerameikos(Inst. phot. Ker. 1258)gives the signatureE*rr on the innermostring and has no incised branches. Late 3rd century. 2075 Max. dim. 0.062 m. Buff clay. End of grooved handle preserved. Base: within tear-shaped grooves, incised branch on base-line. Late 4th to early 5th century.
(In alphabeticalorderby shops) 2076 P1. 34. H. 0.033 m. Part of base, wall and rim, 2097 Max. dim. 0.062 m. Orange-buff clay. Small circles flank base of handle. Within tearall of handle. Coarse,light buff clay. Grooved handle, with small piercing, ends in shapedband, A. Late 4th century. reliefleaf. Base: within ring, reliefsignatureA; at the lower left, part of a raisedline which may belong to 2098 H. 0.036 m. All of handle,part of rim, wall and a second relief signature. base. Orange-buff clay. Mid-3rd century. Herringbonerim. Solid grooved handle,with two 2077 P1. 84. Well, K 20:1. Est. W. 0.09 m. Muchof small circles at base. Base: within almond-shaped disk fragment. grooves,A. lowerhalf and part of rim; non-joining Buff clay. Late 4th century. Disk: part of incised letter (2) and ivy leaf; outer framingring. Rim: inner band of herringbone, 'Aymrios band plain. Handle: grooved and pierced, ends in H. 0.035 m. Part of lowerhalf. Orange-buff 2099 clay. relief leaf. Base: within ring, A in reliefabove incised Within two circles,'Ay. signatureOAOM .... Secondhalf of 4th century. Late 3rd century. 2100 P1. 84. H. 0.081 m. Part of lower half with bit A of rim. Orangeclay. Small circle on rim. Base: within almond-shaped 2078 P1. 84. Diam. of base 0.042 m. Orangeclay. Within five rings, A. grooves, 'Aya I[rov. Late 4th century. From a lamp with a U-shapednozzle. Late 3rd to early 4th century. Bp601oS 2079 Diam. of base 0.03 m. Soft, yellow-buffclay. 2101 Pl. 34. Well,B 14:2. P.W. 0.085 m. Fragmentof Within three circles, A. lowerhalf, partly restored.Buff clay. Late 3rd century. Groovedhandle, endingin reliefleaf. Base: within 2080 Diam. of base 0.032 m. Soft buff clay; burnt Jou. ring, Bpo[pfl] uneven brownglaze. Secondhalf of 3rd century. Within three circles, A. Similar:2102. Mid-4thcentury. Similar: 2081Unglazed. A 2082 Well, D 12:1. Diam. of base 0.08 m. Buff clay; 2103 H. 0.084 m. Part of base, wall and rim. Dark purple-brown glaze. clay; purplish brown glaze. orange-buff Threesmall circlesat base of handle.Base: within Disk: trace of relief preserved;framingring. Pantwo circles,small circle and A. elled rim with inner band of globules, outer band Mid-4thcentury. plain and narrow. Handle: grooved and punched, 2083 Diam. of base 0.03 m. Orange-buff clay; pur- endingin leaf. Base: within ring, A. First half of 4th century. brown plish glaze. Within two circles, A. 2104 Max. dim. 0.055 m. Fragment of lower half. Mid-4thcentury. Orangeclay; reddishglaze; burnt areas. Similar: dated in the 4th century: 2084 Hesperia,II, Groovedhandle ends in leaf. Within ring, A. 1933, p. 213. Part of rim near handle preserves wavy lines. Mid-4thcentury.
2085-2092. 2098-2094 Unglazed.
2095 Max. dim. 0.075 m. Buff clay; orange to purple glaze. Within heart-shaped grooves, A. Mid-4th century. 2096 Max. dim. 0.048 m. Buff clay of fairly thin hard fabric; purple-brown glaze. Within heart-shaped groove, A. Mid-4th century.
'E~rrri8i6pos 2105 P1. 84. Diam. of base 0.062 m. Part of base. Soft buff clay. Base: within two closely spaced circles, signature in relief written in a circle counter clockwise [mrr]8rj'E. petals, [q6po]u; ring, rosette of eight heart-shaped center missing. First half of 3rd century.
2106 Est. W. 0.098 m. All of handle, parts of rim, 2123 Deposit, R 14:1. Max. dim. 0.052 m. Fragment of base and wall. Light, soft coarseclay. wall and base. Micaceousorange-buff clay. Rim: two pairs of rings, outermostband of globWithin two closely spaced circles, 'ETr[ry]jdO[ou] ules. Handle: set into the edge of the rim; grooved incised. and pierced twice; four ridges flank the handle in First half of 3rd century. back. Base: within three rings (a central thick ring between two narrow rings), raisedsignature'E[R'm]] E&ScopoS The basis for the readingis a lamp in the Kerameikos, P1. 28, a, where the raised signatureof Elpidephorosappearson a lampwith the samepeculiarities: the handleis set on to the edge of the rim; fourridges flank the back of the handle; there are three base rings, a wide one between two narrowrings. The rim of the Kerameikoslamp is again similar; the disk shows a ship and the U-shapednozzle is ornamented with raised spirals. Mid-3rdcentury.
From same or related moulds: 2107.
2124 Furnace Dump, F 17:1. W. 0.078 m. Most of disk missing. Dull orangeclay. Disk: part of the representation on right preserved and left sides; framingring. Rim: plain with herringbone panels. Handle: punched and grooved, with in back. Sidesof nozzledouble-grooved. cross-strokes Base: within two circles, E018. Early 4th century.
EOapTroS 2125 Est. W. 0.06 m. Part of left side with most of 2108 Cistern,C 14:2. Diam. of base 0.049 m. Part of base. Orangeclay and glaze. Part of framingringof disk preserved. Herringbone base and wall preserved.Buff clay. rim. Nozzle set off by two transversegrooves;groove Within ring, raised signature 'EXmrt5p6jpou. Above signature,the bottom of a relief ornament,a from air- to wick-hole. Base: two rings, the inner decoratedwith small circles; in the center, EOjKip. stylized grapeclusterin the formof three circleswith Secondhalf of 4th century. two tendrils. Mid-3rdcentury. Similar:2126-2127.
From same or related moulds: 2109 E 5:4.
2110 Drain channel system, E 5:4. Diam. of base 0.048 m. Base and part of wall with base of handle preserved.Light buff clay. Within ring, relief signature'EXmrri5I6pou. First half of 3rd century. 2111 P1. 34. Diam. of base 0.037 m. Light buff clay. Within two closely spacedcircles,the signaturein fine relief 'ErlmS qI16pou. Mid-3rdcentury.
Similar: 2112-2116. Four fragments of Elpidephoros bases, with the signature set in a single circle, and therefore probably belonging to vine-and-ray lamps: 2117 J 11-12:1. 2118-2120.
2128 P.W. 0.048 m. Buff clay; shiny brown glaze. Within tear-shapedgrooves, Secondhalf of 4th century. E01K.&p. 2129 Est. W. 0.052 m. Most of base, part of top with handle. Orangeclay. Herringbone rim. Solid grooved handle. Base: within two tear-shaped grooves,E0jK6(pIrro. Late 4th to early 5th century. 2130 Max. dim. 0.047 m. Orangeclay; worn glaze. Within two circles,[E]02K[[pro]u. Secondhalf of 4th century. 2131 P.W. 0.03 m. Orangeclay. Within tear-shaped grooves,E'jK&[p][rr[ov]. Secondhalf of 4th century.
2132 H. 0.038 m. Part of back of lamp. Orange clay. Bit of rim preserves arcs near handle. Handle: pierced and grooved. Base: within tear-shaped (2)
2121 Herulian destruction debris, J 11-12:1. Est. W. 0.067 m. Part of rim, much of underside. Soft, light buff clay. Rim: wreath with central stalk. Back of handle grooved, with cross-strokes near end. Base: within two closely spaced circles, incised. First half of 3rd century. '.E.yyd0o9[u] 2122 P1.34. Diam. of base 0.042 m. Fragment of lower half. Coarse micaceous buff clay with burned areas. End of handle flanked by small circles. Within uneven circle, central small circle and 'EwraydOou incised. 3rd Early century.
2160 Diam. of base 0.037 m., H. 0.034 m. Handle, parts of rim, wall and base. Orangeclay. 2134 P1. Rim: plain as far as preserved.Handle: grooved Parts of three rings preserved,within which EirrBase: within two closely spaced and punch-marked. [PXis] [Ihr]oifoe]. EV. circles, First half of 4th century. Early 4th century. 2135 P1. 35. Est. diam. of base 0.038 m. Buff clay. Similar:2161 K 20:1. Panelledrim with globules.2162 Withintwo closelyspacedcircles,E1[T] IX:lS. Glazed.2168 Glazed.2164 Glazed.Rim: inner band with Secondhalf of 3rd century. incised pattern, outer plain band. 2136 P1. 35. Bone-working shop, Q-R 14:1. Diam. of 2165 Max. dim. 0.05 m. Orangeclay. base 0.049 m. Orange-buff clay with peelingbuff slip. Within two closely spaced circles, with incised Withinring, branchbelow. .' Late 3rd century. [E]l.TI.XT. 4th Early century. Similarfragments;early4th century:2187 Part of relief 2166 H. 0.033 m., P.W. 0.043 m. Part of back. Buff at baseof handle.2188Signature withincircle. leaf preserved clay. within circle. 2189 Signature Rim: 8-S pattern(?). Handle:groovedandpierced. 2140 P1. 35. Est. diam. of base 0.045 m. Orangeclay. Base: within circle,Ei. Relief leaf at base of handle. Within ring, [E]Crmi. century. Mid-Srd Early 4th century. Similar bases; late 3rd into 4th century: 2167. 2168 B 14:2. 2141 P1. 35. Diam. of base 0.029 m. Cracking,buff 2169. 2170 D 6:2. 2171 Glazed. clay. 2172 Est. diam. of base 0.028 m. Orangeclay. Within circle, EOT. Within circle, E[i] with incised branchin center. Both the circle and the letters were clumsily inFirst half of 4th century. cised and had to be gone over a secondtime. 2173 P1. 35. Diam. of base 0.025 m. Gray-buffclay. Late 3rd century. Within circle, misshapen relief outline of leaf Similar:2142. flankedby letters in reliefE0; above leaf, small ring. to buff clay. 2143 Diam. of base 0.086 m. Orange This is a doubtfulsignature;the epsilon,if epsilon Within two rings, EO. it be, is on its side. It would be the only signatureof Late 3rd century. Eutyches with relief letters, and it was accomplished in the mould. by last minute scratching Similar:2144. Late 3rd century. 2145 Max. dim. 0.036 m. Buff clay; brownglaze. Within two rings, [E]0 with traces of branch (2) 2174 Diam. of base 0.03 m. Orangeclay; purplish glaze. in center. Plain rim with panels.Base: within circle, E. First half of 4th century. First half of 4th century. 2146 Well, A 14:2. Est. diam. of base 0.042 m. Buff 2175 Diam. of base 0.025 m. Orangeclay; purplish clay. glaze. Relief leaf at base of handle.Withinring, Ei0. Within two circles, E. Second half of 3rd century. Mid-4thcentury.
Similar; dated in late 3rd and early 4th century: 2147 F 17:1. Bit of rim preserved,with patterned inner band, plain
outer band. Handle: grooved and punched, ending in relief
2177 P1. 34. Diam. of base 0.031 m. Fragment of base. Orange-buff clay. Within two circles, Z. Late 3rd to early 4th century. GE68oiooO 2178 Max. dim. 0.057 m. Dark orange clay.
2151 Furnace Dump, F 17:1. Diam. of base 0.032 m. Buff clay. Within two circles, EC. Late 3rd century.
Similar; late 3rd and first half of 4th century:2152.2158 F 17:1. 2154. 2155-2158 Glazed.
with black core. Within ring, [E]i with branch in center. Late 3rd to early 4th century.
So[G]i jo[v].
2189 P1. 35. Diam. of base 0.035 m. All of base, part 2180 Max. dim. 0.057 m. Orange-buff clay. Within almond-shapedgrooves, sidewise. of wall and handle.Dull orangeclay. Within two closely spacedcircles, Kpa. Late 4th to early 5th century. EEOBoO Late 3rd to early 4th century. 2181 Max. dim. 0.034 m. Orange-buff clay; purplish 2190 Max. dim. 0.04 m. Grayish buff clay; grayglaze. brown glaze. Within ring, [O]Eoj[819. Within two closely spaced circles, K[pa]. Secondhalf of 4th century. First half of 4th century. 2182 Max. dim. 0.041 m. Orangeclay. 2191 Diam. of base 0.032 m. Fragmentof base and Withincircle,[E]Eoj[8]o". wall. Dark orange clay with burnt areas. Secondhalf of 4th century. Within circle, Kpa. 2183 P1.85. Diam. of base 0.087 m. Orange-buff clay; Late 3rd to early 4th century. brownishred glaze. Withinring, EGwith incisedbranchin center. KuThe epsilon is retrograde, the diamond-shaped 2192 Diam. of base 0.080 m. Buff clay; purpleglaze. thetasidewise. Smallleaf at end of handle.Withintwo circles,Ku. Mid-4thcentury. Secondhalf of 4th century. 2184 Diam. of base 0.041 m. Buff clay; brownishred 2193 Well, D 12:1. Diam. of base 0.032 m. Orange glaze. clay; purplishbrownglaze. Base: within two circles, OGE retrograde. Within two circles, Ku. Mid-4th century. Mid-4thcentury. 2185 P1. 35. Est. W. 0.064 m., thickness of base Similar; dated in the second half of the 4th century: 0.014 m. About two-thirdsof lower mould. Cracking 2194-2202. 2203-2206 Unglazed. orangeclay with many white bits. Impressiontaken from mould gives raised letters, 2207 Diam. of base 0.033 m. Buff clay; purpleglaze. Rim: slightly raised panel flanked by double EG in two circles. is preserved.Base: within two closely spaced circles A doubtfulsignaturetentatively assignedto Theodoulos. There is no other example of raised letters circles, Ku. First half of 4th century. for Theodoulos.The first letter is read as epsilonon the assumption that in inscribing the letter retro- 2208 Diam. of base 0.022 m. Orange-buffclay; gradein the mouldthe lampmaker mistakenlyplaced purpleglaze. the vertical stroke on the left; he half-corrected his Within circle, Ku. errorby adding anothervertical stroke on the right. Secondhalf of 4th century. Broneer 1032, pl. XXXIII, a similar signature Similar: 2209 Bit of rim with small circle and trace of with raisedletters. panel preserved. Signature upside down. 2210 Four small Late 4th to early 5th century. circles around signature. 2211 Unglazed. 2212 Max. dim. 0.043 m. Orangeclay. Within almond-shapedgrooves, Ku sidewise. 2186 P1. 36. Max. dim. 0.06 m. Fragment of lower Late 4th to early 5th century. half. Dark orangeclay. Handle ends in relief leaf. Base: within ring, 2213 P1.35. P.L. 0.08 m. Orangeclay. ov. Within almond-shapedgroove, Ku and a small KjTTpefiv
Kpcnrep6 2187 Max. dim. 0.049 m. End of handle, part of wall and base. Dull orange clay. Within two rings, Kp~a. Late 3rd to early 4th century. 2188 Diam. of base 0.042 m. Fragment of base, wall and rim. Orange clay; purplish red glaze. Part of panel on rim preserved. Base: within ring, Kpca. First half of 4th century.
circle; below signature, transverse groove over an incised branch. Signature and branch are upside down. Possibly from a two-nozzled lamp with central handle. Late 4th to early 5th century.
2214 Max. dim. 0.033 m. Orange-buff clay. Ku on base of uncertain shape. Late 4th century. 2215 Diam. of base 0.033 m. Orange clay; purple-red glaze. Section of plain rim preserved. Base: within two closely spaced circles, K. First half of 4th century.
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES 2216 Diam. of base 0.025 m. Orangeclay with burnt areas. Within two circles, K. Secondhalf of 4th century. 2217 Diam. of base 0.037 m., H. 0.03 m. Orangeclay. Handle:groovedand pierced,endingin leaf. Base: within two circles,K. Late 4th to early 5th century. Ailvatos 2218 Max.dim. 0.044 m. Fragmentof base and lower wall. Coarse orange-buffclay with lighter surface. Within circle, Aiyva[iov]. Early 3rd century. 2219 Max. dim. 0.03 m. Fragment of base. Pinkish orangeclay. Within two closely spaced circles,Arnv[af]ou. Early 3rd century. AEoVTEs 2220 W. 0.082m. Mostof disk missing.Buff clay. Framingring of disk preserved.Rim: panelswith incised branch;inner band of dot rosette and stalk, outer band plain and narrow. Grooved pierced handle, ending in relief leaf. Base: within ring, AE above branch incised sidewise. Secondhalf of 3rd century. 2221 W. 0.08 m. Centerof disk, right side of base missing. Light pink-buffclay. Two framingrings of disk preserved.Panelledrim with 8-S pattern. Handle: grooved and punched. Base: within circle, A[E] above two crossedincised branches. Secondhalf of 3rd century. 2222 Diam. of base 0.032 m. Fragment from back. Dull pink-buffclay. Two framingrings of disk preserved.8-8 pattern on rim. Handle: groovedand punched.Base: within circle,AEwith reliefoutline of leaf in center. Secondhalf of 3rd century.
Similar:2223-2224. 2225 Max. dim. 0.063 m. Greenish gray clay. Relief leaf at end of handle. Base: within ring, of Leonteus signing over Preimos with the same linespacing; see P1. 23, b. Second half of 3rd century.
both signaturesare incisedwithin one ring as in 2225, above. A base in the Kerameikos,KL 1617 (Inst. phot. Ker. 720) gives Leonteus signing over the raisedsignatureof Pireithoswithin two rings. Secondhalf of 3rd century. 2227 Max. dim. 0.058 m. Orangeclay with buff slip. Within circle, raised outline of leaf flanked by letters [A]s. Late 3rd century. 2228 Max. dim. 0.061 m. Buff clay. Withincircle,incisedbranchflankedby letters[A]E. Secondhalf of 3rd century. 2229 Max. dim. 0.038 m. Clay over-fired purplish black; glaze? Within ring, traces of incised branch (?) flanked by letters [A]E. Late 3rd into 4th century. 2230 Max. dim. 0.042 m. Gray clay with surface burnt black. Within two rings, AE. Late 3rd into 4th century. 2231 Max. dim. 0.042 m. Coarsegreenishbuff clay. Within ring, AE. Secondhalf of 3rd century.
Similar: 2282-2285.
2236 H. 0.04 m. Fragment of back. Buff clay with peelingslip. Rim: plain as far as preserved.Handle: grooved and pierced.Base: within two closely spaced circles, AE. Secondhalf of 3rd century.
Similar: 2287.
2238 Diam. of base 0.031 m. Coarse,unevenly fired brownclay with peelingslip. Within circle, As. Late 3rd century. 2239 Max. dim. 0.05 m. Orangeclay and glaze. Within two circles,AE.
First quarter of 4th century. 2240 Max. dim. 0.036 m. Dark orange clay; purplish glaze. Within circle, [A]s; below the epsilon, a small circle. The frame of the base is probably to be restored as two or more rings, of which only the innermost groove is preserved. Cf. a base in the Kerameikos (Inst. phot. 720); within two rings, incised branch flanked, above, by letters AE, and below, by two small circles. First quarter of 4th century.
oEv]. inpEE] In the Kerameikos are at least nine other examples Aj.
2226 Max. dim. 0.035 m. Orange-buff clay. Within two rings, AllEi[tpsi0Vo]. The second line is in raised letters. Leonteus signs over the signatures of both Preimos and Pireithos. In the double signatures with Preimos,
2249 Est. W. 0.08 m. Part of base, wall and rim. Naupvytos 2241 Pl. 36. Max. dim. 0.046 m. Part of lower half. Greenishbuff clay. Rim: plain panels; inner band of S-pattern,outer Buff clay. band plain. Handle ends in relief leaf. Base: within Groovedhandle ends in small groovedleaf. Base: in relief. ring, rppE[OouV] withintwo circles, N IAE. Mid-3rd century. Late 3rd into early 4th century. 2250 Cistern, A 14:2. Est. W. 0.08 m. Two nonjoining fragmentspreservemuch of lower half, and 2242 P1. 36. Herulian destructiondebris, H-I 12:1. piece of handle and rim. Crackingclay unevenly Diam. of base 0.027 m. Muchof lowerhalf. Buff clay firedbuff to orange. with lighter surface. Globulesin three'son rim. Small handle, grooved End of handle has incised x and cross-strokes. and pierced,ending in relief leaf. Base: within ring, Base: within circle, in relief. in relief. ThpEOou The signature was executed with difficulty by 'O"?.uprI9t Late 3rd century. scratchingin the mouldafter baking; the secondline 2251 Diam. of base 0.05 m. Orange-buff is retrograde and incomplete. clay with buff surface. Secondhalf of 3rd century. Relief leaf at base of handle.Within ring, TpyEi0ou 2243 Max. dim. 0.04 m. Fragmentof base and lower in relief. wall. Micaceous, bright orangeclay. Second half of 3rd century. Within circle, ['OX]uvj['rrfou]. Late 3rd to early 4th century. Similarfragments;late 3rd to early 4th century: 2252
C 14:2. 2258-2256.
This mould produces a positive with base-ring, outlined in two grooves, framing the raised signature
lpEiloS 2259 Well, M 17:1. Agora, V, M 129, p. 96, pl. 46. W. 0.09 m. Most of disk, part of base missing. Dull orangeclay with gritty texture. Bits of relief preservedon the edges of disk; three Tp, aeoo framing rings, the outermost ring interrupted by 2245 P1. 86. Max. dim. 0.052 m., Th. 0.012 m. Most handle, panels, and nozzle. Panelled rim with small of base. Hard micaceousorange clay with buff sur- ovolo. Grooved pierced handle ends in relief leaf. face. Base: within two circles, Fp[Ei]V0OU.
Early 3rd century. 2260 Diam. of base 0.041 m. Pink-buff clay. Within two circles,rlpEf Ipov. Third quarter of 3rd century. 2261 Diam. of base 0.05 m. Gritty, soft green-buff clay. Within ring, 'pEiplaov. Mid-3rd century.
into first quarter of 4th century: 2262 Incised leaf above signature. Relief leaf at end of handle. 2268-2265.
Similar; fragments dated in second half of 3rd century
T(in relief) 2244 P1. 36. Well, B 14:2. Max. dim. 0.058 m. Fragment of lowerhalf. Clay, burnt gray to black. Groovedhandle,with smallincised branchon the end. On wall to left of handle,largeTT in relief.Base: within two rings, central small disk enclosed in a smallring. The form of the base indicatesthat the nozzle was U-shaped. The initial may stand for Preimos,Pireithos,Polykarpos,Polion or an unknownname. Twolampswith pi in reliefon the base are 435, an alphaglobulelamp with pi superimposed on the originalalpha, and KL within a circle. 1697,a base readingAEjITT Late 3rd into early 4th century.
Withinnarrowring, ThpE[i(OO]v in relief. First half of 3rd century. 2258 P1. 36. Bone-workingshop, Q-R 14:1. Est. diam. of base 0.054 m. Pinkish buff clay. Relief leaf at base of handle.Withinring, outlined in grooves, [TT]tpaieolv in roughly incised letters. Late 3rd century.
While the clay was wet the first two letters of the signature and part of the adjacent base-ring were rubbed out. Second half of 3rd century. 2246 Max. dim. 0.044 m. Pinkish buff clay. Within two rings, n't[pEfolu] in relief. Mid-Srd century.
Similar: 2247. 2248 Globules on rim. Second half of 3rd century.
2266 Pl. 36. Est. diam. of base 0.042 m. Micaceous, 2284 Diam. of base 0.084 m. Orange clay; worn orangeglaze. orangeclay of hard thin fabric. in large, firm,clearletters. Within two circles: above, Pov; in center below, Withincircle, -pii[povu] E, the maker'smark. Early 3rd century. First half of 4th century. 2267 Diam. of base 0.039 m. Fragmentof base, wall and handle. Gritty, soft, buff clay with many white 2285 Max. dim. 0.044 m. Orangeclay and glaze. bits. Withincircle: above, Pov; below, E, the maker's Incised x at end of handle, which terminates mark. 0.006 m. above the circle framing the base. Base: First half of 4th century. within circle, flp.ipov. Early 3rd century. 2286 P.W. 0.05 m. Orange-brown clay; glaze burnt brownto black. 2268 Diam. of base 0.052 m. Soft buff clay. below the rho,a lightly Within ring, Po[iq9]lo[u]; Within circle, [lTTp]Eij[o]u. incised small letter, A (?) or K (?). First half of 3rd century. Cf. CL1912wherethe maker'smark,delta,appears 2269 Cistern,C 14:2. Max. dim. 0.046 m. Soft buff underRouphos' signature. clay. First half of 4th century. Within circle,TfpEIIou. Mid-3rdcentury.
Similar fragments: 2270 F 13:2. 2271. 2272 A 14:2. On wall, a graffito,Kvrylov.
PouXpos 2273 H. 0.036 m. Most of top, much of base missing. Brown clay and glaze. 1A Disk: two framingrings preserved.Plain rim with panels. Solid grooved handle. Base: within circle, 2288 Pl. 86. Well, K 20:1. Max. dim. 0.06 m. Fragment of handle and base. Orange-buff clay. [P]ou. Handle: groovedand badly pierced.Base: within First half of 4th century. with incised branchin center. ring, 2274 Diam. of base 0.04 m. Orangeclay; purplish alternatereadingfor the first letter is epsilon. The .A glaze. Late 3rd to earliest 4th century. Handleends in roughleaf. Base: within two rings, Pou. Second quarterof 4th century. ITpaTrr6Xao of Diam. base 0.045 m. Buff clay; brown 36. 2289 P1. 2275 Est. diam. of base 0.032 m. Orangeclay and glaze. glaze. Withintwo rings,XTpa lToAjlov. Handle ends in neat leaf. Base: within ring, Pov. First half of 4th century. First half of 4th century. 2276 Max. dim. 0.065 m. Waster, possibly glazed. 2290 Hesperia,II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11, 18. Diam. of Bit of plain rim with plain panel preserved.Base: base 0.037 m. Buff clay; purplishbrownglaze.
within ring, Po[u]. First half of 4th century. 2277 Diam. of base 0.026 m. Orange clay. Within two closely spaced circles, Pou. First half of 4th century.
Similar glazed fragments: 2278-2280.
2287 Max. dim. 0.083 m. Fragment of lower half. Bright orangeclay and glaze. Within two circles,I (?) incised sidewise. Secondhalf of 4th century.
Rim: incised wreath. Solid grooved handle ending in leaf. Base: within circle an incised rectangle and four small circles; within the rectangle, ITpal'oh4Iov. First half of 4th century. 2291 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11, 19. H. 0.038 m. Handle, part of rim and base. Orange clay and glaze. Disk: plain as far as preserved; framing ring. Narrow, rounded rim decorated with raised design near handle. Solid grooved handle ending in small leaf. Base: within two circles, XTpa'ro7[d6ou]. Mid-4th century.
2292 P.L. 0.047 m. Buff clay; uneven brown glaze. cbrT11pos Portion of two almond-shapedgrooves enclosing 2321 Est. W. 0.062 m. Fragment from back. Clay two rectangulargrooves, enclosing signature[EI]Trpa burnt gray to black. Disk: two framingrings preserved.Rim: plain as ToMAlou. Mid-4thcentury. far as preserved.Handle: punchmarked; grooves in in hatched back. Base: within front, circle, wc panel 2293 Max. dim. 0.058 m. Orange-buff clay; worndark with incised branchin center. brown glaze. Late 3rd to early 4th century. Small double circle, flanking base of handle, preserved.Base: within tear-shapedgroove, IT[pa]l 2322 P1. 37. Furnace Dump, F 17:1. Diam. of base 0.042 m. Part of lowerwall and handle,most of base. T[oA] II[o]V. Mid-4th century. Hard pink-buffclay. Obliquelyhatched panel on back of handle.Base: Similar:2294-2295. within wide, flat ring, E'llco with incised branch 2296 H. 0.037 m. Buff clay; uneven brown to black in center. Threeother examplesof the same doublesignature glaze. Bit of rim near handle preservesraised pattern, in the Kerameikos(Inst. phot. Ker. 1193). possiblypetals. Well piercedhandlewith herringbone First quarterof 4th century. panel in front, grooves in back. Base: within two 2323 Cistern, G 5:2. P.W. 0.069 m. Most of lower closely spaced circles,IrTpl[a]T9I[dou]. half. Orange-buff clay. Mid-4thcentury. End of handle preservespart of hatched panel. 2297 Max. dim. 0.049 m. Buff clay; uneven brown Base: within circle, Ico with incised branch in center. glaze. Within circle (?), [I]prpl[aTo7]aj[ou]. Late 3rd to early 4th century. Secondhalf of 4th century. T 2298 Max. dim. 0.062 m. Buff clay and orange-brown 2324 D 12:1. of base 0.026 m. Orange Diam. Well, glaze with burnt areas. orange-brown glaze. End of handle flanked by small double circles. clay; Within two circles,T. Base: within groove, Irpal[T]oI[ou]. Mid-4thcentury. Mid-4thcentury. 2299 Est. diam. of base 0.034 m. Thin, orange-buff clay. Within two closely spacedcircles,XITrp[a]. Anotherearly unglazedlamp of Stratolaosin the Kerameikos(Inst. phot. Ker. 1226 upperright). Early 4th century.
Thefollowing the signature glazedfragments preserve I-rp withintwo circles:2800 Rim plainas far as preserved. Solid in the place 2801 Rim: incisedwreathwith roughdiamonds of panels. Solid groovedhandle,endingin heavily grooved leaf. 2802 Rim: grooved panels and small circles. Solid groovedhandle.2208-2806. orange to red to dark glaze. Grooved handle ends in incised hooks, indicating leaf. Within circle, XTp. Second half of 4th century.
Similar fragment: 2808. handle with panel of cross-strokes in front, grooves in back. Similar: 2325 Leaf at base of handle. Two small circles below signature. 2826 Leaf at base of handle. 2827-2828. 2829 Unglazed.
2330 Diam. of base 0.019 m., H. 0.033m. Orangeclay and glaze. Rim: wavy lines. Solid grooved handle. Base: within circle, T. Second half of 4th century. 2331 Max. dim. 0.056 m. Orangeclay and glaze. Within heart-shapedgroove, T. Mid-4thcentury.
2307 Diam. of base 0.027m. Orange-buff clay; uneven 2332 Max.dim. 0.041 m. Fragmentof base. Buff clay;
purplish glaze. Within two circles, X. Mid-4th century. Xi6va 2333 Est. diam. of base 0.046 m. Orange clay. Within three circles, Xi6Ivrs. Late 4th century. 2334 Max. dim. 0.04 m. Orange clay. Within two circles, Xi6j[v]rs. Late 4th century.
Similar: 2835.
2309 P.H. 0.035 Buff clay; purplish brown glaze. m. Within ring, [X]r with incised branch in center. Mid-4th century.
The following fragments preserve the signature I>rwithin two circles:
Glazed: 2810-2818.
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 3RD AND 4TH CENTURIES 2336 Max. dim. 0.068 m. Orangeclay. Within circle, XI6jvns. Late 4th to early 5th century.
Pinkish buff clay. Within two closely spaced circles, incised outline 2345 Max. dim. 0.051 m. Buff clay. End of grooved handle preserved. Base: within of leaf. groove, circularly incised IX; possibly Xt[6vrvs] Secondhalf of 3rd century. retrograde. Similar:2852. Late 4th to early 5th century.
Similarfragments: 2887-2888. 2889-2842 preservethe signature X6vns almond-shaped grooves;datedin the late 4th into early5th INCISED LEAF century. 2848-2844preservethe signaturewithin a single groove 2351 Max. dim. 0.056 m. Fragmentof base and wall. of uncertain shape.
2350 Max. dim. 0.042 m. Fragmentof base and wall. Orangeclay. Within circle,upperright part of raisedoutline of leaf preserved;to right, small incised letter or sign. Early 4th century. within two
XpOaavOos 2346 P1. 37. Max. dim. 0.076 m. Dark orange buff clay; purplishglaze. Within ring, Xpu. The first two letters are written as a monogram. For the signature, compare Deubner, Ath. Mitt., XXVII, 1902, p. 259, figs. 8-4 (Athens N.M. 3128). This is a glazed lamp with man and bear at cochlea on the disk and with incisedwreathon the rim. Base: within ring, Xpu. Agora L 5333, of the mid-4th century, gives a fuller form of the signature Xpujidv, which is also preservedon a lamp in the Kerameikos. Secondhalf of 4th century.
2353 Pls. 37, 52. Max. dim. 0.034 m. Fragment of base. Buff clay. Within circle, . .TEl... AFA incised. 3rd century. 2354 P.L. 0.076 m., P.W. 0.05 m. Muchof left side. clay with lighter slip. Orange-buff Disk: the small preservedportion is plain; two framing rings. Plain narrow rim. Nozzle: to be restored as U-shaped. Base: within two rings, part of an incisedletter N (2) or A (2). The letter, if letter it be, is not aligned with the horizontalaxis of the lamp in the normal manner, but is askew. Secondhalf of 3rd century.
Orange clay with buff slip. Hexagonal base: within two hexagonal bands, [$iho] I.A9[ia] louin relief. Mid-Brdcentury.
2355 P1. 37. Max. dim. 0.062 m. Fragment of base and wall. Cracking orangeclay. OtIA6pouaos Withincircle,partof incisedsignature..-... 0.. Y. 2347 Bone-workingshop, Q-R 14:1. H. 0.083 m. Late 3rd into early 4th century. All of handle,part of rim, wall and base. Soft, coarse, light buff clay. 14:2. Max.dim. 0.044 m. Hardbrown Rim: inner band of raised wreath pattern, outer 2356 Cistern,A clay. band plain. To be restored with panels. Handle: Outline of leaf preservedat end of handle. Base: groovedand pierced,endingin smallreliefleaf. Base: within two circles, part of a signatureinscribedcirwithin ring, 0thovLj[ooaov]. ... TE...; cularly parts of two incised loops are Late 3rd century. preserved. The two incised loops are probably part of a 2348 P1. 37. Max. dim. 0.062 m. Fragment of base.
rosette of eight petals taking up the center of the base. Late 3rd to early 4th century.
2349 Pl. 50. Cistern, C 14:2. W. 0.082 m. Disk missing. Buff clay tinged with orange; thin, hard fabric. Four framing rings of disk preserved. Rim, widest at center: small ovolo. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within ring, relief outline of leaf. Early 3rd century.
2357 Pls. 37, 52. Max. dim. 0.042 m. Fragment of base. Cracking orange clay. Within ring, .. .av; on the ring, very ..rujl.. small A, maker's mark (2), incised sidewise. Possibly a double signature, the first line reading Efrr0. Late 3rd to early 4th century. 2358 P1. 37. H. 0.041 m., max. dim. 0.081 m. Nozzle and part of base. Hard brown clay; shiny brown glaze.
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD 2359 Max. dim. 0.032 m. Hard orangeclay. Within two grooves,part of incised signature. 4th century. 2360 Max. dim. 0.052 m. Fragment of lower half. Orangeclay and glaze. Withintwo almond-shaped grooves,part of incised E signature, (2) retrograde. Secondhalf of 4th century.
Large U-shapednozzle set off from rim by transverse groove. Base: within almond-shapedgrooves, . A; below, incised inverted branch. Two possiblerestorationsfor the uppertwo letters are EY and IT. Either Eutyches or Stratolaoscould occurin a doublesignaturewith A . The lamp, however, has no parallel in the repertoryof any of the three lampmakers. 4th century.
2361 W. 0.07 m. Part of nozzle and base missing. Orangeclay. Taken from a worn mould. Oval disk: indistinct impressionprobably of Aphrodite wearing diadem, two filling-holes, framing band. Herringbonerim. Solid groovedhandle.Air-hole.Base: within almondshaped grooves,indistinct markings. The disk relief is derivedfrom a 3rd century Attic archetype;see 640ff. Early 5th century. 2362 Well, P 18:1. W. 0.062 m. Cracking,flaking, orangeclay. Disk: bust of Aphrodite wearing diadem; two framing rings. Wavy lines on rim. Solid grooved handle. Air-hole.Base: within narrowring, a ring of eight small double rings, a waveringraised line and a central small double ring. The disk relief is derivedfrom a 3rd centuryAttic archetype;see 640ff. The waveringraised line might be interpretedas the reliefoutlineof a leaf, a sad echoof the Leaf Shop. 5th century.
framingring. Narrowroundedrim: floweretsof three small rings on a stalk. Nozzle: raised edge around wick-hole; underside set off by pairs of grooves. Semicircularhandle: grooved in front; in back, a ridge. Base: within ring, roughlyincisedplantapedis. An imitation of an Asia Minorlamp. Vari,p. 344, note 1, pl. XIII, 1. Compare Second half of 5th to 6th century.
2365 P1. 37. Max. dim. 0.05 m. Disk and rim fragment.
Orange-buffclay. Disk: Eros, right, with both arms stretched out beforehim; framingband. Slopingrim: herringbone interruptedby small rings and circles. 5th century.
2363 P1. 37. W. 0.064 m. Top of handle and part of nozzleand base missing.Crumbling, orangeclay. Disk: bust of Athena, left, armed in crested Corinthian helmet and aegis; two filling-holes; two Groove framingrings.Panelledrim with herringbone. fromair- to wick-hole;sidesof nozzledouble-grooved. Groovedhandle.Base: within two grooves,crisscross grooving. The disk relief is derivedfrom a 3rd centuryAttic archetype;see 649ff. 5th century. Tip of nozzlemissing.Buff clay; with purplishbrown glaze. Disk: Athena Promachos,left, armedwith spear, shield and helmet; raised dashes around the edge;
2364 Pl. 37. W. 0.06 m., P.L. 0.077 m., H. 0.024 m.
2366 Well, M 17:1. Agora,V, M 338, p. 116, pl. 46. W. 0.075 m., H. 0.031 m. Front missing. Cracking, orangeclay. Disk: bust of Helios; two filling-holes;framing ring. Ovolo on sloping rim. Solid handle, groovedin front. Base: within ring, plain. In the secondhalf of the 5th and the 6th centuries, Helios lamps were made in Corinth (Broneer 1148-1168, pl. XVI, mostly, if not all, of Corinthian fabric),Athens, and other parts of Greece.They have a distinctive form of nozzle with semi-volutes and ovolo on the rim; the closest parallelsare lamps of the 1st century (Broneer,p. 109), e.g. Broneer 489, pl. XXVI, PannonischeLampen 705, pl. XXV, 4, Haken 53, pl. V. Onewouldlike to knowwhy the bust of Helios is invariablyassociatedwith this particular shape and no other on the late lamps of Corinthand Athens. The only otherlate (5th century)Attic lamps of the same shape pictureSelenewhofiguredin many of the Graeco-Roman Helios cults; see 2875. In the 6th century the Helios lamps gradually lost their distinctive shape and came to resemble other contemporarylamps; see Broneer1167, pl. XVI. Second half of 5th into 6th century.
From same or relatedmoulds:2867 P1. 37.
Taken from non-joiningmoulds;the upperhalf is Cracking, largerthan the lower half. The disk relief is derived orange clay. Disk: bust of Helios; indistinct framing ring. from a 3rd or 4th centuryAttic archetype;see 859ff. 5th century. Slopingrimwith tracesof ovolo pattern. Semi-volutes continuouswith rim. Solid handle with grooves in front; in back, ends just below the rim. Base: within MASK indistinct ring, plain. 2379 P1. 37. Max. dim. 0.048 m. Disk fragment. 6th century. Orangeclay. Mask. The witless creaturehas forgotten why he Similar: 2869 Base: within indistinctring, plain. 2870 Incised x's on rim.Plainbase.2871Base:withinring,plain. is laughing.Derivedfrom a 3rd centuryAttic arche2872 Rim: traces of ovolo pattern and small rings at edge. type; see 868ff. black to rustybrown, overtopand 2878M-Q17-21.Glaze, 5th century. Rim:plain.Base:within partof bottom. ring,plain. 2374 Well, 0 18:1. Max. dim. 0.071 m. Fragmentof HORSE AND RIDER 2380 Est. W. 0.06 m. Mostof upperhalf. Orange clay. top. Gritty orangeclay with many white bits. Disk: horse and rider. Rim: ring of small double Disk: Helios, framing groove. Rim: blurredhercircles. Nozzle: four small double circles; groove ringbone.Solid handle. from air- to wick-hole;sides double-grooved. 6th century. Derived from a 3rd century Attic archetype; see 2375 Late RomanBuilding,M-Q 17-21. W. 0.068 m., 876. H. 0.032 m. Front missing.Coarse clay. orange-brown 5th century. Disk: Helios; framing ring. Rim: two irregular rows of raised dashes, the results of retouchingher- BOY RUNNING LEFT ringbone in the mould. Solid handle, ending just 2381 P1. 37. W. 0.053 m., L. 0.08 m., H. 0.024 m. below the rim. Base: within vague ring, plain. Orange clay. 6th century. Disk: boy runningleft, holding a fish (?) by the 2376 W. 0.062 m., H. 0.027 m., P.L. 0.083 m. Tip of tail; framingring. Rim: small double rings. Raised nozzle missing. Crumbly, orange clay with many edge around wick-hole. Undersideof nozzle set off white bits. by grooves. Small grooved handle, ending in very Disk: Helios. Raised triple circles on slightly blurredfishtail. Base: within ring, indistinct planta slopingrim. Semi-volutescontinuouswith rim. Solid pedis. An imitation of an Asia Minor lamp. Compare handle; in back, handle ends just below rim. Base: Menzel629, p. 97, fig. 80, 5, from Miletos;Ephesos, within circle,plain. 6th century. IV, 487, p. 126, pl. IV. 5th century.
nozzle and part of base missing. Orange-buff clay. Disk with narrow channel to nozzle: badly preserved representation,the descriptionquoted from Ephesos,IV, 299, p. 195, pl. XIII: "Im Diskusist im linken Teil ein nach rechts gewendeter Satyr dargestellt, der sich um eine in den erhaltenenTeilen wenig reizvolle Miinade bemitiht."Double rings on
sloping rim. Raised edge around wick-hole. Underside of nozzle set off by pairs of grooves. Small handle ending in fishtail. Base: within ring, plain (?). An imitation of an Asia Minor lamp. 5th century.
Handle with part of base missing. Orangeclay. Disk with channelto wick-hole:St. Peter holding cross in right hand, his left hand raised in blessing. Third hole in channel. Rim: alternatingshields and diamonds. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, crosswith smallcirclesin the quadrants. An imitation of a North Africanlamp.
See Wulff III, 717, p. 162, pl. XXXIII, bronze statuette of St. Peter in this pose. 5th century.
for a
2378 W. 0.07 m. Clay: cracking, flaking, heavily micaceous, orange. Disk: venator leaping over bear; framing ring. Rim: panels; herringbone. Solid handle. Air-hole. Base: within vague circles, surface mostly flaked away.
2383 P1. 37. Max. dim. 0.055 m. Handle, part of disk and rim. Orange clay. Disk: head facing left. Rim: two herringbone panels flanking handle are preserved. Solid grooved handle. A copy of an imported lamp such as 323. 5th century.
2384 P1. 37. Max. dim. 0.059 m. Fragmentof handle, disk and rim. Soft orangeclay. Disk: beardedmale head. Rim: smalldoublerings. Low handle with traces of grooves. Imitation of a North Africanlamp. 6th century.
2390 Pl. 88. Well, Q 17:4. W. 0.057 m. Orangeclay. Disk: dove, right, with branchin his beak; three rim. No air-hole.Groove,flanked holes. Herringbone by smallcircles,fromdisk to wick-hole.Solidgrooved of nozzleset off by pairsof grooves. handle.Underside Base: within two circles,IcojTr<np)>a. Thesamerepresentation probablyappearson three lamps from Vari listed in the repertory under the heading Cock, accordingto Bassett's identification. The signatureon one of these, Vari 19, whichBassett read as lTA may be the same as on the Agora 2. and iota crowdedtogetherappearto be pi. lamp. Tau First half of 5th century. 2391 Max. dim. 0.055 m. Fragment of upper half. Dull orange clay with burnt areas. Disk: dove, right with branch(2) in his beak; two rim. Groove filling-holes;framingring. Herringbone from framingring to wick-hole. 5th century. 2392Late RomanBuildings,M-Q 17-21. W. 0.068m. Nozzleand part of front missing.Orange-brown clay. Disk: dove, right; four filling-holes.Rim: branch pattern in raised lines. Solid grooved handle. Base: within indistinctalmond-shaped grooves,plain. 5th-6th century. 2393 P1. 38. Max. dim. 0.063 m. Fragmentof upper half. Dull orangeclay. Disk: dove, left; threeholes; framinggroove.Rim: vine pattern. Air-hole. 5th century. 2394 P1. 38. Cistern,D 6:1. W. 0.067 m. Cracking, clay. orange-buff Disk: with channelto wick-hole:dove on chalice;
two filling-holes; framing band. Herringbone rim. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Solid handle, with hatched panel in front, grooves in back. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branch. 5th century.
Similar: 2895 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, inverted incised branch. 2896 Base: within almond-shaped
grooves, inverted incised branch. 2897.
Orange-brown clay. Disk with narrow channel toward wick-hole: blurry scene, possibly Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac; framing band. Rim: six lumpy leaves; loops flankingchannel.Air-hole.Raised edge aroundwickhole. Groovedhandle. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, plain. An imitation of an Asia Minorlamp. Cf. Vari, p. 344, note 3, pl. XIII, 2; Ephesos,IV, 1512, pl. VIII; Broneer 1468, fig. 53. 5th century.
2386 P1. 88. Late Roman Building, M-Q 17-21. W. disk with narrowchannelto wickAlmond-shaped hole: bird, right, flappinghis wings and turning his headleft. Framingbandof disk and channelcontinues around as edge of wick-hole. Steeply sloping rim: raised lines. Air-hole.Undersideof nozzle set off by grooves. Small grooved handle. Base: within ring, slightly concave.An imitationof an AsiaMinorlamp. 6th century.
COCK 0.056 m., L. 0.091 m., H. 0.08 m. Orange clay.
2387 P1. 38. Est. W. 0.054 m. Handle, part of disk and rim. Orangeclay. Disk: cock, left, with head turned right; framing band. Tendrils on sloping rim. Thin semicircular handle, ending in fishtail. An imitation of an Asia Minorlamp. 5th century.
2389 P1. 88. Max. dim. 0.056 m. Fragment of disk, 2398 W. 0.06 m. Flaking, orangeclay.
rim and nozzle. Soft, orange-buff clay. Rectangular disk with groove to wick-hole; dolphin, right; three holes; framing band. Herringbone
Rectangular disk with channel to wick-hole: dove above cross (2); three holes; framing band. Small circles on rim. Solid handle, with hatched panel in
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 5TH AND 6TH CENTURIES front, groovesin back. Base: within almond-shaped grooves,indistinct grooving. 5th century. 2399 P1.88. Late RomanBuildings,M-Q 17-21. Est. W. 0.054 m., P.L. 0.082m. Fragmentof disk, rim and nozzle. Coarse orange clay; purplish brown glaze. Disk with channelto neck: dove and a medallion; in channel, a cross and small circles within a ring. Rim: rings, trianglesand flowers.An imitation of a North Africanlamp. Broneer 1483, p. 288, pl. XXII, closely similar. Compare334. 6th century.
2400 P1. 38. W. 0.056 m., L. 0.079 m., H. 0.03 m.
2406 P1.38. W. 0.059 m. Upperhalf and part of wall. Orange-buff clay. Disk: two fish without the connecting loop; into the rim at the framingringin front, disappearing circlesin front. three small sides. Rim: herringbone; Sides of nozzle indicated by rough grooves. Solid knob handle, with hatched panel in front, plain in back. The disk reliefis derivedfroma 3rd centuryAttic archetype;see 944ff. 6th century.
Coarse,orange-buff clay. Disk with channel to wick-hole: dove (2). Rim: two rowsof smallringswith dot centers.Knobhandle. Base: within two almond-shaped grooves, traces of incised branch. 6th century. 2401 P1. 88. Water mill, Q 13:4. W. 0.055 m., L. 0.08 m., H. 0.031 m. Coarse micaceousflakingorange with brown surface. clay Disk with channel to wick-hole: dove (?) or peacock.Rim: branch.Knob handle. The surfaceof the lower half is flaked away. The base does not appear to be marked off from the walls. Secondhalf of 6th century.
Similar:2402 M-Q 17-21.
2407 P1. 38. W. 0.071 m., P.L. 0.071 m. Mostof top; handle missing. Coarseorange-buffclay with white bits; dull orangeglaze. Disk with channelto neck: leapinghare, right; in channel, palm tree. Rim: relief flowersof six petals alternatingwith triangularleaves. An imitation of a North Africanlamp. Late 5th century.
2408 P1. 38. W. 0.056 m., P.L. 0.078 m., H. 0.029 m.
Tip of nozzle missing. Cracking,orange-buffclay. Disk with channel to wick-hole: hare. Rim: incised triangles and branches.Solid grooved handle. lines and five small Base: within two almond-shaped lines. circles, crisscross For the hareon Africanlamps,see Menzel602. Late 5th century.
2403 W. 0.053 m. Handle and part of disk missing. clay. orange-buff Cracking, Unevenly oval disk with channel to wick-hole: dove, left, above unidentifiedobject. Small circleson rim. Solid handle,the back barely standingout from the wall. Slightly roundedbase mergesinto walls; on base, incised dashesand small incised branch. 6th century. 2404 P1. 88. W. 0.046 m. Handle missing. Orange clay. Disk openingout to wick-hole:dove above many small circles; two holes. Herringbone rim. Solid handle, the back indicated by grooves in the wall.
Rounded base merges into walls; on base, circles and grooves. 6th century.
2409 P1. 88. Well, Q 17:4. W. 0.055 m., L. 0.095 m., buff clay. H. 0.03 m. Cracking Disk with channel to wick-hole: hare. Hole in channel indicated, not pierced.Rim: triangles.Airhole indicated,not pierced.Knob handle.Ridge from base-ring to handle; within base-ring, two circles. 6th century.
2410 Max. dim. 0.046 m. Fragmentof disk. Orange clay. Disk: crouchinglion, right.
The disk reliefs of 2410-2416 are derived from 3rd century Attic archetypes; see 970ff. First half of 5th century. 2411 P1. 38. Max. dim. 0.053 m. Fragment of disk and rim. Buff clay. Disk: crouching lion, right. Wavy lines on rim. First half of 5th century. 2412 P1. 88. W. 0.07 m. Orange clay. Disk: lion crouching, right; framing ring. Rim: vine pattern of six leaves and four small clusters. Solid grooved handle, ending with three small circles.
2405 P1. 88. W. 0.052 m. Dark orange clay. Disk: elephant; rough framing ring. Rim: small double rings; relief branches flanking handle and nozzle. Small knob handle. Rim projects slightly over nearly vertical walls. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, vague grooving. 6th century.
Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branchand nine small circles. First half of 5th century.
2420 Pl. 38. Well, P 18:1. W. 0.053 m. Buff clay with burnt areas. Disk: ram,left; twoholes;framinggroove.HaphazSimilar:2418 N 13:1. ard herringbonepattern on rim. Knob handle with 2414 W. 0.068 m. Restored. Coarseorangeclay with incised branch pattern. Nearly vertical walls. Base: lighter slip. withinalmond-shaped groove,incisedinvertedbranch. Disk: crouching lion, right; two filling-holes; The disk reliefis derivedfroma 3rd centuryAttic framing groove. Herringbonerim. Air-hole. Sides archetype;see 1007ff. of nozzle double-grooved. Solid grooved handle. Secondhalf of 5th into 6th century. Base: within almond-shaped lines; grooves,crisscross five small circles. VARIOUS ANIMALS 5th century. 2421 W. 0.062 m., L. 0.085 m., H. 0.025 m. Orangebrownclay. black. overfired hard 0.061 m. 2415 W. purplish Clay Disk with narrow channel to wick-hole: animal, two HerDisk: crouchinglion, right; filling-holes. left; framingband. Wavy lines on slopingrim. Raised of nozzle rim. Solid Sides double-grooved. ringbone aroundwick-hole.Undersideof nozzle set off by within almondedge Air-hole. Base: handle. grooved indistinct grooves. Solid groovedhandle. Plain base. inverted branch and small incised shaped groove, An imitationof an Asia Minorlamp. circles. 5th century. The top is too largefor the bottom. 5th century. 2422 Pl. 38. W. 0.058 m., L. 0.08 m., H. 0.03 m. 2416 Pls. 38, 50. Hesperia,II, 1933, pp. 210, 215, figs. Flaking orange clay. Disk: animalleapingleft; slightly raised edge and 8, 8 and 11, 28. W. 0.061 m., L. 0.111 m. Brownframingcircle. Small circleson slopingrim. Air-hole orangeclay. Disk: with broad channelto wick-hole:crouching not piercedthrough. Raised edge aroundwick-hole. lion, right; two holes. Rim: small circlesand haphaz- Small grooved handle. Base: within faint almondard grooves. Thin solid handle, with one groove in shapedgrooves,tracesof incisedbranch.An imitation back, ending in small circles. Air-hole.Base: within of an Asia Minorlamp. First half of 5th century. circle, small triple circles and Xi61vqs. First half of 5th century. 2423 P1. 38. W. 0.062 m., L. 0.092 m., H. 0.028 m. Handle missing. Flaking orange-brown clay. PANTHER DRINKING FROM KRATER Disk: crouchinganimal with long tail and long 2417 P1. 38. Late Roman Building, M-Q 17-21. W. neck, left, with head turned right; framing ring. 0.06 m. Much of nozzle missing. Cracking, dark Herringbone on sloping rim. Slightly elongated nozzle: sides double-grooved;underside set off by orangeclay. Disk: pantherdrinkingfrom krater; three filling- pairsof grooves.Handleendsin fishtail.Base: within holes. Herringbonerim. Air-hole. Sides of nozzle impresseddisk, six smallcirclesarounda centralone. double-grooved.Solid grooved handle, ending with An imitation of an Asia Minorlamp. 5th century. three small circles. Base: within almond-shaped crisscross and small circles. grooves, grooves The disk relief is derivedfrom a 3rd century Attic 2424 P1. 39. W. 0.063 min.,L. 0.09 m., H. 0.031 m. Dull orangeclay. archetype;see 997ff. Disk with very narrowchannelto wick-hole:longMid-5thinto 6th century. tailed,long-eared animal,left; framingband.Assorted
Similar: 2418.
2419 Max. dim. 0.068 m. Fragment of handle, disk and rim. Coarse orange clay; orange-brown glaze. Disk: head of peacock preserved. Rim: palm trees and birds. Imitation of a North African lamp. Broneer 1454, p. 285, pl. XXII, similar. Another Attic lamp with a peacock is shown on P1. 23, i; it was found in the Kerameikos and dates to the 5th century. 5th-6th century.
circles on sloping rim. Raised edge around wick-hole. Solid grooved handle ending in two small circles. Base: within ring, two incised pentagons around a central small circle; three small circles below base ring. 5th century.
2425 Pl. 39. W. 0.06 m., P.L. 0.096 m. Top. Orangebuff clay; worn orange glaze. Disk with channel to wick-hole: palm tree; concentric rings in groups of six or seven alternating
with slightly larger concentricrings. Knob handle. 2434 W.0.062m. Handlemissing.Orange-brown clay. Disk: shell. Rim: blurry herringbone. Base: An imitation of a North Africanlamp. Late 5th century. merginginto walls; vague depressions. Secondhalf of 5th or 6th century.
2426 W. 0.055 m. Back of lamp. Dull orange clay. rim. Disk: bull'shead; framingband. Herringbone walls. vertical in back. Solid handle,grooved Nearly Base: within almond-shaped grooves,incisedbranch. The disk reliefis derivedfrom a 3rd centuryAttic archetype;see 1036ff. Early 5th century.
2435 W. 0.06 m. Parts of disk and base missing. Crumbling orangeclay. Disk: shell.Rim: smallcirclesand sketchyherringbone. Solid handle, with incised branch pattern in front, barely indicated on lower half. Base: two slightly curving grooves outline sides; imperfectly preservedgroovingsand small circles. 6th century.
2436 W. 0.06 m., H. 0.024 m. Much of lower half
missing.Darkorangeclay. Shell on disk. Eleven small circles on rim. Very low handle, solid and grooved.Base: within almondshaped grooves, lower part of incised inverted branchpreserved. 6th century. 2437 P1. 39. W. 0.057 m. Orangeclay. Shell on disk. Many small circles on rim. Solid grooved handle, barely standing out from wall in SHELL back. Nearly vertical walls. Base: two slightly 2428 P1. 39. W. 0.055 m. Orangeclay. curving grooves outline sides; in center, five small Disk: shell. Rim: vine pattern of four leaves and circles in the form of a cross within circle; above, four clusters. Groove from disk toward wick-hole. small circles; below, small circles and cross-grooves. Solid groovedhandle.Air-hole.Base: within almondTaken from non-joiningmoulds. 6th century. shapedgrooves,incisedbranch. The disk representationis derived from a 4th 2438 P1. 39. W. 0.051 m., L. 0.073 m., H. 0.025 m. centuryAttic archetype;see 1123ff. clay. Flaking orange-brown First half of 5th century. Disk: shell (?); framing ring. Double rings on 2429 W. 0.056 m. Buff clay with burnt areas. sloping rim. Raised edge around wick-hole. Small knob handle. Base: a depression. lines with on rim, Disk: shell, framingring. Wavy 6th century. from of nozzle. Groove small circles on either side of nozzle air- to wick-hole; sides double-grooved. 2439 W. 0.061 m., L. 0.088 m., H. 0.039 m. Surface Solid grooved handle. Base: within almond-shaped mostlyflakedaway.Flakingorangeclay with buffslip. grooves, incised inverted branch. Disk: rays or shell pattern. Smallcircleson steeply Early 5th century. slopingrim. Air-holeindicated, not pierced.Nozzle: slightly raised edge around wick-hole; grooves and 2430 W. 0.057 m. Pieces missing.Orangeclay. rim. Groovefrom disk to small doublecircleon underside.Small knob handle. Disk: shell. Herringbone (?) groove, two rows of wick-hole; sides of nozzle double-grooved. Solid Base: within almond-shaped dots. handle. Base: within 2427 P1. 39. W. 0.07 m. Gritty, flakingorangeclay. Disk: two holes, krater,framingring. Vine pattern of eight leaves on rim. Nozzle: groove from airtowardwick-hole; sidesdouble-grooved. Solidgrooved handle. Sides of nozzle double-grooved; groove from air-hole toward wick-hole. Base: within almondshaped grooves, Oil with incised branch in center. First half of 5th century.
almond-shaped grooves, grooved incised inverted branch. First half of 5th century. 2431 P1. 39. W. 0.06 m. Dark orange clay. Disk: shell, framing ring. Rim: row of globules separated by ridges. No air-hole. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Solid grooved handle, ending in two small circles. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branch. First half of 5th century.
Similar, dated in the 5th century: 2482. 2488 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, plain.
6th century.
2440 P1. 89. W. 0.053 m., L. 0.078 m., H. 0.029 m. Flaking orange clay with lighter surface. Disk: star of David; framing ring. Small rings on sharply sloping rim. Raised edge around wick-hole. Underside of nozzle set off by pairs of rough grooves. Small handle ending in rough fishtail. Small slightly concave base. Imitation of an Asia Minor lamp. The star of David appears on an imported lamp, 353. 6th century.
edge around wick-hole. Underside of nozzle set off by pairs of grooves. Grooved handle ending in fishtail. Base: two circles with small circles between; in center, planta pedis. 5th century. Rim : vine Disk: cross monogram with closed rho turned left; small circles on bars of cross; four holes and small circles in quadrants. Rim: four vine leaves and two clusters which look like acorns. Nozzle: sides double-
2453 W. 0.064 m. Part of disk missing. Flaking orangeclay. Disk: crossmonogram; four holes, framinggroove. Wavy lines on rim. Nozzle: sides double-grooved; groove, flanked by small circles, from air- to wickCROSS MONOGRAM hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almondRim : plain shapedgrooves,incisedinvertedbranch. First half of 5th century. 2446 P1.39. W. 0.06 m., L. 0.093 m., H. 0.027 m. Part of base missing. Orange-buff clay. 2454 P1. 89. W. 0.065 m. Cracking, orange-buff clay. Almond-shapeddisk with groove to wick-hole; disk: cross monogramwith open rho, two Square cross monogramwith rho turned left; framingband. band. Wavy lines on rim. Groovefrom holes, Sloping rim: grooved arcs in front. Air-hole.Raised air- to framing wick-hole. Solid handle. Base:
within grooved almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branch. First half of 5th century. Rim : herringbone Disk: cross monogram with open rho and hatched bars; four holes. Herringbone rim. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within almond-shaped grooves,
2441 P1. 39. W. 0.068 m. Nozzle and top of handle missing. Orange-buff clay with burnt areas. Disk: Constantinianmonogramwith closed rho; alpha, left, and omega,right; five holes; two framing rings. Plain narrow rim with arcs to either side of air-hole. Handle: grooved and pierced, ending in grooved leaf. Base: within tear-shapedgrooves, M. Early 5th century. 2442 Est. W. 0.062 m. Handle, part of disk and rim. Orange-buff clay. Disk: Constantinianmonogram with closed rho turned left; five holes; framing groove. Wavy lines on rim. Handle: groovedand pierced. Early 5th century. 2443 P.W. 0.054 m. Part of handle, disk and rim. Crackingorange clay. Disk: Constantinianmonogram with closed rho turned left. Herringbonerim. Solid grooved handle. Early 5th century. 2444 P1. 89. Est. W. 0.084 m., P.L. 0.095 m. Fragment of top. Hard orange clay with brown surface, coarse,highly micaceouswith many white bits. Disk with channel to neck: Constantinianmonogram; below, concentric rings. Air-hole in channel indicated, not pierced. Rim: triangles, volutediamonds,concentricrings, quatrefoils. 5th-6th century. 2445 Well, N 21:1. Max. dim. 0.05 m. Fragment of handle, disk, and rim. Coarse orange clay; worn brownishglaze. Disk: Constantinianmonogram (2). Rim: concentric rings. 5th-6th century.
Base: within two almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branch. 2475 Base: within narrow almond-shaped groove, incised inverted branch.
2460 Pls. 39, 52. W. 0.064 m. Orangeclay. Disk: crossmonogram; framingring. Herringbone rim. Nozzle: groove, flanked by two small circles, from disk to wick-hole.Solid groovedhandle. Nearly vertical walls. Base: within two almond-shaped grooves,4!IQ1ONJ.H. Mid-Sthcentury.
2476 W. 0.061 m. Muchof left side missing. Orange clay. Disk with narrow channel to wick-hole: cross with closedrhoturnedleft; smallcircleson monogram bars of cross; two holes (originallythere were four); raised edge. Sloping rim: herringbonewith arcs flanking nozzle. Groove from air- to wick-hole. 2461 P1.89. W. 0.07 m. Part of base missing.Orange- Handle: grooved and punched. Base: within two buff clay. Ku. circles, Disk: cross monogram with open rho; small Early 5th century. circles and three holes in field; framing groove. Herringbonerim. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Similarfragment:2477. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almond-shaped 2478 P1. 40. W. 0.058 m., L. 0.095 m. Dull orange grooves, Ka inscribedsidewise. 5th century. Early clay. Disk with channel to wick-hole:cross monogram Similar: 2462 Base: within tear-shapedgrooves, Xt6j with open rhoand grooveson the bars, small double vns. 2468 Within almond-shaped groove X[t6]jv[ins].2464 6 and 25. in center; four holes. Herringbonerim. Solid Base: circle 11, Hesperia, II, 1933, pp. 208, 215, figs. 8, within two circles Xt6lvqS.2465 Base: within groove, broad grooved handle with small double circle in front. shallowgroovesin the form of a cross (?). 2466-2468.2469 Walls nearly vertical. Base: within two circles, Base: within two incised inverted
branch. almond-shaped grooves,
2470 P1.40. Well, Q 17:4. W. 0.065 m. Top of handle missing. Cracking, orangeclay. Disk: cross monogram with open rho; three holes; edge slightly higher than rim. Herringbone rim. Nozzle: groove from air- to wick-hole; sides Solid grooved handle. Base: within double-grooved. two almond-shaped grooves, vague markings. First half of 5th century. 2471 W. 0.066 m. Cracking,brown-buffclay. Square disk with start of channel to wick-hole: cross monogramwith open rho; three holes; framing band. Rim: herringboneon sides, grooves near the handle. Sides of nozzle triple-grooved. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almond-shapedgrooves, incised invertedbranch. First half of 5th century. 2472 W. 0.055 m. Orange-buff clay.
Square disk: cross monogram; three holes; blurred framing band. Herringbone rim. Solid grooved handle, ending with three small circles. Base: within almondshaped grooves, incised cross (2). First half of 5th century. 2473 W. 0.06 m. Buff clay. Oval narrow disk: cross monogram with open rho; three holes. Herringbone rim. Nozzle: groove from air- to wick-hole; sides double-grooved. Solid grooved handle. Walls nearly vertical. Base: within almondshaped grooves, incised inverted branch. First half of 5th century.
2479 P1.40. W. 0.06 m., L. 0.087m. Dull orangeclay. Disk with channel to wick-hole:cross monogram with open rho, decoratedwith hatching and small circles; four holes. Herringbonerim. Groovedsolid handle, ending in two small circles. Base: within almond-shapedgrooves, small circles and Ico with incised branch in center. First half of 5th century.
2480 P1. 40. Cistern, D 6:1. W. 0.059 m., L. 0.089 m.,
H. 0.087 m. Top of handlemissing.Brownclay. Disk with channel to wick-hole: cross monogram with rho turned right; framing band. Herringbone rim. Groovedsolid handle.Base: within two almondshapedgrooves,AE (?) with incisedbranchin center. The lambdais retrograde.If one turns the lamp around, the reading is EY with the epsilon retrograde. Probably the 5th century lampmaker had a lamp of Leonteus or Eutyches and tried to copy the signature. First half of 5th century. 2481 P1. 40. W. 0.068 m. Cracking, orange clay. Square disk with channel to wick-hole: cross monogram with open rho; two holes, lozenge in upper left corner. Herringbone rim. Sides of nozzle doublegrooved. Solid handle, ending in two circles. Base: within almond-shaped grooves incised inverted branch. First half of 5th century.
2482 P1. 40. W. 0.06 m., H. 0.084 m. Muchof nozzle and base missing. Orange-brown clay. Disk with channel to wick-hole: cross monogram with open rho; three holes. Herringbonerim. Solid grooved handle, the end flanked by small circles. Base: within two almond-shapedgrooves, incised inverted branch. First half of 5th century.
Similar,dated in the 5th centurythroughthe middleof the century:Fourlampswith incisedinvertedbranchon the
joining the base-ring, as on North African lamps. Within base-ring central small circle; below, three small circles. 2489 Base: as preceding.
Rim : vine 2499 Pls. 12, 50. W. 0.06 m., L. 0.095 m. Orangeclay. Disk with channel to wick-hole: cross with small circles. Vine pattern of eight leaves on rim. Solid groovedhandle,ending in two small circles.Air-hole. Base: within almond-shapedgrooves, Xco with incised branchin center. First half of 5th century.
From related moulds: 2500 Two rosettes and small circles added to rim decoration. Base: within almond-shaped
2501 W. 0.061 m. Orangeclay. Disk with channel to wick-hole: cross with small circles. Slopingrim: vine pattern of six leaves alterRim : various nating with hatched panels and small circles. Solid 2490 P1. 40. W. 0.061 m. Cracking, orangeclay. groovedhandle,endingin smallcircle.Air-hole.Base: Disk with channel to wick-hole: cross monogram within almond-shaped grooves, small circles and with open rho; four holes; framing groove. Rim: ICorjpi1a sidewise. rosettes of small circles.Base: within ring, five small First half of 5th century. circlesin the form of a cross. Rim : wavylines 5th century. 2491 W. 0.064 m. Coarsebuff clay; entire surface flakedoff. Disk: cross monogram(?); four holes. Rim: herringbone (?). Solid grooved handle. Base: traces of signature(?). 5th century.
2492 Pls. 40, 50. W. 0.064 m., L. 0.098 m., H. 0.028 m. 2502 W. 0.067 m., L. 0.091 m., H. 0.027 m. Part of
Orange-brown clay. Disk with channel to wick-hole: cross monogram with herringbone on the bars; holes in the quadrants and an air-holein the channel.Rim: triangles,clover sprays, branches, clusters all in raised lines. Solid handle. Base: within two almond-shapedgrooves, incised inverted branchand two small circles. Second half of 5th century.
Similar: 2493 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 210. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branch. 2494-2495. 2496 D 6:1. Handle ends in rough fishtail. Base: within
nozzle missing. Orange-buff clay. Disk: cross with flaringbars; framingring. Rim: wavy lines; very blurred loops at nozzle. Air-hole. Indistinct raised edge around wick-hole. Underside of nozzle set off by grooves. Solid grooved handle. Base: within ring, plain. Similarto Ephesos,IV, 468, p. 126, pl. IV. 5th century. 2503 P1. 40. W. 0.061 m. Orangeclay. Disk with channel to wick-hole: cross; three filling-holes; framing band. Wavy lines on rim. Solidhandle,groovedin front,endingwith two circles. Air-hole.Base: withinalmond-shaped grooves,incised inverted branch. 5th century. 2504 W. 0.059 m. Cracking,micaceous,orange-buff clay. Similarto 2503, of coarserclay and workmanship. Base: within roughly almond-shaped ridges, vertical ridge flankedby raised dots.
The almond-shaped lines and branch, customarily incised on the base of the lamp, were here incised in the mould, and thus appear raised on the lamp base. 5th century. 2505 P1. 40. W. 0.055 m. Dull orange clay. Disk with channel to wick-hole: cross, four holes. Rim: wavy lines with incised branches flanking handle. Sides of nozzle sketchily indicated by grooves. Air-hole. Solid handle, grooved in front. Base: within two almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branch. 5th century.
2498 Est. W. 0.056 m., H. 0.084 m. Much of nozzle and right side missing. Disk with channel to wick-hole: cross monogram. Two filling-holes and air-hole in channel. Rim: incised branch alternating with triangles of small circles. Solid handle. Base: within ring, incised lines. The close imitation of North African raised rim patterns to be seen in 2492-2497 has here given way to a sketchy incised approximation in which the spirit of the original is lost. 5th century.
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 5TH AND 6TH CENTURIES 2506 Est. W. 0.06 m. Clay: bright orange core with orange-buffsurface. Disk: cross,two filling-holes, framingband. Wavy lines on rim. Air-holeindicated,not pierced.Nozzle: sides double-grooved.Solid grooved handle, ending with two small circles. Base: within almond-shaped grooves,incised branchflankedby small circles. 5th century. Rim : herringbone 2507 P1. 40. Well, Q 17:4. W. 0.06 m. Cracking, brownclay. Disk: cross; four filling-holes, framing groove. Herringbone rim. Nozzle: sides double-grooved; groove from air- to wick-hole.Solid groovedhandle. Base: within almond-shapedgroove, incised cross. First half of 5th century. 2509-2511.
Similar:2508 Base: within almond-shaped grooves,1w.
2519 P1.40. W. 0.061 m. Orange-buff clay. Disk with channelto wick-hole:cross;three holes. rim. Solid groovedhandle.Base: within Herringbone almond-shapedgrooves, incised branch flanked by two small circles. 5th century.
Similar: 2520 Base: within two circles, vague depressions. 2521 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised branch. 2522-2528 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branch. 2529 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, small circle. 2530. 2531 Within elongated almond-shaped groove, incised inverted branch.
Square disk: cross with flaringbars, three holes, framing band. Herringbonerim. Nozzle set off by transverse,hatched panel. Groovefrom air- to wickhole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almondshaped grooves, incised inverted branch. Secondquarterof 5th century.
Similar: 2583.
Disk: cross with small circles; framing band. Herringbone on sloping rim. Groove, flanked by small circles, from air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almond-shapedgrooves with small circles,2w with incisedbranchbelow. First half of 5th century.
2534 W. 0.059 m. Clayburnt gray to black. Squaredisk with channelto wick-hole;crosswith doublecircleson the bars; in the quadrants,two diamonds above and two holes below; framing band. Herringbonerim with small circles flankinghandle. Air-hole.Solid groovedhandle.Base: within almondincised inverted branch. Similar: 2518 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, eco. shaped grooves, of First half 5th century. 2514 Herringbone pattern reduced to gouged dashes. Square disk with channel to wick-hole: cross; framing band. Rim: herringbone on sides; small circlesflankhandleandnozzle.Air-hole.Solidgrooved handle. Vertical walls. Base: within almond-shaped groovesand small circles,Ico and small circleswith incisedbranchin center. First half of 5th century.
Similar: 2536 Signature as preceding. 2537 Base flaked away. Signature to be restored as on preceding. 2538 Base: within elongated almond-shaped groove, incised inverted branch. Second half of 5th century. 2539 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, inverted incised branch, mainly obliterated, with cross roughly incised over the branch.
2515 W. 0.06 m. Orange-brown clay. Disk: cross; four holes; framing groove. Rough herringbonerim. Air-hole. Sides of nozzle doublegrooved.Solid groovedhandle.Base: within almondshaped groove, incised branch. 5th century. 2516 W. 0.056 m. Orangeclay. Disk: cross, framing groove. Rim: dashes with small circles at handle and nozzle. Solid handle. Wallsnearlyvertical.Base: within elongatedalmondshaped groove, incised inverted branch. Secondhalf of 5th century. 2517 W. 0.06 m. Gritty, orangeclay.
Taken from very worn mould. Disk: cross. Rim: herringbone. Knob handle with small circles in front. Base: within elongated almond-shaped groove, incised inverted branch. Second half of 5th into 6th century. 2518 W. 0.061 m. Orange clay. Disk with channel to wick-hole: cross; in the quadrants, two diamonds above and two filling-holes below; framing band. Herringbone rim. Solid grooved handle. Air-hole. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, vertical hatched panel. First half of 5th century.
2540 W. 0.056 m. Much of disk missing. Orange clay. Disk with channel to wick-hole: cross, ridge framing disk and wick-hole. Herringbone rim. Small handle with circles in front, barely standing out from the wall in back. Base: within elongated almondshaped groove, incised inverted branch. The key-hole shaped ridge framing the disk, channel and wick-hole is copied from Asia Minorlamps.
6th century.
2541 W. 0.055 m. Orange-buff clay. Disk: cross with the vertical bar stopping just short of the wick-hole; three filling-holes. Rim: herring-
bone pattern interruptedby crossbarof cross. Knob dicated by grooves.Roundedbase: within elongated handlewith hatched panel in front. Base: within two almond-shaped groove, net pattern. 6th branch. incised inverted century. almond-shaped grooves, 6th century. Base: within two roughlyalmond-shaped Similar:
Similar: 2542 Base: vague grooves. grooves, small grooves and circles.
framing groove. circles on rim. Solid handle, the back barely standing out from the wall. Base: almond-shaped grooves and five small circles; in center, traces of incised branch. 5th century.
2570 P1. 41. W. 0.063 m. Coarseorange clay with brown surface. Disk: cross with flaringbars with incised branch; Similar,mid-5thinto 6th centuryandwith incisedbranch below filling-hole,two holes indicated not pierced; on base: 2547-2550. 2551 N 15:1. 2552 Upper mould too for mould. lower Rounded with base rough framing ring. Threeto four rows of impressed large vague grooves. dots on rim. Solid handle, with hatched panel in 2553 P1. 40. W. 0.058 m. Crackingorange-buff clay. front, groovedin back. Base: within almond-shaped Disk: cross; three holes; Small
grooves, inverted incised branch. The rim projects over the wall. 6th century.
2543 Pl. 40. W. 0.063m. Topof handlemissing.Orange clay with burnt areas. Disk: cross with herringbone pattern; three holes. Rim: herringbonepattern on either side of handle; four small double circles in front. Herringboneon back of handle. Row of small double circles on lower wall. Base: within almond-shapedgrooves, diagonallines and small double circles. 6th century. 2544 P1. 40. W. 0.064 m. Orangeclay. Disk: cross with flaring bars. Rim: herringbone continuing around past nozzle; small double circles flankinghandle. Groovedknob handle. Small circles on walls. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, oblique grooves and small circles. 6th century. 2545 Water mill, Q 13:4. W. 0.058 m., L. 0.088 m. Top, without handle. Hard, very micaceous orange clay with brownsurface. Disk: cross (?) or two raised branchesarranged rim. Groove crosswise;framinggroove. Herringbone from disk to wick-hole; sides of nozzle doublegrooved. 6th century. Rim : many small circles 2546 P1. 40. Well, P 18:1. W. 0.061 m. Brown clay. Square disk: cross with flaring bars, three holes, two framing bands. Small circles on rim. Solid, grooved handle, ending in two small circles. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branchflankedby small circles. Secondquarterof 5th century.
2566 P1.41. W. 0.055m. Cracking, orangeclay. Disk: cross with small rings in the quadrants. Small circles on rim. Solid knob handle. Nearly vertical walls. Base: grooved checkerboardpattern and sets of parallelgrooves. The upper half is wider than the lower; the rim projectsover the walls. 6th century. Rim : various 2567 W. 0.062 m. Dull orangeclay. Disk opening out towards wick-hole: slightly raised cross. Raised lines on rim. Solid handle,
grooved in front. Base: within two almond-shaped
grooves, two small circles and other markings. Taken from a worn mould. Secondhalf of 5th century. 2568 W. 0.052 m. Coarse, crumbling orangeclay. disk, not clearly marked Roughly almond-shaped off from rim, with cross and two holes. Small circles and vague marks on rim. Solid handle, the back barely indicated. Base: within sketchy almondshaped groove, partially obliteratedincised inverted branch. Secondhalf of 5th into 6th century. 2569 W. 0.058 m. Crumbling, orangeclay. Disk: rough cross of raised lines. Irregular,raised lines on rim. Solid handle. Surface of base flaked
Similar; dated from mid-5th century into the 6thcentury: 2554-2558 Base: incised branch. 2559-2562 Base: incised inverted branch. 2568 Rounded base with raised crisscross
2564 P1. 40. W. 0.059 m. Much of left side and pieces missing. Orange clay. Disk: cross with flaring bars. Small circles on rim. Handle: solid, with hatched panel in front; back in-
2571 P1. 41. Late Roman Building, M-Q 17-21. Est. W. 0.074 m., P.L. 0.083 m. Disk and rim fragment. Hard, dark orange clay. Disk with channel to wick-hole: cross ornamented with diamonds and small rings, the upright extending to air-hole in channel. Rim: diamonds, concentric rings and volutediamonds. 5th century.
by incised wavy line and groups of small circles. Air-holes.Solid knob handle.Base: within elongated almond-shaped groove,largeinvertedincisedbranch. 6th century.
From same or related moulds: 2584.
2585 W. 0.053 m. Top, without nozzle. Coarse,dark orange clay. Disk: cross with flaringbars with small double circles on the bars and in the quadrants;two fillingSimilar: 2578 Q 13:4. 2574.2575P1.12. Withinbase-ring, in of a five small rings the form cross. 2576. 2577 Light buff holes; framing ring. Narrowrounded rim, crowded clay. Within base-ring, central ring. 2578 M-Q 17-21. with small rings. Small groovedhandle. Within base-ring,cross composedof centralquadruple ring 6th century, secondhalf. and small
eight rings.
H. 0.083 m. Handle missing. Flaking, cracking, orangeclay. Disk with channelto wick-hole:cross with flaring bars; small rings in the quadrants.Rim: small rings. The lower half was taken from the mould of a globule-and-volutelamp: globules on wall, curved ridgessetting off undersideof nozzle,concentricrings 2587 P1. 41. W. 0.057 m., L. 0.084 m., H. 0.026 m. on base. Handle missing.Bright orangeflakingclay. 6th century, secondhalf. Disk: cross with small double rings on the bars; grooved framingring. Rim: globules;in front, loops. 2580 W. 0.061m.,P.L.0.088m., H.0.025m. Handleand Raisededgearoundwick-hole.Base: slightly concave. partof backmissing. Orange-buff claywith burntareas. 6th century,secondhalf. Disk with channelto neck: crosswith flaringbars. Rim: row of smallrings. Ridge frombase to knob (2) 2588 W. 0.053 m., L. 0.077 m., H. 0.029 m. Micaceous, handle.Base: within ring, plain. yellow-buffclay. 6th century, second half. Disk: cross with flaringbars, double rings in the quadrants; framing ring. Rim: globules; in front, 2581 Well, M 17:1. Agora,V, M 379, p. 119, pl. 46. raised lines with a globule at each end. Raised edge W. 0.053 m., P.L. 0.07 m., H. 0.029 m. End of nozzle aroundwick-hole.Knob handleendingin roughfishmissing. Orangeclay. tail. Incised twice on the wall, A. Base: within ring, Disk with channelto wick-hole:crosswith flaring concave. bars, with small doublerings on the bars and in the 6th century, secondhalf. quadrants;groovedframingband continuingaround the wick-hole. Sharply sloping rim: wavy line and 2589 P1. 41. Late Roman Buildings,M-Q 17-21. W. dot pattern. Undersideof nozzle set off by pairs of 0.051 m., L. 0.072 m., H. 0.026 m. Much of nozzle ridges. Small handle. From base-ringto handle, two and base missing.Micaceous orangeclay with brown surface. ridges with row of globulesbetween. Cf. Ephesos,IV, 1220-1225,p. 151, pl. VII. Disk: cross made of small raised V's; circle of Second half of 6th century. small rings around the edge. Rim: small, raised arrowheads;in front, raised lines tipped with glob2582 W. 0.05 m. Most of top. Orangeclay.
Disk with channel to wick-hole: cross with flaring arms; grooved framing band which probably continued around wick-hole. Sloping rim: triple rings. Grooved handle. See Ephesos, IV, 1220-1225, pl. VII, 306-807, pl. XIII. 6th century, second half. 2583 P1. 41. W. 0.055 m., H. 0.032 m., P.L. 0.07 m. Nozzle missing. Cracking orange-buff clay. Disk: cross with flaring arms; slightly raised edge. Very steeply sloping rim; grapevine roughly rendered ules. Knob handle. 6th century, second half.
2586 Est. W. 0.057 m. Fragmentof top. Darkorange clay. Disk: cross with flaring barswith smallcircleson and between the bars. Irregularframingring. Rim: irregularraised lines and small double circles. Small grooved knob handle. 6th century,secondhalf.
2590 P1. 41. Late Roman Buildings, M-Q 17-21. W. 0.052 m., L. 0.077 m., H. 0.025 m. Part of nozzle missing. Micaceous orange-brown clay. Disk: cross with flaring bars; framing ring. Circular rim: chevrons and globules. Small knob handle. Ridge (?) from base-ring to handle. Second half of 6th century. 2591 P1. 41. W. 0.07 m., L. 0.115 m., H. 0.033 m. Orange clay with many white bits; brown slip.
Disk with channelto neck; crosswith flaringbars. Cf. Broneer1456, p. 285, pl. XXII. 6th century. Hole in channel indicated, not pierced. Rim: raised branch.Lumpy knob handle. Ridge from oval base2593 W. 0.057 m., P.L. 0.091 m., H. 0.027 m. Nozzle ring to handle. missing. Orange-buff clay. 6th century. Disk with channelto wick-hole:cross.Rim: small doublerings. Knob handle.Uneven ridge from rough 2592 P1. 50. W. 0.075 m., L. 0.11 m., H. 0.033 m. base-ringto handle. Hard orangeclay with many white bits. Secondhalf of 6th century. Narrowoval disk with channelto wick-hole:cross with flaring bars. Hole in channel. Rim: raised 2594 Est. W. 0.076 m. Disk and rim fragment. Clay branch. Knob handle. Ridge from base-ring to unevenly fired buff to orange. Disk: crosswith flaringbars. Rim: branch. handle. Within base-ring, cross made of two bars with forked tips. 6th centuryor later.
Rim : plain 2595 P1. 41. W. 0.068 m. Back, with handle and handle shield, missing. Orangeclay. Plain disk with channel to wick-hole.Rim: plain roundedsides; vine clusters (2) at the back; arcs on either side of channel.Air-hole.Base: within almondshaped band, EOIK&p IWrov. Early 5th century.
Solid grooved handle. Base: within two circles, incised inverted branchwith the central stalk formed by two grooves (ratherthan the usual one). Below the circles, and joining them, an incised V. First half of 5th century.
Similar:2601 Base: within ring, five small circlesin the form of a cross. 2602 Glazed.Base: within circle, incised branchand small circles. 2603 P1. 41. W. 0.069 m. Part of nozzle missing. Clay,
2596 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11, 11. W. overfired purplish gray. Plain disk with three holes around filling-hole. 0.062 m., H. 0.026 m. Brown clay, burnt black. Plain disk with raised edge; channelto wick-hole. Rim: vine patternof six leaves and four clusters.AirRounded rim decorated with vague grooves and hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almondsmall circles near handle and nozzle. Solid grooved shaped grooves, five small circles in the form of a cross. handle,endingin fishtail.Base: within ring, EOjiK&PI- First half of 5th century.
Rim : vine 2597 P1. 41. Cistern,D 6:1. Est. W. 0.062 m. Handle and many pieces missing. Dull orangeclay. Plain disk with framinggroove.Disintegrated vine pattern on rim. Groove air- to wick-hole. Base: and co. First half of 5th century. within almond-shaped grooves Orl and small circles.
From relatedmoulds:2604 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised cross with small circlesin the quadrants. 2605 P1. 41. W. 0.056 m. Orange clay. Plain oval disk with framing groove. Rim: vine pattern of eight leaves. Air-hole. Solid grooved handle. Within almond-shaped grooves, two small circles
First half of 5th century. Similar:2606 Base: withinalmond-shaped grooves,small Similar:2598Base: within almond-shaped Xt6j- circles. grooves, 2607 P1. 41. W. 0.069 m. Orange-buff clay.
2599 W. 0.069 m. Piece of base missing.Orangeclay. Disk with traces of rays; four holes. Grooved patPlain disk with small circlesaroundthe edge. Vine tern of six leaves on rim. Air-holeflanked by small pattern of six leaves and four clusters on rim. Air- circles. Groovefrom air- to wick-hole;sides of nozzle hole. Solid groovedhandle. Base: within tear-shaped double-grooved. Solid grooved handle with two small
circles at the end. Base: within almond-shaped
Early 5th century. grooves, incised branch flanked by small circles. 5th century, second quarter or later. 2600 P1. 41. W. 0.068 m. Orange-buff clay with burnt six leaves and four clusters; two small circles at the top of each leaf. Air-hole flanked by circles. Beginning of groove from air-hole toward wick-hole.
areas. Plain disk with framing ring. Rim: vine pattern of
Similar, dated in the 5th century, not earlier than the second quarter: 2608 A row of small circles on lower wall. On 2609 Base: incised branch. 2610-2616 Base: incised inverted
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 5TH AND 6TH CENTURIES 2620 W. 0.065 m. Much missing. Orange-buff clay. Plain disk with wide channel to wick-hole; framinggroove.Vine pattern on rim. Air-hole.Solid groovedhandle.Base: withinalmond-shaped grooves, incised crosswith circlesin the quadrants. 5th century. 2621 P1. 41. W. 0.064 m. Orangeclay. Plain, tear-shapeddisk with groove to wick-hole. Rim: flat groovedvine patternof six leaves; grooved arcsnearnozzle.Nozzleset off fromrim by transverse grooves.Air-hole.Solid groovedhandle, ending with small circle. Base: within almond-shapedgrooves, incised branch,grooves, and two small circles. 5th century. 2622 Est. W. 0.066m. Left side missing.Darkorangebuff clay. Disk with groove to wick-hole:three small circles near handle. Flat grooved vine pattern of eight leaves on rim. Two small circles on nozzle; sides Solid handle, with hatched panel in double-grooved. front, groovedin back. Base: incised representation of bird, left, peckinggrapecluster. 5th century. 2623 W. 0.061 m. Front missing. Dark orange clay. Two small circles on disk; groove to wick-hole. Rim: grooved vine pattern of leaves and clusters represented by three small circles. Solid grooved handle. Base: four small circles; within almondshaped grooves, incised branch. 5th century. 2624 P1.41. W. 0.063 m. Buff clay. Plain tear-shaped disk with narrow channel to nozzle. Groovedvine pattern of six leaves on rim. Solid grooved handle, ending in two small circles. Base: within almond-shaped grooves,incisedbranch; small circles. 5th century.
2641 Well, M 17:1. Agora,V, M 878, p. 119, pl. 46. W. 0.059 m. Nozzle and front with much of disk missing. Crackingorange clay. Disk plain as far as preserved;two framingrings. Rim: vine (?). Small knob handle. Base: within indistinctly indicatedring, plain and slightly concave. 6th century. Up until this point the vine patterns on the rim were typically Attic, derived from patterns of the early 3rd century. The vine patterns on the three following lamps were borrowed from Asia Minor imports.
2642 Pls. 41, 50. W. 0.066 m., L. 0.095 m., H. 0.031 m.
Brownclay. Disk: ring, plain, two framing rings; three holes around filling-hole.Sloping rim: grape clusters and wavy stalk. Vaguely raised edge around nozzle. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: within partly obliteratedring, jr9Vy. Cf. Ephesos,IV, Ei..j<~ 174, pl. XIII. First half of 5th century.
2643 Est. W. 0.078 m., P.L. 0.092 m. Fragment of
top. Orange-buff clay, smoked grayish. Plain disk with channel to wick-hole;four holes aroundfilling-hole;framingband. Rim: vine cluster. 5th century. 2644 Pls. 41, 50. W. 0.057 m., L. 0.101 m. Orange clay. Imitation of an Asia Minorlamp. Very small plain diskwith longgrooveto wick-hole.Slopingrim carries vine pattern of two clusters,four leaves, and scrolls. Elongatednozzle with raisededge aroundwick-hole. Handle: groovedand pierced.Base: within almondshapedgrooves,Xi6vrls. First half of 5th century. Rim : globule-and-volute 2645 Watermill, Q 13:4. W. 0.065 m. Flakingbrown Similar, dated in the 5th century: 2625-2628 Base: incised branch. 2629-2684 Base: incised inverted branch.2685 clay. Base: six oblique grooves. 2686-2638 Base missing or illegible. Globule-and-volute lamp. On rim, two irregular of rows three or four irregularrows below, globules; 2639 W. 0.061 m. Crumbling coarseorangeclay. of Air-holeindicated, Very globules. large filling-hole. Oval disk with vague channel to wick-hole.Vine not Solid handle. Base: within two pierced. grooved pattern suggested by rough grooves on rim. Air-hole.
Solid handle, not continued on lower half. Plain rounded base. Late 5th into 6th century. 2640 W. 0.055 m. Center missing. Cracking, orangebrown clay with burnt areas. Disk: circle of raised dots; two uneven framing rings. Rim: indistinct remains of vine. Very small handle with traces of grooving; the back and front do not meet. Nozzle: edge around wick-hole slightly raised; underside set off by two grooves. Base: within two almond-shaped grooves, plain. 6th century. circles, plain. 5th century. Rim : wavy lines 2646 Est. W. 0.06 m., L. 0.093 m., H. 0.03 m. Right side missing. Hard orange-buff clay. Almond-shaped disk: plain; two holes not pierced through; framing groove. Wavy lines on rim. Airhole. Slightly raised, very narrow edge around wickhole. Handle: grooved and punched, ending in two small circles. Base: within two almond-shaped grooves, planta pedis and four small circles. First half of 5th century.
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD 2659 P1. 42. W. 0.064 m. Dull orangeclay. Plain disk with groove to air-hole.Wavy lines on rim. Solid, grooved handle ending with small circle. Air-holenot pierced through. Base: within almondshaped grooves, crisscross grooves.
2647 W. 0.061 m. Orangeclay. Disk: plain, framing ring. Wavy lines on rim. Air-hole.Solid handle Sidesof nozzledouble-grooved. with hatched panel in front, grooves in back. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised branch. 5th century. 2648 P1. 42. W. 0.055 m. Buff clay. Plain disk. Wavy lines on rim. Groovefrom airto wick-hole; sides of nozzle double-grooved.Solid grooved handle, ending in small circle. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branch flankedby small circles. Early 5th century.
The moment when the lampmakerchanged over from closed circular disk to the keyhole shape is caughthere. This lamp came out of the mouldwith a circular closed disk. The retoucher then made a groove from filling-holeto air-hole.In a hasty effort to give a keyhole outline to the disk, he connected the framing groove of the disk with the grooves outliningthe sides of the nozzle; on the right he used the outer groove of the nozzle, on the left side, the
inner groove. Similar,dated in the 5th century;the baseswith incised 5th century. invertedbranch:2649-2652.2658 D 6:1. 2654 P1. 42. W. 0.056 m. Dull orange clay.
Plain almond-shaped disk opening out toward Plain disk with framinggroove.Wavy lines on rim. wick-hole. Wavy lines on rim. Solid groovedhandle. Nozzleset offby sketchyhatchedpanel.Solidgrooved Base: within almond-shaped grooves, cross of incised handle, ending in two small circles. Base: within carelessly incised almond-shaped grooves, incised
2655 W. 0.06 m. Orangeclay. Plain disk with nine small rings; framing ring. Rim: arcs. Air-holeindicated, not pierced. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Solid groovedhandle, ending in fishtail. Base: within ring, plantapedis (?). The top is much too large for the bottom. Secondhalf of 5th to 6th century. 2656 P1. 42. Late Roman Complex, M-Q 17-21. W. 0.05 m. Orangeclay. Disk: two small circles, framingring. Wavy lines on rim. Air-holenot piercedthrough. Sides of nozzle Solid handle,groovedin front, plain double-grooved. in back. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, crisscross groovesand small circles. 6th century.
2657 Pls. 42, 50. W. 0.061 m., L. 0.084 m., H. 0.028 m.
2661 W. 0.068 m. Front with all of nozzle missing. clay. Orange-buff ring, plain, edge higher than rim, framing groove. Wavy lines on sloping rim. Solid grooved handle. Base: two circleswith smallcirclesbetween in center,
five small circles in the form of a cross. Early 5th century. Similar:2662. Tear-shaped disk opening out toward wick-hole:
2663 P1. 42. Late Roman Buildings, M-Q 17-21. W. 0.065 m., L. 0.106 m. Darkorangeclay with burnt
Rim: herringbone Orangeclay. 2664 P1. 42. Hesperia, II, 1983, p. 215, fig. 11, 24. disk with groove to wick-hole:plain Tear-shaped
W. 0.058 m. Orange clay burnt black. Plain disk with framing ring. Herringbone rim. Groove from air- to wick-hole; sides of nozzle doublegrooved. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almondabove three small circles. shaped grooves, OL)r1 First half of 5th century.
with two small circles near handle; framing band. Area on rim. Air-hole. Raised edge around wick-hole. Underside of nozzle set off by grooves and three small circles. Small handle, grooved, ending in very rough fishtail. Small concave plain base. First half of 5th century. 2658 W. 0.063 m. Dull orange clay. Plain tear-shaped disk with groove toward wickhole. Framing band. Wavy lines on rim. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branch. 5th century.
Similar, dated in the first half of the 5th into the mid-Sth century; ranging in width from 0.063 m. to 0.042 m., they are mostly second and third generation lamps derived from archetypes of the mid-4th century: 2667 Base: within tear-shaped groove, groove, Xj61v1n. 2668 Base: within almond-shaped groove, X.5... 2669 Xl6Ivi.
Lamps signed by Chione:2665 P1. 50. Base: within alXi6jvr. 2666Base:withintear-shaped mond-shaped grooves,
2688 P1. 42. W. 0.064 m. Flaking, dull orange clay. rim. AirPlain disk with four holes. Herringbone hole. Sides of nozzle double-grooved.Solid handle, grooved in back. Base: within almond-shaped grooves,HTTa. First half of 5th century.
below, six small circles; the whole enclosed in an almondshaped groove. 2690 D 6:1. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, inverted incised branch flanked by circles.
Air-holenot piercedthrough. Base: within almondshaped groove, Xti6jvi. First half of 5th century. 2699 PI. 42. Well, Q 17:4. W. 0.060 m. Dark orange clay. rim. AirPlain disk with four holes. Herringbone transverse off from rim two hole. Nozzle set by grooves. Solid grooved handle, ending in roughly grooved fishtail. Base: within almond-shapedband outlined by groove, four branchesin the form of a cross with small circles in the quadrantsand three small circlesbelow. First half of 5th century.
From related moulds: 2700 M 17:1. Agora,V, M 317, grooves,five p. 114, pl. 46. Base: withintwo almond-shaped
Similar:2689Base:incisedinvertedbranchwithincircle; small circles in the form of a cross. Similar:2701 Base: within almond-shaped grooves,Xt61 sidewise. vrs inscribed
Plain disk with edge slightly higher than rim. rim. Nozzle: two small circles; doubleHerringbone sides; groovefromair-holetowardwick-hole. grooved Almost vertical sides. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almond-shapedgrooves, incised branch and small circles. 5th century.
Similar: 2692 Base: within oval grooves, Ico and small circles. 2698 Walls almost vertical. Base: within almondshaped grooves, Io above incised branch. 2694 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branch. 2696 Base:
rim. Disk: ring, plain, framingring. Herringbone Nozzle: double-groovedsides; groove from air- to wick-hole.Solid handle,with hatchedpanel in front, grooved in back. Base: within almond-shaped grooves,inverted incised branch. 5th century,secondquarterinto mid-century.
Similar: 2703 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, inverted incised branch. 2704 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, inverted incised branch. 2705 Base: within circle, central small circle. Three small circles on underside of nozzle.
slightly concavefield with indistinctincisedbranch.Below, small circles. 2706 Base: within ring outlined by circle,
2696 W. 0.063 m., L. 0.087 m., H. 0.033 m. Centerof disk missing. Flaking, dark orangeclay. Disk: plain as far as preserved; framing circle. Rim: a kind of raisedbranch,froma badly reworked Groovedknob mould. Sidesof nozzledouble-grooved. handle. Base: within circle, surfaceflakedaway. 6th century.
2707 W. 0.067 m. Orangeclay; purplishglaze. Plain tear-shapeddisk; framing band. Herringbone rim. Air-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branchflankedby two circles. The glaze was unevenlyappliedto most of the top and part of the wall. 5th century,secondquarteror later.
Plain disk with framing ring. Rim: raised branch. Nozzle: small rings; sides double-grooved. Small, solid, grooved handle. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, three small double rings preserved. Reworking the mould produced the raised branch (which stems from incised herringbone) and small rings all of which would normally appear incised. 6th century.
2697 P1. 42. W. 0.058 m., P.L. 0.072 m., H. 0.026 m. 2708 P1. 42. Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11, 20. Part of nozzle and base missing. Clay misfiredblack W. 0.069 m. Brown clay with burnt areas. with brownishsurface. Plain, heart-shapeddisk. Herringbonerim. Airhole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almondshaped grooves, COI rTT pia. Early 5th century. 2709 W. 0.068 m., L. 0.092 m., H. 0.019 m. Orange clay. Disk with groove to wick-hole: two rings, three clusters of globules; two framing bands. Herringbone rim. Air-hole. Slightly raised edge around wick-hole. Solid handle: grooved in front; in back, incised branch. Base: small concavity framed by two tearshaped grooves. 5th century.
2698 P1. 42. W. 0.05 m., L. 0.082 m. Coarse dark orange clay. Small plain disk with long groove to air-hole. Herringbone rim. Volutes suggested by vague arcs.
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD within almond-shaped grooves,small circlesand with incisedbranchin center. First half of 5th century.
Similar: 2721 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, 2[co] with incised branch in center.
2710 P1. 42. W. 0.065 m. Part of disk missing. Very micaceous,orange clay. Plain tear-shapeddisk with groove to air-hole,at least three holes around filling-hole;framing band. Sloping rim with herringbonepattern; arcs flanking nozzle. Air-hole. Raised edge around wick-hole. Handle: grooved and punched. Undersideof nozzle set off from wall by two grooves. Base: within two
2722 P1. 43. W. 0.06 m. Buff clay. Plain disk with channelto wick-hole;framingring. on slightly sloping rim. Air-hole. Solid Herringbone circles, XI6 vaS. handle. Base: within almond-shaped grooved grooves, First half of 5th century. planta pedis. From related moulds: 2711 P1. 42. Base: within circle, First half of 5th century. crosscomposed of hatchedbarswith foursmallcirclesin the
Similar, dated in the 5th century: 2728 Pl. 43. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, AEH incised sidewise. 2724 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, Mcoand small circles. 2712 P1. 42. W. 0.067 m. Orangeclay. 2725 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215. Base: within almond-shaped Plain, tear-shapeddisk with raised edge; framing grooves, X16vTIs.2726 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, band. Herringboneon sloping rim. Air-hole. Solid X[16vqs]. 2727 Base: within tear-shaped groove, Xt6lvws. 2728 Base: within two almond-shaped grooves, Xt6]v[]. grooved handle. Base: within ring, Yco. 2729 Base: within two circles, incised cross. 2780 Base: First half of 5th century. within almond-shaped grooves, incised branch (?). 2781 Incised branch on base. 2732 Base: within almond-shaped Similar:2718 Handle ends in vague groovessuggesting incised inverted branch and small circles. 2733 Base: grooves, fishtail.Base: withinring,Ic and small circles.2714 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branch over within almond-shaped grooves,incised cross. three small circles. 2784 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, 43. W. 0.069 L. 0.094 2715 H. 0.034 m. plain (?).
Thislamp misfired in the kiln; the clay is black, quadrants. the glaze dark purple.
Cracking orangeclay. Plain disk with groove to nozzle lightly indicated; framinggroove. Herringboneon sloping rim. Raised edge aroundwick-hole;undersideof nozzle set off by pairs of grooves. Knob handle ending in vague fishtail. Plain base. Secondhalf of 5th to 6th century.
2716 Well, Q 17:4. W. 0.057 m., L. 0.085 m., H.
0.031 m. Grittyorangeclay. Almond-shapeddisk with groove to wick-hole: circle of small blurred rings; two framing bands. Herringbonerim. Slightly raised edge around wickhole. Small handlewith tracesof grooves.Plain base. Secondhalf of 6th century.
2718 W. 0.06 m. Part of disk missing. Dull orange clay. Plain disk with channel to wick-hole; at least three holes; framing band. Herringbonerim. Airhole. Solid grooved handle, ending in two small circles. Walls almost vertical. Base: within almondshaped grooves, Ico with incised branch in center. First half of 5th century.
Similar: 2719 Base: within almond-shaped grooves, Ic.
2735 Pl. 43. W. 0.053 m. Top of handle missing. Orange-brown clay. Plain almond-shaped disk with three small circles. rim. Air-hole. Sides of nozzle doubleHerringbone Solid grooved. grooved handle, barely standing out from the wall in back. Base: within almond-shaped groove, four large leaves or small brancheswith a central stem. Late 5th into 6th century (?). 2736 P1. 43. W. 0.055 m., L. 0.066 m., H. 0.027 m. Orangeclay. Disk with groove to wick-hole:small circles.Rim: herringboneand small circles. High knob handle, grooved in front. Slightly raised base: within circle, design of small dashes. 5th-6th century. Rim : smallcircles 2737 P1. 43. W. 0.059 m. Hard brown clay. Plain disk with framingcircle. Rim: row of dots. Air-hole. U-shaped nozzle. Solid grooved handle, band endingin sketchy fishtail.Base: almond-shaped outlined by groove and decoratedwith small circles; in center, five small circlesarounda central globule. 5th century, first half. 2738 W. 0.054 m. Handle missing. Orange-buff clay; dark brown stain, not glaze. Plain disk with framingring. Rim: dotted rings. Air-hole. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Base: within two almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branch. 5th century, first half.
2720 Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 215, fig. 11, 21. W. 0.06 m. Much of front missing. Dull orange clay. Plain rectangular disk with slightly curving sides; framing band. Herringbone rim; small circles flank handle and nozzle. Solid grooved handle, ending in three small circles. Walls almost vertical. Base:
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 5TH AND 6TH CENTURIES 2739 P1. 48. Well, Q 17:4. Hesperia, XXV, 1956, p. 55, note 28, pl. 15, a. W. 0.057m. Orange-buff clay. Disk: circle of eight holes connectedwith fillinghole by grooves; raised edge. Very narrowrim with small circles continuing around past the nozzle. Elongatednozzle with raised edge aroundwick-hole. Solid groovedhandle. Base: within ring, Ica. First half of 5th century.
Similar: 2740 Base: within ring, Ic and three small circles. 2741 P1. 50. Base: within ring, Ic and small circle. 2742 P1. 12. Concave base: five small circles in the form of a cross.
Disk: plain with four holes; slightly raised edge and framingcircle. Small circlesand dots on slightly slopingrim. Air-hole.Solid handle.Base: within ring, central small circle. Three small circles on underside of nozzle. 5th century. 2753 P1. 48. W. 0.065 m., P.L. 0.079 m., H. 0.031 m. 2744 W. 0.064 m., L. 0.087 m., H. 0.032 m. Cracking Nozzle missing. Coarse orange clay; thin purplish orange-brown clay. Plain disk with tracesof grooveto wick-hole.Very blurred smallcircleson slopingrim.Raisededgearound wick-hole. Underside of nozzle set off by pairs of grooves. Small handle, ending in rough fishtail. Base: traces of almond-shapedgroove with indentation in center. 5th century. Rim : various buff clay. The same shapeas 2492 with disk and rim patterns blurredbeyond recognition.Ridge from base-ringto handle. 5th century.
2746 W. 0.061 m., L. 0.09 m., H. 0.033 m. Orange 2745 W. 0.058 m., L. 0.088 m., H. 0.031 m. OrangeDISK : RAYS
nating dots and dashesin relief. Air-hole.Small solid handle. Nearly vertical walls. Base: within almondshapedgrooves,plain. 5th-6th century. 2751 W. 0.052 m., L. 0.092 m. Handle missing. Coarseorange clay. Plain disk with ill-definedchannel to wick-hole. Rim: small circles and dashes. Air-hole. Handle: groovesin back. Base: within almond-shaped groove, incised inverted branch. Second half of 5th century. 2752 W. 0.05 m., L. 0.09 m. Brownishbuff clay. Plain disk with narrow channel to wick-hole. Sharply sloping rim with vague indentations. Solid groovedhandle. Undersideof nozzle set off by three short grooves. Base: incised branchwithin grooves. Secondhalf of 5th into 6th century.
Plain disk with framing circle. Rim: three haphazard rows of dots; in front, four or more loops preserved. Grooved knob handle; grooves on wall indicate continuationof handleto base. Base: within almond-shaped grooves,largeinvertedincisedbranch. The loops between disk and nozzle are copied from Asia Minorlamps. 6th century. Rim : vine 2754 P1. 43. W. 0.059 m. Most of base missing. Dark orangeclay with white bits. handle, the back barely standing out from the wall. Second half of 5th century into 6th century. Rim : herringbone 2755 P1. 43. W. 0.063 m. Orangeclay. Disk: rays, raisededge. Herringbone rim. Groove, flankedby small circles,from air- to wick-hole.Solid grooved handle ends in small circle. Walls nearly vertical. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, small
circles and Ie. First half of 5th century.
Similar: 2756 Base: Ic with incised branch in center.
clay. Taken from a very worn mould. Plain disk with channel toward wick-hole. Sloping rim, with indistinct pattern. Air-hole.Raised edge aroundwickhole. Small handle, grooved in back. Base: within almond-shapedgroove, remains of incised branch.
5th-6th century.
Similar lamps with indistinguishable rim patterns, taken
2749 W. 0.054 m. Orange clay. Disk plain. Vague raised lines on rim. Small grooved handle, the back barely indicated. Base: remains of almond-shaped groove. 5th-6th century. 2750 P1. 48. W. 0.055 m. Part of base missing. Cracking orange clay. Plain disk opening out to wick-hole. Rim: alter-
2757 P1. 50. W. 0.057 m. Orange clay. Disk: rays, raised edge. Herringbone rim. Solid grooved handle, ending in two small circles. Underside of nozzle set off by pairs of grooves. Base: within oval grooves, Ico. First half of 5th century. 2758 W. 0.06 m. Much of base and top missing. Crumbling dark buff clay.
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD hole. Sides of nozzle double-grooved.Solid grooved handle.Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised invertedbranch. First half of 5th century.
Disk: rays, raised edge. Very narrow,herringbone rim. Elongatednozzle with raised edge aroundwickhole. Handle:piercedand grooved.Base: withinring, ?[Ca]. First half of 5th century.
2759 W. 0.062 m., L. 0.08 m., H. 0.082 m. Buff clay;
2767 W. 0.064 m. Orangeclay. Disk: nine curving, solid petals; framing ring. Attic (2). Wavy lines on rim. Air-holeflankedby small circles; rim. sides of nozzle double-grooved. Disk: vague rays, framingcircle.Herringbone Solid groovedhandle. Air-hole. Nozzle: groove from air- to wick-hole; Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised insides double-grooved;slightly raised area around verted branch. wick-hole. Groovedknob handle. Base: within two First half of 5th century. circles, inverted branchand six small circles. 2768 P1.43. W. 0.064m. Cracking, orangeto buffclay. 5th century. Disk: two rings, rosette of eleven short petals, Rim : smallcircles framingring. Wavy lines on rim. Groovefrom air- to 2760 W. 0.046 m. Orangeclay. wick-hole; sides of nozzle triple-grooved. Solid Disk: rays. Rim: small circles. Nozzle: sides groovedhandle.Base: within almond-shaped grooves double-grooved; groove from disk to wick-hole. and small circles,incisedinvertedbranch. First half of 5th century. Solid handle with traces of grooving. Base: within almond-shapedgroove, concentric rings in center. 2769 W. 0.06 m. Orangeclay. Secondhalf of 5th century. Square disk with narrow channel to air-hole: 2761 P1.48. W. 0.057 m. Handlemissing.Orangeclay rosette, framing band. Wavy lines on rim. Solid with burnt areas. grooves, groovedhandle.Base: withinalmond-shaped Disk:rays,framing ring.Rim: smallcircleswith two inverted incised branch. 5th century. roughly incised leaves flanking handle. Air-hole indicated, not pierced. Nozzle haphazardly grooved. Rim projects slightly over nearly vertical walls. 2770 W. 0.06 m., L. 0.087 m., H. 0.026 m. Dark Base: within almond-shapedgroove, crisscrosslines orange clay with many white bits. Disk: rosette; framing ring interruptedby short and small circles. groovetowardwick-hole.Arcson unevenslopingrim. 6th century. Air-hole. Raised edge around wick-hole. Grooved 2762 P1. 43. W. 0.065 m., L. 0.09 m., H. 0.035 m. handle ending in rough fishtail. Base: within ring Orange-buff clay. outlined by a circle, concave. Disk: ring,rays- edge of diskhigherthan rim. Rim: 5th century. globules, rings, and two cross monogramsin relief. Plain nozzle. Solid grooved handle. Base: within Rim : herringbone 2771 W. 0.069 m. Upper half. Flaking orange-brown almond-shaped grooves,incised cross. 5th century. clay. Partially obliterated rosette on disk; four holes; rim. Solidgroovedhandle. DISK : ROSETTE framingring. Herringbone 4th 5th Late into century. Rim : vine 2763 P1. 43. W. 0.069 m. Flaking, orangeclay. 2772 W. 0.063 m. Parts of disk and base missing. Disk: rosette of eight petals, framing ring. Rim: Cracking,dull orange clay.
vine pattern of six leaves. Groove, flanked by small circles, from air- to wick-hole; sides of nozzle doublegrooved. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almondshaped grooves, incised inverted branch and small circles. Second quarter of 5th century.
From related moulds: 2764.
Disk: rosette of seven petals with small circles between the tips; three holes around filling-hole; raised edge. Herringbone rim. Groove, flanked by small circles, from edge of disk to wick-hole. Solid handle, grooved in front. Walls nearly vertical. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, small circles and g.. First half of 5th century. 2773 W. 0.067 m. Buff clay. Disk: rosette of twelve petals; three holes around filling-hole; framing ring. Herringbone rim. Groove from air- to wick-hole; sides of nozzle doublegrooved. Solid, grooved handle, the end flanked by
Similar:2766 Base: indistinctmarkings. Rim : wavy lines 2766 W. 0.062 m. Part of rim and nozzle missing. Hard brown clay. Disk: rosette, framing ring. Rim: wavy lines. Air-
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 5TH AND 6TH CENTURIES small circles. Nearly vertical walls. Base: within almond-shapedgrooves, incised branch flanked by small circles. First half of 5th century.
Similar: 2774 Base: incised inverted branch.
2775 W. 0.059 m. Dull orange clay. Disk: rosette of six petals, framingring. Herringbone rim. Groove from air- to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle, ending in two small circles. Walls nearlyvertical. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised cross with small circlesin the quadrants. First half of 5th century.
Similar: in the formof a cross. 2776Base:fivesmallcircles
2791 W. 0.059 m. Orangeclay. Disk: with channelto wick-hole:rosette; framing circle. Small circles on rim. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almond-shaped grooves,incisedbranch. Mid-5thcentury. 2792 W. 0.064 m. Nozzlemissing.Orangeclay. Disk: ring, rosette, framing ring. Eight small double rings on rim. Nozzle set off from rim by transversegroove. Solid grooved handle. Base: incised inverted branch in a frame of almond-shaped groovesenclosingsmall circles. Mid-Sthcentury.
2793 P1. 44. W. 0.062 m., L. 0.089 m., H. 0.028 m.
2777 P1. 48. W. 0.061 m. Dull orangeclay. Disk: rosette,framingring.Herringbone rim. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. Solid grooved handle. Base: withinalmond-shaped grooves,incisedinverted branch. Secondquarterof 5th century.
17:1. 2788: Base: incised inverted branch. 2784 Base: crisscross lines.
clay. Disk with narrow channel to wick-hole: rosette; groovedframingband. Rings on slopingrim. Raised edge aroundwick-hole.Smallgroovedhandle,ending in rough fishtail. Base: a circle,with a ring of small circlesoutside, and an incised branchinside. 5th century. 2795 W. 0.059 m. Most of nozzle missing. Orangebuff clay. disk with groove to air-hole:rosette, Tear-shaped band. Small circles on slopingrim. Slightly framing raised around wick-hole. Solid groovedhandle. edge 2787 W. 0.064 m., P.L. 0.087 m., H. 0.025 m. Handle Base: within two almond-shaped grooves, incised missing. Very micaceous orange clay with brown inverted branch. surface. 5th century. Disk: rosette; blurredframingring. Rim: blurred Nozzle: sides indicated by short double 2796 Pls. 44, 50. W. 0.058 m., L. 0.091 m., H. 0.089 m. herringbone. underside set off from wall by pairs of Cracking, grooves; orange-buff clay.
grooves. Handle ends in fishtail. Base: within ring, indistinct remains of planta pedis. 5th-6th century. Disk: six flaring bars with a small double circle on each one; hatched framing ring. Sloping rim: ring of small double circles. Small grooved handle, barely standing out from wall in back. Nearly vertical walls. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, at top a small inverted branch; in center, a planta pedis; below, a cross. 6th century.
Similar: 2797 Base: planta pedis. 2798.
2785 W. 0.064 m. Orangeclay with burnt areas. Disk: two rings, rosette, framing ring. Rim: herringbone.Air-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within almond-shaped groove,incised branch. First half of 5th century. 2786 Est. W. 0.06 m. Part of handle, disk, rim and base. Dark orange clay. Disk: rosette, framing groove. Rim: herringbone and small circles. Solid grooved handle, ending in roughly incised fishtail (?). Base: small double circles; in center, rosette of small double circles framedby a circle. 5th century.
Orangeclay. Disk: rosette; framingring interruptedby groove to air-hole. Small circles on sloping rim. Air-hole. Nozzle: set off from rim by two curving grooves; raised edge around wick-hole. Rounded grooved handle,endingin fishtail. Slightly concavebase with small circlein center. Six small circlesin the form of a triangleon undersideof nozzle. 5th century.
2794 W. 0.059 m., L. 0.085 m., H. 0.025 m. Orange
Rim : small circles 2788 P1. 48. W. 0.06 m. Orange-buff clay. Disk: rosette; framing ring. Rim: small circles. Nozzle: groove, flanked by small circles, from framing ring to wick-hole; sides double-grooved. Solid grooved handle, ending in two small circles. Base: within almond-shaped groove punctuated by three small circles, blurred crisscross lines. Mid-5th century.
2799 P1. 44. W. 0.076 m., L. 0.12 m., H. 0.032 m. Part of handle missing. Very coarse, orange to brown clay.
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD the 5th century; see Ephesos, IV, p. 105, under Type X, Form 2. 5th century.
2806 P1. 44. W. 0.056 m., L. 0.08 m., H. 0.027 m.
Disk with channelto wick-hole:roughlyindicated rosette (2) with small circles on the tip of each wedge-shapedpetal. Rim: small dotted rings and an outer row of globulesin pairs. Handle: plain in front, groove, groovedin back. Base: within almond-shaped crisscrosslines. Second half of 5th into 6th century. 2800 Hesperia,II, 1988, p. 210. Max. dim. 0.075 m. Disk and rim fragment. Orange-buffclay smoked gray. Disk with channelto wick-hole:rosette with small dotted rings between the tips of the petals; framing groove. Rim: small doublerings and globules. Secondhalf of 5th into 6th century.
2801 W. 0.057 m. Nozzle and part of disk missing. orangeclay with burnt areas. Cracking Disk opening out to wick-hole: rays, petals or SERIES DATED IN THE SECOND HALF OF loops. Rim: small circles. Solid handle,with hatched THE 6TH CENTURY panel in front, the back barely standing out from 2807 Pls. 44, 50. Well, M 17:1. Agora, V, M 375, wall. Small circles on back of handle and on wall. 46. W. 0.057 m., L. 0.079 min.,H. 0.024 m. 119, p. pl. Base: within almond-shaped groove, crisscrosslines dull Flaking orangeclay. and small circles. Disk: two rings; grooved framing ring. Rim: Late 5th or 6th century. globules; in front, loops. Raised edge around wickhole. Knob handle, ending with sketchy fishtail. Rim : various Base: within ring, eight grooves radiating from 2802 P1. 44. W. 0.057 m. Orangeclay. a in Disk: rosette of six petals, hole each; circle of center. Cf. Ephesos,IV, 575, p. 130, pl. IV; a lamp from small circles;raised edge. Narrowrim with radiating is closely similar,A. Conze,Altertiimer von Pergamon with raised edge around grooves. Elongated nozzle Vol. I, Stadtund Landschaft, Text 2, Berwick-hole. Solid grooved handle. Base: within Pergamon, Beiblatt 59, no. 2. almond-shaped grooves,[2]q) with incised branchin lin, 1918, Secondhalf of 6th century. center. Cf. Ephesos,IV, 794, p. 137, pl. V. Similar, dated in the second half of the 6th century: 2808 M 17:1. Agora, V, M 376, p. 119. Base: within ring, small First half of 5th century. central circle (?). 2809 M 17:1. Agora, V, M 377, p. 119. Base: Similar: 2808Base:withinalmond-shaped in- within ring, plain. 2810 Q 13:4. Base not markedoff from grooves, cisedinverted andsmallcircles. branch wall in any way. 2811 M-Q 17-21. Base: within ring, plain
2804 W. 0.054 m., L. 0.071 m., H. 0.031 m. Nozzle 2818 M-Q 17-21. 2814 P1.12. Base: withinring,plain.2815 base.2817 Base: withinring,plain.
Base: within ring, central small circle. 2816 Small concave as far as preserved. 2812 M-Q 17-21. Base: within ring, plain.
Orange clay. Disk with narrow channel to wick-hole: rosette; framing ring. Rim: stamped vine; grooves flanking channel.Raised edge aroundwick-hole.Solid handle, grooved in back, ending in two small circles. Base: within two almond-shaped grooves, incised inverted branch. The top is similar to and much later than 2805; this lamp is smaller,more elongated,and substitutes stamped vine and groovesfor the earlierraised pattern and loops. Late 5th or 6th century.
missing. Orange-buff clay. Disk: rosette, framing ring. Raised loops on sloping rim. Undersideof nozzle set off by pairs of grooves. Solid grooved handle. Base: within ring, plantapedis.
Similar, Ephesos, IV, 771, p. 136, pls. V, X. 5th century. 2805 P1. 44. W. 0.064 m., P.L. 0.086 m., H. 0.029 m. Handle and end of nozzle missing. Soft orange clay with buff surface. Disk with narrow channel to wick-hole: rosette; framing ring. Rim: vine; with loops flanking channel. Underside of nozzle set off by grooves. Handle ends in fishtail. Base: within ring, indentation, the remains of a planta pedis (2). See Ephesos, IV, 1418, p. 158, pl. VIII, earlier than the Agora lamp. Miltner dates the later examples in
2818 W. 0.057 m., P.L. 0.076 m., H. 0.027 m. End globules; in front, raised lines. Raised edge around wick-hole. Grooves set off underside of nozzle. Small knob handle with fishtail below. Base: within ring, central globule and four stamped dots. 6th century, second half.
of nozzle missing. Orangeclay. Disk: ring, short rays, two framing rings. Rim:
2819 W. 0.06 m., L. 0.086 m., H. 0.028 m. Orangebuff clay. Plain disk with framing ring. Rim: raised branch; in front, remains of loops. Raised rim around wickhole. Knob handle with fishtail. Incised on wall: A. Base: within ring, plain. 6th century, second half.
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 5TH AND 6TH CENTURIES 2820 Roman water mill, Q 13:4. W. 0.052 m., L. 0.08 m., H. 0.033 m. Centerof disk missing. Coarse orangeclay, much of the surfaceflakedaway. Disk: small rings; fairly well-raisedframingring. Slopingrim: smallrings;in front, raisedlines. Raised edge around wick-hole. Knob handle with vague fishtail below. Base: within faint ring, remains of plantapedis (?). Secondhalf of 6th century. 2821 P1. 44. Late Roman Buildings, M-Q 17-21.
W. 0.05 m., L. 0.077 m., H. 0.029 m. Orange clay.
Disk: small rings around filling-hole; radiating from them, lines of dots alternating with spokes; and small groovedframingring. Raised herringbone on rim. Raised around wick-hole. rings sloping edge Knob handle. Base: within vague ring, three small concentricrings. Secondhalf of 6th century. 2833 Pls. 44, 50. W. 0.075 m., L. 0.082 m., H. 0.022 m. Micaceous buff clay; traces of reddishglaze. Similar: 2822, Fishtail below handle. Base: within ring, Round lamp. Disk: small rings and raised lines; plantapedis. 2823. 2824. framingring. Rim: linear patterns, small rings, and two fish, their tails meeting behind the wick-hole. 2825 P1. 44. Water mill, Q 18:4. W. 0.063 m., L. Wick-hole set into rim. Small knob handle. Base: 0.11 m., H. 0.023 m. Orange-buff clay; orangeglaze, within ring, plain. partial on underside. Secondhalf of 6th century. Disk with channel to wick-hole: kite-shaped design of small globulesbetweenraisedlines. Second From same or related moulds: M 17:1. Agora, V, hole in channel. Rim: small rings with dot centers. M 382, p. 119. Micaceousorange clay2884 with glaze. 2885 M 17:1. Solid knob handle. Ridge from base-ringto handle. Agora, V, M 381, p. 119, pl. 46. Micaceousorange clay, glazed. Similar:2886 Within base-ring, circularzigzagin relief. 6th century.
From same moulds: 2826.
2832 P1. 44. H. 0.028 m., max. dim. 0.084 m. About one-thirdpreserved.Hard orange clay; worn red to purple glaze, partial on bottom. Round lamp. Preserved portion of disk gives vertical strip of maeanderand two volute-diamonds. Rim: dolphins and other relief motifs. Short knob handle. Base: within ring, not preserved. A closely similarlamp from Nea Anchialos,in the Byzantine Museum,Athens, no. 293, has dolphins, maeanders,palmettes and one other motif on the rim; within the base-ring,five arcs in relief around a central small ring. These lamps were copied from importedlampssimilarin shapeand style to 340-341. Cf. Museo Biscari 1453, p. 92, pl. CXXIX, and VI. Berichtfiberdie Ausgrabungen in Olympia,Berlin, 1958, fig. 65, d. Secondhalf of 6th century.
Very micaceous, flaking, coarse orange clay with brown slip. Plain disk with very large filling-hole; framing ring. Circularrim: inner band of wavy line and small rings, outer band of zigzag ridges and small rings. Large pointed knob handle. Upper and lower walls meet at fairly sharp angle. Knob handle. Remains of base-ring. Second half of 6th century.
W. 0.075 m., H. 0.026 m. Handle, nozzle and front 2827 Well, M 17:1. Agora,V, M 380, p. 119, pl. 46. missing. Coarse dark orange clay; worn reddish W. 0.056 m., P.L. 0.077 m., H. 0.022 m. Handle glaze. Round lamp. Disk: small rings and raised lines; missing. Cracking buff clay, orange-brownglaze, partial on underside. framingring. Rim: indistinct raised patterns. Knob Disk with channelto wick-hole:kite-shapeddesign handle.Slightlyconcave,plainbase. with small globules between raised lines. Rim: Secondhalf of 6th century. branchwith dashes on one side of the stalk, dots on the other. Very low ridge from base-ringto handle. 2838 Late Roman Building, M-Q 17-21. Max. dim. 6th century. 0.062 m. Disk and rim fragment.Coarseorangeclay. Round lamp (?). Disk: rays, two framing rings. 2828 P1. 50. Water mill, Q 13:4. W. 0.08 m., L. Rim: small chevronsand rings. 0.118 m., H. 0.03 m. Much of surface flaked away. Secondhalf of 6th century.
2839 Pls. 44, 50. W. 0.072 m., P.L. 0.08 m., H. 0.028 m. Part of nozzle missing. Hard buff clay. Round disk: two animals and two objects in blurred relief, four small dotted rings; inner framing ring, separated by a pronounced groove from the outer framing band which also enclosed the wickhole. Small dotted rings and globules on sharply sloping rim. Small grooved knob handle. On wall below handle, raised lines and loops. Base: within ring, plain. 6th century or later. Fromsame mould:2840.
Similar:2829 Q 13:4. Pinkishclay with pale brownslip. 2880 P1. 44. M-Q 17-21. Orangebuff clay; wornorange glaze. clay. 2881 Soft orange-buff
2841 P1. 44. W. 0.061 m., P.H. 0.054 m., Thickness 0.017 m. Back and lower part missing. Orangebuff clay. Part of a hollow handle shield (2). Constantinian monogramwith rho turned left; small circles in the field. A borderof wavy lines. No lamps with handle shields like this one have been found in the Agora. Since this object and the following are of typical Attic lamp fabric, they are provisionallyidentifiedas handle shields. 5th century. 2842 P1. 44. Max. dim. 0.05 m., Thickness0.012 m. Back and lower part missing. Orange-buff clay with core. deep orange Handle shield (?). Within a circle, a raised cross with alpha (to be restored)and omegaincised in the lower quadrants. Below the omega, three small circles. 5th century. 2843 P1. 44. Max. dim. 0.047 m. Back and most of front missing. Orangeclay, gray at the surface. Hollow handle shield (?), decoratedwith incised cross (?) and small circles. 5th century. 2844 Pls. 44, 50. W. 0.076 m., L. 0.013 m. Disk missing. Orangeclay. Broad channel from disk to wick-hole. Small circles and grooves on rim. Handle: pierced and grooved, ending in fishtail. Undersideof nozzle set off by two ridges. Base: small circles on almondshaped band, within which EIKipIrWou. First half of 5th century. 2845 P1.44. W. 0.063 m. Nozzlemissing. Orangeclay with many white bits. Disk: vague indentations; framing groove. Rim: wavy lines. Channelfrom edge of disk to wick-hole. Solid grooved handle ending in two small circles. Base: within two almond-shaped grooves, incisedinverted branch. Second half of 5th century.
Disk with channel to wick-hole.Indistinct raised motifs on rim. Secondhalf of 5th into 6th century. 2848 W. 0.078 m., H. 0.032 m. Handle, part of base, disk and rim. Micaceouscrackingbrownclay. Disk: near handle, a small cross and concentric rings; part of an unidentifiedrepresentation.Rim: concentric rings alternating with crosses. Knob handle. Ridge from base-ringtowardhandle. Within base-ring, cross with forked bars, one of which is preserved.In relief aroundbase-ring0i)XEP.. YO.. Inscriptionends with crosswith forkedbars. 6th century. 2849 Max. dim. 0.059 m. Two non-joiningfragments, one preservingpart of nozzle and front, the other the handle and part of back. Brownclay. Disk with channel or opening to wick-hole.Rim: small double rings. Very large air-hole. Slightly raisededge aroundwick-hole.Knob handle. 5th-6th century. 2850 P1. 45. W. 0.061 m. Orangeclay. Uneven network of raised lines on disk and rim. Solid groovedhandle, the back just indicated. Base: within two almond-shaped grooves,traces of incised inverted branch. 5th-6th century. 2851 W. 0.07 m. Cracking orangeclay. Disk: raised lines. Rim: uneven rings. Small solid handle. Base: indistinct almond-shaped groove. 5th-6th century. 2852 Late RomanBuildings,M-Q 17-21. W. 0.059m. Nozzle and most of base missing. Orangeclay. Disk: figure(?); framingcircle.Narrowunevenrim with small circleswherethereis roomfor them. Solid handlewith incisedbranchin front. Base: within two almond-shaped grooves, crisscrossgrooves (2). 6th century. 2853 W. 0.058 m., L. 0.083 m., H. 0.031 m. Center of disk missing. Coarseorangeclay with burnt areas. Disk: small medallions alternating with raised branches;ill-defined framingring.Raisedherringbone
Disk with channel to neck: part of rectangular frame with small concentric rings. Within frame, rectangular band of dashes. Below, part of two curving bands. Rim: raised lines which were cut into the mould across an earlier rim pattern of oblique lines. Hole in channel. 5th century. 2847 Well, P 18:1. P.L. 0.073 m. Top of nozzle, part of disk and rim. Coarse orange clay; dull brownish glaze.
2846 P1. 45. P.L. 0.10 m. Fragment of side. Orange on sharply sloping rim. Raised edge around wickclay; orange to purplishglaze.
hole. Small knob handle with fishtail below. Base: within ring, plain. 6th century. 2854 P1. 45. W. 0.059 m., L. 0.083 m., H. 0.029 m. Handle missing. Orange-brown clay. Disk with channel to wick-hole: circle of small rings interrupted by channel; framing band which also encloses wick-hole. Rim: two rows of small rings. Knob handle. Base: within ring, plain. 6th century.
ATTIC LAMPS OF THE 5TH AND 6TH CENTURIES 2855Late RomanBuildings,M-Q 17-21. W. 0.051m., L. 0.071 m., H. 0.023 m. Center of disk missing. brownclay. Micaceous Disk: uncertain representation; framing ring. Smallrings on slopingrim. Raisededge aroundwickhole. Knob handle with fishtail below. Base: within ring outlined by circle, plain. The rim projects over the walls. 6th century. 2856 Pl. 45. Max. dim. 0.05 m. Rim (2) fragment. Coarse,dark orangeclay. roughlyfinishedsurfacewith retrograde Irregular,
Plain disk with two filling-holes. Walls slope steeply down from disk. Band handle. 6th century (2). 2858 P1. 45. Well, O 18:1. Max. dim. 0.048 m. Disk and rim fragment. Orange-buffclay; worn orange glaze. Disk: rays tipped with small rings,and tiny globules between the rays. Rim: raisedbranchpattern. 6th century. 2859 P1. 45. Water mill, Q 13:4. W. 0.042 m., P.L. 0.088 m. Part of top. Micaceous,flakingorange clay. Large filling-holetakes up the disk area. Sharply ... in relief. inscription rim with two piercedlugs for suspension. Part sloping 5th-6th century. ....01KO of one nozzle preserved.At the other end, whereone 2857 P1. 45. W. 0.068 m. Top, without nozzle and would expect the other nozzle, the rim tapers off to handle. Orangebuff clay; orange glaze. an edge. 6th century.
Thelampprobably had a centralhandleand two (?) nozzles. 5th century. 2862 P.W. 0.06 m. Fragmentof two disks and rim. Buff clay, highly micaceous. Squaredisk: rosette, hatched framingband. Part of similarband belongingto the disk to the right is preserved. There is no sign of the handle between the two disks; the lamp had at least three disks. 5th century. 2861 Max. dim. 0.066 m. Fragment of top. Orange- 2863 P1.45. Late RomanBuilding,M-Q 17-21. Max. buffclay. dim. 0.062m. Fragmentof top. Orange-buff clay. Disk: threeunevenrings;one filling-hole Disk: plain as far as preserved.Two wick-holesset preserved on left side. Rim: rings with dot centers, deeply into plain bumpyrim. 6th century. stampedin. Sides of nozzle double-grooved. 2860 P1.45. P.W. 0.094 m., P.L. 0.107m., H. 0.048m. Nozzles and much of top missing. Orange-buff clay; traces of glaze. Disk: plain with indistinct framingring; three (or five) filling-holespreserved.The lower wall gives the rise of three nozzlesin a row in front. Hollow handle shield merginginto disk and rim, with traces of incised branchin front; groovedin back as on a plain handle. Base: within curving triangular grooves, Xi6jvrs. First half of 5th century. MOULDS Details of the mould which would appear on the lamp are describedfrom plastercasts. 2864 P1. 45. Max. dim. 0.064 m., Th. 0.012 m. Fragment of uppermould. Orange-buff clay. Rim: herringbonein relief lines. Sides of nozzle Air-holeindicated. double-grooved. 5th century. Thefollowingsevenmoulds,2865-2871,werefound together near the 5th-6th century houses in the northeastcornerof the square,N 7 on the grid. For the houses, see Hesperia,XXI, 1952, p. 99.
2865 P1. 45. W. 0.093 m., P.L. 0.096 m., H. 0.038 m. Part of top mould; nozzle missing. Dark orange-buff
Disk: deerleapingright; two filling-holes; framing band. Small triple rings on rim. Knob handle. The deer is done in raised lines and his body is coveredwith small rings. The mould was probablytaken from a used lamp and heavily retouched.The small triple rings on the rim were stamped into the mould over another rim At the same time the pattern,now indistinguishable. outlines of the deer were incised and the small rings on the body filled in. Otherblurredmarkingson the disk may be the remainsof an earlierrepresentation. 5th century. 2866P1.45. Est. W. 0.088m., L. 0.117m., H. 0.025m. Most of top mould. Dark purplish clay, showing many layers at the break;buff slip.
Top mould. Orange-buff clay. Disk: bust of Selene facing, with crescent moon framing the head. Two framing rings. Sloping rim continuinginto semi-volutesat nozzle. The rim has a wavy line and globulepattern over an earlierpattern of small double and triple rings. Air-holeindicated. 2867 P1. 45. Est. W. 0.08 m., P.L. 0.081 m., H. Raised edge around wick-hole. Small solid handle. 0.018 m. Top mould; nozzle missing. Dark orangeSee under2366. buff clay. 5th century. Disk: rosette with petals pointing toward fillinghole; framingring; narrowchannelfromframingring 2876 P1. 45. W. 0.085 m., Th. 0.025 m., L. 0.12 m. toward wick-hole.Rim: raised dashes. Low grooved Mouldof upperhalf. Crumblycoarsered clay with a buff slip, mostly flaked away. handle. 5th century. Upper mould for Helios lamp. Disk: Helios; two filling holes; framing ring. Small double circles on 2868 P1. 45. Est. W. 0.084 m., H. 0.024 m. Mould rim. Semi-volutescontinuouswith rim, vaguely infragment of disk and rim. Coarseorange-buffclay, dicated. Plain solid handle. with buff slip mostly worn away. 6th century. Disk: rosette of ten petals; framingring. Sloping rim: vine pattern in relief. Solid grooved handle. 2877 P.L. 0.082 m., H. 0.024 m. Front of top mould. Coarseorange clay. 5th century. Disk: cross with flaringbars in relief lines over a 2869 P1. 45. W. 0.092 m., L. 0.117 m., H. 0.034 m. rosette; two framingrings;partly obliteratedchannel Lower mould; handle and part of wall missing. from disk to wick-hole. Slopingrim: vine pattern in Orange-brown clay with many impurities. raisedlines. Base: within ring, five small circlesin the form of 5th century. a cross. 5th century. 2878 L. 0.118 m., H. 0.033 m. Left side missing buffclay. Orange Similar 2870. fragment: Lower mould, egg-shaped. Base: within faintly 2871 W. 0.078 m., L. 0.111 m., H. 0.082 m. Lower indicated ring, plain. No handle. 5th-6th century. mould. dark the inside much of Coarse, orange-buff clay; 2879 P1. 45. W. 0.083 m., H. 0.025 m. Front of top surfaceflakedaway. Handle ends in fishtail. Pairs of grooves set off mould. Dark orangeclay with many white bits and underside of nozzle. Base: within ring, uncertain impurities. Disk openingout to wick-hole:rosette with petals markings. in relief lines; framingband whichalso encloseswick5th century. hole. Slopingrim: raised dashes approximatingher2872 L. 0.116 m., Th. 0.012m. Fragment of lower ringbone. 6th century. mould. Buff clay.
Base: within two rings, plain. Ridge from base to handle. Mould taken from base of North African lamp. 5th century. 2873 P1. 45. W. 0.075 m., Max. Th. 0.014 m. Back of lower mould. Orange clay with buff slip inside. Handle ends in fishtail. Base: within ring, trace of planta pedis (2). 5th century. 2874 Pl. 45. Max. dim. 0.073 m., H. 0.042 m. Back of lower mould. Dark orange clay. 2880-2881. Similarfragments: 2882 P1. 46. W. 0.096 m., P.L. 0.119 m., H. 0.025 m. Lower mould; nozzle missing. Dark orange clay with white bits. Tear-shaped, as far as preserved. Base: within ring, plain. 6th century or later. 2883 P1. 46. P.W. 0.079 m., P.L. 0.115 m., H.0.035m. Top mould with most of inside surface broken away. Orange clay with buff slip on inside.
Disk: rays, interrupted by handle and by a chevron of globules in front; two circles of globules. Plain rim. Air-hole indicated. Raised edge around wick-hole.Low solid handle. A lamp of the same shape and decoration,seen on PandrososStreet,Athens,gives an idea of the missing details. Base: within ring, a central small ring surrounded by short rays. A ridge from base-ringtowardthe handle, stopping shorthalfwayup the wall. 5th century.
Small disk with channel to wick-hole. Disk and 2884 Max. dim. 0.059 m., H. 0.028 m. Fragment of channel surroundedby high ridge which may also lowermould.Darkorangeclay with brownishsurface. have enclosed wick-hole. Raised lines on disk. Base: within ring, plain. Similaras far as preserved rim. Small knob handle to 2882. Sloping (?). 6th centuryor later. Date not known.
2885 P1. 46. W. 0.052 m. Brown clay. 2904 P1. 46. Max. dim. 0.065 m. Buff clay. Section of herringbone rim preserved.Threesmall Within tear-shapedgrooves, EO circles at end of handle. Within almond-shaped First half of 5th century. K.&pf[Or]oU. grooves, Ku and two small circles. 2905 Max. dim. 0.033 m. Brown clay. Early 5th century. Within two groovesof uncertainoutline, EIK&pIL-rrlgu. 2886 P1. 46. Max. dim. 0.048 m. Buff clay. First half of 5th century. Within two tear-shaped(?) grooves, GE[ojSo0]. Early 5th century. 2906 P1. 46. P.W. 0.058 m. Much of lower half. 2887 Est. diam. of base 0.042 m. Very micaceous, Orangeclay. Three small circles at base of handle. Within orangeclay. almond-shaped grooves,'ETri. Within two circles Xt6Ivrs. 5th century. Early First half of 5th century. Similar: 2907. Similar 2888-2890. fragments: 2908 H. 0.064 m. Hard, dull-orangeclay. Within two almond-shaped grooves, Ka inscribed 2891 Max. dim. 0.041 m. Orangeclay. sidewise. Within two almond-shapedgrooves, [X]t6vr inFirst half of 5th century. scribed sidewise. Similar 2909. fragment: Early 5th century. Remains of the signature 2892-2900 within two 2910 P1. 46. P.W. 0.057 m. Part of base and handle. Xi6vijs datedin the firsthalf of the 5th Orange-buff clay. almond-shaped grooves; Grooved handle, ending with two circles. Base: century. within almond-shaped grooves,FTa. 2901 P1. 46. P.L. 0.065 m., width of base 0.088 m. Early 5th century. Orangeclay. Rim: small doublecircleson either side of handle. 2911 P1.46. Max. dim. 0.052 m. Orangeclay. Within almond-shaped grooves, 2w above inSolid handle,with hatchedpanel in front, groovesin cised branch. the end flankedby small circles.Base: within back, First half of 5th century. two almond-shaped grooves,X1I6v([ns].. First half of 5th century. 2912 Max. dim. 0.067 m. Orange-buff clay. Base: within ring, small circlesand [co]. 2902 P1. 46. Diam. of base 0.033 m. Orangeclay. First half of 5th century. End of handle flanked by small double circles. 2913 Max. dim. 0.05 m. Orange-buff clay. Withintwo closelyspacedcircles,EOiK ptr[ou]. vertical walls. Within two Nearly almond-shaped Early 5th century. grooves,[]ca. Similar: 2903. First half of 5th century.
2914 Well, N 13:1. Max. dim. 0.059 m. Orangebuff clay. Groovedhandle ends in two small circles. Base: within almond-shapedgrooves, incised cross with four small circlesin the quadrants. First half of 5th century. 2915 Max. dim. 0.05 m. Fragment of rim, wall and base. Brown clay.
Small sectionof rim preservessmalltriplering and raisedpattern. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, small circles and lines. 5th century. 2916 P1. 46. W. 0.059 m., L. 0.089 m. Most of lower half. Orange-buff clay. Wall nearly vertical. Back of handle indicatedby ridges. On the base, a foot in relief, framed by two
ridges and an outer row of rings; below, doublerings pairs of grooves. Base: within a circle composed of and raised lines. small double circles, large planta pedis. From base 5th century. towardwick-hole,a row of small double circles. 5th or 6th century. 2917 Pl. 46. Max.dim. 0.059 m. Part of wall and base. Buff clay. 2919 W. 0.052 m. Orangeclay with many white bits. Within elongated almond-shapedgroove, incised Nearlyverticalwalls. At junctureof wall and base, a narrow ridge. Preserved section of base shows inverted branch. severaldifferentkinds of raised wavy lines and other 5th-6th century. raised marks, the whole resemblingcursive writing. 2920 W. 0.057 m. Micaceouscoarseorangeclay. 5th-6th century. Rim projects slightly over wall which is nearly 2918 P1. 46. Max. dim. 0.073 m. Much of lower vertical. Within two almond-shapedgrooves, crisshalf. Hard orangeclay with burnt areas. crosslines and small circles. From base to handle, uneven ridge flanked by 6th century.
LAMPS OF THE 7TH AND 8TH (?) CENTURIES 2921 P1.46. Est. W. 0.078m., H. 0.03m. Nozzle,partof left side missing.Heavily micaceousorangeclay with heavily micaceousbrown slip both inside and out. Disk with channelto wick-hole:cross with flaring bars ornamentedwith x 's and small rings. Rim: rings with pairs of smaller rings between. Pointed knob handle. Upper and lower walls meet at sharp angle. Ridge from base-ringto handle.
7th century.
2930Max.dim. 0.071m. Fragmentof top with handle. Light orangeclay with buff slip. Disk: preservedportionshows two framingridges with pronouncedgroove between. Raised loops on sloping rim. Knob handle. 7th century. 2931 Max. dim. 0.06 m. Fragmentfrom back. Clay, now smoke-gray,originallyorange-buff with lighter slip. The disk is framed by two ridges with a channel between. Slooping rim, plain as far as preserved. Knob handle (not preserved).
Fromrelated moulds: 2922. Similar fragment: 2928Rim:ringsandtriangles. 2924 P1.46. Well, S 22:2. W. 0.084 m., P.L. 0.114 m. Most of top. Orangeto yellow-buffclay. 7th century. Disk with channelto wick-hole:crosswith flaring bars. Rim: wavy line with small rings and dots. 2932 Max.dim. 0.05 m. Disk and rim fragment.Light Pointed knob handle. Upperand lowerwalls meet at orange clay with buff slip. Disk: part of a ring of globulesand curving ridge sharp angle. 7th century. preserved;framingband. Bars on slopingrim. Knob handle (not preserved). 2925 P1. 46. W. 0.059 m., L. 0.091 m. Lower half 7th century. darkorangeclay. missing.Brilliantly micaceous, coarse, Disk opening out to wick-hole: bird with head 2933 Pls. 12, 50. W. 0.072 min.,P.L. 0.102 min.,H. toward wick-hole, framed by a ring and a circle of 0.028 m. End of nozzle missing. Orange-buffclay globules; framing band which also encloses wick- with lighter slip. hole. Oblique ridges on steeply sloping rim. Knob Disk with channel to wick-hole: around the handle pointing out rather than up. filling-hole,a tear-shapedband. Vine on slopingrim. 7th century. Knob handle. Plain base not clearlymarkedoff from From sameorrelated moulds: 2926Plainflattear-shaped wall. 7th century. intowalls. base,merging End of nozzle and handle missing. Cracking,coarse, dark orange-buffclay. Elongated disk with channel to wick-hole:plain; two framingbandswith wide groovebetween.Barson intowalls. slopingrim.Knobhandle.Plainbasemerging 7th century. of similar 2928-2929. Fragments lamps:
2927 P1. 46. W. 0.065 m., P.L. 0.093 m., H. 0.082 m.
nozzle and handle missing. Dark orange clay, coarse with many white bits; buff to purplishslip. Elongated disk with channel to wick-hole:plain; two framingbands with pronounced groove between. Wavy line and globuleson slopingrim. Knob handle. Base: slightly concave, plain. 7th century.
2935 P1. 46. W. 0.078 m., P.L. 0.11 m., H. 0.081 m.
Tip of nozzle missing. Orangeto buff clay, with buff slip. Disk with channel to wick-hole: cross and raised lines; framingband. Slopingrim with traces of bars. Pinchedknob handle.Base: within vaguelyindicated ring, plain. 7th century.
of nozzle. Base: within ring, star formed by four intersectingarcs in relief. A lamp of similar shape, found in O. Broneer's excavations of the North Slope of the Acropolis,is shownon P1. 47, A L 4. 7th century.
2940 P1.47. Max. dim. 0.068 m. Part of rim and wall. Orange-buffclay with many white bits; lighter 2936 P1. 46. Max. dim. 0.062 m. Fragment with surface. Rim: letters (2) in relief. Upper and lower walls handle. Waster; black clay with black and brown meet at sharp angle. surface. 6th-7th century. The disk had two framing bands with groove between. Scrollpattern on slopingrim. Knob handle. 2941 P1. 47. W. 0.06 m., L. 0.124 m., H. 0.041 m. 7th century. Parts of nozzle, top and handle missing. Coarse, 2937 P1. 46. Max. dim. 0.05 m. Handle with part of cracking, buff clay, with many small holes where strawor othervegetablematterin the clay burntout. rim. Orange-buffclay. Elongated, roughly tear-shaped lamp. Small Rim: raisedtriangles.Tallflat pointedknobhandle. with traces of impresseddesign on disk. filling-hole 7th century. Lumpy knob handle. Base mergeswith walls. Pos2938 P1. 46. Late Roman Buildings, M-Q 17-21. sibly the top was mouldmade,the lower half handP.W. 0.051 m. Fragment of rim. Very hard orange made. 8th century (2). clay. Three wick-holes set into rim with small double 2942 P1.47. H. 0.031 m. Nozzleand left side missing. ringsand globules. Highly micaceous, very coarse, gritty brown clay. 7th century. Plain disk. Plain, sharplyslopingrim.Lumpyknob with the wall. 2939 Pls. 47, 50. W. 0.076 m., L. 0.105 m., H. 0.03 m. handle.Plain base, mergingirregularly This crude object, glittering with great grains of Handle missing. Crackingorange clay; worn orange mica, looks handmade; it comes from dilapidated glaze. Disk: three holes, three raised stars, globule in moulds with the handle added separately. The fabricrecallsthat of a lamp stand dated to the center. Circularrim: raised branch. Knob handle. walls at 9th or 10th century,Agora,V, M 390, p. 120, pl. 46. and meet lower sharp V-shaped angle. Upper 8th century (?). ridgeson walls. Uneven raised cross (?) on underside
2943 P1. 48. W. 0.099 m., H. 0.092 m.
Handleshieldin the formof an openwork palmette with an acanthus leaf in the center. At the heart of the acanthus, an applied, spirally coiled snake. incisionfor details. Back plain, with a vertical Coarse rib, separatelyattached, curving forwardat the top and endingin a bud. Therib and the snakearebroken off at the point of the attachment to the lamp. A Pompeianbronzelamp, Barr6-Roux,pl. 60, has a far less elegant handle shield of the same general design. Cf. Vindonissa12, p. 473, fig. 44, 1, a Hellenistic bronzelamp with a similar handle shield. 1st century.
pieces. Bowl: large holes in the sides; some of the silver inlay and all of the second material used for inlay missing; in places, badly corroded.Base: complete, except that the attachment for the bowl is broken off; around the attachment, lead. The lower edge is finished. The two pieces were found together,the bowl touching the base at the point of attachment. Krater-shapedcandelabrum.Below the moulded rim, Lesbian kymation. Central zone with inlaid laurel wreath, the leaves and stems of silver, the berrieswith silver frames and centers of some other material, now missing. Below, six ribs alternating in relief. The boukraniaare sheathed with boukrania 2944 P1.48. SouthHouse, B 15:5. H. of bowl 0.06 m., in gold alloyed with mercury. On the underside, Diam. of bowl 0.078 m., H. of base 0.041 m. Foot and round recessedarea with a hole in the center where shaft missing. Upper part of candelabrumin two the base fits on, althoughnot perfectly.The solidbase
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD early 2nd century; cf. 2033. See D. K. Hill, "Roman Panther Tripods,"A.J.A., LV, 1951, pp. 344-346, pl. 39, for similar panther head handles on tripods dated to the 3rd century. 3rd century.
2946 Well, N 21:1. W. 0.075 m., L. 0.172 m., H.
has a convex mouldingin the center, below which it flaresout. Underneathit is concave. was directly borrowed This form of candelabrum from bronze kraters (Pernice, pp. 47-48). Pernice, pl. XII illustrates a krater with Lesbian kymation below the rim and ribbing aroundthe handle zone; Barr6-Roux, pl. 24 reproduces a candelabrumof similar design. The artist of the Agora candelabrum enlivened the scheme by alternating the ribs with gold boukrania. Candelabra are associated with boukraniain the coinage of Augustus; see A.J.A., LXI, 1957, p. 240. Inlaid wreathsare not uncommon on candelabraof Herculaneumand Pompeii (Barr6Roux, pls. 17, 29). bowl would cause no Although the krater-shaped if it turned up among the furnishingsof a surprise the same can not be said for the house, Pompeian base. A glanceat the late Hellenisticand earlyRoman candelabraillustrated by Pernice, pp. 43-56 shows that the bases of the kraters have sharply defined mouldingsas finely turned as the bowls above. This base is simpler and cruder. One of the earmarksof good craftsmanshipis evenness, whereas this base does not have the same profilefrom any two points of view; it has not been turned on the lathe. The bronze of the base is not corrodedas the krater is, and the two pieces reacted differentlyto cleaning. The present base, then, is a later substitute for the originalbase. In moderntimes complete candelabra have beenassembled fromancientpartsnot originally belongingtogether; this probablyhappenedin antiquity too. "Es war ja auch ein Leichtes, die drei Teile, Kopf, Schaft, FulB,wenn sie irgendwie,etwa bei einem lebhaften Gastmahl,schadhaft geworden waren, bei der in allgemeinengleichmiiBigen Gr6Be des Gerites auszuwechselnoder zu ergiinzen"(Pernice p. 43). Pernice supposedthat around the turn of the era in Italy it was easy to purchasespareparts for broken candelabra.The Athenian owner of the 3rd century, however, must have treasuredhis old candelabrumdearly to have gone to the trouble of having a new piece made to order and solderedon. Candelabra appearon reliefson clay lamps, 814ff. Anotherbronzecandelabrum was foundin the Agora, Hesperia,XIX, 1950, p. 832, pl. 106, a, AgoraB 882,
Eros with torch. For a selected bibliography for candelabra, see Menzel, p. 1, note 9. 1st and 3rd centuries. 2945 P1. 48. Cistern, G 5:2. H. 0.104 m. Handle, triangular in section, sharply curved. Around the middle, a scalloped band. The top ends in a panther's head emerging from the calyx of a flower. The panther head handle regularly goes with pearshaped lamps with fan-shaped nozzles. For the complete shape, see Barr6-Roux, pl. 55; Walters 84, pl. VII. These lamps are generally dated to the 1st and
0.038 m. End of nozzles, parts of both sides missing. Badly corroded,heavily encrusted bronze. Suspension lamp with two nozzles. Two rings aroundfilling-hole.On each nozzle stub of projection to which chains were attached. No volutes are discerniblethrough the heavy encrustation,but at the start of each nozzle are volute terminals in the form of rosettes which are continuedas ribs on the wall. Concentric rings on raisedbase. Walters55, pl. VII, gives an excellent idea of the originalappearanceof this lamp. 3rd century. 2947 Pl. 48. H. of stand 0.067 mi., Diam. of base of Stand for lamp or pot, consistingof a hollowstand and a plate. The plate has a small collarornamented with ovolo. On top, a centralboss and a ring; underneath, a groove fitting the top of the stand. The moulded stand has a flaring base with a schematic leaf pattern in low relief outlined by incision, and a band of small globules. 3rd-4th century. Suspension lamp with one loop between fillinghole and wick-holeand a secondon the handleshield. Ring around oval filling-hole.Filling-holelid in the shape of a mussel shell, working on a hinge. Wide raisededge aroundfilling-hole. Handle shieldin form of crosswith flaringbars; in back, handlewith finger hole. Upper and lower walls meet at sharp angle. Raised oval base. For generalremarks,see Menzel,p. 106. Corinth, XII, 579, p. 76, pl. 53, has a woebegoneface instead of a shell on the lid; it is dated by G. R. Davidsonto the 4th-6th century. 5th century (2).
2949 P1. 48. Well, H 11:1. L. 0.139 m., W. 0.052 m., H. 0.038 m. Nozzle partly restored. Similar to 2948 with the following variations. No loops for suspension. Ring handle with rod to top of handle shield. Curving profile. For the shape of the handle, compare Menzel 695, fig. 92, 4. 5th-7th century. 2950 W. 0.025 m., P.L. 0.03 m. Part of bar missing. Small filling-hole cover in the shape of a shell. Date unknown. 2948 P1. 48. L. 0.181 m., W. 0.055 m., H. 0.053 m. stand 0.058 m.; Diam. of plate 0.061 m., H. 0.008 m.
versionthan676, P1.15, Thislampis a muchclearer After the completionof the catalogue,excavation broughtforth a numberof lamps. A selection of the which comesfromthe samemoulds.The signatureon new findsis publishedhereand illustratedon Plate47. 676 is so badly blurred that considerablefaith is needed to read the name of Preimos there. The A (L 5886) P1. 47. W. 0.073 m., L. 0.091 mn., H. presentlamp had a signatureof whichonly the upper 0.029 m. Pieces missing; restored.Buff clay. part of a vertical strokeon the right side of the base Disk: mussel shell, framing ring. Rim: panels, is preserved;the letter which could be H, 1, N, or M ovolo pattern. Handle: grooved and pierced. Base: is here interpretedas M. within circle, Xpvaoy6fvouincised. Secondhalf of 3rd century. is a new Corinthian signature. Chrysogonos E (L 5294) Pl. 47. P.L. 0.078 m. Part of disk and Early 3rd century. nozzle. Orangeclay. B (L 5331) P1. 47. Diam. of base 0.031 m. Fragment Lion head with piercedeyes from the composition of base. Soft, creambuff clay. of Dionysos with kantharos, thyrsos and lion; see Within ring, palmette. 113. No complete example of this disk relief is The reliefpalmetteon the base of a lampis unique. p. known; this fragmentand the one followingsuppleThe palmette may have been copied from a bronze ment the pieces publishedin the catalogue,679-683, handle shield such as 2943 or from an antefix, e.g. the lowerpart of the disk with part of the the antefixes of the Odeion, Hesperia, XIX, 1950, by giving nozzle and also the kantharosin the upper U-shaped pl. 37, a. left. First half of 3rd century. First quarterof 4th century. F (L 5288) P1. 47. P.L. 0.037 m. Disk fragment. Disk: two rings, rosette with swirlingpetals, two Orangeclay; orangeto purpleglaze. Kantharos from composition of Dionysos with framing rings. Rim: panels, raised triple wreath. kantharos, thyrsosand lion. See preceding entry. Handle, grooved and pierced. Base: within two First of 4th century. quarter vincised. circles,I[peigou A new addition to the repertoryof the Preimos G (L 5368) P1. 47. Est. W. 0.082 m., L. 0.09 m., H. shop; see pp. 48-50. 0.024 m. Aboutone-fourth missing.Orange-buff clay; First half of 3rd century. thin orangeto brownglaze. D (L 5379) P1. 47. Est. W. 0.084 m., H. 0.034 m. Round lamp. Spiral pattern on disk. Rim: many Nozzle and most of base and sides missing.Buff clay. small rings and motifs in raised lines. Conicalknob Disk: centaur attacking with club, left; framing handle. Base: within ring, plain. A new additionto the smallgroupof roundlamps, ring. Rim: panels, rosettes in reversing hooks. Handle: punchedand grooved,ending in leaf. Base: 2832-2838. within ring, Late 5th-6th century. [lpEsJI[ou].
C (L 5378) P1. 47. W. 0.078 m., L. 0.095 m., H. 0.028 m. Light buff clay.
37 88 89 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Cat. Inv. 1 L83224 2 L4958 3 L2093 4 L 5271 5 L 607 6 L2754 7 L2495 8 L2486 9 L2235 10 L 1602 11 L4222 12 L 1958 13 L4404 14 L4154 15 T2300 16 L4150 17 L2966 18 L468 19 L 8822 20 L 1592bis 21 L2063 22 L4010 23 L2488 24 L2487 25 L2490 26 L4858 27 L3697 28 L3170 29 L2489 30 L4527 81 L 1158 32 L 2679 33 L2767 84 L8225 35 L4050 36 L3182
L 1154 L 1155 L 2650 L2491
Cat. Inv. 47 L83126 48 L4704 49 L 1771 50 L2454 51 L4498 52 L2492 53 L3358 54 L2493 55 L4014 56 L3575 57 L4092 58 L 2238 59 L4877a 60 L 1996 61 L4483 62 L4778 63 L 1512 64 L 1844 65 L 1815 66 L 2016 67 L2980 68 L2453 69 L 3574 70 L2494 71 L2614 72 L 3948 73 L 1375 74 L3983 75 L 1156 76 L 1519 77 L4733 78 L4792 79 L 1561 80 L2158 81 L 3182 82 L2104
83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 L2768 L 1383 L2096 L 1682 L 1810 L 5255 L 2981 L2974+-5181 L 3118 L4846
Cat. 98 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
129 130 131 132 183 134 135 136 137 138
Inv. L 8213 L411 P728 L2192 L 5083 P18249 L4128 L629 L 5240 L 1590 L 390 L 2930 L5247 L 5212 L1438 L 3867 L2965 L3110 L 1368 L4877b L 3000 L 4465 L 3357 L4481 L 2634 L4048 L 652 L 3924 L 3464 L4881 L4772 L2977 L2422 L4049 L4905 L 1596
L 1595 L 3238 L 3054 L 4121 L 2846 L 3202 L4215 L 3564 L 3467 L1600
Cat. 189 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174
175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184
Inv. L 3351 L4524 L4186 L4339 L2361 L2744 L4401 L4213 L 3621 L4876 L 412 L 2813 L 5184 L 1514 L3311 L4742 L471 L 5099 L 3622 L 3064 L2941 L2855 L2923 L4124 L 2854 L 2848 L3959 L 1095 L 3981 L 3329 L 3917 L2315 L3696 L431 L8355 L4045
L3105 L2853 L 2631 L2922 L 1557 L 2420 L2896 L 596 L 1558 L3063
Cat. 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220
221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230
Inv. L83623 L 5278 L2704 L4111 L4821 L4889 L4815 L4668 L2505 L 3437 L2942 L 4674 L2601 L 1152 L1952 L 1951 L 3978 L3839 L 3355 L4788 L 5259 L 8301 L38860 L2635 L 4787 L 8671 L4627 L3440 L2957 L 1793 L4820 L3890 L 615 L2996 L 3619 L416
L 1722 L3817 L 5238 L4920 L 2924 L 4112 L 1730 L 3169 L 8565 L8201
CONCORDANCES Cat. Inv. 281 L 595 282 L 5198 28833 L3686 234 L4945 235 L4216 236 L3952 237 L 1746 238 L 3029 239 L 1103 240 L 2695 241 L 1108 242 L 5180 243 L2415 244 L2413 245 L 5186 246 L2498 247 L 5187 248 L3276 249 L 2875 250 L 3062 251 L 8835 252 L 1042 253 L4607 254 L2818 255 L4284 256 L 3345 257 L2736 258 L 4102 259 L83008 260 L38848 261 L 1962 262 L 5276 263 L3203 264 L4044 265 L 8032 266 L 2626 267 L 8073 268 L 1048 269 L83789 270 L 8868 271 L2411
272 278 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 L3058 L2711 L 1789 L3850 L 699 L 8578 L 5204 L 1819 L 3217 L 4081 L 594 L 655 L 3102 L 606 L 2843
208 Cat. 899 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439
440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454
Cat. 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 308 304 305 306 307 808 809 810 811 312 313 314 815 816 317 318 819 320 821 322 328 824 325 326 327
328 329 830 331 832 888 334 335 336 337 338 889 340 341 342
L2580 L 5147 L 114 L 396 L 4671 L 313 L 605 L 1144 L 1795 L 815 L 1275 L 3279 L 754 L 4903 L 3699
Inv. L4362 L 8079 L3852 L2868 L4553 L 1282 L 3168 L 2499 L 4657 L 1141 L 1744 L 4931 L2752 L 3067 L 1884 L 4497 L4770 L4363 L4397 L 1140 L 1865 L 43834 L3680 L2560 L2501 L 2457 L4981 L 1820 L 1639 L476 L 1875 L 1842 L4068 L912 L8 L 890 L2854 L 1153 L 514 L 1712 L 8889
384 385 386 387 888 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398
Cat. 843 344 345 846 847 348 349 850 351 352 353 354 855 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 867 868 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 882 388
Inv. L 1610 L 1862 L 8691 L 1057 L2135 L2186 L 8436 L728 L254 L498 L4543 L4689 L 1688 L2880 L 3478 L2541 L 1737 L 5264 L2718 L4219 L2406 L 4236 L 880 L4941 L4789 L 4983 L902 L 4928 L908 L 1483 L2222 L341 L 1461 L4972 L4179 L 1418 L2455 L2910 L4715 L 2931 L 1879
L2485 L 5248 L 1998 L 5171 L 4280 L 5277 L499 L 4390 L2619 L3684 L4779 L 4916 L 1137 L 2997 L2103
Inv. L2421 L 1382 L 8111 L4559 L2849 L 644 L 5024 L 2975 L4880 L 1594 L4914 L3352 L4551 L23883 L 1151 L 1589 L2869 L3618 L3563 L2907 L2968 L 2967 L2976 L4882 L2964 L 2870 L2871 L 2850 L2852 L2851 L2844 L2847 L2845 L2906 L646 L 4824 L4296 L4330 L2127 L 2284 L249
L4820 L2508 L 1887 L 5003 L 4103 L4248 L4046 L 4932 L 1414 L404 L3921 L2051 L 1520 L 614 L4925
Cat. 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495
496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510
Inv. L 1688 L 5284 L 1509 L83109 L3184 L3620 L3562 L 628 L4119 L4120 L 1593 L 1591 L 1592 L 1599 L1857 L 1598 L 1601 L 1597 L 1858 L3891 L83901 L 8899 L3892 L83897 L83900 L 3898 L2417 L 2419 L2418 L2460 L4918 L4929 L4918 L4980 L4126 L 4182 L4125 L38886 L 3837 L 3438 L3354
L 1133 L 1150 L 1129 L 1132 L 1131 L 1130 L 1659 L 5082 L 3789 L 3050 L 1705 L2868 L 4471 L 3338 L4795
Cat. 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551
552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566
Cat. 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607
608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622
Inv. L 1491 L 1516 L 1526 L 1547 L 1552 L 1625 L 1641 L 1643 L 1646 L 1668 L 1685 L 1708 L 1714 L 1729 L 1797 L 1871 L 1872 L 1884 L 1956 L 1967 L 2017 L 2081 L2183 L 2184 L 2190 L 2191 L 2246 L2291 L 2317 L 2359 L2433 L 2718 L2748 L2800 L2902 L 3647 L 3659 L3734 L 3762 L 3869 L3874
L3896 L3922 L3955 L 3956 L 4135 L 4148 L 4247 L4293 L4359 L 4557 L 4640 L 4910 L4919 L4924 L 4933
Cat. 628 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663
664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678
Inv. L4939 L 5011 L 5015 L 5128 L 5210 L3432 L2973 L 1772 L 2124 L 391 L 2077 L4252 L 5173 L4782 L4490 L 5261 L 5190 L2550 L4317 L 4859 L 2348 L 3884 L1838 L 3747 L 2465 L 1880 L 2414 L 942 L4255 L4254 L 3731 L 1231 L 1070 L 3704 L4066 L4680 L 1321 L4442 L4361 L2347 L 1345
L2043 L 1733 L4579 L4449 L 360 L 2214 L 4256 L 2002 L 364 L4512 L 2536 L 2152 L 5232 L2724 L 41
Cat. 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719
Inv. T 1195 L3078 L 4454 P7882 P5693 L456 L287 L 176 L 226 L 286 L2157 L 654 L4067 L3816 L 1338 L 1759 L5266 L 1651 L2600 L 1411 L 2798 L 84 L1543 L 2311 L 2107 L 1002 L 285 L 1701 L2410 L 3100 L 5188 L 838 L4900 L 3977 L233 L3788 L4999 L 3581 L2206 L2387 L3738
Cat. 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775
776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790
Inv. L 1017 L 1001 L 976 L 236 L 239 L 3316 L 4241 L 1719 L 952 L 1175 L 1661 L 183 L 1020 L 5089 L 5200 L 518 L2709 L2289 L4476 L 1232 L 2022 L 1046 L1500 L2539 L 1230 L 3976 L 1143 L 1629 L 1973 L 2685 L 1455 L 175 L 971 L 1019 L3337 L2076 L2129 L 3176 L2444 L2337 L 1492
L3940 L2810 L2911 L4251 L 5253 L 519 L 5235 L4429 L 379 L 5000 L 1630 L 4403 L 1957 L 1825 L 5246
720 L2306 721 L2680 722 L349 728 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 L2148 L 769 L 3342 L 4486 L4188 L 1634 L 4954 L 8586 L 3210 732 L 3030 733 L 3551 734 L 2288
Cat. 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 880 881 Inv. L2794 L975 L4242 L4541 L 3588 L 288 L4959 L 571 L 2894 L 5201 L 8587 L 1009 L 2808 L 3987 L4274 L 3212 L428 L 3708 L 2886 L2264 L2556+3229 L 8172 L83071 L4267 L4458 L 8287 L 2314 L 681 L 1756 L4069 L 1473 L 3883 L 2551 L 8880 L 1423 L 1681 L 3142 L2180 L4510 L 2872 L4457 Cat. 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887
888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902
Cat. 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1084 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055
1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070
Inv. L 1481 L 1583 L 1718 L2684 L 801 L 2473 L 2335 L 8862 L 2569 L 3513 L 4893 L2885 L 3509 L 1472 L 1092 L4055 L 5199 L 3452 L 1700 L 781 L3254 L4076 L944 L 570 L2111 L289 L 2837 L290 L 159 L 8061 L4423 L 1704 L 800 L 4511 L 1045 L 2028 L2079 L 8885 L4781 L4780 L 126
L 2774 L48 L 2137 L 764 L 8988 L334 L297 L 296 L2208 L2166 L 64 L 85 L 1323 L 3252 L3714
Cat. 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943
944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958
Inv. L 1255 L 1758 L4809 L 1254 L 5189 L 2750 L2805 L2987 L 4074 L83582 L4302 L2283 L3610 L 1581 L 1801 L 3975 L2710 L 3465 L4462 L 363 L216 L 3746 L2045 L 2904 L2606 L 2518 L 1035 L4070 L2223 L 515 L 1979 L 2108 L2367 L 2510 L 1691 L4393 L2374 L 730 L2074 L299 L 3246
L 778 L 5281 L 1851 L 8075 L 3060 L 1271 L 2155 L 1734 L 1647 L2287 L 1742 L 108 L 630 L 1457 L 2282
Cat. Inv. 959 L435 960 L 3964 961 L 1224 962 L757 968 L2688 964 L 812 965 L 1707 966 L23838 967 L 2304 968 L2866 969 L 3167 970 L 827 971 L4953 972 L 2198 973 L2044 974 L 1015 975 L 1243 976 L970 977 L 1767 978 L2683 979 L977 980 L2125 981 L2281 982 L4315 983 L 522 984 L 141 985 L 926 986 L 1040 987 L295 988 L 727 989 L 2330 990 L 2809 991 L 1750 992 L 1817 993 L 486 994 L 1638 995 L 371 996 L 1774 997 L 2294 998 L 2687 999 L2195
1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 L 1900 L 817 L2598 L4895 L 2167 L 1107 L301 L3508 L708 L 2707 L 2948 L 1280 L972 L 4812 L 1465
Inv. L 5185 L 3234 L4065 L 1837 L 5282 L 2686 L 5168 L434 L 1188 L 1250 L 2985 L4860 L 1410 L 1697 L2682 L2838 L3422 L 3617 L2803 L2726 L 2391 L 143 L 120 L 1852 L 1353 L 851 L88 L 1760 L 1755 L242 L293 L 2438 L 1533 L 291 L294 L 3013 L 1977 L358 L 1753 L4197 L4198
L 5272 L8879 L4807 L4209 L76 L292 L 1021 L 1829 L 1751 L2822 L4947 L 5174 L2481 L 1808 L4420
832 L 1728 883 L 4751 884 L 5183 885 L 8230 886 L4434 887 L 15 888 L 8982 889 L 2949 840 L 8231 841 L 5280 842 L 3228 848 L2559 844 L4181 845 L 8048 846 L 1086
Cat. 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110
1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1128 1124 1125 1126
Cat. 1127 1128 1129 1180 1131 1132 1133 1184 1185 1186 1137 1138 1189 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166
Inv. L 2868 L2574 L735 L 2587 L 1794 L96 L4039 L 2578 L238 L 4940 L2430 L4348 L2514 L312 L3208 L 2139 L762 L 790 L910 L 3813 L2781 L 8764 L 4203 L 593 L 3341 L883340 L638 L4433 L3911 L 4467 L4042 L4444 L4445 L 4428 L 586 L 3609 L4450 L2049 L 1244 L 585
Cat. 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222
1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1283 1234 1235 1286 1287 1238
Inv. L 1281 L2479 L 1134 L 1665 L 1446 L 1802 L 1273 L 1437 L 810 L 1292 L71 L3171 L2302 L 2439 L 1986 L 3011 L 3271 L 884 L2825 L 8549 L422 L 2469 L 2605 L 3520 L 63 L2474 L2390 L 128 L4908 L 3479 L 3267 L3244 L3455 L 5228 L 1804 L241 L 3260 L 3261 L2416 L 1279
L 1139 L5175 L2751 L4208 L 589 L 641 L2909 L848 L 520b L 306 L5087 L 3923 L 4157 L 8257 L 923 L 5267
Cat. 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278
1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294
Inv. L 4957 L4804 L 1648 L 8870 L 3226 L4682 L 3791 L 2408 L711 L 637 L4802 L4803 L4258 L4249 L1100 L4336 L2004 L 5114 L 8732 L 4425 L4204 L 1938 L 2333 L 2594 L3866 L437 L 581 L 3343 L 1745 L 1324 L 1732 L4764 L77 L 1265 L2148 L3112 L1259 L814 L 1544 L3454
L 1649 L235 L3288 L3511 L2114 L 2379 L302 L303 L66 L75 L 1710 L 2066 L 2575 L2592 L2607 L 2723
Cat. 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1805 1306 1307 1308 1809 1310 1311 1812 1313 1314 1815 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334
1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349
Inv. L 2146 L983 L3711 L 8115 L 359 L 1738 L 507 L 3255 L2470 L 4205 L989 L2021 L3028 L4275 L4202 L871 L2952 L 940 L2355 L 4800 L8144 L 8963 L 2527 L2612 L2272 L2944 L25 L90 L 234 L 4287 L 105 L86 L 5206 L 2482 L 53 L4562 L 824 L 829 L 960 L2717
1167 L4427 1168 L583 1169 L 3512 1170 L 588 1171 L 579 1172 L 3725 1173 L 1443 1174 L1252 1175 L 1545 1176 L4583 1177 L8218 1178 L3072 1179 L 5268 1180 L 3716 1181 L 1721 1182 L 4775
L2568 L752 L 862 L713 L2312 L 2437 L4394 L276 L8382 L3 L 943 L3761 L 1477 L2530 L748 1850 L 787
Cat. Inv. 1851 L 962 1852 L52 1858 L 961 1854 L 89 1855 L98 1856 L 959 1857 L 1033 1858 L2441 1859 L 2086 1860 L61 1861 L 783 1362 L 1799 1868 L 8248 1864 L 8242 1365 L 8074 1866 L 4845 1367 L991 1868 L 2147 1869 L 2434 1870 L 569 1871 L 1515 1872 L 8992 1873 L 2378 1374 L 2526 1875 L 3275 1876 L 792 1877 L 8516 1878 L 278 1879 L 4944 1880 L 28 1881 L 2472 1882 L 2253 13883 L 38 1384 L 3965 1885 L 8448 1386 L 1381 1887 L 373388 1888 L408 1889 L 842 1890 L 2269
1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1400 1401 1402 1408 1404 1405 1406 L 388 L 487 L 333 L 885 L 2012 L9 L 1061 L 1272 L211 L 5028 L 1448 L 2775 L2538 L 2674 L1286 L 150
Inv. L 592 L4218 L 1284 L 4328 L2597 L 8576 L 1809 L8099 L 8785 L2198 L 2652 L 3211 L 4661 L 2725 L 590 L 591 L8848 L 8705 L 8611 L4221 L 4316 L 2300 L 8026 L 3934 L 5286 L 185 L48 L 8865 L 4263 L 5287 L 2218 L 3500 L351 L 1671 L 4187 L 1428 L3715 L8025 L 872 L 457
L1883 L 4285 L2915 L 3146 L 3475 L2118 L 2008 L 2442 L279 L 4455 L2675 L 131 L2467 L 1679 L4310 L8227
Cat. 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1480 1431 1482 1433 1484 1485 1436 1437 1488 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446
1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462
Inv. L 1984 L4407 L 3092 L 2677 L2329 L 4220 L 826 L 3263 L 1287 L 1118 L 2412 L 2540 L 4818 L 1891 L 1069 L 8280 L2 L 2035 L 2689 L104 L 1689 L 8353 L 2841 L 969 L 4887 L 4889 L2589 L 2576 L 8069 L 914 L 913 L 8116 L 146 L 160 L 2471 L 4948 L889 L2072 L 397 L 1124+5179
L4041 L 1334 L2951 L 4149 L 1413 L4441 L 4105 L 5172 L79 L 1811 L335 L 2504 L 11 L 1089 L8993 L 1513
Cat. 1468 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 4172 1478 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502
1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518
Inv. L 2729 L5116 L 4357 L 4035 L4210 L 2955 L 1159 L2507 L 368 L 1762 L 8925 L 2651 L 4566 L 3888 L 4206 L 704 L 1475 L 4952 L 689 L 125 L 4808 L 1104 L 8814 L 4248 L 875 L 640 L44 L 83679 L 520d L 5023 L 1253 L 921 L5274 L 3936 L 1681 L 1695 L4801 L873 L840 L 1245
L2557 L 2561 L4292 L 1102 L 876 L3192 L 3717 L 8768 L4144 L 5250 L4482 L 1696 L3553 L 3937 L3188 L4687
Cat. 1519 1520 1521 1522 1528 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1580 1581 1582 1533 1584 1535 1586 1537 1588 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1558 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558
1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574
Cat. 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1588 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614
1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625
Inv. L 1101 L4266 L 4468 L 1106 L4244 L 2554 L 8081 L4955 L 5284 L8151 L 5177 L 4518 L 8645 L 4257 L 4201 L 4818 L2950 L 8027 L 5281 L2958 L 1429 L 4288 L 4262 L 3649 L 4145 L 3427 L2819 L 1298 L 185 L 3886 L 1065 L 1297 L2293 L 8012 L 151 L 3241 L989 L791 L788 L 1613
L8243 L 2918 L8656 L 2884 L 1752 L5176 L 1878 L 909 L2042 L 4265 L 186 1626 L 1626 1627 L124 1628 L 4419 1629 L4435 1630 L 1882
Cat. 1681 1682 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1689 1640 1641 1642 1648 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 Inv. L 8059 L3219 L2150 L 1654 L4289 L 1831 L4308 L 575 L2116 L 852 L2733 L 1373 L 1780 L 3555 L2671 L 188 L 8046 L 1088 L 4043 L 2821 L4207 L 4424 L 587 L442 L2905 L 1632 L 819 L215 L 2986 L3049 L 2394 L1458 L 1878 L 1456 L4040 L2275 L 3926 L2940 L 174 L 3021
Inv. L982 L2113 L 8147 L 1855 L 578 L 2030 L 193 L2296 L760 L 2257 L4488 L78 L 3962 L 370 L4840 L 62 L 1749 L 2280 L 2064 L 281 L24 L 8273 L734 L981 L4892 L 2292 L72 L3282 L 2570 L2392 L 2443 L73 L284 L761 L2297 L4951 L 173 L3265 L 1278 L 1904
L 2549 L 156 L2916 L3450 L 2475 L 8117 L 1765 L83 L 2145 L 95 L965 L59 L 103 L 880 L 2067 L 1872
Cat. 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782
1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798
Inv. L 8266 L2519 L2591 L2463 L4610 L 8474 L2429 L31 L3793 L2572 L2464 L 4843 L2593 L 2263 L 67 L4892 L 2424 L 787 L 2567 L2728 L747 L 1264 L 1380 L83550 L732 L 5002 L 1690 L 343 L 1290 L2532 L 3477 L988 L830 L83451 L2533 L746 L 137 L750 L2571 L 2466
L 2578 L 4061 L2820 Ll105 L 1246 L 2298 L2009 L967 L 1905 L 574 L 806 L 2141 L 1987 L282 L 1988 L2039
Cat. 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1886 1837 1838
1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854
Inv. L 1684 L879 L 911 L 698 L 3249 L 4777 L 153 L 36 L34 L 3687 L221 L3939 L520 L 5178 L83232 L3233 L 2373 L 4113 L 642 L 1627 L2170 L 1861 L964 L 582 L4347 L 122 L2782 L2716 L 2295 L 172 L 1976 L2903 L 1989 L 57 L3289 L2586 L 3262 L3051 L2548 L 4949
L 4890 L 2577 L107 L955 L 751 L 878 L 58 L786 L2801 L956 L 87 L717 L 1966 L2529 L 4776 L 1064
Cat. 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 18q1 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894
1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910
1671 L 1291 1672 L 2149 1673 L280 1674 L2278 1675 L 1274 1676 L 809 1677 L2071 1678 L 2871 1679 L 2310 1680 L 1982 1681 L 3449 1682 L 5229 1683 L2914 1684 L69 1685 L 2279 1686 L 2889
Inv. L83209 L433 L2563 L 968 L2564 L 1000 L2276 L255 L 1906 L979 L54 L2588 L2681 L 5027 L2509 L 8250 L 3519 L 516 L 2109 L 2377 L749 L2034 L619 L2307 L 2477 L 2534 L958 L2579 L 2608 L65 L 68 L20 L 3264 L 1344 L 100 L 51 L 55 L957 L3332 L 2100
L 8245 L 963 L50 L16 L 8044 L 2525 L808 L2431 L 2260 L978 L980 L8421 L2397 L753 L 1983 L10
CONCORDANCES Cat. 1911 1912 1918 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1928 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1980 1931 1932 1933 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951
1952 1958 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1968 1964 1965 1966
209 Cat. 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2108 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 Inv. L 1571 L 1715 L 1589 L 2698 L 1800 L805 L 2797 L 1764 L2513 L2262 L 1562 L 1726 L 1978 L 1037 L 1622 L 1570 L2705 L1992 L950 L868 L2070 L2670 L8173 L789 L 1445 L 1617 L 5252 L 4098 L 4518 L2552 L 2779 L2812 L 2502 L1551 L 1618 L 2252 L 2328 L4591 L 874 L 1142 L 1678 Cat. 2185 2186 2137 2188 2189 2140 2141 2142 2148 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2168 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2178 2174 2175
2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2188 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190
L 2917 L 4184 L2112 L 74 L 807 L2068 L 70 L 4977 L 4849 L 8804 L 8177 L 8817 L 1248 L 2870 L784
Inv. L154 L 1226 L97 L 98 L 4888 L 3270 L 4084 L4281 L2869 L782 L 21 L 2440 L 101 L49 L 2427 L 4651 L 60 L 1757 L887 L4861 L 2461 L2945 L 8958 L2075 L8272 L 2428 L2609 L 2582 L 2528 L 102 L 106 L 13 L 3247 L2485 L 2476 L 348 L 8140 L 56 L 8521 L 8268 L 8748
Cat. 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Inv. L 180 L 788 L1848 L 2219 L 2610 L3881 L 2954 L 584 L288 L2886 L8951 L 2088 L2583 L99 L 92 L 8256 L4555 L915 L839 L2882 L 1766 L2818 L2558 L4625 L3846 L 2562 L858 L 3098 L 4217 L 686 L 8286 L4842 L 4848 L 576 L 2947 L 4477 L 4418 L 1830 L 8884 L 244 L 2188
L 2081 L 729 L2154 L 8476 L 2690 L688 L4765 L 1985 L 129 L 840+-918 L799 L 5124 L 568 L 2162 L 1971
2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2078 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078
Cat. Inv. 2028 L1016 2024 L 2819 2025 L 8651 2026 L 1584 2027 L 4901 2028 L2669 2029 L 2140 2080 L8577 2081 L2169 2032 L 643 2033 L847 2084 L 2892 2035 L4841 2036 L4962 2087 L 4807 2088 P 6054 2039 L4279 2040 L2893 2041 T 1548 2042 L256 2043 L 3288 2044 L2581 2045 L8710 2046 L8207 2047 L8251 2048 L 5254 2049 L4514 2050 L 2452 2051 L 4240 2052 L 1087 2053 L 4288 2054 L2799 2055 L 2185 2056 L1568 2057 L 8281 2058 L 83830 2059 L 8020 2060 L604 2061 L 2402 2062 L 4496 20683 L 1049
L 2688 L 8847
Inv. L2248 L 8787 L 1998 L 1868 L 2740 L488 L 4912 L 1989 L4564 L828 L983 L 4852 L4458 L2158 L 4491 L 2661 L4448 L 1716 L4426 L2268 L 1915 L997 L996 L 1028 L2792 L 2758 L4071 L 2708 L 1471 L 568 L 1582 L4270 L 1185 L8174 L 2046 L 2660 L 1883 L2032 L 1126 L 1743 L 2811
L 1026 L 5278 L973 L 1165 L 8517 L2706 L2088 L 1469 L 8701 L2259 L 2290 L 1650 L 2895 L 562 L 1688
2120 L 4515 2121 L 1256 2122 L4545 L520c L 4773 2128 L 1227 2124 L 4480 L 8867 L 1228 2125 L2115 L5256 2126 L999 L 4189 2127 L 2516 L 4526 2128 L 1097 L 5182 2129 L4078 L 1624 2180 L883 2181 L 1699 L 1980 2182 L 1028 L 4684 L 4072+-4075 2188 L 4813 L 5088 2184 L 1672
Cat. 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2208 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2228 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 Inv. L 1725 L 2667 L2691 L2040 L 1024 L709 L2255 L 1501 L2777 L 1170 L 807 L758 L 1609 L 2144 L 1720 L 1219 L 4521 L 919 L 2047 L 2468 L 2746 L 8957 L947 L 1608 L 4540 L 1920 L 2565 L 2796 L 1458 L2178 L 2177 L 1266 L 1218 L 1822 L 1902 L 850 L2178 L 4560 L 1640 L 1470 L 4852
Inv. L 4269 L 4295 L 2749 L2994 L2133 L 8285 L 854 L 2018 L4268 L 4492 L 1940 L 3786 L 2956 L 2247 L 8698 L 4250 L 2249 L2816 L 1450 L 4898 L4245 L 4516 L2558 L 1889 L 1628 L 4850 L 4520 L 2823 L 3557 L4162 L 2948 L 1761 L 1444 L2171 L2881 L 2059 L 1229 L 1901 L 1827 L 4522 L 2512
L 4073 L 1918 L804 L277 L 394 L 8148 L 1261 L998 L 2209 L 1025 L 1060 L 1698 L 1914 L 8145 L 917
2232 L 1442 2233 L2210 2234 L2084 2235 L 1748 2236 L 2654 2237 L 2250 2238 L 3958 2239 L2928 2240 L 2826 2241 L 2795 2242 L 4259 2243 L 1709 2244 L 8175 2245 L 2595 2246 L 1474
Cat. Inv. 2803 L 1022 2304 L 1693 2305 L 1763 2806 L2747 2807 L2585 2808 L 985 2309 L 1466 2310 L 811 2311 L1038 2812 L 1039 2318 L 1136 2814 L 1990 2315 L 2065 2316 L 2117 2817 L 2142 2318 L 2515 2819 L 2184 2820 L 1991 2321 L 2898 2822 L 4448 2328 L 8588 2324 L 2692 2325 L985 2326 L 2073 2827 L 1694 2328 L 2220 2829 L 2511 L2517 233880 2331 L 1027 2332 L1981 2833 L 1081 L 1169 233884 L 233885 1093 2836 L 541 2837 L 5026 L 2520 233888 L1166 233889 1440 L 2840 L 1778 2841 2048 L 2842 2848 L 1128
2344 L 2611 2345 L2521 2346 L2213 2847 L 5209 2848 L4956 2349 L2555 2350 L 3214 2351 L 1916 2352 L2251 2353 L 1747 2354 L4519 2855 L853 2356 L4851 2857 L 4182 2858 L2840
Cat. 2859 2360 2361 2862 2368 2864 2365 2866 2867 2368 2869 2370 2871 2872 2373 2374 2875 2376 2377 2878 2879 2380 2381 2882 2888 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2389 2890 2391 2892 2393 2394 2395 2396 2897 2398 2399
2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414
Inv. L 1302 L 1497 L 8688 L 3426 L4688 L 1494 L4660 L 2912 L 1119 L 1792 L83681 L 4277 L 1819 L 1549 L 338884 L 8480 L 8546 L 1374 L 4594 L 2274 L 1482 L 608 L795 L 4754 L 1082 L 482 L 118 L 338865 L 2805 L886 L 4766 L 5223 L 4080 L3286 L298 L 2853 L3648 L 818 L974 L 1412 L 8405
L 1263 L899 L3404 L 2927 L 3847 L796 L 1840 L 5122 L 3876 L 5222 L 927 L4790 L 196 L 1776 L 561
Cat. 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2480 2431 2432 2483 2484 2485 2436 2437 2488 2489 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455
2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470
Inv. L 329 L 227 L 3439 L 206 L 2339 L3425 L 5066 L 803 L525 L 1149 L490 L222 L 4350 L 1079 L 1731 L 3669 L 1420 L 195 L 625 L 4750 L33887 L 1987 L771 L 1768 L 2462 L 4926 L 4489 L 1723 L 1724 L 1277 L 3980 L 5121 L 3548 L 189 L 1692 L 152 L8311 L497 L 121 L 1088 L 2608
L 2587 L 127 L385 L 1059 L 1073 L 1288 L 8303 L2788 L 115 L 2604 L 310 L4818 L224 L 1084 L5224
CONCORDANCES Cat. 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510
2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526
211 Cat. 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678
2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694
Inv. L 240 L 767 L 865 L 3259 L 3527 L 4860 L 8014 L 821 L 3441 L 2851 L2523 L802 L 1086 L4693 L 8113 L 1480 L 1080 L 8482 L 2522 L 1055 L 1478 L 948 L 148 L 8206 L 1067 L 2352 L 3547 L 2273 L 1063 L 2270 L853 L 763 L4375 L 338866 L 2050 L 1836 L 5225 L 1869 L 512 L 756
L 656 L 1075 L 4246 L 809 L 112 L 246 L 4896 L 813 L 8886 L 2216 L 142 L 220 L 1148 L 5037 L 1161 L 882
Cat. 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2585 2536 2537 2588 2539 2540 2541 2542 2548 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566
2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582
Inv. L 308 L 3045 L 1164 L 248 L 1462 L 8473 L205 L 4998 L 1062 L 724 L887 L1499 L945 L83771 L 8844 L 4923 L2211 L 2026 L 907 L 8424 L 8047 L 8470 L 1460 L 1421 L 5001 L 5039 L 1536 L 4463 L 1459 L 1435 L545 L 1754 L 1814 L820 L 1268 L 1818 L 4970 L 1436 L 1249 L 187
L8700 L 5123 L 1422 L8379 L8407 L 1404 L 900 L2459 L 2841 L 4967 L 1826 L3403 L901 L 1890 L 2878 L 3504
Cat. 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2521 2622
2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2681 2632 2633 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688
Inv. L 2961 L 4273 L 247 L 4774 L 338896 L 4961 L38881 L 3486 L 4960 L 5078 L 1014 L83660 L8387 L155 L2662 L 789 L835 L 804 L 4327 L 993 L 880 L 8859 L 1269 L 488 L22 L 197 L 4895 L 27 L4694 L 8846 L 1518 L 1173 L203 L200 L 1542 L83315 L 4681 L 207 L4278 L 521
L825 L 1815 L 2901 L707 L287 L 1662 L 4934 L 1162 L 1171 L 8845 L89 L4974 L 111 L 872 L 194 L 1076
L4904 L 1546 L 473 L954 L228 L 280 L 8447 L816 L 984 L 4936 L 1479 L2850 L866 L 1074 L 2239 L 722
Inv. L 543 L 856 L 2877 L 1975 L 338885 L 895 L922 L 1081 L 738 L 1270 L987 L560 L4692 L601 L2349 L 845 L38899 L 338883 L 2254 L 1687 L 8456 L 847 L 5120 L 715 L83543 L14 L 3070 L 1098 L409 L 511 L994 L 4997 L 572 L8381 L 770 L510 L 548 L 3831 L725 L980
Cat. 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2780 2731 2782 2783 2784
2785 2736 2737 2788 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750
Inv. L 1066 L 4280 L 1484 L 4581 L 5226 L 2918 L2872 L 8468 L 1567 L 8290 L992 L995 L7 L 144 L28 L 2425 L282 L 2547 L 1029 L 1856 L 3386 L 5221 L4969 L 2327 L 1167 L118 L 2172 L 2271 L8352 L 1082 L1 L 2590 L1080 L4063 L 8729 L333889 L 1703 L 1041 L844 L198
L577 L 1517 L 786 L4696 L5227 L 1078 L 2284 L819 L 2258 L 5088 L8737 L219 L 188 L 823 L 38888 L 5007
Cat. 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 Inv. L 768 L 1122 L 1805 L 177 L928 L 1054 L 573 L 888 L2164 L946 L 1667 L 805 L 209 L202 L610 L 2714 L2256 L 8770 L 3462 L 3401 L217 L 1258 L 1820 L 1068 L 1077 L4276 L199 L 1829 L2524 L 1072 L 204 L 3380 L 547 L 208 L 929 L 3614 L 820 L201 L229 L 1160
L 1
L 2 L 8 L 4 L 7 L 8 L 9 L10 L11 L 12 L 13 L14
1428 1844 2919 2707 321 1896 1910 1459 2860 1942 2664
L 15
Cat. 1898 1886 1921 2607 1880 1707 1821 2610 2709 1775 1750
L35 L 36 L88 L39 L40 L41 L42 L43 L44 L45 L48
2599 1806 1888 2633 550 678 551 1545 1489 552 889
L50 L 51 L52 L53 L54 L55 L 56 L57 L 58 L 59 L60
1897 1890 1852 1329 1865 1891 1948 1832 1845 1738 1927
L 62 L63 L64 L65 L66 L67 L 68 L69 L70 L71 L72
1702 1207 898 1884 1287 1757 1885 1684 1958 1193 1713
CONCORDANCES Inv. L 73 L 74 L 75 L 76 L 77 L 78 L 79 L 83 L 84 L 85 L 86 L 87 L 88 L 89 L 90 L 91 L 92 L 93 L 94 L 95 L 96 L 97 L 98 L 99 L 100 L 101 L 102 L 103 L 104 L 105 L 106 L 107 L 108 L 111 L 112 L 113 L 114 L 115 L 118 L 120 L 121
L 122 L 124 L 125 L 126 L 127 L 128 L 129 L 130 L 181 L 182 L 133 L 135 L 136 L 137 L 138
213 Inv. L 806 L 807 L308 L 809 L310 L 311 L 312 L 318 L319 L320 L323 L 324 L 327 L 828 L 329 L 381 L 332 L 333 L 384 L 335 L 336 L 337 L 338 L 339 L 340 L 341 L 342 L 343 L 344 L 347 L348 L 849 L351 L 352 L353 L 355 L 356 L 358 L 359 L 360 L 862
L 363 L 364 L 368 L 370 L 871 L372 L 379 L 380 L 881 L 385 L 387 L 389 L 390 L 391 L 893
Cat. 1718 1955 1288 1060 1271 1698 1455 1734 700 899 1326 1849 1041 1354 1822 1110 1981 1914 1107 1786 1132 1913 1355 1980 1889 1923 1940 1739 1426 1325 1941 1841 955 2635 2515 2720 330 2464 2385 1037 2458
1824 1627 1482 887 2457 1210 2016 1967 1570 1109 746 1544 1625 1779 1646
Inv. L 139 L 141 L 142 L 143 L 144 L 146 L 148 L 150 L 151 L 152 L 153 L154 L 155 L 156 L 159 L 160 L 171 L 172 L173 L 174 L 175 L 176 L 177 L 183 L 185 L 187 L 193 L 194 L 195 L 196 L 197 L 198 L 199 L 200 L201 L202 L 103 L204 L 205 L206 L 207
L 208 L 209 L211 L 212 L 215 L216 L 217 L 217 L 219 L220 L 221 L 222 L 223 L 224 L 225
Cat. 2448 984 2521 1036 2708 1439 2493 1406 1609 2450 1805 1911 2596 1728 875 1440 1077 1828 1723 1669 766 686 2754 2747 1603 2566 1693 2637 2482 2412 2608 2734 2777 2616 2788 2764 2615 2781 2533 2418 2620
2784 2763 1399 553 1658 923 2771 2771 2746 2522 1809 2426 2800 2468 2850
Inv. L 226 L 227 L228 L 229 L230 L 232 L233 L284 L 235 L236 L237 L238 L 239 L240 L 241 L242 L 244 L 246 L247 L 248 L249 L254 L 255 L 256 L 274 L275 L276 L 277 L 278 L 279 L280 L 281 L282 L 283 L284 L285 L286 L287 L 288 L289 L 290
L 291 L 282 L293 L 294 L 295 L296 L 297 L 298 L 299 L 300 L 301 L 302 L 303 L 304 L 305
Cat. 687 2416 2683 2789 2684 2711 713 1823 1280 738 2627 1185 739 2471 1218 1044 2006 2516 2585 2580 489 351 1862 2042 554 555 1342 2291 1378 1567 1673 1706 1796 1975 1719 705 688 685 796 872 874
1048 1061 1045 1049 987 895 894 2893 942 1118 1006 1285 1286 2290 2084
Cat. 1282 2201 2527 2514 2466 2451 1140 8333 1657 2787 2748 1831 2794 556 2415 2676 2526 1393 898 1457 2715 2485 1391 1985 2017 374 1389 1770 2792 2660 1946 722 1551 2723 2501 173 2640 1052 1299 668 1337
922 672 1471 1700 995 2636 784 2603 2672 2458 2595 557 103 632 558
Inv. L 394 L 395 L 396 L 397 L404 L 408 L409 L411 L412 L416 L422 L423 L 481 L482 L 433 L434 L 435 L 437 L442 L 456 L457 L463 L 471 L 473 L 476 L483 L486 L 487 L 488 L 490 L497 L 498 L499 L 501 L 507 L 510 L 511 L512 L 514 L 515 L 516
L 518 L 519 L 520a L 520b L 520c L520d L 521 L 522 L 528 L 525 L 541 L 543 L 544 L 545 L 547
Cat. 2292 2644 331 1445 449 1388 2667 94 149 220 1203 807 172 2384 1856 1022 959 1264 1654 684 1558 18 155 2681 316 2140 993 1892 2606 2425 2452 352 890 1097 1301 2674 2668 2509 825 932 1872
750 781 1811 1281 2066 1491 2622 983 559 2428 2386 2639 2851 2557 2788
214 Inv. L 548 L 560 L 561 L 562 L 563 L 565 L 568 L 569 L 570 L 571 L 572 L 573 L 574 L 575 L 576 L 577 L 578 L579 L 580 L 581 L 582 L 583 L 584 L 585 L 586 L 587 L 588 L 589 L 590 L591 L592 L 593 L 594 L595 L 596 L 597 L 598 L601 L 604 L 605 L 606
L607 L608 L610 L614 L615 L 619 L 625 L628 L 629 L 630 L 631 L 633 L 636 L 637 L 688
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD Cat. 2675 2650 2414 2189 2164 2804 2020 1370 870 798 2671 2757 1792 1638 2000 2735 1691 1171 1090 1265 1822 1168 1974 1166 1161 1653 1170 1227 1533 1534 1519 1150 282 231 182 516 517 2652 2060 334 285
5 2380 2765 458 217 1877 2483 462 100 956 818 2013 1996 1248 1153
Inv. L639 L640 L 641 L 642 L 643 L 644 L 645 L 646 L 647 L 651 L 652 L 654 L 655 L 656 L 698 L 699 L 704 L707 L 708 L 709 L 711 L713 L 715 L716 L 717 L 722 L 724 L 725 L 726 L 727 L728 L 729 L 730 L731 L 782 L 7833 L734 L785 L 736 L 787 L 788
L789 L746 L747 L748 L749 L 750 L 751 L752 L 753 L754 L755 L 756 L 757 L 758 L759
Cat. 1481 1488 1228 1817 2032 404 528 433 523 524 119 690 283 2511 1802 276 1478 2626 1008 2196 1247 1338 2662 560 1850 2694 2536 2677 2845 988 350 2009 940 1124 1767 1968 1709 1129 2737 1760 2647
2102 1778 1768 1849 1875 1780 1843 1336 1908 340 2902 2510 962 2202 1112
Inv. L760 L 761 L 762 L 763 L 764 L 765 L 767 L 768 L 769 L 770 L 771 L 778 L 781 L 782 L 783 L 784 L 785 L786 L 787 L 788 L 789 L790 L 791 L792 L 793 L 795 L 796 L 797 L 798 L799 L800 L 801 L 802 L803 L 804 L 805 L806 L807 L 808 L 809 L 810
L811 L812 L818 L 814 L 815 L 816 L 817 L818 L 819 L820 L821 L 825 L 826 L 827 L828
Cat. 1695 1720 1143 2502 891 2846 2472 2751 724 2673 2437 944 866 1920 1361 1966 1079 1846 1350 1613 2598 1144 1612 1376 1086 2381 2405 2920 2822 2018 879 851 2482 2422 2600 2762 1793 1956 1901 1676 1191
2310 964 2518 1276 337 2686 1001 2396 2742 2560 2478 2628 1418 970 2144
Inv. L829 L830 L 833 L 837 L 838 L 840 L 844 L 845 L 847 L 848 L 850 L 851 L 852 L 853 L 854 L 858 L 865 L866 L 867 L 868 L 871 L872 L 873 L 874 L 875 L 876 L 878 L 879 L 880 L881 L884 L 885 L 886 L 887 L 888 L 889 L 890 L891 L 898 L 899 L 900
L901 L902 L903 L904 L905 L 906 L 907 L908 L 909 L910 L911 L 912 L 913 L 914 L915
Cat. 1332 1740 2130 2537 710 1501 2733 2654 2033 1230 2226 1040 1640 2355 2253 1993 2473 2691 2802 2098 1310 1557 1500 2117 1487 1507 1844 1800 865 2916 1200 1394 2888 1929 2758 1443 322 2877 2825 2401 2573
2579 369 2820 2810 2829 2828 2545 371 1622 1145 1801 320 1437 1436 1984
Inv. L917 L 918 L 919 L 921 L 922 L 923 L 924 L 926 L 927 L 928 L 929 L 930 L 933 L 935 L 939 L 940 L 942 L943 L 944 L 945 L 946 L947 L 948 L950 L 952 L 953 L 954 L 955 L 956 L957 L958 L 959 L 960 L 961 L 962 L 963 L964 L965 L 967 L 968 L 969
L970 L971 L972 L973 L974 L 975 L 976 L977 L 978 L979 L980 L 981 L 982 L 983 L984
Cat. 2302 2017 2208 1494 2645 1237 2859 985 2410 2755 2785 2678 2145 2308 1305 1312 650 1345 869 2539 2760 2213 2492 2097 743 561 2682 1842 1848 1892 1881 1356 1333 1353 1351 1896 1821 1737 1790 1858 1430
976 767 1012 2178 2897 792 737 979 1904 1864 1905 1710 1687 1296 2687
Inv. L 985 L 987 L 988 L 989 L 990 L 991 L 992 L 998 L 994 L 995 L 996 L 997 L 998 L 999 L 1000 L 1001 L 1002 L 1007 L 1009 L 1014 L 1015 L 1016 L 1017 L 1018 L 1019 L 1020 L 1021 L 1022 L 1023 L 1024 L 1025 L 1026 L 1027 L 1028 L 1029 L 1030 L 1081 L 1082 L 1033 L 1034 L 1085
L 1036 L 1037 L 1038 L 1039 L 1040 L 1041 L 1042 L 1043 L 1045 L 1046 L 1049 L 1050 L 1051 L 1052 L 1053
Cat. 2283 759 654 754 975 1165 1502 1787 1964 2565 1024 1174 1493 906 903 2121 1089 2772 1275 2880 2294 2805 2400 1764 1272 2222 2561 2605 2648 949 1898 1189 1675 338 2881 2444 1725 1222 1011 1183 292
1521 2895 1405 1415 2461 1125 1771 1671 1192 1606 1602 2359 1456 2559 2624
Cat. 2825 2649 1774 1611 1111 1867 2705 2602 2669 2706 2157 2156 2295 2126 1860 786 704 2803 802 2598 974 2023 735 1108 768 747 1062 2303 2158 2195 2297 2176 233881 2182 2718 2727 2646 2724 1357 2887 929
2483 2092 2311 2312 986 2732 252 268 881 756 2068 562 2921 2833 2826
Inv. L 1054 L 1055 L 1056 L 1057 L 1059 L 1060 L 1061 L 1062 L 1068 L 1064 L 1065 L 1066 L 1067 L 1068 L 1069 L 1070 L 1071 L 1072 L 1078 L 1074 L 1075 L 1076 L 1077 L 1078 L 1079 L 1080 L 1081 L 1082 L 1083 L 1084 L 1086 L 1087 L 1088 L 1089 L 1092 L 1093 L 1094 L 1095 L 1097 L 1098 L 1100
L 1101 L 1102 L 1103 L 1104 L 1105 L 1106 L 1107 L 1108 L 1117 L 1118 L 1119 L 1120 L 1121 L 1122 L 1124
Cat. 2756 2490 2901 346 2459 2298 1397 2535 2499 1854 1605 2695 2495 2774 1421 655 2801 2780 2460 2692 2512 2688 2775 2740 2428 2487 2333 2383 2454 2469 846 2052 1648 1460 861 2835 2908 166 2128 2666 1253
1575 1506 289 1484 1786 1578 1005 241 2907 1416 2367 2912 2882 2752 1446
Inv. L 1126 L 1128 L 1129 L 1130 L 1131 L 1132 L 1183 L 1184 L 1185 L 1186 L 1137 L 1138 L 1139 L 1140 L 1141 L 1142 L 1148 L 1144 L 1145 L 1146 L 1147 L 1148 L 1149 L 1150 L 1151 L 1152 L 1153 L 1154 L 1155 L 1156 L 1158 L 1159 L 1160 L 1161 L 1162 L 1163 L 1164 L 1165 L 1166 L 1167 L 1168
L 1169 L 1170 L 1171 L 1173 L 1175 L 1218 L 1219 L 1220 L 1221 L 1222 L 1223 L 1224 L 1226 L 1227 L 1228
Cat. 2178 2843 498 501 500 499 496 1185 2167 2313 396 1028 1228 306 296 2118 761 335 2892 2906 2913 2523 2424 497 413 198 324 37 38 75 31 1469 2790 2525 2630 1116 2529 2179 2339 2719 2893
2834 2200 2631 2614 744 2228 2206 2849 563 2872 2894 961 1912 2123 2069
Inv. L 1229 L 1280 L 1281 L 1282 L 1248 L 1244 L 1245 L 1246 L 1248 L 1249 L 1250 L 1252 L 1258 L 1254 L 1255 L 1256 L 1257 L 1258 L 1259 L 1260 L 1261 L 1262 L 1268 L 1264 L 1265 L 1266 L 1268 L 1269 L 1270 L 1271 L 1272 L 1273 L 1274 L 1275 L 1276 L 1277 L 1278 L 1279 L 1280 L 1281 L 1282
L 1284 L 1285 L 1286 L 1287 L 1288 L 1289 L 1290 L 1291 L 1292 L 1297 L 1298 L 1302 L 1311 L 1314 L 1315
Cat. Inv. L 1316 2885 L 1817 992 L 1318 2562 L 1819 2871 L 1320 2778 L 1821 659 L 1828 900 L 1824 1268 L 1325 789 L 1329 2778 L 1334 1448 L 133888 693 L 1840 2406 L 1842 2844 L 1344 1888 L 1845 663 L 1346 2905 L 1348 1969 L 1351 946 L 1852 1038 L 1858 1039 L 1355 1690 L 1856 2714 L 1857 469 L 1358 473 L 1868 111 L 1872 1742 L 1378 1642 L 1374 2376 L 1875 73 L 1378 1621 L 1880 1765 L 1381 1886 L 1382 400 L 1388 84 L 1404 2572 L 1405 2876 L 1409 2927 L 1410 1027 L 1411 698 L 1412 2398
L 1418 L 1414 L 1418 L 1420 L 1421 L 1422 L 1423 L 1428 L 1429 L 1431 L 1482 L 1483 L 1434 L 1435 L 1436 1451 448 378 2481 2550 2569 825 1554 1595 847 2379 372 2697 2556 2564
216 Inv. L 1437 L 1438 L 1439 L 1440 L 1442 L 1443 L 1444 L 1445 L 1446 L 1448 L 1450 L 1453 L 1455 L 1456 L 1457 L 1458 L 1459 L 1460 L 1461 L 1462 L 1463 L 1464 L 1465 L 1466 L 1469 L 1470 L 1471 L 1472 L 1473 L 1474 L 1475 L 1476 L 1477 L 1478 L 1479 L 1480 L 1486 L 1491 L 1492 L 1494
L 1497 L 1499 L 1500 L 1501 L 1509 L 1512 L 1513 L 1514 L 1515 L 1516 L 1517 L 1518 L 1519 L 1520 L 1526 L 1583
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD Cat. 1190 107 2796 2340 2232 1173 2279 2103 1187 1401 2265 2219 765 1664 957 1662 2555 2549 375 2581 2934 564 1014 2309 2183 2230 2163 860 821 2246 1479 565 1847 2491 2689 2486 566 567 775 2364
2360 2538 757 2198 457 63 1462 152 1871 568 2736 2613 76 452 569 1047
Inv. Cat. L 1534 2026 L 1536 2553 L 1539 2081 L 1540 2797 L 1542 2617 L 1543 701 L 1544 1277 L 1545 1175 L 1546 2680 L 1547 570 L 1548 2836 L 1549 2372 L 1551 2112 L 1552 571 L 1557 179 L 1558 183 L 1561 79 L 1562 2089 L 1567 2703 L 1568 2056 L 1569 2910 L 1570 2094 L 1571 2079 L 1581 916 L 1582 2165 L 1583 848 L 1589 414 L 1590 102 L 1591 466 L 1592 467 L 1592bis20 L 1593 465 L 1594 408 L 1595 129 L 1596 128 L 1597 472 L 1598 470 L 1599 468 L 1600 138 L 1601 471
L 1602 L 1608 L 1609 L 1610 L 1613 L 1617 L 1618 L 1622 L 1623 L 1624 L 1625 L 1626 L 1627 L 1629 L 1630 L 1631 10 2214 2203 343 1614 2104 2113 2093 2271 2074 572 1626 1818 762 786 826
Inv. Cat. L 1632 1656 L 1633 2190 L 1634 728 L 1638 994 L 1639 315 L 1640 2229 L 1641 573 L 1643 574 L 1646 575 L 1647 952 L 1648 1241 L 1649 1279 L 1650 2187 L 1651 696 L 1652 1072 L 1653 1071 L 1654 1634 L 1659 502 L 1661 745 L 1662 2628 L 1663 2817 L 1665 1186 L 1666 1095 L 1667 2761 L 1668 576 L 1671 1552 L 1672 2134 L 1673 2119 L 1679 1572 L 1681 1497 L 1682 86 L 1683 455 L 1684 1799 L 1685 577 L 1687 2658 L 1688 355 L 1689 1427 L 1690 1769 L 1691 937 L 1692 2449
L 1693 L 1694 L 1695 L 1696 L 1697 L 1698 L 1699 L 1700 L 1701 L 1703 L 1704 L 1705 L 1707 L 1708 L 1709 L 1710 2304 2327 1498 1514 1028 2299 2131 865 706 2731 878 506 965 578 2243 1289
Inv. L 1711 L 1712 L 1714 L 1715 L 1716 L 1718 L 1719 L 1720 L 1721 L 1722 L 1723 L 1724 L 1725 L 1726 L 1728 L 1729 L 1730 L 1731 L 1732 L 1733 L 1734 L 1735 L 1737 L 1738 L 1739 L 1742 L 1743 L 1744 L 1745 L 1746 L 1747 L 1748 L 1749 L 1750 L 1751 L 1752 L 1753 L 1754 L 1755 L 1756
L 1757 L 1758 L 1759 L 1760 L 1761 L 1762 L 1763 L 1764 L 1765 L 1766 L 1767 L 1768 L 1769 L 1771 L 1772 L 1774
Cat. 2831 326 579 2080 2152 849 742 2205 1181 221 2442 2443 2191 2090 832 580 227 2429 1269 665 951 2856 859 1300 274 954 2174 297 1267 237 2253 2235 1703 991 1064 1619 1053 2558 1043 819
1928 904 694 1042 2278 1472 2305 2086 1733 1987 977 2438 2933 49 630 996
Inv. L 1776 L 1777 L 1778 L 1780 L 1790 L 1792 L 1793 L 1794 L 1795 L 1797 L 1798 L 1799 L 1800 L 1801 L 1802 L 1803 L 1804 L 1805 L 1809 L 1810 L 1815 L 1819 L 1820 L 1822 L 1826 L 1827 L 1829 L 1830 L 1831 L 1832 L 1833 L 1834 L 1836 L 1837 L 1838 L 1839 L 1842 L 1844 L 1861 L 1862
L 1863 L 1865 L 1869 L 1871 L 1872 L 1875 L 1878 L 1879 L 1880 L 1882 L 1883 L 1884 L 1887 L 1889 L 1890 L 1891
Cat. 2413 2914 2341 1643 2806 2368 214 1131 336 581 2911 1362 2083 917 1188 1069 1217 2753 1525 87 65 279 314 2224 2577 2285 1063 2004 1636 1630 1559 301 2506 1018 645 2270 318 64 1820 344
2138 307 2508 582 583 317 1663 383 648 2896 2171 584 442 2854 2580 1420
Inv. L 1900 L 1901 L 1902 L 1903 L 1904 L 1905 L 1906 L 1914 L 1915 L 1916 L1918 L 1920 L 1922 L 1937 L 1938 L 1989 L 1940 L 1951 L 1952 L 1953 L 1956 L 1957 L 1958 L 1962 L 1963 L1964 L 1965 L 1966 L 1967 L 1971 L 1973 L 1975 L 1976 L 1977 L 1978 L 1979 L 1980 L 1981 L 1982 L 1983 L 1984
L 1985 L 1986 L1987 L 1988 L 1989 L 1990 L 1991 L 1992 L 1993 L 1996 L 1998 L 2002 L 2004 L 2008 L 2009
Cat. 592 96 1528 999 972 717 896 2296 2233 2543 2918 2346 669 2897 2520 1549 1970 2328 873 931 438 9 58 2693 593 2260 2135 2263 2237 2352 2114 1382 2657 2197 2767 1696 2743 2185 1903 2088 1756
810 2154 1390 2500 2722 1319 2498 2378 1666 1861 1105 1674 1685 1704 981
Cat. 1000 2284 2225 1096 1726 1791 1868 2300 2155 2351 2289 2216 2879 2436 1260 2142 2257 200 199 2888 585 788 12 261 520 519 518 1851 586 2022 763 2642 1829 1051 2091 933 2075 2332 1680 1909 1407
2015 1197 1795 1797 1831 2314 2320 2096 2137 60 386 671 1255 1565 1789
Inv. L 2012 L 2016 L 2017 L 2018 L 2021 L 2022 L 2026 L 2028 L 2030 L 2031 L2032 L 2033 L2034 L 2035 L 2036 L 2037 L 2038 L 2039 L 2040 L 2042 L 2043 L2044 L2045 L 2046 L 2047 L2048 L2049 L 2050 L 2051 L 2052 L 2059 L 2063 L 2064 L 2065 L 2066 L 2067 L 2068 L 2069 L 2070 L 2071 L 2072
L 2073 L2074 L2075 L 2076 L 2077 L 2079 L 2081 L 2084 L 2093 L 2096 L 2100 L 2103 L 2104 L 2107 L 2108
Cat. 1395 66 587 2254 1306 755 2544 882 1692 2008 2172 2182 1876 1424 1359 1078 1978 1798 2194 1623 664 973 925 2169 2209 2342 1164 2505 451 2874 2282 21 1705 2315 1290 1741 1957 1115 2099 1677 1444
2326 941 1934 770 633 883 588 2234 3 85 1894 398 82 703 934
Inv. L 2109 L 2110 L 2111 L 2112 L 2113 L 2114 L 2115 L 2116 L 2117 L 2118 L2120 L 2123 L2124 L 2125 L 2127 L 2129 L 2133 L 2134 L 2135 L 2136 L 2137 L2138 L2139 L 2140 L 2141 L2142 L2143 L 2144 L 2145 L 2146 L 2147 L 2148 L 2149 L 2150 L 2152 L 2153 L 2154 L 2155 L 2157 L 2158 L 2162
L 2164 L2166 L2167 L 2169 L 2170 L 2171 L 2172 L 2173 L 2177 L 2178 L 2180 L 2183 L 2184 L 2185 L 2190
Cat. 1873 2861 871 1954 1688 1283 2125 1639 2316 1564 1121 2795 631 980 437 771 2251 2319 347 348 890 2007 1142 2029 1794 2317 723 2204 1735 1295 1368 1273 1672 1633 675 2148 2010 950 689 80 2021
2759 897 1004 2031 1819 2280 2721 2227 2221 2220 828 589 590 2055 591
Inv. L 2191 L 2192 L 2193 L 2195 L 2198 L 2206 L 2208 L 2209 L 2210 L 2211 L2212 L 2213 L2214 L 2215 L 2216 L2218 L 2219 L 2220 L 2222 L 2223 L 2234 L2235 L2238 L 2239 L 2246 L2247 L2248 L 2249 L 2250 L 2251 L 2252 L 2253 L 2254 L 2255 L 2256 L 2257 L 2258 L 2259 L 2260 L 2262 L 2263
L 2264 L2268 L2269 L 2270 L 2271 L 2272 L 2278 L 2274 L 2275 L 2276 L 2277 L 2278 L 2279 L 2280 L 2281
Inv. L 2282 L 2288 L 2284 L 2287 L 2288 L 2289 L 2290 L 2291 L 2292 L 2293 L2294 L 2295 L2296 L 2297 L 2298 L2300 L 2302 L 2303 L 2304 L 2305 L 2306 L2307 L2308 L 2309 L 2310 L2311 L2312 L 2314 L 2315 L 2316 L 2317 L 2318 L 2319 L 2325 L 2326 L 2327 L 2328 L 2329 L 2380 L 2331 L 2332
L 2333 L2334 L2385 L 2336 L 2337 L 2338 L 2339 L 2340 L 2341 L 2343 L 2347 L 2848 L 2349 L 2350 L 2351
Cat. 958 914 2741 953 734 752 2186 594 1712 1607 997 1827 1694 1721 1788 1540 1195 1033 967 2887 720 1878 803 990 1679 702 1839 817 170 2264 595 254 2024 1201 2240 2718 2115 1411 989 2917 1986
1261 1618 853 2898 774 966 2419 2358 2575 46 662 643 2653 2690 2480
Inv. L 2352 L 2858 L 2854 L 2355 L 2859 L 2361 L 2862 L 2363 L 2364 L 2365 L 2366 L 2367 L 2368 L 2369 L 2370 L 2371 L 2372 L 2373 L 2374 L 2375 L 2877 L 2378 L 2379 L 2383 L 2384 L 2886 L 2887 L 2389 L 2390 L 2391 L 2392 L 2393 L 2394 L 2395 L 2897 L 2398 L 2402 L 2405 L 2406 L 2408 L 2410
L 2411 L 2412 L2413 L 2414 L 2415 L 2416 L 2417 L 2418 L 1419 L 2420 L2421 L 2422 L 2424 L 2425 L 2426
Inv. L 2427 L 2428 L 2429 L 2430 L 2431 L 2432 L 2433 L 2434 L 2435 L 2436 L 2437 L 2438 L 2439 L 2440 L 2441 L 2442 L 2443 L 2444 L 2452 L 2453 L 2454 L 2455 L 2457 L 2459 L 2460 L 2461 L 2462 L 2463 L 2464 L 2465 L 2466 L 2467 L 2468 L 2469 L 2470 L 2471 L 2472 L 2473 L 2474 L 2475 L 2476
L 2477 L 2479 L 2480 L 2481 L 2485 L 2486 L 2487 L 2488 L 2489 L 2490 L2491 L 2492 L 2493 L 2494 L2495
Cat. 1925 1986 1749 1137 1902 1328 597 1369 1944 1080 1840 1046 1196 1922 1358 1566 1717 773 2050 68 50 379 312 2574 484 1931 2439 1746 1753 647 1782 1571 2210 1204 1303 1441 1381 852 1208 1731 1945
1879 1184 1104 1068 884 8 24 23 29 25 40 52 54 70 7
Inv. L 2496 L 2498 L 2499 L 2501 L 2502 L 2504 L 2505 L 2507 L 2508 L 2509 L 2510 L 2511 L 2512 L 2513 L 2514 L 2515 L 2516 L 2517 L 2518 L 2519 L 2520 L 2521 L 2522 L 2523 L 2524 L 2525 L 2526 L 2527 L 2528 L 2529 L 2530 L 2531 L 2532 L 2533 L 2534 L 2535 L 2536 L 2537 L 2538 L 2539 L 2540
L 2541 L 2547 L2548 L 2549 L 2550 L 2551 L 2552 L 2553 L 2554 L 2555 L2556 L 2557 L 2558 L 2559 L2560
Cat. 2909 246 294 811 2111 1458 193 1470 441 1869 936 2329 2287 2087 1189 2318 2127 2330 928 1744 2388 2345 2489 2481 2779 1900 1374 1317 1939 1852 1348 1119 1772 1777 1880 2891 674 2456 1403 758 1418
358 2712 1837 1727 640 823 2108 1989 1580 2349 811 1503 2269 843 310
Inv. L 2561 L 2562 L 2563 L 2564 L 2565 L 2567 L 2568 L 2569 L 2570 L 2571 L 2572 L 2578 L 2574 L 2575 L 2576 L 2577 L 2578 L 2579 L 2580 L 2581 L 2582 L 2583 L 2585 L 2586 L 2587 L 2588 L 2589 L 2590 L 2591 L 2592 L 2593 L 2594 L 2595 L 2596 L 2597 L 2598 L 2600 L 2601 L 2603 L 2604 L 2605
L 2606 L 2607 L2608 L 2609 L 2610 L 2611 L 2612 L 2614 L 2619 L 2626 L2631 L 2632 L 2633 L 2634 L2635
Cat. 1504 1992 1857 1859 2217 1761 1335 855 1715 1781 1752 1783 1128 1291 1434 1840 1134 1882 328 2044 1938 1979 2307 1834 1130 1866 1433 2726 1745 1292 1755 1262 2245 1099 1523 1002 697 197 2455 2465 1205
927 1293 1883 1987 1971 2344 1318 71 392 266 177 545 2064 117 208
Inv. L 2650 L 2651 L 2652 L 2654 L 2660 L 2661 L 2662 L 2665 L 2667 L 2669 L 2670 L 2671 L 2673 L 2674 L 2675 L 2677 L 2679 L 2680 L 2681 L 2682 L 2683 L 2684 L 2685 L 2686 L 2687 L 2688 L 2689 L 2690 L 2691 L 2692 L 2693 L 2695 L 2704 L 2705 L 2706 L 2707 L 2708 L 2709 L 2710 L 2711 L 2712
L 2713 L 2714 L2716 L 2717 L 2718 L 2723 L 2724 L 2725 L 2726 L 2727 L2728 L 2729 L 2733 L 2736 L2740
Cat. 89 1474 1529 2236 2170 2150 2597 2915 2192 2028 2100 1645 1106 1404 1569 1410 32 721 1867 1029 978 850 764 1020 998 963 1425 2012 2193 2324 2082 240 187 2095 2181 1009 2162 751 919 273 2922
861 2766 1826 1834 598 1294 677 1532 1034 2940 1762 1463 1641 257 2139
CONCORDANCES Inv. L 2744 L 2746 L 2747 L2748 L 2749 L 2750 L 2751 L 2752 L 2753 L2754 L 2767 L 2768 L 2774 L 2775 L 2777 L 2779 L 2781 L2782 L 2783 L 2792 L 2793 L 2794 L 2795 L 2796 L 2797 L 2798 L 2799 L 2800 L 2801 L 2805 L 2810 L2811 L 2812 L 2818 L 2818 L 2819 L 2820 L 2821 L 2822 L 2823 L 2881
L 2885 L 2886 L 2887 L 2838 L 2889 L 2841 L 2843 L 2844 L 2845 L 2846 L 2847 L 2848 L 2849 L 2850 L 2851
219 Inv. L 3049 L 3050 L 3051 L3054 L 8058 L 3059 L 3060 L 8061 L 8062 L3063 L 3064 L 3065 L 3066 L 3067 L 3069 L 3070 L 3071 L3072 L 3078 L 3074 L 3075 L 3078 L 3079 L 3081 L 8092 L 8098 L 3099 L 8100 L 3102 L 8105 L 3109 L 8110 L 8111 L 3112 L 3113 L 3114 L 3115 L 3116 L 8117 L 3118 L 3126
L 3132 L 3140 L 3141 L 3142 L 3143 L 3144 L 8145 L 8146 L 3147 L 3151 L 3167 L 3168 L 8169 L 3170 L 3171
Cat. 144 2211 2806 599 2249 908 1225 299 2160 6 33 83 888 1402 2199 2109 1147 1825 2463 2159 2899 791 2241 2218 2085 699 2054 600 1847 909 777 2175 2110 150 1988 1601 1785 1650 1065 2274 2281
858 809 873 1080 1101 1429 286 429 431 133 430 164 403 426 428
Inv. L 2852 L 2853 L 2854 L2855 L 2868 L 2869 L 2870 L 2871 L 2872 L2873 L 2874 L 2875 L 2876 L 2877 L 2878 L 2879 L 2880 L2881 L 2882 L 2883 L 2892 L 2894 L 2896 L 2901 L 2902 L 2903 L 2904 L 2905 L 2906 L 2907 L 2909 L 2910 L 2911 L 2912 L 2913 L 2914 L 2915 L 2916 L 2917 L 2918 L 2921
L 2922 L 2923 L 2924 L 2927 L 2928 L 2980 L 2931 L 2940 L 2941 L 2942 L 2943 L 2944 L 2945 L 2947 L 2948
Cat. 427 176 163 160 290 415 424 425 2701 2875 2809 2807 2808 2641 2581 2827 356 2834 2835 2837 2034 799 181 2625 601 1830 926 1655 432 418 1229 380 778 2866 2700 1683 1561 1729 1952 1616 525
178 161 225 2403 2239 104 382 1668 159 195 2277 1320 1932 2001 1010
Inv. L 2949 L 2950 L 2951 L2952 L 2953 L 2954 L 2955 L 2956 L 2957 L2958 L 2959 L 2961 L 2964 L 2965 L 2966 L 2967 L 2968 L2973 L 2974 L 2975 L 2976 L 2977 L 2980 L 2981 L 2985 L 2986 L 2987 L 2988 L 2994 L 2996 L 2997 L 8000 L 3008 L 8011 L 3012 L 8013 L 3014 L 3019 L 3020 L 3021 L 3025
L 3026 L 3027 L 3028 L 3029 L 3030 L 3031 L 3032 L 3033 L 3034 L 3035 L 3044 L 3045 L 3046 L 3047 L 3048
Cat. 889 1591 1449 1311 1594 1973 1468 2259 213 526 527 2583 423 109 17 420 419 629 90 406 421 124 67 89 1025 1659 910 530 2250 218 397 113 259 1198 1608 1050 2477 2903 2059 1670 1556
1541 1592 1307 238 732 1581 265 531 533 532 1899 2528 1647 2547 845
Cat. 1660 505 1836 181 272 1631 948 876 250 184 158 534 585 300 1435 2665 813 1178 267 1365 947 680 288 529 1409 1994 1526 708 284 175 458 110 401 1274 2485 2818 1298 1438 1732 91 47
36 1947 2928 827 2298 1315 2301 1562 1689 1584 969 293 228 28 1194
Inv. L 3172 L 3173 L 3174 L3175 L 8176 L 8177 L 3182 L 3184 L 3188 L3192 L 3193 L 3201 L 3202 L 3203 L 3206 L 3207 L 3208 L3209 L 3210 L 3211 L 3212 L 3213 L 3214 L 3217 L 3218 L 3219 L 3224 L 3225 L 3226 L 3227 L 3228 L 3229 L 3280 L 8281 L 3282 L 3233 L 8284 L 8235 L 8286 L 3287 L 3238
L 3241 L 8242 L 3243 L 3244 L 3245 L 3246 L 8247 L 3248 L 3249 L 3250 L 8251 L 3252 L 3254 L 3255 L 8256
Cat. 812 2101 2168 2244 772 1962 81 459 1517 1508 2936 230 184 263 2494 2046 1141 1855 731 1530 806 93 2350 280 1177 1632 1 34 1243 1574 842 811 835 840 1813 1814 1016 2252 1997 816 130
1610 1864 1615 1214 1895 943 1943 1363 1803 1870 2047 901 867 1302 1982
220 Inv. L 3257 L 3259 L 3260 L 3261 L 3262 L 3263 L 3264 L 3265 L 3266 L 3267 L 3268 L 3270 L 3271 L 3272 L 3273 L 3274 L 3275 L 3276 L 3278 L 3279 L 3280 L 3281 L 3282 L 3283 L 3284 L 3286 L 3288 L 3289 L 3290 L 3300 L 3301 L 3303 L 3304 L 3305 L 3311 L 3314 L 3315 L 3316 L 3317 L 3318 L 3319
L 3329 L 3330 L 3331 L 3332 L 3333 L 3334 L 3335 L 3336 L 3337 L 3339 L 3340 L 3341 L 3342 L 3343 L 3345
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD Cat. 1236 2474 1219 1220 1835 1414 1887 1724 1743 1213 1950 1916 1199 1935 1708 2838 1375 248 2930 339 1422 2057 1714 2043 2830 2392 1281 1833 2704 542 206 2462 1961 2811 153 543 2618 740 1963 2853 2873
168 2058 2862 1893 509 2005 2643 1604 769 2730 1152 1151 725 1266 256
Inv. L 3346 L 3347 L 3348 L 3351 L 3352 L 3353 L 3354 L 3355 L 3357 L 3358 L 3359 L 3360 L 3365 L 3366 L 3367 L 3379 L 3380 L 3381 L 3382 L 3383 L 3384 L 3389 L 3390 L 3391 L 3392 L 3393 L 3394 L 3395 L 3396 L 3399 L 3400 L 3401 L 3402 L 3403 L 3404 L 3405 L 3406 L 3407 L 3408 L 3410 L 3417
L 3419 L 3421 L 3422 L 3423 L 3424 L 3425 L 3426 L 3427 L 3432 L 3434 L 3435 L 3436 L 3437 L 3438 L 3439
Cat. 1991 2065 260 139 410 1428 495 203 115 53 41 207 2386 2504 108 2570 2782 2589 1343 2656 2373 2871 2869 2870 2866 2868 2867 2865 2587 2655 2938 2770 2799 2578 2402 2399 2852 2571 2863 2931 2823
1074 1906 1031 2847 2546 2420 2362 1600 628 2813 2821 349 194 494 2417
Inv. L 3440 L 3441 L 3447 L 3448 L 3449 L 3450 L 3451 L 3452 L 3453 L 3454 L 3455 L 3456 L 3462 L 3463 L 3464 L 3465 L 3467 L 3470 L 3471 L 3473 L 3474 L 3475 L 3476 L 3477 L 3478 L 3479 L 3480 L 3481 L 3482 L 3484 L 3485 L 3486 L 3500 L 3504 L 3508 L 3509 L 3510 L 3511 L 3512 L 3513 L 3516
L 3517 L 3519 L 3520 L 3521 L 3526 L 3527 L 3543 L 3544 L 3546 L 3547 L 3548 L 3549 L 3550 L 3551 L 3553
Cat. 212 2479 2685 1385 1681 1730 1776 864 1113 1278 1215 2659 2769 2702 121 920 137 2548 2878 2532 1748 1563 2011 1773 357 1212 2374 2858 2488 2925 1098 2590 1550 2582 1007 859 1103 1282 1169 856 1377
2180 1871 1206 1949 2812 2475 2663 2855 2375 2497 2447 1202 1766 733 1515
Inv. L 3555 L 3556 L 3557 L 3562 L 3563 L 3564 L 3565 L 3574 L 3575 L 3576 L 3577 L 3578 L 3581 L 3582 L 3583 L 3586 L 3587 L 3588 L 3609 L 3610 L 3611 L 3613 L 3614 L 3615 L 3617 L 3618 L 3619 L 3620 L 3621 L 3622 L 3623 L 3635 L 3636 L 3645 L 3647 L 3648 L 3649 L 3651 L 3656 L 3657 L 3659
L 3660 L 3669 L 3671 L 3674 L 3679 L 3680 L 3681 L 3684 L 3687 L 3688 L 3691 L 3696 L 3697 L 3698 L 3699
Cat. 1644 1100 2275 461 417 136 229 69 56 1524 2030 277 716 912 2323 730 801 795 1162 915 1537 2798 2786 2937 1032 416 219 460 147 157 185 2929 233 1587 602 2395 1598 2025 1617 2793 603
2594 2430 210 1082 1490 309 2369 393 1808 2361 345 171 27 2261 342
Inv. L 3700 L 3701 L 3704 L 3705 L 3708 L 3710 L 3711 L 3714 L 3715 L 3716 L 3717 L 3725 L 3729 L 3731 L 3732 L 3733 L 3734 L 3735 L 3737 L 3738 L 3739 L 3743 L 3746 L 3747 L 3756 L 3758 L 3761 L 3762 L 3763 L 3764 L 3770 L 3771 L 3786 L 3787 L 3788 L 3789 L 3791 L 3793 L 3800 L 3802 L 3805
L 3810 L 3813 L 3814 L 3816 L 3817 L 3822 L 3835 L 3836 L 3837 L 3839 L 3844 L 3845 L 3846 L 3847 L 3848
Cat. 2567 2184 656 1536 808 2045 1297 902 1555 1180 1509 1172 2729 653 1257 1387 604 1527 2745 719 504 1951 924 646 547 2935 1346 605 1510 1148 2768 2540 2258 2136 714 269 1245 1751 44 2924 1123
2939 1146 1485 692 222 19 251 492 493 202 2541 2632 2612 2404 1535
CONCORDANCES Inv. L 8849 L 8850 L 3851 L 3852 L 3859 L 8862 L 3865 L 3866 L 8867 L 3868 L 3869 L 3870 L 3874 L 3876 L 3879 L 3880 L 8881 L 3888 L 3884 L 8885 L 3886 L8888 L8889 L 3890 L 3891 L83892 L 8896 L 3897 L 3898 L 3899 L 3900 L 8901 L 3911 L 3917 L 3921 L8922 L 3923 L 8924 L 8925 L 3926 L 3927
L8934 L 8936 L 8987 L3989 L 3940 L8941 L 8942 L 3948 L 8944 L3945 L 3948 L3951 L 3952 L 8953 L8954
221 Inv. L 4216 L 4217 L 4218 L 4219 L 4220 L 4221 L 4222 L 4280 L 4236 L 4288 L 4289 L 4240 L 4241 L 4242 L 4248 L 4244 L 4245 L 4246 L 4247 L 4248 L 4249 L 4250 L4251 L4252 L 4254 L4255 L 4256 L 4257 L 4258 L 4259 L 4261 L 4262 L4268 L 4264 L4265 L4266 L 4267 L 4268 L 4269 L 4270 L 4273
L4274 L 4275 L 4276 L4277 L 4278 L4279 L 4280 L 4281 L 4284 L4285 L 4286 L4287 L 4288 L 4289 L4292
Cat. 548 275 540 289 2604 854 1546 1268 2068 270 606 1242 607 2408 1057 824 1972 822 644 884 2519 1476 327 216 474 477 608 478 480 476 479 475 1155 169 450 609 1234 120 1473 1667 589
1542 1496 1516 1810 776 1117 515 514 518 512 72 1977 236 1988 2942
Inv. L 8955 L 8956 L 3957 L 8958 L 3959 L 3962 L 3963 L 3964 L 3965 L 8975 L 3976 L 3977 L 3978 L 3980 L 3981 L 3982 L 3983 L 3987 L 8988 L 3992 L 3993 L4010 L4014 L4031 L 4034 L4035 L 4039 L 4040 L 4041 L 4042 L 4043 L 4044 L4045 L 4046 L4048 L4049 L 4050 L 4055 L 4061 L 4063 L 4064
L4065 L 4066 L 4067 L4068 L 4069 L4070 L 4071 L 4072 L 4073 L4074 L 4075 L4076 L 4078 L 4080 L4081
Cat. 610 611 2212 2238 165 1699 1316 960 1384 918 760 712 201 2445 167 838 74 804 892 1372 1461 22 55 281 1917 1466 1133 1665 1447 1157 1649 264 174 446 118 126 35 862 1784 2728 2900
1017 657 691 819 820 930 2161 2077 2288 911 2077 868 2129 2391 2824
Inv. L 4092 L 4098 L 4102 L 4103 L 4105 L 4106 L 4111 L 4112 L 4113 L 4119 L 4120 L 4121 L 4124 L 4125 L 4126 L 4128 L 4132 L 4135 L 4144 L 4145 L 4148 L 4149 L4150 L4154 L 4156 L4157 L 4158 L 4161 L 4162 L 4168 L 4179 L 4181 L4182 L 4184 L4186 L4187 L 4188 L 4189 L 4196 L 4197 L 4198
L4199 L 4200 L 4201 L4202 L 4203 L4204 L 4205 L 4206 L 4207 L4208 L 4209 L4210 L 4213 L 4214 L4215
Cat. 57 2106 258 444 1453 2883 188 226 1816 463 464 132 162 491 489 99 490 612 1511 1599 613 1450 16 14 2882 1235 1083 2864 2276 45 377 844 2357 1953 141 1553 727 2071 1120 1054 1055
1087 1081 1589 1309 1149 1259 1304 1477 1651 1226 1059 1467 146 522 135
Cat. 235 1995 1520 362 1412 1538 11 2696 364 1596 2848 2051 741 793 445 1579 2267 2513 614 1486 1252 2262 779 684 652 651 670 1588 1251 2242 1085 1597 1547 1088 1624 1576 814 2255 2247 2166 2584
805 1308 2776 2370 2621 2089 388 1918 255 1560 1076 1324 2053 1635 1505
Inv. L 4298 L 4295 L 4296 L 4302 L 4307 L 4308 L 4310 L 4311 L4312 L 4318 L 4315 L 4316 L 4317 L 4818 L 4320 L 4324 L 4327 L 4328 L 43830 L 4334 L 4336 L 4339 L4347 L4348 L 4349 L4350 L 4352 L 4357 L 4359 L 4360 L 4361 L 4362 L4368 L 4375 L4390 L4392 L 4393 L 4394 L 4395 L 4397 L 4398
L4401 L 4402 L 4403 L4404 L 4406 L4407 L 4418 L 4419 L 4420 L4421 L 4423 L4424 L 4425 L 4426 L4427
Cat. 615 2248 435 913 1058 1637 1573 1073 1018 1419 982 1539 641 1590 215 434 2601 1522 436 308 1254 142 1828 1138 1960 2427 2231 1465 616 2476 661 287 804 2503 391 1758 938 1341 2609 305 2266
145 2890 787 18 1102 1408 2003 1628 1070 1093 877 1652 1258 2153 1167
Inv. L4428 L 4429 L 4430 L4432 L 4483 L 4484 L 4485 L4441 L 4442 L4448 L 4444 L 4445 L 4447 L 4448 L 4449 L4450 L4453 L 4454 L 4455 L 4457 L 4458 L4462 L 4463 L4465 L 4467 L 4468 L4471 L 4476 L 4477 L 4481 L 4483 L 4486 L 4488 L 4489 L 4490 L 4491 L 4492 L 4496 L 4497 L 4498
L 4510 L 4511 L 4512 L 4513 L 4514 L4515 L 4516 L 4518 L4519 L4520 L 4521 L 4522 L 4523 L 4524 L 4525 L4526
Inv. Cat. L4527 80 L 4589 2886 L 4540 2215 L4541 794 L 4543 353 L 4545 2122 L 4551 411 L4553 291 L 4555 1983 L4557 617 L 4559 402 L 4560 2228 L 4562 1330 L 4563 546 L 4564 2143 L4566 1475 L4579 666 L 4581 2698 L 4583 1176 L 4591 2116 L 4593 2904 L4594 2377 L 4597 521 L4607 253 L 4610 1747 L 4625 1990 L4627 211 L 4640 618 L 4651 1926 L 4657 295 L 4660 2365 L 4661 1531 L 4663 192 L 4671 332 L 4674 196 L 4680 658 L 4681 2619 L 4682 1244 L 4684 2076 L 4687 1518
L 4688 L 4689 L 4692 L 4693 L 4694 L4696 L 4704 L 4715 L4783 L4742 L 4750 L 4751 L 4752 L 4754 L 4764 L4765 2363 354 2651 2484 2611 2788 48 381 77 154 2434 838 2814 2382 1270 2014
Inv. Cat. L4766 2389 L 4767 2932 L 4769 549 L4770 303 L 4772 123 L 4773 2067 L 4774 2586 L4775 1182 L 4776 1853 L4777 1804 L 4778 62 L 4779 394 L 4780 886 L 4781 885 L 4782 636 L4787 209 L4788 204 L 4789 367 L 4790 2411 L 4792 78 L 4795 510 L4796 511 L 4800 1314 L4801 1499 L 4802 1249 L 4803 1250 L4804 1240 L 4807 2037 L 4808 1483 L 4809 905 L 4813 2133 L 4815 191 L 4817 2816 L 4818 2467 L 4820 440 L 4821 189 L 4839 190 L 4840 1701 L 4841 2035 L 4842 1998
L 4843 L 4844 L 4845 L 4846 L 4848 L4849 L 4850 L 4851 L4852 L4858 L 4859 L 4860 L 4861 L 4876 L 4877a L4877b 1754 538 1366 92 1999 1122 2272 2356 2146 26 642 1026 1930 148 59 112
Inv. L4878 L 4879 L 4880 L4881 L 4882 L 4887 L 4888 L 4889 L 4890 L4892 L 4893 L 4894 L 4895 L 4896 L 4898 L4899 L4900 L 4901 L 4903 L 4904 L 4905 L4908 L 4910 L4912 L 4913 L 4914 L4916 L 4918 L 4919 L 4920 L 4922 L 4923 L 4924 L 4925 L 4926 L 4927 L 4928 L 4929 L 4930 L 4931
L 4932 L 4933 L 4934 L 4936 L 4939 L4940 L 4941 L 4944 L4945 L4947 L 4948 L 4949 L 4951 L 4952 L 4953 L4954
Cat. 42 43 407 122 422 1431 1915 1432 1839 1711 857 1094 1003 2517 2839 2840 711 2027 341 2679 127 1211 619 2141 485 409 395 487 620 224 541 2542 621 454 2440 2815 370 486 488 298
447 622 2629 2688 623 1136 366 1379 234 1066 1442 1838 1722 1480 971 729
Inv. L4955 L 4956 L 4957 L4958 L 4959 L 4960 L 4961 L4962 L 4967 L4968 L 4969 L 4970 L 4972 L 4973 L 4974 L4975 L4976 L 4977 L 4981 L 4983 L 4997 L4998 L 4999 L 5000 L 5001 L 5002 L 5003 L 5007 L 5011 L 5015 L 5023 L 5024 L 5026 L 5027 L 5028 L 5037 L 5038 L 5039 L 5066 L 5070
L 5071 L 5078 L 5082 L 5083 L 5087 L 5088 L 5089 L 5099 L 5114 L5116 L 5120 L 5121 L 5122 L 5123 L 5124 L 5128
Cat. 1582 2348 1239 2 797 2591 2588 2036 2576 2926 2717 2563 376 2791 2634 1114 2819 1959 313 368 2670 2534 715 785 2551 1768 443 2750 624 625 1492 405 2337 1868 1400 2524 2744 2552 2421 2923
2857 2592 503 97 1233 2078 748 156 1256 1464 2661 2446 2407 2568 2019 626
CONCORDANCES Inv. L 5147 L 5168 L 5171 L 5172 L 5173 L 5174 L 5175 L 5176 L 5177 L 5178 L 5179 L 5180 L 5181 L 5182 L 5188 L 5184 L 5185 L5186 L 5187 L 5188 L 5189 Cat. 829 1021 887 1454 685 1067 1224 1620 1585 1812 1446 242 90 2073 834 151 1015 245 247 709 907 Inv. L 5190 L 5198 L 5199 L 5200 L 5201 L 5204 L 5206 L 5209 L 5210 L 5212 L 5221 L 5222 L 5223 L 5224 L 5225 L 5226 L 5227 L 5228 L 5229 L 5281 L 5282 Cat. 689 282 868 749 800 278 1827 2847 627 106 2716 2409 2890 2470 2507 2699 2789 1216 1682 945 676 Inv. L 5283 L 5284 L 5235 L 5286 L 5237 L 5288 L 5240 L 5246 L 5247 L 5248 L 5250 L 5252 L 5258 L 5254 L 5255 L 5256 L 5259 L 5261 L 5262 L 5264 L 5266 Cat. 1091 1583 782 1548 1548 223 101 790 105 385 1512 2105 780 2048 88 2070 205 688 2941 860 695 Cat. Inv. L 5267 1238 L 5268 1179 L 5271 4 L 5272 1056 L 5278 2177 L 5274 1495 L 5276 262 L 5277 389 L 5278 186 L 5280 841 L 5281 1593 L 5282 1019 L 5284 456 L 5288 F, pl. 48 L 5294 E1, L 533881 B, L 5868 G, , ,, L5878 C ,, L 5879 D, ,, L 5886 A, ,, Inv. B 114 B 433 B 505 B 579 B 597 B 750 B 815 B 1182 MC86 MC270 MO283 P 728 P 5698 P 6054 P 7882 P 18249 T 1195 T 1548 T 2800 Cat. 2949 2948 2947 2948 2945 2946 2950 2944 2848 2842 2841 95 683 2038 682 98 679 2041 15
SELECTED LAMPS FROM THE ATHENIAN SELECTEDLAMPSFROMTHE EXCAVATIONS KERAMEIKOS OF THE AMERICANSCHOOLOF CLASSICAL STUDIES ON THE ACROPOLIS NORTH SLOPE Plate 28 a See under2106 b See underLeonteus,p. 43, and note 56. Plate 47 A.L. 4 See under2939 c See underMenodoros, p. 45. 47 A.L. 57 d See underEros seatedwith lyre, p. 114. e See underHeraklesand Keryneanhind, p. 118. SELECTEDEMBLEMATA f, g See underHerakles and the Lernaean hydra, p. 118. Plate 47 a. Kerameikos. Ape playing double flute; h See under Two Gods,p. 117. see p. 127. i See under2419 b. Kerameikos. Dolphin and trident; see j See under805 p. 129. k See underApe playing double flute, c. AgoraP 7400. See under747 p.127. 1 See under836 d. AgoraP 22884. See under Eros standing m See underEunomos,p. 34. with lyre, p. 114. n See underMinikianos, e. AgoraP 19881. See under 715. p. 45.
Underlarge stratifieddepositsthe lamps are listed by levels or in the orderof finding,beginningwith the earliest in date; elsewhere listing is in numerical orderonly. The depositsare numberedwithin the grid squares of the plan; see Plate 53. Theinitial letter and number referto the squareof the grid; the numberfollowing the colon is that of the deposit within the square. Many of these deposits have already been cited in precedingvolumes of the AthenianAgora series. In the following list, only those levels within each deposit which are of interest for the dating of lamps in the Roman period have been included. Centuries indicated are in the Christianera unless otherwise noted. B 20:1 Well, use filling of second half of 1st to middle of 2nd century; Hesperia, XX, 1951, pp. 260-270; cf. XXIV, 1955, p. 283, no. 3, dated jar of
14, 15, 99, 162, 489, 490, 491. B 21:1 Cistern,lower dumpedfilling of secondhalf of 1st to early 2nd century; Agora,IV, p. 285. 57, 216, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480; Howland types 44 D, 50 C, 58 Var. C 8:2 Manhole in a cistern system on Kolonos Agoraios, filling of late 1st century B.C. into early 1st century after Christ. 66; Howlandtype 52 C.
C 9:1 Pit with burned material, dumped filling of A 14:2 Cistern,lower fillings of 1st century B.C. to first half of 2nd century. 1st century after Christ; upper dumped filling of 261, 518, 519, 520. early 4th centuryafter Christ. Upper filling: 1122, 1999, 2146, 2250, 2272, C 12:1 Well,use fillingof mid-2ndinto 3rdcentury; 2356. Agora, V, Group J, pp. 50-57; debris filling, debris of Heruliandestruction(2). A 18:1 Cistern, upper filling of early 1st century. Use filling, Layer I: 254; Layer III: 1540. 45; Howland types 54 A and 54 B. Layers not determined: 117, 143, 177, 412, B 18:1 Cistern,upper dumpedfilling of first half of 544, 545, 1084, 2064. 1st century. C 14:2 Cistern,dumped filling of third quarter of 81. 3rd century,with fourcoinsof Aurelian,A.D.270-275. B 13:7 Well, upperuse filling of 2nd century. 310, 640, 709, 811,823, 835,840, 842, 843,907, 238, 265, 532, 533. 1016,1243, 1503, 1504, 1574, 1580,1813, 1814, 1989, 1992, 1997, 2108, 2252, 2269, 2349. B 14:2 Well, use filling of late 1st to late 2nd cenC 14:4 Well, lowest level of use filling, first half of tury and dumpedfilling of 4th century. Use filling: 131, 288, 529; Howlandtype 47 C. 2nd century; Agora,IV, p. 235. Upper dumpedfilling: 812, 1194, 2101, 2168, 184, 250; Howlandtype 58 B. 2244. C 20:1 Well, accumulated use filling of 2nd to B 14:3 Cistern, dumped filling of second half of middle of 3rd century; Hesperia, XX, 1951, pp. 1st century; Agora,IV, p. 234. 275-276 (wellin courtyardto House N); cf. Hesperia, 110, 401, 458, 459 Howland type 58 B. XXIV, 1955, p. 284, no. 20, dated jar of A.D. 149. B 15:5 Herulian destructiondebris in a house; of. Dumpedfillingof late 3rd century. Use filling: 135, 146, 522, 1059, 1467. B 17:1 and Hesperia,XXVI, 1957, pp. 100-101. Dumpedfilling: 1226. 1495, 2944. D 4:1 Cistern,dumpedfillings of 1st and early 2nd B 17:1 Heruliandestructiondebris in a house; for centuries; Agora IV, p. 236; Agora,V, Group G,
the kitchen cf. Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 217-218, pl. 41; context similar to B 15:5. 1154, 1513, 1629. Layers II and III, pp. 22-45. 17, 42, 43, 59, 67, 89, 90, 104, 109, 112,, 122, 124, 134, 148, 230, 263, 382, 406, 407, 415,
419,420, 421,422, 423,424, 425,629; Howland E 14:7 Well, lower use filling of 1st to early 2nd types 39, 44 D, 49 A, 49 B, 50 B, 52 B, 52 E, century; Agora,IV, p. 239. 36, 47, 175; Howlandtypes 49 B, 50 B, 52 B, 53, 54 D, 56 Var., 58 B. 52 C, 52 E, 53, 54 B, 54 C, 55 C, 56 B, 57. D 6:1 Cistern chamber, dumped filling of 5th to F 11:1 Well, dumped filling of 1st and early 2nd early 6th century. centuries. 2690. 323, 2394, 2480, 2496, 2597, 2653, 10, 20, 102, 128, 129, 138, 408, 414, 465, 466, D 6:2 Cisternchamber,dumpedfilling of 3rd cen467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473; Howland tury, into the mid century. type 52 C. 817, 1313, 2150, 2170. F 13:2 Well, use filling of second half of 1st cenD 11:1 Well, dumpedfillingof late 1st century B.C. tury; Agora,IV, p. 238; use filling of 2nd into early to mid-1st century after Christ; Agora, IV, p. 236, 3rd century; upper dumped filling of 4th century. Filling of secondhalf of 1st century:Howland (the date of the upper limit now extended). 9, 33, 58, 80, 82, 83, 85, 398; Howland types types 52 E, 52 H. 37 B, 40 A, 44 B, 50 B, 52 B, 52 E, 52 F, 52 H, Filling of 2nd into early 3rd century: 277, 52 Var., 53, 54 A, 54 C, 55 B, 56 B, 57. 318, 2270. Upper dumpedfilling: 1525, 1643, 2030. D 12:1 Well, use fillings of 1st to 3rd century; Level unspecified:317. dumpedfillingsof late 3rd to 6th century;Agora,IV, F 15:5 Well, use filling of first half of 1st century. p. 286. 84, 400. Use filling 1): first half of 1st century:32, 50, 68, 379; Howlandtype 55 B. F 16:2 Well, use filling and successive dumped Use filling 2): late 1st to early 2nd century: fillings; Hesperia, II, 1933, pp. 465, 535-536, 541. 125, 180, 399, 481, 482, 483. Use filling of 2nd century: 95, 182, 231, 516, Use filling 3): late 2nd to early 3rd century: 517. 151, 243, 244, 245, 247, 271, 312, 649, 707, Dumped filling of 3rd century (ca. A.D. 267): 834, 1015, 1221, 1417, 2073. 282, 1150, 1227, 1519, 1533, 1534. Use filling 4): 3rd century, to mid century: Dumped filling of first half of 4th century: 1246. 712, 760, 1090, 1161, 1166, 1168, 1170, 1171, Use fillings, levels unspecified:246, 294, 311, 1265, 1653, 1691, 1822, 1974. 484. Upperdumpedfillingof 4th century:918. Dumpedfillingof late 3rd to mid-4th century: Level unspecified: 201. 721, 764, 850, 963, 968, 978, 997, 998, 1020, 1029, 1425, 1607, 1694, 1712, 1721, 1788, F 17:1 Furnace dump from Roman bath, late 3rd into early 4th century; Hesperia,XX, 1951, p. 183. 1827, 1867, 2012, 2082, 2193, 2324. 660, 681, 753, 783, 815, 831, 877, 1070, 1092, Dumped filling of 5th to early 6th century: 1093, 1158, 1159, 1160, 1167, 1258,1452, 1628, 717, 1727. 1652, 2003, 2124, 2147, 2151, 2153, 2322. D 15:2 Well,use fillingof 2nd century;of. Hesperia, XXIX, 1955, p. 284, no. 22: dated jar of A.D. 155. F 19:1 Well, successive use fillings: late 3rd and 293. 4th centuries (Layers I, II, III) dumped filling of 5th century (Layer IV); Agora, V, GroupL, D 17:1 Well, use filling of late 1st and early 2nd early pp. 78-81. centuries;Hesperia,XX, 1951, p. 277 (wellin House Use filling of late 3rd century (LayerI): 824, no. 11: dated of A.D. 120. XXIV, 1955,
B); p. 288, jar Debris filling of late 2nd century. Use filling: 521. Debris filling of end of 2nd century: 546. 1234, 1972. Use filling of early 4th century (Layer II): 1057. Use filling of later 4th century (Layer III): 1372. Dumped filling of early 5th century (Layer IV): 1461. Level unspecified: 1933.
E 2:1 Well, construction filling (packing behind tiles) of first half of 5th century, the date given by two of Theodosius II, 1617, 2025.
E 5:4 Drain channel, use accumulation of 2nd to mid-3rd century. 242, 273, 677, 751, 777, 919, 1532, 2109, 2110.
G 5:2 Cistern, lower dumped filling of late 3rd into first half of 4th century. 716, 730, 795, 801, 856, 859, 912, 1007, 1103, 1169, 1282, 1515, 2323, 2945.
G 8:1 Well, use filling of 1st century, from about J 18:2 Well, accumulateduse filling, from second 15 into secondhalf of century;Agora,IV, p. 289. half of 1st to first half of 3rd century; dumpedfilling, last quarterof 3rd and 4th centuries. 111,457;Howland type44 C. Use filling, the lamps listed in reverse order G 11:2 Well, accumulateduse filling,from late 2nd of finding, from earlier to later levels: 160, into early 6th century; Hesperia, Suppl. IV, p. 101 163, 176, 427, 428, 426, 403, 164, 430, 133, (well dug throughcisternto west of Tholos, G 11:1); 431,429, 286, 1650, 1785, 1601, 1988. lamps here listed in reverse order of finding, from Upper dumped filling: 1463; Howland type earlierto laterlevels. 37 B. Levels unspecified:411, 432. 284,1526, 708, 1517, 1994,947, 1365.
middle of 3rd early century; dumped filling century; from the 1st century level, dated jar of A.D. 86, Hesperia, XXIV, 1955, p. 283, no. 5. Use filling: 239, 903. Levels unspecified: 906, 1446, 1493. J 12:2 Well, dumped filling of end of 2nd to early 3rd century. 252, 268. J 18:1 Well, lower use filling of mid-3rd century; upper use filling of 11th to 12th century.
H 11:1 Well, use filling of 7th into 8th century, K9-10:1 Filling over bedrock to west of the of 1st century,though beneath a dumpedfilling of the 10th century. Odeion;context predominantly with later disturbances; Use filling at bottom: 2949. Hesperia,XXII, 1953, p. 42. 395, 409, 485, 486, 487, 488; Howland type H-I 12:1 Burnt debris of Herulian destructionin52H. side terrace retaining wall of Middle Stoa; cf. K 18:1 Well, successive use fillings from 1st into Hesperia,XXI, 1952, p. 110. 642, 651, 652, 670, 905, 1224,1240, 1249,1250, early 5th century; upper use filling of 11th century. Use filling, 1st century: 380, 418; Howland 1251,1314, 1483, 1499, 1585,1588, 1620, 1812, types 50 B, 52 C. 2037, 2242. Use filling, 3rd century:1229. Use filling,4th to early 5th century:926, 1655, I 12:1 Debris in northwestcornerof Civic Offices; 1830. lowest layer above Roman road metal (Herulian destruction; deposit similar to H-I 12:1); mid-3rd K 20:1 Well, dumpedfilling of early 4th century; century. the latest coins, 3 of Galerius Maximianus, A.D. 1518. 298-311. 319, 635, 646, 657, 691, 820, 911, 924, 930, I 16:1 Well, accumulateduse filling, from late 1st 1017, 1067, 1454, 2077, 2161, 2288. to mid-3rd century; use filling of 5th century; the from the lower use lamps fillinglisted in reverseorder M 17:1 Well, accumulateduse filling of mid-1st to of finding, from earliest to latest. late 6th century; Agora,V, GroupM; cf. also Agora, 523, 433, 528, 404, 2032, 1817, 1228, 1488, IV, 242, Howland p. types 35 B, 54 B, 54 C, fromthe 1481,1153,1248,1996. lowest level; and from levels of the 1st and 2nd cenUse filling of 5th century: 956. turies three dated jars of A.D. 112, 131, 145 respecLevels unspecified:119, 283, 524, 690; Howtively: Hesperia,XXIV, 1955, pp. 283-284, nos. 8, land type 52 H. 14, 17. Lampslisted in reverseorderof finding,from earliest to latest levels. J 11-12:1 Burneddebrisof Heruliandestructionto 397, 93, 113, 218, 526, 213, 2259, 1468, 1973, north of the MiddleStoa (depositsimilarto H-I 12:1 1530, 806, 1449, 1591, 1594, 1311, 839, 731, and 112:1). 1010, 2001, 1561,1683, 2700, 2366, 1855, 2807, 1230, 1310, 1487, 1500, 1507, 1557, 2033,2117, 2808, 2809, 2641, 2581, 2827, 2835, 2834, 2837, 2121. 356. J 12:1 Well, use accumulation, from late 1st to M 18:1 Well, construction filling of early 1st cen3rd of
tury; use filling of 2nd century, with some earlier material; latest coins, one of Hadrian, A.D. 117-138 and one of Faustina A.D. 138-161. Use filling: 178, 267, 280, 527.
M 18:8 Burial of the third quarter of the 4th century on the lower north slope of the Areopagus; cf. Hesperia, VII, 1988, pp. 353-355, fig. 41. 1198, 1608, 1616, 1729, 1952. M 19:1 Cistern chamber and connecting channel, dumped filling of first half of 2nd century. 161, 225, 258, 525.
INDEX OF DEPOSITS M 20:2 Well, dumped debris of Herulian destruction,includingmuch materialfrom the first half of the 3rd century. 1054, 1055, 1081, 1087, 1120, 1149, 1259, 1304,
1309,1477, 1589.
N 21:1 Well, accumulateduse filling of early 1st to late 5th century; dumpedfilling of 6th century. Lamps listed in reverse order of finding, the lowest levels first. 35, 126, 118, 446, 174, 264, 1649, 1157, 1447,
1665,1133,1384, M-Q 17-21 Debris over complex of late Roman Use filling, but level unspecified:1784. buildingson the lowernorth slope of the Areopagus; Dumped fillingof 6th century:2445. cf. Hesperia, VIII, 1939, pp. 214, 216-217. Some evidence, such as coins of Heraclius A.D. 610-641, 0 17:1 Cistern,dumpedfilling of late 1st century. severalof whichwerefoundwith the lamp 2938, may 147,157,185, 219,416, 460; Howlandtype 89. indicate a reoccupationof this area in the 7th cen17:4 Well, use fillingof 3rd century. tury, but the mass of the material representsthe 0 1019, 1512, 1593. debrisof a majordestructionof the secondhalf of the 6th century. 0 18:1 Well, use filling of 4th century, and of 5th to 6th century. 248, 349, 1343,1375,2373,2375,2386,2392, Level of second half of 5th to 6th century: 2399,2402,2417,2497,2571,2578,2589,2590, 2374, 2488, 2858. 2656,2663,2782,2811,2812,2813,2821,2830,
0 18:3 Filling over bedrock, 1st to early 2nd N 13:1 Well in southwest corner of Gymnasium century. 121, 136, 229, 417, 461; Howlandtype 44 D. complex, use filling of the 5th century; also early Byzantine and Turkishuse fillings. 0 20:1 Cistern, dumped filling of second half of 5th centuryuse filling:2413, 2914. 1st to first half of 2nd century; of. Hesperia,XXIV, N 15:1 Destructiondebrisof 6th or 7th century in 1955, p. 283, no. 6, dated jar of A.D. 111. late Roman water basin set against back wall of 137,194,212,494,628. South Stoa II. P 7:4 Well, use filling of late 5th to early 6th cen2551. tury. N 17:2 Well, use filling of mid-ist to middle 2382. (possiblyend) of 2nd century. P 8:1 Construction fillingassociatedwith the small 202, 251, 492, 493; Howlandtype 40 A. circular building west of the Stoa of Attalos, first N 19:1 Cistern,successive fillings, Agora, IV, pp. half of 2nd century; Agora,V, GroupH, pp. 46-49. 242-243; final dumped filling, Agora, V, Group F, 510, 511. pp. 10-21, second quarterto end of 1st century B.C. The dating of ca. 75-25 B.C. quoted by Howland P 18:1 Well, lower use filling of the 1st century; covers the bulk of the material but the presenceof upperuse filling of the 5th to 6th century. Upper filling: 2362, 2420, 2546, 2702, 2847. blown glass indicates that the lower limit should be somewhatlater than that quoted in Agora,IV. P 18:2 Well, use fillingsof first half of 3rd century, 1, 34; Howlandtypes 43 C, 44 A, 48 A, 50 A, and of 4th to 6th century; cf. Hesperia,VIII, 1949, 52 C, 52 E, 54 A, 57. pp. 214-215. N 19:2 Well, use filling accumulatedfrom mid-1st Filling of first half of 3rd century:920. into first half of 2nd century;Agora,IV, p. 243. Filling of 4th to 6th century:1031, 1906. Howland 44 C. 56, 69, 123; type Q 7: 8 Heruliandestructiondebrisat the north end
N 20:3 267. N 20:5 Well, use filling of 3rd century, before A.D. 725, 1151, 1152, 1991, 2065. Well, accumulated use fillings of the 1st to of the Stoa of Attalos, the filling of a soft trench along the west face of the shop front wall, opposite pier 22 from south. 1256. Shaft, dumped filling of early 1st century. Agora, IV, p 244. 39, 46; Howland types 49 A, 52 B, 52 E, 52 H, 53.
dumped filling of the 4th century. Use filling of 1st century: 41, 53. Use filling of second half of 1st to early 2nd century: 115, 203, 260, 495; Howland type 55 C. Upper dumped filling of 4th century: 1266, 1893.
Q13:3 Roman water mill, construction fill: from footing trench of millrace wall, third quarter of 5th century, Hesperia, V, 1986, p. 88. 354.
Q 18:4 Roman water mill, destruction debris on R 18:1 Well, dumpedfillingof late 1st centuryB.C. mill room floor and in stone-linedpit, secondhalf of to mid-1st century after Christ; Agora, IV, p. 244; 6th century; Hesperia,V, 1986, p. 70. the datingtheregivenmustbe expanded,cf. Hesperia, 369, 371, 2401, 2545, 2573, 2579, 2645, 2810, XXIV, 1956, p. 282, no. 1, dated jar of A.D. 50. 7, 8, 23, 24, 25, 29, 31, 37, 38, 40, 52, 54, 70, 2820, 2825, 2828, 2829, 2859. 75, 384; Howland types 44 A, 52 B, 52 E, Q 15: 1 Collectingbasin and drain, dumped filling 52 Var., 54 A, 54 B. of mid-3rd century ca. A.D. 250; Agora,V, GroupK, R 13:2 Well, dumpedfilling of late 1st centuryB.C. pp. 58-72; of. Hesperia,IV, 1985, p. 337. 729, 1089, 1474, 1484, 1502, 1529, 1578, 1582, into 1st century after Christ;Agora,IV, p. 244. 1786, 1787. 77; Howlandtype 54 C. Q 17:4 Well, accumulateduse filling of 1st to 6th R 14:1 Filling in the footing trench of the Late century, and of 8th century; Hesperia,XXV, 1956, Roman Fortification("Valerian Wall"); for the conpp. 53-57. Lamps listed in reverse order of finding, struction date of the wall, ca. A.D. 280, cf. Agora,I, those from the lowest level first. p. 91. 223, 945, 782, 1543, 1548, 1583, 1091, 676, 970, 2123. 1682, 1216, 2739, 2699, 2507, 2470, 2390, 2409, 2716; Howland type 52 A. S 19:1 Well, use filling of mid-3rdcentury. 1550. Q-R 14:1 Debris of a bone working establishment set up in the ruins of the Libraryof Pantainos after S 21:3 Well, accumulateduse fillings of the first the Herulian sack; late 3rd to earliest 4th century; half of the 1st to the first half of the 3rd century; cf. Hesperia,IX, 1940, p. 295. Agora, IV, p. 245; the lamps listed here in reverse orderof finding, the lowest levels first. 644, 822, 2136, 2258, 2347. 72, 512, 513, 514, 515, 776, 1117, 1810, 1496, R 10:1 Well, dumpedfilling of late 1st centuryB.C. 1516, 1542; Howland types 49 B, 53. to early 1st century after Christ (Augustan);Agora, Level unspecified:1977. IV, p. 244; a wine jar fromthis well carriesa painted inscriptionnaming C. Furnius,consul in 17 B.C. S 22:2 Well, dumped filling of the 7th century, 26, 48; Howlandtypes 85 B, 44 C, 50 B, 51 D, above a use filling of the late 6th century. 52 C, 52 G, 52 Var., 54 A, 55 B. Dumped filling: 2924.
GENERAL INDEX Cataloguenumbersin boldfacetype follow page references A -: incised:1820,25, 29, 30, 49, 59; doublesignature Athena: bronzestatue fromPiraeus,670; cult statue in Hephaisteion, 670; Parthenonwest pediment, 29; relief: 1st and 2nd centuries, 13, 14-17, 382; 3rd and 4th centuries,25, 29 670; Parthenos, 648; Promachos, 63, 111-112; with doubleaxe, 117 Abaskantos:111 Athens: AthenaPromachos,63, 111-112; Demosand Achilles:63 the Graces,shrineof, 639; Dipoleia,132; economic Aegeanarea: 1, 23, 4, 6, 10, 14, 20, 67, 68, 69 Africa:see North Africanlamps history of, 13-14, 20, 22, 28, 65-69; Hephaisteion cult statue, 670; Herulian destruction,q.v.; Isis Agapios:25, 30, 66 cult, 23, 114, 805; Kerameikos,xv, 930, 11, 19, Agora,V, Groups: 25, 26, 52-53, 62-64; Odeionin Agora, antefixes, GroupF: Index of Deposits, N 19:1 of D Index 4:1 G: 13, 201 B; Pan sanctuaryon Ilissos,634;Parthenon Deposits, Group 1514, H: P 8:1 Index of west Deposits, Group pediment, 670; Phaedrus bema, 751; Pnyx of C 12:1 J: Index fortifications, 14; Pompeion, 35, 62, Sarapieion, Group Deposits, 805; Sulla, 11, 13 Group K: Index of Deposits, Q 15:1 GroupL: Index of Deposits,F 19:1 Atimetos: 236, 265, 289 GroupM: Index of Deposits,M 17:1 Atticus: 13 Air-hole:5, 6, 71 Augustanperiod: 1, 4, 11, 14, 15 Aktaios:257 Alaric:11, 22, 64753, 68, BALERIOS:67, 274 Alexandria:6 Bases: Alexandros:249 Arcs, raised:68-69 Alpha globule lamps: 11, 12, 13, 148, 15-17, 66, 67, Bird peckinggrapes:2622 418-627 Branch,incised: 27-28, 123, 701, 714, 740, 758, Animalhandles: 61 864-865, 918, 940, 946, 960, 1025, 1110-1111, Antefixes,Odeionin Agora:18, 201 B 1166, 1184, 1186-1188, 1207, 1273, 1326-1329, Antonines:11 1345, 1353-1357, 1376-1377, 1388, 1402, 1432, Antonios:217, 255 1456-1457, 1549, 1559, 1570, 1609, 1693, 1701, Aphrod -: 288 1703, 1711-1712, 1770-1774, 1788, 1793, 1821, Aphrodisios: 277 1840-1843, 1852, 1863, 1867-1868, 1889-1892, AphroditeHegemone:639 1912-1914, 1930-1932, 1941, 1965, 1970, 2040, Apollonios:62 2058, 2075, 2400, 2403, 2422, 2426, 2428, 2496, Apollophanes: 230 2506, 2515, 2519, 2521, 2554-2558, 2602, 2607, Arcadius,coins of: 6407 53, 63, 2609, 2621, 2623-2628, 2647, 2654, 2677-2678, Archetype:xv, 17, 18, 20, 21, 49, 57, 60, 64, 780 2691, 2705, 2720, 2730-2731, 2746, 2752, 2773Argos:66 2774, 2785, 2790-2791, 2794; with signature, Ariston:62 29, 30, 31, 33, 35, 86, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 48, Arretinepotters: 26 44, 45, 46, 51, 52, 54, 55, 59, 124 Asia Minor:home of red-on-white lamps, 6; lamps Branch, inverted incised: 355, 376, 1330-1331, exportedfrom Greeceto, 68-69; Romanesis,4 1346, 1358-1359, 1438, 1809, 1893-1895, 2394Asia Minor, lamps: 10, 11, 18, 64, 65, 346-366; 2396, 2412, 2415, 2420, 2429-2431, 2436, 2453Attic imitationsof, 3, 10, 13, 29, 33, 53, 56, 64-65, 2454, 2458, 2469, 2471, 2473-2475, 2481-2486, 185, 2042-2046, 2364, 2377, 2381, 2385-2387, 2492-2493, 2497, 2503, 2505, 2516-2517,25222421-2424, 2440, 2446, 2502, 2540, 2581-2582, 2528, 2531-2532, 2534, 2538, 2539, 2540-2541, 2753; Corinthian imitations 1040 of, 2546-2550, 2559-2562, 2568, 2570, 2583, 2600, Atha -: 25, 30 2610-2616, 2629-2634, 2648-2653, 2658, 2679Athe -: 25, 30 2680, 2689-2690, 2694-2695, 2702-2704, 2707,
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD Bernini:230 Bird Head lamp: 86 Boeotia: 68 Bromios:25, 30, 35, 64 Broneertypes: XVI, 7, 9; XVII, 7; XVIII, 24,394; XX, 148, 15; XXII, 24; XXIII, 7; XXIV, 7; XXV, 7; XXVII, 7, 8, 9, 1828,66; XXVIII, 8, 9; XXIX, 1133;XXX, 7; XXXI, 9; XXXII, 9 Bronzelamps: 3, 5, 14, 19, 2943-2950; imitationsof, 4-5, 19-20, 7-33, 90-98, 370-371, 968, 2032-2033;
see also Metalwork
2732-2733, 2738, 2751, 2753, 2759, 2763, 27662769, 2777, 2783, 2792, 2795, 2803, 2806, 2845, 2850, 2919 Branch,relief: 2504 Branches:two, 35, 37, 45, 54, 1134; three, 54; four in cross,2699 in cross or quincunx: 28, 35, 36, Circles,arranged 37, 38, 41, 660, 671, 821, 994, 998, 1076, 1107, 1113, 1128-1129, 1136, 1144, 1174, 1203-1204, 1317, 1338, 1352, 1381, 1395, 1455, 1463, 1565, 1568, 1653, 1662, 1697, 1702, 1727-1728, 1737, 1767-1769, 1789, 1801, 1806, 1816, 1828, 1896-1899, 1916, 1925-1929, 1960-1961, 19681969, 1977, 2056, 2490, 2497 on back of handle, 2601, 2603, 2661, 2700, 2742, 2776, 2869-2870 Circles, small: 27, 40, 826, 856, 898, 995, 1060, 1130, 1171, 1189, 1336, 1337, 1379, 1385, 1396, 1412, 1423, 1614, 1655, 1753, 1765, 1804, 1822, 1829, 1844, 1848, 1862, 1900, 1917, 1954, 1985, 2011, 2027, 2031, 2388, 2423, 2499, 2606, 2737, 2915 Crisscrosslines: 2408, 2414, 2417, 2563, 2617, 2656, 2659, 2681, 2761, 2784, 2788, 2799, 2801, 2852, 2920 Cross:349, 373, 702, 1397-1400, 1671, 1854, 2382, 2459, 2465, 2472, 2487, 2507, 2539, 2592, 2604, 2620, 2660, 2674-2676, 2711, 2714, 2729, 2762, 2775, 2848, 2914, 2921-2924 Diagonallines: 2543-2544, 2635 Dots: 2439, 2818 Foot, in relief: 2916; see also Planta pedis Globules:1585, 1996 in form of cross; see also Rosette Hatched panel: 2518 Leaves: 28; four with stem, 2735 Palmette: 201 B Peltae, raised: 82-83, 90, 417 Pentagon: 2424 Planta pedis: 11, 18, 109, 110, 112, 129, 131, 160161, 208, 350, 2364, 2381, 2446, 2608 (with incised branch),2646 (with small circles),2655, 2722, 2787, 2796 (with inverted branch and cross), 2797, 2804-2805, 2820, 2822, 2873, 2918 Profileof bust: 456
Rings: in form of cross, 2575, 2578; three with stem, 1225-1229, 1231-1232; six, 1233-1234, 1236, 2874 Rosette: 27, 35, 37, 369, 1468, 1766, 1864, 2021, 2074, 2356; globules, 1242-1256; small circles, 1380, 2786 Star: 27, 1825, 2939 Vine clusters: 2026; see also 'Evrri8rp6pos Wavy lines: 2917 Zigzag, circular in relief: 2836 Bases, signed: see Incised Leaf shop, Leaf Shop, also Index of Greek and Latin Inscriptions Begram: 750
Bryaxis: 805
59 CAKE MOOULDS: Carthage: 14"
Candelabra: 14, 2944 Ch-: 25, 55 Channel-and-panel lamps: 8, 34, 111, 213, 223-226, 250-251, 275, 282, 283, 298, 638 Chione:21, 25, 28, 53, 55-57, 64, 67, 6822,855 Christianlamps: 9, 23, 31, 53, 56; see also Index of underApostle, Bird, Christ,Cock, Representations ConstantianMonogram,Cross, Cross Monogram, Dove, Fausta, Hare, Head (bearded), Krater (2427), Palm Tree, Peacock, Saint Paul, Saint Peter, Shell, Six Bar Monogram
Chry -: 24, 57
25, 57 Chrysanthos:
Chrysogonos: 201 A
Chytroi,festival of: 776 Coins: and disk reliefs, 22, 111, 117, 120, 129, 132, 233-234, 241, 245, 638, 640, 646, 677-678, 750, 776, 805, 1017, 2944; chronologicalevidence, 20, 53, 63, 65, 285; see also Index of Deposits, C 14:2,
E 2:1, K 20:1, M 18:1, M-Q 17-21
ConstansI, coins of: 63 ConstansII, coin of: 65 ConstantineI, coins of: 63 ConstantiusII, coins of: 63 59-62 Coroplasts: Cosa: 14"1 Corinthianlamps: xv, 2, 4, 6-9, 16, 68, 201 A, 205-321; export of, 66, 67, 68; imitations of Asia Minor lamps, 9, 67; imitations of Attic lamps, 8, 9, 68, 111; imitations of Italian lamps, 7-8;
imitations of North African lamps, 9, 67; influence on Attic lamps, 11, 13, 17-18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 32, 43, 48-49, 51, 68, 111, 649-650; see also Broneer types, Channel-and-panel lamps Cyprus: 4 Cyrenaica ware: 9, 322-332
GENERAL INDEX Demeter,temenos of, at Knidos: 4 Demos and the Graces,shrineof: 639 Deposits, Index of: 3, 12-13, 224-228 Dio Chrysostom: 14 Dionydia: 25, 30, 31 Dionysia: 25, 30, 67 Dionysius:292 Dipoleia:132 Disk representations: 22-23; see Index of Representations
13 Graindor: Graywarelamps: 4, 5, 1, 5, 14-20, 47 Greek lamps: 61-62; see also Hellenistic lamps, Howlandtypes
13, 14 Handle shields: 24, 4, 5, 201 B, 8, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19-33, 90-95, 97-98, 208, 322, 330, 351, 360, 367, 371-372, 389, 391-393, 2032-2040, 2841-2843, 2943, 2945 805 Harpokrates: I -:25, 38 Head vases: 13, 33, 35, 37, 46, 51, 52, 54, 59-60 EA: 25, 31 Helios lamps: 2366-2376, 2876 Hellenistic lamps: 1, 24, 12, 18, 377-396; see also Egypt: 6, 66, 68, 69 Howlandtypes Egyptian cults: 6, 805 Egyptian lamps: 4, 6, 144, 387 Hephaistion:62 iL: 25, 38 Hermes,bronzestatuette: 776 Eleusinianmysteries:1017 HerodesAtticus: 13 Elpidephoros:17, 18, 24, 26, 31-32, 34, 35, 47, 57, 59, Heruliandestruction:9, 11, 20, 31, 34, 35, 43, 47, 61, 61, 63, 66, 126, 132, 690, 730, 780, 781, 836, 1206, 62-63, 66, 69, 117; see also Index of Deposits 1307,1499 passim Emblemata:23, 60-61, 111, 113, 114, 120, 127, 129, Hinges, on lamps: 5, 11-14, 2040, 2948-2949 130, 131, 648, 715, 729, 741, 747, 750, 777, 841, 908 Howlandtypes: Emborion,Chios:fortress,65 Type 2: 62 293-295 Epagathos:8, 24, 32, 213, 260, 282, Type 4: 61 Attic found at 6, 10, exports to, 68; lamps Ephesos: Type 6: 62 68 16, 33, Type 8: 62 2045 Ephesostype: 4, 12, Type 12: 61 33 -: 25, Epi Type 26: 62 247 Epiktetos: Type 29: 62 33 Epiphanes: Type 33: 62 33 Epiphanides: Type 35: 11, 12; seealsoIndex of Deposits,M 17:1, 33 R 10:1 Epiphanios: 296 Epitynchanos: Type 37: 79; see also Index of Deposits, D 11:1, of: relief 751 J 18:2 Erigone, 297 Eros, lampmaker: Type 39: see Index of Deposits, D 4:1, 0 17:1 Euboea: 68 Type 40: 2043; see also Index of Deposits D 11:1, Eudoros:20, 25, 26, 33, 59 N 17:2 285 Eukarpos:25, 33, 34, Type 43: see Index of Deposits,N 19:1 Eukleides:24, 34 Type 44: 12, 1622; see also Index of Deposits, Eunomos:1726,24, 34, 638 B 21:1, D 4:1, D 11:1, G 8:1, N 19:1, N 19:2, 25, 26, 32, 41, 43, 34-38, 20, 21, 27, 28, Eutyches: O 18:3, R 10:1, R 13:1 46, 47, 49, 54, 57, 58, 59, 63, 66, 67, 111, 116, 836, Type 45: 62 2480 863, 1023, 2173, 2358, Type 46: 6289 see also Index of Deposits, B 14:2 Type 47: 6289; FACTORYLAMPS: 24, 4, 7, 8, 1514, 19", 4862, 59, 67, 48: Type 62, 89; see also Index of Deposits, N 19:1
95, 120-121, 629-630 Filling-hole lids: 5, 15, 370, 2041, 2948-2950 Fronto: 120
GAIOS: 717,
224, 238, 290, 638 Galenos: 291 Gallienus, coin of: 6397 Ganymede, relief: 781 Gladiatorial combats: 123 Glaze: of Attic lamps, 21, 64; of Corinthian lamps, 7; of Knidian lamps, 2; of red-on-white lamps, 5
Type 50: 12, 1622, 2043; see also Index of Deposits, D 4:1, D 11:1, E 14:7, K 18:1, N 19:1, R 10:1 Type 51: 6288, 89, 389; see also Index of Deposits, R 10:1 Type 52:1622, 377, 382, 386, 395; see also Index of Deposits, C 8:2, D 4:1, D 11:1, E 14:7, F 11:1, F 13:2, K 9-10:1, K 18:1, N 19:1,
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD Lamps stands: 142, 145, 443, 2947 Laureionmines: 18 Lead token: 114 Leaf Shop: 17, 24, 27, 28, 34, 35, 86, 37, 48, 44, 45, 48, 57-58, 60, 61, 63, 640-641, 646, 749, 790, 844, 883, 908-909, 926, 1019, 1178, 1224, 1308-1310, 1313, 1314, 1419, 1469, 1516-1528, 1586-1587, 23492350, 2362 Lenaios: 24, 43, 276
Leo -: 304
Type 53: 12, 1622;seealso Index of Deposits,D 4:1, D 11:1, E 14:7, Q 18:1, S 21:3 Type 54: 12, 1622, 382; see also Index of Deposits, A 18:1, D 4:1, D 11:1, E 14:7, M 17:1, N 19:1, R 10:1, R 13:1, R 13:2 Type 55: 12, 1622,389; see also Index of Deposits, D 11:1, D 12:1, E 14:7, N 20:5, R 10:1 Type 56: 12, 389; see also Index of Deposits, D 4:1, D 11:1, E 14:7 Type 57: 12; see also Index of Deposits, D 11:1, E 14:7, N 19:1 Type 58: 12, 1622; see also Index of Deposits, B 14:3, B 21:1, C 14:4, D 4:1 Misc.Moulded:12 25, 55 Hy--: 25, 89 I--: Imitations: see Asia Minor lamps, Bronze lamps, Corinthian lamps, Metalwork Incised Leaf Shop: 25, 58-59, 765-766, 948-949, 1023, 2351-2352; with signature,30, 50 Inscriptions: Greek and Latin, see Index of Greek and Latin Inscriptions;imitation, 129-130 Isis cult, Athens: 23, 114, 805 Isodotos: 14 Italian lamps: 1, 2, 4, 7-8, 11, 13, 14, 19, 1-154 passim 23, 29, 353, 1065, 2385, 2440 Julian II, coins of: 63
Leonteus: 25, 27, 28, 32, 35, 42, 43-45, 46, 47, 49, 57, 59, 63, 111, 116, 730, 2226, 2480 Loeschcke types: III, 24; VII, 24; VIII, 24; IX, 120-121, 629-630 Loukios: 717, 8, 48, 111, 116, 238, 253, 264, 267, 274, 276, 285, 287, 305-307, 646, 1472 30-59 passim; see also Index of GreekInscriptions 111 Makrianos: Marturios: 25, 45, 1347 Matrona:117 Measurements: 71 mouldmade: see Emblemata Medallions, bowls: 59, 62, 389 Megarian
Men-Mithras: 117 Menodoros: 25, 45 Metalwork, imitation of: 18-20, 23, 132, 133, 781;
see also Bronzelamps, imitations of Miniaturelamps: 1145, 1180, 1313, 1418, 1458, 1586-1587
Attic Shops, 29-59 passim; see also Catalogue plaster,838; wax, 18, 781 passim Myro: 7 Kernos: 62 Kilns: 63 59 NATTUS: Klaros: 24, 40 Naumachios: 25, 35, 37, 43, 45, 46, 49, 59 Knidianlamps: 4, 67, 1-154 passim Ne -: 46 25, Knidos type: 12, 29, 2043 New Year's lamp: 52 Krateros:20, 25, 39, 40, 59, 64
Kreskes: 67, 222, 302-303 Ky -: 21, 22, 25, 28, 35, 41-42, 54, 55-56, 59, 64, 66, 67, 863, 887, 1445 Kyrax: 25, 42 late 3rd to early 4th century 25, 42; mid-4th century, 25, 42 Lamp fabric: Attic, 2, 17-18, 53; Corinthian, 7-9, 17-18; Knidian, 4; Red-on-white, 5 Lampmakers: Attic, 24-62; Corinthian, 7-8; Italian, 4862; signaturesof, see Index of Greekand Latin Inscriptions
Minikianos: 24, 45 Mithras: 117 Money boxes: 59 Mosaics: 233 Kerameikos: see Athens Moulds: xv, 1517,16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 39, 43, 48, 60, Kerameikos lamps: KL 1-2607, recorded under 64, 67, 395-396, 439-441, 2047-2048,2864-2884;
L -:
Nikandros: 782 Nonnus: 233 North African lamps: 2, 9, 22, 322-345; imitations of, 3, 10, 56, 64-65, 69, 2382-2384, 2399, 2407-2409, 2416, 2419, 2425, 2444, 2492-2497, 2872 Nozzle shapes: 2, 5, 17
Oktabeios: 274 Olympios: 25, 46, 111 Onesimos: 308 Oppian: 131
P -: 25, 47 Sarapis,cult of: 6, 805 Pan, sanctuaryon Ilissos: 634 Sarcophagi,Attic: 20, 2141,22, 34, 114, 180, 637, Pannonia: Attic exports to, 20, 67, 69; Corinthian 707, 741, 781, 904, 921, 968 Sekoundos:8, 24, 51, 239, 309 exports to, 68; lamps, 67 Panels: 8, 1933 Sicily: 66 Pardos:638 Sidi Gaberlamps: 144 Parnes,cave: 2649 Signatures:24-28, see also Index of Greekand Latin Patras: 62 Inscriptions;double signatures,26-27, 29, 30, 35, Paulos: 25, 47, 59 36, 37, 41, 43, 45, 46, 48, 54, 63 Phaedrus:bema of: 751 SL: 25, 51 Phe -: 25, 55 Slip: 5-6, 20 Philomousos:24, 26, 55, 1499 Smyrna: 6, 1411 Phthongos:243 Sopatros:24,394 Pireithos: 17, 24, 26, 27, 34, 35, 43, 45, 47, 57, 60, Soteria:21, 25, 52-53, 64, 66 Soteridas:278, 312 67, 435, 811, 2226 Plastic lamps: 11, 13, 23, (boat lamps), 82, 42, 59, Soteros:20, 25, 28, 35, 53-54, 59, 930 SouthRussia,exportof lampsto: Attic, 66, 67-68, 69; 114, 128, 133, 30, 194, 311, 751, 805 fortifications: 14 Corinthian, 68; red-on-white Pnyx, lamp,6; Romanesis,4 Po -: 25, 47, 48 311 Sozomenos: Polion: 24, 26, 48, 2244 Sposianos:717, 111, 227, 241, 244, 245, 246, 271, 274, 313-314 Polykarpos:24, 26, 48, 111, 2244 8 Stratolaos: 20, 25, 26, 51-52, 59, 63, 64, 66, 902, Pompeii: 7, Pompeion:35, 62 1315, 2299, 2358 Pompianos:230 Style: 18, 20-22, 28 715 xv, 780 Posphoros:8, 50, Sub-archetype: Pots on lamp disks: 49; see also Index of Represen- Sulla: 11, 13 tations, Amphora,Basin on stand, Dionysos with Synphoros:8, 310 kantharos, thyrsos and lion, Eros with torch and Syracuse:10, 340 kantharos, Eros with torch and patera, Jug, Syria: 6 Krater,Panther drinking,Vine and amphora Syrianlamps: 4 Potters, Attic: 59-64 T -: 25, 54-55, 64 Potter's wheel: 61 Dated see Index of 59-62, 389; Pottery: jars, Depo- Talc lamps: 59 sits, B 17:1, C20:1, D 15:2, D 17:1, J 12:1, M 17:1, Tarsus,Factory Deposit: 111 0 20:1, R 10:1; pitcher with mouldmade figures, Terracottafigurines:11, 5, 13, 14, 26, 30, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 51, 52, 54, 58, 60, 62, 116, 117 see also Animal handles, 236; Emblemata, Head vases, Megarianbowls, Pots on lamp disks, Thy- Terrasigillata: 59 Tertios:223 miaterion Preimos: 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 39, 43, 44, 45, Th -: 25, 38-39 46, 48-50, 57, 60, 63, 67, 111, 113, 118, 122, 126, TheodosiusI, coins of: 6497 201 0, D, 781,811,834, 904, 1499,1973, 2225-2226, Theodoulos:25, 83, 39, 1140, 2185 2244 Thymiaterion:62, 145 Troas: 1411 Priene: 6, 68 Tunis: 1411 Primus: 4862 Types: xv, 2; see also Broneertypes, Ephesos type, Proteas: 14
Howland types, Knidos type, Loeschcke types
RAPHAEL: 230 Rim patterns: 8, 18, 21-22, 23-24; 8-S, 57; vine, 21 Romanesis: 4, 58, 91, 104, 129-130, 152 Round lamps: 10, 201G, 340-341, 2832-2838 Roupheinos: 231-232 Rouphos: 20, 25, 33, 50, 59, 63, 64, 863
Vindonissa: 2 59, 61, 63, 2049-2062, 2936 West Slope decoration: 62 Wheelmade lamps: 7, 12 Wick: 5, 48, 1591 88 Z--:25, Zosimos: 24, 38, 50, 298
WASTERS:24, 20, 29, 87, 38, 41, 43, 45, 46, 52, 54, 58,
first half of 4th century, 25, 51; second half of 4th century, 25, 51 SA: 25, 51 Sarapieion: 805
S -:
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD INDEX OF REPRESENTATIONS is on the lamp disk Unless otherwisenoted, the representation
Isaac: 2385 ABRAHAM sacrificing Acanthus:handle shields,8, 19, 27, 31, 2943 Acheloos:35, 43, 60, 634-636 Achilles: 18, 22, 49, 637 Aeneasand Anchises:230 Amazon:see Goddesswith doubleaxe Ammonhead: 121 Amphora,garlanded:172, 196 Animal,unidentified:43, 51, 66, 345,2421-2424, 2839 Ape playing doubleflute: 36, 44, 60, 127 Apes at table: 29, 30, 58, 59, 889 Aphrodite:armed, 23, 34, 638; wearing stephane, 23, 35, 54, 58, 60, 61, 640-644, 2361-2362; with three Graces,32, 35, 43, 639; see also 751 Apostle: 333 Ares: 645 Ariadne:56 Armor:231
Chiron:see Centaurwith lyre Circusrider:99 Cock: 53, 131, 171, 335, 2387; and two animals, 30, 921-922 38, 44, 52, 780 (sub-archetype), Constantinianmonogram: 31, 39, 40, 42, 45, 56, 327, 359, 1138-1142, 2030 between nozzles, 2441-2445; handle shield, 2841 1066 Cornucopia: Crab:173 Crescent: 19, 29, 30, 37, 41, 50, 52, 1067-1116;handle shield,30, 94 Cross:31, 33, 53, 64, 342-343, 355, 2499-2594, 2877, 2935; handle shield, 360, 371-372, 2842-2843, 2948-2949 Cross 29, 39, 40, 42, 47, 53, 56, 1143-1144, monogram: 2446-2498
DEER: 64, 163, 923, 2388, 2865 Desultor:see Circusrider Artemis: 717, 23, 43, 58, 247, 646-647 Diamond:284 49, 111 Asklepios:2245, Dionysiacfigurewith cymbals: 48, 49 Athena: 18, 22, 23, 35, 41, 43, 47, 49, 60, 61, 64, 50, Dionysiachead: 160-161 54, 57, 116, 233, 246, 648-670, 988, 2363-2364 Dionysiacmask: 867 Attis: 49, 113 Dionysos: with kantharos,49, 677; with kantharos, thyrsosand lion, 20, 201 E, F, 679-683; on panther, BACOHANT: 238 678 Bacchante:61; see also Maenad Dioskouros:23, 36, 46, 49, 56, 114 Basin on stand: 221 Disks: handle shield,93 Basket: 32, 37, 44, 52, 58, 1017-1020; two-handled Dog: 18, 29, 35, 37, 39, 41, 44, 46, 58, 924-929 and round, 58, 1021-1022 Dolphin:33, 41, 939-942; and trident, 22, 37, 39, 41, Bear: 20; fig-eating,52, 902; left, 29, 30, 36, 40, 50, 54, 60, 67, 114, 930-938, 2389 52, 896-901, 2058; right, 117, 890-895 Dolphins,two: handle shield, 24, 98 Bes: 6 Dove: 53, 64, 334, 336, 344, 2390-2393, 2399-2404, Bestiariusand bear at cochlea:853 and chalice,2394-2397; and cross,2398 Bestiariusand bear at framework:851-852, 2060 Bird: 2386, 2925-2926 EAGLE: 175 Boar: 48, 50, 58, 195, 207, 903 Egyptian gods: 117; see also Bes, Harpokrates,Isis, Boat: 1932, 32, 37, 44, 58, 59, 67, 132, 1023-1035, Sarapis 2049, 2107 Elephant: 2405; see also Mahout Boukranion:29, 2944 (candelabrum) Eros: 1932, 41, 58, 748-749, 2365 Boxer: 64 and Ares: 3 Bull: charging left 107; left, 35, 36, 44, 58, 60, 61, playing double flute, left: 30, 32, 36, 37, 41, 60, 908-918, 2049; lying down, 32, 919-920; right, 50, 715-724, 780 with 904 tree, 50, 904-907; right, playing double flute, right: 22, 41, 43, 49, 53, 56, Bull's head: 19, 22, 46, 50, 67, 1036-1064, 2426 707-714
Butcher: 297
CADUCEUS: on nozzle, 16, 17 Candlestick, seven-branched: 29, 1065 Centaur: attacking, left, 35, 36, 43, 49, 201 D, 676; walking, left, 675; with lyre, 35, 36, 54, 671-674 Charioteer: 65, 102 Christ: 338
playing syrinx: 18, 22, 29, 32, 33, 35, 36, 41, 43, 46, 50, 52, 54, 114, 689-706 riding dolphin: 33, 36, 742-745 running left: 40 seated with lyre: 32, 114 standing with lyre: 22, 36, 38, 43, 50, 60, 61, 114, 684-688 with chicken: 36, 44, 116 with grapes and sickle: 60, 747
INDEX OF REPRESENTATIONS with hands bound: 35 with thyrsos and kantharos:32, 35, 36, 44, 46, 56, 60, 61, 741 with torch and kantharos:22 with torch and patera: 29, 44, 52, 60, 61, 729-740 with torch and tablet: 239 with torch and thyrsos: 29, 35, 36, 44, 49, 725-728 with turtle: 44, 746 Erotic symplegmata:29, 30, 33, 36, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47-48, 49, 50, 53, 60, 5, 41-42, 103, 229, 346, 808-834 Europariding bull: 63 323 Figure: facing right, 807; holding palm branch, 41, 887; praying,56 Fish: one, 41, 943; two, 35, 37, 42, 46, 50, 51, 54, 58, 59, 944-964, 2406; many, 6; on rim, 339
Leaves, eight: 19, 37, 54, 1620-1648 Leda: 18, 23, 49, 781, 834 Leopardess:244 Lion: right, 87, 38, 41, 44, 45, 50, 52, 56, 60, 64, 970-987, 2410-2416;with tree, 20, 22, 968-969 Lion's head: filling-holecover, 2041 Lykourgos,strangledby vine: 233
MAENAD36, 46; see also Bacchante
Mahouton elephant:228 Man:seatedat table, 58, 883-886; seated,with horse, 32, 126; with goat, 4963, 50, 126; with outstretched arm, 4,106 MarsUltor: 58 Mask:224-226, 867-875, 2379; filling-hole lid, 15; nozzle, 11, 215 Medusahead: 60; see also Gorgoneion Menorah:see Candlestick Mithras:see Goddesswith doubleaxe
23, 36, 60, 67, 38-40, 147, 170, 249, 320, 325, 835-843 Goat: 34, 130 God with trident: 18, 23, 49, 750 Goddess:head of, 55; in naiskos, 49, 751; wearing polos, 174; with doubleaxe, 23, 29, 36, 37, 45, 52, 54, 58, 59, 60, 117, 752-770 60, 771-772; see also Medusahead Gorgoneion: man: 236 Grotesque
Nike: 782-783 44, 213 120 Odysseus:30, Olive wreath:48, 53, 197 Omphale:56 Orpheus:322 Owl: on rim, 988
HARE: 2407-2409
Harpokrates:6, 168 Head: bearded, 2384; facing left, 2383; in pointed cap, 144; wreathed,162 Hector, ransomingof: 637 Helios: 2366-2376, 2876 Herakles:2245, 49, 59; and golden apples, 118, 298; and Kerberos,118; and Keryneanhind, 118; and Lernaeanhydra, 118; and Nemean lion, 23, 52, 773-774; stranglingLadon,100-101 Herm:49 Hermes: 18, 22, 23, 32, 49, 58, 60, 61, 241-242, 248, 776-778 Hero and Leander:779 Horse: 164, 965-967; and man, 106 Horse head: handle,95; terminationof volute, 96
Horseman: 29, 36, 44, 46, 48, 876-882, 2380; charging left, 37, 243 Isis: 6, 23, 780
JuG: 48 KRATER: 50,
on handle shield, 24,23-27,97,392,2034, 2943 Palm tree: 2425 Pan: 205 Panther: 20; drinking, 39, 997-1006, 2417-2418; head on handle, 2945; left, 29, 993-996; right, 52, 989-991; right, with head turnedleft, 992 Peacock:2401, 2419 Pelta: 1932, 44, 1120-1122 Perseus:245 Poseidon: 18, 23, 36, 39, 41, 44, 56, 58, 60, 61, 750, 780 (subarchetype), 784-798 Priam: 799-800
RAM: 35, 37, 38, 44, 53, 58, 60, 61, 64, 1007-1014,
1117-1119, 2427
LARES:628 Laurel wreath: 2944 (candelabrum) Leaf: handle shield, 17, 20, 28-29, 90, 92, 367, 393, 2036-2037, 2039-2040
2420 Ram heads, pair: 2071 Rays: 29, 32, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 67, 22, 256-274, 311, 321, 1446, 1619, 2030, 2754-2762, 2818, 2858, 2866 Rings, small: 2820 Rooster: see Cock Rosette: 29-31, 33-34, 37-42, 44-48, 50-56, 61, 67, 201 0, 8-9, 16, 21, 67, 75, 109, 128-130, 227, 275-283, 374, 1649-1976, 2030-2031, 2046, 2061, 2065, 2763-2806, 2862, 2867-2868, 2879-2881 Rosettes: 394
ST. PAUL: 324 St. Peter: 2382
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD Trainerfeeding bear: 56, 854-855 Trainerwith dancingbear: 36, 44, 50, 856-858, 2053 Tritonblowingconch: 122 Tyche: 319
805 Sarapis:6, 49, 240; and Isis, 18, 4963, and maenad, 2377; playing syrinx, Satyr: 62, 223; 36, 46, 801; with syrinx, 237 Selene: 125, 169, 2366, 2875 Shell: 29, 30, 33, 38, 39, 42, 45, 51, 54, 56, 201 A, 143, 158, 1123-1137, 2428-2439; filling-holelids, 370, 2948-2950 Silen: 61 Six bar monogram:56 Slave with cookingpot: 888 Sphinx: 208 Squares:50, 1988
Stag: see Deer
54, 859-866, 2378 Venator staving off bear: 36, 44, 54, 58, 844-850 Victory: 52 Vine: 47, 105, 1015-1016;and amphora,104
Woman,bust of: 34
Wreath: 148; laurel, 2944 (candelabrum); oak, 44,
Star: 30, 31, 38, 39, 55, 1977-1987 Star of David: 353, 2440
Theseusand Minotaur:206
INDEX OF GREEK AND LATIN INSCRIPTIONS INDEX OF GREEK AND LATIN INSCRIPTIONS Cataloguereferencesin boldfacetype follow page references
A: 1st and 2nd centuries: incised, 169, 170, 405, 411-415, 444- 45, 628 relief, 57, 84, 85, 89, 99, 115, 118, 119, 125, 397-404, 409-410, 418-421,423-426, 428-438, 442, 453, 457-555 passim, 628-629, 631 early 3rd century: 2032 3rd and 4th centuries: the A - Shop, 29, 757, 889, 900, 927, 993, 1065, 1078, 1116, 1123-1124, 1132, 1205, 1213-1214, 1301, 1318, 1332-1333, 1367, 1410, 1429,1459, 1610,1681, 1725, 1748, 1822, 1851, 1869-1870,1884-1886,1915, 2005, 2016, 2043, 2078-2098, 2358 alphain relief, 29, 2076-2077 maker'smark, 27, 35, 37 6th century:2819 AA: 17, 2588 on wall 'Ay: monogram,717;AgapiosShop, 80, 2099 'Ayd: AgapiosShop, 30, 1200-1201, 1369-1370, 1981-1982 30 'Ay&'rmoS: 30, 901, 1299, 2100 'Ayawrlou: 30 'AOa: 2723 'A01: 30, 257 'AKTarfou: 249 'AXF&v8pou: AM: 1347, 1393 'Avrcoviou: 255 &way rrvtaX: 1600 989 "AwrrKros: 230 'ATroXXoqxdvou: 381 'Apt: 'A ... .: 58 265 'Area: 236, 289 'ATElWrTirou: 288 'Appo8a: B: maker'smark 27, 35, 37 Bi: 284 Bp6'vos:30 2101-2102 Bpopliou: r: maker'smark, 58
Fcioi: 717,290
At: 1421; Dionysia Shop, 31, 1141, 1339 2460 Atovrn: 31, 742 Atovu8fia: Atovuaia:31 31 AtovuvliaS: 292 Atovvauiou: E: 1st and 2nd centuries,174, 178, 434; Eutyches Shop, 26, 34, 1007, 1424, 1426, 1428, 1679, 1709, 1714, 1856, 1860, 1871-1873, 2054, 2174-2176, 2360; maker'smark, 27, 35, 37, 40, 41, 44, 47, 50, 51, 58, 1167, 1533, 1826, 1974, 2284-2285 E. .: 2043 EA: 31, 2288 EG:Theodoulos 2185 Shop,2183 (withincisedbranch), ERe: 807 Elp:46 31-32 'Errt8rT(p6pos: 715, 777, 919-920, 1481-1486, 1499'EXmrrt8np6pou: 1501, 2105 (with rosette), 2106-2107, 2108-2109 (with vine cluster),2110-2120 33 'Erw: 'Erra:32 213, 260, 282, 293-295, 1649, 2121-2123 'Ewrayd6ou: 33, 1394, 1416, 2906-2907 'ETri: 454 'Emty6vov: 296 'EmrrruyXdvou: 'ETriqa: 938 297 "EprToS: EO,Eutyches Shop: 26, 34, 35, 635, 666, 721, 857, 912, 930, 937, 1169-1170, 1264, 1553, 1646, 1652, 1708, 1710, 1857-1859, 2143-2158, 2160-2164, 2166-2171; with incised branch, 945, 1067, 1454, 1658, 2159, 2165, 2172, 2358, 2480; with relief outline of leaf, 1008, 2173; with second signature 2322; with small circles,1018 E58: 33, 2124 Ei8o: 33, 1832 33 E'Bcopos: 33, 1445, 1740, 1834, 2125-2128 EUmap: EOK prro:2129 33 EKapwrroS: E0K1ppwou: 33, 1615, 1743-1744, 1835, 1883, 1924,
2130-2132, 2595-2596, 2642, 2844, 2902-2905 1487-1489, 2133 EOK7EiRou: 34 E0volios: Eiv6aou: 84 EOw... 8o:286 Eiwrou8: 286 E* K: double signature of Eutyches and Ky -, 863
32 'Errd'yaeos:
Fa7ivou: 291
A: D - Shop, 80, 1271, 1430 (with small circles), 1818, 1978, 2103-2104; maker's mark, 27, 35, 37, 50, 51, 58, 2286, 2357 AE: 31, 44 AEw:58
Ei Ica: Eutyches and Soteros,2322 EC'T: Eutyches Shop, 26, 34, 1024, 2141-2142 Eutyches Shop, 26, 34, 30, 42, 753, 2074, 2140, ECOr: 2357 Eutyches Shop, 26, 84, 1181 EO-rOX: 26, 34, 124, 2136-2139 EvrvOX1: 34 EOTOrXt: 26, 34, 2135 EvriGXrS: 34, 2134 EOvrvOXns Mtroie": 34 EOvrOXous: EOX: Eutyches Shop, 1554
KraterosShop, 40 Kparr: E:Krateros Shop, 40 Kpa-r 40 Kpa-rEp6s: 40 KpaTerpo: Kpauydrou:1818 303 KpiGKXvr-: KpijEv-ros:222, 302 Ku, Ky - Shop: 26, 41-42, 719, 866, 1075, 1112, 1127, 1141, 1215-1217, 1298, 1342, 1361, 1375, 1386, 1389, 1411, 1413, 1604, 1617-1618, 16821683, 1707, 1721, 1723, 1746, 1757-1760, 1790, 1798-1800, 1861, 1874-1877, 1920-1921, 1934, Z: 38, 2177; maker'smark, 27, 35, 36, 37, 58 1936-1937, 1942-1945, 1950, 1962, 2009, 2028, 368 2192-2209, 2211-2212, 2214, 2447, 2476; with p: Zot.. incised 298 branch,887, 1340, 1390, 1431, 1722, 2213; Zcoopas: with small circles,1341, 2210, 2885 298 Zcopa'Sos: 38 Kuvqylou:2272 Zcbamtos: 41, 42 Zcoaeipou: 298, 725 KJpaKoS: 42 Kipaf: H: 1st centuryB.C., 2; early4th century,38; maker's A: early Roman, 188; late 3rd to early 4th century, mark, 27, 35, 37, 51, 54, 58, 59 HA: 38 42, 51; mid-4th century,42,1619;maker'smark(?), 215 59, 1271 'HpaKiMSou: turies, 38-39; maker'smark, 27, 30, 35, 50 AE, Leonteus Shop: 43, 910, 1167-1168, 2023, 362 2230-2240; in double signature,2225-2226, 2241, Gaupa&'ais: GE: TheodoulosShop, 39, 936,997,1131, 1334,1569, 2244; with incisedbranch,31, 656, 911, 921, 1122, 1762, 1879, 2184 1509, 1515, 2220, 2228-2229, 2480; with relief GEo: TheodoulosShop, 39 leaf, 2222-2224, 2227; with small circles, 924; with two branches,2221 Theodoulos 134939, 1143, 1139, Shop, Eo80o0: 1350, 1611, 1837, 2180-2182, 2886 AE Nau: double signature of Leonteus and Nau39 machios,46 Eo68ouxos: 43-45 2178-2179 39, 1218, 1836, 1953, GEOSo0Aou: AEovrEs-: 43 AEovrTcos: 1: 39; maker's mark, 27, 35, 36, 37, 51, 54, 58, 59 AETl: Leonteusand second signer,2244 AEFhpEiou:Leonteusand Pireithos,2226 IH: 39 AEf lpEipou:Leonteusand Preimos,2225 Irr:1474 IX: 2345 A&w: 304 K: associated with Preimos, 40, 972, 2186; Ky 1451, 1466, 1784, 2118-2119 Aalvaiou: 238, 253, 264, 267, 276, 287, 305-307 Shop,26, 41,928,939,1106,1137,1206,1291-1294, AOUKiOv: 1296, 1374, 1391, 1433, 1755-1756, 1761, 1833, 1878, 1922, 1935, 1946-1949, 1963, 2215-2217; M: 1st and 2nd centuries, 171, 180, 185; maker's maker'smark, 27, 35, 37, 45, 2286 mark, 27, 35, 36, 37; MartyriosShop, 770, 1362,
Ka: Karpeme Shop, 39, 1808, 2461, 2908-2909 KaXicrrou: 272, 285, 299-300 39 Kapwi":Karpeme Shop, 39 KapnTiap": 1348 Kapwilprs: 39, 301 285, K&p'rrou: 40 Kh&po~: 1470 KX&pou: 297 KA~ijais: K 'lpdfl.ou:2186 Kpa: Krateros Shop, 40, 1552, 1819, 2052, 2187-2191 Kpa E: Krateros Shop, 40 1384, 1464, 2441, 2599 M A: 259 Mapriptio: 45 45 Mqv68oopo&: Mnvo~c'pou: 45 45 MIvIKtav6: MiVIavoi: 45 N: maker's mark, 27, 35, 37; Naumachios Shop, 46 Na: Naumachios Shop, 46, 1715 Na flpeiflou: 46 Na Pou: 321
364 AAAOIg[A]: 362 e: early 3rd century, 1810; late 3rd and 4th cen- AAAXIMXA:
43 AIlvatos:
INDEX OF GREEK AND LATIN INSCRIPTIONS Nau: NaumachiosShop, 46 NaucaX: 46 NauvaXi:46 46 Naui6cXtos: NaupaXiou:46 NE: 46, 1807 NEix6v8pou:782
IA: 51, 2288 51 ESKovSos: 239, 309, 1221 XeKotvBou: 52 irroKyaco'iov: IA: 51 IncoatavoU:244, 271, 313-314 PT: Stratolaos Shop, 51, 1020, 1105, 1182, 1272, 16 1592, 1674-1676, 1684-1685, 1688-1689, 1719NifKCOV .Trofl: and Leonteus,2241 N AE:Naumachios 1720, 1794-1795, 2309 (with incised branch), NN: 395 2310-2320, 2358 1rp: Stratolaos Shop, 51, 1606, 1673, 1686, 1716120 1718,2300-2308 'OSuvaaous: 'O\jrrot: 2242 ITpa: Stratalos Shop, 51, 733, 1183, 1602, 1687, 2299 46 'OX7prrioS: 51 2243 XTpaT6;aoS: 'Ovuxwtrou: 308 51, 2289-2298 XTpaTro&ou: 'Ovrio'pou: 310 Xuvcq6pou: TI:26, 44, 45, 47, 183, 435, 2244; maker'smark, 49; Ic, Soteria Shop: 52, 2508, 2513, 2712, 2719, 2739, Paulos Shop, 47 2757-2758, 2913; with incised branch, 2479, A: 382-383 2499-2500, 2512, 2535-2537, 2672, 2693, 2718, TI Paulos Shop, 47, 2688, 2910 VHa: 2721, 2756, 2802, 2911; with small circles, 2605, 47 2692, 2713, 2724, 2740-2741, 2755, 2772, 2912; see -IaOAoS: also followingentry Ta6Aou:47 386 Ica, Soteros Shop: 85, 54; in doublesignature,2322; VIE: with incised branch,1422, 1510, 2321, 2323 47 VTipEI0os: vou: 311 V'ipEi0ov:47, 812, 814, 823-824, 876, 1540-1541, Icoop.. 394 1592-1596,2245-2258 Icwrr: flo: 48, 1392, 1414 Ico Va: 2390 IcowT: Soteros Shop, 54 48 HoXlicov: 48 Icoaf: Soteria Shop, 52 rol'odcvos: 48 IcOT-rp:Soteros Shop, 58 rooXcKaprroS: 654 Icornp: Soteria Shop, 52; Soteros Shop, 54 TIoUKvp-rou: 48, 48-50 Ico-rpi: Soteria Shop, 52 rlpsigos: 201 57, C, D, 637, 661, 676, 677, 707, Ico-rpia: 52-58, 2708 VIpEi'Pou: 2390 708-709, 726-727, 750, 751,776, 811,905, 970-971, caTr<'np>ia: 15111117, 1179, 1467, 1472, 1496-1498, 1505, Ico-pias: 52; with small circles,2501 2259-2272 1512, 1574, 1581,1973,1988,1992, 2186, IoMpi8Ba:278, 312 799 Icb-rpos: 53-54 TVpiapoS: 1972 Vpipou: IcoTia:2390 P:2 pipou:1972 152 Popava: Ropavis": T: 54-55, 1133, 1211, 1303, 1351, 1371, 1426, 14341436, 1616, 1647, 1690, 1745, 1747, 1838, 18801882, 1923, 1938, 1951 (with small circles),1952, 1980, 1983-1984, 2324-2331 223 TEpTIOu:
PoOipou:50; with maker's marks, 1826, 2286 1: 1st and 2nd centuries, 176; first half of 4th century, 25, 51; second half of 4th century, 25, 26, 51, 1125, 1212, 1335, 1460, 1724, 1763-1764, 2287; maker's mark, 52
Po0: Rouphos Shop, 50, 810, 831, 861-862, 950,1046, 1452, 1560, 1561 (with maker's mark), 1651, 1660, 1820, 1974 (with maker's mark), 2053, 2273-2283, 2284-2285 (with maker's marks)
"'r6e9: 2063
Y: 2nd century, 141; 4th century, 55, 1713; maker's mark, 50, 1561 (I): maker's mark, 30 )AOM: 2077 (lnr: 55; with incised branch, 2427; with small circles, 2597, 2664 $06vyou: 243 (iX6pouoaos: 55 $ihopoiaou: 1503-1504, 1578-1579, 2347-2348
THE ATHENIAN AGORA: LAMPS OF THE ROMAN PERIOD Xpu: early 3rd century, 57, 1446; 4th century, 2346 2346 Xp6acav: Xp'aav0os: 57 201A Xpucoy6vouv:
X: incised, 55, 1691, 1839, 1887, 2332; in relief,88 Xt6vl: 55-57, 2666-2667, 2670, 2698, 2891 Xt6vqS: 55, 1300, 1343-1344, 1363, 1443, 1572, 1605, 1888, 1918, 2017, 2025, 2333-2344, 2416, Fragmentaryand undeciphered: 214, 315-318, 697, 2455-2457, 2462-2464, 2478, 2598, 2644, 2665, 1014, 1440, 1471, 1726, 1966, 1990-1991, 2045, 2668-2669, 2671, 2701, 2710, 2725-2728, 2860, 2072, 2353-2360, 2856, 2940 2887-2890, 2892-2901
Bassa: 100 BR: 59 Casvict:245 C Ivnal: 228 C OppiRes: 133 Fronto: 120
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14 8 11
20 17 19 15 Various Fabrics. After Christ. to the Christ Before the 1st of Late Century Century Imported Lamps Mid-lst
Imported Lamps of the Late 1st Century Before Christ to the Mid-ist Century After Christ. Various Fabrics.
..... .....
, ,
? ... ..
.. , ?
~ :
? i?.:. :??:
C. ,.' .
%, :
90 97 98 100
Imported Lamps of the Late 1st CenturyBefore Christ to the Mid-ist Century After Christ-80-89; of the Mid-ist Century to 2nd Century 90-104. Various Fabrics.
Imported Lampsof the Mid-ist Centurythrough the 2nd Century. Various Fabrics.
. . . ..
. .. . .
.... ..
4..... 241
238 243
: ..
212 291
? ,. 10. ..-.932-
0 "
Corinthian Lamps.
Imported Lamps of the 4th to the 7th Century. North African Shapes 322-345. Asia Minor Lamps 346-350.
:A i
.. . . ? ? .=.
. ..-
883 1152
1905 1138
381 382
389 388
,.. :. :, .r"
395 396..
?i .
Attic Lampsof the 3rd and 4th Centuries. Gods and Mythological Subjects.
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Attic Lampsof the 3rd and 4th Centuries. Gods and Mythological Subjects.
.. ... . .":..... ..
771 .
Attic Lampsof the 3rd and 4th Centuries. Gods and Mythological Subjects.
AR . : , 4.
X ...?.........
Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries. Gods and Mythological Subjects 779-807.
- , ....,.
967 970
. ... . . ... . ...
Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries. Animals and Plants 967-1016. Objects 1017-1029.
n m, .: .
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? .
Attic Lamps from the Athenian Kerameikos, 3rd Century to 5th Century.
::'!.-...~~~. ..
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Attic Lampsof the 3rd and 4th Centuries. Disk Plain or Patterned.
. .......
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. ..
!..i:- . .....
Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries. Disk Patterned 1918-1988. Lamps with Central Handle and Multi-nozzle
. .. .. ...,.. ....
? ? .".iii
2032 2025 2034 2031
2035 23 2033
2032-2046. Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries. Multi-nozzle Lamps 2017-2031. VariousShapesand Fragments
2070 "'2062
2047 2069
.. ...
? . - .,-.
: ?
, :.:.. .
Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries. Various and Fragments 2047-2072. Base of Leda Lamp 781. Signatures A-
v, ,
.. . .
1392 654 1472 2266
....... . ..
2358 2367
Attic Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries. Signaturesfirst three rows.
2440 ,,.
Attic Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries. Figured Disks, Constantinian Monogram, Cross Monogram.
Attic Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries. CrossMonogram and Cross.
Attic Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries. Cross 2566-2591. Disk Plain 2595-2644.
2796 2799
Attic Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries. Disk Plain or Patterned 2793-2839. Various 2841-2845.
Attic Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries. Various 2846-2863. Moulds 2864-2879.
Attic Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries. Moulds and Bases 2882-2918. Attic Lamps of the 7th Century 2921-2938.
~~~~. .~
o .
A.L. 4
c.P 7400
d.P 22834
e. P 19381
Attic Lamps of the 7th and 8th Centuries 2939-2942. Acropolis North Slope A.L. 4 and A.L. 57. Selected Recent Finds A-G. Selected Emblematafrom the Agora and the Kerameikos a-e.
39 7
43 3.. . .
. ..,
2572 2592
00 00 o 0 0, oooC, 0?o /
// .
214 129 153
321 363 364 365 1471
2357 2460
2072 2072
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