Quaternary Arithmetic Logic Unit Design Using VHDL
Quaternary Arithmetic Logic Unit Design Using VHDL
Quaternary Arithmetic Logic Unit Design Using VHDL
Student, M. Tech. Department of Electronics (VLSI), PCE, Nagpur, India 1 Professor and Head, Department of Electronics (VLSI), PCE, Nagpur, India2
Abstract: The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is the core of a CPU in a computer; the adder cell is the elementary unit of an ALU. The constraints the adder has to satisfy are area, power and speed requirements. The delay in an adder is dominated by the carry chain. Arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction and multiplication still suffer from known problems including limited number of bits, propagation time delay, and circuit complexity. Carry free arithmetic operations can be achieved using a higher radix number system such as quaternary Signed Digit (QSD). We proposed fast arithmetic logical unit based on quaternary signed digit number system where the carry propagation chain are eliminated, hence it reduce the propagation time in comparison with radix 2 system, each digit can be represented by a number from -3 to -3. In any n digit QSD number, each digit can be represented by a number from the digit set [-3,-2,-1, 0, 1, 2, 3]. Operations on a large number of digits can be implemented with constant delay and less complexity. Keywords: quaternary sign digit, fast computation, multiplier, quaternary logic, Carry/borrow free.
1. Introduction
The various digital systems such as computers and signal processors, arithmetic operation plays important role. The speed of system increases with increasing the speed of addition and multiplication. In conventional binary number system, carry may propagate all the way from the least significant digit to the most significant. Thus the addition time is dependent on the word length. In this paper, we propose a high speed QSD arithmetic logic unit which is capable of carry free addition, borrow free subtraction. The QSD addition/subtraction operation uses a fixed number of minterms for any operand size. In QSD number system carry propagation chain are eliminated which reduce the computation time substantially, thus enhancing the speed of the machine. Signed digit number system offers the possibility of carry free addition. QSD Adder /QSD Multiplier circuits are logic circuits designed to perform high-speed arithmetic operations. In QSD number system carry propagation chain are eliminated which reduce the computation time substantially. There are two steps involved in the carry-free addition. The first step generates an intermediate carry and sum from the addend and augends. The second step combines the intermediate sum of the current digit with the carry of the lower significant digit, thus enhancing the speed of the machine. The paper is structured as follows: Section II presents the basic concept for performing any operation in QSD, first convert the binary or any other input into quaternary signed digit. Section III presents Adder/Substractor Design. Section IV presents multiplier unit, logical unit is present in section V, in section VI present simulation results. Then we provide our conclusions in Section VII.
Signed digit representation of number indicates that digits can be prefixed with a (minus) sign to indicate that they are negative. Signed digit representation can be used to accomplish fast addition of integers because it can eliminate carriers. QSD numbers are represented using 3-bit 2s complement notation. Each number can be represented by
D xi 4i
Where xi can be any value from the set {3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2,3} for producing an appropriate decimal representation. A QSD negative number is the QSD complement of QSD positive number i.e.3 = -3, 2 = -2, 1 = -1. For digital implementation, large number of digits such as 64, 128, or more can be implemented with constant delay. A high speed and area effective adders and multipliers can be implemented using this technique. For digital implementation, large number of digits such as 64, 128, or more can be implemented with constant delay. A higher radix based signed digit number system, such as quaternary signed digit (QSD) number system, allows higher information storage density, less complexity, fewer system components and fewer cascaded gates and operations. A high speed and area effective adders and multipliers can be implemented using this technique [2, 1]. Also we can obtain redundant multiple representation of any integer Quantity using this QSD number system [3]. Examples of n digit QSD number are as follows: For example:
2. Basic Concept
For performing any operation in QSD, first convert the binary or any other input into quaternary signed digit.
133 .
(133) QSD 1 4 2 3 41 3 4 0
16 12 3 (25)
Intern national Jou urnal of Scie ence and Re esearch (IJS SR), India O Online ISSN N: 2319-7064 4
Th he basic quate ernary operator rs are very similar to binar ry op perators and the ey are obtained d from Boolean n algebra. ented QSD number. n The mapping 3-bit binary represe between n the 5- bit inp put and the 3-bit output is shown in Table 2.
Figure 2: The second st tep QSD adder r -variable Boolean expression ns can be extra acted from Three 5Table 1 figure 2 sho ows the diagram of the sec cond step added. ing between inp puts and outpu uts of the Table 2: The mappi seco ond step QSD adder
QSD A Ai Bi 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 -1 1 2 0 0 1 -1 -1 1 1 0 -1 -1 1 0 1 -2 -1 1 -1 0 -2 -1 1 -2 INPUT B Binary Ai Bi 01 010 01 001 00 010 00 001 01 000 11 010 00 000 01 111 11 001 00 111 11 000 01 110 11 111 00 110 11 110 OUTPUT Decim mal QSD Bi inary Sum m Si Si 3 3 1 111 2 2 0 010 2 2 0 010 1 1 0 001 1 1 0 001 1 1 0 001 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 000 -1 -1 1 111 -1 -1 1 111 -1 -1 1 111 -2 -2 1 110 -2 -2 1 110 -3 -3 0 001
The imp plementation o of an n-digit QSD adder r requires n QSD car rry and sum ge enerators and n-1 n second step p added as shown in i Figure 3. The T result turns out to be an n n+1digit number [4].
Figure 1: The T intermedia ate carry and su um generator. In step 2, the in ntermediate car rry from the lo ower significan nt git is added to the sum of th he current digit t to produce th he dig fin nal result. The e addition in this step produces no carr ry be ecause the cur rrent digit can n always abso orb the carry-i in fro om the lower digit. d The Tab ble 1 shows th he outputs of a all po ossible combin nations of a pa air of interme ediate carry (A A) an nd sum (B). Table T 1: The ou utputs of all po ossible combinations of a pair r of int termediate carr ry (A) and sum m (B)
BA -1 0 1 -2 -3 -2 -1 -1 -2 -1 0 0 -1 0 1 1 0 1 2 2 1 2 3
Th he result of add dition in this st tep ranges from m -3 to 3. Sinc ce car rry is not allow wed in this step, the result be ecomes a singl le dig git QSD outpu ut. The inputs s, the intermediate carry an nd sum, are 2-bit an nd 3-bit binary y respectively. The output is a
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), India Online ISSN: 2319-7064
generator and QSD adder as basic components. A partial product, Mi, is a result of multiplication between an n-digit input, An-1-A0, with a single digit input, Bi, where i = 0.n-1. The primitive component of the partial product generator is a single-digit multiplication unit whose functionality can be expressed as shown in Table 3. Table 3: The outputs of all possible combinations of a pair of multiplicand (A) and multiplier (B)
BA -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 9 6 3 0 -3 -6 -9 -2 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -1 0 1 2 3 3 0 -3 -6 -9 2 0 -2 -4 -6 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 2 3 -2 0 2 4 6 -3 0 3 6 9
3 4 6 9 1 1 ,03 10 2 2 ,12 21,3 3 11 10 12 21
An nxn-digit QSD multiplication requires n partial product terms. In an iterative implementation, a 2ndigit QSD adder is used to perform add-shift operations between the partial product generator and the accumulator. After n iterations, the multiplication is complete. In contrast, a parallel implementation requires n partial product circuits and n-1 QSD adder units.
The single-digit multiplication produces M as a result and C as a carry to be combined with M of the next digit. The range of both outputs, M and C, is between -2 and 2. According to Table 5, and using the same procedure as in creating Table 1 and 2, the mapping between the 6-bit input, A and B, to the 6-bit output, M and C, results in six 6varible Boolean expressions which represent a single-digit multiplication operation. The diagram of a single-digit QSD multiplier is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: A Single- digit QSD Multiplier The implementation of an n-digit partial product generator uses n units of the single-digit QSD multiplier. Gathering all the outputs to produce a partial product result presents a small challenge. The QSD representation of a single digit multiplication output, shown in Table 4, contains a carry-out of magnitude 2 when the output is either -9 or 9. This prohibits the use of the second step QSD adder alone as a gatherer [4, 5]. In fact, we can use the complete QSD adder from the previous section as the gatherer. Furthermore, the intermediate carry and sum circuit can be optimized by not considering the input of magnitude 3. The QSD partial product generator implementation is shown in Figure 5. Table 4: The QSD representation of a single-digit multiplication output
SUM -9 -6 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 QSD represented Number QSD coded number
A binary reduction sum is applied to reduce the propagation delay to 0 (log n). The schematic of a 4x4 parallel QSD multiplication is shown in Figure 6.
2 1 33 1 2,22 10 0 3 ,11
0 2 ,1 2 01 ,1 3 00 1 3 ,01 1 2 ,02
21 12 10 11 02 01
00 01 02
Intern national Jou urnal of Scie ence and Re esearch (IJS SR), India O Online ISSN N: 2319-7064 4
wh hich are similar to the OR function and AND functio on res spectively. Th he quaternary logic l levels ar re expressed i in ter rms 2-bit binar ry and same binary AND an nd OR function ns can n be used to re ealiase MIN an nd MAX functi ion respectively y. Th he truth table fo or inverter, MA AX, MIN funct tion is shown i in tab ble-5. Table 5: Tru uth Table of In nverter, Max fu unction, Min function
7. Conclusion
The prop posed QSD ar rithmetic logic unit is better than t other binary arithmetic a logic c unit in terms of number of f gates and higher number of b bits operation within const tant time. Efficient design for adder block to t perform ad ddition or cation will inc crease operatio on speed. QSD D number multiplic uses 25% less space than BSD to o store numbe er, higher number of gates can be b tolerated for r further improv vement of QSD adder.
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6. Results
he quaternary based arithme etic unit is wr ritten in VHD DL Th an nd synthesized on SPARTAN N 3(3 xc3s50-5pq208) FPGA A de evice using Xilinx project navigator n tool. Table 6 show ws the e LUT utiliza ation and dela ay performanc ce of the QSD D AL LU. The delay y comparison graph g is shown n in figure 7 an nd fig gure 8 shows the t number of f LUT used by y the arithmeti ic un nits. The QSD number is cap pable of repres senting twice a as mu uch magnitud de in each digit compared to the binar ry rep presentation. The T overall dela ay of the QSD ALU is total o of co onversion delay y and computat tion delay.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AD DD MUL INV V MAX MIN
Figure 7: Gra aph showing tim ming delay of arithmetic unit ts 1000 800 600 400 200 0 ADD MUL INV MAX MIN M Figure 8: The number n of LUT T used by the arithmetic a units s. Table 6: Ti iming delay an nd number of LTU L used in SPART TAN 3
Opcode 0 1 10 11 100 Alu unit Delay D LTU ut tilization ADD 5.146 142 MULTIPLY M 5 ns 5.98 972 INVERTER 7. .665 ns 2 MAX/OR 7. .842 ns 2 MIN/AND 7. .842 ns 2