Nahuatl English Basic Dictionary The Original Language of The Aztec

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Nahuatl-English Basic Dictionary

-co. at, in the place of -pan. on, on top of -tica. with, using, through. -tlan. among, between. aca. somebody, someone acattopa. first, in the first place achi miecpa. frequently achto. first achtontli. Great-grandfather, ancestor. achtopa. firstly, in the first place aci. to arrive acicamati. To understand acicamatl. To understand ahuitl. Aunt aic. Never altepepan. At the city altepetl. City, town, population amantecatl. Artisan, amatl. Paper, codex (book) amazolli. Old paper (tradition) amehuan, amehuantin. You, plural reverential: amehuantzitzin. (pronoun) ameyalli. Fountain, source. amini. Hunter amiqui. Thirsty (adj), to be thirsty. amo. No amo cualli. Bad, wrong. amo ... zan. Not ... but. amotlein. Nothing amoxcalli. Library, also book shelf amoxtli. Book an-. You, plural (prefx). ana. To take, to grab. aocmo. Not any more. aocmo huecauh. In a moment, just a moment. apizmiqui. Famine, to be dying of hunger. aquimamatcayoti. Stuborness aquin. Who (?) plural: aquique. atenemachpan. Suddenly atl. Water. reverential: atzintli. atiacuihuayan. Artesian well. atli. To drink water. atolli. Atole, drink made of corn. atonahui. Fever, to have f. auh. And, but. axihuayan. Hotel, lodging, sometimes refuge. axiltia (nite-). To accompany. axiltia (nitia-). To complete, to fulfill. axitia. To get close, to come closer. axixcalli. Restroom (sanitary) axixmiqui. To have the need to go to the restroom. ayamo. Not yet. ayaxcanyotica. Slowly. ayohui. Easyly, easy.

ayotl. Turtle, tortoise. azcatl. Ant. azo zan. perhaps (?), maybe (?).

chuatl. Woman, female. plural: cihuah. ca. To be. Because. plural: cate. ca ye cualli. All right, OK. cahua. To leave (release an object) cahuitl. Time. calacoayan. Door (THE door). calaqui. To come in, to get inside. calli. House. Also used as generic buildings. calmanani. Architect. calpolli. Tribe. caltentli. Door. camachaloa. To open one's mouth. camactli. Mouth. camanallahtoa. To joke. camapaca. To wash one's mouth. camapotoniliztli. Bad breath. camatl. Mouth. campa. Where (?). can. Where (?), plural: canin. caqui. To hear. catca. Was, were. caxtiltecatl. Spaniard. caxtolli omei. Eighteen. caxtolli once. Sixteen. ce. One. ce. One of (when followed by a pronown). cecemilhuitica. Daily, Every day. cemanahuatl. World, universe (figurative). cemiac. Always, for ever. cempanahuia. To exceed, to surpass, to outdo. cempoalli. Twenty. cenca. Very. cenca cualli. Very well cenquizca. Perfectly, completely cenyohual. All night chantli. House. (home). chia. To wait. past: ochix. chicahuac. Healthy, strong, tough, hard. plural: chicahuaque. chicnahui. Nine chicoace. Six. chicome. Seven. chicuey. Eight. chihua. To do. chihuilia. To do (to someone). chipahua. To clean. chiquihuitl. Basquet. choca. To cry, weep. plural: chocah. chocolatl. chocolate. choloa. To flee, to run away. choquilia. To cry, weep. choquilitzatzi. To cry, bawl. choquiltia. To make someone cry.

ciciammicqui. Tired, fatigued. cihtli. Grandmother. Hare. plural: cicihtin. cihuapillahtocatzintli. Queen. cihuapilli. Lady, princess. citialin. Star. ciyahui. To get tired. coatl. Snake. plural: cocoah. cochcahua. To let sleep cochcayotl. Dinner cochehua (nite-). To awake, awaken. cochi. To sleep. plural: cochih. cochiantli. Dormitory. cochihuayan. Bedroom. cochitlehua. To dream. "Seeing in your sleep". cochitta. To dream. "Seeing in your dream". Visions (mystic). cochmiqui. Sleepy, to be sleepy, drowsy. cocoa. To hurt (suffer pain). cococ. Hot, spicy. cocotona. To dismember, destroy, demolish. cocoxcacalli. Hospital. cocoxcacalpan. At the hospital. cocoxqui. Sick, diseased. cohua. To buy, purchase. colli. Grandfather. plural: coltin. coloti. Scorpion. comalli. Flat pan (for cooking) comitl. Cooking pot. conetl. Child, kid. pl:ural coconeh. coni. To drink. copina. To extract. (to get one thing out from another) cotona. To cut. cua. To eat. cuacuahuitl. Horn, antler. cuahuitl. Tree, log. cuaitl. head. (used only in comosite words). cualli. Good (adverb). cualli ic. Good (adjective). cuallotl. Goodness. cuauhmaitl. Branch. cuauhmayoh. That has branches. cuauhtla. Woods, forest. cueitl. Skirt. cueponi. To grow. cueyatl. Frog. cuica. To sing. cuicani. Singer. cuicatl. Song. cuico. Singing. cuicoa. Singing. cuicuizcati. Swallow (bird). cuix. Maybe, could it be... cuix ye huecanh. Has it been long since (?).

eiehuia. To wish. To desire. etl. Beans.

hualhuica. To bring, fetch. huallauh. To come. past: ohualia. hualmonochilia. To call (ask someone to come). hualquiztia. To go out. Future. hualtepotztoca. To follow (someone). hueca. Far, distant. huecauhtica. For a while, for some time (short). huehca. Far. huehue. Old. plural: huehuetque. huehuetlahtolli. Old word. Cultural legacy, tradition, culture. hueitlamahuizoltica. Wonderfully huel. Right, well. Is used as 'can' with another verb in future tense. huelic. Tasty, good. hueltiuhtli. Sister. huetzca. To laugh. huetzi. To fall down. huexolotl. Turkey. huica. To take (something-someone to another place). huilotl. Pigeon. huiptla. The day after tomorrow. huitzitzilin. Hummingbird.

i. To drink ic. That's why, because. ica. With. ica paquiliztli. Gladly. icalixpan. In front of someone's home ichantzinco. In someone's home, to someone's home. ichcatl. Lamb. ichpochtli. Young woman. plural: ichpopochtin. iciuhca. Quickly, Fast. icniuhtli. Brother, friend. icnotl. Poor. icpalli. Chair, stool. icuac. When. While. icuitlapan. Behind. icxitl. Foot. ihcuiloa. To write. ihcuilotic. It is written that ihtoa. To talk, to say. ihuan. And. ihuicpa. From. ilhuia. To tell. ilhuicatl. Sky, heaven. ilhuicac.- At the sky, at heaven. imacaci. To fear, to be afraid. in aquin. The one who - . in canin. Where. At. in ihuicpa. From in oquic. While. in oyuh. Once that - , as soon as in quenin. How. in tiein. The one that, the one which. in xochtl in cuicatl. Poetry, poem. in yuh. Like, as. inech monequi. It's necessary.

inin. This. iniquein. These. iniqueon. Those. inon. That. intia. If. intzalan. Between. ipan. On, on top of. itech calli. Inside the house. ititl. Belly. itqui. To take, to carry. itquin. When (?). itta. To see. itzcuintli. Dog. plural: itzcuintin. ixcueloa. To nod (say yes wuth the head). ixmati. To know. past: oquixmat. ixquich. Every, everything, all. ixtelolotl. Eye. izcatqui. Here is -, this is it. iztac. White. iztitl. Finger nail. ma. To hunt. ma xipatinemi. May you be well, farewell. maca. To give. macamo. Negation. macamo xitequipacho = do not worry. macehualli. Commoner, not of the nobility. machiotil Signal. reverential: machiotzintli. machtia. To teach, to show. macuilli. Five. macuilli ic. Fifth. maitl. Hand. maiahua. To slip. maquixtia. To save, to release, to set free. mati. To know. matlactli. Ten. mauhcatlayecoani. Coward. maxitia. To come closer, to get closer. (from moaxitia). mayana. Hunger, to be hungry. mazatl. Deer. plural: mamazah. mehua. To get up, to stand up. melahuac. Straight. metlatl. Grinding stones. metzli. Herb. meztli Moon. Month. mexicatl. Mexican. michin. Fish. mictia. To kill. mihtoa. It is said that. millacatl. Farmer, country laborer. miqui. To die. mitz-. - you, to you. miztli. Puma, cougar. mizton. Cat. mocactia. To put shoes on. mocahuilia. To leave (something) mocehuia. To rest. mocentlalia, To gather, reunite. mochantia. To reside, to live at.

mochi. Everything, all. plural: mochintin. mochihua. To happen (an event). mochihua. To become, to turn into. mochipa. Always. mocochcayotia. To dine, have dinner. mococoa. To be sick. mocuepa. To transform oneself, to turn into. mohuelmati. To feel good. molcaxitl. Grinding stone (for salsa). momaquilia. To give. momaquixtilia. To free, to liberate. momatequia. To wash one's hands. momauhtia. To be frightened. momayahui. To throw oneself. momotzoa. To rub, massage. momoztlae. Daily, every day. monamictia. To marry. monequiltia. To love. mopopolhuilia. To forgive. moquetza. To stand up. motenehua. One's name, to be called (used as a verb). motlalia. Sit on, to be placed at motlaquentia. To get dressed. motlatoa. To run. moyetztica. To be. Plural, reverential: moyetzicate. moztla. Tomorrow nacatl. Meat. nacayotl. Body. nacaztli. Ear. nahualli. Warlock, witch. nahuatia. To command, to order. nahuatlahtolli. Nahuatl language. nahuatlatoltica. In nahuatl language. nahui. Four. nalquiza. To pass, pass by. namaca. To sell. namictli. Husband, wife. nanquilia. To answer, to respond. nantli. Mother. plural: nantin. Reverential: nantzintli. ne, nehua, nehuatl. I, me. nech-. To me. neci. To appear (materialize). nehnemi. To walk. nelhuayotl. Root, base, foundation. nemachtiloyan. School. nemi. To live. nenepilli. Tongue. nequi. To want. ni-. I, me (as a prefix). nican. Here. niltze. Hello (!). niman. Later, afterwards. nimanic. Right away, now. nimitzittaz. I'll see you. nixtamalli. Corn paste for tortillas or tamales. no. Also. nocenyeliz. My family.

nochtli. Cactus (nopal). nohuan. With me. nohuican. Also, too. noihuan. Also, too. notza. To call someone, to talk with someone. notzontecon. My head. noyuhqui. Also, too. nozo. Or, either. oc. Still, yet. oc achi. More. A little more. oc cequi. Another. plural: oc cequin. oc yohuatzinco. Very early, at dawn. occe. Another. occe tlamantli. Something else, one more thing. occepa. Again. occequi. Another. plural: occequintin. ocelotl. Jaguar. ocnamacoyan. Bar, liquor store. ocuilin. Worm, maggot. ohtli. Road, way, trail. ohualla. Came. ome. Two. ompa. There. oni. To drink. onimitzittac. I saw you. onimitzittacca. I had seen you. opoch. Left (side). oquichtli. Male. plural: oquichtin. otiacicoh. We have arrived. oztotl. Cave. oztoc: In the cave. paca. To wash. pactia. To please, to give pleasure. pahcalli. Drugstore. pahpiani. Pharmaceutic (profession). pahti. To cure pahtia. To cure pahtli. Medicine. palehuia. To help. paltic. Wet. panoltia. To invite someone in. papaca. To wash. papalotl. Butterfly. papatlaca. To tremble, to shiver, to shake. paqui. To be happy. patlani. To fly. patzca. To squeeze, to juice. pehua (ni-). To start, to begin. pehua (nic-). To win, to triunph. petlatl. Bed. pilli. Son. pilli. Noble, prince. piltzintli. Son. (Reverential) pitzahuac. Thin,. plural: pitzahuaque. pitzotl. Pig.

pochtecatl. Merchant, salesperson. poctli. Smoke. pohua. To count, to read. popoca. To smoke. potoni. To stink, to smell bad.

quema. Yes. quenin. How (?) quenin otimohuicac? How did it go ?. quezqui. How much? How many? quilmach. It is said, they say. quimichin. Mouse. quin axcan. Recently, a short while ago. quin tepan. Later, afterwards. quiyahui. To rain. quiyahuitl. Rain. quiza. To go out. quizaliztli. Migration, departure. tahtli. Father. plural: tahtin. reverential: tahtzintli. tamalli. tamal. te, tehua, tehuatl. You. reverential: tehuatzin. tech-. We, to us. teci. To grind. tecolotl. Owl. tecuani. Wild beast. tecuhtli. Lord. plural, reverential : tecuhtzintli. tehuan, tehuantin. We, us. Teica ?. Why ?. tel. But. telpochcalli. College, university. telpochtli. Boy, young man. plural: telpopochtin. temachtiani. Teacher, tutor. plural: temachtianimeh, reverential: temachticatzintli. temamauhti. Horrible, terrifying, scary. plural: temamauhtique. temazcalli. Steam bath. temo. To descend, to go down. temoa. To look for. teneyeyecoitiliztli. Temptation. teniza. To breakfast. tennamiqui. To kiss. tentli. Lip. Edge, border. tentzontli. Moustache, whiskers. teocalli. Temple. teocuitlatl. Gold (literally, wonderful waste). teopixqui. Priest. plural: teopixque. teotl. Wonderful, awesome. Terrifying. To some scholars, God. teotlac. Afternoon, during the afternoon. tepahtiani. Doctor, medic, healer. tepec. Hill. tepehuani. Conquistador. tepepan. At the hill, in the wilderness. tepetl. Mountain, volcano. tequipachoa. To worry. tequipanoa. To work, to labor. tetl. Stone, rock.

texocotl. Tejocote (small winter fruit). texocotzopelloti. Tejocote jam, preserved tejocotes. ti-. You (singular). Us (subject prefix). ticitl. Doctor, medic, healer. titlani. To send. tlaca. Afternoon. Late. tlacachihua. To procreate, to have children. tlacamati. To obey. tlacamatli. Obeyance. tlacatecolotl. Devil. Literally "Afternoon Owl", "Owl man". tlacatilia. To get pregnant, conception. tlacatl. Person. plural: tlacah. Reverential: tlacatzintli. tlachia. To look, to see. tlachpana. To sweep, To broom. tlacua. To eat, to feed. tlacualchihualoyan. Kitchen. tlacualli. Food. tlacualoyan. Diner, dining room. tlacualtia. To feed, to give food. tlahtlacolli. Offense. tlahtli. Uncle. tlahtoa. To talk, to speak. tlahtoani. King. plural: tlahtoanime. tlahtocayotl. Kingdom, state, nation. tlahtolli. Language, tongue, Word, speech. tlahtoque. Nobles, princes. tlahuilli. Light. tlalia. To put. tlalticpac. At or on the earth. tlamachtilli. Pupil. plural: tlamachtiltin. tlamaneloa. To swim. tlamatini. Wise person, wisdom. plural: tlamatinime. tlami. To finish. past: otlan. tlaneci. Dawn. tlanequiliztli. Will, willpower. tlantli. Tooth. tlaocoya. Sad, to be sad. tlaolli. Corn. tlapaloa. To greet. tlapalotiuh. To go to greet someone. tlapoa. To open. tlapopolhuia. To forgive. tlaquemitl. Clothes. tlathui. Dawn. tlatla. To burn. tlatlacalhuia. To offense, to insult. tlatlani. To ask (a question). tlatlatilcuahuitl. Firewood. tlatquitl. Patrimony. tlatzacuillotl. Door (THE door). tlatzomia. To meow. tlaxcalchihua. To make tortillas. tlaxcalli. Tortillas, bread. tlaxcalmana. To make bread. tlaza. To bring down, to knock down. tlazocamati. Thanks, Thank you. tlazohtla. To love.

tlazolli. Garbage, waste. tle inic amo. Why not ?. tle ipampa. Why ?. tleca. Why ?. tleco. To climb, to go up. tlecuil. Stove. tlecuilco. On the stove. tlecuilli. Stove, cooking fire. tlen. What. tletl. Fire. toca. To sow. toca. To bury. tocaitl. Name. reverential: tocatzintli. tocatl. Spider. tochtli. Rabbit. toltecatl. Wise one, Science man, Knowledgeable. tonalli. Day. tonehua. To hurt, to suffer pain. totechmonequi, totech monequi. We need. totolayotl. Chicken soup. totolin. Turkey. tototl. Bird. tozquitl. Throat. tzatzi. To scream, to shout. tzontecomatl. Head. tzontli. Hair. tzopelic. Sweet. xayacatl. Face. xihuitl. Herb. Leaf. Year. xinachtli. Seed. xiquipiltontli. Bag. xitomatl. Tomato. xocoyotzin. The smallest, the youngest. xonacatl. Onion. xoncalaqui. Get in (!). xoxoctic. Green. yacatl. Nose. yancuic. New. yauh. To go. ye. Ready, done. ye tlaca. It's late. ye, yehua, yehuatl. He, she, it. reverential: yehuatzin. yec. Right (side). yeccaqui. To understand, to comprehend. yeceh. Though, nontheless. yectenehua. To bless, to sanctify. yectli. Good, beautiful, pretty, nice. plural: yeyectin. yehuan, yehuantin. They. reverential: yehuantzitzin. yei. Three. yetiayohuac. It's night, It's late. yohuac. Night. yohualtica. At night. yolcatl. Insect.

yoli. To live. yollotl. Heart. yolpaqui. To be happy. yuhquin. Like this, this way.

zan niman. Right away, immediately. zan tepitzin. Just a little. exp zatepan. later. adj zatlatzonco. lastly, finally. con zayolin. fly (the insect). sus zazanilli. story, tale. sus zolin. codorniz. sus zoquipan. in the mud. exp zoquitl. mud. sus zoquiyo. muddy. exp

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