Theories of Trade
Theories of Trade
Theories of Trade
Theories of Trade
7 Trade Theories Mercantilism Theory
1. Mercantilism is the oldest International Trade Theory that found during 1630 by 2. William Petty, Thomas Mun and Antoine de Montchrtien. 3. The base of this theory was the commercial revolution, the transition from local economies to national economies, from feudalism to capitalism, from a rudimentary trade to a larger international trade. 4. Mercantilism is an economic theory that holds a countrys treasure primarily in the form of gold constituted its wealth. 5. This theory says that countries should export more than they import, so they can receive the value of trade surplus in the form of gold fro the countries that experience Trade Deficit. 6. It superseded the medieval feudal organization in Western Europe, especially in Holland, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, Portugal and Spain. The monarch controlled everything. Their policy was to export in the countries that they controlled and not to import (to have a positive Balance of Trade). 7. Export inflow of gold and silver Import outflow of gold and silver
Mercantilism is an economic theory holds that the prosperity of a nation is dependent upon its supply of capital, and that the global volume of international trade is unchangeable.
To encourage export, Government can impose tax or other charges on import. This can help to promote sales and to earn more Gold or Foreign currency. It will help to prevent Trade deficit and experience Trade Surplus. The Suggestions by Mercantilism theory can be summarized as1. Country should have more Export than Import in Monetary Value 2. So country can experience Trade Surplus 3. Government can help to improve export by imposing tax and some other charges on import 4. Maintain favorable balance of Trade 5. Viewed trade as a zero-sum game rather than a positive-sum game Decay of Gold Standard reduced the validity of this theory and then this theory was modified and named as Neo-Mercantilism
The essence of Adam Smith theory is that the rule that leads the exchanges from any market, internal or external, is to determine the value of goods by measuring the labour incorporated in them.
2. NATURAL ADVANTAGE Climatic conditions Natural resources Example: Indian Climate- Production of Rice, Wheat, Sweet Mangoes, Grapes, Tea, Coconuts, Cashew nuts, Cotton etc. Sri Lanka: Production of Tea, Rubber USA: Production of Wheat
3. ACQUIRED ADVANTAGE Technology Skill development Examples: Japan: advantages in steel production through the imports of both iron and coal (Labor saving and material saving technology) England: production of textiles, France: Wine
Numerical Example
Output per one day of labour India Pens 90 Japan 30 9
Mobiles 3
Production Possibilities: Ability of labour to produce different goods/services in a day India Japan
One labour per day can produce either 90 pens One labor per day can produce either 30 Pens or 3 Mobiles Absolute advantage in the production of Pens or 9 Mobiles Absolute advantage in the production of Mobiles
If India and Japan will exchange these products, both will get advantage. India will export 60 Pens to Japan Japan will export 6 Mobiles to India
Implications (Significance) of Absolute Advantage Theory 1. More quantity of both products 2. Increased standards of living of both countries 3. Increased production efficiency 4. Increase in global efficiency and effectiveness 5. Maximization of Global productivity and other resources productivity Criticism 1. No absolute advantages for many countries 2. Country size varies 3. Country by country differences in specialization 4. Deals with labour only and neglects other factors (Variety of resources) 5. Neglected Transport cost (It plays significant role) 6. Scale economies (Large scale economies reduces the cost of production and forms a part of absolute advantages, this theory neglects it) 7. Absolute advantage for many products
Limitations of Ricardian Comparative Cost theory 1. Restrictive Model Ricardo's Theory is based on only two countries and only two commodities. But international trade is among many countries with many commodities. 2. Labour Theory of Value Value of goods is expressed in terms of labour content. Labour Theory of value developed by classical economists has too many limitations and thus is not applicable to the reality. Value of goods and services in the real world is expressed in money i.e. the prices are the values expressed in units of money. 3. Full employment The assumption of full employment helps the theory to explain trade on the basis of comparative advantage. The reality is far from full employment. Cost of production, even in terms of labour, may change as the countries, at different levels of employment move towards full employment. 4. Ignore transport cost Another serious defect is that the transport costs are not consider in determining comparative cost differences.
Notes Made By Amar Maharana Heckscher-Ohlin Theory (also called as Factor Proportions Theory)
1. In the early 1900s an international trade theory called factor proportions theory emerged by two Swedish economists, Eli Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin. 2. The Modern Theory of international trade has been advocated by Bertil Ohlin. Ohlin has drawn his ideas from Heckscher's General Equilibrium Analysis. Hence it is also known as Heckscher Ohlin (HO) Model / Theorem / Theory. 3. According to Bertil Ohlin, trade arises due to the differences in the relative prices of different goods in different countries. The difference in commodity price is due to the difference in factor prices (i.e. costs). Factor prices differ because endowments (i.e. capital and labour) differ in countries. Hence, trade occurs because different countries have different factor endowments. 4. The Heckscher Ohlin theorem states that countries which are rich in labour will export labour intensive goods and countries which are rich in capital will export capital intensive goods. 5. The Heckscher-Ohlin theory stresses that countries should produce and export goods that require resources (factors) that are abundant and import goods that require resources in short supply. Assumptions of Heckscher Ohlin's H-O Theory Heckscher-Ohlin's theory explains the modern approach to international trade on the basis of following assumptions:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. There are two countries involved. Each country has two factors (labour and capital). Each country produce two commodities or goods (labour intensive and capital intensive). There is perfect competition in both commodity and factor markets. All production functions are homogeneous of the first degree i.e. production function is subject to constant returns to scale. 6. Factors are freely mobile within a country but immobile between countries. 7. Two countries differ in factor supply. 8. Each commodity differs in factor intensity. 9. The production function remains the same in different countries for the same commodity. For e.g. If commodity A requires more capital in one country then same is the case in other country. 10. There is full employment of resources in both countries and demand are identical in both countries. 11. Trade is free i.e. there are no trade restrictions in the form of tariffs or non-tariff barriers. 12. There are no transportation costs.
In this case, neither country has specialized in producing more of one of the two particular products - both countries produce about the same number of jeans and cell phones.
Country A - having more capital than labor - has specialized in producing more cell phones. Country B - having more labor than capital - has specialized in producing more jeans. In this case, trade may benefit both countries involved.
The Ohlin's theory concludes that:1. The basis of internal trade is the difference in commodity prices in the two countries. 2. Differences in the commodity prices are due to cost differences which are the results of differences in factor endowments in two countries. 3. A capital rich country specialises in capital intensive goods & exports them. While a Labour abundant country specialises in labour intensive goods & exports them. Limitations of Heckscher Ohlin's H-O Theory Heckscher Ohlin's Theory has been criticized on basis of following grounds :1.
Unrealistic Assumptions: Besides the usual assumptions of two countries, two commodities, no transport cost, etc. Ohlin's theory also assumes no qualitative difference in factors of production, identical production function, constant return to scale, etc. All these assumptions makes the theory unrealistic one. Restrictive : Ohlin's theory is not free from constrains. His theory includes only two commodities, two countries and two factors. Thus it is a restrictive one.
3. One-Sided Theory: According to Ohlin's theory, supply plays a significant role than demand in determining factor prices. But if demand forces are more significant, a capital abundant country will export labour intensive good as the price of capital will be high due to high demand for capital.
Static in Nature: Like Ricardian Theory the H-O Model is also static in nature. The theory is based on a given state of economy and with a given production function and does not accept any change. Wijnholds's Criticism : According to Wijnholds, it is not the factor prices that determine the costs and commodity prices but it is commodity prices that determine the factor prices. Consumers' Demand ignored : Ohlin forgot an important fact that commodity prices are also influenced by the consumers' demand. Haberler's Criticism : According to Haberler, Ohlin's theory is based on partial equilibrium. It fails to give a complete, comprehensive and general equilibrium analysis. Leontief Paradox : American economist Dr. Wassily Leontief tested H-O theory under U.S.A conditions. He found out that U.S.A exports labour intensive goods and imports capital intensive goods, but U.S.A being a capital abundant country must export capital intensive goods and import labour intensive goods than to produce them at home. This situation is called Leontief Paradox which negates H-O Theory. Other Factors Neglected : Factor endowment is not the sole factor influencing commodity price and international trade. The H-O Theory neglects other factors like technology, technique of production, natural factors, different qualities of labour, etc., which can also influence the international trade.
1. New trade theory (NTT) suggests that a critical factor in determining international patterns of trade are the very substantial economies of scale and network effects that can occur in key industries 2. These economies of scale, and network effects, can be so significant that they outweigh the more traditional theory of comparative advantage. In some industries, two countries may have no discernible differences in opportunity cost at a particular point in time. But, if one countries specializes in a particular industry then it may gain economies of scale and other network benefits from its specialization 3. Another element of new trade theory is that firms who have the advantage of being an early entrant can become a dominant firm in the market. This is because the first firms gain substantial economies of scale meaning that new firms cant compete against the incumbent firms. This means that in these global industries with very large economies of scale, there is likely to be limited competition, with the market dominated by early firms who entered, leading to a form of monopolistic competition. 4. This means that the most lucrative industries are often dominated in capital intensive countries, who were the first to develop these industries. Therefore, being the first firm to reach industrial maturity gives a very strong competitive advantage. (some may say unfair advantage) 5. Two types of economies of scale were considered in explaining that countries engage in international trade because of economics of scale. The first one is the internal economies in which average costs of individual firms will fall as they produce more output and become larger and the second one is the external economies of scale in which average costs of the industry in a country will reduce as it produces more output and grows larger. 6. New trade theory also becomes a factor in explaining the growth of globalization. It means that poorer, developing economies may struggle to ever develop certain industries because they lag too far behind the economies of scale enjoyed in the developed world. This is not due to any intrinsic comparative advantage, but more the economies of scale the developed firms already have.
The government is likely to have poor information about which industry to support and how to go about it. It creates a tendency for powerful vested business interests which rely on state support. This state support may encourage inefficiency in the long-term. Conclusion 1. New trade theory is not primarily about advocating government intervention in industry, it is more a recognition that economies of scale are a key factor in influencing the development of trade. It also suggests that free trade and laissez faire government intervention may be much less desirable for developing economies who find themselves unable to compete with established multi-nationals. 2. New trade theory also supposes an increasing scale of production, which is the model that states that as input factors increase, output levels actually increase at a higher level.
Stage 5: Decline Poor countries constitute the only markets for the product. Therefore almost all declining products are produced in developing countries. (E.g., PCs are a very poor example here, mainly because there is weak demand for computers in developing countries. A better example is textiles.)
Porter Theory is based on four Major Attributes / Factors that constitute a diamond 1. 2. 3. 4. Factor Endowments Demand Conditions Firm Strategy, Structure And Rivalry Related and Supporting Industries
BASIC FACTORS Natural resources, climate, location and demographics ADVANCE FACTORS Communication Infrastructure, skilled labour, Research facilities and so on.
Basic factors can provide only an initial advantage They must be supported by advanced factors to maintain success
E.g. 1.Choice of tile to meet customer Demand Choice of Italy as production location Wood is less available and expensive than tiles Most of the Advanced factors were available within Italy
E.g. 2. Japan a country which lacks arable land and mineral deposits. Large pool of engineers - very vital for a manufacturing industry. Japan has high priced land and so its factory space is at a premium.
E.g. 3.Japan's success may largely be attributed to its advanced factors creation rather than basic factors arability. A nation can overcome its deficiency or comparative disadvantage of basic factors endowment by focusing on creation of advanced factors to improve its competitive advantage.
Demand Conditions: Home country Demand plays an important role Enables better understand the needs and desires of the customers It shapes the attributes of domestic ally made products and creates pressure for innovation and quality E.g. 1. Italian ceramic Industry after the world war II There was a postwar housing BOOM !! Consumers wanted cool floors because of Hot climatic conditions
Firm Strategy, Structure And Rivalry: Long term corporate vision (Strategy) is a determinant of success Ability of the companies to develop and sustain a competitive advantage requires the 4 Th attribute. Presence of domestic rivalry improves a companys competitiveness
E.g. 1. Low entry barriers to market in the tile industry Rivalry became very intense Breakthroughs in both product and process technologies E.g. 2. Germany tends to have hierarchical management structures composed of managers with strong technical backgrounds and Italy has smaller, family-run firms. E.g. 3. Japan has high priced land and so its factory space is at a premium This lead to justin-time inventory techniques (Japanese firms cant have a lot of stock taking up space, so to cope with the potential of not have goods around when they need it They innovated traditional inventory techniques).
Benefits of investment in advanced factors by Suppliers and related industries can spill over. Creates clusters of supporting industries, thereby achieving a strong competitive position internationally.
E.g. 2. Switzerlands success in pharmaceutical industry is closely related to its international success in technical dye industry. E.g. 3. Swedish strength in fabricated steel industry is the reason for development in the Sweden's specialty steel industry.
Government & Chance Chance Events such as major innovations, can reshape industry structure. Government Policies Can detract from or improve national advantage. Regulation can alter home demand conditions. Government investment in education can change factor endowment.
E.g. 1991 US Govt Tariff on Japanese imports of LCD screens APPLE and IBM Protested strongly Japan The low cost LCD manufacturer Increase the LCD screens as well as Laptops in the global market Reduce the Market Share.