NACA ACR L5G28 Bibliography and Review of Information Relating To The Hydrodynamics of Seaplanes
NACA ACR L5G28 Bibliography and Review of Information Relating To The Hydrodynamics of Seaplanes
NACA ACR L5G28 Bibliography and Review of Information Relating To The Hydrodynamics of Seaplanes
September 1945 ae A&vanoe Confidential ReportL*28 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REV?EWOF INFORMATION RELATING TO TBE HYDRODYNAMICS OF SEAPUWES By JamesM. Bensonand Jerold M. Bidwell Langley Mamorlal Aeronautical Laboratory Langley Field, Va.
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NACA WARTIME REPORTS are reprints of papers originally issued to provide rapid distribution of advance research results to an authorized group requiring them for the war effort. They were previously held under a security status but are now unclassified. Some of these reports were not technically edited. All have been reproduced without change in order to expedite general distribution.
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COIWEW!1ONAL RW,LSAND FLOATS . . . . . . .. . . . .-., ,mm 2 . . . Over-All Proport4ons and Shape . 1 of. Flying-goat Hulls ... . . .. . . . . . . .. . . 2 . .?. . Mdxlmum be~ .999 *.99 3 . Over-all lerigt~: : ::: : :.1: .,, . . . . . . 3 . .Ove.r-al.l lp~thbeam ratio . . . ;.. . . . 3 Heightand height-beambqt:o , . . . . . . . . . .Skape.. . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . t .RwllLoading andLeri@h-13eam Ratio . . . . . . . . 8 Effects of load with -hullproportions held constent ..,.. . . . . ....... 8, .Langth-be mmati o..... . . . .. . . . .. . . . , 9 ,Dead. Risg ....... . .. . . . . . . . ...11 Forekody ... . ....- .-... . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ~ * BOW .-....*....... . . . . ..9....12 of planlng bottom . . . 14 . Longitudinal cuneture Warping OJ?bottom surfaces of forebody . .. . 14 . Chineflare..... . ;. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . . External ~lifnestrips . . . ; . . . . ..... . . 15 . . .Lonmltudinal stem . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . 17 Flu;ed bottoms ;.... . . . . . . . . ...13 Wttomro~@mess ., . . . . . . . . .. . ..19 . Afterbody ........ .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Afterbodyler@h ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Angle of afterbody keel . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . Afterbodywurplng. .. . . ... . . . . . . . .21 Afterbody plat form... . . . . . . . . . ...22 .Afterbody ohlne.fl.are.. . . . . . . . . . ; . 22 , Position of Center-ofGravity and Looation . . of Main Step..-... .. . . . . . . . . . . ..22 . .Prelim3narydesign ..... . . . . .. . . . . . 22 . Effectsupon dynamic stability .. . . . ... . 23 .Reloaation of s%ep to improve stability of model or fill-size airplane . . . . . . , . . 2 JMpthand Fcmuof Ma inStep . . . . . . . . . . .2 Depth of step..... . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . 24 Ventilation ofthe step . . . . . ... . .. . . 25 Step failings ...,... . . . . . . . . ...2 Plan form of step... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Side Steps and Skegs . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 26. Tail Extension . . . . . . . . % . . . . . . . . . 27
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FLOATS FOR SEAPLANES . . , Over-all proportions and shape . Dead rise..... . . . st61tic8.m . ....... S.i a.m.. .0.o.~ Effeot of s~aoing between kloR~s r . . Air drag o: floats . .... . . .. Dynadc-stability of float seaplanes . .-. . . . -. , LATERAL STABILIZERS . . . . ,-.:. &pea of lateral.stabilizer . . ..... . . . conce~irig,winE-tlp floats Hydrodynamic characteristics of stub wings .. .Mrdrag .. ... . . . . .98 9 , . .; Present status of design criterions Unconventional forms of stnbllizers . , . . Emergency devices . . .. . . . . . ~
AERODYNAhqC AND PRCPVLSIVE C!X4SIIX?RATIONS Wing . ..... . . .*.** ., . Flaps Tail 8U;f&;S9 Propellers.. . w. * .0 Jet propulsion . . . tJNCOmNTIONAL cONFIGuRATIONS ... . Tunnel bottoms. . . .,. . ... Asymmetri~l fleets ... . . . . Planing tatl . . . .. . . .. . Planing flaps .. . . . .,. Float-wing designs . .. . . . .Hull.-les.s designs . . . . . .. HYDROPDILS. . . . . . . . . . . . . PILOTING AND I?ANDLING .. . . , Glassy water . . . . . . , I S-billty . . .,. . . ,,,.. RX4gh=water. . . , . ~ . 8 Reversible propellers .. 9 Depth Ofwater . . . . . .
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-. . .. BIBLIOGilAP13Y . .. . . . . . . .s.OOO, .Os 0,04 [email protected] Hulls.-. ; . . . . . ~--, . . ~.... . . . Planing Surfaces..... . .. O.. . ..#. Seaplane Floats . . . . . . . . . . . . ..S0 .6 Lateral Stablllzers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aerodynaml. c and Propulsive Considerations . . . . Unconventional Configurations . . . . . . . . . . Hydrofoils . . . . . . . ..o . . . . . . . ...7 Piloting and Handling.. . . . . . . . . ..s. Impact Loads Experimental P;o;e&e; : . . , . . . . . . , Q .
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BIBLIOGRAPHY ti REVIEW OF JITFORMATION RELATINQ. . . . TO THE RYDRODYMAM132S OF S+P~S . . , .. & James M. Benson and Jer?ld M. Bldwell . ,:
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A bibliogra~y and a review of informationrelat~~ . to the hydrodynamics of seaplanes have been presented. Data end oonclusIons obtalned from the In the biblloqaphy have been correlated to piesent inquali- . . tatlve.fol?ma summary of the status of knowledge pertqintig to thehydrodynamics of seaplqs and to po$nt out the need for further reaea~ch. Characteristics of conventional hulls and floats aredfscussed to show . . the effects upon perfonmnce of changes Im design parameters such as dead rise, depthof step, ~d. angle , of afterbody keel-.A separate section has been devoted to special problems-relating to floats for seaplanes. Other topics discussed Includelateral st@ilizers, aerodynamic and propulsive considerations, unconventional conflgurations, hydrofoils, and pllotlng and handling. . .. The arrangement of ths bibliography in general 1s similar to that oft the text, References on flying-boat , hulls, plan$ng.surfaces, and seaplanefloqts,hcwever, have been listed Separately irltlM b,ibllogra~y. Refer- . . enoe ?qaterlal ~rtaining to impact loads has been included in the bibliography although thas.ubject ha; not been ravlewed. . Informationon experimental. procedures used t~ obtain the resultsdtaobsbd in.tie text may be ~ound In the references in the .concludllqsect.lon . . ., of the bibliography.. INTROD~TION An Increasing demand for ln~ormation.relat~~ *O the hydrodynamics of seaplanes has indicated the need for a compilation of existing scattered data. @ present report, which has been prepared In an attempt
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to fill this need, is in the formof a bibliography and a brief review of the .sub$eet. Therever possible the presentf,statusof tke various phases of hydrodynamic research is indicated and t-neneed-fbrfurther research 1s pointed out ,althoughan extensive treatment of the subject has not been attempted. Complete data and the detailed development of the.Important conclusions may, In general, be found In thereports listed in tlM bibliography. In some instances, however, previously unpublished data and data fr~m sources not suitable for reference purposes have been Inoluded. Reports $hat are not ganarally available for distribution, either for seourity or proprietary.reasons, are markad with an astarlsk in tha bibliography. .. The material presentedhareln has been organized in a way that isolatas insofar as practical tha effects of design 5arAmatars such as daad risa, depth of step, and angle of aftarb@y keel in preference to wore general Subjaot.ssuch as resistance, stability, and air drag. A list of references pertaining to impact loads hasbeen inolude.din the bibliography although tl??subjact has not been discussed In the text. Properties of both hulls and floats are discussed .ugder the t,eadi!lg fConvantlonal Hullsati Floats!and.snecial problems relatlng to flQats ara ta~nup , under th,?.haadfng IFloatsfor Seapl,anas.ll .. Acknowladgmant is ma-deto Boeing Aircraft Cov.pany, . Cmsoltdated TulteeAircraft Corporation, Edo Aircraft .Cp~oration , and The Glenn L, Martin Company for furnishing copies ofrOnginOerin.greports pertaining to flight tests.ofsaeplanes and .13M.appllcatlonof tk rasults of rbd~l tests.t.odesign practida; !@ following members of ihe staff of.tha ~Lar@ay Hydrodynamics. Diyision gava TateriQl assistance in correlating ths large amount ofdata: Joe T. J%ll, John E. Dawson, John W. Ebart, Jr,, bo F. Fehlner, Douglas A. King, NormanS. Land, ,Roland E. Olson, John B.Parkinson, and %nry B. Suydam. CONV!3TTICl:AL HULti AI-DFLCATS Over-All P~o~ortions and Shape . . of Flying-Boat Hulls .. . . . The hull ofa flying the functlohs of fuselage,-flotation gear, and landing gear. The
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and shape of.a :hfil re.pultfrocma -- over-all .:prdporttons harmonious combination of tlm.proportltins . ahd Qhtip6s bf tlm various components designed,for .qaqh $umticm or . comblnatioq of fumtions. The over-all form is important . in Itself maln~y In connection with tls fuselage aqd flotation functions rather than with ~~e detally!i hydro dynamic charaoterlstios during potion on the mater. A hull isbest .designedby tald.ngint.o oofisiderqtlon its requirements, spaoe for adoommodatio~;.sekworthiness~ tail-lengths sto. - rat~r..thaq by tqing . , . to fit the requirements Into a preoenoelved over.=all form.
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M&ximum be~.- The maximum b-eam.~f .a flying-boat hull Is determibed. somewhat b~ the buoyenoy.required Wd In transport airolanes by the width required for accommodation of the pay load. The beam loadin~ is properly regarded as a very important criterion ond mqst be selected to suit the intiehdedserti.ce.
Over-all length.- The over-all length of the.hull . is ap~e up of the.length of tb forebody dation ahead of the cehter of gravity. required for aceo.r~ and for adequatg se~wcrthiness underway plus tlmpredetermined-distance from.the center of gravity to the tail surfaces. In contemporary hulls, the over-all,length is usually greater than the sum of forebody a@ afterbody lengths. The additional length isthe tail extension. Over-all length-beam ratio.=.-Theover-all lengthbeam ratio is fai91y well determined by the type and oonfiguratlon of theairplane... possible, however, to vary the ratio for the same design and still maintain tti sam degree of seaworthiness by varying the beam loading, the forebody length-bear~.ratio, and the size of the tdl aurfaoes.. The .affeotcf such a variation on the aerodynario drag is Included with the hydrodynmnle effectd under Hull Loading and .Length-~am Hetght and height-beam ratio.- The height.of the hull ~ requirqd for aooommodation and aerodynamic oonfiauration in order to provide sufficient spray clearanoe for the propellers ati aerodynamic surfaces. It is possible, however, to use different heights for different beam loadings and still maintain the same degree of seaworthiness. Most present-day wultienglne flying boats are characterized by high beam loadings combined with high height-beam c
ratios, and some authorities conclude that this combination is preferable from all standpoints (reference 18). The PBY-5 (Catalina), however, 1s one example in which low beam loadin~ Is combined with low height-beam ratio of thehull, the.wing being carried on a pylons yet ~s considered exoep$lonally seaworthy. Hydrodynamic.tests 0$ a related fsmily,of poweredodynamic models having . systematic variatio~in height-beam ratio cmrblned with a~propriate values of len@h=beam ratio are required to determine yhether there cptlmum height-beam ratio for a giveanclass of airplane. . . Tests .in.tQ& Leqgley pzopbller-resea;ch tunn.61OP o tw~nodels of flylpg-boat hu\ls.hav6 shown that the drag coefficient based on frontal area decreas~s with an lnorease in the height ~f the hull for a given beam and le~,th although the drag actually ~ncreasea (reference ~3). Coortibes. and Clark (reference 18).have concluded from . these data tkqt hl@ values of height-beam ratio are p-heferable. The data are shown in figure l.(a)as curves of drag coef~lcient based on frontal area plotted a~ainst height-beam ratio, along with similar data from tests of a streamline body in.theLa~ley 8-foot high-speed tunnel whj.chshow a similar trend (reference 7~).. The.same data presented in f~gure l(b) as c)urvesof drag coefficient based on the tyo-thirds power of the hull volume plotted against-height-beam ratio, howgver, indicate a different conclusion. The drag coefficier.tbased on.volume for .mod~l.35 is at a .miniru~near a bsight-beam ratio.of 1.2 w~le t~ trend for thestreamline body is reversed. , In geneyal, re~sonahle to pxpeot that the mlnimmdrag fhr a given volume would occur near a heightbeaw.ratio ofl.O. .. .. . . .. ~ .. ,. .. .. . Shape.- M6K!.the ovgryall proportions and.dinmnsions huva been determined, the drag becomes a function bf the detailed shape. Below the chines the shape must have suitable hydrodynam~c characteristics . butot@rwiae shbuld be srooth ~d fair in three dtme~~io~s f~~ tke ~.inimumof ~qterfergnc~ t~.the flow . . of:waterqq a~~ and for ease of constructt.on.
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Height-beam ratio (b) . Drag coeffioi.entBasedon .( volme )2fi IY1.gura lo- Vartationof drag ~oefflcient with heightbeam ratio forflylng-boat hullsandstreamllnebody. .
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As an lndlcat~onof the relative cle~nesst of flying-boat hulls, Hartman(referencp 43) comparedtheir drag coefficients with the drag c~efficient pf an airship hull at the satie-Reynolds number.. The best hull with a tall extension had a minimum f.rbntal-area@rag coefficient of..O.O?2ascompared.with the airship drag coefficient of 0.052; henee,. if all practical considerations are neglected, .$twould-be possible to reduce the drag of this hul;l. abut L7 percent. The mlnim~ frontalarea drag.coefficient.of a.very clean hull,(fig. 2).as measured in the LW+gley two-dimensional low-turbulence pressure tunnel (reference 70) was.foundto be 0.080 as compared with .a~skin+ri.etiondrag coefficient . of 0.056 at the saw.eRe~olds number; the increment not chargeable to s~n friction was theref?re 42 percent of the total. , A closer estimate bf increment c@r@eable to the function of thehull as a landln.ggear ts given In reference 7% In whiblithe mlnimti drdg coefficient of a streamline hull was shown from tests in the Langley &foot high-speed ttmnel tobe ab~tit20 percent greater than that.,ofeither the straightor the warped streamline body .from.whic~It was darived. A similar comparison was made inreference 18 which indicated that, for the hull considered,..tb minimum drag coefficient was 22 perc~nt greaterthan that of the wanped streamline body from which it wasderived. . .. In references l&, 70, and 79 the generalprekdse is advanced that the best over-all shape for a hull is one for which the departure from a streamline body of revolution are kept at a minimum consistent with hydrodynamic requirements. Increasing the height of a wellfaired bow has cnly a small adverse effect on the drag; Increasing the height of the stern by warping the basio foni but holding the afterbbdy position fixed has a larger adverse effect (reference 79). Warping a streamline body at the stern is shown in reference 79 to have no adverse effect on the minimum drag but increases ths angle of minimum drag as would be expected. In reference 18, however, warping the tail of the streamline body is said to increase tk drag 13 percent, presumably at the same engle otattack. In reference 43the beneficialeffect of a rounded deck for the same. frontal area Is estimated to be a reduction In minimum drag nf 21, 23, and 26 percent, . .
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.. . . . . . .. . . . . Feet .. . . . . .. . . Fi&e. 2.- Conventional flyin~ boat for transport sertioe wl. th hull designed for low air drag (reference 70). . . . . ., ...
-....~.;*-. . . -> . respectlvely, for the three mollbl 8 considered. The Increase fn drag attrtbute~ to the windshield 1s small. The available data on tie effects of proportions and shape indicate that oareful design and attention to the shape of the hull are-essential in order to keep the parasite drag at a minimum. The added drag of properly arranged chines and stepsbecoues of the same order of maEmitude as that dup to roughness and unavoidable protuberance& on theactual hull. Radical departures from the form;for minimum drag or forms having excessive surfacemqrp~ will n~tz in general, be desirable fo.r.high-pe~forniance airplanes regardless..oftheir hydrodynamicadvantages (reference 70). (~g~ 2show? a flying boat of conventional arrangement for transport service with a low-drag hull havjng suitable hydr.~~ . .. . dynamic charact%ifWtics for a. .gxoas weight.. of about ; 120,000 lb.). . .. . Hull Loadln&.and @ngth-Beam Ratfo -
The loading of a flying-boat hull or a seaplane float is usually expressed-in terms of load coefficient CA, whtch is based upon beam as the characteristic d.irrensiono Load coefficient provides a good scale for the load on hulls having comparable lengthbeam ratios and for any hull in the planing condition, in whioh wettb.dlength is a depetient variable. At .1OW speeds, however, when t.- bow of the hull fs watt~d, load coefficient Ioq&s.most of its s+gniflcen.~e in the comparison of hulls of different length-beam ratios, Beoause of the close rel~tionsb~p between load coefficient and length-beam rat!o, It is necessary to consider both variables in discussion of the load-carrying capaoity.or the performance of hulls at low speeds. The length-anti beam of the forebody are considered the most important dimehsima because tka di-mensions. ~f the afterbody must bq%made approximately in proportiont~ those of the forebody.... . . . . . .. . . Effects af load with hull prouohtions-hsld numerous lave been in~a~ed The effects of load ~ general tests of fl~ing-boat hulls an~ in overload tests o.fmost speo.ific~esigns. Data from these..qources show .,. . .. .. .
the effects of load on t@pmdormanceo of flying-boat hulls of oonyentional proportions. Increasing -,. . . . .. .th load coefficient . ,.: (a) reduces load~resistante ~atlo speed (b) inoreases . A/R A~R at.hump
(o) raises bo~fi. the upper and lower trim limits of stability (d) usually.decreases thk rAnge of stable locations of the center of gravity (e ) increasee dlfficultyof directional control at low speeds (Several.oases are known In which the load oia flylng boat has been litited by directional instability.) (f). increases the 1%1.+:ht and intensity of spray Ienpth-beam ratio.- A 6ritorion.relat~.n~the grossload coefficient CAn af a fly:ng-boat hull to the lengthbeam-ratio of the forebody F.asbeen established by snalysis or ths snray characteristics of existing flying boats (reference 69). ~ln ~nal~~ls slowsthat the load capacity of a hull of conventional propo~tions varies with the ilrst~ower of thq,beam qnd the second power of the.length of farebo.dy. The maximum gross-load coeffl.cientfor the hull of a multlengln.eflying boat may be detelmlned by the folloting expression: . . . -. 2 .. . . :-. CA: =k+: .. .-..r). . . . . . where Lf is t~ l&th o~.forebody, b is the beam, and ~k Is .a. nondimensional.critetion. ranglrigfrdm 0.0525 for hulls with lightsprky to 0,0975 fpr hulls with excesstva spray. , .. In references 17 =nd 18 it..was. assumed that uniform seawort~ness:may. be mainta~.ned. by.varying loading so
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that the draft of We malhstepat rest remains a con.atant:proporti onof the Iensth of the fo~body of.tie hull . Fr6m data In these r;ports for otir-all lengthbesm ratios from 5.5 to 10.0, the followlng expression .: . . .. . . .. maybe abtainsd:
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has also been supportedby Davidson &dLocke (reference 20).on the basis of conclusions reached in,general tests. Tests made in Langley&nk no. 1 (reference 8) have shown that holding . C:AO proportional to L/b gives very conqenvati~ L/hi .. Resist~ce- data from systematic Investigationsof length-beam ratio tireavailable in references 8, 17, W,e e~fectsof lehgth-besn ratio 16, 20, 91, .&nd ~3. on the trim llmits ofs~ability are included in refer= efice20. mese references indltie data on spray with: out power, of notes on observations of spray, but no systematic-spray investi$afloqs nave been made with powered models of dlfferetit length-beam ratios.
When the load of h hull is held constant and the length-beam ratio is varied by changing length or beam, the effects of.length-beAm ratio are usually obscured by the effects of changing the size of the hull. m variatlonsof this type, the-effects of increasing length or beaui are in the sme direction as those ofreducing Ibhdwithout changing ditiensions.The effects of increasing the length of a powered dynamic model. have been reported .,. in reference 49. .. Andlysisofdata from references 8, 20, and 143.
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the spray an~ resls,t.amecharacteristics are not -tipaLred. M length: befiratlqsareincreasedfrom 5.5 .- s cm . thesatie aqalysi~ -thqletig+~=be am ratio .. . . to 10.5. lb? for opti.nhm .res ls~!ancech~racteristica depetis upon the: lines of the hulls considered. . There Is some Indication ~. that the ratio of ovwr-all length to beam beyond wliim . .,, no furthor gain is obtained in hydrodynamic characteristics Is between ~ and10(~fedences 17 and18). T& be8$ . trb at the,h~p decreases as .Iengthkbeain. ratio.Is. . . . ... . . . Inorgaabd~ - It has been ~hfi that thestable ..range of . : trimi is reduced WIth Were aslng length-betsm ra~lo:. (refpr-.. ence 20). Recent te$ts of a faintlyof models de.r$ved ~ ,..: from thb ~roportlons of. the XPBB-1 airplane ZndZcabed. . that the stable range of center-of-gravity locations was. about the same for a length-beam ratio of 9 as fop the. : basic ,.vd.ue of 6.3. The prlnclpal advantage of high length-beam ratio a~pears to be that of reducing lengthbeam product and thereby reducing . .. the size of the hull. . . . ; . . . . f . Dead.Rise ,.. . . . . . Fotimopt presentdayflying .boats of fieric~ desl~, the angles 01dead rise measured thb fore= . body keel near the step lie between 20 and 25. Some recent Britl.shdesigns. employ an angl~ of dsad rise of as much as 30 (reference 35). . Angles within the.rage . of 20 to 30 probably repdesent the best .comprornise fofi . over-all Performance. . . Data on the effect of dead rise are available from tests of hulls and floats -(references11, 18, 22, 23, 26, 140, 43, and 254) and from tests of planlng surfaces (references 108, 109, 1L6, and 119 ).. ~eqe data are In general agreement an mostM the ef$~ctsof dead fiise., Increasing.the angle of dead rise . :-. . . . ,, . ... . (a) ~has Ilttle resist~c? in the-:. ;~. rmge from .15to 5@ ., . . .. . ... . L (b) increas~s resis.tuo.e at speeds.above hbp..~peed~. .. (c ) itic&aa~ pQsAtve trimming moment ~at plklng. .. ., .. .. .L., (d) raise-s. the .lmlwer tr& .I.tilt. of., stab~~ity- . (e) reduces the impact loads .
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It ls,@li&ved that inc.1eaqing t&e angleof dead rise ~ raises the upper trim limlt of stability, as indicated in references 23 and 108; btitreference 22 shows a sltght lowering of the upped Itiit with an increase. from20 to ~Oo In ahgle Of dead r,ise. Increasingthe angleofdead rise within the range of 15 to 30 generally reduces the spray but tests with planing surfaces (reference 119) indicated ~ increase in spray with increasing angle of dead rise. Model tests of a flying-boat hull with:slightly arched cross sections {negati* angle of dead rise) sho~d excellent spray characteristics and low resistance (reference 3). . The av~lable information on the effect.of angle of d,eadrise on air drag is ltiltedand is not in agreement. Langley wind-tunnel tests of three seaplane floats having angles of dead rise of 20, Z5, and 30 (reference 140) show increasing air drag with increasliig apgle of dead rise while a British compilation of data (reference 1S) indicates that air drag decieases with increasing angle of dead rise. Tests tif pbwered.dynamlcmnodels of a flylng boat (reference 23) indicate. that the landing stability is improved by increasing the an~le of dead rise from 20 tO 25~.
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Bow.- Coinpromi9bsin the shape of the bow are frequ~~ly-made to accommodate bombardiersl windows or armament in military designs and may be made to . favor seav~orthiness, air drag, or simplicity of construction. fi general, however, certain principles should be followed in order to provide seaworthiness and resistance characteristics consistent with operational requirements, with a minlmwn of departuzze from the best aerodynamic form. For a hull that is developed about a streamline body of revolution, the air drag will be at a minimum if the chines are located in . planes passtng through the-axis of the basic body of revolution (reference 79). (See fig. 3.)
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Figure 3.- Full developed about a streamlinebody of revolution. (mom refere~e 79.}
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NACA ACR HO. 13G28 . . , Ef fects o.fchanges in the shape of the bow are summarized as follows: . . (1) lhsufficlent buoyancy forward results in low trim and exoesslve bow spray at low.speeds (reference 79). .
(2) Mcreasing the lifinenesst~ of the bow below the chine reduces bow spray (references 55 and 79).
(3) ~creastig the heIght of the bow increases the air drag (references 79 and 139).
(4) Rounding thechines (In cross: section) at tie bow will severely increase the bow spray and will reduce I the air drag at large or low angles of..attack (reference 79). At angles near those ror theminimum drag of asuitably designed hvll, rounding $he chines has no significant effect on the air drag (references 58 and 79).
have no longitti~nal curvature for some distance forward of the main step. A rough rule often quoted 1s that the buttocks should be straight and parallel for about 1.5 beams forward of the step in or$er to obtain satisfactory spray, resistance, and-stability characteristics (reference 70). . The more significant effectsof longitudinal curvature of the planing bottom near tie step are: (1) Convex curvature of tQe buttiock~causes negative pressures at planlng spe6dsthat may significantly reduce dyrmmic lift and tipair the efficiency of,the hull (references 68, 90, and 91). . .
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(2) Long~tqdinall$ concave buttocks Lava little effect on hmp resistance but reduce the resistance and volume of.thesnray~at high speeds (references 67 and 119), c ~
(3) Concavtty that is- Ioqallzed near the step in a length of theorder of one-half the beam or less may cause extremely severe lnstabillty~(references 12 and 61). .. ofbottom s~faces of forebody.- Systematic Warping investigations of warped planlng b Ottoms hating straight buttocks have been reported in references 22 and 55.
fo&bc&y%~ij&o~ (de&:@se~ &&easimhg toward Iihebow) low6rathe. lowpr t@m ltmlt of stabi~~ty=but- the ohange at speede just hybrid @ hump lsrelatltily smaL1.. -Thislowering oft@~.lower tblm llmit lb -:a:ccomp@led bya.lbwe~lng f t4p trllntrhck, which may result in a6h&ngeln the s!ablerange of center-of- gratity poaitlons,.. ~e.upper trlrnllmit.i.slwered slightly but not as.rnuchas:. the .lqrerllmi~. ~re as$ng the. wprpingticfieasesthe,resls$imce at me,hump and at high speeds. The bow spray Is fi~roved somewhat by increased warping, but it 1s also shown in references 55 and 79 that by oonflnlng the warping to the forward portions satisfactory bow spray oharacterlstlos may be obtained without compromising the planing characteristlos.
Chine flare.- Teats of a large number of variations of chine lare ~referencd 9).have shown that good spray characteristics may be obtaine~ with flare on the planlng bottam confined to a width of 8 percent of the beam and ending with a horizontalor slightly downward dlrectlon at the chine. Wide variations in the width, radius, or final downward angle ot the flare, however, oause relatively small ,differencesin the spray or resistance characteristics. Chine flare reduces the height of the forward part of the spray where the spray leaves the model above the water.level but has little ef~ect on the spray where the chtie ofthe model is below the water level~ Chine flare has little effect on resistance at the hump and at speeds near get-away; but the addition of ohlne flare, by reducing t~q height of the chines above the keel, causes a slight reduction in restst~ce at speeds just beyond the hump. China flaz% has llttle effect on the air drag .ofa hull if the chined are located approximately along the natural lines of air flow (reference 79). External chine strips.- Chine strips may take ths form of relatively in projections extending outwa@d or downward from the chines (references 23, 43, 76, 98, 40, and 256 ) or of sponsons, as shown in figure 4, that Increase the beam and have a depth approximately equal to the width (references 49 md 60). Strips are sometimes incorporated instead of qhlne flare to improve the spray characteristics without tivolvlng complicated construct on. m most cases, however, external ohlne strips of either type are added to Improve the hydrod~amlo performance of.overloaded hulls or hulls with insuffiolent chine flare.
Strips having s width of about 3.p.eroent. bem.~ tiowfiardan@lesof 10to h50 improve .tkk .spray. .ohar~. . aotebiqtios $nd clausesome reduction in.reslstanoe (refeiwnces, 45, 98, a~d 256). mnd-t~nel tests hg~e shown~ however, that such strips incrbasethe air drag:: of hulls by8to120percent (refetiendes ~, lLO, and 256) . . . .. . .. . Spon80ns on.the bow.aid tke . forwafid. portion of t& forebdly have been used to control thb spray of.heavily loaded hulls (references k9 and 60), Model.aid full.-size , .. . . . . . . . .,. . ..:! . . . , . .. .. . ., . . . . , .
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.. ., tests h~ve indicated.that sponsons greatly increase the. overload capac!.tyof flying boats by reducing.the bow spray:at hea~.,loads. Like the thinneh chine.strips,.. thssponsons si~lficantly incrsase.the air dragand afi suggestedfcr.use only when it 18 neoessarj to ,increase the lbad.-car~ing capacity of an existing hull...Recent tests (refemence ~4.5) have shown that verticalspray str$ps [email protected]%out,3 percent of the beam dowm+ard.from $he .1chine.(fig.5) are about as effective as spon~ons ih
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controlling spray. . . [email protected] [email protected] the air drag of vertloal strips Is not available and th valubof- retracting this type of spray strip is questionable, Longitudinal steps.- Im@tudlnal steps oombined. with flat surfaces having little or no dead rise were used on the forebodies of a number of flying bats som years ago. This type of bottom, in contrast with a conventional V-bottom, inoreases the resistance at low speeds and decreases the resistance at speeds near getaway (referenoe L.). Apparently no data.are available regarding the effect of an arrangement of this type on dynatic stability. One model has been Investigated to determine the effect of reversed lap strakes, similar to the cllnkerbuilt arrangement ofship planking (fig. 6), added to a planing bottom ofthe fnrebod of conventional fom and proportions (unpublished dataY . Re~istance tests were made of the model complete with a conventional afterbody.
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6.- Arran ement of longitudinal steps for NACA model 20f . Depth:of longitudinal steps, 1 percent of beam.
~se strakes had ne~ligible effeot on-the resistance at the hump but caused some reduotion in resistance at higher speeds. The spray from the model with lap strakes was more finely broken up than that from the parent model but had about the same volume and height. The effect on dynamic stability has not been investigated. .
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Another variation of longitudinal steps has been tested on a powered dynamic model (reference 61). !t!hls modifioatlonoonsl-stedof a-triangular strip on either side of the planing bottom forward.ofthe step, as shown In.fl&ure 7. A depth of step of.11.5 percent of th6 beam
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Figure 7.- Triangular strip added to planing bottom. . ~ was required for adequate landing staMlity without the longitudinal steps. Longitudinal steps of the dtmenslons shown provided adequate landing staMlity when used In conjunction with a depth of step af 5 parcent ofthe beam. It was also found that longitudinal steps of the same type but of larger SIze provided adequate landing stability with a depth of step of as little as 2 percent of the beam. With this.configuration the strips had a cross-sectional area equivalent to an increase in depth of step of less than 1 peroent.of the beam so that the combined crosssectional ~rea of step and strips was less than half . .. .. ,., , . .
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the area normallyrequired for sufficientyent$.lation. during t,ake-offsand Iandlngs; .!. 7.~-----,
Fluted bottoms.- Model tests (references 25 and 264) have ~ndlcated that the substitution of a fluted bottdm (fig. 8) for a conventional V-bottom causes some reduation In spray and a reduction In resistance at high speeds but causes little change in reslstanoe at low speeds and
I Ohin I I -r Kee1 \
I 1 Keel
of fluted bottoms.
at the hum~. The effects of flutes on dwuzmic stabillt~ have not b~e.ninvestigated but no advers& effect has been observed on full-size application. The principal advantage of flutes appears to be that of Improving the structural efficiency. Bottom rOU he9S.- The Increase in friction ooeffioie~= +p a~~~dsurfao.e with rivet heads Is directly proportional to t-nehei@t of the rivet head above the surface. The order of rerit of commonly used rivet heads in relatton to low water resistance is: flush countersun~ ovsl countersunk, brazier, and round (reference 101). full-size seaplane model, the increase in ~th a ~ 3*5 total water reslstanceoaused by round-head rivets varied from 5 to 20 peroent at hump speed and from 15 to 40 percent at high speed.. The use of round-haad rivets inoreasas the total atr-plus-water re~istance of a singlefloat sgaplane less than ~ percent at hump speed but as much as 25 percent at hi@ speed. If the total resistance Is calculated. by Froudeis law, it Is found to be 2 percent higher at hump speed and 8 percent higher at planing speeds than that calculated by taking Into acoount the.effeot of scale on frictional resistance (referenoe 136). Considerable difficulty has been experienced by service
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NACA ACR NO. 15G28 organizations In maintaining watertightness with flush rivets of the type currently in use. Afterbody A primary function of the afterbody Is to provide buoysnoy and planing area aftof the center of gravity so that trims at rest and at low speeds are acceptable for practloal operation. At speeds just before the hump and at hump speeds, the dynamic lift developed by the afterbody planing surface is one of tlm principal foroes that controls the trim and, therefore, the water resistance. At planing speeds, the spray that strikes the afterbody increases the water resistance ati ohanges the trimming moments. Take-off end landing Instabilities that ocour at high speeds and trims are associated with the positlpn afi form of the afterbody. n general, changes in the afterbody that increase the afterbcxly clearance increase the static trim, increase the hump trim and resistance, decrease the high-speed resistance, shift the peak of the lower trim lim.ltto lower speeds and higher trims, ~d also raise the upper trim limlts. The trim tracks (variation of trim with speed) are shifted In the same direction that the trim limits are ohanged. In tests at tb Langley tanks, no combination of conventional forebody and afterbody planing surfaces has been found that eliminates either t~ lower or the upper trim limits of stability or that suppresses the upper trim limit at high speeds. Afterbody length.- An increase in afterbody length lower trfi limits of stability at hump speed lowsrs and lowers the upper trim limits (references 21, 22, 23, ~8, 61, and 100). For a given depth of step and angle of afterbody keel, landings are more stable with a short afterbody than with a long afterbody (referenoes 148and 6~ The depth of step required for the landing atabil!ty of a model with an angle of afterbody keel of 6.2 was approximately 8 peroent beam for an afterbody lengthbeam ratio of 1.7 and approximately 13 percent beam for an afterbody length-beam ratio of3.2 (unpublished. data). An inorease in afterbody length without any change in forebodv length decreases the hump trim and reslstame (references 21 and 22) and may sometimes increase the spray in the propellers. Experience has shown that .
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deoreaslng the [email protected],duces spray -in.theregion of-the . flaps (reference23). The tests .desortbedin reference 23 Indloated that an increase In the length of the afterbody decreased but did not remove the directional instabi~ity at low speeds. ~le of afterbody keel.- An increase in the angle of afterbody keel raises he lower trim llml.tsat low speeds and raises the upper trim limits (references 21, 22, 4~, 93, and 100). For a given depth of step end length of afterbody, landfngs are more stable with a low mgle of afterbody keel than with a high angle of afterbody keel (reference 48). The depth of step required for landlng stability of a model with an afterbody lengthbeam ratio of 2.7 was approximately 9 percent beam for an angle of afterbody keel of &.80 and approximately 14 percent beam for an angle of afterbody keel of 9.3 (unpublished data). For some comparisons involving changes in both depth of step and angle of qfterbody keel, the angle between the forebody keel and a line joining the step ~ sternpost, called the sternpost angle, is a useful parameter (reference 22). In tests ofthree series of models (references 1, 11, and 79) an increase in angle of afterbody keel fYom4 to 9 increased the free-to-trim hump resistance approximately 25 percent and the best-trim hump resistance approximately 15 percent. Low angles of afterbody keel decrease the static trim, increase the tendency for spra to come over the buw at very low speeds (reference 55 T, and decrease the hmnp resistance at low speeds (reference 11). Aerodynamic drag measurements (reference 43) hdicate that differences in drag are practically negligible for angles of afterbody keel of 6 or less. At larger angles the aerodynamic drag Increases appreciably. Afterbody warpln~.- Effects of systematic ohanges ti warptig have not been extensively investigated. Frcm the more or less isolated lnvest~gatlons that have been made the following results are of interest: (1) Warping in a manner that decreased the angle dead rise at the sternpost reduced the hump trim and resistance (reference 79).
(2) Warping in a manher that Increased the angle of dead rise at the sternpost from 0 to 30, with straight
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buttock lines, ratsed the lower trim limtt at hump speeds and raised the upper trim limits (references 21 and 22). ~creasing the angle of dead rise at the sternpost of a dynamlo model from 20 to 30 ral$ed the lower trim llmit at low speeds, did not affect the upper trim llmlts except at loiispeeds, and sltghtly reduoed the yawfng Instability at speeds below the hump (unpublished data from Langley tank no. 1).
(3) mere-m the angle of dead rise to a maxhum near the midlength of the afterbody has not signlfioantly affbcted the landtig stability of models (references 23 and 61). It should be noted that tests of a full-size flying boat (PEM-3) with an afterbody having this type of warping showed satisfactory landing otabllity with a depth of step of 5 percent ofthe beam and a load coefficient of 0.8 (reference 34.). {ihether the warping contributes to the satisfactory characteristics is not yet established.
Afterbody plan form.-.The plan form of the afterbody appears to be of secondsry slgnlflcance In resistance and-por~oising charactertstlcscomfiared with the length of afterbody, angle of afterbody keel, and angle of dead rise. Changti.gfrom a pointed plan form to one with a transverse second step had no significant effect on the hmnp resistance (reference 9), reduced directional instability at speeds below the hump (references 23 and 73), and increased the air drag (reference 18). Xodifying a pointed afterbody to form a cusped plan fozm reduced the unstable yawing moments at speeds below the hump (reference 10). Afterbody mine flare.- Afterbod~ chine flare increases the dynamic llm of ti afterbody and reduces both the hump trim and hump resistance (references 21, 22, and 79). If the spray does not break clear at the after- . body chines, suction foroes may develop that Increase both the hump and high-speed resistance (reference 70). Under these circumstances, the use of ohine flare Is advantageous and will reduce the Sandin& instabilities (unpublished data). Position of Center of Gravity and Location of Main Step ence Preltiinary desipn.- It has been suggested (referthat he center of gravity be located on a line
passing through @ step and Inallned between l~ and 25 forward of a line normal to ~~e forebody keel. Tests of powered models of current design indioate that a range from 10 to 20 may bd preferable. If the plan form of the step is other than transverse, the centrold of this plan form may be usedas an equivalent looation (referenoe 100). Referenoe 70 suggests that with the airplam approximately in a stallsd attitude the oenter of gravity should be directly above the step. For airplanes with abnormally high angles of stall, the maximum trim expeoted In landing may be more applicable than the trim at stall. Effects upon dynamic stability.- Variation in the position of he center of gravity has negligible effect upon the trim limits of stabillty (references 100 and 106) but has a large effectupon the trim tracks and consequently upon the probability that porpoislng will be encountered. A forward movement of the oenter of avlty lowers the trim track, and lower-limit porpoislng low angles) may be expected at speeds just above the r hwp . An after movement of the center of gravity raises the trim tracks, and upper-limit porpoising (high angles) may be expeoted near get-away, Instablllties while on tk water may therefore limit the range of positions of the oenter of gravity that can be used for take-off. The rest forward posltton of the center of gravity at which a flying boat can operate is generally limited by aerodynamic c requirements for control and hydrodyn&ulo requirements for stability. The main step Is best located so that the hydrodynamic requirements for stability are met at the most forward position of tk center of gravity at which the flying boat will operate. The main step must be located so that, with the center of gravity of the flylng boat at its most forward position, lowerllmlt porpolslng can be avoided ?iuringtake-off. In the event that porpoising does occur, positive trlwmlng moment (up elevators) should be available for increasing the trim to angles above the lower trim limit. Tkds prooedure has been used for locating the position of the step during tests in the Langley tanks (references 10, h7, 60, 61, 63, and 100). to impro~e stability of model or model or I@t tests indioate ard position of the center of gravity wh~ohlses%:le for take-off does not coinoide with the position required from aerodynamlo considerations, the Relocation of ste
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looation ofthe step or of the wing may have to be ohanged, If relocation of the wing Is lmpraotl. oal, the step should be moved approximately 1.3 times the distame the position of the oenter of gravity for tab-off must be shifted. The factor 1.3 is tlm ratio of the gross load of the afrplane to the approximate load on tb water at speeds and trims at whioh lower-limit porpolslng 000WS. Beoause of tb angls between the forebody and the afterbody, a fprward movement of the step results In a reduction in the depth of step that may impair the landing stability. A vertical displacement of either the forebody or the afterbody planing surfaoe is then required in order to maintain adequate depth of step. An after rovement of the step results in an increase in the depth of step whioh may oause a slight increase in the hump trim and reslstanoe but which also tends to increase the landing stability. A forward movement of t??estep therefore is likely to be more oostly and difflcultthan an after movement of ths step. In preliminary design, it Is desirable to favor a forward position of the step if further modifications are anticipated. Depth and Form of Main Step Depth of ste~.- An Increase in depth of step raises the lower triv.lirit at low speeds, raises the upper trim limits, and reduces the violence of upper-litit p~rpolsing (references 21, 22, 62, 71, 100, and 10~). Hl@ negative pressures occur on the afterbody just aft cf a shallow step during landlng and high-angle porpolsing (reference 78). An Increase in depth of step increases the landlng stabi.l!t by relteving these suotlon foroes (references 47, {9, 71, 78, 93, and 100). Lmding instabilities of models of two airplanes were investigated in the Lang19y tanks and in both instances inoreases In depth of step resulted In aatisfaotory landlng oharacterlstics. A slmllar Increase in depth of step of the full-size alrphng was accomplished by an after movement of the step, snd satisfactory latilng oharacteristios were obtained for both airplanes (reference 71). Inorease in depth of ~tep Inoreases t~ hump trim and resistance and deoreaeee high-speed resistance (references 7, 21, and 22). The aerodynamic drag of the hull is increased 10 to 15 percent by the presence of the step (references 18, 23, and 4.3)and the drag
ofa transverse step Is approximately proportional to the ar9aof the rise of the step (re~erence-43-)-, Exceptionally stable landlngs of a model have been obtained with the depth of step reduced to zero (reference 13). Ventilation of the step.- M the absence of adequate depth of step for landing stability, the use of ventilation ducts just aft of the step and as.near the keel as ossible has been successful on models (references 4.7, ~, 71, 78, ~ 100, and 2.43)and on full-size airplanes t (reference 21 Ventilation does not affect the lower trim limit of s~ability but raises the upper trim limits slightly (references 47, )+9, 78, and 100). When a shallow step is used, ventilation is also effective in reducing a resistance pea?{that occurs just before hump speed (reference 27). Ventilation apparently has no effect on directional stabi.llty(referenca 10). Step falrings.- lh an effort to reduce the aerodynamic drag attri. buted to the presence of a step, fairings have been used aft of the step. Results of tests in reference 18 indicated that the step drag was practically eliminated by a falrlng extending back six times the depth of the step. Fairings leaving half the depth of step were less eftectlvs while concave falrings, extending back five times the depth of step, saved only one-sixth of the step drag. Tests reported In references 57 and 58 showed slmllar reductions in air drag by use of step fairings. The addition of a step falrlng to one of the Short Brothers flying boats (reference 260) increased the top speed by approximately 5 miles per hem. The most notableuse of step fai.rings Has been on the Short Sunderland flying boat, which has a step that is V-shape in lan form. The h rod~smic stability In talmoff and lanz Ing Is in gener2 affected adversely by the addition of a fairlng to a conventional hull although the characteristics of the Sunderland In this respect appear to be satisfactory (references 4, 18, and 35). Tests of a powered model In Langley tank no. 1 (reference 14) lndlcated that when a falri.ng1s added to a conventional transverse step the use of ventilation is advl.sablein order to obtain satisfactory stability. More recent tests (unpublished) of a model with a fafred V-shape step indicated that satlstactory stability may be obtained without ventilation and that further investigation of the effects of plan fom of the step and camber of the fnirlng would be desirable.
.- A transverse step is the simplest been used on most flying boats and seaplanes. Other plan forms of step, however, have been used on full-stze airplanes or tested on models. Some of these forms are shown In figure 9. The effeot of
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Swallow tail
Notohed angle of V
Figure 9.-
change in the plan form of tlhestep on the l~lng 8tablllty cannot be Isolated beoause the landing atabtlity is so closely ass=iated with the depth of step. Tests described in.reference 77 indicate that, with the same depth of step at the keel, the landing stability of a model with a transverse step and with a 30 V-step are comparable, The lower trim lirlt is not reatly affected by changes In plan form of the step ?reference 100) but in all probability the upper limits will be shtfted in the dire~tion expe~ted fr6rnthe ahange in tk depth of step. Side Steps ati Skegs When operating at overloads, several presentday flying boats a~e directlonal~y unstab16 at low taxying speeds. Unstable yawing moments are Increased by the flow of water over the sides of the afterbody afi ttil extension. The directional control available by throttling engines on one side lowers the reserve thrust and Inoreases the time of operating in the yawing region.
One means of reduolng the Instability by breaking the undesirable flow is by use of vertioal steps on the sides of the afterbody. Such steps reduoed unstable yawing moments on a model and were suooessfully used on the full-size aimlane (reference 82). TW . directional Instability of a model was reduced more effeotl.velyby multiple side steps than by a single side step (unpublished data). The addition of skegs to the afterbody and tail extension reduced uiistableyawing moments. As the speed increased, the effectiveness of ths ske s deoreased as they oame out of the water (referenod 71). Seve ra1 E arrangements of skegs on the full-size airplane were tried, and the resultsobtained were similar to those observed for the model. It should be emphasized that skegs, steps, and spoilers may substantially reduoe the unstable hydrodynamic moments but may not be completely effeotive in:stabilizlng an airplane In which rotation of the slipstream contributes an additional yawing moment. Tail Extension Although the function of the tall extension of a bat iS similar to that of the tail extension of a comparable landplane, the additional problems introduced by the flow of water over the tail extension ati the neoessity for spray clearance oompllcate the design. The flow of water over the tail extension may Increase the violence of upper-limit uorpo?.sing, may introduce landing instability at high trlrs, may inorease the hump trim ti resistance, and ray contribute to directional insta-bllity.
The addition of a planing surfaoe or spray strips on the tail e~tension may be necessary to prevent exoesslve wetting of t% horizontal tail surface or tail turret (references 7/+ and 79). The planing action of the tall extension may decrease the hump trim and resistance bg developing dynamLc 11ft (references 39 and 79). Although the flow of water over the tail extension may oontrlbut~ to th directional instability at low speed, the removal of the tail extension does not ellm.lnate hydrodyzmnio directional instability (references 23 and 56). &i inorease in vertical clearanoe of the tail extension, a negative-dihedral hydrofoil on the tail extension, and
an inverted-V cross section cm the tall extension were tested on a model and found to be only partially effeotive In oounteraotlng yawing tendencies (unpublished data). A planing surface on the tail extension of a model oaused nQ reduotlon in unstable yawing moments and inoreased the range of speeds over which they occurred (referenoe 74).
lhzchof the pmoedlng ~scussion relative to hulls 1s also applicable to seaplane floats. In particular, the planing areas of hulls and floats are generally similar, The discussions of the geometrio parameters of hulls relating primarily to stable planing motions will therefore not be repeated in the sections on floats. In the design of.floats special:considerations arise from the lower reserve buoyancy, tie relatively greater dlstanoe from the center of gravity to the keel, and the absence of a tail extension. For twin-float designs an additional consideration Is that the dlstanoe between the floats must be ohosen to insure transverse static stability. Over-all proportions and shape.- Adhersnce to the requirements for longitudl nal stat Yo stability usually results in length-beam r8tlos for floats that are larger than those customarily used for flylng-boat hulls averaging about 7.35 for float seaplanes as ooxnpared with 5.27 for hulls (from tabulations in reference 57). The average length-beam ratio ourrently used for twin floats appears to be scmewhat greater than that for single floats. The shape of the bow of a float should be generally similar to that of the hull, but the low height-beam ratio restricts t~ possibls variations in the shape of the bow of a float. Lines of representatlvp floats are included in references 123, 139, 40, and 1Q3, together with data regardin~ the aerodynamic and hydrodynamic characteristics of a wide range cf changes in shape of th bow. Dead rise.- The effects of changes in dead rise are gener~y~same for both hulls and floats. Aerodynamic and hydrodynamic data are presented in referenoe I.@ for floats h~vin~ an~les of dead rise of 20, 25, and 30. In American praotloe the average dead rise for floats appears to be higher than the dead rise for hulls (referenoe 57).
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Statlos.- It has been tbm practlqe In float design -,, to-fi~olumg. of the floats so that the buoyanoy is ----some Predetezmfned percentage of the gross load~ va&ying *etween 180 and 200 neroent (references 120 and 121)0 In any ease there sh~uld be enmgh exoess buoyanoy to prevent.~e;b~-fram submerging at low-taxying speeds, A largqe%c~so buoyanoy allows a lower ad more stresmline .fio~ o$:qgw to be used.. The high engine torque inherent -$m-qaetng seaplanes created such an eccentricity of loadlngin.khe ease.ofthe s.5 (reference 256) that it was found qeeessary t~ qa~ one flcat larger than the otkr for aatisfaetory qpr~ obaraoteristios, ,. -. &e length of float: m~stb~ suf~lclent to assure statio longitudinal stability. .Aooordlng to referenoe 154, the longitudinalm~~aosntric height GM for either single or twin fluat~ is.giveh with sufficient accuraoy by the empirical equatton :
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.. nuTbe.rof flo~ts (that.1s, onaor two) . , . . . .1 beamfif aach float, fG9t , langth, f~et . over-.q.ll . . gross wsi~ht -of seaplane, po&ds ,. a const&t normally.varying between1.90 &d . . with an average value of 2.10 . .
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Thk Canadian requirements (referenoem12C) fop imd.n-float seaplanes specify that the longitudtnq~ metaoentrlo height . . shall not bo last than 6* : . .
where .D> total d.lsplaoamentof.the seaplane in cubic -feet, As the reserv,q buoyanoy.i.s determined from otbr conside~atlons, the .requi~rnents. for sta$ig longltudlnal stabil~ty indioats that.thq ~enQh~beem ratios of twin-float arrangements will be larger than those of pi~lo-fl~t arrangements. Single-float seaplanes have
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length-beam ratios varfingfrom 5to ~ titiietwin-float - sdaplanes have len@h-be~ ratios varying from 7 *O ~ . . .. fref:rence 57). Effeot of spacing between floats.- Tests of a model .twtn-fl (refarence 256) show Inoreasea in resi8;a&c~e%t ~loat apaclng up to 20 peroent, apparently caused-by heavy spray wetting the tall plane and other parts of the structure. Unpublished data fromLanE19y tests forspacings ra~ing from 2 to 5 beam len&hs, kdbl tokeel, showed small differences in reslstanoe t.h~twere almost the aqcuraoy of . within .. measurernent~ .. .. . .. .. :... ... . . A1r drig of floats.- Rbsultsof wind-tunnel teats of seaplanefloats sh~ that ths fcrmof the bow strongly affects the zrin!mm drag and the variatlbn ofdragwith angle of pitch. The.:anEl.e of sfterbody keel affects the angle of minimum dragandIs of praotical significance in the ohoioe of a conflg-~atlcm for which the mlnlmum drag till ooour within the desired range of flying speeds (referenoe 159). Tests of R ~11-sizq flea} seaplane In the Langley full-scaletunnel-(reference lu5) Indioated that the maximum speed would oe.increpeed from 307 tn 336 tiles per hour by removing the rnalfi float.(77percent excess buoyanoy). The seaplane had.a ppwer.loadhg of 5.9 pounds per horsepower arida wing loadlngof 27.Z!pounds per square foot. Tests of four f.yll-sizefloats in the Langley propeller=researoh tunnel (re~erenoe 127) indicated that a radical chqnge in.the design of the floats was required to obt~n significant reductions in tti alr drag. Reducing the depth of step td ierodecreased the .mlnimyn dr~ a-o,out. 16 percent. Adding a faired tail ex~ensionto.a float.with a blunt s~ernreduced the drag 8 percbnt; The flow of-air over the floats was shown to be so turbulent that mincfirefinements such as flush rivets and recessed fittings would not appreciably i reduoe the drag. Dynamic stab~i.ity bg-floatseaplanes.Porpoising fid sktppin~ have appeared to be of much less practical signiflc~o.e in pperatingflpat,s.eapltissth~. in opbrattig flying boa~s. Although differences have not been cardhlly ,analyzed, twoidifference.s. -between the types ,arenoteworthy in oomparing ~hs actabilitybh~bacteristica: the pitohlng
s ---,. . . radius ii gyration ofa float-saaplan9 is generally c larger than that of a comparable flying boat; and reoent praotioe has been to provide relatively deeper steps on floats than on hulls. Another consideration Is that for military @ a number of tkmdlffqrent types of float se~plane have had considerably lower power loadings than the patrol and cargo types of flying boat. LATSRAL STABILIZERS .
es of lateral stabilizer.- Three types of lateral stabike beenusedtn the past: inboard floats, stub wings, and wing-tip floats. Neither Inboard floats norstub wings have been used, however, in recent designs. Inboard floats are located inbrard of about one-third the semlspan of the wing and therefore rust be larger than wing-tip floats in order to develop the same righting moment. Inboard floats usually have a shallow draft at rest whereas wing-tip fleets are ~cnerally looated to clear the water at hink speed erfi,becnuse nf their location, only one wifig-t!pfloat contacts the water at rest. Stub wings (referen~e 156) extend outward from the chine near the main step in the fom ofaerodynamic wir.gsof low aspect ratio. The evidence seems to be in favor af winG-tip floats for l;lter~lstnbllizers because they are relatively small, t~eir maximlm restoring moment is developed mt sn~ll &n#les of heel, and they are not Influenced by t.hg.tlow of water produced by other parts of the seaplane. Hydrodynamic data ~n -ti usual consideratemiY_i_th9 choice of~;a%p fleet has been that any lines suitable for a main float are adapta.olefor a tip float (reference lk7). The contour of the bottom of a tip float Is generally made to resemble that o~ a V-bottom hull am the required volume Is then disposed In a manner either to obtain minimum aerodynamic drag or to comply with other requirements (for example, retraction) of the speciflo installation. The perfommnoe eharaoteristics during o~ratlon at low speed have.been determined for a number of typioal designs of wing-tip floats. The data have been obtained from tests in towing tanks in the speed range at which wing-tip floats are necessary. Some of these data are
well streamlined. Reference 1$0 presents data showing the air drag of wing-tip floats to be of the same order of magnitude as the air drag of well-faired unretracted landing gear on comparable landplanes. Reference 18 contains a comparison of the air drag of six configurations of flying-boat hulls differing only in the arrangement of the lateral stabilizers. (See fig. 10.) Results of tests
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of air drag of hull and Figure 10.- Comparative dl.a~ram.s Numbers drag relation to lateral stabilizers. basic hull, taken as 100 (from reference 18). of four different types of conventional wing-tip float (reference 153 ) led to the sigylificant conclusion that the chines of an unretracted wins-tip float should be alined with. the aiu flow In cruising flight to avoid excessive air drag. T& air drag of partially retracted tip floats may be estimated from data concerning protuberances on the lower surface of the wing (references 157 and 158). Present status of design criterions.- Several different specifications and criterions have been used in the past-for lateral stabilizers (references 51, 59, and 251). Current American practice conforms in eneral to the specifications given in references 6 and 1f 7. The spec~ficatioris present formulas for computin~ the size of conventional lateral stabilizers for obtaining an arbitrary minimum lateral stability at rest. Current practice is to provide the righting moments needed to
omnteraot the upsettln~ moments due to gravity and oross wjnd and to provide an additional reserve buoyancy determi~ed on the basis of past experience. For the larger sizes offlying boat the reserve bu~yanoy is very much larger than ejther of the other two allowances (reference 162) and a more detailed exaninatlon of the desib- requirements tl.anheretofore employed 1s considered necessary If the structural and aerodynamic efflcleno~ are not to be unduly Inpalred by ths tip floats. In reference 155, the numerous upsetting moments inoluding propeller torque, unsymretrioal slipstream, and wave slope are lfsted in c-utlininga procad.urefor defining !n detail the necessary buoyamt and dynamic characteristics or tip flo6ts. Th9r9 ?s sore Indioatlon that, if the tip floats can be dssfgned to have sultablo d~amic reaction when .wbmerged, .waller tip flaats than these currently wed ml large fiyirg boe.tsmay be adequate. lll~conventlonal forms of st~bilizqrs.- A larGe reduction ~n~rag ol?a ixe~fia~r-e realtzed by using a streamline sp?.ndlefitted ~.~tha h~raf~i.1 instead of a conventicmal sh~ne. Stabilizers at tkls klnt are shown in reference lc.GEnd test results ars presented in rofereilces159 and 161. A comparison of tha drag of the straamllne sFape with that .fa conventional wing-tip float is rade in re:erer.ca14.5. A streamline float of rectangular cross sectinn witl;a hydrofoil was used on the ND-1 float snanl.~ne~ut test results do not appear to be nvailabl.q. Yntll.adsquata data are available for ~redictinz the h~dr~d~nan!c lift and drag cf hydrofoils, t?IIstype-ofc.>nf;p..uat~on cann~tbe designed with assurance that the hig~.-spsadctxmsoteristics will be satis~aotory. Broad, shallow floats haviw th9 form of a somewhat distorted s,qharicalse~ment hava been suggested data frm tank tests lndl(reference 150). Unpublisl-ed oate that, although retraction would ~~efacilitated, tlfis shape would give rise to ver~ large dyna~lc lift that would necessitate a type of oleo ~trut far operation I.n row~h water. Raaid retracttcm and e~tenslon would pezmlt the wing-tip fl~ats to be Iocatad out of d~~,gerat high speed. A very flnterestir~possibility for ootalnln& lateral stablltzation, especially for htgh=pgrformance singleen:lne seaplanes.,is by usa of the dynamic and buoyant
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properties df the tiihglockted 1% *e-iOw=wing pOiltionD as described in the sec~ton entitled ~Unoonventional Configurations.1 . Emer.zenoydevloes.- When Zt is necessary for a seaplane to remain at rest under abnomually severe conditions,-emergency stabilizing devices can be provided in the form of sea anchors (trltumf~ buckets, canvas bags filled wlthwator and kung in t.% water fror an outboard position on the wing, as shown In reference 32) or #Inflatable devloes. #AERODYNAMIC AND FR3PUi&VE CONSIDERATIONS
The aerodynaml~ and propulsive arrangements for flying boats are prlmcmily determined by their flight perforranoe specifications, which are beyond the scope of this report. Hydrodynad.o oonslderetlons that may modify these confi~uratlons sre d$scussed in this section. Vinq.- The araa of the wing is deteminsd by the service conditions for which the flying beet Is desi~ned. The main effect of hj~h wtng loadings on tie take-off performance of 9 flytn~ boat appears In the higher getaway speeds. As the pet-away spesd becomes hi~~her,the resistance at h.ghs~eeds becomes ~-ores@ificant. Cow.putationsshow that take-off performance is improved by inor~asing t.hoasgsct rotio (refersnce 167). TIE angle of incidence of the wind is of significance in relat!sn to the hump trim and tke trim of the hull In flight. When the high-speed rc,sistance b critioal, tlm setting that gives best take-offcharaaterlstics may be taken as approximately that which gives minimum total reaistanoe at 65 nercent of the stalling speed (referemes w and 167). The general practice in airpl&ne design is to mount the engine naoellas on the wing with ths thrast line approximating the chord of the wln&. .Current practioe shows that If the propellers have adequate clearanoe WQ,S and flaps are adequatel~clear. (See section entitled lPropellers.u) . . .-,l%m effect & flaps on the take-off Is pronounced on airqlanes h~ving high wing and power loadlngs. Although flap deflection increases the
total resistawes lb genaprnllyimproves the take-off performance by loweting the stalling speed. The optimum take-off oan be made by taxying to high speed with the flaps up and deflaotln.g them part way for takeoff (reference 170)? Dsfledtlngthe flaps reduoes the load on the water an1causes a bow-down moment (referenoe 47). By raduotlon of tln load on the water the trim limits are generally lowered slightly, particularly at high speeds. Ths bow-dawn moment requires up-elevator defleotlons to counteract it end shifts the stable range of cente~~f-gravity pos?.ttonsaft (reference 166). The lift on the wing~ Qt a flying boat moored on the water may be reduoed b~ j?lap-t~pespoilers mounted on the upper surface of the wing between 5 ati 20 peroent of the chord with no san between them and the wi~ surface (reference 1~1). ~1.s device should be useful if an airplane having a law wing loading is to be moored In a b.ighwind, Tail eurfaoes.= The horizontal tall is usually mouted rather htgh to clear tk spray. At low speeds, the roaoh may wet the tail heavily. At Mgher speeds, the spray is higher Et the tips of the tail than at the roct so tkat the use of considerable dihedral angle may be advantageous; in fact, thts dihedral angle may be oarried to the extreme nf employing a V-tail (referenoe 169). Approximately the same total area is required but there is a possibility of reduoing the air drag by eliminating one intersection with the fuselage. The control system presents a complicated design problem. The aerod~amic stabilit~ ~erlvatlves have some effect on hydrodynamic stabllit (references 46 and 106). It is pointed out in reference T .:6that for th oases considered ther~in It was quite Impossible to neglect the aerodynamic faotors although the hydrodynamic effects appeared to be ruch mare important than tk aerodynamic factors. Variations from the usual sfze of the horizontal tail have a small effect on the lower trim limit of stability Reference 22 shows that increasing the damping in pitoh due to the horizontal tai1 ~ decreases the lower limit of stability. The decrease is small at low speeds and 1s appreciable at high speeds. At a given high sneed, tha effact of increasing tail area
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becomes less marke~ M m ta~l damping Inoreases ad Is.not$at the normal values of tail damping. These trends arkal%oIYidioatedln-referenoes 53 ati 106. The tall dmupt~ has a negli.glble effect on the upper branoh of the upper trim llmlt of atabllity.
No data have been published on the amount of yawing moment required of the vertioal tall (or of water rudders) to maintain oontrol throughout the taxi and take-off run. Unpublished data fndlo~te that a model of a flying boat with a gross-load ooeffielent of 1.05 at a speed ooefflolent of 2.6 requlnd a yawing-moment coefficient Cn of 0.12 to maintain a straight omrse. The yawing moment coefficient
Is the beam.
Pro ellers.- CJnsome heavll~ lnaded flyin~ heats, spray+!%37 e farebody enters the propellers during a short range of speeds just prior to hump sveed. For any ~ti verlconvent~rnal flytng boat, both the lntgnsit~ of the spray end ihe width of the speed range when the ~Pre.y18 in the Pr~Pelle~~~ncrea~e with ~ncreaslllg ~??oss laad (referen>e 61).
!llne inflow of sl.rto powered propellers picks up spray that wauld ~lothit propellers (reference 72) . SoU@ spray profiles for unpowered models are given in ~feronces 20 and 25)~.
The ri~ht-hand rotation of nropellsrs tends to make the flylng boat yaw to the left. During take-off, the hull is directionally unstable just below the hump. A heavily loaded flylng boat with right-hati propellers often makes uncontrollable tuzms to tke left at this speed. With opposite rotation of the propellers, the yawing oharacteristlos are about zero yaw. Propellers tlnnlng inboard at the top provide slightly better rudder control than those turning outboard. Reference 7~ shows that the effect of power on trim llmits and center-of-gravity limits of a model Is large. The effeot of the slipstream and thrust is to ohan&e the load on water and the trinmlng moment and to Influenoe
the water flow around the.hull. Decreaalng the power loading of a flying boat Increases the acceleration during take-off but reference 50 shows that there is a relatively small change in the stable center-of-gravity range with change in acceler~ti.on. Jet propulsion.- Jet assistance has enabled flying boats to take off more quickly in rough water, to take off In a shorter distance, or to talk off with loads greater than those possible with normal engine power. The assisting jets are either of the powder type, which may be dropped after take-off, or of the type in which liqtids are forced Into a combustion chamber. The liquid-type :et generally onerates for lower periods of tin% but requires that more equipment be carried In the airplane throughout the flight. An advantage of this type of jet Is Iihatit may be turned on and off as desired. The location of th assisting jets Is not particularly critical. They should be so arranged that the line of thrust passes througlh,or slightly below, the center of gravity of the airplane so that wken the thrust ceases no great change in the balance of ths airplane will result. One liquid-type jet has operated successfully under water (reference 165) but no information is available as to the behav!or of the powder-type jet wlwn submerged. Jst engines could be mounted claser to the water than engin6-driven prop~llers, provided a suitable location for the air Inlet can be found. There is no Information as to the extent that the inflaw of air wI1l pick up spray or to the extmt that spray will damage the inteti-orof the jet motors if It is allowed to enter with the air. Jet engines designed to produce a given thrust at flight sneeds may be at a disadvantage during take-off when compared with normal propellers because of differences in the ra?!nerin which thrust vazies with speed. The jet engines for use on high-speed airplanes wauld probalily have sufficient thrust for take-~ff. UNCWVE?TTONAL COYFIGCPATIOllS Tunnel bottors.- FTullforms with a tunnel bottom (an inverted V ) navebeen nroposed occasionally because
the arrountof spray thrown out laterally is exoeptlonally small (referencafi 3, 172,and 177). Conf@ratlons of the types that have been tested present a diffioult problem In avoiding excessive air drag. If the spray Is oonflned to the tunnel, the afterbody may be wet excessively unless large clearanoe la provided. A model with a forebody hating &UIinverted-v Gross 600tiOn at t~ bow with a transition to normal V-bottom about halfway along th f~rebody was tested at the Short Brothers Tank (referenoe 260). This unusual form had very good spray oharaoterlstics and would presumably have acceptable resistance and stability oharaoteristlcs. Wind-tunnel tests and structural studies showed., however, that the air drag and the weight would be excessive. atri.oalfloats.- The spray between tha floats of a *float sTF~ngins seaplane resulting from the meeting of the tw~ how blisters sometimes enters the propell~r In excessive amounts. A Fair of floats was desi~gmd (reference 12k) hating the plsn~ng bottoms arra~ad on the outer cidss ~f the fl~ats (fl.g. 11].
Flpme 11.- Asymmetrlcal float ior twin-float seaplane, seotion at step. It was found that these floats were olean running and compared satlsfact,oriy~~ with conventional floats with regard to porpoislng, water resistance, and directional atabillty. Kodifioat?.ons intended to reduoe the air drag of the asymmetrical floats introduced t!ircctional instability. some - A form of hull that Inherently has e c araoteri.sties is being developed by %%3s%!
tests of models In Langley 2. Figure 12 shows a typical configuration with a very dsep stop that Is
pointed in plan form combined w~th a long afterbody. Preliminary tests (reference 176) and flmthar tests of modiflcatims .sImllarto those in f!g~me 12 showed that the hump rasistancs was lawer than that of a conventional hull (: = 6.5 compared with # = 5). Tests of a dynamtc
model i. r!dio&ted that s afiafaotody stabilityoharaoterons istlos may be expeoted (unpublished data). IiLxitatl on the usable spaoe aft of the osnter of gratity may be undesirable for some t3pes of servloe. Planing flaps.- Retractable planing flaps have been for use on the afterbbdy in a manner that would ~%%wsa~ unusually high angle of afterbody keel (fig. 13(a)) The flap would perform the nbrmal function of the afterbody at speeds through the hump speed. At plsnlng speeds the flaqs would be retracted to prevent high-angle porpolsing from gcourring in the usual range of trim. Tank tests were made at Stevens Institute of Technology to determine several configuretims that would have suitable hydrodynarlo characteristics (reference 178). effect of a big> The stwctural welpht, the $~erodynmric anEle of =fterbody keel, and t.h~necessity for adjusting the flap during take-off p~esent problams that introduoe some doubt as to the practic~l.possibilities of this type of flap. Reference 178 inoludes results obt~ined from tests of a hull w!th a conventional afterbad~ to which Pas added a nlanlng flap near the sternpost (fiE. 13(b)). The results of the tests showing that
(a) Fiighafterbody.
forebody k~el
42 porpolsing was suppressed were not confimed in tests (unpublished data) of asimilar configuration on a powered model In Langley tank no. 1.
Float-win desi-ns.- Tests have 139t311 made ofmodels and of a full-size glider having (refei%%ces -&=+75! a conventional hull combined with a wing placed sufficiently lcw to pr~vifiesuitable transverse s*abllity on the water (fig. 14). Hydrod~arlc c~aracterlstics of the full-size glider we% reported to be satlsfaotory
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pron; ded th flaps were not deflected while in cantact with the water. A preli~icary desjgn of a float-wing seaplena that would ernloy a pusher pro-leller in a transverse p?-anenes.rt:% trail.inged.g9of the wing is kmowr!to Lave been r.ade. If a SUJtek.lestructure were provided inr the power unit and for those pwtions of the wing and flaps subjected to water loads, it appears that a high-performance seaglarlewith garaslte drag practically equal to that of an equivalent landplane could be developed.
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H-Ul~=l&SE&eS3 #ris; - Inre-fe-rence 173 several designs are proposed, lncluding n flying wing, in ~!ch the hydrodynamlo and flotation requirements would be tncorporated as primary components of the wing. Prellmiinary results of tank tests and of structural studies are C5ted to support tkm belief that largo seaplanes can be built in one of tlteprop~sed forms with considerable reduotion in weight end in paraslte drag compared with oonventlonel flying boats ad landplenes. Two cf the proposed configurations are shown Infigure 15. HYDROFC1L9 The application of hyd~ofoils to serve as a type of landing gear on seaplanes or as auxiliary ltftlng devl. oes on wing-tip floats has long been m interesting possibility with rsference to the reduction of air draq ati the simplification of structural problems. It has appeered that hydrofofl 1s when compared with plan~. ng hulls offer some possibility of reducing the structural wei~t and t% haztirdsasso~lated with !mpactsin rough vatsr. Althau~ hydrofoils have been successfully employed on n..meroussea lanes with a relativel$ Imf stalling speed (refemnoe 18 6), an evaluation oftheir potential use on sea~lanes that rust.operete on the water at speeds above 60 miles per %nur IS hi~dered by ~r.adequate~nfo~.ation regarctlngthe influen~a of cavitaticm. -. .-._._ Hydrofoils having cambered sections selected to delay.cavitation as much as appeared practic~ble were towed--in l%~ley=tunk no. 1 at depths up to ~ chord lengths and at speeds up to 60 wiles per hour. A8 the speed was increased from h to 60 wiles per hour, the results showed that: (1) The angle of zero lift inoreased about 3 (2) The maximum lift-drag ratio decreased steadily from about 16 at 40 miles per hour to 8 at ~ wiles per hour (references 161, 189, and 201) (3) Cavitation caused vibration that became more severe with increased speed
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Floats for longitudinal static stability are relawoted to fom wing tips Fi~re 15.- Hull-less design from reference 173.
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s~~~a& t~gfid~ werzm-obtained ln ,wate~~el...tests .of planoconvex circular-qro sectlons In which extensive oavltqtion -~as obtained (referenoe 200 ). The theoiwtib-alresults In reference 183 are in partial agreement with the tr~nds given butthere Is still considerable doubt as to the magnitude of ths Influenoe or .oavltatlong There is some indication that a I@rofoll-in %kfizt-~t,ig flow Wf11 have more favorable llftdrag rat~os--ifthe lower surface IS flat rather then oonvex, Tast~ in a w~ter tunnel (reference 19~) indicated that slots in a h~drofail were ineffective in preventing oavltatlon.
La~~erltke arrangements of hydrofoils with dihedral of about 20 that have been used on seaplanes and on surfaoe ~cats apparently offer sati.sfaotory stability, but tho associated struts and Interference effeots are si~~ifioant saurcas of drag and spray (references 180, 185, 184, ~d 192). Monoplane fi]drofoilsare likely to suffer abrupt and largo oha~os in lift and dreg when clnse to the frse water surface {refensnces 180, 131, and lqo). The ssveritv of this typ~ of ~nstabllitT is 193s for Hlw klch~r an~les of dihedral because of the mar-]gradual rs~flng action as the hydrofoil passss into or cut of the water. S:~sterrs of rmnnnlarws designed to ove--cme thin near &e water surface kI.m besn pr~~osed a~d.testsd at low speeds by 1~~) and by Grunberg (references lij5and 1 1). Furt%r ~nvsstfl.gation !.mdercondi lull-s.~ale cavitation is represented are ticms in WY:?CI1 ? required, hcwover, before-a-practiotildeslgn of a mono- plane oonfip.matl.onfor a seaplsr:e may be oarrled out ; with full assuranae that stuuility and efficient lift1. 1 drag ratios wi11 be achieved (refelwnce1~$). PIL@TII?GAND HAJ:DLING A few clearly established principles oan be outlined that wI1l assist the pilot of e seaplane of convmtional design to take off in the least ttme and distance possible and at t~.esame tlm.eto avoid much of the danger associated with porpoislng, yawing, and skipping. Tha raqulred technique for operation in smooth water oan be si.~plystated; but for operation in rough water the importance Of pO~OiSi~# yawtn~, ad skipping as oompared with the Importance of the waves to be encountered
in any particular instance must be evaluated on the basis of the personal observation and experience of the pilot. The principles for oaeration in smooth water have been sufficiently well established by tests of models and full-size aircraft to justify a revision of some of the practices that appear to be currently accepted. y of accurately observing height out t%%%%%eferences 205206 dthe 211 ?nt above the surface of the water as a seaplane approaches a landing on glassy water, especially if there is a lowhanging mist. No satisfactory technique or instrumentation appears to be available that will enable the pilot to judge with confidence the point of contacting t~ water surfaoe. Terrain olearmce indicators tight be of considerable value if they could be made to indicate accurately at very low altitudes. Possibly absolute altimeters will com into sufficiently wide use to justify their development to a stage at which they can be used for glassy-water landings. Take-offs from glassy water have frequently been renorted to be more dlfflcult than those from choppy water. Definite data regarding these observations are not sufficient to justify very definite conclusions. Differences of oplnton regarding these observations are sufficientl~ great to justify a brief series of tank tests or flight tests in which the influence of wind (which generally accompanies rough water) and the influence of trim may be isolated from the effects of small waves on the resistance during take-off. Stabilitr.- Instructions to pilots regarding porpoising shoul~ clearly distinguish between the lowangle type and the high-angle type. The usual instructions to apply up elevators whenever porpolsing occurs (references 205, 206, and 211) are applicable only to the low-angle type. Recovery from the high-angle type of porpoising calls for down elevators. Uncontrollable yawing of some flying boats may occur The yawing at speeds In either of two speed ra~es, approaching the hump is associated with an unstable type of flow over the bottom arxisides of the afterbody and may be aggravated by unsymmetrical slipstream over ths tall. A disastrous type of yawing may occur at speeds near get-away if th hull is allowed to trim too low (referenoe 40).
NAOA ACR No. 15c128 47 ., . . . .-7 ----- . . -. -/. .. Rou@ water.- A PElil-3C flylng boat has recently been %ested by he U. S- Coast Guard to investigate ~.e merits of different piloting teohnlques in ro - water and to evaluate thehazards that are Znvolved T reference 203.)b It Is understood that wave heights ranged frum8 or 10 inches up to about 15 feet during the course of the tests. The tests were llmited to the one airplane and to the sea conditions prevailing off the coast of southern California, but the results provide a noteworthy basis for setting up general principles for piloting tn rouglhwater. Results ofthe tests indicated that before making a landing in the open sea the pilot should fly at different altitudes to obserm the different wave systems that may be prssent and Zn general tc select the direction of run and the area that will result in the least number of severe wave impacts. For winds of less than 20 knots the most favorable direction was found to be parallel to the crests of the swells. Down-swell.landlngs were considered feasible but more severe than along-swgll landings. If the wind is greaier than 20 knots, the recommended direction for the run is into the wind. Drift in a cro~s-wind landing was found to be of little practical consequence. Previously held fears of danger ~rom drag~lng a wing-tip float in a swell on the beam or ~roinSldealippti.g down tlm slope of a w~vu were nfitsubstUnt5.ated. Yiitha complicated sea, the pilot should choose a Cirection for landing or take-off that will avoid heading directly into any wave system and w1ll at the same time kfiepthe wind as nearly ahead as possible. Jets of the sollc%fuel type were used in of the take-offs and found to be a very uaeAfuladjunot In roughwater operation. In several Instances the use of jets at dangerous momnts was believed to have saved the airplane from severe damage.
Reversible ro ellers.- Maneumring to a buoy or other rnoorlng.e%c&een greatly facilitated by the use of rewrstble propellers that permit braking and maneuvering in close quarters. Reference 209 describes the maneuverability of a PB2Y-3 with reverslblepltch propeller and states that those propellers reverse In from 10 to 15 seconds, which Is considered slower than desirable. Two of the four propellers are therefore continuously in reverse and the maneuvering In any desired direction is accomplished by manipulation of the throttles.
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Depth of water.- Tests ofmodels have indicated that the water resistance is praotlcally unaffected by variations in depth for depths greater than about 1 beam length. At lesser depths the hwnp resistance may be considerably more than that for deep water (references 210 and ~). Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory National Adviscry Committee for Aeronautics Langley Field, Va.
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Reports that are not generally available for distribution, either for security, groprietary~ or other reasons, are rnarkec?i wi:than asterlsk~ In speolal uases requssts for -se repor$~ may be granted. Any such requests.should. be.direotedto theC)ftloe of Aeronautical Intell.igenoe of the National AcIvisQry (lomnittee for Aeronautiaa,
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FLYINGkAT IiULU ..The Effect of t- Angle of titer1. Alllscn, John.L: ~ body Keel on th~ Water Performsnce of a FlyingBoat Hull Model. NACA TN No. 541, 1935. Angle of afterbody keel, resistance. m 2. Allison, John M.: TankTests of a Model of the Hull Of the Navy PB-1 Flylng Boat - N.A.C.A. Model 52. -NACA TN No. 576, 1936. Resistance, testing procedure. 3. Allison, John M.: Tank !l%stsof a Model of One Hull of the Savota s-55-x Flying Boat - N.A.C.A.Model 46. NACA TN No. 635; 1938. Resistance.
Anon.: The Biggest Short. FIight, vol. XX.XVT,no.159~ July 20, 1939. Discussion with numerous illustrations of the structural design and arra~ement of the Short Golden Hind.
Specification for the S.truotural Design of ~
6. Anon.:
Hulls, Floats, end Float External Bracing. NAVAER SS-17A (superseding .SS-,17), Bur. Aero.,,Jan. ld,194.4. 7. Bell, Joe W.: The Effectof Depth of Step on the Water Performance of a Flying-Boat Hull Model - N.A.C.A. Model 11-C. NACA TN No. 535, 1935. Depth of step, resistance.
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FLYING-BOAT HUIXLS 8. Bell, Joe W. , Garrison, Charlie C., and zeck, Howard~ Effect of Length-Beam Ratio on Resistance and Spray of Thrge Models of Flying-Boat Hulls. NACA ARR No. 3J23, 1943. Length-beam ratio, resistance, spray. 9. BS1l, Joe W., and Olson, Roland E.: Tank Tests to Determine the Effects of tb Chino Flare of a Flying-Boat Hull - N.A.C.A. Model Series 62 and 69. NACA TN No. 725, 1939. Chine flare, angle of dead rise, resistance, spray, %0. Bel&tiJ~eMW., Olson, Roland E., mid Goldenbaum, Tests of a l/10-Size Dynamically Similar Model o~:the Consolidated XPB3Y-1 Flying Boat In NACA Tank No. 1 - XACAModel 147. HACA MR, Bur. Aero., June 14, lq43. Longitudinal stability, spray, yawin stability, depth of step, location . fIlation, angle of afterbody keel. of step,-ven
11. BS1l, Joe W.,.and Willis, John M., Jr.: The Effects of Angle of Dead Rise and Angle of Afterhody Keel on the Resistance of a Model of a Flying-Boat Hull. NACA ARR, Feb. 1943. Angle of dead rise, angle of afterbody keel, resistance.
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12, Bensonr.James M.: Hydrodynamic-Stability Tests of a. Model of a Flying Boat and of a Planing Surface Having a .%all Downward Projection (Hook) on the . Planlng Bottom near the Step. NACA RB, Jan. 1943. Longitudinal stability (trim limlta), hook on forebody, landings. 13. Benson, J&nes M., and I?reinofner,Antm: Landing Char= acteristics -of-aModel ofs Flying Boat with.the Depth-of Step Reduced to Zero by Means of a Retractable Planing Flap. NACA RB No. 4Bc8, @J+o Landings, planinp flaps, longitudl.naI stability (center-of-gravity limits), resistance. L$. Benson, Jmes M., and Havens, Robert F.: .Tank Tests of a Flying-Boat Model Equipped with Several Types of I?airing Designed to Reduce the Air Drag of the - Main Ztep. NACA ARR No. L5C09b, 19k5.. Step fairings, depth of step,longitudinal stabil~.ty (landings). .
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FL~G-BOAT Hiliis %5. mooiie; . Ii: :E:: :Sumnqry of Dynimlc! Tank T6st8 Of the l/& Sca2e-XBLY-1 titn Spray Strips. Rep. . ., .. No.-2iH-~-pl~,cConsolidated.Vulteb Airoraf% Corp., .. . Aug. J9 3; Tes.$sin Lan@ley tank no. 1. . z . . .. (MPeral Fre6 to TrimTests in 16. Carter,:ArthurW,:. NACA Tank No. 2 of Three l/&Full-Size Models of . . Flylng:Boat Hulls at Low Speeds - NACA .. ; ..Models 116E~3& 120R, and 1~.3. NACAMR, ~ . . o . .Je.n19,.1~~~~ Handling on.t% whter, trim ..-. stance .atlow speeds, ,drfftlngasterp.
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Clark, K..: W. ,, and .Cooml@s~L. P.: Tank Tests of a Ysmtly b~.Four Hulls of Varying Length to Beam Rati0. Rep. No. B.A. 1350.,British R.A.E., .: No v. 1936. Length-besm ratio, air drag, seaworkhlnesg, re~lstance, form, take-off. . 18. Coombes,.L.:P. , and Clark, K. W.: The Air Drag of Hulls. Aircraft Engineering, vol. IX, no. 106, .. Xhc..1937, PP. .315 -321, .3.2~m Air drag, len@hbemn ratlo, effect ofbe~, depthof hull, form: of aten, depth of step, olhlne . flwe, arigleof dead rlse, step falrings, tip floats,.Stub wings. 19. Davidson, Kenneth S: M., with Locke, F.W. S., Jr., . and Suarez,. Anthony: Porpolsing -A Comparison of Theory with.Experiwnt . 3ACA ARR No. 3G07, 1943. Longitudinal stability.(trim llmtts). . . Davidson, Kenneth S. M., and Locke, F. W. S., Jr.: 20. General Tank Tests on tk Hydrodynamic o Charac-. .. Four Flying-Boat Hull Models of DMYering L.9ngthBeamRatin. .NACA ARR No. &15, . 194A Length-beam ratio, res~sttice., longitudinal stability, yawing, spray. . .. . . . . . 21. Davidscm, Kenneth S. M., and Locke,.F~ W. S. , Jr.: Some Analyses of Systematic Experiments on the Resistance and Porpolslvg Charaoteri.sties of Flying-Boat Hulls. NACA ARR Nn. 3106, 1943. Longitude. nsl stability, ventilation, design parameters, method of plotting, form, effecfs of warping, resistance.
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FLYING-BOAT HULLS .. 22.Datidson-, Kenneth S. ~: , and. ~ooke, F. W;S.j Jr:: Some Syste@atlc Model Experlments on the Porpolsing . ..1 Characteristics of Flyi~=Boat Hulls. NACA ARR NO. 3F12m 19~3. .Longitudinal stability (trim . limit), tail damping rate, grossload, sternpost angle~ depth of step, form of step, forebody .. . warping, ,.. angle of dead rise.near . sternpost. . *23, Davlss B!.w.: Analysis of Results - Hydrodynamid Rese~rch Projact. Rep No. .D-5558, Boetng Air,. craft .Co. , Sept. 23, 1944. Longitudinal stability, yawing, resist~oe, angle of dead rise, few, .lengt-h-~eam ratio, chine flare, tunnel bottom, step fairi~g, hydrofoils, spray and wake measurements. Tests in Langley ta~ no. .l. .. l.. . . 24. Dawson, Johh R.: A General Tank Test of N. A. C.A. .. .. ?hdel 11-C Flying-Boat Hull, Including the Effect of Changing the PlaiiForm of the Step. NACA ,. . .TN No. 538, 1935. Plan form of step, resistance. . . . ,25. DawsQn, John R.: Tank Tests of a Model of a F1ylng.Boat Hull.WItha Flvte.d Bottom. N.4CATN NOc 522, .-. . . . . .1935..Fluted bottom, resistance tests. v. .
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DawaonX John R.: Tank Testk of Thrge Models of .,. FIFing-Boat Hulls ox the ,Pointed-StepType with i)iffere~tAhg~es -of Dead Rise ~ N;A.C.A. Model 35 .Series. NACA TN No. 551, 3936. Pointed step, -. resistance, ti&le of dead rise,
27D Dawson, Joh R.: -TankTests of Two ~lodelsof FlyingBoat Hulis to Determine the E.fYectof Ventilating tlm Step. NAC~: TN No. 594? 1937. .Ventilatlon, resistance,. depth of step. . . . . . 28, Diehl?.Walter.S.: . ~ Disuusslofiof Certain Problems . .Conne~.ted with the Design Of-Hulls of Flying Boats and !jhe .US3 of General Test DEia. I;ACARep. ,, m No. 625, 193~. Resis~an6b~ ds::i~nGaramgters, # me~hmis cdplottings range of test pr:j@~. . . Estiratlon of Maximum Load 29: Diehl, Walter S.:-~ Capacity of Seaplanes and Flying mats. NACA Rep. No. 453, 1932- Re.lationbetween gross load and time for take-off of seaplanes. .
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-FL~GyBOAT Hums . .. . . of. F lylng=Eoat Take-Off. -: :., .30P.D@hl,. Walter: S:; ~ ..A Sttid~ .. .. NACA TN HO. \643; ~?~6. Takb-oofrcalculations. . . . . . ... .. . . , .. 31. Diehl~.&alter S.: T6st4 on Alrpl~m l?uielages, Floats and Hulls; .NACA IMP, h: 256, 1926. Compilation of aerodynamic .tes~data. .. . .. .. ., .:. . ..,.. 32.: Mrnier, c.: .Lessdns of theDo.X~: .Jour.R.A.S., . . .. vol. XXXVIZ, no. 2730 Sept. 19739 Pp: 757-7820 Design, stub wings, ~trlnsn~ng buckets. DofiierD6:X. Seaplane. . 33ti: Dornier,:Claudius: The- Alrm%lltEn@neering; .voh 1, no. 10, Dee. 1929, . Discussion of tM 100,000-pound PP~ 339-3@~ flying boat, its construction and operation. M34.. Ebert} -JohnW. ~ Jr.s and Garrlsom, Charlie C.-; Eydr.odynamlc. Tests of a Navy PBM-3 Flying Boat the NAGA Events Reco~r. NACA MR. . . . . . Bur. Aero., Sept. 2, 194.3.. . . .. .: 3~..Fletcher, G. L., atiLlewdiyn-Davie s,D. I. T. P.: Note.on Somd Tank Tests on the Sunderland III for Take=Off at Extreme Overload. Rep. No. . . #ero-1~87,-British R.A.E., Nov. 19.!J.3. Soale effect, step falrlng, longitudinal stability, . seaworthiness, spray. . .. . 36. Franchimdnt,H.. A.: Basio Design Featyres of the Sikorsky S-@. Aero Digest, vol.25, no. 2, Aug. 193 , pp. 5L-56; vol. 2,.no. 3, Sept. 1934, pP.o24+2k ; end vol. 25, no. z , Ott 1934; pp. 50, 52. General aerodynamic design features. .. 37. l?qllmer,Feliolen F., Jr.: Tests of al/hO-Scale Wing-Hull Model snd a l/10-Soale Float-Strut Model of the Hughes-Kaiser Cargo Airplane in the Two-Dimensional Low-Turbulence P~essu,= Tunnel. NACA ~, Se@. 24, 19S, Air drag, hull and tip floats; step fairing, wln~ flllet~, chfne fl=reo . . ,.. 38. Garner, H. M.: S?aplqne ResearpL Jour. R.A.S., VO1.XXXVII, no. 27~, Ott, 1935, pp. Q30-863. m Impaot, press~re measurements on hulls, yawing, full-soale reslstame.measurements. . . . .
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FLYJWG-BOAT HULLS Reslst&ame Tests of TwoModels Of Hulls for:a Large Flylng Boat (NACA Models ~-l ..and~~K-A).~.. NACA MR, Bur. Aero., May 23, 1944. . . ..FQ~, ventilation,. testing technique (reprod~ing models), tall extension. . ., .. . ~. . . on~ Stablllt~of )+0. .Gott,:30P.;: ..~o~~ on tie Dlreloti . . . Seaplanp.qon.theWater-.R. %CM.No. 1776, . British A.R.C., 1937. . Directio~al.c ontrol,. .. .. . . .. . cross-wind lSnding; . . . .. . .. Develop41: Go~-e* A..:,Flying-Bdats and :VOI. XXXIX, no. 296, .. Jour. R.A.S.; ment tm.. . . AU::d:?35, pp. 691-717. Predlotlqn,o? design. 1 .:. . .. . . .. .. . . .. )[email protected] ~~ J::.1 ~aworing the .C~ksslcal ,in Flying Boat Iigdro&*a*los. . Aviation, vol. L3, no. 10,,.: flo,ats~ hydmostatims. Oct. 19~14,pp. 159-163. Tip ,
.Goldenba&, DavidM.:
h~...l3artmsn, Edwin Po-:The Ae rod~ami.~~Drag of FlyingBdat ~ullMorle.lsas Measuredin t@e:NACA 20-Foot . Wind Tunnel -I? NACA TN;No~525,-1935.- Air drag, hetght bf Iiull,cohtmp of c!le~k, depth of step, an@e of hfterbody keel; spray strips, windshields. , .: ~. Jones, E. T.: Se,aplane:Wke-bTf ~elghts..A~roraft o [email protected]~ng~,wol. VI,.no+.70, Dec. 1934, pp. 330-~2. -General d.iscuskipn of the .paraine!ers affecting . . .takevoff;. .. . . . .l~. r..... . . . .. .- . . -. . .. . 45. .~ng,: Douglas A. , and Mas, Newton A.: Effects cn .L6wSneed Spray Characte.ristims of.V~rloua Modifications to a Powered Moti.1.aftlie.Bdeing XP~&l Ylyina No.iL5F07~ 194~ ~1 .: ~3pr~; ~apray Boat. NACA i~()~ stmlps, ratlcj,form, effect .of power. 46, Kleg~n~l;xyder, Piers~n, John D., and Storer, .. An Introduction tQ Se.apl~e ,Porpolsimg. Jour. Aero. Scl., vol. 6,.am..8, J~ 19.59, lower-11.hlt.. p~npoising. PP-.5y1~318. Theory of.. . . %7. Land, .hormafi S..;: aria ~nd Linds~~ J.: Additlonal #- StabiiltyTests.of a l/8-Full-Size ~amio Model of the Consolidated XP4Y-1 Airplane - NACA BbblJ. 43. NACA Ml?,Bur. Aero., Maroh 3, 19~3. Depth of step, ventilation, flaps, longl. tudinal stability, planing fins.
55 NACA ACR NO L5Q28 ----- ..-.-. . ., .mmW-BOJW W8 .,. . .. -... -.,___ 4.8. Land, Norman S., and Lina, Lindsay J.: Tests of a Dynamic Model in NACA Tank No. 1 to Detezmd.nethe Effeot ofLength ofAfterbody, Angle of Afterbody Keel, Gross Load, and a Pointed Step on Landing and Planing Stability. NACA ARR March 1943. Landing, longitudinal stability ftrim limits), angle of afterbody keel, length of afterbody, form of step, gross load.
Land, Norman S., ard Woodward, David R.: Tank Tests of a ~/8-~11-Si.ze ~amto Model of the Consolidated Vultee PE2Y-3 Airplane with a Lengthened Forebody and Afterbody and Various Modiflcatlons of the Stap. NACA MRP %r. 4ero., March k, 19h4. Lengtht.eamratio, lo~gitudlaal stability, depth of step, fmm of step, s~ray. Land, Norman S., and Woodward, David R.: Tests of a
1/8-FuI1-size Dynamic Model of the XP4Y-1 Airplane
with Spray Strips - NACA Model 143E. NAOA KR, T3ur.Aero., Nov. 20, 191!L3.Spray, acceleration, longitudinal stability (center-of-gravity limits), ventilation. 51. Langley, Marcus: Seaplane Float end Hull Design, Sir Isaac Pitcnan& Sons, Ltd. (London), 1935. Essign principles and criterions, tip floats and lateral stability, resistance, tanks. *52. Locke, F. w. S., Jr.: An Analysis of the Main Spray Characteristics of Some Full Size Flying Boats. A.D.I?.Rep. M-29, Bur. Aero., Oct. 1944. Spray, length-beam ratio, scale effect, design. 53. Locke, F. W. S., Jr.: General Porpoislng Teets of Flying-iloat RullModels. NACA ARR No. 3117, 1943. Longitudinal stability, mass moving vertically, moment of inertia, aerodyn-io damping In pltoh.
Looke, F. W. s., J&.: Investigation of Bottom Pressures and of the Effect of Step Ventilation on a Seaplarm Hull. Rep. No. 173, Stevens Inst. Teoh.(MAO.A)S, Dec. 14, 1941. Ventilation, pressure measurements, resistance.
55. Locke, F. W. S., Jr.: Some Systematic Model Experiments of the Bow-Spray Characteristics of FlylngBoat Hulls Operating at Low Speeds in Woves. NACA ARR No. 3ZGh, 1943. Spray, length-beam ratio, form, engle of afterbodykeel, angle of dead rise. 56. Locke, F. W. S., Jr.: Some Yawing Tests of a l\30-Scale Model of the Hull of the XPB2M-1 Flying dat. NACA AFR NO. 3G06, 19~3. Yawing. 57. Locke, Fred W. S., Jr.: A Correlation of the Dimensions, Proportions, and Loadings of Existing S.saplaneFloat@ and Flying-Boat Hulls. NACA AFR, Mp.rch19~3. Direnslons and loadings of existir~ design. *5& h?illlkan,Clark B.: First Additional Wind Tunnel Tests on a 0.068 Scale Model of a Revised Version of the Boeing Model XPBB-1 Flying Boat without and with Running Propellers. GALCIT Rep. No. 307, $ept. 2h, 1941. Alr drag, tip floats, step falring, flare (rounded). Sir Isaac
59. Munro, Fllliam: Marine Aircraft Design. Pltman & Sons, Ltd. (London), 1933.
60. Olson, Roland E.: Investigation of the Effect of Spray Strips on the Low-Speed Spray Characteristics of a l/8-Size Model of the Consolidated FB2Y-3 Flying Boat - NACA Model 116E-3. NACA MI?, Jan. 27, 19G3. .Tfi%ctsofpower, spray $trtp. *61. Olson, Roland E., Haar, Marvin 1., and Bradford, John A.: Take-Off and Landing Stability ati Spray Characteristics of Modifications of a l/12-Size Model of tlm JRM-1 Flying Boat NACA Model lm. NACA MR, Bur. Aero. , Sept. 8, 1944. Len@h of planing bottom, plan form of bow, warping afterbcdy, depth of step, longitudinal steps, hydrofoil under afterbody. 62. Olson, Roland E. , snd Land, Norman S.: The Longitudinal Stability of Flying Boats as Detemlned b~ Tests of Models in the NACA Tank. I - Methods Used for the Investigation of Longitudinal1942. Stability Characteristics. NACA ARR, IioV. Depth of step, moment of Inertia, gross load, longitudinal stability (center-of- ravlty limlts and trim limits), mass moving vert ftally.
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FLYING-BOAT HULLS .. Olson, Roland E.~ and Zeok$Howard: Tank Tests of a ., -.. *63. -1~16-Full=Si.~e Model of the HK=l Car~oFlying Boat. I- Take-t)ffand Landtng Stability, and Spray Gharaoterlstlos of a Powered Dynamic Model NACA Model 158. NACA IUR,Dept. Commeroe, May 19, 1944. Longitudinal stab$li.ty(trim limits, oenter-of-gravity llmlts, landings). Position of oenter of gravity, spray. ~. Outman, Vernon: A Method of Calculating Seaplane Take-Off. Aero Digest, vol. 32, no. 6, June 19389 ppi 53, 5L, 59, 60. Take-off, a method of calculating. -
65. Parkinson, H~: Longitudinal Stability Calculations of Sea lenes on Water. The Alroraft Engineer, no. 10f( vol, IX, no. ~), supp. to Flight vol. XXYIs *o 13114,Sept. 27, 1934s P~a ky, TO. Mathematical analysis of the longitudinal stability of a hull at rest In tb water. Naval architectural treatment. 66. Parldnson, J. B.: Tank Tests of ?t~del11-G FlyingBoat Hull. NACA TN No. 531, 1935. Chine flare, spray, resistance. 67. Parktnson, J. B.: Tank Tests ofa ?bdel of a FlylngBoat Hull Hating a Imn ltudinally Concave Planing Bottom. NACA TN No. 5f 5, 1955. Form - longitudinal concave planing bott~m. Resistance, spray, longitudinal curvature. 68. Parkinson, John B.: A Camplete Tank Test of a Model of a Flying-Boat Hull - N.A.C.A. Model No. 11-A. NACA TN No. h70, 1933. Resistance, longitudinal
69. Parkinson, John B.: hslgn Criterions for the ~o~~~sions of the Foreboclyof a Long-Range Flying NACA ARR No. 3K08, 1943. Spray, lengthbeam ratio.
700 Parkinson, John B.: The besign of the Optimum Hhll for a Lar et.Long-Range Flying Boat. NACA ARR No. J 112, 19M. Design, proportion, shape, depth of step.
FLYING-BOAT HULL9 *63. olson, Roland E. , md Zeak, Howard: Tank Tests of a l/16-~11-Size Model of the HK-1 Cargo Flying Boat. - Take-Off and Landing Stability, and Spray ;haracterlstios of a Powered ~amic Model WACA Model 15(3. l?ACAMR, Dept. Commerce, May 19, 19k4. Longitudinal starelity (trim li.mlts,oenter-of-gravity limits, landings). Position of center of gravity, spray.
65. parkinson, Hi: - Longitudinal Stability Calculations of Sea lanes on %ater. The Alroraft Rngi.neer, no. 10f( vol. IX, no. 9), supp. to Flight VOI. XXWI, no. 13h4, Sept. 27s 1934s PPa &g, 70. Mathematloal analysis of the longitudinal stablltty of a hull at rest in tlm water. Naval aroblteotural traatment, 66. Parkinson, J. B.: Tank I%sts of Model 11-G FlyingBoat Bhll. F~CA TN Ho. 531, 1935. Chine flare, spray, resistance. 67. Park5nson, J. B.: Tank Tests of a Model of a FlyingBoat Hull Having a Lo Itudinally Concave Planing BottOm. NACA TN No. Y 5 5, 1935. Form - longitudinal ooncave planing bottom. Resistance, spray, longitudinal our~ature. . 68. Parkinson, John B.: A Complete Tank Test of a Model of a Flying-Boat Hull - N.A.C.A. Model No. 11-A. NACA TN MO. 470, 1933. Resistance, longitudinal mrvature. 69. Parkinson, John B.: Design Criterions for the Dimensions of the Forebody of a Long-Range Flying Boat. NACA ARR No. 3K08, 1943. Spray, lengthbeam ratio. 70t Parkinson, John B.: The Design of th~ Optimum Hull for a Lar eUq-Range Flylng Boat. NACA ARR No. d 112, 191JJ+.~sign, proporti.on,shape, depth of step. .
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FIXING-BOAT HULLS 71. Parkinson, John B.: Notes on the Skipping of Seaplanes. HACA RB No. 3127, 1943. Skipping, ventilation, depth of step. . 72. Parkinson, John B.: Tank Tests of Auxiliary Vanes as a Substitute for Planlng Area. NACA TN NO. 490, 1934. Resistance, hydrofoils (used as stub wings). ~3. Parkinson, John B.: Tank Tests of the 1/8 Full-Size Dynamic Model of tti Consolidated Model 31 Flying Boat with a Second Step - N.A.C.A. Model 11O-M. NACA MR, Consolidated Airoraft Corp., Jhly 12, 1940. Effeot of second step, porpolslng. Parklzzson,John B., Bell, Joe W., and Olson, Rolaad E.: Additional Tank Tests of 1/8-Fu11S::; I?ynami c Model ofConsolidated PB2Y-3 l?l@ng NACA Model 116 E-2, Etc. NACA MR, Bur. Aero., May 15, 194.2. Depth of step, plan fomn of step, spoilers on forebody, spray strips, ohlnes on tail extension, skegs and fins on tail extension (for directional stability), tip floats.
*75. Parldmson, John B., and Benson, Jsmes M.: Tank Tests ofa 1/8 N1-Size _io ?60delof the Consolidated PB2Y-3 Flylng Boat - NACA hdsl 116. NACA MR, Bur. Aero., DSU. 13, 1940. Aerod~amics, oenterof-gravity Writs and trim llmlts of the oonventtonal type. Model without power facilities. 76. Parkinson, John B., and r)awson,John R.: Tank Tests of N.A.C.A. Model 40 Series of Hulls for Small Flylng Boats and Amphibians. NACA Rep. No. 543, 1936. Resistance, spray, take-off. 77. Parkinson, John B., md Land, Norman S.: The Landing Stability of a Powered Dynamic Model of a Flylng Boat with a 30 V-Step and with Two De ths of Transverse Step. NAcA RB No. 4Blh, 19h . Lo@ tudinal stability (l=di~), fo~ of step. 78. Parkinsonj John B., and Olson, Roland E,: Tank Tests of a 1/5 Full-Size Dynamically Similar Model of the Army OA-9 Amphibian with Motor-Driven Propellers - NACA Model 117. NACA ARR, Dee. 1941. Effect of power, lmgltudinal stability, spray.
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FIXING-BOAT HULLS 71. Parkinson, John B.: Notes on the Skipping of Seaplanes. IVACARB No. 3127, 1943. Skipping, ventilation, depth of step. 72. Parkinson, John B.: Tank Tests of Auxiliary Vanes as a Substitute for Planlng Area. NACA TN No. 490, ~ 1934. Resistance, hydrofoils (used as stub wings). ~3. Parkinson, John B.: Tank Tests of the 1/8 Full-Size Dynamic Model of tlm Consolidated Model 31 Flying Boat with a Second Step - N.A.C.A. Model 11O-M. NACA MR, Consolidated Aircraft Corp., JUly 1.2,1940. Effect of second step, porpolsing.
*74. Parkinson, John B., Bell, Joe W., and Olson, Roland E.: Addltlonal Tank Tests of 1/8-Fu11~~~ Dynamic Model of Consolidated PB2Y-3 Flytng NACA Model 116 E-2, Etc. NACA MR, Bur. Aero., May 15, 1942. Depth of step, plan fom of step, spoilers on forebody, spray strips, chines on tail extension, skegs and fins on tail extension (for directional stability), tip floats. *75. Parkinson, John B., and Benson, James M.: Tank Tests of a 1/8 Full-Size l)ynemicModel of the Consolidated PB2Y-3 Flying Boat - NACA ?t?del116. NACA MR, Bur. Aero., DSC. 13, 1940. Aerodynamics, centerof-gravity llrlts and trim limits of the conventional type. Model without power facilities. 76. Parkinson, John B., md Dawson, John R.: Tank Tests of N.A.C.A. Model LO Series of Hulls for Small Flying Boats and Amphibians. NACA Rep. No. 543, 1936. Resistance, spray, take-off. 77. Parkinson, John B., and Land, Norman S.: The Landing Stability of a Powered Dynmic Model of a Flying Boat with a 30 V-Step and with TWO De ths of Transverse Step. NACA RB No. 4B14.,19~. Lon@ tudinal staMllty (landing), form of step. 78. Parkinscm, John B., and Olson, Roland E.: Tank Tests of a 1/5 Full-Size Dynamically Similar Model of the Army OA-9 Amphibian with Motor-Driven Propellers - NACA Model 117. NACA ARR, MC. 194.1. Effect of power, longitudinal stability, spray.
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FLYING-BOAT HULLS 79: Parldnsm; Jdhn--B;; Olsdn,Roland-E..; -Draley, Eugene c., Aerodynamlo and H@mxlynamio and Luoma,.Arvo A.: Tests of a Family of Models ofFl~fi-~BOlR&EI Derl.vedfrom a Streamline BOdY Series. NACA ARR No. 3115, 1343. Resistanoei hel.ghtofbow, height of stem, ohlne flare, depth of step, angle of dead rise (speoial), air drag, angle of afterbody keel, rounding of ohlnes at bow, stability, spray. 80. Perelmuter, A.: On the Determination of the !Take-Off Chmaoteristlcs of 8 Seaplane. MACA TM NO. 863* 1938. 81. Perrlng, W. G. A., and Hutohinson, J. L.: Full Soale and Model Porpoislng Tests of the Sin apore 110. R. & M. NO. 1712, British A.R.c., 193~. Soale effect, porpoising period, longitudinal stablllty. 82. Pierson, John D.: Directional Stability of Flying Jour. Aero. Sci., Boat Hulls during Taxil v~l. 11, no. 3, July 19u ; pp. 169-195. Yawing, chine strips, skegs, side steps on afterbody. 83, Rohrbach, Adolf K.: Flyi~ Boat Design. Aero. Englneerlng, Trans. A.S.M.E., vol. 2, no. 4, oct.-MC. 1930, np. 285-2G8. ~sign practice, lateral stabilizers, waves.
Wind-Tur.nel Tests with Airplane Fuselages and Flying-Boat Hulls. Rep. No. 190, Trans. C.A.H.I. (Moscow), 1935. Alr drag of hulls, yawing, aerodynamic forces.
85. Rumpler, E.: Design and lkvelopment of Seaplanes for Transatlantlo Service. Aero. Engineering, Trans. A.S.M.E., vol. 3, no. 4, Oct.-moo 1931, pp. 127-137. Twin-hull flylng boat, design considerations, resistance, jet-assisted take-offs8 trim control. 86. Sohrdder, P.: Deteminatlon of Resistance and Trlmmin Moment of Planing Water Craft. NACA TM MOO f19, 1931. Method of extrapolating resistance.
FL-BOAT HULLS 87. Schuettel, Frederick P.: SOEW Aspects of the Seaplane. Aero. Engineering, Trans. A.S.M.E., vol. 3, no..4, Seaworthineas, oct*-Dec. 1931, pp. 139-48. beaching methods, general. 58. Shoemaker, James M., and wlli Joe W.: Complete Tank Tests of Two Flying-Boat Hulls with Pointed Steps N.A.C.A. Models 22-A ati 35. NACA TN No. 504, 1934. Resistance, spray, take-off, pointed step. 89. Shoemaker, James M., and Dawson, John R.: The Effeot of Trim Angle on the Take-Off Performance of a Flying Boat. NACA TN No. 486, 1934.. Resistance, effect of trim on resistance, pilot technique, trim indicator. 90. Shoemaker, James M., and Parkinson, John B.: A Complete Tank Test of a Model of a Flyln -Boat Hull N.A.C.A. Yodel No. 11. NACA TN EOO ~ %~, 1933.% Resistance, testing teohnlque. 91. Shoemaker, James M., and Parkinson, John B.: Tank Tests of a Family of Flylng-Boat Hulls. NACA TN No. ~!l, 1934. Length-beam ratio, resistance. 92. Sikorsky, Igor I.: The Development and Characteristics of a Lang-Range Flying Eqat (The S-k). Jour. R.A.S.$ vol. xxxIx, no. 292, april 1935, pp. 263-281. Discussion of practical design and operation of this fl@ng boat. 93, Smiths A. G., and WMte, H. G.: A Review ~f Porpoisi Instability of Seaplanes. Rep. No. H7 Res/173, British Marine Aircraft Exp&rimental Establishment, Feb. 29, 19~4. Longitudinal stability, step fairings, depth of step, full scale, flaps, testing teohrd.que(RAE, MAEE, NACA), power, ventilation, radius of gyration. An extensive bibliography is included.
Hydrodynamic Properties of Planing Surfaces and Flying Boats. Rep. No. 149, Trans. C.A.H.I. (MOSCOW), 1932.
95. Stout, Ernest G.: Experimental Determination of Hull Displacement. Aviation, vol. 43, no. 4, April 194.4, PP. 121-125. Static tests of modsls, flooding tests and calculations.
FLYING-BOAT HULLS .96, Stout, G 9: Takeoff Analysis for Fly@g Boats and Sea lmmes. Part I. Avi8tionj voi.43,no. 8, Aug. 19L , pp. 150-153. .Take-off. %7. Thornburg, F. L., and Maloney, P. R.: Report on Summary of Dynamio Tank Tests of a l/10-Full Scale Model of the XPB3Y-1 Airplane at the N.A.C.A. Towing Basin, September-Ootober 194.2. Rep. No. ZH-34-004, Consolidated Airoraft Corp., Nov. 13, 1942.
98. Trusoott, Starr: The Effect of Spray Strips on the Take-Off Performance.of a Model of a Flying-Boat Hull. NACA Rep. No. 503, 1934. Resistame, spray strips, spray. ~9. Trusoott, Starr, and Daniels, Charles J.: Investigation of the Effect of Ventilation on the Flow of Water over a Rounded Chine. NACA RB, Feb. 1943. Rounding of chines, ventilation (chlne)~ spr~yn
100. Truscott, Starr, and Olson, Roland E.: The Longitudinal Stability of Flying Boats as Determined by Tests of Models in the NACA Tank. II - Effect of Variations in Form of Hull on Longitudinal Stability. NACA ARR, NOVO 1942. Longitudinal
stability (trim litrlts), center-of-gravity positions, posltlon ofstep, depth of step, length of afterbody, gross load, plan form of step, angle of afterbody keel, angle of dead rise, ventilation. 101. Truscott, Starr, and Parkinson, J. B.: The Inorease in Frictional Resistance Caused by Various Types of Rivet Heads as Detemnlned by Tests ofPlaning Surfaces. MACA TN NO. 648, 1938. RI vet heads, frictional resistance. 102. Truscott, Starr, Parkinson, J. B., Ebert, John W.,Jh., and Valentine, E. Floyd: Egdrodynami o and Aero-
dynamic Tests of Models of Flylng-Boat Hulls Designed for Low Aerodynamic Drag - N.A.C.A. Models 74, 74-A, and 75. NACA TN No. 668, 1938. Resistance, air drag, spray. 103. Ward, Kenneth E.: Hydrodynsmlo Tests In the N.A.C.A. Tank of a Model of the Hull of the Short C~cutta Flying Boat. NACA TN No. 590, 1937. ~eslstanoe, spray, take-off comparisons.
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FLYING-BOAT HULLS 10)+.Ward, Kenneth E.: A New Method of Studying the Flow of the Water along thg Bottom of a Model of a Flylng-Boat Hull. NACA TN No. 749, 1940. ActIon of step, flow of water at the step, depth of step, resistance, photography of flow, ventilation, . %05. Wolfe, C. M.: Longitudinal Stability of the Seaplane Model YYBB-1 in we Planing Condition. Rep. No. D-h020, Boeing Aircraft Co., Ma 16,1942. Longitudinal stability (lower trim limitT , effect of shape ~f wetted area. See also references 138, 139, L@, 26o, and 264. 2h3, 254~ 256s
106. Benson, James M.t The Porpoising Characteristi.oa of a Planing Surface Representing the Forebodg of a Flying-Boat Eull. NACA ARR, May 19420 Planing surfaces, longitudinal stability (trim limits), moment of inertia, looation of oenter of gravity, tall area, radius of gyration, wing. 107. Benson, James M., and Fnihofher, Anton: Methods and Charts forComputing StaM lity Derivatives at aV-Bottom Planlng Surfaoe. NACA ARR NO. 3L08, 19~3 Angle of dead rise, stability derivatives, theory of porpoising.
108. Benson, James M. , and Klein, Milton M.: The Effeot of Dead RIse upon the Ht@-Angle Porpoising Characteristics of Two Planing Surfaoes in Tandem. NACA AFR No. 3F30, 1943. Plming surfaces, depth of step, longitudinal stability (trim llmita), angle of dead rise. 109. Benson, James M., and Lina, Lindsay J.: The Effect of DSad F!ls e upon the Low-Angle Type of Porpoising. NACA ARR, Oct. 1942. Planing surface, angle of dead rise, longltudinal stabtlity (trim limits), complex transverse sections. 110. Bollay, William: A Contribution to the Theory of Planin Surfaces. Proo. Fifth Int. Cong. Appl. Meoh. f Cambridge, Mass., 1938), John Wiley & Sons, Ino., 1 39, pp. 47k-477. pl~ing sUrfa0e8 (theory? . 111. Green, A. E. : The Gilding of a Plate on a Stream of Finite Depth. Proo. Cambridge Phil, Soo., vol. XXXI, Oot. 1935, pp. 589-603; and Part II~ VO1. XXXII, pt. I, Jan. 1936, pp. 67-85. Plsning theory.
A. E.: Note on the Gliding of a Plate on the S-urfaoeof a Stream. Proo. Cambrld e Phil. Soo., VO1. XXXII, pt. 2, ~y 1936, pp. ~ 5-252. Planing theory.
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PLANING SURFACES 113. Perelmuter, A.: On the Profile of the Disturbed Water Surface of a Planing Plate. TN No. 48, C.A.H.I. (MOSCOW), 1935, 11,!+. Perrlng, W. G. A..,and Johnston, L.: Hydrodynamic Forces and Moments on a Simple Plsning Surfaoe and on a Flying Boat Hull. R. & M. No. 16~~, British A.R.C., 1935. Planing surfaces, reslstsmce. 115. Sambraus, A.: Planing-Surface Tests at Large Froude Numbers - Airfoil Comparison. NACA TM No. 848, Planing surfaoes, resistance. 1938. 116. Shoemaker, Planing Planhg of dead James M.: Tank Tests of Flat and V-Bottom Surfaces. NACA TN No. 509, 1934. surfaoes, design data for planing, angle rise. -
117. Sottorf, W.: Analysis of Experimental Investigations of the P1.anlpgProcess on the Surface of Waterg NACA TM No. 1061, 19~.. Resistance, planing surface, scale effect, spray, pressure dlstributlon. 118. Sottorf, w.: Experiments with Planing Surfaces. WACA T?dNO. 661, 1932. Planing surface, scale effect, resistance, testing technique, skin friction. 119. Sottorf, W.: Expe&.ments with Planing Surfaces. NACA TM No. 739, 1934. Pianing surface, resistance, scale effect, spray, boundary layer, angle of dead rise, chine flare, longitudinal curvature, pressure dlstribution~ See also reference 12.
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120. Anon.t Alrplme Alrworthlness. Pt. 04 of Clvll Aero. Manual, CAA, U.S. Dept; Commerce, Feb. 1, 1941. 1.21.Anon.: Alrplans Alrwortbhesso Pt. * ofClvll Air Regulations, Bur. Alr Commerce, U.S. Dept. Commeroe, Nov. 1, 1937. 122. Anon.: Twin-Float Seaplanes. Aircraft Engineering, vol. V, no. 49, ~ti 1933, PP. M-56. Converting landplsne into seaplane. 123. B9n, Joe W.: T~k Tests of Two Floats for HighSpeed Seaplanes. NACA TN NO. 473, 1933. Resistmce, twin floats (test of one). 12~. Billett, H.: Tank Tests on Speolal Clesn-Running Floats for a Twin Float Seaplane. Rep. No. Aero 1719, British I?. A.E., Dec. 1941. Twin floats, spray, asymmetrical forms, .alr drag, resistance, yawing. ~Z5. Bladen, D. H.: Method of Computing Corresponding Speeds,Loads and Feststances of Plardng Bodies. Rep. No. &59~ Edo Aircraft Corp., Dec. 23, 1941, Analysis of tank tests, resistance, seaplane floats. Bladen, D. H.: Study of Change in Water l?esistanoe due to Change of Trim. Rep. No. 831, Edo Airoraft Corp., Nov. 6, 1941. Effect of trl. m on resistance, seaplane floats. Conway, Robert N., and Maynard, Jhlian D.: WindTunnel Tests of Four Phil-Scale Seaplane Floats. NACA ARR No. 3G15, 1943. Air drag, rivet heads, surface roughness, floats (full-soale), o step fairings.
1.28.Cowley, W. L.: Tunnel Tests on High-Speed Seaplanes. Aircraft Engineering, vol. II, no. 20, Oct. 1930, pp. 247-2~@. Air drag (float seaplanes).
SEAPLJ.Ni WOATS Trophy 129. Cowley, w. L., and Otb.ers: 1927 Schneider Conteat - Collected Renorts on British HIRIISfieed Atrcraft (Introductionby W. L. Cowley). R. &M. No. 1300, British A.R.C., 1931. 130. Eula, Antonio: I?ydrodynamlcTests of Models of Seaplane Floats. NACA TM NO. 770, 1935. TbiS report contains the results of tank tests carried out at free-to-trim condltionson 17 hulls and flcats of various types. One specific conclusion is that the best models have a maximum relative resistance not exceeding 20 percent of tb total weight. 131. Gothert, B.S =d Ribnitz, W.: Der Luftwiderstati von Schwimmern und Flugbooten. Luftwlssen, ~. 6, ~:r.3, March 1939, pp. 101-107. (Available as British Air Ministry Translation No. 10@, ) Air drag, form, step.
132. Herrmann, H.: Seaplane Floats and Hulls. Part I. IfAcATM No. L26, 1927. General discussim of early seaplanes. 133. Hermmm, IL: Seaplane Floats and Hulls. Part II. NACA TM KO. h27, 1927. Discussion of structural design and performance, discussion of tip floats and their failures.
Herrmsnn, H., Kempf, G., and Klcess, H.: Tank Tests ofTwin Seaplane Floats. NACA TM NO. 4.86,1928. Twin floats, track (distance between floats),
resistance, scale -effect, mneuverabillty, tsnks (HSVA), angle of dead rise. spray$
Meyer, L. : Dimensions of Twin Seaplam Floats. NACA TM No. 719, 1933. Twin floats, design considerate ens.
WL36. Miller, J. W.: Report on VSO seaplane Studies. Rep. No. XO1-122~, Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Aug. lg, 19]h. Design of seaplsnes, spray, length-beam ratio. 137. Parklns~, H.: Notes on the Desi~ of Twin Seaplane Floats. The Aircraft Engineer, supp. to Flight, vol. XXV, no. 1261, Feb. 23, 1933, pp. 12-~. Twin floats, track (distance between floats).
SEAPLANE FLOATS Tank .Tasta to Show the.Effeot .-. - 138. Par@insom, Jolm,B..:.. of Rivet Heads on the Water Performance of a Seaplane Float. NACA TN NO. 657, 1938. Rivets and surface roughness, frictional resistance. 139. Parkinson, J. B., and House, R. O.: Hydrodynamlo and Aeznd~amic Tests of Models of Floats for Shgle-Float Seaplanes. N.A.C.A. Models l-D, @-E, 61-A, 73, and 73-A. NACA TN NO. 65i , 1938. Resistance, spray, step (pointed and transverse forms,fairlng), air drag. lf+O.Parkinson, John B., Olson, Roland E., and House, Rufus, o.: Hydzzodynamio and Aerodynamlo Tests of a Family of Models of Seaplane Floats with Varying Angles of Dead Rise. N.A.C.A. Models 57-A, 57-b, and 57-C. NACA TN NO. 716, 1~39. Angle of dead rise, resistance, air drag, spray, spray strips. lo. Richardson, Holden C.: Aircraft Float hsign. The Fknmid Press Co., 1928. Design of floats, spray, form,stabllity, action of step, reslstanoe,
142. Seewald, Friedrich: @n Floats and Float Tests. ~~AcATM NoO 639, 1931. General, resistance, lmpact,longitudinal steps, take-off, boundary layer, spray. 43. Sottorf, w.: The Design of Floats. NACA TM No. 860, 1938. Length-beam ratio, design of floats, angle of dead rise, resistance. ,
F. L.s Water Pressure Distribution on a Twin-Float Seaplane. liACARep. NO. 328, 1929.
%4.5. Wilson, Herbert A., Jr., and Lipson, Stanley: Clean-Up Tests of the SC-1 Airplane in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel - TED KO. NACA 2348. MACA Ml No. L5A31a, Bur. Aero., 1945. Air drag of main float and tlp floats. See also references 57, 154, and 256
N1=CAACRNo. z5G28
%)46. Allison, John M.: Tank Tests of a Model of the Hull of the Bnelng 314 Flying Boat (N.A.C.A. Tank Model 72). NACA MI?,Sept. 16, .1936. Tank tests of modal with stub wings, technique of recording direction of flow along bottcm. 1~.70Anon.: Specification for Transverse Stability of Seaplanes - Displacement and Location of AuxtlimyFl oats. NAVAER SR-59C (superseding Submerged SR-59B), Bur. Aero., Feb. 20, 19h. displacement, dynamic lift, vertical locatlon of t~p floats.
Anon.: Transverse Stability of Seaplanes. Aircraft Engineering, VC1O V= no. 57, hrov. 1933 p~a 271-273. Track (distance between floatsJ, twin flnat, static transverse stablllty.
1~9. Bell, Joe W., md Benson, Jsmes K.: T~k Tests of the Martin No. 156 Flyin&-Baat Model (N.A.C.A. Tank h!~del70). NACA ~, A~. 7, 1936. General tests of model with stub wings, effects of variations in position of ~tub wings, records of direction of flow along the bottom. Benson, James M.: The Value of Retracting Wing-Tip Floats on Flying Boats Compared with That of Retracting the Landing Gear on Landplanes. NACA MR, Aero., June 5, 194h. Air drag, tip floats, methods of retraction. I
151. Ccombes, L. P., and B~ttle, D. W.: Notes on Stubs for S3a~lenes. R. & M. No. 1755, British A.R.C., 1936. %52. Dawson, John R., and Drumwrlg>t, Arthm L.: Tank Tests of Codifications of a Model of the PBY-Type Outboard Float - NACA Model 104 Series. NACA MR, Bur. Aero., April 23, 1941. TiP floats, hydrofoi1s, hydrod~namic lift. 153. Dawson, John R., and Hartman,Edwin P.: Hydrodynamic and Aerodynamic Tests of Four Models of Outboard Floats (N.A.C.A. Models l-A, 51-B, 51-C, and 51-D). NACA TN Na. z76, 19~B, Tip floats, . resistante, air drag, spray, yawing.
. .
LATELiL STABILIZERS ...1*. Diehl, W. S.: Static Stabillty of Seaplane Floats and Hulls. NACA TN No. 183, 1924. !Pwlnfloats,
lateral stability. 4 155. Fehlner, Leo F.: Some Design Criterions for Wing-Tip Floats. NLCA m-lHo. L5H02, Bur.Lero., 1945. Lnalysis of destgn orlterlons, structural deflectlon due to loads-on tlp float. 1560 Gouge, A.: The Design of Seaplanes. Afrcraft Englneerln , vol. II, no. 16, Aug. 1930, pp. 202-20E Tip floats, stub wings, twin float, design of float structure.
1570 JacC)bf3, Eastman N.: Effect of Protruding Gas Tanks upon the Characteristics cf an Airfoil. NACA ~ No. 249, 1926. Useful for estimating air drag of partially retracted tip floats. 158. Jones, R., Brown, A. F., end Miles, C. J. W.: Experiments In tie Compressed Air Tunnel on the Aerofoil N.A.C.A. 23012 with Various Protuberates. 5661 (Ae. 1 38 Revised),Brttish A.R.C., March 5, 19z2. Of Interest in the retraction of tip floats. *159. mng, Douglas A,: Prelhlnary Tsnk Tests of an Outboard Float Having the Form of a Streamline Body of Revolution Fitted with a Hydrofoil. I?ACAACR NO. 4D06, 194.4. Up floats, hydrofoils, lift, resistance. *160. King, Douglas A.: Tank Tests of a Model of the PBY-Type Outboard Float with ~dmfolls. NACA MR, Bur. Aero., Dee. 16, 19L3. Tlp floats, hydrofoils, lift, resistance.
161. Llewelyn-Davies, D. I. T. P.: Tank Tests on a Streamlined Wing Tip Float with a Hydrofoil
Attached. Rep. No. Aero 1910, British R.A.E., Feb. 19~. Tlp floats (streamline body with hydrofoil), alr drag (tip floats).
Matthews, Annie Mary: Comparison of Current Speoifioattons with Actual Static Transverse Stability of 15 Flying Boats. (NAcA paper to be considered for publication as RBJ
1#.~ STABILIZERS . .%63. Ward, Kenneth E. , and olson, Roland E. : DgnamirJ T6sts of a Model of the Boeing 31.4Flying Boat N.A.c.A. Model 108. NACA MR, Boeing Aircraft Co., May 16, 19,40. Stabillty-tgsta with and without stub wings. ~~. Zeck, Howard: Hydrodynamic Lift Characteristics d Threel/10-Size Models of Outboard Floats for the E(K-1Cargo Flying Boat. liACAMR, Dept. Commerce, Aug. 19, 19~.. Tlp floats, hydrodynamic lift. See also references 6, 18, 32, 51, 59, 74, 244., ati 251.
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-, %65. G. W.: Summary Flight Repofi ..-. Hofeller, Model PB2Y-3 Airplane No. 7051. AssistealTakeOffs WIth Jet Pmpulsi on. Rep. No. zA-29-027, . Consolidated Vultee Airoraft Corp., March 8, 1944.. Jet-assisted take-offs, spray, operation and design of jet motors. ,.
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166..Lsnd, Norman s.: Effect ofPowezwd Propellers on the Aerodynamic Ctiraoterlstlcs and the Porpolsing Stability of a Dynamio ltodelof a LongRangeFlying Boat. liACARB No. 3E13, 1943. Lmgitudlnal stablltty (oenter-of-gravity limlts), powered propellers, aerodynamics. 167. Olson, R. E., and Allison, J. M.: The Calculated Effect of Various Hydrodynamic and Aerodynamic Factors on the Take-Off of a Large Flylng Boat. Take-off (calculated), I?ACARep. N~. 702, 1940 flaps, resistance, wing setting (incidmce), aspect ratio.
168. Parkinson, J. B., end Bell, J. R.: The Calculated Effect of Trailing-E5ge Flaps on the Take-Off of Bnats. NACA TN No. 510, 1934. Effect of flaps on take-off.
Experimental Verification of a Simplified Vee-Tall Theory and Analysis of Available Data on Complete Models with Vee Tails. NACA ACR No. L5A03, 1945. Of Interest regarding spray clearanoe.
170. Shaw, R. A.: The Effect of Flaps on the Take-Off of Flying Boats. Part I. Tests on the Saro 37. Rep. No, H/Res/143, British Marine Alroraft Experimental Establishment, Jilly19L1. Flaps, yawing, take-off, pilot teohnlque, full soale. 171. Wenzinger, Carl,J~,.@3 Bowen, John D.: q?estsof Round and Flat Spoilers on a Tapered Wing In the NACA 19-Foot Pressure V?lndTbnnel. NACA TN
801, 1941.
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UNCONVENTIONAL CONFIGURATIONS %72. Carter, Arthur W.: Speclfio Tests in NACA Tank No. 2 of Two Models of the Kaiser-Gar Wood Flylng-Boat Hull - NACA Models 157A and 157B. NAGA MI?, The Aeronautical Board, March 31, 1943. Tunnel bottom, resistance, spray.
173, Cox, H. Roxbee, and Co.ombes,L. P.: The Hull-less Flying-Boat. The Aeronlane, vol. LITI, no. 1384, Dec. 1, 1937, pp. 6~~-380.
174. Daniels, Charles J.: Tank Tests of l/10-Full-Size Modsl of Allied Aviation Corporetlonfs 12-Plaoe Float-l!5ngGlider - NACA Model 1.!40.NACA MR, Bur. Aero.,July 7, 19~2. Float wing, spray, flaps, skipping, porpclsing.
%.75. Daniel S, Charles J.: Tank Tests of l/10-Full-Size Model of Nevy XLRQ-1 12-Plsce Eloat-Wing Seaplane Glider - NACA Yodel 133. NACA KR, Bur. Aero., June 26, 1942. Spray9 yawing, flaps. 176. Daws?n, John R., and ?!adlin,Kenneth L.: Preliminary Tank Tests with Flaning-Tail Seaplane Hulls. NACA AIW?No. 3F15, 19t!L3.Planing surfaces,
stability, resistance.
Lsad, I~crmanS., and Woodward, David I?.: Spray and Stability Characteristics of a ~amic XOdel of the PB2Y-~ Airplane with Transversely Arched Bottms - NACA Models 16 B and 165c. NACA MR, ~r. Aem., March 27, 19. . Spray, Iongitudi.nal ?-4 stabtlity (trim and center-of-gravity limits arxl landings),arched bottoms.
178. Locke, F. W. S., Jr., and Barklie, Jean A.: Tank Tests on the Resistance and Porpoising Characteristics of Three Flying-Boat Full Models Ecpipped with Planlng Flaps. fiACAARR No. ~0, 19411. Planing flaps, longitudinal stability, resistance, unconventional forr. Seealso references 3 and 260.
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179. Adceret, J.: Experimental and lheoretioal Investigations of Cawltation In Water. NACA TM yo. 1078, 1945. *180.
James M., and ~, Douglas A.: Prellminsry . Tests to Determine the Dynamio Stability Charaoteri.stiesof Various Hydrofoil Systems for Seaplanes and Surf ace Boats. NACA RB No. 3K02, 1943, Hydrofoil systems, stability (hydrofoils), cavitation.
4181. Benson, James M., and Land, Norman S.: An tivestigatlon of Hydrafa31s ~n the NACA Tank. I - Effeot of Dihedral and Depth of Submersion. NACA ACR, Sept. 1942. Hydrofoils (dihedral, depth of su-bmerslon, shape).,cavitation. *182. Benson, James M., Land, Norman S., and Havms, Strut Robert F.: Tank Tests of S?alp-Propeller sections. NACA MR, Bur. Ships, April 16, 1942. ??orcemeasurements, cavitation, interference effects at jurmtures. 183. mtz, A.: Einfluss der Cavitation auf die Leistung von Schiffsschrauben. Sonderdruck der Vexihandlungen des III Ihternationalen Congresses W techni.sche Mechanik (Stockholm), 1931. Hydrofoils, cavitation.
Coombes, L.P., and Daties, E. T. J.: Note on the Possibility of Fitting Hydrofoils to a Flying Boat Hull. Rep. No. B.A. 14.40,British R.A.E., Nov. 1937. Analysls of the efficiency of a planlng surface fitted with a hydrofoil.
185. Gruqberg, v.: La sustentatlon hydrodynamique par ailettes immerg~es. Essals d~un syst~me osustentateur auto,stable~ L~A~rotedhnique, no. 174, 16e annee, supp. to L~A&ronautique, no. 217, J1937, PP. 61-69. Hydrofoil systems.
HYDROFOILS 186. Guldonl, A.: Seaplanes - Plfteen Years of Naval no. 205, Avlatlon. Jour. R.A.S., VO1. XXX II, Jan. 1928, pp. 25-64. Experience with fullsize seaplanes having hydrofoils, design principles. %87. Khapp, Robert T., and Dally, James W.: Force and .~~~ltation Character stios ofthe NACA ~1.2 ~droNat. Def. Res. Corn.,div. 6, see. 6.1 Offl~e Scl. Res. and Dev., CIT, June 10, 19~. Force measurements without cavitation, photographlo studiesof cavitation.
188. Kornfeld, M,, and Suvorov~ L.: On the Destmctive Action of cavitation. Jour. Appl. Phys., vol. 15, no. 6, June 1:.!J.4, pp. h95-506. Experimental and analytical treatment,
%89. Land Norman S.: Charaoterlstics of an NACA 6~,s-209 Section Hydrofoil at Several Depths. NACA CB No. 3E27, 1943. Hydrofoils - characteristics Or NACA 66,s-209 section.
L~d, Norman S.: Preliminary Tests to Investigate Low-Speed Spray of a l/6-~11-Size Dynamic Model of the PB2Y-3 with a Hydrofoil - NACA Model 131-X. NACA MR, Eur. Aero., Aug. 25, lqh.3. Hydrofoils (on PB2Y-3), spray.
191. Land, Norman S.: Tank Testsof a Grunberg Type High-Speed Boat with a Lifting Hydrcfoil and Planing Surface Stablllzers. NACA Models 10 -A and 103-B. NACA Ml?,Bur. Aero., July 22, 19i 0. Hydrofoil systems, hydrofoils, cavitation. 192. Land, Norman s.: Tank Tests of a Guidoni Typ SVA Sea lane Float with Models %7, 67A, 67B, ti~~~fO~gA-M~cA BU. Aero., Sept. 1, 1942. Hydrofoils (Guldoni type), force measurement.
*193. Land, Norman S., Lina, Lindsay J.,and Havens, Robert F.: Tank Tests of Two Ogival-Section Hydrofoils. NACA MR, Bur. Ships, April 16, 194.2. Section oharacterlsttos.
75 HYDROFOILS $brcek on Slotted Blade 194. Nutmmhi , F.: M~~s~ement;uf Profiles under Cavitation. R.T.P. Translation No. l@, EM tish Mitiatry of...ALrcrqft .~roduotlop. .-. (From Werft.ReederelI .Hafen,@@rg... 20, Oot. 1~, 1941, ~.. Pp, 295-299.) Cavitatlong. ,. . . hy~dfiofal~s. . ~ 1~.~-h.~i .# ~o=~:le~ . . 195.. Nutting, .Wi ~asl@~: . .* .wlth F@markEble PossibiIities m,velbped. at . I.. Dr., Gr~am Bell!s I@borat,orieq on th . ...1. ..i .Bras d~Or Lakes. Reprinted from Smithsonian Report for 1919, .pp. 20.5 [email protected]@~ 2~95c.. ~:. .. . GiP.O..(Washin@m), 1921. HTdmfoil boat..
Some Ideas on Raoing Seaplanes. pe~a, Giovan~: . .196. ISACA .TMN~. 691; 1932. Tests Of models, w~m . . . . . . . . .. hydrofdi1s, .deielopmentof.a racing seaplane with hydrofoils. . .. ,. .. . ., .. 197. Peters, H., and Rightmlre, B. G,: Cavitation Study by the .VlbratoryMethod. Proc. Fifth Int. Cong. App. ..Meoh. {Cambridge,Mass.; 1938), John Wlle$ . . .. & Sons, Inc., 1939,pp. 614~~16. Cavitation (thetiry).. . ~ 198. Tietjens, O.: Das Tragflachenboot. ;erft Reederei . . Hafen~.$dhrg. 18 .Heft 7, April 1, 1937, : .~ .. PP. 87-90; Heft ~, ApriI 10, 1937, pp. 106-109. . . c Experlrentalend ttioretical investigations of hydrofoils for use on surface boats ~d airplanes. *399... ~adlin, k6nneth L.: Prellmltiary @nk.Experitients 1. with a .Hydrofol~ on a Sa@lane Hull. . .. ?-. NACA RB NO..~ c28, 1944. Un&sqal fozhns, . . . . resistante, planihg-thi 1 princfple, hydrofoils. .. . . . .. ., .. . . . 200.., Walohnir,O.:. [email protected] Mess.ure~nt9 .d~ng .:ca~ tation. . .. . .:NACA .f TM ~~. 106.0,. 1944. Hydzwfolls, cawltation. . . . ..>; .:.. . %2010Ward, K~~riet~ ~, , ~d La~ , ~o~.~ $@. :. ~ .~~elimi~ry Tests in the NACA Tank to Investigate the . -damentdl Charac~etistics qf Hy$rdfpils. ... NACA ACR, S#~t.1940. i. Hydiofol IS, ~cav~tati on, .. llft-drag ratio. . .. . . .:
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. .,. .. m. Open Sea Seaplane .Opirationa. t . Rescue 203 . Anonn: . ,~ Advisory Memo. ;No. 066, Alr Sea Re?cue Agsjney . . . (Washington), 1945s . . , . ~. 2Q!+-penson,.James M: : Filotin~ ,ofFlying Boats ~lth Special Reference to Porpolsingand Skipping.
~pildt technique. NACA TN Ndy. 923, 19~. . General, . ,. . .. . ...205... BrZmm, D~ie 1.J. ; Jr.. : se.aplane8 - Maneuvering>. Piti+ I%blishtig Corp.,. Maintaintig, Operating. . 1937. - . ..
~FTIXYPINGAND:HAiiDL~G . . . . . . . .
xmdcBr@n, Daniel J., Jr.:,Part Four 206. Cram,Jack R.,. M~ual, . ,-Seaplane F~ylng. Civtl pilot Tra~n@ C. A. Bu1l. No. 23, CAA, U.S. mpt. Commerce; .. . . Sept, 19400 Geperal, operation of seaplanbs,
pilot .tech@~ue. . . .
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tie Use of the ~rim-~gl~ Ihdi207. .GQi@, .Kelvin N.: .. . Jour. Aero. Sci. , cater .for Seaplane Take-Off. VO1. 4, no. 7, May 1937, pp. 288-291. . pilot ~ technique, .trim . indicator. . .
. .. 208. Gri&6~l?. H .:-The Establishment of a Restricted Area for Seaplane Operation. Tech. Development Note No. 32, CM, U.S. Dept. Commerce, Jsna +?U* Length-of take-off, depth of water. . :
209. Hutchlnso,n,Jo L.: Note on the Valuq of.Reversible Rep; No. H/Re s/178, Pitch Propellers on Seti@nes. BritlSh Marina Aircraft ExperimelitalEstablishment, . . at mooring. Jqly 17.,1944:. Handling of seaplanes . Preliminary Resistance Tests 210. Locke, F. W. S., n.: in.Shallti Water of a l@3-Scale Model of the .... , .:Hull of the XPB2K-1 Flying Boat. Rep. No.195., Stevens rest:. Tech. ~ACA),~mt. 3; 1942. ~pti Of . . water, reslst~ce. . 211. Richardson, HolderiC;, Bbali, Wellwood E., and. Idsnly,Charles.W.: Flying Boats. Natfonal . . Yor,k), 194+!. .t Aoron~titics Council,.fic~-(Newo OP6 ,Sea. 212. Wagner, F. D. :. ,Emargency Take-Offs in the q Na~ Dept. Aylation Cir@[email protected] No.:9-$ Down-swelllandtngs and take-~ffs. Feb,.~, 1~.
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Abel, G. C.: Measurements ofAooelerations at Different Parts &f a Boat Seaplane during TskeOff and Landing. R. 8CMO NO, 1829, -tish A.R.C@S 1938. Take-offs and landings in choppy water. Determination of upper MmIts to factors required on seaplane structures. Measurement ofnormal accelerations and change in attitude during Imlpaot,
Water Landing Tests of a Float Model at Various Veloolti-esand We.lghts.NACA ACR No, L4H15, 1944.. Impact normal accelerations, fllght-path angle. %15. Brahmig, Rolf: Experimental D9termdnation of the Hydrodynamic Ircrease in Mass in Oscillating ation 118, The David W. Taylor Bodies. Trsns]. Model Basin, ?J. S. Navy, ~?OVa 1943. Conversion of results of mcdel tests to full scale. Prir.clplesof similitude.
216. Darevsky, V. M.: Determination qf the Stresses Producsd by the Landing Impact in the Bulkheads of a Seaplane Bottom. NACA TM Noc 1055, 19!+4..
A Theoretical Anslysis of the Impact ofan Elastic Body on Water. Rep. No. A.D. 3160, British R.A.E., Jdly 1941c Preliminary calculations on the Impact of an idealized elastio hull on water.
Hathsway, M. E.: Typloal Pressure, Stress, and Aoo:leratlon Measurements on an XPBS-1 Flying Bureau Project .No. 35o6. NACA MR, Bur.Aero.,, 1941. Data on imgacts, design loads. Jones, E. T., and Blundell, R. W.: Force and Pressure Measurements on V-Shapes on Impact with Water Compared with Theory and Seaplam Alighting Results. Rep. No. F/Res/lG7, British Matins Aircraft w~perimental Establishment, JEUI. 28, 1938.
IMPJiCT LOADS 220. Jones, E. T., and Davies, W. H.: Measurement of Water Pressure on the Hull of a Boat Seaplane. R & M. No. 1638, British A.R.C., 1935. Water pressure on tb~ hull wasmeasured during landings and take-offs at dltferent gross weights ati at abnormsl landings at . one gross weight. 221. Jones, E. T., Douglas, G., Stafford, C. E., and Cushing, R, K.: Measurements of Acceleration and Water Pressure on a Seaplane When Dropped Into Water. R. & M. No. 1807, British A.R.Co, 1937. 222 Kreps, R. L.: Experimental Inveatigatlon of Impact in Landing on Water. NACA TM NO. 1046, 1943. Comparison of teat results m-d computed results, investigation of +he physical nature of impact on water, perfection of experluental procedures.
Wilbur L.: Anal sia and blodifi~ation of &eory for I:mocct oT Seaplanes on Water. . NACA TN Nc). id!, 19~g.5s An extensive-
Mewes, E.: The Impact on Floats or Hulls during Landing as Affected by Eo~tiGmWidth. NACA TM NO. 611, 1936. Determination of limiting hull width as a function of impact forces. ~anding Impact of Seaplsnes~ Pabst, wilheh: NACA IIMNO. 624.,1951. Brief summary of Impact theory. Description and results of extensive tests on flat and V-bottoms. Comparison of data with tb.eoratical results. Suggestions for future rec9arcn. Pabst, wilhg~m: Theory of the Landing Impact of NACA TY NO. 580, 1930. Mathematical treatment of jmpacts considered as functions of the accelerated whter mass end hull elasticity for seaplanes taking off and landing in rough water.
*227. Paine, Joseph P., Murphy, Maude A., and Irwin, Ruth Lee: Acceleration Measurements. Engr. Rep. No. 1894, The Glenn L. Martin Co., Jan. 19~14.
IMPACT LOADS Parks, John, Murphy, Maude A., and Irwin, Ruth L.: Model PM-3 - Measurement of Load Factors during Fllght and Water Maneuvers. Engr. Rep. No. 1785, The Glenn L. ?fartlnCo,, April 19~3. Measurements of the magnitude and distribution of aooelerati.onsand stresses on the PB&3 airplane under boti normal and critical conditions. Schmleden, C.: her den Landestoss von Flugzeugschwlmmern. Ing.-Amhlv., B& Heft 1, Feb. 1939, pp. 1-13. X,
Sedovg L.: On the Impaot of a Solid Body on the Surface of an Incompressible I&quid. Rep. No. l&7, Trans. g.A.H.I. (Moscow], 1934. the ?iotlonof a F. with Vortex Separation. liACATM No. 9k2, 19 T 0.
Sedov, L.: Outline of the Theory ofImpact In the Landing of a Seaplane. Teclmtka Vosdushnogo I?lota (Moscow); no. 10, 1933, pp. 120-1~. Smith, A. G., Abel, G. C., and Morris, W.: b Hull Launohing Tank (msorlptlve ). Rep. No. H/Res/161, British Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment, May 1943. Sydow~ J.: ~ber den Einfluss von Federung umi ~elung auf den Landestoss. Jshrb. 1938 der deutsohen Luftfshrtforschung, R. oldenbourg (?tiich), pp. I 329 - I 336. [Av~la~~l ~ British Air Ministry Translation No. . Taub, Josef: had Assumptions for th Landing Impact of Seaplanes. l?AOATM NO. 643, 1931. Thompson, l?.L.: Water Pressure Distribution on a Flying Boat Hull. NAOA Rep. NO. 3!+6,1930. Fate*Pressure Distribution on a Seaplane Float. NACA Rep. No. 290, 1928.
235. 236.
von K&&, l(!h.:The Impact on Seaplane Floats during Landing. NACA TN No. 321, 1929. lheoretioal treatment.
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IMPACT LOADS 239. Wagner, Herbert: Landing of Seaplanes. NACA TM No. 622, 1931. 2@. . Wagner, Herbert: her Stoss- und Gleitvc@nge an der Oberfltichevon.Flfissigkeiten - Z,f.a.?4. M.-~ E& 12, Heft ~, Aug. 1932, pp. 193-215.
2~1. Watenabe, S.: Resistance of Smpaot on Water Surfaoe. Soi. Papers of DIst. Phys. and Chem Res. (TolcYo), . vol. 12, no. 226, Feb 20, 1930.
Weinig, F.: Impaot of a.Vee-Tgpe Seaplane on Water with Reference to Elasticity. NACA T!4No. 810, 1936. The theory is extended to include elastic floats by introducing the oonoept of equlyalent rigid bottom to substitute for the actual elastio bottom.
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Brooke, H. E.:. PB2Y-3 - Correlatlon of Towing Basin and Full Scale Effeot of Step Ventilation on Landing Stabillty. Rep. No. ZH-2 -011, Consolidated Aircraft Corp., June 1912 . Scale effect, landing stability, ventilation. Coombes, L. P.: Re$earoh in the R;A.E. Tank. Jour. R.A.S., vol. XXXIX, no. 297, Sept. 1935, Dpo 807-825. Scale effect, depth of water, interference effect (twin floats),stub wings, testing teohnique (RAE tank). Coombes, L. P:: Scale Zffect in Tank Tests of Sesplane Models. Proo. Fifth Inf. Cong. App. Mech! (Csmbridgs, Kass., 1938), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1939, pp. 513-519. Scale effect, skin frlctim, buoyancy, porpoising.
Coonibes, L. P., and Perring, W. G. A.: The FarnDorcughSeaplane Tanlk. Aircraft Engineering,
vol. VI, no. 61, March 1934, pp. 63-66. Tanks (FME). Testing technique. 247. Coombes, L. P., Perring, W. G. P..,and Johnston, L.: The Use of Dynamically Similar Models for Determining the Porpoising Characteristics of Seaplanes. R. k M. No. 1718, British A.R.C., 1936. Testing technique.
Dawson, John R., and Truscott, Starr: A ~lneral Tank Test of a Model of the Hull of the British Sin spore IIC Flylng Boat. ITACATN No. 580, 193E Testing technique, resistance (results from two tanks compared).
*2h9, Ebert, John W.~ Jr.: A Comparison of the Porpolsing Id.mltsof IWOF1 ing Boats and Their Tank Models. NACA RB, Feb. 19t 3. Scale effect, longitudinal stability.
Some Preliminary Measurements of the Boundary Layer Conditions on Models in the R.A.E. Seaplane Tank. TN No. Aero 1472, Brittsh R.A.E., mly 1944. Boundary layer, skin friction.
82 251.
Jo P.; Comparison of Results of Tests of the Singapore lIc Model Hull in Five Tanks. R. & M. No. 1785, British A.R.C., 1937. Testing technique, resistance .(results from five tanks oompared).
253. Locke, F. W. S., Jr.: General Resistance Tests on F1 lng-Boat Hull Models. NACA ARR KO. 4B19, Method or condensing resistance data. 19, h
254. Locke, F. W. S., Jr., and Bott, Helen L.: A mthod for Making Quantitative Studies of the Main SprayCharacteristics of Flying-Boat Hull Models. NACA ARR No. 3Kll, 1943. Spray, testing technique, scale effect, angle of dead rise. 255. Lower, J. H.: The Hydrodynsmlos of Marine Aircraft. Jour. R.A.S., VO1. XXUPTII,no. 269, MY 1933, PP~ ~23-b3b~ Tanks (Vickers), porpolsing, pressure distribution, planing surfaces.
Mttchell, R. J.: Tank Tests with SeaplaneModels. Aircraft Engineering, vol. II, no. 20, Oct. 1930, pp. 255-259. Testing technique, stub wings, twin floats, racing floats, spray strips.
257. Schmidt, Rudolph; The Scale Effect In Towfng Tests titi Airplane - Float Systems. NACA TM No. 826, 1937. Frlctlonal resistance, bo~dary layer, testing technique (DVL), take-off,scale effect.
Schrbder, P.: Towing Tests of Models as an Aid In the ~esign of Seaplams. NACA TM No. 676, 1932.
Method of calculating
259. Schr6der, Paul: The Take-Off of Seaplanes, Based on a New ~drodynamlo Reduction Theory. NACA Method of condensing ~ No. 621, 1931. resistance data.
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