FTM Business Template - Health Check Sales
FTM Business Template - Health Check Sales
FTM Business Template - Health Check Sales
Business Template
© SofTools, 2009. For more information on related products and services, visit www.Fast-Track-Me.com
or contact us at: [email protected]
HealthCheck Sales
This is a case example based on a fictitious company called TVT – all the data is displayed for demonstration
purposes only. For a detailed explanation of what each cell is used for please refer to the Virtual Consultant on the
following pages.
A Performance You measure their activity, knowledge and skills not just the 2 Green
salespeople's output
B Induction You have an induction process and a clear development plan for all your 3 Green
C Selection You have an objective and demanding process for choosing new 2 Amber
salespeople, you do not just use 'gut feel'
A Selection criteria You have a clear, consistent and well communicated selection criteria for 4 Green
prospects and customers at different stages in the sales process
B Long term value You judge customers on their lifetime potential value, not just the 4 Green
current business they give you
C Conversion ratios There is a measure of conversion ratios at each stage in the sales process, 5 Green
and you are aware of what influences those ratios
A Monitoring You have a process to monitor and check the latest trends and best 4 Amber
practice in sales
B Competitors You spend an appropriate amount of time monitoring and checking what 3 Amber
your competitors are doing, and what Unique Selling Propositions they
C SWOT You and your team carry out regular SWOT analyses and take action 4 Green
based on them
© SofTools, 2009. For more information on related products and services, visit www.Fast-Track-Me.com
or contact us at: [email protected]
4 Sales planning Score Status
A Forecasts You know how many suspects, prospects, customers and key accounts 4 Green
you need to meet your targets
B Effort & time The resources you provide to sell and service individual customers is 4 Green
management proportional to the long term value they bring your company
C Monthly cycle There is a detailed activity plan one month ahead and a high level activity 5 Green
plan 3 months ahead
A Maintaining There is a way to maintain customer interest and move the sales process 1 Red
customer forward between sales visits
A Passing There is a clear plan for when responsibility of a customer is passed from 2 Amber
customers on one salesperson to another and the customer sees the transfer as
C Stalled progress You are able to identify when a sales process has stalled, and can identify 2 Amber
what action is required, this should include a go/no go decision
A Defined You have a clearly defined process to ensure you are interacting with 3 Amber
suspects, prospects, customers and key accounts in the appropriate
manner and are constantly moving the process towards an agreed goal
B Tools Your salespeople use common and consistent tools at different parts of 2 Amber
the sales process and you use technology to assist
C Skills You know what knowledge and skills are required at each stage of the 3 Amber
sales process and you have a system to apply the best resources at each
stage, or improve competence levels if you do not have the ability to
select different people at different stages
A Defined You have a clearly defined method to agree which customers are Key 1 Red
accounts (this is beyond total spend or total volume)
B Approach Key Accounts are treated in a significantly different way from your 1 Red
© SofTools, 2009. For more information on related products and services, visit www.Fast-Track-Me.com
or contact us at: [email protected]
standard customers
C Communication All customer facing staff are aware of who are your key accounts, why 2 Red
they have been chosen and how they should be treated
A Measure You have a method for objectively measuring individual sales people's 4 Green
skills and knowledge on a regular basis.
B Building You use a combination of coaching and training to get staff up to an 5 Green
capabilities agreed standard of knowledge and skills
C Motivation You have a system to ensure your staff are motivated to develop their 5 Green
knowledge and skills
A Empowerment All your staff are empowered to make the right decisions when faced 4 Green
with a customer question or issue
B Long term value Your relationship with customers is based on the long term value you 4 Green
provide the customer, not the short term revenue that you can earn from
C Customer You have a system to ensure all staff have the appropriate knowledge of 5 Green
relationship a customer, their relationship with your company, recent transactions
management and their value to you, and that automatically do not require duplication
of effort by the customer
A Where sales are You know where you results over the upcoming period are coming from: 4 Green
coming from key accounts, regular customers and prospects, this also requires
knowledge of customer churn
B Contingencies You have contingency plans in place for the loss of strategic customers 5 Green
and staff, and you have an effective risk and issue management process
C Mix & You have the right mix of customers in each segment to optimise revenue 3 Amber
monitoring and profit, and your monitoring process is not too tight or too loose
© SofTools, 2009. For more information on related products and services, visit www.Fast-Track-Me.com
or contact us at: [email protected]
Audit Summary
For each element of the checklist add up the scores of the 3 related questions and divide by 3 – this will give you an
average score for that specific element. See example below.
Sales process 2.7 Need to review the end-to-end sales process and explore
options for a Fast Track approach
Key account 1.3 Need to review the criteria for allocating Key Accounts
management and ensure consistent adoption across the team
Sales person C 3.9 Need to review the overall mix of customers and
Right results minimize costs associated with a long tail
In the TVT example above, the managers conducting the Audit have identified that the weakest link is that of the
Key Account Management used (average score 1.3). The plan would therefore be to focus attention on and
improve this area within the business first until it was no longer the weakest link. Once the senior management
team has increased confidence that the Platform (in this example) has improved, the next stage would be to focus
on the Momentum (1.7) and Right People (2.3) areas.
© SofTools, 2009. For more information on related products and services, visit www.Fast-Track-Me.com
or contact us at: [email protected]
Virtual ConsultantTM
The Virtual ConsultantTM provides a step-by-step guide to completing this business template. It is worded as a
series of questions designed to make you stop and think about this topic in a challenging and creative way – as if a
business coach or consultant was sitting next to you.
Use the following checklist to assess the current state of your team: Consider each criterion in turn and use the
following scoring system to identify current performance:
0 – Not done or defined within the business: unaware of its importance to sales management
1 – Aware of area but little or no work done in the business
2 – Recognised as an area of importance. Some work done in this area
3 – Area clearly defined and work done in the area in terms of sales management
4 – Consistent use of best practice tools and techniques in this area across the business
5 – Area is recognised as being ‘best in class’ and could be a reference area for best practice
Then reflect on the lowest scores and identify those areas that are critical to success and flag then as status ‘Red’
requiring immediate attention. Then identify those areas that you are concerned about, and flag those as status
‘Amber’ implying areas of risk that need to be monitored closely.
In your sales framework the whole Sales Process is only as good as each individual element. If one ‘link in the
chain’ is weak then the Sales Process within the company will not operate to optimum efficiency and there is an
increased risk of failure. The action plan therefore should be to focus attention and resources on the elements of
greatest weakness first, and then to move the whole framework to a level of excellence. This approach optimises
the use of resources and sets up a process of continuous improvement.
© SofTools, 2009. For more information on related products and services, visit www.Fast-Track-Me.com
or contact us at: [email protected]
HealthCheck Sales
Use the following blank template to address an issue or opportunity within your business or team
A Performance You measure their activity, knowledge and skills not just the
salespeople's output
B Induction You have an induction process and a clear development plan for all your
C Selection You have an objective and demanding process for choosing new
salespeople, you do not just use 'gut feel'
A Selection criteria You have a clear, consistent and well communicated selection criteria for
prospects and customers at different stages in the sales process
B Long term value You judge customers on their lifetime potential value, not just the
current business they give you
C Conversion ratios There is a measure of conversion ratios at each stage in the sales process,
and you are aware of what influences those ratios
A Monitoring You have a process to monitor and check the latest trends and best
practice in sales
B Competitors You spend an appropriate amount of time monitoring and checking what
your competitors are doing, and what Unique Selling Propositions they
C SWOT You and your team carry out regular SWOT analyses and take action
based on them
A Forecasts You know how many suspects, prospects, customers and key accounts
you need to meet your targets
B Effort & time The resources you provide to sell and service individual customers is
management proportional to the long term value they bring your company
C Monthly cycle There is a detailed activity plan one month ahead and a high level activity
plan 3 months ahead
© SofTools, 2009. For more information on related products and services, visit www.Fast-Track-Me.com
or contact us at: [email protected]
5 Momentum Score Status
A Maintaining There is a way to maintain customer interest and move the sales process
customer forward between sales visits
A Passing There is a clear plan for when responsibility of a customer is passed from
customers on one salesperson to another and the customer sees the transfer as
C Stalled progress You are able to identify when a sales process has stalled, and can identify
what action is required, this should include a go/no go decision
A Defined You have a clearly defined process to ensure you are interacting with
suspects, prospects, customers and key accounts in the appropriate
manner and are constantly moving the process towards an agreed goal
B Tools Your salespeople use common and consistent tools at different parts of
the sales process and you use technology to assist
C Skills You know what knowledge and skills are required at each stage of the
sales process and you have a system to apply the best resources at each
stage, or improve competence levels if you do not have the ability to
select different people at different stages
A Defined You have a clearly defined method to agree which customers are Key
accounts (this is beyond total spend or total volume)
B Approach Key Accounts are treated in a significantly different way from your
standard customers
C Communication All customer facing staff are aware of who are your key accounts, why
they have been chosen and how they should be treated
A Measure You have a method for objectively measuring individual sales people's
skills and knowledge on a regular basis.
C Motivation You have a system to ensure your staff are motivated to develop their
knowledge and skills
© SofTools, 2009. For more information on related products and services, visit www.Fast-Track-Me.com
or contact us at: [email protected]
9 Customer focused Score Status
A Empowerment All your staff are empowered to make the right decisions when faced
with a customer question or issue
B Long term value Your relationship with customers is based on the long term value you
provide the customer, not the short term revenue that you can earn from
C Customer You have a system to ensure all staff have the appropriate knowledge of
relationship a customer, their relationship with your company, recent transactions
management and their value to you, and that automatically do not require duplication
of effort by the customer
A Where sales are You know where you results over the upcoming period are coming from:
coming from key accounts, regular customers and prospects, this also requires
knowledge of customer churn
B Contingencies You have contingency plans in place for the loss of strategic customers
and staff, and you have an effective risk and issue management process
C Mix & You have the right mix of customers in each segment to optimise revenue
monitoring and profit, and your monitoring process is not too tight or too loose
Right people
Sales Pipeline
Market Trends
Sales planning
Sales process
Right skills
Customer focused
Right results
© SofTools, 2009. For more information on related products and services, visit www.Fast-Track-Me.com
or contact us at: [email protected]