The Truth About The Eucharist

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The truths about the rules in the Catholic Church for receiving Holy COMMUNION

- truths of the Bible, Popes, Councils, bishops and saints -

(PopeBenedictonMay22nd,2008) It is the mission of Congregation for Divine Worship and Sacraments to work to promote Pope Benedicts emphasis on the traditional practices of liturgy,

We Christians kneel before the BLESSED SACRAMENT because, therein, we know and believe to be the Presence of the One True GOD.

such as reception of COMMUNION on the tongue while kneeling.


Kneeling at the moment of COMMUNION would be an act of humility and of recognition of our nature as sons of GOD. (Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith, Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments)

Kneel down before My Son!

These are the times when an idol is being built to be put in the Place of the true GOD and of the true Church, and this idol is a false Christ and a false church. "COMMUNION in the hand has not been, and will not be accepted by Heaven. This is a sacrilege in the eyes of the Eternal Father, and must not be continued, for you only add to your punishment when you continue on in the ways that have been found to be unpleasing to the Eternal FATHER." - OURLADYoftheRoses,June30,1984
TheMotherofGODthroughthepriestStefanoGobbi,August15,1989 (receivingCONFESSIONandCOMMUNION,Medjugorje, 2ndofMay2007throughMirjana)

The not consecrated hands are laden with guilt and not worthy to touch Me!
"The practice of receiving HOLY COMMUNION in the hand gravely offends Me! It must be rapidly abolished!"

Who obeys? The one who does My Will! Who disobeys? The one who neglects the teaching given by the Holy Father and who does not follow his example.

Have the most profound respect for My SACRAMENT of LOVE, in reparation for the outrages with which it is overwhelmed!

The truths about the rules in the Catholic Church for receiving Holy COMMUNION
Pope Benedict: Kneel and receive on the tongue only

The Pope resurrects the world to new life.

(Medjugorje,2009toavictimsoul) Pope Benedict XVI does not want the faithfuls receiving COMMUNION in their hand nor does he want them standing to receive CHRIST in the BLESSED SACRAMENT. According to Vatican liturgist, Monsignor Guido Marini, the Pope is trying to set the stage for the whole Church as to the proper norm for receiving COMMUNION for which reason communicants at his papal Masses are now asked to kneel and receive on the tongue. The Holy Father's reasoning is simple:

idolatries of yesterday and today. (PopeBenedictonMay22nd,2008) In the 131-page document, a papal reflection on the discussions and suggestions made during the 2005 world Synod of Bishops, Pope Benedict remembered to the tradition of the Catholic Church. ( The pope asked Catholics to pay more attention to how their postures and gestures at Mass communicate their faith in the EUCHARIST, particularly by

We Christians kneel before the BLESSED SACRAMENT because, therein, we know and believe to be the Presence of the One True GOD. Kneeling in adoration before the EUCHARIST is the most valid and radical remedy against the

kneeling during the central moments of the Eucharistic prayer." Amid the legitimate diversity of signs used in the context of different cultures, everyone should be able to experience and express the awareness that at each celebration we stand before the infinite majesty of God, who comes to us to the lowliness of the sacramental signs."
As for church architecture, Pope Benedict encouraged parishes to ensure their facilities are fully accessible to people with disabilities and that the TABERNACLE containing the Blessed Sacrament is "readily visible to everyone entering the church."

"In churches which do not have a Blessed Sacrament chapel and where the high altar with its TABERNACLE is still in place, it is appropriate to continue to use this structure for the reservation and adoration of the EUCHARIST."
Cardinal Antonio Canizaes Llovera, the new prefect for Divine Worship spoke on July 22nd, 2009:

It is the mission of Congregation for Divine Worship and Sacraments to work to promote Pope Benedicts emphasis on the traditional practices of liturgy, such as reception of COMMUNION on the tongue while kneeling.
Beginning at a May 22 2008 Mass held outside the Basilica of St. John Lateran, people who receive HOLY COMMUNION from Pope Benedict are kneeling, and receive directly on the tongue. At all public Masses since then - including World Youth Day celebrations in Australia in July - those who receive the sacrament from the Holy Father have knelt on kneelers specially placed in front of the altar by ushers for the occasion. On Easter 2009 Pope Benedict celebrated the Holy Mass which was broadcast over TV. He demonstrated the urgent respect before the LORD of the whole world, when all bishops and cardinals had to kneel before him receiving the Body of CHRIST on the tongue. The bishops and priests are bound to follow the Holy Father's directive on this issue because it is in keeping with sacred Tradition itself; the faithful are not obliged to wait for the approval of their bishop in order to kneel for GOD. 1

The papal master of ceremonies, Monsignor Guido Marini, commented that kneeling and receiving COMMUNION on the tongue helps to emphasize "the truth of the Real Presence [of CHRIST] in the EUCHARIST, helps the devotion of the faithful, and introduces the sense of mystery more easily". In the same June 26 2008 interview with the Vatican newspaper, L 'Osservatore Romano, Monsignor Marini said that he believes that this practice will become the norm at all future papal celebrations. The interview with the master of ceremonies for papal Masses, however, makes it clear that he was indeed making a point, but that this was not a one-time thing. In L'Osservatore Romano, the newspaper of the Vatican, Monsignor Guido Marini was asked whether the "practice [is] destined to become habitual in papal ceremonies." John Zuhlsdorf at What Does the Prayer Really Say? provides a translation of Guido Marini's answer:

I really think so. . .. The method adopted by Benedict XVI tends to underscore the force of the norm valid for the whole Church. In addition, one could perhaps also note a preference for using this method of distribution which, without taking anything from the other, better sheds light on the truth of the Real Presence in the EUCHARIST, it helps the devotion of the faithful, introduces them more easily to a sense of mystery. Aspects which, in our time, speaking pastorally, it is urgent to highlight and recover.
For those who have followed Pope Benedict's pontificate, this should not come as a surprise. The traditional posture for receiving Communion is preserved in the Traditional Latin Mass, which the Holy Father last July (in Summorum Pontificum) restored as one of the two approved forms of the Mass. And the Eucharist plays a central role in Pope Benedict's thought, including in his first encyclical, Deus caritas est (God Is Love), where he writes:

THE EUCHARIST draws us into JESUS' act of self-oblation. More than just statically receiving the incarnate Logos, we enter into the very dynamic of his self-giving. The imagery of marriage between GOD and Israel is now realized in a way previously inconceivable: it had meant standing in GOD's presence, but now it becomes union with GOD through sharing in Jesus' self-gift, sharing in His body and blood. The sacramental "mysticism", grounded in GOD's condescension towards us, operates at a radically different level and lifts us to far greater heights than anything that any human mystical elevation could ever accomplish.
When we think of the EUCHARIST in those terms, Pope Benedict's desire to revive the older method of receiving COMMUNION is not surprising at all. We owe all that we are to GOD; when given the opportunity to achieve union with Him in the EUCHARIST, kneeling in gratitude seems the least we can do. Indeed, at large public Masses, kneeling to receive COMMUNION from the principal celebrant is likely to become the norm. At a recent Mass celebrated by Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith, Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (CD W), people knelt on kneelers to receive. Last February, in an interview by Bruno Volpe for Petrus, Archbishop Ranjith said that he believes receiving COMMUNION on the tongue would help people to recover a greater sense of the sacred, "reinforcing thereby that in the Eucharist there is really JESUS and that everyone must receive Him with devotion, love and respect". "Why be ashamed of GOD?" the archbishop asked. "Kneeling at the moment of Communion would be an act of humility and recognition of our nature as children of God". Also, in a July 31 interview with La Repubblica, Archbishop Ranjith again emphasized the importance of a recovery of the sacred and a sense of transcendence to which the gesture of kneeling to receive COMMUNION contributes. 2

Archbishop Ranjith also wrote the preface to Dominus Est, a book on the Real Presence in the Eucharist by Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Karaganda, Kazakhstan, that reportedly analyzes receiving COMMUNION on the tongue while kneeling. The book was published in January by the Vatican's Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Here Archbishop Ranjith wrote:

"The best way to express our sense of reverence to the LORD in Mass is to follow the example of Peter, who as the Gospel tells us, threw himself on his knees before the LORD and said, 'Lord, depart from me, for I am a sinner'".
(Luke 5:8) In an interview with Mgr. Albert Malcolm Ranjith, secretary of the Congregation for Divide Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, condemned the inexplicable extravagances committed by some priests in he liturgy, emphasizing that it is "not their property but that of the Church. The Mass is not a spectacle, but Sacrifice, gift and Mystery." Regarding COMMUNION in the hand: Group of people from Latvia in Medjugorje

I just believe that it is necessary to review this practice. I speak personally, but I am convinced of the urgency of returning to giving the particle to the faithful directly into their mouth, without them touching it, emphasizing in this way that in the EUCHARIST there is really JESUS and that all should welcome Him with Devotion, love, and respect. "It would be a case also of returning to kneeling at the moment in which one communicates as "an act of respect towards the gift and the mystery of the EUCHARIST. Beyond the role which I have in the Vatican, as a catholic I ask and question: why be embarrassed by GOD? Kneeling at the moment of COMMUNION would be an act of humility and of recognition of our nature as sons of GOD. "Because out of Reverence towards this SACRAMENT, nothing touches it, but what is consecrated. Hence the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest's hands, for touching this SACRAMENT."

Kneel down before My Son!

(receivingCONFESSIONandCOMMUNION,Medjugorje,2ndofMay2007throughMirjana) The way of Satan to destroy the Graces The practice of COMMUNION in the hand was first introduced in Belgium by Cardinal Suenens in disobedience to the rubrics of the Holy See. Not wishing to publicly rebuke a brother bishop, Pope Paul VI decided to lift the ban prohibiting COMMUNION in the hand, leaving the decision to individual bishops. The late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, then president of the United States NCCB, initiated two unsuccessful attempts to introduce COMMUNION in the hand in 1975 and 1976. In the spring of 1977, the bishops vote again fell short of the required two-thirds majority. Nevertheless, for the first time ever bishops in absentia were polled by mail after the conference meeting; subsequently the necessary votes materialized and the measure was declared passed. Several canon lawyers have stated categorically that this procedure was illegal. An interview with Bishop Blanchette in the National Catholic Register (June 12, 1977) confirms that COMMUNION in the hand was unlawfully introduced into the United States. John Hardon likewise has affirmed the fact that retired and dying bishops were polled to make sure the measure for COMMUNION in the hand would be passed. The pope's action is in accord with the Church's 2000 year tradition and is being done in order to foster a renewed love and respect for the EUCHARIST 3

which presently is being mocked and treated with contempt. Various trends and innovations of our time (guitar liturgy, altar girls, lay ministers, COMMUNION in the hand) have worked together to destroy our regard for the EUCHARIST, thus advancing the spiritual death of the church. After all, the EUCHARIST is the very life and heartbeat of the Mystical Body around which the entire Church must revolve. Kneeling also coincides with the Church's centuries old ordinance that only the consecrated hands of a priest touch the Body of CHRIST in Holy COMMUNION. "To priests alone has been given power to consecrate and administer to the faithful, the Holy Eucharist." (Council of Trent) It is for reason that Pope Paul VI in his May 1969 pastoral letter to the world's bishops reaffirmed the Church's teaching on the reception of Communion, stating that: "This method on the tongue must be retained." (MemorialeDomini) This came in response to the bishops of Holland who started Communion in the hand in defiance of the centuries old decree from the Council of Rouen (650 A.D.) where this practice was condemned as sacrilegious. "Do not put the Eucharist in the hands of any layperson, but only in their mouths." To date this prohibition has never been overturned legally. Today COMMUNION in the hand is carried on illegally and has become a major tool of the enemy to destroy the Faith throughout the world. For this practice serves no other purpose than to warp our conception of JESUS CHRIST and nourish a contempt for the sacred mysteries. It's no wonder St. Basil referred to COMMUNION in the hand as "a grave fault." That is to say, COMMUNION in the hand is not tied with Catholic tradition. This practice was first introduced to the Church by the heretical Arians of the 4th century as a means of expressing their belief that CHRIST was not Divine. Unfortunately, it has served to express the same in our time and has been at the very heart of the present heresy and desecration that is rampant throughout the universal Church. If we have 'abuse' problems today it is because we're abusing the Sacrament it's backfiring on us! ( On June 29, 1972, Pope Paul VI stunned the world with the words:

"From some fissure the smoke of Satan entered into the Temple of GOD."
The New-Bayside message through Veronica Lueken of September 28, 1978 referred to pope Paul VI's statement:

Listen to your Vicar who stated that the smoke of Satan had entered My Church. Did he have pride when he brought this knowledge to you? No! He asked for help. And what did you do? You turned away and widened the door for Satan to enter! (JESUS,September28,1978) "The antichrist, the forces of evil have gathered, My children, within the Eternal City. You must make it known to mankind that all that is coming from Rome is coming from darkness. The light has not passed that way. The appearance in public is not Paul VI, it is the Impostor pope. Medication of evil has dulled the brain of the true Pope, Pope Paul VI. They send into his veins poison, to dull his reasoning and paralyze his legs. What evil creature have you opened the doors to the Eternal City and admitted the agents of Satan? You plan to remove the Eternal FATHER from yours hearts and the hearts of those whom you seek to deceive. You scatter the flock." OURLADYoftheRoses,September27,1975

Veronica with her young husband Very many and important messages were given through Veronica Lueken, New York-Bayside, in the years between 1970 and 1980. Veronica was a City housewife with 5 children living ordinarily in New York. Called as the seer of Bayside she was the recipient of heavenly messages from JESUS, OUR LADY and many Saints for over 25 years. Veronica was a victim soul for the pope and the Roman Catholic Church. She suffered enormously and was called Veronica of the Cross. She died in 1995. Many mystical experiences began to occur, as St. Theresa gradually introduced Veronica into the way of the spiritual childhood. ( The LORD told that it is His WILL to make these revelations in Europe well known. The Testimonial of the priest Robert Skurla

"And as a holy Pope once told you before he died, he knew that the smoke of Satan had entered into Rome and the Vatican. Well did he understand My visit to him, My child. The world has never known how close I was to your Vicar at that time, Pope Paul VI. Yes, My child, he was removed from the earth, also, with his impostor." OURLADYoftheRoses,September14,1985

The messages of Bayside restored my confidence in the Catholic Church once more. I will stake my reputation, if that means anything, on the doctrine contained in the messages. The doctrine is the same as I was trained in over the years.
The strong army of Satan: the priesthood as the Antichrist The messages of our Divine Mother given through the Italian priest Stefano Gobbi, founder of the Marian priest movement, between 1973 and 1997 received the Imprimatur of 5 cardinals and one bishop of the USA. They show us with Her explanations about the secrets in the apocalyptic revelations of St. John that Satan could arise his terrible kingdom in the Catholic Church with the help of the priesthood. The Mother of GOD spoke about ecclesial freemasonry. Instead of living the Word of GOD JESUS CHRIST I am the Way, the Truth and Life they take His place and are building by their own foolish teachings and preaching the wrong CHRIST in the Church, the Antichrist. By this way the priesthood is building the wrong Church, the church of Satan in the middle of the Catholic Church. This is the beast like a lamb, which they arise in the Church. This is one of the conclusions of the messages through the Italian priest Stefano Gobbi, given from May 1989 till September 1989. This terrible truth was announced by the apostle St. Paul in the second letter to the Thessalonians and the Mother of GOD pointed out especially to this announcement in one of these messages between May till September 1989:

It cannot happen until the great revolt has taken place and there has appeared the wicked one, the lost one, the enemy, who raises himself above every so-called GOD or object of worship to enthrone himself in the Sanctuary of GOD and flaunts the claim that he is GOD.
Here are some messages by the Divine Mother through the Italian priest Stefano Gobbi:

Join Me in battle, little children, against the black beast, freemasonry, which seeks to lead souls to perdition. Join Me in battle, little children, against the beast like a lamb, Masonry, infiltrated into the interior of ecclesial life in order to destroy CHRIST and His Church. To attain this end, it seeks to build a new idol, namely a false CHRIST and a false Church.() Lucifer, the ancient serpent, the devil or Satan, the red dragon, becomes in these last times, the Antichrist. The apostle John already affirmed that whoever denies that JESUS CHRIST is GOD, that person is the Antichrist. The statue or idol, built in honor of the beast to be adored by all men, is the Antichrist. ()

In this way, faith in the Word of GOD is destroyed. The work of the Antichrist, in this period of history, is the division of the Church. And the consequent formation of new and numerous Christian confessions which gradually become driven to more and more extensive loss of the true faith in the Word of GOD. 666 indicated thrice, that is to say, for the third time, express the year 1998, nineteen hundred and ninety-eight. In this period of history freemasonry, assisted by its ecclesiastical form will succeed in its great design: that setting up an idol to put in the Place of CHRIST and of His Church. A false Christ and a false church. Consequently, the statue built up in honor of the first beast, to be adored by all the inhabitants of the earth and which will seal with its mark all those who want to buy or sell, is that of the Antichrist. You have thus arrived at the peak of the purification, of the great tribulation and of the apostasy. The apostasy will be, as of then, generalized because almost all will follow the false Christ and the false church. Then the door will be open for the appearance of the man or of the very person of the Antichrist. This is why, beloved children, I have wanted to enlighten you concerning the pages of the Apocalypse which refer to the times you are going through. (Milan,Italy,June17,1989) I am the Woman clothed with the sun. I am your Heavenly Leader. I am the Queen of all the saints. Look at Me as a sign of hope and of consolation, in these times of the purification, of the apostasy and of the great tribulation. The times of the struggle and the greatest conquest on the part of the dragon, of the beat which comes up from the earth and of the beast which comes up from the sea have come. These are the times when Satan and the diabolic forces are making themselves adored by an ever increasing number of men, and thus the spread of the Satanic cult, of the sects and of the black masses is becoming vaster. These are the times when an idol is being built to be put in the Place of the true GOD and of the true Church, and this idol is a false Christ and a false church. These are the times when all those who follow this idol will be signed with its mark on the forehead and on the hand. These are the times when the faithful followers of the Lamb will be subjects to marginalization, to persecutions, to prison and to death.
(Rubbio,August15,1989) Innumerous souls the priesthood is guiding to hell with their false teaching. These show the revelations to Stefano Gobbi, the Italian priest Ottavio Michelini and through one of the greatest saints, Marguerite of Chevremont with the approval of the Catholic Church since 1980. The revelations through Marguerite are to be found in English in the website and the whole book with the Words of the Son of GOD JESUS CHRIST to Mons. Ottavio Michelini in English very soon in the Website A special chapter about the priesthood as instruments of Satan with the messages through Marguerite from Chevermont are to be found in with the last Call of GOD for conversion. By their own teachings and preaching the priests are the Antichrist and instruments of Satan. They take the Place of the Son and Word of GOD and are arising above the Almighty. This is the will and the way of Satan. (see Gospel of St. John 6,63 and 7,17-18). They are building up a new completely wrong CHRIST without Justice, without greatest reverence to Him, especially in the Holy EUCHARIST, they destroy the faith and the souls with their new and false GOD and nearly all faithful are following them and the seducer. They destroy 6

the Divine order given by the law and rules of Moses and through the prophets; to fulfill them the LORD JESUS CHRIST was coming. The clergy is living without adoration the LORD in His Throne on earth, the TABERNACLE, as one of the most important duty of mankind. Under the influence of pride, godless, without reverence they bring completely false imaginations of GOD to people with forbidden own thoughts and teachings. Against the truths of the Bible they build up their own false GOD in a life of impurity and without adoration and prayer and are guiding many, many souls into hell. JESUS judges the priesthood terribly about their false teachings and preaching, for example about receiving COMMUNION etc., through Marguerite with the approval of the Church:

They think they know everything, but they know nothing. They think they understand everything, but they understand nothing. They think they have said everything, but all they say is folly. They think they explain everything, and they explain nothing. Smoke and wind issue from their mouths, creating confusion and anguish. My Commandments are despised, forgotten, ignored. But they are still valid and they will remain so until the end of time.

Their vanity is unlimited. Because they forget GOD they take their careless pleasures in the very things which cause their loss.
But GOD does not forget them. He will shatter their pride, because they are responsible for the loss of souls who have cost My Blood, and whom I confided to them that they might guide them to Me. They have only ridicule and contempt for those little souls whom I send them in order to remind them of the meaning of divine charity, which they have deprived of any religious significance to make of it a dead word. They probe hearts according to their way of seeing and understanding and they forget to probe their own. Insensible to their blindness, they look at others, only recognizing their own law, a law of iniquity, self conceit and pride. When they are not contesting the truth of the GOSPEL they say they possess it. If they possess it, why do they not put it into practice? Their misguided hearts are not ready to receive it. I am Love, Forgiveness. They are only malice and sin. Yes, sin against their GOD, and against His Commandments which they disregard and despise. Shame on them!
(JESUSthroughMarguerite,August22nd1972) Historical Church practice popes and councils Reviewing available evidence from Church history and the writings of the Church Fathers does not support the claim that COMMUNION in the hand was a universal practice that was gradually supplanted and eventually replaced by the practice of COMMUNION on the tongue. Rather, the facts seem to point to a different conclusion. Pope St. Leo the Great (440-461), already in the fifth century, is an early witness of the traditional practice. In his comments on the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John, he speaks of COMMUNION in the mouth as the current usage: "One receives in the mouth what one believes by faith." (Serm. 91.3) Furthermore, in the ninth century the Roman Ordo clearly shows that COMMUNION on the tongue was the manner of reception. Pope St. Sixtus I ( 115-125): "it is prohibited for the faithful to even touch the sacred vessels, or receive in the hand"; 7

Origen (185-232 A.D.) an early Christian scholar and theologian, and one of the most distinguished writers of the early of the Christian Church: "You who are wont to assist at the divine Mysteries, know how, when you receive the body of the Lord, you take reverent care, lest any particle of it should fall to the ground and a portion of the consecrated gift (consecrati muneris)escape you. You consider it a crime, and rightly so, if any particle thereof fell down through negligence." (13thHomilyonExodus); St. Basil the Great (330-379), one of the four great Eastern Fathers, considered COMMUNION in the hand so irregular that he did not hesitate to consider it a grave fault (Letter 93); The Council held at Saragozza (380), it was decided to punish with excommunication anyone who dared to continue the practice of in the hand; The local council at Rouen, France (650) stated, Do not put the Eucharist in the hands of any layman or laywomen but only in their mouths; The Council of Constantinople (692) which was known as in trullo (not one of the ecumenical councils held there) prohibited the faithful from giving COMMUNION to themselves. It decreed an excommunication of one weeks duration for those who would do so in the presence of a bishop, priest or deacon; Council of Trent:

"To omit nothing doctrinal on so important a subject, we now come to speak of the minister of the Sacrament, a point, however, on which scarcely anyone is ignorant. The pastor then will teach, that to priests alone have been given power to consecrate and administer the Holy EUCHARIST. That the unvarying practice of the Church has also been, that the faithful receive the Sacrament from the hand of the priest, and that the priest communicate himself, has been explained by the Council of Trent; and the same holy Council has shown that this practice is always to be scrupulously adhered to, stamped, as it is, with the authoritative impress of Apostolic tradition, and sanctioned by the illustrious example of our LORD himself, who, with His own hands, consecrated and gave to His disciples, His most sacred body. To consult as much as possible, for the dignity of this so August a Sacrament, not only is its administration confided exclusively to the priestly order; but the Church has also, by an express law, prohibited any but those who are consecrated to religion, unless in case of necessity, to touch the sacred vessels, the linen or other immediate necessaries for consecration. Priest and people may hence learn, what piety and holiness they should possess who consecrate, administer, or receive the Holy of Holies." (CouncilofTrent,Session13,Chapter8)
Certainly the concern for the sacred Particles of the blessed Sacrament has been echoed by recent Popes and others within our own lifetimes. Pope Paul VI in his instruction Memoriale Domini (May 29, 1969), states:

"It [Communion in the hand] carries certain dangers with it which may arise from the new manner of administering holy Communion: the danger of a loss of reverence for the August sacrament of the altar, of profanation, of adulterating the true doctrine."
Holy Father, John Paul II, some years back had a sign posted on St. Peter's Basilica specifying that all priests, no matter where they came from, who celebrated Mass in St. Peter's, were to give COMMUNION only on the tongue. When the wife of the President of France Madame Giscard dEstaing came before the Holy Father with outstretched hands, he placed the Host in her mouth. Likewise, a canon lawyer present at a papal Mass in Chicago witnessed the mayor of Chicago approach the Holy Father also with outstretched hands. The Holy Father said, the Pope doesnt do that, and proceeded to give her holy COMMUNION on the tongue. 8

Currently, John Paul II gives Communion only on the tongue in his private Masses at the Vatican. Concelebrating priests are told to do the same. As reported by priest George Rutler in his Good Friday sermon at St. Agnes Church, New York in 1989, when Mother Teresa of Calcutta was asked by the priest G. Rutler, "What do you think is the worst problem in the world today?" She more than anyone could name any number of candidates: famine, plague, disease, the breakdown of the family, rebellion against God, the corruption of the media, world debt, nuclear threat and so on. "Without pausing a second she said, 'Wherever I go in the whole world, the thing that makes me the saddest is watching people receive COMMUNION in the hand.' OUR LADY of the Roses words given through Veronica Lueken from New York-Bayside - concerning the COMMUNION in the hand issue displays a perfect and profound grasp of the mind of the Church and the pre-eminence of natural law over ecclesiastical law. Her words display an affirmation of the hierarchy of law and the necessity of the clergy to submit to the immutable law of GOD. She displays a complete absence of human respect, but an unqualified respect for the divine. All this we would expect from a message attributed to OUR LADY, the Immaculate. But we must do our share and proclaim the message of OUR LADY boldly and fearlessly. As our Holy Father John Paul II has said: What is needed is the courage to speak the truth clearly, candidly, and boldly, but never with hatred or disrespect for persons. We must be firmly convinced that the truth sets people free. We must save Our LORDs Sacred Heart from abuse and defilement from those who do not truly believe the consecrated Host to be the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ. Encourage your family, friends and relatives to work to stop COMMUNION in the hand. (

"COMMUNION in the hand has not been, and will not be accepted by Heaven. This is a sacrilege in the eyes of the Eternal Father, and must not be continued, for you only add to your punishment when you continue on in the ways that have been found to be unpleasing to the Eternal FATHER." - OURLADYoftheRoses,June30,1984

"I ask you, My children--you ask Me many times in your prayers, shall you accept My Son's Body in your hands? I say no! And no again for reason! You cannot judge all those about you, My children, who have accepted this diabolical practice under the guise of leadership. No, My children, this was brought about to desecrate My Son, to take from Him the truth of His divine nature. No one who hears My voice must accept My Son's Body and Blood in the hands! The chalice shall turn, and you shall be bathed in His Blood! It was, My children, a sinister plan from the depths of hell to remove the knowledge of the divinity of My Son from among you." OURLADY,February10,1978
The voices of bishops of the whole world
3 questions were asked of the bishops to introduce hand-Communion, and the replies received by 12 March 1969 were as follows: 1. Do you think that attention should be paid to the desire that, over and above the traditional manner, the rite of receiving Holy Communion on the hand should be admitted? Yes: 597 No: 1.233 9

2. Is it your wish that this new rite be first tried in small communities, with the consent of the bishop? Yes: 751 No: 1.215 3. Do you think that the faithfuls will receive this new rite gladly, after a proper catechetical preparation? Yes: 835 No: 1.185 From the returns it is clear that the vast majority of bishops believe that the present discipline should not be changed, and that if it were, the change would be offensive to the sentiments and the spiritual culture of these bishops and of many of the faithful. After Pope Paul VI had considered the observations and the counsel of those whom "the Holy Spirit has placed as bishops to rule" the Churches, in view of the seriousness of the matter and the importance of the arguments proposed, the Supreme Pontiff judged that the long received manner of ministering Holy COMMUNION to the faithful should not be changed. Memorale Domini, an "Instruction on the Manner of Distributing Holy COMMUNION" from the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship There has been some controversy regarding Archbishop Ranjith's remarks on COMMUNION in the hand. It is worth re-reading Memorale Domini, an "Instruction on the Manner of Distributing Holy COMMUNION" from the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship issued in 1969.The principal conclusion of the document:

"This method of distributing Holy COMMUNION must be retained, taking the present situation of the Church in the entire world into account, not merely because it has many centuries of tradition behind it, but especially because it expresses the faithful's reverence for the EUCHARIST. The custom does not detract in any way from the personal dignity of those who approach this great Sacrament: it is part of that preparation that is needed for the most fruitful reception of the Body of the LORD." The point is made that this reverence shows that it is not bread and wine that is being shared but the body and blood of CHRIST, and underlines the effectiveness of the practice of COMMUNION on the tongue. Further, the practice which must be considered traditional ensures, more effectively, that holy COMMUNION is distributed with the proper respect, decorum and dignity. It removes the danger of profanation of the sacred species, in which "in a unique way, CHRIST, GOD and man, is present whole and entire, substantially and continually."
Because "a small number" of Episcopal conferences had asked for COMMUNION in the hand, Pope Paul VI thought that it would be good to consult all of the Bishops. A large majority was opposed to the introduction of COMMUNION in the hand; the document gives the figures and then says: "From the returns it is clear that the vast majority of bishops believe that the present discipline should not be changed, and that if it was, the change would be offensive to the sentiments and the spiritual culture of these bishops and of many of the faithful. Bishop Ranjith is not therefore contradicting anything of Memoriale Domini when he says that the outcome of allowing COMMUNION in the hand has led to "a certain loss of faith in the real presence" and reduced the "sense of profound adoration". Indeed it was the risk of this happening which led Pope Paul VI to determine that "the present discipline should not be changed". A long compilation with the words of the LORD is to be found in This is the official rule of the Catholic Church! But Satan entered into the 10

heart of the Church using disobedient bishops from the Netherlands and the United States. Priests and faithful are following him blindly. Pope Benedicts book Scandal in the Liturgy Listen to the words which were written in an overview about the book of Pope Benedict Scandal in the Liturgy:

The life of the Liturgy does not come from what dawns upon the minds of individuals and planning groups. On the contrary, it is GOD's descent upon our world, the source of real liberation. Incarnation does not mean doing as we please. For years many liturgists have separated the Liturgy from the Incarnation, precisely so that they may do as they please with it. The Spirit of the Liturgy reasserts the Liturgy's utter dependence on the Incarnation. The Scandal of the Liturgy really has its roots in the Scandal of the Incarnation. The scandal of the Incarnation stems from pride. Since GOD became a particular man in a particular time and place, we must meet Him according to the particulars of His life. We must meet Him on His terms, not ours. The proud resist this, because they want to determine their relationship with GOD. They want to set the terms. They do not want to receive GOD, but to possess Him. Scandal of the Liturgy stems from pride. We must abide by the essence of His worship. The "creators" of Liturgy do not want to worship in the form that CHRIST gave us. They want to set the terms. Like the builders of the tower of Babel, they want to make a name - and a Liturgy - for themselves. Ultimately, they do not want to receive the Liturgy, but to possess it. Return to the Tradition and live like the saints! The Mother of GOD has spoken first about their devilish (modern)Liturgy. (WordofGODtomembersofaprayergrouparoundMedjugorje,2006,2009)
Signs and messages from Medjugorje Lien from Medugorje is reporting about visions in Vietnam where the Satan is laughing and enjoying besides the standing people, because they show no respect before GOD and he is crying full of rage, when somebody is kneeling down.

Satan cried: No humility!

This miracle is to be seen in the church of Medjugorje in the stone on the step before the Altar, where everybody should kneel down, but they do not. The saint Josefa Menendez (the book is available by the internet) was guided a few times by GOD to hell. There she heard the Satan teaching his demons in a very special way to lead the souls to hell. So he cried:

Now the world belongs to me! Now I know the best possibility to catch the souls! We have only to attract their thirst for pleasure! () No humility! Seeking for pleasure! This will give the victory to me! Through it they will descend precipitously down to hell!
(4.10.1922) In July 2006 a victim soul saw in Medjugorje during the HOLY MASS a few minutes before receiving the HOLY COMMUNION the wide opened mouth of the Demon similar to this picture and something, that was belonging to the SACRAMENT OF LOVE. But this person understood the vision only after receiving the BODY of JESUS: Nearly the whole group of people out of Slovenia took the endless Holy GOD in the shape of the HOLY HOST in the hands and standing before the Almighty GOD without any reverence. JESUS spoke through the Italian priest and victim soul Ottavio Michelini**

Who is eating this bread (of life) unworthy, will go to damnation!


All warnings were fruitless. The hour (of punishing) is close, and My enemies, the new Judases will be destroyed!
(TheLORDtoasoulinMedjugorje,about2006) In Medjugorje the LORD spoke nearly the same like JESUS through Marguerite in the year of 2005 to a soul:

"Nobody is allowed to take His BODY in the hands. I will punish everybody! " Never stand before Me!The Judases, they stand! Everybody will be judged who comes to Me in My Church without respect! Many will be getting lost, who do not receive COMMUNION by the rules of tradition. "The day of tears is now, the day, which will awaken you out of your sleeping! It is the day of revenge for many of your sins, for your disrespect and especially for your disrespect against My SACRAMENT OF LOVE!"

In truth I tell you, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven!"

O you responsible for the survival of the church () Poisonous snakes, your devilish innovations will be destroyed! You, who are killing the souls, and you who are befouling the body, Temple of the HOLY SPIRIT! Fear My wrath, fear before that, what will be coming over you! (JESUSthroughMarguerite) Kneel down before My Son!
(receivingCONFESSIONandCOMMUNION,Medjugorje,2ndofMay2007throughMirjana) 3 days later the Divine Mother spoke to me:

Kneel down before My Divine Son!

Satan has removed the respect to the LORD of the whole world The Holy Words of the LORD in the Bible against the false teachings of the clergy

Then I fell prostrate (prayed) before the LORD, as at the first, forty days and forty nights. I did neither eat bread nor drink water, because of all your sins which you sinned, in doing evil in the Presence of the LORD, to provoke Him to anger. (MosesinDeuteronomy,9,18)
To a friend of mine, a young priest from Rumania, the LORD commanded that he and of course also we all shall throw and lay down before Him as it was done by the saint Faustyna or pope John Paul II. This devotion and humbling is the act of priests, when they are consecrated.

Glory and Majesty are in His Presence, strength and Greatness are in His Sanctuary. Give thanks to the LORD, O families of the peoples, give thanks before the LORD due to His Glory and strength. Give thanks to the LORD with he Honor due to His Name. Bring offerings and give thanks before Him with the prayer of your mouth. Bow down to the LORD in His Holy Court. Tremble before Him all earth. (1Chronicle,16,2830)


And Ezra was blessed by the LORD, the great GOD, and all the people answered, Amen, Amen, lifting up their hands. And they knelt down and worshipped before the LORD with heir faces to the ground. (Nehemiah,8,6) But as for me, I will come into thy House in the multitude of thy Mercy. And I will enter into thy House and bow down (worship) in thy Holy Temple. Lead me, O LORD, in thy reverence and righteousness (). Bring unto the LORD Glory and Honor! Give unto the LORD the Glory due unto His Name! Worship (adore) the LORD in the Court of His


Holy Temple! (Psalm29,12)

All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the LORD, and all the kindred of the gentiles shall bow down (worship) before thee. For the Kingdom is the LORD. He is the Governor over the gentiles. All they that are hungry upon earth shall eat and bow down (worship) before the LORD. All they that are buried shall kneel before Him. (Psalm22,2729) Oh come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. (Psalm95,6) Honor and Majesty are before Him. Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary. Give to the LORD, O you kindred of the people, give to the LORD Glory and Honor! Give to the LORD the Glory due to His Name! Bring offering and come to His Court! O worship the LORD in the Temple of Holiness. Tremble before Him, all earth! (Psalm96,69) Exalt the LORD our GOD, and bow down (worship) at His footstool, for He is Holy! (Psalm99,5) You shall worship the LORD your GOD, and Him only shall you serve!
(GOSPEL of St. Matthew 28, 17)

And when they saw Him, they fell down (worshipped Him); but some of them were doubtful. And He (JESUS) went a little further and fell on His Face and prayed, saying ()
(GOSPELofSt.Matthew26,39) (GOSPELofSt.Matthew28,17)

After these Holy Words everybody will and should understand, that greatest respect is need coming close to our LORD. You will recognize, nearly no one of the priesthood of today knows the reality and Presence of GOD in the EUCHARIST, which is the Holy HOST, the Bread of Heaven, the LORD Himself. If it is the only way to come close to the LORD in greatest reverence on the knees as told in the Bible during prayer and also JESUS, Son of GOD, was prostrating before His Eternal FATHER in which way of the most greatest respect we only can meet the LORD and take Him with the Holy HOST on the knees and only and only in the mouth. Nobody can touch the endless Holy LORD, and the only exception was given of GOD to the consecrated hands of the priests. 13

The four and twenty elders fall down before Him Who sits on the Throne, and worship Him Who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the Throne, saying: Thou art worthy, O our Holy LORD and GOD, to receive Glory and Honor and power, for you hast created all things, and by thee they are, and by thy will they are and were created. (Revelation4,1011

Look at the miraculous photo with The Mother of GOD surrounded by Angels. Even before Her the Angels are prostrating. For the Words out of the Bible I was using the translation of G. M. Lamsa. He, born as a Arimaer, has translated the whole Bible from an old untouched version in Arameic language, called Peshitta (the Pure) into his second mother tongue English, when he emigrated to USA and studied there. We asked through a chosen Soul in Croatia for this Bible and received the message:

This is a good translation. You can publish the GOSPEL of this Bible with images.
The whole Lamsa-Bible can ordered about addresses of the Internet or is to be read in English in the Website with the keyword Lamsa-Bible-online. Because G. M. Lamsa was in his youth and maybe also later still a protestant he will maybe taken sometimes the word worship in his translations instead of prostrate. I was comparing only in this case 2 other Bibles the Jerusalem-Bible and an international translation .- and were using in some cases their word and the translation-word of Lamsa in brackets. The testimony for the needed boundless respect to the LORD in the EUCHARIST in Fatima recognized by the whole Catholic Church In the year of 1916, the three children Lucia dos Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto, who later witnessed the vision of The Blessed Virgin MARY, were visited by an Angel three times whilst out tending their sheep. The first time the Angel appeared they where sheltering from the rain on a hillside called the Cabeo. When the rain had passed and the sun had returned, the little shepherds spent the day at this spot, eating lunch, saying the Rosary and playing games. Lucia was then only nine years old, Francisco was eight, and Jacinta was six. As they were playing, a strong wind suddenly blew, shaking the trees, and the children saw a figure approaching above the olive trees. Lucia described the figure as having "the appearance of a young man of fourteen or fifteen, whiter than snow, which the sun rendered transparent as if it were of crystal, and of great beauty. We were surprised and half absorbed. We did not say a word. While coming closer to us, the Angel said: Do not fear! I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me. And kneeling on the earth, he bent his forehead to the ground. Prompted by a supernatural movement, we imitated him and repeated the words which we heard him pronounce: My God, I believe in Thee, I adore Thee, I hope in Thee and I love Thee. I ask pardon for all those who do not believe in Thee, do not adore Thee, do not hope in Thee and do not love Thee. Later that year in the autumn, the third and last vision occurred when the children took their sheep to the same place where the first apparition took place. There in the blessed place of the Cabeo, they were reciting the prayer the Angel had taught them when above them an unknown light appeared. Lucia relates, "We got up again to see what was happening, and we saw the Angel again, who had in his left hand a Chalice over which was suspended a Host, from which some drops of Blood fell into the Chalice." Leaving the Chalice and the Host suspended in the air, he prostrated himself down to the earth near the children and repeated a prayer three times. Then, getting up, the Angel took the Chalice and HOST. He gave Lucia the Sacred Host on the tongue. Then while giving the Precious Blood from the Chalice to Francisco and Jacinta, he said: "Eat and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. Make reparation for their crimes and console your God." 14

Then, prostrating himself on the ground he repeated with the children three times the same prayer: Most Holy Trinity, etc., and disappeared. This final apparition of the Angel was clearly the summit of the three, as the children were graced to see the Precious Blood of Our Lord fall from the Sacred Host into the Chalice, and then receive HOLY COMMUNION from the hands of the Angel. Miracolous photo in Garabandal (Spain) the visionary Cochita received the Holy COMMUNION from Heaven, on the tongue and kneeling down In his third and final apparition to the children I autumn 1916 in Fatima, the Angell gave them the Holy COMMUNION, and demonstrated the proper way to receive our LORD in the EUCHARIST. All 3 children knelt to receive COMMUNION. Lucia was given the SACRED HOST on the tongue and the Angel shared the Blood of the chalice between Jacinta and Francisco. Recognize in which deepest reverence the Guardian Angel of Portugal was prostrating before the LORD in the Holy HOST. Who are me men, if we do not want to prostrate receiving Holy COMMUNION, prostrating our knee, our head and especially our mind before the Almighty. All Ghosts in Heaven and all saints are prostrating in Heaven before the LORD. This was seen in some visions. Do not follow the seducer, which has taken place in almost the whole priesthood and clergy, who take as Satan the place of the LORD, and Satans aim is to destroy the Church, the holiness and all the souls, offending the LORD especially in the EUCHARISTIS, His most Holy Presence. The urgent need to confess our offending to the LORD in the EUCHARIST Confessions: Many are invalid! (JESUSthroughthepriestOttavioMichelini) Who is eating and drinking my flesh and My Blood unworthy (JESUSthroughtheItalianpriestOttavioMichelini) I also had for about 20 years the HOLY COMMUNION standing and in his hands. JESUS spoke one night for a long time about this and finished by saying:

is eating and drinking his perdition.

Go at once to confession!
Listen what JESUS spoke about the SACRAMENT OF MERCY (confession) through the Italian priest Ottavio Michelini:

Do not become as tools for salvation tools of the damnation! () Without sincere repentance no valid confession! There will be no true repentance without serious and real intention no more to sin! Many confessions are null and invalid! Many are double unworthy! Who comes to confession without the necessary supposition and who acquits of sins without making sure, that all the necessary suppositions are present is doing a desecration! By this means the wonderful remedy will be desecrated and is changed to a way of damnation! (October1975) My child, receive often the Sacrament of Mercy. Should you come close to the endless Pure without being cleansed of your mistakes? I wish pure souls, who are renewing themselves unceasingly from their mistakes and sins by a true Confession. I love to see My children in clothes of festive day, and this they are when they come purified out of My Sacrament of Love.


Forgiving is only granted with real repentance and the intention not to continue the sins. According the Bible and the very important messages of JESUS through the priest Ottavio Michelini the LORD let me know following truths about CONFESSIONS: Without repentance the LORD is not forgiving! Without conversion the LORD is not forgiving! Without mercy of man the LORD is not forgiving! Without the will to be humble and be small the LORD is not forgiving! Offending the HOLY SPIRIT the LORD is not forgiving! Bringing the MOTHER of GOD in crying tears, the LORD is not forgiving! JESUS through the Saint Faustyna, Poland:

When you go to CONFESSION, to this fountain of mercy, the Blood and Water which came forth from My Heart always flow down upon your soul...


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