Glassfish Installation Guide

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Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server

2.1 Installation Guide

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

4150 Network Circle
Santa Clara, CA 95054

Part No: 820–4330–10

January 2009
Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to technology embodied in the product that is described in this document. In particular, and without
limitation, these intellectual property rights may include one or more U.S. patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. and in other countries.
U.S. Government Rights – Commercial software. Government users are subject to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable provisions
of the FAR and its supplements.
This distribution may include materials developed by third parties.
Parts of the product may be derived from Berkeley BSD systems, licensed from the University of California. UNIX is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other
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Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, the Solaris logo, the Java Coffee Cup logo,, Java, and Solaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun
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The OPEN LOOK and SunTM Graphical User Interface was developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. for its users and licensees. Sun acknowledges the pioneering efforts
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This Installation Guide contains instructions for installing and uninstalling Enterprise Server.

This preface contains information about and conventions for the entire Sun GlassFishTM
Enterprise Server documentation set.

Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server Documentation Set

TABLE P–1 Books in the Enterprise Server Documentation Set

Book Title Description

Documentation Center Enterprise Server documentation topics organized by task and subject.

Release Notes Late-breaking information about the software and the documentation. Includes a
comprehensive, table-based summary of the supported hardware, operating system, JavaTM
Development Kit (JDKTM), and database drivers.

Quick Start Guide How to get started with the Enterprise Server product.

Installation Guide Installing the software and its components.

Application Deployment Guide Deployment of applications and application components to the Enterprise Server. Includes
information about deployment descriptors.

Developer’s Guide Creating and implementing Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE platform) applications
intended to run on the Enterprise Server that follow the open Java standards model for Java
EE components and APIs. Includes information about developer tools, security, debugging,
and creating lifecycle modules.

Java EE 5 Tutorial Using Java EE 5 platform technologies and APIs to develop Java EE applications.

Java WSIT Tutorial Developing web applications using the Web Service Interoperability Technologies (WSIT).
Describes how, when, and why to use the WSIT technologies and the features and options
that each technology supports.

Administration Guide System administration for the Enterprise Server, including configuration, monitoring,
security, resource management, and web services management.


TABLE P–1 Books in the Enterprise Server Documentation Set (Continued)

Book Title Description

High Availability Administration Setting up clusters, working with node agents, and using load balancers.

Administration Reference Editing the Enterprise Server configuration file, domain.xml.

Performance Tuning Guide Tuning the Enterprise Server to improve performance.

Reference Manual Utility commands available with the Enterprise Server; written in man page style. Includes
the asadmin command line interface.

Default Paths and File Names

The following table describes the default paths and file names that are used in this book.

TABLE P–2 Default Paths and File Names

Placeholder Description Default Value

as-install Represents the base installation directory for SolarisTM and Linux installations, non-root user:
Enterprise Server.
Solaris and Linux installations, root user:
Windows, all installations:

domain-root-dir Represents the directory containing all All installations:


domain-dir Represents the directory for a domain. domain-root-dir/domain-dir

In configuration files, you might see
domain-dir represented as follows:

instance-dir Represents the directory for a server instance. domain-dir/instance-dir

samples-dir Represents the directory containing sample as-install/samples


docs-dir Represents the directory containing as-install/docs


4 Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Installation Guide • January 2009


Typographic Conventions
The following table describes the typographic changes that are used in this book.

TABLE P–3 Typographic Conventions

Typeface Meaning Example

AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files, and Edit your .login file.
directories, and onscreen computer
Use ls -a to list all files.
machine_name% you have mail.

AaBbCc123 What you type, contrasted with onscreen machine_name% su

computer output

AaBbCc123 A placeholder to be replaced with a real The command to remove a file is rm filename.
name or value

AaBbCc123 Book titles, new terms, and terms to be Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.
emphasized (note that some emphasized
A cache is a copy that is stored locally.
items appear bold online)
Do not save the file.

Symbol Conventions
The following table explains symbols that might be used in this book.

TABLE P–4 Symbol Conventions

Symbol Description Example Meaning

[] Contains optional arguments ls [-l] The -l option is not required.

and command options.

{|} Contains a set of choices for a -d {y|n} The -d option requires that you use
required command option. either the y argument or the n

${ } Indicates a variable ${com.sun.javaRoot} References the value of the

reference. com.sun.javaRoot variable.

- Joins simultaneous multiple Control-A Press the Control key while you press
keystrokes. the A key.

+ Joins consecutive multiple Ctrl+A+N Press the Control key, release it, and
keystrokes. then press the subsequent keys.


TABLE P–4 Symbol Conventions (Continued)

Symbol Description Example Meaning

→ Indicates menu item File → New → Templates From the File menu, choose New.
selection in a graphical user From the New submenu, choose
interface. Templates.

Documentation, Support, and Training

The Sun web site provides information about the following additional resources:
■ Documentation (
■ Support (
■ Training (

Third-Party Web Site References

Third-party URLs are referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.

Note – Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this
document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising,
products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not
be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by
or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available
on or through such sites or resources.

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and

To share your comments, go to and click Feedback. In the online form,
provide the document title and part number. The part number is a seven-digit or nine-digit
number that can be found on the title page of the book or at the top of the document.

6 Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Installation Guide • January 2009

C H A P T E R 1

Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server

This chapter provides instructions for installing the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server software
available from the Sun download site. It also has instructions on how to install GlassFish , the
open source implementation of Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server.

You can choose to use either the file-based installer available from the Sun Download site or the
JAR-based installer available from The following topics are discussed:
■ “Distribution Types and Their Components” on page 7
■ “Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With File-based Installer” on page 8
■ “Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With JAR-based Installer” on page 16
■ “Registering Your Installation of Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server” on page 18

Distribution Types and Their Components

The various distributions and their components are as follows:
■ Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server - Includes the application server software, HTTP load
balancer, Java DB, and Message Queue 4.1. Enterprise Server is available from as a file-based installer, which offers both graphic and
command-line modes for installation. JDK 1.5.0_14 is bundled with the file-based installer
for Enterprise Server.
■ GlassFish: Open source implementation of Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server. This
distribution is available as a JAR file from and includes an Ant
distribution that has been extended with tasks to facilitate developing applications.

Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With File-based Installer

Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With File-based

If you are using the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server file-based installer available from the Sun
Download page , use one of the following procedures:
■ “To Install Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server in GUI or CLI Mode” on page 8
■ “To Install Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server in Silent Mode” on page 11

▼ To Install Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server in GUI or CLI

Before You Begin Use this procedure if you are using the Graphic User Interface (GUI) or Command-Line
Interface (CLI) mode of the file-based installer for Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server. Verify that
your system meets the requirements specified in the Release Notes.

Solaris and Linux installations support both root and non-root user installations. Users of
Windows installations should have Power User or Administrator access. If you are installing as
a non-root user on Solaris or Linux, you must have read-write access to the following
■ The installation directory you select
■ The home directory of the installation user
■ The /var/tmp directory
■ The /tmp directory
■ The web server installation directory and the web server instance directory, if applicable.

1 Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the distribution file.

2 If you have downloaded a .bin file, change the permission of the distribution file so that you
have execute access:
chmod +x distribution_filename

3 Run the installation program.

■ If you are installing from a .bin file on Solaris or Linux, use the following command to run
the installation program :
Use the -console option to run the installation program in command-line mode. Use the
-javahome option if you are running the installation on a Solaris x86 machine,

8 Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Installation Guide • January 2009

Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With File-based Installer

■ If you are installing from an .exe file on Windows, double-click the file.

Note – If you are installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server on a 64–bit machine (running a
64–bit operating system), use a 32–bit JDK to install Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server on your
64–bit machine. You will need to use the following command: ./distribution_filename
—javahome path to 32–bit JDK location

After installation, download the 64–bit JDK from

( Edit the value of the AS_JAVA variable in the asenv.conf
file to point to the 64–bit JDK installation, so that Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server uses the
64–bit JDK.

4 Read and accept the license agreement.

5 Select the components to install. If you are not using Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server with HADB
bundle, skip to the next step.
If a component is disabled, the installation program has detected it as already installed on your
The following components are available for installation:
■ Node Agent – All machines that contain application server instances should have a node
agent installed.
■ High Availability Database Server -This component stores session information so requests
can be failed over if you are using the load balancing plugin.
■ Load Balancing Plugin - Install the load balancing plugin on the machine where a web server
is installed. If you do not already have a web server installed on the machine where you are
installing the load balancing plugin, you cannot continue to install the load-balancer plugin.
■ Domain Administration Server and Administration Tool - The Domain Administration
Server (DAS) acts as a central repository for applications and configuration information for
server instances, even if the instances are located on a remote machine. It includes graphical
and command-line administration tools.
■ Command Line Administration Tool Only - Install the Command Line Administration tool
on machines which do not contain a DAS, but from which you want to communicate with
the DAS or a node agent. For example, install the command-line administration tool on
machines from which you plan to remotely administer the Enterprise Server using the
command-line administration tools.
■ No Administration Tools - Use this option when installing components on a machine that
already contains the administration tools, or on which no administration tools are required.
For example, when installing the load balancing plugin on a machine with a web server, but
no Application Server, no Application Server administration tools are required.

Chapter 1 • Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 9

Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With File-based Installer

■ Sample Applications - Samples come with the source, schema, Ant build scripts, and EAR
files. Any existing data associated with the database-related samples is available in the
included Java DB database.

6 In the Administration Configuration page (or when prompted at the command line), enter the
following fields and click Next.
■ Admin User Name – Name of the user who administers the server.
■ Password – Admin user’s password to access the Admin Server (8-character minimum).
■ Choose whether you want to be prompted for the Admin User Name and Password.
■ Admin Port – Administration port number for initial server instance. The default value is
■ HTTP Port - Port number to access the default server instance. The default is 8080
■ HTTPS Port - Secure port number to access the default server instance. The default is 8181

7 In the Installation Options page, select the options that you want. Click Next
The following installation options are available:
■ Enable UpdateCenter Client – Select this option to enable Updatecenter to check for
available updates and collect system data.
■ Create Desktop Shortcut to the AutoDeploy directory – Select this option to automatically
deploy items dragged to this directory. You see this option only if you are using Windows.
■ Add bin Directory to PATH – Select this option to add as-install/bin to the PATH variable
for simplifying the process of running the server and tools from the command line. You see
this option only if you are using Windows.
■ Create Windows Service – Select this option to create a Windows service to start and stop
Application Server,

Note – To create a Windows service, the sc.exe utility must be available on the system.
Windows 2000 users may need to install the Windows 2000 Resource Kit to get this utility.
For other supported Windows versions, the utility is included in the operating system.

8 On the Ready to Install page, click Install Now.

9 After installation completes, use the Registration Options screen for registering your
installation of application server. For instructions, see “To Register Your Installation of Sun
GlassFish Enterprise Server”on page 18.

10 Verify the installation by following the procedures in the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1
Quick Start Guide, located in as-install/docs/QuickStart.html or on

10 Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Installation Guide • January 2009

Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With File-based Installer

▼ To Install Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server in Silent

You can use this procedure only with the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server file-based installer.
GlassFish does not offer silent mode installation. The silent mode involves using a installation
configuration file for installing in a non-interactive mode.

Note – Do not use the silent mode installation for upgrading your Enterprise Server installation.

1 Create the installation configuration file by running one of the following commands:

■ On Solaris or Linux for GUI mode:

./distribution_filename -savestate configuration_filename

■ On Solaris or Linux for CLI mode:

./distribution_filename -console -savestate configuration_filename

■ On Windows for GUI mode:

distribution_filename -savestate configuration_filename

■ On Windows for CLI mode:

distribution_filename -console -savestate configuration_filename
The installation configuration file is created when you use the savestate option when starting
an interactive installation. During the interactive installation, your input is collected and stored
in the configuration file you specified. This file forms the template for silent installation, which
you can use later to install the product on one or more machines. If needed, you can modify the
installation configuration file.

Note – If you do not include a path to the installation configuration file, the file is created in the
directory where you are running the installation program.

2 Modify the following variables in the installation configuration file, as required.

Variable Name Values Content Comments

Chapter 1 • Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 11

Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With File-based Installer

Build ID The string of characters No need to alter this value unless

following the distribution installing a different distribution
in the STATE_BEGIN and file than the one that produced
STATE_END sections. the configuration file. To find the
This value is build ID, enter
automatically generated. distribution_filename -id at
the command prompt.

Default installation
directory path.

Selected absolute
currentInstallDirectory installation directory

INST_ASADMIN_USERNAME Administrator user name

for initial server instance.

INST_ASADMIN_PASSWORD Administrator password This entry is obfuscated by

for initial server instance. default.

INST_ASADMIN_PORT 0 - 65535 Administration server Default value is 4848.

port number for initial
server instance.

INST_ASWEB_PORT 0 - 65535 HTTP port number for Default value is 8080.

initial server instance.

INST_HTTPS_PORT 0 - 65535 HTTPS port number for Default value is 8081.

initial server instance.

STORE_ADMIN_AUTH TRUE, Whether to create admin

FALSE authentication user
preference file.

ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED TRUE, Obfuscated admin In the initial statefile created by

FALSE password flag. the product installer, this flag is
set to TRUE, since the admin
password value is obfuscated for
security reasons.
To override the value for admin
password, enter
clear text and set this flag to
FALSE to enable silent
installation to process it correctly.

12 Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Installation Guide • January 2009

Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With File-based Installer

INST_JMS_PORT 0 - 65535 JMS port number for If the configuration file does not
initial server instance. include this entry, default value of
7676 is used.

INST_ORB_PORT 0 - 65535 ORB port number for If the configuration file does not
initial server instance. include this entry, default value of
3700 is used.

INST_ORB_SSL_PORT 0 - 65535 Secure ORB port number If the configuration file does not
for initial server instance. include this entry, default value of
3820 is used.

INST_ORB_MUTUALAUTH_PORT 0 - 65535 Mutual authentication If the configuration file does not

ORB port number for include this entry, default value of
initial server instance. 3920 is used.

INST_JMX_PORT 0 - 65535 JMX port number for If the configuration file does not
initial server instance. include this entry, default value of
8686 is used.

CREATE_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT TRUE, Whether to create Valid for Windows platforms

FALSE autodeploy folder desktop only and is disregarded
shortcut. otherwise.

UPDATE_PATH TRUE, Whether to update PATH Valid only for Windows

FALSE environment variable to platforms and is disregarded
include Enterprise Server otherwise.
bin directory.
If this entry is not present, default
value of FALSE is used.

CREATE_WINDOWS_SERVICE TRUE, Whether to create the Valid for Windows platforms

FALSE server as a Windows only and is disregarded
service. otherwise.

SELECTED_ADDONS JBI Add-ons selected for Valid for Java EE SDK SOA
installation. If no add-ons Starter Kit Preview installations
are selected, the value is only and is disregarded
blank. otherwise.

CREATE_DAS TRUE, Creates a DAS if set to Creates the default domain and
FALSE TRUE. The default installs the software components
domain is named domain1 that are required to run the DAS.
and is created under
default domain-root-dir.

CREATE_NA TRUE, Creates a node agent if set Creates the default node agent
FALSE to TRUE. The default and installs the software
node agent would be components that are required to
named agent1 and is run the node agent.
created under default
node agents root.

Chapter 1 • Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 13

Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With File-based Installer

WEBSERVER_INSTALL_DIR A valid, Installation directory of a Used only when the load

read- supported Web server. balancing plug-in component is
writable selected for installation.

WEBSERVER_INSTANCE_DIR A valid Instance directory of Used when load balancing

read- selected web server where plug-in component is selected to
writable the load balancing plug-in be installed on Sun Java System
directory will be configured. Web Server. Not applicable for
location. other web servers.

PLUGIN_TYPE Sun Java Type of web server on Used only when the load
System which the load balancing balancing plug-in component is
Web plug-in will be selected for installation.
Server, installed/configured.
Server, or

PLUGIN_CERTIFICATE_FILE A valid Used only when Apache HTTP

path to a Server is selected for load
certificate balancing plug-in installation.
file. Not supported or is ignored for
other web servers.

3 Copy your installation configuration file to each machine where you plan to install the software.

4 Copy the Enterprise Server distribution file to each machine where you plan to install the

5 Navigate to the directory where you copied the distribution file.

6 Start silent installation at the command line using one of the following command formats:

■ On Solaris or Linux:
./distribution_filename -silent configuration_filename

■ On Windows:
distribution_filename -silent configuration_filename
The installation program reads the specified configuration_filename, checks for adequate disk
space, then installs the product based on the data in configuration_filename.

14 Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Installation Guide • January 2009

Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With File-based Installer

When the prompt is returned, the silent installation is complete and the installation
components are installed on your systems.

Installation Configuration File Example

EXAMPLE 1–1 Installation Configuration File
# Wizard Statefile created: Tue Nov 25 16:39:31 IST 2008
# Wizard path: /tmp/cs194067/sges-AAAbga4XL/appserv.class

# Install Wizard Statefile section for Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server
[STATE_BEGIN Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server f99a6]
defaultInstallDirectory = /SUNWappserver
currentInstallDirectory = /space/SGES
JDK_LOCATION = /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.5.0
INST_ASADMIN_PASSWORD = nqbfxnkdghabkygbdpqzvanqzva
INST_MASTER_PASSWORD = plvrdlcijaefpjlodfgiunatrvg
[STATE_DONE Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server f99a]

Chapter 1 • Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 15

Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With JAR-based Installer

Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With JAR-based

This section provides instructions for installing GlassFishdistribution, which is available as a
JAR-based installer..

▼ To Install Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With

JAR-Based Installer
Before You Begin Get JDK 5 Update 14 or higher from, if you are using Solaris,
Linux, or Windows.
If you are using Mac OS X, you need to download JDK from and make JDK the default JVM.
If you are using AIX, you need to download JDK from and
make JDK the default JVM.

1 Download the GlassFish v2.1 distribution from

2 Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to the directory in which JDK 5 is installed.

3 Run the following command:

java -Xmx256m -jar filename.jar

Note – If you have trouble running this command, run this command with a higher —Xmx value.
Example, java -Xmx512m -jar filename.jar

4 Navigate to the glassfish directory:

cd glassfish

5 If you are using operating system that is a derivative of UNIX:

chmod -R +x lib/ant/bin

6 Run one of the following commands:

■ If you want GlassFish with clustering, run the following command:

lib/ant/bin/ant -f setup-cluster.xml
Or, for Windows: lib\ant\bin\ant -f setup-cluster.xml

16 Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Installation Guide • January 2009

Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With JAR-based Installer

■ If you want GlassFish without clustering, run the following command:

lib/ant/bin/ant -f setup.xml
Or, for Windows: lib\ant\bin\ant -f setup.xml

7 Use the Admin Console to register your installation of GlassFish. Start GlassFish using the
instructions in the Quick Start guide.

▼ To Install the Load Balancing Plug-in (standalone)

Use the procedures in this section if the load balancing plug-in is not part of the distribution
you are using.

You can download the load balancing plug-in from the following locations:
■ Solaris (SPARC):
■ Solaris (x86):
■ Linux:
■ Windows:
■ Mac OS:

1 Before you install the load balancer plug-in, ensure that you have installed a supported web
server. For a list of supported web servers, see “Web Servers”in Sun GlassFish Enterprise
Server 2.1 Release Notes.
Ensure that you have exported the certificate required during installation. For details, see

2 Create the lbplugin directory within <glassfish_install_dir>/lib.

3 Unjar this file in the lbplugin directory. Run the following command: jar -xvf

4 Unzip the following two files: and in the same directory. Delete
the zip files.

5 Change permissions on all shared libraries within lbplugin directory. Run the following
command: chmod -R 755 ${glassfish.home}/lib/lbplugin/lib.

6 Create a configuration for the load balancer. See “Setting up Load Balancing”in Sun GlassFish
Enterprise Server 2.1 Quick Start Guide.

7 Restart the Web Server after creating a configuration for the load balancer.

Chapter 1 • Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 17

Registering Your Installation of Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server

Next Steps You need to configure Web Server for load balancing. For detailed instructions on manually
configuring Web Server for load balancing, see “Configuring Sun Web Server” in Sun GlassFish
Enterprise Server 2.1 High Availability Administration Guide.

Registering Your Installation of Sun GlassFish Enterprise

This section explains how to register your installation of Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server with
Sun Connection (

▼ To Register Your Installation of Sun GlassFish

Enterprise Server
You can register your installation of Enterprise Server from the file-based installer.
Alternatively, you can register Enterprise Server by using the Registration node in the Admin
Console of Enterprise Server or through the Update Center.

To register your installation of Enterprise Server with Sun Connection

(, you must have a Sun Online
Account ( If you do not have a Sun Online Account, the
Enterprise Server installer enables you to create an account while registering Application

Note – If you create a Sun Online Account while registering Enterprise Server, you are prompted
only for the required information. You can provide additional, optional information by
updating your Sun Online Account (

● In the Product Registration screen, provide the required information as follows:

■ If you already have a Sun Online Account, provide the required information as follows:

a. Select the I Already Have a Sun Online Account option.

b. In the User Name field, type the user name that you specified when registered for your
Sun Online Account.

c. In the Password field, type that you specified when registered for your Sun Online

d. Click Register.

18 Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Installation Guide • January 2009

Registering Your Installation of Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server

■ If you do not have a Sun Online Account, provide the required information as follows:

a. Select the I Don't Have a Sun Online Account option.

b. In the Email Address field, type your email address.

Your email address will be your Sun Online Account user name.

c. In the Password field, type the password to use for your Sun Online Account.
The password is case sensitive and must be 6 – 10 characters long.

d. In the Retype Password field, retype the password that you typed in the preceding step.

e. Complete the remaining fields and click Register.

■ Choose the Skip Registration option if you want to register later through the Admin Console
or through the Update Center.

Chapter 1 • Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 19

C H A P T E R 2

Uninstalling Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server

This chapter has instructions for uninstalling Enterprise Server file-based installations and for
JAR installations. It is important to use the uninstall routine described here. If you attempt
another method, problems arise when you try to reinstall the same version or when you install a
newer version.

Uninstalling Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server With File-Based

Use this procedure if you have installed the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server available from using the file-based installer.

Before you run the uninstallation program, stop all clustered instances and node agents, if any,
and then stop all domains. If you do not stop all domains before the uninstallation, orphaned
processes might exist on your system after the uninstallation. On UNIX® platforms, identify the
processes using the ps -ef command and terminate them using the kill command. Stop
HADB and any associated ma processes, if you are using HADB.

To uninstall the Enterprise Server software, perform the following steps.

▼ To Run the Uninstallation Program on UNIX

Before You Begin Make sure that you have stopped all domains and other related processes, command prompts
using the installation directory or its subdirectories, and any applications using Java Platform,
Standard Edition (Java SE) files bundled with the product.

1 Navigate to your Enterprise Server installation directory.

Uninstalling Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server with JAR-Based Installer

2 Invoke the uninstallation program as follows:

■ To use the uninstallation in GUI mode, type:


■ To use the uninstallation in command-line mode, type:

./uninstall -console

▼ To Run the Uninstallation Program on Windows

Before You Begin Make sure that you have stopped all domains and other related processes, and command
prompts using the installation directory or its subdirectories, and any applications using Java SE
files bundled with the product.

● Invoke the Uninstallation program in one of the following ways:

■ Under the Sun Microsystems, Application Server program group in the Start Programs area
of your desktop, click Uninstall.

■ Invoke the uninstall program through the Control Panel:

a. Navigate to the Control Panel.

b. Choose Add/Remove Programs.

c. From the list of installed programs, select Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server.

d. Click Remove.

Next Steps After uninstallation is complete, carefully examine the installation directory contents and
remove the remaining files or directories that you do not require.

Uninstalling Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server with JAR-Based

Use this procedure if you have downloaded the JAR-based installer from

Make sure that you have stopped all domains and other related processes, command prompts
using the installation directory or its subdirectories, and any applications using Java Platform,
Standard Edition (Java SE) files bundled with the product.

22 Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Installation Guide • January 2009

Uninstalling Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server with JAR-Based Installer

To uninstall GlassFish, perform the following steps:

1. Change to the directory containing the glassfish directory.
2. On Solaris/UNIX, run the following command: rm —r glassfish. On Windows, in the
Explorer window, choose the glassfish directory and delete all its contents.

Chapter 2 • Uninstalling Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 23


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