ECE 264 Advanced C Programming 2009/01/30: 1 File Operations 1
ECE 264 Advanced C Programming 2009/01/30: 1 File Operations 1
ECE 264 Advanced C Programming 2009/01/30: 1 File Operations 1
1 2 3 4 File Operations Array of Unknown Size: Dynamic Memory Allocation Memory Allocation by Function Multidimensional Arrays 1 7 11 14
1 File Operations
Most of our programs, up to this point, do the same things over and over again. The sizes of the arrays are xed. The values of the elements are xed. These programs are not particularly exciting. To make these programs more useful, we must be able to handle different sizes of arrays, with different element values. We can use scanf to input an integer value by a user. However, this is useful if the program needs only several numbers. If the program needs many numbers, any user will soon run out of patience. Moreover, a very high percentage of data are stored in computers already. It makes no sense to ask anyone to enter the data by hand again. What we need is the ability to read and write data using les. The following program writes six integers to a le and then reads the values back from the same le. /* file1.c */ #include <stdio.h> void writeFile(char * fileName, int * array, int numElem) { FILE * fptr = fopen(fileName, "w"); int cnt; if (fptr == NULL) { printf("cannot write file %s\n", fileName);
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Yung-Hsiang Lu
return; } for (cnt = 0; cnt < numElem; cnt ++) { fprintf(fptr, "%d\n", array[cnt]); } fclose(fptr); } void readFile(char * fileName) { FILE * fptr = fopen(fileName, "r"); int val; if (fptr == NULL) { printf("cannot read file %s\n", fileName); return; } while (! feof(fptr)) { fscanf(fptr, "%d", & val); printf("%d\n", val); } fclose(fptr); } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int array[] = {2, 6, 4, 2, 0, 9}; if (argc < 2) { printf("need file name\n"); return -1; } writeFile(argv[1], array, sizeof(array) / sizeof(int)); readFile(argv[1]); return 0; } C provides a type called FILE. We use fopen to open a le; the rst argument is the les name and the second argument is the mode. The following modes are supported
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r w a rb wb ab r+
open to read open to write open to append open to read in binary mode open to write in binary mode open to append in binary mode both reading and writing
If fopen fails, it returns NULL (zero). This call may fail for many reasons, such as (1) the le does not exist or (2) the le exits but the user has not right to read or to write. You should always check the returned value of fopen before doing anything related to the le. If you do not check, the program may crash because it tries to read a le that does not exist. We can use fprintf to print values to a le. The rst (additional) argument is a pointer to a le, obtained by calling fopen earlier. After we nish printing to the le, call fclose to ush the output and close the le. In most systems, writing to a le does not occur to the physical storage (such as a disk) immediately. Instead, the output is stored in a buffer (i.e. memory). This can signicantly improve performance because the next write may occur soon. Writing immediately to a disk can slow down a program by thousands of times. Calling fclose ensures that all data in the buffer are ushed to the disk so that the data are not lost. You should always call fclose when the le is no longer needed. Reading a le is symmetric to writing a le. When we write, we use fprintf. When we read, we use fscanf with the rst argument as the le pointer. The function feof (end-of-le) returns one if we have reached the end of the le. In addition to fprintf and fscanf, there are many other functions to write to or to read from les. Function fgets reads a string of n (second argument) characters. (Check the manual man fgets.) We can write or read one character each time by using putc and getc. The following program count the occurrence of character e in a le. /* counte.c count the occurrence #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char { FILE * fptr; int ch; int counter = 0; if (argc < 2) { printf("need file return -1; } fptr = fopen(argv[1],
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of e */ * argv[])
"r"); 3
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if (fptr == NULL) { printf("open file fail\n"); return -1; } while ((ch = getc(fptr)) != EOF) { if (ch == e) { counter ++; } } fclose (fptr); printf("e appears %d times\n", counter); return 0; } Exercise (Potential Exam Question): Write a program that can count the occurrence of a followed by any one character followed by c. The regular expression is a?c. The symbol ? means any character (and exactly one character). Do not count if a and c are in two different lines. The following program generates two vectors and writes the elements into a le. The les name is one input argument and the size of the vector is another input argument. /* genvector.c */ /* generate two vectors of the same size */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/time.h> void generate2Vector(char * fileName, int numElem) { FILE * fptr = fopen(fileName, "w"); int cnt; if (fptr == NULL) { printf("cannot write file %s\n", fileName); return; } fprintf(fptr, "%d\n", numElem); for (cnt = 0; cnt < numElem; cnt ++) { fprintf(fptr, "%d %d\n", rand() % 1000, rand() % 1000); } fclose(fptr);
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} int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { struct timeval currTime; gettimeofday(&currTime, NULL); srand(currTime.tv_usec); if (argc < 3) { printf("file name and number of elements\n"); return -1; } generate2Vector(argv[1], (int)strtol(argv[2], (char **)NULL, 10)); return 0; } /* output (one instance) 17 299 535 553 941 115 618 112 114 548 410 922 390 342 552 162 140 177 186 257 960 634 62 969 788 213 433 903 883 472 732 619 252 193 772 */ The next program reads the elements, add each pair, and print the sums. /* addvector.c */ /* add two vectors */ #include <stdlib.h>
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Yung-Hsiang Lu
#include <stdio.h> void add2Vector(char * fileName) { FILE * fptr = fopen(fileName, "r"); int numElem; int val1; int val2; int sum; int elemCnt = 0; if (fptr == NULL) { printf("cannot read file %s\n", fileName); return; } fscanf(fptr, "%d", & numElem); printf("%d elements\n", numElem); while ((elemCnt < numElem) && (! feof(fptr))) { fscanf(fptr, "%d %d", & val1, & val2); sum = val1 + val2; printf("%d + %d = %d\n", val1, val2, sum); elemCnt ++; } fclose(fptr); } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { printf("need file name and\n"); return -1; } add2Vector(argv[1]); return 0; } /* output (one instance) 17 elements 299 + 535 = 834 553 + 941 = 1494 115 + 618 = 733
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112 548 922 342 162 177 257 634 969 213 903 472 619 193 193 */
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
114 = 226 410 = 958 390 = 1312 552 = 894 140 = 302 186 = 363 960 = 1217 62 = 696 788 = 1757 433 = 646 883 = 1786 732 = 1204 252 = 871 772 = 965 772 = 965
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{ int i, j; for (i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) /* same as i ++ */ { for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { if (a[i] > a[j]) { swap(&a[i], &a[j]); } } } } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int * vecptr; int elemCnt = 0; int numElem; int val1; int val2; FILE * fptr; if (argc < 2) { printf("need file name and\n"); return -1; } fptr = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (fptr == NULL) { printf("cannot read file %s\n", argv[1]); return -1; } fscanf(fptr, "%d", & numElem); printf("%d elements\n", numElem); vecptr = malloc(2 * numElem * sizeof(int)); if (vecptr == NULL) { printf("memory allocation fail\n"); return -1; }
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while ((elemCnt < numElem) && (! feof(fptr))) { fscanf(fptr, "%d %d", & val1, & val2); vecptr[2 * elemCnt] = val1; vecptr[2 * elemCnt + 1] = val2; elemCnt ++; } fclose(fptr); bubbleSort(vecptr, 2 * numElem); for (elemCnt = 0; elemCnt < 2 * numElem; elemCnt ++) { printf("%d ", vecptr[elemCnt]); } printf("\n"); free(vecptr); return 0; } /* 17 elements 62 112 114 115 140 162 177 186 193 213 252 257 299 342 390 410 433 472 535 548 552 553 618 619 634 732 772 788 883 903 922 941 960 969 */ C has two functions to allocate memory: malloc and calloc. The former takes one argument and the latter takes two. malloc(n * sizeof(int)); calloc(n, sizeof(int)); The former is more commonly used because calloc initializes the allocated memory to zero. In most cases, this is simply wasting time. In our program, after the memory is allocated, the elements are assigned using the values from the le. It is unnecessary to initialize the memory to zero. When you call malloc, you should always check whether the allocation is successful. If it fails, take the appropriate steps to handle it. If you do not check whether the allocation is successful, the program will crash when it tries to use the memory. After allocating memory, we can use it as the arrays that we have seen before. When this space is no longer needed, call free to release the space. A typical structure of using dynamically allocated memory is
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int * intPtr; ... intPtr = malloc(numElem * sizeof(int)); ... /* use the array */ free(intPtr); Releasing memory isnt really a great deal in this very simple program. When your programs become more complex, memory management can easily become a major source of mistakes. Very often, we reuse a pointer by assigning it to point to somewhere else. If we do not release the memory before the assignment, that piece of memory can no longer be reached. This is called memory leak. int * intPtr; ... intPtr = malloc(numElem * sizeof(int)); ... /* no free */ intPtr = malloc(numElem * sizeof(int)); /* memory leak, the previous memory space is lost */ For the operating system, the memory still belongs to the program. Memory leak is a silent killer of programs. The total amount of available memory space is nite. If a program leaks memory, the available memory gradually shrinks. Eventually, the operating system will refuse the allocate more memory (malloc returns 0) and the program will likely crash. Modern computers usually have large (virtual) memory space. It can take weeks for a program to run out of memory. A program may execute without any problem for weeks and then suddenly crash. Fortunately, there are tools checking memory leak. In Linux, valgrind can check memory leak. Suppose sortvector is the name of the program, we can check whether there is memory leak by using this command valgrind --leak-check=yes ./sortvector If there is no problem, the output is something like this ==21608== ==21608== ==21608== ==21608== ==21608== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 12 from 1) malloc/free: in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks. malloc/free: 2 allocs, 2 frees, 488 bytes allocated. For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible. 10
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==21671== LEAK SUMMARY: ==21671== definitely lost: 136 bytes in 1 blocks. ==21671== possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks. ==21671== still reachable: 0 bytes in 0 blocks. ==21671== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks. ==21671== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not show ==21671== To see them, rerun with: --show-reachable=yes Not surprisingly, we leak 17 elements of double, 8 17 = 136 bytes. You should always check your program leaks memory. Some languages, such as Java, have built-in garbage collection. After a piece of memory is allocated and later becomes unreachable (called garbage), the languages will reclaim that piece of memory. Programmers do not have to explicitly release memory. C does not collect garbage because garbage collection can (1) slow down a program and (2) make a programs execution time less predictable.
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return 0; } fscanf(fptr, "%d", & numElem); printf("%d elements\n", numElem); * vec1 = malloc(numElem * sizeof(int)); * vec2 = malloc(numElem * sizeof(int)); if (((* vec1) == NULL) || ((* vec2) == NULL)) { printf("memory allocation fail\n"); return -1; } while ((elemCnt < numElem) && (! feof(fptr))) { fscanf(fptr, "%d %d", & val1, & val2); (*vec1)[elemCnt] = val1; (*vec2)[elemCnt] = val2; elemCnt ++; } fclose(fptr); return numElem; } void print2Vector(int * vec1, int * vec2, int numElem) { int elemCnt; for (elemCnt = 0; elemCnt < numElem; elemCnt ++) { printf("%d %d\n", vec1[elemCnt], vec2[elemCnt]); } } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int * v1ptr; int * v2ptr; int numElem; if (argc < 2) { printf("need file name and\n"); return -1; } numElem = read2Vector(argv[1], & v1ptr, & v2ptr);
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if (numElem < 0) { return -1; } print2Vector(v1ptr, v2ptr, numElem); free(v1ptr); free(v2ptr); return 0; } Why do we need to use two asterisks for the arguments? Why do we need to use ampersands when calling read2Vector? int read2Vector(char * fileName, int * * vec1, int * * vec2) ... int * v1ptr; int * v2ptr; numElem = read2Vector(argv[1], & v1ptr, & v2ptr); If x is an integer, &x is the address. If we want to change xs value in a function, we need to pass its address to the function and use * x = val;. Remember an array is represented by the address of the rst element. This address is stored as a pointer. That is the reason we declare v1ptr and v2ptr as pointers. We do not know where they point to because malloc will allocate memory and tell us. In the earlier example (sortvector), we use vecptr = malloc(2 * numElem * sizeof(int)); to assign where vecptr points to. When a function allocates memory, we cannot pass v1ptr directly to read2Vector and modify * vec1. If we do so, we are changing the value stored at the location pointed by vec1. However, vec1 is not pointing anywhere at this moment yet. This will cause the program to crash. Instead, we have to modify where vec1 points to. That means, modifying the value of * vec1. In order to modify * vec1, we have to pass * * vec1 as the argument. int read2Vector(char * fileName, int * * vec1, int * * vec2) * vec1 = malloc(numElem * sizeof(int)); ... int * v1ptr; int * v2ptr; numElem = read2Vector(argv[1], & v1ptr, & v2ptr);
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Yung-Hsiang Lu
4 Multidimensional Arrays
We have seen this line many times int main(int argc, char * argv[]) We know the rst argument is an integer. What is the second argument? It is something related to a pointer since there is *. It is also something related to an array because of []. What is it? It means argv is a two-dimensional array of characters. Why do we need multi-dimensional arrays? Consider an example when you want to list the travel (ight) time between pairs of cities. To \ From Boston Boston Chicago 140 New York 60 San Francisco 260 Chicago New York San Francisco 150 60 270 130 240 140 290 230 280 -
(The ight time may be unsymmetrical due to wind.) It is naturally expressed by a two-dimensional array. If you want to express the location, you may want to use a three-dimensional array for x, y, and z directions. The following are examples to declare and dene multi-dimensional arrays /* mdarray1.c */ int a[100]; /* 1 dimensional, 100 elements */ double b[10][6]; /* 2 dimensional, 60 = 10 x 6 elements */ int c[5][3][2]; /* 3 dimensional, 30 = 5 x 3 * 2 elements */ double v[5][5][5]; /* 3 dimensional, 125 = 5 * 5 * 5 elements */
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