End of Grade Reading Skills ChecklistS
End of Grade Reading Skills ChecklistS
End of Grade Reading Skills ChecklistS
Knows parts of a book and functions Begins to tract print when listening to familiar text or when rereading own writing Reads familiar texts emergently, not just verbatim Recognizes/ can name all uppercase/ lower case letters Understands that the sequence of letters in a written word represents the sequence of sounds in a spoken word (alphabetic principle) Learns many, not all, one-to-one letter sound correspondences Recognizes some words by sight, (such as I, my you, is) Uses new vocabulary and grammatical constructions in own speech Makes appropriate switches from oral to written language situations Notices when simple sentences fail to make sense. Connects information and events in texts to life and life to text experiences. Retells, reenacts, dramatizes stories/parts of stories Listens attentively to books teacher reads to class. Can name some book titles and authors. Demonstrates familiarity with a number of types of text, such as storybooks, poems, newspapers, signs Correctly answers questions about stories read aloud Makes predictions based on illustrations/ portions of stories. Demonstrates understanding that spoken words consist of a sequences of phonemes. Given spoken sets like dan, dan, den can identify the first two as a being the same and third as different Given spoken sets like dak, pat, zen can identify the first two as sharing a same sound. Independently writes many uppercase and lowercase letters. Uses phonemic awareness and letter knowledge to spell independently (invented or creative spelling). Writes (unconventionally) to express own meaning. Writes first and last name and names of friends Can write most letters and some words when they are dictated.
End of Grade Reading Skills Checklist FIRST GRADE Name_________________________ Date: Introduced COMPETENCIES
Make a transition from emergent to real reading Reads aloud with accuracy and comprehension text that is designed for first half of Grade 1 Accurately decodes regular one-syllable words and nonsense words, using print-sound mappings to sound out unknown words. Uses letter-sound correspondence knowledge to sound out unknown words when reading text. Recognizes common, irregularly spelled words by sight (have, said, where, two). Has a reading vocabulary of 300-500 words, sight words and easily sounded out words. Monitors own reading and self-corrects when an incorrectly identified word does not fit with cures provided by the letters in the word or the context surrounding the word. Reads and comprehends both fiction and nonfiction that is appropriately designed for grade level. Shows evidence of expanding language repertory, including increasing appropriate use of standard more formal language registers. Creates own written texts for others to read. Notices when difficulties are encountered in understanding text. Predicts and justifies what will happen next in stories. Discusses how, why, and what-if questions in sharing nonfictions texts. Describes new information gained from texts in own words. Distinguishes whether simple sentences are incomplete or fail to make sense; notices when simple texts fail to make sense. Can answer simple written comprehension questions on material read. Can count the number of syllables in a word Can blend or segment the n phonemes of most one-syllable words Spells correctly three & four letter short vowel words. Composes fairly readable first drafts using appro9priate parts of the writing process (some attention to planning drafting, rereading for meaning, and some self-correction) Uses invented spelling/phonics-based knowledge to spell independently, when necessary. Shows spelling consciousness or sensitivity to conventional spelling. Produces a variety of types of compositions (stories, journal entries, showing relations between printed text, illustrations, and other graphics. Engages in a variety of literary activities voluntarily (choosing books and stories to read, writing a note)
Introduced Progressing Proficient
Introduced Progressing Proficient