Bsu Application Form
Bsu Application Form
Bsu Application Form
(as per your Identity Document or Passport). Please UNDERLINE your Surname/Family Name
Name to appear on Degree/Tesmur ______________________________________________________________________________ ID/Passport Number: Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) / Gender: Marital Status: Widowed Correspondence Address / Male Married Female Single Divorced Nationality: Place of birth:
City Post Code Telephone No. Mobile Phone No. Permanent Address
(if different from above)
City Post Code Telephone No. Mobile Phone No. Person to contact in event of emergency Telephone No.
Fax No.
Email :
If the spaces provided are not sufficient for providing the information requested, please use an attachment OR provide your detailed C.V.
ha ve a no nbu sin ess Ma ste r de gre e but I ha ve ext en siv e bu sin ess or ma na ge me nt ex per ien ce. I am ap ply ing for cre dit ex em pti on s for all the Ma jor an d Ele cti ve Co urs e of thi s Ph D/ Ma ste
r Pro gra m. I do not ha ve a Ba ch elo r/M ast er de gre e but I ha ve ver y ext en siv e bu sin ess or ma na ge me nt ex per ien ce at se nio r ex ec uti ve lev el. I am ap ply ing for cre dit ex em pti on s for
all the Ma jor an d Ele cti ve Co urs es of thi s Ph D/ Ma ste r pro gra m. I ha ve co mp let ed on e or mo re res ear ch co urs es at ma ste r or do cto ral lev el pre vio usl y an dI wis h to ap ply for cre dit ex
em pti on( s) for on e or mo re Cor e Co urs e(s ) of thi s Ph D/ Ma ste r pro gra m. Course(s) Applied:
Enclosed the Cirtified True Copy of the necessary Transcripts and Diploma/ Testamur. For internal evaluation and incentive purposes, please write down the name of the staff/ coordinator/ authorized agent who have counselled you and assisted you in this application. Name: ICCC-FTU HCMC
Date Application received: Date Application sent to BSU: Date Offer/Reject Letter received: Date Offer/Reject Letter sent to Candidate: Application Fee Receipt No. received on Receipt Date
Student Number: