ISD Constitution

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Constitution of the ANU International Students' Department

Part A - General Provisions ..................................................................................................................... 3 Part B - Membership ............................................................................................................................... 4 Part C - Executive Committee ................................................................................................................. 5 Part D - Qualifications and Roles of the Executive Committee officers.................................................. 8 Part E - Finance and Assets ................................................................................................................... 13 Part F - Meetings ................................................................................................................................... 14

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Part A - General Provisions

1 - Name The Name of this Organisation is the ANU International Students' Department (ISD). 2 - Operation of the Constitution This Constitution is subject to the Constitution of the Australian National University Students' Association (ANUSA). 3 - Definitions Unless the contrary intention appears, 3.1 3.2 The 'Constitution' shall mean the Constitution of the ISD; 'General Meeting' shall mean either an Annual General Meeting, a Special General Meeting or an Ordinary General Meeting; 'Financial Year' shall mean the period from 1 December till the last day of November the next year according to the calendar year; and 'International student' shall be defined by the Australian International Education (AEI).



4 - Purpose 4.1 The ISD is the peak representative and advocacy body for all international students in The Australian National University.

5 - Dissolution Clause 5.1 The ISD shall not be dissolved except by a three-quarter majority votes cast in favour of a motion to dissolve the ISD passed at a Special General meeting. In the case of the ISD being dissolved, any excess assets, property, funds or money remaining after all debts and liabilities are paid shall not be given to members but shall be given or transferred to ANUSA.


6 - ISD as a non-profit organisation 6.1 The assets and income of the ISD shall be used only for the promotion of ISD's objectives and no portion may be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to members of the ISD except as: (a) bona-fide remuneration for services rendered by the members of the ISD; repayment of expenses incurred on behalf of the ISD;


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interest at a rate not exceeding interest at the rate for the time being which is or would be charged by the ISD's bankers for money lent to the ISD; and bona-fide rent for premises let to the ISD.


Part B - Membership
7 - Classes of Membership 7.1 Membership of the ISD shall be divided into three classes: Ordinary Member, Associate Member and Honorary Life Member.

8 - Ordinary Members 8.1 Any person who is currently an undergraduate international student at The Australian National University is an ordinary member of the ISD. An ordinary member of the ISD may choose to cease being a member by indicating his/her intention to resign in writing to the Executive Committee of the ISD. An ordinary member has the power to vote at: (a) (b) 9 - Associate Members 9.1 An associate member of the ISD is a person who: (a) (b) (c) is not currently an ordinary member; is a member of ANUSA or PARSA; and had submitted a written application to a general meeting of the ISD and the application was approved by 50% of the general meeting. A general meeting; and An election or referendum conducted by the ISD under this Constitution.




An associate member may choose to cease being a member of the ISD by indicating his/her intention to the Executive Committee of the ISD. An associate member does not possess: (a) (b) the right to vote at a general meeting; and the right to vote at an election or referendum conducted by the ISD under this Constitution.



Apart from 9.3(a) and 9.3(b), an associate member possess the same rights as an ordinary member.

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10 - Honorary Life Members 10.1 An Honorary Life Membership is granted to a person who, according to the Executive Committee, has rendered distinguished service to the ISD. A person shall not be appointed as an honorary life member unless: (a) at least ten days prior to a general meeting, a nomination notice has been given to all members; and the nomination is passed by two-thirds majority of ordinary members voting during the general meeting.




An Honorary Life Member has the same rights as an associate member unless he/she is an ordinary member, in which case, he/she shall have the same rights as an ordinary member.

Part C - Executive Committee

11 - Composition of the Executive Committee 11.1 The Executive Committee of the ISD shall be composed of: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) President of the ISD; PARSA International Officer; Executive Vice-President of the ISD; Secretary of ISD; Treasurer of ISD; Vice-President for Advocacy and Welfare; Vice-President for Liaison; Vice-President for Events; and Vice President for Publications.

12 - Term of the Executive Committee Officers 12.1 Every Executive Committee Officer shall have a term of 12 months starting from 1 December of the calendar and ending on the last day of November the next calendar year.

13 - Powers of the Executive Committee 13.1 The Executive Committee of the ISD is empowered to uphold this Constitution, to fulfil the representative and advocacy role of the

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ISD and to carry out any motions and action items raised and passed at the general meetings of the ISD. 13.2 Subject to section 13.3, the PARSA International Officer will have the same voting and decision making powers as other officers of the Executive Committee. The PARSA International Officer can opt not to be part of the Executive Committee as and when he/she desires.


14 - Vacancy of Office 14. 1 An office of the Executive Committee becomes vacant when: (a) before the expiration of an officer's term, the officer: (i) dies; (ii) ceases to be an ordinary member; or (iii) resigns and whose resignation has been accepted by a unanimous vote at an Executive Committee meeting; (b) officer have a total of 2 no-attendance (see section 31.2) for general meetings, Executive Committee meeting and events during his/her term of office leave combined; or the officer is removed from his/her office by a two-third majority vote at an Executive Committee meeting.


15 - Casual Vacancy 15.1 Should a vacancy occur in an office other than that of the President of the ISD, the Executive Committee shall appoint an ordinary member to fill the office until the next general meeting where an ordinary member or an associate member may be elected depending on the office in question. The officer elected at the general meeting shall serve the remainder of the term of the person he/she replaced. Should a vacancy occur in the office of the President of the ISD: (a) before the commencement of the second semester of the academic year: (i) The Executive Committee shall arrange a by-election for the position of the President of the ISD within two weeks of the vacancy occurring; and (ii) The Executive Vice-President of the ISD shall perform the functions of the President of the ISD until a new President of the ISD has been elected;



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after the commencement of the second semester of the academic year: (i) The Executive Vice-President shall take over as the President of the ISD and the Executive Vice-President role shall be vacant.

16 - Liabilities of the Executive Committee 16.1 An officer of the Executive Committee is not and shall not be liable for: (a) (b) any act or omission of another officer of the ISD; and any loss or expense incurred by the ISD unless the loss or expense resulted from his/her own wilful act or default.


The ISD shall indemnify and keep indemnified any officer of the Executive Committee of the ISD against all expenses, losses or liabilities he/she may incur in the bona fide performance of his/her functions and duties.

17 - Election of the Executive Committee officers 17.1 The President of the ISD shall be the elected ANUSA International Officer and so shall be elected according to ANUSA's Constitution. Election of officers of the Executive Committee other than the President of the ISD (a) The outgoing Executive Committee shall call for nominations for the positions of the officers of the Executive Committee in the second semester of the academic year. Nominations shall be open for at seven calendar days. Nominations must be signed by two ordinary members (other than the candidate him/herself) of the ISD and must contain a signed statement of the nominee's willingness to act in the position if elected. Candidates may run for multiple positions, but if he/she wins in more than one position, he/she must elect to take on only one position. Members of the current Executive Committee are allowed to run again.


(b) (c)


(e) 18 - Notice to members 18.1

The sitting Executive Committee of the ISD must endeavour to send a notification to all ISD members of the calls for nomination. All ordinary members must be informed of the polling venues, dates, times, polling procedures and candidates' statements shall be sent to all ordinary members at least 3 calendar days before the first day of polling.


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19 - Polling period 19.1 The polling period shall be at least three working days.

20 - Method of election 20.1 The election of the ISD Executive Committee officers shall adopt the preferential system or first past the post system at the discretion of the Returning Officer.

21 - Counting votes 21.1 The Returning Officer of the ISD Election shall have the absolute discretion to determine the validity of each ballot according to ANUSA's election regulations. The Returning Officer shall count the vote at the end of the polling period. Each candidate may appoint one scrutineer who may attend the counting of votes. A candidate may not count the votes or be appointed a scrutineer.

21.2 21.3 21.4

22 - Returning Officer 22.1 Upon his/her consent, a member of the ANUSA Executive Committee shall be the Returning Officer for the ISD election. Should 22.1 not be possible, a former Executive Committee officer of ISD shall, upon his/her consent be appointed as Returning Officer.


Part D - Qualifications and Roles of the Executive Committee officers (Elected)

23 - Qualifications and Responsibilities of the President of the ISD 23.1 Only the elected ANUSA International Officer of a given year can be the President of the ISD. The responsibilities of the President of the ISD includes, but are not limited to: (a) (b) upholding the Constitution of the ISD; formulating and implementing policies and actions necessary for the fulfilment of the purpose of the ISD as stated in section 4.1 of the Constitution and protect, represent, advocate for and advance the interest of all international students in ANU; representing the ISD before all the bodies and organisations necessary to protect, represent and advocate for the interest of all international students in ANU; convening and chairing all Executive Committee meetings;




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ensuring coherence of the ISD's vision and plans to be in-line with the Constitution of the ISD, in particular section 4.1 of the Constitution; receive and approve at his/her own discretion all apologies for absence at events and meetings; and attending and vote at the Student Representative Council (SRC) meetings of ANUSA.



24 - Qualifications and Responsibilities of the Executive Vice-President of the ISD 24.1 Only ordinary members of the ISD can nominate and run for the position of the Executive Vice-President of the ISD. The responsibilities of the Executive Vice-President of the ISD includes, but are not limited to: (a) assisting the President of the ISD in his/her responsibilities enumerated in section 23.2; assist the President of the ISD in maintaining the welfare and coherence of the various officers in ISD; and carry out the duties of the President of the ISD when the President of the ISD is unable to do so.




25 - Qualifications and Responsibilities of the Secretary of the ISD 25.1 Only ordinary members of the ISD can nominate and run for the position of the Secretary of the ISD. The responsibilities of the Secretary of the ISD includes, but are not limited to: (a) arranging for the venue, time and place for the Executive Committee meeting; recording the minutes to every Executive Committee meeting; having the recorded minutes vetted and approved by the President of the ISD and have them disseminated to all officers of the Executive Committee; assisting the President of the ISD to convene all meetings; and ensuring that all actions items that arose from the Executive Committee meeting are followed up and actioned upon by the respective officers.


(b) (c)

(d) (e)

26 - Qualifications and Responsibilities of the Treasurer of the ISD 26.1 Only ordinary members of the ISD can nominate and run for the position of the Treasurer of the ISD.

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The responsibilities of the Treasurer of the ISD includes, but are not limited to: (a) (b) (c) receiving, taking charge and arranging for all monies belonging to ISD; supervising all payments directed to be made by the ISD; keeping such books and accounts as the Executive Committee of the ISD directs; reporting on the financial position and performance of the ISD to the Executive Committee of the ISD once a Semester and to the Treasurer of ANUSA at the end of the term of the sitting Executive Committee; preparing an annual budget for the following financial year of the ISD and ensuring that the Executive Committee approves it; ensuring that the ISD remain loyal to the approved budget by either approving reimbursement or rejecting reimbursement according to the interest and good financial health of the ISD without compromising the function stated in section 4.1 of the ISD Constitution; ensuring that ISD's actions with regards finances are in compliance with ANUSA's financial standards; and preparing a report on the ISD's financial position and performance at the end of the term of the sitting Executive Committee and a statement of the receipts and expenditure of the ISD for that financial year.






27 - Qualifications and Responsibilities of the Vice-President for Advocacy and Welfare 27.1 Only ordinary members of the ISD can nominate and run for the position of the Vice-President for Advocacy and Welfare of the ISD. The responsibilities of the Vice-President for Advocacy and Welfare includes, but are not limited to: (a) advancing policies and events for the ISD to implement so that international students in The Australian National University are comfortable to share their thoughts, concerns and opinions on matter that affect their welfare and interests; assist the President of the ISD in formulating position papers and submissions to the various organisations, committees and bodies which the President of the ISD interacts with so that the interest of international students in The Australian National University are protected; pro-actively gathering feedbacks, concerns and opinions of international students in The Australian National University




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and channelling them to the Executive Committee for follow up; (d) assist the President of the ISD in formulating policies that will further enhance ISD's role as the peak representative and advocacy body for international students in The Australian National University.

28 - Qualifications and Responsibilities of the Vice-President for Liaison 28.1 An ordinary member or an associate member of the ISD can nominate and run for the position of the Vice-President for Liaison. The responsibilities of the Vice-President for Liaison includes, but are not limited to: (a) communicating with the national clubs and societies in The Australian National University; notify the Executive Committee of all the events planned by the national clubs and societies; listening to and gathering the concerns, thoughts and opinions of the national clubs and societies and directing them to the Executive Committee for further follow up; and liaising and communicating with the representatives and Heads of the Residential Halls and Colleges.





29 - Qualifications and Responsibilities of the Vice-President for Events 29.1 An ordinary member or an associate member of the ISD can nominate and run for the position of the Vice-President for Liaison. The responsibilities of the Vice-President for Liaison includes, but are not limited to: (a) proposing events to the Executive Committee that will further and advance the purpose of the ISD as mentioned in section 4.1 of this Constitution; organising and managing large scale events of the ISD; and ensuring that every large scale events of the ISD further and advance the purpose of the ISD as mentioned in section 4.1 of this Constitution.


(b) (c)

30 - Qualifications and Responsibilities of the Vice-President for Publications 30.1 An ordinary member or an associate member of the ISD can nominate and run for the position of the Vice-President for Publications. The responsibilities of the Vice-President for Publications includes, but are not limited to:


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disseminating information that is of interest and relevance to the welfare and interest of international students to all international students in ANU; maintaining and updating all websites and social-media pages of the ISD; creating a database on the ISD's website for all documents, reports, policy and position papers; and promoting ISD's initiatives and events to the wider student body.




31 - Apologies and absence of Executive Committee 31.1 An absence of any Executive Committee officer from any Executive Committee Meeting and event must be accompanied by an apology given 3 calendar days in advance to the President of the ISD. Any absences not accompanied by an apology which complied with section 31.1 or which apology though complied with section 31.1, is rejected, the Executive Committee officer is considered to be absent without leave and so considered a noattendance. The President of the ISD have the power to waiver a no-attendance with the approval of half of the Executive Committee. If an Executive Committee officer is late by more than 20 minutes, he/she will be marked as absent without leave and so considered a no-attendance.




32 - Power of Appointment 32.1 The following Executive Committee officers have the power to appoint up to five students who must be either ANUSA or PARSA's members each to assist them in their role provided that such appointments complies with section 32.2: (a) (b) (c) (d) 32.2 Vice-President for Advocacy and Welfare; Vice-President for Liaison; Vice-President for Events; and Vice-President for Publications.

Each appointment made by the Executive Committee officers stated in section 32.1 must receive a unanimous agreement of the President of the ISD, Executive VicePresident of the ISD, Secretary of the ISD and the Treasurer of the ISD.

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Part E - Finance and Assets

33 - Trustees of the ISD 33.1 All assets belonging to the ISD will be vested in three trustees: (a) (b) (c) 33.2 President of the ISD; Executive Vice-President of the ISD; and Treasurer of the ISD.

These trustees hold all properties and monies only for the use and benefit of the ISD.

34 - Absence of a Trustee 34.1 Where a trustee is absent from the Australian Capital Territory or is about to be absent, he/she may appoint a member in writing to act as his/her agent during his/her absence. The appointment of an agent under section 34.1 is void if: (a) (b) the Executive Committee revokes it; or the other trustees do not consent to the appointment.


35 - Investment of Monies 35.1 The trustees shall deal with or invest the assets and monies of the ISD in such manner as the Executive Committee directs.

36 - Bank Accounts 36.1 The trustees shall open and maintain in the name of, and on behalf of, the ISD such bank accounts as the Executive Committee directs. The Treasurer of the ISD shall pay into such an account all monies received by him/her on behalf of the Organization. Money shall not be drawn from such an account except by cheque or order signed by at least two trustees.



37 - Auditors 37.1 The Treasurer of the ISD must submit ISD's accounts and such associated books to the Treasurer of ANUSA to be audited once a year, one months before the sitting Executive Committee's term ends.

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Part F - Meetings
38 - Types of meetings 38.1 There are four types of meetings this Constitution recognise: (a) (b) (c) (d) Executive Committee meeting; Annual General meeting; Special General meeting; and Ordinary General meeting.

39 - Executive Committee meeting 39.1 An Executive Committee meeting is a meeting only for the Executive Committee of the ISD. The purpose of the Executive Committee meeting includes but is not limited to discussing: (a) (b) (c) (d) policies; events; matter relating to the welfare of international students; and any other matter necessary in the execution of the office of the Executive Committee officers.



The power to call an Executive Committee meeting rests with the President of the ISD. Ordinary members of the ISD may attend the Executive Committee meetings. Ordinary members may: (a) (b) (c) share ideas with the Executive Committee; comment on the Executive Committees decisions; and speak, move or second a motion, but have no voting rights.

39.4 39.5

40 - Annual General meeting 40.1 An Annual General meeting (AGM) is a general meeting held annually for all members of the ISD. The purpose of an AGM is for the Executive Committee includes but is not limited to:


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reporting on all the ISDs activities during the academic year; and reporting on the budget and finances.

(b) 40.3 40.4

An AGM shall be held in the second semester of the academic year. The Executive Committee shall give all members a minimum of ten calendar days notice of the time, location and agenda of an AGM.

41 - Special General meeting 41.1 A Special General Meeting (SGM) is a General Meeting open to all members of the ISD. The purpose of an SGM includes but is not limited to ordinary members of the ISD achieving the following: (a) (b) 41.3 raise awareness or concerns of an issue relating to the ISD; pass a resolution.


A SGM may be called by a petition calling for an SGM signed by no less than 20 ordinary members. The petition must be in writing and submitted to the President of the ISD. The written petition must also include a proposed agenda with a written motion if there is any to be passed at the petitioned SGM. A SGM may also be called when two-third of the Executive Committee voted in favour of it at an Executive Committee meeting. After receiving the request and the agenda, the President of the ISD shall set a time, date and location for the SGM. The SGM must comply with the following: (a) the date of the SGM cannot be more than two weeks after receiving the written request; the Executive Committee shall inform all members of the date, time and location of a SGM a minimum of one week before the meeting.




42 - Ordinary General meetings 42.1 Ordinary General meeting (OGM) shall be a General Meeting for all members and will have the purpose of giving members a forum to determine the policies of the ISD and to have motions and resolutions passed. The Executive Committee shall call an OGM at least once every Semester in the academic year. The agenda for an Ordinary General meeting shall be:



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any matters, relating to the ISD, submitted by members of the ISD to the Executive Committee at a minimum of three days before the Ordinary General meeting; and Any matters, relating to the ISD, proposed by the Executive Committee.


43 - Requirements at General Meetings 43.1 The quorum for any General meeting shall be thirty ordinary members of the ISD. A General meeting of the ISD can only begin when quorum is met. If, at the expiry of half-an-hour after the time fixed for the holding of a General meeting, a quorum has not at any time been present, the meeting lapses and the business is stood over the next General Meeting. The Executive Committee shall nominate a chair. The Chair has the right to: (a) (b) (c) 43.4 stop any speaker from speaking; regulate misconduct in during General meetings; and determine the time limit for each speaker.



With regards to motions and amendments: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) all motions and amendments shall require a mover and a seconder; the mover and the seconder may not be the same person; the mover and seconder shall have the right to speak for the motion; a motion or amendment may be withdrawn by the mover; a member may only speak once to a motion or amendment unless that member, as the mover of the motion, is exercising his right of reply; and a two-thirds majority at a General meeting is required to repeal a motion or an amendment.


43.5 43.6 43.7

Each ordinary member may exercise only one vote for each resolution. Voting by proxy is not allowed. A resolution other than a resolution to repeal or amend this Constitution requires a simple majority to be passed.

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44 - Amending or Repealing this Constitution 44.1 To amend or repeal this Constitution or any part thereof, an ordinary member must submit a written resolution to a General meeting which must be seconded by another ordinary member who is not the same person. Any resolution to amend or repeal this Constitution or any part thereof will require three-quarters majority of the General meeting voting by poll to be passed. Any amendment or repealing of this Constitution or any part thereof which has been passed at a General meeting shall take effect immediately upon the conclusion of the General meeting. The latest amended version of this Constitution will be publicised to all members of the ISD within one week of the conclusion of the General meeting.




45 - Interpreting this Constitution 45.1 The Executive Committee has the obligation and right to interpret this Constitution in good faith.

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