Work Life Balance
Work Life Balance
Work Life Balance
hr issues
hr issues
work & life
- the new age dilemma
ou are working 15 hours a day, traveling 2 or that though he completed most of his work, the project
more days a week, spending less than a day at leader and other coworkers made sarcastic comments
home with family, hooked to computer for more when he had to leave for home around 7 in the evening
than 30 % of your work time and have a munch when while the official requirement of working was only till 5
ever you get time - welcome to the world of the new age in the evening. Clearly we should also understand that
professionals. When meeting targets is the prime the remaining team members and managers involved
concern, work world is no longer geographical time were spending their time till late night in the office.
constrained, and increased competition demands faster Mostly professionals blame the external factors like
outputs, it is imperative that you give your maximum to client requirements and deadlines for extended office
be in the game. The traditional 10-5 work timings only hours. Increasing competition in various sectors
exist in select government organizations and in papers especially service demands more outputs in lesser time.
related to employment contracts. This generation of Essentially it boils down to increased working hours for
professionals accepts that work timings are driven by the employees. The inability of professionals to say 'NO'
the work demands rather than preset office hours. while approached for taking up more responsibilities
In this article we examine the critical issue of work- also leads to increased workload. Many perceive that
life balance of new age professionals. The over emphasis showing reluctance to take up responsibilities/ not
on work life and inability to find time on other facets of staying late in the office may lead to negative impact in
life is having a high negative impact on social and performance appraisal and career progress. Adding to
personal life. Here we also share evidences of high this, self driven individuals who are highly career oriented
stress level and low work-balance concerns of IT or perfectionists spend most of the time worrying about
business professionals. work quality or quantity. When quizzed about regular
long working hours one junior professional replied "I
Work pressure - the root of the problem have an ambition to work in US within 2 years. And for
If you were a traditional employee, the work clearly achieving this, I know I have to put in extra efforts".
begins and ends during the office hours. The new age Another employee jokingly commented "I don't have
knowledge work demands stretch of work beyond the an A/C or computer in my place of stay and in this hot
normal office hours. Putting forth the normal issues climate it is better to be in office during night hours."
related to work overload, David Posen suggests that The trend of spending more time in the office for a valid
external demands from bosses/clients/coworkers, reason or otherwise slowly builds up addiction to work
corporate culture, deadlines, internal drive to do more and detachment from normal social life. All these
and fear of negative effects like bad performance review factors in total or specifically create the over emphasis
demands employees to do more than what is normally of work life in an individuals available time.
expected. In a modern work environment, the technology
The increasing emphases on team work especially related factors like time spend on responding to emails,
in new age industries like IT imply that an employee bombardment of information and lack of physical
stays with the team and participate even if his presence activity as much of the time is spend on a computer
is not essential. Interestingly one IT professional noted work station also leads to work pressure and associated
hr issues
hr issues
Managing self
Though lot of external factors can contribute to the
work-life imbalance, clearly defined work scheduling
and ability to compartmentalize work and non work
related activities can help an individual. The first thing
to do is to become aware of the problem. Then the
employee has to take a decision himself what is enough
for him in terms of money, success and satisfaction.
Then one has to fix boundaries and limits and adopt a
pattern that is justifiable based on each ones energy
level. The following are broad suggestions based on
work-life balance studies and experience of the authors.
Avoid bringing work to home - Try to finish job
activities at home itself. Although some aspects of work
life would be interesting to share with family or friends,
try to avoid discussing core work related issues and
brooding over them at home.
Try to spend time for physical exercise.
Create schedules for work related activities - Take
enough time for each activity and reduce postponing of
critical activities. Pending work gets the mind
preoccupied and tensed. Many feel that left over work
can be taken home.
Organize the work desk and coordinate with the work
related employees.
Try to organize emails and other communications -
It may be helpful if a fixed time of a day is spent on
replying to emails and other communication.
Take short breaks during work time - This will help
us to re charge our batteries.
Change completely when at home - Spend more
time with family members and discuss more issues
related to home and social life. It is important that time
is spent on leisurely activities and have a very different
family/social life apart from professional concerns.
hr issues
Source: Hansen, R.S. 2004. Work/life balance quiz scoring. [Online] Available:
hr issues
Role of HR
HR department can play a crucial role in implementing
policies and practices that aids reduce work stress and
work-life imbalance. Few initiatives that HR can bring
forth are listed below.
Reduce unnecessary burden of fixed timings at work
- If some of the work can be done even at home during
office hours, enable the professionals to do so.
For example giving flexibility for employees to join
teleconferencing from home is a possibility.
Implement flexi timings - Focus on the work output
rather than the time spent in the office.
Reduce bureaucracy - Unnecessary time spent on
procedural issues like approvals should be reduced.
Allow women employees to work from home
especially during pregnancy and immediately after
Child care facilities - As child birth and child care is
seen as a major reason why women quit jobs, providing
the best facilities at work can help retain them.
Facilitating fun and relaxation - Parties and fun at
work place can provide some relief to the professionals.
Also leave option for traveling with family and
compulsory offs after fixed time of continuous work
should be implemented.
Providing health facilities at work place - Many large
organizations have health club facilities in the work place.
However it is important that individuals are encouraged
to use them.
Provision for taking breaks during work hours.
Building a culture of ownership - Getting the work
done through constant coercion and bossing should be
avoided and discouraged.
Providing facilities that aid travel related to work,
education of children, relocation related to work etc.
Clearly the stress at work and time spent on
bureaucratic procedures at work place can be reduced
to aid productivity of time crunched professionals.
In conclusion, we note that the issues related to work
life imbalance is prone to grow in the Indian scenario.
As our businesses try to be more competitive, the
pressure on the professionals will keep increasing. It is
imperative and high time that we spend enough efforts
on understanding how to balance work and non work
activities. The search for success without caring for
personal health and family happiness may sound doom
in the near future. The solution lies with sound planning
at individual level and initiatives from the organizations
to aid productivity of the new age employees. HC