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The Principality of Kedmere: & Surrounding Lands

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The Principality of Kedmere

& Surrounding Lands

Kedmere was founded over twenty generations ago by the Scion of House Baelendor to protect trade through the Atrien Straits. The Principality has gained independence from the WitchKings and its capital, Belmord, has become a wealthy port along the Golden Route. The people enjoy a great deal of freedom and prosperity and have earned a reputation for adventure becausesomuchoftheregionisuntamed.

Orwain, population 900. This outpost was established wheretheFoxRiveremptiesintoCabrianBay.Itsharbor is unusually fortified as a result of frequents raids by lizardmenandtheFreeFleet.

Other Places

Human & Dwarf Settlements

was built 200 years ago by Valian III after the War of the WitchKing. The citys architecture is dominated by massive stone and brick structures with three separate walls ringing the city. It is currently ruled by the Sorceress Princess Altariel. There is a standing garrison of 800 and in times of war this number can be tripled. Belmordalsoboastsasmallbuteffectivenavy.

Belscar, the old capital of Kedmere, was razed by the armies of the WitchKing. Several small watchtowers have been built in sight of the ruins, however the guard rarely ventures into the old city to rescue fools who ignoretheirwarningtostayout.

The Maladet Isles were once home to the

towerknown as Meloras Beacon, which warned sailors of dangerous waters. Fifty years ago a strange violent storm passed over the isles leaving no trace of the fate that befell the inhabitants. Harpies and hags have taken up residence in the ruins and webbed footprints have beenspottedonthebeach.

Varhelm, population 1,500. A dwarven clanhold ruled

by IronThane Thoerfel, son of Agmundr. at the head of the Eldabrand River. Varhelm maintains a series of intricate locks on the Eldabrand River allowing trade to flow from the thanedom to Belmord and beyond. To keep this vital trade route open the IronThane has honoredthetreatyhefirstsignedwithValianIII.

by raiders, Griffons Claw has grown into an independentsettlementruledbyLurien,LordCaptainof the Free Fleet. What law there is withinGriffons Claw is harshandswift.Mostargumentsaresettledattheendof a blade. While greatly feared, the Free Fleet has been knowntoaidthoseattackedbyorcsandgoblins.

Talaedras Labyrinths were considered to be only a goblintale until just over thirty years ago when adventurers fell into an opening while giving chase to a troll.Namedfortheonlysurvivingmemberofthatparty who is now the Abbess of the Sanctuary of the Twilight Maiden. This region is riddled with chambers, caves, mazes, secret passages and traps. The original builders remain a mystery because the labyrinths predate any knownsettlementoftheregion.

Wraithcourt sits at the heart of a dead land. Once the

home of the Ninth Legion, legend holds that a curse fell upon the tower when the legion broke its oath to its sovereign. To this day the outpost is still haunted by the undeadremnantsofthedoomedcompany.

Dunwall, population 300. A small logging village

located along the northern forest, its noteworthy only because it is where the red dragon Velmaxian recently vanquishedSirIsenhart.

The BonePainted Orcs are rarely found within the borders of Kedmere. Dwarven traders claim that these savagesworshipthedreadspiritsofWraithcourt.

Trevain, population 1,100. In addition to being a

farming community, it serves as home to many mercenaries and adventurers. The local baron relies upontheservicesofthesesellswordstoprovidesecurity tothetownwhenthreatened.

Tulenwood is a remnant of the original forest which

covered most of the southern half of the principality. A few tribes of Lizardmen still inhabit the low land near the coast, but the hill bandits are more of a concern to mosttravelers.AlthoughKedmereclaimstheforest,they seemtohavenocontrolofit.

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