Paper Battery
Paper Battery
Paper Battery
A paper battery is a battery engineered to use a paper-thin sheet of cellulose (which is the major constituent of regular paper, among other things) infused with aligned carbon nanotubes. The nanotubes act as electrodes; allowing the storage devices to conduct electricity. The battery, which functions as both a lithium-ion battery and a supercapacitor, can provide a long, steady power output comparable to a conventional battery, as well as a supercapacitors quick burst of high energyand while a conventional battery contains a number of separate components, the paper battery integrates all of the battery components in a single structure, making it more energy efficient. The paper-like quality of the battery combined with the structure of the nanotubes embedded within gives them their light weight and low cost, making them attractive for portable electronics, aircraft, automobiles, and toys (such as model aircraft), while their ability to use electrolytes in blood make them potentially useful for medical devices such as pacemakers. The medical uses are particularly attractive because they do not contain any toxic materials and can be biodegradable; a major drawback of chemical cells. The devices are formed by combining cellulose with an infusion of aligned carbon nanotubes that are each approximately one millionth of a centimetre thick. The carbon is what gives the batteries their black color. These tiny filaments act like the electrode s found in a traditional battery, conducting electricity when the paper comes into contact with an ionic liquid solution. Ionic liquids contain no water, which means that there is nothing to freeze or evaporate in extreme environmental conditions. As a result, paper batteries can function between -75 and 150 degrees Celsius. Specialized paper batteries could act as power sources for any number of devices implanted in humans and animals, including RFID tags, cosmetics, drug-delivery systems and pacemakers. A capacitor introduced into an organism could be implanted fully dry and then be gradually exposed to bodily fluids over time to generate voltage. Paper batteries are also biodegradable, a need only partially addressed by current e-cycling and other electronics disposal methods increasingly advocated for by the green computing movement.
The flexible shape allows the paper battery to be used small or irregularly-shaped electronics:
One of the unique features of the paper battery is that it can be bent to any such shape or design that the user might have in mind. The battery can easily squeeze into tight crevasses and can be cut multiple times without ruining the battery's life. For example if a battery is cut in half, each piece will function, however, each piece will only contain 1/2 the amount of original power. Conversely, placing two sheets of paper battery on top of one-another will double the power.
By layering sheets of this paper, the battery's voltage and current can be increased that many times. Since the main components of the paper battery are carbon nanotubes and cellulose, the body structure of the battery is very thin, "paper-thin". Thus to maximize even more power, the sheets of battery paper can be stacked on top of one another to give off tremendous power. This can allow the battery to have a much higher amount of power for the same size of storage as a current battery and also be environmentally friendly at the same time.
Supply power to an implanted pacemaker in the human body by using the electrolytes in human blood: An improvement in the techniques used in the health field can be aided by the paper battery. Experiments have taken place showing that batteries can be energized by the electrolyte emitted from one's own blood or body sweat. This can conserve the usage of battery acid and rely on an environmental friendly mechanism of fueling battery cells with the help from our bodies. The paper battery can be molded to take the shape of large objects, like a car door:As stated earlier, the key characteristics that make the paper battery very appealing are that it can be transformed into any shape or size, it can be cut multiple times without damaging it, and it can be fueled through various ways besides the typical harmful battery acid that is used in the current day battery.
Presently, the devices are only a few inches across and they have to be scaled up to sheets of newspaper size to make it commercially viable. Carbon nanotubes are very expensive, and batteries with large enough power are unlikely to be cost effective. Cutting of trees leading to destroying of the nature.
Pace makers in heart (uses blood as electrolyte) Used as alternate to conventional batteries in gadgets Powered smart cards RF id tags
The life of a battery is an important parameter which decides the area of application of the battery. Increased use of batteries gives rise to E-waste which poses great damage to our environment. In the year 2007 paper battery was manufactured. The technology is capable of replacing old bulky batteries. The paper batteries can further reduce the weight of the electronic gadgets.