Conducting Pilot Studies

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Conducting Pilot Studies

Excerpts adapted from: Simon, M. K. (2011). Dissertation and scholarly research:

Recipes for success (2011 ed.). Seattle, WA: Dissertation Success, LLC.

A pilot study can be used as a small scale version or trial run in preparation for a
major study (Polit, Beck, & Hungler, 2001, p. 467). Baker (1994) noted that a pilot
study is often used to pre-test or try out (pp. 182183) a research instrument. Baker found
that a sample size of 1020% of the sample size for the actual study is a reasonable
number of participants to consider enrolling in a pilot. Although a pilot study does not
guarantee success in the main study, it greatly increases the likelihood.
A pilot study may address a number of logistical issues. As part of the research
strategy the following factors can be resolved prior to the main study:
1. Check that instructions are comprehensible;
2. Check that investigators and technicians are sufficiently skilled in the procedures;
3. Check the wording of a survey;
4. Check the reliability and validity of results.
5. Check the statistical and analytical processes to determine if they are efficacious.
Pilot Study for Survey Validation
Before the final form of the survey or questionnaire is constructed, it is useful to
conduct a pilot study (or dress rehearsal) to determine if the items are yielding the kind
of information that is needed. The term pilot study is used in two different ways in social
science research. It can refer to so-called feasibility studies, which are "small scale
version[s], or trial run[s], done in preparation for the major study" (Polit, Beck, &
Hungler, 2001, p. 467). It is also used to refer to the pretesting, or trying out, of a
particular research instrument or research procedures (Baker, 1994, pp. 182-183). One of
the advantages of conducting a pilot study is that it can give advance warning regarding
weaknesses in a proposed study. These include: where research protocols might not be
followed, or whether proposed methods or instruments are inappropriate or too
complicated. De Vaus (1993) advised researchers to check to see if there are any
ambiguities or if the respondents have any difficulty in responding (p. 54). Surveys are
pilot-tested to avoid misleading, inappropriate, or redundant questions. Pilot-testing
ensures that a research instrument can be used properly and that the information obtained
is consistent. Fink and Kosekoff (1985) suggested that when pilot-testing look out for a
failure to answer questions, respondents giving several answers to the same question, and
written comments in the margin. These may be indications that the instrument is
unreliable and needs revision.
Administering the survey personally and individually to a small group of
respondents is a good way to proceed with your pilot study, but the pilot could also be
conducted electronically or through other means. Well-designed and well-conducted pilot
studies can inform the researcher on the research process and about likely outcomes. It is
important to report the findings of the pilot studies in detail. This usually appears in
chapters 3 or 4 in the dissertation. Explain the actual improvements made to the study
design and/or the research process as a result of the pilot findings. If no changes were
made, this, too, needs to be reported. Data from the pilot should NOT be included with
data from the main study.
The pilot instrument should invite comments about the perceived relevance of
each question to the stated intent of the research. It would also be beneficial to provide a
means for the respondent to suggest additional questions that the researcher did not
include. Check out and for more information on pilot
Excerpt from a Delphi Study
A pilot study panel consisting of 6 experts was drawn from across the United
States that met the study protocol. The main modified Delphi study consisted of a panel
with 27 experts from African American studies and from the field of special education
who were also drawn from across the United States. According to Simon (2006), the
Delphi method is used to structure group communication so that a panel of experts can
deal with a complex problem using a future-oriented view. The literature revealed the
complex nature of the problem of this study. Additionally, the literature revealed the wide
scope of the problem of the overrepresentation of African American boys in special
education as persisting for decades and also in schools throughout the country. The
modified Delphi technique provided an opportunity to examine this complex national
problem with use of experts from around the nation because it allowed experts from a
range of geographic locations to participate in structured communication through the
researcher in an online format.
Data Collection for the Pilot Study
Round 1 of the pilot study included the participation of 6 experts. Three of the
experts were from the field of African American studies and 3 from the field of special
education. The recruitment of participants consisted of contacting 158 experts from
throughout the country. The first group of potential participants consisted of authors of
the articles or books reviewed in chapter 2. The second group consisted of experts who
have presented at national conferences. The pool of contacts was expanded with the use
of snowballing using participant referrals. Finally, university departments of African
American studies and special education were contacted to secure participants for the pilot
portion of this study. The demographics of participants in the pilot study can be viewed in
Table 1.
Demographics of Experts in Pilot Study Rounds 1, 2, and 3
Subject Gender Race Specialty Region
affiliation Published Presenter
001 Male Black Ethnic studies Southwest University Yes Yes
002 Male White Special
Midwest Public school Yes No
003 Female White Special
Midwest University Yes No
004 Male Black Ethnic studies Midwest Presenter Yes Yes
005 Female Black Special
Southeast Author Yes No
006 Male Black Ethnic studies Northeast University Yes Yes

The pilot participants provided consent and lead to the inclusion of 10 open-ended
seed questions for Round 1 of the main study. The additional questions:
1. What are the major factors contributing to the problem of African American
male students being the most overrepresented group in special education programs in
nearly every state?
2. What are some strategies that have been successfully implemented by school
districts to address this problem?
3. What new resources could school districts acquire to begin to address this
4. What curriculum and instructional methods could provide a more successful
learning experience for African American male students?
5. What type of preschool programs are needed to help African American male
students get a good start?
6. What factors are preventing further implementation of strategies to address this
7. What should be the role of federal and state government in providing solutions
to this problem?
8. How can IDEA be altered to address the overrepresentation of African
American male students in special education?
9. What are the future consequences for African American male students who are
in special education in the K12 public school system?
10. What cultural factors contribute to the problem of the overrepresentation of
African American males in special education programs?

Cochran, WG, & Cox, GM. (1992). Experimental Designs (2nd Edition). New York:
John Wiley & Sons.
Altman, DG. (1991). Practical Statistics for Medical Research. London: Chapman &
Baker, T.L. (1994), Doing Social Research (2nd Edn.). New York: McGraw-Hill Inc.
De Vaus, D. A. (1993). Surveys in social research (3rd ed.). London: UCL Press.
Festing, MFW., Overend, P., Das, RG., Borja, MC., & Berdoy, M. (2002). The Design of
Animal Experiments. London: Royal Society of Medicine Press NC3Rs, 2006.
Fink, A., & Kosekoff, J. (1985). How to conduct surveys: A step-by-step guide. Beverly
Hills, CA: Sage.
Lancaster, G., Dodd, S., & Williamson, P. (2004) Design and analysis of pilot studies:
recommendations for good practice. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10(2):
Polit, D.F., Beck, C.T., & Hungler, B.P. (2001). Essentials of nursing research:
Methods, appraisal, and utilization (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott.
Ruxton, G. & Colegrave N. (2006) Experimental Design for the Life Sciences (2nd
edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Simon, M. K. (2011). Dissertation and scholarly research: Recipes for success (2011 ed,
p. 159.). Seattle, WA: Dissertation Success, LLC.

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