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The Truth About Death

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The Truth About Death

C a n W e T a l k T o T h e D e a d ?
W h a t H a p p e n s W h e n W e D i e ?
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Words of Wisdom
“Use your words as building blocks not battering rams.”

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“If God took you to it, He'll get you through it.”

“Not liking someone is no excuse for not loving them.”

The Truth About Death - By Steve Wohlberg

Can We Talk to the Dead?
“They See Dead People!” was the eerie title of a haunting article in the November 7,
2005 issue of People magazine. “What is it with the dearly departed?” wrote an
unnamed author, “Seems they’re everywhere lately. Ghosts, ghouls and spirits are
invading prime time (Medium, Ghost Whisperer, Supernatural) and buying second
yachts for pop psychics like John Edward” [1].

Indeed. The idea of ‘talking to the dead’ has gone mainstream. So what is the truth
about death? As reported by People, Hollywood has recently produced multiple TV
series centered around the fascinating possibility of contacting or being influenced
by those on the ‘other side.’

NBC’s Medium is a prime example about a woman who helps law officers solve
crimes through supernatural assistance from the ‘disembodied.’ Released in January
of 2005, Medium continues to garner rave reviews. In the spring of 2005, NBC aired
Revelations, a supposedly biblical apocalyptic thriller with a storyline that included
the spirit of a dead girl mouthing messages through the placid lips of another
comatose girl about the ‘End of Days.’ Not to be outdone by competition, CBS
recently premiered Ghost Whisperer about Melinda Gordon, a woman able to “see
and talk to dead people” [2].

Not only is Hollywood fictitiously bringing the dead to life, but also real-life mediums
like John Edward, James Van Praagh, and Carla Mae are raking in non-fiction dollars
by connecting with real spirits on TV. James Van Praagh is Co-Executive Producer of
Ghost Whisperer. The CBS website promoting the new show contains a section called
“The Spirit World According to James Van Praagh” which even shows pictures of
“spooky visitors” right on the set [3].

Then there’s White Noise, a scary movie about a dead woman making contact with
her grieving husband through “Electronic Voice Phenomenon” (EVP). EVP is the idea
that the spirits of the dead can talk to the living by speaking directly through the
‘white noise’ or static of common electronic recording devices. Their words can be
recorded and then played back. That’s what the movie describes. The most
frightening thing is not the film, but the practice itself, which is actually promoted
on the official White Noise web site as something people can really do [4]. There’s
even an “American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomenon” now offering
resources, support and conferences [5].

There has never been such promotion of ‘talking to the dead’ in all of history. Of
course, the idea and practice has always been around, but it has usually been
relegated to séances, Ouija boards, and isolated instances. Now Hollywood is behind
it and books written by practicing mediums have become New York Times

Losing a loved one is incredibly painful, and it’s natural to wish they were still here.
It’s perfectly normal to long to hear their voice and feel their touch. But is trying to
contact them advisable? Is this the best way to receive comfort? Make no mistake
about it: real spirits do inhabit our atmosphere, and they often do claim to be the
spirits of the dead. But are they really? Our family used to have a housekeeper
named Mary who told us point blank that after her husband died his spirit visited
her. “I saw him myself,” Mary reported. “His spirit walked right through the screen
door into my bedroom and talked to me!” Was it really her husband? How can we
know? Just because a spirit looks, talks, and acts like a dead person, is this proof it
is really that person?

Personally, I believe the Bible. Paul wrote, “We walk by faith, not by sight” (2
Corinthians 5:7). This means that no matter what our sight, senses, or feelings may
tell us, we should trust God and His Word first and foremost. This is the true
Christian position. So what about talking to the dead? Does the Bible say anything
about it? Get ready for a shock: The Bible categorically forbids all communication
with the spirits of dead people.

In Deuteronomy 18:9-12, God lists various occult practices that His people should
avoid like the bird flu. “When you come into the land,” God commanded, “you shall
not learn to follow the abominations of those nations.” What abominations? Note
carefully: “There shall not be found among you anyone… who conjures spells or a
medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are
an abomination to the Lord” (verses 10 and 11, NKJV, italics added). Again God
warned, “Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to
be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God” (Leviticus 19:31, NKJV, italics added).

These verses are clear. God forbids any involvement with “mediums” or “spiritists,”
and He specifically forbids trying to contact the dead. NBC, CBS, James Van Praagh,
John Edward, Carla Mae, the producers of White Noise, and countless others may
promote it, but God plainly says, don’t do it!
Why not? Is God trying to prevent us from finding comfort, or receiving real
guidance from deceased loved ones or the truth about death? No. His reason is
simple. Mysterious non-physical entities may look like, talk like, and act like the
dead, but according to a careful study of the Book of books – they are not the dead.
Who are they then?

Revelation lifts the veil by declaring, “For they are the spirits of devils, working
miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to
gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty” (Revelation 16:14, KJV,
italics added). Here the Bible warns that the tricky activity of “spirits of devils” will
‘go global’ right before the Day of the Lord.

This is happening right now.

God loves us and wants to protect us.

He wants us to avoid having “fellowship with devils” (1 Corinthians 10:20, KJV).

As noted earlier, Hollywood has recently released numerous movies and TV series
featuring the living talking to the dead. Medium, Ghost Whisperer, White Noise,
Sixth Sense, Supernatural, Revelations, and of course, Harry Potter, all depict
communication with disembodied entities.

Just a few days ago, as I sat on a United Flight from Chicago to L.A.X., a friendly
looking commercial popped onto a large screen. An attractive blond woman stood
cooking in the kitchen. These words appeared: “ 6:30 am, prepare breakfast for the
family.” The scene changed, and then came “ 7:30 am, send the kids off to school.”
After another scene change, then: “ 9:30 am, clean the house.” Finally, “ 11:00 am,
talk to the dead.” Then came the promotion for viewers to watch “Medium, 9:00-
10:00 pm CT on NBC.” It all looked so homey, yet the Bible plainly says that that
being a “medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead” is “an abomination to
the Lord” (Deuteronomy 18:11, 12, NKJV, italics added). This is serious stuff.

God doesn’t use such forceful language because He hates us. Not at all. He even
cares about mediums and spiritists. The reason He speaks so strongly is because He
loves us enough to warn us against practices which open doors to demons and fallen
angels who can easily impersonate the dead. This will become clearer as we go

The only way to understand the truth about death, the dead, and the perils of trying
to communicate with ghosts is to go back to the beginning, to the book of Genesis.
The Bible’s first chapter clearly says that God made the world in six days, and rested
on the seventh. On day six, the Lord “created man in his own image… male and
female He created them” (Genesis 1:27). In the midst of a beautiful garden, the Lord
placed two special trees called “the tree of life” and “the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil” (Genesis 2:9). These trees were designed to give Adam and Eve a
choice, either to follow their Maker or a rebel angel who had previously been kicked
out of heaven (see Luke 10:18; Revelation 12:9). Notice carefully:

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree in the garden you may
freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in
the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:16, 17, italics added).

Here God warned Adam and Eve that if they sinned against Him by eating the
forbidden fruit, they would surely die. No ifs, ands, or buts. This was the first
warning God ever gave to the human family. And He meant it.

In Chapter 3, the drama begins. A mysterious serpent entered Eden and began
slithering around inside the forbidden branches. Behind its beady eyes lurked an
invisible, sinister force. A dialogue ensued between the snake and Eve. “And the
serpent said to the woman, ‘you shall not surely die’” (Genesis 3:4, italics added).
This was Satan’s first lie to humanity. It was a deception about death. God said that
if Adam and Eve sinned, they would “surely die;” but the serpent said, “you shall not
surely die.” Now two voices rattled around inside Eve’s pretty head. Which voice
would she believe, that of God or the snake? Sadly, she believed the slithering
reptile, tasted the forbidden fruit, and then gave some to her husband, and he ate
(see Genesis 3:6).

After their sin, the Lord said to Adam, “In the sweat of your face shall you eat bread,
until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for dust you are, and to
dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19, italics added). Thus man came from the dust,
and now he was destined to return to the dust. Now notice carefully:

Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good
and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat,
and live forever”-- therefore the Lord God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till
the ground from which he was taken. So He drove out the man; and He placed
cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every
way, to guard the way to the tree of life. (Genesis 3:22-24).

Don’t miss the significance of this passage. According to the text, eating from “the
tree of life” would cause Adam and Eve to “live forever.” But now they were sinners.
If they ate from the tree of life as sinners they would live forever as sinners, which
would mean that sin itself would go on forever. God definitely didn’t want this. So He
placed sentinel angels with fiery swords “which turned every way, to guard the way
to the tree of life.” Did Adam and Eve, in their fallen state, ever eat from the tree of
life? Obviously not. Thus fallen human beings do not naturally live forever. Instead,
they die and return to the dust, just like God said.

This next verse reveals the simple truth: “So all the days that Adam lived were nine
hundred and thirty years; and he died” (Genesis 5:5). God was right; Satan was
wrong. Sin results in death. Adam and Eve sinned, and they died. So do we. At the
end of life, we disintegrate into dirt.

Now don’t miss this point: The notion that we can somehow communicate with dead
people today is based on the prior assumption that the dead aren’t dead after all,
that they are really alive somewhere ‘beyond the veil.’ Based on Genesis 3:4, whose
slick voice first promoted that idea? It was the voice of the serpent. Look again:
“The serpent said to the woman, ‘you will not surely die.’” This was the devil’s line.

In the next part we will examine more closely what the Bible says about man’s
condition at death. Then we will discover exactly who and what our hope is.

Okay, I’ll tell you now. It’s Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the dead.

What Happens When We Die?

Are you ready for the truth about death? We have seen that the Bible forbids all
attempts to communicate with the dead (see Deuteronomy 18:11). There are two
reasons: 1) Demons can easily impersonate those who have died, thereby tricking
the living into communicating with them; and 2) It is impossible for the dead to talk
with the living anyway. I hope to prove this below.

Honestly, I have wrestled over the contents of this article. After prayer and thought,
I have decided to present my views, based on the Bible, even though some may
disagree. I urge you to read each Scripture presented, and then come to your own
conclusions. David prayed, “Open my eyes” (Psalms 119:18). May this be our prayer.

Based on years of research, I have concluded that there are essentially two different
views about the nature of man that affect one’s beliefs about what happens after
• The Immortal Soul view
• The Non-Immortal Soul view

The Immortal Soul view is believed by most of the world’s religions. The idea is that
every human body houses an immortal soul that continues after death. When we die,
only our body disintegrates back to dust, but the soul goes on, much like a snake
shedding its skin. Of course different religions disagree with each other about where
souls go after death, but the basic idea of the soul surviving physical decease is
shared by most in our society. And like it or not, the Immortal Soul doctrine is the
basis of the belief that we can talk to the dead. The reason is simple: the dead
supposedly aren’t really dead.

The Non-Immortal Soul view is different and contends that – biblically speaking –
the word “soul” applies to the entire person. When God first created Adam in
Paradise, He “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living
soul” (Genesis 2:7). Thus man doesn’t have a separate soul, but rather he is a soul
(see also Joshua 10:35, 37, 39; Lev. 23:30; Acts 27:37, KJV). After man sinned, his
entire person, or soul, became mortal, or subject to death. When a sinner dies, he or
she returns to the dust, and “the breath of life” returns to God. This “breath” is not a
conscious entity, but is the spark of life that exists in everything alive. At death, the
sinner is truly dead – unconscious, asleep, waiting for the resurrection. This view is
sometimes called “soul sleep.”

Which view is right? What does the Bible really say? For the moment I am going to
build a case for the non-immortality of the soul. Later on in this article on the truth
about death I will examine the passages about being “absent from the body” (2
Corinthians 5:8), the thief on the cross (Luke 23:43), the appearance of Moses and
Elijah (Matthew 17:3), the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31), Paul’s desire to
depart and be with Christ (Philippians 1:23) and the martyred souls under the altar
(Rev. 6:9-11). These verses are often quoted to support the Immortal Soul teaching.
Do they really? We hope to find out. After this, we will closely examine another big
topic – the doctrine of Hell.

First, let’s see what the Bible says about “immortality.” As we discovered earlier in
this article on the truth about death, after Adam and Eve sinned they were barred
from the tree of life, lest they should “eat, and live forever” (Genesis 3:22 -24). The
message here is that sinners do not naturally “live forever.” Paul wrote that we
“seek for glory and honor and immortality” (Romans 2:7) and that Christians will
“put on immortality” (1 Corinthians 15:53, 54) on Resurrection Day. Presently, God
“only has immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach” (1 Timothy
6:16). To me, these verses are clear. Fallen man is not immortal.

Next, what does the Bible say happens at death? Notice carefully: “The living know
that they shall die, but the dead know nothing…there is no work, nor device, nor
knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, where you are going” (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10).
“For in death there is no remembrance of You, in the grave who shall give You
thanks?” (Psalms 6:5). “The dead praise not the Lord, neither any that go down into
silence” (Psalms 115:17). “His breath goes forth, he returns to his earth, in that very
day his thoughts perish” (Psalms 146:4). These Bible verses say that after death a
person knows nothing, has no thoughts, doesn’t remember God, and lies silent in the
grave. This is God’s Word, not man’s opinion.

Next, death is sleep. David spoke of “the sleep of death” (Psalms 13:3). All
throughout the Old Testament, when kings died, they “slept with their fathers” (1
Kings 2:10). The same is true in the New Testament. When Lazarus died, Jesus
Christ said, “Our friend Lazarus is sleeping… Jesus spoke of his death” (John 11:11
-13). After Stephen was martyred, “he fell asleep” (Acts 7:60). Dead Christians
“sleep in Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 4:14). Daniel wrote that at the end of time, “many
who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to
shame and everlasting contempt” (Daniel 12:2). Thus the dead are sleeping in the
dust of the earth. Someday, they will wake up.

Finally, the Christians’ hope is the return of Jesus Christ and the resurrection. When
our Lord returns, “the dead in Christ shall rise…so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1
Thessalonians 4:16, 17). Look closely. Paul said Christians will “be with the Lord”
when He returns. Jesus taught the same thing when He promised His disciples, “I
will come again, and receive you to Myself” (John 14:3). Again, look closely. Jesus
did not say, “I’ll meet you in Heaven when you die,” but that He would receive us
when He returns.

Ultimately, Bible truth about death is comforting. Our beloved dead are sleeping
quietly, awaiting the resurrection when Jesus returns. Truth also protects us from
being deceived by heartless, tricky demons who can easily impersonate the dead. I
encourage my readers to continue studying this topic prayerfully. I’ll conclude with
the words of Jesus Christ Himself:

Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will
hear His voice and come forth--those who have done good, to the resurrection of
life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation (John 5:28,
29, NKJV).

Grave Errors about Death

In the first two topics we covered here on the truth about death we discovered that:

• The Bible forbids all attempts to communicate with dead people (see
Deuteronomy 18:11)
• Demonic spirits are deceptively at work around the world (see Revelation
16:14) that can easily impersonate those who have died.
• Communication with dead people is impossible because those who have died
are dead. They lie unconscious, asleep in their graves, awaiting the
resurrection (see Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10; Psalm 6:5; 13:3; 115:17; 146:4; John
5:28, 29; 6:39, 40, 44, 54: 11:11-14; 1 Corinthians 15:51-54; 1 Thessalonians
4:16, 17).

Twenty-six years ago I learned this Bible truth: Jesus Christ died for my sins, was
buried in Joseph’s tomb, and rose from the grave (see 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4). To
Christians, these facts should be non-negotiable. As I have continued studying my
Bible, I have also come to believe that when human beings die, they are dead,
asleep in their graves, waiting for “the resurrection at the last day” (John 11:24).
Death, burial and resurrection, this is what God’s Book says.

I realize that many other God-fearing Christians don’t quite view everything as I do.
Most believe that when we die, only our bodies disintegrate to dust, whereas our
souls instantly enter the presence of Jesus. Personally, I don’t believe this. If we
disagree, can we do it respectfully? I hope so. Later on this article on the truth about
death, I will closely examine some well-known Bible texts normally used to support
the “we go to Heaven immediately at death” doctrine. Much is at stake here. Please
consider my arguments, and then come to your own conclusions.

Absent from the body, present with the Lord? (2 Corinthians 5:8)
This is probably the main Scripture used to support the common view. The exact text
reads, “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and
to be present with the Lord.” Paul is clearly talking about a transition from this sinful
“body” to being “present with the Lord.” There is no question about this. But notice
carefully that in this verse Paul doesn’t specifically say when this transition occurs.
Most assume he meant at death. Did he? Could he have meant on Resurrection Day
when Jesus Christ returns? Amazingly, we don’t have to guess, for the following
verses make Paul’s meaning plain.

Four verses earlier Paul said this transition occurs when “mortality” is “swallowed
up by life” (2 Corinthians 5:4). When is that? If we back up a few chapters to Paul’s
first letter to the Corinthians, the answer is obvious. Notice carefully:

Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In
a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound,
and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this
corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So
when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put
on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is
swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
(1 Corinthians 15:51-55)

Here Paul is writing about the climactic return of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of
God’s saints. Paul called death “sleep” (verse 51). He also said we are currently
“mortal” (verse 53). Finally, he clarified that when “the trumpet shall sound and the
dead shall be raised… then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death
is swallowed up in victory” (verses 52-54). Add 2 + 2. In 2 Corinthians 5:4 and 5:8,
Paul said the transition from this sinful “body” to being “present with the Lord”
occurs when “mortality is swallowed up by life.” In 1 Corinthians 15:51-55, he
clarified that this “mortal” will “put on immortality” and that death will be
“swallowed up in victory” at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Beyond this, did
Paul clarify anywhere else at what point believers will be “present with the Lord”?
Yes indeed. Once again, notice carefully:

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the
archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we
which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to
meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord (1 Thessalonians
4:16, 17).

These verses parallel 1 Corinthians 15:51-55, which explain 2 Corinthians 5:4-8.

According to 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17, when will believers get to be “present with
the Lord”? Answer: When Jesus Christ comes crashing into our polluted atmosphere
with a shout, a voice, and the ear splitting trumpet of God! That trumpet will be so
loud it will pierce the slumbering ears of those who have died trusting the Crucified
and Resurrected One. They will burst out of their clammy graves. How awesome!
Then those of us who are still living (I hope to be among this group) will be “caught
up” into the greatest space ride humans have ever experienced. And then? Don’t
miss it: “so shall we ever be with the Lord.” This is the Word of God. Alleluia!

There lies Uncle Manuel. He’s dead. My seven-year-old brain tried to comprehend
what was happening as I attended my uncle Manuel’s funeral, beheld his casket,
starred into his pale face, held my dad’s hand while surrounded by mourners
dressed in black, and witnessed my mother’s tears. It was all very strange. At such a
young age, I could hardly understand what death meant, much less what happens
next to those whose short life on this earth has ended.

Uncle Manuel’s funeral was almost 40 years ago. Since then, I’ve done a lot of
research into what the Bible says in regards the truth about death, burial, and the
resurrection. After years of study, I’ve come to the conclusion that when a person
dies – whether saint or sinner – they are dead, that is, they lie unconscious in their
graves awaiting the “resurrection of the dead” (Acts 24:15). I realize this is a bit
different from what most people believe. Nevertheless, I am not accountable to man,
but to God alone. To my readers I make this plea: Read my arguments, study the
Bible for yourself, pray, and come to your own conclusions. Sound fair enough?
Solomon said that “there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave
where you are going” (Ecclesiastes 9:10) and that “the dead know nothing”
(Ecclesiastes 9:5). Both the Old and New Testaments plainly teach that the dead
“sleep in the dust of the earth” (Daniel 12:2) as they await the resurrection (see
Psalms 13:3; John 5:28, 29; 11:11-14; Acts 7:60; 1 Corinthians 15:6, 51-55). Jesus
Christ said concerning the man who dies believing in Him, “I will raise him up at the
last day” (John 6:44). I have found this to be the consistent teaching of Scripture.

Yet as I mentioned earlier, there are a few Bible passages that seem to support a
different view – that of immediate entrance into heaven, or of instant descent into
hell-fire. Earlier we looked at 2 Corinthians 5:8 where Paul wrote about being
“absent from the body and present with the Lord.” It’s time to look at another well-
known passage.

The thief on the cross (Luke 23:42,43)

On history’s darkest day, as the Son of God hung suspended between heaven and
earth bearing the sins of the world, a dying criminal crucified beside Jesus breathed
hopefully, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom” (Luke 23:42).
The King responded, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise ”
(verse 43). Many interpret Christ’s response as conclusive evidence that the dying
thief’s soul was instantly ushered into the presence of Jesus on that very day. I
disagree. Here’s why:

First, the dying thief pleaded, “Lord, remember me when you come into your
kingdom.” Thus the thief hoped to be remembered at the Second Coming of Jesus
Christ, not before. Second, Jesus Himself did not go to Paradise that day, but into
Joseph’s tomb. Three days later, after rising from the dead, Jesus candidly told Mary,
“I have not yet ascended to My Father” (John 20:17). Thus our Lord did not ascend
to glory on the day of His death. Thirdly, Jesus clarified that His followers will be
with Him when He returns. “I will come again”, He promised, “and receive you to
Myself” (John 14:3, italics added). Paul taught the same thing when he wrote that
true believers will get to “be with the Lord” when He descends from heaven and
resurrects the dead (see 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17). So what did Jesus mean when He
spoke to the dying thief?

Believe it or not, the confusion stems from one tiny piece of punctuation called a
‘comma.’ Before we look again at Christ’s exact words to the thief, let me clarify that
the Bible calls itself “the Word of God”, not “the Comma of God”. The fact is that
punctuation and commas were added to the inspired text many years after the New
Testament was written. It is the same with the numbering of verses. Whatever
translation you are reading from, your Bible says “43” before Christ’s response the
dying thief. “42” comes before that, then “41”, etcetera. Guess what? Luke didn’t
write “41” or “42” or “43” or “44.” He just wrote one book of Luke. It wasn’t until
many years later that men numbered the verses to make it easier for us to find
them. I’m glad they did. It helps. But they also added commas where they assumed
they should go. So let’s remove the comma and look at what Jesus Christ literally
said to the thief. His exact words were:

Assuredly I say to you today you will be with Me in Paradise (Luke 23:43).

Now, if you place the comma before the word “today,” which is where most Bible’s
place it, then Jesus told the thief, “today you will be with Me in Paradise.” But if you
place the comma after the word “today,” Christ’s meaning is switched entirely. Then
Jesus would have said, “I say to you today, you will be with Me in Paradise.” In
other words, Christ would be telling the thief, “I tell you today” (right then two
thousand years ago) that he would be with Him in the future when He returns.

So which is it? Where should the comma go? Fortunately, we don’t have to guess.
Other verses make Christ’s answer clear. First, Jesus didn’t go to Paradise that day.
Second, on Sunday morning He had not yet ascended to His Father (see John 20:17).
Thirdly, and most importantly, Jesus never contradicted Himself. He plainly promised
His followers, “I will come again and receive you to Myself” (John 14:3). Martin
Luther once said, “Here I stand. So help me God. Amen.” This is where I stand. My
hope is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

My uncle Manuel was Jewish. As far as I know, he was not a believer in the Crucified
and Risen One. Where did Uncle Manuel go? And if he is lost (I hope this is not the
case!), what will finally happen to him? As we continue reading this article on the
truth about death, we’ll find out.

Elvis Presley. Marilyn Monroe. Princess Diana. Ronald Reagan. Pope John Paul II –
what do they have in common? They’re all famous, and they’re all dead. No matter
how large a person’s bank account, or how attractive their physical appearance, or
even how close to God they may become in this life, “All things come alike to all: One
event happens to the righteous and to the wicked; to the good, the clean, and the
unclean…after that they go to the dead” (Ecclesiastes 9:2, 3, italics added). “ But in
this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” penned
Benjamin Franklin. He was correct.

So far I have built my case that when a human being dies – whether saint or sinner
– they are truly dead, that is, they lie unconscious in their graves awaiting the
resurrection. To briefly summarize, Solomon said “the dead know nothing”
(Ecclesiastes 9:5) and that “there is no work, or device or knowledge or wisdom in
the grave where you are going” (Ecclesiastes 9:10). David wrote about “the sleep of
death” (Psalms 13:3), Daniel said the dead “sleep in the dust of the earth” (Daniel
12:2), and Jesus Christ emphatically declared that someday “all who are in their
graves will hear His voice and come forth–those who have done good, to the
resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of
condemnation” (John 5:28, 29). These passages describe man’s condition at death,
his sleeping in the grave, and finally – a bodily resurrection back to life.

To repeat what I have written previously, I realize that majority opinion thinks
differently. Shortly after Pope John Paul II died at the ripe age of 84, Vatican
officials declared that their departed leader was now “looking down from heaven”
after being “welcomed into the presence of Jesus.” With all due respect, I don’t
think so. If you are Catholic, please don’t take offense. I would say the same thing
about my own mother whom I love dearly. Based on my study of the Bible, I believe
Pope John Paul II and countless others are not in heaven at this exact moment.
Rather, they are silently sleeping in their graves waiting for Resurrection Day.

Earlier in this article on the truth about death, I examined two biblical passages
often quoted to support the common view of ‘instant heaven at death’: 1) Paul’s
expression about longing to be “absent from the body” and “present with the Lord”
(2 Corinthians 5:8) and 2) Jesus Christ’s promise to a dying thief about being with
Him in Paradise (Luke 23:42, 43). I think these arguments are pretty convincing. It’s
time to examine a few more verses that I believe are often misinterpreted to teach
‘instant heaven’ rather than the doctrine of literal death, unconscious sleep, and
future bodily resurrection.

Paul’s “desire to depart and be with Christ” (Philippians 1:23)

Paul knew that sometime after he died he would be with Jesus, yet it as an
assumption to think that in Philippians 1:23 he meant at the moment of his death. In
another letter, Paul clarified that he expected to “always be with the Lord” when
Jesus Christ returned to resurrect the dead (read 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17). It is
significant to note that the very last letter Paul penned was 2 Timothy. In that
letter’s concluding chapter, notice carefully Paul’s ‘famous last words’:

For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure
is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the
faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the
righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who
have loved His appearing (2 Timothy 4:6-8, italics added).

Here again Paul clarified – just like he did in 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17 – that he
looked forward to being with Jesus Christ on “the Day” of “His appearing”.

Souls under the altar (Revelation 6:9-11)

In the book of Revelation, John beheld under a heavenly “altar” “the souls” of many
Christian martyrs calling out for vengeance against their persecutors. “There!” some
claim, “There are souls alive in heaven after they died!” But look closer. This entire
passage is filled with symbolism. In the same chapter John also saw four horses
with riders, the fourth rider being “Death” itself, followed by “Hell” (Revelation 6:1-
8). Can “Death” literally ride a horse? Are literal souls crammed underneath a
physical altar? Not a very pleasant place to hang out, do you think? Biblically
speaking, the idea of martyred souls crying out for vengeance is rooted in Genesis 4
when God told Cain after he murdered Abel, “What have you done? The voice of your
brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground!” (Genesis 4:10) Does this mean
that Abel’s blood literally muttered syllables through dirt? Obviously not. Again, this
is a symbolic.

The appearance of Moses and Elijah (Luke 9:28 -32)

Not long before Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world, “Moses and Elijah”
appeared to comfort the Saviour. This supposedly proves that Moses, Elijah, and all
the saints are now alive ‘on the other side’. But it doesn’t. First of all, it was not
disembodied ‘souls’ that appeared before Christ and His disciples, but “two men”
(Luke 9:30) in physical form. Second, Elijah himself never died, but was translated in
Old Testament times without seeing death (see 2 Kings 2:11). Thirdly, Moses did die,
but Jude 9 implies that “the body of Moses” was at some point raised back to life. In
Luke 9:28-32, Elijah appeared representing all those who shall one day be translated
at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, while Moses represented all others who shall
be resurrected “at the last day” (see John 11:24). Again, the text says “two men,”
not two ghosts. Why did Moses and Elijah appear? To encourage Jesus to go through
with His death, burial, and resurrection, and to assure Him that millions of other
believers – just like them – would someday be translated or raised from the grave.

At this point, I think I’ve said enough in regards the truth about Death. What about
Hell, the mysterious rider on the fourth horse? Is Hell burning now? Will it burn
forever? Or will Hell itself come to an end?

What does the Bible really say?

Select the truth about hell fire and find out or for more reading on this topic you can
read what happens when we die.

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Watch excellent Prophecy Seminars online
If you have a reasonably fast internet connection and would like to learn more about
the truth about hell and the truth about death and have a passion for the truth, you
will find Deadly Delusions, the Lake of Fire and the Devil Chained very enlightening.
You may want to start about 20-23 minutes in depending on the selected title to
bypass singing items etc. If you would like to watch more from this and other
Prophecy Seminars you will find the menus here. Be prepared to discover many mind
blowing, lost Bible truths.


1. People magazine, Nov. 7. 2005, p. 91.

2. See http://www.cbs.com/primetime/ghost_whisperer/about
3. See http://www.cbs.com/primetime/ghost_whisperer/blog.php
4. See http://www.whitenoisemovie.com
5. See http://aaevp.com

About the Author

Steve Wohlberg is Speaker/Director of White Horse Media and hosts the

national radio show, World News and the Bible. He is the author of ten books and
has been guest on over 400 radio and TV shows. His web site is
www.whitehorsemedia.com. 1-800-78-BIBLE.

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The Truth About Hell - By Steve Wohlberg

The Very Hot Topic of Hell
Hell! It’s a terrifying subject and the truth about hell is very much misunderstood. A
U.S. News and World Report article entitled “Hell’s Sober Comeback” reported that
“Three out of 5 Americans now believe in Hades, but their views on damnation differ
sharply” [1]. Some teach that Hell simply means ‘separation from God’, that’s it.
Others vigorously contend, “It’s not just separation, but fiery separation that lasts
forever!” The traditional view is that Hell is a hot, smoky place somewhere beneath
our feet where lost souls instantly soar at the moment of death. According to this
theology, the damned are sizzling right now, somewhere, consciously, and painfully.
A large percentage is convinced that Hell never ends.

To begin with, I believe there is a Hell, that there is a fiery Hell, and that the Bible is
true – literally. So don’t worry about this. I’m not a liberal, or a heretic. Yet as we
plunge into this controversial topic, my conclusions may shock you. So prepare
yourself. As always, I encourage you to pick up a Bible and look up the texts. As you
are about to see, what many think about Hell isn’t always exactly what God’s Word
really says.

There are three different Greek words that are translated “Hell” in our English New
Testaments. It’s important to know this, for they each mean something different.
They are “Tartarus,” “Gehenna,” and “Hades.” Tartarus is used only once in the New
Testament, in 2 Peter 2:4. The Scripture says,

“God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell [Tartarus], and
delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.” (2 Peter 2:4,

This verse says that “the angels that sinned,” which would include Lucifer, too, have
already been cast down “to hell” by God Himself. Yet they aren’t roasting right now,
obviously, and they certainly aren’t suffering somewhere far beneath Los Angeles or
Tokyo. Tartarus means “dark abyss” or “place of restraint.” It isn’t a place of
punishment either. Look carefully. 2 Peter 2:4 says Satan’s angels are “reserved
unto judgment,” which means their punishment is yet future. For Lucifer and his
diabolical demons, the fire hasn’t started yet. So much for Tartarus.

Next word: “Gehenna.” All authorities admit this word is derived from the name of
the narrow, rocky valley of Hinnom just south of Jerusalem where trash, filth, and
the bodies of dead animals were burned up in Bible days. Jesus Christ spoke about
Gehenna many times such as in Matthew 5:22, 29 & 30 where He warned about “the
danger of hell [Gehenna] fire” (Matthew 5:22). Gehenna definitely suggests real
flames. But a key question is: when will this fire burn? In Matthew 13:40-42, in His
explanation to His disciples about His parable concerning plants, reapers and a
harvest, Jesus provided this definite answer:

“The harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers are the angels. As therefore
the weeds are gathered in burned in the fire, so shall it be at the end of this world.
The Son of Man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom
all things that offend, and them that do iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace
of fire, and there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous
shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let
him hear.” (Matthew 13:40 -42, italics added).

“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” As to when the fire burns, what should we
hear? Christ’s direct answer is, “at the end of this world” (verse 40). Amazingly,
Peter taught the same thing when he wrote:

“But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store,
reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” (2
Peter 3:7).

Peter’s words may seem radical, but they are the truth of God. By analysing carefully
2 Peter 3:7, we discover:

• A real fire is coming.

• It will burn “the heavens” – the polluted atmosphere we breathe.
• It will burn “the earth” – the ground we walk on.
• These flames will blaze on “the day of judgment.”
• “Ungodly men” will end up in this fire.

Three verses later, Peter elaborated further,

“But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night; in the which the heavens
will pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the
earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” (2 Peter 3:10).

This passage is crystal clear: At some point in the future the sky above and the earth
beneath will literally catch fire and “melt with fervent heat.” So if you’ve been
taught that the sum total of hell-fire is some smoky place beneath the ground, think
again. The Bible says our entire sin-polluted planet is destined for the flames. Peter
concluded with this comforting assurance:

“Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth,
wherein righteousness dwells.” (2 Peter 3:13).

According to these truth-filled Bible verses, God will use fire to cleanse planet Earth
of its wickedness, then He will marvellously recreate it entirely. This is His “promise”
which “we” should be looking forward to.

The book of Revelation teaches the same message about a future Judgment Day and
cleansing fire, followed by a new heaven and earth. Again, look carefully. After every
lost soul is “judged… according to their works” (Revelation 20:13), then,

“Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth
were passed away… And he that sat upon the throne said, “Behold, I make all things
new.” (Revelation 20:15; 21:1, 5).
Here’s the inspired sequence:

• Judgment Day
• The Lake of Fire
• A New Heaven and Earth

Thus we have seen, so far, that Jesus Christ, Peter, and the book of Revelation teach
the same thing. Real fire is coming at the end of this world. It will not only become
the place where the lost are punished, but will serve a dual function of purifying our
polluted sky and chemically-saturated ground from every vestige of impurity. Then
God will make a new heaven and earth to become the eternal home of His saved,
blood-bought children.

One frightening thought is that “all liars” will wind up “in the lake which burns with
fire and brimstone, which is the second death” (Revelation 21:8). This should
impress us with the importance of knowing and speaking the truth.

We need the truth about Hell.

Above all, we need the truth about Jesus Christ, His love, and His death, burial, and
resurrection in our behalf.

May we be washed from our sins by the blood of the Lamb so we can be assured of a
place in God’s recreated earth.

Hell. Few Bible topics generate such emotion and controversy. Liberals reject the
idea, yet Jesus Christ plainly taught a real Hell when He solemnly warned that the
lost will be cast “into a furnace of fire” where “there shall be wailing and gnashing
of teeth” (see Matthew 13:42). Thus liberals are wrong in denying Hell’s existence.
On the other hand, many conservative Bible-believing Christians often
misunderstand the subject as well. This goal of this article is to continue separating
fantasy from reality.

Earlier in this article on the truth about hell we saw that there are three different
Greek words translated “Hell” in our English New Testaments: “Tartarus,”
“Gehenna,” and “Hades.” “Tartarus” is used once, in 2 Peter 2:4, and means “a place
of darkness or restraint.” “Tartarus” is where Satan and his demons reside now. It
isn’t a place of punishment or flames. That comes later. Satan and his hosts will reap
their reward in due time.

“Gehenna” is used many times in the New Testament, such as in Matthew 5:22, 29,
and 30, and refers to a place of fire, brimstone, and punishment. Earlier we
discovered that Jesus Christ clearly pinpointed the time of this fire as being “the end
of this world” (see Matthew 13:40) and that Peter identified the place of this fire as
being “the heavens and the earth which are now” (see 2 Peter 3:7). On Earth’s last
day, “the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt
with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up”
(2 Peter 3:10). In other words, earth itself is destined for flames. Then God will
create “new heavens and a new earth, wherein righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13;
see also Revelation 21:1). We shall discuss the duration of this fire soon in this
article on the truth about hell.

Now for “Hades.” This Greek word is also translated “Hell” in many English Bibles,
such as the King James Version. In Revelation 6:8, the King James Version refers to
“Death, and Hell [Hades].” It does this same in Revelation 20:14. Yet some English
Bibles leave the word “Hades” itself, such as the New International Version, which
translates both Revelation 6:8 and 20:14 as “Death, and Hades.” Now here’s a key
point: in Revelation 20:14 “Hades” (“Hell”) is eventually “cast into the lake of fire.”
Thus “Hades” itself is not a fiery place, but is cast into “the lake of fire.”
Here is Revelation 20:14 in both the KJV and NIV:

“And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:14, King James
Version, italics added)

“Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:14, New
International Version, italics added)

In my personal King James Version, which I often preach from, there is a marginal
reference beside the word “Hell” (Hades) listed in Revelation 20:13 and 14. It says
“Hell” literally means “the grave.” Thus Revelation 20:14 could properly be
translated, “death and the grave were cast into the lake of fire.” This makes sense.

To make it simple, biblically speaking, Hades means the grave. This is easy to prove
from 1 Corinthians 15:55, which in the King James Version states,

“O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” (1 Corinthians 15:55,
KJV, italics added)

If you look in any Strong’s Concordance, you’ll discover that the original Greek word
here translated “grave” is “Hades.” By looking at the context, it’s obvious that
“Hades” means “the grave” because it is God’s saints who rise out of “Hades” when
Jesus Christ returns. See for yourself:

“Behold, I shew you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In
a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound,
and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this
corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So
when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put
on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is
swallowed up on victory. O death, where is your sting? O grave [Hades] where is
your victory?” (1 Corinthians 15:51-55, King James Version, italics added)

“O grave [Hades] where is your victory?” the redeemed triumphantly shout. Thus
“Hades” here cannot mean a place of burning, for who can imagine God’s people
writhing in flames as they await the resurrection? Impossible!

Additional proof that “Hades” means “the grave” is the fact that “Hades” was the
place Jesus Christ’s body rested in immediately after His death. In Acts 2:31, the
King James Version declares,

“His [Christ’s] soul was not left in hell [Hades] neither [did] his flesh see
corruption.” (Acts 2:31, KJV, italics added).

The New International Version translates Acts 2:31 as,

“He was not abandoned to the grave, nor did his body see decay.” (Acts 2:31, NIV,
italics added)

Thus Christ’s “body” (NIV) or “flesh” (KJV) was not allowed to see “corruption”
(KJV) or “decay” (NIV) because it remained in the grave only a short time before He
rose. This should be plain to any unprejudiced mind.

To summarize the meaning of the three Greek words translated “Hell” in our English

• “Tartarus” means “a place of darkness or restraint” (2 Peter 2:4). Satan

abides there now.
• “Hades” means “the grave” (Acts 2:31; 1 Corinthians 15:55; Revelation
20:14). Jesus Christ’s body rested there, and His saints rest there now
awaiting the resurrection.
• “Gehenna” means a place of fire, brimstone, and punishment (see Matthew
5:22, 29, 30, described in Matthew 13:40-42, 2 Peter 3:7, 10-12). These
flames are yet future, at the end of the world.

In its description of this final fire, and the doom of the lost, the Bible’s last book
solemnly declares,

“Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”
(Revelation 20:15).

Will “the lake of fire” burn forever? Or will its unfortunate inhabitants – including
Satan and his demons – finally burn up, and thus cease to exist? What does the Bible
really say?

Death Discussions – The Truth about Hell

Will Hell burn forever, or will its flames finally cease smouldering? To discover the
correct answer, we must accept what the Bible says above the opinions of men. Do
you agree? I hope so. As we dive into this controversial topic, let me make my
personal position clear. I believe God’s Word above popular theories.

That said, first of all, the subject requires close examination, for some texts appear
contradictory. In Matthew 25:41, Jesus Christ warned that unsaved sinners will
enter “the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” Many read this and
say, “That settles it for me! The lost will sizzle forever. Don’t even try to convince me
otherwise.” Yet Jesus Christ also declared, “For God so loved the world, that He gave
His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have
eternal life” (John 3:16, italics added). So which is it? Will the damned roast
eternally in “everlasting fire,” or finally “perish,” and thus cease to exist?

Another example of apparent contradiction concerns the fate of Lucifer himself. The
book of Revelation says that “The devil,” along with “the beast” will “be tormented
day and night forever” in the lake of fire (see Revelation 20:10). Some respond,
“There’s more proof! Satan will never cease frying like an egg in a skillet.” Yet
Ezekiel chapter 28 reveals a different picture. Initially discussing the ancient “king
of Tyre” (Ezekiel 28:12), God’s prophet then looks behind the scenes and identifies
Lucifer himself, “the anointed cherub” (verse 14), who inhabited “Eden, the garden
of God” (verse 13), and who was originally “perfect in [his] ways from the day [he]
was created,” until “iniquity was found in [him]” (verse 15). Moving forward to this
fallen angel’s final fate, God declares, “I turned you to ashes upon the earth in the
sight of all who saw you… You have become a horror, and shall be no more forever”
(verses 18 and 19, italics added). Again, which is it? Will Satan be “tormented day
and night” throughout endless ages, or will he become “ashes,” and “be no more

Let me clarify: the Bible DOES NOT contradict itself. These are only APPARENT
contradictions. The solution is to examine what the whole Bible says about the fate
of the lost, discover its overall teaching, and then to closely analyse the difficult
verses until we understand them correctly. Once we do, we will discover that
everything fits and makes perfect sense.

Obviously, this isn’t the place to quote every Bible verse about the fate of the
unsaved. But I will cover enough to make my point, and hopefully, this will motivate
you to further research. In the remainder of this article on the truth about hell, I will
list a group of exceedingly clear verses describing the doom of the damned, and then
soon in this article on the truth about hell we will take a closer look at some other
apparently contradictory verses to see what they really say, and don’t say.

Looking forward to the Day of the Lord, God Himself declares:

“‘Behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, and all the proud, yes, all who do
wickedly, will be stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up,” says the
Lord of hosts, “That it will leave them neither root nor branch’” … ‘[And] you shall
trample down the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the souls of your feet on the
day that I do this, says the Lord of hosts’” (Malachi 4:1, 3).

This is “the Lord of hosts” speaking, not Steve Wohlberg. Here God says that when
His final day bursts upon the wicked, it will “burn them up” and reduce them to
“ashes” so that “neither root nor branch” remains. Think about it. If a plant is
destroyed, so that “neither root nor branch” remains, how much is left? Absolutely
nothing. This is what God says will happen to “all who do wickedly.”

David wrote about the fate of the unsaved,

“As wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.”
(Psalms 68:2, italics added).

“For yet a little while, and the wicked shall be no more.” (Psalms 37:10, italics

“The enemies of the Lord, like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish, into smoke
they shall vanish away.” (Psalms 37:20, italics added).

“But the transgressors shall be destroyed together; the future of the wicked shall be
cut off.” (Psalms 37:38, italics added).

John the Baptist proclaimed about the Messiah,

“He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire” (Matthew 3:12, italics added).

Paul wrote about those who “obey not the gospel”,

“These shall be punished with everlasting destruction…” (2 Thessalonians 1:9,

italics added).

Paul also declared,

“The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our
Lord.” (Romans 6:23, italics added).

I presented these passages – and many more like them - at a Bible Seminar in
Woodbury, New Jersey. A Jewish man named Corrie listened with rapt attention.
With great carefulness, I built my case that a loving God will administer nothing
more than perfect justice on Judgment Day, and that this will result in the tragic,
total annihilation of those who have rejected His gift of salvation through Jesus
Christ. At the end of my talk, with teary eyes, Corrie approached me with an
outstretched hand. “Steve, now I can believe in God’s love!” He then told me that
the notion of God torturing unsaved sinners forever – including his unbelieving
Jewish mother – had always hindered his having personal faith in Jesus Christ. Then
he walked away.

The next night Corrie again approached me, but this time, his face was glowing.
“Last night,” he excitedly reported, “I went home, dropped to my knees, and
accepted Jesus as my Savoir. Praise God!” he happily announced, “I’m born again!”
At the conclusion of my seminar Corrie was baptized. His mother came. “I don’t
know what has happened to my son,” she commented, “but he’s happy. What more
can a mother want?”

The doctrine of God eternally tormenting sinners in a smoky place called “Hell” had
prevented Corrie from becoming a Christian. During my seminar, he rejected this
idea, became a believer in Jesus Christ, and was baptized.
Was Corrie deceived, or had he discovered the truth?

Mohammed Ali (as the story goes) boarded an airplane and refused to buckle up.
“Mr. Ali,” commanded the flight attendant, “everyone must fasten their seatbelt.” “I
don’t need one,” the fighter proudly responded, “I’m Superman!” “No, you’re not,”
the woman countered promptly, “Superman didn’t need an airplane. Now fasten
your seatbelt or you will be ushered off this aircraft.” Needless to say, the man with
a punch complied.

The moral of this story is that each of us – including Mohammed Ali – needs a good
dose of humility. Jesus Christ said, “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled,
and he who humbles himself shall be exalted” (Luke 18:14). As we continue our
journey into the highly controversial doctrine of ‘hell-fire,’ it is my hope that each of
my readers will put aside preconceived opinions and humbly examine the Bible texts
below. Fasten your seatbelt! You may need one.

First, let’s take a close look at the book of Jude, right before Revelation. At the
beginning of his letter, Jude urged Christians to “earnestly contend for the faith
which was once delivered to the saints” (verse 3). Next he warned of “certain men”
who were planting false doctrines inside the early church (see verse 4). In verses 5
and 6, Jude warned of the consequences of being led astray. Then he warned about
“the vengeance of eternal fire” (verse 7). This is what we must examine, humbly
and reverently.

Here’s the entire verse:

“Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving
themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an
example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” (Jude 7)

Notice carefully: it was the physical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah that “suffered the
vengeance of eternal fire,” not just the people. In addition, their punishment is “set
forth as an example” of what will happen to the unsaved. In 2 Peter, we find an
almost identical verse, yet Peter inserts one tiny, significant detail. Look closely:

“And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an
overthrow, making them an example unto all those that after should live ungodly.”
(2 Peter 2:6, italics added).

What was the net result of that “eternal fire” which fell upon Sodom and Gomorrah ?
Those cities became ashes. But that’s not all. Describing “the punishment of the sin
of Sodom,” Jeremiah said that those evil cities were “overthrown as in a moment”
(Lamentations 4:6, italics added). Now put the pieces together. By comparing Jude 7
and 2 Peter 2:6 with Lamentations 4:6, we discover plainly that the “the vengeance
of eternal fire” was so incredibly hot that it reduced Sodom and Gomorrah “into
ashes” in “a moment” of time. Now think about it. Are Sodom and Gomorrah still
destroyed? Yes. But are they burning now? Obviously not. Then what does “eternal
fire” mean? By comparing Scripture with Scripture, it means that the fire came from
God and that the punishment lasts forever, not the flames. And again, both Jude and
Peter called this punishment “an example” of what will happen to all the lost.

Jesus Christ also warned that He will someday declare to lost sinners, “Depart from
me, you cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew
25:41, italics added). Is this fire the same type of fire mentioned in Jude 7, one
which destroys completely? We know it is because five verses later our Lord
clarified, “And these [the lost] shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the
righteous into life eternal” (Matthew 25:46). Thus the lost experience “everlasting
punishment,” not punishing, just like the Sodomites.

Paul also wrote about “everlasting” consequences overwhelming unsaved sinners.

Does his teaching agree with Jesus Christ and Jude? In the following passage, you
will see that it does. Paul warned that when Jesus Christ returns He will come “in
flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the
gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction
from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power…” (2 Thessalonians
1:8, 9, italics added). Here “everlasting” is combined with “destruction,” which
means the lost are destroyed forever, just like the Gomorrahites.

In addition to Jesus Christ, Jude, and Paul, John the Baptist also warned about
“unquenchable fire” engulfing the unredeemed. On the surface, one might assume
John was referring to ceaselessly burning flames. But he wasn’t. Calling the saved
“wheat” and the lost “chaff,” the wilderness prophet announced that God’s Messiah
would “thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will
burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire” (Matthew 3:12, italics added). Thus
“unquenchable fire” isn’t fire that burns forever, but fire that can’t be snuffed out by
man. It burns up the chaff until there is nothing left.

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center no longer exist. On September 11, 2001
they were rammed by two hijacked planes on a mission of death. Airplane fuel
ignited and blazing fires could not be quenched. What remains is little more than
ashes and memories, somewhat comparable to Sodom and Gomorrah. For those who
lost loved ones, the results of that fateful day seem eternal.

The Muslim terrorists who brought down the Twin Towers believed they were
serving Allah. They also imagined they would be rewarded with 72 virgins in heaven
for their faithfulness to God’s truth. But they were grossly mistaken. Their future will
be quite different from their expectations. How about us? Do we know what the
Bible really teaches about heaven, how to get there, and the fate of the lost?

In this article on the truth about hell we have discovered that Jesus Christ (Matthew
25:41, 46), John the Baptist (Matthew 3:12), Paul (2 Thessalonians 1:8, 9) and Jude
(verse 7) all predicted that “eternal fire,” “everlasting fire,” and “unquenchable
fire,” will eventually “burn up” all unsaved sinners to their “everlasting destruction,”
just like Sodom and Gomorrah became “ashes” in “a moment.” And Sodom ’s holy
judgment is “set forth as an example” (Jude 7) to us today.

Let’s humbly learn this lesson from God’s Word.

Let’s “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints” (Jude

When Thailand police arrested American schoolteacher John Mark Karr in August
2006, investigators hoped a 10-year murder mystery had been solved and that the
killer of 6-year-old beauty queen Jon Bennet Ramsey was finally in custody. Almost
everyone thought they had their man, especially after the teacher himself candidly
confessed, “I did it.” Yet shortly thereafter Karr’s DNA was tested and results didn’t
match traces left on Ramsey’s corpse. Universally abhorred, Karr was labelled a sick,
creepy craver of media attention, and released.

In the earlier parts of this controversial article on the truth about hell, I have
attempted to systematically build my case from Scripture that although the flames of
hell are certainly real and do await the lost, they will not crackle endlessly but will
finally be extinguished at the end of the world. Unsaved sinners, after facing a just
judgment before a righteous God, will ultimately reap “the wages of sin,” which is
“death” (Romans 6:23). God Himself declares,

“Behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, and all the proud, yes, all who do
wickedly, will be stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up, says the
Lord of hosts, That it will leave them neither root nor branch.” (Malachi 4:1).

There are hundreds of Bible verses teaching the same thing – that the lost will “burn
up” (Matthew 3:12), “be destroyed” (Psalms 37:38), and be “no more” (Psalms
37:10). Even Satan himself will become “ashes on the earth” (Ezekiel 28:19). This
has been my earnest contention all along. Yet there are a few other texts that
appear, at least on the surface, to pronounce me guilty of the crime of perverting
Scripture. Am I guilty or not? While I certainly don’t identify myself with Mr. Karr, I
believe a close analysis of biblical DNA will prove my innocence. More importantly, it
will testify that Jesus Christ is not a Person who will endlessly torture those who
reject His love.

That said, it’s time to examine some DNA about “the worm,” plus verses in the book
of Revelation about being tormented “for ever.” Coming soon to this article on the
truth about hell we will discuss a man named “Lazarus.” Let’s start with “the worm.”

The Worm that Dieth Not – The Truth about Hell

Jesus warned about being cast “into the fire that never shall be quenched: where
their worm dieth not, and their fire is not quenched (Mark 9:43, 44). Many view this
as evidence that I’m guilty of twisting the Bible. So let’s examine the DNA. First of
all, by comparing Christ’s statement with Isaiah 66:24, it’s unquestionably clear that
Jesus was quoting Scripture. See for yourself:

“And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcasses of the men who have
transgressed against Me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be
quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.” (Isaiah 66:24).

This is precisely what Jesus Christ said. But notice carefully that Isaiah applied this
morbid scene to the “carcasses” of sinners that God’s people will someday “look” at.
In other words, at time’s end, the righteous will behold dead bodies, not living souls
endlessly tormented. What about the fire that can’t be “quenched”? By comparing
Isaiah 66:24 with Jeremiah 17:27, it’s clear this means that the fire can’t be
quenched by man until it finishes its job. What about the “worm”? In the Isaiah text,
the worm doesn’t die, but the people are dead. This is biblical imagery. In Bible
days, outside Jerusalem, there was a garbage dump where the carcasses of dead
dogs and criminals often ended up. Worms continually crawled there within rotting
flesh. Jesus used this imagery, quoting Isaiah, to illustrate the fearful fate of the
lost. But again, its dead bodies, not eternal torment, being described.

Tormented Day and Night forever – the Truth about Hell

There are three places in book of Revelation that say, “the smoke of their torment
ascendeth up forever and ever” (Revelation 14:11), “her smoke rose up forever”
(Revelation 19:3), and “tormented day and night forever” (Revelation 20:10).
“Those verses prove you’re wrong, Mr. Wohlberg!” I sometimes hear. Again, let’s
analyse the DNA.

Everyone knows that Revelation contains some symbolism, such as its references to
a seven-headed beast, a Babylonian harlot holding a golden cup, and a glistening
woman clothed with the sun. Obviously, these aren’t literal. What about the
‘tormented forever’ texts? Could they be symbolic too? Here’s something significant:
If you look closely at each ‘tormented forever’ passage, every one is connected to
symbolism. Revelation 14:11 and Revelation 20:10 refer to “the beast,” and
Revelation 19:3 states, “her smoke rose up forever.” Whose smoke? The Whore
riding the beast. Will a literal Harlot sizzle forever? No. This is symbolism.

Here’s more evidence worth considering: While Revelation 20:10 refers to torment
forever, verse 9 says the opposite and contains no symbolism.

Verse 9 - And they [the lost] went up on the breadth of the earth [at the end of the
Millennium], and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city [the
New Jerusalem], and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them.
Verse 10 – And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and
brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day
and night forever and ever.

Verse 9 has no symbolism and says the lost are “devoured.” Verse 10 has symbolism
and says they are tormented “forever.” Which is it? The literal truth lies in the text
that contains no symbolism: “fire came down… and devoured them.” Beyond this,
after “the lake of fire” is again described in verse 15, the next verse says,

“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth
were passed away.” (Revelation 21:1)

Revelation 20:9 says the lost are upon “the earth” when God’s fire devours them.
Thus “the earth” is the location of “the lake of fire.” Then Revelation 21:1 says the
“first earth” passes away which must include the lake of fire! Then there will be “no
more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain”
(Revelation 21:4). Here’s even more proof that “the lake of fire” will disappear.

“I did it,” Mark Karr claimed, but he didn’t. DNA evidence revealed otherwise. Dear
friend, I hope you are open-minded enough to accept DNA truth from the Bible.
Jesus Christ is good. He’s not a wicked murderer (like Mr. Karr claimed to be), nor
an eternal tormentor of souls.

One day soon, when the smoke clears, the entire universe will proclaim, “just and
true are thy ways, thou King of saints” (Revelation 15:3).

The Rich Man and Lazarus – The Truth about Hell

My own mother – who recently turned 73 years old – is not presently a believer in
Jesus Christ. Neither is my brother. Nor are many of my Jewish relatives. According
to many well-meaning Christian teachers, if nothing changes, these relatives of mine
are doomed to eternal flames.

Throughout this article, I have tried to disprove this popular teaching from God’s
Word. I’ve quoted Scriptures like, “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), and
Jesus Christ’s own words, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal
life” (John 3:16). Based on my research, words like “death” and “perish” do not
mean “conscious eternal torment.” Rather, they mean just what they suggest, that
the unsaved will someday cease to exist. Because of their sinful choices, the lost
have forfeited eternal life. After the Day of Judgment and a just sentence, the only
thing a merciful God can do is to finally pull the plug, thus ending their existence. I
pray that my family members will wake up before it’s too late.

In previous chapters we have closely examined key passages that seem, at least on
the surface, to contradict my conclusions. We’ve discussed “absent from the body”
(2 Corinthians 5:8), the dying thief (Luke 23:43 ), the appearance of Moses and
Elijah (Luke 9:28 -36), and souls under the altar (Revelation 6:9-11). It’s now time
to zero in on the Mother of all Hell Verses – the Rich Man and Lazarus. More than any
other passage, this section is used to prove that lost sinners don’t sleep
unconsciously in their graves awaiting the resurrection (which so many Bible verses
plainly teach – see Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10, Psalms 13:3; Acts 7:60; John 5:28, 29; 6:39,
40, 44, 54; 11:11-14, etc.), but that they plunge instantly into flames at death, and
sizzle eternally. Let’s take a closer look.

The story is found in Luke 16:19-31. Because of space limitations, I will not quote
the entire passage. Jesus Christ declared:

There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared
sumptuously every day. But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores,
who was laid at his gate, desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich
man's table. Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. So it was that the beggar
died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and
was buried. And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham
afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have
mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and
cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.’

After denying his request, Abraham finally told the rich man,

‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though
one rise from the dead.’

To begin with, I want to make one highly significant mega-point: This is the ONLY
place in the entire New Testament that says that a lost soul descends into a fiery hell
immediately at death! Such a doctrine is not taught anywhere else – not by Matthew,
Mark, John, James, Peter or Paul. Did you get that? Paul wrote most of the New
Testament, and he didn’t teach it even once. Let this fact sink into your soul.

Second, Jesus often told “parables” or stories that were symbolic of deeper truths.
Although parables contain many practical lessons, not every item should be taken
literally. Is this story a parable? We believe so.

Here are 7 reasons why:

1. Jesus often began His parables with the phrase, "a certain…man." If you look at
these verses in Luke’s gospel, you will discover that they are all parables. Thus it’s
logical to assume the Rich Man and Lazarus story is also a parable.

Luke 12:16 “And he spoke a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich
man brought forth plentifully:”
Luke 13:6 “He spoke also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his
vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none.”
Luke 14:16 “Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade
Luke 15:11 “And he said, A certain man had two sons:”
Luke 16:1 “And he said also unto his disciples, There was a certain rich man, which
had a steward; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods.”
Luke 16:19 “There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine
linen, and fared sumptuously every day:”
Luke 19:11-12 “And as they heard these things, he added and spoke a parable,
because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of
God should immediately appear. 12 He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into
a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.”
Luke 20:9 “Then began he to speak to the people this parable; A certain man planted
a vineyard, and let it forth to husbandmen, and went into a far country for a long

2. A man cannot physically enter into "the bosom" or chest of another person as
Christ described.

3. Can someone literally burning in flames carry on a normal, rational conversation?

4. Can those in heaven and hell talk to each other? If that were the case then we
would be able to see our loved one’s such as a family member and we would be able
to see them burning and going through horrible suffering. Would this be something
that we would desire? Would we enjoy heaven if it involved watching people we
loved suffer like this. What if it was a son or daughter or a mother or father, could
that person even for a moment enjoy there stay in heaven seeing this every day?
5. Jesus represented the rich man as being bodily in hell, with eyes, a mouth, a
tongue, etc. This is obviously symbolic. If you were to dig up a real rich man's grave,
wouldn't his body be there? Of course!

6. A real burning man would not request a little water to cool his tongue alone. What
about the rest of his body? Would a drop of water really help? Besides the fact a
drop of water would not survive the flames to get to his tongue, if you were in that
situation would you ask for a drop of water or the whole local fire department?

7. Consciousness at death contradicts the rest of the Bible.

Significantly, Jesus didn’t interpret every parable He told. Yet when His disciples
asked Him to interpret another parable about weeds in a field, Jesus plainly
explained that hellfire occurs at “the end of this world,” rather than at death (see
Matthew 13:36, 40-42, KJV).

There is a historian who wrote that this was a story popular in Jesus time and that
He took this story and used it as a way to try to express spiritual truth to the people
of His day. The story actually has nothing directly to do with death or hell and is
teaching about faithfulness. It is also in line with other parables about faithfulness.
So what is the meaning of this parable and what spiritual lesson is to be learnt from
this story?

The rich man undoubtedly represents the Jewish nation which actually prayed to
father Abraham. The poor man, Lazarus the beggar, represented the Gentiles. The
Jews believed if you were rich, it was a sign of blessing from God because of their
righteousness and that they were guaranteed getting into heaven. If you were poor
they figured there was a curse upon you probably because of your sinfulness and so
you had a poor chance of getting to heaven. The Jews also believed if you were a
literal child of Abraham than you had it made.

So what did Jesus do?

Jesus flipped things upside down by describing a saved poor man, and a lost rich

The context of Christ’s parable shows He was talking directly to wealthy Pharisees
who were mocking Him with their tongues (see Luke 16:14 ). Those Pharisees
believed the rich were blessed, while the poor lived under God’s curse. Jesus flipped
things upside down by describing a saved poor man, and a lost rich man. The part
about the rich man asking for his tongue to be soothed was a direct warning to those
Pharisees that their lips were catapulting them toward hell-fire. Finally, at the end of
His parable, Jesus declared that even resurrecting Lazarus from the dead wouldn’t
convince the doubters.

This leads to the next point: Why did Jesus specify the name Lazarus? Because His
parable was also a prophecy. Later Jesus would resurrect a real person named
Lazarus, yet this miracle would not convince the Pharisees that He was the Messiah
(John 11:1-53).

Here’s a solid principle: We should interpret parables in the light of the rest of the
Bible, rather than the rest of the Bible in the light of one parable.

The Perfect Sacrifice – The Truth about Hell

To nearby residents, it will always be remembered as the “Esperanza Fire.”
Deliberately ignited by an evil arsonist, the October 2006 wind-driven blaze
destroyed nearly 60,000 acres and 34 homes 100 miles east of Los Angeles,
California. Worst of all, it killed five fire fighters who were suddenly immersed in
flames when the wind unexpectedly shifted. On Sunday, November 5, nearly 10,000
mourners attended a memorial service for the fallen fighters at an outdoor
amphitheatre in Devore, CA. “We will never forget their sacrifice,” Governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger declared. As the ceremony concluded, a group of U.S. Forest
Service airplanes soared overhead while bagpipers played "Amazing Grace."

Believe me, as awful as the Esperanza Fire was, it bears no comparison to the fiery
sea of judicial punishment described in Scripture. West of Palm Springs, CA, five men
lost their physical lives. At the end of the world, the consequences are infinitely
more serious. Notice carefully the net result of being in cast into Revelation’s
apocalyptic furnace:

“Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death”
(Revelation 20:14, 15).

“But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers,

idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and
brimstone, which is the second death” (Revelation 21:8).

Twice the book of Revelation states that the fate of sinners who suffer in “the lake of
fire” is “the second death.” Underscore that last word: death. Throughout this “Hot
Topic of the truth about Hell” article, I have contended that contrary to popular
opinion, the final fate of the damned is not to sizzle endlessly in conscious torment,
but to ultimately “perish” (John 3:16) and become “ashes” (Malachi 4:3). “‘The day
which is coming shall burn them up,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘that will leave them
neither root nor branch’” (Malachi 4:1). This is God’s Word, not my opinion.

But I have saved my best argument for last. Every true Christian who believes the
gospel accepts the fundamental truth that, on the cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ paid
the “full price” for the sins of the world. Agreed? The Bible says unequivocally,

“Christ died for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:3).

“He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the
whole world” (1 John 2:2).

This truth is basic. Jesus Christ paid the full price for our sins. Isaiah predicted, “The
chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah
53:5). “Chastisement” means “punishment.” It was our “punishment” that Jesus
Christ endured in Gethsemane and on the cross. In other words, what should have
happened to us, fell on Him. What we deserve, He endured. He took our place. Again,
all true Christians accept this, but only a few realize the inescapable implications.

Think about it. If “the wages of sin” were conscious, unending, never ceasing,
eternal torment, then the ONLY WAY that Jesus Christ could experience the full
penalty for our sins would be for Him to consciously suffer eternal torment in our
behalf. “I’m so glad we don’t have to sizzle forever,” the righteous would be saying
throughout endless ages, “because Jesus Christ is burning right now for us!” Do you
see my point?

There’s really no way around it. To say that “the wages of sin” is burning forever,
and then to deny that Jesus Christ will burn forever, is to deny that Jesus Christ paid
the full penalty for our sins. In that case, He really didn’t. He would only have paid a
mini, 3–day discounted price — between Friday and Sunday. And even then, “eternal
torment” believers don’t believe that Jesus was consciously suffering from Friday to
Sunday anyway. At least I’ve never heard anyone say this.

The only way to escape the proverbial horns of this dilemma is by accepting the
Bible as it reads – “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23 ). Each time a lamb was
sacrificed in the Jewish Temple, this message was proclaimed. Those animals died,
and then portions of their bodies were consumed on Jewish altars. Period. That was
it. On the cross of Calvary, after 6 hours of unimaginable horror, Jesus Christ
breathed His last breath, and then He died. Paul wrote, “Christ died for our sins” (1
Corinthians 15:3).
But here’s a key question. What kind of death did Jesus die? It wasn’t a normal
death, like we die, at the end of our lives. When people die today, their deaths are
not “the wages of sin.” Nowadays, death comes alike to us all – the saved and the
lost. Everyday deaths are called “sleep” in the Bible (see Psalm 13:3; Daniel 12:2;
Acts 7:60; 1 Corinthians 15:6, etc). Today, when lost sinners die, they sleep in the
grave. At the end of the Millennium, they will be resurrected, judged, and then
punished in the “lake of fire,” which is “the second death” (see Revelation 20:5a,
11-15). This “second death” is the full penalty of sin. It will be horrible. It will go
beyond the pain of flames. And then, it will be over. Finished. Done. This is the death
that Jesus Christ died when He cried out, “It is finished!”

“We will never forget their sacrifice,” Schwarzenegger declared about the five lost
fire fighters. I pray we will never forget the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in our behalf.
And part of this remembrance is to teach the truth about hell.

If we say, “the wages of sin is eternal torment,” then we

are really denying that Jesus Christ paid the full penalty for our sins. May we “never
forget” the Word of God, which declares,

“The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our
Lord” (Romans 6:23 ).

What “Amazing Grace!”

If you have not yet read Steve’s article on the Truth about death, then consider the
following questions. What happens when we die? Can we speak to the dead?

What does the Bible really say?

Select the image on solving the mystery of death and you will find out or for further
reading on this topic you can read the truth about hell fire.

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per annum. As we require an income to survive, any assistance would be greatly
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Watch excellent Prophecy Seminars online
If you have a reasonably fast internet connection and would like to learn more about
the truth about hell and the truth about death and have a passion for the truth, you
will find Deadly Delusions, the Lake of Fire and the Devil Chained very enlightening.
You may want to start about 20-23 minutes in depending on the selected title to
bypass singing items etc. If you would like to watch more from this and other
Prophecy Seminars you will find the menus here. Be prepared to discover many mind
blowing, lost Bible truths.


1. U.S. News and World Report, March 25, 1991, p. 56

About the Author

Steve Wohlberg is Speaker/Director of White Horse Media and hosts the

national radio show, World News and the Bible. He is the author of ten books and
has been guest on over 400 radio and TV shows. His web site is
www.whitehorsemedia.com. 1-800-78-BIBLE.

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