Instructor Packet Tracer Manual v1.1

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CCNA Security 1.

Instructor Packet Tracer Manual

This document is exclusive property of Cisco Systems, Inc. Permission is granted to print and copy this document for non-commercial distribution and exclusive use by instructors in the CCNA Security course as part of an official Cisco Networking Academy Program.

PT Activity: Configure Cisco Routers for Syslog, NTP, and SSH Operations
Instructor Version Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Device R1 R2 R3 PC-A PC-B PC-C Interface FA0/1 S0/0/0 (DCE) S0/0/0 S0/0/1 (DCE) FA0/1 S0/0/1 NIC NIC NIC IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Switch Port S1 FA0/5 N/A N/A N/A S3 FA0/5 N/A S1 FA0/6 S2 FA0/18 S3 FA0/6

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CCNA Security

Learning Objectives
Configure routers as NTP clients. Configure routers to update the hardware clock using NTP. Configure routers to log messages to the syslog server. Configure routers to timestamp log messages. Configure local users. Configure VTY lines to accept SSH connections only. Configure RSA key pair on SSH server. Verify SSH connectivity from PC client and router client.

The network topology shows three routers. You will configure NTP and Syslog on all routers. You will configure SSH on R3. Network Time Protocol (NTP) allows routers on the network to synchronize their time settings with an NTP server. A group of NTP clients that obtain time and date information from a single source have more consistent time settings and Syslog messages generated can be analyzed more easily. This can help when troubleshooting issues with network problems and attacks. When NTP is implemented in the network, it can be set up to synchronize to a private master clock, or to a publicly available NTP server on the Internet. The NTP Server is the master NTP server in this lab. You will configure the routers to allow the software clock to be synchronized by NTP to the time server. Also, you will configure the routers to periodically update the hardware clock with the time learned from NTP. Otherwise, the hardware clock will tend to gradually lose or gain time (drift) and the software clock and hardware clock may become out of synchronization with each other. The Syslog Server will provide message logging in this lab. You will configure the routers to identify the remote host (Syslog server) that will receive logging messages. You will need to configure timestamp service for logging on the routers. Displaying the correct time and date in Syslog messages is vital when using Syslog to monitor a network. If the correct time and date of a message is not known, it can be difficult to determine what network event caused the message. R2 is an ISP connected to two remote networks: R1 and R3. The local administrator at R3 can perform most router configurations and troubleshooting; however, since R3 is a managed router, the ISP needs access to R3 for occasional troubleshooting or updates. To provide this access in a secure manner, the administrators have agreed to use Secure Shell (SSH). You use the CLI to configure the router to be managed securely using SSH instead of Telnet. SSH is a network protocol that establishes a secure terminal emulation connection to a router or other networking device. SSH encrypts all information that passes over the network link and provides authentication of the remote computer. SSH is rapidly replacing Telnet as the remote login tool of choice for network professionals. The servers have been pre-configured for NTP and Syslog services respectively. NTP will not require authentication. The routers have been pre-configured with the following: Enable password: ciscoenpa55 Password for vty lines: ciscovtypa55 Static routing

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CCNA Security

Task 1:
Step 1. Step 2.

Configure routers as NTP Clients.

Test Connectivity Ping from PC-C to R3. Ping from R2 to R3. Telnet from PC-C to R3. Exit the Telnet session. Telnet from R2 to R3. Exit the Telnet session. Configure R1, R2 and R3 as NTP clients. R1(config)# ntp server R2(config)# ntp server R3(config)# ntp server

Verify client configuration using the command show ntp status. Step 3. Configure routers to update hardware clock. R1(config)# ntp update-calendar R2(config)# ntp update-calendar R3(config)# ntp update-calendar Verify that the hardware clock was updated using the command show clock. Step 4. Configure routers to timestamp log messages.

Configure R1, R2 and R3 to periodically update the hardware clock with the time learned from NTP.

Configure timestamp service for logging on the routers. Step 0. R1(config)# service timestamps log datetime msec R2(config)# service timestamps log datetime msec R3(config)# service timestamps log datetime msec

Task 2:
Step 1.

Configure routers to log messages to the Syslog Server.

Configure the routers to identify the remote host (Syslog Server) that will receive logging messages. R1(config)# logging host R2(config)# logging host R3(config)# logging host

The router console will display a message that logging has started. Step 2. Step 3. Verify logging configuration using the command show logging. Examine logs of the Syslog server. Step 0.

From the Config tab of the Syslog servers dialogue box, select the Syslog services button. Observe the logging messages received from the routers. Note: Log messages can be generated on the server by executing commands on the router. For example, entering and exiting global configuration mode will generate an informational configuration message.

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CCNA Security

Task 3:
Step 1.

Configure R3 to support SSH connections.

Configure a domain name. R3(config)# ip domain-name

Configure a domain name of on R3.

Step 2.

Configure users for login from the SSH client on R3.

Create a user ID of SSHadmin with the highest possible privilege level and a secret password of ciscosshpa55. R3(config)# username SSHadmin privilege 15 secret ciscosshpa55 Step 3. Configure the incoming VTY lines on R3. R3(config)# line vty 0 4 R3(config-line)# login local R3(config-line)# transport input ssh Step 4. Erase existing key pairs on R3. R3(config)#crypto key zeroize rsa Note: If no keys exist, you might receive this message: % No Signature RSA Keys found in configuration. Generate the RSA encryption key pair for R3.

Use the local user accounts for mandatory login and validation. Accept only SSH connections.

Any existing RSA key pairs should be erased on the router.

Step 5.

The router uses the RSA key pair for authentication and encryption of transmitted SSH data. Configure the RSA keys with a modulus of 1024. The default is 512, and the range is from 360 to 2048. R3(config)# crypto key generate rsa [Enter] The name for the keys will be: Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 2048 for your General Purpose Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may take a few minutes. How many bits in the modulus [512]:1024 % Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...[OK] Note: Step 6. The command to generate RSA encryption key pairs for R3 in Packet Tracer differs from those used in the lab. Verify the SSH configuration.

Use the show ip ssh command to see the current settings. Verify that the authentication timeout and retries are at their default values of 120 and 3. Step 7. Configure SSH timeouts and authentication parameters.

The default SSH timeouts and authentication parameters can be altered to be more restrictive. Set the timeout to 90 seconds, the number of authentication retries to 2, and the version to 2. R3(config)# ip ssh time-out 90 R3(config)# ip ssh authentication-retries 2 R3(config)# ip ssh version 2 Issue the show ip ssh command again to confirm that the values have been changed.
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CCNA Security Step 8. Attempt to connect to R3 via Telnet from PC-C.

Open the Desktop of PC-C. Select the Command Prompt icon. From PC-C, enter the command to connect to R3 via Telnet. PC> telnet This connection should fail, since R3 has been configured to accept only SSH connections on the virtual terminal lines. Step 9. Connect to R3 using SSH on PC-C.

Open the Desktop of PC-C. Select the Command Prompt icon. From PC-C, enter the command to connect to R3 via SSH. When prompted for the password, enter the password configured for the administrator ciscosshpa55. PC> ssh l SSHadmin Step 10. Connect to R3 using SSH on R2. In order to troubleshoot and maintain the R3 router, the administrator at the ISP must use SSH to access the router CLI. From the CLI of R2, enter the command to connect to R3 via SSH version 2 using the SSHadmin user account. When prompted for the password, enter the password configured for the administrator: ciscosshpa55. R2# ssh v 2 l SSHadmin Step 11. Check results. Your completion percentage should be 100%. Click Check Results to see feedback and verification of which required components have been completed.

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PT Activity: Configure AAA Authentication on Cisco Routers

Instructor Version Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Device R1 Interface Fa0/0 S0/0/0 S0/0/0 R2 Fa0/0 S0/0/1 R3 TACACS+ Server RADIUS Server PC-A PC-B PC-C S0/0/1 Fa0/0 NIC NIC NIC NIC NIC IP Address Subnet Mask

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CCNA Security

Learning Objectives
Configure a local user account on R1 and authenticate on the console and VTY lines using local AAA. Verify local AAA authentication from the R1 console and the PC-A client. Configure a server-based AAA authentication using TACACS+. Verify server-based AAA authentication from PC-B client. Configure a server-based AAA authentication using RADIUS. Verify server-based AAA authentication from PC-C client.

The network topology shows routers R1, R2 and R3. Currently all administrative security is based on knowledge of the enable secret password. Your task is to configure and test local and server-based AAA solutions. You will create a local user account and configure local AAA on router R1 to test the console and VTY logins. User account: Admin1 and password admin1pa55

You will then configure router R2 to support server-based authentication using the TACACS+ protocol. The TACACS+ server has been pre-configured with the following: Client: R2 using the keyword tacacspa55 User account: Admin2 and password admin2pa55

Finally, you will configure router R3 to support server-based authentication using the RADIUS protocol. The RADIUS server has been pre-configured with the following: Client: R3 using the keyword radiuspa55 User account: Admin3 and password admin3pa55

The routers have also been pre-configured with the following: Enable secret password: ciscoenpa55 RIP version 2

Note: The console and VTY lines have not been pre-configured.

Task 1:
Step 1. Step 2.

Configure Local AAA Authentication for Console Access on R1

Test connectivity. Ping from PC-A to PC-B. Ping from PC-A to PC-C. Ping from PC-B to PC-C. Configure a local username on R1. R1(config)# username Admin1 secret admin1pa55

Configure a username of Admin1 and secret password of admin1pa55.

Step 3.

Configure local AAA authentication for console access on R1. R1(config)# aaa new-model R1(config)# aaa authentication login default local

Enable AAA on R1 and configure AAA authentication for console login to use the local database.

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CCNA Security

Step 4.

Configure the line console to use the defined AAA authentication method. R1(config)# line console 0 R1(config-line)# login authentication default

Enable AAA on R1 and configure AAA authentication for console login to use the default method list.

Step 5.

Verify the AAA authentication method. R1(config-line)# end %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console R1# exit R1 con0 is now available Press RETURN to get started. ************ AUTHORIZED ACCESS ONLY ************* UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO THIS DEVICE IS PROHIBITED. User Access Verification Username: Admin1 Password: admin1pa55 R1>

Verify the user EXEC login using the local database.

Task 2:
Step 1.

Configure Local AAA Authentication for VTY Lines on R1

Configure a named list AAA authentication method for VTY lines on R1. R1(config)# aaa authentication login TELNET-LOGIN local

Configure a named list called TELNET-LOGIN to authenticate logins using local AAA.

Step 2.

Configure the VTY lines to use the defined AAA authentication method. R1(config)# line vty 0 4 R1(config-line)# login authentication TELNET-LOGIN R1(config-line)# end

Configure the VTY lines to use the named AAA method.

Step 3.

Verify the AAA authentication method. PC> telnet ************ AUTHORIZED ACCESS ONLY ************* UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO THIS DEVICE IS PROHIBITED. User Access Verification Username: Admin1 Password: admin1pa55 R1>

Verify the Telnet configuration. From the command prompt of PC-A, Telnet to R1.

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CCNA Security

Task 3:
Step 1.

Configure Server-Based AAA Authentication Using TACACS+ on R2

Configure a backup local database entry called Admin. R2(config)# username Admin secret adminpa55

For backup purposes, configure a local username of Admin and secret password of adminpa55.

Step 2.

Verify the TACACS+ Server configuration.

Select the TACACS+ Server. From the Config tab, click on AAA and notice that there is a Network configuration entry for R2 and a User Setup entry for Admin2. Step 3. Configure the TACACS+ server specifics on R2. R2(config)# tacacs-server host R2(config)# tacacs-server key tacacspa55 Step 4. Configure AAA login authentication for console access on R2.

Configure the AAA TACACS server IP address and secret key on R2.

Enable AAA on R2 and configure all logins to authenticate using the AAA TACACS+ server and if not available, then use the local database. R2(config)# aaa new-model R2(config)# aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ local Step 5. Configure the line console to use the defined AAA authentication method. R2(config)# line console 0 R2(config-line)# login authentication default Step 6. Verify the AAA authentication method. R2(config-line)# end %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console R2# exit R2 con0 is now available Press RETURN to get started. ************ AUTHORIZED ACCESS ONLY ************* UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO THIS DEVICE IS PROHIBITED. User Access Verification Username: Admin2 Password: admin2pa55 R2>

Configure AAA authentication for console login to use the default AAA authentication method.

Verify the user EXEC login using the AAA TACACS+ server.

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CCNA Security

Task 4:
Step 1.

Configure Server-Based AAA Authentication Using RADIUS on R3

Configure a backup local database entry called Admin. R3(config)# username Admin secret adminpa55

For backup purposes, configure a local username of Admin and secret password of adminpa55.

Step 2.

Verify the RADIUS Server configuration.

Select the RADIUS Server. From the Config tab, click on AAA and notice that there is a Network configuration entry for R3 and a User Setup entry for Admin3. Step 3. Configure the RADIUS server specifics on R3. R3(config)# radius-server host R3(config)# radius-server key radiuspa55 Step 4. Configure AAA login authentication for console access on R3.

Configure the AAA RADIUS server IP address and secret key on R3.

Enable AAA on R3 and configure all logins to authenticate using the AAA RADIUS server and if not available, then use the local database. R3(config)# aaa new-model R3(config)# aaa authentication login default group radius local Step 5. Configure the line console to use the defined AAA authentication method. R3(config)# line console 0 R3(config-line)# login authentication default Step 6. Verify the AAA authentication method. R3(config-line)# end %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console R3# exit R3 con0 is now available Press RETURN to get started. ************ AUTHORIZED ACCESS ONLY ************* UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO THIS DEVICE IS PROHIBITED. User Access Verification Username: Admin3 Password: admin3pa55 R3> Step 7. Check results.

Configure AAA authentication for console login to use the default AAA authentication method.

Verify the user EXEC login using the AAA RADIUS server.

Your completion percentage should be 100%. Click Check Results to see feedback and verification of which required components have been completed.

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PT Activity: Configure IP ACLs to Mitigate Attacks

Instructor Version Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Device R1 Interface Fa0/1 S0/0/0 (DCE) S0/0/0 R2 S0/0/1(DCE) Lo0 R3 PC-A PC-C Fa0/1 S0/0/1 NIC NIC IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Verify connectivity among devices before firewall configuration. Use ACLs to ensure remote access to the routers is available only from management station PC-C. Configure ACLs on R1 and R3 to mitigate attacks. Verify ACL functionality.

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CCNA Security

Access to routers R1, R2, and R3 should only be permitted from PC-C, the management station. PC-C is also used for connectivity testing to PC-A, a server providing DNS, SMTP, FTP, and HTTPS services. Standard operating procedure is to apply ACLs on edge routers to mitigate common threats based on source and/or destination IP address. In this activity, you create ACLs on edge routers R1 and R3 to achieve this goal. You then verify ACL functionality from internal and external hosts. The routers have been pre-configured with the following: Enable password: ciscoenpa55 Password for console: ciscoconpa55 Username for VTY lines: SSHadmin Password for VTY lines: ciscosshpa55 IP addressing Static routing

Task 1:
Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4.

Verify Basic Network Connectivity

From the PC-C command prompt, ping the PC-A server. From the PC-C command prompt, SSH to the router R2 Lo0 interface. Exit the SSH session. From PC-C, open a web browser to the PC-A server (using the IP address) to display the web page. Close the browser on PC-C. From the PC-A server command prompt, ping PC-C.

Verify network connectivity prior to configuring the IP ACLs.

Task 2:
Step 1.

Secure Access to Routers

Configure ACL 10 to block all remote access to the routers except from PC-C. R1(config)# access-list 10 permit R2(config)# access-list 10 permit R3(config)# access-list 10 permit

Use the access-list command to create a numbered IP ACL on R1, R2, and R3.

Step 2.

Apply ACL 10 to ingress traffic on the VTY lines. R1(config-line)# access-class 10 in R2(config-line)# access-class 10 in R3(config-line)# access-class 10 in

Use the access-class command to apply the access list to incoming traffic on the VTY lines.

Step 3.

Verify exclusive access from management station PC-C. PC> ssh l SSHadmin

SSH to from PC-C (should be successful). SSH to from PC-A (should fail).

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CCNA Security

Task 3:

Create a Numbered IP ACL 100

On R3, block all packets containing the source IP address from the following pool of addresses:, any RFC 1918 private addresses, and any IP multicast address. Step 1. Configure ACL 100 to block all specified traffic from the outside network.

You should also block traffic sourced from your own internal address space if it is not an RFC 1918 address (in this activity, your internal address space is part of the private address space specified in RFC 1918). Use the access-list command to create a numbered IP ACL. R3(config)# R3(config)# R3(config)# R3(config)# R3(config)# R3(config)# Step 2. access-list access-list access-list access-list access-list access-list 100 100 100 100 100 100 deny ip any deny ip any deny ip any deny ip any deny ip any permit ip any any

Apply the ACL to interface Serial 0/0/1. R3(config)# interface s0/0/1 R3(config-if)# ip access-group 100 in

Use the ip access-group command to apply the access list to incoming traffic on interface Serial 0/0/1.

Step 3.

Confirm that the specified traffic entering interface Serial 0/0/1 is dropped.

From the PC-C command prompt, ping the PC-A server. The ICMP echo replies are blocked by the ACL since they are sourced from the address space. Step 4. Remove the ACL from interface Serial 0/0/1.

Remove the ACL. Otherwise, all traffic from the outside network (being addressed with private source IP addresses) will be denied for the remainder of the PT activity. Use the no ip access-group command to remove the access list from interface Serial 0/0/1. R3(config)# interface s0/0/1 R3(config-if)# no ip access-group 100 in Note: In order for the PT activity to score 100 percent, the ACL needs to be grouped to the interface at the end of the activity: R3(config)# interface s0/0/1 R3(config-if)# ip access-group 100 in

Task 4:
Step 1.

Create a Numbered IP ACL 110

Configure ACL 110 to permit only traffic from the inside network. R3(config)# access-list 110 permit ip any

Deny all outbound packets with source address outside the range of internal IP addresses.

Use the access-list command to create a numbered IP ACL.

Step 2.

Apply the ACL to interface F0/1. R3(config)# interface fa0/1 R3(config-if)# ip access-group 110 in

Use the ip access-group command to apply the access list to incoming traffic on interface F0/1.

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CCNA Security

Create a Numbered IP ACL 120

Permit any outside host to access DNS, SMTP, and FTP services on server PC-A, deny any outside host access to HTTPS services on PC-A, and permit PC-C to access R1 via SSH. Step 1. Verify that PC-C can access the PC-A via HTTPS using the web browser.

Be sure to disable HTTP and enable HTTPS on server PC-A. Step 2. Configure ACL 120 to specifically permit and deny the specified traffic. R1(config)# R1(config)# R1(config)# R1(config)# R1(config)# 22 Step 3. access-list access-list access-list access-list access-list 120 120 120 120 120 permit udp any host eq domain permit tcp any host eq smtp permit tcp any host eq ftp deny tcp any host eq 443 permit tcp host host eq

Use the access-list command to create a numbered IP ACL.

Apply the ACL to interface S0/0/0. R1(config)# interface s0/0/0 R1(config-if)# ip access-group 120 in

Use the ip access-group command to apply the access list to incoming traffic on interface S0/0/0.

Step 4.

Verify that PC-C cannot access PC-A via HTTPS using the web browser.

Task 5:

Modify An Existing ACL

Permit ICMP echo replies and destination unreachable messages from the outside network (relative to R1); deny all other incoming ICMP packets. Step 1. Step 2. Verify that PC-A cannot successfully ping the loopback interface on R2. Make any necessary changes to ACL 120 to permit and deny the specified traffic. R1(config)# R1(config)# R1(config)# R1(config)# Step 3. Step 4. access-list access-list access-list access-list 120 120 120 120 permit icmp any any echo-reply permit icmp any any unreachable deny icmp any any permit ip any any

Use the access-list command to create a numbered IP ACL.

Verify that PC-A can successfully ping the loopback interface on R2. Check results.

Your completion percentage should be 100%. Click Check Results to see feedback and verification of which required components have been completed.

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Page 4 of 4

PT Activity: Configuring Context-Based Access Control (CBAC)

Instructor Version Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Device R1 Interface Fa0/1 S0/0/0 S0/0/0 S0/0/1 Fa0/1 S0/0/1 NIC NIC IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A



Learning Objectives
Verify connectivity among devices before firewall configuration. Configure an IOS firewall with CBAC on router R3. Verify CBAC functionality using ping, Telnet, and HTTP.

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CCNA Security

Context-Based Access Control (CBAC) is used to create an IOS firewall. In this activity, you will create a basic CBAC configuration on edge router R3. R3 provides access to resources outside of the network for hosts on the inside network. R3 blocks external hosts from accessing internal resources. After the configuration is complete, you will verify firewall functionality from internal and external hosts. The routers have been pre-configured with the following: Enable password: ciscoenpa55 Password for console: ciscoconpa55 Password for vty lines: ciscovtypa55 IP addressing Static routing All switch ports are in VLAN 1 for switches S1 and S3.

Task 1:
Step 1. Step 2.

Block Traffic From Outside

Verify Basic Network Connectivity.

Verify network connectivity prior to configuring the IOS firewall. From the PC-C command prompt, ping the PC-A server. From the PC-C command prompt, Telnet to the Router R2 S0/0/1 interface: IP address Exit the Telnet session. From PC-C, open a web browser to the PC-A server to display the web page. Close the browser on PC-C. From the PC-A server command prompt, ping PC-C.

Configure a named IP ACL on R3 to block all traffic originating from the outside network.
R3(config)# ip access-list extended OUT-IN R3(config-ext-nacl)# deny ip any any R3(config-ext-nacl)# exit

Use the ip access-list extended command to create a named IP ACL.

Step 3.

Apply the ACL to interface Serial 0/0/1. R3(config)# interface s0/0/1 R3(config-if)# ip access-group OUT-IN in

Step 4.

Confirm that traffic entering interface Serial 0/0/1 is dropped.

From the PC-C command prompt, ping the PC-A server. The ICMP echo replies are blocked by the ACL.

Task 2:
Step 1.

Create a CBAC Inspection Rule

Create an inspection rule to inspect ICMP, Telnet, and HTTP traffic. R3(config)# ip inspect name IN-OUT-IN icmp R3(config)# ip inspect name IN-OUT-IN telnet R3(config)# ip inspect name IN-OUT-IN http

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CCNA Security

Step 2.

Turn on time-stamped logging and CBAC audit trail messages.

Use the ip inspect audit-trail command to turn on CBAC audit messages to provide a record of network access through the firewall, including illegitimate access attempts. Enable logging to the syslog server,, with the logging host command. Make sure that logged messages are timestamped. R3(config)# ip inspect audit-trail R3(config)# service timestamps debug datetime msec R3(config)# logging host Step 3. Apply the inspection rule to egress traffic on interface S0/0/1. R3(config-if)# ip inspect IN-OUT-IN out Step 4. Verify that audit trail messages are being logged on the syslog server. From PC-C, test connectivity to PC-A with ping, Telnet, and HTTP. Ping and HTTP should be successful. Note that PC-A will reject the Telnet session. From PC-A, test connectivity to PC-C with ping and Telnet. All should be blocked. Review the syslog messages on server PC-A: click the Config tab and then click the SYSLOG option.

Task 3:
Step 1.

Verify Firewall Functionality

Open a Telnet session from PC-C to R2.

The Telnet should succeed. While the Telnet session is active, issue the command show ip inspect sessions on R3. This command displays the existing sessions that are currently being tracked and inspected by CBAC. R3# show ip inspect sessions Established Sessions Session 100424296 (>( telnet SIS_OPEN What is the source IP address and port number? (port 1031 is random) What is the destination IP address and port number? (Telnet = port 23) Exit the Telnet session. Step 2. From PC-C, open a web browser to the PC-A server web page using the server IP address.

The HTTP session should succeed. While the HTTP session is active, issue the command show ip inspect sessions on R3. R3# show ip inspect sessions Established Sessions Session 104637440 (>( SIS_OPEN Note: If the HTTP session times out before you execute the command on R3, you will have to click the Go button on PC-C to generate a session between PC-C and PC-A.

What is the source IP address and port number? (port 1032 is random) What is the destination IP address and port number? (HTTP web = port 80) Close the browser on PC-C.

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CCNA Security

Step 3.

View the interface configuration and inspection rule timers.

Enter the show ip inspect interfaces command on R3. The output shows existing sessions that are currently being tracked and inspected by CBAC. R3# show ip inspect interfaces Interface Configuration Interface Serial0/0/1 Inbound inspection rule is not set Outgoing inspection rule is IN-OUT-IN icmp alert is on audit-trail is off timeout 10 telnet alert is on audit-trail is off timeout 3600 http alert is on audit-trail is off timeout 3600 Inbound access list is OUT-IN Outgoing access list is not set

Task 4:
Step 1.

Review CBAC Configuration

Display CBAC configuration. R3# show ip inspect config Session audit trail is enabled Session alert is enabled one-minute (sampling period) thresholds are [unlimited : unlimited] connections max-incomplete sessions thresholds are [unlimited : unlimited] max-incomplete tcp connections per host is unlimited. Block-time 0 minute. tcp synwait-time is 30 sec -- tcp finwait-time is 5 sec tcp idle-time is 3600 sec -- udp idle-time is 30 sec tcp reassembly queue length 16; timeout 5 sec; memory-limit 1024 kilo bytes dns-timeout is 5 sec Inspection Rule Configuration Inspection name IN-OUT-IN icmp alert is on audit-trail is off timeout 10 telnet alert is on audit-trail is off timeout 3600 http alert is on audit-trail is off timeout 3600

Enter the show ip inspect config command on R3 to display the complete CBAC inspection configuration.

Step 2.

Display real-time output that can be used for troubleshooting.

Enter the debug ip inspect detailed command on R3 to display detailed messages about CBAC software events, including information about CBAC packet processing. From PC-C, open a web browser on PC-C; enter the PC-A (server) IP address: R3# debug ip inspect detailed INSPECT Detailed Debug debugging is on *Mar 01, 02:37:28.3737: %FW-6-SESS_AUDIT_TRAIL_START: Start http session: initiator ( -- responder ( *Mar 01, 02:37:28.3737: CBAC: Finding pregen session for src_tableid:0, src_addr:, src_port:1039, dst_tableid:0, dst_addr:, dst_port:80 *Mar 01, 02:37:38.3737: %FW-6-SESS_AUDIT_TRAIL_STOP: Stop http session: initiator ( -- responder (

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Step 3.

Check Results.

Your completion percentage should be 100%. Click Check Results to see feedback and verification of which required components have been completed.

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Page 5 of 5

PT Activity: Configuring a Zone-Based Policy Firewall (ZPF)

Instructor Version Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Device R1 Interface Fa0/1 S0/0/0 S0/0/0 S0/0/1 Fa0/1 S0/0/1 NIC NIC IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A



Learning Objectives
Verify connectivity among devices before firewall configuration. Configure a zone-based policy (ZPF) firewall on router R3. Verify ZPF firewall functionality using ping, Telnet and a web browser.

Zone-based policy (ZPF) firewalls are the latest development in the evolution of Cisco firewall technologies. In this activity, you configure a basic ZPF on an edge router R3 that allows internal hosts access to external resources and blocks external hosts from accessing internal resources. You then verify firewall functionality from internal and external hosts.

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The routers have been pre-configured with the following: Console password: ciscoconpa55 Password for vty lines: ciscovtypa55 Enable password: ciscoenpa55 Host names and IP addressing Static routing

Task 1:
Step 1. Step 2. Step 3.

Verify Basic Network Connectivity

From the PC-A command prompt, ping PC-C at From the PC-C command prompt, Telnet to the Router R2 S0/0/1 interface at Exit the Telnet session. From PC-C, open a web browser to the PC-A server.

Verify network connectivity prior to configuring the zone-based policy firewall.

Click the Desktop tab and click the Web Browser application. Enter the PC-A IP address as the URL. The Packet Tracer 5.x welcome page from the web server should be displayed. Close the browser on PC-C.

Task 2:
Note: Step 1.

Create the Firewall Zones on Router R3

For all configuration tasks, be sure to use the exact names as specified. Create an internal zone. R3(config)# zone security IN-ZONE

Use the zone security command to create a zone named IN-ZONE.

Step 2.

Create an external zone. R3(config-sec-zone)# zone security OUT-ZONE R3(config-sec-zone)# exit

Use the zone security command to create a zone named OUT-ZONE.

Task 3:
Step 1.

Define a Traffic Class and Access List

Create an ACL that defines internal traffic.

Use the access-list command to create extended ACL 101 to permit all IP protocols from the source network to any destination. R3(config)# access-list 101 permit ip any Step 2. Create a class map referencing the internal traffic ACL.

Use the class map type inspect command with the match-all option to create a class map named IN-NETCLASS-MAP. Use the match access-group command to match ACL 101. R3(config)# class-map type inspect match-all IN-NET-CLASS-MAP R3(config-cmap)# match access-group 101 R3(config-cmap)# exit

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Although not supported in this Packet Tracer exercise, individual protocols (HTTP, FTP, etc.) can be specific to be matched using the match-any option in order to provide more precise control over what type of traffic is inspected.

Task 4:
Step 1.

Specify Firewall Policies

Create a policy map to determine what to do with matched traffic. R3(config)# policy-map type inspect IN-2-OUT-PMAP

Use the policy-map type inspect command and create a policy map named IN-2-OUT-PMAP.

Step 2.

Specify a class type of inspect and reference class map IN-NET-CLASS-MAP. R3(config-pmap)# class type inspect IN-NET-CLASS-MAP

Step 3.

Specify the action of inspect for this policy map. R3(config-pmap-c)# inspect %No specific protocol configured in class IN-NET-CLASS-MAP for inspection. All protocols will be inspected.

The use of the inspect command invokes context-based access control (other options include pass and drop).

Issue the exit command twice to leave config-pmap-c mode and return to config mode. R3(config-pmap-c)# exit R3(config-pmap)# exit

Task 5:
Step 1.

Apply Firewall Policies

Create a pair of zones.

Using the zone-pair security command, create a zone pair named IN-2-OUT-ZPAIR. Specify the source and destination zones that were created in Task 1. R3(config)# zone-pair security IN-2-OUT-ZPAIR source IN-ZONE destination OUT-ZONE Step 2. Specify the policy map for handling the traffic between the two zones.

Attach a policy-map and its associated actions to the zone pair using the service-policy type inspect command and reference the policy map previously created, IN-2-OUT-PMAP. R3(config-sec-zone-pair)# service-policy type inspect IN-2-OUT-PMAP R3(config-sec-zone-pair)# exit R3(config)# Step 3. Assign interfaces to the appropriate security zones.

Use the zone-member security command in interface config mode to assign Fa0/1 to IN-ZONE and S0/0/1 to OUT-ZONE. R3(config)# interface fa0/1 R3(config-if)# zone-member security IN-ZONE R3(config-if)# exit R3(config)# interface s0/0/1 R3(config-if)# zone-member security OUT-ZONE R3(config-if)# exit

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Step 4.

Copy the running config to the startup config.

Task 6:
Step 1.

Test Firewall Functionality from IN-ZONE to OUT-ZONE

From internal PC-C, ping the external PC-A server.

Verify that internal hosts can still access external resources after configuring the zone-based policy firewall.

From the PC-C Command Prompt, ping PC-A at The ping should succeed. Step 2. From internal PC-C, Telnet to the router R2 S0/0/1 interface.

From the PC-C Command Prompt, telnet to R2 at and provide the vty password ciscovtypa55. The telnet should succeed. While the Telnet session is active, issue the command show policy-map type inspect zone-pair sessions on R3 to view established sessions. R3# show policy-map type inspect zone-pair sessions Zone-pair: IN-ZONE-OUT-ZONE Service-policy inspect : IN-2-OUT-PMAP Class-map: IN-NET-CLASS-MAP (match-all) Match: access-group 101 Inspect Established Sessions Session 139644744 (>( telnet:tcp SIS_OPEN Created 00:00:02, Last heard 00:00:00 Bytes sent (initiator:responder) [0:0] What is the source IP address and port number? (port 1025 is random) What is the destination IP address and port number? (Telnet = port 23) Step 3. Step 4. From PC-C, exit the Telnet session on R2 and close the Command Prompt window. From internal PC-C, open a web browser to the PC-A server web page.

Enter the server IP address in the browser URL field and click Go. The HTTP session should succeed. While the HTTP session is active, issue the command show policy-map type inspect zone-pair sessions on R3 to view established sessions. Note: If the HTTP session times out before you execute the command on R3, you will have to click the Go button on PC-C to generate a session between PC-C and PC-A. R3# show policy-map type inspect zone-pair sessions Zone-pair: IN-ZONE-OUT-ZONE Service-policy inspect : IN-2-OUT-PMAP Class-map: IN-NET-CLASS-MAP (match-all) Match: access-group 101 Inspect Established Sessions Session 139142400 (>( http:tcp SIS_OPEN
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Created 00:00:02, Last heard 00:00:00 Bytes sent (initiator:responder) [0:0] What is the source IP address and port number? (port 1027 is random) What is the destination IP address and port number? (HTTP web = port 80) Step 5. Close the Browser on PC-C.

Task 7:
Step 1.

Test Firewall Functionality from OUT-ZONE to IN-ZONE

From the PC-A server command prompt, ping PC-C.

Verify that external hosts CANNOT access internal resources after configuring the zone-based policy firewall.

From the PC-A Command Prompt, ping PC-C at The ping should fail. Step 2. From router R2, ping PC-C.

From R2, ping PC-C at The ping should fail. Step 3. Check results.

Your completion percentage should be 100%. Click Check Results to see feedback and verification of which required components have been completed.

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Page 5 of 5

PT Activity: Configure IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) using CLI

Instructor Version Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Device R1 Interface FA0/0 S0/0/0 R2 S0/0/0 (DCE) S0/0/1 (DCE) R3 FA0/0 S0/0/0 Syslog Server PC-A PC-C NIC NIC NIC IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Learning Objectives
Enable IOS IPS. Configure logging. Modify an IPS signature. Verify IPS.

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Your task is to configure router R1 for IPS in order to scan traffic entering the network. The server labeled Syslog Server is used to log IPS messages. You must configure the router to identify the syslog server in order to receive logging messages. Displaying the correct time and date in syslog messages is vital when using syslog to monitor the network. Set the clock and configure timestamp service for logging on the routers. Finally, enable IPS to produce an alert and drop ICMP echo reply packets inline. The server and PCs have been preconfigured. The routers have also been preconfigured with the following: Enable password: ciscoenpa55 Console password: ciscoconpa55 VTY line password: ciscovtypa55 EIGRP 101

Task 1:

Enable IOS IPS

Within Packet Tracer, the routers already have the signature files imported and in place. They are the default xml files in flash. For this reason, it is not necessary to configure the public crypto key and complete a manual import of the signature files. Verify network connectivity. Ping from PC-C to PC-A. The ping should be successful. Ping from PC-A to PC-C. The ping should be successful. Create an IOS IPS configuration directory in flash. R1#mkdir ipsdir Create directory filename [ipsdir]? <Enter> Created dir flash:ipsdir

Step 1. Step 2.

On R1, create a directory in flash using the mkdir command. Name the directory ipsdir.

Step 3.

Configure the IPS signature storage location. R1(config)#ip ips config location flash:ipsdir

On R1, configure the IPS signature storage location to be the directory you just created.

Step 4.

Create an IPS rule.

On R1, create an IPS rule name using the ip ips name name command in global configuration mode. Name the IPS rule iosips. R1(config)# ip ips name iosips Step 5. Enable logging.

IOS IPS supports the use of syslog to send event notification. Syslog notification is enabled by default. If logging console is enabled, you see IPS syslog messages. Enable syslog if it is not enabled. R1(config)# ip ips notify log Use the clock set command from privileged EXEC mode to reset the clock if necessary. R1# clock set 01:20:00 6 january 2009 Verify that the timestamp service for logging is enabled on the router using the show run command. Enable the timestamp service if it is not enabled.
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CCNA Security R1(config)# service timestamps log datetime msec Send log messages to the Syslog server at IP address R1(config)# logging host Step 6. Configure IOS IPS to use the signature categories.

Retire the all signature category with the retired true command (all signatures within the signature release). Unretire the IOS_IPS Basic category with the retired false command. R1(config)# ip ips signature-category R1(config-ips-category)# category all R1(config-ips-category-action)# retired true R1(config-ips-category-action)# exit R1(config-ips-category)# category ios_ips basic R1(config-ips-category-action)# retired false R1(config-ips-category-action)# exit R1(config-ips-cateogry)# exit Do you want to accept these changes? [confirm] <Enter> Step 7. Apply the IPS rule to an interface.

Apply the IPS rule to an interface with the ip ips name direction command in interface configuration mode. Apply the rule outbound on the Fa0/0 interface of R1. After you enable IPS, some log messages will be sent to the console line indicating that the IPS engines are being initialized. Note: The direction in means that IPS inspects only traffic going into the interface. Similarly, out means only traffic going out the interface. R1(config)# interface fa0/0 R1(config-if)# ip ips iosips out

Task 2:
Step 1.

Modify the Signature

Change the event-action of a signature.

Un-retire the echo request signature (signature 2004, subsig ID 0), enable it and change the signature action to alert, and drop. R1(config)# ip ips signature-definition R1(config-sigdef)# signature 2004 0 R1(config-sigdef-sig)# status R1(config-sigdef-sig-status)# retired false R1(config-sigdef-sig-status)# enabled true R1(config-sigdef-sig-status)# exit R1(config-sigdef-sig)# engine R1(config-sigdef-sig-engine)# event-action produce-alert R1(config-sigdef-sig-engine)# event-action deny-packet-inline R1(config-sigdef-sig-engine)# exit R1(config-sigdef-sig)# exit R1(config-sigdef)# exit Do you want to accept these changes? [confirm] <Enter> Step 2. Use show commands to verify IPS.

Use the show ip ips all command to see an IPS configuration status summary. To which interfaces and in which direction is the iosips rule applied? Fa 0/0 outbound. Step 3. Verify that IPS is working properly.

From PC-C, attempt to ping PC-A. Were the pings successful? Why or why not?
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CCNA Security The pings should fail. This is because the IPS rule for event-action of an echo request was set to deny-packetinline. From PC-A, attempt to ping PC-C. Were the pings successful? Why or why not? The ping should be successful. This is because the IPS rule does not cover echo reply. When PC-A pings PCC, PC-C responds with an echo reply. Step 4. View the Syslog messages.

Click on the Syslog server. Select the Config tab. In the left navigation menu, select SYSLOG to view the log file. Step 5. Check results.

Your completion percentage should be 100%. Click Check Results to see feedback and verification of which required components have been completed.

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PT Activity: Layer 2 Security

Instructor Version Topology Diagram

Assign the Central switch as the root bridge. Secure spanning-tree parameters to prevent STP manipulation attacks. Enable storm control to prevent broadcast storms. Enable port security to prevent MAC address table overflow attacks.

There have been a number of attacks on the network recently. For this reason, the network administrator has assigned you the task of configuring Layer 2 security. For optimum performance and security, the administrator would like to ensure that the root bridge is the 3560 Central switch. To prevent against spanning-tree manipulation attacks, the administrator wants to ensure that the STP parameters are secure. In addition, the network administrator would like to enable storm control to prevent broadcast storms. Finally, to prevent against MAC address table overflow attacks, the network administrator has decided to configure port security to limit the number of MAC addresses that can be learned
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per switch port. If the number of MAC addresses exceeds the set limit, the administrator would like for the port to be shutdown. All switch devices have been preconfigured with the following: Enable password: ciscoenpa55 Console password: ciscoconpa55 VTY line password: ciscovtypa55

Task 1:
Step 1.

Configure Root Bridge

Determine the current root bridge.

From Central, issue the show spanning-tree command to determine the current root bridge and to see the ports in use and their status. Which switch is the current root-bridge? Current root is SW-1 Based on the current root-bridge, what is the resulting spanning-tree? (Draw the spanning-tree topology.) Step 2. Assign Central as the primary root bridge. Central(config)# spanning-tree vlan 1 root primary Step 3. Assign SW-1 as a secondary root bridge. SW-1(config)# spanning-tree vlan 1 root secondary Step 4. Verify the spanning-tree configuration.

Using the spanning-tree vlan 1 root primary command, assign the 3560 Central switch as the root bridge.

Assign SW-1 as the secondary root bridge using the spanning-tree vlan 1 root secondary command.

Issue the show spanning-tree command to verify that 3560 Central switch is the root bridge. Which switch is the current root-bridge? Current root is Central Based on the new root-bridge, what is the resulting spanning-tree? (Draw the spanning-tree topology.)

Task 2:
Step 1.

Protect Against STP Attacks

Enable PortFast on all access ports.

Secure the STP parameters to prevent STP manipulation attacks.

PortFast is configured on access ports that connect to a single workstation or server to enable them to become active more quickly. On the connected access ports of the SW-A and SW-B switches, use the spanning-tree portfast command. SW-A(config)# interface range fastethernet 0/1 - 4 SW-A(config-if-range)# spanning-tree portfast SW-B(config)# interface range fastethernet 0/1 - 4 SW-B(config-if-range)# spanning-tree portfast Step 2. Enable BPDU guard on all access ports.

BPDU guard is a feature that can help prevent rogue switches and spoofing on access ports. Enable BPDU guard on SW-A and SW-B access ports. SW-A(config)# interface range fastethernet 0/1 - 4 SW-A(config-if-range)# spanning-tree bpduguard enable
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SW-B(config)# interface range fastethernet 0/1 - 4 SW-B(config-if-range)# spanning-tree bpduguard enable Note: Spanning-tree bpduguard can be enabled on each individual port using the command spanning-tree bpduguard enable, or in global configuration mode with the command spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default. For grading purposes, in this activity please use the spanning-tree bpduguard enable command. Step 3. Enable root guard.

Root guard can be enabled on all ports on a switch that are not root ports. It is best deployed on ports that connect to other non-root switches. Use the show spanning-tree command to determine the location of the root port on each switch. On switch SW-1, enable root guard on ports Fa0/23 and Fa0/24. On switch SW-2, enable root guard on ports Fa0/23 and Fa0/24. SW-1(config)# interface fa0/23 SW-1(config-if)# spanning-tree guard root SW-1(config-if)# interface fa0/24 SW-1(config-if)# spanning-tree guard root SW-2(config)# interface fa0/23 SW-2(config-if)# spanning-tree guard root SW-2(config-if)# interface fa0/24 SW-2(config-if)# spanning-tree guard root

Task 3:
Step 1.

Enable Storm Control

Enable storm control for broadcasts.

Enable storm control for broadcasts on all ports connecting switches (trunk ports). Set a 50 percent rising suppression level using the storm-control broadcast command. Enable storm-control on interfaces connecting Central, SW-1, and SW-2. Example: SW-1(config)# interface gi1/1 SW-1(config-if)# storm-control broadcast SW-1(config-if)# interface fa0/1 SW-1(config-if)# storm-control broadcast SW-1(config-if)# interface fa0/23 SW-1(config-if)# storm-control broadcast SW-1(config-if)# interface fa0/24 SW-1(config-if)# storm-control broadcast

level 50 level 50 level 50 level 50

**Repeat on SW-2 (gig1/1, fa0/1, fa0/23, and fa0/24) and Central (gig0/1, gig0/2, fa0/1) connection to other switches Step 2. Verify storm control configuration.

Verify your configuration with the show storm-control broadcast command and the show run command.

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Task 4:
Step 1.

Configure Port Security and Disable Unused Ports

Configure basic port security on all ports connected to host devices.

This procedure should be performed on all access ports on SW-A and SW-B. Set the maximum number of learned MAC address to 2, allow the MAC address to be learned dynamically, and set the violation to shutdown. Keep in mind that a switch port must be configured as an access port to enable port security. Example: SW-A(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1 SW-A(config-if)# switchport mode access SW-A(config-if)# switchport port-security SW-A(config-if)# switchport port-security maximum 2 SW-A(config-if)# switchport port-security violation shutdown SW-A(config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address sticky **Repeat on other ports in SW-A and SW-B Why would you not want to enable port-security on ports connected to other switches or routers? Ports connected to other switch devices and routers can, and should, have a multitude of MAC addresses learned for that single port. Limiting the number of MAC addresses that can be learned on these ports can significantly impact network functionality. Step 2. Verify port security.

On SW-A, issue the show port-security interface fa0/1 command to verify that port security has been configured. Step 3. Disable unused ports.

Disable all ports that are currently unused. For efficiency purposes, the Activity Wizard will only grade Fa0/5 and Fa0/6 on SW-A and SW-B. Example: SW-A(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/5 SW-A(config-if)# shutdown **Repeat on other ports on SW-A and SW-B Step 4. Check results.

Your completion percentage should be 100%. Click Check Results to see feedback and verification of which required components have been completed.

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PT Activity: Layer 2 VLAN Security

Instructor Version Topology Diagram

Connect a new redundant link between SW-1 and SW-2. Enable trunking and configure security on the new trunk link between SW-1 and SW-2. Create a new management VLAN (VLAN 20) and attach a management PC to that VLAN. Implement an ACL to prevent outside users from accessing the management VLAN.

A companys network is currently set up using two separate VLANs: VLAN 5 and VLAN 10. In addition, all trunk ports are configured with native VLAN 15. A network administrator wants to add a redundant link between switch SW-1 and SW-2. The link must have trunking enabled and all security requirements should be in place. In addition, the network administrator wants to connect a management PC to switch SW-A. The administrator would like to allow the management PC to be able to connect to all switches and the router, but does not want any other devices to be able to connect to the management PC or the switches. The administrator would like to create a new VLAN 20 for management purposes.

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CCNA Security

All devices have been preconfigured with: Enable secret password: ciscoenpa55 Console password: ciscoconpa55 VTY line password: ciscovtypa55

Task 1:
Step 1. Step 2.

Verify Connectivity
Verify connectivity between C2 (VLAN 10) and C3 (VLAN 10). Verify connectivity between C2 (VLAN 10) and D1 (VLAN 5).

Note: If using the simple PDU GUI packet, be sure to ping twice to allow for ARP.

Task 2:
Step 1.

Create a Redundant Link Between SW-1 and SW-2

Connect SW-1 and SW-2.

Using a crossover cable, connect port Fa0/23 on SW-1 to port Fa0/23 on SW-2. Step 2. Enable trunking, including all trunk security mechanisms on the link between SW-1 and SW-2.

Trunking has already been configured on all pre-existing trunk interfaces. The new link must be configured for trunking, including all trunk security mechanisms. On both SW-1 and SW-2, set the port to trunk, assign native VLAN 15 to the trunk port, and disable auto-negotiation. SW-1(config)# interface fa0/23 SW-1(config-if)# no shutdown SW-1(config-if)# switchport mode trunk SW-1(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 15 SW-1(config-if)# switchport nonegotiate SW-2(config)# interface fa0/23 SW-2(config-if)# no shutdown SW-2(config-if)# switchport mode trunk SW-2(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 15 SW-2(config-if)# switchport nonegotiate

Task 3:

Enable VLAN 20 as a Management VLAN

The network administrator would like to be able to access all switch and routing devices using a management PC. For security, the administrator wants to ensure that all managed devices are on a separate VLAN. Step 1. Enable a management VLAN (VLAN 20) on SW-A. SW-A(config)# vlan 20 SW-A(config-vlan)# exit Create an interface VLAN 20 and assign an IP address within the network. SW-A(config)# interface vlan 20 SW-A(config-if)# ip address

Enable VLAN 20 on SW-A and use the default name of VLAN0020.

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Step 2.

Enable the same management VLAN on all other switches. SW-B(config)# vlan 20 SW-B(config-vlan)# exit SW-B(config)# interface vlan 20 SW-B(config-if)# ip address SW-1(config)# vlan 20 SW-1(config-vlan)# exit SW-1(config)# interface vlan 20 SW-1(config-if)# ip address SW-2(config)# vlan 20 SW-2(config-vlan)# exit SW-2(config)# interface vlan 20 SW-2(config-if)# ip address Central(config)# vlan 20 Central(config-vlan)# exit Central(config)# interface vlan 20 Central(config-if)# ip address

Be sure to create the VLAN on all switches: SW-B, SW-1, SW-2 and Central.

Step 3.

Configure the management PC and connect it to SW-A port Fa0/1.

Ensure that the management PC is assigned an IP address within the network. Connect the management PC to SW-A port Fa0/1. Step 4. On SW-A, ensure the management PC is part of VLAN 20. SW-A(config)# interface fa0/1 SW-A(config-if)# switchport access vlan 20 SW-A(config-if)# no shutdown Step 5. Verify connectivity of the management PC to all switches.

Interface Fa0/1 must be part of VLAN 20.

The management PC should be able to ping SW-A, SW-B, SW-1, SW-2 and Central.

Task 4:
Step 1.

Enable the Management PC to Access Router R1

Enable a new subinterface on router R1.

Create subinterface Fa0/0.3 and assign an IP address within the network. Be sure to set encapsulation to dot1q 20 to account for VLAN 20. R1(config)# interface fa0/0.3 R1(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 20 R1(config-subif)# ip address Step 2. Verify connectivity between the management PC and R1.

Be sure to configure the default gateway on the management PC to allow for connectivity.

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Step 3.

Enable security.

While the management PC must be able to access the router, no other PC should be able to access the management VLAN. Create an ACL(s) that denies any network from accessing the network, but permits all other networks to access one another. Example: (may vary from student configuration) R1(config)# access-list 101 deny ip any R1(config)# access-list 101 permit ip any any Apply the ACL to the proper interface(s). Example: (may vary from student configuration) R1(config)# int fa0/0.1 R1(config-subif)# ip access-group 101 in R1(config-subif)# int fa0/0.2 R1(config-subif)# ip access-group 101 in Note: There are multiple ways in which an ACL can be created to accomplish the necessary security. For this reason, grading on this portion of the activity is based on the correct connectivity requirements. The management PC must be able to connect to all switches and the router. All other PCs should not be able to connect to any devices within the management VLAN. Verify Security.

Step 4.

From the management PC, ping SW-A, SW-B, and R1. Was the ping successful? The ping should have been successful because all devices within the network should be able to ping one another. Devices within VLAN20 are not required to route through the router. From D1, ping the management PC. Was the ping successful? The ping should have failed. This is because in order for a device within a different VLAN to successfully ping a device within VLAN20, it must be routed. The router has an ACL that prevents all packets from accessing the network. Step 5. Check results.

Your completion percentage should be 100%. Click Check Results to see feedback and verification of which required components have been completed. Keep in mind that if all components appear to be correct and the activity still shows incomplete, it could be due to the connectivity tests that verify the ACL operation.

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Page 4 of 4

PT Activity: Configure and Verify a Site-to-Site IPsec VPN using CLI

Instructor Version Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Device R1 Interface Fa0/0 S0/0/0 S0/0/0 R2 Fa0/0 S0/0/1 R3 PC-A PC-B PC-C S0/0/1 Fa0/0 NIC NIC NIC IP Address Subnet Mask

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CCNA Security

Learning Objectives
Verify connectivity throughout the network. Configure router R1 to support a site-to-site IPsec VPN with R3.

The network topology shows three routers. Your task is to configure routers R1 and R3 to support a site-to-site IPsec VPN when traffic flows from their respective LANs. The IPsec VPN tunnel is from router R1 to router R3 via R2. R2 acts as a pass-through and has no knowledge of the VPN. IPsec provides secure transmission of sensitive information over unprotected networks such as the Internet. IPsec acts at the network layer, protecting and authenticating IP packets between participating IPsec devices (peers), such as Cisco routers.

ISAKMP Phase 1 Policy Parameters

Parameters Key distribution method Encryption algorithm Hash algorithm Authentication method Key exchange IKE SA Lifetime ISAKMP Key Note: Manual or ISAKMP DES, 3DES, or AES MD5 or SHA-1 Pre-shared keys or RSA DH Group 1, 2, or 5 86400 seconds or less R1 ISAKMP AES SHA-1 pre-share DH 2 86400 vpnpa55 R3 ISAKMP AES SHA-1 pre-share DH 2 86400 vpnpa55

Bolded parameters are defaults. Only unbolded parameters have to be explicitly configured.

IPsec Phase 2 Policy Parameters

Parameters Transform Set Peer Hostname Peer IP Address Network to be encrypted Crypto Map name SA Establishment R1 VPN-SET R3 VPN-MAP ipsec-isakmp R3 VPN-SET R1 VPN-MAP ipsec-isakmp

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CCNA Security The routers have been pre-configured with the following: Password for console line: ciscoconpa55 Password for vty lines: ciscovtypa55 Enable password: ciscoenpa55 RIP version 2

Task 1:
Step 1.

Configure IPsec parameters on R1

Test connectivity.

Ping from PC-A to PC-C. Step 2. Identify interesting traffic on R1.

Configure ACL 110 to identify the traffic from the LAN on R1 to the LAN on R3 as interesting. This interesting traffic will trigger the IPsec VPN to be implemented whenever there is traffic between R1 to R3 LANs. All other traffic sourced from the LANs will not be encrypted. Remember that due to the implicit deny all, there is no need to configure a deny any any statement. R1(config)# access-list 110 permit ip Step 3. Configure the ISAKMP Phase 1 properties on R1.

Configure the crypto ISAKMP policy 10 properties on R1 along with the shared crypto key vpnpa55. Refer to the ISAKMP Phase 1 table for the specific parameters to configure. Default values do not have to be configured therefore only the encryption, key exchange method, and DH method must be configured. R1(config)# crypto R1(config-isakmp)# R1(config-isakmp)# R1(config-isakmp)# R1(config-isakmp)# R1(config)# crypto Step 4. isakmp policy 10 encryption aes authentication pre-share group 2 exit isakmp key vpnpa55 address

Configure the ISAKMP Phase 2 properties on R1.

Create the transform-set VPN-SET to use esp-3des and esp-sha-hmac. Then create the crypto map VPNMAP that binds all of the Phase 2 parameters together. Use sequence number 10 and identify it as an ipsecisakmp map. R1(config)# crypto ipsec transform-set VPN-SET esp-3des esp-sha-hmac R1(config)# crypto map VPN-MAP 10 ipsec-isakmp R1(config-crypto-map)# description VPN connection to R3 R1(config-crypto-map)# set peer R1(config-crypto-map)# set transform-set VPN-SET R1(config-crypto-map)# match address 110 R1(config-crypto-map)# exit Step 5. Configure the crypto map on the outgoing interface. R1(config)# interface S0/0/0 R1(config-if)# crypto map VPN-MAP

Finally, bind the VPN-MAP crypto map to the outgoing Serial 0/0/0 interface. Note: This is not graded.

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CCNA Security

Task 2:
Step 1.

Configure IPsec Parameters on R3

Configure router R3 to support a site-to-site VPN with R1.

Now configure reciprocating parameters on R3. Configure ACL 110 identifying the traffic from the LAN on R3 to the LAN on R1 as interesting. R3(config)# access-list 110 permit ip Step 2. Configure the ISAKMP Phase 1 properties on R3. R3(config)# crypto R3(config-isakmp)# R3(config-isakmp)# R3(config-isakmp)# R3(config-isakmp)# R3(config)# crypto Step 3. isakmp policy 10 encryption aes authentication pre-share group 2 exit isakmp key vpnpa55 address

Configure the crypto ISAKMP policy 10 properties on R3 along with the shared crypto key vpnpa55.

Configure the ISAKMP Phase 2 properties on R1.

Like you did on R1, create the transform-set VPN-SET to use esp-3des and esp-sha-hmac. Then create the crypto map VPN-MAP that binds all of the Phase 2 parameters together. Use sequence number 10 and identify it as an ipsec-isakmp map. R3(config)# crypto ipsec transform-set VPN-SET esp-3des esp-sha-hmac R3(config)# crypto map VPN-MAP 10 ipsec-isakmp R3(config-crypto-map)# description VPN connection to R1 R3(config-crypto-map)# set peer R3(config-crypto-map)# set transform-set VPN-SET R3(config-crypto-map)# match address 110 R3(config-crypto-map)# exit Step 4. Configure the crypto map on the outgoing interface. R3(config)# interface S0/0/1 R3(config-if)# crypto map VPN-MAP

Finally, bind the VPN-MAP crypto map to the outgoing Serial 0/0/1 interface. Note: This is not graded.

Task 3:
Step 1.

Verify the IPsec VPN

Verify the tunnel prior to interesting traffic.

Issue the show crypto ipsec sa command on R1. Notice that the number of packets encapsulated, encrypted, decapsulated and decrypted are all set to 0. Step 2. Create interesting traffic.

From PC-A, ping PC-C. Step 3. Verify the tunnel after interesting traffic.

On R1, re-issue the show crypto ipsec sa command. Now notice that the number of packets is more than 0 indicating that the IPsec VPN tunnel is working. Step 4. Create uninteresting traffic.

From PC-A, ping PC-B.

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CCNA Security Step 5. Verify the tunnel.

On R1, re-issue the show crypto ipsec sa command. Finally, notice that the number of packets has not changed verifying that uninteresting traffic is not encrypted. Step 6. Check results.

Your completion percentage should be 100%. Click Check Results to see feedback and verification of which required components have been completed.

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PT Activity: Configure a Network for Secure Operation

Instructor Version Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Device R1 R2 R3 PC-A PC-B PC-C Interface FA0/1 S0/0/0 (DCE) S0/0/0 S0/0/1 (DCE) FA0/1 S0/0/1 NIC NIC NIC IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Switch Port S1 FA0/5 N/A N/A N/A S3 FA0/5 N/A S1 FA0/6 S2 FA0/18 S3 FA0/6

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CCNA Security

Learning Objectives
Secure the routers with strong passwords, password encryption and a login banner. Secure the console and VTY lines with passwords. Configure local AAA authentication. Configure SSH server. Configure router for syslog. Configure router for NTP. Secure the router against login attacks. Configure CBAC and ZPF firewalls. Secure network switches.

In this comprehensive practice activity, you will apply a combination of security measures that were introduced in the course. These measures are listed in the objectives. In the topology, R1 is the edge outer for the Company A while R3 is the edge router for Company B. These networks are interconnected via the R2 router which represents the ISP. You will configure various security features on the routers and switches for Company A and Company B. Not all security features will be configured on R1 and R3. The following preconfigurations have been made: Hostnames on all devices IP addresses on all devices R2 console password: ciscoconpa55 R2 password on VTY lines: ciscovtypa55 R2 enable password: ciscoenpa55 Static routing Syslog services on PC-B DNS lookup has been disabled IP default gateways for all switches

Task 1:
Step 1.

Test Connectivity and Verify Configurations

Verify IP addresses. R1# show ip interface brief R1# show run

Step 2.

Verify routing tables. R1# show ip route

Step 3.

Test connectivity.

From PC-A, ping PC-C at IP address

Task 2:
Step 1.

Secure the Routers

Set minimum a password length of 10 characters on router R1 and R3. R1(config)# security passwords min-length 10

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CCNA Security

R3(config)# security passwords min-length 10 Step 2. Configure an enable secret password on router R1 and R3. R1(config)# enable secret ciscoenpa55 R3(config)# enable secret ciscoenpa55 Step 3. Encrypt plaintext passwords. R1(config)# service password-encryption R3(config)# service password-encryption Step 4. Configure the console lines on R1 and R3.

Use an enable secret password of ciscoenpa55.

Configure a console password of ciscoconpa55 and enable login. Set the exec-timeout to log out after 5 minutes of inactivity. Prevent console messages from interrupting command entry. R1(config)# line R1(config-line)# R1(config-line)# R1(config-line)# R1(config-line)# R3(config)# line R3(config-line)# R3(config-line)# R3(config-line)# R3(config-line)# Step 5. console 0 password ciscoconpa55 exec-timeout 5 0 login logging synchronous console 0 password ciscoconpa55 exec-timeout 5 0 login logging synchronous

Configure vty lines on R1.

Configure a vty line password of ciscovtypa55 and enable login. Set the exec-timeout to log out after 5 minutes of inactivity. Set the login authentication to use the default AAA list to be defined later. R1(config)# line R1(config-line)# R1(config-line)# R1(config-line)# vty 0 4 password ciscovtypa55 exec-timeout 5 0 login authentication default

Note: The vty lines on R3 will be configured for SSH in a later task. Step 6. Configure login banner on R1 and R3.

Configure a warning to unauthorized users with a message-of-the-day (MOTD) banner that says: No Unauthorized Access! R1(config)# banner motd $No Unauthorized Access!$ R3(config)# banner motd $No Unauthorized Access!$

Task 3:
Step 1.

Configure Local Authentication on R1 and R3

Configure the local user database. R1(config)# username Admin01 privilege 15 secret Admin01pa55

Create a local user account of Admin01 with a secret password of Admin01pa55.

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CCNA Security

R3(config)# username Admin01 privilege 15 secret Admin01pa55 Step 2. Enable AAA services. R1(config)# aaa new-model R3(config)# aaa new-model Step 3. Implement AAA services using the local database. R1(config)# aaa authentication login default local none R3(config)# aaa authentication login default local none

Create the default login authentication method list using local authentication with no backup method.

Task 4:
Step 1.

Configure NTP
Enable NTP authentication on PC-A.

On PC-A, choose the Config tab, and then the NTP button. Select On for NTP service. Enable authentication and enter a Key of 1 and a password of ciscontppa55. Step 2. Configure R1 as an NTP Client.

Configure NTP authentication Key 1 with a password of ciscontppa55. Configure R1 to synchronize with the NTP server and authenticate using Key 1. R1(config)# R1(config)# R1(config)# R1(config)# Step 3. ntp ntp ntp ntp authenticate authentication-key 1 md5 ciscontppa55 trusted-key 1 server key 1

Configure routers to update hardware clock. R1(config)# ntp update-calendar

Configure routers to periodically update the hardware clock with the time learned from NTP.

Task 5:
Step 1.

Configure R1 as Syslog Client

Configure R1 to timestamp log messages. R1(config)# service timestamps log datetime msec

Configure timestamp service for logging on the routers.

Step 2.

Configure R1 to log messages to the syslog server. R1(config)# logging

Configure the routers to identify the remote host (syslog server) that will receive logging messages.

You should see a console message similar to the following: SYS-6-LOGGINGHOST_STARTSTOP: Logging to host port 514 started - CLI initiated Step 3. Check for syslog messages on PC-B.

On R1, exit config mode to generate a syslog message. Open the syslog server on PC-B to view the message sent from R1. You should see a message similar to the following on the syslog server:

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CCNA Security %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

Task 6:
Step 1.

Secure Router Against Login Attacks

Log unsuccessful login attempts to R1. R1(config)# login on-failure log

Step 2.

Telnet to R1 from PC-A.

Telnet from PC-A to R1 and provide the username Admin01 and password Admin01pa55. The Telnet should be successful. Step 3. Telnet to R1 from PC-A and check syslog messages on the syslog server.

Exit from the current Telnet session and Telnet again to R1 using the username of baduser and any password. Check the syslog server on PC-B. You should see an error message similar to the following that is generated by the failed login attempt. SEC_LOGIN-4-LOGIN_FAILED:Login failed [user:baduser] [Source:] [localport:23] [Reason:Invalid login] at 15:01:23 UTC Wed June 17 2009

Task 7:
Step 1.

Configure SSH on R3
Configure a domain name. R3(config)# ip domain-name

Configure a domain name of on R3.

Step 2.

Configure the incoming vty lines on R3. R3(config)# line R3(config-line)# R3(config-line)# R3(config-line)# vty 0 4 exec-timeout 5 0 login local transport input ssh

Use the local user accounts for mandatory login and validation and accept only SSH connections.

Step 3.

Configure RSA encryption key pair for R3.

Any existing RSA key pairs should be erased on the router. If there are no keys currently configured a message will be displayed indicating this. Configure the RSA keys with a modulus of 1024. R3(config)# crypto key zeroize rsa % No Signature RSA Keys found in configuration. R3(config)# crypto key generate rsa [Enter] The name for the keys will be: Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 2048 for your General Purpose Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may take a few minutes. How many bits in the modulus [512]:1024 % Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...[OK] Step 4. Configure SSH timeouts and authentication parameters. R3(config)# ip ssh time-out 90 R3(config)# ip ssh authentication-retries 2
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Set the SSH timeout to 90 seconds, the number of authentication retries to 2, and the version to 2.

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CCNA Security R3(config)# ip ssh version 2

Task 8:
Step 1.

Configure CBAC on R1
Configure a named IP ACL. R1(config)# ip access-list extended OUT-IN R1(config-ext-nacl)# deny ip any any R1(config-ext-nacl)# exit

Create an IP ACL named OUT-IN to block all traffic originating from the outside network.

Apply the access list to incoming traffic on interface Serial 0/0/0. R1(config)# interface s0/0/0 R1(config-if)# ip access-group OUT-IN in Step 2. Step 3. Confirm that traffic entering interface Serial 0/0/0 is dropped.

From the PC-A command prompt, ping PC-C. The ICMP echo replies are blocked by the ACL. Step 3. Create an inspection rule to inspect ICMP, Telnet and HTTP traffic. R1(config)# ip inspect name IN-OUT-IN icmp R1(config)# ip inspect name IN-OUT-IN telnet R1(config)# ip inspect name IN-OUT-IN http Step 4. Apply the inspect rule to the outside interface. R1(config)# interface s0/0/0 R1(config-if)# ip inspect IN-OUT-IN out Step 5. Test operation of the inspection rule.

Create an inspection rule named IN-OUT-IN to inspect ICMP, Telnet and HTTP traffic.

Apply the IN-OUT-IN inspection rule to the interface where traffic exits to outside networks.

From the PC-A command prompt, ping PC-C. The ICMP echo replies should be inspected and allowed through.

Task 9:
Step 1. Step 2.

Configure ZPF on R3
Test connectivity.

Verify that the internal host can access external resources. From PC-C, test connectivity with ping and Telnet to R2; all should be successful. From R2 ping to PC-C. The pings should be allowed. Create the firewall zones. R3(config)# zone security IN-ZONE Create an external zone named OUT-ZONE. R3(config)# zone security OUT-ZONE Step 3. Create an ACL that defines internal traffic.

Create an internal zone named IN-ZONE.

Create an extended, numbered ACL that permits all IP protocols from the source network to any destination. Use 101 for the ACL number.
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CCNA Security R3(config)# access-list 101 permit ip any Step 4. Create a class map referencing the internal traffic ACL. R3(config)# class-map type inspect match-all IN-NET-CLASS-MAP R3(config-cmap)# match access-group 101 R3(config-cmap)# exit Step 5. Specify firewall policies. R3(config)# policy-map type inspect IN-2-OUT-PMAP Specify a class type of inspect and reference class map IN-NET-CLASS-MAP. R3(config-pmap)# class type inspect IN-NET-CLASS-MAP Specify the action of inspect for this policy map. R3(config-pmap-c)# inspect You should see the following console message: %No specific protocol configured in class IN-NET-CLASS-MAP for inspection. All protocols will be inspected. Exit to the global config prompt. R3(config-pmap-c)# exit R3(config-pmap)# exit Step 6. Apply firewall policies.

Create a class map named IN-NET-CLASS-MAP to match ACL 101.

Create a policy map named IN-2-OUT-PMAP to determine what to do with matched traffic.

Create a zone pair named IN-2-OUT-ZPAIR. Specify the source and destination zones that were created earlier. R3(config)# zone-pair security IN-2-OUT-ZPAIR source IN-ZONE destination OUT-ZONE Attach a policy map and actions to the zone pair referencing the policy map previously created, IN-2-OUTPMAP. R3(config-sec-zone-pair)# service-policy type inspect IN-2-OUT-PMAP Exit to the global config prompt and assign the internal and external interfaces to the security zones. R3(config)# interface fa0/1 R3(config-if)# zone-member security IN-ZONE R3(config-if)# interface s0/0/1 R3(config-if)# zone-member security OUT-ZONE Step 7. Test firewall functionality.

Verify that the internal host can still access external resources. From PC-C, test connectivity with ping and Telnet to R2; all should be successful. From R2 ping to PC-C. The pings should now be blocked.

Task 10: Secure the Switches

Step 1. Configure an enable secret password on all switches.

Use an enable secret password of ciscoenpa55.

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CCNA Security S1(config)# enable secret ciscoenpa55 Step 2. Encrypt plaintext passwords. S1(config)# service password-encryption Step 3. Configure the console lines on all switches.

Configure a console password of ciscoconpa55 and enable login. Set the exec-timeout to log out after 5 minutes of inactivity. Prevent console messages from interrupting command entry. S1(config)# line S1(config-line)# S1(config-line)# S1(config-line)# S1(config-line)# Step 4. console 0 password ciscoconpa55 exec-timeout 5 0 login logging synchronous

Configure vty lines on all switches.

Configure a vty line password of ciscovtypa55 and enable login. Set the exec-timeout to log out after 5 minutes of inactivity. Set the basic login parameter. S1(config)# line S1(config-line)# S1(config-line)# S1(config-line)# Step 5. vty 0 4 password ciscovtypa55 exec-timeout 5 0 login

Secure trunk ports on S1 and S2. S1(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1 S1(config-if)# switchport mode trunk

Configure port Fa0/1 on S1 as a trunk port.

Configure port Fa0/1 on S2 as a trunk port. S2(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1 S2(config-if)# switchport mode trunk Verify that S1 port Fa0/1 is in trunking mode. S1# show interfaces trunk Set the native VLAN on S1 and S2 trunk ports to an unused VLAN 99. S1(config)# interface Fa0/1 S1(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 99 S1(config-if)# end S2(config)# interface Fa0/1 S2(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 99 S2(config-if)# end Set the trunk ports on S1 and S2 so that they do not negotiate by turning off the generation of DTP frames. S1(config)# interface Fa0/1 S1(config-if)# switchport nonegotiate S2(config)# interface Fa0/1 S2(config-if)# switchport nonegotiate Enable storm control for broadcasts on the S1 and S2 trunk ports with a 50 percent rising suppression level. S1(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1 S1(config-if)# storm-control broadcast level 50
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CCNA Security

S2(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1 S2(config-if)# storm-control broadcast level 50 Step 6. Secure access ports. S1(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/5 S1(config-if)# switchport mode access S1(config-if)# interface FastEthernet 0/6 S1(config-if)# switchport mode access S2(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/18 S2(config-if)# switchport mode access S3(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/5 S3(config-if)# switchport mode access S3(config-if)# interface FastEthernet 0/6 S3(config-if)# switchport mode access Enable PortFast on S1, S2, and S3 access ports. S1(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/5 S1(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast S1(config-if)#interface FastEthernet 0/6 S1(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast S2(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/18 S2(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast S3(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/5 S3(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast S3(config-if)# interface FastEthernet 0/6 S3(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast Enable BPDU guard on the switch ports previously configured as access only. S1(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/5 S1(config-if)# spanning-tree bpduguard enable S1(config-if)# interface FastEthernet 0/6 S1(config-if)# spanning-tree bpduguard enable S2(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/18 S2(config-if)# spanning-tree bpduguard enable S3(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/5 S3(config-if)# spanning-tree bpduguard enable S3(config-if)# interface FastEthernet 0/6 S3(config-if)# spanning-tree bpduguard enable Enable basic default port security on all end-user access ports that are in use. Use the sticky option. Reenable each access port to which port security was applied. S1(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/5 S1(config-if)# shutdown
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Disable trunking on S1, S2 and S3 access ports.

CCNA Security S1(config-if)# switchport port-security S1(config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address sticky S1(config-if)# no shutdown S1(config-if)# S1(config-if)# S1(config-if)# S1(config-if)# S1(config-if)# interface FastEthernet 0/6 shutdown switchport port-security switchport port-security mac-address sticky no shutdown

S2(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/18 S2(config-if)# shutdown S2(config-if)# switchport port-security S2(config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address sticky S2(config-if)# no shutdown S3(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/5 S3(config-if)# shutdown S3(config-if)# switchport port-security S3(config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address sticky S3(config-if)# no shutdown S3(config-if)# S3(config-if)# S3(config-if)# S3(config-if)# S3(config-if)# interface FastEthernet 0/6 shutdown switchport port-security switchport port-security mac-address sticky no shutdown

Disable any ports not being used on each switch. S1(config)# interface range Fa0/2 - 4 S1(config-if-range)# shutdown S1(config-if-range)# interface range Fa0/7 - 24 S1(config-if-range)# shutdown S1(config-if-range)# interface range gigabitethernet1/1 - 2 S1(config-if-range)# shutdown S2(config)# interface range Fa0/2 - 17 S2(config-if-range)# shutdown S2(config-if-range)# interface range Fa0/19 - 24 S2(config-if-range)# shutdown S3(config-if-range)# interface range gigabitethernet1/1 - 2 S2(config-if-range)# shutdown S3(config)# interface range Fa0/1 - 4 S3(config-if-range)# shutdown S3(config-if-range)# interface range Fa0/7 - 24 S3(config-if-range)# shutdown S3(config-if-range)# interface range gigabitethernet1/1 - 2 S3(config-if-range)# shutdown

Task 11: Verification

Step 1. Test SSH configuration.

Attempt to connect to R3 via Telnet from PC-C. From PC-C, enter the command to connect to R3 via Telnet at IP address

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CCNA Security This connection should fail, since R3 has been configured to accept only SSH connections on the virtual terminal lines. From PC-C, enter the ssh l Admin01 command to connect to R3 via SSH. When prompted for the password, enter the password Admin01pa55 configured for the local administrator. Use the show ip ssh command to see the configured settings. R3# show ip ssh SSH Enabled - version 2.0 Authentication timeout: 90 secs; Authentication retries: 2 Step 2. Verify timestamps, NTP status for R1 and PC-A. R1# show clock *17:28:49.898 UTC Tue May 19 2009 R1# show ntp status Clock is synchronized, stratum 2, reference is nominal freq is 250.0000 Hz, actual freq is 249.9990 Hz, precision is 2**19 reference time is CD99AF95.0000011B (15:00:37.283 UTC Tue May 19 2009) clock offset is 0.00 msec, root delay is 0.00 msec root dispersion is 0.02 msec, peer dispersion is 0.02 msec. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Test CBAC firewall on R1. Ping from PC-A to R2 at (should succeed). Telnet from PC-A to R2 (should succeed). Ping from R2 to PC-A at (should fail). Test ZPF firewall on R3. Ping from PC-C to R2 at (should succeed). Telnet from PC-C to R2 at (should succeed). Ping from R2 to PC-C at (should fail). Telnet from R2 to R3 at (should fail only SSH is allowed). Verify port security.

On S2, use the show run command to confirm that S2 has added a sticky MAC address for Fa0/18. This should be the MAC address of PC-B. Record the MAC address for later use. S2#show run Building configuration... <output omitted> interface FastEthernet0/18 switchport mode access switchport port-security switchport port-security mac-address sticky switchport port-security mac-address sticky 0001.435D.3057 spanning-tree portfast spanning-tree bpduguard enable <output omitted> Select PC-B. Go to the Config tab. Select FastEthernet under the Interface section. Edit the MAC address field. For example, change it from 0001.435D.3057 to 0001.435D.AAAA. This should cause a port security violation and S2 should shut down port Fa0/18.
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CCNA Security Use the show interface Fa0/18 command to view the status of the port. The port should be in the errdisabled state. S2#show int fa0/18 FastEthernet0/18 is down, line protocol is down (err-disabled) <output omitted> S2#show port-security Secure Port MaxSecureAddr CurrentAddr SecurityViolation Security Action (Count) (Count) (Count) -------------------------------------------------------------------Fa0/18 1 1 1 Shutdown ---------------------------------------------------------------------On PC-B, go to the Config tab. Select FastEthernet under the Interface section. Change the MAC address to another address. For example, change it from 0001.435D.AAAA to 0001.435D.BBBB. From interface configuration mode on switch S2 for Fa0/18, use the no switchport port-security macaddress sticky address command to remove the original PC-B learned address. S2(config)# int fa0/18 S2(config-if)# no switchport port-security mac-address sticky 0001.435D.3057 Shutdown and then re-enable the Fa0/18 interface. S2(config)# int fa0/18 S2(config-if)# shutdown S2(config-if)# no shutdown On S2, use the show run command to confirm that the port comes up and that the new MAC address has been learned. S2#show run Building configuration... <output omitted> interface FastEthernet0/18 switchport mode access switchport port-security switchport port-security mac-address sticky switchport port-security mac-address sticky 0001.435D.BBBB spanning-tree portfast spanning-tree bpduguard enable <output omitted> Note: If it is desired to reconnect the PC with the original MAC address, you can simply change the MAC address on the PC back to the original one and issue the shutdown and no shut down commands on port Fa0/18. If the PC or a NIC is being replaced and will have a new MAC address, you must first remove the old learned address. Step 6. Check results.

Your completion percentage should be 100%. Click Check Results to see feedback and verification of which required components have been completed.

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