September 2013: Why People Will or Won't Remember You

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meets at the Farm Centre, 420 University Ave.

Charlottetown, PE Sunday mornings 10:00 am - 12:00 PM


Why People Will or Wont Remember You

By Donald Miller
I heard this story about Bill Murray once. Apparently he was alone in an elevator at a hotel when a guy got on and recognized him. The man stood uncomfortably quiet as the elevator made its way down to the lobby. Finally, the man looked over at Bill Murray and said he was a fan and it was a pleasure to meet him. Bill just nodded and smiled and then continued to look forward. The fan looked rather apologetic and when the doors opened in the lobby walked sheepishly out of the elevator. The two of them walked out of the hotel, the fan one way and Bill Murray the other. Then, suddenly, Bill Murray turned and ran toward the man, tackling him into the flower bed. Murray sat up, pointed at the man and said You will never, ever forget this and then got up and ran away. I love that story. It got me thinking, though, what really makes a great first impression? I mean what kind of people are truly memorable? The best answer I came up with was this: I remember people best when they, somehow, make me feel good about myself. Im not talking about flattery, because that leads to distrust. And Im not talking about compliments, either, because they are so often (though not always) given in exchange for something, like will you read my book? People who make me feel good about myself are the ones who tend to value people not because of what theyve done or what they offer, but simply because Im a human being. I think, in a way, they tap into a part of us that longs for God, who will not care what weve accomplished.



Serving this Sunday

WORSHIP TEAM Lydia Banks SPEAKER Tom Zawacki COMMUNION PREPARATION Bernice Gallant OFFERING COLLECTION TBA SOUND TBA MEDIA TBA TODDLER MINISTRY Crystal & Emmalee CHILDRENS MINISTRY Age 4 - Grade 1 Rebecca and Trevena with Sam Grades 2-6 Laurie CLEAN UP TEAM C Steve & Deb Price, Ferne MacEwen, Lisa Taylor, Patsy Doirin, Justin Perry and Tom Banks

How do they value me as a human? They listen. They ask questions. They do not want anything in exchange. They express how good it was to get to know me. Whats even better about meeting people like this is it makes me want to be one of them. Memorable, indeed.

Charlottetown Community Church

Part of the Vineyard Network in Canada P.O. Box 1081 Charlottetown, PE C1A 7M4 Pastor Tom Zawacki (902) 892-5001 [email protected]

Church News & Groups

There is lots going on, be free, go where the life is, family first. Church website is now updated with all activities. If you would like to get something in the newsletter (prayer request, announcement, etc.), please email it to [email protected] byWednesday of each week. CHURCH FINANCES Four Week Average Giving: $1,708.41 Four Week Average Needed: $2,000.00 Lets keep praying for God to supply all we need! CHILDRENS MINISTRY MEETING - Wednesday, Oct. 2 7:00 PM Room 105 at the Farm Centre For parents, teachers and helpers. Laurie MacPhee will be providing updates on Scheduling and new Curriculum. SMALL GROUP - QUESTIONS Thursday evenings 7:00 Will be held at Shelagh Campbells home this week. For information, please contact Shelagh or Lisa Taylor. SMALL GROUPS FOR FALL SEASON Information on new small groups for the fall coming soon! MOMS N TOTS Wednesday Mornings 10:00 Contact Trevena MacLeod for location. FREE CLOTHING GIVE-AWAY Friday, November 8: 6:00 PM 10:00 (Bring Clothes) Saturday, November 9: 8:00 AM 2:00 PM (Give Clothes Away) Gently Used Fall and Winter Clothing Only See Lindsey Perry for More Information OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD - Sunday, Oct. 27 3:00-5:00 At the Farm Centre See Dede for more information.

Prayer Requests
Charlottetown Community Church & Surrounding Community The Presence of God, That we Live Loved, That we Live Love, That we Live Supernaturally Trevena MacLeods mother Good recovery and no infections for the upcoming weeks. Lori Knox-Nelsons Father Healing from cancer, lifted spirits & support for him and his family. Bernices Son Cory & His Wife Healing from staff infection & MRSA. Comfort, peace & support. 4 week old Baby Miles He is in desperate need of a heart transplant and needs to be healthy enough to have procedure done should one become available. Wayne Simmons sister Healing and relief from blurred vision in one eye. Jack McAskill Healing & recovery from surgery and complications, lifted spirits & support. Donna MacDonald Healing, freedom from pain, lifted spirits & support for her and her family. Lori McDonalds friend Jen Healing from cancer, lifted spirits & support for her and her family. Karen Gallants grandson Oliver Healing and support for him and his family. Marsha McAndrews father Bazil Healing and relief from pain related to back surgery. Marsha McAndrews mother Blood pressure to become more normal and comfort while dealing with stress.

Get Involved!
OUR ELDERS TEAM The elders are: Wayne & Natalie Simmons, Errol & Shelagh Campbell, Greg & Debbie MacKinnon, Garfield & Brenda MacDonald and Tom & Nadine Zawacki.
Please feel free to contact us anytime with your thoughts, questions or ideas.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The Sunday morning service requires a large number of volunteers. If you can help, put a note on the Facebook page, sign one of the sheets in the lobby, or mention it to one of the leaders. Positions we are often looking to have help with are: MEDIA,

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. - Mark Twain God creates out of nothing. Wonderful you say. Yes, to be sure, but he does what is still more wonderful: he makes saints out of sinners. -Soren Kierkegaard

MEDIA HELP We need additional Media Help with running video projector on Sunday mornings. Please contact Tom if you are interested. WORSHIP TEAMS If you would like to take part in or lead worship on Sundays please contact John McDonald on Facebook, by email at [email protected], or call or text at (902) 213-0504. CHILDRENS MINISTRY NEED TEACHERS & HELPERS! If you are interested in volunteering in Childrens or Toddler Ministry, contact Laurie MacPhee or Carolyn Read. FACEBOOK Joining the Charlottetown Community Church Facebook group is the fastest way to get up to the minute news, prayer requests and get in on discussions. Check it out today!

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