Instructional Lesson Plan

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Instructional Lesson Plan

Grade Interns Name 2 Class Size 31

Katelyn Williamson
Subject Reading School Villa Cresta Elementary School

Date / Time April 16, 2013 9:15 am Mentor Initials

I. Purpose of the Lesson

What will the students learn? How does this learning fit within broader unit goals? Why is this learning meaningful, important and appropriate? What will the students say or do that will serve as evidence of learning? Standard (Use MD State Core Curriculum) RI2 CCR Anchor Standard Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. RI2 Identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text. Connect ideas to determine the main topic of a text.

Lesson Objective Students will be able to identify the main idea as the most important idea and locate details that support the main idea.

Formative Assessment Using a previous book that the students read, Brothers and Sisters, students will identify the main idea and details of a given topic.

II. Instructional Decision-Making What knowledge of students influences my instructional

decisions in this lesson? How will my instruction respond in order to remove barriers to learning and/or build on students strengths?

Knowledge of Learners Decisions based on knowledge

Instructional this

Knowledge of Age-Level Characteristics Knowledge of Social Development (7-8 year olds)

I will use Popsicle sticks

Taking turns is hard Loves group work Knowledge of Emotional Development (7-8 year olds) Students might not remember what they heard Age of teasing, nicknames, and criticism Knowledge of Physical Development (7-8 year olds) Students are full of energy Limited attention span May become impatient with delays or their own slowness

with the students names to pick volunteers. I have included one group work activity at the end of activity two. I will constantly repeat directions. When I put students into groups for the ending of activity two, I will make sure the students, in each group, work well together. Students will get a chance to move around when they are moving to the carpet and going back to their desks. If I see the students getting bored, we will take a short stretch break. I have designed this lesson to avoid delays and slowness. This lesson is a review of main idea and details I will give instructions once or twice For the assessment, the

Knowledge of Academic Readiness (based on preassessment) Students have had previous experience this school year with identifying main idea and details Students have experience with understanding instructions All the students are in the upper reading group; therefore, they might get through activities rather quickly

students are going to write down the main idea and details for at least one or two topics that are on the worksheet. The worksheet has three topics; therefore, for the students that finish two of the topics, they can work on the third topic. Knowledge of Subgroup or Individual Needs (IEP accommodations, ELLs, G/T, other strengths/needs) C is an ELL; although, he passed the test with flying colors. He still has trouble participating. 8 students are possible G/T students. G/T students are not decided until the end of second grade.

I will give C a heads up when he will be participating, and if he doesnt want to, thats fine. These students might finish the assessment early, which is fine. If they do, they can read a book. I have included a group work activity at the end of activity two. The warm-up includes the students picking school supplies out of a bag, and coming up with the main idea.

Knowledge of Interests and other Motivational Factors The students love group work. The students love picking objects out of bags and boxes.

Multicultural Considerations / Equity Measures Implications for this Lesson

Before reading The Family Garden, the students will be relating what they think the book is about to their life. The students will answer several questions, including if they ever planted a garden.

As a teacher, I will encourage the students to think and share what they planted in their garden. These plants will vary based on everyones culture.

Academic Language Demands support language

Scaffolds to

development in this lesson

Students may not know these words: topic, main idea, and details

In the first part of the lesson, we will go over the definitions of these words. I will put them on the board for everyone to see.

III. Instructional Procedures What instructional strategies and sequence will I use to ensure that
every child is a successful learner?

Instructional Materials and Technologies

-Bag filled with school supplies: pencil, pen, coloring marker, permanent marker (sharpie), dry-erase marker, crayons, colored pencils, and highlighter -Cut-out crayon box with crayons: Crayon box equals the main idea, and the crayons are the details -Definitions of topic, main idea, and details, written on cards -Box for the first activity -Sentence strips -Book: Phonics Library, Family Time- 32 copies -The Family Garden worksheets- 32 copies -Little sticky note arrows, enough for each student to have 6-9 arrows -32 reading anthologies with the story, Brothers and Sisters- each student keeps an anthology in his or her desk -Brothers and Sisters worksheet- 32 copies -Promethean board flipchart -Voki

-ELMO (digital camera) -Inspiration Management Considerations (Procedures, Transitions, Materials, Behavior) -When I call the students up to the carpet, I will call them by table numbers. -After the lesson on the front carpet, I will call the students by a color they are wearing, on their shirts, to go back to their seats.
Approximate Time Instructional Sequence Planned Beginning Warm-up Motivation Bridge


5-10 minutes

1. Get students attention and focus with a voki 2. groups of students will get bags with multiple objects, instruct students to announce objects out loud (modification for hearing impaired students) 3. Based on the objects, students will figure out the main idea. 4. Start the lesson saying, In your bags there are a bunch of objects. Each bag as a different topic. As a group, you will look at all the objects and decide what the topic is. Think, What do you use these objects for? 5. When all the objects have been picked out, go over the main idea of the objects. The group will discuss the main idea. 6. As the students share the main idea from their groups objects with the class they must provide reasons. The students can come up and write their main idea on the promethean board. 7. students will put all their objects back into the bag and return the bag to a central location as they come to the carpet. (minimizing distractions) 1. Bring the students up to the carpet, table by table. 2. Say, Todays lesson is on main idea and details. 3. Open the active inspire flipchart. First slide will show bullet points of main idea and details. 4. On another page of the flipchart, the students will match definitions to vocabulary words (main idea, details, topic)

Development of the New Learning (Clearly explain instructional activities in sequence.) (Think I Do, We Do, You Do or Modeling, Guided Practice, Independent Practice)

30 minutes

5. Go over the definitions of topic, main idea, and details, using the cut-out crayon box. The crayon box is the main idea and the crayons are the details. Activity 1 6. This activity will use sentence strips to write down the main idea and details of the items in the bag, from the warm-up. 7. Say, We are going to make our own crayon box using the items from the warmup. 8. Ask, Who remembers the topic of the items? focus on the topic of one of the groups 9. Ask, Who remembers the main idea of the items? 10. Say, Now we have to figure out the supporting details. Can anyone give me a supporting detail? Think, Why is that the main idea? 11. For example, I can write with a sharpie. This is a supporting detail. Activity 2 12. Pass out the book, Phonics Library: Family Time 13. Say, Open your books to page 57. Write the page number on the dry erase board. 14. Ask, Can I have a volunteer read the title of this short story? 15. Ask, Looking at this page, what do you think this story will be about? 16. Raise your hand if you have planted a garden. 17. Have the students take a picture walk. 18. Say, Now turn to page 59. Looking at this picture, what are the two characters doing? 19. The students will say, Planting seeds. Ask, For those of you who have planted a garden, what have you planted? 20. Pass out little sticky note arrows to each student. 21. Say, Now we are going to read this book together. As we are reading, use the arrows to mark main ideas and details that

you see. 22. Topics are written on sentence strips. Put the sentence strips on the board and say, Here are the three topics: daddy in the garden, mom and granny in the garden, and children in the garden. It is your job to look for main ideas and details for each of these topics. 23. Read the book with the students, stopping after pages 58, 59, and 60. Tell the students that these pages are the topics. While stopping after these pages, ask the students to share the main idea and details they found for each of the topics. 24. After reading, pass out The Family Garden worksheet. 25. Say, Looking at this worksheet, I have included three topics. Each topic needs a main idea and two or three supporting details. 26. I do: Using Inspiration, I will create a main idea web for the first topic, daddy in the garden. Students will write down the main idea and details with me. 27. We do: As a group, the students will help create another main idea web for the second topic, mom and granny in the garden. 28. You do: Say, Now I am going to put each of you into groups of three. Each group is going to work on the last topic, children in the garden. Students can sit anywhere around the room. 29. Bring the students back up to the carpet 28. Go over the answers for the topic, children in the garden. 30. Call the students by a color they are wearing to go back to their seats. 31. Say, When I say a color you are wearing, on your shirt, you may walk back to your seats.
Enrichment or Remediation
(As appropriate to lesson)

For the assessment, the students are going to work on a worksheet for the story Brothers and Sisters. The worksheet has three topics, and the students have to come up with the main idea and details for each topic. The students only have to finish 1 or 2 topics. If there is time or some students finish early, they can work on the third topic.

Planned Ending

5-10 minutes

Summary Homework

1. The students will complete the same worksheet from activity 2, but this time it will be for the story, Brothers and Sisters, which the students read the previous week. 2. Say, Remember the story, Brothers and Sisters, which we read last week. 3. Show the worksheet using the camera and say, You are going to complete the same worksheet that you worked on for The Family Garden, but this time it will be used with Brothers and Sisters. Open your books to page 126. 4. Pass out the worksheet and go over the directions with the students. Go over the three topics: babies, being an older sibling, and twins. Tell the students that there are page numbers on the worksheet, which makes it easier. 5. Say, You will be working on this worksheet independently. If you dont finish, thats fine. Try and finish 1 or 2 topics. For those of you that finish the first two topics, go ahead and work on the third topic. Homework: main idea and details worksheet

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