Health Perception - Health Management Pattern: Vitals
Health Perception - Health Management Pattern: Vitals
Health Perception - Health Management Pattern: Vitals
Assessment/labs/diagnostic Vitals: Interview Read and Understand questions? How has your general health been? Any colds in the past year? Absences from work? Most important thing you do to keep healthy? Do you think these things make a difference to health? Use of cigarettes, alcohol, drugs? Breast self-exam; testicular exam? Home remedies-folk remedies used? In the past, has it been easy to find ways to follow instructions suggested from the doctors or nurses? If appropriate: what do you think caused this illness? Actions taken when symptoms perceived? Results from this? Priority Notes / Observations
Nursing Diagnosis/Problem
Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern
Assessment/labs/diagnostic Ht.: Wt.: BMI: Integument: Interview Typical daily food intake? Describe with a 24 hour dietary intake? Supplements (vitamins, type of snacks)? Weight loss/gain? (amount) Height loss/gain (amount) Appetite? Food or eating: Discomfort? Swallowing? Diet restrictions? Heal well or poorly? Skin problems: lesions, Notes / Observations
Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern
dryness? Dental problems? Priority
Nursing Diagnosis/Problem
Elimination Pattern
Assessment/labs/diagnostic Abdomen: Interview Bowel elimination pattern (describe) frequency, color, consistency? Character? Discomfort? Problem in control? Laxatives? Ostomies? Urinary elimination pattern (describe) frequency, color, clarity? Problems in control? Discomfort? Ostomies? Excess perspiration? Odor problems? Body cavity drainage, suction, etc? Priority Notes / Observations
Nursing Diagnosis/Problem
Activity-Exercise Pattern
Assessment/labs/diagnostic Musculo-skeletal: CV: Interview Sufficient energy for desired/required activities? Exercise pattern? Type? Regularity? Spare time (leisure) activities? Child play activities? General appearance? Priority Notes / Observations
Nursing Diagnosis/Problem
Sleep-Rest Pattern
Interview Generally rested and ready for daily activities after sleep? Bedtime? Awakens? Sleep onset problems? Aids? Dreams? Early awakenings? Rest-relaxation periods? Nursing Diagnosis/Problem Priority Notes / Observations
Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern
Assessment/labs/diagnostic Neuro & Eyes/Ears: Interview Hearing difficulty? Aid? Vision? Wear glasses/contact lenses? Last checked? When changed? Big decision easy/difficult to make? Easiest way for you to learn things? Any difficulty? Any discomfort? Pain? If appropriate: How do you manage it? Level of Consciousness/ Are they alert and oriented to time/person/place? Is the speech slurred/clear? Do they have short-term memory loss/long term memory loss? Priority Notes / Observations
Nursing Diagnosis/Problem
Nursing Diagnosis/Problem
Roles-Relationships Pattern
Interview Notes / Observations NOTE: Interaction with family member(s) or others (if present) Live alone? Family? Family Structure? Any family problems that you have difficulty handling (nuclear/extended)? Family or others depend on you for things? How managing? If appropriate: How family/others feel about illness? Hospitalization? If appropriate: Problems with children? Difficult handling? Belong to social groups? Close friends? Feel lonely? Things generally go well at work? (school)? Income sufficient for needs? What kind of work do you do? Nursing Diagnosis/Problem Priority
Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern
Interview If appropriate to age and situation: Sexual relationships Notes / Observations
Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern
satisfying? Changes? Problems? Use of contraceptives? Problems? Female: When menstruation started? Last menstrual period? Menstrual problems? Para? Gravida? Nursing Diagnosis/Problem Priority
Values-Beliefs Pattern
Interview Generally get things you want from life? Important plans for the future? Religion important in life? Helpful? Nursing Diagnosis/Problem Priority Notes / Observations