Kairos Kairos Kairos Kairos: From The Pastor'S Study
Kairos Kairos Kairos Kairos: From The Pastor'S Study
Kairos Kairos Kairos Kairos: From The Pastor'S Study
This coming July 1 is going to be my first anniversary of San Marcos UMC ministry. As I
reflect, the words that come to mind are “never worry, never hurry.” As a matter of fact, it was
quite a challenge to come to an English speaking church after serving in a Korean speaking immi-
grant church for 15 years. It was a natural response for me to worry about the new challenge. The
worries included my limited ability and how much the congregation would accept me. I needed
wisdom from the Lord to be able to do His mission. ‘Never worry’ were the constant words when
God sent his people to a new place. Moses was in fear when he was sent to Egypt. Joshua was
very worried in front of the Jordan River. “Fear not, I will be with you!” The prophet Isaiah heard
the voice when he was terrified. Apostle Paul was strengthened by the Holy Spirit when he was
weak. The new leaders were filled with God’s assurance when they had worries about their new
challenges. It was clear that San Marcos was the place that God sent me for a new mission. I was
sent here from God. God is with me. I never worry.
There were many things to change as I reviewed my new church. At times I was frustrated
with the church’s financial shortage. Many times I was tempted to plunge into quick changes. I
also needed wisdom from the Lord to be able to do my new mission. The scripture is filled with
examples of God’s plans delivered according to his schedule. The Israelites were anxious to get
into the Promised Land, but God prepared them in the wilderness for forty years. “Never hurry!”
Church ministry is God’s ministry and His plan. I just have to coordinate His time schedule. I
never hurry.
‘Never worry, never hurry’ is still the same voice that I continue to hear as I carry out His
ministry of the coming years. It is also the wisdom that challenges the future of all congregations.
There are many things to change in our church, but we must do it step by step with no worry, one
by one with no hurry. Things are already changing slowly but surely. We will renew the church as
we work together. Never worry, never hurry! We will make it as God planned.
our hearts. Then we will fully engage all our
Only the Heart Knows God
senses—heart, mind, and soul—and allow God
By James Schwarzlose to speak to us through scripture, through the
Blaiśe Pascal, Mystic and pioneer witness of others, and through “still small
mathematician, made clear that intuition and voices.” Then will our hearts more truly compre-
imagination are the key to life forces that ra- hend God.
tional thinking can never attain. “The heart has
its reasons.” he wrote, “which reason cannot
comprehend. It is the heart which knows God,
not the reason.” As Pascal realized, unless we (Taken from July/August issue of Alive Now ®, ©, USED BY
tap the depths of our intuition and imagination, PERMISSION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.)
we may lose sight of the source of all life and
knowledge. What star, like that which the Magi
followed, would go unobserved? What miracles
would go unnoticed? What possibilities of God
would be dismissed?
When we venture beyond our senses
and enter into the realm of imagination, we
open up new dimensions of the universe far be-
yond the calculations of human reason. Imagi-
nation is the stuff of “uncommon sense.” Jesus
told us that with God nothing is impossible
(Mark 10:27). Imagine that! There are no limits UMW Love Circle Sponsors a
to how we may expand, transcend, and be free
when we allow the Holy Spirit to speak—and Day at the Theater.
when we listen in faith.
When the angel told Mary that she would On Wednesday, July 8th at Welk Theater a
give birth to the Messiah, the one from God group from our church will be attending,
who would set her people free, Mary momen- “Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dream-
tarily allowed “common sense” to rule. “How coat”, a musical, sponsored by UMW Love
can this be?” she asked incredulously. But Circle. The Musical "story" of Joseph is VERY good
once her heart comprehended God in all God’s and very close to the Bible story. The costumes are
grandeur, she saw beyond reason’s limited awesome and the music is excellent . It was written by
boundaries to the possibilities of God and broke Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice BEFORE they wrote
into song. Holy imagination allowed those pos- Jesus Christ Superstar.
sibilities to work within and through her.
We too can allow those miraculous pos-
sibilities of God to work in our lives. When we
let go of the rational limits of our minds, our
imaginations take us to new levels of commu-
nity and freedom. When we banish doubt in fa-
vor of imagination, we open our lives to mira-
cles of healing of bodies and souls and of
peacemaking among ardent enemies. When
we join together in supportive, loving commu-
nity, we can share the dreams and yearnings of
As we thus remove one stone from the channel of
thy love to us, oh God, let us dare to imagine the
creative power of forgiveness sweeping over
men and nations and bringing in thy king-
dom upon earth.
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We are extremely grateful to our donors who have chosen to support our church with a lasting legacy
through their estates. Through your commitment of support, you reach beyond time and help carry
on the spiritual, cultural, historical, and educational presence of San Marcos UMC for generations to come.
The tax ID number for San Marcos UMC is 95-2465598.
Tae Kim
July 2009
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 UMW 1:30 at 9 10 11
9:45 Prayer Time 8:00 AM UM-
Amazing Techni- 1:30 Fitness Men’s Breakfast
10:00 Worship color Dreamcoat
11:15 Coffee Fel-
lowship 5:00 Young
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
9:45 Prayer Time 1:30 Fitness 9-11;30 Family
10:00 Worship Faith Festival
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
9:45 Prayer Time 1:30 Fitness
10:00 Worship
11:15 Lunch Bunch 5:00 Young
26 27 28 29 30 31
9:45 Prayer Time 5:45 Soup Kitchen 5:00 Young 1:30 Fitness
10:00 Worship
7:00 Preschool Champions
11:15 Coffee Fel-
Prayer & Healing Prayer & Healing Prayer & Healing
Prayer & Healing Conference Conference
SAN MARCOS United Methodist Church
Periodicals Postage Paid at Escondido, California 92025. Publi-
800 W. MISSION ROAD cation Number 118590. The KAIROS is published monthly by
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SAN MARCOS, CA 92069-1428 Marcos. Postmaster send address changes to 800 West Mis-
sion Road, San Marcos, CA 92069-1428.
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