Bharat Bhakti

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Verse 1
A look at the Hands

Karagre vasate laksmih karanadhye Sarasvati I

Karamule tu govindah prachate karadarsanam II 1 II
The front part of hands (i.e. finger tips as ascribed to Laksmi ( goddess of
wealth). the middle (i.e. the palm proper) to Sarasvati (goddess of learning), and
the root (i.e. part of the hand near the wrist) to Govinda (God). Therefore, every
morning one should respectfully have a look at one's hands (which symbolise
honest labour).
Verse 2
Salutation to the Earth

Samudravasane Devi ! Parvatastanamandale I

Visnupatni ! Namstubhyam padasparsam ksamasva me II

O Devi! You are wearing the ocean as a clothing on your body. The mountains are your
breasts! O Consort of Visnu! I Salute you and beg your pardon for having to set foot
on your body for my routine activities.
Verse 3
Salutation to the Primeval Deity and the nine planets.

Brahma Muraristripurantakari Bhanuh Sasi Bhumisuto Budhascha I

Guruscha Sukrah Sani-Rahu ketavah Kurvantu sarve maam suprabhatam II
Brahma (the Creator), Murari (Visnu), Tripurantakari (Siva, the slayer of
Tripurasura), the Sun, the Moon. Bhumisuta (mars), Budha (Mercury), Brhaspati
(Jupiter), Sukra (Venus), Sani (Saturn), Rahu and Ketu may all these make my
morning auspicious for me !
Verse 4
(Thinking of Sanatkumara, ancient Rsis, the seven svara and the seven neither-worlds)

Sanatkumarah Sankah Sanandanah Sanatano pyasuripingalaucha I

Sapta Svarah sapta rasatalani Kurvantu save mama suprabhatam II

Sanatkumara, Sanaka, Sanadana and Sanatana ( whom Brahmaji begot by wish); Rsi
Asuri ( a disciple of Rsi Kapila, the founder of the Samkhya system of philosophy), Rsi
Pingala ( the auther of Hindu Prosody); the Seven Svara (tones) (i.e. Sarja, Rsabha,
Gandhara, Madhyam, Panchama, Dhaivata and Nisada); and the seven nether-worlds
(Atla, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Rasatala, mahatala and Patala) ---may all these make my
morning auspicious for me !
Verse 5
Thinking of the seven Oceans, Mountains, Sages, Continents, Forests and Heavens.

Saptarnavah sapta kulacha lascha

Saptarsayo dvipavananai sapta I
Bhuradi krtva bhuvanani sapta
Kurvantu sarve mama suprabhatam II

The seven oceans ( Lavanabdhi, Iksu, Suravarpa, Ajay, Dadhi, Ksira and Svadu-
jala); the seven mountains (mahendra, Malaya, Sahydri, Suktiman, Rkasavan,
Vindhya and Pariyatra): the seven Rsis (Kasyapa , Atri, Bharadvaja, Vivamita,
Gautama, Jamadagni and Vasistha): the seven dvipas ( Continents) (i.e. Jambu,
Plaksa, Salmala, Kusa, Kroncha, Saka and Puskara): the seven vanas (forest) ( i.e.
Dandakaranya, Khandarany, Champakaranya, Vedaranya, Naimisaranya,
Brahmaranys and Dharmaranya); and the seven bhuvanas (heavens) (i.e. Bhuh,
Bhuvah, Svah Mahah, Janah, Traph and Satyam) ---may all these make my
morning auspicious for me !
Verse 6
Remembering the five basic Elements like the Earth and the Water etc.,

Prthvi Sagadha sarasatathapah

sparsi cha vayurjvalanama cha tejah I
Nabhah sasabdam mahata sahaiva
kurvantu sarve mama suprabhatam II
The Earth with its quality of smell , Water with its quality of taste, Air with its
quality of touch, Fire with its quality of teja (glow), Akasa (space) with its quality
of sabda (sound)---- may all these elements along with the element of Buddhi
(intellect) make my morning auspicious for me !
Verse 7
Venerable seven Mountains

Mahendro Malayah Sahyo devatatme Himalayah I

Dhyeyo Raivatako Vindyo giriscaravalistathaII

Mahendra (in Orissa), Malaya ( in Mysore) Sahydri ( Western Ghats), Himalaya

( the soul of numerous gods---in Northern India), the adorable Raivataka ( Giranara
- in Kathiawad), Vindhyachala (from Gujarat to Bihar) and Aravali ( in Rajasthan)--al
these mountains are venerable.
Verse 8
Consecrate Rivers

Ganga Sindhuscha Kaveri Yamuna cha Sarasvati I

Reva Mahanadi Goda Brahmaputrah punatu mam II

Ganga, Sindhu, Kaveri, yamuna, Sarasvati, Rva (Narmada) Mahanadi,

Godavari, and Brahmaputra--may all these rivers consecrate me.
Verse 9
Moksa bestowing seven cities.

Ayodhya Mathura Maya Kasi Kanbchi Avantika I

Puri Dvaravati chaiva saptaita moksadayikah II

Ayodhya, Mathura, Maya (Haridwar), Kasi, Kanchi, Avantika (Ujjain), and Dwanrika
Puri all these seven puries (cities) bestow moksa (emancipation) on human beings.
Verse 10
Famous holy places and ancient capitals.

Pryagam Pataliputram Vijayanagaram Purim I

Indraprastham Gayam chaiva pratuse pratyaham smaret II

Prayaga, Pataliputra (Patna), Vijayanagara (Hampi-south) Jagannathapuri,

Indraprastha (Delhi) and Gaya --- all these holy places are worth remembering
everyday in the morning
Verse 11
Reverenciable Mothers.

Arundhatyanasuya cha Savitri Janaki Sati I

Tejasvini cha Panchali Vandaiyanirantaram II

Arundhati ( wife of Vasistha), Anusuya (wife of Rsi Atri), Savitri ( wife of Satyvan),
Janaki (Sita ji), Sati ( daughter of Daksa, wife of Siva), and the noble - spirited Panchali
( Draupadi) --- all these great women deserve our reverence for ever.
Verse 12
Great Women and Sadhviam.

Laksmirahalya Channamma Mira Durgavati tatha I Kannagi cha Mahasadhvi Sarada cha
Nivedita ||
Laksmibai (the Rani of Jhansi ), Ahalyabai Holkar,Channamma (a brave lady
from Karnataka), Mira (a devotee of lord krsna), Durgavati (the queen of Garh -
mandal), Kannagi (a lady from Tamilnadu, famous for her fidelity to her
husband), Mother Sarada (wife of Swami Ramakrsna Paramahamsa), Sister
Nivedita (an Irish disciple of Swami Vivekananda)--all these Iadies command our
reverence for ever.
Verse 13
Victorious great Kings.

Vainyam Prthum Haihayamarjunam cha

Sakuntaleyam Bharatam Nalam cha |
Ramam cha yo vai smarati prabhate
Tasyarthalabho vijayascha haste ||
Prthu (Son of King Vena), Sahasrarjuna of Haihaya dynasty, Bharata (son of
Sakuntala), Raja Nala, and the ideal king Sri Rama he who remembers them in
the morning acquires affluence and always comes out victorious.
Verse 14
Brahmarsi and Rajsri beings.

Dadhyanmanurbhrgurasau Haripurvachandro
Bhismarjuna-Dhruva-Vasistha-Sukadayascha |
Valmikayo'tra chirachintyasubhabhidhanah ||
Rsi Dadhichi , Manu, Bhrgu, the truthful King Harischandra, the iron - willed
Bhisma, Arjuna (the wielder of the famous bow Gandiva), Bhakta Dhruva, Rsi
Vasistha, Sukadeva (son of Vyasa), Bhakta Prahlada ,Muni Narada, Bhagiratha
(one who brought the Ganga from the Heaven to the Earth), Visvakarma (the
first architect), Valmiki (the first poet)---all these sacred names are worth
remembering for ever.
Verses 15
Seven immortal beings.

Asvatthama Balirvyasn Hanumamscha Vibhisanah |

Krpah Parasuramascha Saptaite chirajivinah ||
Saptaitan Samsmarennityam Markatndeyamathastamam|
Jived varsasatam Sagramapamrtyuvivarjtah ||
Asvatthama (son of Drona), Raja Bali , Vyasa (the first
spiritual preceptor) Hanuman (a devotee of Rama), Vibhisana (a favourite of
Rama) Krpacharya and Parasurama --all these seven are immortal beings; and
he who remembers them everyday along-with Siva-bhakta Markandeya (a
devotee of Siva) becomes a centenarian and never meets an an timely death.
Verse 16
Those who Saved Dharma
and their names sanctifies our tongues.

Punyasloko Nalo raja punyasloko Yudhisthirah |

Punyasloko Videhascha punyasloko Janardanah ||
Raja Nala, the truthful Yudhisthira, Videha Raja Janaka, and Janardana i. e.
Lord Krsna -the very utterance of these names sanctifies the tongue.
Verse 17
Founder of various religious orders.

Buddho Jinendro Goraksah sankarascha Patanjalih |

Rmanujo'tha Chaitanyah Kabiro Guru Nanakah ||
Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira (Jainendra), Guru Gorakhanatha , Jagadguru
Sankaracharya, Maharsi Patanjali (the author of Yogasastra), Acharya
Ramanuja, Mahaprabhu Chaitanya, Bhakta Kabir and Guru Nanak--all these
great persons have been the founders of various religious orders.
Verse 18
Saints of highest rank.

nanesvarastukaramah Samartho Madhavavallabhau |

Narasistulasidasah Kambah Sadhukulottamah ||
Saint Jnanesvara ,Saint Tukarama, Samartha Guru Rama Dasa,
Madhvacharya,Vallabhacharya, Narasi Mehata,Saint Tulasidasa, Maharsi
Kamba (an Author from the south who wrote the Ramayana in Tamil language)--
all these are saints of the highest rank.
Verse 19
Noble traditions of saints from South India.

Nayanmaralavarascha Tiruvalluvarastatha |
Vitarantu sadaivaite daivim me gunasampadam ||
Sixty-three Nayanmaras belonging to the Saiva sect in Southern India, twelve
Alavara saints belonging to the Vaisnava sect, and the noble saint Tiruvalluvara
etc ---may this noble tradition of saints always instill divine qualities in us.
Verse 20
Wide renounced great conquerors.

Agastyah Kambukaundinyau Rajendrascholabhusanah |

Sarve digjayinah khyatah Sailendro Bapparavalah ||
Maharsi Agastya, king kambu (the founder of Cambodia), Kaundinya (who
travelled to Cambodia in the fifth century A. D. and founded a Hindu Kingdom
there), the famous and valiant king Rajendra (I) of the Chola dynasty, Sailendra,
the founder of the Hindu Kingdom of Srivijaya in Sumatra in the fourth century,
Bapparavala of Rajasthan (the conqueror of the Arab Countries)--all these great
conquerors are of wide renown.
Verse 21
Statemen of the moral values

Chahakyaschandraguptascha Vikramah Salivahanah I

Asokah Pusyamitascha Kharavelah Sunitiman II

Chanakya Chandragupta Maurya, Chandragupta Vikramaditya, Salivahana,

Samrat Asoka, Senapati Pusymitra, Kharavela from Orissa-- all of them have been
statesmen of the highest moral values.
Verse 22
Great Conquerors who desperate invaders.

Hunajeta Yasodharma Samudro Guptavamsajah |

Srikrsnadevrayascha pradata Harsavardhanah ||
Yasodharma, the conqueror of the Hunas; Samudragupta, the famous Gupta
emperor, Krsnadeva Raya, the Majestic ruler of Vijayanagara Empire; the most
magnanimous Harsavrdhana ----- all these have been great conquerors who
dealt crushing blows to their desperate invaders.
Verse 23
Men of great Knowledge and valour .

Sadhuh Sankaradevascha tatha Sayanamadhavau |

Pratapah Sivarajascha Govindo Basavesvarah ||
Sankaradeva , a Vaisnava saint from Assam; Saynacharya and Madhavacharya;
the iron-willed Maha Rana Pratap Simha; the ad riot statesman Chhatrapati
Sivaji; the saint-soldier Guru Govinda Simha and saint Basavesvara, a well-
known devotee of Siva from Karnataka------ all these have been men of great
knowledge and valour.
Verse 24
Social reformers in the Modern age.

RamaKrsno Dayanando Ravindro Ramamohanah |

Ramatirtho'ravindascha Vivekananda udyasah ||
Svami Rama Krsna Paramahamsa ; Svami Dayananda Sarasvati, the founder of
Arya Samaja; Ravindra Nath Thakur, a great revolutionary poet; Raja Ram
Mohan Raya; Svami Rama Tirtha, Yogiraja Aravinda; and Svami Vivekananda,
the beloved of the youth---all these have been renowned social reformers in the
modern age.
Verse 25
Sons of Hindu land

Tilako Ramanaschaiva Sudhirnaranao guruh I

Mahatma Malaviyo Mahatma Gandhireva cha II

Lokamanya Bal Gagadhar Tilak, Maharsi Ramana from Tamilanadu, Narayana

Guru, a famous saint from Kerala, Madan Mohan Malaviya, a great patriot and the
founder of the Benaras Hindu University; and Mahatma Gadhi -- all these have
been staunch supporters of Hinduism.
Verse 26
Dr.Hedgewar founder of the R.S.S

Kesavah Sanghanirmata HedagevaravamsajahI

Sanathtam chintayedetan Hindubhumisutottaman II

Always keep in mind these great sons of the Hindu soil like Dr. Kesava Balirama
Hedagevara (born in the Hedagevara family, and the founder of the Rashtriya
Svayamsevak Sangha)
Verse 27
Remembrance of the unknown great souls.

Anukta ye bhakta Haricharanasamsaktahrdaya

Avijnata vira adhisamaramuddhvastaripavahI
Mahamanah santo Bharatabhuvi ye santi cha pare
Namastebhya bhuyadusasi sakalebhyah pratidinamII
There have been numerous other Bhaktas born on this land who had their hears
set on the lotus feet of God, but whose names have not been mentioned in this
stotra (hymn); similarly, there have been countless unknown brave warriors on
this land who routed their opponents in the battlefield; and then, there have
been or are still many other great and saintly personalities born on the sol of
Bharata - - we pay our daily obeisance to all these great souls belonging to the
past or the presets age.
Verse 28
A Obeisance to Bharat Mata

Ratnakaradhautapadam Himalyakirtitinim I
Brahmarajarsiratnamdhyam vande BharatamataramII

I pay my obeisance to mother Bharata, whose feet are being a washed by the
ocean, who wears the mighty Himalaya as her crown, and who is exuberantly
adorned with the gems of traditions set by Brahmarsis and Rajarsis.
Verse 29
Fruit from daily recitence of Pratah-Smaran

Pratah-Smaranametad yo viditval" daratah pather!

Sa Samyag dharmanisthah syat
samsmrta"khandabharatah |

He who properly understands this Pratah-Smarana, and daily recites it

ceremonially with devotion, will be a thoroughly religions fellow, and the picture
of Akhanda Bharata (entireundivided India) will, for ever, remain engraved in his

|| May Bharata Mata be triumphant and victorious for ever! ||

Verse 30

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