Bharat Bhakti
Bharat Bhakti
Bharat Bhakti
Verse 1
A look at the Hands
O Devi! You are wearing the ocean as a clothing on your body. The mountains are your
breasts! O Consort of Visnu! I Salute you and beg your pardon for having to set foot
on your body for my routine activities.
Verse 3
Salutation to the Primeval Deity and the nine planets.
Sanatkumara, Sanaka, Sanadana and Sanatana ( whom Brahmaji begot by wish); Rsi
Asuri ( a disciple of Rsi Kapila, the founder of the Samkhya system of philosophy), Rsi
Pingala ( the auther of Hindu Prosody); the Seven Svara (tones) (i.e. Sarja, Rsabha,
Gandhara, Madhyam, Panchama, Dhaivata and Nisada); and the seven nether-worlds
(Atla, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Rasatala, mahatala and Patala) ---may all these make my
morning auspicious for me !
Verse 5
Thinking of the seven Oceans, Mountains, Sages, Continents, Forests and Heavens.
The seven oceans ( Lavanabdhi, Iksu, Suravarpa, Ajay, Dadhi, Ksira and Svadu-
jala); the seven mountains (mahendra, Malaya, Sahydri, Suktiman, Rkasavan,
Vindhya and Pariyatra): the seven Rsis (Kasyapa , Atri, Bharadvaja, Vivamita,
Gautama, Jamadagni and Vasistha): the seven dvipas ( Continents) (i.e. Jambu,
Plaksa, Salmala, Kusa, Kroncha, Saka and Puskara): the seven vanas (forest) ( i.e.
Dandakaranya, Khandarany, Champakaranya, Vedaranya, Naimisaranya,
Brahmaranys and Dharmaranya); and the seven bhuvanas (heavens) (i.e. Bhuh,
Bhuvah, Svah Mahah, Janah, Traph and Satyam) ---may all these make my
morning auspicious for me !
Verse 6
Remembering the five basic Elements like the Earth and the Water etc.,
Ayodhya, Mathura, Maya (Haridwar), Kasi, Kanchi, Avantika (Ujjain), and Dwanrika
Puri all these seven puries (cities) bestow moksa (emancipation) on human beings.
Verse 10
Famous holy places and ancient capitals.
Arundhati ( wife of Vasistha), Anusuya (wife of Rsi Atri), Savitri ( wife of Satyvan),
Janaki (Sita ji), Sati ( daughter of Daksa, wife of Siva), and the noble - spirited Panchali
( Draupadi) --- all these great women deserve our reverence for ever.
Verse 12
Great Women and Sadhviam.
Laksmirahalya Channamma Mira Durgavati tatha I Kannagi cha Mahasadhvi Sarada cha
Nivedita ||
Laksmibai (the Rani of Jhansi ), Ahalyabai Holkar,Channamma (a brave lady
from Karnataka), Mira (a devotee of lord krsna), Durgavati (the queen of Garh -
mandal), Kannagi (a lady from Tamilnadu, famous for her fidelity to her
husband), Mother Sarada (wife of Swami Ramakrsna Paramahamsa), Sister
Nivedita (an Irish disciple of Swami Vivekananda)--all these Iadies command our
reverence for ever.
Verse 13
Victorious great Kings.
Dadhyanmanurbhrgurasau Haripurvachandro
Bhismarjuna-Dhruva-Vasistha-Sukadayascha |
Valmikayo'tra chirachintyasubhabhidhanah ||
Rsi Dadhichi , Manu, Bhrgu, the truthful King Harischandra, the iron - willed
Bhisma, Arjuna (the wielder of the famous bow Gandiva), Bhakta Dhruva, Rsi
Vasistha, Sukadeva (son of Vyasa), Bhakta Prahlada ,Muni Narada, Bhagiratha
(one who brought the Ganga from the Heaven to the Earth), Visvakarma (the
first architect), Valmiki (the first poet)---all these sacred names are worth
remembering for ever.
Verses 15
Seven immortal beings.
Nayanmaralavarascha Tiruvalluvarastatha |
Vitarantu sadaivaite daivim me gunasampadam ||
Sixty-three Nayanmaras belonging to the Saiva sect in Southern India, twelve
Alavara saints belonging to the Vaisnava sect, and the noble saint Tiruvalluvara
etc ---may this noble tradition of saints always instill divine qualities in us.
Verse 20
Wide renounced great conquerors.
Always keep in mind these great sons of the Hindu soil like Dr. Kesava Balirama
Hedagevara (born in the Hedagevara family, and the founder of the Rashtriya
Svayamsevak Sangha)
Verse 27
Remembrance of the unknown great souls.
Ratnakaradhautapadam Himalyakirtitinim I
Brahmarajarsiratnamdhyam vande BharatamataramII
I pay my obeisance to mother Bharata, whose feet are being a washed by the
ocean, who wears the mighty Himalaya as her crown, and who is exuberantly
adorned with the gems of traditions set by Brahmarsis and Rajarsis.
Verse 29
Fruit from daily recitence of Pratah-Smaran