Abstract Generic structure of reachable and controllable positive linear systems is given in terms of some characteristic components (monomial subdigraphs) of the digraph of a nonnegative pair. The properties of monomial subdigraphs are examined and used to derive reachability and controllability criteria in digraph form for the general case when the system matrix A may contain zero columns. The graph-theoretic nature of these criteria makes them computationally more ecient than their known equivalents. The criteria not only identify the reachability and controllability properties of positive linear systems but also their reachable and controllable parts (subsystems) when the system does not possess such properties.
Keywords: Positive linear systems; reachability; controllability; system structure; monomial subdigraphs
x(t + 1) = Ax(t) + Bu(t), t = 0, 1, 2, . . . (1)
n nm m where A = [aij ] Rn , x Rn + , B = [bij ] R+ + is the state vector and u R+ is the control vector. The system (1) is denoted by the pair (A, B ) and, when the system is positive, by (A, B ) 0. A common property of positive systems is that their state evolution is always positive (or at least nonnegative) whenever the initial state is positive (or at least nonnegative). Note that A and B being nonnegative matrices is a necessary and sucient condition for a discretetime linear system to have nonnegative state evolution for any nonnegative initial state, given that the controls are also nonnegative. The system (1) is said to be reachable (controllable from the origin) if, for any nal state xf 0, there exist k N and a nonnegative control sequence u(t) 0, t = 0, 1, 2, ..., k , transferring the system from x0 = 0 at t = 0 to xf at t = k . System (1) is called null controllable (controllable to the origin) if, for any initial state xp 0, there exist k N and
a nonnegative control sequence u(t) 0, t = 0, 1, 2, ..., k 1, transferring the system from x0 = xp at t = 0 to xf = 0 at t = k . The system (1) is controllable when it is reachable and nullcontrollable, (see [11]). Controllability is a fundamental property of the system that shows its ability to move in space. It has direct implications in many control problems such as optimal control, feedback stabilization, nonnegative realizations and system minimality among others. Characterizations of the reachability of the system (1) can be given in terms of the reachability matrix of the pair (A, B ). The reachability matrix at time k is given by Rk (A, B ) = [B |AB |A2 B | . . . |Ak1 B ]. (2)
It is well-known that the pair (A, B ) 0 is reachable if and only if the reachability matrix Rk (A, B ) has a monomial submatrix of order n, for some k n. We recall that an n-dimensional vector is called i-monomial if it is a nonzero multiple of the ith-unit vector ei of Rn . A monomial matrix consists of n linearly independent monomial vectors. Throughtout this paper we consider nonnegative vectors only. Dierent authors have contributed to the characterization of positive reachability and controllability properties, these include Coxson and Shapiro [5], Coxson, Larson and Schneider [4], Rumchev and James [11], Murthy [9], Muratori and Rinaldi [8], Bru, Romero and Sanchez [2] and Caccetta and Rumchev [3]. At the same time, digraphs have been widely used in control theory. It is sucient to mention only that the notion of structural controllability of linear systems [7] and the criteria to test this property have been formulated in terms of digraphs. However, algebraic methods have been used for the same problems, see for example [5], [8] and [11]. An overview of these results in both forms - algebraic and graph-theoretic, can be found in the very recent monograph by Kaczorek [6]. Moreover, original results on reachability and controllability of continuous-time positive linear systems are also provided in that monograph. In this paper, in order to increase the understanding of the reachability and controllability properties of positive linear systems, the generic structure of reachable and controllable pairs (A, B ) 0, for the general case when A may contain zero columns, is given in terms of the digraph of A. In this way, all possible structures (subdigraphs) of the digraph of A that can have a reachable or controllable pair (A, B ) are detected and studied. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 some basic combinatorial concepts are given as well as the reiteration of a basic but known lemma. The algebraic properties of all dierent monomial subdigraphs, which can be in the digraph of a reachable pair, are studied in section 3. The characterization of reachability and controllability properties of the system (1) is obtained in section 4. Finally, section 5 contains the conclusions.
Some preliminaries
Let A = [aij ] be an n n nonnegative matrix. The digraph of A, denoted by D(A), is dened as follows. The set of vertices of D(A) is denoted as N = {1, 2, . . . , n} and there is an arc in D(A) from vertex i to vertex j if aji > 0. The set of all arcs is denoted by U . A walk in D(A), from vertex i1 to vertex ik , is an alternating sequence of vertices and arcs, and we will denote it by (i1 , . . . , ik ). A walk is called closed if the initial and nal vertices coincide. The length of a walk is the number of arcs it contains. A walk is said to be a path if all its vertices are distinct, and a cycle if it is a closed path. The number of arcs directed away from a vertex i is called the outdegree of i and is written od(i). The number of ingoing arcs of a vertex i is called
the indegree of i and is denoted by id(i). Note that the number of nonzero entries in the ith column of A is od(i), while id(i) coincides with the number of nonzero entries of the ith row. The positive entries of the columns of matrix B are associated with the corresponding vertices in D(A). Vertices associated with the monomial columns of B are referred to as origins. We have the following simple but basic result (see [3]). Lemma 1. Let M be an n n matrix whose j th column is i-monomial. Let b be an ndimensional j -monomial vector. Then, the product M b is an i-monomial vector. In particular, if M s b is j -monomial, then M s+1 b will be i-monomial. The above lemma tells us that if od(i) = 1 and b is an i-monomial vector then M b is a monomial vector as well. However, if od(i) > 1, then M b is not monomial anymore; in fact, the number of nonzero entries of that product is exactly od(i).
Monomial subdigraphs
In this section we construct special subdigraphs of the digraph D(A) called monomial subdigraphs. The common property of monomial subdigraphs is that from the column of B associated with the initial vertex of a monomial subdigraph one can obtain a maximal sequence of linearly independent monomial vectors b, Ab, A2 b, . . . , Ap1 b, where p is the number of vertices of the subdigraph. Now, given a nonnegative matrix A and a path (i1 , i2 , . . . , ip1 , ip ) of length p 1 of a digraph D(A), we will consider the following special paths. Denition 1. (i) The above path is said to be an i1 monomial path if its vertices have outdegree od(ij ) = 1, for all j = 1, 2, . . . , p 1 and od(ip ) is arbitrary, but ip cannot be connected with any other vertex of the path. (ii) When the last vertex of the monomial path has od(ip ) = 0 then we have a single monomial path. (iii) The path (i1 , i2 , . . . , ip1 , ip ) of length p 1 with od(ik ) = 1 for all k = 1, 2, . . . , p is called a (monomial) cycle if i1 = ip . A monomial path (i1 , . . . , ip ) of lenth p 1 is represented in Figure 1.
When D(A) consists of a monomial path or a (monomial) cycle, we have the following result.
Lemma 2. Let (A, B ) 0 and let D(A) be a (single) monomial path, with vertices (i1 , i2 , . . . , ip ) of length p 1, where p n and let B has an i1 -monomial column b. Then, (i) the p vectors b, Ab, A2 b, . . . , Ap1 b (3) are linearly independent monomial vectors, and (ii) these p vectors are the maximal number of linearly independent monomial vectors generated by any column of B . Proof. (i) Apply Lemma 1. (ii) Since od(ip ) = 0 (single monomial path) or od(ip ) > 1 (monomial path), then the vector Ap b is a zero vector or has, respectively, more than one positive entry, that is it is not monomial anymore. By Lemma 4 and Remark 6 of [3], any nonmonomial column b cannot generate in (3) as many monomial vectors as the i1 monomial column. It is readily seen that the i1 -monomial column yields at least as many monomial columns as any other monomial column. Remark. The results in Lemma 2 hold for monomial cycles. It is not dicult to see that monomial cycles raise a pperiodic sequence (3). That is, Ak+lp b = Ak b (up to a scalar), 0 k p 1 and l = 0, 1, 2, . . . Denition 2. A subdigraph T of a digraph D(A) is called a monomial tree if it is a union of dierent monomial paths, originating at dierent vertices and connected one to the other from the last vertices only (in D(A)) without forming cycles. Note that the existence of at least a single monomial path in a monomial tree results from the fact that there are no cycles. As cycles are not permitted in monomial trees, the monomial paths of any monomial tree can be grouped in levels as follows. At level T1 we consider all single monomial paths of that monomial tree. Any monomial path connected from its last vertex only with that of a single monomial path will belong to level T2 . Any monomial path connected from its last vertex only with that of a monomial path from T2 , and possibly T1 , is in level T3 . By recursion, all levels in the monomial tree can be dened up to the last, which is denoted as Tn1 . The following digraph is a monomial tree of three levels:
Let T be the index set of all initial vertices of all monomial paths of T . A similar result to Lemma 2 can be obtained for a monomial tree. 4
Lemma 3. Let (A, B ) 0 and let D(A) be a monomial tree T . Suppose that B has the imonomial columns, for all i T . Then, (i) the vectors generated along each monomial path, as in (3), form a set of linearly independent monomial vectors; the union of all these sets is also linearly independent, and (ii) this union is the maximal set of linearly independent monomial vectors generated by any column of B . Denition 3. Let a digraph D(A) contains at least one monomial path, one cycle and a tree T . A subdigraph F D(A) is said to be a ower if it consists of a monomial path (i1 , i2 , . . . , ip ) of length p 1, linked to a (monomial) cycle (ip+1 , ip+2 , . . . , ip+k+1 ) with the arc (ip , ip+1 ), and moreover, from the vertex ip of the monomial path, there are arcs (ip , t) for some t T . Observe that there must be a tree in the digraph D(A) for a ower to exist, however the ower itself contains only a monomial path and a connected (monomial) cycle. All vertices of a ower have od(is ) = 1, except for the vertex ip , in which case od(ip ) 2. The gure below is a ower.
Again, the following result is similar to Lemma 2. Lemma 4. Let (A, B ) 0 and let D(A) be the digraph of A containing a ower F connected to a monomial tree T with q vertices. Assume that the ower has a monomial path (i1 , i2 , . . . , ip ), p n linked to the (monomial) cycle (ip+1 , ip+2 , . . . , ip+k+1 ), k n p q 1. Suppose that B has an i1 -monomial column, namely b. Then, (i) the p vectors {b, Ab, A2 b, . . . , Ap1 b} are linearly independent and monomial. In addition, the k + 1 vectors {Aq+p b, Aq+p+1 b, . . . , Aq+p+(k+1) b} are linearly independent and monomial, and (ii) the union of both sets gives the maximal number of linearly independent monomial vectors generated by any column of B along the ower F . Proof. (i) Since od(ir ) = 1, r = 1, 2, . . . , p1, it is clear that the p vectors {b, Ab, A2 b, . . . , Ap1 b} are linearly independent monomial vectors, (see Lemma 2). The vector Ap b will have at least two positive entries since od(ip ) 2. These positive entries correspond to the arcs present from ip to a vertex of T , and to a vertex of the cycle. The vectors {Ap b, Ap+1 b, . . . , Ap+k b} will have at least a positive entry in addition to the is th entry, s = p + 1, p + 2, . . . , p + k + 1, produced by the cycle. This additional positive entry, namely the j th, is yielded by the link from ip to the monomial tree. However, the j th entry will eventually become zero, at least for the (q + p)th power of A. This is because the entry will ultimately correspond to the nal vertex of a single monomial path of T . So, the k + 1 monomial vectors {Aq+p b, Aq+p+1 b, . . . , Aq+p+(k+1) b} will be linearly independent. Clearly, the set {b, Ab, A2 b, . . . , Ap1 b, Aq+p b, Aq+p+1 b, . . . , Aq+p+(k+1) b} is 5
formed by linearly independent monomial vectors, since vertices in the ower are distinct. (ii) Similar to the proof of part (ii) of Lemma 2. Cycles associated with monomial columns of B produce linearly independent monomial vectors, see Remark after Lemma 2. In addition, (monomial) cycles may yield similar periodic sequences of linearly independent monomial vectors when they are associated with some special columns of B , called proper, as stated in Lemma 5, the proof of which is similar to that of Lemma 4. Lemma 5. Let (A, B ) 0 and let C be a (monomial) cycle with vertices (i1 , i2 . . . , ip = i1 ), where p < n. Also, let T be a monomial tree with q vertices in D(A). Suppose that B has a proper column, which can be written as b = eik + w, where ik is one of the indices of the cycle, e.g. ik = i1 , and when wj > 0, then j is a vertex of the monomial tree T . Then, (i) the p vectors {Aq b, Aq+1 b, . . . , Aq+p1 b} are linearly independent monomial vectors, and (ii) these p vectors are the maximal number of linearly independent monomial vectors generated by any column of B associated with the cycle C . We can weaken the denition of a monomial tree in order to obtain linearly independent monomial vectors. Denition 4. A subdigraph P of a digraph D(A) is called a palm if it is a path (i1 , i2 , . . . , ip ), such that od(ik ) = 1, k = 1, 2, . . . , p 1, and an arbitrary subset of arcs (ip , ik ), k = 1, 2, . . . p. It follows from Denition 4 that monomial paths can be considered as a special type of palm without {(ip , ik ), k = 1, 2, . . . , p}, but not any palm is a monomial path. If od(ip ) = 0, the path is, indeed, a single monomial path in a monomial tree. Note that any connection from ip1 to any monomial tree is excluded. It seems that a ower can be viewed as a particular type of palm, in which the last vertex ip is connected with only one vertex ik , k = 2, . . . , p. For the existance of owers, the links (ik1 , t), t T must exist. But such links are not permitted in the palm. For this reason, we have considered the digraph ower independently. In addition, note that any monomial path or cycle that is not in a monomial tree, ower or (monomial) cycle is considered as a palm. A palm looks like:
The following properties can be deduced in a similar way as Lemma 2. Lemma 6. Let (A, B ) 0 and let D(A) be a palm with vertices i1 , i2 , . . . , ip , where p n. Suppose that B has a column b which is i1 -monomial. Then, (i) the p vectors {b, Ab, A2 b, . . . , Ap1 b} are linearly independent monomial vectors, and (ii) the set of those p vectors is the maximal set of linearly independent monomial vectors generated by any column of B. 6
Palms can be linked among themselves by arcs (ip , p) for some vertex p of another palm P , forming a family of palms in which case other cycles can appear. Palms can also be linked to any other i1 -monomial subdigraph by arcs (ip , t) for some vertex t in a monomial tree or ower or (monomial) cycle. The above lemma is theorem 3 of [4]. In addition, for multi input systems (A, B ) a composition of palms is used in [10] (theorem 1) to study the case where A does not have any null columns.
It is clear that when a pair (A, B ) is such that D(A) is one of the monomial subdigraphs introduced in the previous section and B contains all the columns needed to generate the maximal number of linearly independent monomial vectors on D(A), then the pair (A, B ) is reachable. This is because one can obtain a monomial matrix of order n in the reachability matrix. With the above results, a characterization of reachable positive systems (A, B ) is given in this section. For this purpose, consider the nonnegative pair (A, B ) and the associated digraph D(A). Recall that the positive entries of the monomial columns of B are identied with the corresponding vertices in D(A) called origins. From these origins, construct the maximal monomial subdigraphs, without repeating vertices, in the following order: (i) all possible monomial trees; the initial vertices of all monomial paths of the monomial trees form the index set of origins T ; (ii) all possible owers; the initial vertices of all monomial paths of the owers form the index set of origins F ; (iii) all possible palms; the initial vertices of all paths of the palms form the index set of origins P ; (iv) all possible (monomial) cycles from the proper columns of B , blr = elr + w, where the indices of the positive components of vector w are vertices of a monomial tree; indices lr form the set of origins C . Let L = {(ip , t), ip F, t T and (ip , t), ip P, t T or t F or t P or t C } be the set of all arcs linking the formed monomial subdigraphs. Dene D (A) = D(A) \ L = (N , U ), where N = N and U = U \ L. Thus, the monomial subdigraphs in D (A) are disjoint. The following characterization follows from this construction. Theorem 1. Let A 0 and let D(A) be the associated digraph. Let T , F , P and C be the index sets of origins of the monomial subdigraphs, respectively, monomial trees T , owers F , palms P , and (monomial) cycles C of D(A) formed from the monomial and proper columns of B . Then, the pair (A, B ) is reachable if and only if D (A) is a union of these monomial subdigraphs, that is
ct cf cp cp
D (A) =
f =1
Cc ,
where ct ,cf ,ck and cp stand for the number of monomial trees, owers, palms and (monomial) cycles, respectively. Proof. Assume that all possible monomial subdigraphs are formed, without repeating vertices, in the order stated above, from the origins T , F , P and C obtained from the monomial and proper (blr = elr + w) columns of B .
D (A) =
f =1
Cc .
Since B has the monomial columns corresponding to indices of T , F , and P , and columns of the type blr = elr + wlr corresponding to C , then by Lemmas 36 we obtain for each monomial subdigraph a maximal set of linearly independent monomial vectors. Since D (A) is a union of these monomial subdigraphs and it contains all the vertices of D(A), the union of all these vectors is a set of n linearly independent monomial vectors. This occurs because each vertex of D (A) is in one and only one monomial subdigraph, and so the pair (A, B ) is reachable. Conversely, assume now that (4) does not hold, that is
ct cf cp cp
t=1 f =1
Cc D (A).
Then, either D (A) has at least one vertex or an arc not included in the union. Denote the digraph formed by the union of those monomial subdigraphs by (N , U ), where N is the vertex set and U is the arc set. Case 1. Suppose N N . Hence, the number of vertices in the union is strictly less than the n vertices of D (A) and D(A). Then, the maximal number of linearly independent monomial vectors produced by the union of all monomial subdigraphs is strictly less than n. Since the monomial subdigraphs give the maximal number of such vectors, according to Lemmas 36 the reachability matrix Rn will not contain a monomial submatrix of order n. Columns of B , which are not monomial or proper, are not used in the formation of the monomial subdigraphs of the union. They might produce with columns of A (corresponding to vertices of a certain subdigraphs, which are in D (A) and not in the union of monomial subdigraphs) some linearly independent monomial vectors in the sequence b, Ab, A2 b, . . . , Ak b. However, the number of such vectors is less than the number of linearly independent monomial vectors generated by the monomial column of B , corresponding to the origins, applied to the same subdigraph, see the proof of Lemma 2. Therefore, Rn will not contain an n n monomial submatrix and the pair (A, B ) is not reachable. Case 2. Now U U . Since all arcs connecting monomial subdigraphs are in L, the strict inclusion is due to the existence of an arc not included in L. Such an arc has a vertex in D (A), but not in the union, that is N N , and then we can proceed as in Case 1. The following examples illustrate the monomial subdigraphs of the digraph of a pair (A, B ) 0. Example 1. Let 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 A= and B = 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
The digraph of A is
First note that the matrix B1 has the unit vectors e4 , e8 and e3 . It is clear that starting from: vector e4 the single monomial path (4), of length zero, is found and it will be in the monomial tree T ; vector e3 a ower, F , is found and it is formed by the monomial path (3), of length zero, and the (monomial) cycle (7, 2); note that vertex 3 is connected with this cycle and there is an arc from vertex 3 to T , the arc (3, 4); vector e8 the monomial path (8, 5, 1), of length two, is obtained and it will be in the set of palms P ; it cannot be in T because this would produce a cycle in T ; vector b = e6 + w, where the positive components of w are just the 4th component and this index is a vertex of T ; so, from that vector, one can consider the cycle (6, 9), which is a (monomial) cycle C . It is clear that D (A) = T P F C and thus the pair (A, B1 ) is reachable. The arcs of D(A) not included in D (A) are L = {(1, 4), (1, 6), (3, 4)}. It is worth noticing that the same decomposition can be obtained if the matrix B1 has the monomial column e6 instead of the column b4 . Example 2. Let A be the matrix of Example 1 and let 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 B2 = 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 In this case, the monomial tree T , the ower F and the palm P previously described are obtained starting from the vertices which correspond to the rst three columns of B2 . However, from the fourth column b = e6 + e8 + e1 one can not obtain monomial vectors because vectors Ak b, k = 0, 1, 2 . . . have more than one positive component. The cycle (6, 9) cannot be obtained and T P F D (A). Hence, the pair (A, B2 ) is not reachable. 9
Following the approach proposed in this paper we can identify reachable parts (monomial trees, owers, palms, cycles) of the system matrix A even when the pair (A, B ) is not reachable. The positive system can be made reachable by applying suitable controls (see Examples 1 and 2). As it is well known, reachability from zero plus nilpotence is equivalent to controllability (see [5] and [11]). It is thereby sucient to eliminate all possible monomial subdigraphs of D(A) with cycles for obtaining the controllability property. In fact, we can establish the following result. Theorem 2. Let (A, B ) 0 and let D(A) be the associated digraph of A. Then, the pair T (A, B ) is controllable if and only if, D(A) = c t=1 Tt and B contains all monomial columns corresponding to the origins of the monomial trees.
In this paper, reachability and controllability properties of discretetime positive linear systems, in the more general case when the system matrix contains zero columns are established in terms of the digraph of the pair (A, B ). Monomial subgraphs of reachable and controllable nonnegative pairs (A, B ) are identied and their properties studied. Criteria in digraph form recognising the reachability and controllability properties of such pairs are obtained in the paper. These criteria give a better understanding of the structure of reachable and controllable discretetime positive linear systems than the corresponding criteria in algebraic form. The results obtained in this paper can be used to develop computationaly ecient combinatorial algorithms for revealing such fundamental properties of discretetime positive linear systems as reachability and controllability. Acknowledgement : The authors wish to thank to The Australian Research Council for providing support for this work under grant A00001126. The work of the rst author was also supported by Spanish grant DGI number BFM20012783 and Universitat Politcnica de Valncia under its research incentive program.
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