Uterine / Endometrial Vaginal: Gynae Cancers
Uterine / Endometrial Vaginal: Gynae Cancers
Uterine / Endometrial Vaginal: Gynae Cancers
ovaries Presentation Most commonly occues between 50 & 64 years Post menopausal bleeding - initially occasionally, then becoming heavier and more frequent Examination may be normal Diagnosis Investigate with ultrasound If suspicious ultrasound / history hysteroscopy & biopsy Most tumours start in the fundus and spread slowly Usually present with bleeding Spread is local and by lymphatics Treatment is usually radiotherapy Prognosis is poor (50% 5 year survival)
May metastasize to pelvic lymph nodes, vagina or ovaries 1: in situ Staging 2: reaches cervical os 3: spread beyond uterus but with pelvis 4: spread beyond pelvis Most tumours ares adenocarcinomas Stage 1 & 2: total hysterectomy + bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy +/- radiotherapy
Main cause is HPV (16, 18, 31, 33, 45) Risk factors: pronlonged pill use, high parity, many sexual partners, early first sex, HIV, other STIs, smoking Aim to detect pre-invasive disease Screening smears every 3 years from 25 to 50, then if clear every 5 years to 65 Screening: a one off smear results gives 20% reduction in cancer risk, every 5 years gives 85%, every 3 years gives 91% Smear are blind checked independently by two people, if there are any discrepancies the smear is checked again Pre cancerous stage Colposcopy or repeat smear in 6 months Return to normal screening after 3 normal 6 monthly smears CIN1: mild cell changes Screening Presentation
If advanced disease consider radiotherapy / high dose progestogens which shrink the tumour Recurrent disease usually presents in the first 2 - 3 years; common sites: pelvis, lung, bone, vagina, liver Asymptomatic; Swollen abdoment; Pressure effects (e.g. on bladder)
Torsion (severe pain, potential for intermittent pain if tumour twists and untwists) Endocrine or metastatic effects Haemorrhage; Rupture +/- peritonism; Ascites
Gynae Cancers
Presentation Risk factors
If 2 close relatives affected lifetime risk is 40% Increased risk: if BRCA gene, those with many ovulations (late menopause, nulliparity), current HRT Reduced risk: combined OCP,breastfeeding, hysterectomy
CIN2: moderate cell changes CIN3: severe cell changes Diagnosis
Ultrasound can confirm presence of a mass Blood test Ca125: 80% sensitive but poor specificity (also raised in PID and endometriosis) Majority are epithelial in origin, although hormone producing tumours are common 1: only ovaries (a = one ovary, b = two ovaries, c = with ascites) Pathology Staging 2: outside ovaries but within pelvis 3: spread to abdomen 4: distant mets Most present at stage 3 or 4 (15% 5 year survival) Management Surgical tumour removal + 6 months chemo
Removal of affected cells Laser ablation, cold coagulation, and cryotherapy treat just the part of the cervix that contains abnormal cells LLETZ (large loop excision of the transformation zone), cone biopsy and hysterectomy remove the whole area of the transformation zone - the area containing all the cells that could become precancerous or develop into cervical cancer Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Management of CIN2 & CIN3
Most are squamous cancers Overt carcinoma is rarely detected on smear Non menstrual bleeding is classic symptoms Depends on staging of tumour Hysterectomy +/- radiotherapy Chemotherapy in advanced disease / palliative management
Lichen Sclerosus Higher risk groups HPV infection Local excision Management Chemoradiation if extensive Good 5 year survial if no nodal involvement