Report On ICICI Web Trade LTD.: S.K. Patel Institute of Management & Computer Studies 1
Report On ICICI Web Trade LTD.: S.K. Patel Institute of Management & Computer Studies 1
Report On ICICI Web Trade LTD.: S.K. Patel Institute of Management & Computer Studies 1
ICICI Web Trade Ltd. has assigned a project of Corporate Marketing for their
products at Rajkot city. Its product includes Online Share Trading Account (I-direct A/C)
and Wise Investment Demat Account.
General environment in ICICI Web Trade Ltd. during project was friendly and
competitive. There was more of team work environment. Sales executives were responsible
to their team leader in a team of three to five persons. Team leaders have to report to
Assistant Unit Manager who was the head of ICICI Web Trade Ltd. Rajkot branch.
Before 1998 the security market was dealing in physical format. There were
share brokers who performed the job of the intermediaries between the two parties. The
main markets were the stock exchanges situated in different parts of the country. The
brokers were purchasing and selling the securities on behalf of the investors. The major
stock exchanges are as follow.
The OTCEI is an exchange where all the activities are computerized. It includes
the trading, billing, payments etc…… This had opened a new horizon for the security
market in India. As all the transactions were done through computers, it improved the
speed, efficiency and transparency of the transaction.
The security market in India has developed a lot in last 5 to 7 years. The
development is due to the increasing awareness among the people; developing
communicational media and most importantly change in the way of transaction i.e. on line
trading of securities. BSE Online Share Trading “B.O.L.T.” has brought revolution in the
security market.
Currently in the security market following securities are been traded by the
investors, institutional buyers and foreign investors.
• Debentures
• Government Bonds
• Mutual Funds
• Commercial papers
The main feature of today’s market is the Dematerialized form of almost all
securities. Previously the securities were available in materialized form i.e. in papers but
now it is available in Dematerialized form. It means securities are not given in paper format
but in ELECTRONIC format it is been directly credited in purchaser’s Demat account.
Looking at the past and present of the industry we can interpret the future of
industry. As India is a developing country and in economical aspect industries are still at
growing stage, we can surely assume the future of industry is bright and security market is
also going to grow with the industry.
Mr. N. Vaghul
Mr. Uday M. Chitale
Mr. Somesh R. Sathe
Mr. Somesh R. Sathe
Mr. P. M. Sinha
Mr. M. K. Sharma
Mr. M. K. Sharma
Mr. K. V. Kamath
1955 :The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited (ICICI)
incorporated through the collective efforts of the World Bank, the Government of
India and representatives of Indian industry. Its main aim was to provide medium
term and long term loans to the Indian business units. Mr.A.Ramaswami Mudaliar
was been elected as the first Chairman of ICICI Limited
1956 :ICICI declared its first Dividend at 3.5%. Within one year of the operation bank
started earning profit and declared dividend.
1967 :ICICI made its first debenture issue for Rs.6 crore, which was oversubscribed.
1969 :First two regional offices in Calcutta and Madras were opened.
1982 :Becomes the first ever Indian borrower to raise European Currency Units.
1985 :Mr.N.Vaghul appointed as the seventh Chairman and Managing Director of ICICI.
1986 :ICICI first Indian Institution to receive ADB Loans. First public issue by an Indian
entity in the Swiss Capital Markets.
: ICICI along with UTI sets up Credit Rating Information Services of India
Limited, (CRISIL) India's first professional credit rating agency.
1987 :ICICI signed a loan agreement for Sterling Pound 10 million with Commonwealth
Development Corporation (CDC), the first loan by CDC for financing projects in
1993 : ICICI sets-up ICICI Securities and Finance Company Limited in joint venture with
J. P. Morgan.
1996 :Mr.K.V.Kamath appointed the Managing Director and CEO of ICICI Ltd
1997 :The name "The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
Limited " was changed to "ICICI Limited".
1998 :Introduced the new logo symbolizing a common corporate identity for the ICICI
1999 :ICICI launches retail finance - car loans, house loans and loans for consumer
: ICICI becomes the first Indian Company to list on the NYSE through an issue of
American Depositary Shares.
2000 :ICICI Bank becomes the first commercial bank from India to list its stock on
2001 :The Boards of ICICI Ltd and ICICI Bank approved the merger of ICICI with ICICI
: Merger of ICICI Limited, ICICI Capital Sercvices Ltd and ICICI Personal
Financial Services Limited with ICICI Bank.
ICICI Bank is India's second-largest bank with total assets of about Rs.167659 crore
and a network of over 560 branches and offices and about 1900 ATMs. ICICI Bank offers a
wide range of banking products and financial services to corporate and retail customers
through a variety of delivery channels and through its specialised subsidiaries and affiliates
in the areas of investment banking, life and non-life insurance, venture capital and asset
management. ICICI Bank's equity shares are listed in India on stock exchanges at Kolkata
and Vadodara, the Stock Exchange, Mumbai and the National Stock Exchange of India
Limited and its American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) are listed on the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE).
ICICI Bank was originally promoted in 1994 by ICICI Limited, an Indian financial
institution, and was its wholly-owned subsidiary. ICICI's shareholding in ICICI Bank was
reduced to 46% through a public offering of shares in India in fiscal 1998, an equity
offering in the form of ADRs listed on the NYSE in fiscal 2000, ICICI Bank's acquisition
of Bank of Madura Limited in an all-stock amalgamation in fiscal 2001, and secondary
market sales by ICICI to institutional investors in fiscal 2001 and fiscal 2002. ICICI was
formed in 1955 at the initiative of the World Bank, the Government of India and
representatives of Indian industry. The principal objective was to create a development
financial institution for providing medium-term and long-term project financing to Indian
businesses. In the 1990s, ICICI transformed its business from a development financial
institution offering only project finance to a diversified financial services group offering a
wide variety of products and services, both directly and through a number of subsidiaries
and affiliates like ICICI Bank. In 1999, ICICI become the first Indian company and the first
bank or financial institution from non-Japan Asia to be listed on the NYSE.
4.1 Safety: -
The safety of transactions on the Internet depends on the encryption system used. The
better this transaction system, the more difficult it is for any person to hack the site.
Internationally, the best system available today is the 128-bit encryption, a system,
which even the Pentagon uses. is one of the few online share-trading sites
in the country equipped with this 128-bit encryption.
Secondly, you too can ensure the safety of the transactions online. You normally get a
secured user id and password, the secrecy of which is to be maintained entirely by you.
Thirdly, if the transaction system requires no manual intervention, you further improve the
safety in the transactions. Among Indian sites, is one of the very few fully
integrated online trading sites. This enables the elimination of the possibility of any manual
intervention, which means orders are directly sent to the exchange ensuring that you get the
best and right price.
In systems where the broking, banking and Demat accounts are completely
integrated, your money remains in your own bank account, and does not get transferred to
the broker’s pool account
4.3 Trading through the Internet is not a difficult and cumbersome process:-
The experience of trading through Internet depends a great deal on the type of
product offered by the site. Say, for example, one of the issues bothering you may be tired
of the paperwork involved after every trade in writing cheques or TIFDs.
In online trading sites, the greater the back-end integration of the system, the greater the
amount of work the sites do for you, therefore greater the convenience available to you.
For example, incase of, your broking account, bank account and demat
account are linked electronically. So when you punch in a buy or sell order, the system
checks the funds/ shares availability and automatically credits/debits the accounts once the
order is executed by the exchange.
4.4 Demonstration:-
Contrary to common perceptions, trading through Internet does not require either any
expertise in working on the computer, or any special financial skills.
You could try the demo (demonstration) of the online trading sites like to
find out why others like you, with little or no knowledge about the Internet or finance, have
switched on to online trading. Or you could attend the demonstrations sessions held by
such websites in your city.
The convenience provided by online trading is even then worth the costs involved.
Many of those customers who have chosen to trade shares online today, had at one
point of time been trading through offline brokers, just like you are today. They took a
chance to go online and trade shares. After realizing the advantages of trading shares
online, they have shifted to online trading now. In fact, there are more than lake customers
who have already opened an account with Just try trading shares after
opening an account with any online trading site. However, before choosing an online
trading site, please compare all such websites and then make a decision
The tickers available at online trading sites provide instantaneous updates. Also,
some websites can offer to transact in those shares instantaneously and with convenience.
The solution to your problem could be provided in different ways by different online
share trading sites. At, for any trade order, the customer is asked to click
"Proceed" after he has the opportunity to completely check the order verification form.
Moreover, you have the option of modifying or canceling the order till the moment the
order is executed at the exchange.
Finally, online trade confirmations reach reaches our customers within 4 minutes,
while contract notes are dispatched at the end of the day and reach within 24-36 hours.
With, you decide what you want to buy and buy the share at the
price you want to and therefore you are in total control of your trades.
Internet has brought to the retail investors what was till sometime ago the sole
prerogative of large brokerage houses and high net worth individuals. For example at one can access multitude of resources to arrive at his stock picks. Reliable
research with an enviable track record is available free of cost.
Demat account. ICICI Web Trade is providing the core product with extra service of online
share trading to its customer as per their requirement.
There are three type of account in ICICI Web Trade. They are as
• Wise investment
• If customer does not have saving account in ICICI Bank then he or she has to
deposit Rs.2500 in the bank.
• Statement of Demat account is given free of cost to the customer per quarter
and if he or she wants monthly statement than Rs. 200 is charge per annum.
• Account opining charge is Rs. 350
• Per purchase customer has to pay 0.02% of the amount of purchase.
Minimum Rs. 20
• Per sale customer has to pay 0.04% of the amount of sale. Minimum Rs. 20
• Maintains charge of demat account is Rs. 350 per annum.
• Script maintains charge 0.75 paisa per script per month.
• Trade rejection charge is Rs. 50 per transaction rejected.
• Online share trading is not available.
• Transaction speed is very low compare to online share trading.
• Other competitors are providing the same service at lower rate.
• Account opining charge is Rs. 500
• Per purchase customer has to pay 0.02% of the amount of purchase.
Minimum Rs. 20
• Per sale customer has to pay 0.04% of the amount of sale. Minimum Rs. 20
• Maintains charge of demat account is Rs. 500 per annum.
• Script maintains charge 0.75 paisa per script per month.
• Trade rejection charge is Rs. 50 per transaction rejected.
• A saving account in ICICI BANK is necessary.
The most advanced version of share trading is “”. It allows the trading
through internet and gives totally paperless work. It is the most effective way of doing the
share trading. “” allows the customer to work at his own. Means it removes the
broker and a terminal is given in hand of customer.
• Rs. 750 is taken as lifetime registration charge for using
• Rs 5000 are to be maintained as quarterly average balance in saving account.
• The brokerage is taken on TURNOVER of three month. As the turnover
increase, brokerage rate comes down. The rate varies from 0.75 paisa to 0.10
• High brokerage charge for lower turnover
A product for every need: is the most comprehensive website, which
allows you to invest in Shares, Mutual funds, Derivatives (Futures and Options) and other
financial products. Simply put we offer you a product for every investment need of yours.
Delivery Trading:- This is a delivery based trading system, where in you can place
orders for transactions intended for taking delivery. Through, buy and sell
shares of about 2500 actively traded scrip’s on the stock exchange.
Day Trading:- You can also do an intra-settlement trading up to 10 times your available
funds, wherein you take long buy/ short sell positions in stocks with the intention of
squaring off the position within the same day settlement cycle.
Spot Trading:- This facility can be used only for selling your Demat stocks which are
already existing in your Demat account. When you are looking at an immediate liquidity
option, 'Cash on Spot' may work the best for you, On selling shares through "cash on spot",
money is credited to your bank a/c the same evening & not on the exchange payout date.
This money can then be withdrawn from any of the ICICI Bank ATMs.
BTST:-Buy Today Sell Tomorrow (BTST) is a facility that allows you to sell shares
even one day after the buy order date, without you having to wait for the receipt of shares
into your Demat account.
CallNTrade:- CallNTrade allows you to call on a local number in your city & trade on
the telephone through our Customer Service Executives. This facility is currently available
in over 11 major states across India.
Market Order:- You could trade by placing market orders during market hours that
allows you to trade at the best obtainable price in the market at the time of execution of the
Limit Order:- Allows you to place a buy/sell order at a price defined by you. The
execution can happen at a price more favorable than the price, which is defined by you,
limit orders can be placed by you during holidays & non market hours too.
Through, you can now trade in index and stock futures on the NSE. In
futures trading, you take buy/sell positions in index or stock(s) contracts having a longer
contract period of up to 3 months.
Trading in FUTURES is simple! If, during the course of the contract life, the price
moves in your favors (i.e. rises in case you have a buy position or falls in case you have a
sell position), you make a profit.
Presently only selected stocks, which meet the criteria on liquidity and volume, have
been enabled for futures trading.
Calculate Index and Know your Margin are tools to help you in calculating your margin
requirements and also the index & stock price movements. The ICICIDIRECT
UNIVERSITY on the HOME page is a comprehensive guide on futures and options
An option is a contract, which gives the buyer the right to buy or sell shares at a specific
price, on or before a specific date. For this, the buyer has to pay to the seller some money,
which is called premium. There is no obligation on the buyer to complete the transaction if
the price is not favorable to him.
To take the buy/sell position on index/stock options, you have to place certain % of
order value as margin. With options trading, you can leverage on your trading limit by
taking buy/sell positions much more than what you could have taken in cash segment.
The Buyer of a Call Option has the Right but not the Obligation to Purchase the
Underlying Asset at the specified strike price by paying a premium whereas the Seller of
the Call has the obligation of selling the Underlying Asset at the specified Strike price.
The Buyer of a Put Option has the Right but not the Obligation to Sell the Underlying
Asset at the specified strike price by paying a premium whereas the Seller of the Put has
the obligation of buying the Underlying Asset at the specified Strike price.
By paying lesser amount of premium, you can create positions under OPTIONS and
take advantage of more trading opportunities.
With the inclusion of Standard Chartered MF, you can now invest on-line in 10 mutual
Funds through Prudential ICICI MF, JM MF, Alliance MF, Franklin
Templeton MF, Sundaram MF, Birla Sun Life MF, HDFC MF, Principal MF and IL & FS
MF are the Mutual Funds available for investment. You can invest in mutual funds without
the hassles of filling application forms or any other paperwork. You need no signatures or
proof of identity for investing.
Once you place a request for investing in a particular fund, there are no manual
processes involved. Your bank funds are automatically debited or credited while
simultaneously crediting or debiting your unit holdings.
You also get control over your investments with online order confirmations and order
status tracking. Get to know the performance of your investments through online updation
of MF portfolio with current NAV.
6.3.1 offers you various options while investing in Mutual Funds:-
Purchase:- You may invest/purchase Prudential ICICI MF, JM MF, Alliance MF,
Franklin Templeton MF, Sundaram MF, Birla Sun Life MF, HDFC MF, Principal MF, IL &
FS MF and Standard Chartered MF without the hassles of filling application forms.
Switch:- To suit your changing needs you may wish to shift monies between different
schemes. You can switch your monies online from one scheme to another in the same fund
family without any hassles.
Systematic Investment plans (SIP):- SIP allows you to invest a certain sum of money
over a period of time periodically. Just fill in the investment amount, the period of
investment and the frequency of investing and submit. will do the rest for
you automatically investing periodically for you.
Systematic withdrawal plan:- This allows you to withdraw a certain sum of money over a
period of time periodically.
Transfer-in:- You can convert your existing Mutual funds into electronic mode through a
transfer-in request.
You could also invest in Initial Public Offers (IPOs) and Bonds online without going
through the hassles of filling ANY application form/ paperwork.
Get in-depth analyses of new IPOs issues (Initial Public Offerings) which are about to
hit the market and analysis on these. IPO calendar, recent IPO listings, prospectus/offer
documents, and IPO analysis are few of the features, which help you, keep on top of the
IPO markets.
We provide you with the indices of major world markets, nifty futures and ADR prices
of Indian scrips. Get daily share prices of all scrips, monthly and yearly high/lows etc
through Market Watch.
Get breaking news from CNBC and Reuters. Catch a glimpse of News Headlines
through our scrolling Direct News Headlines.
Get a snapshot of the latest developments in the markets through the day using Market
Commentary. You can get weekly snapshots also. Use Pick of the week which focuses on
fundamental stocks with sound prospects.
Catch interviews, reactions and comments from industry leaders with CEO Call. Track
the movement of leading scrips within a sector across 12 sectors using Market@Desktop.
Equip yourself with our barometers. Market Barometer gives you in-depth information
of the weightages of shares on Nifty and Sensex. Get a glimpse of the performance of
various industry sectors through Industry Barometer.
Direct Technical Charts offer interactive charting with advanced indicators. Get a bird's
eye view of over 5000 companies at a single click using Company Snapshot. Glance
through analyst recommendations using Multex Global Estimates.
In case, you are not too comfortable with share trading, try our Learning Centre, which is a
tutorial on investments and My Research, that helps you to research a stock better.
With 'ICICIdirect Customer Tools & Updates' you can trouble shoot all your problems
Address your trading queries on-line through "Easy Mail". You can view and change your
profile or password on-line through General Profile option.
Get details of ICICI Centers, our sales and service offices, across India through branch
View your Account Statement and Bill Summary of your transactions online using bills &
View your Digital Contract Notes instantly. View various charges through the Fee Schedule
Enroll yourself for various Workshops through Register for Customer
this facility to any Client or group of Clients at its sole discretion and without assigning any
ICICI WEBTRADE shall decide upon the list of securities, which shall be eligible
for this facility. This list would be subject to change at the sole discretion of ICICI
WEBTRADE from time to time. ICICI WEBTRADE may also at its sole discretion decide
to withdraw a particular security from the list without notice to the clients and without
assigning any reasons whatsoever. Currently all S&P CNX NIFTY and CNX NIFTY
JUNIOR scrips are available under BTST® facility.
Under BTST® facility the quantity of securities available for sale shall be only such
percentage of the quantity of securities bought by the Client, as may be permitted by ICICI
WEBTRADE from time to time. ICICI WEBTRADE may at its sole discretion vary the
percentage, if it deems fit, without notice to the clients and without assigning any reasons
whatsoever and the Client will at all times be required to abide by such decision. The Client
shall be permitted to sell the previously bought security under BTST® within such number
of days as prescribed by ICICI WEB TRADE from time to time. Securities bought on a
particular day (i.e. day T) can be sold by the Client within the period commencing on T+1
day and ending on T + 2 day (or by an earlier day if so specified by ICICI WEBTRADE).
The Client will not be allowed to sell the securities on T + 3 under this facility. The
purchase and sale transactions of the securities under the BTST® facility will be on the
same Exchange i.e. securities purchased from NSE, will be allowed to be sold only on the
NSE, and not on the BSE and vice versa. However in case of securities under no-delivery
period, the T+1 day will start from the day on which the scrip comes out of no delivery.
Securities purchased by the Client which are pending to be credited to the client’s
Demat account can be viewed by the Client after logging in for trading on the ‘Security
Projections’ page of the Website and the Client may place order to sell the eligible
securities up to the permitted percentage under the BTST® facility by clicking on the
BTST® Sell Hyperlink. The client can see the maximum number of shares which can be
sold under
Convenience:- the 3-in-1 account integrates your banking, broking and demat accounts.
This enables you to trade in shares without going through the hassles of tracking settlement
cycles, writing cheques and Transfer Instructions, chasing your broker for cheques or
Transfer Instructions etc.
Speed:- You can now get the latest quotes of scrips on and place an order
almost instantly.
Control:- You can be assured that you have in fact placed an order at the price you always
wanted to, but may not have been able to do so till now. Thereby giving you control over
your own trades.
Trust:- comes to you from ICICI, the organization trusted by millions of
The minimum value of the order that will be accepted is Rs. 500
The minimum brokerage is Rs. 25 or 2.5% of the trade value whichever is lower.
Service tax and Security Transaction(STT) will be charged additional as per the
applicable rate.
The minimum value of the order that will be accepted is Rs. 500
The minimum brokerage is Rs. 15 or 1.5% of the trade value whichever is lower.
Service tax and Security Transaction(STT) will be charged additional as per the
applicable rate.
The minimum value of the trade that would be accepted would be Rs. 500
The maximum amount of trade that a customer can execute in any settlement under
spot segment is Rs. 1000000.
Service tax and Security Transaction(STT) will be charged additional as per the
applicable rate.
Sell: Market and Off- 0.04% (Min. Rs. 20) Nil for Trades done
Market on
Nil for Trades done
Rejections/fails Rs.20/- Rs. 20\-
Extra charges for Rs.10/- per ISIN Rs.10/- per ISIN
processing of Instruction (NIL for e- (NIL for e-
submined on the execution instructions). instructions).
date (accepted at Client’s
5 Dematerialisation
For ICICI Bank shares Nil Nil
For each request form Rs. 35 Rs. 35
Extra for each certificate Rs. 2 Rs. 2
6 Rematerialisation Rs. 20 Rs. 20
Sell: Market and Off- Rs. 8 per debit instruction (nil for commercial paper and short-
Market term debt instruments)
Study objective of this report was to find out strengths and weaknesses of the ICICI
Web Tread Ltd. against other competitors. It also includes opportunities in future for the
growth and better prospect of the company taking in to threats from the competitors, new
comers and substitutes. It also covers comparison of ICICI with other
competitors like HDFC Securities, Kotak Street, and And Sharekhan.
For the research of comparison of ICICI with other competitors and for
the SWOT analysis of ICICI Web Tread Ltd. sampling design was informal interviews and
sample size was limited number of branch offices of the competitor companies in Rajkot
city. Secondary data was collected from related websites.
9.4 Comparison
Cash Segment ( Delivery ) 0.59% 0.50%
Margin Segment ( Same Day ) 0.10% 0.10%
Demat Charges:-
Annual Service Chages 400 500
Buy: Market and Off-Market 0.04%,Mini. Rs. 20 NIL
Sell: Market and Off-Market 0.04%,Mini. Rs. 20 Rs. 0.04 per transaction
Rs. 25 per request, Rs. 3 per Rs. 25 per request, Rs. 1 per
Dematerialization certificate certificate
Rematerialization Rs. 10 per certificate 0.02% of the value, Mini Rs. 15
Pledge 0.02% of transaction value, Min. 0.02% of transaction value, Min.
Creation/Closure/Invocation Rs. 50 per transaction Rs. 25 per transaction
Addiditional Account
Statement Rs. 25 Rs. 25
Mini. Bal. Requirement in HDFC-2500+5000 Deposite for 7
Savings A/c. days UTI-2500
UTI-1000+5000 Deposite for 7
days HDFC-5000
KOTAK-2500+5000 Deposite for
7 days
Limit Exposure:-
Cash Segment ( Delivery) 4 times 3 times
Margin Segment ( Same Day ) 4 times 6 times
S – Strength
Strength of the ICICI Web Trade is the main feature of the service. As it gives 3 in 1
account to the customer, the ease to trade at your convenient time is the main strength of
the ICICI Direct. Following are some of the strong points of the company.
Faster transaction
Paperless work
W- Weakness
The weakness of the ICICI can be said its high charges compared to other
O – Opportunity
Opportunity of the company is with the growth of volume of share trading and if
company decides to reduces the prices to some extent then a new market segment will
come up as a customer of the service.
T – Threat
Growing competition
You can do on-line share trading through any sites. There are various sites available
for trading. But has some unique features. The is a
leading site available not only for trading but also for other investment opportunity.
Why you should do your trading through ICICIDirect.Com? The reasons for using for trading are as explained as under.
1) ICICI is having 3-in-1 unique package, means you are having all the accounts
(saving bank a/c., Demat account and online share-trading account) with ICICI only.
Most of other online share trading provider uses savings bank account of other
company. On the other hand ICICI has its own. You can very easily transfer your
savings bank account money to trading account. While in case of other on-line share
trading provider give you their account number in which you have to first deposit
your money and then you can do your trading.
2) ICICI is having the whole package and that is why you do not require to retaining
your shares with DP’s pool account or any type of beneficiary account. Your all
share are in your Demat account only.
3) Some online share providers are demanding deposit. You have to maintain that
deposit till your account is continue. On the other hand you have to just maintain a
simple 5000 Rs. Balance in your savings bank account on which you will get
interest. Moreover you will get cheque book, ATM or Debit Card with the savings
bank account.
4) The main recurring charges in case of trading are custody charges. Most of other DP
are charging more than 1.25% per month, per ISIN. On the other hand ICICI is
charging only 0.75% per month, per ISIN. Means, you will definitely save your
charges as the custody charges are lesser than other providers.
7) With the help of Margin PLUS order you can trade up to 25 times of your funds
availability, means only 4% margin is required. No other site is providing such type
of facility except
8) The BTST facility provides securities bought on a particular day (i.e. day T) can be
sold by the Client within the period commencing on T+1 day and ending on T + 2
9) If you want the payment of your stocks same day, you can use SPOT option. With
the help of this option you will get your money on the same day. No other online
share trading provider gives you this facility.
10)The mobile alerts give you the transaction detail on your mobile phone. So you do
not require to open site every time just for checking the trade. 50 alerts are free and
then after you have to pay only 1 Rs. per alert.
11)You can also do your trades trough your phone by using Call N Trade which allows
you to call on a local number in your city & trade on the telephone through
Customer Service Executives.
12)Most of the clients are facing problem after opening an account.
provides a complete demo facility for trading in equities, future and option. With
the help of demo you will not have any further difficulties for trading.
13)It also provides stock zone, information about volumes of various scripts, analysis of
various industry with scripts, snapshot, market watch, spot reviews, NAV lists,
portfolio tracker, risk analyzer, asset allocater, stock screener, and stock to watch,
end of the day report, market at desktop, market barometer and returns of various
14) is also providing ICICI Value Watch, ICICI Sector Watch as well
as monthly bulletin. With the help of that you can take better decisions for your
investment in stocks.
15)Most of the other online share trading provider are not giving the facility for trading
on BSE.
1) During the time of selling an account, only those are more interested whose broker
is providing them trading at 1% or more than 1% charges.
2) Customers having their account with other DP are saying to open their account after
time period of their account is over.
3) Some customers are saying that 0.75% on cash trading and 0.10% on margin trading
are somewhat high.
4) Some customers are reluctant to shift from one DP to another because of having
large portfolio, and on that portfolio they have to pay off-line transfer charges.
5) Some customers are ready to open an online share trading account but not ready for
marinating enough balance in savings bank account.
6) In some of the suburban and less developed areas there is lack of capable sales
executive for offering services.
7) Customer will loose interest benefit on jointed exiting saving account with I-direct
1) Brokerage should be reduce to the possible extent, so that new customers can be
2) They should offer demonstration for on line share trading and other seminars for
cultivation of knowledge to the customers.
3) Advertisement should be given in newspapers, so that the persons who do not know
about online facility of share trading can be attracted.
4) After opening of account, customer should provide a guidebook, so that they can
easily learn and transact with ICICI Direct.Com.
5) Some discount/offer can be given to those who are opening accounts in groups.
6) The customers who want to open a savings bank account as well as Demat account
can be call for open an online share trading.
11) Company should give consecution in deposit money to those customers who are
opening saving account with I-direct account.
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