08.10.rendering With Coherent Layers

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Rendering With Coherent Layers

Jed Lengyel and John Snyder

Microsoft Research

For decades, animated cartoons and movie special effects have factored
Scene Output
the rendering of a scene into layers that are updated independently and Renderer
composed in the final display. We apply layer factorization to real-time Image
computer graphics. The layers allow targeting of resources, whether the Quality
ink and paint artists of cartoons or the graphics pipeline as described here,
to those parts of the scene that are most important. Figure 1: TRADITIONAL PIPELINE processes the entire scene
To take advantage of frame-to-frame coherence, we generalize layer database to produce each output image. The quality parameters for
factorization to apply to both dynamic geometric objects and terms of the texture and geometry (such as level-of-detail) may be set independ-
shading model, introduce new ways to trade off fidelity for resource use in ently for each object in the scene. However, the sampling resolutions
individual layers, and show how to compute warps that reuse renderings in time (frame rate) and space (image resolution and compression)
for multiple frames. We describe quantities, called fiducials, that measure are the same for all objects in the scene.
the fidelity of approximations to the original image. Layer update rates,
spatial resolution, and other quality parameters are determined by geomet- Scene 0
Renderer Sprite0

ric, photometric, visibility, and sampling fiducials weighted by the con-

tent author’s preferences. We also compare the fidelity of various types of 3D Quality 0
reuse warps and demonstrate the suitability of the affine warp. Scene Image
Using Talisman, a hardware architecture with an efficient layer
primitive, the work presented here dramatically improves the geometric Renderer SpriteN-1
complexity and shading quality of scenes rendered in real-time. QualityN-1

Layering Order
CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]:
Picture/Image Generation; I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Figure 2: LAYERED PIPELINE partitions the scene into independ-
Graphics and Realism. ent layers. A single layer’s pipeline (highlighted at top) is similar to
the traditional pipeline. By adjusting each layer’s quality controls,
Additional Keywords: sprite, affine transformation, image compo-
the content author targets rendering resources to perceptually impor-
siting, image-based rendering, Talisman tant parts of the scene. Slowly changing or unimportant layers are
updated at lower frame rates, at lower resolution, and with higher
1 Introduction compression.
The layered pipeline separates or factors the scene into layers that
represent the appearance of an object (e.g., a space ship separate from z-buffer, no lighting computations, no polygon edge antialiasing, and
the star field background) or a special lighting effect (e.g., a shadow, must handle few sprites (which are analogous to texture-mapped
reflection, highlight, explosion, or lens flare.) Each layer produces a polygons) relative to the number of polygons in the rendered geome-
2D-image stream as well as a stream of 2D transformations that place try. This simplicity allows compositing hardware to be made with
the image on the display. We use sprite to refer to a layer’s image pixel fill rates much higher than 3D rendering hardware. Our investi-
(with alpha channel) and transformation together. gation demonstrates that the saving in 3D rendering justifies the extra
hardware expense of a compositor.
The layered pipeline decouples rendering of layers from their dis-
play. Specifically, the sprite transformation may be updated more The layered pipeline augments the set of traditional rendering
frequently than the sprite image. Rendering (using 3D CG) updates quality parameters such as geometric level-of-detail and shading
the sprite image only when needed. Sprite transforming and compo- model (e.g., flat-, Gouraud-, or Phong-shaded), with the temporal and
siting [Porter84] occur at display rates. The sprite transformation spatial resolution parameters of each layer. The regulator adjusts the
scales low-resolution sprites up to the display resolution, and trans- quality parameters in order to achieve optimal quality within fixed
forms sprites rendered earlier to approximate their later appearance. rendering resources. The regulator dynamically measures both the
In other words, the sprite transformation interpolates rendered image costs of changing the quality parameters – how much more or less of
streams to display resolution in both space and time. the rendering budget they will consume – and the benefits – how
much improvement or loss in fidelity will occur.
Layered rendering has several advantages for real-time CG. First,
layered rendering better exploits coherence by separating fast-moving The specific contributions of this paper include extending the
foreground objects from slowly changing background layers. Second, generality of factoring. While some authors have considered factor-
layered rendering more optimally targets rendering resources by al- ing over static geometric objects [Regan94, Maciel95, Shade96,
lowing less important layers to be degraded to conserve resources for Schaufler96ab], we consider dynamic situations and factoring over
more important layers. Finally, layered rendering naturally integrates shading expressions (Section 2). We describe how to render using the
2D elements such as overlaid video, offline rendered sprites, or hand- layered pipeline (Section 3). We investigate different types of sprite
animated characters into 3D scenes. transformations and show why an affine transformation is a good
choice (Section 4). We discuss low-computation measures of image
As an architectural feature, decoupling rendering from compo-
fidelity, which we call fiducials, and identify several classes of fidu-
siting is advantageous. Compositing is 2D rather than 3D, requires no
cials (Section 5). We add the spatial and temporal resolution of layers
Address: One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399 as regulation parameters and propose a simple regulator that balances
Email: [email protected], [email protected] them to optimize image fidelity (Section 6). Finally, we demonstrate
that the ideas presented here enhance performance of the Talisman
architecture by factors of 3-10, by using interpolated triple-framing or
by regulating the heterogeneous update of sprite images (Section 7).
allowed before changes in the projected
geometry exceed a given tolerance.
[Chen93, Chen95] show how to take ad-
vantage of coherence between viewpoints
to produce nearly constant cost per frame
walkthroughs of static environments.
[McMillan95] re-projects images to pro-
duce an arbitrary view.
Figure 3: INDEPENDENT UPDATE depends on choice of factoring. The left and middle figures Our use of temporal coherence is most
show how factoring the geometry into two separate layers allows each layer to be reused. The similar to [Regan94], who observed that
right figure shows a less effective partition. not all objects need updating at the display
rate. Rather than factoring globally across
1.1 The Layered Pipeline and Talisman object sets requiring a common update rate, our scheme factors over
geometric objects and shading model terms, and accounts for relative
The Talisman reference hardware architecture was designed to sup-
motion between dynamic objects.
port the layered pipeline (see [Torborg96] for details.) Rendering
[Shade96] and [Schaufler96ab] use image caches and texture-
occurs within one 32×32 chunk at a time, so that z-buffer and frag-
mapped quadrilaterals to warp the image. This is conceptually similar
ment information for antialiasing can be stored on-chip. The resulting
to our work, but does not include the factoring across shading or the
sprites with alpha channel are compressed and written to sprite mem-
idea of real-time regulation of quality parameters. We harness sim-
ory. In parallel with 3D rendering, for every frame, the compositor
pler image transformations (affine rather than perspective) to achieve
applies an affine warp to each of an ordered set of sprites uncom-
greater fidelity (Section 4.2). Our work also treats dynamic geometry.
pressed from sprite memory and composites the sprites just ahead of
the video refresh, eliminating the need for a frame buffer. Sprite Shading expressions [Cook84, Hanrahan90] have been studied
composition is limited to the “over” operator [Porter84]. extensively. [Dorsey95] factors shading expressions by light source
and linearly combines the resulting images in the final display.
Although our experiments assume the Talisman reference archi-
[Guenter95] caches intermediate results. [Meier96] uses image proc-
tecture, the ideas can be usefully applied to traditional architectures.
essing techniques to factor shadow and highlight regions into separate
Layer composition can be emulated with rendering hardware that
layers which are then re-rendered using painterly techniques and fi-
supports texture mapping with transparency by dedicating some of the
nally composited. The novel aspects of our technique are the inde-
pixel-fill rate of the renderer for sprite composition. This may be a
pendent quality parameters for each layer and warp of cached terms.
good sacrifice if sprite rendering is polygon limited rather than pixel
fill limited. Clearly though, Talisman is a superior layered pipeline in
that sprite composition is “for free” (i.e., sacrifices few rendering
2 Factoring
resources) and very high speed (because of sprite compression and the The guiding principle of our approach is to factor into separate layers
simplicity of sprite composition in relation to rendering).1 elements that require different spatial or temporal sampling rates.
This section discusses guidelines for manually factoring across ge-
1.2 Previous Work ometry and shading, visibility sorting of layers, and annotating models
To avoid visibility sorting of layers, alternative architectures use what with layer information.
are essentially sprites with z information per pixel [Molnar92, Re-
2.1 Factoring Geometry
gan94, Mark97]. Such systems are more costly in computation,
bandwidth, and storage requirements since z must be stored and Geometry factoring should consider the following properties of ob-
transmitted to a more complicated compositor. Z information is also jects and their motions:
difficult to interpolate and compress. We observe that z information 1. Relative velocity – A sprite that contains two objects moving
per pixel is greatly redundant when used solely to determine a layer- away from each other must be updated more frequently than two
ing order. But such an ordering is necessary to ensure an antialiased sprites each containing a single object (Figure 3). Relative ve-
result. Our approach of factoring into layers allows warping per locity also applies to shading.
coherent object. It also avoids problems with uncovering of depth- 2. Perceptual distinctness – Background elements require fewer
shadowed information. Of course, sprites could store multiple z lay- samples in space and time than foreground elements, and so
ers per pixel, a prohibitively costly approach for hardware, but one must be separated into layers to allow independent control of the
near to ours in spirit. Such a scheme stores all the layers within each quality parameters.
pixel, rather than all the pixels for each layer.3 3. Ratio of clear to “touched” pixels – Aggregating many objects
[Funkhouser93] adjusts rendering parameters to extract the best into a single layer typically wastes sprite area where no geome-
quality. We add sprite resolution and update rate to the set of regu- try projects. Finer decompositions are often tighter. Reducing
lated parameters and make photometric measurements rather than wasted sprite space saves rendering resources especially in a
relying on a priori assignment of benefit to sampling rate. [Maciel95] chunked architecture where some chunks can be eliminated, and
takes a similar approach but use fiducials and impostor representa- makes better use of the compositor, whose maximum speed lim-
tions optimized for walkthroughs of static scenes. its the average depth complexity of sprites over the display.
Taking advantage of temporal coherence has been an ongoing 2.2 Visibility Sorting
theme in computer graphics [Hubschman81, Shelley82]. [Hofmann89]
presents techniques for measuring how much camera movement is Visibility sorting of dynamic layer geometry can be automated. We
have implemented a preliminary algorithm for which we provide a
sketch here. A full discussion along with experimental results is in
In a prototype implementation of Talisman, the compositor is planned to progress [Snyder97].
run at 320M pixels/second compared to 40Mps for the renderer.
2 To determine visibility order for layers containing moving ge-
Penetrating z-sprites will have a point-sampled and thus aliased bound-
ometry, we construct an incrementally changing kd-tree based on a set
ary where visibility switches.
Post-warping of unfactored z-images also fails to address the case of of constant directions. A convex polyhedron bounds each layer’s
independently moving objects. geometry, for which we can incrementally compute bounding extents
Full *
Shadow +
3D Output
Reflection Image

Shadow Reflection
Map Map

Figure 5: MULTIPASS RENDERING combines the results of several

rendering passes to produce effects such as shadows and reflections.
With a traditional architecture, the rendering passes are combined
using blending operations in the 3D renderer (multiplication for
shadow modulation and addition for adding reflections.)


shadow, diffuse, and specular terms. In this example, the shadow

Shadow *

and specular sprites are both computed at 25% (50% in x and y) of 3D Output
the display resolution. The shadow sprite modulates the color. The Scene
Reflection + Image
specular sprite adds to the output without changing alpha.
Shadow Reflection
in each direction. The kd-tree quickly determines the set of objects
Map Map
that can possibly occlude a given object, based on these extents. Us-
ing this query, the visibility sort computes an incremental topological Figure 6: SHADE SPRITES are combined in the final composition
sort on the strongly connected components (which represent occlusion phase to produce the multipass rendering. Each shading term may
cycles) of the occlusion graph. Strongly connected components must have different resolutions in space and time.
be temporarily aggregated in the same layer, since a priority ordering
does not exist.4 multiple shadowing light sources. We describe an approximation to
multiplicative blending using the ‘over’ composition operator in an
2.3 Factoring Shading appendix.
Shading may also be factored into separate layers. Figure 4 shows a Consider a simple example of a shading model with two textures
typical multipass example, in which a shadow layer modulates the and a shadow, S( N ⋅ L )(T1 + T2 ) , where S is the shadowing term, N is
fully illuminated scene, and a reflection layer adds a reflection (in this the normal to the light, L is the light direction, and T1 and T2 are tex-
case the reflection is the specular reflection from a light.) Figure 5 ture lookups. This shading model can be factored into three layers: S,
shows a schematic view of the steps needed to create the multipass ( N ⋅ L )T1 , and ( N ⋅ L )T2 , which are composited to produce the final
image. The shadow layer is generated from a depth map rendered image. The fact that this expression can be reordered and partial re-
from the point of view of a light. The reflection layer is generated sults cached is well known [Guenter95]. What we observe here is that
from a texture map produced by a separate rendering with a reflected each of these factors may be given different sampling resolutions in
camera. The layers shown in the figure represent post-modulation space and time, and interpolated to display resolutions.
images using the same camera. With traditional architectures, the As an aside, we believe shade sprites will be useful in authoring.
three layers are combined in the frame buffer using pixel blend op- When modifying the geometry and animation of a single primitive, the
erations supported by the 3D hardware, as described in [Segal92]. artist would like to see the current object in the context of the fully
Shadows and reflections may instead be separated into layers as rendered and animated scene. By pre-rendering the layers that are not
shown in Figure 6, so that the blend takes place in the compositor currently being manipulated, the bulk of the rendering resources may
rather than the renderer. We call these shade sprites in reference to be applied to the current layer. The layers in front of the current layer
shade trees [Cook84]. To take advantage of temporal coherence, may be made partially transparent (using a per-sprite alpha multiplier)
highlights from fast moving lights, reflections of fast moving reflected to allow better manipulation in occluded environments. By using
geometry, and animated texture maps should be in separate layers and separate layers for each texture shading term, the artist can manipu-
rendered at higher frame rates than the receiving geometry. To take late the texture-blending factors interactively at the full frame rate.
advantage of spatial coherence, blurry highlights, reflections, or shad-
ows should be in separate layers and given fewer pixel samples. 2.4 Model Annotation
For reflections, the correctness of using the compositor is evident The first step of model annotation is to break the scene into “parts”
because the reflection term is simply added to the rest of the shading. such as the base level joints in a hierarchical animated figure. The
More generally, any terms of the shading expression that are com- parts are containers for all of the standard CG elements such as poly-
bined with ‘+’ or ‘over’ may be split into separate layers. ‘A + B’ can gon meshes, textures, materials, etc., required to render an image of
be computed using ‘A over B’ and setting A’s alpha channel to zero. the part. A part is the smallest renderable unit.
The separation of shadows is slightly more difficult. The shad- The second step is to group the parts into layers according to the
owing term multiplies each part of the shading expression that de- guidelines described above. The distinction is made between parts
pends on a given light source. Many such terms can be added for and layers to allow for reuse of the parts, for example in both a
shadow map layer and a shadow receiver layer.
At least, an ordering does not exist with respect to hulls formed by the The final step is to tag the layers with resource-use preferences
set of bounding directions, which is a more conservative test than with the relative to other layers in the scene. The preferences are relative so
original bounding polyhedra. Note that visibility order for aggregated that total resource consumption can change when, for example, other
layers is computed simply by rendering into the same hardware z-buffer. applications are started (as discussed in Section 6).
3 Image Rendering Sprite A
This section discusses how a layer’s sprite image is created (i.e., ren- 3D Shape
dered). Once created, the image can be warped in subsequent frames A-1 T q
to approximate its underlying motion, until the approximation error p
grows too large. Although the discussion refers to the Talisman refer- p’
B-1 T
ence architecture with its 2D affine image warp, the ideas work for
other warps as well. B Compositor

3.1 Characteristic Bounding Polyhedron Sprite B

The motion of the original geometry is tracked using a characteristic Figure 9: SPRITE RENDERING TRANSFORMATION maps the 3D
bounding polyhedron, usually containing a small number of vertices shape into the sprite image. Affine transform B does not make the
(Figure 7). For rigidly best use of image samples, while A fits the projected shape tightly.
T moving objects, the be chosen by embedding preferred axes in the original model, and
vertices of the charac- transforming the axes to screen space.
teristic polyhedron, Using the bounding slabs, we find the bounding rectangle with
called characteristic the smallest area (Figure 10). The origin and edges of the rectangle
points, are transformed determine the affine matrix. Initially, we searched for the smallest
3D Shape Screen Coordinates using the original ge- area parallelogram, but found the resulting affine transformation had
ometry’s time-varying too much anisotropy.
ING POLYHEDRON matches the shape
transform. Nonrigidly
of the geometry but has fewer vertices. deforming geometry can
be tracked similarly by
defining trajectories for each of the characteristic points. To group
rigid bodies, we combine the characteristic bounding polyhedra, or
calculate a single bounding polyhedron for the whole.

3.2 Sprite Extents Figure 10: BOUNDING SLABS are obtained by taking the extremal
For a particular frame, there is no values of the dot product of each slab direction with the characteris-
reason to render off-screen parts of tic points. A tight-fitting initial affine transform can be calculated by
the image. But in order to increase taking the minimum area rectangle or parallelogram that uses the
sprite reuse, it is often advantageous slab directions.
to expand the sprite image to include 3.4 Spatial Resolution
some off-screen area.
Figure 8a shows how clipping a The choice of affine matrix A also determines how much the sprite is
sprite to the screen (solid box) pre- magnified on the display. Rendering using a sampling density less
vents its later reuse because parts of than the display’s is useful for less important objects or for intentional
the clipped image later become blurring (Figure 11). The default is to use the same sampling density
visible. In Figure 8b, the sprite as the screen, by using the length in pixels of each side of the paral-
extent (dashed box) has been en- lelogram from Section 3.3. See Figure 24 for an example of different
larged to include regions that later Figure 8: SPRITE EXTENTS sampling resolutions per sprite.
become visible. The extra area to enlarge the display extent to For a linear motion blur effect, the sprite sampling along one of
include depends on such factors as reuse sprites whose geometry the axes may be reduced to blur along that axis. The sprite rendering
the screen velocity of the sprite lies partially off-screen. transformation should align one of the coordinate axes to the object’s
(which suggests both where and how much the extents should be velocity vector by setting the bounding slab directions to the velocity
enlarged) and its expected duration of reuse. vector and its perpendicular.

3.3 Sprite Rendering Transformation

When creating a sprite image, we must consider a new transform in
the pipeline in addition to the modeling, viewing, and projection
transforms: a 2D affine transform that maps the sprite to the screen.
If T is the concatenation of the modeling, viewing, and projection
matrices, a screen point p’ is obtained from a modeling point p, by p’=
Tp. For the sprite transformation, p’ = A q, where A is an affine trans-
form and q is a point in sprite coordinates. To get the proper mapping
of geometry to the display, the inverse 2D affine transform is ap-
pended to the projection matrix, so that q = A-1 T p results in the same
screen point p’ = A q = A A-1 T p = T p (Figure 9). The choice of matrix
A determines how tightly the sprite fits the projected object. A tighter
fit wastes fewer samples as discussed in Section 2.
To choose the affine transform that gives the tightest fit, we first
project the vertices of the characteristic bounding polyhedron to the Figure 11: SPATIAL RESOLUTION is independent of the display
screen, clipping to the expanded sprite extent. Then, using discrete resolution. The sampling density of the top sprite is the same as the
directions (from 2-30, depending on the desired tightness), we calcu- screen. The middle sprite uses fewer samples than the screen, trading
late 2D bounding slabs [Kay86]. Alternately, the slab directions may off pixel fill for blur. The bottom sprite aligns to the velocity vector
and uses fewer samples along one dimension for a motion blur effect.
4 Image Warps 4.2 Comparison of Warps
To reuse a rendered sprite image in subsequent frames, an image warp Clearly, other types of image warps can be used in place of the affine
is used to approximate the actual motion of the object. We use the described above. In order to compare alternative image warps, we ran
projected vertices of a series of experiments to
the bounding polyhe- 3D Shape
1. measure update rate as a function of maximum geometric
dron (the characteris- error for various warps, and
tic points) to track the 2. measure perceptual quality as a function of update rate for
T0 various warps.
object’s motion, as T1
shown in Figure 12. Each series involved the animation of a moving rigid body and/or
To reuse images moving camera to see how well image warping approximates 3D
where objects are in motion. We tried several types of rigid bodies, including nearly pla-
transition from off- ΔA nar and non-planar examples. We also tried many animated trajecto-
screen to on-screen, ries for each body including translations with fixed camera, transla-
and to prevent large tions accompanied by rotation of the body along various axes with
distortions (i.e., ill- various rotation rates, and head turning animations with fixed objects.
Frame 0 Frame 1 The types of 2D image warps considered were
conditioning of the
resulting systems of Figure 12: MATCHING CHARACTERIS- 1. pure translation,
equations), the char- TIC POINTS on the 3D shape are projected 2. translation with isotropic scale,
to the screen to find a transform A that best 3. translation with independent scale in x and y,
acteristic bounding
matches the original points (white) to the 4. general affine, and
polyhedron is clipped points in the new frame (black).
to the viewing frus- 5. general perspective.
tum, which may be enlarged from the display’s as discussed in Sec- The fundamental simulation routine computes an animation given a
tion 3.2. The clipped points are added to the set of characteristic geometric error threshold, attempting to minimize the number of ren-
points (Figure 13) and used to determine an approximating sprite derings by approximating with an image warp of a particular type. A
transformation as described below. pseudo-code version is shown in Figure 14.

4.1 Affine Warp simulate(error-threshold, warp-type, animation)

A 2D affine transform is for each frame in animation
represented by a 2x3 compute screen position of characteristic points at current time
matrix, where the right compute transform (of warp-type) which best maps old
cached positions to new positions
column is translation and compute maximum error for any characteristic point
the left 2x2 is the rota- if error exceeds threshold
tion, scale, and skew. re-render and cache current positions of characteristic points
!#a b tX $& else
display sprite with computed transformation
TIC POLYHEDRON adds corresponding
points introduced by clipping the charac- "c d tY % endif
teristic polyhedron at the last-rendered Let P be the time-varying return total number of re-renderings
and current frames. set of projected and }
clipped bounding poly- Figure 14: EXPERIMENT PSEUDOCODE shows steps used to com-
hedron vertices, ignoring the z values and adding a row of 1’s to ac- pute update rates of various warps.
count for the translation
!x $&
x n −1 Ideally, we would like to compute approximations of each type
P = #y
that minimize the maximum error over all characteristic points, since
## yn −1
& this is the regulation metric. This is a difficult problem computation-
1 &%

"1 ally, especially since the warping transformation happens at display

rates for every layer in the animation. Minimizing the sum of squares
where n is the number of points (at least 3 for the affine transform).
of the error is much more tractable, yielding a simple linear system as
Let P! be the matrix of characteristic points at the initial time and P be
we have already discussed. As a compromise, we simulated both
the matrix at the desired time t. We solve for the best least-squares
kinds of error minimization: sum-of-squares and maximum error
transform that matches the two sets of image-space points [Xie95]. ∞
using an optimization method for L norms that iteratively applies the
In an affine transform, the x and y dimensions are decoupled and
sum-of-square minimization, as described in [Gill81, pp. 96-98].
so may be solved independently. To solve AP! = P at time t for the
Further complicating matters, minimizing the error for perspec-
best A, in the least-squares sense, we use normal equations:
tive transformations is easier when done in homogeneous space rather
! ! T = PP! T
APP than 2D space, again since the latter yields an 8×8 linear system
' (
A = PP! T PP
! !T
rather than a difficult nonlinear optimization problem. We therefore
The normal-equations technique works well in practice, as long as the included sum-of-square and maximum error methods for the first four
projected points are reasonably distributed. Adding the clipped char- (non-perspective) transformation types.
! ! T is not rank deficient. Much of the
acteristic points ensures that PP For perspective, we included sum-of-square minimization in ho-
right hand side may be collected into a single vector K that may be re- mogeneous space (yielding a linear system as described above),
used for subsequent frames. maximum error in homogeneous space (using the technique of
[Gill81]), and sum-of-square minimization in nonhomogeneous space
' (
K = P! T PP
! !T
(post-perspective divide), using gradient descent.5 The starting point
A = PK
To calculate K requires the accumulation and inverse of a symmetric 5
Minimization of the maximum nonhomogeneous error seemed wholly
3 × 3 matrix. impractical for real-time implementation.
[exp01] squashed teapot [exp02] teapot
1 1
trn trn
0.9 trni 0.9 trni
so so
0.8 soi 0.8 soi
aff aff
0.7 affi 0.7 affi
per per
0.6 peri 0.6 peri
update rate

update rate
per2 per2
0.5 pers 0.5 pers
pers2 pers2
0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
error (screen fraction) error (screen fraction)
Figure 15: FLAT TEAPOT update-rate/error relations for the vari- Figure 16: REGULAR TEAPOT update-rate/error relations show
ous warps show a surprisingly small difference between the affine that affine and perspective are nearly indistinguishable.
and the perspective for a nearly flat object .

for the gradient descent was the sum-of-squares-error-minimizing sum-of-square error minimization is not much different than maxi-
affine transformation. mum error minimization for any of the warp types. The difference
between perspective and affine is much less than one might expect in
We also included a perspective transformation derived using the this case, given that perspective exactly matches motions of a per-
method of [Shade96], in which objects are replaced by a quadrilateral fectly flat object. Figure 16 (regular teapot) is similar, except that the
placed perpendicular to the view direction and through the center of clusters are translation, translation with separate scale, and all other
the object’s bounding box. Our derivation projects the characteristic warp types. In this case, perspective yields virtually no advantage
points onto this quadrilateral, bounds the projected points with a rec- over affine, and in fact is slightly worse towards the high-error/low
tangle, and projects the corners of the rectangle to the screen. The update rate end of the curves for the homogeneous space metrics
perspective transformation that maps the old corners of the rectangle (per and peri).7 This is because the homogeneous metric weights
to their current locations is selected as the approximation. In yet
the errors unevenly over the set of characteristic points. The method
another version, Shade’s method is used as a starting point and then
of Shade is slightly worse than affine in this case.
refined using gradient descent in nonhomogeneous space with the
sum-of-square error metric. Since geometric error is a rather indirect measure of the percep-
tual quality of the warp types, the second series of experiments at-
Representative results of the first series of experiments are shown
tempted to compare the perceptual quality of the set of warps given an
in Figure 15 and Figure 16. In both figures, the experiment involved a
update rate (i.e., an equal consumption of rendering resources). We
rotating and translating teapot which is scaled nearly flat6 in Figure 15
used binary search to invert the relation between error threshold and
and unscaled in Figure 16. Error thresholds ranging from 1/8 pixel to
update rate for each warp type, and then recorded the same animation,
64 pixels were used for each warp type/error minimization method,
at the same update rate8, for various image warp approximations.
assuming an image size of 1024×1024, and the resulting rate of re- Although subjective, the results confirm the merit of the affine trans-
rendering measured via the simulation process described above. The formation over less general transformations and the lack of improve-
meanings of the curve name keywords are as follows: ment with the more general perspective transformation in typical
keyword Warp type and minimization method
trn translation, sum-of-square
trni translation, max 4.3 Color Warp
so translation with xy scale, sum-of-square Images can be “warped” to match photometry changes as well as
soi translation with xy scale, max geometry changes. For example, Talisman provides a per-sprite color
aff affine, sum-of-square multiplier that can be used to match photometry changes. To solve
affi affine, max for this multiplier, we augment each characteristic point with a nor-
per perspective, homogeneous, sum-of-square mal so that shading results can be computed (see Section 5.2). The
peri color multiplier is selected using a simple least-squares technique that
perspective, homogeneous, max
per2 best matches the original color values of the shaded characteristic
perspective, nonhomogeneous, sum-of-square
points to the new color values.
pers perspective, method of Shade
pers2 pers, followed by gradient descent

In the case of the flat teapot (Figure 15), note that the error/update
curves cluster into groups – translation, translation with separate
scale, Shade, affine, and perspective, in order of merit. Shade’s In the second series of experiments, the animations that used the homo-
method is significantly outperformed by affine. Note also that the geneous-weighted metric to determine an approximating perspective
transformation looked visibly worse than those that used the simple affine
6 8
The teapot, a roughly spherical object, was scaled along its axis of bilat- The update rate is the fraction of frames re-rendered; this balances the
eral symmetry to 5% of its previous size. total consumption of rendering resources over the whole animation.
5 Fiducials 5.3 Sampling Fiducials
Fiducials measure the fidelity of the approximation techniques. Our Sampling fiducials measure distortion of the samples in the image
fiducials are of four types. Geometric fiducials measure error in the approximation. In Figure 20, both the geometric and photometric
screen-projected positions of the geometry. Photometric fiducials fiducials indicate high fidelity, but the image is blurry. The magni-
measure error in lighting and shading. Sampling fiducials measure tudes of the singular val-
the degree of distortion of the image samples. Visibility fiducials ues of the Jacobian of the
measure potential visibility artifacts. image mapping function
measure the greatest mag-
We use conservative measurements where possible, but are will-
nification and minification
ing to use heuristic measurements if efficient and effective. Any com- A0
and the ratio measures the
putation expended on warping or measuring approximation quality 10
maximum anisotropy . Ai
can always be redirected to improve 3D renderings, so the cost of
The affine warp has a
computing warps and fiducials must be kept small relative to the cost
spatially invariant Jaco- Figure 20: SAMPLING FIDUCIAL
of rendering.
bian given by the left 2×2 measures how the samples of a sprite are
5.1 Geometric Fiducials part of the 2×3 matrix, for stretched or compressed.
! which the two singular values are easily calculated [Blinn96]. For
Let P be a set of characteristic
transforms with spatially varying Jacobians, such as the perspective
points from an initial rendering, let
warp, the singular values vary over the image. In this case, bounds on
P be the set of points at the current
the singular values over the input domain can be computed.
time, and let W be the warp com- Figure 17: GEOMETRIC
puted to best match P to P. The FIDUCIAL measures maxi- 5.4 Visibility Fiducials
geometric fiducial is defined as mum pointwise distance be-
Visibility fiducials measure potential visibility artifacts by tracking
tween the warped original and
Fgeom = max Pi − WP!i current characteristic points. back-facing to front-facing transitions in the characteristic geometry
(the simplified geometry makes these calculations tractable), and
5.2 Photometric Fiducials testing if the edges of clipped sprites become visible.
We use two approaches to approximately measure photometric errors. 6 Regulation
The first uses characteristic points augmented with normals as de-
scribed in Section 4.3 to point sample the lighting. Let C be the col- A more complete treatment of regulation issues and directions may be
ors that result from sampling the lighting at the characteristic points at found in [Horvitz96]. Our prototype regulator uses a simple cost-
the initial time, and C be benefit scheduler and fiducial thresholds. The fiducial threshold pro-
the sampled colors at the vides a cutoff below which no attempt to re-render the layer is made
current time. Let WC be (i.e., the image warp approximation is used). The regulator considers
the color warp used to best each frame separately, and performs the following steps:
1. Compute warp from previous rendering.
match C to C 9. Then the
2. Use fiducials to estimate benefit of each warped layer.
shading photometric fidu-
3. Estimate rendering cost of each layer.
cial is defined to be the Frame 0 Frame 1 4. Sort layers according to benefit/cost.
maximum pointwise dis-
5. Use fiducial thresholds to choose which layers to re-render.
tance from the matched Figure 18: POINT-SAMPLED PHO-
TOMETRIC FIDUCIAL samples the 6. Adjust parameters of chosen layers to fit within budget.
color to the current color.
shading at the initial and current 7. Render layers in order, stopping when all resources are used.
Fphoto = max Ci − WC C!i characteristic points with normals. For a “budget-filling” regulator, the fiducial threshold is set to be
Another approach is to abandon color warping and simply meas- small, on the order of a 1/1000 of the typical maximum error. All of
ure the change in photometry from the initial time to the current. the rendering resources are used in the attempt to make the scene as
Many measures of photometric change can be devised. Ours measures good as possible. For a “threshold” regulator, the threshold is raised
the change in the apparent position of the light. Let L be the position to the maximum error that the user is willing to tolerate. This allows
of the light at the initial time and L be its position at the current time rendering resources to be used for other tasks.
(accounting for relative motion of the object and light). For light Cost estimation [step 3] is based on a polygon budget, and meas-
sources far away from the illuminated object, we can measure the ures the fraction of this budget consumed by the number of polygons
angular change from L to L with respect to the object, and the change in the layer’s geometry. Parameter adjustments [step 6] are made to
in distance to a representative object “center”. For diffuse shading, the sprite’s spatial resolution using a budgeted total sprite size. This
the angular change essentially accounts for the rate at which the 3D rendering hardware can rasterize
measures how much the object’s pixels.11 Sprites that have been selected for re-rendering [step 5] are
terminator moves around the object, allocated part of this total budget in proportion to their desired area
and the change in distance measures divided by the total desired area of the selected set. To dampen fluc-
the increase or decrease in bright- tuations in the regulation parameters which are perceptible when
ness. Light sources close to the large, parameter changes are clamped to be no more than ±10% of
object are best handled with a sim- Figure 19: LIGHT SOURCE their previous value at the time of last re-rendering. Note that factor-
ple Euclidean norm. For specular PHOTOMETRIC FIDUCIAL ing into many low-cost sprites allows smoother regulation.
shading, changes in the eye point measures lighting change by
can also be measured. the relative motion of light. 10
The filtering capabilities of the hardware limit the amount of minifica-
tion and anisotropy that can be handled before perceptible artifacts arise.
A global average depth-complexity estimate is used to reduce the
Note that in architectures without color warping capability, WC is the budget to account for rasterization of hidden geometry. Note that the
identity transform and we simply measure the maximum shading differ- depth complexity of factored geometry in a single layer is lower than
ence over all the characteristic points. would be the case for frame-buffer renderings of the entire scene.
7 Results held for three frames, requires the most resources. Interpolated triple-
framing requires the same amount of rendering resources, but inter-
For the results presented here, we assume we have an engine that will polates through time using the warp described in Section 4.1 – the
composite all of the sprite layers with minimal impact on the render- sprites are still rendered in lock-step but track the underlying charac-
ing resources (as in the Talisman architecture.) We track the number teristic geometry between renderings. The rest of the curves show
of polygons and the amount of pixel fill used for rendering, but disre- threshold regulation with increasing geometric error threshold, from
gard compositing. 0.1-0.8 pixels – the sprites are updated heterogeneously when the
Both of the sequences described below are intended to represent geometric error threshold is exceeded. The graph is normalized to the
typical content. For scenes with a moving camera, the typical resource use of triple-framing.
speedup is 3-5 times what the standard graphics pipeline is capable of
7.1 Canyon Flyby g0.2
0.8 g0.4
This 250-frame sequence (Figure 25) used 10 sprite layers. We inter- g0.8
polated using affine warps and regulated the update rate with a geo-
metric fiducial threshold of 4 pixels. Each sprite layer was re-
rendered only when the geometric threshold was exceeded. The fidu-
cial threshold of 4 pixels may seem large, but is acceptable for this
sequence since the ships are well separated from the rest of the world.
The average update rate was 19%, and the cost-weighted average
(based on polygon
count) was 32%. sky 0 . 4 0 %
About a third of the land 7 0 .4 0 %
total polygons were leftwing 19 .2 3 %
rendered per frame. rightwing 18 . 3 5 % 0
In the canyon rudder 5 .3 7 % 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
flyby scene, the entire Figure 22: BARNYARD RESOURCE USE shows polygon counts as a
shipbody 3 0 .2 3 %
background was 15-frame moving average. Pixel fill resource use is analogous. The
leftwing2 12 . 3 5 %
placed in one sprite. top line is the triple-frame rendering. The lines below use threshold-
Parallax effects from rightwing2 12 . 3 3 % regulation with increasing geometric threshold. As expected, as the
the rapidly moving rudder2 5 . 17 % pixel error tolerance goes up, the resource use goes down.
camera make this a shipbody2 15 . 9 0 %
In the resulting animations, the most dramatic improvement in
poor layering deci-
quality comes when the interpolation is turned on. The rest of the
sion that yields a high Figure 21: CANYON FLYBY AVERAGE
animations are nearly indistinguishable and use a fraction of the re-
update rate for the UPDATE RATE for each sprite is the
sources by rendering only those sprites whose geometric error exceeds
landscape sprite. In number of times each sprite was rendered
the threshold.
contrast, the sky is divided by the number of frames in the se-
rendered just once quence, 250 Figure 23 shows the average pixel error for the same sequences
and then positioned with a new affine transformation each frame, and shown in Figure 22. Each of the threshold-regulation sequences uses
parts of the ships are updated relatively infrequently (5-30%). an error threshold smaller than the maximum error observed when
triple-framing. Note that threshold-regulation is not the typical case
7.2 Barnyard and is shown here simply to demonstrate the performance advantage
The barnyard sequence (Figure 26) was chosen as an example in over the traditional graphics pipeline. Typically, all of the rendering
which a camera moves through a static scene12. This is a difficult resources are used to make the picture as good as possible.
case, because the eye is sensitive to relative motion between static
objects. Approximation errors in sequences in which objects already 0.7
have relative motion are far less perceptible (e.g., the ships in the N3
canyon flyby above.) Even with this difficult case, our interpolation 0.6 g0.2
technique is dramatically better than triple framing. g0.4
The scene is factored into 119 standard layers, 2 shadow map
layers, and 2 shadow modulation layers. The contiguous landscape
geometry was split into separate sprites. As an authoring pre-process, 0.4
the geometry along the split boundaries was expanded to allow for
small separation of the warped sprites (the “seam” artifact.) This is 0.3
similar to the expansion of the geometry along the split used by
[Shade96]. More work is needed for automatic determination of the 0.2
geometric expansion and better blending along the split boundaries.
The resource-use graph in Figure 22 shows three types of regula-
tion. Simple triple framing, in which a frame is rendered and then
12 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
In the longer film from which the barnyard sequence is taken, many of Figure 23: BARNYARD PIXEL ERROR shows average sprite pixel
the shots have fixed cameras. In these shots, only the main characters error per frame. Note that the triple-frame error is a saw-tooth that
need to be updated, so the performance gain is extremely high. This is starts at 0, jumps to ½, and then jumps to full error value. The other
similar to the time-honored technique of saving the z-buffer for fixed curves oscillate below the given geometric threshold value.
camera shots.
8 Conclusions and Future Work References
3D scenes should be factored into layers, with each layer having the [Blinn96] Consider the Lowly 2x2 Matrix, Jim Blinn, IEEE Computer Graphics
proper sampling rates in both space and time to exploit the coherence and Applications, March 1996, pp. 82-88.
[Chen93] View Interpolation for Image Synthesis, Shenchang Eric Chen and Lance
of its underlying geometry and shading. By regulating rendering Williams, SIGGRAPH 93, pp. 279-288.
parameters using feedback from geometric, photometric, visibility, [Chen95] QuickTime VR – An Image-Based Approach to Virtual Environment
and sampling fiducials, rendering resources are applied where most Navigation, Shenchang Eric Chen, SIGGRAPH 95, pp. 29-38.
beneficial. When not re-rendered, image warping suffices to ap- [Cook84] Shade Trees, Robert L. Cook, SIGGRAPH 94, pp. 223-232.
proximate 3D motion of coherently factored layers. An affine warp [Dorsey95] Interactive Design of Complex Time Dependent Lighting, Julie Dorsey,
Jim Arvo, Donald P. Greenberg, IEEE Computer Graphics and Appli-
provides a simple but effective interpolation primitive. These ideas
cation, March 1995, Volume 15, Number 2, pp. 26-36.
yield 3-10 times improvement in rendering performance with the [Funkhouser93] Adaptive Display Algorithm for Interactive Frame Rates During Visuali-
Talisman architecture with minor artifacts; greater performance can zation of Complex Virtual Environments, Thomas A. Funkhouser and
be controllably obtained with further sacrifices in fidelity. Carlo H. Séquin, SIGGRAPH 93, pp. 247-254.
Perceptual discontinuities may occur when a sprite’s image is up- [Gill81] Practical Optimization, Philip E. Gill, Walter Murray, and Margaret H.
Wright, Academic Press, London, 1981.
dated. Approximation with image warps captures the in-plane rota- [Greene93] Hierarchical Z-Buffer Visibility, Ned Greene, Michael Kass, Gavin
tion, scale, and translation of an object, but not the out-of-plane rota- Miller, SIGGRAPH 93, pp. 231-238.
tion. The sprite image updates are sometimes perceived as a “click- [Greene94] Error-Bounded Antialiased Rendering of Complex Environments, Ned
ing” or “popping” discontinuity. As the demand for higher quality 3D Greene and Michael Kass, SIGGRAPH 94, pp. 59-66.
graphics increases display refresh rates, such artifacts will wane even [Guenter95] Specializing Shaders, Brian Guenter, Todd B. Knoblock, and Erik Ruf,
SIGGRAPH 95, pp. 343-350.
at large factors of rendering amplification. More work is needed on
[Hanrahan90] A Language for Shading and Lighting Calculations, Pat Hanrahan and
the “seam” artifact (handling the boundaries of contiguous geometry Jim Lawson, SIGGRAPH 90, pp. 289-298.
placed in separate sprites.) Better modeling of the perceptual effects [Hofmann89] The Calculus of the Non-Exact Perspective Projection, Scene-Shifting
of regulation parameters is another area of future work [Horvitz97]. for Computer Animation. Georg Rainer Hofmann. Tutorial Notes for
Factoring of shading terms is currently done using a fixed shading Computer Animation, Eurographics ‘89.
[Horvitz96] Flexible Rendering of 3D Graphics Under Varying Resources: Issues
model that targets only the addition and over operations provided by and Directions, Eric Horvitz and Jed Lengyel, In Symposium on Flexible
hardware. Compilation of programmable shaders into layerable terms Computation, AAAI Notes FS-96-06, pp. 81-88. Also available as
is an important extension. Many shading expressions, such as the Microsoft Technical Report MSR-TR-96-18.
shadow multiplication described in the appendix, can only be ap- [Horvitz97] Decision-Theoretic Regulation of Graphics Rendering, Eric Horvitz and
proximated with the over operator. We are interested in extending the Jed Lengyel, In Thirteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence, D. Geiger and P. Shenoy, eds., August 1997.
system to target a fuller set of the image compositing operations.
[Hubschman81] Frame to Frame Coherence and the Hidden Surface Computation: Con-
straints for a Convex World, Harold Hubschman, and Steven W. Zucker,
Acknowledgements SIGGRAPH 81, pp. 45-54.
The authors would like to thank the Microsoft Talisman Group and Mi- [Kay86] Ray Tracing Complex Scenes, Timothy L. Kay and James T. Kajiya,
SIGGRAPH 86, pp. 269-278.
crosoft Research, especially Jim Kajiya, Larry Ockene, Mark Kenworthy,
[Maciel95] Visual Navigation of Large Environments Using Textured Clusters,
Mike Toelle, Kent Griffin, Conal Elliott, Brian Guenter, Hugues Hoppe, Paolo W. C. Maciel and Peter Shirley, Proceedings 1995 Symposium on
Eric Horvitz, David Jenner, Andrew Glassner, Bobby Bodenheimer, Joe Interactive 3D Graphics, April 1995, pp. 95-102.
Chauvin, Howard Good, Mikey Wetzel, Susan O’Donnell, Mike Ander- [Mark97] Post-Rendering 3D Warping, William R. Mark, Leonard McMillan, and
son, Jim Blinn, Steve Gabriel, Dan Ling, and Jay Torborg. Thanks to Gary Bishop, Proceedings 1997 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graph-
Nathan Myhrvold for the research direction and core ideas, and to Russell ics, April 1997, pp. 7-16.
Schick for initial work on error-based sprite re-rendering. Thanks also to [Meier96] Painterly Rendering for Animation, Barbara J. Meier, SIGGRAPH 96,
Allison Hart Lengyel and Julia Yang-Snyder. pp. 477-484.
[Molnar92] PixelFlow: High-Speed Rendering Using Image Composition, Steve
Molnar, John Eyles, and John Poulton, SIGGRAPH 92, pp. 231-240.
Appendix: Shadow Sprites [McMillan95] Plenoptic Modeling: An Image-Based Rendering System, Leonard
For a fast-moving shadow on a slow-moving receiver, we update only the McMillan, Gary Bishop, SIGGRAPH 95, pp. 39-46.
fast-moving shadow and use the compositor to compute the shadow [Porter84] Compositing Digital Images, Thomas Porter and Tom Duff, SIG-
modulation. Since the compositor supports only ‘over’, we use the fol- GRAPH 84, pp. 253-259.
[Regan94] Priority Rendering with a Virtual Reality Address Recalculation Pipe-
lowing approximation.
line, Matthew Regan and Ronald Pose, SIGGRAPH 94, pp. 155-162.
Let B= β B,β be the receiver, where B is the color and β is the cov- [Segal92] Fast Shadows and Lighting Effects Using Texture Mapping, Mark Segal,
erage. Let A= α A,α be the desired shadow sprite, where A is the color Carl Korobkin, Rolf van Widenfelt, Jim Foran, Paul Haeberli, SIG-
GRAPH 92, pp. 249-252.
and α is the coverage. The compositor computes [Schaufler96a] Exploiting Frame to Frame Coherence in a Virtual Reality System,
A over B= α A+(1-α ) β B, α +(1-α ) β . Gernot Schaufler, Proceedings of VRAIS ’96, April 1996, pp. 95-102.
Let s be the shadow modulation obtained by scan-converting the ge- [Schaufler96b] A Three Dimensional Image Cache for Virtual Reality, Gernot Schaufler
and Wolfgang Stürzlinger, Proceedings of Eurographics ‘96, August
ometry of the background while looking up values in the shadow map of
1996, pp. 227-235.
the fast moving object, where 0 means fully in shadow and 1 means fully [Shade96] Hierarchical Image Caching for Accelerated Walkthroughs of Complex
illuminated. Environments, Jonathan Shade, Dani Lischinski, David Salesin, Tony
The desired result is C’= sβ B, β . By letting A=[ 0,(1− s ) β ] , we DeRose, John Snyder, SIGGRAPH 96, pp. 75-82.
get C’= A over B , or C’= sβ B+(1-s )(1- β ) β B, β +(1- s )(1-β ) β which is [Shelley82] Path Specification and Path Coherence, Kim L. Shelley and Donald P.
Greenberg, SIGGRAPH 82, pp. 157-166.
close to the correct answer. Where there is no shadow, s is 1 and we get [Snyder97] Visibility Sorting for Dynamic, Aggregate Geometry, John Snyder,
the correct answer of β B, β . Where coverage is complete, β is 1 and Microsoft Technical Report, MSR-TR-97-11.
we get the correct answer of sB,1 . The problem lies in regions of [Torborg96] Talisman: Commodity Real-time 3D Graphics for the PC, Jay Torborg,
Jim Kajiya, SIGGRAPH 96, pp. 353-364.
shadow and partial coverage. [Xie95] Feature Matching and Affine Transformation for 2D Cell Animation,
Ideally, the shadow modulation needs a color multiply operator ‘*’ Ming Xie, Visual Computer, Volume 11, 1995, pp. 419-428.
defined by s ∗[ β B, β ]=[ sβ B, β ] . This is a per-pixel version of the Porter-
Duff ‘darken’ operator. Note that this operator is not associative, and so
requires the saving of partial results when used in a nested expression.
Figure 24: CHICKEN CROSSING sequence used 80 layers, some of which are shown separately (left
and bottom) and displayed in the final frame with colored boundaries (middle). The sprite sizes reflect
their actual rendered resolutions relative to the final frame. The rest of the sprites (not shown sepa-
rately) were rendered at 40-50% of their display resolution. Since the chicken wing forms an occlusion
cycle with the tailgate, the two were placed in a single sprite (bottom).

Figure 25: CANYON FLYBY used 10 layers with a geometric Figure 26: BARNYARD was factored into 119 geometry layers,
fiducial threshold of 4 pixels. The average sprite update rate 2 shadow map layers, and 2 shadow modulation layers. Thresh-
was 19% with little loss of fidelity. old regulation for various geometric fiducial thresholds is com-
pared in Figures 22 and 23.

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