Pile Cap Design - Columns
Pile Cap Design - Columns
Pile Cap Design - Columns
/ 0 Date Nov-09
Design of pile cap - PC4 Line of critical shear Dia. Of pile Offest from pile Column width Pile spacing (2L) Depth of pile cap Width of pile cap (B) Bottom cover Side cover Ultimate axial load (N) = = = = = = = = = 450 150 600 1350 750 750 75 50 1800 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN B
/5 2L
Materials fcu = 35 N/mm2 fy = 500 N/mm2 Gm = 1.25 (partial saftey factor for concrete - shear) Gm = 1.15 (partial saftey factor for steel) Design for main reinforcement: Effective depth of pile cap (d) According to Truss theory: Tension to be resisted by main reinforcement, T
653 mm
According to Flexural theory: Moment parallel to X axis K = M / fcu b d2 Z = d(0.5 + (0.25 - K / 0.9)) Therefore Tx
= =
= 0.054 611.14 mm =
608 kNm
994.0 kN
Dia. Of bars using for main reinforcement No. of bars required Provide No. of bars Area of steel provided Spacing of main bars Percentage of steel
= T / (0.87 x fy) = 994040 / (0.87 x 500) 2 = 2286 mm = 20 mm = 7.28 = 9 Nos 2 = 2827 mm OK = 78.3 mm = 0.5 % > 0.13 % OK
Project Newport Station Regeneration Part of structure Car Park - Design of Pile Caps for Columns Drawing ref. Calc by SJ Ref Calculations Date Jun 08
Job ref 5074908 Calc sheet no 9 / 9 Check by CMN rev / 0 Date Jun-08 Output
Check for shear: Shear stress along critical section (v) BS 8110 Table 3.8
= (N / 2) / (B x d) = (1800 / 2) / (750 x 653) = 1.84 N/mm2 < = = = = 0.58 % 35 N/mm2 0.88 0.52 N/mm2 = (675 - 300 - 0.3 x 450) = 240 mm = 2.83 N/mm2 >
5 N/mm2
100 As / bv d Design strength of concrete for shear resistance (400 / d) (1/4) Design shear resistance ( v c) Critical section from face of the column (av)
Hence, shear links are not required. However provide nominal T12 links @ 200 c/c. Side face reinforcement: Dia. Of bar used for side face reinforcement Spacing of bar
Project Part of structure Drawing ref. Calc by BVR Ref Calculations Design of pile cap - PC2 (For 750x300 column) Dia. Of pile ( ) Offest from pile Column width in X-direction Column width in Y-direction Effective length of pile cap (2 Lx) Effective length of pile cap (2 Ly) Depth of pile cap Bottom cover Side cover Ultimate axial load (N) Reaction of each pile (N/3) Materials fcu = fy = = = = = = = = = = = = 450 mm 150 600 600 1350 1350 750 75 50 3500 1167 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN Y /5 av av Date Sep-13
/ 0 Date Nov-09
2Lx 2100
Gm Gm
= =
1.25 (partial saftey factor for concrete - shear) 1.15 (partial saftey factor for steel)
Design for main reinforcement: Effective depth of pile cap (d) According to Truss theory: Effective length of pile cap (2 Lxy) Tension to be resisted by main reinforcement, Txy
637.5 mm
Net tension to be resisted by main reinforcement, Ty According to Flexural theory: Moment parallel to X axis K = M / fcu b d2 Z = d(0.5 + (0.25 - K / 0.9)) Moment parallel to Y axis K = M / fcu b d2 Z = d(0.5 + (0.25 - K / 0.9))
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
1509 mm (2N x Lxy) / (9 x d) 2 x 3500 x 754.675 / (9 x 637.5) 920.7 kN (2N x Ly) / (9 x d) 2 x 3500 x 675 / (9 x 637.5) 823.5 kN 2 x Txy cos 26.57 2 x 920.74 x cos 26.57 1647 kN 2 x Txy sin 26.57 + 823.53 1647.1 kN 700 kNm
= =
= =
1155.8 kN 722.39 kN
Dia. Of bars using for main reinforcement No. of bars required Provide No. of bars Area of steel provided Spacing of main bars Percentage of steel
= Tx / (0.87 x fy) = 1647100 / (0.87 x 500) 2 = 3786 mm = 25 mm = 7.714 = 14 Nos 2 = 6872 mm OK = 153.8 mm = 0.44 % > 0.13 % OK
Project Newport Station Regeneration Part of structure Car Park - Design of Pile Caps for Columns Drawing ref. Calc by SJ Ref Calculations Date Jun 08
Job ref 5074908 Calc sheet no 5 / 9 Check by CMN rev / 0 Date Jun-08 Output
Dia. Of bars using for main reinforcement No. of bars required Provide No. of bars Area of steel provided Spacing of main bars Percentage of steel Check for shear: Shear stress along critical section (v) BS 8110 Table 3.8
= Ty / (0.87 x fy) = 1647100 / (0.87 x 500) 2 = 3786 mm = 25 mm = 7.714 = 14 Nos 2 = 6872 mm OK = 150 mm = 0.44 % > 0.13 % OK
= (2 N/3) / (B x d) = 2 (3500000 / 3) / (2100 x 637.5) = 1.74 N/mm2 < 5 N/mm2 = 0.52 % = 35 N/mm2 = 0.89 = 0.51 N/mm2 = (2/3)x1350 - 600/2 - 0.3x450 = = 465 mm 1.4 N/mm2 < 1.74
100 As / bv d Design strength of concrete for shear resistance (400 / d) (1/4) Design shear resistance ( v c) Critical section from face of the column (a v) Enhanced shear stress Hence, shear links are required Check for punching shear: At column face: Punching stress Perimeter of column (u) Punching stress At /5 from pile face: Punching stress Critical perimeter (u) Punching stress Enhanced shear stress Hence, shear links are required
5 N/mm2
Side face reinforcement: Dia. Of bar used for side face reinforcement Spacing of bar
= 16 mm = ( 2 x fy ) / b = 256 mm
Project Part of structure Drawing ref. Calc by Date Sep-13 Ref Calculations
/ 0 Date Nov-09
Design of pile cap - PC1 Dia. Of pile ( ) Offest from pile Column width in X-direction Column width in Y-direction Pile spacing in X-direction (2 Lx) Pile spacing in Y-direction (2 Ly) Depth of pile cap Bottom cover Side cover Ultimate axial load (N) K' = = = = = = = = = = = 450 mm 150 mm 600 mm 600 1350 1350 750 75 50 4300 0.156 mm mm mm mm mm mm kN 2100
av1 2Ly
2Lx 2100
Materials fcu = 32 N/mm2 fy = 500 N/mm2 Gm = 1.25 (partial saftey factor for concrete - shear) Gm = 1.15 (partial saftey factor for steel) Design for main reinforcement: Effective depth of pile cap (d) According to Truss theory: Tension to be resisted by main reinforcement, Ty
662.5 mm
= (2 N Ly)/(4 d) = 2 x 4300 x 675 / (4 x 662.5) = 2190.6 kN = (2 N Lx)/(4 d) = 2 x 4300 x 675 / (4 x 637.5) = 2276.5 kN
According to Flexural theory: Moment parallel to Y axis K = M / fcu b d2 Z = d(0.5 + (0.25 - K / 0.9)) Moment parallel to X axis K = M / fcu b d2 Z = d(0.5 + (0.25 - K / 0.9)) Therefore Ty Therefore Tx
806.25 kNm
806.25 kNm
1281 kN 1331.3 kN
Dia. of bars for main reinforcement No. of bars required Provide No. of bars Area of steel provided Spacing of main bars Percentage of steel
= Ty / (0.87 x fy) = 2190570 / (0.87 x 500) 2 = 5035.8 mm = 25 mm = 10.259 = 12 Nos 2 = 5890.5 mm OK = 181.82 mm = 0.37 % > 0.13 % OK
Project Newport Station Regeneration Part of structure Car Park - Design of Pile Caps for Columns Drawing ref. Calc by SJ Ref Calculations Date Jun 08
Job ref 5074908 Calc sheet no 3 / 9 Check by CMN rev / 0 Date Jun-08 Output
Dia. of bars for main reinforcement No. of bars required Provide No. of bars Area of steel provided Spacing of main bars Percentage of steel Check for shear in Y-direction: Shear stress along critical section (v)
= Tx / (0.87 x fy) = 2276470 / (0.87 x 500) 2 = 5233.3 mm = 25 mm = 10.661 = 14 Nos 2 = 6872.2 mm OK = 150.00 mm = 0.44 % > 0.13 % OK
= (N / 2) / (Bx x d) = (4300000 / 2) / (2100 x 662.5) = 1.55 N/mm2 < 5 N/mm2 = 0.42 % = 32 N/mm2 = 0.88 = 0.45 N/mm2 = 1350/2 - 600/2 - 0.3*450 = = 240 mm 2.5 N/mm2 > 1.55
Table 3.8
100 As / bv d Design strength of concrete for shear resistance (400 / d) (1/4) Design shear resistance ( vc) Critical section from face of the column (av) Enhanced shear stress = 2 d vc / av Hence, shear links are not required. Check for shear in X-direction: Shear stress along critical section (v)
= (N / 2) / (By x d) = (4300000 / 2) / (2100 x 637.5) = 1.61 N/mm2 < 5 N/mm2 = 0.52 % = 32 N/mm2 = 1 = 0.55 N/mm2 = 1350/2 - 600/2 - 0.3*450 = = 240 mm 2.93 N/mm2 > 1.61
100 As / bv d Design strength of concrete for shear resistance (400 / d) (1/4) Design shear resistance ( vc) Critical section from face of the column (av) Enhanced shear stress = 2 d vc / av Hence, shear links are not required. Check for punching shear: At column face: Punching stress Perimeter of column (u) Punching stress
5 N/mm2
Side face reinforcement: Dia. Of bar used for side face reinforcement Spacing of bar
= 16 mm = ( 2 x fy ) / 500 = 256 mm