Cognitive Oriented Method
Cognitive Oriented Method
Cognitive Oriented Method
Reporter: Marnele Galera BSE Unit Earner Subject: Educational Principles of Teaching Professor: Mr. Jove Bulatao
Cognitive-Oriented Method
Cognitive-Oriented Method this is a method that emphasizes the development of thinking skills, also referred to as Thinking Operations. The thinking skills that should be taught directly are interpreting, comparing, criticizing, classifying, analyzing, summarizing and creating. By giving higher order questions, students are made to think, analyze and evaluate. 1. Metacognitive. A method that requires students not only to acquire thinking skills, but monitor, and control their commitment and attitude during the learning process. It offers opportunity for creative thinking whereby students are able to harness potential at their best, push their own limits, adapt new situations as they focus on the task intensely. 2. Constructivism. This method regards the learner as the core of the learning process. He is at the center of the educational stage. - In Constructivism, teacher builds knowledge, taking into consideration what prior knowledge the student has acquired slowly gives cues, penetrating questions, and then set of activities where student insight can be challenge. - It is likewise considered as a social process which learners construct meaning through the interaction of prior knowledge and has learning events. 3. Reflective Teaching. As the termreflect denotes, this methods affords the students to reflect on their own experiences to give new meaning to them. The teachers role is to guide a student go about analyzing and formulating new concepts that can apply to new learning situations. According to Schulman (1990) Reflective Teaching has three (3) key of instructional characteristics: 1. An ethics of caring ethics of caring refers to the teachers expression of thoughtfulness. To care means to be ethically bounded to understand one student. To practice the ethics of caring, a teacher is guided by three (3) effective ways: a. confirmation discover their individual inclination and capitalize on them. b. dialogue talk honestly and openly about ones innermost concerns.
c. cooperative cooperative practice facilitates learning through counselling and guiding rather than just imparting knowledge 2. The Constructivist Approach demands students to construct their own meaning out of their own learning experiences. 3. Tactical Problem Solving.