Watching Labor Force Participation: Pinion
Watching Labor Force Participation: Pinion
Watching Labor Force Participation: Pinion
Then, during and since the recession, the pace of decline central concept in evaluating economic performsped up, with participation currently at 63.3 percent, about ance is how fully an economy is using its resources. where it was in 1980. Of particular interest in this regard is the utilizaThere are a number of reasons why potential workers tion of labor resources, both because labor accounts for might leave the labor force or remain outside of it. They may the bulk of production and because labor income is the be pursuing education or caring for family members. They key to the broad well-being of households. Accordingly, the may be disabled or retired. Also, an individual is classified as unemployment rate, as a measure of unutilized labor not in the labor force if he or she is not searching for work resources, has always received considerable attention from out of a belief that it isnt possible to find a job. For example, policymakers, politicians, and the general public. the person may have tried to find work and gave up. These Like most of our efforts to measure the economy, howso-called discouraged workers are in some ways more similar ever, the unemployment rate is an imperfect indicator of to the unemployed than they are to others who are not in the how effectively our labor markets are working. First, the labor force: They represent potential labor supply that nature of labor markets the fact that employment is might be expected to quickly flow back into the labor force usually the result of a process by which workers and employas conditions improve. ers search for a match between workers skills and The behavior of labor force particiemployers needs means that there is pation is central to how one interprets always some amount of unemployment. Like most of our efforts the evolving outlook for labor marAnd the amount of unemployment aristo measure the economy, ket performance. Suppose economic ing from that process may vary over the unemployment rate is an growth were to continue at the roughly time, depending on shifts in the supply 2 percent annual pace that it has averand demand for different types of skills. imperfect indicator of aged since the end of the recession. The extent to which persistently high how effectively our labor That pace of growth would likely unemployment in the wake of the markets are working. continue to produce net employment Great Recession is the result of gains similar to the post-recession increased difficulty in finding good average, around 180,000 jobs a month. If labor force particmatches many refer to this as an increase in structural ipation remains low, or even continues its recent decline, unemployment has been the subject of considerable such a pace of job growth might cause the unemployment debate. fall relatively quickly. If, on the other hand, participato rate A second aspect of the unemployment rate that makes it tion picks up as discouraged workers flow back into the hard to interpret as a measure of labor market performance market, then for a given pace of job growth, the unemploylies in its definition. We define the unemployment rate as ment rate will fall more slowly or may even rise. the fraction of the labor force that is not employed. The Determining the sources of nonparticipation is difficult. labor force, in turn, is defined as all employed people plus Some recent work has suggested that a substantial share of those in the working-age population who do not have jobs the decline in participation is a product of the recession, but are seeking employment. The unemployment rate is which tends to be more consistent with the notion of people silent on people who, for whatever reason, are neither withdrawing from the labor force because of poor employworking nor searching. ment prospects. But a cyclical decline of the magnitude Another measure of labor-market activity is the labor suggested by that work would be unusual in the historical force participation rate that is, the share of the popularecord. tion in the labor force. Unlike the unemployment rate, this Regardless of whether the decline in labor force particimeasure does provide information about those who are not pation is rooted mainly in the recession or in structural working or searching. Changes in this measure are usually changes in the economy, it is an important phenomenon, dominated by demographics and other trends that play out one unprecedented in our postwar experience. The behavior over time periods longer than the typical business cycle. of labor force participation is likely to remain a challenging For instance, from the 1970s through the end of the 20th aspect of the economic data for forecasters and policycentury, the participation rate rose from around 60 percent makers alike for some time. to 67.3 percent as women increasingly entered and remained EF in the workforce. But this shift had largely played itself out by 2000, and participation has been trending down John A. Weinberg is senior vice president and director since then, standing at 66 percent at the end of 2007. of research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.