Parliamentary Procedure - Quick Questions and Answers: T L C W S U
Parliamentary Procedure - Quick Questions and Answers: T L C W S U
Parliamentary Procedure - Quick Questions and Answers: T L C W S U
1. What is the order of business called? 2. What is the first event in a business meeting? 3. What are the rules that we follow in a formal business meeting called? 4. Who is responsible for running the business meeting? 5. What is the record of each business meeting called? 6. Who may call for adjournment? 7. Before a motion may be discussed, what must it have? 8. When may the presiding officer vote? 9. How does parliamentary procedure protect the rights of the minority? The agenda The call to order Parliamentary procedure or Roberts Rules of Order The president or chairperson The minutes Any member A second In case of a tie It gives both sides of an issue equal opportunity to be heard, and it requires 2/3 vote to end debate. The secretary New business New business Chairperson calls for a standing or countable vote Reread it exactly for all to hear Tabled or sent to committee Vice-President The treasurer
10. Which officer takes roll? 11. What follows old or unfinished business? 12. In what part of a business meeting are original motions made? 13. What happens when a member calls for a division of the house? 14. What must the chair do before calling for a vote on a motion? 15. How does an item of business become part of old business? 16. Who presides in the absence of the president? 17. Who is accountable for the funds?
18. What officer is responsible for reading minutes of the preceding meetings? 19. What does it mean when the chair is advised to accept only friendly amendments? 20. Who takes the minutes of all meetings? 21. Who keeps the records of all financial transactions? 22. Which officer represents students interests to the advisor? 23. Who is responsible for handling outside interruptions of meetings and has responsibility for conduct of members at meetings? 24. Who keeps all records and counts votes in a business meeting along with the president? 25. Who is responsible for distributing minutes and agendas for regular meetings? 26. Who calls for committee meetings? 27. Who prepares the budget to meet government needs for the year? 28. What is an item of business called when it is introduced? 29. What is a motion adjourn used for? 30. Whats the difference between a standing committee and a special committee?
The secretary No proposed amendment should violate the intent of the main motion. The secretary The treasurer The president (may vary) The sergeant-at-arms
The secretary The secretary The committee chair The officers/treasurer A motion To end a meeting Standing goes on all year and from year to year; special is set up temporarily for a certain need or issue. A member makes a motion All members except the chair
31. How does a committee propose action? 32. Who may vote in a business meeting?
33. In order for a topic to be considered by the council, what two things must happen? 34. What is a term that means to modify or change a motion? 35. What is the first thing a person says when he/she wants to make a motion? 36. In order to speak, from whom must a member get recognition? 37. How does parliamentary procedure guarantee that only one issue is discussed at a time?
A motion and a second Amend I move that The chairperson Order of precedence: If one main motion is on the floor, another main motion would be out of order Majority (50% plus one) Amendment To postpone it Quorum A point of personal privilege A motion to stop debate and to vote on the main motion Specify that you want it tabled until a specific time, such as the next meeting Point of information
38. Most motions call for what percentage of the vote to pass? 39. In voting, do you vote for a main motion or its amendment first? 40. What does tabling a motion or laying it on the table mean? 41. What is the term for the necessary number for a meeting to be held? 42. What is a special request of one individual called? (Example: May we open some windows?) 43. What is a request for the question or a motion to call for the previous question? 44. When you table a motion, how can you guarantee that it will be discussed again? 45. What do you say when you want to ask a question or get an explanation?
Table a motion for an indefinite time, by not specifying when it will come back up for discussion The speaker wants the motion referred to a committee for further consideration 2/3
47. If someone says, I move to commit that motion, what does that mean? 48. What percentage of the vote is required to end discussion on a motion and bring it up for an immediate vote? 49. Which motion has greater precedence: a motion to refer to committee or a motion to table? 50. When an issue is hotly contested and many members want to speak, how can the chairperson insure that both sides are fairly heard? 51. When is it a good practice for the officers to prepare an agenda for each meeting and make it available ahead of time?
Table Alternate speakers for and against the motion Members have time to think about the items of business that will be discussed and discuss them with the students they represent