File Status Codes
File Status Codes
File Status Codes
VALID DUPLICATE ALTERNATE KEY N/A DETECTED. ATTEMPT TO OPEN A FILE THAT IS N/A NOT AVAILABLE. INCONSISTENCY IN STORAGE DEVICE. N/A A sequential READ statement was attempted and no next logical record existed in the file because the end of the file had been reached, or the first READ was attempted on an optional input file that was not present. A sequential READ statement was attempted for a relative file and the number of significant digits in the relative record number was larger than the size of the relative key data item described for the file.
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A READ WAS ATTEMPTED WHEN AT N/A THE END CONDITION IS TRUE. INVALID KEY. N/A A sequence error exists for a sequentially accessed indexed file. The prime record key value has been changed by the program between the successful execution of a READ statement and the execution of the next REWRITE statement for that file, or the ascending requirements for successive record key values were violated. An attempt was made to write a record that would create a duplicate key in a relative file; or an attempt was made to write or rewrite a record that would create a duplicate prime record key or a duplicate alternate record key without the DUPLICATES phrase in an indexed file. This key value applies to an indexed file in which the alternate key has been declared 'UNIQUE'. An attempt was made to randomly access a record that does not exist in the file, or a START or random READ statement was attempted on an optional input file that was not present. An attempt was made to write beyond the externally defined boundaries of a relative or indexed file. Or, a sequential WRITE statement was attempted for a relative file and the number of significant digits in the relative record number was larger than the size of the relative key data item
A permanent error exists because of a boundary AN ATTEMPT WAS MADE TO WRITE violation; an attempt was made to write beyond BEYOND THE BOUNDARY OF THE the externally-defined boundaries of a sequential FILE. file. ATEEMPTING TO OPEN AN EMPTY FILE IN INPUT OR I/O MODE. DD NAME IS MISSING OR WRONGLY GIVEN. An OPEN statement with the INPUT, I-O, or EXTEND phrase was attempted on a non-optional file that was not present.
An OPEN statement was attempted on a file that would not support the open mode specified in the OPEN statement. Possible violations are: 1. The EXTEND or OUTPUT phrase was specified OPEN WAS ATTEMPTED ON A FILE but the file would not support write operations. THAT WILL NOT SUPPORT THE 2. The I-O phrase was specified but the file would OPEN MODE SPECIFIED. not support the input and output operations permitted. 3. The INPUT phrase was specified but the file would not support read operations. ATTEMPT TO OPEN A FILE THAT HAS BEEN CLOSED WITH LOCK An OPEN statement was attempted on a file previously closed with lock.
The OPEN statement was unsuccessful because a conflict was detected between the fixed file ERROR DURING attributes and the attributes specified for that file in OPENING.INCONSISTENCY the program. These attributes include the BETWEEN FILE DESC AND ACTUAL organization of the file (sequential, relative, or FILE indexed), the prime record key, the alternate record keys, the code set, the maximum record size, and the record type (fixed or variable). RECORD IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF THE RECORD THAT HAS BEEN READ ATTEMPT TO OPEN A FILE WHICH IS ALREADY OPENED N/A An OPEN statement was attempted for a file in the open mode.
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ATTEMPT TO CLOSE A FILE THAT IS A CLOSE statement was attempted for a file not in NOT OPEN. the open mode. For a mass storage file in the sequential access mode, the last input-output statement executed for the associated file prior to the execution of a REWRITE statement was not a successfully executed READ statement. For relative and indexed files in the sequential access mode, the last input-output statement executed for the file prior to the execution of a DELETE or REWRITE statement was not a successfully executed READ statement.
A BOUNADRY VIOLATION DUE TO A boundary violation exists because an attempt ATTEMPT TO WRITE A RECORD OF was made to rewrite a record to a file and the
record was not the same size as the record being replaced, or an attempt was made to write or rewrite a record that was larger than the largest or smaller than the smallest record allowed by the RECORD IS VARYING clause of the associated file-name. A sequential READ statement was attempted on a file open in the input or I-O mode and no valid next record had been established because: 1. The preceding START statement was unsuccessful, or 2.The preceding READ statement was unsuccessful but did not cause an at end condition, or 3. The preceding READ statement caused an at end condition.
ATTEMPT TO READ FROM A FILE The execution of a READ statement was WHICH IS NOT OPEN IN INPUT OR I- attempted on a file not open in the input or I-O O MODE. mode. ATTEMPT TO WRITE ON A FILE NOT The execution of a WRITE statement was OPEN IN OUTPUT OR EXTEND attempted on a file not open in the I-O, output, or MODE. extend mode. The execution of a DELETE or REWRITE ATTEMPT TO WRITE ON A FILE NOT statement was attempted on a file not open in the OPEN IN I-O MODE. I-O mode. VSAM START FAILURE. SOME TYPE OF VSAM LOGIC ERROR. PASSWORD FAILURE. DOING IN WRONG MODE. NOT ENOUGH VIRTUAL STORAGE FOR VSAM TASK. NO CURRENT POINTER FOR SEQUENTIAL PROCESSING. CONFLICTING ATTRIBUTES. NO CORRESPONDING DD STATEMENT FOR THE FILE. FILE NOT CLOSED BY PREVIOUS JOB. N/A No further information. For VSAM only: Password failure. Logic error. Resource not available. For VSAM with CMPR2 compiler-option only:No file position indicator for sequential request. For VSAM only: Invalid or incomplete file information. For VSAM only: No DD statement specified for this file. For VSAM only: OPEN statement execution successful: File integrity verified
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