PreK Parent Handbook 2013-2014

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Granville County Schools

Title I and NC Pre-K


2013 - 2014

Dear Parents, Guardians and Family Members, We are pleased to welcome you and your child to a Granville County Schools Title I/NCPK PreKindergarten class for the 2013-2014 school year. We look forward to working with you and your child. The Title I/NCPK Pre-Kindergarten program is based on a philosophy of early education set forth by the North Carolina State Department of Education. The foundation of that philosophy is the understanding that children learn through play. The curriculum is implemented through concrete materials for children to explore through play. While helping children to become independent learners, the curriculum fosters physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive development for each child. A variety of instructional approaches are used including the following: Active exploration through both individual and group play. Activities that permit interaction with other children and adults while promoting cooperation. Learning centers that include blocks, games, puzzles, books, art, music and opportunities for small muscle development. Language and literacy experiences such as listening to stories, looking at picture books, dictating stories or posting signs utilizing print and picture symbols in the classroom. Activities that integrate math, science, social studies and health through the utilization of blocks, sand, water, plants, games, clay, paint and wood. Inside and outside activities that promote large muscle development.

Your childs progress will be evaluated throughout the year using the Brigance Early Childhood screening tool, as well as through ongoing authentic assessments using Teaching Strategies GOLD. Your child will receive a progress report four times during the school year. In addition, your child's teacher will share information about his or her progress during parent/teacher conferences. Attendance at parent/teacher conferences will help insure good communication between parent and teacher. This open communication is for the benefit of you and your child. Please be certain to attend if at all possible. This booklet contains information that will assist you in understanding our policies and procedures in Title I/NCPK Pre-Kindergarten classrooms. After you review the handbook, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to speak with your child's teacher. Sincerely, Title I/NCPK Pre-Kindergarten Team Granville County Schools

PHILOSOPHY Children are active learners. They learn through doing. They make discoveries as they play and through real life experiences. Classroom activities will be appropriate for your child's age and stage of development. This will allow for your child to learn and develop at his or her own pace and in a way that fits his or her unique way of doing things. We provide classroom environments that are conducive to learning. We guide and support children in their efforts along with facilitating activities and interactions between children. Teachers are sensitive to individual needs and serve as models. Moreover, we are able to enhance the development of each child as a unique individual by following these practices. The implementation of this philosophy is called "Best Practice." This approach to learning takes into account the following: Children construct their own knowledge. The physical environment supports the child's learning. Learning is an active rather than a passive process. Language develops best in a social context with many opportunities for interaction. Family involvement in the child's school supports and enhances the child's learning. Honoring each child's cultural background helps develop self-respect and the ability to honor the culture of others. A healthy social environment supports learning. Appropriate assessment strengthens learning and teaching.

The social development of all children plays an important role in their lives and in their ability to be successful in school. Parents, families and communities each have a part to play in your child's social development. Your childs teacher is available to meet with you to discuss activities and behaviors you may promote in your home so that your child can reach their highest potential. Feel free to contact them at any time to request a conference. We want to meet your needs as well as your childs needs. Our hope is that this Pre-Kindergarten year will help your child develop into an individual who is well-rounded and enjoys learning and one who is prepared for a successful transition to Kindergarten. ENROLLMENT In order to enroll in the Title I/NCPK Pre-K Programs, a child must become four years old on or before August 31st of the Pre-K year. Pre-K classes begin shortly after the regular school schedule and continue through early June. The school day for Pre-K students is the same length as the other students at the school. Title I/NCPK classes meet Monday through Friday, except for the staff development days mentioned in the attendance section of this booklet.

SCREENING Registration for screening is held at local schools during the spring of each year. At that time, parents must provide the childs birth certificate, legal proof of address (such as a utility bill) and proof of income. During the month of June, parents will be contacted to bring the child to school for a series of screening tests. After all applicants have been screened, students will be selected based on needs. Parents will be notified of the decision made regarding their childs enrollment. If your child is selected for one of our programs, you will be required to have a health examination of your child by their physician. The form for this examination will be provided to you by your childs teacher. In addition, you will need to provide a copy of your childs immunization record. GOALS We provide a developmentally appropriate environment for young children. Our desire is that your child will grow in their ability to function successfully in both home and school. That growth will occur in the following areas: Feelings of self-worth. Respect for his/her physical surroundings; ability to take responsibility for his/her immediate and personal environment. Use of natural curiosity, freedom to explore using all senses. Ability to notice patterns and relationships in concrete objects or images. Ability to express or represent thoughts, feelings and experiences through talking, art work, dramatic play or other expressive means; the ability to understand the expressions of other children and adults through listening, watching, and paying attention. Ability to make decisions and solve problems. Ability to use large and small muscles with greater strength and dexterity. Ability to get along comfortably with other children and adults.

SAFE ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE PROCEDURES If you bring your child to school, you must insure that your child is accompanied inside the school building by an adult. In addition, you must notify the school office or preschool personnel of your childs arrival. When your child is late, you must stop at the school office before going to the classroom. This is to insure that the child will be marked "Tardy" instead of "Absent" and to notify staff that your child is now present. If your child rides a bus to school an adult must stay with the child until the bus picks your child up in the morning. In addition, an adult must be available to receive the child from the bus upon arrival home. Children must never be left unattended. If you pick your child up, upon departure an adult must notify staff that the child is leaving. Authorization is required in writing when anyone other than the designated adult arrives to pick up the child. If your child is sick, you must call the school and leave a message to let the school know.

ATTENDANCE The goals noted on the previous page can be achieved in a more satisfactory manner if your child attends school each and every day the Pre-K classes meet. In addition, your child should arrive at school on time every day and remain at school for the full school day. Attendance will be taken daily. Your child is expected to attend school unless he/she is sick or there are extenuating circumstances. If your child must be absent for one of these reasons, on the day he/she returns to school after being absent, please send a note stating the reason for the absence. We would like to bring to your attention, Section G of Granville County Schools Board of Education Policy Code: 4400 Attendance .
G. Excessive Absences Class attendance and participation are critical elements of the educational process and may be taken into account in assessing academic achievement. The principal will notify parents and take all other steps required by G.S. 115C-378 for excessive absences. Parents will be notified by the school administration in writing when their child has accumulated the third and sixth unlawful absence in a school year. After the sixth absence, the principal or designee shall notify the parent that he/she may be in violation of the Compulsory Attendance Law. After 10 accumulated unexcused absences, the principal or designee shall confer with the student and parent to determine whether the parent has made a good faith effort to comply with compulsory attendance requirements. At the principals discretion, the district attorney will be notified or a complaint will be filed with the juvenile intake counselor if the student is between the ages of seven (7) and sixteen (16). Accumulation of absences in excess of 16 days for the school year, whether lawful or unlawful, constitutes a valid reason for retention for students in grades K-8; however, the principal may grant exceptions in situations involving hardship. Students in grades 9 through 12 who accumulate lawful or unlawful absences in excess of five days for the semester per class for the semester are subject to receive no semester credit for that course. The principal may grant exceptions in situations involving hardship.

Although this policy addresses school attendance for students in grades K 12 who are enrolled in the Granville County Schools, we believe the intent behind this policy does apply to Pre-K students as well. Policy Code: 4400 states:
Class attendance and participation are critical elements of the educational process and may be taken into account in assessing academic achievement

If your child is enrolled in a Pre-K program, we believe their attendance is a critical element in our ability to provide a consistent educational program that is beneficial to their growth. If accumulation of absences in excess of 16 days for the school year, whether lawful or unlawful, constitutes a valid reason for retention for students in grades K-8, we believe that accumulation of the same number of absences in Pre-K greatly hinders our ability to provide an effective Pre-K program for your child during their enrollment in Pre-K. Therefore, if your child accumulates 16 days of absence in the school year, whether lawful or unlawful, they may be removed from the Pre-K program due to the diminished benefits we are able to provide for your child with this degree of absence. Each

individual case will be reviewed by the Principal, Director of Elementary Education and the Early Childhood Coordinator and exceptions may be granted in situations involving hardship. Granville County Schools has an extensive waiting list for Pre-K. We are required by federal and state laws to provide services to students who demonstrate the greatest needs first. However, if we are unable to provide services to a qualified student due to excessive absences during their enrollment, we need to provide services to a student who will be present on a regular basis and receive consistent Pre-K services. Without regular school attendance our program goals can not be met. If you are experiencing difficulty with regular school attendance of your Pre-K student, please consult with your childs teacher for assistance with this matter before their attendance becomes a matter of concern. During the school year there are days set aside for staff development for Pre-K teachers and assistants. Students do not attend school on these days. You will be notified if the dates change. In addition to regularly scheduled teacher work days, there will be no school for your child on the following days due to staff development: 2013: Thursday, October 10 LEAVING SCHOOL EARLY We discourage parents from picking up students before the end of the regular school day. The entire instructional day is important. Students need to be in school until dismissal time in order to avoid missing important learning activities. If your child must leave school early, you must go to the office to sign out your child. Teachers are not permitted to release students, even to their parents, without prior approval from the office. Please notify the teacher when your child needs to leave school during regular school hours. If you know in advance, send a note to the teacher stating the time the child will leave and who will pick him/her up. Parents who pick up students at the end of the day should wait for them until the dismissal bell rings. EARLY DISMISSAL DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER On occasion, it may be necessary for the Granville County Schools to close early or delay the start of the school day due to weather concerns. Radio and television stations will make announcements about any changes in regular school hours. Please do not call the school. We need to leave our telephone lines open for emergencies. Instead, listen to any of the following stations: TV: WRAL Channel 5 Radio: WCBQ 1340 AM WDNC 620 AM WICE 98.3 FM WIZS 1450 AM WTVD Channel 11 WYFL 92.5 FM WUNC 91.5 FM WPTF 680 AM WRXO 1430 AM WRAL 101.5 FM WZZU 94.2 FM WHNC 890 AM 2014: Friday, February 14

FEES There are NO fees for the Pre-Kindergarten programs. Student insurance and other costs are optional: you do not have to choose them if you do not wish to do so. SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT All staff will comply with the provisions of the Child Abuse Reporting Act by bringing suspected cases of abuse and neglect to the attention of the principal or counselor. The principal or counselor will report the suspected case to the County Department of Social Services. SPECIAL EVENTS / FIELD TRIPS Throughout the school year your childs teacher may schedule field trips and/or other activities that are deemed an enrichment activity for the class. You will be notified prior to each field trip. In addition, you will be asked to give your permission in writing so that your child can attend. MONEY If you need to send money to school with your child (for breakfast, lunch, milk, or other optional items), please put the money in an envelope, seal it and write your child's name and the reason for sending the money, on the front of the envelope. PARENT INVOLVEMENT Parent involvement is essential for the success of the Title I/NCPK Pre-K Programs. Prior to the start of the school year, the teacher will invite you to visit the classroom for a class meeting. This will allow you to become familiar with your childs classroom. In addition, it will allow you, your child and your childs teacher to get to know each other prior to the start of the school year. All families are invited and expected to participate in their child's educational program during the school year. We welcome parent attendance in the classroom and also on field trips. You will have opportunities to attend conferences with your child's teacher throughout the school year to learn about his/her progress. Please attend all parent/teacher conferences. They are a critical part of the effort to help your child have the best possible year with learning experiences that meet his/her individual needs. Title I parents will be asked to sign and support a Title I Agreement with their child's teacher, principal and the child at the start of the school year.

DISCIPLINE Corporal punishment is NOT used as a form of discipline in any of our Pre-Kindergarten classrooms. We do: Praise, reward and encourage the children. Reason with and set limits for the children. Model appropriate behavior for the children. Modify the classroom environment to attempt to prevent problems before they occur. Listen to the children. Provide alternatives for inappropriate behavior to the children. Provide the children with natural and logical consequences of their behaviors. Treat the children as people and respect their needs, desires and feelings. Ignore minor misbehaviors. Explain things to children on their level. Use short supervised periods of time-out, if the child has not responded to other discipline techniques. If you have questions about this technique, please speak with your childs teacher. Stay consistent in our behavior management program.

NUTRITION The cafeteria in the school provides nutritious meals for children for a fee unless the student is approved for free meals. However, if you choose to send your childs meals instead, it is important that you make sure the meal is a nutritious meal. We are responsible for making sure your childs meal is nutritious and meets the Meal Patterns guidelines. If you would like a copy of the Meal Patterns guidelines, please ask your childs teacher. In general, this means the meal you send with your child must meet these guidelines: Breakfast: consists of at least three components: milk, juice or fruit, bread or cereal. Lunch: consists of at least four components: milk, 2 or more fruits or vegetables, meat or meat alternative, bread or bread alternative.

Please make certain you notify your childs teacher of any food allergies or special dietary needs your child may have.


Mr. Michael Allen, Director of Exceptional Children Ms. Betty Crute, Preschool Coordinator (919) 603-1103 (919) 693-4613 (919) 575-6947
(Rm 16)

Butner-Stem Elementary School, Mr. Gus Gillespie, Principal

201 East D Street Butner, NC 27509
Ms. Sylvia Snyder, Teacher Ms. Debra Thomerson, Teacher Assistant

Creedmoor Elementary School, Ms. Nancy Russell, Principal 305 E. Wilton Ave.. Creedmoor NC 27522
Ms. Teacher Ms. LaKina Bullock, Teacher Assistant (Rm 001)

(919) 528- 2313

Joe Toler-Oak Hil Elementary School, Ms. Shelia Atkins, Principal 8176 Hwy 96 Oxford NC 27565
Ms. Angela Norwood, Teacher Ms. Brenda Thomas, Teacher Assistant (Rm 105)

(919) 693-8936

Mt. Energy Elementary School, Ms. Tonya Thomas, Principal

2652 Hwy 56 Creedmoor, NC 27522
Ms. Megan Belshaw, Teacher Ms. Amanda Currin, Teacher Assistant Ms. Vickie Preddy, ECPK Teacher Ms. Dorothy Holloway, ECPK Teacher Assistant Ms. Stephanie Smith, ECPK Teacher Ms. Lori Bowman, ECPK Teacher Assistant (Rm 206) (Rm 204) (Rm 207)

(919) 529-0586

Stovall-Shaw Elementary School, Ms. Amy Rice, Principal

7696 Hwy 15 N / P.O. Box 39 Stovall, NC 27582
Ms. , Teacher Ms. Crystal Gresham, Teacher Assistant

(919) 693-3478
(Rm 130)

Tar River Elementary School, Ms. Diane Garrison, Principal

2642 Philo White Rd Franklinton NC, 27525
Ms Kim Panciera, Teacher Ms. Kym Johnson, Teacher Assistant (Rm 206)

(919) 528-2767

West Oxford Elementary School, Ms. Shelby Hunt, Principal

412 Ivey Day Road Oxford, NC 27565
Ms. Latasha Jones, Teacher Ms. Kathryn Bullock, Teacher Assistant Ms. Sheila Ezelle, ECPK Teacher Ms. Darlene Weary, ECPK Teacher Assistant Ms. Debra Gentry, Itinerant Teacher

(919) 693-9161
(Rm B-3)

(Rm 205)



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