Improving Self-Esteem Module 2 of 9
Improving Self-Esteem Module 2 of 9
Improving Self-Esteem Module 2 of 9
Improving Self-Esteem
Module 2
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Self-Esteem Improving
In Module 1, we said that people with low self-esteem hold deep-seated, basic, negative beliefs about themselves and the kind of person they are. These beliefs are often taken as facts or truths about their identity. In this module, we will explore how these beliefs about the self develop.
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Self-Esteem Improving
Difficulty in Meeting Parents Standards Experiencing less extreme punishment or constantly being criticised can also have a negative effect. If your parents, carers, and family members often focused on your weaknesses and mistakes and rarely acknowledged your positive qualities or successes (perhaps saying things such as You could have done better, or Thats not good enough), or if they frequently teased you, made fun of you, and put you down, you might also come to believe some negative things about yourself. Not Fitting In at Home or at School Some people may have experienced being the odd one out at home or at school. They might have been less intelligent than their siblings at home or had different interests, talents or skills to others in the family (such as being artistic, musical, sporty or love mathematics, science, arts). Although they might not have been criticised for their different interests or abilities, these might not have been acknowledged. At the same time, the activities or achievements of their siblings or peers might have been praised or celebrated. As such, they might come to believe thoughts such as Im weird, Im odd, or Im inferior. Difficulty in Meeting Peer Group Standards During late childhood and adolescence, our experiences with our peers and people around our age can also influence how we see ourselves. This is a time when physical appearance may be very important to the young person. Together with messages conveyed by the media, an overweight, plump, or well-built young person who has not had many positive experiences with their peers can come to believe I am fat and ugly, Im unattractive, or Im unlikeable. Young people who have had other problems with their appearance, such as problem skin, can also come away with negative beliefs about themselves if they have been teased or ridiculed for this by their peers. Being on the receiving end of other peoples stress or distress Sometimes, when families experience stressful or distressing life events, parents may need to give their attention to dealing with the problems that have occurred. As such, parents may not be able to give much attention to their child or children. It is also possible that parents or carers in such circumstances become frustrated, angry, anxious, or depressed and respond negatively towards their children or become role models of unhelpful behaviour. Your Familys Place in Society How we view ourselves is not only influenced by how we are treated as individuals but also how our family or group is viewed and treated by others in society. If your family or the group that you belonged to was seen to be different, less socially acceptable, or was on the receiving end of prejudice or hostility, these experiences can also influence how you see yourself. An Absence of Positives The absence of positive experiences in our lives can also affect our self-esteem. It might be that you did not receive enough attention, praise, encouragement, warmth, or affection. It could be that your basic needs were just adequately met but no more was given. Some parents or carers may have been emotionally distant, not physically affectionate, spending a lot of time working (perhaps to meet the needs of the family) or pursuing their own interests and had very little time with their children. These experiences might influence how people view themselves especially if they compare their experiences with their peers who might have had more positive experiences.
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Self-Esteem Improving
What early experiences did you have that might have contributed to the way you view, and feel about, yourself? Take a bit of time to jot down a brief description of those experiences.
Late Onset Most of the time, the roots or beginnings of low self-esteem can be found in the experiences people have had in their childhood or adolescence. However, people with healthy self-esteem can also find their selfconfidence being dented and chipped away at if they encounter negative experiences later in life. A person can come to develop low self-esteem if they have experiences such as being bullied or intimidated at work, being in an abusive relationship, experiencing prolonged financial hardship, continuous stressful life events, traumatic events, or life-altering illnesses or injuries. Have you had any recent stressful life experiences that have negatively affected how you view yourself?
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Self-Esteem Improving
Here are some other examples of negative core beliefs: I am stupid. Im not good enough. Im not important. Im unlovable. Im fat and ugly. Im unacceptable. Im good for nothing. I am evil.
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Self-Esteem Improving
Rules & Assumptions Guide Behaviour
The result of having these rules and assumptions is that they will guide your behaviour. What you do on a day-to-day basis is largely determined by what rules for living you have. Makes sense, doesnt it? So, depending on your rules, you will try very hard to do everything perfectly, avoid getting too close to people, restrict your food intake and exercise vigorously to stay slim, do what it takes to please people, avoid doing anything too challenging, avoid doing things youve never done before and the list can go on. Can you see how having such rules and assumptions for living might help you protect your self-esteem? What happens if one of your rules for living is I must never make any mistakes? The effect is that this rule will guide your behaviour, making you become very careful about your work, checking your work many times so it is likely that you dont make many mistakes, if at all. This means that you are less likely to be criticised and so your self-esteem is protected. Take a few minutes to jot down how your rules and assumptions might influence your behaviour. What do you do to try to live up to your rules or standards and assumptions for living?
What this means is that you can feel fairly good about yourself if you are able to meet these rules for living or live up to the standards you have set for yourself. For example, if you are able to always maintain your body shape and weight, you will feel okay about yourself. As long as you never make any mistakes, always gain your friends, colleagues, or bosses approval, always get extremely good results at school or university, you can maintain an adequate level of self-esteem. However, there is a disadvantage to having these rules and assumptions. You can run yourself ragged by trying to live up to all the rules. Basically, you are putting yourself under a lot of pressure so that you manage your self-esteem and dont feel bad about yourself. Actually, while things might seem to be going well on the surface, the negative core beliefs are still there. This is because the negative core beliefs have not been removed. In fact, they are still there because they have been protected by your rules and assumptions and your behaviour. This is why these rules and assumptions and your behaviour cannot really be considered to be helpful because they serve to keep the negative core beliefs alive, as it were. At this point in time, if you have been able to live up to your rules, you may be feeling fine, but the low self-esteem lies dormant.
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Self-Esteem Improving
Model of Low Self-Esteem: How Low Self-Esteem Begins
As we go along, our discussions about how low self-esteem develops and what keeps it going will be put in the form of a diagram, which will tie everything together. We call all the concepts expressed in such a diagram a model. We will begin with the concepts discussed in this module and then add others in as we move on to the next module. Heres the first part of the model of low self-esteem:
What this model depicts, is a snapshot of what has been discussed in this module. Low self-esteem might begin with our having had negative life experiences, especially during childhood and adolescence. These negative experiences can influence how we see ourselves and we can come away with some negative conclusions about ourselves, which we call negative core beliefs. (The dotted arrow in the diagram signifies that negative life experiences do not automatically lead to negative core beliefs it is just that they have some influence in their development). In order to protect our self-esteem and continue to function from day-to-day, we develop rules and assumptions for living. These rules guide us to behave in ways that end up not being very helpful because they serve to keep our negative core beliefs intact. While we are able to stick to these rules for living, we can feel okay about ourselves, but the low self-esteem remains dormant. On the next page is a worksheet for you to put all your notes together. The worksheet shows the model of how low self-esteem develops and includes spaces for you to write down your experiences, negative core beliefs, the unhelpful rules and assumptions that guide your life, and the things you do to try to live up to those rules and assumptions. Keep this worksheet with you as you continue working through the modules of this information package. In the next module, we will discuss what might cause low self-esteem to flare up or be activated. We will also discuss a number of things that keep low self-esteem going.
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Self-Esteem Improving
Evaluation of worth/value as a person; conclusions about yourself based on experience this is the kind of person I am
Guidelines, rules, or strategies for getting by, given the truth of the negative core beliefs about myself
Unhelpful Behaviour
Self-Esteem Improving
Module Summary
It is important to remember that the judgements we make about ourselves are opinions, not facts Negative early life experiences may lead us to develop a negative view of ourselves. Such experiences may be: Punishment, Neglect, or Abuse Difficulty in Meeting Parents Standards Not Fitting In at Home or at School Difficulty in Meeting Peer Group Standards Being on the receiving end of other peoples stress or distress Your Familys Place in Society An Absence of Positives
While low self-esteem often develops in childhood or adolescence, it can also develop later in life if we encounter certain negative experiences Negative core beliefs are the conclusions we arrive at about ourselves, given the negative experiences we have had We develop rules and assumptions, to protect us from the truth of our negative core beliefs, so we can go on functioning in our lives The behaviour our rules and assumptions generate is unhelpful, because they keep our negative core beliefs intact As long as we stick to our rules and assumptions, we might feel okay in our everyday lives, but our negative core beliefs remain, and hence our low self-esteem lies dormant.
Coming up next
In the next module, you will learn more about what keeps low self-esteem going.
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Self-Esteem Improving
About This Module
Dr. Louella Lim (DPsych1) Centre for Clinical Interventions Dr. Lisa Saulsman (MPsych2, PhD3) Centre for Clinical Interventions
Paula Nathan (MPsych2) Director, Centre for Clinical Interventions Adjunct Senior Lecturer, School of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, The University of Western Australia
of Psychology (Clinical Psychology)
of Psychology (Clinical)
The concepts and strategies in the modules have been developed from evidence based psychological practice, primarily Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT). CBT is a type of psychotherapy that is based on the theory that unhelpful negative emotions and behaviours are strongly influenced by problematic cognitions (thoughts). This can be found in the following: Beck, A.T., Rush, A. J., Shaw, B.F., & Emery, G. (1979). Cognitive Therapy of Depression. New York: Guildford. Clark, D. M. (1986). A cognitive approach to panic. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 24, 461-470. Clark, D. M. & Wells, A. (1995). A cognitive model of social phobia. In R. Heimberg, M. Liebowitz, D.A. Hope and F.R. Schneier (Eds), Social Phobia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Treatment. New York: Guidlford.
These are some of the professional references used to create the modules in this information package. Fennell, M. (1998). Low Self-Esteem. In N. Tarrier, A. Wells and G. Haddock (Eds), Treating Complex Cases: The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Approach. London: John Wiley & Sons. Fennell, M. (2001). Overcoming Low Self-Esteem. New York: New York University Press. Fennell , M. & Jenkins, H. (2004). Low Self-Esteem. In J. Bennett-Levy, G. Butler, M. Fennell et al (Eds), Oxford Guide to Behavioural Experiments in Cognitive Therapy. Oxford: Oxford Medical Publications.
Burns, D. (1993). Ten Days to Self-Esteem. New York: Quill William Morrow. Dryden, W. (2003). Managing Low Self-Esteem. London: Whurr Publishers. Field, L. (1995). The Self-Esteem Workbook. An Interactive Approach to Changing Your Life. Brisbane: Element Books Limited. McKay, M. & Fanning, P. (1987). Self-Esteem. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications.
This module forms part of: Lim, L., Saulsman, L., & Nathan, P. (2005). Improving Self-Esteem. Perth, Western Australia: Centre for Clinical Interventions. ISBN: 0-9757995-0-9 Created: July 2005
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