Janet Douglas LTR To Bush PDF

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01/15/2007 11: 48





President George W. Bush I'hc. W t ~ i House ~r

1 600 12cririsy lvuniu Avcnue
Washington DC 20500
c-niai 1 . ~!:gsident@,whitehouse.g~v

I)ire.clo~.Rob Yortman and O I l U Administrator I'rrsidcnt ' $ Office of Management and Budget ]:as: 202,.39S-3888

Christopher Cox Chni nnan. Y ecurities and Exchange Commission ]:'ax: 202-772-9324 r.-mail: !'(l!,[email protected]

Ite blv 1 1 me 8, 2006 letter and this Whistleblow on Ofice of Management and Budget: OIIt A: Set ~irities Exchange Commission for Gross Waste, Gross Fraud and Gross Abusc 01' I'ouer i hrough promulgating/approving the Grandfather Clause contained in
t<t.g~~li~lic)n SHO, published July 28, 2004; with Comments to eliminate the Grandfather ( ' l t ~ ~ t ~ . 1. t> i!c Yo. 57-12-06.
'Ihis clause aids ; u Jilbels countcrt'citing and is in NON( '( )M 1'1 I ".ICE with I'itie 5 at Section 60 1 Executive Order No. 12866
j '

i 1



L)L';I~ MI- !'I-esident, and Honorable Commissioner a ~ Secretar),: d

I hc "Grandfather Clause" is incorporated in REG SHO and "covers" ail short sale.; p r i t ~ Itr the effective date of January 5, 2005 for any counterfeit sharcs that wcrc sold pr;r*r 1 0 .Tani~riry 5. 2005. which is illcgal. Counterfeitinp, is illrgi~l common law. tlzc pcn,il~~i.\ for counterfeiting as discussed in my June 8, 2006 letter are found at 1 . j.i' I\ hcction 47 1.


' I

itc?:;:l~tly.the Securities ~ I I L , IE xclir~~~gti Cummission, (SEC) asked for colllrllellls to : i

eli~ninafc r-hc Grandfather Clause by File No. S7-12-06; whereill cornmen~s had to bc II
mialc p r i l , ~ l o sometime around September 30, 2006. As of Friday, after talking to Jack i Iinnl\. SI1 and leaving a message for Josephine Tao, SEC.I learned that the SEC has no ;
in~cnt ii )ii.: . I!' acting on clirninating the Crrandfntl~trC l i ~ ~ l in s c .the
irnnirdia~e futul.e,


I an! blowing rhe whistle on the Secuxities and Exchange Commission for pr01111.1lg~iting
this Grandfather Clause, and the President's Office of Management and





~.cgi~l;l~ii.;l.~s to ensure they

Htidycl-. office that has oversigl~t responsibility to review and approve agency con~ply with appIicable laws.


i l \ i t clcarly states in Title 5, at Section 601, Executive Ordcr No. 12866(12)(a)

'Thr ,tgrncies. Because Fedrrul agencies we ~ h r ccpositorics ol'significant substantive


cxpcr.ti.*c.itnd experience, they are responsible for developing regulations and

I i llS t : I :CUTWE ORDER. (Tle Grandfa~hcr Clause is illegal at common law. li~ws
in etl.;:ct by our forefathers to ensure credibility of legal tender. l'he Cirandf'lther C'lir~rsc: tarlds in opposition to and is outlaw to applicable coil~rtlon law aiding and



;lhel[i17p o~lnt~rfeiting.)


The Office o f Management and Budget. Coordinated review of agency rulemaking 13I'IcCcshclr) to ensure that regulations are CONSISTENT WIT11 APPLICABLE LAW. 1'1 It: I'R I \lDENT'S PRJORJTIES AND THE PRINCTPI.ES SET FORTI I IN THIS 1 ,XI ( ' 1 '"I IVE ORDER. (The Office of Management and R11dcr:t is accused of ( i R O S S \\.u>ku. knrud and Abuse of Power for NOT carrying out their r~sponsibilitythereby PKl. Vl:U I ING the GRANDFATHER CLAUSE from ever being incorporated into any ngellcl r.r!!trlation. (To include the responsibilities of OIRA as defined in this exccutivc
( b)
OldlY 1

i; II


'I'herefore, I claim the Security and Exchange Commission was not p t e d the power to ~iiiike a rule or regulation that conflicts with applica.ble law. (See 1J.S.C.A.
Scction 4.1 I 1. The Grandfather Clause in Reg SHO also conflicts with our wellcstahlishr~l well-seated common laws against counterfeiting. Therefore. I request
I'resiclclir i3trsb Inkc immediate, correclive action to elilllinate (tie Grandfather Clausc
I'rom fiegc~littion SHO.as tho it never existed, and force payment ofthe counterkit shares ;ISrc.;[itur~on for the shareholders' of CMKX wherein market makorslhcdpe hlnds wcrc ~~llnu/ctl
to create trillions of counterfeit "air shares" and sell then? tu innocent invesrors wlir~t)ttlic\~\d they were purclrasing a real/legitimate shares of' stock, and they were not. 'I'he -Slio~,~ Sale" rule was never regulated by the PTCC nor the SEC wherein they 11evcr krpr \rack ,)[the authorized to issue shares of CMKX thereby ex-cleared whatever ;111ivi11if o ! '<hares were prCscntcd to the DTCC N S C C to ex-cleai' (a< previc:~t~sly
suhmittc(1 I P you by my prior letters on this subject), affording .37 per transaction in
con~~t~issiorrs to the D'I'CC/NSCC. The DTCC over the whole niarkct reaped trillions in C ~ I T I M ~ ~ Sfrom ~OI~ "counte~f'eit" S naked shorted shares. Now, it's time to pay it back. No\\ it ! i : : l ( . [ O cnd this corrulxio~i he.fore we havc a crash worse t l l n j ~ lt~to : nc in 1920.





Again. in this nation. no where in the law and at no time in this country has it hccn


uomettling you do not awn, which is exactly what hedge funds/ onlinc 111 ol\vr:~gc' : ruses did i l l \lie security of CMKX. So, as lo not c ~ s a epanic on wall utrccl. I retrtjest non publicly. and quietly, the DTCC be required to make total restitution oI'Y;IO 5 6 Iwr share with interest from June 2004; with an immediate, frontload pay-out. I 01 %/share with interest fiom June 2004 to thc certificate holders listed herc:
10 vell





I'agc : !
I'resideiit Bush

Jilnuur\ 14, 2007

The C'ert Pull ILLY bee11exknded until May 15th 2006.

Total Received Fax's: 42723 Total Fax's Filed: 42723 Number of Certs: 55495 Total Shares: 634,983,934,884 Number of Sh~reholderr:39863 wrw.crnk~ntaskforce.com




payments o f f .60/quarterly on the same day as thc up-l'ron~pi~y-out, the first month of each quarter; over the next 16 quarters; tn be paid hy ;I p\~vrrnnimt check; mailcd first-class mail to each certificate holder of C M W . as .~d~ltt..i1:~:orded by First Global Transfer Agent and the CMKM TASKFORCE.
with inlercst and subsequent quarterly

I( Ii

L'hc shareholders who are excluded from this restitution payment are those sImrehol(lcrs who received free ahwc certificil~cs (whon~ may have ~ p i s t e r e d t{reir ~ c r t i f i c ~ with ~~c; the taskforce) by showing up at weekend races and putting their name on a paper (ahlct list to receive liee shares; or by passing out t-shirts at the races; or by serving tlr~nks and hotdogs at the races, these pay it forward shares were in increments ou ,$:.,Ol)O.O(~~~ \hut ccni t7.calcs and ace nut to be ilisludcd in this payment, since they did r)c.t[ ilily tuotlry for the 3 million shares and received a certificate through the system as in tile 1) I'( '<' 'NSCC. Those certificate shareholders hold "S" share certificates and are d ~ ~ l o r cin ( ithe PAY 1'1' FORWARD Shareholder List found here:





&://w ~w.bonesdx.com/acct.~df
^!'he shareholder base i s like m army 42,700 strong who believe in the moral L ~ ~ I U oI'/\nierica CS and respect our laws. The OBO/NORO lists 60.000 sharcholdcrs. It i s 1~1'ClrlllllL'(J I I K 0t11er 20.000 or SO shareholders who refused to get a ce~-tif.icate and record rt with rl~c cnkmtaskforce could, in fact, be brokerage firms. hedge funds. or bashers (en~ploj cch o f hedge funds who post 24/7 on message boards to discoulagt: investors 3bol11thc lock so they sell back the "air shares" into the ~nrukc~. 'These pcc~yle ~lrc in vic>latiof?01 OLII' RICO laws and should not be paid in this payout, since they probably own ,4ha1.c\ trid will not claim them through CMKM certificate pull far obvious reasons.

I II '!



' I

'T'hc ,!C1.700 cnrlificatc holders look lu [he govcrnmellt to alac, ~ldhcrc to our laws. '['his is M:O~II one very large shareholder wrote about this situation. whom like most of us. h o w l~cltlili.lr shares for 3 years or more, 1 present here his comment in closing:



01/15/2007 11: 48




our nation corrcct many monument31 wrongs that have been people who ncvcr had u clue thul i t wns hnppcnin~. Y cs we havc onc ot'thc ;~~~l-vthc':.i grcatcsr !!' not the greatest country in the world. Our democracy towards all .~ymbolizes rtle \~l~inliite in freedom one questions that and it has been ducurrlented for years. It is now thc time to stand utci~dfast and bc w h ~ w t c V I I ~ h a t we are. It doesn't mattcr what politicul purcy on(- assicns themselves too. What is important is doing the right. corrcct and just thing in all circ.\ I!] rstances. What man or woman of character that would not want such. Just think Ilo~! .gr(::!: 3 country we really could become through out h e world if that became thc

It%about time

' ,





17Fortunatelywe live in a world that many only want what is best for themselves ;I i u ~nrlt l lor the whole If the whole is good then all is good. Granted greed and corruptiot~ 1 h,n c .,I\\ ,,)s been a part of the system. Yes even when Christopher Columbus amved. I (I , I lve past rnistakcs? No. But we c m team fiom them and move forward for the '1 p-c.ntct .~c\od. 113 r~ol riicz if I want to see someone sutYcr whilc I prolil. Nor is it wisc visc I I ~ ~ 1 ' 4 0 $)tten major occurrences happen for a reason. Many times it is done to show WIIO i s o~nnipotent.

wc have a major financial situation that has to be corrected and it must be correrlcd now. If it is not corrected now then the young folks that are on the horizon I arc going to have a very bad ideology about our government. They will learn it from I , ~hh c nh! I?oomers generatton, which is now, wtxo will share tbeir viewpoints bascd an whar :h(,\ have seen thus tar. Maybc when [tiair yicr~e~~ts were conling up during World

2 when respect meant something, to this younger generation: it will fall a11 rhat's not good for the totality of our country existence. Therefore, this vituatiorr has got to turn itself around or anarchy i s just around the corner!"



'! hank you for your immediate attention to this matter. A strong America i s in the : ci.os>-.h;~: 1.5of the enemies of our financial market place. We learned from 9/1 1/2001 that : thc C I : ( : 1 ) 1 ! ' wants to destroy Americans through the market place. Please prevent the SIX: I 1'ro1ii ni~ting and abctting counterfeiting, which aids the enern)! in the war on terror: i11id WI I ~ C I I I lt:I 11s the eilnny to achievc their goals.




Father and my Address has not changcd in 32 years

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