Contenuti per strutturazione programmi dei corsi di inglese per i livelli A2-B1 e lista di testi consigliati
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Programma per esame di accreditamento
Lingua inglese Livelli A2 B1 (European Common Framework Of Reference) Categorie grammaticali (in ordine alfabetico) Livello A2 Livello B1 Articn!i Definile (lhe) Indefinile (a /an) Definile (lhe) Indefinile (a /an) Aggcttivi. CoIour, size, shae, quaIily, NalionaIily Iredicalive and allribulive CardinaI and ordinaI numbers Iossessive: my, your, his, her, elc. Demonslralive: lhis, lhal, lhese, lhose Quanlilalive: some, any, many, much, a fev, a Iol of, aII, olher, every, elc. Comaralive and suerIalive forms (reguIar and irreguIar) Order of ad|eclives IarliciIes as ad|eclives CoIour, size, shae, quaIily, NalionaIily Iredicalive and allribulive CardinaI and ordinaI numbers Iossessive: my, your, his, her, elc. Demonslralive: lhis, lhal, lhese, lhose Quanlilalive: some, any, many, much, a fev, a Iol of, aII, olher, every, elc. Comaralive and suerIalive forms (reguIar and irreguIar): (nol) as . . .as, nol . enough lo, loo . lo Order of ad|eclives IarliciIes as ad|eclives Comound ad|eclives Avvcrbi ReguIar and irreguIar forms Manner: quickIy, carefuIIy elc. Irequency: oflen, never, lvice a day elc. Definile lime: nov, Iasl veek elc. Indefinile lime: aIready, |usl, yel elc. Degree: very, loo, ralher, elc. IIace: here, lhere elc. Direclion: Iefl, righl elc. Sequence: firsl, nexl elc. Ire-verbaI, osl-verbaI and end-osilion adverbs Comaralive and suerIalive forms (reguIar and irreguIar) I ReguIar and irreguIar forms Manner: quickIy, carefuIIy elc. Irequency: oflen, never, lvice a day elc. Definile lime: nov, Iasl veek elc. Indefinile lime: aIready, |usl, yel elc. Degree: very, loo, ralher, elc. IIace: here, lhere elc. Direclion: Iefl, righl elc. Sequence: firsl, nexl elc. Ire-verbaI, osl-verbaI and end-osilion adverbs Comaralive and suerIalive forms (reguIar and irreguIar) Senlence adverbs: loo eilher elc. Ire-verbaI, osl-verbaI and end-osilion adverbs Cnngiunzinni And, bul, or When, vhere ecause, if And, bul, or, eilher . or When, vhiIe, unliI, before, as soon as Where ecause, since, as, for So lhal, (in order) lo So, so . lhal, such .lhal If, unIess 2 AIlhough, vhiIe Cnndizinna!c Tye O: I slay al home if I have a coId. Tye 1: If il rains I viII lake an umbreIIa Tye 2: I vouId heI you, if I couId. Discnrsn indircttn Slalemenls, queslions and commands: say, ask, leII. Fnrmc intcrrngativc Whal, Whal (+ noun) Where, When Who, Whose , Which Hov, Hov much, Hov many Hov oflen, Hov Iong elc. Why Whal, Whal (+ noun) Where, When Who, Whose , Which Hov, Hov much, Hov many Hov oflen, Hov Iong elc. Why Nnmi SinguIar and IuraI (reguIar and irreguIar forms) CounlabIe and uncounlabIe vilh some and any Abslracl nouns, Comound nouns Noun hrases Genilive ('s & s') DoubIe genilive SinguIar and IuraI (reguIar and irreguIar forms) CounlabIe and uncounlabIe vilh some and any Abslracl nouns, Comound nouns Noun hrases Genilive ('s & s') DoubIe genilive Prnnnmi IersonaI (sub|ecl, ob|ecl, ossessive) ImersonaI (il, lhere) Demonslralive (lhis, lhal, lhese, lhose) Quanlilalive (one, somelhing, everybody elc.) Indefinile (some, any, somelhing, one elc.) ReIalive (vho, vhich, lhal) ersonaI (sub|ecl, ob|ecl, ossessive) ImersonaI (il, lhere) Demonslralive (lhis, lhal, lhese, lhose) Quanlilalive (one, somelhing, everybody elc.) Indefinile (some, any, somelhing, one elc.) ReIalive (vho, vhich, lhal, vhom, vhose) RefIexive and emhalic: myseIf, elc. Prcpnsizinni Localion: lo, on, inside, nexl lo elc. Time: al, on, in, during, elc. Inslrumenl: by, vilh MisceIIaneous: Iike, aboul, elc. IreosilionaI hrases: al lhe end of, in fronl of, elc. Ireosilion receding nouns and ad|eclives: by car, for saIe elc. Localion: lo, on, inside, nexl lo elc. Time: al, on, in, during, elc. Inslrumenl: by, vilh MisceIIaneous: Iike, as, due, oving lo elc. IreosilionaI hrases: al lhe beginning of, by means of elc. Ireosilion receding nouns and ad|eclives: by car, for saIe elc. Ireosilions foIIoving nouns and ad|eclives (advice on, afraid of elc), and verbs (Iaugh al, ask for elc.) Prnpnsizinni Main cIause Coordinale cIause Subordinale cIause (foIIoving sure and cerlain) Subordinale cIause (foIIoving knov, lhink, beIieve, hoe, say and leII) Subordinale cIause (foIIoving if, vhen, vhere, because) Main cIause Coordinale cIause Subordinale cIause (foIIoving sure and cerlain) Subordinale cIause (foIIoving knov, lhink, beIieve, hoe, say and leII) Subordinale cIause (foIIoving if, vhen, vhere, because) 3 Vcrbi RegoIari ed irregoIari RegoIari ed irregoIari Vcrbi mnda!i Can (abiIily, requesls, ermission) CouId (abiIily, oIile requesls) WouId (oIile requesls) WiII (fulure) ShaII (suggeslion, offer) ShouId (advice) May (ossibiIily) Have (gol) lo (obIigalion) Musl (obIigalion) Musln'l (Iack of obIigalion) Need (necessily) Needn'l (Iack of necessily),
Can (abiIily, requesls, ermission) CouId (abiIily, ossibiIily, oIile requesls) WouId (oIile requesls) WiII (offer) ShaII (suggeslion, offer) ShouId (advice) May (ossibiIily) Mighl (ossibiIily) Have (gol) lo (obIigalion) Oughl lo (obIigalion) Musl (obIigalion) Musln'l (Iack of obIigalion Need (necessily) Needn'l (Iack of necessily), Used lo + infinilive (asl habils) Vcrbi (tcmpi) Iresenl simIe: slales, habils and fulure meaning Iresenl conlinuous: resenl aclions and fulure meaning Iresenl erfecl simIe (recenl asl vilh |usl, indefinile asl vilh yel, aIready, never, ever, unfinished asl vilh for and since) Iasl simIe: asl evenls Iasl conlinuous: araIIeI asl aclions, conlinuous aclions inlerruled by lhe asl simIe lense Iulure vilh going lo, fulure vilh shaII and viII
Iresenl simIe: slales, habils and fulure meaning Iresenl conlinuous: resenl aclions and fulure meaning Iresenl erfecl simIe (recenl asl vilh |usl, indefinile asl vilh yel, aIready, never, ever, unfinished asl vilh for and since) Iasl simIe: asl evenls Iasl conlinuous araIIeI asl aclions, conlinuous aclions inlerruled by lhe asl simIe lense Iulure vilh going lo Iasl erfecl simIe: narralive, reorled seech Iulure vilh resenl conlinuous and resenl simIe Iulure vilh viII and shaII: offers, romises, rediclions elc Vcrbi (aspctti): Affirmalive, inlerrogalive, negalive Imeralives Infinilives (vilh and vilhoul lo) afler verbs and ad|eclives Gerunds as sub|ecls and ob|ecls Iassive forms (resenl and asl simIe) shorl queslions (Does he seak IngIish`) and ansvers (Yes, he does). Affirmalive, inlerrogalive, negalive Imeralives Infinilives (vilh and vilhoul lo) afler verbs and ad|eclives Gerunds (-ing form) afler verbs and reosilions Gerunds as sub|ecls and ob|ecls Iassive forms (resenl and asl simIe) Shorl queslions (Does he seak IngIish`) and ansvers (Yes, he does) Verb+ob|ecl+infinilive give/lake/send/bring/shov+ direcl/indirecl ob|ecl 4 Causalive have/gel So/nor vilh auxiIiaries Phrasa! vcrbs IhrasaI verbs/verbs vilh reosilion Ambiti tematico- lessicali In ordine alfabetico Livello A2 Livello B1 CIolhes DaiIy Iife Inlerlainmenl and media Iood and drink HeaIlh, medicine and exercise Hobbies and Ieisure House and home Language IeoIe IersonaI feeIings, oinions and exeriences IersonaI idenlificalion IIaces and buiIdings SchooI and sludy Services Shoing SociaI inleraclion Sorl The naluraI vorId Transorl TraveI and hoIidays Wealher Work and |obs CIolhes DaiIy Iife Iducalion Inlerlainmenl and media Iood and drink Iree Time HeaIlh, medicine and exercise Hobbies and Ieisure House and home Language IeoIe IersonaI feeIings, oinions and exeriences IersonaI idenlificalion IIaces and buiIdings ReIalions vilh olher eoIe Transorl Services Shoing SociaI Inleraclion Sorl The naluraI vorId TraveI and hoIidays Wealher Work and |obs Testi consigliati Testi consigliati Testi consigliati Testi consigliati Tcsti cnnsig!iati pcr !a prcparazinnc a! !ivc!!n A2 Raymond Murhy, Basic Grannar in Usc, Cambridge Universily Iress, Cambridge, 2002. MichaeI McCarlhy, IeIicily O'DeII, |ng|isn Vcca|u|arq in Usc ||cncniarq, Cambridge Universily Iress, Cambridge, 1999.
Tcsti cnnsig!iati pcr !a prcparazinnc a! !ivc!!n B1 5 Sluarl Redman, |ng|isn Vcca|u|arq in Usc Prc-inicrnc!iaic an! |nicrnc!iaic, Cambridge Universily Iress, Cambridge, 2003. Raymond Murhy, |ng|isn Grannar in Usc jcr |nicrnc!iaic Siu!cnis, Cambridge Universily Iress, Cambridge, 1997 (deI Iibro esislono anche versioni in ilaIiano, vilh keys elc.) Ia nuova edizione in ilaIiano verra ubbIicala a marzo 2005.
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