7551 7554 LearnSolution E

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1. Short Definition The usage of SAP Learning Solution/ SAP Enterprise Learning is measured in terms of the no. of learners. The objective of this document is to explain how this metric is calculated. Note: In the subsequent portions, the term SAP Learning Solution is used to refer to both SAP Learning solution, as well as SAP Enterprise Learning solutions. 2. Description of Metric The audit program will calculate the total no. of unique bookings made to courses in SAP Learning Solution in the current year (period of assessment). Though a learner might have participated in several courses during the assessment period, he/ she will be counted only once. Each unique bookable object including persons, contact persons, external persons, applicants, business partners, candidates, users and any other object types that are used as learners, will be counted as one learner using the system. Important: Please implement the note 1715523 before you start the measurement to make sure the audit program delivers the correct number of learners. Due to a program error the function module LSO_ACTIVATION_CONSISTENCY_CHK returns LSO activation status as TRUE even though it is not active, see note 1812655. If the USMM log displays a time period from January 1, 1990 to December, 31 9999 then please follow the instructions in note 1428478. Please see note 1876039 if the transaction USMM doesnt show up the value for ID 7554. 3. Notes on Measurement ID 7551 7552 7553 7554 Unit LSO Learner LSO Learner LSO Learner LSO Learner Measurement* Not relevant1) Not relevant1) Not relevant1) Relevant

* Measurement options are: Relevant: Reliable value Not Relevant: Not reliable value Threshold value: The measurement function described serves only to ascertain whether the product is in use or not. If the threshold is exceeded, the engine is deemed in use.

Due to a programming error, use of HR Organizational Management wrongly results in entries being generated in the tables. Consequently, a measurement value with ID 7551 or ID 7552 can be created even if SAP Learning Solution is not used. Therefore, the values from the measurement with ID 7551 or ID 7552 are not included in the evaluation of the system measurement. For measurement ID 7553 there were problems with the way Learning Solution activation status was determined. The problem has been rectified with the new measurement ID 7554, hence all evaluation with measurement 7553 are invalid and not included in the new measurement.


V1.5 (July 2013)

4. Information on Measurement Availability Measurement results are only displayed in the log if both the software component SAP_BASIS and the application are at the required Support Package (SP) level. Component Release >= 7.00 6.40 SAP_ BASIS 6.20 6.10 4.6C 4.6C 500 600 602 EA-HR/EAHRGXX 603 604 605 606 607 Shipment Standard SP12 SP49 SP45 SP39 SP49 SP04 SP87 SP66 SP61 SP53 SP30 SP15 SP04


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