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Teaching Kit

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LGA 3102


Introduction Table 1 : Kit Contents Table 2 : Description of the use of each teaching material Steps of using the teaching kit Table 3 : The importance of each Stage of lesson Table 4 : Materials used in each stage of teaching Conclusion Appendix 1 : Lesson Plan Appendix 2 : Picture Cards & Word Cards Appendix 3 : Power point Presentation Appendix 4 : Song lyrics Appendix 5 : Worksheet (Level 1) Appendix 6 : Worksheet (Level 2) Appendix 7 : Worksheet (Level 3) 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


A teaching kit is a box which contains a compilation of teaching aids or materials made to teach English Language. With the use of the teaching kit, teachers can conveniently take their teaching resources and materials into their lesson to make teaching more interesting and effective.

Besides having teaching aids and materials, this teaching also contains a manual book for every teacher who uses this teaching kit. This manual book provides the information on the method used, the materials and the instructions to use the materials in teaching the song What Do I Do? to Year 3 pupils. So, with the manual book on hand, the teacher can fully utilize all the teaching aids and materials provided in the teaching kit. Other than that, the teaching kit manual also contains the lesson plan and also the worksheets used in the teaching for the ease of every teacher who uses this teaching kit.

KIT CONTENTS This teaching kit consists of the teaching aids and materials as described in Table 1. The contents of the kit are sufficient to teach a 30-minute lesson of the song What Do I Do? for 1-30 of Year 3 pupils. Table 1: Kit Contents Kit Component Teaching Kit Manual Picture cards & Word Cards Audio CD and Power Point Presentation Amount Provided 1 12 1

Lyric of What do I do song Lesson Plan Worksheets: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

1 1 1 1 1

USING THE TEACHING KIT: In order to use the teaching kit correctly, the teacher should know the function of each teaching aid and material, as shown in table 2: Table 2: Description of the Use of Each Teaching Material Teaching Aids and Materials Teaching Kit Manual Description Provides comprehensive guidelines to all the

users of the manual. Audio CD and Power Point The Power Point Presentation should be shown at Presentation the set induction stage of the lesson and the audio should be played at the presentation stage of the

Picture cards



lesson. word With the use of picture cards and word cards, the pupils can see the new words introduced to them. Therefore, the pupils can link the pictures with new vocabulary and spell them correctly. As a guidance to the teacher kit users to show the

Lesson Plan (As attached in Book) Worksheets: (As Book) Level1 Level 2 Level 3 attached in

Manual flow of the lesson and also the time to use the teaching aids and materials. The worksheets will be distributed to the pupils in Manual the production stage. The worksheets are graded into 3 levels, which are level 1 for the beginner pupils, level 2 for the intermediate pupils and level 3 for the advance pupils.


The steps of using the teaching kit are shown as follows: a) Before teaching: 1. Read through the manual book in throughout in order to understand the basics of the teaching kit, the activity involves, and also the contents of the teaching kit. 2. Read though the lesson plan so that you know about the details of the lesson, i.e. the learning outcomes, teachers activity in each stage, the time to use each teaching aids, etc.

3. Make sure the number of copy of worksheets matches the number of pupils you want to teach. b) While teaching: 1. Insert the Audio CD and open the PowerPoint Slide file to show the song lyrics to the pupils. Ask the questions as stated in lesson plan. 2. Play the audio. Ask the questions as stated in lesson plan. Sing the song together with the pupils. 3. Divide the pupils in groups of four. Explain the coming task and distribute the lyric to every pupil. 4. Let the pupils practice the lyric for a while. Call out some groups to perform. 5. After they perform, distribute the worksheets to the pupils according to their competency level. c) After teaching: 1. Make sure all the teaching aids and materials are put back in the kit.


Basically, a lesson can be taught in five distinct stages: 1) Set Induction 2) Presentation 3) Practice 4) Production and 5) Closure. The importance of each stage of lesson is shown in the Table 3:

Table 3: The Importance of Each Stage of Lesson Stage of Lesson Set Induction (2 Minutes) Presentation (5 Minutes) To give the pupils the vocabulary and also forms (Herrin, 2009). So, the pupils will be introduced with the song of the lesson and they will be learning about the important words Practice (10 Minutes) Production (10 Minutes) Closure (3 Minutes) which will be used in this lesson. To create familiarity and confidence with the new language. In this stage, the classroom is beginning to become more learner-centered. To ensure the pupils have internalized the lesson by doing the task which requires pupils to externalize what has been learnt during the previous stages. To summarize the lesson and to boost their confidence level by performing in front of the class. Importance of The Stage of Lesson To draw the pupils attention and interest to the lesson.

So, what materials should a teacher use in each stage of teaching the song of What Do I Do? The use of the materials in each stage of teaching is shown in Table 4:

Table 4: Materials Used in Each Stage of Teaching Stage of Teaching Set Induction (2 Minutes) Presentation (5 Minutes) Practice (10 Minutes) Production (10 Minutes) Closure (3 Minutes) Materials Picture Cards, Word Cards. Audio CD, Power Point Slide Song Lyrics Task sheets at different level. No teaching material is used in this stage.

In conclusion, this teaching kit is a powerful teaching tool to teach the lesson of song What Do I Do? to Year 3 pupils. With this comprehensive manual book provided, it is hoped that the teacher can fully utilize the teaching materials provided in this teaching kit to maximize the effectiveness of the teaching in this topic.

Appendix 1: Daily Lesson Plan

Class Number of pupils Day 4 Date Time Level Theme Unit 4 Content Standards : : : : : : : : : Year 3 24 Language Arts 19th March 2013 8:10 a.m 8.40 a.m (30 minutes) Intermediate World of Knowledge People Around Me (Song : What Do I Do?) 4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs. 8

4.3 By the end of 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to plan, organize and produce creative works for enjoyment. Learning Standards : 4.1.1 Able to enjoy action songs, jazz chants and poems through non-verbal response. 4.3.2 Able to perform with guidance based on (c) action songs By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1. Listen to and enjoy themselves singing the song and answer the teachers questions orally. 2. Perform the song in front of the class. 3. Match the pictures to the correct phrases. Pupils already learn the topic occupation. Types of occupations teacher, soldier, doctor, pilot, policeman, postman Picture Cards, Word Cards, Audio CD, Power Point Slides, Worksheets To be confident (to perform in front of their friends)

Learning Outcomes

Previous knowledge Language focus

: :

Teaching and : learning resources Moral values :

Stage / Time Set Induction (2 minutes)

Content Question and answer with the aid of picture cards and word cards.

Teachers activity Teacher shows the picture cards and word cards. (teacher, soldier, doctor, pilot, policeman, postman) Teacher asks: 1. Who is this? 2. Where does he/she work?

Pupils activity Pupils look at the pictures and match them with the correct words. Pupils answer the teachers questions.

Remarks Materials: Pictures cards & Word cards. (teacher, soldier, doctor, pilot, policeman, postman) (Appendix 2) CCTS:

Presentation (5 minutes)

Singing by the Teacher sings the song teacher. what do I do with the aid Singing by the of the audio. pupils. Teacher shows power point slides (lyric) Teacher asks pupils to sing along. Teacher asks: 1. What does a teacher/soldier/ doctor/pilot/ postman/ policeman do? 2. Where does he/she work? 3. What is your ambition? Teacher divides the class into groups of four. Teacher explains the task to the pupils. Teacher distributes the lyrics of the song to the pupils. The teacher asks the pupils to perform in front of the class.

Relating The pupils listen Materials: to the teacher and Audio cd and look at the lyric. Power Point Slides (Appendix 3) The pupils sing along with the teacher. The pupils answer the teachers question. CCTS: Making associations and connections

Practice (10 minutes)

Group work: Singing in group.

The pupils move into their own groups. The pupils listen to the teachers instruction. The pupils read the lyrics of the song and practice in their group. The pupils perform the song in front of the class. Pupils listen to the instruction. Pupils read the task sheets and answer them.

Materials: Song lyrics (Appendix 4 CCTS: Associating

Moral Value: Confident Materials: Task sheets at different level (Appendix 5, 6 and 7) CCTS:

Production (10 minutes)

Individual Activity: Written work.

Teacher explains the next task of the lesson. Teacher distributes the task sheets to the pupils. Level 1


Pupils match the pictures with the correct words - (fill in the missing letters) Level 2 Pupils match the picture with the correct phrases. Level 3 Pupils solve the riddles given. Teacher asks the pupils to exchange their task sheets and reads out the correct answers. Teacher lets the pupils to talk about their ambition. Pupils exchange task sheet and do peer checking. The pupils give reasons why they choose the specific job to be their ambition. The pupils need to find and collect pictures of their favourite ambition.


Closure (3 minutes)

Individual Talk about their ambition.

Teacher gives homework: Find and collect pictures of your favourite ambition.

** The teacher can give the pupils a higher level of worksheets to challenge their pupils.

Appendix 2: Picture Cards & Word Cards



Teacher Soldier

Policeman Postman Doctor Pilot


Appendix 3: Power Point Presentation



Appendix 4: Song Lyrics


Madam Teacher, Madam Teacher. What do you do? What do you do? I teach you English, I teach you English. Thats what I do, thats what I do. Mr. Policeman, Mr. Policeman. What do you do? What do you do? I catch bad people, I catch bad people. Thats what I do, thats what I do.


Mr. Soldier, Mr. Soldier. What do you do? What do you do? I protect my country, I protect my country. Thats what I do, thats what I do.



Mr. Pilot, Mr. Pilot. What do you do? What do you do? I fly an aeroplane, I fly an aeroplane. Thats what I do, thats what I do.


Mr. Postman, Mr. Postman. What do you do? What do you do? I deliver letters, I deliver letters. Thats what I do, thats what I do.


Mr. Doctor, Mr. Doctor. What do you do? What do you do? I treat my patients, I treat my patients. Thats what I do, thats what I do.


Appendix 5: Worksheet (Level 1) Name : _______________ Date : _____________ Match the pictures given with the correct words and fill in the missing letters. 1.

P__l__ __em __ __


__ o__t__r


P__s__m__ __




T__ __ c__ er


S__ld __ __r

Appendix 6: Worksheet (Level 2) Name : _______________ Date : _____________ Match the pictures given with the correct phrases. 1.

My job is to treat sick patients.

2. My job is to fly an aeroplane.

3. My job is to deliver letters and parcels.

4. My job is to teach in a school.

5. My job is to catch thieves and bad people.


My job is to defend our country from enemies.


Appendix 7: Worksheet (Level 3) Name : _______________ Date : _____________ Solve the riddles given by matching it with the correct pictures. I wear white coat and treat sick people. I use stethoscope to check my patients. Who am I?



I wear uniform and I fly high in the sky. I work with steward and stewardess. Who am I?


I wear uniform and often send good or bad news to people. I send big and small parcels too. Who am I?


I love children very much. I teach them. I use chalks to write on the blackboard. Who am I?


My job is to catch thieves and bad people. I will carry pistols on my waist when I am working. Who am I?


I wear uniform. My job is to defend our country from enemies. I will carry big guns when I am on patrol. Who am I?

Coursework 3 Part II : Teaching and Reflection Reflection After I carried out the lesson plan for my students, I noticed that I have balanced of strengths and weaknesses in my activity. The two main strengths that I have are I could manage my class very well and the objectives were achieved. My class management was very good. This is because I have the advantage to teach in the rural school which my Year 3 students are only 2 in a class. First of all, the lesson was fun in its nature. The pupils enjoyed the lesson and participated actively in the process of learning. Second, I found that the pupils like to sing very much even after school they kept singing and humming the song. During my set induction, my students were very energetic and they did give me the full attention. They could recall the types of occupation they had learn from the previous lesson. In the end of my set induction, I was satisfied with my students positive feedback. This is an advantage for me because they pay more attention to me and allow them to relate information from the previous lesson. For the presentation stage, it was quite okay. The weakness in this stage is I did not manage to play the audio loud enough and present the Power Point slides as the speaker and projector in my school cannot be used. Luckily my students are only 2 of them, so I just showed them using my laptop. Nevertheless, my pupils enjoyed themselves singing the song and could relate the song with the questions asked by me.


During my practice stage, what I did was to get my students to perform individually. Stated in the lesson plan was in a group of four students but

because of my year 3 students are only two of them, so I decided to make them to perform individually. I could see my students gain confidence by singing in front of the class. My students enjoyed themselves even though it was a little boring for them to perform alone because there was not many students in the class compare to the urban schools. In my production stage, I distributed worksheets for my students. They could do the three level worksheets brilliantly because they were easy for my students. The things that I would change in the lesson kit are to add more challenging activities such as to use many new vocabularies words related to the topic. For my closure, what I did was to let my pupils to talk about their ambition. What would they like to be when they grow up. I also gave them homework which acquires them to find pictures related to their favourite job. The time

management was quite okay because I exceeded 5 minutes compared to the duration of time which was only 30 minutes. presentation stage instead of 5 minutes. On the other hand, from this course, I learn new thing which I never thinking that I would be learning which is to create a teaching kit. For my opinion, teaching vocabulary in my class is very interesting and fun. This is because I usually use word cards and picture cards to help my slow learners but in this case I also interpreted song as a tool for my students to learn better. The word It took 10 minutes in the


drills can be bore compared to song. I manage to manipulated the song in order to teach them meaning of the words because I think it is better for them to know the meaning rather than drilling like a parrot without knowing anything. Overall, I am satisfied with my lessons even though I can improve it. I achieved my objective and I carried it out successfully.


Coursework 2 Songs and Poetry in the ESL Classroom (c) Discussion From the discussion with my colleague, we do agree that by using songs and poems in our lesson plans do give the positive impacts on our pupils. By examining the questionnaire, my colleague does strongly agree that song and poems should be an essential part of the English teaching curriculum for young learners. This is because; it is a fun way of learning English implicitly and gives the positive feedbacks and impacts. Besides that, we do know that by applying songs and poems in our lesson will highly motivating and entertaining way of teaching English and easy to understand. Songs and poems can accelerate the memorization of vocabulary. Songs and poems provide a large amount of repetition which results in automatic use of the target language. We agree that during our lesson in the class, by implementing songs as part of our lesson, our pupils can achieve the entire objective, also manage to answer all the questions given with less error. After the discussion, we strongly disagree that using songs or poems to teach English may distract pupils attention during the lesson. The only problem is not to have enough resources to use as songs and poems. Using songs and poems in our classes also can be time consuming. Overall, my colleague and I do use songs or poems to teach our pupils in school. Even though my colleague in average of using only 1 song or poem in a month, I did mine twice a month for my year 1 and year 3 classes. We always


make use of the textbook to the best by using the songs and poems to the fullest to teach them. Overall, in our school, SK Tegelam, both of us are the only English teachers here. We do implement songs in our teaching and learning process in our teaching and learning process averagely.


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