Running Head: SECTION 1210-1215 and Rule 19

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Running Head: SECTION 1210-1215 and Rule 19

Section 1210-1215 & Rule 19

Chia, Khenneth C. Calubo, Rowell B. Comia, Arlene M. Dionaldo, Bart Andrew G.

AR1032 Far Eastern University, Recto Manila September 1, 2012

Section 12.10. Penthouses and Roof Structures In this section discusses the height required, the area needed, the limited uses of a penthouse and roof structures, and appropriate construction for penthouses and roof structures. Just like what you see the most common uses that are installed in the structure. Height shall not exceed 8.40 meters above the roof when used as an enclosure for water tanks or for elevators and in some cases shall not exceed more than 3.60 meters in height with the roof. The area of the penthouses answers that it shall not exceed 1/3 the area of the roof. Through this, the uses also of penthouses is limited, like a bulkhead, were it usually used to house mechanical equipment like mechanical equipment of an elevators, or to house a tank, and also to enclose vertical shaft openings. The construction of pent houses shall conform to the national building code Philippines of type III and type IV construction. Another option is to use type IV construction only but walls shall not be less than 1.5 meters from the exterior wall. In addition, skeleton towers were it functions as radio masts, neon signs, or advertisement frames and spires were also used in penthouses. Roof structures shall be designed to withstand a wind load from any direction in addition to any other loads. Section 1211: Chimneys, Fireplaces and Barbecues In this section, we would discuss about how to properly construct a chimney and proper standard of the dimensions of a chimney. Thus no chimney shall support any structural load other than its own weight, making it a free standing member of a structure. Chimneys in a wood frame shall be placed laterally at the ceiling line and at each floor line. The walls of masonry shall have brick, stones and reinforced concrete.

These are the types of Masonry Chimneys: Masonry Chimney for Residential Type AppliancesThis type of masonry chimney is for the appliances used in a typical home, like for example the range with stove. And its reinforced concrete shall not be less than 100 mm thick. Masonry Chimneys for Low Heat Appliances- The reinforced concrete shall not be less than 200 mm thick. Masonry Chimneys for Medium Heat Appliances- A chimney used with appliances that produce maximum flue gas temperatures of 1800F (982C), composed of listed, factory-built components, suitable for open, non-enclosed use at specified minimum clearances to combustibles, and assembled in accordance with the terms of the listing to form the completed chimney. Masonry Chimney for High Heat Appliances- This type of masonry chimney shall be constructed with double walls of solid masonry units because of the high heat temperature

Masonry Chimneys for Incinerators Installed in MultiStorey Buildings- This type of masonry chimney is applicable in the apartment type buildings. It should not be higher than 9 meters above the roof of the combustion chamber.

Masonry Chimneys for Commercial and Industrial Type Incinerators- This type of masonry chimneys can be seen in the factories with those high chimneys. The lining shall extend for not less than 12 meters above the roof of the combustion chamber.

The masonry chimneys lining should not be less than 15 mm thick and it shall be installed ahead of construction of the chimney as it is carried up and carefully embedded on the other fire clay. The height of a masonry chimney shall extend at least 600 mm above the part of the roof through which it passes. All masonry chimneys should have a cleanout for clearing any clogged path.

B. Fireplaces and Barbeques Fireplaces and Barbeques and other standards measurements of fireplaces etc .Are discussed. First the fireplaces is a masonry or reinforced concrete and the fireplaces should have a walls that 200 millimeters in thickness to resist the heat produced by fire. The hood must a nonferrous metal metal and non-corrosive metals to prevent from rust. The smoke chamber shall have a circulation inside to circulate the hot air faster the area of flues, throats and dampers between the firebox and the smoke chamber of a fireplaces shall not be less than the requirements. Where dampers are used, it shall have not less than no. 12 gauge metal. The

lintel of a fireplace shall be made of masonry or concrete materials and non-combustible materials like bricks to prevent form burning. Section 1212. Fire-Extinguishing systems (a) In every structure with an area of 200 square meters that consist of occupant load of more than 20 is required a standard automatic fire extinguishing system.

(b) In every building consisting four or more storeys in height shall be equipped with one or more dry standpipes. The dry standpipes to be used shall be tested by the owner of the building contactor and it shall be:

A wrought iron or galvanized steel and together with fittings and the connections shall have a sufficient strength to withstand 20 kilograms per square centimeter of water pressure for service, without leaking at the joints, valves, or fittings.

The sizes to be used shall be capable of delivering 900 liters of water per minute from each of any three outlets simultaneously under the pressure created by one fire engine or pumper.

In every buildings with four or more storeys in height that have an area above the third floor is 950 square meters or less shall be equipped with at least one dry standpipes.

Located within enclosed stairway landings All 100 millimeters dry standpipes shall be equipped with a two-way Siamese fire department connection.

Extend from the ground floor and over the roof and shall be equipped with 63 millimeters outlet no more than 1.20 meters above the floor level at each storey.

Attached a iron or bronze signs with raised letters at least 25 millimeters.

(c) In every building occupancy with over 1800 square meters shall be equipped with one or more interior wet standpipes. Interior wet standpipes to be constructed shall be with the same materials to be used as same to dry standpipes. The sizes shall have an internal diameter sufficient to deliver 190 liters of water per minute under 2.0 kilograms per square centimeter pressure at the hose connections. The number of wet standpipes hall be determined within the portion of the building are 6.00 meters of the nozzle attached. In Group H and I occupancies, outlets shall be located as follows; one on one side of the stage, one at the rear of the balcony. All interior wet standpipes shall be equipped with a 38 millimeter valve in each storey The threads used in connection with the installation of each standpipes, including valves and reducing fittings shall be uniform with the secretary prescribed. The interior wet standpipes shall be connected to the main street not less than 100 millimeters in diameter, and standpipe shall be connected at their bases or at their bases when there are more than one interior wet standpipe. Tanks shall have a capacity sufficient to gurnish at least 1,500 litters per minute for period of not less than 10 minutes.

Fire pumps shall have a capacity of not less than 1,000 liters per minute with a pressure of not less than 2 kilograms per square sm. At the topmost hose outlet.

Each hose outlet of all interior wet standpipes shall supplied with a hose not less than 38 millimeters in diameter.

(d) Basement pipe inlets shall be installed in the first floor of every store, warehouse, or factory where there are cellars. (e) All fire extinguishing systems, including automatic sprinklers, wet and dry standpipes, automatic chemical extinguishers, basement pipe inlets shall meet the approval of the fire department. Section 1213. Stages and Platform In this section the considerations of the stages and platform are discussed with the safety and security, proper ventilation and how should it be constructed. The stage shall have one or more ventilators made of metal and other incombustible materials to protect the stage from probable danger. Glass is also used in ventilators for protection against falling on the stage. The stage used spring onto their doors to prevent wide opening and used for ventilators. The fusible link shall be placed in the cable control system on the underside of the ventilator for easy maintaining and facilitating of the fuse. The opening and closing of the doors of the ventilator shall be located whereas designated by the building official. b. Gridirons the gridirons, fly galleries and pin rails shall be constructed by incombustible materials and protected by fire like stel and iron. It is designed to carry load like people and it is supported a live load of not less than 367 kilograms per square meter. The head of it is provided with an

adequate strong back or lateral brace to offset torque to make it more stronger. The room accessory to stage like dressing rooms, workshops, and store rooms shall be one hour fire resistive occupancy separation. The proscenium walls Have two hour incombustible construction it shall extend not less than 1.20 meters above the roof over auditorium and we all know that a stage where the performers perform shall be carry load and strong it should support not les than 620 kilograms per square meters openings through stage floor shall be equipped with tight fitting trap doors of wood of nt less than 5 millimeters nominal thickness. The stage exits shall be clear from any destruction to make people safe when in case of fire. The stairs required in this sub-section need not be enclosed to prevent suffocation from smoke. Section 12.14. Motion Pictures Projector Room Motion pictures projection room is a room that incorporates the use of ribbon type film. Usually, 22mm millimeter film in width. You can see this in some shopping malls, what they call the projection room. The construction for projection room shall be constructed with a one-hour fire resistive wall. The ceiling shall be of 2.4 m high form the finish floor line. For a projection room shall have at least two doorways for more accessibility. In case of fire, there will be two doorways which will be opened outwards same as the fire exit doors that will be used. Another application of a motion projector room is the auditorium. You will see in an auditorium with a separate part for projectors, which it is most likely can see in a schools. Ports and Openings are also required for a projection room. Where you can place in a port, the wirings or cables, for ports, it is installed with the use of glass pane, for acetates. Shutters are constructed with a sliding glass pane where it also used as ventilation and when not in use, like the superglue shall be kept closed. Ventilation consist of an inlet and an outlet. Inlets are used were fresh air is used and outlet where air inside the projection room, the excess and used air goes out, same as the exhaust that are used in the kitchen. Equipment regulations

discusses that all shelves, fixtures, and fixed equipment in a projection room shall be constructed of incombustible materials. In must all be not in the sake of fire zone. No combustible materials shall be used. All films not in actual use shall be stored in metal cabinets having individual compartments for reels or shall be in generally accepted shipping containers. No solder or what we call hinang shall be used in the construction of such cabinets. Section 12.15. Lathing, Plastering, and Installation of Wall Boards The installation of lath, plaster and gypsum wall board shall conform to the fire-resistive rating requirements and the type of construction of building. Rule XIX The use of Computers RULE XIX, about the use of computers, talks about, how computer are generated into the building. Design should follow the general rule of the use of computer must be applied. Like what we have the most common, the control room for an electrical room, or a transformer vault. Usually the main factor in using a computer is to help the users work faster. Also, computers are used to program parts of the design of the building. Program Documentation also talks about filing with OBO, a reference for publication. An example of this Rule is by using AutoCAD. AutoCAD uses software to make working drawings much easier and faster. Computer generated features in a building shall be kept private, were it functions as a control room , like using cameras, cctv.


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