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A Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING

By: Jalaj Sharma Pranshu Singhal Drigansh Kumar Akshit Bedi

University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology Panjab University, Chandigarh 4th June, 2012 - 13th July, 2012


Apart from ones own effort, the success of any project depends largely on the encouragement and guidance of many others. We take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the working and successful completion of this project. We would like to show our greatest appreciation to our mentors Mr. Shailesh K. Patel and Miss Geetanjali Tomar, for their tremendous support and help. Without their encouragement and guidance this project would not have materialized. We would also like to thank Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Mr. Jeegnesh Balsara, Mr. Rajat Kumar Sen, Mr Avinash, Mr. Arjun Rathi, Mr. Bhola Nath, Mr. Aditya Mahajan, Mr. Hardeep Singh Rekhi for sharing their expertise in their field and enlightening us with their vast knowledge. It was a privilege to understand the operations at the company and we express our gratitude towards PETRONET LNG LTD for providing us with an opportunity to undergo this training.



Properties of LNG


About Petronet LNG



About LNG Terminal at Dahej



Global and Indian Energy Scenario: At a Glance. And Recent Gas Scenario in the World



Natural Gas Scenario in India



Process Flow Diagram



Process Description


a)Main Facilities b)LNG Unloading System c)LNG Storage System d)LNG Send Out System 9. Process and Instrumentation Diagram 50


Key Systems of the Plant



General Safety Practices

a)Personnel Safety b)Safety Practices c)Detector Systems d)Emergency Shutdown System 12. Mass and Heat Balance



a)Introduction b)Calculations 13. Pressure Drop Calculations 79





Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is made up, for the most part, of methane (CH4), which accounts for 75 per cent to 95 per cent of its volume. Natural gas is colourless at ambient temperature and it is also odourless and nontoxic. The extremely low temperatures of LNG make it a cryogenic liquid. Generally substances which are at -100 0C or lower are termed as cryogenics. Natural gas can be obtained from three different sources: On and off shore reservoirs, which are mainly gas bearing (non associated gas); Condensate reservoirs, and Large oil fields (associated gas). Natural gas contains smaller quantities of heavier hydrocarbons, in addition to varying amounts of water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), nitrogen (N2) and other non-hydrocarbon substances. Gas composition will vary depending on its geographical origin.

Table.1 below provides an example of how gas composition can vary.

Typically, most gas today considered for liquefaction has less than 100ppm H2S, 5% CO2 and 5%N2. Before liquefaction can occur H2S and CO2 must be removed. This process is generally referred to as gas sweetening. In addition, depending the commerciality of this gas, natural gas liquids (ethane + hydrocarbon components C2+) are extracted to desired level. This level can range from 75% to 94% C2+ recovery. After natural gas has been prepared for liquefaction, it is liquefied for shipping at a temperature of approximately -160C. By liquefying the gas its volume is reduced by a factor of 600, which means that LNG at -160C uses 1/600 of the space required for the same weight of gas at ambient temperature. Figure 1 briefly describes the sequence of operation in LNG liquefaction plant. LNG is a clear liquid, much lighter than water, with density between 430 520kg/m3.A mixture of 5% to 14% of methane gas in air can ignite when in contact with a spark or naked flame. When the liquid is loaded onto a ship, it immediately starts to boil, or return to vapor form as it warms up by cooling the ships containment system and form heat leakages through the tank insulation. The lighter components, having lower boiling point, vaporize first. Nitrogen, although having a higher molecular wt. than methane has a lower boiling point and forms a large part of the initial boil-off gas. The vapor phase of a tank can include up to 50% or more nitrogen in the initial hours after loading, depending on the composition of LNG. This is important because, on the LNG tankers, boil-off vapor is used as fuel in the ships boiler. In this case the usable combustible gas is reduced by nitrogen content and the combustion control systems must be designed to take this in account. Evaporation at different rates means that the gas delivered at the end of the voyage has a slightly lower proportion of nitrogen and methane than when loaded and a higher proportion of ethane, propane and butane. When LNG is exposed to ambient temperature, as in the case of a leak, it vaporizes quickly. At liquid temperature the gas is 1.4 times heavier than air, but, as it becomes warmer, its density decreases, reaches .55 times that of air at ambient temperature.


LNG is a cryogenic liquid. Cryogenic liquids are those at temperatures colder than -73C at atmospheric pressure, LNG boils at approximately -162C. Other common cryogenic liquids are hydrogen, oxygen, helium and nitrogen. LNG is composed primarily of methane; thus, its physical chemical properties are similar to methane. LNGs properties vary slightly as the amounts and types of non methane compounds in it vary. Properties of LNG that have safety implications include auto ignition temperature and ignition energy, heat of vaporization, boiling point, flammability limits, heat transfer rate of boiling liquid and density and specific gravity. Each of these properties of methane and LNG is discussed below along with the relation of property to safety and fuel use. LNG may weather (become enriched with heavier hydrocarbons) as the LNG in storage boils off. The boil off is virtually methane and nitrogen, leaving behind the heavier hydrocarbons. Although weathering can lead to significant increases in the proportion of heavier hydrocarbons in LNG, it is important to note that the enriched liquid remains fully mixed, that is a layer of heavier hydrocarbons doesnt form at the bottom of the tank. In addition to the amount of LNG vapor removed, other factors that affect the significance of weathering include the percentage of heavier hydrocarbons in the initial LNG. LNG with very low amounts of heavier hydrocarbons (i.e. less than 1%) should require a greater percentage of vapor removal to undergo a significant weathering. Weathering is also not an issue when pure liquid methane is considered.

Auto Ignition Temperature

Auto Ignition temperature is the lowest temperature at which the gas should ignite without a spark. The auto ignition temperature of LNG varies with composition. As the composition of heavier hydrocarbons in LNG is increased, the auto ignition temperature is lowered. The average auto ignition temperature for pure methane at atmospheric pressure is 537C.

Boiling Point At sea level atmospheric pressure, LNG boils at -161C. An increase in storage pressure raises the boiling point.

Flammability Limits Burning of fuel requires an ignition source and proper concentration of fuel and oxygen. When the fuel concentration exceeds its upper flammability (UFL), it cannot burn because insufficient oxygen. When the fuel concentration is below its lower flammability limit (LFL) it cannot burn because insufficient fuel. Flammability limits of fuel is based on the percentage of oxygen in air (21% oxygen). The lower and upper flammability limit of methane in air is 5% and 15% by volume respectively. In a closed tank, the percentage of methane is 100% thus, it cannot ignite. Methane leaking from a tank ventilated area is likely to rapidly dissipate to less than 5%. Because of this rapid dissipation, only a small area near the leak would have the proper concentration for ignition. In a closed, purely ventilated the chance of collection enough fuel in air for ignition increases significantly. The heavier hydrocarbons have lower flammability limits than methane causing the lower flammability limit of LNG to decrease with increased concentration of heavier hydrocarbons.





LNG concentration in Air ( v/v %)

Density and Specific Gravity Density is a measurement of mass per unit of volume and is an absolute quantity. Because LNG is not a pure substance the density of LNG varies slightly with its actual composition. The density of LNG falls between 430 kg/m3 and 470 kg/m3. Specific gravity is a relative quantity. Specific gravity of a gas is the ratio of the density of that gas to the density of air at 15.60C. Any gas with the specific gravity less than 1 is lighter than air(buoyant) and on the other hand any gas with a specific gravity greater than 1 is heavier than air (negatively buoyant). The specific gravity of methane at ambient temperature is 0.554, therefore it is lighter than air and buoyant. Under ambient conditions LNG will become a vapour. As it vaporizes, the cold vapours will condense the moisture in air often causing the formation of a white vapour cloud until the gas warms, dilutes and disperses. Flame Temperature LNG has a very high flame temperature. Simply stated it burns quickly and ia a better heat source than gasoline. The methane in LNG has a flame temperature of about 1,330oC, in comparison to gasoline which has a flame temperature of 1,027oC. The physical properties of various cryogenics have been tabulated as under:
Table 2. Physical Properties of Common Cryogens*
Components Boiling Point (K) Liquidto-gas Expans ion Ratio Gas Specif ic Densi ty Critical Temper ature (K) Critic al Press ure (atm) Liquid Densi ty (g/l) Explosi ve/ fire danger

Air Argon CO 2 He

-87.3 194.7 4.2

-860 790 780

1.00 1.39 1.70 0.14

-150.9 304.2 5.2

-48.3 72.8 2.2

-1402 1560 125

No No No No

H2 N2 O2 LNG

20.3 77.3 90.2 111

865 710 875 600

0.07 0.97 1.11 0.6

33.0 126.3 154.8 154.5

12.8 33.5 50.1 49.7

71 808 1410 430470

Yes No Yes Yes


The government has chosen Petronet LNG Limited (PLL) with Gaz de France as an equity holder, to set up LNG receiving terminals in India .Petronet LNG is at the forefront of India's all-out national drive to ensure the country's energy security in the years to come. Formed as a Joint Venture by the Government of India to import LNG and set up LNG terminals in the country, it involves India's leading oil and natural gas industry players. Our promoters are GAIL (India) Limited (GAIL), Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) and Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL). The authorized ($240 million). shareholding of capital is Rs. 1,200 crore The break up of the the company is as follows:

PLL shall, after importing the natural gas in liquid form, regasify it in its own terminal and supply to the off takers, at which point, GAIL has the obligation of a 60 % off take followed by IOC (30%) and BPCL (10%). Petronet LNG Limited, one of the fastest growing world-class companies in the Indian energy sector, has set up the country's first LNG receiving and regasification terminal at Dahej, Gujarat, and is in the process of building another terminal at Kochi, Kerala. While the Dahej terminal has a nominal capacity of 10 MMTPA [equivalent to 40 MMSCMD of natural gas], the Kochi terminal will have a capacity of 5 MMTPA [equivalent to 20 MMSCMD of natural gas. The regasified LNG from Dahej LNG terminal will replace a large volume of liquid fuels. It is supplementing one third of existing indigenous gas supply in order to meet the deficit of natural gas for the core sectors of economy like power, fertilizer and other industries. Setting up of Petronet LNG was the first step in liberalizing and commercializing the LNG segment of the Indian gas industry, and encouraging the use of a clean, environmentally friendly fuel. PLL has demonstrated that the successful importation of LNG at competitive prices is possible, thereby supporting the liberalization of the gas sector and enhancing the level of private sector participation in the energy sector. PLL has demonstrated the high standards of performance that can be achieved by a modern, well-run public-private partnership managed on a commercial basis. PLLs business success has been excellent due to lower-than-expected operating expenses and interest costs. Further, PLL has demonstrated that the use of LNG technology is feasible in India. Petronet LNG is in the process of commissioning its second LNG regassification Terminal at Kochi.


LNG TERMINAL,DAHEJ under construction

Petronet LNG Ltd. set up Indias first LNG Receiving and Regassification Terminal at Dahej, in the Gulf of Cambay, Bharuch District, in the state of Gujarat on the west cost of India which is also the first LNG terminal in South Asia. PLL is in the process of commissioning another terminal at Kochi in

Kerala with the capacity of2.5 MMTPA by December 2012.

LNG Terminal, Dahej

Major LNG import terminals in India

Including the Petronet-promoted Dahej project, in Gujarat, the west coast is home to eight of the 12 importprojects under consideration (see Table 1). The western region is home to about 60% of the countrys chemicalsand fertiliser plants and a significant number of gas-fired power plants are under consideration in the western states.Gujarat could be home to not only four of the eight terminals, but has also made significant advances in developinga local gas pipeline network. The Dahej LNG Terminal, which occupies 55 Hectares (Ha) of land, was initially commissioned to handle a nominal capacity of 5 MMTPA initially, which is equivalent to 20 MMSCMD of natural gas, with a provision for expansion up to 10 MMTPA. The expansion of the terminal took place in 2009 and now operates at a capacity of 10MMTPA which is equivalent to 40 MMSCMD of natural gas. Natural Gas from this terminal is being distributed to consumers through a pipeline from Dahej to the Vijaipur, which runs parallel to the existing HBJ Pipeline from Vemar (84 KM from Dahej). The terminal is currently supplying Regasified LNG, which is being marketed in the States of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana and Punjab through the HBJ Pipeline network. The marine facilities for Dahej Terminal includes a 2.4km long all weather Jetty. The receiving, storage and regassification facilities include unloading arms, four tanks of 148,000m 3 capacity each, vaporization system and utilities and off-site facilities. A second jetty is to be constructed at the terminal whose commissioning shall begin in August 2010.

PLL has signed LNG Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) i.e., take-or-pay agreement for 25 years with RasLaffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company Ltd. (Ras Gas) Qatar, a joint venture between Exxon Mobil and Qatar Petroleum, for the supply of LNG to India on FOB Basis. The first cargo of LNG from RasGas was received at Dahej LNG Terminal on January 30, 2004. Dahej Terminal commenced gas supplies to its off takers (GAIL, IOC and BPCL) on 29 th Feb 2004 and after the commissioning of the gas pipeline, commenced commercial operations from 1 st April, 2004. GAIL (India) Limited, one of the Promoters-cum-Off takers shall be the sole transporter of the entire quantity of Regasified-LNG available. The other off takers of regasified LNG viz. IOCL and BPCL will use the

pipeline of GAIL (India) Limited by executing Gas Transmission Agreements.

PLL signed Time Charter Agreements with the Consortium (Ship owners) led by M/s Mitsui OSK Lines Limited of Japan, two LNG Tankers of 138,000 cu.m capacity each, and one LNG Tanker of 155,000 cu.m capacity for transportation of 7.5 MMTPA LNG from RasGas, Qatar to LNG Terminal at Dahej, Gujarat for a period ending 30th April 2028.. The other members of the consortium are NYK Line & K line of Japan, The Shipping Corporation of India Limited and Qatar Shipping Company. The first LNG Tanker - DISHA (138,000 cu.m) has been delivered on 9th January, 2004 followed by second LNG Tanker - RAAHI (138,000cu.m) on 16th December 2004 and the Third LNG tanker Aseem (155,000 cu.m) on 16th November 2009.The tankers have been constructed by Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Company (DSME), South Korea. The engineering procurement and construction (EPC) contract has been awarded to The IHI (Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries) Consortium, consisting of IHI, Toyo Engineering India Ltd (TEIL) and BallestNedam International (BNI). PLL has selected M/s Foster Wheeler Energy Limited, UK as the Project Management Consultant (PMC) who is responsible for regular review, monitoring and assisting the Company and its project Management Team in implementation of the project at the site.


As of 2011, the demand for oil and conventional coal has increased considerably since 2006, but demand for natural gas has grown by almost 50%. Despite the scientific interest in fusion energy, including important research by the Chinese, the process is still seen to be a very long way off. Overall, global energy use has grown by over 36% since 2005. Conventional oil supply has grown at a much slower pace (17%), so it is losing its market share. However, note that oil from tar sands has grown rapidly and now supplies over 2% of the worlds total. Conventional coal has also grown more slowly than the total (15%) and hence has lost share, although the new coal processes such as liquefaction and gasification have grown rapidly and now make up about 3% of the total. Not only has natural gas grown greatly, but it is now contributing an amount of energy that is of the same magnitude as coal and oil. Nuclear (fission) and hydro continue to supply significant amounts, about 5% of the total. All of the other so-called promising renewables are still waiting in the wings. One spot that is a bit brighter than the rest is terrestrial solar energy. Although space solar projects have foundered, terrestrial solar energy has grown. The questions about space solar resulted from high anticipated costs, uncertainty about the technology, and the unproven net energy balance of the scheme. (There is some suspicion that pro-oil interests have engaged in anti-space power lobbying.) Yet terrestrial solar (photovoltaics, solar thermal, and solar power towers) is now approaching a healthy 1% of the worlds energy supply. Ethanol is a particularly important fuel and fuel additive. Of course, it comes from many sources: waste, cellulose, corn, sugarcane, palm oil, sweet

sorghum, saw grass, and so on, so agricultural polices throughout the world were adjusted to encourage this renewable supply. Genetic research into new, higher-alcohol-producing varieties was encouraged. Engine designs were altered to accept fuel blends in which ethanol (and other alcohols) represented a higher and higher percentage. Brazil, which was a prodigious producer of sugarcane-based ethanol, became a major exporter of the fuel, and by 2010 half of its exports were going to Japan. The parade of ethanol exporters grew and, to mention a few, included Argentina, Australia, Central and South American countries (such as El Salvador), Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, and Poland. As early as 2004, India established programs to encourage ethanol production. The EU, with its huge agricultural production of sugar and grain, converted a major portion of its surplus into fuels (Germany and France led in the production of biofuels). And to boost the possibility of a European biofuels industry, the EU introduced protective tariffs on imported ethanol. The U.S. and other countries cried protectionism and created ethanol reserves. Antigenetic modification attitudes in Europe were deeply ingrained and continued, and production of the crops needed for this embryonic industry were lower than they might have been. The European countries opposing genetic modification included Austria, France, Portugal, Greece, Denmark, and Luxembourg. With the emphasis on ethanol, world food supply became imbalanced and hunger increased. There were brave experiments that attempted to use marginal lands and brackish water for the production of alcohol crops, but these added only marginally to the acreage. It seemed that the world could not have both adequate food and expanded production of alcohol grains. It was indeed business as usual.

Table 1. Evolution of the World Energy Mix (Business as Usual Scenario)

Till 2011, all of the net growth took place in emerging economies, with China alone accounting for 71% of global energy consumption growth. OECD consumption declined, led by a sharp decline in Japan in volumetric terms, the worlds largest decline. The data suggests that growth in global CO2 emissions from energy use continued in 2011, but at a slower rate than in 2010. Energy price developments were mixed. Oil prices for the year exceeded $100 for the fi rst time ever (in money-of-the-day terms) and infl ationadjusted prices were the second-highest on record, behind only 1864. Crude oil prices peaked in April following the loss of Libyan supplies. The differential between Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) reached a record premium (in $/bbl) due to infrastructure bottlenecks driven by rapidly-rising US and Canadian production. Natural gas prices in Europe and Asia including spot markets and those indexed to oil increased broadly in line with oil prices, although movements within the year varied widely. North American prices reached record discounts to both crude oil and to international gas markets due to continued robust regional production growth. Coal prices increased in all regions. World primary energy consumption grew by 2.5% in 2011, roughly in line with the 10-year average. Consumption in OECD countries fell by 0.8%, the third decline in the past four years. Non-OECD consumption grew by 5.3%, in line with the 10-year average. Global consumption growth decelerated in 2011 for all fuels, as did total energy consumption for all regions. Oil remains the worlds leading fuel, at 33.1% of global energy consumption, but oil continued to lose market share for the twelfth consecutive year and its current market share is the lowest in since 1965.

As regards energy consumption, 16% of the global population in the OECD countries, would consume, by the year 2030, more than 40% of energy and the balance about 84% of the global population in the non-OECD areas would consume a little less than 60% of the total energy consumed in the world. No doubt, during the period 2005 to 2030, the rate of growth of energy consumption in the non-OECD countries would be higher than in OECD countries and would vary between 1.3% in the Russian-Caspian area to 3.2% in the Asia Pacific areas, as opposed to the rate of growth of energy consumption during this period in the OECD countries being in the range of 0.6% in North America to 0.9% in the Asia Pacific region. Still as mentioned earlier, by the year 2030, 16% of global population would consume as much as 40% of the energy and the balance 84% of the global population would consume less than 60% of energy. Providing access to adequate energy to their people is really a challenge for developing countries.

(As of 2007)

India is one of the countries where the present level of energy consumption, by world standards, is very low. The estimate of annual energyconsumption in India is about 330 Million Tones Oil Equivalent (MTOE) for theyear 2004. Accordingly, the per capita consumption of energy is about 305Kilogram Oil Equivalent (KGOE). In the profile of energy sources in India, coal has a dominant position.Coal constitutes about 51% of Indias primary energy resources followed by Oil(36%), Natural Gas (9%), Nuclear (2%) and Hydro (2%). Indias energy demand is one of the fastest growing in the world, and energy management is one of the countrys prime concerns. Recognizing this trend, Government of India decided to form a group named India Hydrocarbon Vision 2025, whose mandate included promoting the development and use of natural gas- including Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and other alternative fuels. The panels analysis recommended that 20-30% of total gas imports be in the form of LNG.
India targets 9 10% economic growth rate in a sustainable manner over next 10-15 years. Adequate availability of energy would be sinequanon for this objective to materialize. There are shortages in all the energy segments.

Substantial expansion of capacities in coal, petroleum, gas and electricity is, therefore, the thrust of the Government policies and programmes. Ultimate goal is to develop these markets and facilitate, through various policy initiatives, their matured functioning in a competitive manner. Skillful development of road maps to reach the goal is a challenge. During the period of transition, therefore, regulatory interventions to harmonize the interests of investors, developers and consumers, is an approach, which is being pursued by various energy groups. In most cases, development of energy sector, in various segments, has happened under government-controlled organizations. Over last 10-15 years, private investments are being encouraged, particularly in petroleum, natural gas and power. While India is fully committed to develop and expand its energy markets, it is equally committed to ensure environmental safeguards. Using latest cost effective technologies in all the energy segments forms an important part of policy and strategy

Recent Gas scenario in the World

As of 2011, World natural gas consumption grew by 2.2%. Consumption growth was below average in all regions except North America, where low prices drove robust growth. Outside North America, the largest volumetric gains in consumption were in China (+21.5%), Saudi Arabia (+13.2%) and Japan (+11.6%). These increases were partly offset by the largest decline on record in EU gas consumption (-9.9%), driven by a weak economy, high gas prices, warm weather and continued growth in renewable power generation. Global natural gas production grew by 3.1%. The US (+7.7%) recorded the largest volumetric increase despite lower gas prices, and remained the worlds largest producer. Output also grew rapidly in Qatar (+25.8%), Russia (+3.1%) and Turkmenistan (+40.6%), more than offsetting declines in Libya (-75.6%) and the UK (-20.8%). As was the case for consumption, the EU recorded the largest decline in gas production on record (-11.4%), due to a combination of mature fields, maintenance, and weak regional consumption.

Following the general weakness of gas consumption growth, global natural gas trade increased by a relatively modest 4% in 2011. LNG shipments grew by 10.1%, with Qatar (+34.8%) accounting for virtually all (87.7%) of the increase. Among LNG importers, the largest volumetric growth was in Japan and the UK. LNG now accounts for 32.3% of global gas trade. Pipeline shipments grew by just 1.3%, with declines in imports by Germany, the UK, the US and Italy offsetting increases in China (from Turkmenistan), Ukraine (from Russia), and Turkey (from Russia and Iran). .


Natural gas constitutes about 9% in the Indias energy profile, as compared to about 25% world average India had 38 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven natural gas reserves as of January 2007.The total gas production in India was about 31,400 mcm in 2002-03 compared with 2,358 mcm in 1980-81. At this production level, India's reserves are likely to last for around 29 years; that is significantly

longer than the 19 years estimated for oil reserves. Almost 70% of Indias natural gas reserves are found in the Bombay High basin and in Gujarat. Offshore gas reserves are also located in Andhra Pradesh coast (Krishna Godavari Basin) and Tamil Nadu coast (Cauvery Basin). Onshore reserves are located in Gujarat and the North Eastern states (Assam and Tripura) In 2002, the supply of Natural Gas was 72 MMSCMD and demand, 151 MMSCMD, whereas this gap is projected to get widened, as the supply will remain constant and demand is expected to increase further. The share of natural gas in electricity generation in India, at 8% (see Figure 2), is significantly lower than in Europe (25%). Of the 41 gigawatts (GW) of new generating capacity expected to come on line by 2005 about 20-22 GW is likely to be combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) a considerable proportion is either under construction or close to financial closure. In the longer term (2005-2010), however, the contribution from independent power producers (IPPs) is likely to be overshadowed by state and central sector plans. Most of the central sector plans are for non-gas-fired capacity, particularly ministry of power plans to install 50 GW of hydro-electric capacity by 2015. Coal is still a dominant part of the generation mix.

Power generation is expected to be the dominant driver of gas demand, followed by the fertiliser sector. Industrial demand is expected to demonstrate a more modest growth rate of about 3-4% a year, while residential and commercial consumption, predominantly in cities, could begin provided the pipeline developments under way are sustained . In the fertiliser sector gas already forms the bulk of the feedstock for urea production. LNG would compete with naphtha, which is significantly more expensive in India than gas, but still constitutes more than a quarter of the feedstock mix. Fertiliser prices are subsidised and controlled by the government and the industry claims that unless a delivered gas price of $3/m Btu is achieved it does not make the switch from naphtha economic. The removal of fertiliser subsidies, as with electricity subsidies to the agricultural sector, is a delicate political issue and no dramatic changes are expected.

LNGs contribution to supplying the growing demand in the industrially advanced states of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Karnataka is expected to be significant and gas grid development in these states may provide further opportunities. Additionally, all the major Indian private-sector partners in these projects (Tata, Reliance and Essar) not only have significant engineering capabilities and expertise in executing large infrastructure projects, but are also potential buyers of the landed natural gas.

INDIA: GAS Consumption About 45% of natural gas is consumed by power sector and about 40% by the fertilizer sector. The balance 15% goes for various other consumption. At present about 65 million cubic meters of gas per day is being consumed and it has the potential for increase.

Both the Power Sector and Fertilizer Sector have been planning for larger consumption of gas and increased capacities so as to produce more power through this environment friendly fuel. However, the recent trends in gas prices globally has created a dampening impact on the power plant planners both from the point of view of lack of predictability about availability of this

fuel and more so on account of lack of predictability of its price behavior. In the power sector, about 12,500 MW of capacity out of the 1,25,000 MW of total capacity is gas based combined cycle power plants. Because of lack of availability of gas, almost 35% of the capacity remains unutilized and these plants then need to resort to naptha as a substitute fuel which is excessively costly. Some of the power plants, which were planned and are in the process of being commissioned face the problem of non-availability of gas. There are couples of LNG terminals in the country each with a capacity of 5 million tones. Their capacities of processing LNG are not fully used in view of the recent excessive rise in the price of LNG, which has made it unaffordable for the power producers to access LNG and use it in their power plants. Some of the issues in the area of gas are as follows: Power and Fertilizers sectors have been provided gas under the Administered Price Mechanism in last over 20 years. Gas producers and supplier desire market determined prices, which could be much higher. Consumers have been saying that when shortages are so acute and producers and suppliers are few, there is practically no competition and, therefore, no market. In such a situation, till market develops to a reasonable level, regulatory intervention could be essential. Obviously, there are differing schools of thought on this issue. Huge resources of gas which have been discovered by Reliance Industry, ONGC, Gujarat Gas, Cairn Energy and others, when produced and supplied, there will be greater clarity on adequacy of supply and predictability of price. Till then power developers have adopted a dual approach for existing capacities of power plants where assets face a situation of idleness, a higher price for gas/LNG is accepted to utilize the existing capacities. For new plants, they have decided to wait and watch to be better aware of the ground reality, may be in next 2 years or so. Gas discoveries in KG Basin and in some of the Western Coast areas have created a positive impact. It is expected that these discoveries when exploited - and it is targeted that some time in the year 2008, a substantial amount of production would flow from the KG basin, power plant developers and those in the Fertilizer Sector and other areas could expect to get larger amount of natural gas. If there is predictability about its price, it would be possible to enhance the present projection of gas based power capacity to a higher level.

Domestic reserves will obviously not be sufficient. Gas supply will need to be supplemented through LNG import with appropriate enhancement of LNG Re-gasification facilities. It will require creativity on the part of all stakeholders to build a vibrant gas market in India. The global gas majors can help by transferring best practice. Similarly, the traditional Indian energy PSUs may have to demonstrate more flexibility. But success at Dahej shows the Indian oil and gas industries can work together, with multinational energy companies and with the regulatory and administrative bodies. The development of the pipeline grid in Gujarat state should provide the impetus for similar structures to evolve, particularly in the states with significant industrial infrastructure. Indias political and administrative system has played an important, and supportive, role, but more must happen and faster. If it does, the next few years could see the establishment of a strong and vibrant gas market.


LNG Regassification system can be broadly classified in three main areas LNG unloading system LNG storage system Natural gas send out system The terminal is designed to handle 5 MMTPA LNG in phase I and 10 MMTPA LNG in phase II. The facilities for phase I and II broadly consist of following:

Process Flow Diagram


The LNG Regassification terminal is connected to the jetty through a 2.433 Km long trestle which consist of pipe racks & vehicle transport facilities. There is a Jetty control room for monitoring the jetty area operations. The main parts of the Jetty are LNG unloading arms NG loading arms Desuperheater LNG Drain drum Ship Mooring facilities (Dolphin And Fenders)

LNG unloading and BOG loading Operations

For LNG unloading from the ship, there are three identical 16 unloading arms [L-101A/B/C] are provided in the jetty area. One 16 NG loading arm [L-102 A] also provided for return gas to ship. Arms L-101 A/C are dedicated to liquid service, L-102 A for vapour service and L-101 B arm to liquid or vapour service. So accordingly, three unloading arms in the terminal unload the LNG and feed to the storage tanks by top and bottom filling (depending on LNG density) into the tanks. During ship unloading, the desuperheated natural gas of approximately -90C is supplied via ship return gas desuperheated to compensate for displacement in the cargo tanks through Natural gas loading arm. The draining liquid from unloading arm is also collected. The desuperheated gas passes into drain drum for knocking of the entrained liquid from which it flows to natural gas loading arm. The draining liquid from unloading arms are collected in drum is pressured to unloading lines after the ship is fully unloaded. After unloading is completed the safety measures have to be taken for ship departure and unloading arms are disconnected from ship manifold. After unloading is completed the recirculation operation must be carried out to

keep the unloading lines in cold conditions. The circulation is carried out by in tank pumps and LNG circulated is preferably send out to return line so that any heat that has been picked up can be exported or otherwise it is returned to the storage tanks and the heat gain produces additional BOG. During unloading recirculation must be cut off. When LNG cargo transfer has been completed, LNG unloading arms will be drained to LNG arms drain drum V-101.N2 is purged to the apex of the arms which will assist in evacuating the liquid from the unloading arm. LNG drained from unloading drum is collected and pressurized by N2 to evacuate the LNG to unloading lines. Upon completion of this LNG circulation throughout the unloading headers will be established. Parameters to be monitored during unloading operations are: 1. Tank Pressure 2. Unloading arm pressure and temperature 3. Quantity of LNG discharged in send out system 4. Pressure in loading line to the ship 5. BOG compressor pressure and temperature. If shipside request for cooling of gas, Desuperheater has to be used. Discharge of the BOG to the unloading line is through a 10 pipeline. This gas passes into V-101 for knocking off the entrained liquid from which it flows to the Natural gas loading arm. During purging operation N2 will be put into ship tanks. However the amount of N2 required for this purging operation is approximated to 50 m3 and this is approximately 0.04% of the cargo volume.

Schematic Diagram of an Unloading Arm

Ship Return Gas Desuperheater

A desuperheater[E-108] comprises of a parallel arrangement of 2 MOVPs each namely MOVP-1310,1320,1330,1340. Its function is to reduce the return BOG temperature from around 0-20C to an outlet temperature of -87.70C. This is done so as to prevent thermal shock in the ship. It would happen because as the LNG is continuously pumped out from the ship it would create a vacuum which would shrink and collapse the ship. So to maintain a pressure balance and avoid any disaster, BOG from the desuperheater is pumped in the ship simultaneously as the LNG is pumped out.

Ship Mooring and Berthing Operations

The berthing system enables both the ship crew and the shore staff to close the monitor in advance of the docking operation right from the starting point until the vessel is safely moored alongside the pier. A mooring system is a comprehensive warning system that monitors not only the drift but also the strain on the mooring lines and environmental data. The marine facilities include four breasting and five mooring dolphins for berthing the tankers and other equipment required for safe and reliable

berthing. It also has nine QRMH (fitted on the Breasting and Mooring Dolphins), one elevator-type Shore Gangway and two Digital Display Units for measuring lateral distance and speed of the ship. A dolphin is an isolated marine structure for berthing and mooring of vessels. It is not uncommon that the combination of dolphins with piers could drastically reduce the size of piers. Dolphins are generally divided into two types, namely breasting dolphins and mooring dolphins. Breasting dolphins serves the following purposes: (i) Assist in berthing of vessels by taking up some berthing loads. (ii) Keep the vessel from pressing against the pier structure. (iii) Serve as mooring points to restrict the longitudinal movement of the berthing vessel. Mooring dolphins, as the name implies, are used for mooring only and for securing the vessels by using ropes. They are also commonly used near pier structures to control the transverse movement of berthing vessels. .

In view of the significant inter-tidal variations at Dahej port, the jetty is unique in design. The unusual bathymetry (i.e. nearly flat surface for quite some distance and then suddenly large slope) has resulted in this long jetty. The first 1.6 km is almost flat surface and then it suddenly slopes down. At the deep end of the jetty, there is an unloading platform. For flexibility considerations, all the unloading arms are identical. These are the most

modern unloading arms, fitted with modern protective facilities such as Powered Emergency Release Coupling (which disconnects the arms automatically in the event of excessive ship movement). PLL has also provided Mooring Tension Monitoring System, which provides information in the control room and ship with respect to tension in the mooring ropes, which enables the operator to take advance action. Also provided are Wave and Current data recorders for necessary information on weather data. Four constant tension shore-based winches are also fitted on the mooring dolphins to provide additional facilities to ensure safe berthing of LNG tankers. A port craft jetty is also provided to berth the tug boats, pilot launch and mooring crafts when these are not in use (i.e. when the ship is not there). An electrical sub-station and Port Control Room are also provided. The Port Control Room houses all facilities required for safe operation of the port area like radar system, berthing aid system, etc. On the approach trestle, there are two 32-inch dia pipelines for bringing in the LNG from the tankers to the storage tanks. One 10-inch dia pipeline is provided for carrying the return vapours to the LNG tanker. The pipeline has eleven expansion loops that have been provided to take care of stresses that are developed during the cooling down of the LNG pipelines. Four passing bays are also provided on the approach trestle. PLL signed Port Operation Services Agreement with the consortium of PSA Marine (Pte) Ltd., Singapore and Ocean Sparkle Ltd., India (Public Limited Company titled as M/s. Sealion Sparkle Port and Terminal Services (Dahej) Limited). The Port Operator owns and operates Tug Boats, Mooring Boat and Pilot Boat and undertakes safe towing, mooring & pilotage of the LNG Tankers and maintenance of jetty facilities at Dahej LNG terminal. The pilots engaged by Port Operator have thorough local knowledge and have undergone simulation training for smooth, safe and efficient berthing for larger Q Flex vessels also.

LNG Recirculation Operation

To leave the LNG stagnant in the lines is not permitted. Heat leak into the line would cause vaporization which could result in unstable two phase vapor liquid flow and cause vibration of these tanks. Circulation is always kept by means of LNG in tank pumps and LNG circulated is preferably

returned to the send out line so that any heat that has been picked up can be exported. When this is not possible LNG is returned to the storage tanks and heat gained produces additional BOG. LNG tank filling risers are maintained full of LNG by a small flow through the bypass line. The recirculation is cut-off before ship unloading operation. Thus the pressure in the unloading line drops to the LNG column pressure of tank filling riser. Then the unloading lines are in a static condition. Recirculation operation is controlled manually at 400 m3/hr.

LNG Drain Drums

LNG drain drum is installed in jetty platform and works: To collect the LNG arm drain during draining operation after every unloading operation To collect the mist downstream of ship.

During LNG unloading operation the pressure is maintained at ships cargo tank pressure through NG arm. After completion of unloading Nitrogen Gas is pressurized and the drain is send to the unloading lines. The volume of drain is approximately 17m3. Unloading arms is drained by gravity and Nitrogen Gas injection from the apex of the arms. If temperature in drain drum is not in cryogenic condition, the drain liquid entering to the drum should be controlled manually to avoid rapid cool down of drain pump. It should be minimum 4hr cooling operation. Drain drum is equipped with a pump which sends the drain to the tanks through drain return line. The pressure in the drum is maintained at the same pressure of LNG tanks by 6 equalizing line. Thereby BOG generated in the drum is routed to the LNG tank vapour space through equalizing line. When maintenance is required drain is pressurized by Nitrogen Gas and send to the process area LNG drain drum V-902. All LNG discharges from thermal relief valves and LNG disposal system excluding ones insulated on the jetty platform and trestle are collected inV903 through the drain collecting header installed in the process area.


Another important area in the LNG value chain is LNG storage facilities. This is important because this facility is required at both the locations, i.e., at the LNG liquefaction plant as well as the re-gas plant. LNG storage typically accounts for approximately up to 5 10% of the total plant cost depending on the design both in liquefaction and re-gasification There are broadly two basic types of LNG storage tanks, one being above ground, the other being underground. Almost all LNG liquefaction plants have above ground storage tanks. The underground LNG storage tanks have been used in Japan and Korea specifically with a view to achieve a high degree of safety in densely populated area where land is at high premium. The design of the above ground LNG storage tank basically varies depending on the type of insulation used and the degree of fail safe passive components included in the tanks. Different types of tanks used are single containment, double containment, full containment, membrane tank. Full containment type of tank is basically used in Petronet LNG Limited (Dahej Terminal)

Full Containment Tank:

This design is basically consist of two complete LNG storage tanks in one. The primary inner tank is constructed of 9% nickel steel and is surrounded by an outer concrete wall with a thin 9% nickel steel insulated inner which connects as a vapour barrier. The annular space between the two tanks is filled with perlite insulations. The roof of the outer tank is constructed of pre-stress concrete and is fully insulated. In the event of inner tank failure, the outer tank is capable of containing both liquid and vapour along tank, operation to continue increase in boil-off. The outer wall may be reinforced concrete surrounded by earthen embankment or prestress concrete to better withstand dynamic liquid forces. There is virtually no possibility of liquid LNG spillage with this type of tank.

Full containment above ground LNG storage tank

Decision of Bottom or Top Filling

This is done according to the comparative density of LNG stored in tanks to that of cargo. LNG is send from the bottom line to tanks if cargo is lighter and from the top if cargo is heavier to ensure proper mixing. Roll Over Phenomenon When high density liquid (A) is filled to the bottom of tank and low density liquid is present in the upper side, Liquid (A) is now being subjected to heat ingress from bottom and sides of tanks. Also the liquid(B) experiences heat from the sides of the tank but the lower lying liquid (A) has far greater incoming heat from below too. Moreover, due to the above lying liquid it also experiences an increase in pressure. The intense pressure increases the enthalpy of the low lying denser liquid (A). This pressurized and high temperature liquid experiences increase in volume, decreasing its density. Simultaneously, the lighter liquid (B) is vaporizing from the surface to form boil off gas because of heat from the sides of the tank. This happens because the more volatile components i.e. nitrogen, methane etc escape above the surface of liquid(B). This decrease in volume is causing its density to

increase. This goes on for some time after which the lower lying liquids density becomes just a little less than the above liquid. Immediately, the liquid (B) rolls over to the bottom of the tank while liquid(A) surfaces up. But the liquid (B) still has high enthalpy and instantly releases large amount of BOG in the tank. It releases BOG about 90 t/hr, whereas the compressor design load is 12 t/hr. This excess load will cause damage to the tank and is therefore an undesirable phenomenon.

Vaporization from the surface makes the LNG heavier

Liquid (B)

Liquid (A)

Counter Measure for Roll Over: Tank recirculation with in tank pumps via the pump kick back line shall be initiated if the maximum temperature difference exceeds 2C or if the maximum density difference exceeds 1 kg/m3 to prevent roll over in tank.


BOG Desuperheater
The vapor from LNG Storage tanks (T-101/-102/ [-103]/ [-104]) increases its temperature due to the heat leak into the tank roof and BOG piping to BOG compressors. The temperature at E-102 inlet is estimated to be approx. -148C during unloading operation and -138C during no unloading. Therefore the desuperheating in E-102 is not foreseen during normal operations. However if the tank pressure control (PIC1401) requires

the load selection below 25% load, in order to keep the continuous BOG flow to the Recondenser, the compressor is required to operate with 25% load and to circulate small amount of BOG. In this case, the Desuperheater (E102) needs to be operated. In addition to the above, the vapor requires desuperheating prior to being compressed during the startup recirculation of the compressor for the following purpose. The discharge temperature is to be limited not to exceed the compressor mechanical design temperature (approx. 150C) during startup. The discharge temperature continues to be high until the compressor itself becomes cold. Approx. 10min. recirculation is required with maintaining the suction gas temperature cold. The required desuperheating is achieved in the BOG Desuperheater E-102 by injecting LNG from LNG In Tank Pump discharge. Primary protection against the high outlet temperature is provided by TIC1401 as an alarm from DCS(set at -80C).

BOG compressor suction drum

Suction knock out drum is provided downstream of the Desuperheater to trap small droplet of liquid that may be carried from Desuperheater. It also provides protection against accidental dumping of liquid in the compressor.

Bog Drain Pot

Regarding to liquid, operator manually drain BOG drain pot and is pressurized by nitrogen gas to send the liquid into LNG tank through LNG drain return header.

BOG compressor
There is large variation in the flow rate of BOG depending upon the operation of terminal, with or without ship unloading. During no ship loading 2 to 4 t/hr and one compressor with 25% or 50% will be working. During ship unloading operation, all three compressors at approx 31 to 35 t/ht will be working. BOG compressor is operated with 25% and full bypass. BOG

compressor cannot run with 0% load over 10 min for mechanical reason. BOG compressor is shifted to 25% and bypass is done through the kick back line. When BOG compressors are operated at less than 25% load, then Suction line and cylinders of the compressor should be cooled down before starting its normal discharge operation within ten minutes. The cool down operation is carried out on 25% load to return discharge gas through compressor kickback line to upstream of BOG Desuperheater. BOG, after passing through the drain pot, reaches the low pressure side of the compressor.The whole crank-piston-shaft apparatus is controlled by compressor oil conducted in the central cylinder. After successively reaching the lower cylinder, it enters the high pressure side at the same compressor load. The cooled and compressed BOG is sent through the following three ways: 1. The major portion is sent to the recondenser. From this, another by pass line goes to the ship as return gas. 2. Sent as a kickback line back to the compressor so as to provide initial startup momentum. 3. The excess BOG generated is rejected and sent to flare.

The diagram shows a double acting TWO STAGE AIR COMPRESSOR.

BOG Compressor Loader Diagram


LNG In Tank Pumps
LNG In Tank Pumps are vertical centrifugal pumps submerged in the tanks. There are three per tank plus one pump well as a spare. A flow control valve at the discharge end limits the maximum flow rate through each pump. The protection against reduced flow is provided by automatic flow controlled minimum flow bypass. LNG in the tanks is pressurized by LNG In Tank Pumps up to the necessary pressure to transfer the liquid to BOG Recondenser V-104 with operating pressure of 7barg.

LNG in the tanks is routed to V-104 to condense boil off gas. LNG In Tank Pump discharging pressure is therefore floating, which could vary along the pump performance curve. LNG pumps shall not be started more than 2 times with a minimum of 5seconds delay between each attempt. After two attempts, a minimum 15 minutes should be kept before next starting.

BOG Recondenser
The objective of the BOG recondenser is to condense the BOG from LNG tanks. Recondenser is located between the LNG in tank pumps and LNG HP pumps. The compressed BOG from BOG compressors and LNG from LNG in tank pumps to condense the boil off gas and is routed to the condenser. In the tanks LNG is at its bubble point of approx: 140 to 240 mbarg. After pumping up by LNG in tank pumps LNG is subcooled with respect to the pressure of LP send out circuit. It is therefore capable of absorbing the heat required for the condenser of the BOG upto the quantity when it reaches the bubble point. BOG gas is compressed by BOG compressors upto the operating pressure of the recondenser. In the column filled by packing of the recondenser it is in contact with LNG and is recondensed. LNG flow rate required to absorb BOG is taken from the LP send out circuit. The bubble point pressure of the mixture is below pressure in the column. BOG recondenser also serves as a suction drum for HP pumps.

Normal operating pressure: 7barg During unloading operation: 8 barg

If sufficient LNG flow to recondenser is not available, this result in increasing of LNG tank pressure and flaring from LNG tanks through tank pressure relief valve.

LNG HP Pumps
LNG HP Pumps are required to pressurize LNG up to the pressure of the send out pipe line network of the terminal (88.5barg (max.)). Regarding the design pressure of the piping of HP LNG circuit from LNG HP Pump discharge to the STV LNG Inlet flow control valves FV1610 to 1670, and the SCV LNG inlet flow control valves FV1700/1710, it is designed at 130barg for higher pressure protection, which is higher than the shut off pressure of LNG HP Pump (120barg). In the same way the tube side and NG outlet piping up to isolation valve of STV and SCV is designed at 130barg for higher-pressure protection. Five LNG HP Pumps (out of which one spare installed) are provided to handle the total send out flow set for Phase I and Phase II respectively. These are vertical pumps mounted in a suction barrel. A throttle valve at the discharge end limits the maximum flow rate through each pump. The protection against reduced flow is provided by automatic flow controlled minimum flow bypass. The flow instrument FIC1510 (set at 160m3/h) in LNG discharge line measures the flow rate of LNG HP PumpP-104A , and the kick back control valve FV1510 is provided to maintain the required minimum flow for P-104A. Thee primary protection against the excessive flow rate is provided by discharge valve FV1511, which limits the maximum flow rate of the pump (400m3/h : 120% of nominal flow rate) during the pump running. The ultimate protection against thelower and higher flow rate is provided by IAHH1510, IALL1510 ,which trips the pump. In the event of accidental tripping of the pump the check valves SPV1510/SPV1511 in both the discharging line and the kick back line are provided to prevent back flow to the pump.When the pump is idle, discharge valve FV1511 is closed and LNG is supplied from the suction piping for cooling. The vapor from the pump pot is vented back to BOG Recondenser through the dedicated venting line. The low liquid level in the pot is detected by LSL1510, which stops or prohibits the pump.

Shell and tube vaporizer (STV)

Vaporizers operating pressure is floating with the delivery gas pipeline network which could vary between 70 to 88.5 barg. Heating medium for the vaporizer is 36% glycol-water mixture. Glycol water is supplied to shell side at top and bottom.

General Diagram for a Shell and Tube Vaporizer The reason to provide the Glycol Water to top and bottom of the exchanger shell in roughly equal amount and withdraw through a common line in middle of unit is: - To limit the ice formation on bottom side tube by supplying high temperature fluid. - To heat the NG as possible by low temperature heating fluid. In this system, ambient air is used for heating medium, therefore the supplied fluid temperature of heating medium is close to the outlet NG temperature so counter current system cannot be applied for the system.

Air Heaters
Dahej is the first base load LNG plant in the world that uses unique ambient air heater for regasification. This is a cost-effective and eco-friendly process compared to conventional Open Rack Vaporisers (ORV) which uses sea water as a medium for regasification .

Here, 16 fans are introduced on the top of each vaporiser that forces air inwards in a forced draft fashion.The incoming glycol water(36% by weight) is heated by utilizing the latent heat of vaporization present in the water vapour (moisture droplets) in air. This is, hence, the reason why this moisture condenses down at the bottom in the form of water droplets due to removal of this heat. Glycol water is recirculated in closed loop and the heat is absorbed from air heaters. The air heater consist of 8 numbers of fixed fans (FP fans) 8 numbers of variable pitch fans (VP fans ) for each vaporizer In FP fans, the blades are fixed and in VP fans the blades can be rotated from 0 to 45. Depending on the send out load, the guide message will display the number of FP fans to be operated. The VP fans automatically change the blade rotation from 0 t0 45 . Low temperature overrides on NG outlet side at 0C and on the Glycol Water side at 8 C are provided for inlet flow control valve. The ultimate protection against low temperature of NG outlet and hence the freezing of Glycol Water mixture is provided on NG outlet side which closes MOVP. High pressure override is provided on downstream of gas metering station. The primary protection against high pressure is given on the upstream of gas metering station which will shut off the gas send out by stopping all the LNG HP pumps. PSV (130barg) provides ultimate protection. The low pressure of the gas send out line is detected by PAL (at 65barg) on the downstream of gas metering station.The energy optimization is achieved by the no of operating fans for air heaters. Rupture disks (10 barg) are for ultimate safety for the shell side.

Submerged Combustion Vaporizer (SCV)

Submerged Combustion Vaporizers burn natural gas produced by the terminal andpass the hot gases into a water bath containing tubular heat exchanger where LNG flows. The froth produced by the combustion gas increases the efficiency of heat transfer between the water and the LNG and prevents ice from forming on the tube bundle. SCVs burn 1.2-1.5% of the

natural gas processed. There are following three modes on which an SCV generally operates: Co-generation Mode:This mode utilizes the recovered waste heat released from the flue gases escaping from the Gas Turbine Generators (GTGs) present in the terminal. Gas Turbine Generators: It is a type of internal combustion engine. It has an upstream rotating compressor coupled to a downstream turbine and a combustion chamber in between. Energy is added to the gas stream in the combustor where fuel is mixed with air and ignited. Gases passing through an ideal gas turbine undergoes three thermodynamic processes. These are Isentropic compression Isobaric combustion Isentropic expansion

Together these make up the brayton cycle. It is depicted in the diagram below

Brayton Cycle

Burner Mode:This mode makes use of the heat released from combustion of fuel, which in this SCV is natural gas to perform its necessary operation.

Combined Mode: This mode is a combination of the above mentioned two modes. The necessary energy is obtained from both the above mentioned sources in the two different modes.

In the phase I, depending upon the load, the combined mode or the cogeneration mode is operated. In phase II, the burner mode is generally used. SCV units are provided and each unit has two kinds of heat source which are hot water to be supplied from Co-generation power units and burner furnished to itself. The inlet hot water temperature for SCV must be 40 C to 55C and return water temperature is 20C. If heat capacity of water is insufficient then the balance heat is supplied by burner ignition. During change over of SCV operation to other, check other SCVs water level, must be at least minimum (1800mm). Then first start the blower of the required unit and open the hot water inlet valve to the SCVs. Also parallelly close the inlet valve of other unit.

During initial start up of blower approximately 11 m3 of water must be displaced through overflow. So to avoid the wastage of water, water level should be considered at minimum level at changing over. Hot water is supplied from Co-generation system at the temperature of 40C and returned to it at balance temperature.

Metering Station
The purpose of gas metering station is to measure the quantity of gas send out from terminal. The metering station consists of 3 metering runs out of which one run is standby. Online gas chromatograph system is provided for analysis of the sampling gas taken from the upstream line of station. The gas flow is measured by turbine meters, depending on temp, pressure and gas density for compensation to get corrected gas values. The gas is exported to the gas pipeline network at the battery limit pressure of 89 barg max at nominal send out capacity of terminal.

Terminal is equipped with one 30 common flare header interconnecting process equipment and flare stack. One 10 main drain header connects process equipment, unloading line, LNG drain drum and process area LNG drain drum. The flare and drainage system is provided to collect and safely dispose off discharges from control valve and PSVs. During normal operation terminal does not produce any excess vapor for discharge excluding a small purge to prevent air ingress to system. The flare system is sized for disposal of vapor resulting from abnormal operation and emergency but does not consider the occurrence of coincident unrelated relief discharge. In the event of total power failure, the terminal is shut down and if any unloading operation is stopped and BOG from the tanks and piping is routed to flare. In the event of partial power failure, affecting only the BOG compression system, BOG is again routed to flare and any ship unloading may have to be reduced in rate. Sealing system and continuous purging of

flare stack with fuel gas is provided at the end of flare header to prevent air ingress.


Utility system:
Utility system in the plant is necessary for manufacturing various reagants and components, required in the plant from time to time, namely: 1) Industrial and potable water. 2) Plant Air and Instrument air. 3) Nitrogen generation and distribution. 4) Glycol water/Air heater system. 5) Hot water system. 6) Chilled water system. 7) Diesel Oil system. 8) Cooling water system. 9) Nitrogen system. 10) 11) 12) Flare system. Fuel gas system. Sanitary water system.

To produce plant air, the 3 reciprocating compressors and 2 screw compressors extract air from the atmosphere which is then cooled and compressed to a pressure of 8 bar. This cooled plant air is either stored in 2 header tanks (as a system backup) or for moisture removal to produce instrument air used for further reactions. Nitrogen is produced in cryogenic distillation tanks, where low temperature distillation of atmospheric air takes place. Nitrogen is withdrawn as a sidestream and diverted further for plant operations. Utility section also comprises of a waste water treatment plant, where the industrial water is processed to produce potable water.

Distributed Control System (DCS)

This is a type of automated control system that is distributed throughout a machine to provide instructions to different parts of the machine. Instead of having a centrally located device controlling all machines, each section of a machine has its own computer that controls the operation. For instance, there may be one machine with a section that controls dry elements of cake frosting and another section controlling the liquid elements, but each section is individually managed by a DCS. A DCS is commonly used in manufacturing equipment and utilizes input and outputprotocols to control the machine. A DCS typically uses custom designed processors as controllers and uses both proprietary interconnections and communications protocol for communication. Input and output modules form component parts of the DCS. The processor receives information from input modules and sends information to output modules. The input modules receive information from input instruments in the process (a.k.a. field) and transmit instructions to the output instruments in the field. Computer buses or electrical buses connect the processor and modules through multiplexer or demultiplexers. Buses also connect the distributed controllers with the central controller and finally to the Human-Machine Interface (HMI) or control consoles. Pressure or flow measurements are transmitted to the controller, usually through the aid of a signal conditioning Input/Output (I/O) device. When the measured variable reaches a certain point, the controller instructs a valve or actuation device to open or close until the fluidic flow process reaches the desired setpoint. Large oil refineries have many thousands of I/O points and employ very large DCSs. In the Dahej plant, an I/P covertor is used which transmits current signals in range of 4-20mA to pressure difference at valves in the plant. Processes are not limited to fluidic flow through pipes but to also other purposes.


A. Personnel Safety
1. Face shields and goggles shall be worn during the transfer and normal handling of cryogenic fluids. 2. Loose fitting, heavy leather, or other insulating protective gloves shall be worn at all times when handling cryogenic fluids. Shirt sleeves will be rolled down and buttoned over glove cuffs, or an equivalent protection such as a lab coat will be worn in order to prevent liquid from spraying or spilling inside gloves. Trousers without cuffs will be worn.

B. Safety Practices
1. Cryogenic fluids must be handled and stored only in containers and systems specifically designed for these products and in accordance with applicable standards, procedures, or proven safe practices. 2. Transfer operations involving open cryogenic containers, such as dewars, must be conducted slowly to minimize boiling and splashing of the cryogenic fluid. Transfer of cryogenic fluids from open containers must occur below chest level of the person pouring liquid. 3. Such operations shall be conducted only in well ventilated areas to prevent the possible gas or vapor accumulation, which may produce an oxygen-deficient atmosphere and lead to asphyxiation. The volumetric expansion ratio between liquid and atmospheric nitrogen is approximately 700 to 1. 4. Equipment and systems designed for the storage, transfer, and dispensing of cryogenic fluids shall be constructed of materials compatible with the products being handled and the temperatures encountered. There is no single source of information that will provide exact specifications and

standards for cryogenic equipment. ASME Codes contains the majority of the relevant information. The American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) handbook provides information concerning tensile strength of metals at various temperatures and other relevant information. The Code of Federal Regulations, provides some useful guidelines, although it only references cryogenic vessels used in rail transportation. In each case, the design specifications are left to the discretion of the designing engineer. 5. All cryogenic systems, including piping, must be equipped with pressure-relief devices to prevent excessive pressure build-up. Pressurereliefs must be directed to a safe location. It should be noted that two closed valves in a line form a closed system. The vacuum insulation jacket should also be protected by an over-pressure device if the service is below 77 Kelvin. In the event a pressure-relief device fails, do not attempt to remove the blockage; instead call EH&S immediately. 6. If liquid nitrogen or helium traps are used to remove condensable gas impurities from a vacuum system that may be closed off by valves, the condensed gases will be released when the trap warms up. Adequate means for relieving the resultant build-up of pressure must be provided

C. Detector Systems:
LNG HANDLING IN PLANT Primary Components: Primary components include those whose failure would permit leakage of the LNG being stored, those exposed to a temperature between (-510C) and (1680C) and those subject to thermal shock. Primary components include, but are not limited to the following parts of a single-wall tank or of the inner tank in a double-wall tank; shell plates, bottom plates, roof plates, knuckle plates, compression rings, shell stiffeners, manways, and nozzles including reinforcement, shell anchors, pipe tubing, forging, and bolting. These are the parts of LNG containers that are stressed to a significant level. Secondary Components: Secondary components include those which will not be stressed to a significant level, those whose failure will not result in leakage of the LNG

being stored or those exposed to the boil off gas and having a design metal temperature of (-51C) or higher. Safety required in plant against LNG Jetty area Transfer Area/ Transition Joint/ Pipes Compressor Storage Tank Condenser Hp pumps Vaporizer

Components of Fire, Gas, Spill Detection & Prevention System are: Fire , Gas , Spill detectors and Manual call points ( Break glass). FGS PLC (ICS Triplex) FGS HMI # 1,2& FGS printer. Fire Prevention Mimic Panel. Fire Detection Mimic Panel. Inergen gas systems. Building Fire detection system

FIRE GAS DETECTORS The three prerequisites for fire to happen are ignition source, air (oxygen) and a source of fuel. This is known as the fire triangle:

Fire Triangle The fire in the plant is extinguished by means of three processes which are: Cooling Smothering Starvation These are used to kill a fire by by attacking different points of the fire triangle respectively. Cooling is used to cut off the ignition source, while smothering means to cut off the oxygen supply to fire. Finally, starvation removes the combustible matter that is causing the fire. Namely, water type, foam type and DCP type fire extinguishers are used to extinguish the fire. The features of fire gas detectors are: Two radiation sources necessary for alarm Field of view of up to 120 degrees Explosion-proof, Class I, Division 1 certified Connect indoors and out, directly or up to 2000 feet away Immune lightning, arc welding, sunlight and hot body radiation Adjustable, no-tool swivel mount

User programmable sensitivity and time delay settings Multi-coloured, high intensity LEDs Manual and automatic testing of optical surfaces Watchdog timer monitors internal electronics Multiple output configurations


Jockey Pump: P1003A/B ( 2 nos. One is kept running and the other is on auto) Start : 13 barg ; Stop : 15 barg ; Flow rate: 125 M3 /HR

Diesel Driven Pump : ( 4 nos. ) P1002A : Start 11.76 barg ; Flow rate : 1050 M 3 /HR ;Stop Manually in the field P1002B : Start 11.27 barg ; Flow rate : 1050 M 3 /HR; Stop Manually in the field P1002C : Start 10.78 barg ; Flow rate : 1050 M 3 /HR ;Stop Manually in the field P1002D : Start 10.28 barg ; Flow rate : 1050 M 3 /HR ; Stop Manually in the field Electrical Driven Pump : (2 Nos.) P1001A : Start 9.80 barg ; Flow rate : 1050 M 3 /HR ; Stop Manually in the field P1001B : Start 9.80 barg ; Flow rate : 1050 M 3 /HR ; Stop Manually in the field Total water for fire fighting is 18000 m 3 available in two fire water tanks of 9000 m3 each

The minimum amount of water available for fire fighting is 17000 m 3 which is sufficient to fight the worst case fire for up to 4 hours

Deluge Valve:
Deluge Valve is manufactured with Dry Trim (Pneumatic Actuated) and Wet Trim (Hydraulically Actuated). All trims are factory piped on the Valve itself. It also has Manual Station as Test Trim, Manual Override and Drain Line. The valve opens on demand to provide water flow to the fire protection sprinkler systems. Pilot system can be hydraulically, pneumatically or manually operated. Opening of the Value is by electrical signal to solenoid valve/loss of control pressure.

SPILL DETECTORS: Spill detectors are the temperature sensors (RTDs- PT100 Resistance at 0 deg. C = 100 ohm). These are installed where flange joints are in use in LNG service and there is chance of a leakage. Any LNG leak shall cause rapid fall in temperature of the surrounding areas which the RTDs shall detect

Emergency Shutdown System

Need for Emergency Shutdown System
ESD system activates when any variable or situation reaches the maximum limit (trip value uncontrolled danger point) and it is not possible to bring it back to a state where it can be regulated. All such variables/situations are logically programmed to generate ESD activation.

During ESD:

When the ESD occurs the final actuating elements ( MOVPs, Dampers, Motors, Pumps) stop or close or open or maintain the last position as per the process requirements. The vent or drain valves are very important as malfunction of these shall cause unsafe conditions.

In the terminal ESD is split into 3 main groups as below:ESD # 1 Takes care of the Jetty Operations unloading & Receipt. ESD # 2 Takes care of the Send out operations ESD # 3 - Takes care of both the operations of jetty and send out i.e. combination of ESD1&2 also depressurizations of STV/SCV. gives permissive for complete

EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN LOGICS ESD logics for the terminal is in the form Cause & Effect Diagram in DCS and an action can be monitored in DCS through redundant serial communication link. C & E diagrams show Causes in the left side and the effects are in the right side. In all the Field devices feedback is provided which is for the operator to confirm the happenings and also for start permissive.

EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN - I Excessive movement of LNG ship (PMS) Electrical power failure ( Including loss of BOG compressors) LNG tank emergencies ( HH Pr/Level)

Instrument air failure. LNG leakage / Gas leakage. Fire. LNG ship side emergency. Earthquake. ESD 1 activated by four different ways: 1. By ESD Pushbutton from Control room 2. By ESD Pushbutton from Jetty head 3. By FGS system 4. By ULA system

ESD # 1 has two step : Step-1 : Stopping of unloading Step-2 : Detaching of Unloading arm only through Unloading PLC. EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN II Emergency of the pipeline network. LNG leakage / gas leakage. Fire ( depressurization could be initiated) Control system failure. Send out equipment failure. Electrical power failure ( including loss of HP pumps) Instrument air failure. Earthquake. ESD-II operates by pushbutton from control room and field sensor like send out pressure switches.

EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN III Earthquake. Other fatal natural disaster. Fatal situation after initiation of ESD-I, ESD-II ESD # 3 is operated by pushbutton from Main control room Operator Console. Activates ESD-I, step-I and ESD-II Gives permissive for depressurization valves.

EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN PLC PLCs has made the Trip logic implementation easier and the response time has reduced ESD PLC used in the terminal is of TMR ( Triple Modular Redundant) architecture.


Enthalpy is a measure of the total energy of a thermodynamic system. It includes the internal energy, which is the energy required to create a system, and the amount of energy required to make room for it by displacing its environment and establishing its volume and pressure. Heat Capacity Heat Capacity of a system is the amount of heat required to change the temperature of the wholesystem by one degree. Specific Heat Specific heat is the amount of heat required to change temperature of one kilogram of a substance by one degree. Specific heat may be measured in kJ/kg K or Btu/lboF

Enthalpy is a thermodynamic potential. It is a state function and an extensivequantity.Thus, change in enthalpy, H, is a more useful quantity than its absolute value. The change H is positive in endothermic reactions, and negative in exothermic processes. H of a system is equal to the sum of non-mechanical work done on it and the heat supplied to it.Since enthalpy of a fluid is a function of its temperature and pressure, the temperature dependence of the enthalpy can be estimated by measuring the rise in temperature caused by the flow of heat at constant pressure. The constant-pressure heat capacity - cp - is a measure of the change in enthalpy at a particular temperature.Similarly, the internal energy is a function of temperature and specific volume. The constant volume heat capacity - cv - is a measure of the change in internal energy at a particular temperature and constant volume. Unless the pressure is extremely high the work done by applied pressure on solids and liquids can be neglected, and enthalpy can be represented by the internal energy component alone. Constant-volume and constant-pressure heats can be said to be equal. For solids and liquids cp == cv The specific heat represents the amount of energy required to raise 1 kg by 1oC, and can be thought of as the ability of a substance to absorb heat. Therefore the SI units of specific heat capacity are kJ/kg K (kJ/kg oC). The pV term may be understood by the following example of an isobaric process. Consider gas changing its volume (by, for example, a chemical reaction) in a cylinder, pushing a piston, maintaining constant pressure p. The force is calculated from the area A of the piston and definition of pressure p = F/A: the force is F = pA. By definition, work W done is W = Fx, where x is the distance traversed. Combining gives W = pAx, and the product Ax is the volume traversed by the piston: Ax = V. Thus, the work done by the gas is W = pV, where p is a constant pressure and V the expansion of volume. Including this pV term means that during constant pressure expansion, any internal energy forfeited as work on the environment does not affect the value of enthalpy. The enthalpy change can be defined H = U + W = U + (pV), where U is the thermal energy lost to expansion, and W the energy gained due to work done on the piston. Enthalpy also changes when the pressure of the environment is altered, even if no energy is exchanged as heat. In addition, enthalpy changes when energy is transferred into or out of the system through a means other than heat or expansion work, such as through external fields or stirring.An enthalpy change describes the change in enthalpy observed in the constituents of a thermodynamic system when undergoing a transformation or chemical reaction. It is the difference between the enthalpy after the process has completed, i.e. the enthalpy of the products, and the initial enthalpy of the system, i.e. the reactants. These processes are reversible and the enthalpy for the reverse process is the negative value of the forward change. Chemical properties:

Enthalpy of reaction, defined as the enthalpy change observed in a constituent of a thermodynamic system when one mole of substance reacts completely. Enthalpy of formation, defined as the enthalpy change observed in a constituent of a thermodynamic system when, one mole of a compound is formed from its elementary antecedents. Enthalpy of combustion, defined as the enthalpy change observed in a constituent of a thermodynamic system, when one mole of a substance combusts completely with oxygen. Enthalpy of hydrogenation, defined as the enthalpy change observed in a constituent of a thermodynamic system, when one mole of an unsaturated compound reacts completely with an excess of hydrogen to form a saturated compound. Enthalpy of atomization, defined as the enthalpy change required to atomize one mole of compound completely. Enthalpy of neutralization, defined as the enthalpy change observed in a constituent of a thermodynamic system, when one mole of water is produced when an acid and a base react. Standard Enthalpy of solution, defined as the enthalpy change observed in a constituent of a thermodynamic system, when one mole of an solute is dissolved completely in an excess of solvent.

Physical properties: Enthalpy of fusion, defined as the enthalpy change required to completely change the state of one mole of substance between solid and liquid states. Enthalpy of vaporization, defined as the enthalpy change required to completely change the state of one mole of substance between liquid and gaseous states. Enthalpy of sublimation, defined as the enthalpy change required to completely change the state of one mole of substance between solid and gaseous states. Lattice enthalpy, defined as the energy required to separate one mole of an ionic compound into separated gaseous ions to an infinite distance apart (meaning no force of attraction). A phase change may be written as a chemical reaction. The transition from liquid water to steam, for example, may be written as H2 (l) H2 (g)

The equilibrium constant for this reaction (the vaporization reaction) is K = Pw where Pw is the partial pressure of the water in the gas phase when the reaction is at equilibrium. This pressure is often called the vapor pressure. The vapor pressure is literally the partial pressure of the compound in the gas. This equilibrium may be established at any temperature. Because vaporization reactions are endothermic, an increase in temperature will shift the equilibrium to the right. Thus at low temperatures the vapor pressure of the liquid is very low and at high temperatures the vapor pressure is quite large. The boiling point corresponds to the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid equals the atmospheric pressure. If the liquid is open to the atmosphere (that is, not in a sealed vessel),smoke on the water, fire in the skies it is not possible to sustain a pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure, because the vapor will simply expand until its pressure equals that of the atmosphere. The temperature at which the vapor pressure exactly equals one atm is called the normal boiling point. Phase diagrams A phase diagram gives an idea about the phase which is present at any given temperature and pressure. If one increase the pressure on a gas (vapour) at a temperature lower than the critical temperature, one will eventually cross the liquid-vapour equilibrium line and the vapour will condense to give a liquid. That is because, above the critical temperature, it is impossible to condense a gas into a liquid just by increasing the pressure. All one get is a highly compressed gas. The particles have too much energy for the intermolecular attractions to hold them together as a liquid. The critical temperature obviously varies from substance to substance and depends on the strength of the attractions between the particles. The stronger the intermolecular attractions, the higher the critical temperature. Calculation of Enthalpy at certain pressure and temperature : = Cp T [T( For an ideal gas

PV =RT (for one mole of gas) =


Therefore for an ideal gas (independent of pressure) Phase Change at constant pressure When the gas is cooled from 25C ,1 atm to -170,1 atm(liquid) the gas makes a transition from gas phase to liquid phase Upon cooling there is a temp. at which the vapours becomes saturated with liquid and if the gas is further cooled the entire vapours are converted to liquid phase ,on further cooling the liquid becomes subcooled . gas ( 25C) gas(T)(sat.) liquid(T)(sat.) subcooled liquid(170C)

Phase change with pressure change Now when the gas is cooled from 25C,1atm to -170,10 atm(liquid).The increase in pressure results in the saturated vapours at higher temperature(T1) as compared to the temperature when gas is cooled at constant pressure of 1atm i.e.(T1 >T) Steps in the calculation of H Enthalpy change from gas phase(298 K) to saturated vapours(Ts) The reference temperature is 298K H1 = Cp(T) where T = (Ts- 298)


Cp is the specific heat capacity of gas(KJ/kg.K)

2.Enthalpy change from saturated vapours(Ts) to saturated liquid(Ts) H2 = L where L is the latent heat of condensation/vaporization 2)

3.Enthalpy change from saturated liquid(Ts) to subcooled liquid(T) H3 = Cp(T) where T =(T-Ts) where Cp is the specific heat capacity of liquid (KJ/kg.K) 4. Total change in enthalpy = ( H1 +H2 + H3 ) KJ/kg


100% Send-Out Operation with Unloading Unloading Rate = 10729 m3/hr Discharge Head at LNG Unloading Arm = 135 m Cargo Tank Pressure = 130 mbarg Ship Heat Leak Basis = 0.15% per day Storage Tank Pressure= 190 mbarg Storage Tank Vapor Temperature = -150oC Storage Tank Heat Leak Basis = 0.08% per day Recondensor (inlet) Pressure = 7.3 barg Submerged Combustion Vaporizers in Operation = 0 Total Send-Out rate = 1142 tons/hr Number of Tanks = 4 Tank Capacity(Working) = 1,48,000 m3/tank Gas Turbine Generators in Operation = 4 Air Temperature = 21oC

ASSUMPTIONS: LNG is entirely composed of methane. BOG coming out of tank is saturated vapor i.e. does not contain any LNG. Amount of Boil-off gas (BOG) being generated during the operation = 33tons/hr (33000 kg/hr) Amount of BOG sent to the loading arm as per ship operators requirement = 1/3 rd of BOG generated = 11 tons/hr(11000 kg/hr) No BOG is sent to the Flare system. No BOG is sent to the kick back line of the compressor.

BASIS: 1 Hour Operation


LNG (pumped by LP Pumps) + BOG (generated) = Send Out + Fuel to Gas Turbine Generators + Fuel to Submerged Combustion Vaporizers Total Send Out rate = 1,142,000 kg/hr NG sent to SCV = 0 kg/hr ( no SCV in operation) NG sent to Gas Turbine Generators : (2) (3)

GTGs in operation =4 NG flow rate to each GTG = 1700 SCM/ hr [SCM= standard cubic meter] Therefore, total flow rate to the GTGs = 1700 x 4 = 6800 SCM/hr Density of NG at GTG entrance = 20.38 kg/ m3 Mass flow rate of NG = 6800 x 20.38 = 13859.03 kg/hr = 13.85908 tons/hr (4) Substituting (2), (3) and (4) in (1), (5) LNG (pumped by LP Pumps) + BOG (generated) = 13.85908 + 1142 = 1155.85908 tons/hr



(Red indicates the non-operational line)

LNG leaving the STV = 1, 155, 85908 kg/hr LNG entering the STV = 1, 155, 85908 kg/hr Accumulation or disappearance = 0 kg/hr

GLYCOL WATER REQUIREMENT : Temperature of LNG at STV inlet Pressure of LNG at STV inlet Enthalpy of LNG at the inlet of STV Temperature of LNG at STV outlet Pressure of LNG at STV outlet Enthalpy of LNG at STV outlet Enthalpy difference across the STV Heat taken up by LNG Specific heat capacity of 36% glycol water Inlet temperature of Glycol water Outlet temperature of Glycol water = -151.6oC = 94.65 barg = -135.77 kcal/kg = 0.6oC = 91.95 barg = 21.45 kcal/kg = (21.45- (-135.77)) = 157.22 kcal/kg (6) = (6) x (5) = 181724165 kcal/hr = 0.8149 kcal/kg oC = 16 oC (t1) = 2 oC (t2)


By Law of Conservation of Energy, HEAT GIVEN BY GLYCOL WATER = HEAT TAKEN UP BY LNG MGW x Cp x (t2-t1) = MLNG x enthalpy difference MGW = 181724165 / (14 x 0.8149) kg/hr MGW = 17, 297.42 kg/h GLYCOL WATER REQUIRED FOR THE DESIRED OPERATION = 17, 297.42 kg/hr


LNG pumped out LNG pumped in Accumulation or Disappearance

= 1, 155, 859.08 kg/hr = 1, 155, 859.08 kg/hr =0



Amount of BOG generated

= 33, 000 kg/hr

BOG sent through kick back valve for the compressor Amount of BOG sent to flare system Amount of BOG sent to the loading arm Amount of BOG sent to the Recondensor

= 0 kg/hr = 0 kg/hr = 11, 000 kg/hr = 22, 000 kg/hr



Ratio of LNG pumped ,to the Recondensor ,to BOG sent Amount of LNG being pumped to the Recondensor LNG leaving the Recondensor

= 7.33 = 1, 61,260 kg/hr = (6) + (7) =1, 83, 260 kg/hr

- (10)

- (11)

LNG entering the HP Pumps LNG sent via bypass

= 1, 155, 859.08 kg/hr - (12) = (9) (8) = 1, 155, 85908 1, 54, 000 =972,599.08 kg//hr - (13)

LNG pumped from the tanks

= (13) + (10)

1,134,020.34 kg/hr


1. LNG IN TANK PUMPS Mass flow rate through 2 phases Mass flow rate through each tank = 1, 134, 020.34 kg/hr = 1, 134, 020.34 /4

= 283, 505.085 kg/hr Volumetric flow rate through each tank = 283, 505.085 / 459.583 = 616.512m3/hr Capacity of each in tank pump for 100% send out = 430 m3/hr No. of pumps operational per tank = 616.512 / 430 ~ 2 Flow rate through each tank = 616.512/ 2 = 308.256m3/hr Therefore , number of In-Tank Pumps operational per tank = 2

2. BOG COMPRESSORS Flow rate through the compressors Capacity of one compressor No. of compressors in operation = 33,000 kg/hr = 12,000 kg/hr =3

The most optimum mode of operation would be to run two compressors at 100 % load while running one at 75% load.

3. HP PUMPS Flow rate through the HP Pumps = 1, 155,859.08 kg/hr Volumetric flow rate through the HP Pumps = 1, 155,859.08 kg/hr / 454.535 kg/m3 = 2, 542.948 m3/hr Capacity of one HP Pump = 400 m3/hr No. of HP Pumps operational per phase ~4 Flow rate through each pump = 317.869 m3/h Therefore , number of In-Tank Pumps operational per tank = 2 4. SHELL AND TUBE VAPORIZER Flow rate through the STVs = 1, 155,859.08 kg/hr Capacity of one STV = 88.175 tons/ hr No. of STVs in operation per phase = 6.55 =7 Flow through each STV = 82.561 tons/ hr

Therefore , number of STVs operational = 2


The design value of LNG being pumped from In tank pumps = 1,132,052.44kg/hr

CONCLUSION: The calculated value i.e. 1,134,020.34 kg/hr is in good agreement with the design value i.e. 1,132,052.44kg/hr

Overall Balance:

Heat gained by (LNG + BOG) = Heat Ingress +Heat given by (InTank Pumps+ HP Pumps +Glycol Water + Recondensor)

I) Heat Gained By LNG and BOG

Enthalpy of LNG discharging from storage tanks at -159.4 C = -144.67 kcal/kg Enthalpy of BOG discharging from storage tanks at -159.4 C = -32.53 kcal/kg Enthalpy of NG out for send-out at 0 C = 21.55kcal/kg Mass flow rate of LNG discharging from storage tanks = 1,134. t/h Mass flow rate of BOG discharging from storage tanks = 33t/h Therefore, Heat Gained by LNG = {21.55 - (-144.67)} * 1,134,020.34 = 188,496,860.9kcal/h And Heat gained by BOG = {21.55 (-32.53)} * 33,000 = 1,784,640kcal/h

Total Heat gained (LNG + BOG)= 190,281,500.9 kcal/h 1

II) Heat Given By InTank Pumps

Enthalpy of LNG entering the LP Pump = -145.41 kcal/kg Enthalpy of LNG pumped out of LP Pump =-144.79 kcal/kg Mass flow rate of LNG discharging through the pump = 1,134,020.34 kg/h Therefore, Heat given by LP Pump = 1,134,020.34 * {-144.79-(-145.41)} = 703,092.6108kcal/h Heat Given By In Tank Pump = 703,092.61 kcal/h 2

III) Heat Given By Compressor

Enthalpy of entering stream = -32.21 kcal/kg Enthalpy of exit stream = 16.73 kcal/kg Mass flow rate of BOG through the compressor = 33t/h

Heat given

= 33,000 * {16.73 - (- 32.21)} = 1,615,020kcal/h

Heat Given by Compressor to BOG = 1,615,020 kcal/h 3

IV) Heat given by Recondensor

By formula, QLNG = QBOG x 7.33 Enthalpy of LNG entering stream Enthalpy of LNG exit stream Mass flow rate of LNG Heat gained by LNG Enthalpy of BOG entering stream Enthalpy of BOG exit stream Mass flow rate of BOG Heat lost by BOG = -144.65 kcal/kg = -125.23 kcal/kg = 161.26t/h = 161,260*{-125.23-(-144.65)} = 3,131,669.2kcal/h = -16.73 kcal/kg = -125.23 kcal/kg = 22t/h =22,000*{-125.23-(-16.73)} = -3,123,120 kcal/h

Total Heat Given By Recondensor = 8,549.2 kcal/h 4

V) Heat Given By HP Pumps

Enthalpy of entering stream = -142.02 kcal/kg Enthalpy of exit stream = -135.81 kcal/kg Mass flow rate of LNG = 1,155.85908 t/h Heat given = 1,155,859.08 * {-135.81-(-142.02)} = 7,177,884.887kcal/h Heat Given By HP Pumps = 7,177,884.887 kcal/h 5

VI) Heat given by Glycol Water to LNG

Enthalpy of entering stream = -135.77 kcal/kg Enthalpy of exit stream = 21.45 kcal/kg Mass flow rate of LNG stream =1,155.85908t/h Heat Gained = 1,155,859.08 * {21.45-(-135.77)} = 177,724,164.6kcal/h Heat Given by Glycol Water = 177,724,164.6 kcal/h 6

Therefore Heat Ingress = 1-(2+3+4+5+6)

Overall Heat Ingress =3,052,789.603 kcal/h = 3,550.564 kW


Overall Balance: Heat gained by (LNG + BOG) = Heat Ingress +Heat given by (InTank Pumps+ HP Pumps +Glycol Water + Recondensor)

I)Heat Gained By LNG and BOG

Enthalpy of LNG discharging from storage tanks at -159.4 C = -144.67 kcal/kg Enthalpy of BOG discharging from storage tanks at -159.4 C = -32.53 kcal/kg Enthalpy of NG out for send-out at 0 C = 21.55kcal/kg Mass flow rate of LNG discharging from storage tanks = 1,132,256 kg/h Mass flow rate of BOG discharging from storage tanks = 30,368 kg/h Therefore, Heat Gained by LNG = {21.55 - (-144.67)} * 1,132,256 kg/h = 188,470,056.3kcal/h And Heat gained by BOG = {21.55 (-32.53)} * 30,368 = 1,784,640kcal/h

Total Heat gained (LNG + BOG)= 193,251,361.3 kcal/h 1

II)Heat Given By InTank Pumps

Enthalpy of LNG entering the LP Pump = -145.41kcal/kg Enthalpy of LNG pumped out of LP Pump = -144.79kcal/kg Mass flow rate of LNG discharging through the pump = 1,132,256 kg/h Therefore, Heat given by LP Pump = 1,132,256 * {-144.79-(-145.41)} = 701,998.6296kcal/h Heat Given By In Tank Pump = 701,998.63 kcal/h 2

III)Heat Given By Compressor

Enthalpy of entering stream = -32.21 kcal/kg Enthalpy of exit stream = 16.73 kcal/kg Mass flow rate of BOG through the compressor = 30368kg/h Heat given = 30368 * {16.73 - (- 32.21)} = 1,486,209kcal/h Heat Given by Compressor to BOG = 1,486,209 kcal/h 3

IV)Heat given by Recondensor

By formula, QLNG = QBOG x 7.33 Enthalpy of LNG entering stream = -144.65 kcal/kg Enthalpy of LNG exit stream = -125.23 kcal/kg Mass flow rate of LNG = 136200kg/h Heat gained by LNG = 136200*{-125.23-(-144.65)} = 2,645,004kcal/h Enthalpy of BOG entering stream Enthalpy of BOG exit stream Mass flow rate of BOG Heat lost by BOG = -16.73 kcal/kg = -125.23 kcal/kg = 18585kg/h =18585*{-125.23-(-16.73)} = -2,638,326.6 kcal/h

Total Heat Given By Recondensor = 6677.4 kcal/h 4

V)Heat Given By HP Pumps

Enthalpy of entering stream = -142.02 kcal/kg Enthalpy of exit stream = -135.81 kcal/kg Mass flow rate of LNG = 1150840 kg/h

Heat given

= 1150840 * {-135.81-(-142.02)} = 7,146,716.4kcal/h

Heat Given By HP Pumps = 7,146,716.4 kcal/h 5

VI)Heat given by Glycol Water to LNG

Enthalpy of entering stream = -135.77 kcal/kg Enthalpy of exit stream = 21.45 kcal/kg Mass flow rate of LNG stream = 1150840kg/h Heat Gained = 1150840 * {21.45-(-135.77)} = 180,935,064.8kcal/h Heat Given by Glycol Water = 180,935,064.8 kcal/h 6

Therefore Heat Ingress = 1-(2+3+4+5+6)

Overall Heat Ingress = 2,974,695.07 kcal/h = 3,459.74 kW

CONCLUSION: The calculated value of heat ingress i.e. 3,550.564 kW is in good agreement with the design value of heat ingress i.e. 3,459.74 kW


Pressure drop in pipelines The pressure drop in a pipe, due to friction, is a function of the fluid flow-rate, fluid density and viscosity, pipe diameter, pipe surface roughness and the length of the pipe. It can be calculated using the following equation: Pressure Drop = 4 f L V2/2 g D Where pressure drop is in N/m2 f = fanning friction factor L= pipe length, m D= pipe inside diameter, m V= fluid velocity, m/s The friction factor is dependent on the Reynolds number and pipe roughness. The friction factor for use in equation can be found from Colebrook equation given as

The equation is an implicit equation and iterations have to be used to find out a value of f for a given value of Re and (k/d). To reduce the burden of calculations we have used MATLAB 7.0.1 for performing the calculations.

SECTION 1- LP Pumps to HP pumps


POINT 1 TO 2 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length 8 inches 66 m Value 100D 80D 20D 40D 135D 375D 142.2 m

Quantity 5 1 1 1 1

POINT 2 TO 3 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length POINT 3 TO 4 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length POINT 4 TO 5 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length 24 inches 818 m Value 480D 80D 20D 0 0 580D 1172 m 16 inches 88 m Value 80D 80D 0 40D 0D 200D 169.3 m 16 inches 10 m Value 0 80D 0 0 0 80D 42.5m

Quantity 0 1 0 0 0

Quantity 4 1 0 1 0

Quantity 24 1 1 0 0

POINT 5 TO 6 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length 16 inches 3m Value 20D 0 0 40D 0 60D 27.38 m

Quantity 1 0 0 1 0

POINT 6 TO 7 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length POINT 7 TO 8 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length 8 inches 11 m Value 120D 80D 0 40D 0 240D 59.77 m 16 inches 7m Value 0 80D 20D 0 0 100D 47.64 m

Quantity 0 1 1 0 0

Quantity 6 1 0 1 0

POINT 8 TO 9 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length 30 inches 3513 m Value 1580D 320D 40D 120D 0 2060D 10165 m

Quantity 79 4 2 3 0

POINT 9 TO 10 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length POINT 10 TO 11 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length 24 inches 176 m Value 220D 80D 20D 40D 0 360D 395.5 m 8 inches 15 m Value 120D 80D 0 40D 135D 375D 91.2 m

Quantity 6 1 0 1 1

Quantity 11 1 1 1 0

POINT 11 TO 12 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length 24 inches 20 m Value 0 0 20D 0 0 20D 32.2 m

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

POINT 12 TO 13 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length POINT 14 TO 15 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length 12 inches 19.2 m Value 20D 0 0 80D 0 100D 50.2 m 12 inches 61 m Value 240D 0 0 80D 135D 455D 199.7 m

Quantity 12 0 0 2 1

Quantity 1 0 0 2 0

POINT 15 TO 16 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length 24 inches 8m Value 20D 80D 20D 0 0 120D 82 m

Quantity 1 1 1 0 0

POINT 16 TO 17 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length POINT 17 TO 18 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length 16 inches 7m Value 0 0 20D 0 0 20D 15 m 16 inches 24 m Value 0 0 20D 40D 0 60D 61 m

Quantity 0 0 1 1 0

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

POINT 18 TO 19 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length 16 inches 7m Value 0 0 20D 0 0 20D 15 m

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

POINT 19 TO 20 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length POINT 20 TO 21 Basic Parameters Diameter Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Equivalent Length 12 inches 8m Value 60D 80D 0 80D 0 220D 75 m 16 inches 7m Value 0 0 20D 0 0 20D 15 m

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

Quantity 3 1 0 2 0

Mass_flow=[226219,452438,678657,678657,678657,1357314,184560,184560,184560,1357 314,68316, 68316,74859,685200,685200,513900,342600,171300,171300]; Density=[459,459,459,459,459,459,453,453,453,456,456,456,420.2,452.8,452.8,452.8,452. 8,452.8,452.]; Viscosity=[0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.13,0.13,0.13,0.14,0.14,0.14,0.08,0.134,0.134,0.1 34,0.134,0.134,0.134]; Pipe_Dia=[0.2111,0.3964,0.3964,0.5966,0.3964,0.3964,0.2111,0.746,0.2111,0.5966,0.5966 ,0.3148,0.3148,0.5966,0.3964,0.3964,0.3964,0.3964,0.3148]; Roughness=[0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001 ,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001]; Equivalent_length=[142.2,42.5,169.3,1172,27.4,47.6,59.8,10165,91.2,395.5,32.2,199.7,50. 2,83,55,14,14,14,104]; Volumetric_flow= Mass_flow./Density Area=pi/4*Pipe_Dia.*Pipe_Dia; Velocity=Volumetric_flow./(Area*3600) nre= Pipe_Dia.*Velocity.*Density./Viscosity*1000 fx=y(nre,Equivalent_length,Velocity,Pipe_Dia,Density);

File -2 y.m
function [f]= y(nre,L,V,D,De) for k=1:length(nre) p=0; i=1; if nre(k)<2100 f(1)=16/nre(k); else f(1)=0.079/nre(k)^(0.25);

end while p==0 f(i+1)=( -4*log10((0.00001/3.7065)+1.256/(nre(k)*sqrt(f(i)))))^(-2); if f(i)-f(i+1)<10^-4 fx(k)=f(i+1); p=1; else f(i)=f(i+1); end i=i+1; end end fx head=(4.*fx.*L.*V.*V)./(2*9.81.*D) pd=head.*De*9.81*0.00001019716213

PART-A (In-tank pump to Recondensor)
1-2 226219 459 0.15 0.2111 142.2 0.00001 2-3 452438 459 0.15 0.3964 42.5 0.00001 3-4 678657 459 0.15 0.3964 169.3 0.00001 4-5 678657 459 0.15 0.5966 1172 0.00001 5-6 678657 459 0.15 0.3964 27.4 0.00001 6-7 1357314 459 0.15 0.3964 47.6 0.00001 7-8 184560 453 0.13 0.2111 59.8 0.00001 8-9 184560 453 0.13 0.746 10165 0.00001 9-10 184560 453 0.13 0.2111 91.2 0.00001











3.9115 2.5267 0.0026 5.5644 0.2555

2.2186 2.6912 0.0026 0.2827 0.0130

3.3280 4.0368 0.0025 2.4155 0.1109

1.4692 2.6822 0.0026 2.2723 0.1043

3.3280 8.0735 0.0025 0.3909 0.0179

6.6559 2.3786 0.0023 2.5346 0.1164

3.2335 0.6731 0.0027 1.6114 0.0730

0.2589 2.3786 0.0032 0.5965 0.0270

3.2335 0.6731 0.0027 2.4575 0.1114

TABLE -2 (LINE 10-13) PIPELINE NO. MASS FLOW RATE (kg/hr) DENSITY() (kg/m3) VISCOSITY() (cP) PIPE DIAMETER(D) (m) EQUIVALENT LENGTH(L) (m) ROUGHNESS OF PIPING CALCULATED RESULTS VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE x 103 (m3/hr) VELOCITY(V) (m/s) REYNOLDS NO. (DV/) x106 FANNING FRICTION FACTOR(F) 10-11 1357314 456 0.14 0.5966 395.5 0.00001 2.9766 2.9577 5.7475 0.0024 2.8528 11-12 68316 456 0.14 0.5966 32.2 0.00001 0.1498 0.1489 0.2893 0.0037 0.0009 12-13 68316 456 0.14 0.3148 199.7 0.00001 0.1498 0.5347 0.5428 0.0033 0.1224

HEAD (4FLV2/2Gd) m PRESSURE DROP (gh) kgf/cm2 0.1301 0.0000 0.0056 Therefore, the total Pressure Drop with 20% margin : 1.1581 kgf/cm 2 PRESSURE DROP ACROSS VALVES AND ORIFICES

In-tank Pump Discharge Flow Orifice In-tank Pump Discharge Throttle Valve

= 0.30 kgf/cm2 = 0.20 kgf/cm2

Unloading Line Circulation Flow Control Valve = 0.20 kgf/cm2 Unloading Line Circulation Flow orifice = 0.30 kgf/cm2

Recondensor Inlet Orifice Recondensor Inlet Flow Control Valve Total

= 0.30 kgf/cm2 = 0.20 kgf/cm2 = 1.5 kgf/cm2

Total Pressure Drop along the line = 1.5 + 1.1581 = 2.6581 kgf/cm 2


Pressure Required at the Recondensor Inlet = 7.3 barg = 7.444 kgf/cm 2 Head Required at Recondensor Inlet = 166.4 m

Delta head

In-tank Pump Suction = Ground level + 5m Recondensor Inlet Delta Head = Ground level + 15m = 10m

Suction Pressure

= 2.31 m


PART-B (Recondensor to HP pumps)

Table-3 (Line 14-21) PIPELINE NO. MASS FLOW RATE (kg/hr) DENSITY() (kg/m3) VISCOSITY() (cP) PIPE DIAMETER(D) (m) EQUIVALENT LENGTH(L) (m) ROUGHNESS OF PIPING CALCULATED RESULTS VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE x 103 (m3/hr) VELOCITY(V) (m/s) REYNOLDS NO. (DV/) FANNING FRICTION FACTOR(F) HEAD (4FLV2/2Gd) m PRESSURE DROP (gh)kgf/cm2 14-15 74859 420.2 0.08 0.3148 50.2 0.0000 1 0.1782 0.6538 1.0513 0.0030 0.0393 0.0017 15-16 685200 452.8 0.134 0.5966 83 0.0000 1 1.5133 1.5037 3.0314 0.0026 0.1661 0.0075 16-17 685200 452.8 0.134 0.3964 55 0.0000 1 1.5133 3.4061 4.5623 0.0025 0.8110 0.0367 17-18 513900 452.8 0.134 0.3964 14 0.0000 1 1.1349 2.5545 3.4217 0.0026 0.1199 0.0054 18-19 342600 452.8 0.134 0.3964 14 0.0000 1 0.7566 1.7030 2.2812 0.0027 0.0560 0.0025 19-20 171300 452.8 0.134 0.3964 14 0.0000 1 0.3783 0.8515 1.1406 0.0030 0.0155 4 0.0007 20-21 171300 452.8 0.134 0.3148 104 0.00001 0.3783 1.3502 1.4362 0.0029 0.3507 0.0159

Total Head Loss Total Pressure Drop HP Pump Inlet Strainer Line Pressure Drop

= 1.559 m =0.0704 kgf/cm2 = 0.030 kgf/cm2 = 1.2 x 0.0704 = 0.08448 kgf/cm2


= 0.11448 kgf/cm2

Recondensor Operation Pressure = 7 barg = 7.14 kgf/cm2g

Delta Head Recondensor liquid level = Ground Level +4.6

HP Pump Datum Line Delta Head Pressure Head

= Ground Level 2.85 m = 7.45 m = 0.333313 kgf/cm2g

HP Pump Inlet Pressure = 7.36 kgf/cm2g SECTION- 2 HP Pumps to Send out


POINT 1-2 POINT 2-3 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 3-4 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 4-5 Basic Parameters Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Diameter(D) Actual Length Actual Length Fittings Fittings Elbow Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Butterfly Valve Check Valve Check Valve Total Total Total Equivalent Length Total Equivalent Length Value Value 16 inches 8 inches 6.5m 11m Value Value 0D 20D 0D 80D 20D 0D 0D 0D 0D 135D 20D = 8m 235D = 48 m 14.5m 59m Value 16 inches 6.5m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 8m 14.5m Value 15 inches 326m Value 60D 0D 0D 0D 0D 60D = 24 m 350m

Quantity 3 0 0 0 0

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

Quantity Quantity 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

POINT 6-7 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 7-8 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 8-9 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length Value 16 inches 27m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 8m 35m Value 16 inches 8.5m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 8m 18.5m Value 16 inches 54m Value 140D 0D 20D 0D 0D 160D = 65m 119m

Quantity 7 0 1 0 0

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

POINT 9-10 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 10-11 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length Value 16 inches 1m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 8m 9m Value 16 inches 23.5m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 8m 31.5m

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

POINT 11-12 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length Value 16 inches 8.5m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 8m 16.5m

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

POINT 12-13

Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 13-14 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 14-15 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length

Quantity 4 0 1 0 0

Value 16 inches 52m Value 80D 0D 20D 0D 0D 100D = 41m 93m

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

Value 16 inches 8.5m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 8m 16.5m

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

Value 16 inches 40m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 8m 48m

POINT 15-16 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Value 16 inches

Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 16-17 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 18-19 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

8.5m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 8m 16.5m

Quantity 9 1 0 0 0

Value 6 inches 23m Value 180D 80D 0D 0D 0D 260D = 106m 129m

Quantity 11 1 0 0 1

Value 8 inches 34m Value 220D 80D 0D 0D 135D 435D = 88m 122m

POINT 19-20 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Value 24 inches 0.7m Value


Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 20-21 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 21-22 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length

0 0 1 0 0

0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 12m 12.7m

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

Value 24 inches 27m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 12m 39m

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

Value 24 inches 27m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 12m 39m

POINT 22-23 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Value 24 inches 2.5m Value 0D 0D

Quantity 0 0

Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 23-24 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 24-25 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length

1 0 0

20D 0D 0D 20D =12m 14.5m

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

Value 24 inches 0.7m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 12m 12.7m

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

Value 24 inches 66.5m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 12m 78.5m

POINT 25-26 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Value 24 inches 0.7m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D

Quantity 0 0 1 0

Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 26-27 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 27-28 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length

0D 20D = 12m 12.7m

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

Value 24 inches 56.5m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 12m 68.5m

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

Value 24 inches 0.7m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 12m 12.7m

POINT 28-29 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Value 24 inches 478m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 12m

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

Total Equivalent Length


POINT 29-30 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length POINT 31-32 Basic Parameters Diameter(D) Actual Length Fittings Elbow Tee (branch) Tee (along run) Butterfly Valve Check Valve Total Total Equivalent Length Value 30 inches 12m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 15m 27m Value 30 inches 95m Value 0D 0D 20D 0D 0D 20D = 15m 110m

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

Quantity 0 0 1 0 0

Mass_flow=[171300,171300,342600,513900,685200,685200,596050,510900,510900,51090 0,425750,340600,255460,170300,85150,85150,85150,85150,170300,170300,170300,2554 50,340600,425750,510900,596030,685200,685200,685200]; Density=[454.5,454.5,454.5,454.5,454.5,454.5,454.2,454.2,454.2,454.2,454.2,454.2,454.2, 454.2,454.2,454.2,98.3,98.3,98.3,98.3,98.3,98.3,98.3,98.3,98.3,98.3,98.3,98.3,98.3]; Viscosity=[0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12, 0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01];

Pipe_Dia=[0.1837,0.3587,0.3587,0.3587,0.3587,0.3587,0.3587,0.3587,0.3587,0.3587,0.358 7,0.3587,0.3587,0.3587,0.3587,0.1463,0.1937,0.5619,0.5619,0.5619,0.5619,0.5619,0.5619 ,0.5619,0.5619,0.5619,0.5619,0.714,0.714]; Roughness=[0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.000001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.0000 1,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001,0. 00001,0.00001,0.00001,0.00001]; Equivalent_Length=[59,350,14.5,14.5,14.5,119,18.5,35,31.5,9,16.5,93,16.5,48,16.5,129,12 2,12.7,39,39,14.5,12.7,78.5,12.7,88.5,12.7,490,27,110]; Volumetric_flow=Mass_flow./Density; Area=pi/4.*Pipe_Dia.*Pipe_Dia; Velocity=Volumetric_flow./(Area*3600); nre=Density.*Pipe_Dia.*Velocity./Viscosity*1000; fx=y(nre,Equivalent_Length,Velocity,Pipe_Dia,Density);

File -2 y.m
function [f]= y(nre,L,V,D,De) for k=1:length(nre) p=0; i=1; if nre(k)<2100 f(1)=16/nre(k); else f(1)=0.079/nre(k)^(0.25); end while p==0 f(i+1)=( -4*log10((0.00001/3.7065)+1.256/(nre(k)*sqrt(f(i)))))^(-2);

if f(i)-f(i+1)<10^-4 fx(k)=f(i+1); p=1; else f(i)=f(i+1); end i=i+1 end end fx head=(4.*fx.*L.*V.*V)./(2*9.81.*D) pd=head.*De*9.81*0.00001019716213

CALCULATED RESULT Table-4 Line(1-10)

PIPELINE NO Mass Flow Rate Density( ) PIPELINE NO Viscosity () Mass Pipe Flow Rate Diameter (D) Density( ) Equivalent Length Viscosity () Pipe Pipe Roughness Diameter (D) CALCULATED Equivalent RESULTS Length Volumetric Pipe Flow Rate(m3 Roughness /hr) (*103) CALCULATED Velocity(m/s) RESULTS Volumetric Reynolds No Flow Rate(m3 (VD/) 3 /hr) (*10 ) (*107) Velocity(m/s) Fannings Friction Reynolds No Factor(f) (VD/) Pressure (*107) Drop(4fLV2/ Fannings 2D) Friction Factor(f) Pressure Drop(4fLV2/ 2D) 10-11 51090 0 454.2 1-2 0.12 17130 0.358 0 7 454.5 9 0.12 0.000 0.183 01 7 59 1.124 0.000 8 01 3.092 0 0.376 0.419 9 8 3.950 0.002 1 5 0.274 8 0.005 5 0.002 6 0.121 7 11-12 42575 0 454.2 2-3 0.12 17130 0.358 0 7 454.5 16.5 0.12 0.000 0.358 01 7 350 0.937 0.000 4 01 2.576 6 0.376 0.349 9 8 1.036 0.002 0 5 0.140 8 0.007 2 0.002 9 0.027 8 12-13 34060 0 454.2 3-4 0.12 34260 0.358 0 7 454.5 93 0.12 0.000 0.358 01 7 14.5 0.749 0.000 9 01 2.061 3 0.753 0.279 8 9 2.072 0.002 0 6 0.281 5 0.026 7 0.002 6 0.004 2 13-14 25546 0 454.2 4-5 0.12 51390 0.358 0 7 454.5 16.5 0.12 0.000 0.358 01 7 14.5 0.562 0.000 4 01 1.546 0 1.130 0.209 7 9 3.108 0.002 1 7 0.422 3 0.002 8 0.002 5 0.009 0 14-15 17030 0 454.2 5-6 0.12 68520 0.358 0 7 454.5 48 0.12 0.000 0.358 01 7 14.5 0.374 0.000 9 01 1.030 7 1.507 0.139 6 9 4.144 0.002 1 9 0.563 0 0.003 8 0.002 4 0.015 6 15-16 85150 454.2 6-7 0.12 68520 0.358 0 7 454.5 16.5 0.12 0.000 0.358 01 7 119 0.187 0.000 5 01 0.515 3 1.507 0.070 6 0 4.144 0.003 1 2 0.563 0 0.000 4 0.002 4 0.127 7 16-17 85150 454.2 7-8 0.12 59605 0.146 0 3 454.2 129 0.12 0.000 0.358 01 7 18.5 0.187 0.000 5 01 3.097 8 1.312 0.171 3 5 3.607 0.002 3 8 0.489 8 0.218 4 0.002 5 0.015 2 18-19 85150 98.3 8-9 0.01 51090 0.193 0 7 454.2 122 0.12 0.000 0.358 01 7 35 0.866 0.000 2 01 8.165 4 1.124 1.554 8 8 3.092 0.002 0 2 0.419 8 0.187 1 0.002 5 0.021 5 19-20 85150 98.3 9-10 0.01 51090 0.561 0 9 454.2 12.7 0.12 0.000 0.358 01 7 31.5 0.866 0.000 2 01 0.970 3 1.124 0.536 8 0 3.092 0.002 0 4 0.419 8 0.000 1 0.002 5 0.019 4

Table-5(Line 11-20)

Table-6 (Line 20-29) PIPELINE NO Mass Flow Rate Density( ) Viscosity () PipeDiameter(D) EquivalentLength Pipe Roughness CALCULATED RESULTS VolumetricFlowRat e(m3 /hr)(*103) Velocity(m/s) Reynolds No (VD/) (*107) Fannings Friction Factor(f) Pressure Drop(4fLV2/2D) Table-7 (29-32) PIPELINE NO Mass Flow Rate 29-30 685200 31-32 685200 20-21 17030 0 98.3 0.01 0.561 9 39 0.000 01 1.732 5 1.940 7 1.071 9 0.002 3 0.001 2 21-22 17030 0 98.3 0.01 0.561 9 39 0.000 01 1.732 5 1.940 7 1.071 9 0.002 3 0.001 2 22-23 17030 0 98.3 0.01 0.561 9 14.5 0.000 01 1.732 5 1.940 7 1.071 9 0.002 3 0.000 4 23-24 25545 0 98.3 0.01 0.561 9 12.7 0.000 01 2.598 7 2.911 0 1.607 9 0.002 2 0.000 9 24-25 34060 0 98.3 0.01 0.561 9 78.5 0.000 01 3.464 9 3.881 3 2.143 8 0.002 2 0.009 2 25-26 42575 0 98.3 0.01 0.561 9 12.7 0.000 01 4.331 1 4.851 7 2.679 8 0.002 2 0.002 3 26-27 51090 0 98.3 0.01 0.561 9 88.5 0.000 01 5.197 4 5.822 0 3.215 8 0.002 1 0.022 9 27-28 59603 0 98.3 0.01 0.561 9 12.7 0.000 01 6.063 4 6.792 1 3.751 6 0.002 1 0.004 4 28-29 68520 0 98.3 0.01 0.561 9 490 0.000 01 6.970 5 7.808 2 4.312 9 0.002 1 0.225 1

Density( ) Viscosity () Pipe Diameter (D) Equivalent Length Pipe Roughness CALCULATED RESULTS Volumetric Flow Rate(m3 /hr) (*103) Velocity(m/s)

98.3 0.01 0.714 27 0.00001

98.3 0.01 0.714 110 0.00001

6.9705 4.8359

6.9705 4.8359 3.3941 0.0021 0.0154 throughout the line : 1.1009 kgf/cm 2

Reynolds No 3.3941 (VD/) (*107) Fannings 0.0021 Friction Factor(f) Pressure 0.0038 Drop(4fLV2/2 D) Therefore, Pressure Drop

PRESSURE DROP ACROSS VALVES AND ORIFICES HP Pump Discharge Flow orifice : 0.30kgf/cm2 HP Pump Discharge Throttle valve : 0.70 kgf/cm2

VaporiserInlet FlowControl Valve: 0.70 kgf/cm2 Vaporiser Outlet Flow Orifice Vaporiser (SCV) Metering Station Flow Instrument Total : 0.30 kgf/cm2 : 1.50 kgf/cm2 : 0.60 kgf/cm2

: 2.60 kgf/cm2

Total Pressure Drop Calculated = 1.1009+2.60 (1)

= 5.2009 kgf/cm2

HP Pump Inlet Pressure ...(2) Required Pressure at SendOut =90.3barg (3) Delta Head (4) Density of LNG across HP Pump Required Pump Head for the stated SendOut Pressure (2) =0m

= 7.36 kgf/cm2

= 106.78 kgf/cm2

= 454.5 kg/m3 = (3) + (1) + (4) -

= 104.6209 kgf/cm2 =2301.103921 m

Therefore, Pump Head Required = 2301.103921 m


PERRY's_chemical_engineers'_handbook 6th edition Unit Operations by McCabe , Smith , & Harriot(5th edition) World Energy Insight, by the World Energy Council. BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2012 Key World Energy Statistics 2011, Internal Energy Agency. Indian Energy Scenario Ministry Of Power, India. Welcome Adresss-14th foundation Address Petronet LNG, by Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam http://www.chemguide.co.uk/physical/phaseeqia/pha sediags.html

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enthalpy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:LogMethaneVaporPre ssure.png

http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/materialproperties-t_24.html http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm? qid=197902&page=7 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquefied_natural_gas


http://www.trelleborg.com/en/Trelleborg-MarineSystems/Products/Docking-Mooring/Mooring/QuickRelease-Hooks/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_control_syste m http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brayton_cycle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_sprinkler_system http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/air-compressortypes-d_441.html

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