Cing - Common Interface For NMR Structure Generation: Results 1 - 10 of 978

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Results 1 - 10 of 978
cing - Common Interface for NMR structure Generation
Updated: Earlier this year - Stars: 19 The code base is tested using Jenkins CI here. Python, CING, Java, PDB, RCSB, BMRB, BioMagResBank, validation, structure, NMR, JavaScript, AJAX, protein, nucleicacid

openbiz-cubi - Rapid PHP Application Development Platform

Updated: Earlier this year - Stars: 68 Openbiz Cubi Platform is a php based rapid application development platform. The goal of Cubi is to provide commonly used modules and a set of tools PHP, Framework, ZendFramework, AJAX, Openbiz, Enterprise, Platform, jQuery, Web

gelatocms - di molti sapori

Updated: Earlier this year - Stars: 32 A tumblelog CMS built on AJAX, PHP and MySQL. Go to the Gelato CMS homepage tumblelog, cms, engine, php, mysql, tumblr, ajax, tumble, gelato

nhocpro9x - Host lu tr Js - Code

Updated: Earlier this year - Stars: 3 Host lu tr Js - Code AJAX, CSS, JavaScript

gwt-ext - GWT-Ext Widget Library

Updated: Last 30 days - Stars: 317 Status Update This project is no longer under active development and has been superseded by Smart GWT. Assistance will be provided to existing users of GWT-Ext looking to migrate to Smart GWT. ...
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GWT, Ext, Ajax, web2.0, Framework, Java

struts2-jquery - Struts2 jQuery Plugin

Updated: Last 7 days - Stars: 359 A Plugin for the popular java web framework struts2 to provide ajax functionality and UI Widgets based on the jQuery javascript framework. Easy AJAX Form submission and remote call ... struts2, jquery, plugin, ajax, JEE, tabs, tabbedpanel, datepicker, Java, grid, table, autocompleter, richtext, chart, j2ee

ckeditor-spip-plugin - A plugin to use CKEditor with SPIP

Updated: Dec 05, 2012 - Stars: 33 This plugin is for use with spip. Spip Text editor use is own markup language. One can prefere a WYSIWYG editor. This is the purpose of this plugin. It use CKeditor as text editor. A more co... AJAX, plugin, PHP, JavaScript, ckeditor, CrossPlatform, CMS, SPIP

jsc3d - A web 3d object viewer using pure javascript and html canvas
Updated: Last 7 days - Stars: 63 Welcome to JSC3D. This project provides a 3d object viewer for presenting 3d models and small scenes on a web page. JSC3D is coded entirely in Javascript and requires an HTML canvas to perform rende... JavaScript, Canvas, 3D, HTML, AJAX, Opera, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, Carakan, V8, TraceMonkey, JsCore, JScript

cn08b - QUN L K TC X
Updated: Nov 18, 2012 - Stars: 10 QUN L K TC X TRN NN WEB STT H v Tn MSSV< PHP, AJAX, CSS, jQuery, MySQL

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