IT Strategy, Risk Management and Audit

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Pune, India

BFSI Academy is the training division of MVL Consulting Private Limited. Visit BFSI Academy at All our training programs are also available inhouse. To arrange an inhouse program please contact us on : +91-20-25466154 or email [email protected] Or email us at [email protected]

Information Technology Strategies, Risk Management and Audit

IT Risk Management is not limited to IT security.

Also, learn about the global trends in use of IT in banking.

Banking sector is today dependent upon information technology (IT) for serving the customers. Globally, banks use different strategies to deliver the services to customers. Straight through processing has become a buzz word. While IT enables effective service delivery, it is not free of risks which can cause irreparable damage to a bank. This intensive program is designed to give you a thorough and comprehensive understanding of use of IT in banking, related risks, measurement of risk, mitigation of risks and auditing the IT risks. This intensive course uses a balance of lectures, case studies, discussions and hands on experience of using some of the risk measurement/audit tools. The program emphasizes on active participation from delegates and includes exercises and case studies. Key Takeaways :
On completion of the program you will have understanding of :

Global trends in use of IT in banking Strategies for using IT in banking Risks of using IT in banking How IT risks can be harnessed effectively Auditing IT risks in banking

Location: Pune, India Dates : July 26 - 30, 2010

IT Strategies, Risk Management and Audit with focus on banking

Course coverage: Use of IT in Banking Current global trends and strategies:

Delivery channels Customer service Messaging and payment

Background :
Usage of information technology (IT) has assumed paramount importance in banking business. Ever increasing use of IT in banking is also exposing banks to numerous operational risks. Managing and mitigating IT risk is critical to the survival of every bank. Therefore, the IT strategy, IT risk management and information systems have assumed great importance. The program offered by MVL Consulting essentially includes understanding the global trends in usage of IT in banking, how straight through processing is carried out in various functions of banking by using IT, how international banks are harnessing IT for improving profitability, productivity and customer service. The program also focuses on risks in using IT in banking in the areas of banking applications, usage of data bases, set up of networks, IT infrastructure. The program covers introduction to various IT governance and risk management frameworks like COBiT, ISO 20000/ITIL, ISO 27001 and PCI DSS. The program is more practice oriented than theory and will introduce the participants to various IT audit tools in the areas of web application vulnerability testing, network security tools and use of CAATs in bank audit.

processing Revenue management and customer billing Financial reporting and control IT correspondent banking

Expectations of Basel II and regulators

Basel II and regulatory


IT Governance and Risk Management Frameworks


Who will benefit :

IT Decision Makers IT Risk and Security Managers IT Technology and Systems Managers IT Auditors IT Operations Managers IT Project Managers

Risk Assessment, Risk Management and Information Systems Audit

Application risks Databases risks Network risks Processing risks Infrastructural risks Outsourcing risks Information Systems Audit Using various software

Benefits of attending :

Understand how IT can be harnessed by the banking industry to improve performance, profitability and customer satisfaction. Understand IT Risk Management in simple and practical way Understand the crucial role of Auditors in controlling and mitigating various IT Risks faced by Banks. Learn how to focus on important issues rather than get bogged with trivia

Course director :
Mr. M. V. Lonkar, B. Com, FCA, Grad. CWA, CISA, CFE, has more than 22 years of experience in risk management, banking and IT. He is presently pursuing PhD in risk management in banking. He also provides consulting services to banks and software companies on risk management and information technology. Other course faculties include practicing banking and IT professionals.

Why should you attend:

The agenda offers a mix of strategic and operational issues to enhance the knowledge on IT risk management, risk control practices and information systems audit in Banks. It also offer an insight into how large banks are managing their IT risk and using IT for performance improvement and enhancement of customer satisfaction.

IT Strategies, Risk Management and Audit with focus on banking

Program contents:

Developing IT risk management strategy

Strategies for effective use of IT in banking Using software tools for risk measurement and audit

Internet banking/web application vulnerability Use of IT in customer service testing Use of IT in regulatory and financial reporting Application functionality testing Use of IT in financial control Database audit Using IT for GAAP and IFRS compliance Network audit Use of IT in risk management and decision Use of CAATs in IS audits making Use of IT in revenue management/billing Applying risk management controls Use of IT in treasury operations Identify suitable controls to treat key risks Use of IT in performance improvement Using best practices framework i.e. COBiT, ISO 27001, ISO 20000/ITIL, BS 25999, Disaster recovery Understanding IT governance and risk planning management frameworks Business continuity planning COBiT ISO 20000/ITIL Program Objectives: ISO 27001ISMS Standard On completion of the program, delegates will be able PCI DSSPayment Card Industry to: BS 25999 Business Continuity Management Understand the importance & application of IT

Assessing threats and vulnerabilities

Data center operations Banking applications and databases Network related risks Internet banking ATM and credit card operations Payment systems and SWIFT operations Treasury operations Core banking solution operations Outsourcing IT development Outsourcing IT operations and support

risk management. Basics of best practices frameworks viz. COBiT, ISO 27001, ISO 2000/ITIL, PCI DSS, BS 25999 Successfully establish the steps for developing an IT risk management strategy. Manage risk treatment & assessment Conduct a business impact analysis Assess all threats & vulnerabilities in order to create a risk response strategy Effectively apply risk control measures Examine & identify information classification schemes

Developing IT risk management strategy

Setting the scope of IT risk management

framework IT policy design and implementation

Delegates from many banks have attended our trainings in the past. To name a few: State Bank of India ICICI Bank Limited National Savings Bank, Sri Lanka Punjab National Bank Bank of Rajasthan Limited Bank of Tanzania Bhutan National Bank Limited Bank of India

IT Strategies, Risk Management and Audit with focus on banking

Registration and further information ... Group discounts

3 delegates - 10% 4 delegates - 15% 5 delegates - 20%
Available only for delegates from same organisation attending the same course.

Registration INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STRATEGIES, RISK MANAGEMENT AND AUDIT July 26 - 30, 2010, Pune India Course Fees (inclusive of Service Tax): Standard Delegate Fee : INR 25,000/ - per delegate from India, Nepal and Bhutan. USD 1,500 for delegates from other countries.
(Fees include all the tuition, full course documentation, lunches and refreshments for
the duration of the program. The fees does not include accommodation facility).

Sign and fax the attached registration form to +91-20-25422874 or email [email protected]

Incidental expenses:
MVLCO is NOT responsible for covering airfare, accommodation or other travel costs incurred by registrants.
Please note that MVLCO reserves the right to refuse admission to the training if proof of payment has not been received prior to the start of the program. An invoice will be sent upon receipt of registration form. Information about our bank where payment should be made shall be provided on registration. Payment must be received in full prior to the course start.

Pune is 156 Kms. by road from Mumbai (Bombay) and it takes approximately 3 hours to reach Pune by car). Pune has an air-port which has international flights from Dubai and Singapore. You can contact our logistics team to know about the weather and accommodation details.

Cancellation and transfers:

50% of the full fee will be charged if cancellation takes place between 28 and 14 days before the start of the program. The full fee will be charged if cancellation occurs 14 days or less before the start of the program. Substitutes can be accepted at any time providing we have received confirmation in writing.

Proposed Venue:
The training program is proposed to be conducted at Hotel Le Meridien, Pune

Disclaimer : Change of terms and location of program:

MVLCO reserves the right to change or cancel any part of its published program or teaching faculty due to unforeseen circumstances. It may be necessary for reasons beyond our control to alter the venue, trainer/s, time-table, contents of a program. Fees will be refunded if the program is cancelled by MVL Consulting Private Limited. We accept no liability for any other cost, losses or damages. For detailed terms and conditions, please refer Registration Form.

The present program is proposed to be conducted at Hotel Le Meridien Pune or such other location at the discretion of MVL Consulting. You may contact our logistic team for assistance in booking of accommodation.

MVL Consulting Private Limited # 17, Laxman Villa Condominium, Paud Road, Pune 411038, India Telefax: +91-20-25466154, +91-20-25422874, Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Website: or

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