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The document provides lists of words to help teach blending and segmenting skills for reading based on the order phonemes/graphemes are introduced.

The document contains lists of words organized by the graphemes/phonemes introduced in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. It is meant for blending activities.

The document discusses words containing graphemes/phonemes from s, a, t, i, p through -sion and the schwa sound.

s a t

a at sat (as)

sat i
it sit its (is) (I)

sati p
pit(s) spit pats an ant(s) span pan(s) pant(s) sap sip tip(s) in pin(s) spin tin past tap(s) {-s ending} nap(s) sap snap

satip n
nip(s) snip tan snit

satipn c k
cat(s) can kit skip skin cap ink stink sink pink kiss ask task act pact tact pack(s) snack stick nick sack kick tick tack stack pick(s)

* If the letters are underlined, or the word is in (brackets), the word may be sounded out for oral blending and segmenting activities; but it should not be used, until the skill or word is taught, for correct phonemic or conventional spelling.
ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006

net(s) pet set pest nest test

tent kept Ken step ten pen peck neck insect

satipnck e h
hen hat hint hip hit hiss (he) (hi) (has)

satipnck eh r
ran rip(s) rat rink risk print(s) rent rest rap trap strap strip crept trip crest crisp Rick prick trick crack track rack

satipnck ehr m
mat man map(s) men met Sam ram ham him trim Tim Kim rim crimp am Pam ham(s) scram hem mink camp cramp stamp ramp(s) prism stem mint mist miss mess (me) smack Mack Mick

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006

satipnck ehrm d
dad sad had pad mad lad dim add did hid rid kid end dip drip den dent Ted Ned red disk desk deck mend trend tend send spend dress drink(s) drank damp and sand hand stand

{-ed ending}

satipnck ehrmd g
gas gap get egg pig keg peg(s) dig grin grip rag tag(s) gag nag sag drag grant gram grim gasp grasp grass grand

{-ing ending}

satipnck ehrmdg o
on dot hot rot pot not got top(s) hop(s) pop mop(s) stop hog dog(s) cog cod nod rod log dock sock smock rock lock comic drop cost Ron honk mom odd prod clog (go)

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006

satipnck ehrmdgo u
up pup cup sun run bun gun mud let lad log(s) split spilt help slump plus lamp elm loss leg fill fat fad fan fed fun fit from flat tug hug(s) rug mug dug nut(s) hut(s) cut click lick lack luck cluck pluck milk silk elk helmet list silt fuss left lift gift sift felt fin(s) flap tuck duck(s) suck truck stuck dump stump husk ill dill till mill drill pill still hill spill lock clock spell loft soft elf self if fog frog fund fond sunk punk skunk trunk dunk spun grunt hunt gum pump hum sum drum upon us gust dust crust rust must trust

satipnck ehrmdgou

gull dull lint plum(s) lump glum limp doll lost plan land glad plug slug plot slip lip(s) clip plunk limp kilt(s) gulp slim lid flip film(s) fist fret fund flop frost flock flick (pickle) (tickle) (rattle) (apple) clink link plink led sled lit tell melt sell plank less puff tuff huff fluff gruff stiff cliff sniff off

satipnck ehrmdgou l

fig(s) font flops golf gulf gift felt fell frill

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006

satipnck ehrmdgou l f b
bat ban bad bass bit bet bed bus bib bud bin beg boss big bid back black bug bump best belt bag but cab tab crab scab grab slab blink blot band bend rib Bob mob sob cob bun crib bulb bank blunt club bedbug brick brand block tub cub hub pub scrub grub (scribble) (bumble) (buckle) (lamb) bunk robin buck habit rabbit tablet blanket

satipnck ehrmdgou l fb
aim pain train rain gain grain drain faint afraid plain pail tail sail rail frail snail hail mail aid paid plane lane skate plate ate ape tape grape cape made cake make take rake lake snake bake hate date

ai (a-e ay)
gale tale pale same lame name tame fame came game play fray day hay may pay say ray tray clay spray crayon

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay)
jail jab jug jet(s) jam jot jog jut jilt just jump junk jig job jacket (juggle) Jim Jack Jeff Jill Jon

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006

s t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j
oak soap moan groan foam roam load road toad boat(s) goat float moat cloak soak coat croak loaf coal goal foal oats toast roast coast pole robe rose hose nose close slope hope rope globe mole rode joke poke coke spoke broke stroke smoke home bone cone stone note

oa (o-e ow -o)
snow blow pillow blow grow glow flow elbow hello ago low slow own mow bow

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh)

pie tie lie die cry my sky by dry try fry fly spy sly like bike site bite Mike hike pike line nine mine spine fine five crime lime dime time pile mile smile stripe fire ripe pipe life kite glide ride hide side slide tide bride high light fight night right midnight tight might slight flight fright bright

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y)
bee peek seek deep feet been creep beep teen meet coffee jeep peep bleed see tree free street seed speed feed greed green keep sleep indeed (needle) tea bean seat pea peanut mean meat leaf heap eat read steal beat cream dream scream stream team heat beak clean east leap leak (me) (be) (he) (maybe) happy jolly family funny candy hurry bunny

Pete Steve here

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y) or
or for forty horse pork cork fork stork horn born torn corn sort port sport fort cord forget storm form lord afford

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e - y) or z

zip zap buzz jazz fizz zigzag froze prize maze dizzy fizzy (puzzle) (sizzle)

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee or (-e ea e-e-y) z w

west win wed will twin twist wink web wag week weak wept window well swell wait wet weep weed sweet swam swim waist windmill wind went wig twig way (we) wife wide wipe woke

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y) or z w ng
strong long bong pong song lung sung rung ping stung wing sing bring singing morning string ring fling cling strength king spring swing sting tang bang sang clang sprang

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y) or z w ng v
van vast vest visit vent vet vivid seven vine vote velvet five hive dive drive cave rave pave gave wave save valentine

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y) or z w ng v oo OO
look book took hook cook brook crook foot wool stood hood wood good coo zoo moo too noon moon droop food hoop loop shoot balloon stool zoom boot root spoon broom tool(s) gloom groom soon pool root fool

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y) or z w ng v oo OO y
yes yell yap yet yak yam year yelp yowl yellow yummy (yo-yo)

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y) or z w ng v oo OO y x
wax fax lax ox fox box mix fix six next tax extra exit exam

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y) or z w ng v oo OO y x ch
chat chop cheer chicken chick chess chill check rich chain pinch chip such lunch munch bunch punch crunch chimp much torch porch chin chest bench coach broach children chunk chum

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y ) or z w ng v oo OO y x ch sh

shell ship sheep sheet shop shall shed fresh show shelf shine crash flash splash dash mash rash trash smash cash splashing short crush rush brush flush hush shut shift shot wish dish fish blush (she) shock shade shook shoot shadow shack

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e y ) or z w ng v oo OO y x ch sh th

voiced th
this that then these them with those than

unvoiced th
path thin tooth cloth thank thump moth

thick three throat tenth think thorn broth

thing thrill thrust theme theft throb thump

throw thud throne thrush thug

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y ) or z w ng v oo OO y x ch sh th qu

quick queen quit quiz quail squid quack liquid quaint quench queer quill quest quilt

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y ) or z w ng v oo OO y x ch sh th qu ou (ow)
ouch couch crouch pouch loud proud south cloud mouth amount out spout stout sprout trout shout scout about count found pound sound round ground hound mound our sour flour plow cow bow brow how vow now wow allow sow brown clown town down drown gown crown frown crowd owl fowl scowl growl prowl howl

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006


s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y ) or z w ng v oo OO y x ch sh th ou (ow) oi (oy)
oil toil boil coil soil broil foil spoil moist coin ointment poison join noisy joint point boy toy(s) Roy joy joyful employ cowboy enjoy annoy destroy

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y ) or z w ng v oo OO y x ch sh th ou (ow) oi (oy) ue (u-e ew)
cue fuel hue value continue rescue cube cute mule use fuse excuse fumes amuse pew skew few view

s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y) or z w ng v oo OO y x ch sh th ou (ow) oi (oy) ue (u-e ew) That have the long /oo/ sound!
clue glue blue true Sue due rude rule flute nude duke June salute prune tune tube grew chew threw screw new stew flew drew blew dew newt

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006


t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y) or z w ng v oo OO y x ch sh th ou (ow) oi (oy) ue (ew) er (ir ur)
mixer sister her perfect river blender monster term number silver fern mister blister never herd winter perch after boxer pepper stern robber perm slipper nerve hammer cover hamburger zipper shatter letter better bitter wetter roller fatter hotter summer butter supper ladder bird mirror girl stir first flirt chirp skirt shirt third fir birthday twirl swirl firm thirteen thirsty dirt sir thirst firmly birth stirring (turtle) (purple) burst hurt burger church burnt fur curls further turn curly turnip nurse

t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai (a-e ay) j oa (o-e ow -o) ie (-y i-e - igh) ee (-e ea e-e -y ) or z w ng v oo OO y x ch sh th ou (ow) oi (oy) ue (ew) er (ir ur) ar
car jar tar far bar star art arch barn farm arm harm charm farmer park dark shark bark dark mark ark spark army yard hard card garden part start smart chart dart tart starting barbeque sharp argue scarf march

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006


-aw -au - al
saw shawl paw trawl jaw crawl claw sprawl raw drawn draw awful straw trawler thaw sawdust strawberry yawn pawn prawn spawn lawn hawk August author laundry haul launch haunted astronaut Paul taunt haunt faulty fault vault all ball call mall wall tall hall fall talk walk stalk chalk also always small

silent h
wheel why whisker

when wheat whistle whip while whirl which whisper what whisk white whether whenever whatever where

silent w
write wrong wren wrist

<w> <kn>
knock kneel

wrwring wreck knot knob wrap two sword knight know answer

silent k
knife knee

knew knuckle

knack knit

silent h
ghost rhyme

herb rhombus hour rhubarb John honest rhinoceros

silent b
lamb tomb

limb crumbs comb dumb thumb climb numb plumber

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006


silent c
science scenic

scissors scenery scene crescent scent muscle gnome ascend descend

silent g
gnat align

gnaw gnash alignment sign design

soft c
ice dice lice mice slice city ace face place lace grace pace circle race space gym police justice cylinder entrance pencil chance glance dance palace office instance centipede difference notice twice

soft g
gym genius George orange gentle gently page danger cage general giant germ urgent rage gin gem magic margin page gypsy gesture large ginger generous gentleman

age stage

wedge dodge fridge bridge fudge badge

match batch ditch hitch pitch

tough rough laugh cough trough enough
ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006

phone phantom phonic nephew dolphin phrase elephant alphabet orphan physical photo phrase graph Philip saxophone phonics phase sphere geography telephone pharmacy photography autograph


for /ngk/
ink chunk trunk link rink bunk wink drink honk stink sink rank blank clunk shrink sank crank junk think spank

bank Frank shrunk pink thank read deaf

<ea> for /e/

head dead bread want swamp breath leather feather wand swan weather heavy treasure breakfast

<wa> for /wo/

was wash wasp watch wallow swallow wallet

<ou> for /u/

touch nourish young flourish trouble double country cousin

<air> <are> <ear>

air pair stair repair fair hair chair fairy hare fare dairy flare

for /air/
scare care share square nightmare dare mare bare spare swear tear bear wear pear underwear

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006

<ch> for /k/

chemist stomach chord echo chorus ache character choir orchestra Christmas

<ey> for /ee/

key chimney turkey journey honey pulley money barley monkey keyhole donkey

<ei> <eight> for /ai/

eight eighteen eighty weigh weight veil sleigh reindeer reins neigh neighbor (neighbour)


for /ee/
thief series shield relief belief fiend piece

field chief yield wield handkerchief

<o> for /u/

gloves dozen second son come wonder won money Monday month wonderful from front honey oven comfort comforting

picture texture adventure capture puncture vulture nature creature fixture structure furniture mixture fracture structure furniture

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006


<ore> <eoor> for /or/

store before tore snore eight eighteen core seashore sore more eighty chore bore wore ashore weigh weight simple stable middle buckle veil sleigh tickle wobble bottle puzzle reindeer reins trickle candle syllable sizzle duck luck stuck truck chick lick stick brick lock block clock rock flock neck quick neigh neighbour bubble turtle table purple pickle bumblebee

<ei> <eight> for /ai/ <le>

uncle able apple rattle ankle unable little scribble

off gruff huff puff cliff stiff gull cuff sniff fluff tuff

ill pill till will still hull smell doll tell fell bell well skull spell drill chill

mess miss fuss cross floss hiss press less class classroom dress grass chess hill sell

fuzz jazz buzz buzzer

kick tick nick pick track tack snack stacks smack rack pack quack peck deck check

* Short word short vowel, double <ff>, <ll>, <ss>, <zz>. * Short word, short vowel <c> is doubled by adding <k>.
ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006


admiration affection animation association attention auction cancellation caption caution circulation civilization collaboration commotion communication compensation competition completion composition concentration condition condition confederation confirmation confrontation congratulation connection conservation construction contraction convention conviction coordination

for /shun/
corporation creation decoration dedication deduction definition delegation demonstration depletion destination destruction detention determination devotion diction dictionary direction discrimination disintegration distinction documentation donation dramatization duplication education elaboration elevation emotion eruption evaporation estimation examination exception exclamation exhibition expansion expedition explanation fascination fiction filtration formation foundation fraction friction frustration function generalization generation globalization graduation hibernation hospitalization identification illumination illustration indigestion imagination infection inflammation inflation information innovation inspiration intention introduction irrigation irritation isolation junction justification liberation location lotion lubrication memorization migration miniaturization motion multiplication narration nationalization navigation negotiation nomination nutrition objection observation operation opposition orchestration organization participation pasteurization perfection plantation

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006

<-tion> continued
pollution population portion position precaution preparation preposition presentation presumption prevention probation proclamation production promotion pronunciation proportion proposition protection publication punctuation qualification quotation radiation ration realization reaction reception recognition recreation reflection reduction refrigeration registration regulation relation relaxation repetition replication representation reservation resignation resolution restoration respiration reservation retaliation revolution rotation salvation salutation sanction sanitation satisfaction section selection sensation situation solution sophistication speculation standardization starvation station stationary stimulation subtraction suggestion superstition telecommunications temptation tradition traditional transition translation transportation tuition unconstitutional unconventional vacation variation ventilation violation visualization vocation

admission fission concession depression compassion discussion

for /shun/
mission recession succession possession repression passion occasion repercussion transmission procession commission permission profession expression omission aggression

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006



si says /zh/
extension fission mansion mission occasion permission possession precision procession provision recession repercussion revision succession television tension transfusion transmission vision intrusion explosion invasion erosion expression version profession

admission apprehension concession conclusion confusion decision depression dimension division

schwa sound
The schwa (swallowed sound) as in: the, lemon, around, etc.

1. The schwa is a vowel sound in many lightly pronounced, unaccented syllables in English words of more than one syllable. It is sometimes signified by the pronunciation uh. 2. The phonetic symbol // represents the schwa sound in the International Phonetic alphabet. Examples: a - about, appropriate, emphasis, America, Canada (2nd and last a) e - belligerent, mathematics, understand i cabinet, maximize (1st i), minimize ( 2nd i) legitimate (2nd i) o - harmony, lemon, attention, vacation, comforter ( 2nd o) u- medium, circus, platinum y- syringe, vinyl, ethyl ai- mountain, certain, villain ou- vicious, nauseous, jealous

ANAGRAMS for JOLLY PHONICS - WORD LISTS FOR BLENDING ACTIVITIES Sequential list of words corresponding to the introduction of each phoneme/grapheme in The Phonics Handbook by Sue Lloyd. Compiled by L. Fyke 2003 Revised 2006


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