Level 5 Leadership: Different Levels of Leadership

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Level 5 Leadership

The paper aims to study and increase understanding of readers about the level 5 Leadership and contrasting it with other level of leadership and evaluating the effectiveness in producing great results within the dynamics of an organization. Though a relatively new term, it is believed that level 5 leaders lie on top of the leadership scale and possess the characteristic of all the other four levels of leadership.

Jim Collins first introduced the concept of level five Leaders, the concept was formulated during a study that started in 1996, when he began his research on what factors makes a great company. He started the research by looking on 1435 companies and ended by finally choosing 11 truly great companies. These companies were headed by what Collins called Level 5 leaders. One of the basic characteristic of all these leaders was humility and they all dont needed success for their personnel goals rather they deemed it was necessary so that their organization and team can excel. They always tends to share credit for success of their teams and also to take the blame for their mistakes. They were generally shy, but very aggressive and fearless in taking decisions. They are blend with humility and intense dedication to their profession. Level 5 Leaders have to possess qualities found in all other 4 levels of Leadership. But an individual possessing a level 5 leadership skills doesnt have to pass all the underlying levels of leadership.

Different levels of Leadership

Major characteristic of Level 5 Leader

(a)Humility (b) They always ask for help (c) Takes team resposnibilty (d) Develop Discpline (e) Lead with passion (f) Find the right people

Level 5 leaders in Organizational Dynamics

People first
Great leaders as are know to start with the vision and their startegy,but level 5 leaders began transformation by first getting the right people on the board and letting wrong people off. Who questions came before what decisions - before vision, strategy, organization structure, and tactics. Stockdale Pradaox : Names after Admiral James Stockdale ,who lived through seven years in a POW camp by thinking that his life couldnt be worse at this time and will be better someday .Like stockdale Lvele 5 leaders also seems to follow the same by not giving to the situtaions and also on the other hand maintaning the belive that they would surpass the situtaion and things will be better ahead.

Buildup- Breakthrough Fywheel

Great transformation of organization does not takes place overnight,rather it goes through a process of small steps building up the whole monentum . Level 5 leaderssustained through all the stress stigma and finally reach to their goal. This process include a series of changes ,moves , plans ,strategies and restructuring. The Hedgehog Concept Philsopher and scholar Isiah Berlin has put forward two ways of thought and life by giving an example.He gave exapmle of fox and hedgehog.He says that fox is a complex creature and he knows alittle about so many things but the hedgehog know only one thing very well. And in the end the hedgehog wins most of the times. Thats the startagey followed by the level 5 leader they know what the compnay is best in and what motivates its employees.You achieve great result when you foucs on less number on it,be passionate about it and consistently thrive to excel in your specified interset.

Technology accelerators

Another important aspect of great leaders are that their relationship with technology is very paradoxial.On one hand they do not get onto new technology suddenly rather they kind of avoid jumping on it and on the other hand they are the besr user of the available technolgy.

Culture of discipline
This is the most importan part of the leaders of great copmanies . They show discipline at every aspect of their work. Their discipline revolves around three forms,disciplined people,disciplined thoughts and discplined action. When you actually have discpline people your organization dont hierachy, when you have discpline thought you need not need bureaucracy, and when you have disciploned action you dont need excessive controls . And when you compbine all these you get the best of the perfomance throgh out.

So are these leaders born with these characterstic or they develop through the course of time with their motivation and can learn to become level 5 leaders. Two theories have been proposed first is the people who have these leaderships skill in them and second who dont. Its very difficult for peopl to supress their own needs and desire for success to greater ambition os something bigger which benefits all. And in general people expect leaders to be a larger than life figure to make organization great. Second category people who could evolve to become level 5 leaders , the capabilty lies within them, sometimes nascent but can be groomed under right circumstances with right motivation and mentoring. Some of major significant life experince can also bring abour the hidden laedership skill in these people.

It is been from the study that level 5 leaders show a mix of humilty and high professional will, they are the peoples leaders and choose right people first before implamenting and designing strategy. They focus on imporving things in which they are best. Still a further resrahc is required in determining how are these ledears bred through the course of their profession career and how they can be choosen.

Good to great by Jim Collins. www.hbr.org . Level 5 leadership

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