Volume 6 Issue 12
Volume 6 Issue 12
Volume 6 Issue 12
SING! Review
by Jerry Wang, staff writer ing the next hour. However, de- dance. The dancers were not in
spite the criticisms, the produc- sync, the music was not even of
On Friday, March 23, as the tion was tolerable. The story cen- Indian culture, and the boys
curtain was pulled back to reveal tered on a bunch of prisoners who looked like they would rather be
the first production of the eve- broke out of jail to run away to scrubbing toilets. However, even
ning, Senior SING, the audience Russia. The cast was funny and though the production only lasted
were awed by the bright and crea- believable enough but the set on forty five minutes instead of the
tive set. The story revolved the other hand, encountered many normal hour, compared to last
around a terrorist group made up problems. A prop fell during the years’ Soph Frosh, this one was
of vegetables threatening to de- middle of a scene, not so bad.
stroy King Burger’s land and its the microphone
inhabitants. The cast was amazing
“Overall, it could be The Junior pro-
stopped working, duction was last
and gave great performances. The forcing us to strain
seen that all grades but certainly not
costume crew did a fantastic job to hear the chorus had given tremen- least. The scen-
making the various attires ranging sing during the Jazz ery with the
from a burger costume to a pickle dous amounts of ef-
dance, and com- clown drawn
getup. All the dance crews were pared with the other
fort into one of the background and
spectacular. The dancers were in productions, the largest productions.” the big paper
sync and the band played some scenery fell short of mashay hand
great tunes. Personal favorites outstanding. All the was very well
based on the audiences’ claps dance crews did fairly well, with done. The story centered on one
were Indian dance, Irish dance, the exception of the Step crew circus’s competition with another
and Swing. Overall, the story was and the Indian dance crew. The circus that just moved into town.
creative with funny jokes in be- Step crew was amazing and the The cast did a wonderful job and
tween, a spectacular cast, and incorporation of a battle between the dancing was amazing. Favor-
SING! Is an annual production put on great dance crews.
by Stuyvesant students. There are three the dancers was a fresh and very ites included but were not limited
Next up was Soph-Frosh trendy idea. Even without music,
competing groups: seniors, juniors,
and sophomores and freshman.
SING! and based on reviews of they were unbelievably great and
the performance on Wednesday, enjoyable. However, the same INTERVIEW continues on
many did not expect to be enjoy- could not be said of the Indian page 2
Founded 2001
get working. She found machining Stuyvesant. Two of these students on the top 40 list. Some of these similar feelings. “They are not
the parts and aligning the optics to schools are just outside the city,
be the most challenging part of the while others are in the Midwest,
project. The end result, however, INTEL CHAMPION such as the Illinois Mathematics INTEL FINALISTS
was rewarding. Her spectrograph continues on page 4 and Science Academy. continues on page 4
POLICY ended because of the differences in
Principal Autonomy continued from page 1 classes and teaching style. Any
complaints with the policy should
Source: 1010Wins
finalists, six were female. Intel nearly two hours before it was three minutes after they were
Chairman Craig Barrett said he extinguished by 150 firefighters. called and faced other obstacles,
was “heartened by the fact that The severity of the fire was such as a chained door in the back
more women were finalists and top worsened not by the size of the of the house. However, the
10 winners this year than in any house, but rather by poor human building did not appear to have any
year since Intel assumed the title oversight. The fire was most likely violations and no complaints were
sponsorship in 1998. When I meet caused by a space heater causing filed regarding unsafe conditions.
young scientists like Mary, John, the building’s wiring to overheat. Nine of the ten victims were
Dmitry and the other Intel STS The building, built in 1901, had children. One of them survived the
finalists, I know that the future of only one staircase and no fire fire but later died at the hospital. A
American innovation is bright.” ◙ escapes, making it difficult for the funeral was held for the victims on
The severity of the fire was worsened
by poor human oversight.
AUTONOMY I.B.M. contract, acknowledging INTEL CHAMPION certain behaviors of firstborn chil-
continued from page 1 the complaints of no-bid contracts. continued from page 1 dren. Other ideas were more fun
Last year, a $15.6 million no-bid and theoretical. Daniel Mark, for
allow the city to see every contract with consulting firm Alva- going to allow me to monopolize example, used math to prove that
individual student’s progress in rez Marsal was signed. In an effort this competition, and I think that’s aliens would not be able to use
school. The program will be to help save money for the admini- wonderful,” he said. modern technology to monitor the
running by September and will stration, Alvarez Marshal advised Natalie Kvetyana, a senior Earth.
give each principal a letter grade a change in bus routes. The ad- who participated in this year’s The Intel competition has
from A to F to show if principals ministration supported the idea, competition, said, “We might have been a success since it was
are meeting the standard education leading to complaints from angry started off the Intel roller coaster, founded in 1941. Six Intel
performance. parents and coun- but more schools are jumping finalists have gone on to win
Principals who fail aboard. It doesn’t matter. All of us
can be removed
“Starting September c i l m e m b e r s . love to do research.”
Nobel Peace Prizes. But more
Councilmen Jack- importantly, the competition has
from their schools. 2008, even parents son and Garodnick This year’s finalists have motivated students all around the
Starting September can track their both used the inci- made significant attempts in con- nation to conduct research and
2008, even parents dent as a reason in tributing to science. Some created contribute to the world. In the
can track their
child’s progress us- devices that would help the dis-
rejecting the deci- words of Leon M. Lederman, a
child’s progress ing the system” sion to increase abled. For example, John Granata Physics Nobel laureate, “We also
using the system. principals’ auton- created a device that allows dis- have to have innovation if we’re
James Liebman, the school system omy. Many council members are abled persons to communicate going to survive, so you have to
chief’s accountability officer stated upset and concerned that the ad- using brain waves. nurture the gifted kids.” ◙
that the administration has already ministration chose not to discuss Other projects studied the per-
received 19 bids from major the changes concerning the princi- sonalities of humans. Ashley Bah-
technology systems regarding the pals with them and the parents. ◙ nkan tried to find answers about
NEWS March 29, 2007—VOL. 6, No. 12 THE STUYVESANT STANDARD 5
Disregarding All Direction
‘F-Word’? by Amna Ahmad, columnist Don’t ask the person giving you
the survey any questions. Do not
would indeed be evident, and I am
nearly certain that reading
by David Mannes, staff writer Our lives are centered largely answer any questions. Then hand directions would be the last thing
around exams. We learn to know in your paper.” Interestingly on students’ minds, as they
Recently, at the Conservative the College Board better than our enough, 76 percent of students disregard all directions to show off
Political Action Conference, Ann own grandparents. We go to prep chose to answer the questions pro- what they “really” know, as if it
Coulter enraged many people with programs, forcing our parents to vided on the test paper when all mattered.
the following comment: “I was invest ridiculous sums of money to they needed to do to pass was Needless to say, the students
going to have a few comments on improve our test-taking abilities. In write their name, leaving the ques- taking my “exam” displayed some
the other Democratic presidential fact, we are so concentrated on tions blank. inappropriate behavior. As the test
candidate John Edwards, but it test-taking that we are able to sit I think that perhaps it is fair to “proctor” I was bombarded with
turns out you have to go into rehab glued to the seat of a cold, rusty attribute this trend of tackling the questions although the directions
if you use the word ‘f-----,’ so I — metal chair conveniently decorated questions first rather than reading had overtly stated that students
so kind of an impasse, can’t really with assortments of gum and graf- the directions to the idea that the were not permitted to ask me any
talk about Edwards.” fiti for three hours or sometimes main goal of tests is to get the right questions. In addition to the shak-
It was pointless for Coulter to more just to make a few marks on answers. Yet on some tests there ing, twitching, and sweating that I
call John Edwards this word. She paper. It is my personal opinion are multiple correct answers, but had witnessed throughout the
clearly has strong political be- that tests are generally neither a just one that is “the most correct,” course of administering the tests, I
liefs, and is most likely capable measure of competency in a field, as can be seen in the critical read- watched as students aggressively
of presenting an intelligent argu- nor credible in deciphering intelli- ing section of the SAT, for in- chewed on the pens that I had
ment. While that would not have gence. Accordingly, I decided to stance. Test answers over the years given them to use. When I re-
gotten her as much publicity as give a focus group of Stuyvesant have also been written biasedly, minded one student that the pen
her controversial joke, it would students the first fair test that they utilizing subjective terms that we she was chewing on was mine, she
have probably convinced a lot had probably ever encountered. are all too commonly expected to hastily removed the pen from her
more people to agree with her. Unfortunately, the majority of stu- identify, although such terms can- mouth and made a gesture as
In her defense Coulter said dents failed. not logically be presented in con- though she were shamefully offer-
that the word is a “schoolyard The test that I had adminis- junction with facts, but rather opin- ing it back, slobber and all. I’m not
taunt.” She also said that she was- tered served no purpose other than ions on a topic. sure if pen-loaners are typically
n’t speaking in a way that was to test the ability of students to Perhaps I hadn’t noticed what expected to accept chewed-up pens
offensive to homosexuals, but follow directions. I gave the stu- a nervous test taker looked like, or back from those who borrowed
rather to suggest that John Ed- dents a test paper and told each of the extent of blatancy of our them, but I surely did not. ◙
wards is a “wuss.” them these exact words: “Fill this obsession with tests, because I had
Sadly, this horrible word has out and follow directions. You are Followed
never actually had a chance to look directions
become a schoolyard taunt, a fact not allowed to ask me any ques- (Passed test)
around the room at all of my
that anyone walking around Stuy- tions.” The directions on the test Did not follow
classmates during a test, but I directions
vesant can attest to. However, paper were as follows “Put your (Failed test)
assume that similar behaviors
I’ve heard students at Stuyvesant name on the top of the paper.
use a lot worse than this as a
Although Coulter shouldn’t Sconex are just a few of the an unnecessary distraction from
have used the word in reference websites that teenagers use daily more important things like
to John Edwards, she clearly did- to find friends or potential mates. family, friends and schoolwork.
n’t mean what she said as an in- Personal information such as their Online predators are more
sult to homosexuals. John Ed- full name, age, home address and common than they used to be,
wards is married with kids, so the even cell phone number are mainly due to the fact that
insult wasn’t directed at Edwards’ shown to attract web users. As if teenagers are more trusting of
sexuality. In addition, Coulter that isn’t enough, teenagers post “outsiders.” At first, predators
stood up for gay rights at another suggestive photos of themselves pretend to be friendly, accepting
point in the same speech. Although the Internet is a great tool
for information, online predators may for the world to see. This and sympathetic people. As their
Coulter did make one really abundant amount of information re lationshi p deve lops into
use information posted on online com-
good point about the joke, and munities to their advantage. might be useful for a fellow something more complex, the
that was that it wasn’t only a joke class ma te t o c ont act tha t predator will pounce and pressure
about John Edwards. The state- individual for homework help or its “prey” in illicit activities by
by Hui Ting Jiang, staff writer
ment was also mocking the fact clarification on a l esson. providing money, lavish gifts,
that an actor on the show Grey’s The Internet is probably one However, that is not the case attention and promiscuously
Anatomy, Isaiah Washington, of the greatest inventions ever. It most of the time. Information, taken photos. Usually, teenagers
was forced to receive counseling not only connects people halfway such as that listed above, is cave into the pressure and
after calling a fellow actor this around the world, but also allows usually used by predators and unwillingly do things they
degrading term. The people who information to be sent in bulk stalkers to follow their prey. normally would not do.
got angry over what she said instead of the old-fashioned mail An anonymous freshman A show recently done by
overreacted to a joke about how or fax. The Internet is not only a confided to me that she stalks NBC called “To Catch A Predator
form of exchanging ideas, but a “[her] crush on MySpace and
form of sharing information as Facebook every single day.” This
VULGARITY well. Sadly, this information is is not only indicative of a ONLINE PERILS
continues on page 7 sometimes illicit or inaccurate. continues on page 7
continued from page 6 HPV: The Human “Promiscuity”
people overreact when the word
is used.
Coulter’s intention in making
Virus Vaccine?
this joke was to get publicity. by Alvis Yuen, columnist push for mandatory vaccination, rusty nails. On the flip side, the
She could have easily insulted for fear of reprisal from vaccine could serve as a deterrent
Edwards and mocked what hap- Every year, 250,000 women unsupportive parents. of sex; the vaccine is a constant
pened to Isaiah Washington in d i e fr o m c e r vi c a l c a n ce r It is absurd to oppose reminder that sexual behavior can
two separate jokes. She chose to worldwide. In the last decade, mandatory HPV vaccination on lead to cancer. I hope people can
say something controversial, and scientists have discovered that the grounds that the vaccine throw away their sensitivity to the
to see how many people would more than 70 percent of cervical would promote promiscuity. If sexual aspects of the vaccine.
become infuriated over a joke cancers are caused by HPV, the there were a better reason, such This vaccine is like any other
about how society overreacts to human papillomavirus. In 2006, as possible damage to the body, it vaccine a person gets as a young
controversial statements. ◙ the FDA approved a vaccine that would be reasonable to oppose child.
would prevent cervical cancer by mandatory vaccination. Millions If parents choose to believe
ONLINE PERILS stopping HPV. Studies have shown of dollars were invested to invent that the HPV vaccine promotes
continued from page 6 that the vaccine was over 95 the vaccine. It is a disgrace to sexual promiscuity, consider this:
percent effective in preventing label the lifeblood of scientists as would you rather your daughter
III” illustrated tactics that online cervical cancer. The onl y
predators use to lure susceptible something promoting die from cervical cancer, or have
requirement of the vaccine is that it promiscuous behavior, when their sex? ◙
teenagers. Initially, the predator must be administered before any
introduces him/herself as a aim was to save lives. It is an
sexual activity to prevent previous insult to the victims of cervical
Source: Corbis
prospective friend that would do transmission of the virus.
nothing to harm them and cancer when parents refused the
With the advent of the HPV potentially life-saving vaccine
everything to benefit them. As the vaccine, states have considered
friendship progresses, he or she because it might promote
making the HPV vaccine a part of promiscuity.
will slowly incorporate topics the regular vaccination schedule
about sex into conversations. This I ask everyone who opposes
for young girls. The first state to ma n d a t o r y va c c i n a t i o n t o
is a major red flag in identifying make HPV vaccination
predators, but teenagers’ interest reconsider their unfair assessment
mandatory was Texas. However, of the vaccine. First of all, the
in such matters will often despite the benefits of the
overcome their instincts. Soon, vaccine only prevents one
vaccine, some parents are disease, cervical cancer. If the
the predator will suggest a secret opposed to mandatory HPV
meeting for the two to meet, teen was to have sex, there are
vaccination. In traditional areas, many other risks and STDs, such
which later may culminate in such as the Bible Belt in the
sexual activities. NBC as syphilis, gonorrhea, and
South, the vaccine is opposed herpes, to consider. The idea that
correspondent Chris Hansen primarily because parents are
caught fifty men trying to engage the HPV encourages sexual Gardasil, the world’s first cervical
afraid that the new vaccine will behavior is as crazy as the idea
minors in sexual activity. cancer vaccine, is on display during its
make adolescents more bold and that a tetanus vaccine would launch in Sydney. It aims to halt the
Surprisingly, all fifty men more likely to have sex. As a
pleaded not guilty in court. ◙ encourage people to step on more spread of HPV, which causes cervical
result, legislators are reluctant to cancer.
Why isn’t the college office writ- FERRER Diana 236L 2383 7T 7V 5T 5V 5W 3T 3U 1T 1U
ing SSR's?
Who knows better than the college
office what the colleges are look- GUTHRIE Undine 236A 2362 7C 7D 5C 5D 5E 3C 3D 3E 1C 1D
ing for in an SSR?
The members of the guidance de- MC CRAY Jan 236C 2363 7F 7H 7S 5JA 5JB 3F 3G 3H 1F 1G 1H
partment must serve as guidance
counselors and grade advisors, in
addition to writing all SSRs. Their MUI John 236F 2366 7K 7L 7R 5J 5K 5L 3J 3K 1J 1K
caseload assignment is as follows:
The college office has gone from 2
positions to 3 full-time counselors, NEGRIN Meredith 2360 2364 7E 7M 7N 5M 5N 3M 3N 3O 1M 1N 1O
who have the following caseload
to advise on their college choices.
They also have two full-time sec-
retaries and a school aide to assist RAJWANT Shaklra 2368 2361 5B 5F 3L 3W 3Z 1E 1W
them with the paper work. Their
caseload assignment is as follows:
SCHINDLER Mazra 236G 2367 7P 7Q 7W 5P 5D 3P 3O 1P 1O
KATE OLIVER: 5R-5ZD VIBOCH Marev 236N 2386 7A 7G 7Z 5H 5R 5S 3R 1L 1R
How can we better serve our stu-
Regards, WANG Jeremy 2360 2387 7X 7Y 5X 5Y 5Z 3X 3Y 1X 1Y 1Z
Concerned for Stuyvesant Students
“Missing Is There Anybody Out There?
Chunk” of by John Yoon, staff writer numbing and difficult, while the SETI has currently only ob-
Earth Poses
chances of a reward are very served 750 solar systems, but
Of all the overly-debated and slim. “It’s like pulling the lever within the next 25 years, technol-
controversial subject matters in the on a slot,” states senior ogy is expected to improve enough
Threat to
field of science, few come close to astronomer Seth Shostak. “The that a few million more systems
the sheer passion generated by the next quarter might be it.” will be viewable. Shostak uses
possibility of extraterrestrial
So while many people find this fact to wager a Starbucks cof-
beings. The science fiction novels the search for life on other worlds fee with his interrogators that “the
inspired by these arguments are to be futile and hopeless, Shostak question of whether mankind is
limitless, ranging remains optimistic
from Orson Scott about the data that
Card’s Ender’s
whether mankind is SETI has collected, continues on page 9
Game to H. G. and the data it will
Source: zeenews.com
Source: amazon.com
Worlds. To
many people, will be settled by the For example, it has
been proven that
however, the year 2025.” harsh conditions
idea of an alien can still propagate
civilization re- life, with the prime example
mains in the world of fiction, and being Earth, which has many
the few people who cling to their places with extreme weather and
faith are scoffed at, but there might temperatures that still give birth
A team of British scientists set out to
be more reason to “believe” than to organisms. In addition,
study a newly discovered “missing
chunk” in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. previously supposed. astronomers now believe that
Many respected astronomers anywhere from 5 percent to 90
and physicists solemnly occupy percent of all stars are orbited by
by Omar Ahmad, staff writer
their time with the pursuit of planets; that is equal to 10 million
From elementary school to our extraterrestrial creatures. One other solar systems. SETI
current high school careers, we major organization is SETI, or theorizes that of these billions
have been taught that the Earth’s Search for E xtraterr estria l upon billions of planets, there H.G. Well’s War of the Worlds speaks
continents are in constant motion, Intelligence. The experiments exists at least one alien species. of the possibility of the existence of
in a process known as plate tecton- that they conduct are mind- extraterrestrial beings.
ics. This process involves the shift-
ing of “plates” that are beneath the
Earth’s crust, but above the Earth’s
mantle. These plates are said to be
Obesity Count Triples Among U.S.
in motion for certain amounts of
time, until they collide with other
plates. These plates should block
Teens, Raises Many Questions
our view of the mantle that is hid- left with many psychological age. In a study of 354 girls at the
Source: Yahoo News
den beneath. But is that really so? problems once the y reach University of Mott Children’s
A team of twenty British sci- adulthood. Obesity is becoming an Hospital in Michigan, those who
entists set sail to study a newly epidemic among the young and not were fatter at the age of 3 and
discovered phenomenon along the enough is being done to protect continued to gain weight for the
Mid-Atlantic Ridge: a gaping hole, them. next 3 years had reached puberty
approximately 2.25 miles deep, The number of teens that get by the age of 9. The trend is
that unveils the previously hidden a surgery believed to
mantle of the Earth. The problem t r e a t me n t for “Obesity is becoming contribute to the
is that a tectonic plate should be obesity is early maturation
visible at the site, but, currently, skyrocketing.
an epidemic among of girls in the
only the molten material of the Luckily, teens the young and not United States.
mantle resides there. Especially at Childhood obesity may cause earlier have been found enough is being done Early puberty has
this area, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, puberty in some girls. to recover faster been connected
notorious for earthquakes and from the surgery
to protect them..” with negati ve
other happenings of the sort, a by Garry Chien, staff writer
than adults. In o u t c o m e s ,
plate should exist. Often, upon hearing of the 2003, teens recovered in an including psychiatric disorders,
One reason that people do not dangers of obesity, one average of 3.2 days as opposed to deficits in ps ychosocial
believe that it is indeed the mantle immediately thinks of heart 3.5 days for adults. However, functioning, earlier use of
at the entrance to the hole along disease, high blood pressure, they have been found to suffer alcohol, earlier sexual
the Ridge is that the Earth’s crust diabetes and cancer. However, more psychological problems intercourse, and increased rates of
is supposedly much thicker than a obesity may also trigger early than adults such as a crash in obesity and cancer.
mere 2.25 miles. If it is true that puberty, which is extremely weight, or identity issues. The These are not the only
the mantle is present only 2 miles unhealthy. Many teens are now at teens are put in situations they problems of the new obesity
under the surface, then there must risk as the occurrence rate of never believed they would be in. epidemic. A large problem is that
already be a large portion of the obesity continues to climb. For As if cancer or heart disease an obese person usually continues
crust missing. The missing instance, the rate of obesity is not bad enough, scientists have to become even more overweight.
surgery for teens has tripled in the discovered that the obese young
last few years, and while teen are also more likely to reach
patients recover quickly, they are puberty before others of the same
continues on page 9 continues on page 9
Our Thoughts: Once Private, Now Exposed continued from page 8
MISSING CHUNK Scientists are hoping to discover OBESITY who have not reached adulthood
continued from page 1 whether the crust was sliced off by continued from page 1 and even youngsters who have
enormous geological faults, or if it yet to reach their teenage years
“chunk” of Earth would have to be never even developed in the first A suppressor called SOCS-3 is experience ps ychol ogic a l
a vast 4-11 miles thick. place. Yet another explanation believed to be associated with the damage. The problems are likely
“It’s a real challenge to our may also be relevant, however. fat hormone leptin, which tells to affect them for the rest of their
established understanding of what The scientists could have drilled the body if it is hungry. It is lives. To make matters worse, as
the Earth’s surface looks like into a magma chamber along the believed that obesity occurs due studies on leptin responses
underneath the waves,” said Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The hole in to a lack of leptin or a weakened indicate, some people have no
Bramley Murton, a senior research the Earth’s crust could just be an response to it As obesity rates control over obesity. In time,
scientist at Southampton’s entryway to a small deposit of rise, even the generations that are however, scientists will surely
National Oceanography Centre. magma above the Earth’s crust. ◙ yet to come are suffering. Teens develop a cure for obesity. ◙
It’s Killing Cats and Dogs “Godless” Dollars Hit the Market
by Paul Rozenburg, staff writer a coin, but the designers of the
by Hanford Chiu business editor Emporia, Kan. Menu Food, which George Washington dollar parted
supplies 1 percent of America’s An unknown number of newly with this tradition. Because of
Menu Foods, a pet food pet food products, has stopped minted George Washington dollar
manufacturer based in Ontario, this, a new and more complex
coins were struck without the manufacturing system had to be
Canada, has recalled over 60 PETS phrases “In God We Trust” and “E
million cans of wet dog and cat used, prompting the errors.
continues on page 2 Pluribus Unum” inscribed on their The George Washington
food products over the past few edges. The coins, part of the new
weeks. The voluntary recall, dollar was put into circulation
Presidential Dollar Program, were
Source: Yahoo News
Wickedly Uplifting Final Fantasy III Review
by Si Hong Huang, staff writer
Source: amazon.com
solid, the thing that I liked best of the earliest games in the Final
was the music. The music and Fantasy series. Like most RPGs,
From the opening scene of the lyrics are by Stephen Schwartz, there is not much dialogue except
Broadway hit “Wicked,” I felt my- who’s won Oscars for his work before boss fights and in special
self leaving my seat and entering on “Pocahontas” and “The Prince sequences, but the characters are a
Oz, a place from my childhood of Egypt.” The cast varies but bit better-developed than in the
that was green and familiar. But it Elphaba is currently portrayed by 1990 game. The story itself is typi-
wasn’t familiar for long. “Wicked” Julia Murney, and Glinda is cal — four teenage warriors are
backtracks in order to tell the story played by Kendra Kassebaum. chosen by a magic crystal to go out
of Elphaba (the Wicked Witch of Both do a spectacular job in terms and save the world, for reasons not
the West) from the beginning, that of acting and singing, especially apparent until later in the game,
is, conception. “Are people born Murney, whose fiery, sarcastic, when more backstory is revealed.
wicked or is wickedness thrust witty depiction of Elphaba leaves What really makes this game shine
upon them?” asks Glinda the Good nothing to be desired. is the graphics, which, although
Witch, and this musical definitely The Final Fantasy III is now available
The minor discrepancies that for the Nintendo DS. lackluster by the PSP’s standards,
takes the latter view. Chronicling do exist between “Wicked” and are a great achievement for the DS.
their time at school together and “The Wizard of Oz” make the The world itself is gigantic, and
what puts Elphaba on the path to by Jonathan Xikis, staff writer
storyline hard to place inside every enemy is lovingly rendered
wickedness, “Wicked” is based on Baum’s sequels but anyone who’s in 3D. The main characters them-
In 1990, Final Fantasy III was
the best-selling Gregory Maguire not an avid fan of the thirteen selves change in appearance when
released in Japan for the Nintendo
book of the same name. books probably won’t even care. they take on new jobs, letting them
Family Computer, better known as
The musical is strangely In fact, by the final scene, I had use special abilities. For example,
the “Famicom.” The only problem:
consistent with the plot of the become acquainted with two the Knight can defend fellow fight-
it never came to America. Fast-
classic book (“The Wizard of Oz” different versions of Oz and I ers, while the Thief is fast and can
forward 15 years, to 2005. A Final
by L. Frank Baum) while having definitely liked this one better. open locked doors. Each character
Fantasy III remake was
a completely different tone, “Wicked” transforms Baum’s has a unique style, and can show
announced, not for the Playstation
outlook and cast, mostly because endearing children’s book into a facial expressions during
2, but, in a surprise move, for the
there’s no Dorothy. That’s the story engaging for everyone, cutscenes. Attack animations range
Nintendo DS. Granted, the DS is
only main character missing, while Schwartz’s brilliant work from simple to downright immense
not known for its amazing
however, as the Scarecrow, the will leave you bursting with glee. later in the game, especially when
graphics, but FFIII lives up to its
Lion, the Tin Man and the Wizard Good tickets are hard to using magic. The view can even be
expectations, delivering an
all make an appearance. The come by and most evening zoomed in to find hidden secrets,
amazing 3D world to explore and
second half of “Wicked” seems performances still play to a such as switches or items.
addictive, though a tad repetitive,
more to set the scene for packed theatre. Buying tickets at This is not to say that there are no
everything that happens in least a month in advance is downsides to FFIII, however, for
Final Fantasy III is not in any
Baum’s book, with such style and practically the only option. there are quite a few. A “feature”
way quirky, and doesn’t stray far
flair that it outshines the 1900 “Wicked” is playing at the of the game which annoys many is
from the classic RPG formula. In
work. Gershwin Theatre and tickets are fact, this is the reason people
While the story is strong and available at the theatre and online FINAL FANTASY
would want to buy it: to get a taste
the character development is at ticketmaster.com. ◙ continues on page 12
of how the whole thing began, one
ning the famous battle of Ther- opinion), perfect clarity, and every
mopylae. character on screen is always do-
After graphic novelist Frank It is expected that since this ing something incredible. No one
Miller’s first commercial success, film is based on a graphic novel, it stands around and waiting for a
“Sin City,” expectations were high is not going to be historically accu- turn; everyone is involved.
for his next motion picture adapta- rate, easily seen when certain crea- There is very little that one
tion. Luckily, “300” met them all. tures from Xerxes’ armies come could nitpick in this film. One of
“300” begins with a short life forth. Yet importance should not its few downfalls is the lack of a
story of King Leonidas (Gerard be placed in this area. What should conclusion to the great side story
Butler), ruler of be valued here is of the movie. Queen Gorgo (Lena
Sparta. He is raised “What should be val- the stunning im- Headey) is the strong-willed wife
as a true Spartan
warrior, taught never
ued here is the stun- agery. “300” was
done all in a stu-
of Leonidas. While the battle is
occurring, she has to deal with
to show fear or pain, ning imagery. The dio, using mostly the Hellenistic, patriarchal
never to retreat or fight is beautifully blue screen and politics in Sparta. The story is
surrender. He is ap- green screen never really concluded, and
proached by a Per- choreographed.” effects, allowing therefore fells like just filler in
sian messenger who for breathtaking between the battle scenes. There
informs him of a plan to enslave backgrounds and amazing visual is a good deal of character
Sparta. Leonidas does not take the effects. It also made the actual development going on there, but I
threat seriously, and, without the battle something to behold. The believe one more concluding
help of the Spartan army, he and fight is beautifully choreographed. scene would have done the story
300 of his best men ride off to de- There is no fast-paced shaking of more justice. Yet, this little
fend Sparta and to face the largest the camera (a downfall of Star problem aside, “300” can only be
army ever assembled, thus begin- Wars: Episode III’s battles, in my described as an epic movie that is
the must-see of 2007. ◙
12 THE STUYVESANT STANDARD March 29, 2007—VOL. 6, No. 12 A&E
FINAL FANTASY start again from the beginning. and does not feature co-op or mul- onslaught of monsters, have the
continued from page 11 This also necessitates heavy train- tiplayer. To make matters worse, patience to reach level 99, relish
ing, or “grinding,” which is made the keypad layout could be much defeating the unbeatable final boss,
the inability to save except on the more uninteresting because of the more convenient. Sending mes- and have the guts to try it again if
world map. There is a “quicksave” slow battle system — there is no sages is actually required to obtain they fail. Casual gamers beware —
option, but the saved game is auto- way to skip animations, and the the game’s strongest class and this game is probably not for you.
matically deleted when you return to menus load slowly. Another gripe weapon, an impossibility to those With that said, FFIII, despite its
your game. In effect, this means that is the undeveloped Wi-Fi mode, with no wireless Internet access. flaws, should be a part of the col-
if you spend three hours trudging known as “Mognet,” which only Final Fantasy III is a game lection of any self-respecting
through a huge dungeon and are allows you to send simple mes- made for hardcore RPG fans, ones gamer. ◙
vanquished by the boss, you must sages to others over the Internet, who enjoy the pain of braving an
into the evils that lie within. Walkers, where two sects of
Source: Yahoo Movies
The Last Mimzy (March 23rd) wolves fight for control. Some of
Toys become truly educational them are looking to end the curse
when two children find a on their kind, while the others
mysterious box containing want things to stay the way they
strange objects. As they play with are. In the end, the only one with
them, their intelligence level the real power to change their
grows drastically. It becomes destiny is Timothy, who is half-
SING! March 29, 2007—VOL. 6, No. 12 THE STUYVESANT STANDARD 13
In The Mind The Circus
by Hui Ting, staff writer by Stephanie Tam, staff writer
It is with deep sadness that The Stuyvesant Standard marks the death of Gabriel and I went to the same middle school, Manhattan East (M.E.).
Gabriel Blitz, a member of the Stuyvesant High School Class of 2008 and Although he was two years older than I, I remember seeing him when he
Eugene Marshalik, a member of the Class of 2005. Marshalik was a student came back to visit M.E. in his freshman and sophomore years. I am a very
at New York University and an auxiliary police officer. He was killed in a garrulous person, so, naturally, I was inclined to ask him what high school
shooting in Greenwich Village while on patrol. he now attended and other such things. I think that was when I first decided
to call him the “Green Guy” and that name stuck with him. He told me
Source: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2007/03/16/2007-03-
about his love of reptiles and herpetology and that explained the green
jacket that I will always remember him by. He was one of the nicest, most
sincere people. Then, when I came to Stuyvesant, I frequently saw him in
the hallways and always talked to him in between classes. It led to some
random (but meaningful) conversations about everything and nothing. It
was great. The last time I talked to him was on the platform of the 1 and 2
trains. We talked about how we have the same initials and the cool things
one can find on the Staten Island Ferry. I even remember his way of
waving “hello” which, for lack of better words, is best described as wiping
a window (without moving the wrist). He was also one of the very few
people at Stuy who reside in the Bronx and I always saw him as my fellow
Bronx-ite. Now every time I see someone with a green jacket in the
hallway, I think that maybe it’s Gabriel and that all of this has been just a
Source: Koester
Guergana Borissova
Sudoku Created by Angel Wong continued from page 16
They are a team that goes from hot
to cold not only from game to
game but from quarter to quarter,”
4 5 remain coach and general manager
of the Knicks.
he wrote in a recent article.
Knicks players, however, have
Although many claim that Do- been very optimistic about their
8 4 2 lan was rushed into this action,
there is no doubt that Thomas did
future. In a blog, Nate Robinson,
Knicks guard and 2006 Slam Dunk
in fact improve the Knicks. For the Champion, showed his approval of
5 6 1 3 most part, Thomas has motivated
the Knicks players and has taught
the Knicks’ improvement. “I know
we still have a long way to go, but
them how to effectively play to- I can’t help but feel excited about
gether. Although Eddie Curry, the improvements we’ve made
7 8 4 Knicks center, Stephon Marbury, since last season. We’re the best
point guard, struggled for most of rebounding team in the East and
last season, they have both ex- one of the better scoring teams,
6 celled under Thomas. Curry has too… We can move up in the East,
been named the best center in the and even become a playoff team. I
East by many experts. really believe that,” Robinson said.
1 4 9 Although the Knicks have im- So for all you Knicks fans, do
not lose hope in your team. They
proved compared to last season,
many still think that the Knicks have undoubtedly progressed un-
3 9 2 7 must do more. Steven Jones,
MSNBC news writer, claimed that
der Thomas, but further improve-
ment is still necessary. It is defi-
the Knicks will not make the play- nitely possible for the Knicks to
7 2 5 offs this year because of inconsis-
tency. “Only twice in the first four-
make the first round of the play-
offs, and who knows, maybe even
plus months of the season did the further. ◙
4 6 Knicks win three games in a row.
The Sports Beat: Why You Once Upon a Time in March
Don’t Read Forbes for Sports Madness
by Eric Mayo, sports editor waste the talents of Kevin Garnett by Hesham Saleh, staff writer situations with other players in the
by surrounding him with medioc- locker room, trying to analyze the
The Economist’s next issue is rity like Ricky Davis, and prior to On March 11, after 24 long best and worst possible situations
going to feature the best rappers in that, Wally Szczerbiak. He’s hours of analyzing the NCAA bas- for their teams.On a totally differ-
the world, and rate them on how wasted free agent money on point ketball teams, the selection com- ent note, colleges try to come up
“gangsta” they are. Sports Illus- guard Marko Jaric, who averages 8 mittee invited 65 teams to join the with their own “mathematical for-
trated is going to be doing a fea- points and 3 assists a game for five tournament. From March 11 to mula” to predict their team’s most
ture on the best hair and skin care million dollars, as well as wasting March 15, when the first game likely seed number. After analyz-
products. Don’t forget about The five million on Troy Hudson, a took place, millions of Americans ing the teams that reached the Fi-
Standard’s next issue, a special on bench player. This is the best GM from around the country filled out nal Four since 1999, the experts at
pension funds. in professional sports? The guy brackets. Yes, March Madness has Georgia Tech University created
If you couldn’t tell by now, who is outspent only by the officially started. Everyone knows the Logistic Regression/Markov
the above samples are nonsense. A Knicks? that during this time, 65 NCAA Chain Model, or LRMC. This sys-
magazine about economics has Third on the list is Billy King, teams battle each other and try to tem is based on the number of road
nothing to do with rap. You GM of the Philadelphia 76ers. The reach the Championship. Fans test wins, strength of schedule, and
wouldn’t read Sports Illustrated for 76ers were a near carbon copy of their expertise by filling out, and most importantly, margins of vic-
hygiene tips. If you’re looking for Minnesota, surrounding a talented usually waging money on, brack- tory. “Anything that doesn’t take
pension fund information here, you player (Allen Iver- ets. There are several interesting point differential into account ig-
obviously have the son) with expen- tales that come with March Mad- nores the element of luck,” said
wrong newspaper. “Print media should sive mediocrity. ness, many of which are virtually Joel Sokol, “If I beat you by 20, it
Print media should Though the 76ers unknown. probably wasn’t by chance.”
only write about only write about Fans use many different tech-
something they something they have have traded Iver-
son to the Nuggets niques to predict the winning
This system showed itself to
be extremely accurate. In the 2004
have a clue about. a clue about. That is and have since teams, some of which are truly NCAA tournament, four of the
That is why Forbes improved, it’s absurd. Some people use colors to teams the LRMC ranked top five
should give up on why Forbes should predict the winning teams: the
clear that Iverson’s made it to the Final Four. Out of
its analysis of give up on its analy- prime was wasted team with the “fiercest color” will all ranking systems, the LRMC
sports. sis of sports.” by King’s mis- go the furthest. Others imagine a was the most accurate.
To be fair, management. mascot fight, and pick the team But at the end of the month,
economics and The best general managers of with the “unbeatable mascot.” Still the most important question will
sports are much more closely re- sports are in baseball. Baseball has others choose their teams based on not be about brackets or different
lated than sports and hygiene prod- no salary cap, so a team with little graduation rate. The lower the prediction systems. Who will reach
ucts. However, Forbes Magazine’s payroll, like the Kansas City Roy- graduation rate, the more likely the the Final Four, and who will be
latest dive into the world of sports, als) has to compete with the Yan- team is to win: if they’re not study- proclaimed the Champions of
an article titled “The Best General kees on a yearly basis. General ing, then they must be playing bas-
Managers in Sports,” is wrong ketball. NCAA Basketball? ◙
Managers who spend little and win
beyond any imaginable belief. ought to be rewarded. A perfect NCAA tournament pools can
To rank the general managers, be found nearly everywhere — on
Source: Corbis