Lession Break Down
Lession Break Down
Lession Break Down
Lesson Breakdown
Financial Financial Practice Set (all) Complete -Role of subsidiary ledgers See the
Practice 117 minutes Practice Set and special journals in an Financial
Set (Very accounting system Practice
Heavy) -Comprehensive review of Set
accounting system
12a #12 (Beginning through #48, 49 Product cost accumulation 17: 868-
Quiz 19 “Job Order Cost Example: (light) methods for a 876
Flow of Costs”) 33 manufacturing business:
minutes process cost vs. job order
Also do Prob. #49 at this cost systems -Job order
time costing: job cost record
and the flow of costs
12b #12 (“Basic Journal #50,51, 52 Job order cost system's 17: 876-
Quiz 20 Entries” to the End) 89 (very heavy) basic journal entries 885
minutes -Utilization of a job cost
Exclude Prob. #49 record -Complications in
accounting for
manufacturing overhead
-Predetermined overhead
rates and application of
overhead to WIP
13a #13 (Beginning through #53, 54 Cost behaviors with 16: 796-
Quiz 21 “Mixed Cost Analysis: (moderate) changing volume -Variable 808
High-Low Method”) 74 costs, fixed costs, stepped
minutes costs and mixed costs
Also do Probs. #53 and defined -Relevant range
#54 at this time implications in analysis
14a #14 (Beginning through None Business planning and 19: 1008-
Quiz 23 “Sequencing of a Budget”) budgeting overview -The 1014
53 minutes steps in preparing an
operating budget
14b #14 (“Example: Operating #59,60,61, Preparing an operating 19: 1014-
Quiz 24 Budget” to the End) 72 62, 63 (very budget for a manufacturing 1024
minutes heavy) business: sales, production, 19: 1036-
direct material purchases, 1038
direct labor and cash flow
budgets -Pro-forma
financial statements