The Ministry of The Levite
The Ministry of The Levite
The Ministry of The Levite
During my morning devotions I was impressed by the Holy Spirit to learn about the
significance of the tribe of “Levi”. This led me to prepare a short study on the “role of the
Levite” and how much of what we do in church today, is rooted and grounded in the
ministry of the Levite. At that time my focus was on my ministry as a teacher and
chaplain. However, over the last several months I have been actively engaged in
leading worship during small group sessions. Once again I was pointed to the role of the
According to biblical history, Levi was one of the twelve sons of Jacob and Leah. Levi is
the ancestor of the Tribe of Levi and the name is derived from the words “he shall
accompany”. Unlike the other tribes Levi was not given portions of land during the
occupation of Canaan, instead Moses by the divine guidance singled out the Tribe of
Levi to serve as the nation's priests. Joshua who led the conquest of Canaan gave 48
settlements scattered all through the land of Israel, to the Tribe of Levi. His
descendants played a roll in guarding and serving in the tabernacle [see Numbers 3:21-
37]. I should mention here that both Moses and his brother, Aaron, were descendants
of Levi. Levite is the name given to all descendants of Levi through his sons Gershon,
Kohath and, Merari. The tribe was set apart to perform service in the temple [Numbers
18:14, Jeremiah 33:21].
From the aforesaid we can see how the developed into the role of accompanying the
Divine Presence and serving in the temple as priest, psalmists and musicians. In
addition to those functions mentioned, the Levite was also a teacher and pastor
[meaning one in caring ministry]. With this revelation, I asked myself the question, am I
a Levite, do I follow the tenets of the Levite? I pose the question to you the reader as
well! There is an excellent teaching at as it relates to the “Levite”
and worship.
Looking at the organisation of the church today many of the ministries we hold dear are
those, which God had appointed to the tribe of Levi. Worship ministry is one of the key
functions carried out by the Levites. According to Exodus 32: 25-29 God chose the tribe
of Levi to look after the affairs of Israel because they stood with Moses against the
worship of the golden calf. My first impression concerning the Levite is that he or she is
above all dedicated to GOD and his commandments. Further study opened my eyes to
the fact that the Levities were involved in government, they were gatekeepers, judges,
they looked after the royal treasury, they were craftsmen, musicians and as mentioned
earlier they were also teachers and bakers. Although it appears that the role of the
Levite ended during the postexilic period of Ezra [Nehemiah 12], I can see a form of the
“Levite” in the service I give back to my Heavenly Father. I am a teacher [both spiritual
and natural]; I am a psalmist, Lay Reader, Pastoral Counsellor/Chaplain and Spiritual
I encourage those of you in the praise and worship ministry to use the list of scriptures to
study more about the tribe of Levi and the role of the Levite in God’s church.
Study and pray for the heart and mind of a “Levite”. Throughout the scriptures you will
come to appreciate and understand that the Levites were loyal and risked there lives for
service to God. Above all, they desired to serve God always.