Meta-Tribes #5 Self Destruct

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Brian Bowhay bbow73@verizon.



All characters and civilizations are purely
fictional and are in no way allegorical to any
groups or individuals, past or present.


He swears, but he is sick at heart;

He laughs, but he turns deadly pale;
His restless eye and sudden start--
These tell the dreadful tale
That will be told: it needs no words from thee
Thou self-sold slave to guilt and misery.

- Richard Henry Dana, Sr.



A bluish-purple werewolf (not the long snout variety) is jumping through a jungle gym. It has tattered
blue and yellow clothes, a spiky mane and Kirby-ish eyes.
He is leaping over a pit of bubbling acid as a buzzsaw clips his leg.

He lands hard on the floor, there is a giant spiked ball rolling towards him.

He gets up and is limping through an obstacle coarse, he ducks under an axe blade pendulum,

hurdles a nozzle squirting flames.

He sees a red ribbon at the end of the coarse but trips a touchstone

and spikes shoot out of the floor impaling the monster-man all over his body.
Commentator, “OOOOH!!! That’s too bad, this was almost a new record for the fastest time for a stage
one competitor. Let’s take a look at how our other gladiators are doing in the death camp.”

Archon is painting a still life portrait. His paints are over a small burner to keep from freezing.
Archon, “I heard another group went down to Antyhk to eat Meranti Sea Slugs.”

Zmai (from the flashback fight, now an adult) is sitting behind him surrounded by floating musical
instruments. Zmai is playing all of the instruments telekinetically.
Zmai, “Such irresponsibility with such hard earned freedom, risking their lives for a cheap thrill.”
Eurvale is chiseling a statue. Locks of her hair are holding different chisels, hammers, and brushes.
“No one taught them how to live with independence. They are used to constant toil, and we have no
industry. What else do they have to look forward to? For some of our people this is the only way for
them to feel anything.”

Archon, “They’ll feel something when I get my hands on them.”

Eurvale, “They are punishing themselves enough already.”
Archon is cross, “One of them entered a pit fight Eurvale.”

Zmai, “Perhaps they feel that the loss of their lives is no great risk.”
Eurvale, “If you try to talk about self worth the first thing anyone thinks of is what his or her market
price was on auction blocks.”

Zmai, “In Persicaä I sold for a very high price, but I had no value as a person. How does that help me
succeed as a free Kreasian?”

Archon, “Value is only understood in context, not just in the market but also socially. And the context
that we are creating is Kreas.”

Close up on Archon’s face, “During the revolution a man dove in front of a frag-ball that was meant for
me, that act saved my life and cost him his. I wake up every morning with the knowledge that a man, a
Kreasian, paid a much higher price for my life than any slaver.”

“If I hadn’t been in the uprising and been saved I wouldn’t have the sense of significance I need to help
our people. I had to be involved to reap that benefit. In the context of community Kreasians will
withdraw self worth from the investments made by others in lifestyle concessions and the personal
sacrifices that relationships require.”

Eurvale, “You are turning into a politician Archon. You have reduced the Kreasian crisis to an
economic principle.” A young girl is timidly standing in the doorway.

Zmai stops playing and looks at Eurvale, “Are those cuts on your arms?”
Archon notices the young girl and motions to her.

Girl, “Forgive the intrusion Lord Archon. There is something happening in the temple.”

(the rest of the gladiators are wearing matching blue and yellow outfits)
A woman with light armor and layered leather is backing against the wall of an arena that is about 50
yards long.
Commentator, “Currently Azhdaya Zmai is our youngest female gladiator.”

A dark female centaur with either a horse head or Commentator, “Zmai has done well and is
a stylized helmet is galloping across the field. It showing a lot of promise.”
draws its bow and shoots a man in the middle of
the field. The man is more like a rabid dog standing upright
with rough heavy armor bolted into its flesh.
Commentator, “Tauros may not be the best at what
he does, but he is the goriest, making him a fan

It pulls the arrow out of its chest and lets out a

squeal like a hyena. The puncture in its flesh is
filled with worms that begin knitting its flesh back
Commentator, “This is Tauros’ 31st tournament

A dark figure that is perfectly flat squares off with

a six-legged beast with a large mane.
Commentator, “Melas Daimon may have a small
fan-base, but his following is by far the most

The beast’s head spits down the middle. The head

is opening and closing like a paper fortuneteller.

A long tentacle lashes out of the head and the man dodges it by bending like a piece of paper.
Commentator, “Looks like the Norvahli tiger is falling for a classic blunder…”

He backs up under a large platform and hits a trip wire. The platform is covered in spikes and crushes
both of them. The man wiggles out from under the trap.

A froglike humanoid with HR Giger textured skin is on the wall hissing at the woman with a mouth
full of quills.

The woman holds out her hand and about fifteen swords rise up around her in two defensive swirling
patterns against the quills that are shooting at her.

The centaur is charging the dog-man.

Commentator, “Stick around later for some exciting new contestants and an improved design of the
obstacle course.”

A giant wrecking ball smashes her against the wall with gunk flying everywhere.
Commentator, “Today’s event has been brought to you by Pickle Nuts! They’re about the worst thing
in the world for you, but I just can’t stop eating them, they sure do taste great.”

Inside a Kreasian temple a woman is giving birth.
Archon’s Narration, “As I gazed upon the horror of the child, I was overwhelmed at the frightening
reality that this could happen in our world.”

A bear is being disemboweled.

“I prayed that the child was without a soul, that the gods were at least that merciful, to spare the child
of self awareness.”

The baby is being sewn up inside the carcass of the bear.

“I raised my hand to end the matter, but I could not act.”

The child is being pulled out of the bear’s womb.

“After watching the pitiful creature lie helpless, I saw something in it, something that I saw in myself
and yet did not hate.”

Krustalos walks in, sees what is happening and is outraged.

“Perhaps, among the twisted things of this world, the foul thing could be loved.”

Two women are guarding themselves from his blows. Another man is alerting Archon to another
problem just outside the temple.
“Although this beast may seek its restitution in my flesh for the curse of life, I have decided to let it
live, and in the gods’ wisdom, determine its own fate.”


after the gladiator fight is over. The Owner of the arena, the Slave Master, and the commentator are
entering the receiving area under the arena. There are rows of wounded on one side and rows of dead
bodies on the other. At the end of the corridor is a being with a black wing and a white wing, it is
surrounded by short identical brutes.
Commentator calls out to some guards, “Okay divide em up.”
Slave Master turns to the owner, “Which ones you want back which ones you want repaired? Kracus?”

Owner, “No, his popularity has gone down too much, besides, it was a good death. With Nihk’Laos
raising the taxes again we’re going to have to cut some of the surplus.”

Slave Master, “Let’s go with the witch, the shadow…and…the dog, they were very expensive to train.”
Slave Master motions to the Commentator.

Commentator, “Excellent choices sir.” The man motions to some guards.

The black feathers of the woman’s right wing stab into a homunculus.

Locks of white hair wrap around the dead gladiator.

The gladiator’s skin turns from grey to a livelier shade.

The gladiator starts breathing.

The feathers release the shrived husk of the homunculus.

Owner, “Where’s the one that wouldn’t fight.”

Slave Master, “Barog? He’s back in this cell.”

Owner, “Get the other slaves to whip him. And keep whipping him till he likes it.”
Slave Master, “What about the little ones?”

Commentator, “Some of them are ready for pit fights and single coin games, but it’s barely enough to
cover their feed and barracks.”
Owner, “Alright, just put them all in the next pit fight, even the smallest ones. Charge double and bill
it as the last great feeding frenzy.”

Slave Master, “Very good sir.”

(Krustalos is running up to two bloodied Kreasians that are fighting. There is a small crowd around
Archon’s narration, “40 percent of pregnant Kreasian mothers die in child birth
most of them killed by the fetus.”

“30 percent of Kreasian babies delivered are still born

due to a mutation preventing normal life functions”
(The two Kreasians are explaining something to Krustalos)

“20 percent of live Kreasian births fail to thrive

due to mutations that advanced to interfere with critical life functions”
(He looks at the bystanders all holding sweaty money in their fists)
“10 percent of thriving Kreasian babies are killed
because of the threat they pose to the community.”
(Krustalos kills the spectators, their bodies crumble apart as he hits them with sub-zero temperatures)

Back lit upshot of Archon standing alone, his hands on his head and elbows forward (a posture of
surrender), “(thinking) The experiment is failing. We don’t know how to live with freedom.”

Long shot of shelves of beautiful broken vases.
Four fat old men drinking mojitos are standing under an awning in front of the broken pottery. They
are facing the street and watching a massive exodus of mutants leaving a war torn city. Some of them
are carrying a giant brain.
Man 1, “What a waste, it’s a shame we couldn’t convince them to stay. We could have used them to
sniff out Director Nihk’Laos and the rest of the S.T.O.R.M. Squad.”
Man 2, “Damaged goods. When things settle down we can commission some S.T.O.R.M. hunters, if
that’s how we want to spend our money…”

Man 3, “The biggest loss is that big brain. It was maintaining the utility grids, tran-schedules,
surveillance and probably engineered the uprising.”
Man 4, “Well, once we’re in charge do you really want something around that can rally people against
the authorities?”

Across the street is another massive crowd gathered in what looks like a town square. People are
pushing a pale scrawny fop to the top of a demolished monument. The young man is in his pajamas.
The lynch mob has made a make shift gallows.
Background Fop, “HOW DAWE YOU!!!”
Man 1, “The hostile take over wouldn’t have worked without the slave revolt, but we are going to need
a slave caste to keep the wheels turning.”

Background, “UNHAND ME YOU BWUTES!!!”

They put a head band on him with donkey ears.
Man 2, “I don’t think so. After our merger these slaves won’t be able to function in the capitalist

The fop’s head is chopped off.

Man 3, “Strange, they fought so hard to throw off the yoke of oppression and when they did many of
them killed themselves or just laid down and died. I saw one of them screaming about tyranny waving
a nafta bomb… and then he threw it one of their own freighters.

Man 4, “So what about the people’s uprising?”

A person in the crowd is holding up the severed head and howling.
Man 1, “I wouldn’t worry too much about it. In the shock of uncertainty the people will sell us their
new freedom at affordable prices and they’ll thank us for it. We’ll have our slave caste in no time,
slaves that will be much more functional and profitable.”

Man 2, “And none the wiser.”

A single homunculus is walking into the city of Antyhk.

It walks right past the guards of S.T.O.R.M. Headquarters. The guards pay no attention.

The homunculus walks into the office of Impator Nikh’Laos. The men sitting in Nikh’s office instantly
fall asleep.

Nihk is sitting at his desk. There as several odd things in office including the head of the old Persicaän
emperor’s head in a jar. Nihk’s left arm is a cybernetic prosthetic, he calmly puts his quill down,
“Geez, what’s it been, 8? 9 years? And you finally get around to kill me? Get in my head? Try it and
see what happens.”
Brain, “My hatred for you no longer burdens me. I am here on another matter.”

Nihk, “Well, I’m sure you didn’t marched this mouth breathing travel mug across the badlands to say
howdy-doo, what can I do for the brain that brought down my agency?”
Brain, “For years your ex-S.T.O.R.M. agents robbed Persicaän supply transits and then you were able
to turn your black market safe house into a legitimate enterprise.”

Nikh leans back in his chair, “For grud sake, you want a consultant? I don’t owe you fug.”

Nikh is pointing to the humunculous, “And if that thing craps on my floor I’m coming for you.”
Brain, “Kreas has trained killers with no money and too much time on their hands. Antyhk has

Nikh leans forward, “And we also have guns, better one’s than Persicaä. Send one more Kreasian here
and it will be the last Kreasian to ever be seen again. You think I’m going to be intimidated by a ‘Pre-
Eminent Acuity’ that’s too much of a coward to show up in person?

Brain, “You misunderstand me, Antyhk has customers that want to see killers. Your death camps have
not enjoyed much profit since the liberation.”

Nikh leans forward, “No, our entertainment comes from robbing Persicaän freighters. I’ve become
something of a…”
Brain, “You became a profiteer, like the ones that seized Persicaä.”

Nikh, “Just the opposite. They privatize profits and socialize losses, Antyhk is a family.
Brain, “Kreas is also a family. I have ten veteran fighters just outside the city, you will remember
them. I think it could be mutually beneficial to have a reunion.

Nikh, “Agreed.”
The humunculous collapses.

The men wake up, “@#$%! What is that smell?”

Wide shot, there is a caravan of thousands weaving through the country side.
Mid shot, a giant brain is being carried by a dozen drooling and snotty orange skinned homunculoids.
Archon walks with his hands clasped behind his back. He is a man made of ice. His body is
translucent except for a few frosted areas, “Why would the Aegys want to help us? We can’t afford to
cloak our community as a prison or leper colony let alone pay them for a portal big enough for all of

Archon, “You’re not going to offer us as labor to them?”

Brain, “I am the Pre-eminent Acuity. I know the Aegys, I know how to persuade them.
Archon, “You mean you are going to get in their heads and force them help us. We can’t afford to
make any more enemies this early in our nation’s infancy.”

Brain, “Defense is just one of our concerns, we must also think of public works and the maternal/child
mortality rate.”
Archon, “Public works is one of our top priorities?

Brain, “In Persicaa the city’s systems were my body. If Kreas is to be free its leaders must be free.
Archon looks at him with suspicion.

Brain, “Do not worry, I would never do anything to exploit our own people.”
Archon, “I suppose the fact that I am able to question you proves that you are not in my head. But still,
it is in our nature to act in a way that is contrary to our words, and we are more inclined to do so when
we have tasted power over our fellow man.”

Brain, “Your experiences have left you with a bias against authority. Too much freedom too fast will
kill us just as fast as the death camps. We will find ways for our experiment with self governing to

Pan out, one of the humunculoids collapses.

A robot is shooting flames on Talos heating him white hot

and hammering him like putty

Talos grabs the torch nozzle and squeezes it.

He smashes through the hull of the automaton and emerges from the other side.

A second robot grabs the deformed Talos, slaming against a wall

and starts welding him to the wall.

Eurvale shoots a beam out of her visor that hits the robot,
turning half of it to stone that crumbles off.

The robot pivots

and the beam zips up the stands killing a dozen spectators.

Zmai is blocking the bullets from its machine gun,

A dozen swords are floating in a circular formation around her.

The swords all launch into the automaton.

They start the automaton emits a electro-sonic pulse.

She grabs her head, nose bleeding

and the machine guns blow her apart.

The robot chugs down and falls over

the chassi cracks open and is filled with ice

Archon is standing over it

Tauros gets his head impaled against the wall

body cut in half by buzzsaw

Daimon snakes up it’s arm and covers it’s face

the robot cuts it’s own head in half with the buzzsaw

Archon, Daimon, and Eurvale are standing back to back

the doors open and there are six more, crazier looking robots coming out


Tijan, “Vyriss, I can’t get any closer without coming in range of their torsion cannons.”

Vyriss and Nidasta decompress on Tijan’s shoulder, “Let’s get the @#$% out of here!”
Tijan, “Who the hell is that? Never mind, what is your combat status? We’re in for a hell of a fight to
get back to our lines.”

Vyriss is a bruised and bloody mess, her armor is destroyed, “Tijan…there’s nothing left.” Two World
War I style tanks are closing on their position, each one is as big as a house.
Tijan, “My reserves are down to 8%. They’re focusing everything on us.”

Suddenly one of the tanks shoots the other tank.

The loading ramp opens up and a voice rings out of the tank’s loud speaker, “Even at fifty feet I still
have a bigger dick than you!”

Tijan, “Rai’los?”

Rai’los opens a hatch, he’s wearing a Nivian helmet, “Someone call a taxi?”


There is a knock at the door,
it is Rai’los, he is wearing a t-shirt that says ‘turd burglar’ and wearing a driver’s hat. His hands are on
the top of the door jam and he is leaning forward like an orangutan,

Rai’los is chewing something, “Hey. Tij wants to know if you are f@#’n finished with your $#it.”
Vyriss looks at him for a second

then turns and picks up a bag by the door, “Yes, aaaall done.”
Rai’los smacking his lips, “Okay, let’s go.”

Vyriss is walking out. She is wearing small oval sunglasses and has her hair pulled back. She wears
her military fatigues in a casual style and has a satchel over her shoulder. “So Tijan says that someone
has been asking some questions, red flags, wants me to come in.”
Rai’los: “I don’t know $#it about it.”

She stops short of the Armored Transport Vehicle. “What’s this?” The vehicle bears no Persicaän
marks, painted to look rusty, and is covered in dirt, dents, and scorch marks. Rai’los has spray painted,
‘food, meds & ammo’ on the side of the truck.
Rai’los, “Yea I modified it to look like a merchant transport, that way bandits won’t be afraid to try and
raid us.”
Vyriss, “You want to be ambushed?”

Vyriss drops her satchel and takes off her over shirt, she has a black tank top underneath.
Rai’los looks at her with a squint and is playing with the scruff on his chin, “Hell yea, it’s a 2-3 day
drive. We need something to break up the monotony.”

Vyriss is reading the plate number, “T-Com 12 sig 9…this is Commander Tijan’s transport.”
Rai’los, “Really? Huh, how about that, small world.”

Tijan walks in to a reception area, his assistant is sitting at a central desk. Tijan walks past him and
into his office and shuts the door. He immediately comes back out, “Where the hell is Captain

Rai’los is standing at the end of the long dark corridor of an indoor firing range. A single light is above
Rai’los, he is standing in front of a metal target of a human outline. He is holding a gas powered

He touches the face of the target holds the gun to his temple and pulls the trigger.

Rai’los is not injured and makes no reaction.

Rai’los takes his glowing fingertip and pushes it through the forehead of the metal target.

Rai’los, “bam, I gat’chou…I…got…you.”


Rai’los and Vyriss are on the road, not talking. Suddenly Rai’los is passing a shanty village.
Rai’los, “Awe hell yeah, they’re open!!!
Vyriss, “What are you doing?”

Rai’los, “I passed this place on the way down. They’ve got grubs the size of your fist. They sauté them
and wrap’em in mint leaves”

Rai’los leans out the window. “Hey you, boy, gimmie a plate’a dem bugs.”
Boy, “Eb zey, nu-tata’t”
Rai’los, “Speaky Q-lag? Du, du-baga.”
Boy, “Ja, du-baga.”

He turns to Vyriss with a hillbilly smile and asks, “Do like hot or sweet?”
Vyriss, “Do not bring those things in here.”
Rai’los, “Geez, live a little.”

Vyriss, “We’ll be at Antyhk in an hour; you can’t wait till I’m out of the transport?”

Rai’los is already eating the bugs covered in sauce; it is all over his fingers and steering wheel. “You
don’t know what you’re missing.”

He belches, the smell of half digested grubs fills the cab.

Vyriss, “$#%*@ing $#%&. I swear to God, if you do that again I will end you.”

Rai’los turns to her; he is oblivious and says casually, “sorry…you sure you don’t want some?”
Vyriss, “I don’t eat babies.”

Mid shot of Rai’los is sitting in front a desk.

Shot from behind him, he is staring at a ribbon hanging by the window; it is covered in dead flies.

Tijan walks into the office from behind Rai’los and drops a file on the desk over Rai’los’ head as he
sits behind the desk, “What’s the meaning of this?”

Rai’los peels the cover back one inch, “My day was great, thanks for asking. How was yours?”

Tijan, “If you submit this to the ministry it will mean more than the end of your career. It’s at least a
court marshal, probably a dishonorable discharge, maybe some time in the sub-locks. If I didn’t know
any better I would say that you were trying to sabotage yourself.”
Rai’los gestures with his hands, “It is what it is…it’s the truth.”

Tijan, “It’s the truth? At least you spell my name right. None of your timelines match any other report.
None of the other units were located anywhere near the positions you recorded.”
Rai’los is slouching and just looks around.

Tijan, “Rai’los…why are you doing this?”

Rai’los is rocking on the back legs of his chair, arms crossed, “If you want to charge me with
something then just be done with it.”

Tijan, “I know you hate me and I don’t like you very much either. But you’re a soldier. Whatever your
dysfunction is, you deal with it on your own time, right now we’re rewriting this report…together.”

Rai’los leans forward with a hand rubbing the top of his shaved head and sighs with annoyance.


Vyriss is asleep in the cab, Rai’los is wearing a bonnet and the ‘thousand-yard stare’.”

Rai’los, “Hey wake up, we got bandits on the high ridge. Quick put this on.” Rai’los hands Vyriss
another bonnet.
Vyriss, “Get that thing out of my face.”

Rai’los is eagerly leaning towards the windshield and looking up, “Damn it, why aren’t they coming?
Vyriss is holding up the bonnet, “Why the hell do you even have a bonnet?

Rai’los, “Okay, lean out the window and shoot one of our tires.
Vyriss, “NO!, absolutely not. Just drive the damn vehicle.

Rai’los, “Geez…ya know, if it’s not us, then the next people to come along are gonna get pasted.”
Vyriss says nothing. Rai’los has a sad ‘matter of fact’ look on his face,

“…people that don’t have two of Persicaä’s deadliest warriors…they’ll probably have kids…probably

Vyriss, “Like you care…(sigh), fine, pull over. There’s some Sushanese gear I picked up that I’d like
to try out.

Rai’los is wearing the bonnet and holds up a grenade next to his smiling face, he has written ‘The End
is Near’ on the grenade, “Woo hoo, let’s get it on!”

Rai’los is on the ground picking up pieces of Indar’s armor, he has a frantic look on his face. “Hold on
buddy, we’ll get you patched up, you’re going to be okay.”

Astygenes rushes over to Rai’los trying to knock the armor out of his arms, “Rai’los! What are you
doing? Get back on the line.”

Rai’los is gritting his teeth and puffing his chest at Astygenes. Suddenly Tijan’s voice comes over
Rai’los’ com-link. Rai’los holds a finger over his ear and turns his head away from the noise of the
front line, “Rai’los, get your ATV to the line. We need immediate EVAC!”

Rai’los is pursing his lips, nostrils flaring, still looking at Astygenes with fierce eyes and backing away.

He starts running towards his vehicle. “PILE IN YOU WORTHLESS F*@KS! WERE SAVING THE

Rai’los jumps into the armored transport. The side of the vehicle says, “the best defense is Rai’los.”
As soon as he gets the vehicle in gear there is the high pitched squeal of Nivian projectile getting

There is a huge explosion.

When the smoke clears Rai’los is sitting in a crater holding a steering wheel.
Two soldiers run up to Rai’los, “Captain! Are you okay?”

Rai’los spikes the steering wheel, stands up and looks around. Most of his clothes are blown off, he
looks like a Chippendale’s dancer (naked except for a tattered collar, cuffs and boots).

He points to a giant Nivian tank, “MOBILIZE! WE’RE TAKING THAT SIEGE ENGINE!”


Vyriss and Rai’los are at a tavern Inn. They are drinking.
Rai’los, “That was pretty good back there. I thought you were all ‘slight of hand’ in the dark, but that
was just the right combination of ferocity and grace.”
Vyriss, “Yea…I was showing off a little. I know Tijan gave you the ‘go’ incase I wasn’t where I was
supposed to be or tried to take your ATV. I just wanted to give you something to think about.”

Rai’los, “Babe, you always give me something to think about.”

Vyriss looks at him like she is going to slice his guts open, “let’s go upstairs.”
Rai’los, “Whoa, hey I was only kidding.”
Vyriss, “If I was going to kill you over a crass remark you would have been gone a long time ago.”
Rai’los, “oh…OH, you’re serious?”

Rai’los looks away. The sight of him trying to think is pitiful. “I thought you hated me.”
Vyriss, “I do, I’m having a self destructive moment. I’m being explicit because I know you are too
stupid to pick up the most obvious tells. You should take advantage of it.”

Rai’los, “Um, okay.” He starts getting excited, “Let’s go!”

Vyriss leans in, “But just so we’re clear, if you do tell anyone, I will poison you, you will be paralyzed
and I’ll stick you in my cabinet, your entrails will slowly digest and I’ll use your fluids to fertilize my

Rai’los, “So there’s a chance that I could die from having sex with you…that’s awesome.”

It is night, Tijan’s office is dark except for a desk lamp over a steaming cup of coffee. Tijan is writing
and doesn’t look up when talking to Rai’los, “and your men still alive when you opened up the canister
fire inside the Nivian armor?”

cut scene
Rai’los has a shirt wrapped around his waist, he and two of his soldiers are in the Nivian tank in a fan
configuration with their carbine rifles scanning every shadow and corner.

Suddenly all the men fall to their knees dropping their weapons. Zyrukahn walks casually in from
behind them. He goes directly for Rai’los and turns him over and is inhaling ectoplasmic fumes out of
Rai’los’ body. Rai’los gives Zyrukahn a powerful sidekick to the torso. Zyrukahn holds Rai’los’ foot
and drops his elbow on Rai’los’ knee.
Rai’los, “AHG!”
Zyrukahn straddles Rai’los.

Rai’los raises his right hand and with a glowing finger tries to strike Zyrukahn’s forehead, Zyrukahn
grabs his hand and puts his other hand on Rai’los’ face. Rai’los is kicking his legs like a madman
grunting. Rai’los tries to pull Zyrukahn’s hand off his face. Zyrukahn’s grips slides down Rai’los’
face down to Rai’los’ neck. The two Persicaän soldiers are on either side of Zyrukahn are trying to
pull him off Rai’los. Rai’los’ face is bright read, his eyes are watering and bloodshot, veins are
bulging out of his neck and face, his struggle is getting weaker and weaker. Rai’los releases his grip
on Zyrukahn’s wrist and his hand falls to his side.


the two of them are sitting on opposite sides of the bed.
Rai’los, “I don’t know...that never happened before…geez, this is embarrassing.”

Vyriss, “Great, you can leave now.”

Rai’los, “All I could think about was when you were going to stick a dart in my neck. I thought that
would be exciting…but it was really distracting.”

Vyriss, “Never mind, I’ll leave. Stay here, I need to get a drink.”

Rai’los’ left hand is at his side.
It grabs a canister off of his belt

and lifts it over Zyrukahn’s hand to his mouth.

Rai’los bites the cap off the canister.

Zyrukahn growls.

There is an explosion.

Rai’los is staggering up in the cloud of smoke.

He kneels down over Zyrukahn’s body

and starts to slowly push his hand through Zyrukahn’s head.

Rai’los stands up and looks at his two dead soldiers.

cut scene
Tijan has both hands over his face, “and that’s it? That’s the whole story?”

Rai’los is slouched to one side picking at some loose paint on Tijan’s desk, “…told you the first story

Tijan, “If you had been killed they would have died anyway.”
Rai’los doesn’t move except to raise his eye browns in defeat.

Rai’los, “It was 1st Datha* Ledo. We were friends, but I made fun of his kid and he got all pissed off. I
guess I found the limit, how much of my @#$% he would take before he cut me loose. I felt bad,
made him an egg sandwich, I was gonna give it to him after we got back. I @#$%in’ killed him.” (*a
Dathabam leads a unit of 10 soldiers)

Tijan looks at him for a second over his finger tips, “…dismissed.”

Rai’los looks up with a surprised expression.

He shrugs and gets up and leaves.

Tijan taps a pen on his desk

and presses a button to open a channel to his assistant, “Broddy, I want Rai’los assigned with
Astygenes at the defense expo. Tell Astygenes to keep an eye on him.

cut scene
Wide shot of Rai’los at the end of the dark firing range. He is sitting on the floor hunched forward,
almost prostrate with his hands over his face.

Vyriss is staring at her beer.

She gets up to go out for a while.

She freezes, her eyes go wide.

The captain of the Persicaän police has just walked in the door, Saimak the super cop. He looks right
at her.

Vyriss’ eyes are wide, thinks to herself, “@#$%”


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