Fiasco 40k
Fiasco 40k
Fiasco 40k
This Playset is an accessory for the Fiasco role-playing game by Bully Pulpit Games based on the DARK HERESY roleplaying game and the Warhammer 40k universe published by Games Workshop. This Playset copyright 2013 Edmund Metheny Fiasco is copyright 2009 by Jason Morningstar. All rights are reserved. For more information about Fiasco or to download other Playsets and materials, visit If youd like to create your own Playset or other Fiasco-related content, wed like to help. Write us at [email protected].
Movie Night
There's really only one Warhammer 40K movie Ultramarines, a direct to Blueray animated feature film. Here's the trailer. LORE Warhammer 40k in one minute it's short, it's tongue-in-cheek, and it's funny. Warhammer 40K History 15 minutes long, and has a large number of winceworthy spelling errors, but covers the subject matter reasonably well. A 50-Minute Video History of the Warhammer 40K Universe as the name suggests, it's a bit longish.
Web Surfing
Wikipedia entry on Warhammer 40k a general overview. Timeline of the Warhammer 40K universe if you are interested in the history and background of the Warhammer 40K universe. An article on the Holy Inquisition on Warhammer 40K from Games Workshop. Lots of links to other articles dealing with specific aspects of the Inquisition, as well as other parts of the 40K universe. The Imperium an article on the structure and organizations of the Imperium of Man.
RELATIONSHIPS I. THE INQUISITION 1. Rivals for your Inquisitors favor 2. Former acolytes of a rival Inquisitor 3. True believer and mercenary 4. Spy and dupe 5. Demonhost and minder 6. Ogryn assault trooper and Ratling sniper II. RELIGION 1, Followers of the Omnissiah 2. True believer and backslider 3. Penitent flagellant and overseer 4. Red Redemption cultists 5. Devoted to the Imperial Cult 6. Secret cultists of rival Ruinous Powers III. PAST 1. Mind-wiped survivors 2. Spent 5 years infiltrating a Hive gang 3. From a world now fallen to Chaos 4. Went to Schola Progenium together 5. Sworn blood vengeance against each other IV. PROFESSIONAL 1. Guardsman and Commissar 2. Tech Priest and Servitor 3. Adeptus Arbites and Hive Scum 4. Priest and Hive Mutant 5. Assassin and target 6. Sanctioned Psyker and Sororitas guard/minder V. ON A PREVIOUS MISSION 1. Rescuer, rescuee 2. Master, defeated foe turned servant 3. Worked together for many years 4. One tried to murder the other, and thought they had succeeded 5. Both up for promotion to Investigator, only one gets promoted 6. Overt enemies, covert lovers VI. WHAT YOU HATE 1. Xenos 2. Demons 3. Heresy 4. Your Inquisitor 5. Each other 6. Everything
NEED I. To get the truth about 1. What really happened during the last mission 2. The mysterious Xenos creature no one else can see 3. Your Inquisitors true loyalties 4. Who you were before 5. How the strange artifact works 6. What they know, but refuse to tell you II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To get respect from Your inquisitor Yourself The Emperor Your true leader, the Genestealer Patriarch The voices in your head Everybody
III. To hide the fact that 1. You disobeyed your Inquisitors direct orders 2. You murdered another Inquisitor 3. You harbor heretical thoughts 4. You have a hidden mutation 5. You are a non-sanctioned psyker 6. The addiction that makes you dangerously unreliable IV. To Take Care of 1. That 20,000 Throne Gelt debt you owe 2. The enemies of the Emperor! 3. Yourself, like always 4. The corruption that eats away at you 5. Atonement for your past failure 6. Your fellow acolytes V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To Get Away From your past mistakes to a monastery on a Shrine World as the sole survivor to the Webway, where your Eldar masters await. with the ritual back to your homeworld and family
VI. To Tell 1. the acolyte who murdered your lover what they did just before you kill them 2. your Inquisitor about another acolytes heresy 3. the galaxy about the Ecclesiarchys lies 4. your superiors to go feth themselves 5. your fellow acolytes the truth 6. everyone you meet that the Emperor loves them and has a wonderful plan for their lives
LOCATIONS I. Upper Gunmetal City 1. A nobles mansion, guarded by a private army 2. A magnificent cathedral 3. The Duelling Field, where all quarrels can be settled 4. A sybaritic and never-ending masked ball 5. A garden containing real, living plants 6. Miles and miles of air purification machinery II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Middle Gunmetal City A gigantic foundry, turning out autopistols by the millions An abandoned munitions factory, extremely unstable and unsafe A small enclave of Adeptus Mechanicus, working in the factories A filthy shrine to the Emperor, fallen from former glory A teeming, vermin infested tenement An Adeptus Arbites Precinct House
III. Lower Gunmetal City 1. A rickety bridge over a pool of lava 2. Headquarters of a vicious underhive gang 3. Narrow, winding lava tunnels, occasionally filled with toxic gas 4. An Inquisition Safe House 5. The debased shrine of a Chaos cult 6. A vast cavern, filled with mine tailings and industrial cast-offs. IV. The Tricorn, Headquarters of the Inquisition (Flashback) 1. A dank and filthy holding cell and a table full of torture implements 2. The forbidden archives of the Library 3. A quiet corridor, rarely visited 4. The armory, heavily guarded 5. An interrogation chamber, complete with mind wipe equipment 6. A shrine to Saint Drusus, heavy with incense and candle smoke V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Quinarius, your Inquisitors Gunship (Flashback) The stasis chambers, where the Murder Servitors are stored The Bridge, during a battle with Pirates Your quarters, in the middle of ships night The Geller Field Genaratorium, while the ship is in warp A random corridor, cut off during a boarding action The secluded quarters of the ships Astropath
VI. The Deathworld of Haddrack, your previous mission (Flashback) 1. A vast field of Brainleaf, slowly draining your life away 2. Trapped in a cavern, just after the meteor strike 3. In the Symbiotes lair 4. Amidst the Eldar ruins, abandoned for 10,000 years 5. In the lair of the cultists, about to be sacrificed 6. Ten minutes from pickup, 5 minutes before the Virus bombs detonate
OBJECTS I. Holy Relics 1. A holy bolt gun shell left over from the crusade of Saint Drusus 2. A relic of Saint Nog stored in a backpack shrine 3. Bones of the Blessed First, made into a necklace 4. Fragment of Saint Drusus Tomb 5. Purity Seals attesting to your devotion 6. A profane, whispering, relic of evil II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Troops A squad of Adeptus Arbites Three human bombs A gaggle of Adept scholars A servoskull with numerous useful attachments Five Sisters of Battle with Jetpacks and chainswords One thousand screaming cultists with improvised weapons and damned souls
III. Weapons 1. A plasma grenade capable of incinerating everything in a 10 yard radius 2. A Jokero digital laser, disguised as a ring 3. An Eviscerator an 8 chainsaw 4. An unlimited supply of frag grenades 5. A bloody chain-axe 6. A lascannon, capable of destroying tanks IV. Miscelleneous 1. A medikit full of supplies and bandages 2. Two doses of frenzon and injector 3. A vial of sacred machine oil, blessed by the Adeptus Mechanicus 4. Microbead concealable vox units 5. A set of rusty, blood-crusted manacles 6. A psychic hood that blocks psychic powers usually V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Keepsakes A small lucky charm, passed down through generations A lock of hair from the first heretic you killed Several strange, glowing gems found on an alien world The unholy relic you used to pledge yourself to the Ruinous Powers One thousand Throne Gelt in several leather bags A small, furry, disconcertingly friendly alien pet.
VI. Weird 1. A piece of Eldar Wraithbone that sings in your head when you touch it 2. A huge, ancient, spikey sword with indecipherable writing, an unsettling sheathe, and a taste for blood. 3. A cybernetic arm, not currently attached to anyone 4. Two-hundred ancient, crumbling scrolls filled with cryptic writing 5. The soul of an arch-heretic, encased in lead and bound with many wards and seals 6 An unidentified artifact it might be powerful, it might do nothing.
FIASCO 40K INSTA-SETUP FOR THREE PLAYERS RELATIONSHIPS Worked together for many years Rivals for your Inquisitors Favor Secret cultists of rival Ruinous Powers FOR FOUR PLAYERS ADD True believer and backslider FOR FIVE PLAYERS ADD Adeptus Arbites and Hive Scum NEEDS For three players To get respect from the voices in your head For four or five players add To tell your Inquisitor about the heresy of the other acolytes. LOCATIONS For three or four players Aboard the Quniarius, the secluded chambers of the ships Astropath (Flashback) OBJECTS For three or four players The unholy relic you used to pledge yourself to the ruinous powers LOCATION/OBJECT For five players choose one of LOCATION Middle Gunmetal City a teeming, vermin infested tenement OR OBJECT A vial of sacred machine oil, blessed by the Adeptus Mechanicus
NOTES The locations in this playset are specific to Gunmetal City, one of the locales in the published material for Dark Heresy. Facilitators or players can substitute their own locales to set the scenario on any of a variety of worlds.